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HORSFAv S., Praha-Padoli, nabr* 9. Marxe 157; VEDRAv B.; KCV)TIIYO A; Diabetic glamrulanclerosis in pregnancy, Cook. gynske 30 no.9: 684-686 N 165. 10 ustay pro A o matku a dite v Praza (reditel doe. dr. J. . Iforsky, DrSe.r. 06.4tetcics and Gyuecozo(~Y CZ ECI-1,10SLOVAKIA UDC 618.1-089:616.153-963 NOTMLY_,_A,: DVORAK, V.; O.T'IILTP J.; Gynecological Clinic Medical Faculty of 11y:-iene, Charle3 University (Gynelcologielco-porodnicka ar Klinik.a Lek, sko eall-culty Hygienicke KU), Pra-uet Head (Prednosta) Prof Dr J. PADOVEC; Institute for Clinical Biochemistry (Ustav pro Klinickou Biochemii), Ell /Abbreviation not explained_7, Prague 10, Head (Prodnosta) Dr J. OPYLT. "Dyslipoproteinaeviia After Surgical Castration in Women." Prague, Casopis L(,-Icaru Ceskych, Vol 1-05, No 21, 27 May 66, pp C, 569 - 573 Abstract ~A_uthors' 1~nglish summary modifie(L7: Changes in tile el- ectrophoretic fraction3 of plasma lipoproteins were investigated in 50 patients aftcr 3 basic types of gynecological operations. In women from whom both ovari-~-i wore removed, after a short drop a rapid rise of 'uhe total lipoprotein blood level occurs; this is due main- ly to a rine in grossly di3persed lipoprotein fractions. This type of is important in the development of early postoperative complications, particularly tiiromboembolic ones,and for the development of atherosclerosis. Castration should be re- sorted, to, only wi-,re necessary and followed by hormonal substit- utioni. I FiFure. I Tiable, 12 'deatern, 9 Czech references. (1-13. 1/1 roe. Fob 66). 4t Iffect of Popolng pap"As and trypoln on blood group spealf laity of erythrocyte membrane, Acts, plWxlolo hum* Supple no,6:97-." 1954. 1. Institut far Smatologle, Budapest. (wSIIM, off . bl4oi group spoolf laity of erythrocyte membrane) (DIM GROM spealflotty of erythrocyte wombrane. off. of papala. pepsin & trypoin) (12YPSIIF. off. . an blood group specificity of erythrocyte wombrans) NRIMMOCTUS ~brans, blood group specificity. off. of papal.n. pepsin & trypoln) (PROTIASIS .popalK, off. on blood group specificity of erythrocyte smobrane) NOVOTIIY, A. The importance of prevention of metabolic., functional and morphological C11 effects of incorrect mxtrition. Cesk. gaztroent. vyz. 15 no.S: 565-571 D 162. 1. Ustav pro peci o matku a dite, Praha - Pcdoli, reditel doe. dr. M. Vojta, zaslouzily lekar 6SSR. (IMTRITION DISORDEERS prqv & control) VZHADIWVA, M.; HSJDA, S.; STELOVSKA, V.; INKQTU, A, _ On the significance of differential diets as a source of efficient nutrition. Cesk. gastroent. vyz. 16 no.3/4:266-272 Ap 62. 1. Ustav pro vyzkm vyzivy lidu v Frame, reditel doc. MUDr. J. Hasek, DrSc. (NUTRITION) L 36160-66 EWP(e) WH ACC N& AP66-18OT9 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0055/65/015/012/0933/09J6 AUTHOR: Daricek. T.; Hamal, K.; Lovotny' A.; Sochor. V. ORG: Faculty of Technical and Nuclear Physics, Czech Technical. University, Prague TITLE- The character of oscillation spikes during quasicontinuous operation of a aser SOURCE: Chekhoslovatskly fizicheskiy zburnal, V. 15, no. 12, 1965, 933-936 and insert pages 942a and 942b TOPIC TAGS: ruby laser, threshold energy, laser eaergy.,,.Jaser optics ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the quasi-continuous room-temperature operation of a ruby laser with a crystal a spherical cavity and a minimum threshold pumping energy of 48 J. The pulse of stimulated emission lasted 2700 usec. The character of the spikes vas observed and was found to be far from sinusoidal. The authors discuss the results of threshold-energy measurements for other pumping configurations and compare them with results obtained by other authors. The authors thank Professor B. Havelks, of Palacky University, Olomouc, r very valuable con- sultations in optics. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and I table. NO SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 31may651 ORIG M: 0021 OTH PJW: OOT/ SOV REF: 003 Card NOVOW, A. 8MVISS of receas grinding by broad disce or' a BUA 31 grinding machine. po 337. STROJIRWSKA VROBA. Prahaj, Czechoslovakia. Vdl* 71 no. 8. August 1959. Monthly List of test European Accessions (EFAI) LC# Vol. 8,, No, Us Nnvember 1959. Uncl. Oe AM) I % drulwi '31 MaLU! IX-i tj PVe Elie h)d-41;TI2t of ic ac"i '11" TO'n6i w-as cbarai:terizvrl us L~z Nsif.'Hisot, aud 12 dift the unmeted WAA 1 w4w to ad-40. rcAlu, ~,w fhe residut 2 4ns, -,Y!:!! Wo all. jx~T. Cthtr t~i fono~-,. thr OF i NOVOTNY, Alexandr,, inz. Replacement of steel castings by welded constructions, Tech praca 15 no. 6: 443-445 Je 163* 1. Statni vyzkumny ustav materialu a technologie- VST v PI-aba 0 NOVOTHY, A10;5 to W -amino acids and their lactams. I. Reaction of cyclic ketanC-s with hydr(D~Ila.-;Iine sulfat-_ in concentrated sulfuric acid.11 P-718 (Vol. 52, no. 4, Apr. 1958, Praha, Czechoslavakia) I Honthly Index of East Fz;roppean Acce3sion (XFAI) 'G, Vol. 7,, No. 6, Augu9t 1956 Ov -20"' New F11COM, for "Wasuling the fluidity. 1kircisliji. *U4 %tsoffite IrCIM-Its of filtefted anamcla, 919". and metak. A /p,il v I Iroom 't fit I P,n Vfevi Ahlfratf,, 44 1;.'f Al. ti-s!iIII I 1 11".11 1., ..1 ,,I .I lit I $..I I'm 04 t1ft- I.-II 1 1, V-1 . -, G"-.4 14.1 .4 " 1.3 m"I If., AfG ...... It 111,- .10 -.11 .". f. ..,i,4# . I I., I too.-M. 1. J 1.0 6.4 1 #- j,"I 'if Ito, 1'. 110 1,ff. of a now tcetlwd fw datmitining tu . U".mh-y 14 tbc thb rWhai a~IAS sbaedng of ~Vdl vW1.0d ii bb=U campk ot A atkAda2&&--d Am" an4 un mpd 'rhe MUM are =-quvA with ather k,.m =,;;~Iy ub. d,-,,0. .1 N.,,-,Ay (yr4py c8skmkv. Keram. spwa4vs., 24, !(19M)), whiLh y aft" -twLif up t'? 10 ve;$", a" y9hid, =tbw eztmded to l(p paisa. worlstf jf&CObsca_ 4E44 _W CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H and Their Application. Ceramics. Glass. Bind- ing Materials. Concrete. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 12, 1959, 43159. Author : Novotw-A, Inst -.-Wo-t given. Title Agglomerational Thermal Analysis as Means of Re- vealing Mutual Effects of Different Enamel Frits in the, So Called, Combined Enamels. Orig Pub: Sklar a kerarpik, 1958, 8, No 8, 234-237. Abstract: The new method for the analysis of enamels - ag- glomerational thermal analysis that consists in the measurement of volumetric changes occurring in the agglomeration of separate particles into a homogeneous mass, The method permits to determine the softening temperature and fluidity of enamels, Card 1/2 6"7- j~- N~v - .9 gfcxtl=~ Antortfa NOV OW#- IMUTTSM (Mau ). ~tfiermal ysb,~;: wh 1,-, d .-chan imensionq 91"'. _ - ' " , ._ -:81aterials, Ut Method, wis durmg-. e f : th ~$Aterlajr of Nt ,_ ' " 1 ` ' ' : i l t ~7: dji. p= substances the b chavior. wb . P devitIOXd* tain thoroughly known, thine s4botances were - 1~ ' IOU WK.