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V Z, w 0-~- 0 ~)F, Poland /t;hemicai Ctiemical ProdUCL-' -'11 and Their Application Fermentation industry Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khlmlya, No 9, 1957, 3286o Author Nowotny Franciszek, Kujawski Maciej Title Development of a Method for the Production of it Hybrid Malt". Orig Pub: Przem. spozywozy, 1955, 9, No 7, 304 Abstract: A brief presentation of the results of experi- ments on breaking up of starch by "fungus malt" obtained by cultivation of specific mold fungi, A species of mold has been segregated which en- sures ma imum yields of 6nzyme using agricultural waste as nutrient medium, Optimal duration of the process has been determined. In comparison C ard 1A Poland /themical Technology. Chemicel Products 1-31 and Their Application Fermentation industry Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 3286o with barley malt the amylolytic capacity of the preparation obtained is of 86.5%. Degree of saccharification (in g maltose / 1 g malt) of starch is lower during the first hours, and at the end of the process it is higher than that of malt. Card 2/2 I(OWOTNYI F. FacrIty of Agricultuml Technology at the Higher Agricultural Schcol in Kr&kov. Przom spoz 15 no.10:46-48 '61. NOWOTNY, h-anciszek, prof. dr Ic.entific and ~.each-ing If the &-apartment of A;rrlcul turn I Technology of the School of Agriculture in Krakow, Przem ferment i rol 8 no.3:125-128 Mr '65. 1. Head, Depar-ant of Agricultural Technology of the School of Agriculture, Krakow. c r- KOWDZtIIJ. Josef Local penicillin therapy of paronychia. Polski tygod. lek. 9 no.13: 395-398 29 Mar 54. 1. Z I KIInIkI Chtrurgicznej A.M.w Poznaniu. dyrektor: prof. dr St.Nawlckl. (PARONTCHIA. therapy, venicillin) (PINICILLIN. therapeutic une, paronychia) 00 c 008. 00 so 00 .2 00 ASO-SLA MIT"LUNK" LM"TWI CLAIWCATM 00000 . 000 VWOWO AdW 0400#0146 44~fb dMdM Aht "d A. Is4l the C-16 tpeo 1-4 16- an -b a# I- I i-00 wWtbeceW.dA$3 L. S. Ra .00 -40 .00 .00 me* 900 boo ,00 40 94- 41AL11 (u9 v AS4 ' - '- ' ' kei 13 It u U w is if 4 0 alli ji m W d id ill all uu no FOUS16041 Quo A 00'4 A A L A 1-2-A& NL it, CeDtal Me 99 is so j is -00 00 -00 00 -00 00 Is IC-111. Vbrr dfi, Grw~ cleft Vackro- th * e F gag~~g_ IThe Priact9tes of Parkes Process.) E. Henglein and It. .00 0 Chassis Ust't 00 too, V. 79, Dec. INS, P. 42%437~ 00 Discussion to based on Houglein 0 0 and Koestees earlier invostleation of the tertiary wyglants aC Pb-Ag-Za m d 91 th bl A Ze J - an S- s e nce e pro lj~ sliver from tead b f removin o y g Ii t k d t 00 e n quatlGa is, to a large ex en . with the constitution diagram. Curves and phase diagrams. It tel' ~ 1110o -oil L.,A 61TALiWGKAt LITTRA401 CLOUPKAT40" U T a it it 41V Ot 0 a 4* *49 W a 000 p 00 0 of Q*4 1*0 K0 'a v ZE-An ad 0 4 IF ft 9 a 4 3 a ro so 0 ; 1; 0 All' Nowm Prwwyd SrWriki, 1949. No 8-19, pi? If' 12- No 10- 11, pp. 17-Zt; Nm 121, pp 2 M. Pahih I cc& A h0mij, 1951,No I,pp.99,101. the uselling of colored glasv. lwwil on the extrusivr exjwrivi- ni the nuittOn, Or liven. wet And LIMISSUIS 11(dik. Mkfoikow 1, 31 ill MIJ. to age etChed With JJCI. I.Ctt*t AlUkIk IVIN(Al"S. (M A, rm UAC ill dMtCdVIiC 0=49CLIK". SOWI 49tti(S. O( IMIMSOWS. y4vci&UY Ft. A&ICt the MdAft SUWtUCV XMI tKAUMAMV C~ W. MA-M C, f nw c t "so" UNIP, Luap, U4 LadAs li,.,N -- I mjj, T 11A K. Kwhituy(I (Ulliv vi"Ifla). f atairoll I~e cA. 44. ~"10!4 rticl %I I#A'ftlAVI nw Gersery mr-raummisma-~v4g. Ic ma;r(vu V., virma) YOW441k. oham dismal(the dyttem Cu- Ce WW finlotd. and the imho 0, 6 C.A. JO. 7324s) mviveassfirawd. Tbetaiticecoftittatto(tbe"haieCu.- GewevereturAwred. CautrarytoG41schaskit(C.A.U, IM). It waslasitiol tkat Cu.Ge ismot a put As type. This phase can be explained as a weak mounefinic distortion 4 the bengamal condeawd packing. to the a-mnge of the s7ftem AS-Ge. 4 slight lattice widening was found. The bask structure of the ternary tystem Cfs-Ge-AS was as- ""alned. A ternary Latertuetalbe cmpouW did not occur. There w0 probably be esUblimilved two ternary eutert" and two ternary peritoctics. Comodon Cumn. al IN. alloys; of The m-knoge of the system Cu-Ge. A#-Ge. and Cu CA-Ag. thm" no Improvies. cut over the Metals. It (am Rowatmw amid A. V. Ckficrh Maisw .. Vinum) - d. C.A. ft JW- -Tbe CAWn-Dubm eque- tim is bbomW *,wdy by a wag" wdf*d. A der- win %ftow" miswe "Oimthn of the "W . 1, to &wmwy =kb, Und J. 7. The P46im id If.I at. aod H, sk"We of smoogious disms- -An 4 do.WF-l j&v~WtjptW- - KI (19W). wm6op mad 0 t PMW im smommed bg t1w Itunw, of Swiss 41 accut"We ift 2M. and th Z.