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Sveldopo~-ruzchil.!e sinter,,~ C, i vl- o 56 ,ric- 6ect londor of Obr.-v!~r, SO: 1"Ipraffncturim-, cnnd :-J:~c~,avic,-l L- I- c~ r-Lon, Libmry of Cronf,ress, ]"%3. 1. NOVIKOVI 7-1-mKICHIGIN, U.M., YFMSTOV, V.G., KAMOVIN, A.S., GELIMM A.YA. 2. USSR (6d0) 4. Reaervours 7e Cleaniag water supply reservoirs at sugar factories. Sakh.prom. 26, no. 12. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ftb. ONLY .1953. Unclassified. TAPASKMT, T.T.; TWISHIN. A.S.; SKMM, A.M.; SILIM, P.M.; ZHIMV. A.A.; MMMZIT, M.Z.; SSWAKIN. P.N.; JDV=V, V,A.; POPOV* V.D.; 32M. G.S.; XATnINDT, A.K.; XURBATOYA, A.K.; 1, A.K.; ZIBMV, D.K.; TATSKAN, K.L.; SAKMOMIT. V.A.; STTATWM, M.N. IU11i Markovich Zhvirbllanskii; obitamy. Sakh.prou.29 no.6:48 055, (Zkvirblianskii, lUlii Markovich, 1894-1955) (Mlak 9: 1) UnladlWotacking machlas for sugar beets of the wSlIverm firm. ($&*pro ".1 1956), Abstracted by T.A.Novikey. Sakhsl,)reno30 so-5: :, 4 '7446 Yly 156. (Sugar machiiary) (nn 9: 9) NOTIZOT,-.L-A6,--. EICHIGIN, P.M. Cleaning of sugar beets hazvested by sugar combines. SW&.pram. 30 no.8:15-20 Ag. 156. OILR& 9: 11) 1, fftatrallnyy nauchno-lealedovatellskly Inatitut eakharnoy prox7shlennosti. (Sugar beets) - NOVIXOT. V.A.. Comyr Inshaner. GreMer use of excavators for dumplugo Gore shiaromool.2:8-13 D 156. Oxcavating mactlinory) (NM 10:1) 11-1 NOVIMT. V~hq"XVMIGII. *eN*, PICHIM, ra.D.; TASILIYIV, T.lo 'v, Readto of the um of an Isawtod best pilor at tho Iklivaukewskli Omar Yactom, Ed&* prow, 32 nb,U45-53 ova '58. (NM Ilr2l ILW, fautiavan wad .hao-Iseledamtellskly Institut eakh&ruoy proaWsh- lelmoolkle, (~Vw_ Industry-SpIpwnt and oupplies) (Toaavc and unloaftug)- NOTIKOV, V.A.; KICHIGIN, Mo Kew ?L-4-TaIRS and TL-3-TsINS tractor-munted shovels. Sakho prom* 32 no.4-.33-37 Ap 158. WIA 11:6) lefSentrallnyy nauchno-Issledovatel'skly Institut sakharnoy promysh- lennosti. (.Shoveling machines) (Sugar beets) NCTIZDV, V.A.; KICHIGIN, N.M. 'rail side beat piler. Sakh. prom. 32 no.5:32-36 Ny 158. (MIRL 11:6) 1.TSentrallay nauchno-isi;1adovatellskly institut sakharnoy promysh- lennosti. (Sugar industry-Equipownt and supplies) NOT110T. L ICHIGIN. IT.M.; TATSINIO. T.S. Cleaning of beets harvested by combine. Sakh. prom. 32 no.8:12-18 Ag 158. (XIIA Ils-9) LTSentrallnyy nanchno-isslodovatellskly "ustitut sakharnoy, promyshlennosti. (Sugar beetc-Harvesting) SOV/118-58-11-13/19 AUTHORS: Nozikgv6 V.A. and Kichigin, N.M., Candidates of Technical Sciences TITLE: The Tractor-Shovel TL-TsINS (Traktornaya lopata TL-TsINS) PERIODICALz Mekhanizatsiya trudoyfftkikh i tyazhglykh rabot, 1956, Nr 110 PP 37-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Until now tractor-shovels of the type TL-2-TaINS mounted on SKhTZ-NATI or DT-54 tractors have been used in loading and unloading coal, p-3at and sugar. Practice has shown that this type possess-3s certain deficiencies such as poor ma- w 11ity insufficient stability, etc. To improve operating reliability, the experimental models (TL-3-TsINS and TL-4-TsINS) have been designed. These are now being tested. There are 2 photographs, 2 sets of diagrams, and I table. 