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MSNDELI, E.O. t ka.nd. t~akhn.nauk; ~CUSOV, N. F. i kand, tekhn. nauk; ODSd4E'0~4~V, Z.A., gornyy inzhener; RABIOfIEV, A.R., ~orn~y inzhe~ner; iy,AMO?dOV, V. V., go vy inzhe~ner; G1~OZIN, V.g~I,: garnyy in~henor; 05tdOVSKIY, P.'U., ~ornyy inzhe~ner; VOROP3i~d, V.S., ~.nzhener-~shakhtostr~aita3'; t~tiY~III~?, L.V., goxnry inzhaner Discussion on Pd.V. Stadnichenko, V.T. Nazarov'e article "Advanfiageous di~~neter size for borehalee.n Ugolt 35 no. 4x31-35 Ap ' 6Q. t~'III~1 ~~r: ~) ~., I~oat~~vugol' (fox� Rab~.chov, Mamonov ~ Grozin). 2. Rc~ntovekiy ~avnar�kho z (for ~enov~kiy ~ Vox�onin) . (Blasting) (Boring) (Stadnichenko, N.V.) (Naza.rov, V.T.,) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 AUTHOR: f~tlnopoz07~y M I, TITLR: ~~ he Tl`~chxl:lcal (~~ tekhnal ch e.3 kaa~ S(3V/b8- dig- 5.. ~]./.~~ Council of Giprakok~ sc~vete Giprokoksa) PERI(}DICALs Koks i khi~ni~a, x.959, Hr 5, p 59 (UtiySR) ABSTRAGT: l~ Th,~ tE~chn~,cal project oi' a large c,~~pacity {32,~ ~. ~~ .7 ink) coke oven battery was di~cu~~~~ed in Decembea~ l; 58. s length ~.~ mx height 5, ~ m, width ~ cleperidin c~;n technoXog~.oal properties of blends 41.0 - ~~CI mm. ~h� council recommend~3d the project fcr approval, 2) Tec,hni cal pro jec~t of the mechanise lion of the cl~;aring out "e;nds" or- coke ovens was considered and approved. There ara~ no f igures~ . Card 1/1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 AuTxoR: odnopazc~v ~~~. sav/~~-~$-~_~, i/~a TITS: I:a the I'eoh~-ical Council of G~iprokoks CV tekhnich~;-skom s~3vete Giprukoksa) PERIODICAL: Koks i Kh.imiya, 1959, Nr 2, p 59 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The followin technical approved: 1~ PVR ovenspw~t~icwallsrofconsidered a,nd m~~de from various materials along �~he heigghterators 2;P anew design of ascension pipe; which will be incorporated during reconstruction of coke ovens in tr,~e Stal;i.n; ;Zhdanov and Voroshilov ~lorks; 3) a x~,ew t3''Pe of ~geldlsd gas ^allecting main to be introduced o.n the above mentioned works, ~+) optimum size of coal stoc;kye:nd: it was considered that works situated near coalmines should maintain coal ~oeks sufficient fair 2-3 gays � operation and for si ~tuated works; 5-7 days for further S) project of .utilisation of waste heat from ammonia liguar in sulphur purification plant in the Makey~;vka ~iorks. Card 1/1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 ~tzJT~iOR: OC.7c1C3'~y'~,~ti�~r SOV/Ei8- , TIT-,~; Ix~ thk= T~-Er hn.~.~a~, Co'ancil of Giprokak~~ (~I tekhni wy, s~-~�{~e+~s G~.~?rc~~bc~:sa) che~z,~crn P'ERI03JI~AL: Kc~:s ~~.h~rma.`'~a, 1.g~9, ~~r :t, 61 U ABSTRACT o ~, i ~ ~ ~ P ~ C SSR) ��) 1'x ~ ~a.~.nar,~' ope:ratin~ results c~:~ a new coke-~ov~;~n '~a ~te~'~ � laa~; e.�~~a a , ~ p ity c~vena ~,~~~ the fasinovsl~y. Cok~.n~; '~~ r~::s wer~,I con,3~..d.~r;~, d. �vens attairaE;d des~.~ned outputs SV,,,�,'~1, i~1rLL-'Gli~~ia~ ~'~2~,~G~ C:UkG Lid1lt";' an`~ ~':~, ~ i~=";~" ~ cn of dt~ ~ ~' � Further observation, ,� ~ ~ ~ j ~- to for future uA,;E, were recomrriE.