*. vi The &ts& of ibe With Of JWib Z.; qIMA Cis I mith zo; of Ni 2 zo. Cd. -A :m CA. TU 011000'"Wall, TlW I wGiw IN do tdbwe Mtdw Was t of a me. a, "A table which gj%vo a, ampon in With T X 1(r at 30'. EAWSV- V*= .t r"w" meta fmtts -008 7"0. 09"D CIS -0.11 -0-139 -O.Its Am +10.8 +960 +7.33. +X) Us +GAS +632 +5,13 Fd +1.10 Pt +1.38 +0 w si 0'19 -0.13 Za -o 17. -o' V46 -0 193 Cd 15 --4).1741 ..I Nim* on IW twaidt, (Of ibl bwAium CA % Can" Wool. tho to MS. &Cad vmwd oam ti. caj, CK.Cd. W-Ok 6- 1 j'hzj New dials"-- r vestisslipol. a, dbWn by P"i, A Z and A=',l NiCA. Fd-CA. mad CM40', =LtAtILICS mommuto i ll,.,L, ISO JUT abw & aw"Od * W041V lpt &We diste It (w c is do CA&-% or MA ca-ltg 'ed (w do q do, d. H.V-v In 'gad Comi. ti- k-o"- a fm the sy"910 b&" no GO odim al the 4K mad a systeow.. =Wrd [a the Gmad is the bm'Wiste wav H it, 0'.. Im gemend movetil diangglud'c tbc amoms- d' ;W~-r =d ibe mad W. W. stiikr With Ing at. lawsw. Wo comm-M low C.4 *010M 10 TO nd PdrA. If. coma.: M44:4111. MfOtkb&~JV, the ON: PtCd a kx. to 0.0n: Wa a kX 4.31. .6r 4.~1.10141 C - 3 Cwww G. Cocks AM 7od dm=dOl 4f WUP- Mock- 0 _ 9, - ~. Zg- 0. bdOMM9410- M , bbWidd V If. tolo-Ittem) -Th 3aid UQradbcWNA&it4cQm- ,wKdwkttkG~wm mOM stmud",. The Wp-- I*h two In Cowkwmts to coutnbutiug t0 ha" toru"g to tut edthe by tht p thwe is. acewl-s- M. Haftealti- &asp. fkva '13c,16 frod IL km h Ar W,4 woo FC%04- cusis OW-- Fef h-' ~b, biAW 4*W"- i W01-6 M., do dioll, MonalA., Igs-1 tn an "In4 K, i: ).- e system Ti-~Sb hm been studied, up to 60 wt -0' Ti bjr X-mys and theraud analysis It foun4 that W& iitWt, I.Iblo in Sb, and tW ham us oom bSb, and Ti8b are fornuxL The crystal of tfres~ phases am given. At kat one other toll richer In Ti is atso formed. On the Sb zMe, the phan diagram reambles that or Cr-9b. Cgrew domw Awift in so Usk-As. W-". T1 5b. U., " m R. Funk. =T.=~Cdv. Vicaas) udgmah. al Smi.-HUASOM" atimscoafg. 50-&-72 4g~ UX IA%dU&4r 414410 CVWAh WM 11WAted Imu & 11.5% 1 ;0;; ' f1w C.11 1. tb"- ,b=bk. VW 162. k.X W contains 4 "24AS. lyief at 0 OA934 -0.434 aa4 Ike As at a OMM; Ike oorrtspomdW4 26 points an I - OA(Xk. -O.Mh%, -0 '(kV%. 11.031. The alwicat "(Slatva 4t@ um-ma 2,71 4W Ila-As 2M A. V'Vv td Cid i4W?A9g1bUUS Sith Milk. hm an curs r Hastily d. oft. 13. e 4144. 6 - SA41 VIN -ft 2AIS. Str-.6b 2.W., A wt In #A AWY am Ill 4T Ti a V45t; pbm can be Weatified. z6, - SIX C . mill kx. CAW. d. 3.66. r" space is 00o. faterat. disteacce 2.96 or 2.67 A., fiwuw]A MAC! IA" N49R& 4" v%bom =!W(th The k4tim emott. #A *td. fimm %~ diWom we ft - SAG W (or b34b fw6,vmt-vW . Tba Tam d 4. is 6.20 S./ce. aRk 4 com"k wu,/Uwt ad, 1% As Stan on im Of 4(a) pag- wW Zu stow in the 4(d) &W 4(d) paskims Vw Ow Agga& Ow As stmo an (a ike ON) Pmi((Wm MW bet% Ow to 04 As litow a" to tfw 44 1 AM 4(d) pu*Ims. N4zuAo w Ow C-1 tytw stfuclitce wfth tim ebmarog. As 6wated botwwo Me atom con out side ad Me #Am so the otba Wde, wbnvas AgZaAs hA, tbA ~ ad. mrnn~mwn as CaUSM, oir the C48 (yW tswl--s. I% ' I . d6**mm w*6tb(!!.As)-& -. 4.46 A. mW (tA*Am)As - 2.66 A. H. KWO The sydAm pid1ladium-4admium. If.. -Nowulay. A "ACMP a. Alul If. Ifititter (Vntv % iclina). Mom"'A. 82 19511. -The phAw dugrAnt, oll the sy.tem Pd / CA was 41ctd. by IficirvitAl, inwro"li, . X-rAy, AnA 11LACHell" arulysts. At 7511' tip fit 20 At 1~ Cd is d 1. 11.1. A do."tAgnefle tylic M*, cat'l. ttel.- :14 4nd 49. is Ifistitt-R.ithe.v .1immatictic j,-phAw lkl-ell Ml aml LdL' At. 4,; Cil. A vid,it Immlir-criarted %inicitirc A, (k) at. % Cd decomps. liclutr 32:,' mto the V' And &-Ijhj~ Lattkvirommul thedefinetl ttmtur- Are giv,-rv R. N. The systsm PaLlsidjum -tine A. Stempd (1, niv ViviluAt t -22, cf. C AAC 3217, -The giha_,I~'Crmlt of the 4y.tem I'll W." det& by thertn4l, Itticiti-ip6c, It-CAY, Atilt ltlgllctt~ inAvals. As 760' 4p to 19 At. % Z" is sol. in N, A S- Phase. type Lis, exists between 3H And IWO. a Ifurnekilitheiry .UbAw between W and 85 and a tr-pbAw (PdZn,,; related v the A 3 type) at 92.3 at. % Zn. Rudo!f Sitsche cp Tke so *cc TW-T*C-WC. It, &VO&W.-M. Kkeev. WW 0. Knatek (tycliv. VJMKG). ftoi-v- iszkomsawa. umm"b. wexua. 11aukok uokm 96, d-RIOMI-The qialiternmy cs#bMe sy%9cm wos In. weslivated bletw"a 14W and 22M. Okfacrop"y and witb 1-mys. Red age" of " mm". camom am dy ad All fitcali" bommor GtM cA a (TI. To, W ic low 0310 'kild A befecoaquefts d"t a# (&to fttd. SAM fain. am fqw~ 1"llf ["Ifr WC VhO hM""CrtfrllV tWWff4V ffjOV" Wilb bkllcr t-P. In the dkoctim of a Creacgr gal. Gj (k WC In th~gaP&--fid add. sedes TIC-T&C. Ack4gberTJC+ TSC Contents the WC crystab no Imp, form a contiflums Gkckton but am budy embe4ded In ike w(ki aA,. pb,,, U. lis"c"b4im 161 01(tods)-a al ke ind6--lesist ouptwom oli. At WGMM 40 WAtt up to 46% Fe mid W-9 Ss go ISO &solm was tbwawgw twamd.. akroscapimily. and by m-ways. In Me rxAce them we ai~ kdo 4 twwy Phoned dgsipdtd by aff*a). O(pt.,44). dew a(FO-M). Ids Akrvi.