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etves of llef,d Pl:in-s
RVIDW-A., N.G. of the Top Let, o L
M.V. Lamorwov. Mu)ncow, 19566 (Din:~,,-rlv~t ton far the Dn,-re--,-
Of Candidate in Piolopical Science.)
So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 18, 1956,
- 1--.b,.-
Testing of coke produced in high-capacity ovens, Koko i khht. no,11:
25-28 163. (MIRA 16:12)
1. Yasinovskiy koksokhimicheskly zavod.
'UWArAfil' 0010'stigl 044MOM XOSIM, fee* W-owe tokbu,-toor4st., 'It-ry" 19P. 63 P.
Obashme- MUGU") (31-2YAT)
NOTIZOTA, N.G.; RLTIV, K.L., professor, radaktor; XZMTSIV, V.A.. re-
GATRIZOT, S.S., tekhnichesicly redaktor.
Mnuamlll phanamna In the skies] Oftab7knovennye* nebasnye
laylanlia. Pbd red. K.L.Bayeva. Isd. 2. Kook-Ta. Go@. Isd-vo tekbul-
ko-toozet. lit-ry. 195,1. 63 p. (Tanabno-popullarnala bibliotska,
no.24) CNIcrofilml (n" 7: 11 )
NOTIKOTA, N.%.; HOW. K.L.. radaktor
---------- ~~Iwl
[Rhmgual.g colestI&I phanonewl "Isobyknovannyo* neboor7e livrlealls.
Pod-re4i. XA.ftava. lzd. 4-9. Kooky&. Goo. lzd-wo tsibulka-teorst.
lit-ry, 1953. 63 p. (ITsuchno-popultarnaia bibliotaka, no.24)
[Kicrofilal (KMA 7:9)
(AstronozV) (Kateorology)
, n... ;~-*
I ..
U*uma]L pbm=mna. Imilm I zblznl 22 no.22:45-W D '55.
(Notoorolodeal optics) (mm 9: 2)
LIPIEN, A.I..~,_NOVIKOVA, N.I., inzh.,, red.
[Eq~uipmaut for applying metallic and paint coetinLral
Oborudovanie dlia naneseniia metal]-icheskikb L lako-
krasacbnykh pokrytii. Moskvag 1963. 70 p. (Materialy
zavadskogo opyta, no.3) (MIRA 17:4)
1. Moscow. Gosudarstvermyy naucbno-issledovatellskly in--
stitut nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy informatsii.
ESTMKIN, M.A., inzh.; I;OVIKOVA, N.I., inzh... red.
(Mechanisms and equipment for the collection and proces-
sing of metal chips) VIIekhanizwj i oborudovanie dlia svo-
ra i pererabotki metallicheskoi struzliki. Moskva, 1963.
82 p. (Mekhanizatsiia i avtomatimtsiia tekhnologicheskikh
protsessovj materialy zavodskogo opyta, n0-4)
(MIRA 17:9)
LIMoscow. Gosudarstvennyly nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut
nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy informatsii.
N,'jVT KWA, N. 1.
U'je of oxygen baths in the compound canatcriur, and hpr-'-~- re-~Orl-
treatment of coronary stenosis with -wrtnlfe~stationl of t;t.!~no~prdia.
Vor,.kur.0 fizicter. i lech. fiz. IwIlt 30 no.51431-411L, 165.
(MiR.A. 39:12)
1. Torapevtichosl%ye, klinika (--av. - prof. 3.R.TatRv.,)F()v)'
Instituts meditsinskoy klimatclogii i kilmatcterapli i-~enll
Sechenova (dir. B.V.Bogutskly).
nature 6j the so-rAfted struf4tml
d V,
A State, ~ Unk
C",kl raig :BWOM-
r. rij HT-Wth Russ .-,--To do.
Da. '
dem -cocapm-of structural proteiniand th I
tiogii caulkd by dwerent methods of iswatim 1
extd. with A'30%466% hi.EAW1,
safti. (1). FASaff ww done (U), Ifia 100/4 MCI ml N
Th exts.. were poid. G Ali. wini
carbonate:. butfer.
of. f vritw,'40!~ The Wated structural protchig re
a Pre-
li itud6op.-atein comptex composed of
sent m IN
so Ii was 012re 5~ve 10
1 .1 a mo a, I 1~~
of phosphoKpide distlei.
th* almot, completel
y., Tfte~*glfjfit
eft. e proteim
epeuce ~m rilmnuclek
a -Od content of the whoie dmsue and:
the,wi~.~coufd be:due to thd, pCesonce
diffe fit the valQui f t Ith
rae IOUs ot P ext4- *x
tSUjtj~.bte L -am
-or IL -;. N&C, was no The structural proteins
bvfously preformfd: iti the orkaii,
can be rel
ism and
-ifftdi bv uframin.
Chemi6al nature of so-called structural proteins. Uch.zap. KHGU
53:73-80 154. (MIRA 11:11)
1. Kafedra, blokhtmii Kharlkovskogo gosudarstyannogo universitsta
Inent A.N. Gorlkogo.
SOTI1OTAi~'!Nd*'W ~
!,tr,. "
Changes In the coMmsition, of liver tissues under conditions of
nexcited" synthesis. Uch.zap. EM 53:99-111 154.(SaRk 11:11)
1. Kafedre btokhtmil Kharlkovskogo gosudaretvannogo universitats,
Iment A.M. Gor1kogo.
/f iz_ '/~
USM/Ruma and:Aulml Physiology - Liver. R-7
Abe Jour Referet Zhur - Biologiya, ITo 16, 1957, 70600
Author Novikova N.K.
Title Cbanges:in Tissue Composition in the Liver of Young
-knim's in Regenarative and %xcited" Syntheses.
Orig Pub uch. 2ap. xharkovsk. uu-ta, 1956, 68, 21-23
Abstract In rats reaching at the end of the test, 2 month of age,
2/3 of the liver was removed. Phosphoric.fractions and
N vW determined in the regenerating liver after 2,
and 6 days. The majority of P containing substances
reached a maximum concentration after 4 days and de-
creased at the 6th day; however, the P of nucleins con-
tinued to increase. N-concentration increased during
the entire experimient. Tn the dry defatted substance of
the regenerating liverat the end of 36 hoursthere was
already an increase in nucleins and protein. Between
36 hrs and 4-th day the quantity of protein and nucleins
Card 1/2 - 9
Cytological investigettion of the liver of Young and old rats during
a protein-free dieti, subsequent normal =tritiony aM gegenerations
Uch. sap IMU 1081149-159 160. (KIM 1483)
1. Kafedra. biokhlndi Kharlkoiskogo govidarstwennogo universiteta.
ChWes in the composition of liver tissue in old animal under
conditions of a protein-ftee diett subsequent W=Al nutrition
and iregenerstion, Uch, sgLp KHGU 108:161-177 1600 (HIRL 14:31
1. Uredra biokhimil zhivotnykh Khartkovbkogo gosudarst7ennogo
Kovq 1961. (KWARtKOV STATE MED INST)e (KL# 2-619 205)o
NOVI i(Ov", IT. m.
ornvestigation or the "hange of the Modulus of Masticity in the
Process of Vulcanization of Natural Butadlenestyrol R?xbber." Sub 21
Apr 51. Moscow taitrof Flne Chexieal Technology Iment 14. V. Lomonosov.
