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h RbYSCR; XUbBAMI, D.G.,kELnd.ned.nauk
TUROVSKATA, F.R.,zasluzhennyy vrad 0
Physical development of school children in Moscow; data of
medical surveys made during the 1952-53 school year. Gig.
I san. 24 no.3:52-62 Mr '59. (MBA 12:5)
1. Iz Moskovokoy gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stantaii.
(BODT WEIGH?. in inf. & child,
school child., Russian statist. (Rue))
(BODY HEIGHT. In inf. & child.
HUSBAUK,ILMi.,kand.ateditainskikh nauk; YOKINA, M.S., kand.meditsinskikh
Work capacity of boarding school students in relation to daily
schedule. Gig. i san. 24 no.12:36-42 D 159. (MIU 13:4)
1. Is Fauchno-isaledovatellskogo institute. fisichaskogo vospita-
niya i shkollnoy gWyeny Akademii podagogicheakikh nauk RSPSIL
a 14 *u 111 0 go Q " ad C6
JL-., k- A- -9- 3AD I, -
wc!-,I!a ~! O"ILM-
Ow, V~Cwiiy!f~ ;Dt.
Meneue dyes. S. A , ". 1,
Aroof S. I. AfitcI'm;o,-j4v-~S-,Rt61.1 Aug 3[. 190i -00
ISINdan-type dye"t
by ""uIllilig dul"Jift'l
tv 0
ow i:0 0
EMItI./ 0.1 ate
IL a AV 0 dg a a IN a ff cg a if wa 4 1 ICA 0
Z.Asis model*&* 000004 1
'TU'D 3. A.
.Development of Methods for Obtairiing tho Nitriles of Al pivatic Acils.' Theciis for
de~-ree of Uand. Technical Sci, Su~) 22 Kay 50, Moscow 1,v;t of Fine Ghewira'L Tectinol-,gy
imeni M. V. Lomonosov
Summary ?1, 4 SeP 52, Dissertations Presented for Vagrees in `3cience ~tn(l riwineerin-
in 1.1'oscow in 1950. From Yeeherrwart Moskva. Jan-Jec 1950.
USSR/Human and Animl Fhysiolo~y (Normal and Pathalz~-~ical) T
Metabolism. Vitamins.
Abs Jovir Ref 7%ur BiDl., N) 6, 1959, 26314
Auth)r Husber_r;, L.I.
Inst Institute of Tuberculosis, Acaderjy if Nedical Sciences
Title On Metabolism of Vitami-i Z I in Childrer~ with OsteD-
Artici.dar Tubercvljsis.
Ori,' Pub ; Tr. Txi-ta tuberkuleza. Akad. ricd. :muk SSSR, 1957, 9,
Abstract : The secretiou of thiaLlinC (T) was st%ldied in 46 cilildren
in the active phase of osteo-articular tuberculoois with
syript,)ns of tubarc,.ilosis intoxication. 21 cl-ildre-i with-
~)ut liadin-- with T did ii~)t secrete it at all and ouly in
9 childreii In the active phase of the process was the
Card 1/3
USSR/Hurnn and Puiirial Physi)l:).y (Normal aad PathiloLlcal) T
Metabolism. Vitamins.
Abe J-)ur Ref Zhur Diol., No 6, 1959, 26314
a m-iuit of T excreted in 24 hours of urine nori;nl. L-. 27
if 39 children irith insufficiency of T, its excreti.).i dur-
in-- pr3cess of treatment norralized coupletely; in t"Le
rest it inniroved, except in 5 individuals. After 2 days
of loading; with 5000 bunmn of T each intramuscularly, in
35 of 48 children decreased excretiin of T was noted in
the berinain--, however, in the transition of the process
into inactive firm, normalization af T metabolism took
place. Insufficiency of T is apparently connected with
the intensity of tiabercitlosis intoxication. The excretioz]
of pyoracemic acid ~PA) in ne active phase of the prDcess
was on V-,e avera,,e ~in mC; ~) of process abatinC, 24-5-
Iii the active phase if the process a s1iar-p increase of PA
excretion was observed in 50.2% of patients, in t1he abat-
in~; phase -iii Norrnlization of FA excretio~i la_-
;~,ed from the nirmlizatiDn of T excretioii. The
Card 2/3
- 24 -
USM/Human and Animal Physiology (NorDal and PatholoGical) T
Metabolism. Vitamins.
Abs Jour : Ref 71iur Diol., Nj 6, 1959, 26314
utilization of chempreparations and antibiotics did
not induce an adverse influence on the metabolism of T.
--- L.M. Model
Card 3/3
mmxyg. A.
Models and desigms of warm footgear. From.koop. 12 no.12:20-
21 D '58. (KIFA 12:2)
1. Rukovoditall sektora novoy obuvi TSentrallnoy ne6uchno-
skeperimental'noy kozhobuvnoy laboratorti, Moskva.
(Shoe manmfacture)
New method of strengthening the lower part of Rouse
slippers and light street shoes. Prom.koap. 14 no.6:22
Je 160* OURA 13t7)
1. Rukovoditall sektora tokhaologil proizvodstva obuyi
gauchno-issledovatellskogo tekhnokhimichaskogo instituta.
(Shoe industry)
Simple, inexpensive, aturdy, Mest.prom.i khud.prom7a 2 no.500
My 161. (Shoe manufacture) ?KIRA 14:5)
CasiNj of fan diffusers for the TAX 4500 truck built under license.
Stroj ve7t 6 no.1:37-38 Ja 160. (EUI 10: 5)
Slovenia--Motor trucks)
NIi6"rINPAUV,. A. A., GrTST'AN, L. G.
Biology - United States
Reactionary biology in the schools of the United States. Est. v shkolp 'Zo. 5, 1~~-52.
Yonthl - List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952, U,~.CLAI-SIFIED.
Numqwmm, L. Y'.
27867. NUSEMMUM, L. M. - Perezrmalye ikry prichina snizheniya eye rybovodnykh
knehestv. Trudy laborstorii oswv rybovadstva, T. 11, 19401, S. 2-01-07. - Bibliocrt
9 Narm. SMIPMOV, A. N. lashch prikurlnskikh ozer slatecry ser7su---W. 27685.
TARPSEVrCH, V. Y. Sudak pridatochnoy statemy Nizhisy Kury -%. 27680-
SO: Latopis' Zhurmllnykh Statey, Vol. 37,, 1949
KUM$ L, T,1.
d tatbrocyw (a QUOU IL Musenbaum (C, ft. A"id.
Sri. O.R.S.S., 1953. go, -at the ellipticity
of erythrocytes in the'Peripheral blood of ealman, during the yearly
migration cycle are camliatc:d with inferred variations In the rate
of crythropolesis, young erythrocytes which have only juat tomet
cytopWmic polychroamia Wng ntum rumly &vaftlat thaa old.
flUSENBAU14, L.M., kand.bIol.nauk
of fishes In the electric fiold In connection with the
problem of their protection during hydraulic construction worki)Trady
sov.Ikht.1com. no.8:132-141 1 58. (MIRA Iltl
1. Vassoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut ozornogo I racbnogo
rybnago khozyaystva.
