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HARDY, Gyula; VARGA, Jozsef; NYITRAI, Karoly; C7AJLIK, Istvan; ZUBONYAI, Laszlo Synthesis, polymerization and copolymerization of vinyl-thio- acetate. Magy kem folyoir 70 no. 4:174-179 Ap 164. 1. Research Institute of the Plastics Industry, Budapest and Department of the Plastics and Rubber Industries, Budapest University of Technical Sciences. -1~ NUTRAI, Tibor Bleotric currents in the earth's crust. Elet tud 16 no.5;1/.G- 142 29 A 761. " I" LORAI*I), Sandor, dr.; CZIFK, Janos, dr.; KOVACS, Tibor, dr.; N11rRAY, Gyula; dr. Quantitative measuring of )abor pai-no, by tocometry as a roui.~r:e examinntion method. Orv. hetil. 106 ric-15:681-686 11 Ap ")5 1. Fovarosi IV. ker. Tanacs Arpad KorllLz, 5--uleszti Oszta~y. nTITRAY, Laszlo Determination of the saponification Value of official oils, fate and waxes. Acts, pharm. Hung. 35 no.6:259-265 N 165. 1. Submitted June 3, 1965. NYITRAY, Laszlo Data to the determination of total alkaloids in T1nctuxa Strychni and tLe alkaloid content of Tinctura Belladonnae in non-aqueous medium. Acta pharm. Hung. 35 no.5:219-224 s 65. 1. Submitted March 25, 1965. ,NY1ZSN,YANSZKY,.TiborJ, okleveles kohomernok - .-- w ~ BeAc molding materials In steel casting. Koh lap 12 no.11112 Supplement: Ontode 8 no. 11/12 225-229 N-D 15?. 1. Acelontode, Diosgyor. ti-L-KA, JO-W. Zelazowa Wola. &rszaw]a7 Sport i Turystyka f1954 portai 74.1, p. LrZalazowa Wola. illus., SO: Monthly Ust of East Europezn Accessizi,z, (EEAL), W, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. NYKA, JOSEF. Dolina Rczteki I Peiclu Stawow; monografia krajoznzwcza. Warszawa, Sport I Turyotyka, 1954. 133 p. (Dolina Roztoki and Peiciu Stawav; a tourist nom4raph. Mus., maps. bibl.) So East Europeans Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 1, Jan. 1956 WIKA. JOZIT Podhalanski ezlak wolnosclowy. Warszawa, Sport i Turystyka. 1955. 121 P. LThe Podhale freedom track. illus., maps, bibiZ SOURCE: Monthly List of East European Accessions (ZEAL) LC. Vol. 4, No. U. November 1955, Uncl. Hm. J. In the midcCLe of Kazalmica in winter. P. 10 (Turysta) No. 11. Jime 1957. Warszawa. Poland SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF IM SUROPW ACCESSIONS, (VM) LC. VOL. 7. NO. 1. JAN. 1958 NYKA, JOZEEF Burza nad Alpami. 227p. Warszawa~ Poland 1958 Monthly List of European Accessions (FZAl) LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. NYKLq F. NYKL, F. Measarement of parasitic capacity in televisi6n and mf amplifiers. P. 14 Vol. 4 no 1 Jan. 1956 .5DEW&I T*ECM'KA TEMOLOGY Praha, Czechoslovakia So- East European Accession Vol. 60 no. 2. 1957 NMES, V., MUDr. Problems of dispensary services in industrial plants requiring solution. Cesk. zdravot. 4 no.6:350-351 June 56. 1. Vedouci zavodatho zdravotnickeho strediaka Kralodvorskych zelezaren. (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. in Ozech.. dispensary serv. (Cz)) NMIG", 0. V,4 ~,, ~' Taginal crtograpby in the diagnosis and therapy of estrogen Inou,Moloney. Cos. Zook. cook, 89 no-37:1025-1030 13 Sept. 19500 (cam 20: 1) L Of the Obstetrical. and OyAscological Clinic In Hradec Kralove (;eZ--Prof. Jan Karsalsk. N. D.). NMICEK, Gt3Tt-a . As. KUDr Zffect of androgen of vaginal cytogram. Cos. lek. cook. 93 no. 51-52:1397-1400 24 Doe 54. 1. Z porednicka-anekologicke klinky Palacksho univerotty v Mammal; prodnasta prof. KUDr Jan Harealek (11PITHILIM vagina, cytol. off. of adrogens) (TAGIU, effect of dr,,89 on androgem, cytol. chav4ges) (AIMUMNS, effects vaginal cytol.. obanges) C7 - cZECHOSLOVAKIA/Humn and Animal Ehysiolory - Reproduction. V-10 Abs Jour Ref zhur - Bioles NO IJP 1958., 4319 Author 0. Nyklicek Inst Title The Meaning of Vaginal CYtograms in Cases of Hyperplasia of the Endometrium,4 Orig Pub : Acts, Univa palack. olotme... 1955, uo 6., 139-146 Abstract : Studies were conducted of 612 vaginal. cytoGrams in 141 vomen above 35. There is a correlation between the oestrogen level and the cytogram. Hyperplasia of the endometrium is the result of a prolonged effect of oes- trogbns. The proliferation of the vaginal epithelium is most marked 14 days before menstruation. The oestro- gen level gets lower 4-T days before menstruation.. and is lowest during menstruatione The non-correlation bet- ween the state of the endometrim and the cytological Card 1/2 RMIGSK, Otakaro NUDr Moproved form of vaginal cytogram for precise cytchormonal gyne- cological diagnostics. Cesk.gyn. 20 no.2:132-133 Yar 55. I I* Ze Ouns, Nachod. (GYRICOLOGIM DISNAS11S. diagnosis. cytohoruonal. use of iriroved form of vaginal cytograpby) (VAGINAL 8MUM9 cytol., now form In gynecol. cytohormonal diag.) NTKLICZK, Otakar, byv., assistent klinik Hormonal problems of endometrial hyperplasia. Cas. lek. cesir. 94 no.42:1124-1127 14 Oct 55. 1. Z porodnteko-gynekologickyeh klinik v Hradcl Kralove a v Olomouct. Prednasta, prof. Dr. Jan Marsalek. (MMIMRIUM, diseases hyperplasia, etiol. role of estrogen level) (FSTROGERS, in various diseases andometrial hyperplasta, etiol. role of estrogen level) KRIZ, Kamil. Dr.; BMICXK, Otakar. Dr. Treatotent of oclampole. with nouroplogdes. Cook-,,an. 21-35 no.2:119-122 gar 560' 1. Z porodnidko-anekologicksho odd. OUNS v NaLchode. (Prednoota: prim. Dr. 0, Iftlicok) Z nourologicksho odd. WIM v Vactode. (Preduosta: prim. Dr. K. Kris). (RCLAMPSIA. ther. chlorprompsins, promethazine & reserpine. (CHLORPROMAZINN, tber. use eclampsta, with promethasine & reserpine (AnTrosTAKurcs. ther. use promethazine In eclampsia, with chlorpromazine & reserptne. (PHOUTHIAZINS, deriv. sace (RAUVULPIA ALKALOIDS, ther. use reserpins, In eclampsia. with promethazins & reserpine. ffKLIGKK, Otaka Contribution to the question of endocrinological menopause. Cosk. gyn. 16 no.3:201-206 1957. 