*%. Ate &Ft&. ad A14.&V4*&l* ar is maltiple. c"p Tbriommagammairanomemem". fulketeawyeatectle X Fe,40 posticigastes abmg with At + Si, but " -A Fe-&). wit" isdraituated im the Utemcomas AJ.Fe,%. TheictrAir- now WWANtly of V(V") Is coadrawd; The CCYSW orgm i. bakAW46ir. aw th"T caws a great ottlectwa s(twkwity h- '"-, AkFw. All(a% dad The phamm AW~ .-I '(PCIN) UVC AM COOMWiliMMY CfYgt&UiZA4Wty Whkh KXUr, finwo wspvmmm the ~ and 0-plowde emtkely. In the ranav al higbw Ve and 81 anteuts s"bcc cr"al type amurs. 4re-M)l - "'. 6(pe-S). 11 re(weam. It. Ilartoafteim SMACCUtO Of tkv dIUMIOUM CflMcf at th* *VdVM 41LIMI IMAM (too 'tlicon I ft"llk It .,,.I W " . It, % , ; 4", . ~.Il- "i"n I11.4huhlot, 1-t'* 96. INI 4. 1M-0, I" ddh-- I ph, m th, Af v--, -'W orre .4 pill. -W, "I. I., Ill" SI A[ F,St L)F. Vito~m an. cef rW4 * IJI ca!=h: ;0. Vr I in 1) TtW dynawk PIAMiCitY CqUA(K"I T 19, 30t2) to to dimVmuteot with cipti. seults lf-_. the difflemncts betwma Me cucirgi" cmemundiz:4 to thco, ,etkw lutfMMI emew MW to Applied (Cation for tm ten kkm themicives an q~atlm is obcairted tbAt rep.msent, the cupd, data very well ever an extem&l tetrip. cc a Jain" L. Vuef the GTittems ptatinum-duc and ptattawn cadtntunt IC Nowolnir F 11-mev A Strinlid. And It llattrre, - Fr- 83.*=, I -;Wd I The III Z,, fU ami 14 Cil 11111 *ere %ludied bv tMffr-cvt,,,, I"Victic. Anil Iffirmloin1vt"I And Ille 11111 climing III the .,IVI .1,10 aft" 1110l'-fell.l. (plendmil -'r dri'l III lierth th'if 1. 4 milk-I -1v .4 ", I. ii I m ftili'l III li~ I th-C -'. h"I'"t A ph-C ,I it,, "i-Im Pl./n 11.1%,1110 I'l 1 1. lVlw 44 smst-luse "tilt a taltue ""I"f a. -I :I~WikX k6lenct, hir an 2nakwfxi% %inicturp in If "as oblAilicil P17", Anil PIC41, were fritind Ill a 0~,'- t,n,e lAti". In I A phaw PtZnq wAt totind. Arimi,aliact. "WINISIlefi-in W-44 '1'*fV'hf In 1101h It"IF1111. PLAIIIAN"Clic .1sweptshillile, in I Oeir 112 X Ill 4 pleell .... 1441- tictic ismi, At 41-mit 112c~ Zn antl -11-M X 11) 0 At Almul INK",V. III It tilt VAN" W"* -4-0.1 X In-4 &"If -11A X 10 -4. r"p. The f- both Z. Anil Cd .- f-ind to X Defoilet 4~ipn diAgrinin arc given r's't"'et of She I %% Coven, Al tru aro -0 ow 4 d It en li tit N IN , ;LS4~e ~4 I ~l ~.f i UM 0 Vt ON', Ell'! V.- MIN ft4t N% Wl~,',~;,'~,N'~-;; WIN! C~ TAI y7, rdo QN; 14N NOVOTNY, Hans Some problems relating to the crystal chemistry of alloya. Kam tud koz1 MTA 16 no.2:145-161 161. 1. Egyetemi fizikai kemiai intezet, Wien. Id AM Now Kodmwon We"& : 7811 3- ru pf . ... ... C F PropmW of a sy4m for the cls- tication of at&" according to Ciamical CMOs 11" - W N,.wj)tsv N:#l..,,k,, 1040. N., 0 7. p1, 25 'V, IOSI, N-, 1. p WR A twftt int~-ttug -~tur4l" Cl-Ok-Aft-I "I Itt- -(d ing f.keNrinical cumg-itim. r a C3'.j Phs- IOA ~vslal sti-, Alllo%',a hr;-# r-i-13nf Ala-, vir . i, lw,~flt-l '07 Asu PV *1 ca~ t949 leth Absir pf- . ., ; 1.1 pp %0. .. 1. Pp i%v C,,IK .19st %o.,.Qvg9* I 0l , . ( Ctoc" it, mcitift . X, givro. tb,c aut 1.1 1 j t It I I Ps.)l '10 33 A 1;':!~ W ~ lits qu.ttlts, of IsrutrNifig Its,. from vrv .!.e.%: ~.,n at n of emiuring -%peed in Elic mantafavi wlt,q pr(sce%l ', I s - , -i I 1--i1 L, it t (I by !he follwxM4 (:j-*T,,r, I vmpt-raturr t,t t1w :. Wdi ratr )t cr %l.jljlsiWcin and (TY-OA11131111: LIVItIlk rN, a :" V - alm, . , - - I allis a r,-v 1, w of I he '11:31: Y armi ,I "twlj~ ,if lotm 6 1 4 9 a is to ts w u is Er a v a a a 0 a ::'A 004 JLCLAW ,Ummt,,= b4gbtT thcrmaj j, *0 Waning chi. qmPlided mcqhtld 44 eakulatfult. ::.t 41)l -3 00 aj 06,3 Igoe" it d-- Off 4144814we 084111 Out we all 0 0 0 010 0 a U a a a a a 9 a a a 41 .00 .00 00 see see '00 00 go we* ,tTA4r4o& ow~~, IC5, 10 e co-ftc~ MWom bWgMod qpoms" comem of Skm built hw- I WACLAW NOWOYPY, MOO I CfTSW, 2 191 21111-2101 1 (1951).-metwiOra"tatips Ike mittimum height tA tcvnrf ifing charn1wn a" givvn I table A 1) 1 'Y1 Ad's Problitme mkitfog to dw m-um ad wamW Met from gia" funmom WAcLA7` NowtyTNY. WJo m Crramthd. 2 11101 210 23 gives a heiif baWnce (cw a gIA-A tank furnace. requits show that N3-3% of the heAt input is I" it) the %uffound ITIP lie peopooes the (allowing uics for waste heat: (I I ocam 'W"'luction it* gas wocks. (2) Imildivill heating. (31 watcr licating. (41 drying of raw inat"Is, (5) drying iind preheating tA furl, And M) ocAno procluction for the lwoduction of r1rctric-al ritritly A 1) 1. Slic t4 Gb%s-tVurki for R"Itte 43nuft,tur, hAy butell'Cowel" S:kltj i Ceramika No i. l9rl, pp. Ma 1:0 1 f.v 0 plar. I- P'y" I"r 'lle V~- -11"-p".. 'll M.--urlan !