- bBril-ViOt tj~n Thw" and dard ne thod - was- exte44ed to u own siamples.._, 0 9" 'of length of it sample-prepd. from the ~owd; rnawlal to be * - ; aa~ l d Thi l e l d d l : T. e sm $ as te w recor . s samp e . was, .pr ov t b Th Is ras e , by aid of epramv "_ la terint behavior which w i t~ bondins tnaterlal,. known TVFO Ioles '"Piliti.were' 1~~Inta thC7 .d,:Ahe: Samples ~Wem suspen&C front. q1tutz - U Vertical tube:fuma&- , The bo bW fibers In of Aength' tragio,,~the chan Uft fibee whl& z J. carried to IL rev as Diving mirror; the fight of whklt w f f each amp cat -device; OCOMpreSSL Ight la 4 MiStradon $14ch ~d i der of i h soften Otte Mau-, cl I it& Vol.- wheneft erth ngpoint ed -affect rLd 1 Y, congloot_:, b _bUgrindfrig. 9 rain. di3tributicia, 9tate of operties of the dink; belbre dinkcring'-adsorptloiL pr cfed miiierials; the milbtivity Q these materials d among an le - h of the, sample, the rate-Of bet .9, er,,t 'W-f bind,. temp. Increave,, an e. Y .,,'This.- th- mpto ed thodreanbe:USed to det. the Wkffij Conditions of en., ~ -the of v3zloits SuWancts meled mNti,; -clinker. f0rmllltin -m.p%."* Con-, I(# 'both-vitredu and cryst.: -softening poiatj,- . V s-, t6etion of mamels and. ceratnic materials in- general bnndin strength of the various binders. Cosity of glazes. empliiyed m sintered materials. -. Vol. changes of materials m.p.,.: occvrrence of reacti6asin the, 'before-feaching the , , SOUCI lu Wemer z/012/61%W/001/002/003 9112/E435 AUTHOR: Novotny, Anton3*n TITLE: Contributions to the Field of Sintering of Inorganic Compounds PERIODICAL: SilikAy, 1961, NO-1, PP-51-58 TEXT: This is a continuation of work on the application of thermal analysis: prevIous studies were published in the 1959 and 1960 issues of Silikaty. They were mainly concerned with sintering characteristics of silicate glasses. The present paper extends the scope to the study of typical crystalloids with ionic bonds. It was previously assumed that sintering curves for compounds of ionic bonds would show a steep rise only upon reaching the melting point but the author's work has demonstrated that, surprisingly, the opposite was true. Thus, the thermal sintering analysis of NaCl showed the following: a gradual and even expansion of the sample up to 7030C: above that temperature, a contraction is taking place up io 8030C. The rate of contraction is uniform up to 790aC (0.02% per minute) to show a rapid increase and reaching the maximilm (4% of the length of the original sample) at 8030C. The results are, however, not completely free of ambiguities. Card l/ 4 89153 Z/012/61/000/001/002/003 Contributions to the Field of ... E112/z435 It has not yet been fully established whether expansion was due to crystal deformation caused by increase of temperature or structure relaxation caused by the decomposition products of nitrocellulose, used as cementing material for the crystals (a similar expansion was noticed.for many vitreous materials where nitrocellulose was not used). Sintering characteristics, similar to that of NaCl, were displayed by KI: expansion was registered up to 550*C. The sample remained stationary up to 6080C and then showed slow contraction. The rate of contraction is very much slower than for