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Nov(-) r\[)VA' 0 CZECHOSLOMIA/Eloctronics - Fhctocells end SamiconOuctor Devices H-8 Abe Jour t Ref Zhur - Fizike, No 10, 1956, No 23382 Author i Silor Josef, _NovrkQxL_014r,-_- In3t : Higher Institute on Electrotechnical Fhynice, irague, Czachonlovakic Title s Study of Vic Intogrrl end Local Sensitivity of Fhotocathodev end their Influence on the HarIzGntnI Portion of the Char- nctori3tie of e Scintillation Detector. Grig Pub : 069koel. cosop. fys., 1957, 7# No 5, 532-589 Abstract : Results are roportod on the !:,oesuranont of the intogrpl son- mitivity, sensitivity in thablue region of the spectrm (so-called ablue" sensitivity), the dependence of tho out- put current on the pocition of the light probe on the cethodo for photumultipliore types RCA-5619, FEU-19 (now end old nodols), and phatorultiplier 61 iK 411 of Ozechoslovnk mnke. An investigation was nede of the influence of the ebove parameters on the Bhepo of the curve that represents the do- pondence of the nulbor of pulses per rinuto on the vcltege Card 1/2 CZECIIO'LVl,'iKI.'/Ejcctr~nlcr - Fh(;toc-Alv rn,l Suricow!uctor Dovicol, H-8 Abn Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizik,3, No 10, 195F,, Ilo 25585 Authcr t Siler Jorof, Novakjvr OlVa InA : Not Givon Titlo : Study bf thc~ IntoF.-rrl md Locel Sonsitivity of and Thoir Influonco on the llorizontnl Portion (-f tho Chrr- nctorintic -f v ScintillrtiGn D(Auctcr. Orig Pub : Chokhosl. fiz. A., 19570 79 ljo 51 614-625 lbstrect : Soc Abstrnct 23582. Cc,rd 1/1 ry - i a F, Ilk. I.. 'No Hilt-titl'!1. Su 7, c t4( i0 ro~ mo r, r r- F, i ~ro; rr analy- ,I.) -) f vari D.Is V r. r i 7ro ri n~ proc,~dijrea 'I C I j r r, 6~ f- i i o ci r i f, t r o oc I j . d f r r a CoUnLry Abs, Jotir. 3911, Imuthor .1 11; :3 t itut. I t 3. OrI7 Pub, ilh,-n t rac t II: the air to be analyzed (3 liters) is sucked at the rate of I liter per 15-20 min through a small. absorber with a porous xylug filled with 5 ml 11. The contentt3 of the abnorber are poured into a 10 ml volimetric flasX and the absorber is washed with 0.1 N I^HJCOOH; the -maoh colution is used to bring up the contente of the volumetrix flask to the mark. The resulting solution is polarographed at 0.2 v (on the eat-irated calomel clectrodt ecale)j before polavo- graphing 4 strean of ' in passed into tne solution '12 [to sweep out 0A. The cal-ibration curve is plotted . 3-0 ml of a standard solution of' I in 11, rj'( unia~r ~-U: ?/4 corramponding Lo it I content of 10-630 'Ygm 1. VASAK, V.; MOVAKOVA. 0. - Analysis of Industrial air. It. Determination of n1trobeazene. Pracovni lek. 9 no.4:343-)46 Sept 57. 1. Prahaj, Rost 4. (NITROBMIM.M. determ. in air in indust. ((;Z)) (AIR POLLUTION, Prev. & control determ. of nitrobeacens in air in Indust. (Cz)) Distri: 4E3c/493d .-,Basic Pravilrods of gcIatmatiam datectomAwith Rd jWf Slizer ad Ulve Nov;t va Halt. eloc. u E Jade"d Pammetece at -rmy eallaterm with Mal(TO crystals am detd. Tabu- lated exCits. show that the length vAd thl: slope of the de- tector Plateau. tile backgrouttd. and the signal-to-noise mtIo guarcuttee a gtm)d reprotincibility of =uturvatents. Dc- tecte" with Nal (TI) cryttals Urc superior to detecto" with Ocizer-Willer tubts, tapecia for measurcmults of low-w- tivity -y.rays. Ell ,4 1. 51-oo AUTHORS TIM;- Poi I Oij: 89373 Z/038/60/000/01 1 ()1'- A201/A026 Novikovh, Olga; 8ilar, Josef D,~tc~otlor, of Extremely Low Gamma Activities With Scintillation D- Jadernh energieo 1960, No. 11, PP. 365 - 378 TEXT: The article describes the basic parameters of scintIllation dpte2- tor_,~ used for the detection of extremely low gamma activities. The ino!zt Important prerequisites of such detectors are: (1) maximum sensitivity; (2) optimum geomet- ric efficiency between the measured sample and the detection volume; (-~) low tack- ground and minimum background fluctuation; (4) design that will permit measurs~- ments of samples with sufficiently large volume with good geometric efficiency. Fsirthermore, the detector sensitivity, detector sensitivity threshold, and factors influencing its long-term stability are defined, and the relations for the Mtasurf- ment-time calculation for a desired accuracy, for the evaluation of the detectors In relation to their low-gamma-activity measuring capability, and for the setting of the optimum detector parameters are derived on the grounds of sAat.latical Con- sidprations. Four types of scintillation detectors for men.5uring 11juld gtimina Card 1/ 7 89373 Z/038/6o/oo)/r. 1 1/0()2/(Y,-)6 A201/AO26 Detsotion of Extremely Low Gamma Activities With Scintillation Detectors sources are described, namely the well-type, ring-cell type, beaker-type, and Immersion-type. Their respective schematic diagrams are shown in Figure 8. The well-type scintillation detectors feature the highest