~,ded. ~~ Fr^ .~.:,4t c;n. complete a~zto.~at? on off.' the coal washery at "ki; Ci~er �~.~v ~p%ets '~orkcs was conaidere~l: and recanmended for aZ'.~'~'G -,r=~~~ � ~) Pra~~,c:t �f the dp ~t~~"t>~s::'a~:~ic lk,~l;�s.n~ WL-rlc.~ Wau recommer~~~d forf approval w. th~~ ;~:~,? ~.ctv~rn~; xyem,a.~~^~i~ 1th .s: a) the cvn.struotion of ~c?vpred coal ;~t; ::k~,~~~; .~n~ ~~ew bY,tterzes and '~ ~~ fiu;;~,~P~,~- ~) htia ~ i n~ of batteries ~' ~;rer~ has on~�y ,should be consid~;red. Card 1/ ~. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 AUTHgR a Qdrep~ ;.,~~' :~o. ~Io ~ b S4V~~68~.~g~~~~,~~~~~ T ITLE o . F: ,~.s:,~:.,f: ..,fin the T.{~c:h.~r~.t~a of th ~ , 1~ , ~ k�~ ~ ~. , :1. G;a~~,n,~.:~.:l. e C. ~I~~?~:~ao ~ (V tek~ni ck~e 5 C12I 5C7 Tip , pY,c".i{~l~o~,~ P~RI~(~D.~CAI~ ~ K~~1~"u Kh:~.t~i~.;ra ~ 1c~ 5~3 ~ H~� lc'. ABSTRACT s 1 } '.~h.?' ,,~~ s P 5a (USSR ) e ,. ~.~~s~.gns fog lrh� ~;~ke scx�een~, l~at1:,:~x~~.+~94 ~Nc:~~.~~ ~~~~; z ~ Plans fo;~ ~~8 ~c`~' fi,,ux~,~,:~~~ ~~ ~, e ~.onsidex~ede Twa des~,gns wer. Is chosQn ~, d:z.s ~,u,~sio~l d~~ir in >= ~.n f-~~~~TT,,.p:�~(�;ko}i.s ~t~.~}. G~,p:ror~~l~ `~) T`ha ~;~,~'npt'pYmeetS py g Uftr~} i 66J~~ 1,~~~ r'~ ter b ~ ~ ~"r ~~C~*~~~~, 1~/.~.{' ~~ ~f:~~~~ d (#~~t}~;~:}~,~.a ~r~lz:l',X1 W ~~i~ ~`~~a~"~dLY~'~ ;~1a;nt~ an 'i~h~ g c~~ ~ks wa ~ commis s icnedp ~r,..ep~,~rt~3,t;~~. of ~:p.- ol,is a~1d ~' ~. 3) Wit}.~ the ,~r~ tie ,~ ~:~~:n.da~di>;s.t,i~ln off' a,dminis~tratYpr'oYel~t ,pro;;'ects '~~~~~~.~.t~,~~k~~.~Id~.~l~;s ~:~~~~~ c~.~l~.~ng wu~~~~,: weren~~,nsidare~, and ~:, p~;x~,~~"~'a ;~ , and G~.rd l/~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 AU~N(3Ro adr~ ac~z ~ 501/~~~~..,~S~l~ne~3/% ~'~ ~ ~1. TZ3'I~~ :~"~t ;~e ~'e~:hxai a.1 `~`~~~~: of ~.iproknkti (V tekhn~.ches~c.~,~ffi s~~ye'o~e ~iproko~.s?~} l'E;~SODICAI,~ Kc-~s i Kf~m~ya.~ 1.~~73~ l~r .~~~, p ~9 (.USSR} AB~~TRACT e In tie ,~ oznt ses:3~,on ~~~,' the techni .ai council and s~~ ' coun~:~..1 c-f 1J'I~IN the ~. a,enta.fic ~rid~sn~!. th;s r s P;~'h1.em of ~,nc~r~~~asa~ng the output and ~ ar~;e of coki.n~ products for the chQnics,l ~.~.du~ctr~ wa,~ disc:ussec~4 Some prupo~al..s were made (not spe "~"~1'ei~} j~h~ch wi1.~ be suk~m:itted to the Stage Camma,ttee �f G~ spl+~ c>f the USS~.~ It wt~s pointed out that some iaacr~as~ i.n the a~ail~~~bil~.ty cif a nusriber of products can be obtained lay ix~c.~e�~sira~; the output z"roe, plants a~.d decx'easia~g g:~~a:rtsa ~'he project of an underjet fired eo~e- o~r~n bati~er~r, N:r 3 fc~r the 'P~>~:L~~~zz~.~.~-v, ~- ~kf.yy' Plant w~.s ~~ppr~oveei.. The proj~,ct of. typ~,cal co1~e ovens by coke-,oven gas on;t,. was ~PPx'c-vect~ Y yard ljl APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 ~~ r p '~? T / T� ~.:~. I.. ~ e ~:~cc;'~~r~~..c,al. Gl~ur.{cil of Giprol.c~ks ~t~ te2:l~ i h ! x~ .c cs: ~o_.t ~.l,Jd L.l.l. 1~.1 ~.J~~~ . " ~ ~~a~CS i ,.. . c ,_r i~, z~. ~s~.i_;~~~_~ ~ .l J ,~~;i I!Ir ~ g I% 5`~ (USSR x ~ i~'.L . ,yL~ a .f~, ~:~.1, C .1 ~; .;. C):tl i.'i:! a '~~ clCi~Z'~, 'L~1 t~ t; ~..I'1 .}.t y 7 ~~ r~ ~ ~ n t fLl U 't ~ ~ ' ~ + x , td 3, i 1~4J . .. ~tiitef".) ~.