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SOV/30-50-6o-5/10 AUTHOR: Laykhtman, D. L. and Orlenko, G. P. TITLE: Intensity of Turbulent Exchange Over Water (Ob intensivnosti turbulentnogo obmena nad vodnoy poverkhnost'yu) PERIODICAL: Trudy Glavnoy geofizicheskoy obeervatorii, 1956, Nr 6o, Pp 51-52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An important indicator of turbulence over water surface is the ver- tical coefficient of turbulenft which is a factor in all formulas for cmputing thermal stromi, humidity, etc. This coefficient was cal- culated fram parameters characterizing the distid-bution of diffusive substances. The paxameters were secured in 54 experiments. The ar- ticle contains 1 diagram. There are no references. Card 1/1 075/007W on 46t N.; Orledco, C. pis sly so Aurmit raddon 729U -**twd.-fbr vulawkisift butadi~ ldtipl"l'mwAbbw. Clan & . -76 toOsimy md m* 14 MS 75 I~Jwt butadi~ sitrUe 24abbw syftbatle rd&w 701PICIIIAGS: im DSTAMi, We i :ftr volowd buts"On Af ghwes cut -ties" SLOg A" of M: accaell"re The 77- -to redowd : %:*ihivmmVwtAW ty-ofAbs vulconi *alsom as the a@- usift ai'oompomd ot,usta3m idth"mmiable 082amter- OMI :00 VA 0=1 W go. Mr! oW 000 arm ORIMMO, L.P. "WAPnee of heat flow into the sail on ground surface te"ra- ture. Meteor. I gidrol. W.7:30-32 JI '57. (aft lot8) (soil te"rature) .;()V/l 39 - t,_ ',//29 AU'PhORS: Orlenko, L.-P-. -and StanyuKovich, E,P, .PlTa: Shock Waves in Solids (Udarnyye volny v tverd,/Ai, Pr;rdOD1,~AL:Izvestiya Vysshik-h Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Fizika. 19589 Nr 6, pp 14-24 (USSR) A_,~-RAOT: A theory is presented of tue propagation of sY.,oc,~ waves in solids; a relation between instantaneous pressure and deformation is deduced and tl-.e corresponding wave and particle velocdties CDMPIAC-d The basic equation of propagation in one dimension 13 au + ~~k 0, ~u ~V at ah Ir-) h'Z~t Here u denctes tht: particle velocity. v sp volume (V 1/p., wilere density) and L tne co-ordi-nate; t; and p denote time and pressun~ respectively WriTing a for tension and F tcr vol.-arue strain (i..e . caangi.~ in voiume. per uni-c iriitiaI the follow-,.ng relations are obtained: a b, F- = E - vo Ca rd 1 /4 VO Shoc.K i~aves i-n Ll'olidsr 7,Cl- Here vo sibui-fies the initai value ol ,r, PO si fy the densities abso~.iate-q wi,11. ~r :,L-A v = lxf~ and vo = I/f'o re.3pect-_vely 6 11 b q , 1 T, UI .r,q (2) inio Eq (1) yields tiie following relai icu- 4U 200 do ;3E u, -A E r .- = 'Jul at 3h C_ Yh If -Llie nelat:ion between a and ~ is kn-)v,,n iL form. tl.Le!z~e ias'- E.,quat-ioi-s elia.,le trie shod-? w.-ge velocity tc be deduced A relati,3n w1ii-A. agi,eement witi. ex1,_)er_,.jiieni is: CY Go z -A ( c - c 0 )7) (4) Wrie re 00 E;C, are inltial values 01" 0~ E ar,,i A re''-ated to -ciie elasti,_, pi-opt-r-tit:~s of tiie shock-wave velocity ~., absocclated witi, tiiis rel:_:i between a and is readily 61~o-,An to te ~-_p%-. -i 'by: 0 r7c OTC /% + 2 Ca rd 2 /4 Shock ,aves in -ciads and the correspond,.n~; particie velccity w i~i A w F3_ I. Po Po to + F- 0 I P ilhe theory is used to discuss tne case in wilict., tie initial disturbance iies outside trLe medium, the exaia-,)Ie caosen beijig tiiat of an explosive charge detonated aC a he i ght At- a,bove a plane boundar-j of the mediam. e pre s sure p, at any time, t after the explosion i.,. case foiiows a power law given by p PC Ir- -) 3n (1,29) PH Po + .-'ere P,, 1S -,:lie val~;.e of n - 0 and t 7 0 PC. and ii are eiapii-ical con:Aants and , is a ci,aracteri~,ti.c time t/D wnei~(. ;) is ti-,,e detom',ion velocl'.y Cno nuiueul,ui results are giveli L11 lard ~/4 with tais exam Ile bui. -it would presumaljiy 'L~e L-ie P Shocz ,ia,,-es in ~clid_2 to a "nl~clear jel,,_ce" su-rfacel i,e I-ecry -chickness d ana wa,ie S of I ae plar.te are discissed referenct:: A yssiieje imen-i L~auinaru:, (Lc,:]~cuw r~a ma n SLJB~111",'ED: lbT.h Aprli 1'.-l:_36 i e T .)r, ac v e t; -e,' ap 1--ed t,( a re f ie ed f ro m r rie r--~ ar is Card 4/4 67~L 30U scv/i i AUTHORt Orlenko, L.P. TITLE: The P~opagation of a Plane Wave in a Plate of Finite Thicknees PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey ohkoly. Fiziko-matematicheskiye 11auki, 1959, Nr 1, PP 117-125 (U""R) ABSTRACT: At first the author considers the propo6ation of a wave in a hard half space on the free surface of which there acts an instantaneous pressure which then decreases with time. The shift of the particles is one-dimensional and takes place in the di- rection of the wave motion. Wood Z_Ref 4-7 has given a numerica) solution for the propa.