sensitivity and a nea=rly Oji_ -geometry. Their disadvantage is that the volume of the well reslricts the volume of' th,? measured samples to about 5 cm3. The ring-cell type detectors have a con- siderably poorer geometric efficiency, by their design permits measurements of 44amples up to I liter. Their disadvantage 4 s also that the ring-cells havp to be clistom-mad-t for each crystal and lead-zhield size. The beaker-type has a still poorez, geometric efficiency than the ring-cqll type detector, but standard beaktrs ,an be used. Low, large-diameter crystals are best suitable for this type, The Irimersion-type detectors have a geometric efficiency similar to that of the ring- -cell type and are especially suitable for measuring gamma activities in large wa- ter reservoirs. The Tesla-Liberec n.p. - Vqzkumn~ zhvod (Tesla-Liberec, National F:nt,~rprlne. Research Plant) in P~"4.,31enl han design6d the following 4 typei of low-activity scintIllation detectors: (1) A well-typo scIntillrition dowf.o~(Anr (VIg- ure 9). It uses a probe with a 61 PK 411 photomulti )lier tube and a cathode fQllow- er, both produced by the plant, and an Nal (TI) crystal, 50 mm high, 45 T-m in dia- meter with a well 37 nLn deep, 19 mm diameter, capablp of accomodating q 5 m3-3am- 89373 Z/038/f`,O/'r)(_;('1/r) I I / ')1)21'C)C)6 A201/A02t-- Detection of Extremely Low Gamma Activities With Scintillation Detectors ple. The probe is enclosed in a pear-shaped lead shield, which was originally de- signed for a directional scintillation counter also produced by the plant. The electronic part comprises a high-voltage power supply, a pulse amplifior, a dis- criminating circuit, and an evaluation unit. Samples are filled in mass-produced vials, which are then inserted into the crystal well. (2) A ring-cell type detec- tor using a standard Nal (Tl) crystal, 25 mm high, 33mm in diameter, a-rid an "Uma- plex" ring-cell with a maximum capacity of 40 cm3. (3) A beaker-type detector (Fig. 15). It uses a standard NaI (T1) crystal, 25 mm hie,,,, 308 mm In diamets-r. Standard "Sial 150" beakers are used which are placed directly on the Ecinttllator. The lead shield, probe design and electronics are similar to thofie of th? well-type detector. (4) A beaker-type detector with a large Nal (TI) cry2tal (Fig. i6 ') it consists of a lead casing, 270 mm high, 45 mm thick, in which a probe is mounted with a 61 PK 421 photomultiplier and an NaI (TI) crystal, 45 m;n high, 9.0 mm In dia- meter, grown in the chemical section of the plant. Radioactive solutions are filled either into a mass-produced glass vessel, 120 mm In diameter, or Into a 0.5 jitpr bottle, 80 mm in diameter. Use of 2,000 cm3 bottles is also possibl-~. From ?~h~ or--tical analyses and from experimental results it 2an be btatecl w,,11--type, _2 scintillation detectors can detect a minimum total actIvity '~f tn- "f Card 3/7 89)7~ Z A2 o i //V)2~ D-tection of Zxtremely Low Gamma Activities With Scintillation Detectors and the large-volume beaker--.ype detectors can detect specific a-,itlvities as low a 10-13 0/c!T3 -e established In measurement." of Fe-59, wKich s . . These values wer emits I gamma-quantum per decay. In order to obtain accurate -~rultj for other saurces the instruments will have to be calibrated according to the Inv-1-stigated 3ourees. The sensitivity threshold of the scintillation detectors for thp majority of radioactive sources lies below the permissible values set forth by the Czec~los- lovak standard ~SN 34 1730 from 1956, for the concentration of radioactive su~,- stances In drinking water. (Editors: 1. Bkl;ina, Z. Spurns) There ar:~ 3 Photo- gr&Dhs, 15 figures, 15 tables and 11 references: 2 Czech, 2 German ;Ln,J 7 Fnglis~j. AS30CIATION. Tesla Liberec, n.p. - Vgzkumn9 zhvod (Tp,;la Ditcr- prise. Research Plant) in Piam~f;lenl car,i 4/7 89373 Z/038/60/000/01 I lowlorA A201/AO26 Detection of Extremely Low Gamma Activities With Scintillation Detectors F-_'gure 8: Schematic diagrams of scintillation detectors for measurements of liquid g=ria sources. 1 .. liquid gamma-source sample, 2 - NaI (T1) crystda, 3 - photo- multiplier, a - well-type scintillation detector, b - ring-cell type scintillation detector, c - beaker-type scintillation detector, c - Iffmersion-type scintillation detector. Q Card 5/7 e9373 z/038/6o/boo/bil/ow/W6 A2011AO26 Detection of Extremely Low Gamma Activities With Scintillation Detectors Figure 9: Well-type scintillation detector Figure 15: Beaker-type scintilla- in complete set-up. In foreground injection tion detectol, in complete set-up vials for liquid gamma-source samples bo 0 - I Card 6/7 89373 z/o38/6o/c,oo/oi1/oo2/co6 A201/026 Ectection of Extremely Low Gamma Activities With Sc1htillation Detectors Figure 16: Beaker type scintillation detector with a large Na.I (TI) crystal in complete set-up Card 7/7 0 Ell" C L PIMAR,PreAyel; KMTOVA,Vern; IIOVAKOVA,Olga; ROUR&L.rrantiask, fiPLICH&L,. Alo is Health conditions of uraniam ore sorters. Pracoyni. lek. 12 no-3: 125-129 Ap 160. 