NaCl. The rate of contraction increases slightly at 6600C to reach a not very clear-cut maximum at 679 OC . showing good agreement with literature data of the melting point of KI. Differences in contraction rates of the sintered samples of UaC1 and KI are in good agreement with their surface tensions near their melting points (N&C1 = 113.8 and KI = 75 dyn.cai-l). A study was also made of the sintering characteristics of lead halides. It is submitted that contraction is affected a great deal by the properties of additives and binding agents (clays etc). So great is the effect that sintering analyses may be used to assess the Card 2/4 89153 Z/012/61/000/ool/on/oo3 Contributions to the Field of E112/E435 binding power of clays. The contraction of PbC12 samples, cemented with nitrocellulose and different types of clay in varying concentrations were studied. On the addition of 15% Clay contractibility disappeared entirely. Significant results were obtained in comparing the contraction graphs of PbC12, PbBr2 and Pb12- The slopes of the curves were almost identical and similar to those of vitreous materials and some types of enamels, indicating a.considerable ease of sintering. Flow points, stablished by the sintering method,show considerable deviations N om melting points, determined by classical methods, particularly in the case of PbBr2- The graph for the latter showed a characteristic kink At about 310*C, not observed with the other lead halides. It in suggested that this may be due to the presence of a hitherto unkn n modification of PbBr2, Another compound which was investigated was vanadium pentoxide; it showed considerable contractibility and the flow point (56800 corresponded to melting point data in the literature. The method of sintering analysis was also used to study the course of reaction between two solid phases, 6-9- Si02 and Na2CO3- Results are presented graphically: from 20 to 1000C dehydration of soda ash. The curve Card 3/4 89153 Z/012/61/000/001/002/003 Contributions to the Field of E112/E435 shows a sharp bend at 3250C, indicating liberation of gaseous C02, Considerable expansion of sample due to pressure of gases. ConsiderableAncrease of rate of reaction between 6oo and 7000C, which corresponds to literature data, Reaction is concluded at 8000c,and sintering starts. A sharp bend upwards is visible at 860*C, indicating rapid contraction. The sintering method has, so far, been particularly useful for measuring viscosities of vitreous materials but results for crystalline materials are not yet completely conclusive and work is continuing. There are 8 figures, I table.and 6 non-Soviet references. SUBMITTZD: June 10, 1960 Card 4/4 NOIIOTNY,B. Assuring the even fulfillment of increased export tasks for 1957. p.85 (Kozarstvi, Vol. 7, no-4, Apr. 1957) Praha SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (UAL) LC, Vol. 6 no. 7, July 1957. Uncl. !10-voThy, B. Assuring an er3n fulfillment of increased export tasks for 1957. p. 97. (Sklar A Keramik. Vol. 7, no. 4. Apr. 1957p Praha.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no.' 7, July 1957, Uncl. NOVOTIFf 9 B. Assuring the fulfillment of increased export tasks for this year. p. 121. (Textil. Vol. 12, no. 4. Apr. 1957. Praha* Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. NOVOTNY., B. "Assuring deliveries for 195B." p. 161 (Sklar a Keramik,, Vol. B., No. 6. June 1958, Praha,, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7,, No. 9, September 1958, NOVOTNY, Bedrich Problems of manufacturing refrigerating units for refrigerator cars. Pram potravin 15 no.1:16-19 Ja'64. 