Dissertations presented for science and engineering deerees in
Moscow dilring 1951.
SO: Slim. No. 480. 9 14PY 55
It, X. FD 195
USSR/Chemistry - Rubber and Elastomers
Card 1/1
Authors : Bartenev, G. M., Ratner, S. B., Novikova, N. M., Konenkov, K. S.
Title : Testing of rubber in regard to its resistance to low temperatures by
measuring the loss of elasticity
Periodical : Khim. prom. 4, 32-34 (224-226), June 1954
Abstract : Authors regard as unsatisfactory the standard procedure GoST 4o8-53 in
which the resistance of rubber to low temperaturQs is determined by meas-
urin8 the increase in rigidity on the tasls of the ra'io of deforaation
at tr to deformation at 20'. Describe in detail a procedure developed
by them in which the temperature T iz dc-~c-rinined ~_t i_h,: rigidity
of the rubber increases by the factor 11K. As distinguiuhed frum Lhe
GOST procedure, determination of K (coefficient of resistance to low tem-
peratures) by the new method does not depend on the time during which the
deforming force is applied. Four USSR references, one since 1940; two
foreign references. Three graphs, two figures.
15(9) SOV/69-21-1-1/21
AUTHORS: Bartenev, G.M. and Novikova N M
TITLE: The Percussion Deformation of Rubber (De.gormatsiya
reziny pri udare).
PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1959, Vol M. Nr 1, pp 3-8 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Ye. V. Kuvshinskiy and Ye. A. Sidarovich ireference 51
developed a method of determining the elastic proper-
ties of rubber during percussion., and proposed e theo-
ry of a method which permits the detimmination from
experimental data of two independent constants of
rubber, the dynamic elastic modulus and the angle of
mechanical losses. A pendulum elastometer, described
in detail, was used for the experiment. As a result
of graphic and analytical calculations, the authors
found that at a permanent'initial percussion speed, a
proportional correlation between the kinetic energy
and the square of the percussion deformation occurs.
The coefficient of this proportionality is called a
Card 1/2 "percussion modulus". The correlation also holds for
The Percussion Deformation of Rubber SO'V'169-%-21-1-1121
low temperatures, so that the frost stability can be
eatimated by the sharp change in the percussion modul-
us. The names of M.M. Reznikovskiy and E.L.Chelrnya-
kova are also mentioned in the article. There are 7
.graphs, 2 diagrams and 8 references, 5 of which are
Soviet and 3 English.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-Issledovatellskif institut rezinovoy promysh-
lennosti (The Scientific Research Institute of the
Rubber Industry), Moscow.
SUBMITTED: June 10, 1957.
Card 2/2
AUTHORSs Bartenev, G.N.; Novikova, N.M.
TITW: An T=trument and Method Used for the Detormination of High-Elastic
Properties of tubber/at Low Temperature
PWODICAL& Kauahuk I RezIna, 1960, No. 7, PP- 28 - 33
TEXr: A method for the testink of rubber elasticity was developid and the
CHM-3 (UEMM-3) Instrument (Fig. 1) de gned by the NIIRP was applied to this plar-
pose. It can be used for the simultaneous testing of,8 samples of different rub
bers by.means of a special attacbment designed by D.I. Smirnov and B.S. Tau Yun
Khan. 'The functioning principle of the attachment.1a described. Formula (111 was
derived which can ser~vi an the basis for the quick determination of rubber elasti-
city at low temperature. Two factors, the frost-resistance TOj and the duration
of the forces acting under static deformation, t, am taken into consideration.
In developing the method for rubber elasticity teating at low temperatures two
possibilities had to be noted: 1) the testing of newly-processed rubber, 2) the
tenting of man-produced rubber. The authors refer to the ISO instrument and the
method recommended by the International Organization of Standards and point out
card 1/4
An Instrument and Method Used for the Determination of High-Elastio Properties of
Rubber at Low Temperature
that these are applicable only to the second group of rubber. The methad of the
ISO does not include the determination of the effect of the temporary sorAitions
of deformation on the frost-resistance of the rubber and the instrument does not
ensure the rapid determination of this relatIonship, since it can handle only
statio load conditions. The UM-1 instrument does not have these disadvantages.
With this Instrument the frost-resistance index at dynamic (1,500 bendingW~nln)
and static conditions can be determined In compression deformations. A period of
30 sea is suggested for the static tests. The design of the UPM-1 Instrument
was Improved (Ref. 3). A mixture of dry Ice and alcohol served as the coolant V/
since an alcohol medium at low temperatures does not affect the results of the
experiments (Refs. 4 and 5). It was found that the UPM-3 can replace 8 stand-
ard instruments since it requires less time for the test. A detailed explanation
is given of the testing method. Using formula (1) the frost-resistance Index can
be calculated. Formulae 2 and 3 represent the frost-resistance coefficients for
cases of compression deformation and elastic restoration, respectively. The lat-
ter factors k and k' are numerically equal to each other, I.e., k = k'. Pigure 2
card 2/4
An Instrument and Method Used for the Determination of High-Elastic Properties of
Rubber 'at Low Temperature
shows that the two curves coincide for the temperature depen4ence of the frost-re-
sistance coefficient of commercial rubber on CRN-18 (SKU-18)%'base wider compres-
sion And at restoration. The experiments and the tests carried out with the um-
3 show that it can be recommended for determining the charitateristios of rubber
used for sealing parts and In various shook absorbers. The Inatrument can also be
useetor determining the degree of crystal formation In rubber, during cooling
rLthout streams. Other methods do not include the testing of rubber for orystal
formation which leads to a loss of the elastic properties, just as in the case of
vitrification. The problems of vitrification and crystallization in rubber are
further discussed, describing the factors which affect the crysta-32dzation, e.g..,
vulcanization, presence of sulfur, accelerator, amount of the masticator, statte of
tension of the rubber sample and how the crystallization affects the density and
hardness of the rubber. The testing method for crystallization is explained in
detail.. It usually takes from 10 to 30 days, depending on the rate of the rubber
crystall1zation. The or7stallIzation index is taken to be the provisional pericd
of crystallization, determining the time which it takes the rubber to increase its
card 3/4
An Instrument and Method Used for the Determination of High-Elastic Properties of
Rubber at Low Temperature
hardness by a factor of 2 (Fig.-4). It is further pointed out that the Instrumen-t.
can be used for experiments on crystallization determination in rubber, which has
been subjected to preliminary tension'by means of a micro-bolt at room temperature.
