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NUGMANOVA, R.N.; MUSABAYEV, I.K.; GUSEVA, D.M.; MHAKDOVA, I.G. Determination of cobalt in blood ser=. Uzb. khIm. zhur. 7 no.5t20-25 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Tashkentakiy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. lquatip;;_ of the notion of controlled systems. Trudy MU 27:23-0 '53. (IGU 10:6) (Servomechanism) VDifferential equations) -JM,GKAVDTA ff"A14F.; TUSUPOW, B.N. - Srujoye" bituminous dolomites as raw material for the asphalt mastic iadustry. Izv.Xu&a.fIl.AK SSSR Ser.ceol.nauk no.3:44-50 155, (8yukeyevo-Bitvainsue materials) (KF2A 9:7) BAZANOVAR N.U,~ WICv~WXZUMOV, K.G. Age-related dyn-mica of total and realdual nitorgen In the abomasum of sheep. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. bie'. nauk 3 no.300-84 My-Je 165. (MIRA 18s9) . r . - N=U, Aleksandr brev fungus species in the Rumanian People's Republic Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 13 no,2:85-89 P"60. iHIRA 13:7) 1, Kafedra botaniki Klushokogo universitota Rwiynakoy Narodnoy RespublIU. (WWIA-~LMKGIq PHITOPATHOGENIC) A. allloo Fadily ilIze Added equipment to sipalligland safety installations. Zeleznlce J~jg 19 no.444-48 Ap 163.' NUHLICEK, F. Hejatko, S. TechnoloV of moldin.,- plastic materials in industry, P. 519. TEMUCKA MCA, Bratislava, Vol. 6, no. 9, Sept. 1954. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), L.C. Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956.'Unal. uU11LICER, F. Hejatko, S. Technology of molding plastic materials in industry. P. 591. TECTINICKA PRACA, Bratislava, Vol. 6, no. 10, Oct, 1954. SO: Honthly Li3t of Ea3t European Accessions, (EM), LC, Vol. 5. No. 6. June 1956. Uncl. NUHLICEK, F. Bearings of plastic materials in rolling mills. p. 169. (HUTNIK, vol. 5. no. 6. June 1955, Praba) SOt Monthly List of 4ast &wopean Accessim,(EUL), ID, Vol. 41 No. us Now. 1955, Uncl. F AUTHOR: None given z/0oq/6o/olo/o5/036/o4o R142/913 5 TITLS: Book Reviews PERIODICALt Chemickf Prdmysl, 1960, Vol 10, Nr 5, pp 263-264 ABSTRACT: The following books are revieweds 1) "The Manufacture, Processing and Uses of Thermo- Setting Compounds"-, by F. Nuhlic'ek and Z. Osadan. Published by SNTLI Brat1slava, (M59). Reviewed by L. Fogarassy. 2) "Introduction to the Theory of Organic Chemistry" V/ (Einfiihrung in the theoretische organische Chemie". by H.A. Staab, published by Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, 1959. Reviewed by L. V ystrSil,(Gharles Universityl L. Novotny and J. Vepinski (Czech Academy of Sciences). 3) "A Text Book of Praotical Organic Chemistry" by A.I. Vogejq published by Lonamans Green & Co., London, Vyq 1 1956. Reviewed by A. trdil (Charles University). Card 10 "Free Radicals- in Solution"- by C. Walling, published 1/2 by John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1957. Reviewed by 1. Machaaek. Z/009/60/010/05/036/044D ift Wi13 5 Book Reviews 5) "Gas Chromatography", by I.I.M. loulemans, published by.Verlag Chemie GmbH, Weinheim, 1959. Reviewed by,L Tookstein.UgGhT, Pardubice). 6) "Lectures*Held During the Sixth Conference ontas Chromatorraphy 19591.* VfzkumnT-iI-sTtaV siyntet~ick No Card n.P. KAUOUK in -Gottwaldov has published in book form the 2/2 lectures.held during the above Conference. PLAW I BOOK EXT-AITATION SM/5099 Nuhl~Kek, Frantilek Podshipniki skollzbeniya Moscow,, N%5hgIz' 1960. 