-I- aLs., he t~h- The 'Al"It, 643.3.JeJ 354 . 666 ! 13 666 13 743 ny IN Blending of Cwnpmitions for Houschc1d GlAsniwicv, ------ 'e,1- man-a- zt-mawtiw na szklo gospodarric' SAto 1 Cer= - 4. 1952, pp 130 -134 sin wi,-nipt 3t dewmintirig the Influence of re-, am " "I r_114, qu-C..y of h.1w-hold glasswnrr fit vari-i% tq),,s -m%_;4- pr -I .,-, I h. a-ho:,! ;r, ic!,-s ,( p.-neral -ILINLY, 11.110, LTAI'l- Mhx ,. SPAOIT anA flass., The a~jthor cleaLi it, dvtjil. in !h? r- - ~i me ~f his ar Irle with th~- nfluf nve of ti-x inuiv~-!wil ~xk,!-'s 'al 91'. prq )..r (if batt-firs for :mpro%tiig hnw~elio!d Lla-waro- NOWOT24y, id. IThe proper color of dark bottles", P. 40 (Szklo I Coramika. Vol. 4. no. 2. Feb. 1953. Warszawa) Vol. 3. No. 3 SO: ~Manthl-v jjjj gL Sak JhLE22M Aocegsionm~ Ubrury of Congress, March 1954, Unal. 1%rj'vir)To'l~ '.;. "Nelt-'r., -I- ~~; '2p, nit: -IF r I r-orr-n 1 -i r -f,u- -jr-y" , p. 8~, (_., I..- I C FlUkl.. ~ Y.' ~,,I. 4, ',*,,. ~, Mrr. i--)land) 313 ; ',.lonthly . ' t -, _- -.-~ F I -,, . r- Tr ~ - i - e ~ 3 i -) r. f~ , (.~~, !,-,, V-1. 4, N-). , J'Itiy 195'), "ricl. NOW0-T-NYI, W. Pyrolustie as a colorinE and decclorin~, b-:ent for a mas-- of 4zzs. P. ''20 I (SZKLO I CERAJIIKA. Vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 1956, Wi)rszawa,, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (t-2;,L) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. POLAND/Chomicel Technology. Chamicvl Frodlicts and Their .,.pplicationsH-15 Corenics. Glean. Binding Matcrif,IB. Concrete Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Khimlya, 1958, No 22, 74725 Author k-22K2!nLZL-- Inrt Not Givon Title Pyrolusito ns n Coloring end Decolorizing Agont in the Vianufectura of Glass Grig Pub SzIclo I caran., 1957, 8, No 9, 252-254 Abgtrcct lochrnisr- of coloring p.-Irss of verying ccr-position .Iith the use of '.!nO2 iB di%cussod. Mirngrnoso is P. rithar wosk c::loring egont sincc its degree of oxidstion depends on tho nnturo of glass and, thoroforc, not ell of its oxides produce tinting offcct. The dinsocirtion rerction of manganese oxides Pt the toLperaturo3 of glrs2 7olting ere presontod. For coloring purposes 0.5-6 k7 of pyrolugite per 100 kg of glass -ices era usually orrloyod. Fnr thc. J,~colorizing of gle96 qpprox. 0.25 kg of MnO 2 par 103 kg of glass mase era used. Cerd 1/1 29 NNOTNT, WACLAW Szlka barwrie. (WYd. 1) Warszawa, Poland. Arkady. 19'~B- 301, P- Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 8 August 1959. Uncl. POLAFD / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and 11-13 Their Application-Cleramics. Glass. Binding i ia terl a I s. k,'j n c r e t a i~bs Jour: Ref Zhur-i~himiya, No 31 19597 901+2 i,uthor Nokvotny, 14. inst Not given Titip Calculation of the Expansion Cogfficierit of Glasses and Glazing by the Apen Oria Pub: Szklo i cerara., 1958, 91 No 11 9-12 Abstract: rhe problem of calculating the expansiun coefficient of different materials from their chemical compo- sition has important significance in glass produc- tion, especi.~lly for multi-layer (plate glass) and thermoresistant types, as well as in glazing Card 1/3 POLAND / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and 11-13 and Their Application--Ceramics. Glass. Binding Materials. Concrete Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 140 3v 19592 9042 ceramic products and enameling metals. The sim- ple method of additivity, suggested by Winkelmann and 8chott, has a number of essential defects: the expansion coefficient cannot be correctly cal- culated from the chemical composition, expressed in percentage by weight; the effect of some oxides Is not directly proportional to their content in the glass; Winkelmann and Schott determined the coefficient of eXpansion of individual oxides over an interval of zero to 100 percent, which proced- ure is quite limited. The Soviet scientist, Apen, suggested a different method of calculating the expansion coefficient, which operates on the basis Card 2/3 141 POE2,'.FD/Chemicril To_chnologv. Chemical Products and Their .'.pplica- H-13 tion. Ceramics. Class. Binding K-iterials. Concrete 0 s j, ":o 24 l5r5;_~, No E21-27 nur Re f 7,hur - hhi:.i. .'.ut'ior Prowotny W. Inst Title Special Methods of Obtainin.~,- Colored Built-Up '-lass iri,- Pub Szk1o i ceran., 1953,9, No 3, 57-59 Abstr!:~ct Several :.iethods of rr-nuf-Xturing, of built-up -re des- cribed. The -Lass is distin.wished by the 3r-,_du:,.l decrease in color intuwity that dQterrLines it5 quality. By ..icans of i.,.eltin, on to ,.n object pieces of cut -1,~ss w-).