Otherwise the entire procedure is similar to that of crystalliiation determination
of rubber in a relaxed state. There are 4 graphs, I set of photographs and 12 re-
ferences: 5 Soviet mbd 7 English.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-igisledovatellskly Institut rezinovoy promyshlennosti (Sa-ler.-
tific Research Institute of the Rubber Industryi
Card 4/4
Interaction of tributyl phosphate ard tributyl phosphate
gidlyate with diluents. Dokl, AN SSSR 153 no.6:1387-1390
D 163, (MIRA 17:1)
1. Prodstavlano akademikom A.Ne Frumkinym.
U. To.. Prof.. MOVIKOVA. "4.m.
Combined anesthesia In gynecological operations [with suamary ig
Inelish]. Akwh. I gin. ~4 no.2:74-77 Kr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:5)
1. rz skushersko-gine!z-ologicheskoy klin*i (zav. - Prof. 1W.Te.
Sidoroy) lasonskogo Institute usovershoustvovanlya vrachey Imeni
T.r. Lenin&.
local oneeth.,with hypothermia (Rua))
in anevurg,, with loanl aneath* (Rua))
potentintion with hypothermia in gyu.wwC. (Rue))
Local anesthesia with use of ganglion-blocking w74 neoreolegic
drugs in extirpation of the uterus. Akt. vop. obezbol. no.2:
203-206 '59. (HIRA 14: 5)
1. Iz Wmshersko-ginekologicheskoy klinild (zaveduyushahiy -
prof. H.V.Sidor*) Kazanskogo instituta usovershenstwovaniya vra4hey
imsni VX.Lenina.
lauroplegic substances In c4=blnaticn with 2oca2 anest1wela in surgery
for aancer of the uterine corpus and cervix. Sov. md. 25 no.8:40-4.3
Ag 161. (MIRA 15: -1)
1. Is akushersko-ginekologicheakoy kllniki (sav. - prof. N.Ye.
Sidorov) Kazuskogo instituta movershemsWovaniya vrachey imeni
V. I. Lwdna.
SHMI 0, T.K.; WORGITW. U.S., red.; SHIL"In I . T.A., red,,-.
LZTCIM. K.T., red.; LKANDVA, I.S..,
(Prices an,tbA world capitallatia mrkstj a handbook] TSsny vire-
Togo kapitallatichaskogo ryake; spravochalk. Noakwa. Tneshtorgisdat.
1958. M P. (KIRA l2t7)
1. Moscow. Va-dohno-inaledovatellakly konwyunkturnyy Institut,
i't --I :. LI il. .-i .
"Orr,anomet-allic Corrinoun(Is of 1.~('re"17-" =~71. intoraction of 3-y-u-neturical A~yl
Conpounds of 1-4ercury vrith Alimminim. and the Synthesis of Or.r7~knoallriniurt.
Cornpounds.,11 Izz. Ak. Nlauk SSSR. Otdcl. Khim. Ilauk, 'No. 6, 121.2. M)r., inst.
Orgmic Chemistr7. -1942-.
Phospho-org nic compounds, IV, Derivatives of '-chloroeti-anephosphonic
acid. 1-1. 1. Kabachnik. P. A. Rossiyskaya and N. N. Novikova.
Bull. Adad. Sci. URSS, Classe scl. chim. 1947. 97-100
Dry EtOH (13-89.), 23.4g. pyridine, and 120 cc. Et'~C, treated with cooling
and stirring with 27g. UCH,~C~POCI,_(I) in Et,O, let stand overnight, and
filtered, give 18 CICH,.CH, (OEt b4 92-1~-, d - 1.1565, d- 1.1558,
)), 1 7 71
n7-4 1.4390. Sfimil&037~~.
(for more of the abstract see card on KABACHN7IX. M. I.)
Atypical cultures of Intestinal bacteria in water from the
Stalin Vater Works and their hygienic evaluation. Uch.zap,
Nookonauch.isel.inst.san.i gig. no./+tl8-21 '60 (KIFA 1.6i11)
Comparative study of the effectivenessof standard methods
for calculating the indices of fecal pollution of open
waters. rbid,t25-28
More material an an apparatus for preparing extracts. Apt* delo
9 no- 4t6&.67 jlAg t60. (HIPA INS)
1. lafodm tokhnolagii lokarstv i galonawykh preparatov
Fornakogo farmatmovtichookooo institutao
I - .--- ........-
gnUt&tiy* rowtio= of benzy1ponicUlin, APt,, del* 9 no,6tl9-23
" 160, (MM 1302)
11 fafe&& tokhvAlogli lokarstv i plewvykh pnpamtoy (say. .
dotsent Z*N, llfitrmlna) Formakogo fa=taovtlohegkogo institutg.
Egg albumen as an I-transforming medium for certain streptococcal
groups. Lab. delo. no.1:50-53 165. (MIRA 18:1)
1. Bakteriologichaskaya laboratoriya Ukraingkogo nauchno-issle-
dovatellskogo instituta klinicheskoy meditsiny im. N.D. Stra-
zhesko (direktor - prof. A.L. Mikhnev), Kiyev.
Iging ability. In view of the fact that addition of small amounts of polymer, practi-
(cally 10; of the weight of the gelatin-,, made the system colloidally unstable, tne
jauthors carried out ex"riments to determine the optimal conditions of coagulation of
Ithe fine-grain nuclear emulsion, washing, and peptization of the precipitate, and also
Ito study the feasibility of producing after peptization a system which is colloidally
,stable for all values of pH. These tests consisted of determining the influence of
gelatin and KN03 on the peptization of the coagulant, aging testae and teats on the
!effects of reducing the gelatin content. The results show that polyvinyl acetal can
be used as a substitute fbr a traction or the gelatin, but a gelatin/polymer ratio of
about 22.5 is still required to prepare a workablA awdsLon. Orig. art. has: 9 fig-
ures and 5 tables.
Card 2/2
ITOMICOVA. I.I. R., PmrijLov, 11. A. Una P'R0',,,'0F',LI;VAJ E# 1.
11very fine grail, cmulaions for nuclear re5eerch," a pap--r submitted
ath tho International Coriferenre on in :3cientific RIescurch,
Pair* 9-20 SCP 57.
and DEUISEW, G. F. (Institut du Radium, Leningrad, USSR)
"Sur Les Principes de Preparation dlemulsiosn a Grains Tres Fins Pur Les
Recherches Nucleaires et Leurs Proprietes."
paper presented at Program of the Secona International Colloquium on Corpuscular
Photography. Montreal, 21 Aug - 7 SeP 1958.
Encl: B-3,il4,647.