-ation of such waves. The author gives the analytic solution of the problem and solves the motion equation in the region of the shock wave under corresponding boundary conditions (5) ) 2v a 2v + a2 (X) Tt 2 1 Z~x2 1 S where the x-axis is the direction into the i-t~,rior of the semi, Ca Card 1/ 2 ORL&KO, L.P. Notion of a piston in the soil. Jkuch.dokl.vys.9hkoIy; fis.-mt. nauki no-31105-110 '59- (MM 13:6) 1. Moskovskoye vyssheye tokhnicheakoye uchiliBhche imeni M.B. -Baumans. (Soil mechanics) Arplosives) S/15 6o 00C1021101r,18 D012V2~ AUTHOR: Orlenko. L. P TITLE: Recent Vertical Movements Of the Coasts of the -t'hite and Barents Seas PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i aerofotos"yemka, 1960, No. 2, pp. 95-96 TEM In the investigation of the movgments of the earth crust on the territory of the USSR, performed by the MIIGAiK (Moscow Institute of Geodetic, Aerial Survey, and Cartographic Engineers),and the Institut geografii AN SSSR (Geographical Institute of the A~ USSR), and oceano- graphical organizations the determination of the spied of the movement played an important part. There are already publications on this problem in Soviet 1iterature,i-e-,conoaTdng the Baltic-, Black-, and Caspian Seas, and the Sea of Azov, but not for the northern seas. For the observation points at Mudlyug, Severodvinsk, Kem'-port, Soonovets, Barents-burg, and Teriberka levelinga were carried out during at least ten years (cf. Table 1). The values and their errors were treated by the method r1ard 1/2 Recent Vertical Movements of the Coasts S/15 60/000/02/10/018 of the White and Barents Seas B012YB123 of least squares. From the data gained one can see that for both seas there is a tendency to coastal depression which is stronger, however, for the Barents Sea (0.1-0.3 cm/year). For the White Sea the speed of depression of almost all points lies within the permissible limits. That means that the White Sea is practically stable. The values given should be considered to be approximate values, and additional material will be needed for a final report. There is 1 Soviet reference. SUBMITTED: July 6, 1959 Card 2/2 BUWAKOVA, A.A., ORT, 0, 16. P. . MOTOV, I. D. Loosening stuc-.: drills without tearing off the pipe. Prikl- geofiz. no.26:253-266 16o. ()aRA 13: 8) (Oil well drillirigi ORLUKO L. P.. kand. tekhn. nauk Mode.linR at dytamic loadinR. 12v. v3ra. ucheb. &sr.; mashinostr. no.7389-93 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Moskovskoye vyssheye tei-Judcheskoye uchilishche imeni Baiman.g. (Engineering models) JD)W y"'Ofo,' foftl= thin Ifiiii6sti6~iniy-a f_kC_C_NR, AM5611015 BOOK EXPIDTTATION Orlenko, L.P. U11 Behavior of materials under IntcnGive dynamic loads (Povedeniye materialov pri , (' I intensivriykh d1naraicheakildi nii,,,rtL~.kii)(ii)-i~o-r,-c-ow-,-Izd-vo "14aGhinoutroyeniye," 1Y 'Al. o166 p. illus., biblio. Errata slip inserted. 2,500 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: explosive forming, dynamic stress, spark shock wave, compression shock wave, compressive stresa, mechanical engineering, solid mechanical property, mecharli- gth metal cal shock resistance, simulation, metal, metal physical property, high atren PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book in concerned with the mechanical and physictl prop- erties of materials under dynamic loads anq,shock conditions. T'he text presents problems in shock-induced compreGGibility!of solids and change of mechanical proper- ties of materials under dyna_mi_c_i&a__di_._It also contains problemsIof propagation of stress vaves,in dense media, of deformation of thin-walled shells under dynamic loads induced by electric sparks, explosives, or piston npacts, and of simulation under dynamic load conditions. The book Is intended for specialists In dynamic technologi- cal processes, such as explosive or electric spark forming, as well as for specialisti concerned vith the dynamic strength of structures. The author thanks Kirill Petraddi Stanyukovich for his advice and aid in the vork. TALBIZ OF ODWTEM [abridged). Card ACC NRo AM5011015 Preface -- 3 Introduction -- 5 