-,1, ss is obtnincd. '" the so called, ' setchntoye' gl:t Ine technoloa of n1nnuf,ctur(2 and properties of 'itlr~snTje", 11~-.ioroznyye" and '::.ira;.1ornFyc" i,-Iasses are ~ilso Given. L. Sedov. Card 39 9 i i , -[Nowotny, Waclaw] me.gistrAwhener (Varshava, Pol'sha) Multicolored mosaic incrustatian of murrhine and aillefiori glasses. Sbor. nauch. trud. Bel. politekh. inst. no-86:80-83 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Glass, Mil".efiori) P/Ol %000/009/001/002 D001910 AUTHOR: Nowotny, W. TITLE: Glass-forming systems and internal glass structure PERIODICAL: Szk1o i ceramika, no. 9, 1961, 263-266 TEXT: This is an abridged translation of a paper by a member of the Academy of Sciences, BSSR, M. A. Bezborodov entitled in Russian "Stekloobraznyye sistemy i problena stroyenya stekla" (Glass forming systems and problems of glass structure), presented at the 3rd All-Union Scientific Conference on internal structure of glass held in Leningrad November 16-20, 1959. The paper was included in a collec- tion of papers presented at this conference entitled "Stekloobraznoye sostoyanye", published by the Publishing House, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Hoscow, Leningrad 1960. The author reviews broadly the work and findings of various scientists coveiring the period since 1921. Names of the following Soviet-bloc scientists are mentioned: A. A. Lebedev, N. S. Andreyev, E. A. Poray-Koshits, W. A. Florinskaya, R. S. Pechonkina and A. I. Stozharov. There are 10 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet- bloc references. The four most recent references to English language publications Card V2 P/015/61/000/009/001/002 Glass-forming systems and internal ... DOOI/DlOl read as follows: W. H, Zachariasen, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 54, 3841, 1932; E. J. Gooding) I W. E. S. Turner, J. Soc. Glass Technol., 18, 32, (T). 1934; Andreyev Poray-Koshits, N. S. - J. Soc. Glass Technol., 43, 213, 235, 1959; C. Z. Mac Kinuis, 1. W.'Sutton, V/ J. Am. Cer. Soc., 43, Z40, 1959. Card 2/2 NOVOTNr, Waslaw Copper ions diffusion into glAaa and its chemical compositions. Szklo 12 no.8:234m,237 Ag '61. NOWOTNY. Waclaw A forgotten method of manufact7;rlng artistic ornazent-al ware. Saklo 13 no.3:80-82 Mr 162. RAWAFJMA, 3.3 VEIZV, V-.j RYEVA, Zq fPceva., Z.]5 NOMA, K. (Voeva, K.) I Specific propeyties of gsr- globulins, prepared by the Scientific Research Institute for gpidemiolaU and Microbiology. Pt, 3. Trudy epidemiol mikrobial 8.i-1'7-120 )61 (prabl.262). SOMA, V.; NOUVA, K. [Noeva, K.1; GAICHEVA, To.; SIAVCHEV, R. ,~,- -! ll-kl;.,:~,~.4~4 !- z , Faperiments in prepari~ the specific ga=a globulin against smallpcoc. Trudy epidemiol mikrobiol 8:153-155 161 [publ.162). 4- C'tf MM nodules of leguminours plants- 1. Pigmentation of Goldidest. Anita PI IJWY. INIIIA114tt- 44 ON I No. SO, 35 pp.(l0."dl)(t(fI4lij4I 04111111121y) ChAtIM in 14SICtInlAtitilli Of f(Kit 1"fut" M 04 IwAls. tupiliv, and wer,"IellA bur cilwived frans their first all " It 11 their (1101APIWAMMV. ThOC Of R,,p..Q.,w%:. orl, NIZO".J.. will 144turnialicus. as "cil ai the N aminiif.itiwi ,I ific pl-it ~,itv with the staff. The dry wi .4 shr pl.40, M 1. And $fir "ttif 4 N 'N'ttirts. apping 'I'Killivii In the jwti-I ft-n th, .q.1w4valitt .4 1., 16 4--l '4 Ill, bh..$ A tim. I hAt mic fir Wier 1-4ti nd fill 6XI thr I IM.-m- va- I'lilvely red; JIM wtc (a the IlLicit 'I., rt-~-M t1ir It'd is Alowly rTptAMj by *rheir ,. ., airt., i t.,li%qjv[p twetwittrit the 4.4utcn. of ml ptSitictit fit I and thl: N 11-tilldlAtICKI 11Y thC 911M11- 814-011119 nt IIIACIN, CV111"VIRS haves Ut plunins changes eiallic"latioll 11 11 and chl-vit" ful (heir noduu(": Ng tWAS - 1 -3. til 'Itaided Mild pruned pUlm Willi 0.5% ni.dwse pAtilally pr- I "Its &tk)VC ChAU&CS in piffilletitt Ut I (in JUnine), IMI fleither cmdWar (lot clu(Nar Watering feverm-0 if#., chatip, cint-C it 11.4% polwits .0 - I , I A - "Problemy symbiotycznego wiazania wolneqo azotu. Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydawn. Rolnicze I Lesne, 1952. 154 p. (Problems of symbiotic fixation of atmospheric nitrogen)." DA Not in DLC SO: Monthly Index of Fast European Accessions (ELAI) LC- Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 N014OTNY-14IECZYNKSAI A. "Influence of several factors an the pigmentation of nodules of leguminous plant5", P. 4, (ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA POLDNICA, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1952, Warszawa, PolvW) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 3, No. 4, April, 1954 UMMY-MTECIMISKA, 1. 