1. Zavodni ustav narodniho zdravi Jachymovakych dolu. n.D.. Pribram. (UR&NIUM) SIIAR, Josef; NOVAKOVA, OlGa Gamma single-crystal scintillation spectrometer, A3 parazeters and use. Jaderna energie 9 no.6:190-199 Je 163. 1. Tesla Pardubice, Vyzkumny zavcd Premysleni. L 18490-6,6 EWP(J-)/EV1A(h)Z~KA(1) DIAAP RH 6~8 ACC Hn XP6010238 SOURCE CODE: CZ/00319/65/000/005~6146/ 6~ AUTHCR: Novakova,, Olga ORG: Tesla Research Works, Premysleni,, Prague (Vyzkumny zavod Tesla PreaWslerti) TITLE: Low beta activity detection in liquids. II. - -i9d5~ 180 SOURCE: Jaderna energie, no. 5, TOPIC TAGS: beta detection, scintillator,, ion exchange, radioactivity measurement ABSTRACT: Gontinous direct measuroments of-/beta so- ,tivity %re discussed. 6;o of thin plastio seintillatorawfor low aotivLty measurements and the enrichment of sampleg--Yy-ion ex- change are deaaribede Calculation of sensitivity of detectors of % rious types Is discussed* Fmperimental results obtained with large area through-flow counters are evaluated. Design of an ap- .paratus for measuring continoua and discontinous water aotivity is discussed. EJPRS] SUB COM 18 /'SUBM DATEs none cant III VDCt 539.12#082c 539.12.073:62-5: 621.0 39.763 ACC NRt 00182a SOURCE CODE: CZ/0030/65/000/012/0369/0372 AUTHOR: Novakovio 00 ORG: Palacky University, Olomouc (UnLversita Palackeho) TITLE: Some physic al problems In physiological optics SOURCE: Jemnz machanika, a optika, no. 12, 1965, 369-37Z TOPIC TAGS: optics. physiology, vision, optic Instrument ABSTRACT': The author discusses several physical problems Involved in physiological owes, speciftcally the fimetion of transmission of contrast by the eye, the visual capacity of, the eye, the problem of color vision, and the visual capacity of the eye In twilight. The article is basec on the German literature, particularly the works of 0. Bryngdahl. (Die Katurwissenschaften, 1964, 51, 177), and describes the current level of research in physiological optics. These problems are Important in the manufacture of optical Instruments. The author concentrates primarily on the problem of the fiuactlon of the transmission of contrast in the visual system, and methods of measurements. -The methods of measuring the modulation functioa of trans- mission aM the threshold modulations on the retina of the eye are described, as Is the method used by A. Arnulf (Abbilden und Sehen. Munchen, 1962, Vt. Internatle-naler Kongress fur Optik, 11-15) and those used by Bryngdahl. The contrast test is explained by means of diagrams. The author points out that the article does not cover all the problems Involved. Orig. art. has: 4 figurdff. coal SUB CODE: 09, 20/SUBK DATE: 10Aug65/OTH REF: 009f ATD PRESS! &/4749 G. ~ J,I-nj~fj 10, ,robarolin 50, llyllf 1K, 7. Det,?rmination of free and boi.r.-J 'r. *Jc, :; . Ink. Conk. 105 rio.l:(~10 'I ~ a 1 (,0. 1. 1. klinika nomoct vnitrnirl, lokarikv fakulty hyviorllc~((' Farlovy 11niveralty v Praze ~prpdnostn pror. dr. V. (,nn:t, DrSe.). Submitted August 1()02,. ZNAWENACEK, K.; PRIBYLOVA, H.; ~echnicka spoluprace: VYDL&KOVA, H.; KUPKOVA, K.; CIHLAROVA, K.; ~ Effect of glucose and insulin administration on the glycemic purve in newborn 4nfants. Cook. pediat. 18 no.2:104-109 F 163. 1. Ustav pro peci o matku. a dite v Praze, reditel doc. dr. M.Vojta, vedoucl pediatrickeho vyzkumu doc. dr. K.Polacek, GSc. (GLUCOSE) (INSULIN) (BWOD SUGAR) JAIMA, J.; NOTAKOVA, V.; SHMOVA, M. Suz-vey of morb14ity rind accidanto in state induntrial mchools. Pracovi lek. 7 ao.2:80-86 Apr 55. 1. Ustav hygieny prace a chorob z povolani. (VITAL STATISTICS, morbidity in state indust. schools in Coach.) (ACCIDMIIS. statistics, in Czech., state irdust. schools) CZ1"C11C)SLCV"J'J"./jfUT.!j v11yfji)1o'q. TIC 11,irvou.'; Sy.,itc:. .,bs Jour ROf illur Biol., No 14, 1958, rio 65651 .'.uthor Now"O TrI.-It T1 t1c 1bu Problc;i of Otudying, thu ')yjv~A(w ~)J' llotjtpfLj.-!)xyp~j Inhibition Ori 6; Pub : C-Onltosl- fYaic)l,, 1957, 6, 110 11 39-44 :,b.gtr-%ct: :. study was w-da of the intaraction of Whibition in mto after convolsions (frozi an auditory stii.ulus), aftQr bein, tied down fro 75 seconds (Bures, ibid, 1953 2, 14)? and after bQinG rotated on the v,~rtjbral %~s (Svomd, ibidy 1954, 3, 203). In the first n-nd second ctr~sas tlierQ w7~s .iutw-l potentiation of inhibition. Phaso rolotiondiii)s woro obscrved, li,movur, Wicm rotcAion if the rmiiial, ior,~ effective with respect to inhibition, prolonLed postcpiljp- tic inhibition to a lessQr extent than binding the rmirnl or rotation at !:. slower rate of !:~ccQlaration. The dur7%tion of Card 1/2 98 iur A-r,, uo, 051- '931-34 Dltribol'~; t, !!(,r ~~- !