Ch. I. Mechanical properties of materials under dynamic loads -- 13 Ch. II. Dynamic compression of solids -- 38 Ch. III. Initial parameters of shock waves at, the boundary between two media 82 Ch. IV. Stress waves in dense media -- 98 Ch. V. Simulation under dynamic loads -- 130 Ch. VI. Dynamic deformation of thin walled shella -- 149 Bibliograyhy -- 162 SUB CODE: 20, 13/ SUR DATE: JlOctol/ O1UU IMT: 1W/ OM REF: 059 -Card 2/2 -L 4265-66 FSS-'2/EtIr (I)JEWP(m) jE.qr(m)4IqA(,d)JEWP(4) AJEC-S (L-1 4VJA(b)/.EVIA (r3 ^CC NR9 027284,jjp (c)/*RpL ' VM/AT/RI4 SDURCB- COM UR/ID20q/65/OW/0D5/0130/01 I AMORSt P. (Noscow); tar Orlenko, L. I (Noscow) C Ms ]Me TITLEt Computation of the onera of a shock wave in water SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy sekbazuki i tekhmicheekoy fisikil no. 5o 1965, 130-131 41- TOPIC,,-TAM, shock wavep obock W&TO froot, shock wave prCphastiong shock mechanicap F wMlo *long mlosive, explosion offoott underwat;r ixplosion 'A%IMCT i The " vnderwater sho*vsve ittemaing from an vaderwater explosi to solved CANAM~"tion. of irreversible mechanical dissipation of onergy. The shook is determined with the aid of the of 'U an Underwater wave qhock.adisbatioftecharge isentropest and the variation. 0f_ frontal pressure with distalacee The t6til:vslue of irreversible energy lose zi+izL a shock ways from an Orwater onion with spherical throw-crut of wtploolve material is given by where the vait snorMr are to looses o(P2) -i441 PA +:h LCwd 1/3 L 9285-66 ACC NRs AP5027284 (see F. A. Bamp 1. P. StwWakovich, and B. I. Shekhter. Fixi!:& Vzryv Fi=atgiz, Iq5,9). The qusntities p. and v. are the initial pressure and unit voluize of the water; P2(r) and Y,(r) are the pressure and =it volume at the shock ways front; r is the aDordizate of the shook wave front; and r is the throw-cut radius. The integral term 0 an is computed along the expausion isestropes of the water (as* 4w svolww vj, eorresponLing to the condition of Us water after cipumion to the Tot" essure p swr& is Us sum 'of _ the -epera of p@ bubble pulsation PIVS, is as defined is ** machwima The 1 + Z2 Where 11 "a" e" 12 vuerv compated IF Mpirloal means. Plots of the ratio 11/4 and 12/q (for peatolite) ywou we wt- givom Am #iVft IW Mot: cmd 0 OPLE24YO, L. R. OFLKNho, L. P.--"Analysis of the Basic Factors Determining the Pjai)-, Oscillations in Teriperature of the Ground Layer of the Atmosphere." Flain Administration of the Hydrometeorclogical Ser~-ice, Council of Ministers USSIi. Main Geophysical Obser-vatory imeni A. 1. Voyeykov. Leningrad, 191,'5. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Physicomathematical 3ciences). 80; Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 2", 2 July ],)L'L' 02mra ChwW of the thermodynamic state of the atmosphere. Trudy GGO no-53:95-99 155. (KLBA 9: 8) (Atmospheric temperature) SOV/36-56-60-7/1-0 AUTHOR: Orlenko, L. R. TITLE: Computing the Diurnal Rate of Shortwave Radiation on Clear Days (K raschetu sutochnogo khoda korotkovolnovy radiatsii v yasnyye dni) PERIODICAL: Trudy Glavnoy geofizicheskoy observatorii, 1956, Nr 60, pp 6ri-66 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In studying the diurbal variations in temperature an accurate eleva- tion of the diurnal rate of shortwave radiation is of primary im- portance and all losses in radiation should be accounted for. SolAr radiation in the atmosphere is weakened through absorption IV awop; ozone, water vapor and other components of dry air. Dispersion by dry air and vapor together with scattering and diffusive reflec-;ion of sub- stances suspended in the atmosphere(duot)are also contributing fogtors. Theoretical computations and observations fom the basis for a new, well founded nomogram. The article contains a supplement. There are 10 tables, 2 diagrams, and 7 references of which 5 are Soviet and 2 German. Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Orlenko, L. R. 36-57 -69-1/)-6 TInZ: Evaluation of the Influenze of Daily Evaporation Rate on the Temp- erature of Surface Soil and. Near-surface Air (Otseaka vliyaniya autochnogo khoda. ispareniya na t~_mperatoru po-,rerkhnosti pochvy i vozdukha) PERIODICAL: Trudy Glavnoy geofizicheskoy obuervatorii,19, Nr 69, pp 3-10 (USSR) 57 ABSTRACT: The author points out that in computing the 6,aily temperature rate for the heat balance of surface soil, earlier researchers (such as A. A. DDrodnitsyn, I. G. Lyutershteyn, and A. F. Chudrovskiy) failed to account for the heat spent on evaporation. The present article suggests a method for determining such heat losses, and in this way obtain a more accu-rate pictLre of tbee influence of evapor- ation temperature. The author recalls a sLmilar attempt b,,r M. Ye. Shvets vho bwjed his calculatioa on the coefficient of maximum specific humidity at the sur- face of vater or moist soil. On the other hand the author of the present article treats the phenomenon of evaporation as a fuaction related directly to surface soil temperature. The necessary data for such a relationship were deduced from the re- sults of observations at the KoltiLahi Station (near Leningrad), coaducted in the Card 1/2 36-57-69-1/16 Evaluation of the Influence of Daily Evs porat .!on (Cont . ) swwr of 1950-Theinitial fujmnLL--j in determiniag dependen~'P of evaporation on temperature is IE=IEO + bt-, where b is the coefficient cf change in the evaporation rate resulting from a temperatu--re ciiange (the coefficiez~ 'being expressed in calories per square centimeter per minute); t is the deviation of temperature from the mean daily temperature; and LEO is the mean daily evaporation rate. Based on the know- ledge of the parameter LE, the author develops a mathematical method to determine the lose of heat required for evaporation. Among other data (such as the temperature of t soil) the method also accounts for turbulent heat conductivity. in Section 3 of the article the author verifies the results obtained, plotting two curves, one of which reflects the heat lost during evaporation. The difference amountsto 4-6* Centi- grade daytime and to -3 to -5* at night, when b = 0. Verification was also conduct- ed at the above-mentioned station at Kol-.ushi. There am 4 figzu-es and 5 Soviet references. AVAIIA13LE: Library of Congress Card 2/ 2 A- ~,' ~I ~ r" PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/4641 Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya Voprosy fiziki prizennogo slo-va rozdukha (Problem in the Physics of the Wear-Surface Air Layer) Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 196o. 161 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp. 94) Errata slip inserted. 850 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Glavnaya geofizicheakaya observatoriya ineni A.I. Voyeykova; Glaynoye upravleniye gidrometeorologicheskoy sluzhby pri Sovete Kinistrov SSSR. Ed. (Title page): D.L. Laykhtman, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics; Ed. (Inside book): Yu.V. Vlasova; Tech. Ed.: N.V. Volkov. PURPOSE: This publication is intended for meteorologists specializing in the lower layers of the atL-osphare. It may also be of interest to agronomists, construction engineers, and other specialists whose activities are influenced by atmospheric conditions. COVERAGE: This issue of the Transactions of the Rain Geophysical Observatory contains 18 articles dealing mainly with problems of the physics of the !,oar- surface air layer. Correlations between the surface wind and geostrophic wind are examined and the results of both theoretical calculations and Card 1/4 Problems in the Physics (Cont.) sov/4641 experimental investigations given. Individual articles analyze the temperature regime of the active surface of soil and the factors determining the thermal conditions of the boundary layer. Results of fog investigation are presented in two articles. In addition, some problems of methods in the experimental Investigation of the near-surface layer are eliicidnted. N, personalities are mentioned. References follov each article. TAEU OF CONTMS: Laykht-n, D.L. Formulation of the Problem of the Stationary Structure of the Boundary Layer Tseytin, G.M., and L.R. Orlenk, Stationary Distribution of Wind, Tem- perature, and ~urbu ient E~xchang~e in the Boundary Layer Under Different States of Stability 8 Ariyell, N.Z., and L.A. Klyuchnilwva. Wind Under City Conditions 29 Klyuchnikova, L.A., and F.N. Shekhter. The Role of Radiant and Turbulent Heat Exchange in the Formation of the Temperature Stratification in the Boundary Layer 33 Card 2/4 Problems in the Physics (Cont.) Ariyell, N.Z., and L.A. Klyuchnikova. Operational Method for the Wind Profile in the Boundary Layer Shekhter, F.N. Ground Freezing at a Given Temperature on the Active Surface 42 Tseytin, O.Kh. Correlation Between the Temperatures of the Active Surface and of the Air in an Instrument Shelter 62 D'yachkova, T.V., and N.V. Serova. Thermophysical Propertien of Snow 70 Martynov, G,A. Effect of Periodic Temperature Fluctuations on the Depth of Ground Freezing 6o Martynov, G,A, Results of the Cft:Lcultition of the '[bmjx!ziit%irf~ Flelii , f Thuwing Ground Compared With Observational Data 19t Timofeyev, N.A. New Method for un Approx1mate Cal:,ul.o '.crl and F.