1. Gyn. odd. OUNZ v Nachode, prodnosts, primar NUDr. Otakar Nyklicek. (CLINACTIRIC, PSM". physiol. off. of hormones it pro- & post-climacteric (Cs)) (HORMDNM, off. on pro- & post-climacteric in female (Cz)) =IcL seaj T*I.gtg U 00.holov -%Pt- 56 2134. NYXLfCEK 0 Univ. -Frau@nklin. Hradec KrAlovd. Olomouc. 0 Veriltolchea- do-SWillb-liber die Korrelation swicchen Histatogle der Endometriumachletat- haut und Zytologie do* Scheldenabstriches bei der glandularsystischen Hy- perpltsie. The correlation between endometrial biopsy and vaginal smear t du * hyperplasis ZBL. aZNXK. 1955. 77/20 (775-7:3jiftGrgapirZ TatbleSYS43tic I It was concluded from 612 vaginal swears from 141 patients with histologically confirmed endometrial hyperplasis, that vaginal cytology may at least In part replace hormone determinations. Distfitetion is made between 3 types of vaginal smear, viz. hyperoestric, normoestric and hypoestric. From different cytological examinations in the same patient a curve can be plaited. The hyperoestric type is found In 75% of all cases of endametrial hyperplamia. The maximum in demonstr- able at least 14 days before the haemorrhage. About 4-7 days before the bleeding. the curve b-igino to fall. which is pronounced at the first day of the bleeding. In the course of the haemorrhagic period. a further significant fall of the curve in -observed. In 5% of the.cases, there was no agreement between the histological and the cytological findings. This difference is attributed to the individual sensitivity of the endometrium and of the vaginal epithe lium. It is concluded that andatnetrial hyperptasia occurs as the consequence of prolonged action of oestrogens. Navratil - Graz (X. 5) Cytology of advanced preg~zancy & relation to carry Ing-through of gestation. Ceek. pffn. 22/36 n0-8:591-598 Doe 57. 1. Por.-gyn. odd. OUNZ Nachod, prednosta pr1m. Dr OtakELr Ny1c11cek,. (TAGIENAL SM-171i In advanced pregn.. classif. (Cz)) (PEWARCTO vaginal smears In advanced pregn.. classif. (Gz)) r .f ANTOS. Jarosla,7"YMORK, Otakar Vascular changes in cancer of the cervix uteri; cyto-colposeopic studies* Newlasma. Bratial. 5 no.2:199-206 1958. 1. Clinique obstetricale at ignecologique do L'Academie militaire do Medicine Jean W. Rarkyne, Hradec Kralove, Section obstatricale at gynecologique do 11hopital a Nachod. Adresse des auteurs., Dr. J. Antos, Gynekologicka. klinika VIA, Hradec Kralove, Dr. 0. Mftlicek, Q7nakol. odd. nemocnice. Yachod~ (CIRVIX NEOPLASMS, pathology, vase. (Fr)) NMICIK, Otakar ,~- of restricted perinatal death rate during the Past 3 years in the Hradec Mralove county. Cesk. pediat. 8 no.6:531-538 5 -TulY 58. 1. Porodnickogynekolopicke oddelent nemocnice v Vachods, prednosta Dr. Otakar Wyklicek. (WANT 14ORTALITY perinatal. in Czech. (Oz)) NYKLICZK, Otolcar Bacteriological conditions of the amniotic fluid and vagim and their role in damages in newborn. Caa- lek. cook. 97 n0-12:367-374 21 VAX 58. 1. Porodnickogynekologicke oddeleni nemacnioe v frachods prodnosta prim. Otakar Nyklicsk. (ANNIMIC MID, miarobiology, relation to fetal abnom. (00) (VAGIYA, microbloIcU, same) (ARNORMLITINS,, etlol,, & pathogen. amniotic & vagiml microbiol. (Cs)) tmmim. -- 0. -- Cell 4yokar7osis in the vaginal cytology. Neoplasmm,BrE,t1sl-7 n0.2: 187-192 160. (VAGINAL MARS) NTILICEKY ow . ~ "' "o-'- Actinosensitivity of cervical camer. Cas.lokcesk 100 no.46:lok Twdm Zahr.243,-24(a 17 U 161. 1. Porodniako-onskologiab oddeleal newonice OUNZ v ffk~ihods, prodnosta MDDr. Otakar Urklicak. (CERVU NEOPIASMS radiother) ANTOSj J.; NYKLICEK9_0. Experience with the testing of radiosensitivity in cancer of the uterine cervix. Neoplasma 9 no.6:555-562 162. 1. Regional Institute of Public Hdalthp Obetatrico-Gynecological Clinic, Hradec Xralnve, CSSR Hospital at Nachod, Obstetrico- Gynecological Dmpartmett,, Nachod, CSSR. (CERVIX NEOPLASMS) (RLDIOTHERAPY) (MENSTRUATION) t'YKLIGEKp 0.; KCRIHIH. Simple improvement for staining specimens in several baths for cytological examination. Cesk. gynek. 28 no.9t642-643 11163. 1. Gyn.-por. odd. OUNZ v Nachode, vedouci dr. OVyklicek, CSc. NYKLICENOO. ., Current status of cytodiagnosis in the Mechoslovakian SSR. Cesk. gynek. 29 no.1:1-3 F264 1. Gyn.-por. odd. OUNZ v Nachode; vedouci: MUDr.O.Vyklicek, CSc. 'k NYKLICEK* 0.1 KOPECNYJ. Histological base3 of cytology on the day of labor. Cook. gynek. 29 no.109-40 F164. 1. Gyn.-por. ndcl, OUSE v Nachode (vedouci: dr. Otakar Nykiieek, CSO;Pktol.-enat. ustav lek. fakulty KU v Hra&i Kralo7e; (prednasl*e prof.dr. A. Fingerland, DrSo.) P, NYKLICEK,O. Interpretation of inflamations in the cytological picture. Cesl-. gynek. 29 no.3:187-190 Ap'64 1. Gyn-por. odd. nemocnice v Uachode.tvedouci: MUDro O.Nyklicek, Csc. *4 1 - VACHA, Karel; VOTIK, Ota; Ny Inveterate inversion of the puerperal uterus. Sborri. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ.: Suppl. 8 no.4:435-443 165. 1. Gynekologicko-porodnicka klinika (prednosta prof. WDr. K. Vacha, DrSc.) a Gynekologicke oddeleni Obvodniho ustavu narodniho zdravi Nachod (prednosta doc. MDr. 0. Nyklicek, CSc.). NIMURSKY BO 20 - " * I - vi-Y-QL-Ln Foreetry practice in the gradual shelterwood cutting system,, Los cas 9 no.4/5:329-338 163. 