~J. ll l, ~~' ) r ~ t: i7. 'i ' ~-l ~J ~.~.. r . ar..:~~: ;~o:~~, i~e~~ras of ~a~~xrtin~; ~~~~a~ons shoul c-1 b l ~~ p iod t . . .. p . U ~L1.1 lo.r~ain~;_unloadinE~ ~' Re�uli~~a of i ~ o l s . nv~r= : .. ,_, ti~;atfaris of i;~e us e c~f ,~~x'efal,x~.c~.,.t{~~_' r~_irzfc~rec~~, c~~nc.rot~; parts z n th . e construct::~r~n of 1~u:ild:Ln.~~, c~~r C:o;~e o~,rera, ~~ox~~rs ~~ere cansic~erec. ~~- ~t~oin t~;d a ' I` ~ . ti ;. `~, C-ut ~ria.t the ~a~~:~n defic1enc,~- cf uec ~~ ~ ~~.ans iU ~:. lc~,r~,e nu~iber of vayic~us art ' s of a ~..,~ferent di~enti _t;i'1.;; ~:.h:~ch :~zirr~-~ ~.. ,p r~, .~hv cffic crrc;; of applicati on of ~,i :;fa,r~ricL:~.~;ci ~~.rtC It "�'as :;o~ on s - - ~.. ~, decidel.~ uo con~~~ "~ue ;~~ ?~ t~x1~ C~csA V~ ~ ,aGi ~1 `" . . arl of parts ~-' rz rt:prG'~~..~"].tixt~lV~'~:~ C}f U~hI~'~ 1 ~~'? ~~' ~~ := r ~~ ~J-- h cant ' , . . , . .. ., ^..,-;Y ~,, ~,tL.l:tnp ~.nC~ Yas~.nov9~ca +~,"oke t7ven ~`r~r:s ~~~.c prc>t~lea of preparat:lan of a project of a t;,~pical cc~:e ov~:n ti~ or~t , ~~ith a ~f, arl~ output of s;o~ >>~r~ l/~ e of 2, '`~ r~~il, tors {Y~-th a passibi~'_ity of :its further increa7e~t 3 ~' ' o , - ~ ~-.0 ~~il tan/sr . ear. ~,as cor~side~~ed It , vras propos~;u APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 i' J.. '. r ! ?Ii'Ide ~ ~ ' sot~l9b"59-b-19/22 Cnr~'e:renae on the Comet (SovenhehaniYe po voproeamvt~t oitel~tYwit plovyeidt aete~r) P3DYODTC[Le Tep];oenorgotika, 19:19, Nr b, pp 90.91 (U88R) ~~! ~' [17'"Unina Conference on the ooastruotion of therraal ayatea~a vas held in Noaoov on the vas oonvened by the Nvaaok p 11th - lath }~r~ it Technical 8oniet o iravtorate of the 8oien~itlo" ' 8evtlon). Repreaent~tihresoatrthai[oMd gq~~ip~gt U�atit~ OOg9TROX OSAR, OC(tPb[!~ Ct8�, Coun~oiia of Itstior~~ 8onnoa,'V, deei`n, operating, and elravtion organieationa, and educational and re~eearah 1aat;ltutea partloipated !n the oolLtarenve, Thirteen report~l were read cad of vmm~nuuoations vere made. 2~,~'a. Sokolov readnumber report on The present state and`~1i'turs toapects of district heatiag~ ?ha. reports zakharenko of )tosteploaet~atroy ~~ &gineor Bj.;T~, i (MO�podxbmstroy) dealt vith the nixed for~aarevi x trbk� methods of la3'1n+6 heating b7stams. Csrd L (Olavleni inee 2"~~ft aaadltione~6i~i~troy)dsacrlba, the spa Leningrad. !be re a~~ hoating ryatatia In y _ of the ,All-Union Thom of Cand.Tac~h.8oi. A. 8kko'ortsov -... *' need to mschnulse thenet2vheto~p, ofheating spsttme as tar se possible, e Qesorlbod th� use ~~~Qr_[__A_~L~amin of HosenergoproTekt for the F ~~ rei�?orosd oonorate dents Caad.T oonatruotlon of large diaeeter beat su ` " ech.8oi. A Y , er of a~i pPlr pi a. dit~eer{ant eetbods a ,~ 1~8 dlsouased Dolts of ..)l,~..