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OPEM. F.A. [Apeyku, F.A.I,prof. Most efficient distribution of pressure between caterpillar tracks and ground. Vestsi AE BSSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh.nav. no.4: 39-51 '58. (MML 12:4) (Caterpillars (Vehicles)) ALAW I WOK jurwrTArEw 3MIAW M-k. 1-til.t lbt.Li .Al. (M-htne ?-to) KI-kl, Rod. -1.d. -4.1 M L-1 I.T. 69 1, jafto: Its: Sb.MIX -Uy~ v". 75) L,5,X coP~ll Fri-d. SP-rIMA Aeonciael KInlmMsrWt,sO 17.8bego, -~4- -41 1 ww "sw-Lys 2=~ ll*L*vAA&LLY PoIL-Uit .. ly 1-titut 1-oa I.Y. X"WrUd Dos~rt: VJ. ?'MY3"r (R-sP. 24. , DoCtor Of '*cbnilll S~ Is-, pror.-; V.I. 31strismyvich, Candld^U of Tac~.lccl 3clo-, 3--t-, L.A. kut-ftlk, CsDftft~ of Tvwch,olcal Scie-, D-ot, wd A.I. Zbll,owC%, ~f Balwoe-, Dwent; Rasp. Ld. for ttLls ol, A.A. fta~r, Zr4lj-, R. Kv-; Took. K-: U. X-h1u. PWJVU- T". ..Uboviob of is Ludd to, -1tot"Ll P.-I -4 mlowstIll. CWIX=l TbL. I. W. 75th I- of . -ft.. PLbl-..b" by Ubo 5.1-1- ml,. tIckole T=tltm;t4 Lmni I.T. S-11n. Tlb, toctll- l-s' tjb, af &I.h - dx,~,d to irt.M., - I .1-t -I.- I 1~ t - lif- Of - 1-1 a-ftlasm. r-ts,. lh. ~.Wg arti.l. 4-1. qdM th. - Of lighlia Lmorualstless 1. A -P-.t-. So P.-Ilti... Ass"i-4. ftf- wo-pamy voost of %&o ar,1.1- ?b.- - 32 -f-.- awilm md I Q.- A short w"ndlx I- aLAO Lmlo,%si. P-bi- 1. U. m P-2uctlon -wt_l .shLb-Plu; S- Z*,ta=",A_L On NothosLo of C&L-LAU=4 ~ LLfo Of IW~l ~ DifromotiaL. of Astoosobiloa and T- Q T 0 v- or -ueoor-l- -MWt. ;its iwbai-rrd. A..I.! for laskimS. of 51L" b-arlr4P S. _ZMLWRqp Aj Ube of 0-?coth Gago for Pho-LD4 UA Assmsot of --th vow 9. _JC%yWakJL-Q. XxTer-tmoots for the Dvtsira~tl= of 1~ AbosAot or v-% RqAi-4 for tbo w.- mm"- I of All-ox. at-obo. Lo ss~bL- PArt. V,4sr AlussAttLog LZM, Tlr4 rvto Account tIms To-atto- to L-" -zf gso-~ 61 t-n-ti- of tb. Llgbtizg :.7-lt7 or 5--P--U (8,9.5 -A 16 -1 Sboot -4 r, 68 aranAmal lAbrory of Cossipm.4 Op3YKO, P.A. [Apeika. P.A.] General method for expressing the transmiosion ratio and efflciorU of friction drive. Vestsi. AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. '59- (MIRA 12:6) (Power tranemiscica) KRIVOSHIIII. H.S.; OYMO, F.A.; IDPOTO, H.Z. Sew method of winning granulated peat by deep excavation of the peat deposit. Trudy inRt. torf. AR BSSR 8:77-84 159. OCMA 13:12) (Peat induBtry-Iquipment and supplies) KRIVOSHIIE, H.S.; OFIM, P.A. Preparation of granular peat by extruding it through holes. Trudy inst. torf. AN BSSR 8t94-102 159. (KMA 13:12) (peat) OftM, F.A.; ZHUK. Ye.A. Jbitent of the procesGing of peat Ln a roller macerator. Trudy inBt. torf. AR BSSR 8:114-118 '59. (NnU 13:12) (Peat) OA'D3=9 F.A. Unexplored possibilities of the screw ronve7er for the mechanical treatment and cutting of natural peat of lover moisture content. Trudy inst. torf. AN BSSR 8:162-170 159- (MIRA 13:12) (Peat industry-Squipment and supplies) OP3ffMo F.Ao I)rtW.ang of Peat bY a ridger blade or by a eveeper. Trudy ins t. torf. AN BSSR 84171-176 159. (MIRA 13:12) (Peat machinery) OPIM, P.A. Resistance to the crushing of peat soil by, moving wheels. Trud7 inst. torf. AN BSSR 8:177-185 159. (KIELA 13:12) (Peat soils) (Wheels) OPEYKC -prof DYnamics of starting while turning of a tracklaying, self-propelled vehicle under the simplest of circumstances. