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s/iai/62/004/010/005/065 B108/BiS6 AUTHORS: Kuz'menkoq P, P., Novikov, N. N., and Gorid1ko, N. Ya. TITLE: The photomechanical effect in antimony PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. lo, 1962, 2656-2659 TEXT: Earlier studies (G. C. Kuozynskit.R. H. Hochman. J. Appl. Phya., 30, 267, 1959) revealed a photomechanical effect (reduction in micro- hardness) in germanium in the range of intrinsic absorption (2 - 4u). Attempts were made to find out whether this effect occurs in other materials with similar intrinsic absorption bands, e. g. in Sb or Bi. To study this effect in antimony,onall s0echmraof high purity (99.999%) 0 were hardneBe-teated at an approximately constant temperature of 15-16 C using a Wr-3 (PUT-3) device with a diamond pyramid. The microhardneas was found to decrease linearly with the intenetty of light in the visible and near infrared region used for illuminating the -8&mPlo-- This decrease$ however, continues only to abdut" 30,000 lux, and the microhardnese which up to there has dropped by 45% remains constant at higher illuminances. Tests with filtered light showed that the Card 1/2 S/18 62/004/010/005/065 The photomechanical effect in antimony B$OBYBI86 photomechanical effect i~ due only to infrared radiation, which proves some semiconducting propdrty of antimony. Thi infrared light transfers electrona to higher energy levels thus changing the dislocation mobility and, consequently, also Vhe mechanical properties of antimony. Careful examination of Cu revealed no photomechanical effect. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevakiy gosudaretvonnyy univotaitet im. T. G. Shevchenko (Kiyev State Univerelty'Imeni T. 0. Shevchenko) SUBMITTED: April 23, 1962 (initially) June 12, 1962 (after revision) Card 2/2 Larikc7, Ye. iv ca ri- c n D D -2,:h tya L. Yo. G.; -"Khoncms L. v.., Tro:MO..r' V. (F nncl e%lct;alty 0 F_r.y_I,'C3I b:'~CZ yctallurglz v 3.c)63. 321 p. n-cchlosti J planttchnc _ _ - ) - cd. 4210 copies printed. Fditor of the Zrr.-Aa ol-Ij j cditor: L. v. Dot-jzhinskaya; :cc. 7-1,ndcry artizt: cry~-'Lll lattice, dislocation3, riet-al rstrcn~;Ih of _01,d m-Acro3treov,, defect, plastic J A A 0, -Cc 7j,-, tall -,- ati on, era in 41~1,D C0',-z,2-AGZ: Th-43 C0lI0C'ZI0r- Of '3 intended for acienti-fic A 5. it also =. y bo usaf`ul to 3tu- 7~crccrnoi and for -,rd -.ctLln. PnYsic'Ot , The rc3ult3 of study of lldin~; vuzcr,- dc.. %IIU.-r4c3i and =,chlrx and the dioloc3tion Vhcory of motal. failure aro j, yo o.,nt;TT*,' jell 31:4 Card 113 y cc:-.ccp'-, cf r-tur-3 and mcchnnlcm of different vionk- vn-'ng procesoe3 In -.~tals are cxpc,.in~df, ro as pre3ant-day thinking concar- nLng t-c c.'fect of Jrparitioc- on the of tho voakening procczcez. The nrt.4clc-- in thl:i collection aro the orlEinal results of research p--rformcd in recent ycar:; at tho lnst~A,,t I.',ntzjIIoA"iziki IJJ USSR. WK3 C: Forr-word 5 2. :nn,~rfccticr,3 in z~traln hardening in the cace of tho dizz3ociation of --ol'-d oolutlc;is ("o. N. Ncstcron'ko, K. V. Chuist-ov) 48 3. Be-avicr 0.' dclcc~zj j,,j CjyC,~- .Ir,~cturo in ractals during heat treatment and thcir cfAfect. on ptyoical (I. Y--. Dakhtyar) - -71 ,!c-hr/13 o' c:-y:;tBI-I',-,t4-ico imparfoctiono 1. Ban-cs of tho thcor-y o: t1ho radiographic f-.,othcd of inm3tigatlng crystal dafecto 0-1. A. Frivo.