~~bpgxer of Teplaslektro atiT4t sritesue. =ngi-leer mevhangval stre pro ek~b disouiaed the i oystos voastrnvti~~ot diftarea~ t~rpa of beat ! lntroduoa nev =be Conterencle tsoEad the ai ~au~lr The Ccnt~Pr~a r~�uest moeestraotlos- and thermal lneulatioei. teat a nrpabee, of inev ~ -ariana ra~aponalbla bodlee to Gard 2/": detailed re ~0 of oo~atraotio~. Oar !here are ~~~lor8t Here eyd*. , ao rstereo>oee. � APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 ACC ldR: A~,~a13~75 ~~~~ ~ ~ 3a. .hus far ~ ,[t a , goc}d i:nage~a the ta~t~zl rilamber of gradations of chromaticit~,~ j � ~ ~!A;4ndpsr � ~ 164 and alp ~ 45c~a. How~:ver, for low colos� originals with clear gradat~:ons " ~betwe~en colors (dr.~cu;nant~i, m,~pn}, trg~ng-mi.~sl,caia of ~~ is ~ _,, ar~c~ ~,,~z~ ~yarz ~l~ex ll~cn h p,,t by ~.i~I' pt c~nonte thEi fnon~ ~ ~` ! ~~,~~ t~~~ac- t;:l~f~ col~~z ~-rtt-.~r~i~tion in 1;h:ts c-a~-u ~.-~ t inseparably connec:ta~i wii;h tha ca~~o:r tone. ]n ordar to make passible the traner:iisgion also of im,nges of go~~d gc~alii;y by C:ET it is nQCesaary to provide for a change of transmission speed, For thi~- r.aquixement thr most satisfactory method of transmission is by signals of bri,~;htnese (~ y}, of color tare (U~}, and :saturation (U }. Single i p coloy� r~.nd law color :,,-naga~- ax~~; t;ran:~mi�ttec~ by s~.gnals ~ snd by the rum U and U respectively. By rec. ucing the tranc~mis; icm. s Ped Y ~ ' anca. the praparatit~n of a m:oclel of the GFT equipa~~nt~~a~~eparted~ opera ~ttedh~the band .~00--34U0 hz on the ,principle of simt:ltaneous transmic~sion of the signals U~~i U , and U~3. 6 illustr~3t~.ons. Uibli.a a ~ o,~' ~ ~,itations. A~~ M. translation of ~ t~' phy ~, abstrc~ct~ . sup canF; 17 juY APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 n~..~...~-~---- ,........... St~UR r EGG wRs AR6o13a'75 ,,~'~. ' ~iO:dS: Dmitriyev, A. 1'a.; Odnol'ko, V. V� ~~ 1. A~ 4-----."n"""_^".~..~,`,~++�++."".' ~.~~ o:Lume of information associated with the ~$$;,-bilities of reducing the v TITI~~ : The p transmission of zpotionles~:3 color imagee_ C{, SOt12C;~: Ref. zh. F~adiotekhnika i elektrosvy~a2' , Abs. 11:572 azi, ~ ad. elektratalshn~-ta svy' RED :>OURC~.: Tr� Irauchno-te}~rhrz. lcanf'erentsii Leningr' ____.._ ~__-----~--- ~ '~� 2, 1~64~ 1'I'-25 c snalysi-s, t+'lecgjr~Tiuna.catzgn, ~tele~raghy: image contr~~st, , TOYT" TP~GS: colorz.metr~;e prgjertign, izlfgr; ~zrrc;e~3s:.n; CF"`1.' were investi~atel3.. It � ^lhe charactex� a:f color photote:~e~'~hY,'t color information concerning AlIS2,. ,AGT . The eras pointed ~,u'~, that with Ck~i ~.1: i.s n?C~;:;s~,ty tt) ;q the i"i7~c: ea.cricints (as r'I.istinct from ~ona1. ta~l~og ti 9 al.l the e~.e:mrn t~; ino~.~adin~; .zJ , a {~ a ~tLwi` chf~.tze:l. s p~~oport~. � of in:forma,tzon I trrut;a~Ultte:~ ~.~-.aX~~; mess fari,d ~ 0 quaaltil~y ter.�igh is tie number of ~:g7,or,3 which'yax e diC~:in~.t~a:~hm~.d ~owhc~rd m and ,u. are the vrhe:re ~ Q by chromaticity. ~'or moti~,r~la3ss cO~t)r~d i.ra~.t~~ Q ~' ~~ which 1n ~;~ 2~"3~~ mesa a~zd ehrcmatiaity re,;3peGtively', number of gradations of bri~h and the color gai;uration ~ is de'~erm?ned by the ~radra~tions o.C the c,oloi~ current nG~ uaiit ima~ -~ ~ es ol. a, hic hues n ~ 10. ~trith the repro~ductiori of high ~ Y ~ n ~ T'or p Yom' ~' Q p _~ t~D~;s ~~1.~9'~~~"'~'.'612~8~~-7 rd 1 /? APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 `~ .. .. I . .