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-,ICIT-ly, ..,. IT. Or,.broloq,y and the needs of th,) alconom.v. p. 19. Vol. 4, I'llo. 1, Jan. 1954 IIODNI HOSPODARSTVI Praha, Czechoslovakia So,-,-ce: East Suroncan Acc-z~ssion List. Librnry of Con;-ress klol. 5, I;o. 8., August 1956 N ,:-,v 4y - OTI 0 J. Research on the influence of for~-.sts on water conditions P-5 cmpqred '..dth the influence of cultivated land. T). 202. Vol. 4, '~0. 7, July 1954 1TI Jj!-, V(jD . 13KDAIRST111 Praha, Czechoslovakia Source: Last Luronean Accession L~Lst. Library of ConEress '101. ~'o. 8, August 1956 liCSOV"Y' J. Probl:am of lon.-term balancing of t~e flow of water in rivers by darns. F. 367. Vol- 4, no. 12, De-co 1954 VOMNI FOFSODA:IST'II Praha, Czechoslovakia Source: East Enropean, Accession List. Library of Congress Vol. 5, Ila. 3, Au-ust 1956 NOVOTIff. J. General solution of the problem of long-term, balance of water flow in rivers by means of water reser7oirso (To be contd.) P- 323. VODNI ROSPODARSM, Prague, Vol. 4, no. 11, Nov. 1954. SO; Honthly List of East Soropean Accessions, (EEAL), LC. V01. 5, No. 6, June 1956, Uncl. NOVOTNY, J. "Calculation of results of cost accounting in electric-power plants." ENERGETIKAq Praha,, Czechoslavakias Vol. 5. no- 3, Harch 1955 Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEAI), Library of Congress, Vol. 8. No. 8v August 1959 Unclassified h0vomy, J. NOVOThYp J. Tasks of hydrology in the maneg-ement of water. p. 224. Vol. 5, UO. 7/7a, July 1955 VODNI HOSIKINARSINI TECOOLMY Fraba, Czechoslovakia Sc: East Europeon Accessions, Vol. 5, No. 5, I;-'aY 19556 I N 0 V 6 "t /V)/ , '0~" Czechoslovakia /themical Technology. Chemical Products H-5 and Their Application Water treatment. Sewage water. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khtmiya, No 1, 1958, 1795 Author : Novotny j., Velek K., Celeryn Z. Title : Sorption of Phenols from Sewage Water of Gas Plants with Ionites Orig Pub: Paliva, 1956, 36, No 10, 335-342 Abstract: Description of the results of experiments, carried out under static and kinetic conditions. Composition of the phenolic fraction (in %): phenol 50.0, cresols, 28.5, zylenols 21.5. The main bulk of the phenols must be removed from the sewage water by some other procedure, for example, by extraction with phenolsolvan. In such a case the extent of purification reaches C ard 1A 4,g Ow- Czechoslovakia /Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H-5 and Their Application Water treatment. Sewage water. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 1795 98%. Under kinetic conditions were tested: strongly-basic anionite OAL, cathionite F Extra, Zeocarb 225 and Wofatit R. Under statid condi- tions were tested Zeocarb 225, cathionite FN and F extra, and Wofatit S. The best results were obtained with Wofatit R and cathionite F, which sorb up to 18.5 g of phenol per 1 liter of cathionite. Cathionites sorb the phenols more readily from a acid medium (o.14 N H2SO4 , the anionites -- from an alkaline (o.6 N NH31. C ard 2A NEOTNr, J. ; BMATU'l B. Terraces of the Radbuza aM Mdava rivers. p. 181. (Sbornik., Vol. 61, no. 3., 1956, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Kanthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncl. CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Pro- H-5 ducts and Their Application-4later Treatment. Sewage Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 3, 1959, 8713 (C) F-extra washed 0.0046; 0,758; C F-extra in H-form 0.0096; 0.711; the same in Na-form 0.0043; 0.787; C F-extra sulfonated for a period of two hours 0.661; 04352; the tame for a period of five hours 0.51+3; O,V7; anionite OAL in a Cl-form 0.0015; 0.930; the safae in an Off-form 0.0012; 0-953' weakl basic anionite HFD In an Oh-form 0.02- , - K (literature data on other ionites are given). The process was considered in the same manner as the distribution of a substance between two phases, The value of the distribution coefficient depends on the I concentration in the solution, changing, for instance, for sulfonated C F-extra from 300 to 1109 while the I concentratim Card 2/3 L 45o8i-66 ACC NR.