1. Tractors--Erulpnent 2. Materials-Handling 3. Earth moving equipment-Design 4. Earth moving equipment-Performance Card 1/1 JIDTIMDT, X.A. - KT LCHIGIN, R.N. Prospective "a of an unloading and piling machines. Sakh. prom. ~2 no.12-.18-23 D 158. (KMIL 11: 12) I.TSentralinyr nauchno-lssl~ Adovatollekly Inatitut eakharnoy promyvh- lennosti. (Loading and unloading) (Sugar industry-Rquipment and supplies) KMSZV. S.S.; KUZIN. V.A.; ROVMV, T.A.; BORISOGIBBSKIT. R.N. Pilot plant testing of the pitrification of diffusion Jules by a suapension of colloidal calcium carbonate with the use of separators. Sakh. prom. 33,no.2:31-34 r 159. (MIRA 12:3) Lffauchno-iseledovatellskly !6 konstruktorskly institut khimicheakego mashinostroyentya. (Sugar roe-tarch) NOVIKOV. VA. - KICHIGIN. N.M. Some data on the mechanization of the unloading and pIl1w of beets In 1958. Sakh.prom. 3-3 no.&n-3o is 159. (MIRA 12:8) 1. ?Sintrallwy instit-cA vs:charnoy proswahlonnosti. Sugar beets) (Loading and unloading) T.A KICHIMS, M.N. Data on the operation of machines for the unloadIng of =tor- truckv and p1ling of beets for storage based on the year 190. Sakh-Prom. 33 no.9:44-48 S 159- (NM 13:1) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatells~dy institut eakharnoy promyahlennosti. (Sugar beets-Storage) (Loading and unloading) NOTMOV. V.A. Testing am machtwo for unl4adlag and ptllng beets. Sakh. pro*. 34 no.Z.-38-39 F #60. (9EM 136) 1. Nrmtrallnyy muchno-teelsdaratellekly Inst1tut saMnarnoy promyshlemosti. (Sugar beets) (Loading and unloadlqg) NDVIEDY V.A.; VINOGRAWTA, IF.P. Iquipsent of raw material testing laboratories for mass analysis of beets(from "The International ftaLr Journal#@ Jan. 1960). Sakh.prom. 34 no.8:74-75 Ac 16o. (MIRA 1328) (Sugar be,ttm) (Testing laboratories-Squipment and supplies) 1, TSentrallrqy proUshlonnosti. NOVIKOVO V.A.; RICHIGIN, N.H. - I -i. 7, - Number Of sugar beot pilers JAMopeftilbli- la:,tiw- sugar iWustry. Sakhoprom. 37 6.9 tj!-4~ S 163. (MRA 16:9) 1. Tsintrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut sakbarnoy pro- mphleurmti, (Sugar industry-Equipment &ad aqpp2log) NOVIROV, !:&!*~ KICHIGIN, N.M. 1~ Remdts of State testr, of the unloading and piling machines for sugar beets conducted during 1962. Sakh.prom. 37 no.7:24,-29 n 163. (WRA 16:7) 1. Tgentrallnyy nauuhno-iosledovatellskiy institut sakharnay promyshlennosti. (.")ugar machine-y-Testing) NOVIKOV, Vasiliy Alekoandrovich; SOEOLOV, A.G., red. ~ .1, -'. ~-. -irf-ItT~'~-r-,-, ... ..." [Long-distance cormunicat.orw] Dal"niaia sviaz~~ 2.; perer. i dop. izd.. Mosk-va, Transport. 1065. 298 p. .(~'ii-~-k i8:2,i, no. 18, 1966, TOPIC TAGS: nozzle.- anemometer, turbulent flow, flow velocity ABSTRACT: An Authio r* CertificMe has been issued describing a no1zle of a hot- wireanemometer: for measuring lateral components of turbulent flow velocity, made in the form of an'x-shaped'filament collector fastened to the electroconduct- ingsupports. To simplify the- design of the nozzle and to improve the measure- ment precision, the nozzle supports are made of an electrocanducting base with a metal coating lp-thtdk and electrically insulated from the base. Each end of filament Is fastened to one support of the electroconducting base (see Fig. 1). [Translation]- ~wd 1/2 UDC: 532.542.4.002.56 D -0U050-67 ACC Niu AP6033501 j, .:J F L' Nozzle of hot-wire anamomm" bass- I-Elecusic conducting 2-meW coating; 3--collector iA -47 AC-1 N~'I: 1,"60299bli SUUWS~ CWE: ult/01;13/66/000/015/Ollo/0110 :aA!t;'.AI'OAS: Vilflintivskiy, It. P.; Novik