~ of Snow-Melting Intensity Card 3/4 Problems in the Physics (~.ont.) Timofeyev, N.A, Calculation of the Diurnal Variation of Temperature rind of Snow Melting Intensity in the Spring Period D'yachenko, T.F, Modeling the Diurnal Variations of Temperature in Gandtn, L.S., and R.Z, Soloveychik Into Accourt Horizontal Mixing 3n the Evaporation Theury, '~tking Berlyand, M.Ye., and Kim Zin-Mun tion Over Seas On the Theory of Air I-"iss Transf-;rma- Berlyand, M.Ye. Conditions for Fog Formation Gracheva, V.P. Investigation of Fog-vormation Characteristics Solomatina, I.I. Diurnal Variation of Absolute Humidity in the Near- Surface Air Layer AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1-4() 156 Card 4/4 jA/dwm/sfm 2/1/61 ORLENKOY L.R. Relationship between WindB near the ground mid the geoBtrOPhic vind- Trudy GGO no-107:55-59 161. (KIRA 14:10) (Winds) OldENK09 k.R.; UTRIA, Z.M. CalcuUtion of the accretion and thaving of old ice. Trudr GOO no.127/ 112-3-15 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Arctic regiom-Sea ice) ACCESSION NR: AT4004709 S/2922/63/007/000/0045/0051 AUTHOR: Orlenko, L. R. TrrLE: Determination of the vertical currents in the boundary layer from external parameters SOURCES: Wes. nauchn. meteorologich. soveshch. Trudy*, v. 7, Fizika prizemnogo sloya. Leningrad, 1963, 45-51 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, vertical air current, updraft, atmospheric boundary layer, vertical current determination, atmospheric friction, wind, wind velocity, turbulence, synoptic process, barometric pressure, Coriolis parameter, boundary layer structure, temperature, temperature gradient, atmospheric turbulence ABSTRACT: A method is described for determining vertical currents in the boundary layer of the atmosphere. It is shown that the deb.-rmination of the vertical component of wind velocity in this layer requires data on the distribution of its horizontal components. Two approaches are given for determination of the vertical component, depending on how the horizontal components are determined. Since one method requires a dense network of sta- tions, emphasis is on the second approach, based on certain formulas for the distribution of wind velocity and direction in the boundary layer. Two equations are given making it wrible to determine the wind velocity profile if the turbulence coefficient in the boundary 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4004709 layer is known. The difficulty of determining this coefficient is overcome, and the problem is solved for a specific stratification of the atmosphere. Wind velocity in the boundary layer is determined from the known pressure field and the roughness of the underlying surface, so- called external parameters. A simple expression is derived for the vertical component at the upper limit of the boundary layer. A qualitative analysis has been made of the depend- ence of vertical currents on the speed of the geostrophic wind and air stratification of the boundary layer for a symmetric pressure formation assuming a constant turbulence coef- ficient in the entire boundary layer. Such an analysis makes it possible to make quantitative estimates of vertical currents in the boundary layer. Final formulas give the relationship between the vertical component and the speed of the geostrophic wind and air stratification in the boundary layer. Ile method was checked using data on the geostrophic wind and the temperature gradient from synoptic charts. Solution of the formulated problem makes it possible to predict, as well as determine, vertical currents, provided there is a forecast of the pressure held. Orig. art. has: 24 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Gla,~maya geofizicheskaya observatoriya (Main Geophysical Observatory) SUBMITTED:00 DATE ACQ; 27Dec63 ENCL 00 SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 IAYKHTW, D.L.; ORIZNKO, L.R. Program and methodE for ol-l-servationb r-iad(, during the expedition. TrAy GGG 1 (YIRA 1-,' ;~-; ACCESSZON XR: AT4028737 S/2531/63/000/1"/0011/0021 AUTHOR: Orlenko, L. R.; Tkachenko, A. V. TITLE: Some results, of the processing and analysis of gradient observations in the surface layer of the atmosphere 'SOURCE: Leningrad. G1- geofix. observ. i Mr. n.