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:4ACCUSICH M AP4040300 the behavior deduced from the probe measurements.ffbatracter's note: They are also said to shm that a motion of the plansa. away from the first current region gets In I let about 3 microsec after camet of the discharge, but this Important detail was not lapperent to'the abstracter and my have been lost In reproductlon,,7 The elsc~rlc I and maguatia fields within the gum are calculai6d-, and It Is found that he drift 1volocity"of the plasms In the crossed fields In at first about 1.6 x 10 CU/404 to-1 Iward the a ad -of the. gm. The drift velocity decreames with time and changes Pon !sign at 3.2 alcrosso after onset" of the dischargo. "'In concluslou'ths, authors ex- press their gratitude to X.D.81nelOnIkov, member of the Ac4demy of Sciences of the Virs"Isa SSR, and to Beffeibatkhavich, VT.Tolck, 0,K.Shvew mW TaX.Volkow for crLticins and disewslea of the reaults.". Orig.artok"; 6 totwides and 7 f1pr4s.. _-)ASSOCIATICNt mom SUBUMMS 25JUK" IDA75 ACQ: IMUD" MKIOX 00 SM cm~ W_ M MW 8QWC on. WO" L 8908-66 NOVIKOV YU.Ml - - Casing-strIM lowering and cementing ope-rat-lons l1wing scrawra, ,, centering gmides, and casing reciprocattons Truoy UkrMIGRI no.5s 31&-325 163. NIRA 180) ZOLOToTjU BOV, I.M.; KISEM, V.A.; NOVIKOV, Lu,,M. Current distrihition in a coaxia2 plasma gun. Zh"jr- tek-h- fiz- '25 no.2:253~-258 F 165. (MIRA 18:4) /V&; V I J~ 0 V~/ ~4(, #, NOTITKOV. YU.M., inshener. Steady distribution of reactive power betweeu generators under a small static state coefficient of voltage regulation. Elak.sts. 28 no.7:87-88 J1 157. (KLRA 10:9) (Electric generators) BD'V11MV, Tu.N. Toltagie cross-regulation In rural power stations oquipped with IPU*MtM oPerating In parallel. Rauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; snerg. no101:75-80 158. (HIVA U: 10) LftkommAovano Chelyabinskin Institutom makhanizataft I elektifikstsil vel'skogo khosyaystva. (Voltage regulators) Ollectric generators) NOVIKOV, Yu, N. -"W*PkfimSM%wk of circuits and theoretical Cand Tech Sci 00 W4 studies of the automatic counter-~ voltage 6806801-dw6n parallel atLiA~ 41 of generators in rural eleatriozower stations." Mos, 1959 oft "Min of Agr USSR. Mos Inst of Mechanizqtion and gleotrifioation of Agriculture~ M, 1-61, 195) NoTmov, ru.s. AmWve Para,,@, voltage rmulatiqu system with feedback alorg the reactive gurrouto Isv?vypucbeb.x4r,,; energ. 2 no-9:10-15 S 159. (MIR& 13:2) 1. Cholyableekly Institut mokliasilsatell I elektrifikataft sellskago khasyaystv&. Prodstawleas Wedray proizvodstva ruspredolenlys. (Ilectric generators) (VoTtago regulators) MTMOV, ru.u., insh. ToltW regulatIon in the Parallel operation of generators. RekbA elekaotsasl'Tchozo 16 nos5:37-39 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1, Cholpblnskljr Inatitut makhanizatsit t alektrifikatall sallskago ichoxygystva. (Ilectric generators) KOVMN, Ytt.K., lush. Reviem of IrAlan power engineering. rub. n0-3:1-9 Vq--To 160*' (KIRA 1317) (India-Power engineering) NOTION. Tu.M.. ittzh. Circuit for Insts1ling fluorescent lamps into Creschouse lightlag systems..3vatotekhnum 6 no.6:22 Je 160, (HEM 13:7) 1. Zaporozhakiy filial Isesoyuzaago nanchno-Issledovatelskogo institats, elektriftkatsit ael'skogo khoxyaystva. (Pluorescent lams) (Greenhouses--Lighting) Izv 2.1ASo :Te.R. Iinzh.; 1, -VIROV" inzho Experimental qqarcont ~-,,Or mm-aZacturing. centrUugod prestressed -'Le poloo Stroie i dor. mashh. 06 no-.9*.25- alactriel- 28,3 1.63.-i 14:10) B ctric lines-F Ble 0165) ( (Freatreased concrete) KOVARSKIY, I.I. inzh.; NOVIKa7,-L"-r-inzh. Vibrated reinforepA concrete poles for,110 kilovolt overhead electric linea. Bet. i zhel,-bet. no.10:470-473 o 61,, 0-MA 14:12) (Electric lines-Foles) (Vibrated concrete) Nov kaW. tokbn. mdc; UnSEaNt G.V. t kud. tekbn. nauk; 1~1*14Y."A& r u. I, t Inxh. Tonp ror wasm4ng larp - cumnts. Pros. mwrco IS no.3: 16-16 Nr 163,' (KMA 16c6) Sleatria smasuremnts) atria curmut-mawnvuent) t PEKM, L.K.; ADVMV. Yu N wM- -nuclei i Ar~es of odd and'odd gith C 55