1. Zavody Vitezneho unora, n.p., zavod Frigera, Kolin. Accmiou za: Apwi3896 Z10039/&/025/001/bOn/0017 AUTHOR: Jares. Vladimir (Enginoor);' 1LG'VjoqTA'9"9~._ TITLEs A lX-milliamter x-ray Imp intensifier. Problems of the Olectronia- optical system SOURCE: Slaboproudy obsors v9 25, no. 1. 1964o 11-17 TOPIC TAGS: x-ray. Image intensifier. eloottode system, photocathode ABSTMiCT: The determination of the electronic-optical properties of the -r& immersion lens* of't'he x y image intensifier depending on some changes in tWponetry of the electrode system is a complicated problem, the complete theoretical solution of which is stiU unknown. ' &perimental measurements complete oxperimental,madels:yield the necessary values but are time consuming.ard.expensivo. The authors present a theorstical,clectroWsystom i a spherical field. The principla of,the x-ray image Intensifier shown In Fig. I of End"sure 01 is described, and relations for magnification and plature plans distance are stated., An experimental assembly shown in Fig. 7 of Enclosure 02 was.,designed; its Input part (primary luminescent swoon arA Card movows R. Polarographic,datormizatles of codeine anddloafte In mixturese Cook. fun. .3 no*61.199-200 Jo 154. I., Ze 8~8~ ustava *rO kostralu ]LOCIV v pftse. . M. (COLISIUs datoriduation, *POI&rWephy) %f codelse & oftloorphins) Polaragraphic doterulzwttion of amonlum not4rlsulphato of the trtmtbrl -(3-dlmthYlph~n4) aster of awbude mid. Cook. farm. 3 no-9:302-303 Now 54. le U StatnIho ustavu pro kantrolu lealy v Prass (IMOSTIGNIM, doternination polarographic) (POLAROGRAPILY neastignine determ.) 7 "-z 34, moth"(1 XT-1,; devised for the esE~ma- t, all. neostigmine in - meNlical rrep4rati whern it ir, msurdly, premnt. in a conce"atiGn of 4);5 m per nil, It li buLd an the hydroly!~s of I 11tratiort of itle-rMthrig pUend. fnllcrw Warognil;hy of the ffiFm Ocrivatit," of rZte 64 6 0-8 ral or 10-1 Per CantL Suln. to d ass W a 60-af. -NaRm an a waLeir tin a Add TA of U01A 301UL (20 per cent.), wa tv the both -~OT :0 iLln.; then agafn~ eva Forate tq.- dr .1 of watIv .12 mr - Co" yne&i. ~ Add Oa5 tr HN Ol. (65 twr cent.)i wArin for 20 inin, AM A. id 16 nd of KOR soK (20 pet' ccnt) "'l1 Itl to 14-5 nd with watet. T he c3timtion is 6 rried out by, yolat og hyj, with it gah-anometer d,,,,.(,, th ccacii I 'tive 0 K L em. v- amp. solutinni (4 fliv-110knoft am Ink in an 1 t144trd ns dmeib~d ubuve, Loth vith FLnd without a knuwn amou-at of 1. R. GARDXFR I A", Own J ',4476 inobla dete=Inatlon 61 atropine In mixtureL B j4 to (State Inst. for Control of Drugs, Prague, CzL-c ins ovakia).. CesAosl. Form$" : W'~ 1955. , 4 (91., W.-Atropina (1) is extracted Z .0kaline solution with 4;blotoform, Nybich Is evapor- atod off, amd the I is nitrated witb HNO~ --112S0" mixture (>10. 1) on a water bath for 20 MUL The mixture is made alkaline and. afta removing en. by meam of ni trogen. farography of the w0 . is carried ouL The PcLir~ i3 compared vrith one prepared from a similarsarriple to which it known arnountof atropincis added. CalibmthuncurvWare given. The method is accurate and 3uitable for the determination of I in tba prese -nce of a large-, .