-1--z) 1CO CQ,d 2/3 tior, and dl icnz o A' b I cc kz (,Create r th an 10-4 cm) 3. 1;3torminaticr, of oLn-stic (or microotrcosoo) ard dimar.3iona of dj-~s3rse blocks (L. :. - - 153 4. cr~*.-.o~, r.~athcdz of o'z,-adylnj I-ttic,:~ (S. i. Cortz-.1-1con, :. N. Novikov, l?l p -ic ctraLq Lnd t`.- of 1. -,2-5tic otra'--, and S,- C. :11. Of poly5onizatioa, and grain grc-eth (L. N. La.riko-;) 255 SUB CCLE: !M, "'? SU-I-!=--D: 23Au,363 la, RZF SOV: 253 Cr.-t:7n-- 463 X:ZE ~.CQ: 17Jan64 KUZIMENKO, P.P.,--IIOVIKDV, N.N, [Novykov, M.M.); GOHID'KO, N.Ya. , (Horydlko, M.N. Photomechqnical effect in titqnium. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.b 116-120 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Shevchenko. (Titanium) (Yetals, Effect of radiation on) A10 V/ 1~'d V L 17027-63, EWP.(qj/EWT(M)/BM, AFT-TC/ASD Pad JD/W s/195/63/008/004/013/01S AUTHOR: HartarLkan, S. D. /Seceased7, Larykov, L. N., and Novykov, M. M. TEMS: volumatric changes in the low-temperature phase coaversion in, nichromes PERIODICAL: Ukrayinalkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v..8, no. 4, April 1963, 494-496 TEXT: The purpose of the research was to confirtm the possibility of using a rapid dtlatometric method to study the processes of regulations Ln NiCr alloys. angea which which offers the possibility of continuously detecting volumetrtc246- occurs in the inneating of NiCr aamges. The principle of action of this dila- tometer is based on the quadratTc1dependence of the deflection value X of the c.hain line to its length 1. To put the method into practice a frame in the form of a square bar 10-IS cm. tong is used. The ends of the investigated wLre sample 0.5 = in dia.. beat along the chain line, are electrically point welded to the frame. The relative change in volume. is determined by the formula 16V- Card 1/2 i7o27-63 S/195/63/008/004/0U/01S volumetric changes in the The frame wait made of the alloy Ki + 18.9% Cr whose K-state was produced by annealing at'& temperature of 45do C over 250 hours. The authors claim that the method of studying the volumatric chang" im the anneating process described in the report was effective even for studying the kEnetLes of the regulation pro- ceases. The sensitivity of the. method is quite high: the relative measurement error of approximately 10-5 is claimed. ASSOCIATION: InstYtut, metalofizyky AN URSR; Derzhuniversytet im. T. H. Shevchenka_flnst tute for the physics Of Metal Academy of Scie-Z S, Ukrainian SUBYJTTED: Uanuary 4, IY62 n,-P.,o State Univemsi-tyim. T. G. Shevehenko- Card 2/2 RYKALIN, N.N.; POWZY, A.V., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; NOVIKOV, N.N., kand.t,--khn. nauk; L-OGVIOV, V-ye-, inzh. Calculation and qimulation of the temperqture field in a part subjected to grinding and milling. V03t.mashinostr. 43 no.11:74-80 N 163. (AURA 17:2) 1. Chlen-ker-espordent AN SSSR (for Rykalin). ACCESSION KR; AP4043864 6/0139/64/000/004/0022/0026 AUTHOR: kJoy illSov, N. N.1 Gorid'kol 11. Ytk.l Rudenko, A. 0. 6tomecbanical effect in cactnium, sulfide SOURCE: IVUZ.' Pizi.ka, ~no* 4. 