1. Uatav pro hospodarskeu upravu leau, Zvolen. Nym~ ~S,M. , Nomm, E. 1, dotsent -MMMOOM Improve the training of veterinarians. Veterinarila 41 no.10:96-98 0 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Estonskaya sellskokhozyaystvannava akademiya. -capic-nor ri, thevi t C' -2-! TO i,;( it if PY to Li- gn,18 vollage-i are in ptifist t-he an"le curreut i5 hicreaRV-1; T~[L" tie mgll ' -d f f h l t lut-t.pi' ""u t e o w 114 p ' .. violet rultacs'm -~e h sarpau'; baml, hup'2zp')S'-'l C'u. tilt- 11it'(11~1at"i red Aimulation. ~V,.,Jj ~~,e e-~,vpti, ):~ ,f Z'j'S.ZjjO.CU, je~ 4;,j r,-Q WmLd, zIl u- T-r hole cond q . , k; vdth % or 45% CAS) h".1 excited With 111c(fuLt(en, t 7 A// SUBJECT: USSR/Luminescence AUTHORS: Nymm U.Kh. and Uybo LoYa. .,146-5-3/56 TITLE: On the Condenser Method for Determination of the Sign of Photocurrent Carriers in Crystallophosphors (0 kondensatornom metode opredeleniya znaka nositeley fototoka v kristallofos- forakh) PERIODICALt Izvestiya kkademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheekaya, 1957, Vol 21, #59 pp 648-651 kUSSR) ABSTRACT3 A method was developed which makes it possible to determine the sign of photocurrent carriers using an amplifier with the narrow pass band and without application of an additional elec- tric field to the condenser. The phase of voltage arising in the condenser during lighting uniquely depends on the sign of photocurrent carriers. The method is based on recording this phase by means of a phase-sensitive circuit, the synchronous detector. The magnitude and sign of the photo e.m. f, can be determined simultaneously by this method. The sign of charge carriera in-several ZnS-Cu- and 'LnS.CdS-Cu- Card 1/2 phosphors was determined by this method and the res,Alts are V8.5769 S/0413 59/023/011/003/012 //.? i~ 1/410 4- 3 51) a 00 3S/ B 1q/ 06 AUTHOR: Nymm, U. Kh. TITLE- Photoelectric Effects in the Luminous Powders ZnS-Cu (Ni, Fe, Co) and Zn dS-Cu PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol. 23, 110. 11, PP. 1286-1289 TEXT: The author investigated the photoelectric effects in a number of ZnS-CdS-Cu phosphors with a CdS-content of 45, 35, 25, 18, 8, and 0%, and in ZnS-Cu(Ni, Fe, Co, ZnO) phosphors by the so-called condenser method. Spectral and temperature dependences of the photoeleecric response welede- termined, and the spectrum of luminous excitation and of thermofluozescence was measured for a few phosphors. The errors of the condenser method in the investigation of the internal photoeffect had already been investigat- ed earlier (Refs. 8 and 9); nevertheless, this method exhibits a number of advantages, some of which are specified. The wavelength range of the spectrum of the photoelectric response was measured in a number of mixed ZnS-CdS-Cu phosphors. The affect corresponds to the character of electron photoconductivity and agrees with the Hall effect in ZnS and US mono- Card 1/3 85769 Photoelectric Effects in the Luminous Powders 3/048/59/023/011/003/012 zns-Cu (Ni, Fe, Cc) an;1 ZnS*CdS-Cu B019/BO60 crystals. With decreasing US content this spectrum shifts monotonically to the shortwave region, and the magnitude of the photoelectric response depends on the relaxation -time of photoconductivity. Moreover, the photo- electric response strongly depends on temperature. The author and Ye. Ye. Bukke had earlier measured the photoelectric response at room temperature. The spectrum ofthe infrared photoelectric response in excited phoophors may be measured only at temperatures higher than room temperature. Fig. 1 is a graphical representation of the measurement results obtained from ex- periments made on ZnS-CdS-Cu phosphors with the abovementioned CdS con- tents. In the case of the ZnS-Cu phosphor this spectrum coincides with the fluorescence spectrum determined by K. S. ;(. Rebane (Ref. 14). The de- pendence of the infrared photoelectric respcnse on tt~_nerature is shown in a diagram (Fig. 2). Data obtained here are in agreement with the notion held earlier that in a number of mixed crystals all energy levels shift proportionally to increasing content of a heavy component (CdS). The teid- perature dependence is correlated with the rising rate of libbration of the carriers. K. B. Tolpygo investigated the theoretical aspect of the influence of the frequency modulation and of the proper time for the case of the monopolar photoconductance. The photoelectric response attains a Card 2/3 85769 Photoelectric Effects in the Luminous Powders S/348/59/023/011/003/012 ZnS-Cu (Ni, Fe# Cc) and ZnS-CdS-Cu B019/BO60 maximum when the modulation period equals the recombination time. In the experiments made here the modulation frequency applied was 200 cycles, and a dependence of the considered effects on the capture level was observed. The spectrum of the photoelectric response in the phosphors ZnS-Cu(Ni, Fe, Co, ZnO) can be measured only at very high temperatures and with the fundamental absorption band. The magnitude and the temperature dependence of the Photoelectric response are shown to depend on the nature of the other activators. A certain parallelism is observed between the temperature course of the photoelectric response and thermofluorescence, and finally, the condenser method is said to be suitable for the investi- gation of the center of capture in ZnS phosphors. The author thanks F D. Klement for attention devoted te the work under review. There are 4 fig- ures and 16 references: 12 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Tartuskiy gos. tiniversitet (Tartu State University) Card 3/3 T.I.; MrM, U.1h.; PAZ, A.U.; RMIN, V.A. Antomatic spectrograph based on the UN-2 mouchromator. Frib. I tekh.eksp. no.4:145-146 JI-Ag 160. (MLU 13:9) 1. TartuAskly gosudarstvannyy universitet. (Spectrograph) z1.Uj.