- AP6027199 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0055/66/016/005/040910422 AUTHOR:- Malek, Z. ; Straj[blova, J. ; Fiala, J. ;. NovotpZ, J. ORG: Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague TITLE: The influence of proper mechanical vibrations on some properties of TGS tandel. (Paper read at the 2nd International Conference on Piezoelectricity in Liberec on Sept 1, 1965) SOURCE: Chekhoolovatokiy fizicheakiy zhurnal, v. 16, no. 5, 1966, 409-422 TOPIC TAGS: mechanical vibration, tandel, flexural vibration, plane vibration, piezoeffdct, permittivity, dielectric nonlinearity, frequency dependence ABSTRACT: In the present paper the existence is proven of mechanical Vibration6 in TGS tandels in the frequency range from 5-kc Is to 1000 kc /a. A number of resonances were found in the given range of frequencies. Mainly plain and flexura~r-- vibrations occur. A study was mide of their influence on the course of the ,rd 1/2 L :45081-66 NRs AP6027199 frequency dependence of the complex effective permittivity, dielectric nonlineari.-,; I ties of the tandel, and the thermoelectric force measured by a thermocouple on its surface. From the study of the frequency dependence of these parameters at various temperatures the conclusion is drawn that the probable cause of the origiia of mechanical vibrations in a tandel is the piezoeffect. The authors would like to,- express their gratitude to Ing. J. Janta of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, to Associate Professor Dr. 'J. jOy of the Technical Universi Lib rec and to Dr. 1. Mastner of the Iniiiitute 7 ty-1 e of Radio Engineering and Electronics for-`V515able discussions and suggestions, an-d to Associate Professor Dr. Q. T I! araba of the Czech Technical University for facilitating the ultrasonic experiments and hel i g to arran laboral- tory. The authors are also indebted to all their colleagues for their friendly help. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 2 formulas. [Authors' abstract) [KS] I SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 15Feb65/ ORIG REF: 009/ SOV REF: 0011 OTH REF: 009/ 2/2 b am-mlY. JAROMrR IOTOTNr. Awomir KUDr (Praha) q"n*q"";Zn; - Dental caries and nutritior. Prakt. zub, Isk. 2 no,1-2:31-38 1954. (MMAL QRIIS, etiology and pathogenesis, .*vmtritional factori (IMITION, *nutritional factor In dent. caries) - ITGUITT. SAR UWMT. Ja~.jv- Mir (Ptah&) ~ ~ , . .. - I lbfA$d of OW Iftialmm of papitle to 5"Ist prosomative antI6437. ftiM. 20o Uk. 2'WO-31-162-65-195k - ' (AM CANAL IMMAPT) MOVOTNY, Jar=ir. 'Dr Some differences between the teeth easily decaying and those re- sistant to decay. Cemk.stomat* no,2M-53 gar 55. 1. Z vyskmneho ustavu stomatologickeho v Prate, redital doe. Dr J. rostlan. (MMAL CAIRM. etiology and pathogenesis, constitutional decay tendency & resist.) FOURA , 0.; MOVOW, J"-mL- Fatty liver in lactation. Cesk. fyidol. 7 no-3:294-295 *y 58. 1. laborator pro fysiologil a patafyolologil premny latek CUT. Praha a Vyzkumny ustav stomtologiclW, Praha, (PAM LIM, exper. in lactating animals (Gs)) (IACTATION, relation to fatty liver in animals (Gs)) NOVOTH, Jaroslav International tolephone co~Jcations* Cs spoje 7 no,.12:6 N 162. 