---2- (0) CHIMI/28-3-5-4/20
AUMOR: N, A, Perfilov., H. P. Novikova.. E. I. Prokofeva
TITLE: Extremely Fine-Grained Nuclear Emulsion
mourAL: Yu"an Tzil Neng, 1958, Vol 3, Ur 5. pp 438-443
ABSMCT: The authors discovered a method for manufacturing extremely
fine-grained nuclear emulsion. A method of potential control
reportedly can provide good reproduciLaUty , The most probable
size of the graihs viere 0.04-0.08 u. The principle and process
are described. Three different types of emulsion are presented
and illustrated by microphotographs and figures. The first type
is a low-sensitivity "iT-9 fragment" emulrian, that can be used
to detect particles with specific ionization losses, such as
highly charged fragments, A -particles Ath energies from 20-3CMev.
and 5-7Hev. protons. The second type is 07T-9 sensitive" emul-
sion which can be used to detect protons with energies of approxi-
mately 50 klev. The third type is the " ITP relativistic" emulsion,
that can detect minimwn ionization charged particles. The authors
'also reported that the first type entulsion film will not change
Card .1/2 in characteristics after a year storage period. The second type
Extremely Fine-Grained Nuclear Emulsion (Cont.) C111COM/W-3-5-4/20
does not change in a period of 6-8 months. The storage pro-
perties of the third type has not been investigated in detail.
There are 10 figures, l.table and 6 non-Chicam references.
111-6 V / /"--, 0 V"9 11~ A 1P
AUTHORSO Ferfilov, N, Ad, Novikova, N. Rd, Prokoftyeval Ye. 1. 89-1-5129
TITLE: A Particular Fine Emulsion for kluclear Investigations (Csobo melkow
zernistyye. emullsii dlya yadernykh issledovaniy).
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya Energiya, 1958, Vol. 4, fir 1, pp. 45 - 51 (USSR).
ABSTRACT*' A production method for nuclear photoemulsions is described, in which
the measurements of the microcrystals are 0.04 - 0,08,LA, and which are
very-uniformly distributed in the entire layer. In order to warrant
reproducibility in productionp a method of "potentiometer control"
is given. Bit this method it is possible with great accuracy to attain
the aim thatp in the mixing of the components of the photoemulsion,
the ratio between bromine- and silver ions always remains constant.
The time of emulsion fixation is determined by the quantity to be
produced, For loo m-1 liquid emulsion it is e%- 1B mo
According to the registration sensitivity with respect to charged
particles the photoemulsions produced can be divided into 3 groups
which differ only as to small additions and the manner of sensibilim,
Type I, Emulsion 11P - 9 for Fission Products'19 with this emulsion
highly ionized ions of fission fragments, 2o - 3o HeVa-parn
Card 11Z ticles, and 5 - 7 MeV protons can be recorded.
AUTOR: Novikova, N.R., SOV/77-4-1-7/22
TITLE: The Effect of Iodide on the Properties of an Es-
pecially Fine-Grained Nuclear Emulsion (Vliyaniye
yodida na svoystva osobomelkozernistoy yadernoy
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kine-
matografii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 49-55 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The basic results of this work were obtained in
Dee 1955. The author has studied foreign and
domestic literature carefully, but found that the
effect of iodide on the properties of emulsions
that are sensitive to ionizing radiation has not
been studied in detail before. So this investiga-
tion was concerned with the effect of iodide on
the scattering, light sensitivity and sensitivity
towards electrons and ck_ particles of a fine-
grained nuclear emulsion. This emulsion was manu-
factured in accordance with type P-9 emulsion and
Card 1/3 contained different amounts of potassium iodide.
The Effect of Iodide on the Properties of an Especially Pine-
Grained Nuclear Emulsion
The ratios of silver iodide to silver halide ex-
pressed by molecularl~ercentage was 0; 2.5; 5;
7.5; 15; 20 (Photo 0 Light sensitivity was
expressed by GOST units, sensitivity to 0~_
particles and electrons by the units established
by A.L. Kartuzhanskiy. The author found that the
effect of iodide on the light sensitivity and the
sensitivity to CA, particles of a non-sensitized
nuclear emulsion is analogous to its effect on the
light sensitivity of photographic emulsions. The
effect of iodide on sensitivity to electrons is
negative. Increased concentration of silver iodi-
de in the emulsion decreases its ability of being
sensitized by gold the same degree, Increased
concentration of surplus Ag ions makes the degree
of scattering grow to a determined maximum and
decrease after this maximum has been reached, de-
Card 2/3 spite a further increase of the concentration.
The Effect of Iodide on the Properties of an Especially Fine-
Grained Nuclear Emulsion
The author was assisted by laboratory head
Professor N.A. Perfilov, Professor K.S. Lyalikov,
I.R. Protas, and Ye.I. Prokoflyeva who helped in
the emulsion synthesis. There are 5 tables, 6
graphs, 1 photo and 12 references, 9 of which are
Soviet, 1 Canadian, 1 English and 1 German.
ASSOCIATION: Radiyevyy institut imeni V.G. Kh1opina AN SSSR
(The Radium Institute imeni V.G. Kh1opin of
the AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: May 7, 1957
Card 3/3
1wressing the senaillvity of an extret-fine-grained emll i(M by tlas
use of the double sensitization wthod, TTtdy Hadiev.,ingtOAX SSSR
9:269--270 159. (KM 14:6)
(Photograpbic emulsions)
Effect of iodide on the properties of an extra-fine-grained naciear
ion* Trudy RadlevoinstAN SSSR 9:271-279 159. (KM 14:6)
(Photographic owlsions)
Nuclear track Pvmll mions maA frcm lead and silver salts. Z-l-a=.
nauchA prik3..fot.i kin. 5 no.2:145-146 Mr-Ap 160. (MM 24:5)
1. Hadiyevyy ~nstitut im KbA ina AN SSSR.
(Photographic e"M07 "(Photography, Particle track)
&-=' I
Manufacturing principle and properties of extra-fine grain
emulsions for nuclear investigations. Zhar.nauch.t prikl.fot.
i kin. 5 no.4:262-273 Jl-Ag 160. (MI" 13-8)
1. 4%dtyevyy Lastitut In. T.G.Khlopina AN SSSR.
(Photographic swalsions)
(Photograpb,y. Particle track)
NOVIKOVA' N. Oand Tech Sol -v noreasself the sensitivity
4 4, IW- 94#,J,
and dlspersi4_"'~"-&_"_I*jr of ea&a fine-grained emulsion for
nuclear stud Len, 1961, (Min of Culture RSFSR. Lenlntk~
Inst of ii!i Engineers) (KL, 6-61o 246)
- 277 -
Eloctron-J=cr..-opic stvt~iy of the amil Ification prccess ard a:
the. ArAmin& of superi'ir-e-grained =u1sionse 71wanauch.l.
Priklef0ts i Idn, 6 no.4:247-il.50 n-Ag 161. Olm 24:n)
1. Radiyav,-7 int;titut Ineni V.G. Ehlopim AN SSSR,
(-~'hotographic amlsions)
- .9
Investigating the anomalous recrystallization of extrafim grain
nuclear emulsions during the zecord ripening. Zhur.nauch.i prikl.
fot. i kin. 6 no.5038-344 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Radiyevyy institut AN SSSR.