(Electricity In fishing)
STHAKHOV, Vladimir Arsenlyevich; ~WSEIIBAU,., ja Jkbay-lovich;- GYULIBADAMOV,
E .. L_xj~
S.B., spets. red.; KOROBOCHIM-IA, Z.S., red.; FOWIALMA, Ye.A.,
tekhn. red.
(Electric fish screen of the EIIZU-1 tMI Elektricheskii zagraditell
dlia ryb tipa ERM-1. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-isal. in-t ozernogo i
rechnogo rybnogo khoz,, 1959. 37 5. (MIM4 14:12)
Fish culture
Electric fishing in pond fish farms, Trudy sov. Ikht.
kcm. no.14:1-13-121 162. (MIRA 15:12)
1. Gosudaretvennyy nauchno-issledp*teltakiy institut
ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozyaystva GosNIORKh).
(Electric fishing)
KIPkR, Z.H., inzhe; NUSENBAUM, L.M.v kand.tiologichaskikh nauk
The possibility of using the bottom sluices of modern hydro-
electric power stations as fishways. Gidr. stroi. 33 no.11:
47-48 N 162. (MM 16:1)
(Fishways) (Hydroelectric power stations)
Nusni, m.
Urging strong measures in the enforcement of the budget for 1956,
p. 16, TMIIKA, (Ministria Industri-Miniera dhe Ndertim-Komunikacion)
Tirane, Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 1956
SOURCE: East European Accessions Lis4 (EEAL) Library of Congress,
~ I
vol. 5 , No. 12, Decanber 19
miumi, M. ---
- - - -
"Dctcnd'Lrg t1he credits for indu-,trlal supklic-E:."
p. 14 ('rekn-lka) Vol. 4, no. C, Nov./Ijc~c. 1957
Tirane, Albania
L)O: Yonthly Index of East Eurc~ean Accessions (EI.AI) LC. Vol. 7, nc. 4,
April 1958
Periodical TEKAIKA. '101. ,, no. 4, Jilly/Aug. I-)*,--.
Aa~!AJ, i.. Faulty accountinj. technique and now to correct i b. ;). 19.
Iv.onthiy List, of ~,ast European I~ccessiom (EEAI) LC, Vol. 6, rLo. 3, Ylarcii, !,~59. Uncl.
PA 13T22
USSR/Chemistry Polyviny1formal Sep 1946
Chemistry Syntnesis
"The Synthesis of Polyviny.Lformal In a Homogeneous
Medium, S. Nushakov, Or. B. Eve, 8 pp
"Zhur Pr1k Rhim" Vol XIX, No 9
Study of the methods of hydrolysis of the poly-
vinylacetate and acetalization with formaldehyde
in the acetic acid solution of the product of its
hydrolysiev i.e.~ polyvinyl alcohol,
3/02 62/143/004/027/027
'W 70 B144YB138
AUTHORS: Correeponding Member AS USSR, Nichayev, I.
A., Grayevskaya, B. M., and Shchedrina, R. N.
TITLE: Some phyniologioal and biochemical peculiarities of mice with
different congenital radioeensitivity
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 143, no. 4, '1962, 997-1000
TEXT: The radiosenaitivity of the following three strains was studied:
cc 57-brown and BALB/c from the breeding station in Stolbovaya, CH 3 with
2 sublines from Stolbovaya near Moacow (m) and Rappolovo near Leningrad
(1); and of a mixed population (0) of mice from the breeding station at
Kryukovo. The body weight, the weights of liver, spleen, suprarenal
glands, thyroid, and testes, the catecholamina (CA) content in the
suprarenal. glands and the glycogen content in the liver were determined
after whole-body irradiation with 350 -L 650 r. The LD 50/30 was much
higher for MP and CC 57 than for CH3 and BALB/c. This was consistent with
Card 1/2
Some physiological and... B140138
the significant weight increase of liver and spleen found in the former
two groups, whose thyroids were equally heavier; whereas no relation
could be established between the weight of suprarenal glands or testes
and radiosensitivity. Histochemical and quantitative studies revealed
that MP had the lowest CA content. CH 3 sublines m and I had different CA
levels. Radiosensitivity changed in the same order. Although this
parallelism is no proof of a direct interrelation between CA metabolism
and radiosenbitivity, it may be assumed that adrenalin is an important
mediator between radiation perception and reaction. The glycogen level
in the liver showed the reverse order and is probably dependent on the
CA level in the suprarenal glarkdo. There are 2 figures and 1 table.
SUBMITTED: January 5, 1962
Card 2/2
BULGAMA/Chemical Technology - Chemichl Products and Their H-27
Application. Fermentation Industry.
Abs Jour : Ebf Zhur - Khioiya, No 8.. 1958, 26778
Author : Nushev Wya
Title on Dateraination of Noma and Losses in
Production of Brandy Spirit.
Orig Pub Lozarstvo i vinarstvo., 1957., 69 No 2,, 54-59
Abstract In a single-run apparatus 12o543 liters of 90 wine
(111j.8670 total) yielded: 9 liters (6520) head fraction;
1j,238 liters (87#1260) brandy spirit,' 314 liters (10..1310)
tail fraction on distillation fron 4o-450 to 2oo; 1.,449
liters (11,1380) tail fraction an distillation fror. 200
to 00. Output capacity of this apparatus is of 530 li-
tars of 650 brandy spirit per day. RqenUtures per
1000 liters of 650 brandy spirit are: coal 2900 kg
4061 cal, water 20 tons, electric power
Card 112
- 69 -
N 1-1 --~ 1-11-- VI j .
BULGA M /Cbemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their H
Application. Put 3- - Fermentatim In4ustry.
Abe Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Fhimlya, No 21, 1958, 72217.
Title Effect of Yeast Residue m Quality of Brandy
Orig Pub: Laze i vinarstvo, 1957, 6, ito 6, 34-37.
Abstract: In order to study the effect of the Yeast residue
on the quality of the brandy alcohol# distillation
of wine of the DiMat kind with various amounts
of yeast (Y) (from 0 .6 to 7 .&M was carried out in
me-rraction stills. Wines distilled without Y
gave the best results from the orpnoleptic point
of view,, the results given by wine with 0.6,,Io' or Y
Cexd 1/2
YMSHIEV , Kr. , dots. , h. t.n. ; LUCn*.,,', St. ; IPTSHLEV, '1. '.1, TV.
Distribution cf ethyl alcohol and volatile acbist,.res
in liquid and vaporous phase at t: a continuous dist~ 11ation
of the molasses fermented must uinder production conditio.- .2.
God'-shnik Idim tekh 9 no.2:221-234 '62 [publ. 1631.
