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INNANT, M.I.; I3VCHUX. T.P.; OHEKHOVICH. V.N. Mechanism of the incorporation of libeled amino acids into nroteins. Biokhimiia 24 no.2:177-180 Mr-Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Institute of Biological and Medical Chemistry, Aondemy of Redical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (MHIONINS, metabolism, serum albumin incorporationt radiotracer studies (Hus)) (SILHUH AUUMIN, toethioulne incorporation. radiotracer studies Ohis)) ORFXHOVICH. V.N.; KHOIDTIOVA, O.S.; CIUMINDV. M.P. Vixation of proteinsees by wool. Biokhtmiia 24 uo~2:353-356 Mr-Ap '59 (MIRA 12:7) 1. Institute of Biolopical and Medical Chemistry, Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (PIROTUSH binding by animal hair (Rua)) (HAIR, binding of protea9ee by animal hair (Rua)) ORZKHOVICH. V.11.; SHCHUX11LIk, L.A.; TSI CHZKMI-U [Ch'i Chang-wuj ; SPIRICHEV, V.B. Role of the natiire of amino acid and acyl radicals in enzynati~ synthesis of I-acyl-amino acids by acylase I. Biokhimiia 24 no.4:667-671 JI-J~g '59- (MIRA 12:11) 1. Institut biologicheskoy I meditainskoy Ir-himii Akademil mectitainakikh nauk SSSR, Moskva. (ESTARASES chem. ) (AIII110 ACIDS chem.) Vo 17(3) ~UTHO-IS. 1,1,azurov, V. I., Ore~-ho,~ich, V. N., Me mb e r, _77-37~ TITLE: Inclusion of the !Zad~oactive Glycine B Into the u- and ~'-Com- ponents of i-rocollagene (Vklyucheniye radioaktivno..-o ~,litsina v i 0-kom2onenty prokollageiia) PEPIODIC'.L: Dokl-.dy Aa6eniii nauk 1959, Vol 125, Nr 2, pp 40,81-410 t'~B.)' T'. i AT -h,? mcloculo in ~he qkin of rfttB cl-composes with the action, -if urea, ilc,1113, ~-inl heatin,; into two 1~rotein com- ponents (~ef 1). The latter represeni tro -Iaximl i.r t~li, -altra- centrifii-e. Thu 1i ,-liter comporient ((.) has a mclecul-ir .-,ei -ht of 125,u0l,~ the lic'-.vier one (P) has a inoloculnr woicht of 295,000, L;inco the v4ei,,7ht ratio a in the T,rocolla~:-ene molecule- w-;s 1 : 1, it wis assumed that this moleculo c-)nsists of two u ~~z~rticl*-3 and one p particle (Ref 2). 1,1ean-r.ille, the com,-onerts hnve been 4riventilrated rather z-11 from 9 point ci~ view. Yet it cannot LC: -)~i~nt '11 - 12 1 absolutely ~iccor'.in,,, to these data that the native i,i,,)collagene mol,,cule r(,1;r-:,t,,!its -i crimpliox of two structurnl ontiti,r. Card 1/3 The-efore the problem -entioned in the title yvif3 int-restin., Inclusion of the Radioactive Glycine B Into the Sr,'V120- 12 rl-~ -4.:--/'64 a- and P-Components of :-rocollagene with respect to the rate of influence of both components. White rats were intraperitoneally injected with C14 glycine marked on carboxyl. The animals were killed 3, 6, 1", 18, 24, 48, and 144 hours after the injection. It was proved that the inclusion intensity of C14 into the a-component is about three times as strong as in the case of the P-component (Fig 1). The arithmetic mean value of the radioactivity of both components was about equal to the activity of the whole preparation a + P. Apparenzly, this confirms also the above- mentioned weij~ht ratio of 1 : 1 of the components. Figiire 1 further indicates that the inclusion intensity of' C14 attains a rather high level 3 hours after the injection. The highest degree of radioactivity is attained after 48 hours. In the u-component it was attained aftei- 18 hours and in the P-component after 48 hours. In the course of the experiment this intensity of the a-component was 3 to 4 times as high as that of the P-component, The authors are not able to Card 2/3 explain this difference. They suppose that there is an Inclusion of the Radioactive Slycine B Into the SOV/20-12r)-2-48/64 a- and P-Components of Procollagene independent synthesis of both components within the cell. The results obtained are insufficient for drawing definite con- clusions on the nature of these components. They indicate, however, that certain sections of the polypeptide chain of the procollagene molecule are not equivalent as far as their bioloCical properties are concerned. There are 1 fi(Ture and 6 referencec, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut bdo'ogicheskoy ; meditsinakoy khimii Akademii medit- sinskikh nauk SSSR (Institute of Biolo,-,ical and Medical Chemistry of the Academy of 11.1edical Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: December 9, 19~8 Card 3/3 PANTIYNV. V.A.; ORBIROVICH, V.I. Graphs for the calculation of the ion strength of the most utilized buffer solutions. Lab.dolo 6 no.2:11-17 W-Ap ~60. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Institut biologichemkoy i meditsinskoy kh1mii (dir. - prof. V.N. Orekhovich), Moskva. (IONO 4-r OREKHOVICH, V.N. "Biophysical science; e study program". Reviewed by V.N.Orekhovich. 6 no, j442 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 140) tBIOPHYSICS) --ORF-KH(YVICH, V-,N.,-, PLOTNIKOVA, N.Ye. Specific activity of glycerin on the blood vessel valls. V4p. med.1rhim. 6 no.5:544 S-0 160, (HIM 14-1) 1. Institut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy 1rhimij AMN SSSR. (GLYCEROL) (BLOOD VMSILS) KLZUROV, V.I.; ORMOVICH, V.N. Sti4ying the c