(Photography, Particle track)
(Photographic emulsions)
;;f I ~~-
Photographic emulsion PR-2 for nuclear research. Aton. energ. 11
no.6-.543-544 D 161. (KERA 14:11)
(Photographic emulsions) (Nuclear research)
VACmitude and structure of the developed grains In ectra
fine-grained nuclear smilsions-.6 Zhur.nauch.l prIk1.fot.L
kin. 8 no,61:6243 Ja~F 163. (KMk l6t2)
1. RadlysM Institut AN SSSR Iment. V.G.Miloplm.
(Photograpby,, Particle track) (Photographic e0*10US)
Properties of fine-frain nuclear emulsions dependent on the pAg
and the temperature of emulsification and first ripening.
Zhur. nauch. i p4kl. fot. i kin. 9 no.1:21-Z7 Ja-F'64.
(MIRA 17:2)
L o7164-'67 - D'IT 1) IJP W .
ACC NRs A-16029517 SOURCE CODES UR/3180/66/011/000/6'135/0160
AUTHOR: Advikoval N. R.
ORG I none
TITLES Synthesis of photographic emulsionr, for nuclear studies
SOURCE: AN SSSR. 11" ssiya po khirdijotografighoskikh protsessov. Uspakhi nauchnoy
fotografii~$' _V. QML_
it 1966.- KhYmiyatoto'g-raficheskikh enul'sly. Stiaiurrqye svoystva
fotografichaski1ch sloyev (Chemistry of photographic emulsions. Structural properties
of photographic films)v 135-160
TOPIC TAGS1 photographic emulsion, nuclear emulsion
ABSTRACTS After -a-iiewing the history of the use of photographic emulsions in the
Soviet Union and other countriesp the author describas in detall the methods of Syn-
thesis of such emulsions. These includo (1) synthesis in excess bromide ions (a=oniw
method, ammonia-free double solvent method and wamonia-frea three-solvent methad), (2)
synthesis in wccess silver ions and (3) the diffusion method. A comprehensive list of
the emulsions (and their applications) manufactured by various firms is given. A
table indicating the characteristics of relativistic nuclear emulsions obtained by dJf-
ferent researchers at different times is also presented. Of the large eiw*.er of nu-
clear emulsions synthesized at various institutes, those moat commonly used in the
Soviet Union have been developad at NIKFI by K. S. BDgomolov and co-workers.and 14. A.
L 07~~ ~6
ACC NRs AT60295J 7
Perfilov and co-workers at the Radium Institute (HadVavyy institut). lzpraveaents in
the properties of nuclear emulsions should be concerned with decreasing the size of
their single crystals and increasing the density of the grains in the tracks of re]A-
tivistic particles. Orig. art. has: 14 figures and I table.
P*ragallolamidol developer for nuclear 9=lsions. Zhur.nauch.
i prikl,fot, L kino 9 no,6t422-423 K-D 064. - (MIRA 18t1)
Novikova, I.A. (Biology) Determination of the daily roach ration of the North Caspian
Sea directly In the sea. P. 107
Chair of rchthyology
July 24. 195o
SO: HerIld of the Moscow University. Series on Pkyalca-Mathematies and Hatural
Science4. No. 1, go. 5. 1951
Behavior of the Northern C"Pian roach on their feedi growds.
Topoikhteno*7:36-51 156. at, an ]LO: 3 )
le Kafedra, lkhtiologil Moskovskogo gosudarstwennog univeratteta
In* N.V. Lomononova.
(Caspian Sea--Roach (]Pish))
!LO!M~11VA ~ N.S.
Some data an feed. rationa of codfish and haddock of the
-Barents Seae Daklo AN SSSR 146 no,4:960-962 0 162o'
(MIU 15:11)
1, Pblylarnyy nauchna-imeledovatellskiy i proyektnyy
inatitut morskage ry1maga-khospystva, i okeauopafii im.
N.M. Uipovichm, Predstavleno, akademikom U.N. Favlovskim.
Narents Sea,-Fishes-Food)
(Barents Se"odfish)
Som-1 problemg of feeding hab-Ita and food behavior of cod
and haddock in the Barents Sea. Trudy Y24Bl no.7:3-47 165.
, 11
P,)J.L, of -.0nophores as food for Barents Sea cod and haddock.
ibid.*61-67 (MIRA 18:8)
.L. Polyarnyy nauchnc--islpdovate---'sk-'y i proyakt-nyy institut
morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii imeni N.M. Knipovicha
i Marmansk:ty mrskoy Eologlcheskly institut AN SSSR.
Quantitative equivalents for field analysis olf the feeding
habits of cod. Trudy W4BI no.7:68-78 165.
(MIRA 18:8)
1. Polyarnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut
morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii imeni N.M. Knipovicha
i Murmanskiy morskoy biologicheskiy institut AN SSSR.
"0 MOTA N.S.
Bacterial (itseases of kok-eaglWz* Report mo.l. Klkroblol,zhur, 9
n.*948-32 148o (KWA 9: 12)
1. Is Wale baktariozey rastenly (sav. otdolem - K.I.Bolltyukeva)
Institute a1kroblelogil lueni skadomika D.K.Uboletnego Akademil
nauk US%
110111KOVA N. 3.
1~1 - ~--' V I ~--
"Are Kok-Saghyz 3--eds the Source of InfeCtion in Bacteerial Uithering of the
Kok-Sa(l,hyz Feducle?" Mrobiol Zhur, Kiev, Vol. 12, N - 4, T-P 9%-104, 1950.
.1 to
Sources and ways of spreading infection In bacterial wilt of
receptacles of kok-sagbyx. Rkrobloleshur. 13 no.2:48-61 851.
(an 9 . 9)
I* Is otdola babfteriosov rastenty (savo otdolem - K.I.Belityukova)
Institute m1krobiologit ineni skadentim D.K.Tabolotnogo Akademil
nauk USSR.
RaoterlophMe phenousna In bacterial epiphytic affections of certain Wi-
cultural plants. KWobiol.shur. 14 no-3:46-57 '52. MaA 6:12)
1. Z Institutu mWobtologil Akademll, nauk URSR.
(Botamy--Pathology) (Bacteriophea)
NOVDWA, No So -- "Increa3ing the Productivity of the Wheat Spike on the
Basis of Stage Analysis of the Conditions of Occurrence of the Third and
Fourth Stages of Organogenesis." Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor
Red Banner State U Iment M. V. Lomanosov. Moscow, 1956* (Dissertation
for the Degree of Candidate of Biological ~cld.qcef.)
.90: KdghaM let2gLs'. No. 4. Hoscow. 1956
PUCHK07A,, L.I.; FrInimali uchastlyAs OSIFGV&v T.T.; 1107IKOVA 14 S.,
Studjr-And- evaluation of the spinning Characteristics of the
new synthetic fibers. Nauch.-issl.trudy TSMIKHBI za 1958 ga
3-20. (KMA 1611)
IZRAILISKIT, T.P.. prof.i doktor biolognauk; MSTOTA, L.M.,
nauk; GOILMO, N.Y., dolctor biolog.nauk; KURATIUT, V.P.;
MMZOTA. YO.F., daktor biolog.nauk: SUDAKOVA, L.T., mikrobialog;
GRUSUVOY, S.Ye.. doktor sallskokhoz.-m ; MINUMMO, F.Te.,
doktor biolog.nauk; BELITYUKOVA. K.L. doktor biolog.nou ; SMYGIRA.