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no.9:87-89 159. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Belorusskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni I.V. Stalina. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk i Akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk BSSR. Rekomendovana kafderoy torf kh mashin. (Tracklaying vehicle many OPEMO. F.A. Static turn of a wheel system with rear driving wheels connected by a differential. Sbor.nauch.trud.Bel.politekh.iniit. no.64: 117-121 '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Motortrucks--Wheels) OPM-0, F.A. Turns of a "royal"-t7pe runninp wheel. Sbor. nauch. trud. -3e I . politekh.inst. no.64:123-128 '59. (KII;- 13: ) (Tractors) OPEYKC. F.A. Classification of peat ckachiner7 accordinE to t~,e winbor of degrees of freedom of the excawAing part. politekh.inst. n o - 65 : 45'-1 ~7 '5 9. 041ILk 113:5) (Peat machinery) Om,-KO, F.A. Concentration If the produftion at peBt work-F In relation t, tte int,mAlvt- IryInt; -)f 1:e"t inst. no-65:-L~1-52 159. 0--%, !~--'5) (Peat boga) 8/1 24/60/000/D06/0&6 AOO 5/A0O I Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1960, No. 6, P. 18, 69~-' AUTHOR: Opeyko, F.A. - - - =====~ TITLE- A Simplified Theory of the Accuracy of Mechanisms PERIODICALi A. nauchn. pabot. Belorusek. politekhn. in-t, 1959. No. pp. 14l-156 TEM. A procedure iB presented for analyzing the primary errors in the elements of kinematic pairs and for determining their influence on the err~-~- In the position of the mechanism. The coordinates of the relative position of *_rie pair elements are represented by the known mode as two vectors (for the trane- lational shift and the rotation), and, on this basis, the logical symbolism ~f various kinematic-pairs is given. The characteristic of a member of the mecha- nism is determined as the product of three pairs of vectors, whereby the +h.,_-A_ vector pair represents the influence of the error in the totation of the Tr-- ceding element on the errof in the translational shift of the following e.em~r~' of the pair. For two-dimensional mechanisms, the intersection lines of tt.O_Z~ surfaces are considered as pair elements, which form the pair element with tne Card 1/2 - OP.9YKO, F.A. Theor.v of screw conveyars for raw peat. Sbor.nauch.trud.Bel. politakhAnBt. no-65:157-164 159. (KMA 13:5) (Peat =chinory) OPKYKO. F.A. Static turn of wheeled crawler tractors. Sbor.TAtuch.trud.Bel. politakhAnst. no.6.5:165-169 159. (HIU 13:5) (Crawler tractors) Onrio. F.A. Determining the capacity of a lighting unit for narrow-film motion-picture photography under laboratory conditione. Sbor. nauch.trad.Bol.politakhn.inst. no-75:68-70 '59. (MIRA 13z6) (Motion pictures--Lighting) --OFZU9. Fedor ALeksandrovich; BARKAN, V.A., red.; YRIU-IILOV. T.K.. tekhn. rea-. [Design stresses; theory of stranpth] Raschatnys nBpri--zhe- niia; teoriia prochnosti. Minsk, Izd-vo Alcad. sellkhos. rwuk BSSR, 1960. 