1. Chlen na "edalctsicnnata 'r-lolegiia i oLg. reda,-tor ',
"Godishnik na i'tli::-,iko-tekhnologi(--hesiiia institut"
(for Kaishev ,).
Fifteen years of achievement and success.
no.1:31-32 Ja 160. 04IRA 13-2)
1. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo soveta profsoyuzov hlbanii.
(Albania--Economic conditions)
Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences at the
Institute of the peoples of Asia
"Art of the Theater in Iran."
Ve3tnik Akad. Nauk, No. 4, 1963, PP 119-145
"Protsess res~ieni-ya op--rat-1vnyk:.,. zada,--r. i fjroic-ema ego
report submitted for I'Ah Intl Cong, Intl Assn of Applied Psycholog~, Ljubijana,
Yugoslavia, 2-,'--' Aug 1964.
Moskovski-y universitet.
-------- --
Checking stationary scales.
(Scales (Weighing
I=.tekh. n-.7:11 JI 162. (MIRA 15:6)
BELENIM, Aleksandr Davydovich; NUSHTAYEVp Vladimir Vasillya-vich;
NOGAYFKV, Vasiliy Mikhayi6ifc-h;-V&6g-'YE7;-'r-~Te-.,,-fnzh.v retsen-
zent; KISEIEVAp N.P.V inzh.j, rqd.; USENKO,, L.A... tekhn. red.
(Performance of diesel locomativ" an lengthened haul distances;
experience of the Ashkhabad Railroad] Rabota teplovozov na, udlinen-
rqkh uchaotkakh abrashchaniial opyt Ashkhabadskoi dorogi. Moskva,,
Vses, izdatelisko-poligr,' "4bwedinenie H-va putei soobahcheniia
1961. 78 p. (MIRA 14:12)
(Diesel locomotives-Performance)
ESI140ICqt_q=giF-YakcLyInickRZITINg Mikilail Dmitriyevichl MOROV#
Sergey Fedorovich; SLITSKAYA, LMOO Inzh., red.1 SHILLINGg V.A.,
red. isd-Ta; BEWGUROVA, I.A.v tekbn. red.
(centrifugal casting of supercharger wheels] TSentrobezhnoe litle
Was nagnetatelei. Uningrad, 1961. 17 p. (Leningradskii Dom
nauabno-takhnichookoi prop
.jandy. Obm*n peredovyu opytom. Seriia:
Idteinoe proizvodatvo, no1 (MMA 14 17)
(Centrifugal casting)
Effectiveness of disinfecting barbers' brushes in relation to
the pathogens of dermatorqcoses. Vest. derm. i van. no.6:62-65
16l. (MIM 15:4)
1. Iz mikologicheakogo otdola (zav. - prof. A. M. Ariyevich)
TSentrallnogo kozhno-venerologichaskago instituta (dir. -
kandidat meditsinskikh nauk N. M. Turanov) Ministerstva zdravoo-
khrameniya RSFSR i Moskovskoy gorodskoy desinfektsionnoy s
stantaii (glavn7y vrach ff. M. Kudrinskiy)
-=1210vp A.G.
The 28R7 semiautomiatic sandblasting coreme-Idn machine with the 28P8
rotary drawing machine. Biul,,tekh,-ekon,inform.Goonauch.-issl.inst,,-
nauch i tekh.inform. no.8t19-21 962, (MIRA 15:7)
(Coremaking-Equipment and supplies)
NumovP G. 1.
Semicoking (low-temperature carbonization) of coal using standard equipment Moskva, Goo.
nauchno-takhn. izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry,, 1945. 119 p. (51-21779)
0 00 0 0 O's 0
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A I &-a rGAII.Vify I I 1 #64 is cc cc M+1 0 4 A 't
004 40
00, ova" 6f
of c CAM, Ind. (u. S. S. R.)
-When Call coutS. 11o8 ithlottigh
00 a wmmw. the owl., sbowd contain 100-141;V., ftef"
0o a the aboorbing t"grat. A kkik fittewitj GO %VtticW OLE
4-tu llwf tlktn k drsirobta. The gate Saw %butdd -00
00 1- fal.l. hl.h~ LekeAter
00 ZI
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The arnt. of cakined eroA used qmg 0
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A C A. A-1 4 A 4--L, A. 0 M_,.9 4 ; I k 11 -W--A.-- L-L 0 CC M U I L too
&1, GO Wostroptechisdat,
:0 -
Ifoscov, 1941, J]d ppo bl.c,usreae bull, 1945, 9# 324). -this
asel papWar account of developments In the u.s.s.r. contains 1041
everal kitbarto unpublished diagram of oxpwLaoatal under-
0 0 t. ;ound gasification plants. A comparison is drawn between !,a9
*0 a! the costs of tiplottiag coal resources by this means and by
000 conventional mining methods. A progress or research on the
0* ji control of underground gasification and utilisation of the
O product to outlined.
* 0 0
1:0 1
44" 0
t OWN KtI 'Egg KUM it
WO 43 74 VK4
0 al 0 0 0. 0 0 0 * al * 0 o * 0 0 0 0 0 a Ole 0 O~ 0 0 00 0 0 000 0 41 0 41 0
0 0 q, 0 0140 0 0 00 0000000000 0 * 0 040 0 * 0 0 *0 0 * 41 0 0 * 0 0 * 4 0
NUST I G. 0.
"Subterranean Gasification of Coal and Its Demsnds on the Oxygen Industry."
Kislorod', No. 2, PP 45-53, 1944.
A general discussion with brief mention of the plants in the Gorlovo,
Lisichansk, and Moscow Regions.
HMINOT. G.O. kandidat takhmIchaskikh nauk.
Methods of calculating losses of gas-blow. coal. and gas In the
process of undergrommi 46jolficatlon. Podsm.ges.ugl. no.1:22-28
'57. (mm 10:7)
1. VNIIPodsmgas.
(Goal gasification, Underground) 11
k1us IN 0 V , 6, C, ~
-.0., kand.tekhn.nauk; BRUSiTEYD, H.'., kand.teltn.riauk:
M.A., inzh.
Underground gasification of coal accordIng -,.c the system of
preliminary heat treatment of the senm And reversible gnsification.
Podzem.gaz.ugl. no.3:16-21 '57, (MIRA 10:11)
(Coal gas-fication, Underground)
FERBEROV, I.L.,doktor tekhn.nauk; BRUSHTEYII. N.Z.,kand.tekhn.nauk; MUSIMOV, G,O~;
PITIN. R.N.; FEDOROV, R.A.,inzh.
Hydraulic fracturing of strata during underground coal gasification.
Podzem.gaz.ugl. no.1:31-34 158. (MIRA 11:4)
1. Vassoyuznyy nntichno-issledovstel'skly i proyektnyy institut
podzemnoy gazifikntsit ugley i Inst1tut goryuchikh iskopnyemykh im.
G.K. Krzhizhanovskogo AN SSSR.