L,F*q kand,biolog,nauk; PJMMIFA, Z.G., kand.biolog,nauk; ARMIKIMA.
Z.S.. mikrobiolog-, 10TIKQTAX.S.., kand.biolog.nauk; OSMITSKAYA. Te.A..
fltopatologt YAMWT-A, H.T., fitapatolog-m1kroblolog; NIKZAMIYAN.
R.O.. imnd.biolog.nauk; TRYURSTA. 1.T.. red.; MZWM, V.I.,
(Bacterial diseases of plants] Bakteriallnys bolezni rastenii. Izd.2.,
parer, I dop. Mookwa, Gos.izd-vo salkhoz.lit-ry. 1960. 467
(KIRA 13:750
1. Chlon-korrespondent Ukrainskoy AN (for Kuravlyov).
(Bacteria. Phytopathogenic) (Plant diseases)
NOVILOVA.,X,im %mylamna; SOLOVIYEVA, A.I., red.izd-veL; DAKHNO,
Yu.B., tekhn. red.
[Bacterial flora of the aerial organs of plants] Bakteriall-
naia flora nadzemnykh organov rastenii. Kiev Izd-vo AN
USSR, 1963. 87 p. WRA 17:2)
".. k~%
Effect of warming up of leaves on the photosynthesis and activity
of isolated chloroplasts. Vest.-LGLI 19 no.15:105-110 164.
(MIRA 17:11)
,- e
frW -
Distribution of the influenza virus in various organs in experim,=4,al
infection. Vrach delo no.6tlO5-108 Je 161. (MTfA 15:1)
1. Institut, infektsionnykh bolexney AHN SSSR.
USSR/HIU-n:- Uucd- Blot.~d Gho:dstny. T
;.bs Jour: Ref Zliur-Biol., 'jo 20, 1953, 93063.
,'.Uthor rovilcovo., ii.v., i.i.
Titl,; Study of tl-.~; Effect of Blc)~.,,d Pn,,tuins
ii" lion-'al alid "als .
Ori:, Pub: Probl- cndol-r*-,,,):L. ~cria-interapii 10,5,,, 2, 2,
-bstract: iinlarcL.-I-raphic study of tlic bli.~Gd protu.ns cf 300 nor-
n~~d c,%str--tcd ::,-bbits c.:-.d dolls was iLAL~~ta:.~~n usilll~;
"ic r.:u-Md of E. M.. Mc...ctyul: (t-hoscs of vclDor-s to sci-
untific scssio:i dcd`cJU-L:cl to 30t'-. of ti-e
llly~~ic-iic Listitutc :~f Inbor mad Discisus,
Moscow, 1953, 24 - 3S), ~n dctcrTii:,Q of equi-
and Aniral Physiol,!-~~-. Blrcd. Bl,)cd Ch-:~:.dstry.
--c Jour: Rcf 22iur-Biol ., !~'o '20, 1958, 93063.
libriun of t'ic wnvus (PNI) - L,, cnstrated df:,C,'z, tlwr-_~
was no c~iani~;c in CI, the tfAal protucin in t:~.a sc!xui-:,
but the peal: of thu -L- ,laaro:~rapliic wavus mid PI.7,.,l iii Vic
3crw-, rf nonzl dc,-s was lawur thali t'-Lat r~f cnstrotcd
cIL)L,I-r; w_'icru Vi,.~ first- s'iifto wcrc; notcd c-n thQ 19th
dc.y of caaLrat.11,v.. the 3()V-l (La~ tht"O'_. il'.dicco
clucm=Ld, CUld a IULUCLI.: ~-_' hi-'i U. 1~ is and
Ll C,
",---v-' L-1 rcbbits t".(- a:.ioul.t
of iDlas~ ~~.d L~A,21
10 d,--ys cnju'rati.L;_-,, w.,.,.s thi3
lc..VL:l fcr I-g -a Z.A. rutur_,Qd tc
3rd --oll-cli - T:,.- I, c ilulicus (11T) of blocd Pro-
U~in wcrc: :1,st :::'t~:_'L:Cbly
Sp~~!cics diff,~i,cncus i. tud Pj_ tho
protc-in ~_.f t'-,u bl.,~ -_~d _'..-d t'-.L; dur-S ~:,.,J rabbitc
Bl,~cd. ?.'.,,c:d C'
:,bs Ji-ur: I'lef "'Lur-Bl'o-I., 20, 1""56, 93c,63.
PI in nonzl riid cas!.rr~tud. anL-.alo apjjan.:.--'G)-y dlff,.:rorl
castraticr cf 'Ghc
L,raphic activQ -3'- a: cl -S-S Cr:Dups in tliL~ structure of
the prctc4-;-. i-iclccul,s. -- ~'..D. Poi ~1,
CO rd 3/3
IOTIKOVA. N.Ve (Zhartkov)
111"VIEF; hie off set of blood Droteins of normal and castrated
animals during the action of pervitin and sodium svVtal
[with summary In lhgllshj. Froble- endok. I goruo* 4 no.4:896-92
JI-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:10)
le Zz otdals, fistologit (sax. dots. B.A. Vartapotov) M=ainskogo
instituta eks erimentalinoy ondakrinologii (dir. kandmed.nauk
S.To Haksimov-3.
(BWW PROTEINS, eff, of drugs on
nethamphetamine & amobarbital In castrated animals
(AJUHWMnW. related cpda,
methamphetamineq eff. on blood proteins In castrated
animals (Hun))
on blood proteins in castrated animals (ams))
on amobarbital & methaMhetamine action on blood
proteins in animals (Rlun))
NOWIM-VA. 9.V.; IWZIMFKO, 1.1. (rharlkov)
Affect of sodium bromide. nothyltestasterons, and a nothyltestasteronAM-
sodium bromide combination on oaram proteins in castrated animals [with
suausx7 In Inglish]. Probl.endok. i goru. 5 no,1:51,54 Ja-F 159,
(KIRA 12:3)
1. Is fisiologichaskogo otdala (sav. - dots. B.A. Vartspetov) Ukraln-
skogo Instituta skepartmentallnoy andakrinolog1l (dlrs - kand4 sods
nauk SA- Makelmov).
off. of sodium bromide & nothyltestosterone alone.,&'
In combination on blood proteins (Rua))
(BROKIDW, effects,
sodium bromide, on b1cod proteins In castrated aninals,
alone & with nothyltestostarone (Rua))
(TESTOSTMONS, rel. apda.
nothyltestooterons. off. on blood proteins in castrated
animals. alone & with sodium bromide (Rus))
(BWOD PROMMS. off. of drugs on.
vieWltestosterone & sodium bromide, alone & in
coubln~tion, in castrated animals (Ras))
Effect of ganglionic blocking agents (beenzohez,~nium and pyrilere)
on the blood serum proteins and arterial pressure in animals
with postcastration hypertension. Probl. endokr. gormonoter. 9
no-4215-22 Jl-Ag'63 (MIRA 17:1)
1. Iz fiziologicheskogo otdela (zav. - prof. B.A. Vartapetov)
Ukrainskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii (dir.- nauk S.V. Maksimov),,
v a a it 1 4 m, it I, wisill 9. aU A&M Winst 32V k A b,
g LI
TV A-; 9 TA 4 g**4tttI-I 4-0 f*~*dtltt ~"tf
goe . wool
Jdalr" M
904 (U 8 &a)
;4 u L V
UK to un T --
- .