19 p. (MIRA 14:5) (Strains nnd stresses) CFZYKO Fedor Aleksandrovich; BARKAN. V.A., red.; ZUYKOVA, V.I., te ." . [Crawler and wheeled drives] Koleanyi i gusenichnyi khod. Kinek, Izd-vo Aimd.sellkhoz.nouk BSM, 1960. 227 P. (KIRA 13:12) 1. Chlen-korresponAent Akademii nauk i Akademii sallskokhozyaystven- nykh nauk B= (for 61;;yio). (Tractors) OFE-KO, F.A. [Apoika. F.A.1 Forces acting on the disl~s of friction transmission. Vestsi AS BSSR.Ser.fiz.-teth.nav. no.1:75-8~ 160. (MIU (Power transmission) OP:;IXO, F.A. Determiaing tho de:~r;.,c of tLo mechanical proccr'1,-',.a;: ')-, -aw';' e a t during excavation. Truly Inst. torf. All 39S". 9.'9."-99 'SO. (M--, A (Peat industry) OP.-1-i&O, F.A. Vol=e of chips removed by the 5hovel, and t:w 'au o-' an -u-lzur velocity of a rotarl :;hovel fra-me. Tru y Inst. tor'. A 1* -5~ . . - - -- 105 160. (.-:i A 14:2) (Peat machinery) OPETW F Dotorm,;,wAl.on of ,he bazic I tensions of proce;; in; -,.A cu 1-n 1, w maeldnes . Trud;-, In j t tcrf. AN 353-,. 9: 'J% :2 (Pea'. rnachincry) LOPOTKO, M.Z.; 1UGOI-SKIY, I.S.; IMIVOS11EII% I.I.S.; OPErKO, F.A.; ZIIUK, Ye.A. Prelimins y testing of the '19T-3 rotor 3crev machine for vinning small-size :-ach-ine peat. Tru4 Inst. torf. All BSSR 9:119-131 160. (MIRA 14:2) (Post machinery) KRNOSEIIN, M.S.; OPEYKO, F.A.; WPOTKO, M.Z. Results of the investizations of a disk s'redder wad of perforated I screw press. Trudy Inst. Lorf. All BSSPI 9:132-237 160. OaRA 14-2) (Peat .::achincry) OFEYKO, F.A. -- Theory-of a centrifugal wheal with flat shovels as an operating devioe of a trench cleaning machine. Sbor. Youch. trud. Bel. politekh. inst. no.88:15-19 160. (MIRA 14:12) (Peat machinery) -1 MUM, F.A- -- Differential modulus of the gear ratio of a frictJ -)n ge-&r. Sbor. nauch. trud. Bel. politekh. inst. no.88:46-48 160. (MIRA 14:12) (Friction) GPEYKO, F.A. Deformation of the rectilinear movement of a self-propelled crawl--!, tractor as a result of the inacLuracy of crawling pitch under symmetrical load and the absence of shearing forces. Sbor. nuuci- trud. Bel. politekh. inst. no.88:49-55 160. (MIRA 1-4: ];~', (Crawler tractors) OPEYKO) F~A. Additional calculations originating from Sbor. nauch. trud Bel. politakh. inst. (Crawler tractors'-, warping crawler belts. no.98:56-63 '60. (MIlLk 14:1-'.' OPEY-N I F.A. Intensity of stresses and deformations and the rated stressas. Sbor. nauch. trud. Bel. politekh. inst. no.P8:e6-1o6 160. (MIRA 14:12) (Strains and stresses) (Soil mechanics) OMKO, Fedor Aleksandrovich; KONTSEVAYA, T.V.,, red,; KOUCHITS, YO.P.1 [Strength theory) Teoriia prochaosti. Minsk, Izd-vo Yj.-va vysshego, srednego spetsiallnogo i professionallnogo obrazo- vaniiAL BSMv 1961. 33 P. OIORA 15:4) (Strength of materials) LOPOT,.r,O, E.Z., kani,o~..-n.rr~u'.C; .3',Iy, I.S., kand. tekhn..riatL!,; -,,.JVCGHEI- M.S., kami.te':'n.nau~.; Z'..Ui,.', Yo.A., kand.te)&-n.riauk; OF IYA10, F.A.V doktor te!Cm. a~i.