~~.U, t i 10:-T, 3, 37---j- ..i Of ,r gher 11cricius 3- ,0)3 J~ Ur: I(Of 2U,ur-:A~-l-, 11' 2-~, 1958, 013633. I'LUthGr : i j-L Cuntributioji t~,, V~t~ Pr loIL:.'~,f tfie -vous -c ' in T~rits with of 71it;hcr Nu ~Ivtty Epileptic rit3. Orij, Pub: Coskool. fyv~joj., IM, (), 11c, 3, 362-33iJ. ,.bstract: In rnts whic): wrcr~- rc,-,nrd t- cpilclzy it wrio c .:.,.ara,,ivcly ca-sy t,, levcl-i? c:)-rv~i - tioned reflexes t,- audible stii..lili (accc-,i-,Iii-.C tc ';crc,- nin'3 :ctI1(-;d) or.(! JUG" r-5 cn~,y to iiffur- entiatc: thc-.. "Sulziti%ru" into V-15c, clovelcp0t.1 those conc1itio:iccl rcf1ov.*os; hui-icv(-r, Lad- cv,rd 1/2 105 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Human and Animal Physiology (Hormal and T Pathological). Nervous System. Epilepsy Aba Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologlya, No 21, 1958, 97869 Author : Novakova, V., Lodin, Z.0 Servit, Z., Cbocholova, L. Inst : Not given Title : On Interconnection of Experimental Neurosis and Audiogen1c Epilepsy Orig Pub: Ceskosl. fysiol., 1957, 6, No 3, 389-395 Abstract: Conditioned motor alimentary reflexes were produced according to the method of Voronin in rats. A neurosis was created by producing the differntia- tion to strong sound stimulants or by fa3t eX- changes of differntiated and positive conditioned alimentary stimulants. By thin, phase conditiona Card 1/2 NOVAKOVA, V. Studies on the relationship between the processes of generalized motor Inhibition. Cesk. fysiol. 6 no.4:489-493 Nov 57. 1. *oiologicky ustav GSAV, Praha (C=-RAL IMMUS SYSTAM, physiology, relationship between generalized motor inhib. & excitation in rats (Cz)) -.nd -nL:,.l Phynir~ll-, ,y. lllc~rv,-~us Syste.- 7-12 a2f Zliur !4, 1)5~, N- 6569o ".Utl r -~f t*,t,~ C, ~j--cti r. F~,~tw--, -. F-r Ti tle '.Iot-,r In,,Ibiti-.n -.:i,i l!,':cit-.ti -n in th'~ S'Y:-'t---.l -)f th(-. R,.t Ori.- Pub Phyoiel. buliu..osl., 1957, 6, ti,) 4, 500-5o6 Abstrict No abstv%ct Card 1/1 99 U07AKOVA, T. Certain variations of neural activity in sensitive and non-3easitive rats to andingenic irritation. Cask. fysiol. 7 no-3:202-203 KaY 58. 1. 31~jniologicky untav CSAT, Praha. (COTMISIOM, exper. nu(tiogento seizures, sensitive rats (Cz)) (BOIS3, off. same) (REYM, 0,011DITIO113D, in rate aon-sensitive 02)) neural variations In sensitive & non- & sensitive rats to audiogenic seizures UCERPTA YEEDICA See 2 Vol 12/9 Physiology Sept 59 4321. CENTRAI. INIUDITION AND DECEREIII(ATE RIGIDITY. THE NIVCHAINISM OF 110STPAROXYSMAL [NimirrION N o v A k o / I V . Inst. of 11hysiol., Czechoslovak Aczd. of Scis, Prague 11358, 7/6 (569.513) Graphs I Tables I After an epileptic seizure evoked by electroshock or an acoustic stimulus in the rat the following reflex, reactions, analogous to decercbrate rigidity, were elicited: Sherrington's reflex patterns (vestibular stimulation of deep cervical muscles, passive flexion of the fore-limb, Philipson's refiex) and a stretch reflex. These reactions were present during the disappearance of mesencephalic postural reflex- es and their temporary inhibition was possible by nociceptive stimulation or anaes- thesia. The above reactions after electroshock were the same as after decerebrat- ion. After an audiogenic seizure, Philipson's reflex and Sherrington's reflex Pat- Was W flexioa of a fore-Limb occur Less frequently than after decerebration, A SVORAD. D.; 40VA&A, V. Relation of experimental neuroses to insomnia. Cask. fysiol. 8 no.2: 139-140 Kar 59. 1. Fyaiolo,ic~y ustav CSAT, Praha. Prodneseno CS. psychiatricke opolecnosti. sekee Co. let. v Varinnskych IeLznich due 22. 11. 1958. (NMOSES, erper. relation to inRomnin (Cz)) (SLUP DISOREMS, exper. insomnia, relation to neuroges na I. celostatnim ajezdu spoleenosti J. Iv. Purkyne (Cz)) NOVAKOVA, V. ; SVORAD, D. Problem of e)perimental neurosee In aalzals. Cesk, f7siol. 8 no.2: 140-141 KOX 59. 1. 34rsiologicky ustav GSAV Praha, Predneseno na 1. celostatnim pay- chiatrickem ajezdn dne 214. 11. 1958 v,Karianskych laznich. (NgtMOSES. experimental, (cg )) 110'IAKOVA. V. Iffect of afferent sIgnals on the appearance of conditioned reflexes. Gesk. fysiol. 8 no.3:228-2)0 Apr 59. 1. Fysiologlcky ustav GSAV Praha. Predneeeno aa 111. fysiologickych dnech v Brno dne 14. 1. 1959. (RJULIX, CONDITIOM, off. of afferent signals (Cz)) MOVAKOVA, W.;DLOM. H. Affect of spreading afferent signalization to the central nervaus system to the intake and excretion of water in rats. Gesk. fysiol. 8 no.5:423-425 S '59 1. rystologiaky ustay OSAV, Praha. (BRAIM physiol.) (URINATION physiol. ) (WATIA) NOVAKOVA, V.;SVOPAD, D. On cortaln experimental aspects of experimental lrsovala. Ce& . fysiol. 9 no.1:40-41 Ja 60. 1. J~reiolo icky ustav CSAV. Praha. ?IlfSOKNIA, exper.) SVORAD, D. ;NOVAKOVA V Affect of sleep deprivation on sleep and wakefulness i thm. Ceak. fYgiol- 9 n0-1:53-54 Ja 60. 