T,"I,"I-'. A univerual logic element. Clans L.2, No. DA520 izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, lio T0111C TAGS: logic elemont, computer logic,, computer component This Author Certificate present.,; a univorsal logic oloment. The elaqont I includes a re3onance circuit and a detector, incroasing the number of functions which 1; I tlie olement can perform. The element also includes a frequency control automatic- oscillation -enerator. The resonance circuit and the detector are connected to the outpub of vhis auto -oscillation generator. The first input of -the generator is connocted to the control signal source. Tae control signals shape We discrete levols of-the voltage or current, the numbar of which corrosponds to the number of Jble logic functions. The other inputs of the generator (the number of which ia poss L aqual to the nturibor of variables) are connected to the sources of the input logic I variables. To simplify the logic element for the case of two variables which fulfill tilrea logic functions constituting a complete system, a transistorized relaxati.on Card 1/2 UDC: 681. 1005~7-67 ACC NR; Vnerator is used as the frequency control generator. Me triode basw of the I ralaxation Coneratuor are joined to the di(des which are connected in oppositiono 'I'lic. cowron current of the diodos 13 connected through resistors to the sources of the input logic variables. The resistors are connected directly to the bases. The common curreraL. or the resistors is conneclwd to the control signal source, SUB CODE: 09/ 5UBM DATE: 3,3Xay65 -X 2/2 NOVIKOVp V.A., inzh.; SKACTIKO, K.G.0 inzh. Transistorized devices for high-quality autocatic control systess. Izve vys. ucheb. zav.; anerg. 9 no.1:26-30 A 166. (min 19: 1) 1. Loningradakiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut imeni VJ, U11janava (Lenina). Submitted September 13, 1965. L 389 V-66 93 _WZQ~703_6 ~-?w 90 (A) SO`URCE CODE; UR/0L4376W00d:/06i/ AUTHOR: Novikov V. A.,,:(Engineer): ~kachko, K. G. (Engineer) ORG: Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute im. V. 1. Ullyanov (Lenin) (Laningradskiy clektiotekhnicheakly institu.0 TITLE: :Semicondtictor devices fo-1 high-quality automatic control systems SOURCE: 1VUZ, Energatika, no. 1. 1966, 2.6-30 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor device, automatic control equipment, dc amplifier ABSTRACT: The article describes the design and operation of an amplifier with galvanic interstage coupling and a thyristor control devicalwhich satisfy all normal requirements of the electronic portion of accurate and MgA-quality automatic con- trol systems. The three-stage amplifier, which employs silicon transistors, pro- vides a gain in the voltage (and power) of a basic mismatching signal and in addition gebralcally adds the voltag f this signal and that of a correcting feed-back Va ges 0 c ircuit. mong the advantages of this amplifiar are: high;iolJf;ad6-`gain factor. the availability of separate inputs for the basic signal and the corrective feed-back signal, the possibility of fine ad' stment for the common voltage gain of the ampli- fier and of separate adjustment within wide limits) for basic channel gain , negligib] voltage drift, high stability of the amplifier's oarameters, and immunity of ifs- UDC: 621.375.4.0 MGASOT. 11kolay Mikhaylovich. dots..