- L,xnp peat winrin.- -iac ine. 38 no.1:1.1-12 '61. L'A 14;2) 1. Institut tor'a Al, (F,~at -ac.-Inery) F. A. Ci)e.vko " The extent of peat processing in peat processing machines " Report sul>-itted for t~~e 2nd Internati-nal P,:~at Congress, Le-i-irrad, 15-22 Aug 63- ~AEYi'.O, F.A., prof., ooktor telchn. nauk, red.; OPFYKO, F.A., r-~iuchn. red. [Viechhnization and nutomation of the peat industry] Me- khanizatsiia i avton,.atizatsiia torfianogo proizvodstva. Mlinsk, Izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola," 1963. 148 P. (FII~A 17.(,) 1. Uhlon-korrespondent Ali B.'at (for Opeyko). BOKHAN, N.I.,, inzh.; OPEYKG, F.A.0 doktor tekhn.nauk Determination of the power needed for peat milling by means of disk cutters. Izv.v-yS.ucheb.z&v.:gor.zhur. 7 no. 1;117-119 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Belorusskiy pollitekhnicheskiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy torfyanykh mashin. N C-1,11 1--H I KH IN, V as i ' 3y i~lekseyev Ac I. j A LYF.1- ,I -r-y to - ,I J, ,I,. nauk, prof., nauchr- red.; '. N., rr--c. I tl-)eformntion of a compressibie'u:--. r7y ~)eiir,ng sur'aces~ Defnmilt.~Aia oporrqmd poverkhnoz;t~,m' szhiii.nomoi sreoy. Min.A, Vyoshala shkolnp 1964. 1 ',' .. I . (' "::,;, I P, - i, ') 1. (,~deri-korre spondent AN ~;4ScTi ~ for ';pPyko ) . T-~V-l CH , G,, f, I -'E:~ Ku F. A.. V, Ye red., 5ELI- K 0 LG, TIV15 H? " 1,~, V I 7~-d . v e r a u, i a f e, E~ K, q) f- ks T o e sq ol. Van; t r fEL. M,, ;:R, ~v OFMC,,~~ ~,A I-C- -1 Y br. RIM , F., , r Od ape r s r, f u in ri!-s Shf. rni-k n--,l -Ilmkh ratpc,.t U r z lig 3,, aL5 P. (MURA 'Y vTy na i ~:-s I el - va, ;3k-,~ I ntiti tut me- k h-8 L" 7 at. s A e., ek t r i f- sk og. o x hc Ly ELy 3 tva ne- 'he ml- 7--,,rm-iy zor~v SS311 OPIAL) M-41cs,- inz. The fir,;t CzechosIrvB), !cccm-ctlv- on alternating current 25 kv. Zel dcr tech 10 no. 1:3-5. '62 OPIAL, Milos, inz. New types of electric locor-,;otives for trIle Czechoslovak Railroads. Doprava no. 1:43-41 164. RIII -A-L- 7~, , 5tame nufta nn . q - ,Matfi -1 (1951) j- the qltti~l (I ly w, rid Wntimmut On So , A with 40lineA a Xna, DO? b - * le bzm ij 2, funcfl ~hs'whl y l the ineqUa sorn eS7-'- iti 07 Vltwanath=t [Proc. "am SeL. Sect. A. 36 (1952), 335"')l'. It ekh jili'non4edeasimg On Q; Je.jf (xi 4i'l 4%) (X b1l)'t ju .2 1%) id li~)Jor v -J, then Ich , p y ~ , ~ pi-sa .,f Mso s~itisf~ the:'Janction~ i '0, is y4ig (2). ' ' ,-e -2 QO I I wh VI(x), (x -is a. . I if -on 4S jhio4h, P, VWch is'.. = Wmd nte of such. idlution e p4ste f (1),follovis it th om 4 wrem of Wate 1, 2, -,- ~ " X) wsjd mn. Soic; Pol6im~ Math.' 23, 19! SO), 112-~166,'V 7 A __ A : _ --. ves, 0. eWciwini Ch If eorm far -V~ .4- every P e 0 abd w?er~,-sef Oi~xj nuous fan t, t ti _c ipns~ t tre wdsts (2) bu -4) -of (l 1 2 6 th 0 6 h P 4 a an > roug , j. )- y, _ tucifthat TOW1.51 (x) on tt. .,n ara d to op-decrewsin With rp Mchyj (kiAs)-sc to 't to -Yi -ip- a s -and noii~decreasing_ wi r t AE!!