(Coal gasification, Underground)
NUSINOV, G.O., katid.takhn. nauk
4MV4-' OA" P~'
Material balance of the underground gasification process. Podzem.
gaz. ugl. no. 2:38-42 '58. (MIRA 11:7)
1. VaesoyuzrWy nauchno-lusledowatellskiy institut Podzev~pz.
(Coal gasification, Underground--Accounting)
Results of the study of gas leakage from gas producer No.1 at
ths Shatskaya "PodzeWaz" Station. Podzem. gas. ugl n0-3:
2.1-29 158. iMIRA lltlO)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatallskiy institut Podzemgas I
Institut goryuchikh iskopaysm7kh im. G.M. Krzhizhanovskogo AN
(Ho"cow Ba"In-Coal ganification, Underground)
BRIUSIVETH, N.Z., kand. takhn.nauk; KULAKOU. M.A.; LEVANEVSKff. V.S.;
NUSIODY G.O., kand. takhn.nauk; PITIN', R.N., kand. tekhn. nauk;
daktor takhn.nauk.
First experiments in the hydraulic fracturing of coal seams at
the Moscow Basin "Podtowgaza Station. Pedzem. gaz. ugl, no,4:19-24
158- (MIRA 11:12)
I.Vaea*7uznyy nauchno-tealedovatellskiw institut Pedzemgas i Institut
gor7uchik-g iskopaysmVkh im. G. M. Krzhizhanovskage AN SSSI.
(Moscow Baain-Coal gasification. Underground)
(Hydraulic mining)
MJSIIW07, G.O., kand.tekhu.nau
Some characteristics of the filtration linking process of gas
flow channels and necessity of a total analysis in estimating
the effect of Individual factors on its courses Podxem.gaz,
ugl. no.3:3-8 159. (MIRA 12:12)
1. TsasoyuzMy nauchno-lealedovatellakly I proyaktVVY
Institut podzemnoy gazifikateli ugley.
(Coal gasification, Underground)
19USIMP -.a-O-. kELnd-t6khn-n0uk: BRUSEWN, Y.Z., kand. tekha. milk;
- - -7 KULUWVA. M.A.. inzh.
Laboratory, investigation of the combustion zone drifting and
coal gasification processes in crack channels. Podzem.gaz.ugl.
no.4:3-6 159. (MIRA 13:4)
1. VsesoyuzrW7 nauchno-iasledovatel'skiy inatitut Podzemgaz.
(Coal gasification. Underground)
MOINGV, G.O., doktor tekhn.nauk; ZYBALOVA, G.P., kand.tekhn.rauk;
-PH-mmall uchastiye: RETINSKAYA, A.N., inzh.;
NYAGIMISEV, K.N., inzh.; DUSHM-IOVA, N.N., inzh.;
KARNASH., E.M., inzh.
First data on the underground coal gasification in the
experimental gas producer of the Angren "Podzemgazo
Gas Producer Plant. Naucht trudy VIIII Podzemgaza no.6:3-10
162. (MIU 15:11)
1. Laboratoriya gazifikatsii burykh ugley Vsesoyuznogo
nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta podzemnoy gazifikatsii
(Angren Basin-Coal gasification,, Underground)
NUSIKOV G 0 doktor~tekhn.nauk; MWSHTE7M, M.Z.# kand.tekhn.nauk;
S. TS.
Ukdfication of the methods of calculating the basic indices of
connection liWdmg and coal ganification in the "Podzemgaz" plants.
Hauchatrudy VNIIPodzemgaza no*7:33-1+0 162. (14IRA 15: 11)
1. Laboratoriya gaaffikataii burykh ugley Taesoy=ogo naachno-
isoledovatellskago instituta podzemnoy gazifikataii ugley.
(Coal gasification, Underground)
.~pktor tekhn. nauk; MIRINGOF, N.S., kand. tqkhn. nauk;
MUSIRRITtrUnfl,PNIZI, kand. tekhn. nauk; UMMALrUKI er.
Hydraulic fracturing of a coal seam under an increased rate
of water injection and an increased distance between boreholeB
on an experimental gas generator at Shatakoye station. Nauch.
trudy VNIIPodzemgaza no.8T59-69 162. (MIRA 16a6)
1. labor%toriya gazifikateii burykh ugley VaeBoyuznogo nauchno-
issledovatellskogo instituta podzemnoy gazifikatsii ugley.
(Moscow Basin-Coal gasification, Underground)
NUSINOV, G.O., doktor tekhn, nauk; BRUNSHTEYN, N.Z., kand, tekhn. nauk;
Underground gasification in flooded areas of a coal seam
Nauch. trudy VIIIIPodzemgaza no.9:3-7 163. (MM 16-11)
1. Laboratoriya gazifikatsii burykh ugley Vsesoyuznogo
nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta podzemnay gazifikatsii
Z. ~-T
- U-
Tht d
njtg Off
Aa -~ //VO
Mechanical properties of rubber mixtures and peculiarities of their
flow through alit passages. Xauch. i rez. 16 no.8:24-27 Ag 157.
(KOA 10: 11)
1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovykh I lateksafth izdeliy.
(Ilastomers-Testing) (Rhoology)
SOV/32-24-7-56 /65
AUTHORS: Pozin, A. A., lzrayelit, G. Sh. (deceased), Nuainov, w.
TITLE: An Apparatus for Estimating the Deformability of Rubber YlIxtures
(Pribor dlya otsenki deformiruyemosti rezinovykh smesey/1
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol.24, Nr 7, pp. 901, - 90'
ABSTRACT: The present methods for the investigation of the deformability
do not correspond to the actual conditions of industrial pro-
oessen. Thorefore an apparatus was constructed which does not
have these disadvantages. It is based on the oonsistometer
according to Heppler (Geppler) which is used with an ultra-
thermostat maintaining automatically the temperature with an
accuracy of + 0,0250 within the range o~ from I'to 1,000. The
sample itsel7f represents a model press mold with the rubber
mixture put into the press as a sample of a certain size; then
it is deformed at a constant specific pressure. The sample is
brought to the temperature desired within five minutes before
the pressure sets inj in the determination the data on the
shrinkage of the sample indicated by an instrument are read
Card 1/2 every five seconds within the first minute, and then every
SOV/32-24-7-56 '65
Apparatus for Estimating the Deformability of Rubber Mixtures
thirty seconds. The results of this experiment are graphically
represented as function of the piston travel Ys. the time of
observation. The values obtained from observations at a
distance of 5 see (T511) may be taken as criterion of the
flowing. The diagram of every rubber mixture is determined ac-
cording to the data obtained from five samples; the error in-
creases with the "flow rate", however, it is not greater than
1 6,5~) as a maximum. The plotting of the flow curve can be
automatized by simple adaptions. There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovykh i latekanykh
izdeliy (Soientific Research Institute for Rubber and Latex
Card 212
NUSINOV. M.D., inzh.; POZIN. A.A.. kand. tekhn. nauk; MAYZZLI, M.M.. doktor
tekhn. nauk, prof.
filling of ring press molds with a rubber mixture under constant
and variable high pressure. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. leg. prom.
no.4:69-84 '59. (MIRA 13:2)
1.14ookovskiy takhnologichaskly institut legkoy promyshlennosti, Re-
komendovana kafedroy oborudovaniya i avtomatizatsii takhnologicheakikh
S/ 138/59/000/011/007/011
A051 A029
AUTHORSt 'Usinovi M. D.; Pozin, A. A.; Gallchenko, G. 1.