~ ~ ~~~ .~~ ~~ ~~~b,,ig~~~,~ a~l~ ~�o~ljc~-~le~a aondpat~d ~ � vii Yii~ �.{i"~�'i+~f1�~+i~~~"' "~~~~ ~!~ ~ 8 _~,. ,~'~,: ~~~: ,5 V~ +t ~,~ t ..4r y �.. L ~. � ` ~t ~i~M :p .j .~: ~r .......''a~ .. ~:~� ,~ , r P~...s .. .~ b. ~i ~ '', ,~~ ?,., APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 :. . -..~ ...N ~ ~8r l~s~_ ~~ v ~cper~!~. ~~~~_ focr '~,~ intsPCity tx&A8111~8$~.on of ~IOt 3s Rgt'. zh. ~iktt i elah~s~*a~t~ ~~� ]1Yl 69 ~tEl~ 34~~: Tr Naha-~teklm, konp~3i S'YP� 2~ lg6~p ~.,g Lanin~r elaktrotss,~kh,~a- ~~~# R'OPIC TAGS s #~ge ~varter,~ P~�o,~+eoti a ~~-1.1'~~~ ~~t� photot@1,~, g~,~ 8 ~' @ ~1i~~,, ~jp~ I. P.p~--atue~ ! P~~~otal.~ra~~.~,,~ ~~'~ACT: ~~P~fmantal ~~pparetus for the tr described. The apg~tyy~ ues dovs~,oped on too �t ~~tao~,aaef . ~t~aPhio apparatus aNeva.'" do Hof th~fl ~tia~~~a~- Th� k.' yet ~, ~ 'a#'itl ~~t~g the t~t~ �t' ala a~d,,rting ~nc~hrson;s~tian:. aPpe~antass r~#esad;'t~cl~, ~supl,a attmahments tau*e d~~eloped: a Qolcr se ~~ for oo,2or x' ; T _ mcrmr~ed o~ ~t~~ri=ir~g ttt~t for too ~si~-~ea�. Theme t~~ tai t,~~~tt~ ' j~~at toa~ tie ~~ti~ e~uipasmt and ~,~ ~ ~att~i oea be erisi~yr ;.~.. ~ dlstta~ ~ p- y, r.. ~ ~ ~ tb. n3 ` . ~~~ ~ a1'~tioaa~ tar ~ ~~,~~Oal' ~eraa �at tbs s',rd ap.. .,. . '~ Imo. Tb. paaltirro r.~,tsr arit~oor ~aad ara+ aoti saved. s ~~ toe 3ataoit~r tires ~ ~ ~..,. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 C:,Cv�o 31~)~3 s/ls~ 61/aoa/o~.o~'o~~/c~2 na~1 gal ~~uTi~aR: _ odnoi t} >:Yo ,,.w...v.v. Television equ~.pmE:nt :E or tal;,ing fJ.l.r15 ~I3ric~ nc.~tc) TITLE i'E~.IOVIC~~L� Referativnyy zllurnr~l, ~'~vtomati~a~,:~ (Tr~onauch1c:,nilcay nog 1Gy 1961, 22y abstrac~. l0 1 telyhn. lconferents~.iLye`nin~rA el.e?~�~rotcly~lna ~.j~-t:;a ~Vy`dZi~., n�7s ~, L, ~ 1951, ~~-~0) ~.."~.s`i`.~`: rl.'llc C~�:it(`.~,.U~)tIlUnt; C?~ a '1,'V ay ~t�~tfl ~:()~' t~~~w~.n~'; .f J..lm!`i 15 rc orted. Desigtl parr~meter4; t3eci~ clir~;~cn:~ fx'~u`~c ra~:c; ~ - 2l GaQ C/S ~ l~al~d;~2dfi. [1 ~ L~{J Il1C~~~ n :?5 frarles/sec, line frer.uency t correcta,on s ~~Y'ovideet as 0.4 r 1 and 1.6 o teat c:o18Si K B4~ (18I~,t~,BLh) ~~H-7 CLi~7} c~nd J~1H -a.01. I;1.~X-1,.01) , rc~f,a..~ter~.n~:a ~~nd coni:rol cathode-ray tuU~: ~3~~~76 (~~.r,Lit71~} arc. usocl~ 'J.'he i.~~a1.~.c?�- �ere tried to improve the x~e solving a1~�i_lity : Loi~g~-t,i~~inal. means c~ magnetic field, guns j,~th round and rlarro~a slot rliap raf,m~ Y c Card 1/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 C: r~ryyC ~i.6 ~.1.~~,.~~i f 1 ii i ~ C .Lip,.. ~ ',.1:. 1J~ I.'~ ~.i'~: � ~~~1f1 fJ4.~{tea. t~~)!-' J ~~jy'` ` C'~.~.` :~ ~:,,1~., k' ~,, `.L ''r { Ft'"' 1,1 f' ~ !~ '~~ r r `~l J� ~' ~` 'ti`E:i 1tl~.y P7 f r1~ ,.~ , ~1i1. ji'" ~11~`G r_' 'i'.11~`N`'s ~J;a'v~t 1d (. ~ ~... ~tlf:.,, s ~~, ^;~~`~.~,~`~;� C~:~~ ci~`ti3C?Y'~fC't~,, by ii1C~i~ ~1.1'.~Ii~ ~:P"1~' `t;{~:'GCi;~r,x'~ai..;~ {,'~ t:'1 + C.S..1'~'C'~. ? ~;~.~~w ~~.L~~e, c~he I'~:J1~..~ ~~ h~i~~w t;3i_ti'-i:~ ~' ~ lm deb ~ .~ ~ .. ~ ~~ a ~= . ~: trod, The l~r~}�e~t a;.,ea of c:Pe~a;Je~+, ~~r~p~>'~-od by a v'fe~.