&hborhood of e- Owint in-il Fihally- th6"authar' -i 'd havi a' V A. I j, 2 niplete , e4criptidn'of 6ifi be, 6ast watinuous functions n~ded'ex- ' ~itly so, at to- %tisfy. (2) on some - jk A: Anjosi~~cz (Proi4dehce Ov OPIAI, Z-. A problem of stability. P. 153 ANNAL~S POIDNICI KATHDIATICT (Polska Akademia Nauk) Warszawa, Poland Vol. 5. no. 2, 1958 Jan. Monthly List of Fast Furopean Accession (MI) LC, Vol. 9, M. 1,/1960 Uncl. OPUL, Z. (Krakow) On a limit problem for the differential equation of the second order. In Prench. Annales pol.math. 7 no.2t223-231 160. (KRAI 9:5) (Differential equations) (Ametions) OPIAL, Z. (Cracovie) On a problem of T.Wazewski. Col math 7 no-2:269-273 16c. (EEAI lo:,.) (Circle) (Vector analysis) (Differential equations) -OPIAL, Z. (Cracovie) On a problem of J.Szarski and T.Wazewski. Col math 7 ro.2:275-276 ,6o. (EFAI -'0.1) (Differential equations) (Functions) (Curve5) OPIAL, Z. (Krakow) Demonstration of a theorem of N.Levinson and C.Langehhop. Annales pol -oath 7 no-3:241-246 (EEAI 9.10) (Differential equations) MWH, C. (Krakow); OPIAL, Z. (Krakow) On a differential inequality. Annales pol mLath 7 n0-3:247-254 160. (EUI 9:10) (Inequalities (Mathematics)) (Differential equations) OPIAL, Z. (Krako-w) On the asymptotic stability of solutions of a system of differential equations. Annales pol. math 7 no-3:259-267 6o. (EEAI 9:10) (Differential equations) OPIAL, Z.- (Krakow) On the class (L2) solutions of the differential equation u"+ q(t)um'0. Annales pol math 7 no-3:293-303 160. (EEAI 9:10) (Differential equations) (Functions) OPIAL, Z. (Krakow) On the periodic and almost periodic solutions of the differential equation x0+ kf(x)xl+ g(x)= kp(t). Annales pol math 7 no.):309-319 ,6o. (EEAI 9:10) (Differential equations) (Functions) OPIAL, Zo (Krakow) On an ordinary differential equation of the first order the second member of which satisfies Caratheodory's conditions. Annales pol math 8 no.1;23-28 960. (EEAI 10:2) (Differential equations) OPIAL, Z. (Krakow) On an inequality. Annales pol math 8 n-).1:29-32 160. (EEA1 10-2) (Inequalities (Mathematics)) OPIAL, Z. (Xrakcyw) On a nonlinear differential equation of the second order. Amnales p-11 math 8 no.1:65-69 '60. (MAI :11:2) (Differential equations) CPIAL, Z. (Krakcvw) On the solutions of the differential equation X"+ h(x)x'+ f (x) = e(t). Annales pol. math 8 no.1:71-74 160. (FEAT 10!2) (Differential equations) OPM, -Z.-(Krakow) On the dependence of the solutions of a system of differential equations on their secand nwebera. Application to almost autoncmaus systems, Annales pol math 8 no.1:75-89 960. (EKAI 1012) (Mfferential equations) 37q9l 6/099 S/044 62/000/004/02 C444 0 R I oplai, Z. S Of C,~rtiAll~ ------ e",L~vlour of -ha L~r. 1 C s t .-ons non-lii-,ear mec, .k ,,, ;7, a V - - a t :, 'a., 110 - - I C, t r- c t 124/ -.,or ,.-atlor, system a n a s p a ce k X al"E a- a d the var-&[,- sl:)ace being such tnat for V (X-I tc,e real -r,ov functi0r, j existj a Lyap holds every PO"t I\ E r a (1) V he proves for systel:- Card 11/ 5 3/0,4/62/000/034/028/099 Dr. the asymptcitic *-,e,-,avi:;-r . . . Cl-Il/C444 X, 7' X, j 11 wnere G~t, X' is de~ineJ an: cGnL..