1. Ministerstvo dopravy a spoju. L 24731--65 JL44-11437AZ WON. ECELOTTAMU G1 Raska, K. (Professor, Doctor of medical science), Havl1k, 0. lboctor of natural saience); C ~,(Lladak, V. (Doctor of veterinary medicI-ne);.-I=t-4Y eace , 'i - (D:)ctcr of m e d i c &.1 sci --a , M Dc~c t c r o f me dA c al F! t r, c Sym~ n "K :)o c or c f -w d- I c al s c i e nc e --tcr of wit-'Ixnd pw~cnf~r--; Sclerace ), cc%pfis ri In biological warfare p-~nirvj he i tsschutz p DO im biologlachen lr-rieg) r j J ~j to le ~TP T-,TF, Y)62- II , - i Lf -ke of all aT ota ~,c irj-, o, r-."a ptD '-t U -~LoWl,- valc p Prague, S"N, Hot in LC. biological warfare, aivU defense, military medicine ,~JTD COVEPAM: Tbda book is intimd-ed for phyaicJ,,-ns, me4ical personnel, and readers to acquaint th= vith, biological warfoxe# Mathods of prot"etion dincusoed. Rx. CF "ORMM Fare-fard f1lb - 1. histor7 of biological warfare Card 7 L 24731-65 Aim ho 'a -m2 Main ch-aracteriBtics of 14 'Attack manner -- 14 means the enevj ew use in biologicEa war 17 ~x-jlsunlwg -- 20 and food poisoning -- M infected iazeat8 -- 23 Pr(-Vl-gAtion of infection through the wounded skin -rol ' og' cal ,m -- 28 tection in bial P Effeci of wateorologUal ana geogralbic conditiona on the forming of aerosols -- 32 Defecting ai at-tact -- 36 -.;a,.hs!ring of catitaninated materlt6~ for ~ixxwCuLaI.Ion J9 L,,q~.tijnent of inf ec tion- groupe -- 39 for labornf~ory examinattoz; of cont-walrulted 1wIt,4rwi.PU 45 ,Ullectlcm, -and diSTZAc~~ lnae,~tn f:7,r ~_xPininatlor, eh of hoot parajuites -- 49 ual',hering of free living pamBite-to 50 J>repirbig of innecto for shipment 54 -~'t:aitioia of :Uwecta and their prfn3ervation I qfi~~-niatjon 9f living insects .-- Ic; T I -`I-A_mew4 of innects for microbialogi-tua examination 55 Card 317 It cauective protaotion 60 60 Me.%Eirea for fig)lting painalble npirLamics 62 -ps-ave 63 ;'e c.Tureri for apid mmoving of Infectiollu fit 9 66 'i. Thsa ulsp Of biologiv.-a vr~rf y f-'Ontrol Of water 77"lartic-al desinfection -- 83 Cord 4/7 L 2473L-,b5 ,AxW43712 Sma.11 water install tions 85 Large rater installations 85 Desinfection of &lWdng water 86 th ood eh. 6. ~~ob,ofls&dg infectious afne"es diA man-wigoning vi t stuffn -- 88 93 Or, 7. Biological memm of combat vhich can be used for anni hi I tion of agricab. tural pUnto -- 94, Detwoe 46MInst biOlogical and chemicatl anaa in agricultLum. -- 113 Cb. 8. individual protection in attact vith biological means of combat 117 'Pr .q,;euUVv clotldna 117 r--d 5/7 Faca Ivotecting mask Rabber gloves and boots -- 119 Ch. 9. Sterilization -- 120 DeaUuOecticn and insect and rat extermination -- 1AV- Inoeint extermination -- 129 Exterirdnatiou of rodents -- 136 Eqiipment of a desinfection group of tbree perscnB 139 Ch. 10. SWe imAprovised eq~xiyment which can be used under extraordinary condl- ticw -- 140 Imiyrovised mass bath-houaeo - 141 ca-rd AML L 2471.1-65 ,V-1404*1712 P0. ~,mprcvlsed field kitchen for mast3-vIctuallng of 154 Impm-rised inataUation for deeinfection -- 156 Improvised instalUtion for drink vater procurment 158 Refarednes - 164 GUB ('0119 1CB 7/7~ SUNCTM.- 0000058 NO REF WT.- 004 KOTOM.4; DIM, 0.; UCLLVSXY, T. .Irik0r'- - Aubulatory pneumothoraz. Roshl.tuberk. 10 no.I-Z:11-33 050. (CM 19:3) 1. Of the Central National Insurance Office (Head of the Elealth Division -- Docent Idurd Bresky, K.D.). NOVONT, J. Nem organization if control of tuberculosis. Cesk. assoc. 20 ao.7-10: JOR-Al? Sept-Doc 1952. (CLKL 23:4) NOTMT, -J. Contiol, of tuberculosis on district scale. Lek. listy Brno 6 ao.11:259- 260 1 June 1953. (CTXL 24:5) 1. Division (Head-Dobes. N.D.) of the Kinistz7 of Health. Research Institute of Tuberculosis (Director-Docent Rudolf Krivinka, K.D.) Prague, Most, Jarcelav, KUVZ,. Orawdxatlan of fluorocrq*y. took. z&avot. 4 no.2-.73-76 Nar. 1956. 