TITLE: The Determination of Some Mechanical Characteristic of Rubber
Mixtures, Using the Rotational Elastoviscosimeter
PERIODICALz Kauchuk i Rezina, 1959, No. 11, PP. 35-39.
TEXT: An instrument and method for determining the mechanical proper-
ties of rubber mixtures under conditions of a uniform shear at various
temperatures and three conditions of deformat'on were developed. The mechan-/
ical properties of each type of deformationWwere determined by applying the
linear theory of deformation and, in particular, the method of the mechani-
cal moduli (Rers.1-3). Formula 1 is the equation for the sum deformation,
consisting of the elastic instantaneous deformation, the elastic-delayed
deformation and the plastic deformation. In addition to the general linear
theory, the authors also make use of the model method, according to Refs.
4-9, with the general equation given in Formula 2. Figure 2 shows the
relationship of the sum deformation to the time element, in the case of the
shear deformation modulus. Formulae 5-7 are the equations of the component
rard 1/4
3113 59/000/011/007/011
The Determination of Some Mechanical Characteristics of Rubber Mixtures,
Using the Rotational Elastoviscosimeter
types of deformation, listed above, respectively. The authors use these
formulae and Figure 2 to determine the mechanical characteristics of the
material, which are: G - the shear modulus of the delayed elasticity, in
dyne/cm2, G2 - the inslantaneous elastic shear modulus, in d5ne/cm2,
'T the viscosity of the delayed2elasticity, in dyne-sec/cm '-9-2 - the
pqa-tic viscosity, in dyne-eec/cm , t - the time of the tension action
(deformation), in see. It is simplest to use the conditions of constant
tension for determining the mechanical properties of the rubber. It is
also stated that the given Formulae (No. 1-7) are only valid at constant
temperatures. Formula 8 is given for calculating the temperature dependence
of the plastic viscosity. Formula 9 shows that with an increase in the
temperature the plastic viscosity of the material decreases. The experi-
mental methods are outlined in detail and a photographic illustration of
the instrument used is given in Figure 3 with a diagrammatic sketch of its
component parts. Each part is described in detail and the functioning
principle of the instrument is explained. The tests are conducted at con-
stant temperature, determined by an ultrathermostat. The computed results
Card 2/4
The Determination of Some Mechanical Characteristics of Rubber Mixtures,
Using the Rotational Elastoviecosimeter
along the two branches were /found to coincide completely. The following
high-filled rubber mixture0'were tested (in weight parts):CKS-60 (SKB-60)
125 lamp carbon black, 25 vaseloe oil;6K(_-30A (SKS-30A) 180 jet carbon
black, 90 polydienes; CK 0 (SKI)W1 17 jet carbon black, 40-0 vaseline oil.
Sulfur was excluded to efl-m-inate the effect of the scorching in the mix-
tures. As a result of the experimental procedure it was shown that there
is a relationship between the elastic-viscous characteristics for the three
rubber mixtureq and the2value of the shear tension within a range of 0.0765-
,106 - 0.238-10b dyne/cm at a temperature of 700C. This indicates that in
the test range of deformation and shear tensions the tested rubber mixtures
are linear elastic-viscous materials, the behavior of which can be simu-
lated by u4ing a four-element mechanical model. It was also found that for
the SKB-60!based rubber mixture the plastic viscosity coefficient '~2 and
the shear modulus of the delayed-elastic shear G 1 decrease with an in-
crease in the temperature. There are 2 diagrams, 1 oscillogram, 5 graphs,
1 table, 9 formulas and 15 referencest 12 Soviet, 2 English, 1 French.
Card 3/4
The Determination of Some Mechanical Characteristics of Rubber Mixtures,
Using the Rotational Elastoviscosimeter
ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovoy i lateksnykh
izdeliy (Scientific Research Institute of the Rubber and
Latex Products Industry) --
Card 4/4
*13 Ell If AT
ou 2105 S/138/60/000/005/006,/C.'2
AUTHORSs Nusinov, M.D., Pozin, A.A., Ospovat, R.I., Illin, N.S./
TITLE: On the Relationship Between the Filling of aCKS(SKB)-Based
Rubber Mixture and its Elastic-Viscous Character-i-stics
PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960, No- 5, pp. 21 - 23
TEXT: Carb n black and the softener have the greatest effect on the
elastic-viscousycharacteristics of a rubber mixture due to the higher
specific gravity in the volumetric or weight content of the mixture. It
was shown (Refs. 1 and 2) that an increase in the degree of filling of the
rubber mixture with carbon black4ecreases the plastic properties of the
mixture, and an increase in the softener content leads to an increase in
these properties. The changes of each characteristic at different degrees
of filling with carbon black and softeners are observed. The behavior of
the mixtures in deformations can be predicted based on the data of the
changes. The laboratory method for the observations is described (Ref, 4).
The total deformation obtained in the testing can be divided into elastic
and viscous components, from which the elastic or the viscous propertioF
Card 1/3
On the Relationship Between the Filling of aCKE3(SKB)-Bas*d Rubber Mixture
and its Elastic-Viscous Characteristics
can be determined (Ref- 5). Figure 1 is the graphical outline of the ex-
periment. The formulae which were used for the computations are given
(Formulae 1 - 7). A highly-filled commercial mixture with a SKB-60 base
was chosen as the object of the investigation. As a result of the experi-
mental data obtained several conclusions were drawn: with an increase in
the carbon black dosage the characteristic indices increase and with an
increase in the softener dosage they decrease. The intensity of the change
of the various characteristics varies with an increase in the degree of
filling in the mixtures. The plastic viscosityq 2 and the standard of in-
stantaneous elasticity G2 change most significantly. Both are associated
with the intermolecular interaction . The characteristics of the lagging
elastic deformation change only slightly in this case. Since the lagging
elastic deformation is determined mostly by the elastic properties of the
rubber molecule and the individual links and an increase in the degree of
filling does not change the rubber substan6e itself, the value of the
characteristic of the lagging elastic deformation changes with it~ This
fact can be utilized in developing a new method of high-speed control of
Card 2/3
On the Relationship Between the Filling of aCK[3 (SKB) -Based Rubber Mixture
and its Elastic-Viscous Characteristics
the technological properties under industrial conditions, viz. tho control
of the G2 standard by ultrasound. On the other hand, with an increase in
the degree of the filling with active gaseous carbon black, the standard
increases significantly, and the viscosity of the lagging elasticity in-
creases correspondingly. Similar results were obtained for rubber mixturoo
based on various rubbers (Refs. 7 and 8), In this case the presence of an
interaction (in the non-vulcanized state) between the filler and the rubber
substance is assumed, which leads to an increase in the numeric values of
the characteristics of "high-elastic" deformation. There are 4 sets of
figures and 8 references: 6 Soviet, 1 English and 1 German.
ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut rezinovykhi latekanykh iz-
deliy i Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheakoy tekhnologii
im. M.V. Lomonosova (Scientific Research Institute of Rubber
and Latex Products and the Moscow Institute of Pine Chemical
- Technology imeni M.V. LomonosovT_
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Nusinov, M.D.; Ivanov, B.I.; Mazina, G.R.; Chernaya, V-V-; Pozl'n
TITLE: The Application of Electric Contact Transmitters for Measuring Large
Deformations of Latex Films
PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960, No. 8, PP. 35 - 37
TEXT: Latex balloons widely used in atmosphere probing frequently undergo
premature deformations when being elevated to a given height, probably due tc. an
uneven distribution of the deformations at different areas of their surfaces.
investigation of the deformations in the different areas of the latex balloon wa5
undertaken, adopting experimental conditions close to those encountered in the
performance of the balloons, i.e., low temperatures and electrical discharges.
The authors overcame the usual difficulties of measuring deformations of large
magnitudes, especiKly under the given conditions of low temperature and of 7urved
object, by using transmitters of the electric contact type in a thermobaro-chamber.
Measurements were made at different parts of the surface of the balloon (in the
equatorial and meridional directions). The rheochord transmitter could not be us-
ed in view of the changing temperature. The transmitter showings were recorded on
The Application of Electrio Contact Transmitters for Measuring Large Deformations
of Latex Films
a photographic tape at a distance, using a magnetic-electrical oscillograph o~ the
#1110 -2 (MPO-2) type. Figure I is a diagram of the eleotric contact transmitto-r
used by the authors, and Figure 2 is a circuit diagram of the transm1ttogr's con-
nection. The transmitter has the following design; Two supporting prisms (2) 1-1
5X 5x 5 mm made of plexiglas are fastened onto the balloon surface (1), using
compensation latex films (3). The No. 88 glue is used for fastening the pri3ms
and the latex films to the balloon's surface. The prisms serve as contacts for
connecting the outlets which join the transmitter to the electrictal measuring cir-
cuit. The compensation films prevent the occurrance of local voltages concentrq-.--
ing in the balloon's film during expansion, due to its slight thickness. The thick-
ness of the film was 0.10 - 0.15 mm at the beginning of the measurements and a
few microns at the final point. The experiments were carried out only 24 hours
after the transmitters were attached to the surface of the balloon to ensLre satia-
factory adhesion. Manganin was used as the material for the contact wire due to
its low temperature coefficient. The distance between the supporting prisms, when
fastened to the balloonts surface, was 25 mm. A description is given of the design
-Cia-rd- m~^ -
The Application of Electric Contact Tronsmitters for Measuring Large Deformations
of Latex Films
of the current recorders, situated in the supporting prisms. As the balloon ex-
pands, the supporting prisms move on opposite directions and cause periodic con-
necting and disconnecting of the circuit in the transmitter and a corresponding
jump of the current in the electrical circuit. A visual check is made by counting
the number of tubes which light up connected in series with the oscillographts
vibrator. Figure 3 is a typical oscillogram. of the transmitterfs showings. The
accuracy of the counting would depend on the accuracy of division of the contact
wire into various sections. Figure 3 shows that the rate of deformation is vari-
able at different periods of time. This fact is taken into account wrhen studying
the kinetics of the film's deformation under conditions close to real ones. 7he
authors conclude that their method is useful in measuring large deformations, such
as 500 - 600%, of non-metal materials (rubber, latex films, plastics, etc.). it
is especially useful in measuring at distances under conditions similar to actual
performance. There are 3 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 English.
ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut rezinovykh i lateksnykh izdeliy
(scientific Research Institute of Rubber and Latex Articles)
Relation between the filling of a rubber mixture, based on butadiens-
styrene rubber. and Its viscoplastic characteristics. Kauch.1 rez. 19
no.5-.?1-21 Vq 160. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Mauchno-Issledovatel'skiy instItut razinovykb I latelcanykh
izdelty I Moskovskly institut tonkoy khimicheakoy takhoologil Im.
(Rubber, Synthetic)
Response to remarks concerning the articles of M.D. Nusinov,
A.A. Pozin, M.M. Maizel'- published in the no.2, 1961 issue of
the journal. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.5:124-129
161. (MIRA 14:12)
(Rubber machinery)
LEONOV, A.I., inzh.; inzh.; MAYZELI, M.M., doktor tekhn.
nauk, prof .
Approximation method for analyzing the filling up of a narrow
circular slit with a visems elastic material. Rauch. trudy
14TILP no.24,.188--193 162. (IAIRA 16.7)
1. Kafedra avtomatiki Moskovskogo tekhnologicheskogo instituta
legkoy pronqshlerinosti..
W,SR/Chemistry - Corrosion-resistant materials FV - 1-'_Tj'jI
Card 1/1 Pub 50-11/19
Author : Prozorov, A. P., Nusinov, Ya. Ye., Shmielev, I. K.
Title : Antegemitof the grade ATM-1 as a substitute for lead
Periodical : Khim. prom., No 2, 103-108 (39-44), Mar 1955
Abstract : Found that Antegemit ATM-1 is a satisfactory material replacing lead in the
construction of pipe coolers for the cooling of hot sulfuric acid at Dlants
producing this acid. Furthermore, as distinguished from steel, artigemit
pipes do not show any reduction of the heat transfer coefficient with time.
Eleven figures.
AUTHORS; Novakovskiy, V. M. Prozorov, A. P , Sokoloya, L,__A,_j
Nusinov, Ya. Ye. Lapshina, E. F , Umnova, G. F.
TITLE; Corrosion of Pipes in Monohydrate and in the Drying Room
Acid of the Production of Contact Sulfuric Acid
PERIODICAL: Khimioheskaya promyshlennost', 1960, No. A, Pp. 59-64
TEXT: The authors sjudied the corrosign of pipes made of steel of the
types CT-10 (St-10)\4and CT-20 (St-20)V6cast iron of the type GL-15-32
Sch-15-32)\ _2T)Und
Aand the stainless steel types 918"9r CELLIN
XISH12t-QT (Kh18N12M2T.Pin monohydrate and in the drying room acid of
the contact sulfuric acid production under industrial working conditions.