- STMANOV. Rkolay Kikhaylovich. Lush.; inzh.; BAXITO. V.0s, red.; W, N.M.. red.; KHITROV. P.A.. [Planning autozatic block syst&as for railroad transportation) ProsktIrovante avtomatichookoi blokirovki as shelasnodorozhuou trausporte. Moskva, Goo. transp, shol-dor. ftd-vo, 1958. 34" p. (KIRA 11:5) (Railroads-Signaling-Block system) V0IVIK0V* V. D. K -IstoAl onoemna SmaimWo, morskogo putl v perw;re godu Sovetskoi vlasti. SiStLOX7 Of the co'nqmest of the Northern Sea lkmte In the ftrst years of Soviet pmef. (Letoplel Severe, 1949p no* Is P. 3-U), DW: G601-L48 Soviet Transportatim and Caumnications. A BMlogr4;kwp Library of Congresep 19ference Deparbmt, Washingtong 1952,1 Unclassiflod. PHASE .1 BOOK EXPLOITATION 473 Novikovp Valerlyan Dmitriyevich Iz istorii osvoyeniya Sovetskoy Arktiki (History of the Conquest of the Soviet Arctic) Moscow, Gospolitizdatj 1956. 214 P. 35#000 copies printed. Ed.: Mudyakova, G.; Tech, Ed.: DanilJLna,, A. PURPOSE: This book is intended for the general reader. COVERAGE: This book recounts the history of exploration of the Soviet Arctic, describing Its geography,, and traclng its economic and cultural development under the Soviet regime. The Soviet Arctic occupies an area of 8 million, more than 35 percent of the territory of the USSR. It stretches from Murmansk to Kamchatka and from the North Pole to edge of the tundra belt. The book describes the geography of this vast area, traces the history of its development through scientific exploration and commercial ex- pansion, apd stresses the role of the Communist Party in advancing Card 1/15 History of the Conquest (Cont.) 473 both. One of the most important factors in the development of the Extreme North (Kraynly Sever) has been the search for a sea route along the northern coast of the USSR. The creation of the Glavnoye upravlerdye Severnogo Morskogo Puti (Main Administration of the Northern Sea Route) has established., within recent years,, regular communication from Murmansk to Kamchatka. To promote navigations fleets of ice-breakers,, aerial reconnaissance,, ice-hydrological patrolso polar,hydro-meteorological stations, and weather stations operated by arctic observatories have been called into service, The following scientific activities are carried on: registration of solar radiation and magnetic elements,, txamination of water samples and bottom sediments,,.studies of drifting sea ice, in- vestigations'of the topography of the ocean floor and underwater mountain chaii1s. The book gives a description of the Arctic Ocean and the Arctic seas bordering the USSR. There are accounts of ex- peditions to the Central Arctic and to the North Pole by ship and plane, a discussion of the effect of the Central Polar Basin on the climatic conditions of the Extreme North, and information on the polar stations "Severnyy Polyus" numbers 1,, 2a 3_, 4. and 5. This positions are describeds, the direction of drift is given and personnel and equipment are reviewed. Some of the important achievement enumerated are.-.the completeaerial. reconnaissance of Card 2/ 5 History of the Conquest (Cont.) 473 all Arctic Sea areas since 1940j, the operation of arctic fleets en- tirely on local coal since 1941, and the forecast by the Arctic Tnatitute of ice movements 3 to 5 months in advance. A survey of the natural resources of the region prompted the development of mining and chemical industries In the KhIbIny areas, fisheries at Murmansk, coal and petroleum at Vorkuta and Ukhta respectivelyp and the lumber industry and woodworking on the Igarka. The book is profusely illustrated with photographs and maps. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TAM. OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Early Measures of the Soviet Goverment in the Conquest of the Arctic 1T The year 1918 19 Card 3/5 Ngylg~yj-YAI&rian-Dwitrlyaxich-_BGLIISHAKOV, V.P., red. izd-va; TIMMMVA., S.G.,, teld3e. red. Conquest of the Arctic regions] Pokorenie Arktiki. Moskva,, l zd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 154 p. (MIRA 15-.6) (Arctic regions) -NOVIKOVO V.D. Practice of accelerated starting of operations and building~up of production capacity. Worm. biul. VDNKH no.8:9-10 Ag t64. (MIFA 17:11) 1. Nachallnik proizvodstvennogo otdela, zamestitell glavnogo inzhenera Novinnomysokogo Ihimicheskogo kombinata. NOVIKOV, V.D. Karyometric study of the chorial epitheliym in ran. Aikh. anat., gist. i embr. 49 no.11:74-77 N 165. Oa~ 19:1) 1. Kafedra gistologii i embriologli (zav. - prof. M.Ye. Subbotin) Novosibirskogo meditainskogo instituta. MOVIKOV, V.D. - Organization of the work of the assistant foremen of the weaving factory of the "Kvasny TeksUlshchik" Pl&x C=bine. Takst. prom. 24 no.1002 0 464,, (MIRA 17s12) 1, Glavnyy insh. llnokombinata "KramW toketillshabik", RDTIEDT, T. F. iii of norms of time. output, and contract estimation In i Won connection with their revision. Kasblnc3troltell no-7:46 il 1-59, (141RA 12:11) (T^bor productivity) ,.-_NOVIKOVO V.P. Uhusd potentials for increasxing labor produotivity. Masbimostroitz-11 nq.5s4O my 160j, (HIP& 14:5 (Iabor Prodnativity) SOV/117-59-7-26/28 AUTHOR: Novikov, TITLE: Consultation PERIODICAL' Mashinostroitell, 1959, Nr 7, pp 46-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The plants of the machine-building and metal-working industry have started a revision of work quotas and wages in connection with the transfer to the 7-hour work day. The foremen, production engineers and the rate-setters have to participate in this job. The author gives consultation on how to calculate the necessary work time rate for the given raised work quota, as well as how to determine the new piece wage rates in accordance with the given raised work quota and tariff class pay. The consultation is in the form of solved practical problems. Card 1/1 NOVIKOV.1 V,F.J. inzh.-elektrik Waya of reducing fuel consumption in rhaostatie'tes Irw- ting- Elek.1, tepl. tiagga 5 no.10221 0 :61. (IMPA 14:10) 1. Teplovoznoye depo Varkhniy Baskunchak Privo1zhokoy dorogi. (Diesel looomotives-Testing) , NOVIKOV, V.F., inzh.-elekt-.,ik Cument supply to the exciting coil of the main generator from a storage battery. Slek.i tepl.tiaga. 6 no.4:24-26 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Teplcvoznoys depo Verkhniy Baskunchak Privolzhskoy dorogi. (Diesel locomotives-Maintenance and repair) SOV/81-59-21-75499 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal, Khimiy,,,, 1959, Nr 21, p 316 (USSR) AUTHOR: Novikov V F TITLE: New Developments in the 'Technology of the Production of Ceramic Inter- mediate Products for Condensers PERIODICAL: Opyt raboty prom. Sovnarkhoza (Mosk. gor. ekon. admi. r-na), 1958, r1r 9, pp 20 - 22 ABSTRACT: The modern technology of manufacturing intermediate products of ceramic --conderisers of the D group and thick-walled ceramics of the M group has been described including the followin.