91ovak. iz plastmass (Sliding Bearings MWL- of Plmtics) 70 P. 9,000 copies printed. Translated from the Translator: A. A. ZhWwv, Engineer; Tech. 3d.: T. ?. Sokolov%; Nknaging W. for Literature on General Technical and Transport Machine Building (Ikshgiz)*. A* Pq faxlav,, IngIneer. PURPM: This booklet Is intended for workers In planning and design orpnUations and for those In the chemical industry who axe specializing in the manufacture of machine parts maile of plastics. COVIVAIM; The author reviews properties of pl"'t1cs used as material for bearings. ne ;;oc;ea of manufacturing bearings made of plastics to discusseil. Operationdil and experimental data on such bearings am included. Also di"sed am the pos- sibLUtles of using plastic bearings in the machine Industry and the economic Importance of their use as a substitute for nonferrous metals. No perionalities axe, mentioned. There are no references. Is Ovttlilldtede 2 ?igures,'2 Tables.,09 i;stern,, 7"Cvzuech, 8 USSR references. (Manuscript received Jun 66). NUIC, IVIC& - -7 Our electrical industries and their problem. Mektroprivreda 14 no. 7/8,337-338 JI-Ag 161. 1. Sekratar Udrusenja SIX, Beogred. NUIC, Kamenko, inz. Problew in spiral spring manufacture. Tehnicki. p.--gled 14 no.2s7O-71 162. NUIC, KAmenko,. ins. IStatics of joint chains. Tehnicki pregled 14 no.3/4:123-124 162. Avia, Kemnko ins Cementation of the elements of precise steel joint chza,~s according to the standards DIN 81809 DIN 8187t and DIN 8188. Tahnicki pregled 14 no-3/4.125 162. NPIG, Kamenko, inz. Main equations for pteel. linked chain . Tahnickl pregled I/+ no.5:165-,180 142. NUIC, Kamenko, inz. Quantitative relations in the oil filtering of systens for lubricating explosive motors. Nafta Jug 15 no.7/8:208-2.13 J1,Ag 164. 1, Oil Institute, Zagreb. -,~-Nwmm-AH - - ~, ~". ":.A. 't Sections of the society and the technological coun-cil of enter- prises. HTO no.8:49-50 Ag 059. (NM 12:11) 1. Zamestitell predesdatelya pravlenlya movets. pervichnoy organizataii Yauchno-tekhnicheskogo obahchestva tormotnogo zavoda, Nookwa. (Research, Industrial) TOPOLYAIISKAYA, S.I.; FEDOROVA, O.A.; MUKIIHAUVICH, A.F.; BIJONSHTETI, !4B.; GRINBEM, TS. B. ; NIXOLAYEVA, K. K. -,-*P-W IVANOVA, V.N.; KISELEVA, V.P.; VILISWNSKAU. F.L.-I VA-LVF=A, V.N. Find.q of Salmonella reading. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i im=.. 32 no.7s123 Je 161. (MIRA 15-5) 1. Iz sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii Kalininskogo rayona Moskvy i Moskovskoy qorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii. (SAUUTELLA READING) NUKHOVICH,,_& , _Mnd. ekonomicheskikh nauk Backwardness of river transportation in Great Britain. Rech. transp. 21 no.10:54-55 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Great Britain-Inland water transportation) KOVALEV, A., inzh.; NUKHOVICH, E., inzb. Experience in mJxed river-sea transportation. F-ech. trmnsp. 22 no.10:61-62 0 163. (14IRA 16 -.12) KOZIOT, IsTet dorochnyy master (stantsiya Kiik TashkentskDy dorogi); TETMRZ. A.T.. dorochnyy master (stantsiya Elva Estonskoy dorogi); POMMD, P.I., brigadir putt (stantalys Perot); IOGTIN. F.G.; MM, R.Ta.; PUMIK, IT.M.. dorozhW master (stantelya Almznaya 17onstakdy dorogi); TINDIFISYEV. S. Give us an answer. Put' i put. khoz. no.5:41-42 My '58. MRA 13:3) l.Starshiy dorozhnyy master, stantslya Beshtau OrdzhonikidzevekDy dorogi (for Logvin). 2. frachallaik distantell, g.Pyarnu (for Nukka). 3.Starshly dorozhnyy master, stantelya Karachav Mookovsko-Kiyevskoy dorogi (for Timofeyev). (Ballast (Railroads)) Num, R.Ya. Our 1practice in roadbed saintenance. Put'i put.khoz. 4 no-7: 18-19 JI 160, OCIRA 13:7) 1. lachallnik distantaii, stantsiya, Pyarnu, Yetonskoy dorogi. (Istonia-Railroads--14aintenance and Repair) OKKA, R.Ya. _ Improved crossing planking. Put'i put.khoz. 5 no-5032 Yq 161. (MIRA 14t6) 1. Nachallnik Pyarnuskoy distantsil Estonskoy dorogi. (Railroads--Cro3sings) NUM, R.Ya. On a narrow-gauge section, Pat' i put.khoz. 6 no.lls22 #62. (KM 16sl) 1. Machallnik Pyarnuskoy distantail Estonskay dorogi, (RailrooLdsp Narrow gauge) NUMS R*Ya* Characteristics of narrow gauge track maintenance. Put' i put.khoz. no.7:21 162. (19M 15-7) 1. Nachallnik Pyarnuakoy distantsii puti Estonskoy dorogi. (Railrc4ds, Narrow