The pilot plant is schematically shown in Fig. 1. The specimens were
bushes with diameters of 20 mm, 38 mm, and 50 mm, and lengths between
160-250 mm. The corrosion rate of noncooled steel pipes rises linearly
with the throughflow velocity and exponentially with the temperature
rise of the acid, and is independent of the pipe diameter, The corrosion
Card 112
Corrosion of Pipes in Monohydrate and in the 3/064/60/000/004/004/006
Drying Room Acid of the Production of Contact B015/B060
Sulfuric Acid
rate of cast iron pipes is independent of the throughflow velocity of
the acid, but likewise rises exponentially with temperature. Cast iron
proved to be more resistant to corrosion than steel of the St types.
The latter, however, can be utilized (but not for monohydrate) if the
throughflow velocity of the acid through the steel cooler is up to
if i -
0.5 m/sec, and the pipe wall is cooled down to 30-400C. On an intens,
cation of the efficiency of the cooler special attention must be paid
to an increase in heat loss by means of the cooling water. Pipes made of
the two abovementioned types of stainless steels are more resistant to
corrosion in monohydrate than cast iron, Ye. V. Donat, K. N. Shabalin,
V. G. Levich are mentioned in the paper. There are 11 figures and 6
Soviet references.
Card 2/2
Corrosion of pipes in the monobqdrate and in the desiccant
acid employed in the contact manufacture of sulfuric acid.
Rhim.prom. no.4:323-328 Js 16o. (MINA 13:8)
(Pipe-Corrosion) (Sulfuric acid)
-USSR/Humn and Animl Physiology - (Norrnl and Pathological). T
Blood. Blood Transfusion and Blood Substitutes.
Abe Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 4, 1959, 173114
Aut~.or Nusinova A.B._)_Chernyqhcva, L.F.
Title Blood Regeneratioii in Donors After Two-Time Bloodletting
with Intervals of 2-3 Days.
Orig Pub V sb.: Sovrem. probl. geantol. i perelivaniya krovi, Vyp.
33, M. m Medgiz, 1958, 154-156
Abstract Blood regeneration after the taking of 450 ml. of blood
(two times 225 Ml. each at an interval of 2-3 days) was
studied in 90 donors (D) in the 25-50 age group (10 first
time, 29 with experieiice of 1-3 years, 28 - 4-5 years,
19-6-10 years and 4- over 10 years. In 52 D, the restora-
tion of Hb and rif erythrocytes (E) took place by
the 21-25th day; the leucogram and amount of reticuiocy-
tes and thrombocytes did not change. In 32 D, regeneration
Card 112
ITUSIMIA., lCh. B., Phpician
IlPrincipL-3 o-,' the j~ 3luo-i Doniition 3,!~ed on ta,~ stad~~ -)'
~egenerat i )n. " Thesis for degree of "and. 1-fedic-al Scl. Su- 6 Jun 49,
-Ittte ln~,zt in,,~ni 1. V. Stalin.
Siunmary 2, IP -jec 52, Dissertations Presented Yor D,,~,rees-ln -3t,ienae :Lad Earineering
in Moscow in IQ49, From VecheryLyaya '.',oskvrt. Jan--Oer! 1949.
Theory of semicontinuoum cultivation applied to the yeast
Torula utills. roll& microbiol 6 no.2:94403 161. (ZCA1 10: 5)
L.Department of Niarobiologyp Institute of Biology# Czechoslovak
Academy of Sciences and The Technical University, Prague 6.
NU30,71 I$. i.
- - g 8 - -) I e~ -
"Sheep Breading in the Transbaylail Reeion ,.nd Its Pro, r ss. Thesiz I r -e,-re o~ je.
Agricultural Sci. Sub 7 Mar 49, 1-loscow 'Yur etnd Pelt
Summary e2, 1P Dec 52, Dissertations Presented Fo- De?,rees in Science and Engineering
in Moscow in 1949, From Verherrlyay-.. Moskya, JarA-)8c 1949
5742. Otkorm avinwf v so*hoxet"k~~'(MozdokAIy rayon). Ordzhonikldze, sev. oset.
kn. 120,. 1954. 595. a ill. Zsm. 1.100 eka 65k. -Bibliogr: 9. 56-57 (19 nazv.) A(55-989)
636.4.084 at (47.91-5) 1( (oib-3)
SO: KnUhnayap Istopis,, Vol. 1, 1955
- -, p!~'r-z, -
, ~ , 11-
Blood reticulocytes in infants. Tapr. pediat. 20 no.6:47-49 Mov-
Dee 1952. (GLKL 23:4)
1. Scientific Associate. 2. Of the Children's Sector (Head - Prof. U. D.
Nikolayev), KWbyfjhev Solentiflo-Researoh Institute for the Care of
Kother and Child (Director - Prof. 1. A. Lositakaya).
f 1 7
ACC NR, AT6024934 (~Nlw) SOURCE CODC-s UR/2981/66/000/004/0224/0231!'
AUTHORt Nuss, N.-P.; Fridlyanderp.-I.-N,
ORGI none
TITISI Dilatometric studies of binary alloys of the AI-Zn system
SCURCE% Alyuminiyevyye splavyp no. 4, 1966. Zharoprochnyye I vyookoprochnyye splavy
(Heat resistant and high-strength alloys), 224-231
TOPIC TAGS1 aluminum zinc alloy, thermal expansion
ABSTRACTt 7h 4,urpose of the work was to study the linear expansion coefficient (a) of
binary alloy of the Al-Zn system from 200C to the solidus temperature, to determine
the pattern of variation of a In relation to the Dhase transformations taking place in
the alloys of this system, and also to find out whether the law of additivity applies
to the dependence of a on the chemical composition. The alloys ranged In composition
from 10.4 to 89.2% Zn. Me dilatometric studies were carried out in the tramperature,
range where the alloys exist in the solid state. An increase In the zinc content of
the alloy was found to cause a continuous and gradual increase in a at all the temper-
atures studied. A graduaD increase in the a of each alloy was observed with rising
range of testing tempera as. These regularities were found to hold in the absence
of phase transformations*l;dhich are associated with a large volume effect. The depen-
dence of a on the alloy composition does not follow the law of additivity in any of
Car I
ACC NR, AT6024934
Ithe tomporaturo ranges studied.
Card 2/2
Orig. art. hass 6 figures and 2 tables.
ACC NR- AR7004889 SOURCE CODE: UR/0276/66/000/009/G011/G011
AUTHOR: Nuss, N. P.; Fridlyander, I. N.
TITLE: Dilatometric study of binary alloy of the system AI-Zn
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, Abs. 9G77
REF SOURCE: Sb. Alyumin. splavy. M., Metallurgiya, vyp. 4, 1966, 224-231
TOPIC TAGS: binary alloy, alloy system, aluminum alloy, dilatometric study,
zinc alloy
ABSTRACT: A determination of the coefficient of linear expansion re of alloys in
the AI-Zn system was carried out in the 20-500 C range on samples 60 mm in
diameter and 900 mm in length, using a laboratory set up for the semicontinuous
casting. It was determined that cr increases gradually in all temperature intervals
when the Zn content in the alloy is increased; by raising the temperature range
in testing, an increase of a is observed (with no phase transformation) -L' the
dependence of a on the composition of alloys does not appear to be additive. The
original article has 6 figures and a bibliography of 2 reference items. Ye. Borisov.