1964, 22-.26 TOPIC TAOS# cadmium 9414de, microhardnesu* temperature dependence, frequency dependence, -ilarrier density' m ABSTRACT,1 Changes ln~plastic properties of cad ium sulfide (such as micr6hardnews underlthe influeac* of illumination vere Lnves- tigated- 'to check whetber this photomechanical effect, heretofore 6ving an xib~sorption band in the same spectral i region-(germanium anflimo , -titanium) is indeed due to the excita- Fa _rr i - 0 ,-t.ion of the-- ;qlf 7 r itloigh-talsoPIte- ca"ed by'infrared heating of a thiln",surface7layi6r. -The test equipment and procedures are describedze' The tests,'sbow that the surface-Microhardness decreases Card.- LIIJ816-63 ACCESSION NR: AP4043864 by 6pproximately,40% wben the surface receives an integral illumina- tion on the order of 461000 lux. 11bis confirms the presence of the photmechanical effect in CdS. Tests of the frequency dependence,~ of the effect have shouln it to occur only in the region of intrinsic absorption. Orig. art. hass 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosuriveroitet imeni T.-G. Shevchenko (Kiev State University) SUBMITTED: 03Jan63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODEs "SS, OP NO REY-'SOVi -011 OTHER: 002 Card :2/3 11~ I I I ~ I j - . A . -f t L 9049-46 Mo 5/01 ACCZMI I "Ro AP4044924 W/WO06/009/25M/2582 orill ko i N."Ya. AMIORt Kus manko P. Novi ITIUM The temperature range or tho existeme of the photonwib"ical off Wt SOMAs Mika tvsMogo telep v. 6p no4 9pA9"p 25W-Ai-12 T TOPIC TAGSt vo3JA state physics# photomechanical effect #temperature rangep hard- -.4 gormaniump antimony . extrinsic conductivity# dislocation B, unde he ho o- 11TW4t, An attempt- Is zade to determine the corklitlons r which t p t A melj 3650; FTTp 4# 1962; 2656; Mho St 1963p 1) and by tho vork of other Soviet researchers (V. H. Bayling Tu. Kh. Vakilovp Frrp 5,, 1963; 2372; T. A. Kontorovap FTT, 4, 1962; 1328; M. S, Ablova A. R. Ragol I j FTT ) 41 1962; '10 V *, V. Zhdarava I,fTr, 5t 1963* 3341), 1'fi'partlcaa~p they connect the phanowenoMth a photon- r memo win" L QW-4-65 =FMION Nat AP40"924 Anduced rio6 in dislocation mobilityp the mochanissu of the process romainin still unexplainod. In their last experiments, changes In the hardness of n-type gormqnl-xo and of antimony campleis were measured in a temperature range of -60 to WC for Go,, and of 0 to 1W for Sb,, under 36,ooo lux inuminationo and in the abawvjo of light. The measurements showed that until a certain critical temper- ~aturv. is reached - about 130 to 140C for Go and 60G for Sb - the hardness of the !kUw,W%atod saAples is independent of, or only slightly dependent on the temper- ~aturu, while in the same temperature range.. the dark hardneve in strongly temper#. mature dependent. The previously inaignificant depWonce of the illuminated i6ampIna on temperature becomes noticeable only in the region where the two curves :,merge, that In# at reaching the critical tomparaturea, Onco that point is attainedp the haMnsea deponds only on the toziperature,, not on illwainatiou. The a tho q; Intenn,ot the.above restiltim by proposing that thera are two difforent caiu lah lava v ;splay a Wt In the docroans in the hardnebs or illuminated Go and Sb with increas- .ing temperature. One of thane causes aots an the only factor in the case of temperature changes as wen an in the case of surface illumination. It ceases to iiaA &t tamneraturan Maher than 110-UOC for no and .6oG for sb. wimn ChA nthakr 11 LM A-VOU-01-01- Trm RM88,74 73 u,--x- (C:,fj r213 I L 9041),--65 WCMSION JWRi AP40449Z4 Yi Ch OUra at: 100-UM in the Id case -,of Una, that -lip" wboil pandemic at: tbit'MULIpated- =shou before the nia~omg of tm tv~ -~U_rq fi Ll - W, LUC' 2-- Fin KUZIMENKO, P.P.; NOVIKOV N.N. LNovykov, M.M.1; GURIPKO, N.Ya. (Horidlko, M,.IA.1; SA'LEY, V.S. LU of the Infrared polariscopy asoUnical and electromechanical no. 11:1258-1259 N 065. method In stidying photo-00' effects. U)x. fiz, z4ur. 10 MW 18il2) .A. ,# Shevchanko. 