gauge-4faintenance and repair) NTYRA, R. Ya. " Means to increase traffic speeds. Put' i put.khoz. 7 no.9t47 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Nachallnik distantii, ~yarnu, Pribaltiyskoy dorogi. NUKKA, R.Ya. - Year-r640 use of a snow plow. Put' i put.khoz. 7 no.12sM 163. (ICRA 16: 12) 1. Nachallnik Pyarnuskoy distantsii Pribaltiyakoy dorogi. EULUJUP/Atomic nnd Molecular Physics - Gases D-7 Abs Jowr Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 61 1958, No 12997 Author Khristov Khr.,_&~S~~ Inst Not Given Title Remark Concerning the Work "Establishment of Certain Pro- babilities and Mean Values Pertaining to Collisions and Free Paths of Gas Molecules." Orig Pub Izv. B"lgar. AN. Otd. fiz.-matem. i tekhn. n., cer. fiz., 1955, 5, 35-36. Abstract It is noted that the fundamental equation of this work (Ref- erat Zhur Fizika, 1957, No 1, 914) are analogous to the for- mula obtained in one of the works by Jang (Jang, L.M., Pro- ceedings Royal Society, 1949, 198, 94). Several advantages of the formula by the authors are indicated. Card 1/1 RUBAStEVA, A.Ye., prof., otv. red.; ',0_2~'WV, A.-I., prof., red.; LIPYddl~, A.F., prof., red.; DI.S., Uots., red. [/,-ray diaj-anasis of bone tumcjr_q~ ilenLgenodiagnostika -.-,,u- kholei xosluei. Kiev, Moroviia, i')64. i0 , i"': I., "I 1. Kie-v. ln.~', ItLt u-~;f,,ve,-:;Le~ st -: -.!%n; ya vra~: l.ey. CHOMOVSKI, Alfred;_.*-~K, Katimiers Usofulness of Stonebrink's medium for the Isolation of tubercle baoilll from contaminated material. Ned.doew.mikrob. 12 no.2: 163-166 160. (MBACTERIUM TUMMULOSIS culture) NULICBK, Jlri Increase of European air transportation charges. Letecky obzcr 6 no.2:39-4-, 162. NULICa, Jiri Determining the course of f light in air, transportation. Letecky obzor 6 no. 6:181-182 A 62. NULICEK, ari. An important succeas of the Czechoslovak c=wrcial aviation. LeteclW obzor 6 no.WJ#-247 162o ~P, ~ NULICEKV Jiri The air transportation in 1961. L-e-tecky ozbor 6 no, U: 378-379 D 162. EULICEK, Tiri Limitati= of aerial business trips? latecky obzor 7 no.9: 268-269 S*63. 68-7-13/16 AUTHOR: Buller, V.A TITLE: On the Efficiency of Heating Coke Ovens with Producer Gas. (Ob effektivnosti obogreva koksovykh pechey generatornym gazom) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1957, Nr 7, pp. 51-52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The use of producer gas for heating coke ovens is dis- cussed. At present this method of heating is used in the Moscow, Leningrad and Kaliningrad Coke Oven Works. The con- sumption of heat is about 600-620 k calAg of d coal while when heating with blast furnace gas - 700 k cal7g. When using producer gas valves should be protected from corrosion. It is pointed out that the transfer of coke ovens on heating with producer gas is justified whenever the coke oven gas so freed can be utilised in the chemical industry. As an example, the use of coke oven gas instead of coke for the production of fertilisers on the basis of synthetic ammonia is given. ASSOCIATION: Giprokoks. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 NU I- iY, Yu. B. BAMIS, B.S.; rAM, D. I.; FAMOVIGH, A.P.; MULLU. Tu.B.; TARASOW, G.K.; TSITMIKO, T.S. Investigatlons on prolouged nodlclma @loop In anisals.- prellaInM7 cammIcatione Mmro norr. I palkh. 54 no.9t?73-787 3 154. (KLRA ?t9) 1. Ufadra palkhIatril Tgentralluago, lustituta usovershoustvovanlys ,wr&chey I NuLchno-issladovatel'skly Inatitut palkhatril KInIsterstva sdr&vookhranonly& RffSR. (SLMW, arfacts, In dogs) ' NULLER, Yix. I= B. Cand Mad SaiL -- (diss)CIfhe States of Hi3bephrenim ZKKXE= Exaitatiion: in the Course of Schizophrenia.,, Moe, 1957. 16 PP 20 am. (Min of. Hdal-th USSR, Central inst for. the Advanc,~:pd Training of Physiciaois), 200 copies (KL, 1T-579 100) - 73- NULLERP YU.B. ....... Reserpine therapy in mental diseasea. Trudy Gos. - - :~, Inst. paikh. 