-i. gidrometeorol. inst. Trudy*, ho. 144/40, 1963. Mike pogranichnogo, sloya atmosfery* (physics of the atmospheric boundary layer); Dneprovskaya expeditsiya GGO 1, UkrNIGM,, 11-21 TOPIC TAGS: gradient observation, atmosphoric surface layer, turbulence, wind profile, heat flow, moiqture flow, energy balance ABSTRACT: The authors examined the results of processing and analysis of gradient ,observations in the surfice layer; winei profile parameters, components of the t e4argy balance of turbulence, anJ the turbulent flows of heat and humidity. Gradient ob'Fervations , conducted during the Dnieper expedition, on wind velocity, air temperature and humidity, enabled them to produce vertical profiles of these meteor- ological elements and, after appropriate processing of the data, to obtain important chaiacteristics of the surface layer as the coefficient of turbulence. the components of the energy baUnce of turbulence, and the turbulent flow of beat and humidity. 4qard .1/2 LAYYdf'iW, D.L.; ORLENKO, L.R.; TKACHENKO, A.V. Diaperelon of the turtmlence energy in the loweBt layer of the atmosphere. Truoy (W no.144t28-33 163. (MIRA 17:6) M ACCESSION NR. ATT4028740 S/2531/63/000/144/0034/0047 AUTHOR: Orlenko,,_L.._R.. TITLE: On the ratio of the comianents of the energy balance of turbulence accordin,g to experimental data SOURCE: Leningrad. G1. geofiz. observ. i UAr. n.-i. gidrometeorol. inst. Trudy*, no. 144/40, 1963. Fizika pogranichnogo sloya atmosfery* (physics of the atmospheric boundary layer); Dneprovskaya expeditsiya GGO i UkrN11GMI, 34-47 TOPIC TAGS: energy balance, turbulence, gradient observation, aerostatic observa- tion, pilot balloon observation, Makhtalinsk expedition, energy dis6ipation, boundary layer, exponential law ABSTRACT: In this paper the author examines the ratio between the components of the energy balance of turbulence at --arious altitudes. Distribution of wind and tempera- ture in the boundary layer is used for analysis according to materials of gradient, aerostatic and pilot-balloon observatioa in the-MAIntalinsk expedition. Estimates of the parameters 6 are given by considering the energy dissipation of turbulence into heat within the boundary layer. Through a series of mathematical arguments, the author derives formulas for the various parameters which are presented in tables Cordl/2 ACCESSION NR; AT4028740 for various altitudes and times. He also studies the effect of atmospheric strati- fication on the vertical profile of energy balance of turbulence. "ibis profile is plotted in graphs for day and night times. Observations of the distribution of temperature and wind for 13 hours were used for evaluating 6 during the day time. 6 was defined according to averaged data for h = 20 m and h 50 M, 7 - 0.98 0/100 m a and 7. = 0.60/100 m. Calculations have shown that for a re iable determination of 6 during the day, the distribution of the wind and temperature must be known in the entire boundary layer. On the basis. of the presented analysis, however, it can be assumed that the energy expenditure of turbulence on the operation of intersper- sion for the boundary layer as a Vhole is small and therefore 6 must be assumed to be somewhat less than unity (0.9-0.8). The value of 6 for day conditions must be made more precise. For -night conditions the presented value of 6 is confirmed by the data of the Dnieper expedition. Orig. art. has: 8 formulas, 3 figures, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Leningradakaya glavna geofizicheskaya observat"iya (Principle Geophysical Observatory of Leningrad) SM3'V"-=D: 00 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 EXCL: 00 q'TR CODE: AS, MM NO REF SOV. 004 OMER: 000 Cord 2/2 ; A Y K HT ~" 'I., , ; . . ; , ): - -'. I j .. . . 