-.-,oas -r, If V(X) SaLiS.P4eS 4 ~2', and t,--! lneq,~ali'.y .,.e X'~radv~x)~!-< 't, V'x'), where ('t, U, is a cDnt-nuc-;s f"ctior, of a:..-: u>,~, 3.1 all so.'-~tions of e equatic'n u 0 t , U) are 0 L u r. c e f o r t >/ 3 , t." a r, every S 0 1 *..! t i o I. X \1 tC' f j -s in tte nti.~ - (t -va + walcn is defined f t 0 2.) let V~X) 5 a t . zi fy1 12), unc -.he -neq,ail ty G t., X, ~radll.,Y t ) 0 (V (X) whe re t.-, e pcsitive continuous functions p(t) "d ~'U\' are such that + IIJ 0, is "hen eaen of tne solutions X(ti of which is defined for t Dourided In (to, + 00) Let G(t, X ) not d,~pend On X, and let ) +0~ Curd 6 6/3" "/~2 6/'-- 7-37 tn e 4 s y:,,o c ~ e;, a v i,~ i r j if V'X) 2 c~ *. r, t: 4 r. e qi a 1 i ta d V 'X "i X w.rlere contin-~c,,,;s :-,3i'-vt: functioll ~(Li) satisfies tne condition t -1-1 ij every Xft" of the s stea. ~5) which is defined for y secciu 1,art ueu~cated' -D t-e inv,~sti6atian of the uounaedress 0 If *.he sol-.~.tions of sjstems X- - f(t, X, X,) g(t, X, x,/'f Wnere f(t, X, Xl" az--l X, X'' are defined and continuous in the space F - 1-~E),S; arz-oEo,~s are proved. .'Abstracter's note: Compleze translation.j Card 3/3 OPIAL, Z. . - On periodic solutions of the differential equation xm+g(x) = p(t). Bul Ac Pol mat 8 no.3:151-1.56 160. (EEAI 9:11) 1 . Insty-tut Matematyczny, PAN. Presente par T.Wazewski. (Differential equations) jj"6 Z. (Krakow) On a theorem of G.E.Langenhop and G.Seifert. Annales pol math 9 no.2: 145-155 '60. (ESAI 10; 5) (Differential equations) AWft6 (Krakow) On almost periodic solutions of a class of differential equations. Annales pol math 9 no.2:157-181 60. (EMI 10: 5) (Differential equations) OPIAL, Zdzislaw "Short outlines of the history of mathematicsO by Dirk J. Struik. Reviewed by Zdzislaw Opial. Rocz viad matem 5:149-150 161. AUTHQR3a Lus c ta, A - , Jp I a I _&__ Y, S/044/62/000/010/005/042 B112/B102 TITLE: Interpolation problem for a differential equation of the n-tt. order PERIODICAL3 Referativnyy znurnal. Matematika, no. 10, 1962, 39, abstract 1OB164 (Bull. Acaa. polon. sci. Shr. sci. math., astron. at phys., v. 9, no. 9, 1961, 667 .,671 [French; summary in Rus.1) TEXTi For the n-th-oraer differential equation x(n) . f(t'x'x',...',(n-1))' M the folloving problem of interpolation is posedt assuming n points (tioc O'...'on' cni ~ti /.t 2 0 (4 i-0 Card 2/3 S/044/62/000/010/005/042 Interpolation problec fcr a ... B112/B102 If, for any numbers t I< t2' ... ~tn of the interval (a,b), the function X(t) = 0 is the uni e so'ution of the inequality (3) which fulfills the () ~u L i condition x( then there is at least one solution of f 2 the problem ~1/ - ~ ). Ine relevant theorem is proved for the linear case, and the general case is reduced to linear by effecting a certain transformation in the form of the equation. A transformation T of the functional space E containing the functions of the class C n-1 Ec,d]with n-1 tne norm x(t) sup XM(t~l /: , where a