1. I/skwoof ustav organisms adravotalotvir Prase. (MMOMMIS, PUZNDKW, prevention and control, fluorocra*y. owe technic In Cawh) m r 2T f Ota oin .'Pavel I ;and Af 9m% pr4mysI j',M::3(IMY ij~g a tr.-The opti-~ * ratio of -Ba(GH)j.-PItjO=cttvated' MU-M wt. 20:6:ib(ia C yielded Ha hypophosphite 3 paru iii (19:66% purity. . The, sanze motar proportions were used Rw the prepa. of Ca hypo ;Phosphite. Wbite,Panil the activated C weremixeil mth~ i water (a & Udtni, and CAO w" added.:. The zeaction was-, ' t - . I ' fearried out-under redux and the e=ping M, was burned Im and ahsacbed in water. After-cooliaj~.C% was pawed to ppt! exc effs Cz(OH)r, the suspension was fifteied. coned., laud mixed with an equal voL E(Off, pptg. Cg(EfMk IThe yieldmas 0.50, OXS and 0.40 C.1g. P,with H,,O/P wt. !mtios of 30, '20, and,110. Most of the reaction was * (- *I'* + I : found to take place within (ILe Ist hr. Fe Alt .and , ~Jwlvents reutwij the P stuface (CC14, cycLohexandue) were freftert Aferawelt; COMM CATSaCRY t Inorcanic C"IwAlstr-Y- Cormle;c Conpounds ABS. JOB. RMim. 11o. 1 19601 110- 647 IAUTHOR ' ST P 'Ovotny, J.; Uovotna' M. X 6 - ! . ."' TLII -. I p rc pa r ao r, of P owd e rl Izo L ORI(I. FUB. Collect. Gzochoei. ahejq. Cojajurj.-, 1917'9, 2L'~-q 1-10 3, 989-991 iABSMACT To prepare powderlike UH, the aqueous solution, of iuici is subjected to electrolysis in -,:n c- -., I a c t r o !.,,,I,-7Gr with 11C cafhode, and th of Li is vashod with water and acetono a n, .3 dried, over F205. 7Ene Li content in MOO mal-aia io ,-.boiilv 0.05~-'- The 62:v ,imalc-am of U 1 is heatod in an atmosT)Iaero of 112 lip ~o 3600 v is distilled, and in Vhp. course of abo-ut 11r , 2 I%ourz the termeraturc is increased up to 600'.1 ~CAPD: 1/2 T NOVOTNY Jindrich A well organized operation improves the quality of postal service. Cs spoje 7 ro.1;20-21 A 62. 1. Instruktor odborneho uciliste spojup Znojmo. WTqW, Arl, Dr. I ParmWomal heawgIobinurlso Pediato listy. Frahs 9 no.6:354-355 Bea 54. 1. Z Dotsimho oddeloal KUZ ostram-Zabrish, prime Dr. B.Tranova (MOGIOGUMUO PARMSMAL, in tafant and child) VAIJ Ri N j! i liz. (J) ~OVOMYV Jiril inx. Om of the tolovIslon towr as a modlm vm traundttor*. C9 spoje 8 no.W.4,46 F- 1-63* . I lo UsUmdni spram sWju. MOVOM, J.; MIC, L. - Tnzezqrske StawbY Vol- 3j, no.2y Feb. 1955 Report on the cong"gs of experts in steel coustrtwtion hold in Progue . Novoiber 19, 1M. p.83 SO; MontAd7 List of East Swopean Acoessions, (SUL)p W, Vol. 4. No. 9, Sept. 1955 . Uncl. 110VOTHYP J. Light welded lattice girders. p. 382. STAVBY. Frahmo Vol. 2,, no. 10, Oct. 1954 SOURCEs East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3, March 1956 1"011crmy, J. Comparison of riveted and welded fullwqll railroad bridge stynactures from the viewpoint of economy. p.335 INZEI'MYS176 STAITLY. (Ministorstvo stavebnictvi) Praha Vol. 3, no. 8, Aug. 1955 East European Accessions List Vol. 5 llo. 1 Jan. 1956 NOVOrry, J. Study of a lattice railroad bridge from the viewpoint of economy. P. 378. INZE14YRSKE STAVBY. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 3, no. 9,'Sept. 1955 Monthly list of Fast European Accessions (EEAI) Lc, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. NOVOTPrI L. J. TECHNOLOGY Periodical: INZE14YRSIE STAVEY. Vol-3, no. 12, Dec. 1955 NOVOT11Y, J. Steel constructions in one of our largest metallurgic works. P. 515 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EZAI) LC, Vol. 8, no.3 March 1959, Uncl. .AY-1OT'fF1, J.; NOVOTNY, 0.; POSPT-IL, S. --;vr.,s tav One year of erperience in assembly-lira construction carried out by lor Trunt, 11.1tional 4ntt.,rprlse Ir. Prerov. Pt. 10. Vol# 7#p m. It Jan. 1956 