9~ l. Kiyevskly gosudarstvennyy univer-sitet lmw3i Submitted February 15, 1965. L -24453-66, EWT(1)/W(n)/EwP(w)/r/ewp(t) rjp(c) .. jD/Gs/AT ACC HR: -AT6010577 W SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0096/0105 AUMOR: Kuztmenko, P. P. (Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences); Novikov, N. N.;j .Gorid'ko, N. Ya. ORG: Kiev State University im. T. G. Shevchenko (Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy i .universitet) ~TITLE: The photomechanical effect in__qryAta ja and its physical nature .SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Hekhanizm plasticheskoy deformataii metallov (Mechanism of the plastic deformation of metals). Kiev, Haukova dunka, 1965, 96-105 .TOPIC TAGS: photoeffect, semiconductor crystal, IR radiation, germanium, cadmium sulfide, antimony, titanium, hardness .ABSTRACr: The authors study the photomechanical. effect (a reduction in the hardness of a material under ill!gVnation at rooo temperature) in n- and p-Ge, dislocation- ,less n-Ge, CdS, anti rand titanium.'~-/The microhardness of the specimens was measly' ured as a function of illumination intensity. The curves for n- and p-_g2rndajunj--~'-q iand dislocationless germanium are all similar. The change in hardness for p- germa-- ,nium is approximately 1/2 that for n- germanium. The surface hardness of n- Card 1/2 L 24453-66 .ACC MR: AT6010577 .,germanium decreases with an increase in illumination by approximately 57-60%, whilel .Ahat of P- gemunium changes by 40%. The curves show saturation at approximately '20,000 lux. The softened layer extends to a depth of 1-2 P. The photomechanical 'effect takes place only In the infrared region of the spectrum where the natural :'absorption region lies. The surface hardness of cadmi 4ulfide is reduced by ap- .,proximately 40% with an Increase in illumination intensity. Saturation iapproximately 40,000 lux. The photomechanical. effect in antimony reaches 45% with :saturation at 30,000 lux. The depth of the softened layer is approximately 3 u. !Titanium shows an effect of 30% with saturation at 25,000 lux. The depth of the !softened layer is 2.6 P. The effect takes place in the infrared region of the spec- trum in all specimens except cadmium sulfide. This is probably due to the fact that acceptor levels of dislocations in CdS lie rather deep with respect to the bottom of the conduction band, as distinct from germanium. A curve for microhardness in n- ~germanium as a function of current carrier concentration shows that an increase in I ;current carriers reduces microhardness. It is suggested that a study should be made of the magnitude of the photomechanical effect as a function of light frequency. orig. art. has: a figures. 'SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 23Jul64/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002 'Card ; 2/204 i~CC ~Q- A 1 it ~ ~, '~;, !, V; C E C" : ~ :~ I i v, , "; ~ 1 / f 1, / , ( "I / I -I'T AU'DiOR: Kuz'mrnkc), I -1 :11. rrr :i. Ya. ; ?'edorenko, L. n t I T1 ', vr Set) )o:; Kiev Gtfll s,~ 61 V f7 (7 E;Ur I t I ~1 Ic I f i"i ['('111W (-[:I, 11"r S OUT,.C EFIZIka Lver(lof~o tt',A, V. rg_ J_(~f 1", J-~~ TO III C TAGS :germarlium, hardening,, photomechanical effect AZ6'1-RACT: Tne purpone of the investigfttion war, to clarify the physical ni3ture of the decrease In hardnes3 of 111uninated Ge, in view of the lack of Informatien on thf, in- fluence of impuritien oil this proce.7s and the lack of systematic research on the in- fluence of Impuxities on the hardnen, ~f r3p, In general. Tests were made on samples containing orral.1 concentrat ions of Sb 'In;' and Gall and also on Sb oontainlr4a Ge as an iin-rAirity. The Ge host in an teoto war, rtandard sinrje cryctal!itith carrier den- sity not higher than 5 7 ID" r7rn-'. The phcAochem1ctd_ _C__f~c_ctwas measured with the P.'T-3 instrument uning a procedure (lescribed elsewhere (Izv. Vu--crv. Fizil~a, No. 4, 2 2, lc,) 61; ) .In aLl cares it wns roiin(i that the decrease in the I-Ardneos of the 11- liwiinated surface was strom,,ly dcpendent on the rtinount of impurity. When the impuri- ty 'concentration reached the solubility limit, the photomechanical ?ffect decreased to zero. The citaracter or the lixjurity had no influence, within the limits of errors, on either the characteristico of the photomechanical. effect or the Ldcrohardneca of the namplea In darkneon. It In therefore concluded that the pgcrvernlm~ factor In the Corti 1/2 ACC NR: A116018534 prcmerties of Go to the qutintity and not the type of impurity. In view of the com- . i plicated rature of the phenomenon, however, the authors caution that the results should be regarded only as preliminary. Orig. art. han: 6 figures and 2 tables. i I SUB CODE: 201 suBm DAn,,: OlNov65/ ORIG REF: OLV OM REF: W~ NOVIKOV, V.P. (Moskva) I ,- = I I Fast (,umulative Jets. 1, KIIT n- .-~: 11.~-Z'~ N-D 1 ~,2. -`k 1 -:1 1. Moskovskiy kosud%rqtvp-nnjy universItFt. (Explosions) (Hydrodynamics) *OVINOVO N.P. Generation of strong shock waves in the laborstor7. D*I. AB SSSR 147 no.3:597-599 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvenny7 universitet im. M.V. Lamonosova. Predstavleno akademikom YA.B. Zolldoviohem. (Shock waves) KOVIKOV, N.P. (Koskm) SWe pmperties of fast c=alative jets. PMT no.1:3-13 -Ta-F 163. (MIRA 16s2) 1. Hoskov kiy universitet. Mts-Fluid dynamics) (Detonation) NOVIMV, II.P. Vr;sh-wmtmr fishes on ame islinda off the const of the Sep of Jnnan [with summAY7 in English]. Zool. zhur. Tv no.1:461-1$61 Hr 15R. (111RA 11:4) Vc,aqoyutnyy Tikhookennskty nnuchno-i9rledovntel'skiy institut rybnogo khozynystvn i Annnogrnfii, Vlndivoctok. (Putyntin IsInnd-Fishes, Freah-wnter) (Popov Icinnd-Finhes, Frenh-wqter) NOVIKOV, N.P. flecent, elata 3n t~,#, dimtri~;,Allon )f ~!;OlWt nnd ivitra Wor fieter In t~- D-rinr Zo,)]. Y~-ur. 40 no.10:1-510-1515 ) '(2. 0"IiL., 114:9) I . Pacifin R.-!!earc~, Institute of Fishery Manafs-mf-nt and Oc-anorraphy, v I -,)d i v0.-4 to~ . (Prrinf, 5-a-Fishes) NOVIKOV, fia Probability of gynogenesis in the arrow-toothed hmUbut (Atherestes stomias Jord. et Gilb.) in the Bering Sea. Dokl, All SSSR 147 no,1:215-216 N 162., (MIRA 15:11) 1. Tikhookeanakiy nauchno-losledavatellskiy institut rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Predetavleno akademikom U.N. Pavlovskim. (Bering Sea-Halibut) (Reproduction) N,Jll I k:olj)I.P. Attaek.9 of the ItLmprey Fnt,-)fjphs1ril1.q tridentittus (Gairdner) on hrillbit and other flsheq of the Berine Se-i. Vop~ ikht, 3 ,,,. 