11 1 , -,I -*' , ".. I- ., -. .., . . I - " ~, - ~. I -- - , ! - - I ( - , , . , .. ~- . des. ' 7- - . . ~ ~ :. . ~ -- - - ACC NFZ- AT6021505 (h' SOURCE CODE: UR /2 5 31 6 6 /0 00 /0 187 / 00 13 /00 43 ~AUTIIOR: Bortkovskiy, H. S.; Orlenko, L. It.; Toeytin, G. Kb. 1ORGi none k TITLE: Calculation of wind and tangential stress above a water surface SOURCE: Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheckaya observatoriya. Trudy, no. 187, 1966. Fizika pogranichnogo sloya atmoafery (Physics of the atmospheric boundary layer), 13-43 TO-,r! TAGS: micrometeorology, atmospheric tu-bulence, wind speed, tangential stress, atmospheric boundary layez, near water boundary layer, wind velocity, ocean dynamics, ocean current, surface tension 1ABSTRACT: I ;-A oro(fedure is presented for calculating wind and tangential Istress over the open sea using a ~,iven baric field and known Itemperature stratification. The procedure is based on theoret- .ical investigations made at the Department: of the Physics of !the Boundary Layer, Main Geophysical Laboratory. Since the roughness-of the water surface is regauded as known, the problem is reduced to solving the usual equAtions of raotion for air with a given horizontal.baric gradient over a moving surface Card 1/4 Wft' NR1 Am,602156 _(ex,cept that the underlying surface is not motionless). Hor- Jzontally homogeneous conditions are assumed. In selecting boundary conditions, the presence of surface water currents and the temperature stratification in the boundary layer are (characterized by the difference between the water-surface temperature and the air temperature at the upper limit of the boundary layer. The influx of radiant heat is assumed to be a linear function of height, a model in which there is~a !Juinp at height h is accepted in determining the turbulence 1coefficient k, and the Laykhtman model is accepted in determin- ',.~ng wind velocity. General solutions are obtained for the layers zo 1 z < h and z > h. The solution for the first case is simplified so that th; wind-velocity components are computed rapidly with auxiliary tables and nomograms. A scheme is given for finding wind velocity, tangential stress, the modulus of the wind velocity, and the angle of "friction" at a height of about 10 m above the sea. A simplified procedure is presented for calculating wind velocity and tangential stress under equilibrium condi- tions. The procad~sre was tested with limited experimental data. The applicability of the procedure is discuesed, and the errors-are estimated. For instance. with a time interval of 2 hr, the error in the component of tba.tangential stress ACC NRI AT6021505 T, X. 8% for V. - 15 -n/sec and AV9 5 m/6ec (the velocity of t9a geostrophic wind ..tnd the jump n the geostrophic wind); 12% when AV 10 m/sec; errors of 1.2% and 20Z were noted '1~0 x in Toy under like coniitions. The error in the wind velocity due to advection ahould not exceed 15Z. [WA-50; CBE No. ill SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG RIP.F: 018/ OTH REF: 012/ Card ARANOVSXIY, N.G.; ORLIWKO. N.1.; SHTMIN. L.S.; 1YXWJSALIMKIY, A.M., doteent, redaktor. vbww~~~ (Drafting In zowhine construction] Chertoshnoe khosialetvo v mushinostroenli. leningrad, Nanchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostrott. lit-ry Eleningradskoe otd-niel 1953. 103 P. MRA 6:10 (Machinery-Draving) (Drawing-room practice) L 06456-67 94 (m)~Ee(j - IJP(c) _GGIM _Vo664_/oo OD _66- AC_C'__WR_-AP6o24546 (A) SOURCE C 66-8979/623V6o Suroyegij~,,;~_ AUMOR: Berlyant, S. M.; Drozdav, V. Ye.; Finkel'. E. E.; Orlenko, P. A.; L. M.; Breger, A. Kh.;, Karpov, V. L.;_Zorin,_V._7. .ORG: none /5' iatioh cross linking of polyethylene insulation of cable pr(>- .TITLE: large-scale rad !ducts SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 21, no. 1, 19,6, 64-66 :TOPIC TAGS: radiation chemistry, polyethylene, polymer cross linking, insulated wire, !'electric cable/ KP gamma ray apparatusp .ABSTRACT: In view of the many advantages resulting from the use of irradiated thermal- ily stabilized polyethylgne as insulation in cables, the authors describe apparatus de- veloped for the irradiation of such insulation, for use in geophysical cables for very ;deep weU drilling (o.d. 6.5 mm, length -9 weight --380 kg, volume - 400 1), ~capable of withstanding temperatures up to :MC and pressures higher than 300 atm. The entire cable was wound on a drum and exposed to 7 raVation from Co6o (total activity 180,000 g-equiv lent of radium) from the KP-200'.1hpparatus- Measures taken ,to ensure uniformity of ?he gamma radiation, which .T., -anTessential factor in the success of the operation, are described. "Die required dose was 140 Mrad At 'a dose intensity of 63 r/see and an irradiation time of 610 hr, the productivity ;)f the apparatus was 0 7 kg/hr and the efficiency -13%. The -uthors thank G. V. Liqoy uDc: 621.039.55: 541-15 Card 1/2 L o6h56-6 7 ACC NRI AP6024546 for participating in the development of the %pparatur., and M. Ye. Yeroshav, M. Larionov, L. K. Topil's Y!