---04t 1%IW
go's A.A. Faftw=
fee goo
.660-6406 O"Nummw tam
tam 04;4-194-
t vim ~ww
14"40 'I a"
- Ills
Mr to AS
a a "1 4[ r 0 ~Q V 6
mei,- L
g,-0 0
AUTRORS: NesmeYanovq A. N., Member, Academy of 20-119~3-29/65
Sciences, USSR, Borisov, A. Te., Hovikova,
N. V.
TITLE: Conservation of Propenyl Radical Configuration in Metal
to Metal Transition Reactions (Sokhraneniyo konfigurataii
propenilinogo radikala v reaktsiyakh perekhoda at metalla
k metallu)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk S99R, 1958v Vol- 119, Nr 3,
PP- 504-505 (USSR)
ABSTRACT, The authors continue their papers an the stereochemistry
of the atom exchange reactions (ref 1). The atoms are
connected with the olefine-hydrocarbon. The authors realized
several transitions of the cis- and correspondingly of the
trans-propenyl-radical in starting from the stereo-isomeric-
1-bromo-1-propenes (table 1). These bromides were transformed
by action of lithium in ether at +5 to -70C into corresponding
stereoisomeric lithium-propenyl compounds and further into
several propenyl-organometallie compounds of Rg, Sn and Tl
by subsequent exchange reactions at reduced temperatures.
Card 1/3 Corresponding stereoisomers of crotonic acid were formed
Conservation of Propenyl Radical Configuration in Metal to 20-119-3-29/65
Metal Transition Reactions
by C02 action. The configuration of the initial bromo-
propene is known as well as rhe configuration of the
crotonic- and isocrotonic acid. The configuration of the
two compounds of lithium-propenyl which were form6d by
lithium action on an ether solution of a corresponding
bromo-propene at 5 to -70C was proved by the pr6sence of
frequencies 700 and 1623 cm-1 in the infrared spectrum
which belong to the substances formed by cis-bromo-
propene, whereas in the same spectrum of its stereoisomer
frequencies 975 and 1645 cm-1 occur. This characterizes the
first organolithium. substance as cis-, the latter as a
trans-isomer. The exchange reactions of these isomers of
lithium-propenyl with HgBr2 and TIBr 3 passed under
conservation of their configurations, exactly like all
other exchange reactions of the metals investigated by the
author. This is proved by the delimitation of the trans-
formation region of the cis-lithium-propenyl from the
domain of the trans-lithium compound and by the method of
even and uneven cycles (ref 1). The transitions 6,7; 7,8;
Card 2/3 5; L 8, 12t 11. 5; 7, 8, 12, 11, 9, 6 and 11, 9, 10
Conservation of Propenyl Rad-Ica! Configuration in Metal 20-119-3-29/65
to Metal-Traasition. Reactions
actually contain in the transformation series of tran
Lithium-propenyl. and t-he corresponding transformations 18J.
19; 19, 20, 17; 19, 20, 24, 17; 23, 24; P-3, 21# 22 - 2P 3,
-5, 6 terms; they are cyclic, i.e. they return each time to
the initial stereoisomerl independently of the number of
terms. Therefore each probability of reactions with
inversions of configuration is excluded. Thus the above
material once more confirms the rule concerning the
conservation of config7uration in electrophil or homolytical
substitutions of an olef-ine-hydrocafbon (ref 3) Put UP by
the authors. The trawaformations 1, 13, 8, 20', 11 and 23
are here ap L -
Wently hcmokytI-al, vhereas the others are
electrolkAl. Tl-.ert-- are 1 ttOle), and 8 rePerences,
5 Of are Soviet.
ASSOCLUrION- Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk
SSSR (Institute of El,~mental- organic Compounds AS USSR)
SUBMUTTED - November 7-10, 1~)57
MASOMIM, A.,Ir,, Wadow1k; DMISOV, Aels.; KOVIXOTAv ITwT-,
Ristoublon of the prqwwl confIgO91Quin tits zonations of cu-
'&4 trans-propevyllIthlum wIth m-compowidne' Pokl, AN. 380 U9
no,"49722-n5 Ap 158. (KMit 11W
Mthluu) (Aldehydes) (Ketones)
AUTHORSs- Nesmeyanov, A. H., Borisov, A. Ye., SOV/62-59-2-11/40
Hovikova, N. V.
TITLE: Exchange Reactions of the Isopropenyl Compounds of Mercury,
Thallium-and Tin (Reaktsii obmena izopropenillrWkh
ao,yedineniy rtutip talliya i olova)
PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk,
1959, Nr 2, pp 259-262 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present paper th e reactions of the double exchange of
isopropenyl compounds of mercury and thallium as previou-sly
described (Ref 1) with salts of heavy metals were investigated.
On fusion of diisopropenyl thallium bromide with tin bromide
at 200-2200 the diisopropenyl tin dibromida with a melting
point of 100-1010 was obtained. This readily reacts with
mercury bromide and forms isopropenyl mercury bromide. This
yields in alkali diisopropenyl mercury. In acetone this
reaction proceeds in a more complex manner. It essentially
resembles one of the variations of the interaction of sym-
metric organic mercury compounds with stannous salts. From
the reaction products of diisopropenyl mercury with thallium
Card 1/2 tribromide at room temiDerature in ether the diisopropenyl
Exchange Reactions of the Isopropenyl Compounds SOV/62-59-2-11/40
of Mercury, Thallium and Tin .
thallium bromide was obtained. This is decomposed at 190-1940.