- operations. 1) mixing of the pourder-lihe radioceramic mass T-80 in mechanical mixers with plasticizers (dextrine,' tung oil, water, tire af ormaldehyde resin) and thermoreactive resin (4-5 weight parts of' resin per 10 weight parts of radioceramic mass), 2) the extrusion of the plasticized radloceramic mass on mc:!hanical extruders to tubular products-~300 min long and laying them on asbestos cement boards for the subsequent. thermal treatment according to prescribed Card 1/2 conditions in a vertical conveyer drying apparatus at a temperature of SOV/81-59-21-75499 New Developments in the Technology of the Production of Ceramic Intermediate Products for Condensers 150 - 1600C which gives them the necessary mechanical resistance and unvettability by water without reducing the electr4cal characteristics. Thus the operation of pre- liminary burning is excluded frow the manufacturing process, which was necessary in the old technology. G. Gerashchenko Card 2/2 AUNZWS# leeKoi MOVIKOV# V*F* Restoration of conditioned reflems in dogs after hypothermla* Zhure vpii nwvi. di~Lat 110 no. 46696-574 J1-Ag '60- Qcm 14:2) lip Gbair of Normql Pbplologyg kuban Medical Iwtitutev Krasnodar. (BPDX TOWERATUAS) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) NOVIF.0vt V.F. Effect of a tempmmry ww1usion of the heart from the circulation on the higher nervous activity In dogs in thestate *~ Blul. eksp. blol i mad. 50 no.12:28-34 D 2609 ( l.. Is kafedry normallnoy fisiologii (sav. - prof. P.M. Star)WO Kubwwkogo meditsinskogo. institutat Krasnodar. Prodatimlena dey- stvitellnym ablenom ANN SSSR V-V-Parinym. (COWITIONED RESPONSE) (HEW) AGAN=S, Ya.K.;,ffOVIKQV, V.? Res#w&#on of conditioned ref2exes, in dogs after ouperar5cling tftodgh -the exUmwl tesmn of the head, BLulv eks blo2 I mad. 50 no.42:34,08 D 160; TilRA 34: 1.) 1. Is kafedrY wmallnoy fisio2ogii (saw. - prof. P.M. Starkov) Kubamkogo meditsinskogo Institutat Krasnodare Predstawlena daystwitel 'n7m chlonom AMN SSSR V.V. Parimm. (CONDITIOM HESPOWE) (MAIN) (BMX TEWMTIFZ) I 1, o'0)-5aZ:.a - IJP(c). JD i-,'ACC NUz AR6033793 SOURCE, CODE: UR/0058/66/000/007/EllO/ElIO -Au"HOR: M'Zhin Novikov, V. F.; Kalinin, V. M. ,ITITLE:The coercive force of plastically deformed ferrosilicon crystals ;SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 7E830 i Rr;F SOURCE: Uch, zap. Urallakogo un-ta. Ser. fiz., vyp. 1. 1965, 63-68 ;T0111C TAGS: iron, silicon single crystal, plastic deformation, ;ferrosilicon, anistropy !ABSTRACT: The anisotropy pf the,coercive force ki and the magneto- istric'ion zaturation Xs of;Fe-Si*sinjrle crystals'aeformed by stretching inve-stiriate'd.- Research was conducted lin the" direction [1101 (110 as Ion d'Lsk-shapcd samples. 11cmeasurements were made in three basic ,crystallographic directiona on an astatic magnetometer with a 700-erg magnetizing field ~'Tensometric measurements were made of As In fields i0f up to 1900 erg:1NM1_e_a_s-u_rements showed that plastic deformation of ~,Fc-Si single crystals In the direction [1101 (110) causes a quantitativ change in the H. value and a qualitative change in the H anisotropy, c IThe inequality of He 'Clic