3:r)67-569 I ~) 3. (111!'A 161 Ic ) 1. Tikhookeanskiy institut rybnogo ?.hozyaystva I okpanoi%afii - T..'~?C, 71,idivostok. (Bwr.,)j! v),11 x ov, .; i, , ALundoince -,f *hr, hippup-l' cw!iun hijToglosus stnnolepis lri '-;e re.,-.-g Z-)i . voir . 4-~ nc, . 4; 1 1 83--l I,r 'b -1 . Oldu It-I',) 1,. Piv-i:'i- , -i , Mvirligement mn,l (:,.I . , nj~ i iii, " ) TROP, A.Ye., prof.; NOVIKOV, H.p.. inzh. Providing for a potential performance Increaue in inino hoisting. Izv.v7s.uch9b.zav.; gor.zhur. w.7:149-156 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Sverdlovfjk-iy LrorWy Institut Imeni V.Y.Valchrushova. Rakomondovana kafedroy obahchey elektrotekhnilci. (Kine hoisting) TROPO A. Yo., prof.; NOVIKOV, N. P.,_tnzh. Design of hoisting rigs in working a mine area with several levels. IzV. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no.9:135-W 159. (MIFU 14:6) 1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni V. V. Vakhrusheva. Rekrmendovana kafedroy gornoy elektrotekhniki. (Fine hoisting) ACC NRs AP7003261 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/006/0125/0128 AUTHOR: Mirkin, L. 1. ftacow); Novikov, H. P. (Mbecow) ORG: none TITLE: Strengthening of steel In cumulative explosion SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mckhaniki I teklinicheskoy fiziki, no. 6, 1966, 125-128 TOPIC TAGS: shock wave, steel property, metal defornuition ABSTRACT: This work studies the results of reducing the lining of a cumulat1ve de- pression and the structural changes in the ram material involved. This study ensues from the well-known fact that cumulative explosion forms a cumulative jet which ~ spreads with great velocity at and determines the breakthrough of the obotable and the ram in which the bulk of the lining material reduced in every direction by the ;explosion products is concentrated. The experiments were conducted with TC,50/50 ex- plosive. The charges were 76 mm in diameter and 240 mm high; taper angle of the !cumulative depression was 30*. The depression was lined with 0.10% C steel 2.5 mm Ithick. The charge was ignited from the face opposite the depression. A cumulative ~Jet and ram resulted from the blast. Isoacleres resulted from the impact. Micro- structural study of the metal shows that it was subjected to high pressures and tenp- eratures. The grain structure shows that the whole nkiterial of the ram was subjected to "turbulent" flow in the solid state; the regione between the isoscleres were L-c- ro_i 12 ACC NR1 AP7003261 '!VId(!11L1y firrit grently deforttv--d and then rnpl(117 henctid. Tho vame vfft!(:t fri on impact at 4000 m/sec. The absolute steel hardness values derived In Lid!, work are I higher than those earlier obtained in pulse deformation; this is probably the result of reduction on all sides. Apparently the dislocations in plastic deformation cannot exit to the interface and there is a higher dislocation density in the metal, leading ,to great hardening without residual phase transitions. The, authors thank B. 1. Shekhter and I. M. Gryaznov for their interest in the work and discussion of results and T. M. Aver'yanorv for aid in the experiments. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE: 11 120/ SUHH DATE: 24MAY66/ ORIG REF: 0081 OTH RU: 001 N Card 2/ KALASHIJIKOV, 6.11., kand. toklun. aauk; 111.6. Increasing the efficiency of m~,r~,Ining aplined shafts. Av-t. prom. 29 no-7:37-40 JI 163. (WRA 10:8) 1. Moskovskiy avtozavod imoni Likhache". (Millinr u4lcHnes) NDTIEDV. N.S. Effectiveness of photographic recorde of a workday. log.prom.16 no.2:49-50 7 056. MM 9:7) l.Nachallnik otdola truda I sarabotnoy platy fabriti "Bollshavichk&O. (Clothing industry) (Labor productivity) NOVIKOV. II.S. Withmit ints rope rat loria I controllers. lop, pron. 18 no.1:47-41P, ja '58. (KIRA 11:2) 1. 17achallnik otdelt tmda LenizWradskoy fabriki "Bol'aheviahkt. 'I (Factory mnaeariant) mOVIKOV, H.S. Improve the operation of production control. Leg.prou. 18 no.10:46-149 0 158. (Kru 11:11) (Clothing industry) (Production control) NOVINOV BNASOVA, G*1*9 Inch,, red,; rMIR, D.P.. red.Iz4-va; BIMUROVA. L.L, [Manufacture of articles from &rtificial fur,- practices of the Leningrad Clothing ractory "Bollshevichka*] Iggotovleuie isdelit is iskusstvannogo netha; opyt leningradsizol shvelmot fabriki OBol'alkovkhka.0 Uningrad, 1961. 19 p. (Laaln- gr&daL,li Dom nauchno-takhatchaskol propagandy. Obmem peredo- v7v opytow. Serilas Shveinala prou7shlonnost', U0.3). (MIRli 14 t 12 (rur, Artificial) (Lesingrad-Clothivg Industry) 1 1; NOVIYOV p Ilikolay Sergoyevich; UASjT(j'jjCjjEKOV' M.M., kand. Okon. nauk, red.; FREG5,4, D.P., red. izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L., tekhn. red. [organization of the work for the 9x0;ar4,,,) of prncticen In the "Doll sheviclika" Clothing Factory in Leningrad) Organi zats I ia raboty po obmenu peredovym opytom na leningradskoi ahveinot fabrike "Bollshevichka"; stenograrra lektoii, prochitannoi v LDNTF na sominare dlia rnbotnikov olivoinoi pron7shlennosti. Lo- ningrad, 1962. 26 p. (MIRA 15: 1-1) (Leningrad-Clothing Industry) ilOVIKOV, N,S,, (Leningrad) Prectizes in tho,, wor, of Informative meetin,~s, Shweir-prom, no.4:35 Er-AP 62. )C?-A 'L.-Ii.) (1kningrad-Clothing, lndui~ry--Mnagomont) T rI., k k v r.!, 1 A Mlkhnil Ivanovirh .. kqn.-i. tc,,khn. n,,iu-k; Nlkolav lergeyevich, inzP.; FX--l.!7r~,, V.K., red. (Technoloo of' manufactuiing clothinp, of "povlnol" gind- tokstDvinit") Tekhrmloi,-Jila lzvotovleniia st.,jninyxh llne:il. iz povinola i tekstavinita. L-ninprad , lclt-4. 2v, F. ( XI:, A 1 F : 3 ~, KORKITV, V.F.; NOITIKOV, N.S. G.upd and fix-, i fiKing matr-- 1 a] 9 uvo-(j ::, burr. ~ ',.ur6 manuf,_,ct.-~-- ~,n czechoslovak-4 ';L. rjurl. i der. flc.4:5~-_59 O-D 064 (m I F~~ IF-,-) KI(ASN'YANSKAHA, TArrara t~'ikhayiovna, ka"i. ekon. nauk; NOVIVV, 1,.S., red. (Now methods for eattibliabin., tha nortrut of raw-ic (jxpm- diture in clothing factories Novoe v formiz-ovanil raj- khoda tkani na shvelnykh fabrikakh. LODIngrad, 1965. 34 ~. (Ml~tA IP-.10) SOV / 1 3 7 - 5 7 - 10 - 19,480 T rans I at ion f rom Rvf v rat ivnvv zhu ma I, Mut it I I u rgi ya. 19:- 7, N r 10, p i 48 (USSR, AUTHORS Slutskava. T NI , Cjornal'skiy, Yu N-.., Novikov, N V. T1 T L E Not( h Toughness of Weld Metal irl fligh-alloyed ChrOtMurn- nickel WvId,, Performed by the Method of Fle(-tri(.al Slag WvId- ing (Udarnay~i vy,izkost' IT)Vtillia vysokolt-g-,rovannykh 1