( 9, W 7 6r. /So 24.202./ AUMORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 9(7) Nymm, U ~M,, Aydla, A.K. -9/058/61/0W/005/025, 050 AOO 11A 10 1 The photoelectric polarization ofmixed phosphors: zinc and cad- mium sulfides Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no 5, 1961, 181, abstract 5V385 ("Tr. In-ta fiz. I astron. AN EstSS-RJ), 1960, no 12, 249 - a61, sngl. summary) TE;XT: The authors studied photoelectric polarization in mixed phosphors ZnS.CdS-Cu. The main attention was paid to spectral regularities of photoelec- tric polarization In this series of phosphors and to determination of the sign of photocurrent carriers. A close correlation-was found between the excitation Spec- trum of.photoeleotrio polarization and other spectrp of the same specimens. It turned out that intrinsic photoeffect in the Nndamental absorption band is oaue- ed mainly by free electrons. (Abstraot6r's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 .-) U S/058/62/000/008/049/134 -7 09 , AO61/A1O1 AUTHORS: Nyrnm, U. Kh., Ranuno, I. Kh. TITLE: On the photcdielectric effect in ZnS-Cu and ZnS-CdS-Cu phosphors PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 1962, 44, atstract 8V308 11"Tr. In-ta fiz. I astron. All EstSSR", 1961, no. 15, 1814 - 202; sum,i,)ry in English) TEXT: Thq photoconductivity of powdery crystal phosphors is studied with JL) the aid of the photodielectric affect. The question as to the causes of the latter is discussed. It is shown that, In ZnS-CdS-Cu pho--phors, the said effect is due to photoconductivity. Results of the change of photoconductivity and luninczcence in crystal phosphr--s under the action of Infrared radiation are presented and discussed. There are 62 references. (4bstracter's note: Complete tr&r.5lation] Card 1/1 lo I t I -ACC NRt - AP6013092 r the "grese centers convert to ff blue" centers, an effect that can be recoWiled w1ta either the single center model or the model -if different centers. It was thought that light might be thrown on the nature of the centers by electron paranagmetle re- soname exporlAwntir, but nossurements carried out at the request of the authors by Fung and Rhaldre failed to show a significant EPR signal and thus precluded clarifica- tion of the nature of the centers. The authors attempted to detect and identify the unfilled Srour4 states of the luminescence centers by measurements of the, photo- conductivity in the region of the spectrum where infrared quenching is observed. The parallel spectral variation of the quenching of photoconductivity and of luminescence indicates that the 'first atage in the process lending to quenching in both types of phosphors'is the some. This can be explained by release of holes by the IR light from the green'copper centers (there is a certain residual concentration of green centers even in the blue luminescing specimens). It would appear that eithqr the blue centers represent an ionized state of the green centers (if one accepts the single 'center aodel) or that the blue centers are incapable of absorbing infrared in -the'excited state. It is concluded that the question of the model or models for the bAue and groeacentero in copper-notivated ZnS phosphors in a very complicated One`.arid. that OxL the basis at the data now available it Is IM "BOLUO to deoLde bet"Oft the two hypo- thoges. 1ho'nuthors kre-trateful ta-AIS"I f6r, participation In tb* wxperimewtse OrIge art* Mw r I figurow. 6M CODA, 2Q/ BUDI DA79: 00/ ORIG IMF.- OOl/ am arl 013 Crd 2/2 .'VIA(h) IJP(c) Gl;~,: . ACC NRo AP6035700 IIM.NTORSs Grifrorovp M. L.; Nymmikq R. A. GOLMM COMe UR/0413/66/0()0/019/0056/00561 ORGS nano -TITLE: A Cerenkov counter. Class 21, No. 1136574 SOIRICE: Izobroteniyat pro shlermyye obraztoy, tovarnyye znakit no. 191 1966, 56 TOPIC TAGS: Cerenkov counter, particle counter, charged particle, cosmic ray particle, cosmic ray measurement, cosmic radiation ABSTRACT: This Author CertifUnte presents a Cerenkov counter for recording charged particles of cosmic radiation. The counter contains a radiator, an optical syptem.-For collecting light9 and a 0hotoelectric multiplier (see Fig. I)* Fig, 1. 1 - radiator; 2 - photomultiplier 7:7 -7 f-7* -T -- ---- 7- To attain a constant amplitude of pulses during the passage of a particle in various locations of the counter and to increase the effectiveness of a radiation part3.cle Card 1/2 uDc, 621-387-424 ACC NRs AP6035708 recording, the radiator is made in the form of a cylinder of a varying thickness that increases with the distance from the center of the photoelectric multiplier. The convex photocathode of the multiplier is placed to fit accurately against the radiator. Orig. art. hass I figuree .'SUB CODE: SM DAT& '04MU63/ ATD PRESS: 5106 j Cc" 2 ?L _L 45788-66 EWTW&~Xj 11 lip4c) Rig I ACC N& AP6030129 BOURG W_ F6 CODE t Ult7o-120/66/000/004/0059 00t AUTHOR: gradko Ro A* -_ .~fta -imm MMOWNWAMOW f ORO: N11 of Nuclear Physics, MGU (N11 yadernoy MGU); Institute of Physieg . and Astromomy, 'AN ESSR .