~hitl~ r,,e ~i ~ ~~ ~Yil~~h.~;.~.{~ been. yox'edu.ced i~ ~~U x ~~.0 ~~tn5 b~a�t; L;l~.e ~~.~,;z~~.~�y c~:f dfp~:~.t iN ~~tzaa~~;eptt~bl.e ~bo^~e IOcJ x :l.~U liuri., Gen�rally ~- , ~ ~~y of tP:.e ~~,lm X,5 t:C~m~>a:ab1~~ ~~~k~;j,'t;!'1 t~~a.~r ;:;}~sr`~3,~;1.n[s~ vj~:t, JE-jai, 4~'i.V.i.. ~, ~~ r �-~~o~c,~-x~dl:~ha.c paper ~F~aile t;he :c~eec~:lYr.~n~ :I~o~;~=er ie ~~c germ? ned yJy the pa.rtz.~: ~e s:i_ze o~ t1~F poy~ader >.zsed ~i;~. ~JhE j .,,~e~~ TYGe z,rodu-~ ~`1.GZ1 of tre :1_a~Gent p~:;~~er~t? a~ r~~ ~~ ~ to p ~, r~~ S.'r'" ~ ~~ o .., ~ rY: ~, ~� ~;, c> ~. ~' ~ ~~' i L `~ ~, h.~, a ; ~';:1~ 1 ~ ~ C~ c'~. ~~.'~ ~i�i G' ~- ~. ct ;3 ~ }~i e C'ir ;~ a Tit s~ {.. ~i ~ . ~;, J ~...., re~~~~;~..I.:i.~,~~ ~.~i,~ The :=e a r'etllcd e prPfE1rred. ~...e ~:c.thel.' a.e.~~i~:~a bexlzin~; B~~"~U or y~eUrn4~. ~,ri~J +~he ~;~~, e~-~he.r ~ ,., ., T r ~+- Ta ~.e :L~a 1~98ti :i,'C:'T ~:()~~;~'~~a~: ~~;~.1.71~t ~.: alp, or u ~ ~.~. r~~.,.r~,~ ~c u ~~ ~. t~:.e se? 2r1~_LlL1 elate azid Soo~~ i~ pre~er.~^ed ~~t`.~.era ~e.per ~sr~ r_te a~~e taken arae m~;rhod of ~ran~ferriri~; the ~mauz ~~:' pd~~er .r~;o?za.res the ~~ape:~ to Lie cha.r~;ed and ~~;ra~~s,f~:~r ~~f tPae t;~ ~ ~ o,f ~~rh1+~h ~_re of r. e ~x~e :. pF'3,.L''~1.. ..w ~. ~ :~C:~1'fSl ~ _.}. _ yy � +. ~~ ~aU ~~`6 11:iE', �.~~'r..{ ~r'+ f:l:I'`:~. t 2`i`e(~. J*~+~ilfi i. ~~~7'J~ t' .6.'.+~(:l.U..t..Ll.j~'. ,1. V +J , tJ.i.~~~,1. ~~ ~,~ ~,,~t;t;-~~,~~~ 1x~es the adhesi~re zaro.3c:rt~ze ~ c~' ~:~~;~., I;rzex,~r~.~ed, !/u 11 .L~v ~ard2J~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 z ~ ~VtV/~r3- j- ~ 1 ~. ~, � a;~.:la' ' ~ � v , v o and.. c i~: ;~.n A o ` ,~U'~ ~OR,~ . ~ y , r~~T SQIt~e SGUt~1,e~ a.n t~7~.~r Fi~id t~f E~.B~.,trc~p~~~~'~r. ...~~~~ � _ ~M ,j'., i~ii~' .~,&:~:�, .ir~ b.~ 1.0 .~.~ i {',~ yki~dr'~.~~t' ~ , r~ '~ :~~~ ~~CJ~,~~~ ra~~~~~ ,7 n ,+ , ~ ~. l;r. o i~cF t~,~ x: ~.~. a ~ ~~Jr~~Ii('~i~Ev~, ,n~ �,; ~ ~. ~ r i c^ fi ' T' '{ Ca a '4 ~ ~,~ ~ ~~.a~ a1re~_ta.y been ,::zven ~~~STRACT: ':~:~,~ I~~E111.�~ ~zc n ,,A~. s3 ~ a.~,t ~ a ~~ u aSR ~.nd fire ~~;: t...~z,a~~Zy a:ncl ~i.nern~`~o~;r~~~aby of. the AraS~o ~ ~ ~,~? ~:.r~d a:L:~c.. +; ~ , ~ ts_.' rrf tl~e ~~I~'I Q11 Jaz~.uax ~.~: ~,� r as~~ -r� a �: ~ .~.~~r~~x,~-e cf r~re~~'essc;rs a:nd le~~~urer~ of #;~~~F .~~I ,~u.~ ... _ _ ~,, t Sale v~ior~ ~~~ LEIS irl~..-~.; aced. .L J..~ri ~d 111~d~.L ~Ei C.'i. lJ~~.~i1. ti 1. ,lam.-i-'11.1 u11L ~,, Y ~ t~~ ].t t~d~ie:~e~ ~~al c:. .: r ,,, ~j ~ ,~ C I1 a J t "1.."i E~ iti %.~ ~i e .L' ~. f~ ~ ca :1. T~... ~~~d.e r:~za~e ~f ~~a,~�e z~.atErr:~a1;, axed :in x~ar�tir~ular: ~~i~r,:r~~~e ~ ~ i ~ ' .. r ~{ a~;~ ~~..~ Z.e~,.;_~.;;~ of t~~e attere ~ ~ .~ "'' ~ , ?~} and o~~,d' sed by heat i.r; Gs-~ ~F;~..?~I.i..~il i:Z' C~.t.i::ci1~:~C1''.~?11L1i?1` 1,u ~?C~~..1.~i ed. z r OG `~ TU.e ~el~~ium a.~ de~~a~ited. b,~ ~racuu~^~ v ,- ~- r~CSUre C3~ J.~ #~G .~~~ ~,~ ~,� 1, i~ .L.~..~~ 1. Y~.~.,,~+J ~ ~-�,~ ~:. ~ 1 '. t C, %~.U J " ~..i Ci ~ ~i ~ V ~.Y'iZ.7 ~,~ ~tt. G d ~Ll ~~ ..{{ ~ ~ i. _ ; ' 4' ~ r'' '~ Y ~' `r _. _ ~.:~; ~ The ~ar~_a titsx~ ; rz if'~_2~. ~' e i, t ~ ~... fi.l .