-excessofmorphfimornicotinicacid. A. 0. JAXOsovic ;01 1 _/ t~ C Ir r A CZEC110SLOVAKIA/Medicinal Substances, Vitamins, Antibiotics. if. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1958, 65352 Author : Volke, J., 1(ovotny, B. Inst : - I----------- Title : Polargraphic Methods of Inspection of Medicinal Prepara- tions. OriG Pub : Ceskosl. farmac., 1956, 5, No 4, 231-238 Abstract : Review. Bibliography 103 titles- Card 1/1 '0 0 0:0_-1 6-0 0 0 0 o1 owo Go* of 0-000 0-00 oil, 0 of 'OF 0 -a 00 0 0 40 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 W I-. set f ff wisittal), K 41 4t IE A 4.q lat, qk ret owc god .. S" Dift 4de 00 ftl~l 1W m 1740 MCW qk#C. "M it cbwk ~MtiddW- = 6a whia dw =4 ig iis V coo aces see Coo* U.fA *,F 44 ;:,& ; 11 9 4 at 0 We 0 0, a : - 9 0 0 0 0 0 *9 o 92 06 atom AM at pwwd-"&Nlft. "Wron an IL MMML Z/017/60/o4g/oil/012/013 E073/9535 AUTHOR: Novot4, Bahuslay TITLE: Theory-ofLimiting Fuses PERrODICAL:Elektrotechnicko obzor, 1960,Vol-49,No.1l,pp.600-604 Y TEXT: The author deals with one of the difficult Froblems relating to the special fuses for protecting semiconductor rectifiers, namely, the thermal processes which occur in a short fusible conductor which bridges the gap between electrodes. The accurate mathematical solution obtained with slight simplifications of the formulation of the problem should provide an idea of the general behavlour of conductors in thin slots. Such a solution will assist in the correct design of limiting fuses. The general theory was evolved from the known phenomenon that from a certain critical length onwards the process of fusion hardly depends at all on the length. The time of snappins,.."/ as a result of fusion of a 0.25 mm copper wire as a function of length for a constant loading of 20 A (Fig.1) is practically independent of length for lengths in excess of 20 mm. This sharp rectangular characteristic is utilised in the theory Card 1/3 VoWO^49/011/012/013 E073/E535 Theory of Limiting Fuses evolved by the author. In the case of fusion of a very short fuse wire, it is not necessary to consider the heat losses from the surface, since the mass and the good heat conductivity of the electrodes prevents large rapid changes of the tempera- ture at the edges of the slot. Therefore, in his calculations the author assumed that the edges of the slot had a constant temperature of O*C. By means of a detailed mathematical analysis of the temperature over the length of the conductor Is as a function of time, the author derives an equation for calculating U 0, i.e. the minimum voltage that is capable of fusing the given material in the case of an ambient temperature of O*C. Due to the increase in the electric resistance with temperatitre, this voltage is higher at the actual fusion temperature, the 4welding voltage" by no more than 6.6 to 13.6%. Thus, in conductors with electron conductivity it Ls sufficient to increase the minimum fusion temperature by 6.6 to 13.6% to obtain fusion at any arbitrarily short time interval, which is twice as long as the time required to achieve snapping by fusion for an infinitely long conductor of Card 2/3 Z/017/60/049/011/012/013 9073/2535 Theory of Limiting Fuses the vame diameter. This accurate formulation of the problem is generally