1QtwotnL-AjjgUAWav A. FRuszkowwks, K. "Influence of Mineral Nitrogen cc thd Growth of Inoculated Legwdnoua Plants" p. 205 (Agfa Mia"bloloddea Ealgalut Vol. 1, No. 3, 1952, Waresava) East European Vol. 3, No. 3 1954 SO: Mont List of ACcessio ..Library of Congress, March _OV, Uncl. NOWOUM-KIINCZYNSU, An- Kschaniss of binding of free nitrogen. Postepy biochem. Vol.2 77-82 1954. (IIITRDGES, mtabollsm, binding), POIAND/Soil Science. Soil Biology J-2 Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Bioloj No 10, 19580 No 43817 Author Novotny-Micezynaka A.., Golobiowska J, Inst 7a_ffi_n_sT1Eu-VF-- Title The Influence of Microbial Population on the Phosphorus Up- take by Some Crop Plants, Orig Pub : Acta microbiol. polon.,, 1956.. 5, No 1-2., 129-132 (English; rose Polish) Abstract : At the microbiological division of the Institute in Pulavakh an investiGation was made of the content of various Groups of nicroorginisms in looss and sand soils. In sandy soil there was a predominance of micvoorGansiris which dissolved Ca3(rO4)2 (1), and as an exanTle in identical quantities microbes were represented: mineralizinC; orLpnic phosphorus compounds (2), more readily utilizinp, or~,unic phosphates (3), takint up min- oral phosphates better (4). In loess soil ther eas a stronrer representation of I and 2, ancl 3rd group of microbes was Card 1/2 14 VOWMW-KIY-CZYLFSYA. A. ertain problems of the mechanism of binding of free nitrogen. Acta mikrob.polon. 8 no.3-4-271-281 '59. I- Z Z&kladU FizjOlogii Hoslin Inetytutu Uprawy. Vawoz~nja j Glabosrawstwa w Pulawach. (MITROM metab) (UCTERIA metab) HOWMff-MINCZYMSKA, A.; ZIIIKIEWICZ, J. ]affect of plant nutrition on the activity of Rhizoblum trifolli in symblosia with clovers. Act& mikrob.polon. 8 no.3-4:309-313 '59. 1. Z Zakladu Fizjologii Roslin Instytutu Uprawy, Nawozenia i Gleboznawstwa w Pulawach. (RHIZCBIUM) (PIWRS) NOWOTNY-M=YIISKA, Ann4 On tho aging phendimenon in higher plants. Postopy nauk roin 8 no.3: 9-17 My-Je 161. . . I . . 1. Instytut Upravy, Nawozenia, i Glebosnavetwa, Pulawy. DIO'e,10INY-1,111-:CZYNSKA, Anna Problems of the mocnanism of Anding free nitrogen by asyn.bioLic organisms. Fastapy mik-robiol 2 163. ~. laboratory of Plant Ff-edirg Physiology, Institute of GclLivatlon, ,.virkurjrjg e-nd Soil 3cience, FIL-'awy. NOW('TNY-ZDC,ROVSFA, ppnUta; Preparation r,' I~n~ a- a 1. 7p Spec lalistyrzriego C -I(Izia ii; (:hIr ;rf, t ti e isk i a i7c, w w i ca (-. h e, r NOW01TY-ZBOR017 i f-eatment clC an J elae in chl'idren. ?G- . -rzeg - . -- ir. 37 ro.10:957-959 ~, 'r5. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgii Dzieciecej Szpitala 'Aiejskiego w GlLwicach (Crdynator: doc. dr. 7. Tabenski). VIADEA, I.; NOWY, 0. Study 9f the Behr type oil cooler. Studii t,--hn Timisoara 10 ng.2s345-354 Jl-D 163. 1 L 45523-A6 EVT (1) JM ACC NRt AR6013694 SOME CODE: U1VOO58/65/0O0/Ol0/W33/1H0D AUTHOR: Noyanov, V. I.; Trubetskay, D. I. .TITLE: Influence, f c/Qld losses in the transmission line on the gain of an Yr-type-76 traveling wave tube P SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abe. 3DZh22B iREF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. elektron. overhvyaok. chaatot. Vyp. 1. Saratov, Saratovsk ~1964, 107-117 i 'TOPIC TAGS: traveling wave tube, transmission line, dispersion equation, adiabatic !approximation, space charge I i TRACT: The authors determine the gain K of an DI-type TWT by solving the dispersion ffequation. The solution is obtained by assuming a linear adiabatic theory without Ilowance for the effect of space charge. An asymptotic formula is given for K, in the decreasing partial wave is neglected. The results of calculations of K by this Iformula are given an a function of the nonsynchronism parameters and of the 11cold" liosses. The formula offers a sufficiently good approximation in the region of admia- ,sible values of the nonsynchroniam, parameter of the M-type TWT. In the analysis of thel ,influence of the "cold" losses it is shown that the latter can have a value above which! .the decreasing wave prevails over the increasing one and the interaction of the two 1partial waves does not ensure amplification even under near-synchronism conditions. E.! :Guttsay-t. (Translation of abstract) SUB CODE 09 20L L 4 S324-6 * 0irill~--im- ACC NHi ti4 AR6015966 SOURCE CODE: UR/O275/65/0OO/Ol1/AO23/AO23 ALFI-HOR:- Noyanov,_V. I.; Trubetskov, D. 1. TITLE: Effect of cold losses in the transmissiQ~~on the amplification factor of a type M TWT x SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 11A144 REF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. elektron. averkhvysok. chastot, Vyp. I. Saratov, Saratovsk. un-t, 1964, 107-117 TOPIC TAGS: transmission line, dispersion equation, traveling wave tube, space charge ABSTRACT: The amplification