1. Pysiologicky ustav CSAV, Praha. (9 LMXP ohys Jo 1. ) maGD, D.: HOVAKOVA.V. Certain manifestatione of the Oeeneor7 deprivation". CeRk-f7siOl 9 no.3:267-268 My 160. 1. Ustav experimentalni mediciny SAV, Bratislava. Irystologick7 ustav CSAV.Praha. (SMSATIOU) NOVAIC(NA. V. Reflex characteristics of post-parozysml stages of "ileptic sisures. C~sIc.fysIol.9 no.6:542-552 N 660. 7 Pysiolo icky ustav OSAY, Praha. fElPILEPSY physiol) SVORAD, D.; NOTAKOVA, T. Iffect of experimentally induced insomnia on neurotic states In rats. Tictol.chur. 46 no.1:57-63 Ja 160. (KIRA 13:5) 1. Trom the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Institue of Physiology, Prague. (MMOSIS exper.) (INSOMIA exper. ) ABRAM-1, J. I FALTIN, J.; NOVAKOVA, V. Automatic apparatus for the study of higher ner-ious activity in rats. Cesk. fysiol. 10 no-5:464-465 161. 1. THS Biologickych ustavu CSAV, Fysiolo icky ustav GSAV, Praha. (PHISIOLOGY equip & supplyl (CLI,Ui~AL N-MOUS SYST-'-111, physiol) NOVAKOVA? V. Experimental neuroses in animals. Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. 11 no.l: 151-156 Ja-F '61. OGIPA 14:5) 1. Physiological Institute, Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences, Prague. (NEUROSES) (REFLEXES) NOVAKOVA, V.; STEFC, J.; FALTIN, J. The role of sodium chloride in the excitability of the central nervous Mtem of the rat. Fhysiol. Bohemoslov. 12 n0-4:317- 324 163. 1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak AcadeaW of Sciences, Prague. (SODIUM CHLORIDE) (CONVULSIONS) (ELECTRICITY) (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM) (PENTYLENSTETRAZOLE) (ELECTROEXCEPHALOGRAPHY) (REFLEX CONDITIONED) (PROTOMEM) (SODIUM) (POTASSI6) (DIET, SALT-FREE) MOVANOVA, V.; KOLDOVSKY, 0.; FALTIN, J.; WN, P.j FLANDERA, V. Conditioned reflex acti-wity in male mts weaned normally or prematurely. Physiol. Bohamoslov. 12 no-4025-331 163. 1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak AcadGmy of Sciences, Prague. REFLEX, CONDITIONED) (ANIMALS,, NEWBORN) DIET) (DIETARY FATS) (BEHAVIOR, ANIMAL) ~ NOVAKOVA, V.; KOLDMA-f, 0.; FALTIN, J.; HAHN, P.; FLAIIDLqA, V, The offect of promwiture weaninp and high Pit diet, on of a memory trace In male rats. Pbyslol. Bohenoslov. 12 no.,~: 533-540 '63. 1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak AcfideW o! T'raguo. (DIETARY FAT.11) (MD~CJRY (MYLEX, CONDITIC)NED) (BEILAVIOR, ANIMAL) (A,%111-!Al,,,, 110d'dUlill, (11TE-RITION) LODIN, Z.; NOVAKOVA, V.; PIIJ1Y, J.; MED, F.; HAA1710, J. The use of planimetry in cytolovy. Physiol. Bohemoclov. 12 no.6:590-598 163. 1. Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (HISTOLOGICAL TECHNICS) (MICROSCOPY) (CYTOLOGY) (LENSES) (EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES) ~ 11 1 11, . ; I '.' '~: 1 11 , ,I? . ; F -"'. Y, y , 1, - ;.;. 7, '. . t III ~ "f ~') , I i -, -~ - '. - , -.,: o f ": I r. , " : - ~ . I .! I,;, t - - , , . !.: , ..... . I '~'. ~! - ;4. ( ; .: ", ) '7 - . ". -, .- I 1 . , I ~] t , '.. 1 t, I, o f 1 1.vt; 1 r? II. , I , 5 , I A,-I Op~,.-., , 1, , ~ i,: , ow~ I 0 1.-13, 11~ I 2. . ..7F, i -~ ~v ',,i tiidrell':, . : ~w-, r, .' I,' -, . I! !,~.,V. ; FALTII':,~'.; ; '" . ; . . --., . . On poso i b I I I ti (,B c f comp!m9fi t. ' r. 1, ~,vr. t -- ., Ir, ,, i -!. er r -! , %, , i ~-~ lictivity r1ui tc premuturp wqai:~r~7 '- r , '. 9. V. r~1!11.1. '711P. ( f'r,,, I ~ a ) 7 r r) . " : 19 5-1 -,"7 1 '--~ 5 I . ! ns t - ~j t,- - ~; f ll,ys I ,1 ("61 .. I -, ~,-- . .! -1~- , T, 2. V. tlc,VFIY,(,Vli 1:3 FA rid T '~. 3 ' ~'- I - '. -. I . :". ~vm ~ ! , - 11 V - - . STERC,J.-?,'OVAKOVA, V.; FALTIV,J. The Jmportance of N&CI and KCI in food for c,~-,tral ner-7~-Um excitability in rats. Activ. nerv. ffup. (Praha) 7 no.2t 146-147 165 1. hintitute of Physiology, Czochoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prng-ue. 2. T.Stercla address: Pralia 6, FleminFovo nam. 2. I 'L 1293T-66 ACC N14 AP600564L SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Stereo J.I.Movakovag V.j Falting J. ORG: Institute of Physiology, echoslovak Academy of Sciences# Prague TITLE: Importance of MaCl and KC1 in food for central nervous excitability in rate (This paper was preaented at the Third Interdisciplinary Conference on Fjcperlmntal and Clinical Study of Higher Nervous Functions held in Marianske Lasna from 19 to 23 October 1964-1 SOURCEt Activitas nervosa, superior, v. 7. no. 2, 1965, 146-147 TOPIC TAGS: sodium chloride, potassium chloride,, rato central nervous systems conditioned reflex, EEG# nervous system drug ABSTRACT: Electroatiock'threshold was measured on the i2thv 19tho, 29tho'70th, and 200th day of the experiment. With hyposodii= diet the seizure susceptibility to electroshock was inoroased on the 29th and 70thdays with prevalent tonic convulsions. Seizure Ausceptibility of rats on potassium diet did not difVer from that of controls. Forming of conditioned reflexes was compared after the 29th day. Controls needed an average of 62+ 7 conneotions, those on hyposodium diet 146� 19ofor potassiwCdiet the figure was 130+ 6* After sensitization of rate with oardiazo4 EEG of rats on a Wyposodium diet showed a higher incidence of spontaneous sp~,ke activity; X nearly compensated the values of the controls. Conditioned reflex activity is a very.good indicator of changes in contrel~marv-. L 12937-66 ACC MRs AP600564L 0 ous functionas Orig. art, has: 1 figure. M16-7 S.UB CODE: 06./ SUBK DMt none / 'ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REF: 002 puk) I CZECIIOSL4DVAKIA WMER, J. 