(Institut fiziki i astranomii AN ESSR) TIMEt Large-area Cerenkov t - Mni~9~1 SOURCE: Pribory I. takhnUm eksperimenta, no. 4, 1966, 59-62 TOPIC TAGS: cerenkov counter, extensive air shower . PIVO_r-Od~ e 1rr1P0A.J rnUA-Irl PZ16A ABSTRACT. Th results are reported of experiments witil a Cerenkoy counter which had a )) exiglaagadiator 580 mm indaiieter and 46 mm in height (area, 0.27 m2). A photo- multiplier placed in the center of the disk fed pulses to - a preamplifier (gain-15) which, in turn, fed them, via a delay (5 x Id7 SeC) line, to an AI-100 differential height analyzer. The analyzer Input was openecl for 4 14 sec by a coincidence circuit whenever a charged particle passed the Golger-counter telescope. This unit permitted isolating the sifpial from the photomultiplier noise and exploring the uniformity of sensitivity of the counter; three methods were tested: 1) total internal reflection of the Cerenkov lightl 2) diffuse scintillator (coated with MgO, or white paint); !,) combined radiator with total reflection in the center and 1 L 45788-.66 ACC NR, AP6030j29 diVuse reflector around the periphery. The third sethod exhibited the most WLiforid sensitivity: the maxJmlm ( 0 higher than the average) photon area occupied 10% or less of the entire counter area. An output photomultiplier Pulse Of 17 Photo- electrons was finally attained. It The author wishes to thank H. L. Grigorov for his fruitful ideas, I. A. Satrenkq for lending-his masuring instrumen~p,_L. I. Saryche and A. T. Abrosimov for usej)11 discussiqnq., and Tu. A. ElIkin for coating the detectors with 14gO." Crig. art. has: 4 figiltes- SUB CODE: 18 / SUBM DATE: 05jun65 / ORIG REF' 000 / OTH REF: 003/ ATD PRESS: 5084 pb III-'eclianization of sugar-beet propaga Aon." C, Sbornik. Anri,?.15. C"-da B., Pral~a, Vol 27, Nlo 1, Feb. 1954, p. ~-35 h~tstern European accessions List, Vol ', N'o 10, 0::t 19 ~,, Lib. of Con~ress S~J : NrPLg J. Harvesting is made easy. p. (4) of cover. MECIWIISAGE M-WELSTVI. Vol. 5s No. 3a Feb. 1955 SO: Monthly East European Accession, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9j, Sept. 1955 Uncl. '111., p1, J . Nypl, J. 'ffect of the inter-row cultivat ion on the ., ield of sugar beets. i-. 2~9 Vol. 3, no. 6, 1956 VESTIUK. Praha C~,ZCHOSLOVAKIA SOURCE: EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS LIST (EM) VOL6 NO 4 APRIL 1957 ITYF,L, J. NYPL, J. How to prune sugar beet for c ross cultivating. p. -9. Vol. 6, no. 4,, Feb. 1956 MCHAINISACE ZMEDELSTVI AGRICULTURE Czechoslovakia So: East FAiropean Accession, Vol. 6, 1%o. 5. May 1957 NUL I J. "Experience acquired from the test of some sugar-beet machinery in 1958." p. 59 HEMINISACE MEDELSTV1. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, 110. 3, 1959 Monthly list of East European Accession Index (EEIA), Library of Congress, Vol, 8, No. 7, July, 1959, Unclassified NYPL, J. "Simplification of thinning and meehanization -)f spring work in aryl r1l, tore." LISTY CUKROVAIN11ICKF, Praha, Czpchoslovakia, Vol. 75, No. '11, March 1?1'-,9. Monthl,, Li-t of Ea~.-t Eurmean Accessions 71C, Vol. 1, 1 b r 1959. - I No. J, Jep! p1r. Urclassif ied. NYPL, Sdonakp dr. Organizational and economic principles of a symposium on the origin of postmagmatic ore deposition. Geol pruzkum 6 no.2t 50-53 F064 1. Ustredni ustav geologicky, Praha. v to is tps we a 0 a 41 Cd 41 N sps 16.1 lee .940 lee pww 4d Ww IIA MP" i ; ArAd 8". Fxpl. (W-_.TTAW_RUm6,71r_ 7W4 -([W71 .-I% =Lt 0=46a to "taffy WS-4 u1- 006. ve~Up(Gd br tim (C.A. St. 7M4). Buty. ek Odd %Qd _"V 1_ - WMh ICEGH, Gtbykoe slyved. us &UKL:k., boal-Amolf. 00 "r chirmots". UM lc t1w wgftakwwu a( =k pbmrl schylstim 1 1.1.3 .06 slycerw Mae usaw- with 200 Fry- hy. 00 dccdvwd br the Uwe Upw. *Wk beffaAce(ste. age muAlm eactaw. ad the eaten of autido ackla me not. re 0 6,6 voo is %1VI41AV. oil 6111.11V Q49 14W,"11 u 11 --- 3' I-T V-1 a a a NJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0- A 0 0 12 POK0446 AftOON01,0114S INN# **A 009 009-1 aid "MAdid, adds" wool COA iff V60 VI naw). Ads 3W. &14 SA11947)._Tlee mWadw-rodw-d- p).- tw (in ST.) ad PH d the field ONKOW of dw cvmm 01~ rA CrAtit (TdW5 91"M IS PK- a (be b" ow the rmw, Oed matbe,&) wm deW. Modw vviam 00matims: witts ols 4 ,aW= + X14 &ZI, (+ X6, 11-10' -f*bk -uW* time (mosomiuml - 68,734, f-11O.Fill). -Mbk IW- goo ditia" Numfuguffin oil) -tig, 7.14. (- W2.70); M. .4000, -214.8, H, It. stmant , I *fee .see goo a a 4, 1 L a deT4,LL%*G4c" LITCOATWIN ct4"NOCATM woe Ono 11"Railro Olow Oftlaw goo ;Aw -=v444 O's 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 4 41.01 0 11~01,41 0 0-0 00 so sei N~Itss tha V-2 Irt.- _we wo mvog, he _,,trim kre4tly,~. j -:_ t- 13 low - 1 ~sficn aw 0~* ling hot OZ. t~dlwxi cs; 9 . . corc, and onfans; -t Is po atoe .i-wt&a1fil 0.04 CdAtfia~ncy re4ots Its i,r')WT6AL5ZTL -AU-2otph !3-M4 _1':' __477~ SYM St f &a (Waresawa, Grochowaka 281 wq) Pole of bioahemist--7 In the development of modern dentistry, Czasoplaso stocatp 8 no-lil-7 Jan 55. (MTISTRY, biochau. In) (310CIMISTRY', In doe..) POLAND / Human and Animal Physiology. Excretion. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 41375. Author : Magorski, F.; Nyrek, St.; Mazurezak, J.; Lukanska,F. Inst :I-lot Given. Title :Determination of the Glucuronic Acid Level in the Urine of Horses. Orig Pub: Ned, weteryn., 1957, 13s No 59 279-282. Abstract: The content of glucuronic acid in the urine of healthy (3-18 year old) horses as determined by the method of Quick, Was 35,6-105,0m6%. Twenty-four hours elimination was equal to.l#d75_5,,294g (it in- created with age : no regular fluctuations of elim- ination during.24 hour periods were established. Card 1/1 NYRIK(N V G I KUSHNIR, Yu. M., BUTSLOV, M. M. and BORDOVSKIY, G. ~or Electronic Optics of the State Comaittee for Radio Electronics, Moscow. "Use of an Image Ampliefier for Increasing the Distinctness of the Image in an Electron Microscope." x= report presented at 45b Intl. Conference on Electron Microscopy, Berlin GFR. 10 - 17 Sep 1958. hnKovs L. 1. MKCWg A. A. Me Utholog~-Hlneraloglcal Chawtorlet1w and Conditiow of Formstion of the Pro&wtLve Stratum of the Dochaw.0 Kin H4ftor Sducatic'n USSR. Movochorkasok Polytechnlc rmt Imeni S. OrdshocUldw. Noweehorkcsok,, 1956. (Dissortation fw the Depw of CaMidate in Goologicomineralogical sciews) SO: KMiwUUjR Istople", No* i9# 1956o 