factor of a type N1 TWT is determined by solving a qis- persion equation on the assumption of linear adiabatic theory without accounting for the effect of space charge. An asymptotic formula is given for the amplification factor assuming a damped partial wave. The results of calculations by this formula are given as a function of the parEmieters of aBynphronism and "cold" losses. The asymptotic formula gives a rather close npproximation in the region of' permissible values for the parameter of' asynchronism for a type M TWT. Analysis of the effect of "cold" losses shows that they may take on a value beyond which the damped wave predominates over the increasing wave and interaction between the two partial waves does not give amplification even under operating conditions close to synchronous. Bibliography of 4 titles. E. G. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 09 i Card 1/1 J.S Lim 621.385.632 NOYEV, K.: KONSTANTIVOT. A. h aqtO$h~10818 lmcaexlc4L IYAPhatica. Isv. med. Inst. . Sof is 1 ao. 6-7:193-206 1952. (CLKL 24:2) 1. Doctors. 2. Skin-Teneroological Clinic (Director -- Prof. L. Popov) of Vulko Cherveakov and the Military Polyclinic (Director - Dr. RaUvaki). Sof Ia. oo Off, -3 110 ol oft I A-JL W -2 -1 v- 1. Lt Tm 81,01 floy-~--7)4 v it u a m is 4 v a 0 .0 a 1 t I k es 4113, DRVUoUMOT UF STM BOILER DZSIG* IN RUS;;Ik. Noypi, V X (bte~ 46 July and 104. 1945, 14, 291-4; 33D-31 Tranal. Teplamilovoys Khosysletwo, 1940, Mo. 12, 40Y Coe ZOO No ;-so Sol, .0-0. a.. Cat Ci a., il~ T a ,w 0 0 go -3-, -0) 0 it 00 go '08,00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 0000 0001 1. if.; MSCRARTIT611. 1. A., Eng. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Steam Boilers 7- Methods of controlling deterioration of boilers due to brittleness, Rab. energ., 10, No- 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List Lf Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Agril, - L953, Uncl. v) myz-v, V. 11. "Av%Lrii Kotlov Din Ele'~trostantsiyjkh iz-za llarushcriy Tsirkul:,rats4 Hydrodynamics and Heat '.Lransfer'-!Durir.g Boiling in, HIO"I! Pressure D()i'-rc. U, c Z3, and tul-es ROYEV, V. N Engr. and PANASENKO, M. D. Cand. Tech. Sci. "Effective Boiler Equipment," paper presented at the 5th World Power Conference, Vienna, 1956 In Branch # 5 NOYZT, T.N. Scavenging a vater economizer. Energetik 5 no.8:40 Ag '57. (J(T-Rl 10: 10) (Boilers) SOV/96-58-5-22/2'~ AUTHOR: Noyev, Yii., Enc5ineer and Prokhorov, F.G., Roddastis, 7.17 GgELTidates of Technical Sciences TITLE: New Design Standards for the Qualitj of Steam, Yeed-water and Blow-down Viater (Novyye raschetny e normy kachestva para, pitatel'noy i produvochnoy vody5 PERIODICAL: Teploerer~~etilca, 19')8, Br 5, pp 82 - 3' (USSR) ABSTRACT: Recent experience Tit! hi.'-h-preszure boilers makes -4t necessary to revise existinL design standards f~,.r tlie quality of feed-water, boiller-water and stlean. The standards also need ta~ be i-.ade more precise for boilers operatin- at lower -pressures. The design stand~~rds i~iven in this article rela4.e to b3iler equipment and povler stations and have been accepted by the tectLnical council of th,e D.1inistry of Power Stations after thorough consideraticn. They also take account of su61-estio-.s made by the design organisations, scientific researc.'a institutes, URGRES and poi,.,er undertakings. The standards will guide design organisations in making up losses of water in condensing and heat-supply power stations with drum-type boilers at pressures of 155 and 110 atm. The risk Df foul a the flow parts of turbines with salts in teat and electric- Card 1/4 SOV/9E-58-5-22/2r/ vew Design Standards for the Q,11ality of Steaz,,, Feed-i-iater and Blow-down Water power stations is not Creat. Some of the silts are removed with the process or heatinC -:-team and stati,)ns of this ty:)e may be allowed hiCher steaz-contamination f:-gures than con- densing stations. Because of recent difficulties ~-itli the formation of iron and copper deposits in boilers, only v--ry low concentrations of iron and copper are allowed in feed- water. The stan,4;ards are also stricter in r~~spect of the free c-Irbon-dioxide content of the stea-z. In ord,r to restrict brittle fracture, limits are placed on the f.ree alkali c_)ntent --, tes of boiler water. Reference is ma6e to nitrn,~es and nit., - The previous limits for the oxygen content o:' feed-Tater Terc too high and have been reduced. The standards given in the tables are to enalle design or-an- isations to select the most suitable whe.,;es for -rcnar- tion of feed-water and condensate and to select boilers' accesSorirs for ensuring the