42s20-83 165. Osview of literature on the use of reserpins in pajchiRtry~ lbid.il85-219 (M'!,, IF-.9.I 1. Otdeleniye shizofrenil (zav.- prof. L.L. RokhIln, .. Gosudaretyennogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institu"a palkhIatrii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniy& RSFSR~ LAND09 L.I..; HULLER, Yu.S. Clinical biochemical examinations of schizophrenia patients In the process of reserpine therapy. Trudy Gos. nauch,-isal. In3t. paik.h. 42:111-128 165. (MIRA 18t9; 1, Otdelenlye ohizofrenil (zav,- prof. L*L. Rokhlin) i labora*,oriya biokhimil (zav.- starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik L.I. Lando', Gosudarstvionnogo, nauchno-Issledovatellskogo instituta pqikhtatrii Ministerstva zdravookhranenlya RSFSR. BAZHIN, A.A.; NULLER, Yu.L. Use of chloracizin in tl* treatmht of depressive states. Zhur. new. i psikh. 63 no.10:1546-1548 163. (MIM 17-5) 1,. 1 Psikliiatrichoskaya klinika (nauchnyy rikovoditell - prof. ..Ya. Khvilivitakiy), III Pslkhlatricheskaya klinika (nauchnyy rukovoditell-prof. Ye.S. Averbukh) I laboratoriya paik"--makologi (zau. -kand. med. nauk I.F. Lapin) Nauclino-issledovate-L-siogo psikhonevrologichoskop,o Instituta imeni V.1M. Beklitereva (dir. - kand. med. nauk B.A. Lebedev), Leningrad. NULLER, Experimental evaluation of a time reprcducticn psikbol. no.l+:94-98 JI-Ag t64. (RIRA 17:11', 1. Psikhonevrologicheskiy institut imeni V.M. Bekhtereva, Leningrad. NUILM, Yu. L. Use of a graded evaluation scale for the quantitative determination of the therapeutic effectiveness of anti- depressants. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 64 no-3:"9-452 '64 (MTRA 17:51 1. Laboratoriya paikhofarmakologii (rakoveditell - kand. med. nauk I.P. Lapin) i I-ye paikhiatricheakoys otdeleniya (rukovoditall - Prof. T.Ya. Khvilivitskiy) Psikhonevrologi- cheskogo, instituta im. V.M. Bakhtereval Leningrad. HULIMAN F.S.,-prc=yshlenno-sanitarrqy vrach; PFTROSYANTS,, S.M.# pr hlenno-sanitarnyy vrach BWenic importanee of contaminated material from hands and industrial equipment. Gig. i san. 28 no.7:74-76 n 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Is Tasbkentskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologichookay stantaii, WMIKLY, V~(Klyev); SUMNKO, V., givnyy iazhaner Wyev). r\ Obtaining decorattv-finishIng laminated plastics. Strol.mat., 1xdel.1 konstr. 2 no.6:15-16 Js 136. MRA 9: 8) 1. Direktor kombinats, "Stroydetal" (for Rul'un). (Plastics) (Tiles) GOLITSM, Issak losifovich; NARIZPIM, Tlktor Arta movi ch; AEW! KAN, ustan laaakovich; KIKHA . G.. red.; KOVALICM, G., t~ iC6 ., r-- a-- to -- , - (Windows and doors of konstruktoli. Ilev, um, 1959. 78 P. (Doors) a now type] Okna Gos.izd-vo lit-ry (Windows) I dvert novykh po stroit. I arkhit. (MIRA 13:5) Ala ee-, /6- Z-) Poland/Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 2, 1958,j 4216. Author Nulubowicz R., Jaskolski S. Inst Nur-givem- Title Materials on the Study of Pyritized Shales in Wiesciazowicachi and Pyrite's Genesis. Orig Pub Przegl. Geol. 1957, 5, No 79 303-310. Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 1zj,,,1ADiOV~, 1. U. USSR/Chemistry - Catalysts "Effect of Super-High Pressures of the L. F. Vereshchagin., L. rh. Freydlin, it. Chemy Acad Sci USSR Nov/D-lc 51 Catalytic Properties of Alwqinum Ox-ide," Ml. Rubinshtayn, I. U. MjBianov, Inst Cirr 11Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Khim Nauk" No 6) pp 809-818 Investigation of catalytic activity in the dehydration of ethyl ale and of the structure of sarmles of aluminum oxide before pressing and after ~)ressing at 20,000 atm showed that the pressed catalysts are more effective and durable. Establishe~d that pressing at 20,000 atim does not result in phase trans fo rmatio ns of A1203; the only change is reduction of macroporosity. PA 197T17 --f-7 __T U_I~ ILI T G fele th' ,o,au of aw !4 M N of chlornbcrinite (1111 at 45"00', Activit of the s=e wt, of catalYat chanced I XO 1 27 27 0 51 0 70 0 1 M . . . , , , , . , , F -"tat tin rh ~Aahq i iavid '' , ej~ --and 'U 0341b, Cotatirm4imi of the catalysts did not ~ H, abo~c r-ctiiins. De- ' Its of 3upported c"Ealyst, unjo- ot T hOll i.