POZ2,211 STAVBY Praha, Czechoslovakia Source: East Suropean Accession List. Library of Gorrress Vol. 5, ~io- 8, his-ust 1956 TjOVOT,'iyj J.; NO'-jMIav 0*; POSPDUL.. S, L-~ One year of experience in asserbly-line construction carried out by Ybravostav Trust, 111ational Enterprise in Prarov. Pt. 2, p. 60. Vol. 4, no. 2, Feb. 1956 POZHVNI STIN-1-Y Praha, Czechoslovakia Sources Last Europoan Accession List. LibrLry of Congress Vol. 5, No, 8, August 1956 "'OVOTTIP J. I I-Wern production methods in bridge construction plants. P. 228. INZEYMSKE MINN. (Ministerstvo stavcbnictvi) Praha. Vol. 4, no. 5, 14ay 1956. SOURCE: -East European Accessions List, Vol. 5, no. 9, September 1956 Novotny, J. Steel structure of our highest blast furnace and of its equipment. p. 273. INZFNYRSKE STAVBY. Ninisterstvo stavebnictvi) Praha. Vol. /+, no. 6, June 1956. Source: EEAL IL Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. 1~56 MOVOTINY, J. 1101102,11Y. J. - Analyses of the supporting systems of steel structure3 made of aluminum alloys. P. 521, Vol.4, no. 11, Nov. 1956 INZEIMSKE STAVBY. (Ministerstvo stavebnietvi) Praha. SOURCE: FAST EUROPEJJ1 ACCEIMSIONS LIST (EFAL) voL 6 NO 4 APRIL 1957 NOVOTNY, J. NOVOTNY, J. A-folding system of steel tubes for assembling pro- visional buildings for the construction site. p. 84. 7o1. 5, no. 2, Feb. 1957 INZENYRSKE STAVBY TECHNOLOGY Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1957 NOVOTIIY" J. Calculation of steel hall constructions with a supposed cooperation of cross girders. p. 3o4- (Inzenyskre Stavby. Vol. 5. no. 6, June 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of Zast European Accessions (ZEAL) LC, vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. OU 19% -PP'437- 8 6 Plotrs, M2b The arWI16-"p" r--esents a comprehermive stiidy on the cold !ihe ari ng tubmi-Off 7-~ Pa~.U~rr discusses all the phenamena taking pla~p in th.,~ ru--rial durIng the n,~ t r 'i n , n: " e c,-, 1 asi" vi tv and ST)ec~ al is 6--iven to the t)robiem of t hp so a-I 1 e dI ir-ivri z3 he -r which is sometimes ar.4ed in literature W-Ithmit. r)-nT)w- iii-till rrl-mr-atrlson with snearing indicateE that tho draw-n uhf,,.;~ mTT cerl~ain mer-itE only under 3pec~fic cQrid- itions i.a, when the mallerials vilthi "ibroas structure are to be /Retyped clipped abstraef August 28, 1958/m1 Mard 1/1 NOVOTTXY, J. Qmparison as to the weights and prices of a roof truss made of rolled steel or of steel tubes. p. 471. POZFMI STAVBY. (Ministerstvo stavebn:Lctvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol, (1) no. 9. (September) 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (MAI) LC, Vol. B. No. 11, November 1959. uncl. :4;Y'07W-4i~~ TECHNOLC~,Y periodicals: pOZEI.94I STAVIN Vol. 7, no. 2, Feb. 1959 NOICTIff, J. Lightweight purlins for steel-roof structures. p. 78. Monthly List of East European Accesslons(EEAI) LC Vol. 8, no. 5 I-lay 1959, Unclass. NOVOTNY, J. "Methods for increasing the coefficient of drawing vessels in deep drawing of cylindrical vessels made of sheet metal." p. 279. STROJIRENSTVI. (VIrListerstvo tezkeho strojirenstvis Hinisterstvo presneho strojirenstvi a Hinisterstvo automobiloveho prur7slu a zemedelskych stroju). Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, No. 4, Apr. 1959. Monthly Ust of East European Accessions (RAI), LC,, Vol. 8, No. 8,, August 1959. Uncla. Ad 1/0 Tlv~l ~~~ 85176 Z/034/60/000/012/013/015 Im, E073VE535, AUTHOId: Hrazdil, tchsifiaer' Nbvotny,'J. Engineer -end: TITLZt Hollo Soo 11"416 N w Ithod of Shavin w dies fro-m Sheets# 'Wires etc* y Means of a Pressure Wave 10 (Pa'te#t Class 7al 14' PV 2057-60, 26.3.196o) e PERIODICALt Hutnicido listy, 1960, No.12, pp-983-984 Z/034/60/006/012/013/015 Z073/E535 -Ne a etc. by v Nethod':of ..Shaping Hallow Bodies from Sheets, Wir~ J .40 Means of a Pressurel.Wave,(Patent Class 701-141 PV 2057-6o, 26,3.196() Fig#2 NFW77 #"'z TRZ31 JU xx -~O Card 2/2. Go Z/034/61/000/005/010/010 9073/E535 AUTHORSt Hrazdil, F., Engineer and-Novotny, J., Engineer TITLE: Die for manufacturing hollow bodies from sheet or tube blanks by using a pressure wave. PAtent granted. No.98 994, Class 7c, 14, 19c, 19, Valid from Febru'ary 6,'1960 (PV 799-60) PERIODICAL: Hutnicke listy, 1961, No-5, P-366 TEXT: Abstractor's Note: This is a complete translation Ci of the title of the patent. No further details are given.] Card 1/1 Z/034/61/000/009/002/002 E073/Z535 AUTHORSt Zaba, Z. and Novotny', J. TITLE: Xquipment for rolling cooling fins on metals tubes Patent Application Class 7b, 16/01, PV 6579-60 dated November 3, 1960 PERIODICALt Hutnicke" listy, 1961, No.q. p.672 TEM The machine is intended for producing ribs on copper or aluminium tubes. Fundamentally it consists of three grooved rollers and a sizing mandrel. The arrangement of the rollers in the stand is such that the bottom two rollers are supported in a stable manner and perform a forced rotary motion, whilst the third,top roll can revolve freely on an eccentric pivot, the movement of which until engagement is controlled by a lever, which is fixed onto the same pivot. The sizing mandrel is fixed to the end of the guiding tube in the thrust bearing so that.together with the rolled tube,it performs a rotary motion. fAbstractor's Note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 Z/0,31/62/000/001/001/002 D006/D.102 AUTHORS., Dufek, Josef, and Novotny, Josef TITLE-, Group machining of bevel gears PERIODICALz Strojfrenska vyroba, no. 1, 1962, 6-8 TEXT: The authors describe a method of group machining enabling the introduction of copy-turning of bevel gears at plants producing smaller batches. The method was developed for a group of 14 different bevel gears. It requires the use of a chucking fixture which permits exchanging the stop ring simultaneously with the chucking mandrel (in case the hole diameter of the new workpiece differs from the previous one), in order to secure a constant distance between the workpiece and the spindle face. This secures the accuracy of at machined parts because the master templates for the individual group member heed not be readjusted but only exchanged. All 14 master templates have a uniform hole diameter so that they fit on one common pin with a fixed stop collar on the left end. An extension pin only has to be exchanged vith the template according to the length of the latter. The master-template design has to be such as to make possible machining of both sides of the bevel gear. The method reduces operating times about 30% and is highly card 1/2 8/1 23/62A)CO/022/003/003 A004/A101 AUTHOR: Novotn~, Josef TITLE: Sheet stamping in the USSR P0110DICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, 14ashinostroyenlye, no. 22, 1962, 12, abstract 22V62 ("Fertigungstechn. und Betrieb", 1962, v. 12, no. 3, 159 - 167, German) TEXT: The author presents a review on the sheet-stamping methods used in the CSSR. Drawing with negative clearance (i.e., with simultaneous thinning and reduction in diameter),ensures a more intense deformation per each passage than ordinary drawing and lower stresses in the dangerous component sections, where the bottom passes over into the walls. The transition radius from the conical to the cylindrical part of the die may be relatively small. For drawing staln- less steel, dies of aluminum bronze of the following chemical compositions are used (in %): Al 12 - 14, Fe 4 - 6, Mn 4 - 6, Ni 1 - 3, with HB 400, or