The interaction of diisopropenyl mercury with tin dibromide
yields in various solvents isopropenyl mercury bromide,
diisopropenyl tin dibromide, tetraisopropenyl tin and metallic
mercury. There are 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut elenotoorganicheakikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Elemental-Organic Compounds of the Lcademy of
Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTEDs Hey 24, 1957
Card 2/2
p ov I KO VIA r4V
AUTHORSt Mesmeyanov."~Ns. Borisov, A. To., SOV/62-59-2-12/40
11 V., Osipova, U. A.
TITLEz Synthesis of Organo-Tin Compounds From Organomercurials and
Stannous Salts in Inert Solvents (Sintez olovoorganicheakikh
soyedineniy iz rtutnoorganiohookikh soyedineniy i soley
dvuvalentnogo olova v inertnykh rastvoritelyakh)
PERIODICALz Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk,
1959, Ur 2, pp.263-266 (ussa)
ABSTRACTs In the present paper the interaction of organomercurials
with stannous-salts in an inert solvent not containing any
mobile hydrogen atom-was investigated. It was proved that
in this.-connection no side reaction takes place in which
(ROILSnX is formed such as with the application of alcohol
12 2
and acetone as solvent. From the reaction of dipropenyl
mercury with stannous bromide dipropenyl tin was obtain.
In the case of diisopropenyl mercury, diisopropenyl tin
dibromide, tatraisopropenyl tin and isopropenyl mercury brom-
' itated. The reaction of diphenyl mercury,
ide were precipi
Card 1/2 di-p- and di-o-toluene*mercury, di-al-naphthyl mercury and
Sinthesis of Organo-Tin Compounds From Organo- SOT/62-59-2-12/4,0
mercurials and Stannous Salts in Inert Solvents
diethyl mercury with stannous chloride as well as diphenyl
meroury with stannous bromide yielded normal reaction products.
There are 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut elementoorganichookikh soyedineniy kkaiemii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Elemental-Organic Compounds of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: May 24, 1957
Card 2/2
5M sov/62-59-4-11/42
AUTHORS: Ifeemeyanov, A. N. Borisovs As re. j Movikova, ft. T.
TITLE: On the Possibility of a Synthesis of Organic Tin Compounds by
the Reduction of Organic Thallium Compounds With Salts of Di-
valent Tin (0 vozmozhnosti sinteza olovoorganicheskikh
soyedineniy vosstaaovleniyem talliyorganicheakikh soyedineniy
solyami dvuvaleatnogo olova)
PERIODICAL: livestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk,
1959o Nr 49 pp 644-646 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present work the interaction of cis- and trans-di-
propenylthallium bromide, diisopropenylthallium bromide, di-a-
naphthylthallium. bromide with tin bromide and the interaction
of diphenylthallium chloride and di-p-tolylthallium chloride
with iin chloride upon heating of the reaction products ground
to a powder$ without solvents, was investigated. The yield of
reaction products was between 50% and 85,,4. A stereo isomer ,ix-
ture of dipropenyl tin bromide, diisopropenyl tin dibromide,
diphenyl tin dichloride, di-p-tolyl tin dichloride and di-a-
naphthyl tin dibromide appears to have thus been obtained.
Card 1/2 This reaction was also investigated in various solvents. A re-
On the Possibility of a Synthesis of Organic Tin Compounds bj the Re=ctian Of
Organtro Thallium Compounds. With Salto of. Divalant Tin
action of diisopropenyl thallium bromide with tin bromide in
acetone can be effected only with difficulty. It does not react
in benzene and ligroin solutions even when heated. On the other
hand, cis-cis-dipropenyl 0thallium bromide reacts with tin
bromide in benzene at 50 to form dipropenyl tin dibromide and
thallium dibromide. This reaction ia similar to the reaction in-
vestigated (Ref 3) between orgeno-mercury compounds and divalent
tin salts and is effected with relative ease. This reaction can
be used as a method of synthesizing organic tin compounds of
the type R2SnX 2' There are 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: July 12, 1957
Card 2/2 V
5 (3)
ADTHCK 3 S Neameyanoy, A,, 9.9 Borisov, A, To-.I soy/62-59-7-10/38
rovikeyat 1W. 7. 4__~~_
TITLEv Preservation of the Configuration of the Radical in the Metal
ftchanging Reactions of Propenyl Metal Organic Compounds
00khranen -iye konfigurataii radikala v reaktsiyakh obmerka
metalls, propenillnykh metalloorganigheakikh poyadineniy)
PERIODICAL: :Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk,
1959t Nr 7. pp 1216-1224 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This paper belongs to a series of investigations on the stereo-
chemical exchange of atoms bound to olefin carbon. The relative
scheme shows that the cis- or trPnigconfiguration of the olefin
radicalremains preserved in an electrophilic or homolytic
iubstitution.4a initial materials for the investigations cis-
and.trana-l-bromoprope,ne ware used. The lithium salts of these
compounds were oubjected to a metal exchange. Lithium was
replaced by Tercury, thallium or tin. The configuration of the
stereoisomeric lithium propenyl was determined by means of the
infrared absorption spectrum and the configuration of the Mg-,
Tl- and Sn-compounds was determined by means of the infrared
Card 1/2 spectrum and according to the method of even and uneven numbers
Preservation of the Configuration of the Radical in the SOV'/62-59-T-10/38
Netal Exchanging Reactions of Propenyl Metal Organic Compounds
of-links In the cycles. The investigation of the metal exchange
was carried out at room temperature. The metals were exchaMed
in an electrophilic reaction. A reaction hitherto unknown was
noticed:,R 2SnCl2 + TlCl2 --P R2TlCl2 + Sucl 4* In the experimental
part the various exchange reactions are described. There are
T referencesl 2 of which are So7iet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: govember 12, 1957
Card 2/2
AUMORS.- Borisov, A. Te. ffovikova~ ff. 7--
54YI62-50 9-27140.
ange Readtion*s -of Organotin Compounds.With Thallium (III),
..:_Ch oride.
:-MIODICAM. Uveiitiya- Akaddaiii nauk SSSR~'Otdoleniy4-khimicheakikh naukt.
6 6
1. 70'1 72:JU R)
ABSTRACT.-. -'',In the litle~ reaction,,~the:, authors ~ievlously observed (Ref 1) a:t
th dforniati-onl:of-'iELrious:ol~g&n6 In
-::Bzoo trail A co-4 ounds to organo-,
llium -compounds.- ithe e Investigations are-poiLtinued in the
p4ar': tud;yl th
y a ng e.-reaction tetraethyl-9
'butyl.; phenyl-wj-
o-' And p-tolyl-.. 'anis 1 the stereoisomeric
.~,.propenyl_,, isopropezxyl-~-,: - and -vinyl compounds of tin with
ihium 113:)..dhiciride~., -The, i,nitia-1 substances were'obtained by
dreac oni a ereoisom4tic-tetrapiropenyl- and
-isotat:riLprbp-onyl~ti.n-16eing.-pre~ared for r
-the ft at times
-repres,entatio th ometric, 0'(
n -of: a ge )nf iguration L'
of these CoMpoundaL
ii, gjjdn jl,_: n6 e wi t1i. tfi a SL'of
ace rdaL 0 vi W, Lffesmeyanov and papers ~ by
I Co
-the auth r Al reacted smoothly with TlC1
+ to a:L of L
n. a her, or-chlo t6riii solution at,.~room,temperature. Dat
4 nitial,- sub stances and reaotio n o are given: in~ table 1.
produ t6