'TERC, J.; Dopartment of Phyniolof Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (Fysiologicky stav C,'~AV), Prague. "Role of Dietary Iodide on Higher Nervoun Activity in Rats." Prague, Cesko3lovenskaj)rsiologie, Vol lb, No 5, Oct 1965; P 338-339. Abstract: Potassium iodide as feed additive was found to have a greater rol-e-ItFaln the type of diet in rato fed 4 diets differing in the percentage of fat, carbohydrates and proteins. Graph, 2 Czech references. Paper presented at the 15th Physioioa Dayo, Olomouc, 26 May 65. CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Weeds and Weed Cintrol 14 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., 1958, NO 17, 77966 Author : ovako Inst : Nbot given Title : Use of Hormonal Herbicides in H)rticulture. Orig Pub: Ovocnar. a zelinar., 1957, 5, No 5, 141-142 Abstract: The effect of two substances prepared on the basis of 2M-4X, under the name dicotex, and on the basis of 2.4-D-hormite were studied: the first in a dose of 15 kg/ha, with a content of 10% active solution, and the second in a dose of 1.5 kg/ha In 1000 1 of water per 1 ha. No nega- tive effect was ooserved on tulips, narcissus and Card 1/2 STAMBEFAI J., doe., inz., C.Sc.; LUZNY, J., inz.; ROVAKOVA, Z., promovany biolog Need for introduction of heterosis effoct In vegetable cultivation. Vestnik vyzk zemedel 9 no.7:358-363 162. UbOCIIA , K. , MJDr. ; VA ~i;)% , ?". J( o. Ar . , ":( ~ I I . , ". . ; ~~ ~-~: F ... I Arialyais of -y --r, *,t.,- , . :~ 1 11 Cook. zdru,i. .. - 1. Gynek.-Iorodnt4ka klinika ~,. . ;.- - I .- - - - - Hradec Kra love F, Organ I za-nf~ -.,u i- v~- ,, ~ r.: 1, ., .~ .., . . I . narodniho zdriol k,-I'. , r,-!, .- . MOVAKOVA-KOSTALKOVA. R. - 9xnnination of tha cerebrospinal fbiid in syphilis in clinical practice. Cook. dorm. 26 no.1:105-113 Kar 51. (CLML 20;8) 1. Of the Skin Antrilatorbim OUP, Department 9 in Pra4,ue. X0VAKOVa-K05T,mLKUV,n, R. 1- woogr,~- " 11 Mcamination of the cerebrogplwa f1mid dmrinC the treatmeat of syphilis. Prak. lek.. Praha 33 no.3:58-62 5 rob 1953. (GLKL 24:5) 1. Of the Skin Department of OUNZ 1, Prague 1. NOVAKOVIC, A., Inz. Econoralo ftnalyoln of existing navigation no.1%45-48 164. ]'A the po3siblliti~p for the Improvement of the conditions at the Iron Gate. Kqdun transp 10 'cw- -wv 610 V'n /'r -) P" " (2 // /0 e -~e Av-6, K dOTAKOT I~LA~6;5!air , pukovmlk dr. Short guide for medical officers with respect to the diseases of the oyee Vojoeanspregl., Boogr. 12 no.1-2:75-78 Jan-rob 55. 1. Ocno odeljenje VKA. (BYE, dia. in armed forces personnel, tehr.) (ARHND FORCES PURSO11113L. dis. eye, thar.) NOVAKOVIC. Aleksandar, pulcovnik d-r; KOPSA.14ilan. potpukornik, docont d-r 1 .1 -, Our experiencis with traunatic eye prroblens in the last 5 years. Toj.o& 12 no.5-6:236-21*1 Ka7-June '55. 1. Ocno odoljenjo VKA (EYE. wdn, & inJ. therapy & results (Sor)) (WOURDS AND IMRM9S eye. th"r. & rosults(Ser)) "MAKOVIC, Aleksandar. Pukovnik dr. ,,"UP-70 -IWIRFMIRT'M~PTI-A %-'t, Congenital abnnrmalities of oculocotor mLacles. Voj. sane pregl. Beogr. 13 no.11-12:60~-W5 Nov-Doc 56. 1. Ocno odeljonje VMA. (MUSCLYZ, OCULONOTOR, abnorm. case report (Ser)) T107AKOTY;, 4 rlr-UGC 5 L,'. VL% P,ranislav !CVAKOVIC, "Affil"n-lic-n rot ~'Iven' rrenetration of the F-iJcrIc of 17~:sc in 169\1 fron the Terricory of HerceSovina onto the Venctinn .-%rca." Bel,rade, Sr ski Prl~iv za Cclolru- no Lekarstvo, Vo 1 Ctl , ! o I , Jan ~3; J 1(',3-107. Abs-trac-t- : An account of th, 10"9-16~2 C--IJCTliC Of ~LSt 1:',,iC, inVolved Farts of rrcsen-- Yugoslavia then undcr C,~tonan Ern,irc, Venice and Iihrovn ih. The 'fur',,.s were pat!,cticall- unable to core with it but t:~C two city-states vere ratl-,cr well and the rorulation v:as so terrified of the disease that self-quarantine was univaisal, so that the spread could be chccl~cd. Fourteen references from old archives. 54 NUVAKOVICI D. Transport of speci&i freight from Rijeka Harbor. Medun transp 8 no.6:434-436 Je 162. NOVAKOVlC, Dusan I-low systom of porffdt& for ttio hici.way truck traffic betwoen Yugoslavia, Austria, and Italy. M6dun transp 9 no.6:423-424 je 63. ITUVAKOVIC, Ljubom-ir, inz.; MARYOVIG, Bcrislav,. inz. ,--1-- .1, 1-11-1-1- ---, -- The Hestings Conference on Gasification Processes, 1962. Rudar glasnik n0-4:137 162. 