15-57-7-9609 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, p 80 (USSR) AUTHOR: Nyrkov, A. A. ------------ TI TLE The Mineral Composition of the Mudstones of the Donbass (f4ineralogicheskiy sostav argillitov Donbassa) PERIODICAL: V sb: Vopr. mineralogii osadoch. obrazovaniy, Nr 3-4, L'vov, Llvovsk. an-t, 1956, pp 315-325 ABSTRACT: More than 60 core samples from Middle Carboniferous rocks of the Donbass were studied by thermal, chemical, X-ray, microscopic, and other methods. This study established the fact that the principal rock-forming mineral In the mudstones in these samples is hydromica. Certain facies changes were observed in the composition of the hydromica. The hydromicas of marine clays were enriched by alkalies, but continental and transitional mudstones contain hydromicas that are commonly poor in alkalies. Other clay minerals in the mudstones do not Card 1/2 exceed 10 percent of the total. Among these, kaolin 15 -57 -7-9309 The Mineral Composition of the Mudstones (Cont.) was identified in all facies, but minerals of the montmorillonite group were not detected in the continental facies. Card 2/2 V. G. Rikhter 4 15-1957-10-13971 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, p 91 (USSR11 AUTHOR: Lazarev, V. S., Radushev, V. I., Nyrkov, A. A. ------------------- TITLE: The Problem of the Mineralogy of the Roof and Floor Rocks of the Coal Layers in the Donbass (Donets Basin) (K voprosu o mineralogicheskom sostave krovli I podoshvy ugol'nykh plastov Donbassa) PERIODICAL: Vopr. minei-alogii osadoch. obrazovaniy. Books 3-4. L'vov, Llvovsk. un-t, 1956, pp 337-344 ABSTRACT: The mineralogy of the roof and floor rocks of a number of Middle Carboniferous coal beds has been studied by X-ray methods, by thermal and chemical analyses, cind by means of the microscope. The samples for study wore taken from mines In the Ukrainian D6nbass and from drill holes in the Roetwakaya, oblast'. The chief rock-forming mineral in the argillites next to the coal is hydromica of the illite type. Less abundant Card 1/2 minerals are kaolinite, montmorillonite, beidellite, 15-1957-10-13971 The Problem of the Mineralogy of the Roof ard Floor Rocks of the Coal Layers in the Donbass (Donets Basin) monothermite, pyrophyllite, dispersed quartz, gibbatte, and non- tronite. The hydromieas of the illite type consistently show endothermic reactions at 1200 to 1800 and 5400 to 5600 on all the thermal curves. Depending on the ratio of 90 to R203, il- lites may be subdivided Into alkaline--RO-R 0.15, normal-- h--OW6 > 10.70. It RO!H203 x 0.15-0.70, and alkaline eart 03 was ascertained-that alkaline-earth 'illite is confined to the roof rocks, alkaline Illite to the coal beds. Normal illite in present both in the roof rocks and in the floor rocks. Non- tronits, pyrophyllite, and monothermite were discovered only in soil from the coal beds, Non-clay minerals In the argillites are present in insignificant qaantities and do not differ in composition from those in other elastic rocks of the Donbass. In order to solve the problem of the facies conditions of ac- cumulation of the roof rocks and floor rocks of the coal beds, it is necessary to make broader studies of the mineral com- position of the argillaceous rocks enclosing the coal layers. Card 2/2 Ye. V. 0-9trovskaya ,I m14 --.At ,~// 147 1 MKOTO A.AQ *'-~~algra i" '~ on errors in crystallochamical formuUs. Zap. Team. min. ob-va 86 no.4:516-517 '57. (MIRA 11:1) 1,liovocharkaeskly politakhnicheekly institut. (Crystallochosistry) NMOV, A.A.;KOBILZV, A.G. Use of diagenetic products for facies analysis as exem)lified by Donato Basin argillItes, Izv, vys, ucheb. zav.; geol. i razv. 2 no.7:37-42 JI '59 OUBA 13:3) 1. Novocharkasakiy politekhnicheskiy institut. (Donets Basin-Argillite) NTRW, A A --.- Nlulwdteo,w a now aluoral of the forruginous chlorlts group. gap, Toes, min. ob-va, W no#5;571-577 '59. (KRA 13:2) (Donate Basin-Chlotrites) NYMV. L.A5,_ _ _ Thermal study of hauerite. Mia.sbor. no.14-362-366 160. (MIW. 15:2) 1. Folitekhnicheskiy inatitut imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze,, flovocherkasek. (Raddusa-Hauorite) ar VMQV AA 4_ -, I.I.othods for calculating tho crystallochemical fornulas of hydrom1pao, Min. obor, no*15:386-395 1610 (MIRA 15:6) 1. Politekhnicheskly institut, Novacharkasek. (Hydromica-AWrols) HYRKOV, A.A. More about the 8ffu*'mite.* Z&p.Vses.mln.ob-va 90 no.3:354-355 161. (KEU 14:10) (chlorites) NYROV A A Role of hydromicas in the earth's crust and some problems of their systematics and nomenclature. Izv. AN SSSR. Serigool. 27 no.12:95-101 D 162, HIRA 16:i2) 1. Novocherkaoskiy politekhnichookiy institut. (Hydromics.-Nomewlature) NYRKOV, A.A. Siliceous concretions in the Lower Jurassic teurigenous sediments of the eastern Caucasus, Lit. i pol. iselop. no.2: 147-149 Rr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Navocherkasskly pol-itekhnichask-L., inst-,tut. NMWW9 Do t the Suvdlv^ Grain Ilevatore Kuke-slay.prom. 25 no.2:23- 24 7 139. (MIRA 1214) 1, Direktor BuMAIminakogo elevators, Tatarskogo upravlent3m khleboprodidetavo (Bued'sew.-Grain elevators) /V 7 /f ~ /Y 0 1/ -'-, - y - , -, -- , inz6v V-- Some problems In doveloDithr, the productive forces of Western Siberia. lsv.vost.fil. AN SUR n0-2:9-15,'57. (KZRA 10:9) 1. ZopRdno-Sibirskly filtel Akadewil nauk SSSR. (Siberia. Western-Notural resources) NYRKOV, S.V.; MIMLI, S.A.; TARWSENKO, M.L. (ldvanced technology of the Kuznetsk flasin rInes and its ef- ficient utilization; on the practiceof mines working flat and inclined seams]Peredovaia tekhnika na shakhtakh Kuzbassa i voprosy es ratsionallnogo ispollzmanita; po damWm o rabote obakhto razrabatyisjuahchikh,pologio i naklonqa plasty. No- nosibirsk,, Novasibixe%oe kniOnne izd-vo., 1958. 