% c-,itifl-,st wx% cratAul"ed -%a ---eh- stmilth, clity. use!ul bit, &ad ~he 'Atal",it jtd tu larni.- Fit& Mmilmssed in -mPub of PIA-le A. r-~ -1 t"m f V". aA well, t1i,na tht hicr-ft,ir,i Artivity Awlat hwh ~m. s. mvtik , . 11 - . : A:, -J hea gtl I .d ii, a hanv. .1, - ~, W I Th, tpp. irm dl~czibtl prt~luus;~ ; - : n'ric--id 7Yj 1639h). E.2G,(Xj).tm , A J . t1-1. ; r". tilv- Intr 5p lLctivltv dul q,)t Ali(); ent..Yvi 1.4, ThO, 1,5. TICh 2 0. Z-i( J III!, --an, ~,r m, wher di,l .- -. -nd mm"oporvta (1) or "lle'tipoi-ou., 1.11 oh- ;.) lKeir ~-Ini-. ha.ev". the $p '-f- t-Ch -ith 2% CuCj,. 1.3 tones. The mitalYtti in the alu- k,*4r,,~-.,(,d ~uh vinimessian froin OW to 29U. lrd~ ~-'m used f,-r the tollowing rmetions: dehydr4tim "I 1-ry I which de~-~d trom 34%) to only 290 sq. iu./g 9t01 decompn. of HtOli at ANY-370', d- ~tei I wm cnuiprm~d co M, 10A0, and 20,000 L'GnlPn. of RtOH at 36G-400', dehydrogmiatian of iao- litin Rcaution Ill showed Inghest yields of h not when I 0 RuOH at UOI.M. dehydmdon of 82% HCOOII at ISD- -as comprea=d to 5000 atm. only; e.g. at - the yield 2 wau U. when noncompressied I wai used. 13.4 with I com- to WW, 9.5 wttli I compressed to 10,000. and 9.2% %viVi I compi-c~cd to 21),000 atin. It is concluded that Vinpres5im did not change the lattice of act!", cen in l = 0 pe-cata pits. Frank J. H 1 d 64 PAR." Loos of dab) drogmation ariu Cy4m 0a. it - manov~,ab trb. FrcYdHn:1,-IT,:N KULMOIr r 4~j Co. KUBW fn Wi.Ehm-A 'Ak4d, Nam QZdel. Acad, Div Oem. .4, W BMIJ s4i. VISIS mizifir".4don t620,WJ stm. art tile clitalylic The" rompmIulon tediteed the gpceXic vol., V the camysts 3 1- I~ -4 The se[netivity of deny'i, UL-, 1.5-, and 2a-fbid, rcip. genation it( liio-BuOlf bY-Z.IsO and d(,IiyJmI(on of AICCIsIL' --n POjh wss preservul compludy after compre-n by CW vv" vimilu!y- un-fircted-jo, its AMON. ca MOIL in V;;~ qtlju~ StM, but 04 rUio-of-the dctvm~vl deliYeraluft(tion, to that of &hydrutjon b lowervi. Pir-Albly 013 IS cjv~td" by hl'CrOued difficulty at'-dumption-,of AW prodIct C let v reaction of the resul chit ilidehydt, - Inaactiltzth tic;z ettetV 'o! Oe reaction* on the. contpreised ca v t cd remained the same as-on the uncomprm ce, en. 0 Su ixcetlt TfA, showed a dorwim .0 c ressf6a, Theu, Wed. on wt., a fict(Aty aftpr~ colo hasis OF tLe cutalysts.showed. I ed tip on a VO activity cxccpt Caj(1`0#~, Thc:vv ression failed - to Top -r-hung; fn any way"03c, M, n. fona of tile catslygts, )C~ USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products I-:L6 and, Their Application Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants. Abs Jour: Re.ferat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9# 1957, 31910 Author Numanov I. U., Skobelina A.I. Inst Academy of Sciences Tadzhik SSR Title Catalytic Cracking and Desulfurization of Wide Fraction of Kzyl-Tumshuk Petroleum over Local Clay Orig Pub: Tr. AN TadzbSSR, 1955, 41s 69-76 Abstract: Report of the results of the use of grey benton- Ite clay of Tadzhikistan, having the composition (in % by weight): si%, 6o.24, A403 22-79, C ard 1/3 USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-16 and Their Application Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khtmiya, No 9, 1957, 31910 ated 8%, naphtheno-paraffinic 57 7%, and re- quires additional purification with 96% HISOi#, to lower the S-content of the fuel. Gases of cracking over clay contain up to 80% hydrogen and little unsaturated. SAC gives In all in- stances high yields of gasoline