`7 ~. w ~ 1~ i ~ e ~ Q ~ ~}' ~ ~~~ ~ e ~'~_. ,~_r=1~�~ ~._~ ~.~~:aut :.~v� F=-c-~n t~?e{-~,c~ir~~~}.yo,~ vaeKr ~~,k~at;r eensz.u- .,�,,- �,!-~f ~.:~~.1"~ ~i~~~~~ Q'~l~l.s.ty~; e3~}~ ~~4.i.~j.~.~ t13.J.~,.~~Y.'I:e~c~ :.,7 ~ / }'" '; APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 AQ02%Aa01 ~~ New Me~hcad Q~ Nt~uf'~a#,t~irn~~ strip axed Dat screens caa~ Calar~ Televia~ian P1rwt~taX`~2 ~.'ubee 1 ,~~, t. '.~, + 8 c.~eed ~~a ,:.ll.~am~.r~at=~.W~~.. ~so~;ential Qf these sect~.~~n~- ~,Qmpa., rd .o the se..~~ _n~ no ~ xp 1- lasn~~ raster image ins f'ox~ed a~ a res~a~.~, off' *~Ze~ expaaure sevara,I, ~eGY~ c~nde) , A liquid (for ey:ample~ g~ol.ine} containing a sus~~ensi~;n a� a lum~nop:~or ~, ztf a given solar is used fear deve~,oping th3.s l.e.texst, image, I'he part~.cles ~~f '~,he 7.uminaphor hecsame elea trical:Ly charged by {:~he st~.x~z-ing in the 1.iqui{~. and are a'r-_ 1i,~ure .:mod ~~~._ ~'x'axli~i~ bza~~,. ..e~~~~,udi.~tg the ,~~`rale]r1u~" h wait ~r~ava~~' _ p1~r~,tt'~~cf,fred ~1'~ ~~,1~,1~~t~'~~~',k ~t1.~~.~~1~r;~~~~~.d fa ~lq~1!d~- ~0_~dxs,~?raC~.pi~:8tid19 0~~:'~' r...q.Mw.t - N~ ll .- ~' .L',a:w+~..+.. ,1'- war.: ~.yVr 4. +ryt-yr. b.-. ".~~ '' ~Q~ ~~~.s .~,w~-~++.,...~~iL,.r~ w+rrrw+..t..~.wNi ~~! ~iJ...~.~iL~[+,,,w.iyi~i~ l~ ~~~'~~~7.,b~ ~~? ._. "- ) ~~L~~.a _ ..~!i.aa2.. �i. :..t:.,~a.,.~.,_ ~.. _L. -_. .. ,~.... ., .. ...,,. ., x d ., ,t ,..., ~` .,_li~'p~}if~ir! .r '~, APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 USSR/C:;:~'~ivcted F'lant~s - C'rra:tt~s .'1bs Jouz� Rc'F 7~11ur ~3i~~1. ,, n1a 12, 195, 535+9 liu~~;~~~r Od:~olzc~:.;' '~a.M. ~~ .v Inst Farr ~',ast~:t�;i I;:~;titute fc~r ,'~;a;ricultt:re Title Die�w Wheat Vaz�ieties Ftesista:lt to St~e::i Rust. gr1.r,, T'tt1~ T)y+,il. r1.:1~~~cl;~;r7_Tt~kh;i. lJ.::i`c~r;;i. Dr11'n~vc,t~t. ;x.��~.. iia~tr_s, .~.L~ i r , .1~~ 7! ~yYLy ~~ y 9"11 .lbstract By cros�~in~; Fer:ruL:i.ietu:~ ~1-5~ ~: Dal nevczstochnr~, ' ya., the t'.nur Ex;~erirlenti~l. Stati~u devPloDed i~1 1~5p the iiew Eritil~^~sl~er~:luri 716, ErithroeTaerraurt 720, Er~.t;iro~ip~~ri;iur.; '~22 a11d Frithr~ua~err.~w;i 725. Tay cror3si;~;; Lu~.escells 62 x l?a~.'r~c:v+zst,,cll{~ay:1 - Luteseel~s 7~5 a:1d Lutescens 750 wE~re obtained. Tile ii~sW varieties s~::.~;~as; Dal'�avcsl;och~~a~-a i:; yield, resista,ice to e~ce~l rust, t;~ s,:;ut anct to d+~;.iT-ii~~; off. ~-' a~.F. KIil.ystava Card 1/1 M APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 CZECI~IOSL' OVAKIA I�I~KULA, V. ; ODi_,OVA,~,,, S . ; SOYCL, Z . ; U'tiLa,:R, F. ; psyc h~. ~.trzc Hos- pital. (~sychiat'r~~c~~i Lec;ar>na ), Opa,va. "Lethal. Complicat;a.ons lt~;; f'rc~m I~ta j4ptil `.Treatment. `- Prauv, Ceskoslovonska ~'s chiatrie,, Vo3.. 62, Ido 6, Dec 66, pp l~10 - 11.12 ~ ~" Abstract ~uthors' En~; summary mod~.fiod~: 3 cases of death rrsu~.t~.n~; from casual tre~.i,ment; Frith tktioperazine (Ma jQptil ) are described. The deaths oceurad 3 - 6 days after the begir~ning of the t~^eatment. .A11 t;ha ].