85 p (MIRA 15:9) (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal mines and mining) L 37641-66 ACC NR, AP6021824 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/012/0120/0120 INVENTOR: Akhromeyev, Zh. P.; Nyrkov, V. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Device for the hermetic joining of two pipelines. Class 47, No. 182988 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obiaztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 12, 1966, 120 TOPIC TAGS: pipeline, hermetic seal ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a device for joining two pipelines hermetically, which is made in the form of nipples fastened to the pipelines Fig. 1. Device for the hermetic joining of two pipelines 1 - Nipples; 2 hermetic chamber; 3 - cylinder; 4 shut-off valve rod. 64 .~_ 37641-66 ACC NRI AP6021824 and outfitted with built-in shut-off valves having springs.for closing off the pipe- lines when diBaMmWed and connected with each other by a swing nut (see Fig. 1). To relieve internal pressure on the thread. one of the nipples has a pressure- release chamber, %AIdh is erklosed by a cylWer and a shut-of f valve rod coaxial to the nipple housing. To assure the nipples' hermetic seallklin the shut-off valves are W-shaped grooves containing vulcanized rubber. Orig. art. has: I figure. [Will I SUB CODE: 13/ SUBH DATE: 27May64/ ATD PRESS:5-ayl Card 212 VMb - MYRW. Ys. ;I . - - . . (;alculating the pmctuTe.stjrqqgtb of joist& for high-tomalm cables having viscous Impregnation. Trudy NBI no.28:205-223 156. - OllectrIc cables) (KM 10:6) NYRKOV, Y Cand Tech Sci (diss) "Calculation of the strength of =;~~a of 44w high-vol cable -,having viscJA. seAkIEUg. " Mos, 1957 20 pp with ehem ts 20 cm. (Nin of Higher Education USSR. Moscow Order 6B Lenin ~r, vt,4~ Power i~st im V.I. Molotov. Dept of Electr~~ ~1 kdateri- P, als and Uables), 100 copies (KL, 21-57, 102) -62- 240) SOV/161-58-3-0/27 AUTHOR: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant (Moscow) TITLE: Calculation of the Insulation of Coupling by Using Maxwell's Theory of the Model of the Condenser (Raschet podmotki muft pri primenenii teorii modeli kondensatora Maks- vella) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyyedoklady vyeshey shkolr. Elektromekhanika i avtomatika, 19589 Ur 3t py 65-77 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Calculation of this coupling is carried out by means of an approximation method. For the purpose of calculating voltages on the surface the theory of the Maxwell-condenser may be employed. This condenser is a unilaterally limited infinitely extended disk condenser, which is shown by figure 1 with po- tential- and field lines in the Cartesian system of coordinates. In formula (1) the relation between Cartesian coordinates and the parameters of the potential- and field lines is written down. In formulas(2)q(3)9and(4)the voltage, as well as the radial and longitudinal components are given. Two diagrams (Figs 29 3) are a graphical representation of voltage conditions. Furthermore, conical reinforcements of a condenser are inves- Card 1/2 tigatedq which are developed according to an arbitrary equi- SOV/161-56-3-6/27 Calculati-on of the Insulation of Coupling by Using Maxwell's Theory of th-,~Model of the Condenser potential surface of the Maxwell condenser (Fig 4). Two methods are given for the linking of the plane with the profiled part, and by way of examples, several profiles are shown which were determined according to the first method. (Pigs 5, 6, 7). The formulas for the calculation of the insulating winding (podmotki) are then developed for two different conditionsp and finally annular protective rings are investigated. An example is given (Fige 80 9). There are 9 figures and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ded fpr 1i t-11 on bi 11he FahisedarratlevT-lee frasot Ich la L -k relWcTe'ski Aao6r F a L eley Moskovskogo energeticheskogo instituta (Chair for Electrotechnical Materials and Cables at the Moscow Institute of Power Engineering) ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektrotekhnicheakikh materialov i kabeley Moskovskogo energeticheekogo institute (Chair for Electrotechnical Materials and Cables at the Moscow Institute of Power Bngineering) SUBMITTED: January 10, 1958 Card 2/2 Bragin, Sergey Mikhaylovicht Doctor of Technical SOV/161-58-4-23/28 Sciences, Profdssor,.Aiyrkov, Yevgeniy Semenovich, CAmdidate of Technical Scienoesp ki-al-stant TITM Discharge Voltage on the Surface of the Insulation (Razryadnoye naprya&.eniye po poverkhnosti izolyataii) PMU0DIC,Lr4 Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Elektromekhanika i avtomatika, 1958, Nr 4, pp 166 - 201 (USSR) ABSTROT: The experiments described here wore carried out on models of cables in order to determine the dependence of the breakdown- voltage on the dimensions of the model and the picture of the electric field at the model end (external zone affect). The cable model consisted of a brass tube on which was wound 9. paper insulation. The model was boiled in the MP4 impregnating compound and a tinfoil electrode which was earthed during experiments, was wound on the modA. To increase the break-down voltage Ub Of these cable models with a length of up to 500 mm, the following means were examined.