fractions (up to 42% by volume) and a higher degree of desulfuri- zation. Card 3/3 SUBBLIM, A.I. ~ , ~ ~ - .. - 7. ~ Catalytic cracking and desulfurization of a wide fraction of Mwadag petroleum over a clay of T&jIkIstan. Isv. Otd. set. nank AN Tadxh. S= ne.16:29-38 '56. (KLft 10: 4) I 1. Institut Wall AN TadshWke Me (MuLudag-Petroleum-Ref tKIRCT HIJKYANTS17A, Z.A.;NUXUOV, I.U. Chemical study of coal* and petroleums of Tajikistan. lzv. Utd. @&t. nauk Ail Tadzh. SSR no. 24:11-20 157* (MIRA 11:10) 1. Institut khimil All Tadshikdkoy SSR. (faJikistan-Codi-Anglysis) (% jiki stan-Petrolaux-Analysis) NMIANOV I.U.; SKOBELINA, A.I.; TOWAGIDWA, G.L.; YAKUBOV, Kh.M. Sulfur organic compounds of petroleums from ths southern part of Central Asia. Report No.l: Sulfur organic compounds of petroleums from the Kzy!-Tumshuk and Khaudag deposits. Izv. Otd. geol.-khim. i tekbe nauk AN Tadzh. SSR no.1:69-78 159. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Institut khimii AV Tadzhikskoy SSR. (Kzyl-Tumshuk-Petroleum-Anal is) (Khaudag-Patroleum--Analysior (Sulfur organic compounds) NUMANOV. I.U.; SKOBELM, A. I. Sulfur organic compounds of crude oils from southern Central Asia. Dokl.AH Tadzh.SSR 2 no-3:7-10 '59. (14IRA 13:4) 1. Institut khInit AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikon AN Tadshikskoy SSH V.P.Krasichkovym. (Sulfur organic compounds) (Soviet Central Ania--Petroleum) it fir Erg 1111;1 lip !~ I I itll 111111 . 1.41 a 9'!5t. r it J; I a. FE-1 ha l�rl a f= I Al Pik NUM940v) 1.1J.; GALIPMN, 21.1).; KAMU)"A, Ye.N.; BEZINGER, U.N.; CHAM, V-,':;-; SKOBaI-NA, A-I-; T.11. Gomoosition, properties, and methodS of extraction of hetero- atomic components from the petroleums Of sOutherr, Central .431a. Izv. AN Turk. S,-;R.,3e,-. fiz.-tekh., khim. i geol.nauk no.6:31-35 '63. (MI FLA 18: 1) 1. KbIrTitche.9kiy ino,ji,iL qjj Tadz1hikskoy SSR. U44" t 0 L #A 4 (9 0 0 IL a 0 ...... c,- -% Niull - "CIT aam tlo . Jy'v-jhoeju rr*o" 14 NO S 0~Vfl "A - r. w Atn 4rik" 4tid Go"Man nwttkxfs j I o pttk lWiliM a l l t1 -00 .00 A. L). PA)).-- Le: -00 cgs* we 1.1e.4 40 a W 4; s ji 4 3 jw to a dg a 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 0 0 OL* 0 S 111 0 9 0 0000 too#* lumt-ROV, B. 11. (Co-author) See- SBAPIR0. A. D. Shapiro, A. D. and Ilumerov, B. 11. "Production of construction boards,and fiberhoards," 10.,;a"o-r-122y Tsentr. n2uch.-Isslcd in- ta bum2zh. prom-sti, I*sue 36, 19W, p.97-135 SO: U-3566, 15 ~12rcll 53, (Letopis 'Zhurr,21 Inylch St~itey, No. 1)-,, 1949). J-fM-r-M,~ OV, B. 11. ((,o,-2uthor) See.- SHAPIRO)_ A. D. Shapiro, A. D. and Numerov, B. N. "Problems ~il production of 2splialt cardboards," Ilatcrialy Tsentr. in-t2 bumazh. prom-sti, Issue Y, 190, p. 295-331 SO- U-3566) 15 Marel. 53, (Lcto[Js 'Zhurnzl Iriyki. "'t.1tay, No. I)i, IA!)). Numerob, B. N. "The manufacture of oil-and benezene-proffe packing cartons," Haterialy Tsentr. nauch.-'ssled. in-ta bumash, prov-sti, Issue 37, 1948, P. 297-332 So: U-35660 15 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 13, 1949 ) 19MOT, B.11. Cardboard facing for dry apsum plaster. 29 no.5:19-21 Ky 154. (NUA 7:7) 1. Ventrallayy usuchno-Issledovatel'skly Institut bume. (Plastor) NUMMY, B.N. QuAity requirements of base paper for corrugated board. Bum.prom.31 no.2:9-13 r 156. WRA 9:6) l.TSentrallnyy T-uchno-issledovatellskly institut tsellyu- loznoy I bumazhnoy promyshlonnonti. (Paperboard) Problems in the manufacture of fiberboard panels. Bum.prom-32 no.8:24-27 Ag '57. (NIIiA 10:12) (Fiberboard) f., N. A/ ~ ~ / V L--- /c'u ~-- /j BUROT, V.I., Insh.;- summvp B.N -, inzh. IntermtIonal conference on the mnufacture of fiberboard. Ebm. prm 32)no.10.-27-28 0 157. (MIR& lltl) (Warsaw--Ifiberboard--Covvmsiiea) NUMEROV, K.D. The past and the present of the sable in the northern part of the Yenisey portion of Siberia. Zool. zhur. 42 no.7:1088- 1098 163. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Krasnoyarsk Department of All-Union Research Institute of Animal Raw Material and Furs. NUMBROV,K.D. Changes of the color of sables in the Yanisey area of Siberia during individual years. Zool. zhur. 43 n0-49599--605 164 (MIRA VZO 1. Krasnoyarsk Division of the All-Union Research Institute of Inimal Raw HaterialB and Furs, Krasnoyarsk. ...NUMEROVO N.V.0 inzh. and polishing semlautomat for the grinding of steel sheets. Dar. prom. 12 no.12:24-25 D 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1, Vilinyusakiy op7tnyy zavod voloknistykh Ladelly. "aw- , - t , % " * : _- , , , - .1 :, f - 7- ~, -,~l - , .~ - . - , I, . , I i ~'r 11 '. I ; .!~' - I . t ~ I t 1, . --NMEROV, N.V., kand. tekhn. nauk Improving the quality of wood-fiber boards by means of chemical treatment of chips during defibering. Ler. prom. 14 no.9:5-7 S 165. (MIRA 18s22) 1. Villnyusskiy opytnyy zavod voloknistykh izdeliy. f% ~r -- MUMMY S. 1~>~ "New Methods of determining filtration tasks and their application." Dissertation for Candidate of Technical Sciences, Leningrad Polytechnical Inst. im. Kalinin. Subject: Hydroengineering building and construction. Gidrotekhnicheak2ye, stroitellstvo, 12, 1946. NUMEROV. S.M. Approximate calanlation methods of filtration in earth dams permeable to water. Trudy Len.politekh.inst. no.4:141-146 147. (MLRA 6:8) (Dams) (Percolation) HUMOV, S.N.; PAT=HBT. A.9. Diffasion of soluble materials in hydraulic structures. Th~ lexipolitekh- Inst. no.4:165-169 147. (MLIA 6; 8 ) (HydraulLc engineering) r..I.q 7- Ij V.I.. professor. daktor takhatcheakikh nauk;,1UN1RW, S -, starshty nauchnyy sotrudnik. kandidat takhntcheektkh nauk. Seepage calculations for hydraulic power plant headwater ponds. INV. VJFIIG no.32 147. (NLRA 10:2) (Hydroelectric power stations) (Soil percolation) NUMOV, S.M., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, kandidat takhatchaskikh nauk. Seepage calculations of horizontal drainage in hydroelectric power stations and Industrial structures (where there to great depth of water permeable layer). lzv.VlllG no.32:17-26 147. (KW 10:2) (Drainage) (Soil percolation) wimuov, S. M. 25693 Ob unsto oil soprotivloniya )rl postroyanit plana burnogo tachonlya. Trudy lAningr. Politekhn. In-Ta in. 11alinina, 1948. No. 5, a. 184-89. SO: I&TOPIS I No. 34 NUISROVI S.fl. 25694 Numerov, S.N. Primenenie metoda fragmentov pri raschetakh plosky, na pornoy, neustanovivshey-sya filltratsil. Trudy Leningr. politekhn. in-ta im. Kalinina, 1948, NO: 5, 5. 208-13 SO: Letopis'Zhurn&llnykh Statey, Vol. 34, Voskva, 1949 NUKEROV. SaY., doteent. kandidat, teldmicheakikh nauk. One mothod of solving seepage problems whore there to Infiltration or evaporation of liquid from the free aurface. lwv.MXG no.38: 130-133 148. MM 10:2) (Water, Uhdorground) (Soil pereolatton) NUMEROV, S.N.. dotxent. kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. Plans problem In the hydraulics of open water courses In cameo of turbulent eddy currents. lzv. MIG no.40:149-153 149. MU 10.-2) (Hydraulicx) KNMV#;Ssff*, dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk Seepage toward a horizontal drain in the case of an inclinod bottom. Isy. ONG 4602-85 151. (KIRA 12:5) (Water. Underground) NUMMV, U.N., dotsent,kand. takhn. nauk. Inflow of ground water into a rectangular trench. Izy. MIG 46:202-206 151. (KIRA 12:5) (Vator, Underground) ARAVIN, V.X.; NUMOT. ;5.N.; MIKUYLOV, G.K., redaktor; GAVRILOW, S.B., telrhnl C6-ffTrr-TdMwtvOOkK (Twory of the notion of liquids and zedI4L] Toorits, dvizhentia chidkostel poristol erode. Noskvs, Goo. izd-vo 616 p. (Filters and filtration) games In urdletorted porous I gazov v nedeforstrusnot takhnlko-tooret. lit-ry. 1953. WU 7:8) HUMDV.. dats.. kand.takhn.nauk; PERSHIM, S.T.. kand.tekhn.nauk