�tha,l caso4~ si;arted with a sudden r~.sQ in body te~:npE~raturcr to 1~.0�C a somatic substantia- tion. S~Tmpt~~matic there-py fai?.ed., in 1 case uremia was demon- strated ;3hortly bef~~re death. ~~a reascyn for the deaths s~re,re found. 2 Western, 'i Rus~~irn ref'erance,~, (Manuscript recei~vsd 21 t~iay 6 ~i } . 1 I1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 r { t F `~ ft v '7 `7 L 4i s /'( I rr ' �y'; q i) r 4 r f 'mot gf ,a..(;? � R1n4 -t-N ~'t [~1:1 '~y i ~ CI ~C? wf}a 4s 9~~ � ~. U 4142 M i ~t e.;i U Ae r'~I P tf~y~ rlia~ ~ ~~ ~il~ f i ..~ +~ c�; a ~~r, si ~~ +1 "..H,q tp ~t7%1 f~ fY~ C7 r.4i :74~ +;r .1 ~q aal Ai A. tti. ~ i~t1~ ~ 1~ N'KS v .i ct s' 09 � tid rd +Y { rs i.) 1~ tt ifl H ;- t 1t~f4t '~ i~ � Mt t { f. pp p q ri r~Z '' V qvi 1~ ~ p. wi r~~e v~'~. of II,; { s ir--f33 A d S ~~: ~. a_~eLi:J ~ pp~ olit7t'" d~wi~s iat~t"~t'}~~ {4Ji} ~ 1i Odl SG a b i'~j u y rv y (~ C7 a~ [~ 2t ~' O ~ r~p{ ~3g11~ ~d .~ii~ ~ C7 p~~i6A~ ~Ifa,kq+v~ti t� .� v! W W W M ~~ N ~~7` 4 q r+b+o~~ if N N h ~1 4T t+ $ p' 1 ~:' (A l) t7 t^~i &1 r~~ fd li Q i` N+� rr6 A ~)�,;,~1r bri~....Ig~~td ~ q~2: f'~ 1 sr +F1] u~a~~M (B ~tA S+~G7E~ 1j~~0. ~'tl~i~�t N ~N~k( W ~ iii ~~ra� d7x i-((qxi tl ~i p~tq~ GG p ~ w ~4~~ R ~C~Q f~J)31 Y p.; +~ .~ _ . ,do s~ rt �.9 V~,1 i i4 ~, ~~a 'p~ C i h s z4 d ~ i~, ~~''~~~ ~ f~ ~~ i t M+rfil.. {3411 ~Y~ 34 1 � ~ N .L (A f. u !is 1{. a fl '~'' u {, ;~ r~( ei R 1. i41~ ~ i; ra ~```i. ~O~t� CJ d ~, r 's ~.N ~&~y ~~~ .~~ I,~ rria "'!~ f' n ~~ ~~ a *'''~ a~,~M(c O:~ ~ ~ (-i ~;4'~ R `~~~ q ~+}^ pQ ~~ !} A W ti ~p i>; N~ 1~ M Sp7 M 1~Y ~,r. n1i ~A ~ P ~d .r ~ ~ ~~~l~ do r N0 ~~ ~a f O 4 Q 4 RI V H u: G i ~4 ct r;l n P, '2 O I;'. G 1'1 'I( ~ ~.{~'~ Q ~y -al~~ ry b`n`r ~.! h s wig c~r~ lE~~ ~2 ~~ .-~ {'i ~ ( n ~~ .f +bl ( N2 P~ `Y r ~ ~d a �~ .~ � =r ~ t S) 4 ~~ t~~- APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 Cl?Lr~~.t~t~, C~,�~t t~:r~. ~ sl ~i~ r:., ;~~+~' ?ihur-B~.o~o~i~s ~ NQ ~ 1~. s l'959 ~ ~'Io. 14895 .~`.irr~n,7'~1- 'F.J d. Yf~dl ~'+I~ , C4 ".71 V ~ u li J+~RtI'~e.fN' W ~' ~I~ 1 {�~1 V ~.~~.e ti7 ~hro b i ~ ~ i ,. i J.. ~j 4~~Yt� Y . ..~. . .,.{ gg // ~~ N ~~Y yy /~ r p t ~ i ~~~~i7 ~bl,Y~VI IJV :l~ ~, I- , '~~~-~~~~ ?~:x_ncriraenta~. `i`reat~er~t Of 3aci;~ri?~. .,~r^:i.=r~ zj ~~.n'3_t,~ ~~C3. ~'Fxrc~.i;~r'prOZd. 1'x'4 F-. 1.^ . ~`4~.1.4W].n ~ `.l~ , ~~-'~c~, 1~~"~a r ~~i.a~.., m~.l.r~-b~.c>~.., ~,r,~unc1., i~5~: r ~ v ~~e~~kc~~~. ~~ i // ff f~ // ~~ C~ ~~ ~~00~~ ~(~`+f ~.~3"TR~~C'~ ; �.~~ persons, w~aa had rec,c~ve;^ea frc~~t tjrt>~ o .~. or per . ~~~~praGid .L ~; ~~ .~. a1,c~ ~~~~r~ b~~~, k;~rial cax'.~~iers, underwent metht~d~ +~f treatt~ent : im- ~uno-~~ierapy ~tr:~c~ trestxn4n.t v~it~~ argt~.~~~~.ot,;!~ cs and, ~r~l~ana~~.ct4s; v~itla ~,mwuz~a~- and ~,~laem atherap! . h:ar,~mer~Gdr. e h~a.s rep�rted saccr~ss v~ith penici~�la~x~--~ulfati~, t'~erap5 in ~~~ome cases t~Zancet, 1~4~, 2~1, ~~~1`~) and trea~l;- men.t with pen~.czl? 3.n ~:om.c~iaaec ,r�ith ~trenl~o- Zt is neWc;? th~.~t i�:~uno--tYler~.~~ :!~e- i C~~~ ~/~; APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138001237800034-6 CZ~CHt~S~,QV~~.ICxI~,~Chum~,ca1. Toch~.o~c~~;y~ Chom~.~~~d. Products H 4 ~ an