- Semi-conduotor paper beneath the tinfoil cover, additional windings at the sample ends, additional windings on tinfoil cover enda. The results are shown in the Card 1/3 diagrams of figures 1, Z and 3. The results of the Discharge Voltage on the Surface of the Insulation SOV/161-58-4-23/28 examination of the dependence of the breakdown voltage on the discharge length, the lhickmess of the insulation and the cable cora radius of -the cable model, are shown as diagrams in figures 4 and 5. These indicate that IP increases with the increase of the discharge length, the knoulation thickness and the decrease of the cable core radius. This relation is shown as the equation (1). The influence of the bevel at the cable end on Ub has been examined. The experiments showed that the increase in the length of the bevel redkices the breaMo= voltage at a constant discharge-length. The experiments Ehowed further that Ub decreases with the increase of the cable core length and the oable core radius. The conformities during the breakdown of oilfilms in the insulation were determined. The experiments (Table 3) showed that, when additional windings are missing, and during experiments in air, the breakdown voltage is lower than with an oilfilm. The experiments proved that the discharge voltage increases proportionally with the root of the discharge length. It has been determined that generally the breakdown voltage can be shown by the empiric equation (3). Finally, the conformities during the Card 2/3 flash-over on blank cable ends are shown. Based on the experimental I~ischarge Voltage on the Surface of the rhoulation WV/161-58~4-23/28 data obtained here " by other authors, the etxperimentally obtained relations were compared with those computed from known equations. These were the equations by Tepler, IL 1. Mantrov, the empiric equation of the authors (Ref 411and the empiric equations (7) and (8) 6f the authRj~s. Based on these comparisons, the following was establishadt The Ub curve in dependence od the discharge-lougth during the experiment in air can be determined according to equation (8) for two experimental conditions: a discharge-length is larger than the criti-lal one, or equal to it. The Ub of the oilfilm between the surfaces can be determined according to equation (3). The value KfIlm contained in this equation (reduced dischorge-voltage of the film on the respective surface) can be assumed for cable paper'-as follows (Ref Oz For a film between smooth surfaces - 8-13.5, for a film between unsmooth surfaces - 16-22, and for a film mith smooth surface of the insulation and an unsmooth additional idnding - 14-18. There &-e 9 figures, 4 tables, and 7 referenaes, 5 of *iich are Soviet. ASSOCMICII: Kafedra, alektratakhnicheskikh materialov i kabeley Moskovskogo energeticheskogo institute, (Ghsii~ for Electrical Materials and Cables at the Ilosoom institute of Power Engineering) SUMNEN May l6,, 1958 Card 3/3 _Yyrko,~,. Xswge~ sawwavick QMW&Ucf 2whakalSOV/161-58-4-24/28 Sciancis, Assistant TITLE: on Calculating the Diazater of the Wrapping of the Joint-boxes of a Single-core Cable (K raschatu diametra, podmotki soyedinitel'njkh muft odnozhillnogo ka'lbelya) PERIODICAL: lqaucbnyye:doklady vysshey shkoly. Elektromekhanika I avtomatika, 1958, Nr 4, pp 202 - 216 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The designs of the joint-boxes of three-core high-tension cables are very similar and differ only inasmuch as the three airgle-phase joints .,f the throe-phase cable are provided with a humidity protection coat. At first, the type-design of a -joint-box is shown and deacribed in figure 1. The characteristic of the built joint- box design is shown next.- The construction data of the various joint-'boxes of the USSR and the USA (Refs 1, 2) are given in (Table U The known methods for calculating a joint-box are shown, that Is the oaloulating of the wrapping diameter on joints with a. continuous shielding and of that on joints with a ring-type shielding. The calculation of the wrapping diameter is given next, based on experimentally obtained relations during breakdown (Ref 5)-. The Card 1/2 conformities for the breakdown of the cable insulation and that of On Calculating the Diameter of the Trapping of the Joint- WV/161-58-4-24/28 boxes of a Single-core Cable the Joint, and the relevant equations (20), (211 and (22) are shor-a. These conformities serve as & basis for the calculation of the wrapping diameter. The calculation on the basis of an example la- zhown in the appendix. There are 6 figures, 4, tables, and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. =01CITATIC-V i Kafedra elaktroteldmichaskikh materialov i kabeley Moskovskogo energetichaskogo instituta (Chair for FAeotrical Materials axd Cables at the Moscow institute of Power ghgineering) 3UMITTED: May 16, 1958 Card 2/2 PRITIZIRSIT, Vladimir Alsksayevich; aISIKOV, B.I., lnzh., retsensent; TWITSKIT, I.D.. hand. takhu.nauk, retsenzentl.' SMOV, U.S., kand.t*khn.nauk. retsenzentg LINKOV, A.T., jnx*h.-*--x*"&-,~;--O.---`- KATTIM, G.I., 1 0 [4akuet wires with enameled and fiber-type Insulation) Ob2otochnys provoda a exalevoi I voloknistoi izoliatelet. Isd.3., parer. Moskva, Qos.9nsrg.izd-v*. 1959. 448 p. (KIRA 12:7) (Electric wire, Insulated) NYRKOV, Ye.S., kand.tekhn.nauk Enameled wires with composite insulation. Vest. alaktroprom. 33 no.1l.-76-77 N 162. (WRA 15t11) (Electric wire) kand. tekhn. nauk; FR(,, IV, V.G., inzh. Winding wires with glass and enamel-glass filament insulation. Snergetik 11 no.7:1-5 JI 161, (MIFLA 16: 8) Electric wire, Insulated) ectric machinery-Windings) M NYRKOV, re.S. kand.tekhn.nauk; EYLIMAN, L.S., inzh. ~ P, Manufacture of electric cables with magnenian insulation. Vent. alektroprom. 34 no-076-78 Ap 163. (KRA 16 110)