Theoretical determination of the Inclination. angle and com- pression coefficient of a lateral jet. Izv.VNIIG 50:58-70 IqI. (JURA 12:3) (Fluid mechanics) ---RWRP~. S.Ni. dote., kand.tokhn.nauk Approximate method for calculating the pressure seepage In the foundation of hydrotechnical Installations. Izv.VRIIG 50:?1-190 153. (KIRA 12:5) (Soil percolation) HUMMV, S.N.. dote.. kand.takhn.naut- - Generalization of the Dupult forrmla. Izv.VWIIG 50:197-202 '53. (MM 12-5) (Soil percolation) (Water. Underground) M-R/ Engineering - Hydraulics FD-1.101 Card 1/1 Pub. 41-13/17 -Author Numerov. S. N. Title A wthod for solving filtration prohlems Periodical : Izv. M SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk 4, 133-139, Apr. 1954 Abstract : Presents a "fourth method" of conformal depictions, without use of a velocity hodograph, for solving problems of plane, steady filtration in homogenecus soil. As an illustration of the practical application of this method, a solution is presented for the case involving filtra- tion from an irrigation ditch with evaporation from the open surface of the ground water. Diagrams. Five references. Institution, : Submitted : January 14, 1954 -,. ,, t1) .,A"" IRMEROVO S. N. "Methods of Study of Continous Horizontal Filtration of Liquids in a Homogeneous Medium." Acad Sci USSR,, Inst, of MechardAs. Mosew-Leningrad, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor in Technical Sciences) SO: M-955P 16 Feb 56 ARAVIN. V.I., MMOV. S.U., PICMHKIU. A.A., radaktor; PULIKIYA. Ye.A., talchnieIMM"' MWKor [lbdraulic engineering filtration computational 7111tratsionays raschety gidrotakhnichaskikh sooruzbenti. 1xd. 2-e. perer. i dap. Leningrad, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po, strottel'stvu I arkh1takture, 1955. 290 P. OMRA 8:7) (Soil percolation) PAVWVSIrIY. 9.M., akademik; HEKRASOV, A.L. akademik; KOCHINA, P.Ta.; ARAVZN, Y.L. professor; AKMIII. A.M.. professor; 2EMZN, V.D., professor; CHIRTOOM. N.D.. professor; ARXR&NGWS]rff, V.A.. dot sent -, Ignmo dotsent: SXMHIWOYA. N.M., Inshener-, CHUGAYIV, R.R., pro a or, doktor tekbnicheskiy nauk: ISHM. Tu.A.. redaktor; S14IRWYA, A-V., takhnichaskiy redaktor [Collected works] Sobranis socUnanil. Koskva. Izd-Yo Akademil naak SSSR. Vol. 1. (Principles of hydraulic@, open channels and the transition of water over hydraulic structures] Osnovy c1drayliki otkrytye rusla i sopriazhente blefov soorushanil. 1955. 547 P. (KERA 8-.4) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kochina) (Wdramlies) NUKIMOT (Laninvad) brOGISHOn In 0481-inflatte Wl %"6e6. IsTAX 6M. Otd.takh. nwk no.4:58-74 Ap 156. (am 9: 8) (Boll percolatioa) MIMMV, S.N., (Leningrad) Taking the p"rmeahility of sheet piling Into consideration in calculating water seepage through concrete dam foundatiom. Inzh. sbor. 21:164-172 156. KRA 9:10) (Dame) (Soil percolation) AUTHOR: Numerov, S. N. (Leningrad). 24-1-10/26 TITLE: On non-steady state filtration in a strip shaped stratu::1-- towards a rectilinear chain of perfect wells. (0 neustanovivsheysya filltratsii v polosoobraznom plaste k pryamolineynoy tsepochke sovershennykh PERIODICAL: Izvestiva Akademii Pauk Otdeleniye Tekhnicheski"&, Nauk, 1958, No.1, pp.79-8~ (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the casesof a t-vio-dimensional non-steady state filtration of a uniform elastic liquid inside a wiiforv, elastic porous medium, the isothermal filtration of a gas in a uniform incompressible porous mediua and also the pressureless filtration of a heavy inccxpres~_ible liquid in a hozizontally layered (particularljin a uniform) stratum, the potential vector of the filtration rate satisfies the two-dimensional Fourier equatioii: ~2 2 a2 ) . a + (tb~ by ,OlUt401-IS Of the .L In thiE paper one claou of particular Card 1/3 Fourier equation is considered which corresponds to the