[Translation of abstract) [AM]
~1 CODE: 13, 11/
carju UDC: 669,71515
top i.0 at. 'o'f,
iie #1 7111~"
00 -90
L Avindermil4all Itf Affe'll.. In '.-gs
00 Vo
*0 Z
ota .3 -too
to 0
4i6q* -ioi i1vot too
foluej .44P dk.
-IL41, 'w
tap, Ib
AUTHORS; Savitakiy, Ye. M., Livanov, V. A., Nuss.-P-A., Burkhanov, K. S.,
Musatov, M -I., Simanchuk, A.D.
TITLE- Alloys of titanium with rare-earth metals.
SOURCE: Titan v promyshlennosti; sbornik statey. Ed. by S.G. GlaZUnov.
Moscow, 1961, 85-89.
TEXT: The paper reports the results of phase-diagram (PD) determinations
and mechanical tests (beginning in 1959) at the Institute of Metallurgy, AS USSR, of
Ti alloys with the rare-earth metals (REM) lanthanum (La), cerium (Cc), neodymi-
um (Nd), and Yttrium (Y), all of which serve as stabilizers of the Ti a phase. The
alloys are all characterized by a pe rite ctoid-type PD. In the Ti corner of ternary
Ti-Al-La and Ti-Al-Ce it was shown that increased Al content reduced the solubility
of La. and Cc (at 6001C, with 51/o Al. Ce solubility < 0.1%). Tests on the effect of
REM additions on the high-temperature characteristics (HTC) of Ti alloys were per-
formed on the two-phase cL+p allol BT3-1 (VT3-1) and the BT5-1 (VT5- 1) single-
phase a-Ti solid solution (SS). The effect of Ce, Mischmetal (MM), and C-20 on
VT3-1 were determined with 0.001, 0.01, and 0.11/6 Ge; 0.2% MM, and 0.01 an~3
0.176 Ce2O The effect of 0.116 Ce alone was determined on VT5-1. Cc and MM
were introau,ced in the form of Al-Ge and AI-M.M ligatures. Microadditions (0.001-
0.0176) of Cc increased the tensile strength of Ti alloys at 500-6000 by 25-301/o with-
Card I /Z
Alloys of titanium with rare-earth metals. S/762/61/000/000/006/029
out impairing its ductility. An addition of 0.276 MM increased the tensile strengt?.
of the Ti alloy by as much as did 0.0176 Ce, but with an appreciable loss in ductility.
Even 0.1% Ce did not lead to the formation of any new phase; no change in room-
temperature (RT) characteristics was noted, and the improved HTC cannot be ex-
plained theoretically. Microadditions of Ce?03 improve the HT tensile strength of
the Ti alloy tested by 20-30%, but with some loss in ductility. Passing reference is
made to Grant' s tests (USA; no detail given) on the hardening- phase formation of a
refractory Ce-oxide segregation from the solid solution. All REM additions im-
proved the stress-rupture HTC of VT3-1: At 5000C and 40 kg/mm2, VT3-1 - 20
hrs, with 0.276 MM - 150 hrs, with 0.176 Ce203 - 125 hrs, with 0.01% Ce?03 - 180
hrs, with 0.00 1% Ce - 77 hrs. The guarantee period for this alloy, according
to Engineering Specs, is 50 hrs. The work on the effect of on the HTC of Ti alloys
continues. Verification of the favorable effect of Ce on the modulus of elasticity of
Ti requires additional work. Addition of 0.176 Ce enhances the HT tensile strength
of VT5- 1; 0. 2576 Ce less so and at a loss in ductility. Tests of microadditions (0.001
and 0.017o) of Ce to VT5-1 are recommended. In stress-rupture tests at 5000 and
30 kg/mm2, rupture of VT5-1 occurred at 130 hrs. Identical tests with VT5-1 with
Ce addition produced longer, widely scattered, rupture times up to 300 hrs; the
scatter is attributed to nonuniform Ce distribution in the alloy. Additional tests with
more uniform Ce distribution are planned to determine an optimal Ge content. There
are 4 f res; no identified references. ASSOCIATION: None given.
Card PAU
Reprocessing sludge of anode-mechanical machines. Biul.tekh.-ekon.
inform.Gos.nauch.-isol.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 16 no.6:12-13
163. (IURA 16:8)
(Electric cutting machinery)
-L-- 223~42-66- --- EWITija~0&(A (d~~tiwkt) IjP(r,) - --m4m,UZ&
ACC NRs AT6012397 SOURCE CODE: UK/0000165/0001000/0243/(JZ46
AUTHOR: KornilovJ. 1. Woctor'of.chemical sciences; Professor); ShakhGva, K. I.,
-j;.Kl1mov &~A. Budberg, P. B.;Chernova, T. S.; kovao N. A,
~~ORGi. none.'
T1714- som'e':'chAnical an'd',physical properties of AT13 alloy's
:SOURCE:-,Sdv'eskqh ivepo~uetallokhlmii, metalldvedeniyu L prizenentyu.titana i yego.
splavovg 6.thf--,.Noyyye,lasledovanlya-titanovykh splavov (New:reie-arch on titanium,
-7 -t~r-u eshchaniya.. Moscow, -v0 Mat", 1965, 243-246
-:.TOPIC TAGS-: ti tanium,.':tltanium~'allo I n
y, a uninum co taining*alloy, zirconium contain-..
ini Aloy un containing Alloy, alloy mechani
cal property, alloy physical
~Property AT13-411
ABSTRAC'k:'~ - 'On:,.the' basis of 6pferimental data on titanium alloys gathered at the
6v4 of-thii"Ch
Laborat emistry of Metallic Alloys of the institute of::Hetallurgy im.
A., A. Bayk high-s.r
ov'-a~,new, t ength weldable titanium alloy AT13
as- -67e~n-developeid'*- The,alloy.liquidu .9 and.solidus-temperdtures were Edun
h d to be
1800 'and 1675C i iespedtiVdly. The dlloy~ structure.consis,ts mainly of the a -phase
with,a~-very.i~si&Mficiht amount oVthe 0-0hasd. The d-oO transformation occurs in:,
the --1050C:range;,n ot
1030 0 , her - transformation odcurs: in the 100-IOOOC range. At
-~--rooax temperature..~ AT13.- a1lGy: has a-'tetidile /MM2, a yield
strength (if 127-129 kg
_j4VqS,.Paye1. Aleksandrovich; YAMPOL'SKIY, Aron Naumovich; NAUMOV,
I.I., nauchn. red.; BOGINA, S.L., red.; BOHOWEV, N.K.,
tekhn. red.
[savings materials at construction sites] Ekonomiia ma-
terialov na stroikakh. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 115 p.
(MIRA 17:3)