1. Upravnik Biroa za tormoteimiku, Rudarski institut, Beograd, i clan Rodaktalonog odbora, "RLUlaroki glasnik. Bulletin of Mines" (for Novakovic). 2. Zavod za telinolooku preradu udneralnih sirovina, Rudarski. institut, Beograd (for I-larkovic). NOVAKOVIC, M. Founding the Professional Association of Organizations of Forest Industries of Croatia, p. 4h SUMARSKI LIST, Zagreb, Vol 80, No. 1/2, Jan./Feb., 1956 SO: East E4ropean Accessions List, Vol 5, No. 10, Oct., 1,56 MOVAKOIICa H. Power problem in the world. P. 1533 TEMKA,, Beogard,, Vol 10,, No. Ut 1955 SOS EUL,, Vol 5. No- T. july 1956 NOVAKOVIC , 14. instrument for null motbod current meas=ent- bul Inst Nucl 14 no. 4: 239-241 0 163. 1. Heat Transfer Departrent, Boris Kidric Institute of Nuolear Scti~nc~b, Beogi-ad-Vlma. -,i: ~ r rVa - U, ff U N G NOMOGR&PHIC DETERMINATION OF THE THERMAL UTILIZATION FACTOR-M-0drpti rK, Novallrovfc. &U. Inst, Nuclear I. ris rZ1CML (be ~Lriw~~Iel_es - - (1954) June. (LaEngtishi A formula for the th(,rinAl uIlIft(ttfori. factor it ---setleoun reactor hi cfi:~rived. The formula can te ujjPA for nomograph, and & mniozTaph to given for the caae 31 U-1)10 latt(Cag with 9--'r cY,hrr. A Fiecon,11 nornograpk [e gbfn fcr 11'.e correction term In the cA5~.- of IstUiceii alu.-i minumcanolngi. NOVAKOVIC, Miodrag The two-phase pressure drop of a comport-,nt. Bul Inb- !hv~! 85 161. 1. Institute of I&clear Sciences "Boris Kidrich "' Departwnt of floact,or Engtnoertr4~, Vinaft. NOVAKOVIC , 1-tiodrag The high-pressure differential gauge. Bul Imt Nucl !1 :87-91 161. I* Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Kidrich,ti Department of Reactor Engineering, Vinca. X/001/63/000/003/002/002 D294/D308 Doctor AUTHOPU Kovakoyjc,_Kiedra TZTLM: Yu slav conference on heat generation and expLoita.0 ..tion RMIODIGAL: Tehnika, no. 3t L963, 428&-428b Twf: The name "thermics" waa introduced to be applied to the scientific and technical discipline dealing with heat genera- tion and expLoitation; the scientLsts, and engineers are caLled "thermicists". The preparations for the First Yugoslav Conference of Thermicists were stimulated by the Yugoslav Nuclear Energy Com- mis sion. , The . authorL who is one of the eight members of the Initi- ative Committee (all members but one: are professors at Yupslav universities), emphasizes the importance of the coordinat on of re- search and tho need for a-universal terrainology. The Conference is, proposed for April 1:963 with the following program: thermics as a discipline apart; establishing of the Society of ThermicLats; teaching'of thermics. and thermodynamics-at Yugoslav universities; -Card. NOVAKOVIC, 14. A wthod fDr optimizing gan--:-oolod r,3uctor parax,!t, tars. 21-1 :w3t fluol 14 no.1:1-16 Ja 163. 1. Heat Tranafer Department of the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, member of the Editorial Board, "Bulletin of the Boris K-idric Institute of Nuclear Sciences." NOVAKOVIG, Milodrag, dr DeVelopmert rf ':ra r.;clm& -. .,,e --:%-, Flaktroprivrodd 17 no. 3tl7O-l?5 '4r '64- NOVAKOVIC, Hiodrag, dr Yugoslav Society of Technicians. Tahnika Jug 19 no.5i813- 818a Vw 164. ::c I I '.~ 1 7 ~, , ~, , , i ~- i r , ;~ ,, - . , , - I I . . . .1 1 . . . I I . I . . .. '. i ""I'1 '. (~;i , ,, : .. , " 'I.-,.- 1:1-t--, : - '. - 1 1, . 164. 1 , T ,j b c, - :1 *, , r-i , , I 7-p ., r e . ---. - I . , ci 7 , I , 1 . I r, s ~ i t L; ', a c f 'I-,; c ~ , a r S (-, ' - r ~ -. , , F,- -~ g - ; . '.' - -, ( , .1 . I In I ve rf, 1, t,-,, ; f r % , 6 1 ( f,-.:- " : -~ ~ '. , . NOTAKOVIC. F41roslav. Dr. -, - - - - 11- a I...., -- Unsolved problems in the fight against tuberculosis. Tuberkulocs, Beogr. 8 no-3-4:228-230 May-A-ug 56. 1. Antitubarkulocni dispauxer u Cupriji (eef: dr. Kiroalav linvakovic). (TUBERCUIDSIS. PULIMMM. prev. & cor,trol unsolved problems in Tugoal. (Sar)) SMULIC. Bozt4ar. Prin., dr.; USTAVDIC, Kuhammd. dr.; WVAKOVIC, 4onctlo, dr. Age factor In Jndicatinne for tonsillectom7. 4ed. arh., Sarajevo () no.5:77-P)J, Smpt-Oct q5. 1. (Rad Odelonja z& bolosti uva. nos& I grla Gradske bolnice u Beogradu. S"f: Prim. dr. Bozidar Sekulic). (TONSI LS, surg. In child., Indic. in relation to age factor. (Ser)) (AGING, pathol. age factor In tonsillectomy In child. (Smr)) Voj.san.pregl. Otorinolaringolosko EAR MIDDLE neopl) NGICMA SCLEROSING R YUGO.U4-,VL~ / Organic Ctemistry. Natural CompounIs and G - 3 Thuir 3ynth.-;tic iinalogs. Abs Jour: Ruf Zhur-Khimiya, No 1, 195%~, 1386. ,Luthor D(,z(;Iic M. , irovaVovic , N.', Kapotanovic Inst Not given. Title The CtIrtain Products From tho Cond,-nsat~on of Helicin. Orig Pub: Bull. soc. chlmlst,.3 rop. populairu qosnie ut Harzegovino, 1956, 5, 5-14. jLbstract- Ton gr~ims of st~licin 19 suspondud in 60 millilittr3 of 25~ nitric acid, figitatod for 45 minutes and cooled (00C.). Thu rusiduo i9 filtorQd off, washod with diluted sodium carbonate solution, triturated with 2 x 50 milliliter portions of ether and driod in vacuum. Tnus helicin ~~) is prc;pared, rr. p. 1750C. (from r.,lcohol),IS.7 D 60.430C (c 1.4; water). Ten grams of I is boiled for 1 hour with 10 i~rRM3 C&rd 1/3 25 yuGosLAvIA / Oiganic Chemistry. Natural Compounds and G-3 Their Synthetic Analogs. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 1, 1959, 1386. Abstract: of sodium athylate in 50 milliliters of aootic anhydride, I milliliter of water is added to the mixture and Is kept in a refrigerator for 12 hours. The residue is then filtered off, washed with water and tetraacetyl helicin Is thus ob- tained (II), yield 90%. II Is prepared in a 3VIo yield from 10 millilitors of -1,-broacetoglucose and 3.9 grams of o-OC11C6H40K in 20 milliliters of alcohol. I and II produce the corresponding Schiff's bases with various amines (given are amine, aldehyde, condensing agent, yield In %, in. p. in 0C.): p-HX04011(III), 1, -, 30, 140; III, II, C61111N, 50, 128-129; p-H2PC6H40CH3 (IV), Card 2/3 "OVAY -II 4LRlGl ~16k r-,, ~,,),n cii ~srj~,t; ~ r,,, (,;' ti;,j I ro-.t, ~ :,.~~ r!ill 5oc ."'i. ~,, rt I ;yf tht2 i_' J~ k ~, ti:-finch o C T'he (,1-09 t, i 1~'. , I-_ I C4!.L soc fr~ ty. _ rrfil'. ` I I eM aL' , !L 3 '~ ix. ~ : It j), : . I 34-,'-P 162. . ., '! - - ., , - , . ~ir - , ~ '? , I 1. ~ ... , ll-~ I (! - :, , I : I . . NOVAKOVICP S. Yugoslavia (430) Tec~nology-Periodicals The problem of amortizing the material of our railroads. p. 145. ZELEZNICE. kJugoslavenske zeleznice) Beograd. (Monthly on railroad problems issued by the Yugoslav Railways) Vol. 8, No. 5, May 1952. East Europ2an Accessions List. Library of Congress. Vol. 2, No. 6, June 1953. Unclassified. NOVAKOVIC, S. Tugoolavia (430) Technology Railroad bridge over the Sava River near Samac in Bosnia. P. 351. Zelemice, Vol. 8. no. 11, 11ovember 1952. East European Accessions List, Library of Congress, Vol. 2. no. 3. Rarch 1953. UNCLASSITUD. "0'! IC i ru: L),: c, N riv". 0 1.7 1 C f 9 NICVAYC71:3, S. FR- -a' -S cf .7a-srortation services. T. Vol. 10, No. 8, Aug. 1054 ZELEMICE, TECMM017 Peoprad `~o: NONITITY I TST OF EUST EFROI FANI A,",-,, Vol . 4, 1 ~155 I.'O1JAhL7JC, 1". Clas:ificati~n of' rnilroad rate:; to rcl~ltlcl. -C *~- - i I ep r~ of caT~acit,,- usc:d. 1. l(I. Lr-LE' F i.. Vcl. 11, ~.'o. 1, lls~-rcl, il -c Belprad . SCI-TCE: Last r,,jroj,(.-an Acc(:~slons List, ~~Ul) Lir,rnry (-~f Cont-rc-~,q, Vol. 4, No. 12, Dec. 1,55. NOVAKOVIC, S. NOVAKOITIC, S. Railroad rates end the probler of cooperation of transrortatir- brnnches. P. 27'. Vol. 21, No. 8, Au,7. 191;1;. ZELKNICE TECHNOLOGY Peolgrad, Yugoslavia So: East I!,uropean Accessions, Vol. 5, I-lay 1056. NOVAKOVICt S. Effect of transportation on the development and improvement of agriculture, p. 26 ZELEZNIGE, Beogradq Vol 12, Ho. lp Jang 1956 SO: EEAL, Vol 5, No* 7. July, 1956 NOVAKOVIC, S. "Workers' management an,' th- economic r>-)Iicy of transportation enternrises." p. 11 (Zeleznice) Vol. 13, no. 10, Oct. 1957 Belgrade, Yugoslavia SO: Monthly Index of Fast Euronean Accessions (~~EAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, ADril 1958 '7,Cl"1,')LC)GY ;UJAM7,171 S. Problt-ms of r"forrini,. th- w2i,,- In -)ur tran.-Sportat on. P. 'lol. 14, rio. 12, I")5P ~'ar tKlY Ll s t a f 7, 3 t Europ-na, Ar--c,-.--,s i onm ('7A I ) U,, Vo I no. Marct. 1951) Unclars tlow'yovic' "-. Herbicides End their use against weeds. Kemija. p. A15. KE41JA U iffljUSTRiji. (Drustvo kemicara-tehnologa ffiffv) Zaj,relb, Yugoslavia, Vol. 7, no. 4, Apr. 19A. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EKAI) LC, Vol. h, no. 6, June 1959. 1111cl. NOVAKOVI(,, V. Additional supply of' chemical means for plant protection in 19~8. Kemija p. A17. Y,E2,IiJA. U INIDUSTRiJI. (Drustvo kemicara-telinoioge. Will) Zagreh, YuroslaviA, Vol. 7, no. 4, Apr. 1956, Monthly List of East buropean Accessions. (,i~hl) LG, Vol. b, no. 6, June 1959. Uncl. NOVAKOVIC, V. Domestic production and import of chemicai means for the protection of plants in 199. P. h3- KINIJA U iNDtiSTRIJI. (Drustvo kemicara-teftnologa NHR) Zagreb, YugoSlavia, Vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 1~59. Monthly List of hast European Accessions (&A1) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1959. Uncl. VOLDSHIN, I.Ye., inzh.; NOVAKOVICH, V.I., inzh. Advantageous method of cleaning ballast store. PQt' i pat.khoz. 7 nz..l: 6-9 163. (,MIPA 16:3) lo Zamestitelf nachallaika Krasnoarme koy distantaii Donetakoy dorogi. (Ballast (Railroader-Tcleaning) NOVAKOVIGH, V.I. Use of the tamping machine "ShchOM-D for the taintenancl! an-~ repair of continuoua rail tracks. Put' i put. khoz. 7 no.100-5 163. (MiiA 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Krasnoarrmyskoy distantaii puti Donetakoy dorogi.