necessary purity of the stea': %-hen operated in combination ,%,ith the selected mcthod of water treat,-.ent. The standards should also lead to more reliable water conditions in povier-station boilers. uard2/w he standards are then given in the form. of tables; it is SOII/96-58-5-22/2'/ New Design Standards for the Quality of Steam, reed-viater and Blow-down ',Vater exTlicitly stated that they do not apTily toaomic power- stations. The quality of steam delivered to a turbine must be in accordance with the requirements of Table 1. Injection water for super-heat control is defined. ThE' qUBlity Of feed-water for power stations with drum-type boilrrs should satisfy the requirements of Table 2. The a iue-lity of feed- water for direct-flow boilers of any pressure without separators should conform to Table 3. The salt and silica contents of blow-down water for drum-type boilers, depending on the pressure and the accessories, are stipulaied in Table 4. Limitations are placed on the free hydrated alkalinity. Tl-,e amount of continuous blow-down from drum-type boilers should not exceed the _-tandard figures. Plow-down of zore t1-a.1 from heat and electric power stations is ;ermitted only after Gar d 3/4 SOV/96-58-5-22/27 Jew Design Standards for tLe Quality of Steam, Feed-water aiid Blow-down Water all measures have been taken to reduce it by improvin,_ tLe boiler accessories. There are 4 tables uard 4/4 1. Feed water--Standards 2. StEfam--Standards 3. Boiiers--Ferformance _tVOYI~V. V1 imi -XikQ1ayffy1Qh;-Y%LEYhV, A.S., red.; BORUNOV, N.I., tekhn. red. [Introduction and use of boiler-turbine blocks in electric- power plants in France] Opyt vnedreniia i ekspluatasii blokov kotel-turbina na elektrostantaiiakh Frantsii. Mo3kva, Gos- energoizdat, 1963. 135 p. (MIRA 16:6) (FrRnce--Electric power plants) BELOV, N.V., inzh.; ItO ,YEV, V.N., inzh.; OBRAZTSOVA, N.V., inzh.# red.; YALYNOV, Z.S., inzh., red.; KOPEYKINA, L.V., red. [Methods of industria.1 thermochemical testing of barrel boilers] Metodika ekspluatatsionnykh teplokhimicheskikh ispytanii barabannykh kotlov. Moskva, Izd-vo "Energiia 1964. 126 p. (MIRA 17:61 1. ORGRES, trust, Moscow. TOSHKOV, As.; SHEYKOVA, G.; NOYLTA, K. Combined use of streptomycin and human gamma-globulin in experimental whooping cough infection in mice. Antibiotild 5 no.2:67-69 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut, epidemiologii i mikrobiologii, Sofiy%,, Bolgariya. (WHOOPING COUGH) (STREPTOMEIN) (GAMA GLOBULIN) NRo AR6035062 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/008/HO60/HO60 AUTHOR: Noykina, T. K~ TITLE: Formation of a hollow cylindrical electron beam by an electrostatic field SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 8Zh436 REF SOURCE: Nauchn. soobshch. Rostovsk. un-t. Ser. toch. i yestestv. n. Rostov-na-Donu, 1964(1965). 63-84 TOPIC TAGS: electron beam, electrostatic field, hollow cylindrical electron beam/Minsk-12 computer ABSTRACT: The results of a theoretical analysis of the focusing system "bifilar helix-coaxial rod" are briefly reviewed. By satisfying the condition of equilibriu. of forces acting on the hollow beam moving between the helix and the rod, it is possible to obtain a well-focused electron beam with a perveance >6. 10-1. amp/v ".' at beam pulsations of 2-516 from the equilibrium radius. The solu- tion of the respective motion equation (in parametric form) was realized on a Minsk-12 computer. The results of the calculations can be used for designing specific systems. (Translation of abstract] [DWI / CODE: 20/ SUP Card I U 11 4 -M y TMCRY d Bs. 7~7 "T y BULGARIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H and Their Applications. Industrial Organic Synthesis. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 61 19599 20363 Author : Noykov, D. Inst Title : Possibilities for Creating a Synthetic Organic Industry in Bulgaria. Orig Pub : Tekhnika (B"lg.), 1957, 6, No 2, 1-4 Abstract : The basic directions of modern industrial organic syntheses and the possibilities for creating them in Bulgaria are exami- ned. The special significance of repro- cessing natural gas into acetylene and the development of a petrochemical inOu- stry is emphasizecl, Zo Rachinskiy Card Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 14/21 AID P - 4965 Author : Noyman, K. Title : Gas-turbine of 40 megawatt capacity (News From Abroad) Periodical : Teploenergetika, 8, 51, Ag 1956 Abstract : Description of the above gas turbine which is proposed to be built and put In operation in 1959 in Sweden. Taken from the German periodical "14aschinenbau und Wdrmetechnik, No. 3, 1950. Institution : None Submitted No date