valid and can be used as a law of gaps enabling accurate and fast calculation not only of limiting fusom but also of welds and contacts, spot welding, seam and resistance welding etc. The work represents a contribution in the field of heat conductivity and electrical instruments, As regards designing limiting fuses, the derived relations form the basis of a theory which will assist in continuously improving their design. Acknowledgments are expressed to Professor Doctor Engineer Ladislav HaKek for suggesting the subject and for his assistance with the mathematical analysis. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: St'&tni vy'zkumn'y U'stav silnoproude' elektrotechniky (Electrical Engineering State Research Institute) SUBMITTED.- juiy 14, ig6o Card 3/3 NOVOTNY,, Bohuslavs, In%., dr., kandidat technickyah ved - The Ming of fuses. 91 tech obzor 51 no.7:362-363 JI '62. 1. Statni vyzkumny ustav oilnoproude alektrotachniky. NOVOTUr, Bobuslav, inz., dr.. kandidat technickych ved Possibillty of using protective fuses for machine protoction and the design problems. 91 tech obsor 52 no.l:"-45 Ja 163. T~ Babuslav inzo dr., GSc; PIWUS,, Jan, Inz. KOLKA, Ifiroslav,inz.;'N u. DOvOloPment of cmohoolovak contactors. ZLektroteabnlk 18 no-11011-315 -WO63. I. ZlektropristroJ Modrany a Statni vyzM=y ustav aiino- Proude elektratechnikys, Bachovice. S/262/62/001/001/009/010 1014/1252 AUTHOR: Novotn~, Btetislav TITLE: Fuel injection pump PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Silovyye Ustanlovki, no. 1, 1962, 78, abstract 42.1.417 (Czech. patent, class 46c', 105, no. 93153, February 15, 1960) TEXT: The patented pump of the diaphragm type, has a bushing with rubber lining vulcanized to its wall. The lining contains an axial push rod operated by a cam mechanism. The diaphragm is located betwen the bushing and the pump head. The pump head contains the inlet and outlet valves. By moving the push rod, elastic deformation is induced in the lining and diaphragm, actuating the pump. Reversal of the push rod is effected by means of a spring. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card 1/1 SUIRMU2, Given Names countm Czechoslovakia Academic Degreess DID, Town Physician 8 in Roznov pod Radhostem So=*, Prague, Prak&icky Lekart Vol 41, No a. 1961, pp 374-376. Data* "A Year of Free Medical Consultation in the Valaosko Region. A Contribution to the Problem of Social Medicine," Gra 1616*3 7 N OVOTINT, E. "O"IN 0 vzorovych lst~nrjvach jednotr~v(+ z--:-,-e,-Iehqky0 irimtev. (P. vyd.) Fraha, Stathi zemedeltikt mid* 195,6. 72 1). tmdi-ty, 6) 0`4 -0 statutues of collective farms, with coyv.r!int-,.iT-,v. 2d ~~d.) AGIFICUTITR CzPchoslo!akia k, : E2st Emiropean Accf-ssion, Vol. IS, 5, 1957 -42k.--/ I:r- CZECHOSLOVAXIA UgKQZM E., Docent DVII; BOIJM, R., DWI., SCs. Brno Prague, Veterinarstvit No 6, 1963, pp 282-283 "Question of Trendo of Teaching in Votorinary Morpholo,._;y.11 NOVOTNY$ vwzen Activity of the state nedtcal library in 1951. Cas.lek.cssk. 91 no.13:400-405 28 Var 52. (L12WMq IMICAL State mad. library In Czech., activity) y, f T T:Y I 7~-7.'Z'1:7. FiStol-o--i I s (2. t!,I,d. mi f cr ~C- ro, Y-"!azF I I uni-versi,v textby-~Ok. 2d ed. 1101. 1. 1955. !,o t i r :)T C z -n ch C) 0 1 o v n a -0: E'ast Europesn Aect-ssion, Vol. 5, 1*' 1957 NOVOTNY, azgm Histologie 9 prehledem organogenese. (3.vYd.) Praha, Statni pedagogicke nakl. (Ucebai texty vysokych skol) (Ifistologyt with a survey of organogenesis; a university textbook. 