Al 14.5 - 20, Fe up to 5, N 4 1, I-In 0.5 - 2, with HB 400 - 450. These*bronze grades eliminate sticking and ensure a service life of 45,000 parts of stainless Card 1/3 3/123/62/000/022/()03/003 Sheet stamping in the CSSR AOo4/A1O1 steel and 127,000 parts of carbon steel. In connection with the introduction of explosion stamping, Investigations were carried out of the effect of the die speed in cutting rod material, which was effected on a speclal machine, on the resistance to cutting. The die speed was Varied in the range of 5 - 30 m1sec. The hole-piercing tests were carried out at high die speeds, produced by explo- sion (100 - 300 m/sec) and at low speeds (approximately 0.001 nVsec). The serv- ice life of a 15 mm diameter die, the quality of the pierced hole and the dis- tribution of hardening over its profile were tested. The required piercing force was calculated on the basis of the stress diagram. At low speeds, stress and cutting force are by 15 - 30% higher than at high speeds, while the harden- ing zone is smaller. An effect of the die hardness was not observed; increas- ing the speed to over 260 m/sec reduces the die life. Test's of deep drawing by explosion were carried out on a device consisting of a counter die with rigid clamping and a flat top die with the charge suspended above. Non-deep drawing tests were performed on a device consisti4g of the counter die with the charge suspended above. Formulae are presented ~or determining the weight of charge, depending on its distance from thqblank and for determining the charge energy. The medium for transmitting the Aergy of explosion Is either water or sand. The Card 2/3 Sheet stamping in the USSR S/123/62/000/022/003/003 Aoo4/AIOI designs of the stamps for explosion forming are described. Passages have to be provided for in the dies for escaping of the air. The author presents a table showing the characteristics of explosives used in the CSSR. There are Z7 fig- ures. D. Vayntraub [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 3/3 NOVOTNYt Josef, inz. New problems in usirg .31,0,A3. inz atavby 12 no.4:1"9-180 Ap '64. 1. Chairman of the Regional Branch of' the Czechoslovak and Technological Society, Oatruvq. NCVOTNY,, Josoif,, ing.; SZIMYj Mikos [translator] Some new cold-pressing methods. Gapgyartasteeba 3 no.6:215-219 Jo 163, 1e Hmoi Keplekeny Alakitasi Intezet, Csehszlovakia (for Novotny). 2. "Gapgyartastachnologia 'Ismarkesato bizot- tsagi tagja (for Sziraky). NOVOTNY, Kidus . Methods of detemination of heat cons umqt ior: in thermal olectric plants. p.LlS ENOWETIKA. (Ninisterstvo energatik-j a Ceskoslovenska vedecka technicka spolecnost pro enereetiku pri Ceskoslovenske abaderdi ved) Fraa, Czechoslovakia Vol-4, no.10, Oct. 1955 Monthly List of East European Acceasioria (&,,~Ar) LCI Vol-8, no-11, Nov- 1959, 11y'al- NOVOTUr. K.: MRAZEK. J. ---------- -- Tesla TVN 100 vacuuni-type evaporator for electron microscopy. P. 577 SIABOPROUDY OBZOR (Ninisterstva vacabonibe strojirewtvi, ministerstvo speju a Ceskeslowenska vedocke-tachnicka spelacnost, sekee elektrotechnilm) praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 20. no. 9, qept. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (FRA ), LC. Vol* 9. no* 2. Fob. 1960 Uncl. IIOVOTNY_t K- ; MRAZEK, J. Tke TESLA TVP 300 higkyacuum resistance furnace and its &PT-liCatiOBS- V.. 703 SLABOPROUDY OBZOR. (Ministerstvo presneho strojirenstve, KiAlsterstvo sreju a Vedecka Technicka spoleenost pro electrotechnik-a yri GSAV) Fraka, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 20, no. 1.1, Nov. 1P59 Mloatkly Lis'. of FAst Eurorean Accessi as (ERAI) W, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jany 10,60 Uncl.