3d ed.) Vol. 1. 1957 (i.e. 1956) DA Not in DW SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC- Vbl. 7, no. 4, April 1958 BLAUp,.MLjos- NOVOTNr, Frantisok Avulsion-of the tuberosity of t1w tibia together with the anterior part of the eoipbyeis. Acta ehir. orthap. trauma. Cach. 28 no.1:42-46 F 161. 1. Chirurgicke oddeleni OM - Irebic, pre&osta. doe. dr. K. Holubac Ortopedicke -addeleni OW - Trable, prednasta dr. M. Florian. (TIBIA.fract & dislac) NOVO=, F. Vlopenzarr services for psoriatfe- patients and preventi*n of recurrences of peorlaslat. Cesk. derm. 36 no.6:380.-386 161. 1. Komi addeleni newenice v RunbEtrku OTTAZ - Decin, primar MUDr. Frantisek Novotny. (PSORIASIS prev & control) NOVUTNY, F. Autosuggestion psychotherapy of psoriases. Gesk. dorm. 37 no.2: IM-M Ap, 162. 1. Kozai addleni nemocnice OUNZ Decin v Rumburku, Prednosta MUDr. F. Novotny. (PSORWIS ther) (SUGGESTION) NOVOTNY, F. Treatment of psoriasis with trimalnolone and dex*-metlesone. C6uk. derm. 37 no.(.-397-402 D 162. 1. Kozni oddeleni nemocnice OUNZ Decin v R=bUrku, prednosta MUDr. F. Novotny. (PSORIASIS) (DEXAMETWONE) (TRIAMCINOLONE) ~j () v 0 -T fl) q1 F-, (- m v) -) CZEC -~- 10 S LOVAKI A NOVOTNY, F. 9 MD. Internal Medicine Ward of the Polyclinic (Intwern-i oddeleni polikliniky), Nove Straseci Pra6pac, Pra!~ticky lekar, Ho 15, 1963, P-rj 575-578 "Coronary Arrhythmia in Ambulance Practice." flovollFff F. Psoriatic eruption at the site of chronic erythema migrans. Cask. iderm. 38 no.1:60-62 F 163. 1. Kowd oddeleni OUNZ v Teplicich prednosta MUDr. F.Ho7otny. (PSORWIS), (ERYTIPEMAJ (TETANUS A"ITOXIN) JANULJL,,J-; NOVOtHy, F. a Stgtistical data on now factors in the Stiopatho emnis, therapy and preventiou,of,pWiaoise Cookodormo .18 noo5s=368 0 163. lo Kozni Od*wj mz v Brne (vadauci MUDr,, J. Jan~la% a Kozni MUDr. F. Novotmy)o oade:Lenj OM- T. NOVOTNYP F. Surgical treatment of coronary insufficiency in tbo 1962 literature. Cas. lek. cook., 102 no.34:Lek. ved. sahr. 8:166-167 23 Ag 163. 1. Pollklinika v Novem Straseci. (CORONARY DISEASE) (THMUCTC ARTERIES) (PERICARI)IM) (VASCULAR SURGERY) (HEART SURGEM) NOVOTMv-, F. Organization of dermato-venereological care in districts. Cask. derm. 39 no.1:46-5Z F164. 1. Komi oddeleni GUNZ v Teplicich; vedouci: MUDr. F.Novotny. 4- 11011MY, F., MIU-Dr. Variws skin procesEes as YMmer's pherm-enw. ir. russorlaz,-Z. Cesk. derm. 4b no-3:177-1-85 l4y'65. 1. Komi oddeleni Ob-vodriho u3tavu narodnilio --dravi v Teplicach (vedouci: RUDr. F. Novo ny). , Usr- of the ZW'C-41 crancs for ti-tc riariel conctri,etior. of !-'.Me POZEMINT! STATTY. (Ministerntiro stav~,,bnictvi) 'Praha, Czecico5lovakia Vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 1959 Monthly List of Erst ""Uropenn acces-q-1-on, TP, Vol. ~~i3 12, Dec. 1059 Uncl. 621IM4 34j5. REAIAR~~5 DN T141 EVVFk-T CIE IjL-lYjU= ON CAPACI-,Q((S. itith v4rrilsh rnutoctAve -o;amg-av~i with varntzii +~ gliao coahrig, empIrrilng threo thlforvn~ diellc~*Lrtro eomr43itlutl 1~- not %tatedlt 14grip, Inveatijaled, R 41 Oro-P7, th-A hul-iiiidUt,,, leu-,U ) an t;wroaso of Uhr, io-so abgI. mo a d,,-rrcas& .)f tbt~ rqsisitaroc-r,~. iAlt th-118 effect ~ii cfrilmics rhe vAf,tl;-.h Vlaze prco(~ttivp, ct-,-LUa!~ :,-I iupjri