~. ~Dia~ov, and the late1w. X.-Kuznetsavjfor help with the experiments. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE- 07, 20/ sum DATF,- 16oct65/ ORIG REF: 007 2/2 Card OR Work of the polyclinic in the organization of medical service for workers. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no.1:39-41 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Glavnyy vrach teentrallnoy polikliniki. Gomel'. (GOKU~-INDUSTHUL MBEIGUM) BONDARI, Nikolay Gerasimovich.. doktor tekhr. nauk.. prof.; KAZEY, Igor' lvanvvi* kau4ir--ujkkmft*w7,-4AWJ3", Bernard Falkovich, kand. tekhr. nrtak.~ KOVKIN, Turiy Georgiyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk: dots~; Pr.1rilwal, uchantiyuj TUASPMO, V.F., kand. tekhn. nauk: YkKOVLEV. G.N., kand. tekhn. nauk dots.; DOROSHENKO, Ye.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; NEVZOROV, I.N., inzh.; KONASHENKO. S.I., kand. takhn. nauk, dots.; OUENKOI V.P., lnz~~,, KHOKIIWV A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; ZELEVICH, P,M.; kand. 'ekhn. nauk, red. [Dyr-mics of railroLd Dinamika zheleznc-.dorozhnykh mostov. [By] N.G.Otnda.- ! dr. Moskva, Transport, 19b5. 411 p. (MIRA 18:12) SLYUSAREV, T.V.; CRLENKO, V.Ye. Crope for a vinter green fodder plan. Zhivotnavodstvo 23 no.7:55 Jl 161. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Direktor Dinskogo ptitsesovkhoza, Krasnolarskogo kraya (for Slyusarev). 2. Glajmyy hqr,,)nom Dinskogo ptitsesovkhoza, Krasnodarskogo ~:raya ~fa- Orlenko). (Poultry-Feeding and feedr-.) 'At -;ADth4;-7:., ree,~ Thr ences'~ oe'USSR:refejr r Ap hik ORLIEW, Ye.G. - Anatomical structure and Physiological activity of the leaf apparatus in (~isrcas pediumculata as affected by illumination. Dokl.AN SWR 106 no.3:555-557 Ja 156. WaA 9:6) l.Belorusekiy naxichno-iseledovatellskiy institut leanogo kho- zyaystya.Gosell. Predstayleno akademikom T.N.Sukachevym. (Oak) (Leaves) ORLENKO - Ye, G. Cytological inveeUgation ~)f the green-barked and gray-barked &open form in the forests of 'White Russia. Sbor. nauch. rab. Bel. otd. VBO no.3z1l)-,ll5 '61. (M UU, 14: 12 ) (White Rusgia, . -Aspen) ORLENKO. Ye.G. Valuable form of spruce (Picea excelss. var. acuminata Beck.) grow- ing at the southera boundary of its range in the White Russian S.S.R. Dokl.AN BM. 6 no.2:125-126 F 162. OMIRA 15:2) 1. Belorusskiy nauchno-isBledovatellskiy institut lesnogo khozyaystva, Gomel'. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR I.D. Yurkevichem. (Brest Province--Spruce) oillE.M., Ye.G. -1 . - 'r ~,*Plerti,Dn Of jtjG!-.4,rj,,r :,-. !, ;.,.e for breed-'np, ;-l ric.:es de.,e . :' , on tho % ...... of '-.- - IKO *- ; ', : : 1 . N! 1 . C ~; ( , - ~ _4 -, -1 . '. no. 7: 11 P- 1:'~' 't,5. A I - I VORONOVv P.S.j KLIMOV, L.V.;- 0-,R-LE =..- t Ye,H, Geological structure of Mount Brmn. Trudy NIIGA 113:98-122 160. (MIRA 14:5) (Brownp Mountq Antarctica-Petrology) SIOBOIJSKOY, A.L., professor; GJAHTS, R.K., starchiy nuuckuiyy sotrudnik; BRUOITSY- NA. M.P.; VMBITSKIY. V.P.; 02=KO. Yu.14.. direktor; OViIYMO. I.I., do- tsent, dire)-tor. Gertain data on the role of the cerebral cortex in the pathogenesis of re- actions which occur following trunsfusion of different-type blood. Vest. khIr. 73 no.4:9-13 JI-Ag '53. (KI," 6:8) 1. WrainRkiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut perelivaniya krovi (for Orlenko). 2. Mrainskiy institut usovershenstvovaniva vrachey (for Ovaiveji- ko). (Blood--Trunsfusion) (Bruin) XBAINSXATA-IGNATOTA. VA., professor; OMANKO, Tusk., stershly nauchnyv. motrudnik-. CHIMNEO. K.1., star-S'W'baud lotrudnik Cross reaction to Individual blood compatibility and Its role in the detection of taosensitixotion of the recipient. Top.perel.krovt 4;89-96 255. (MIRA 9:12) (BOOCS-42ANSMS ION) C~PLRIKQ In-]L- starshiy nauchnvy sotrudnAk 0[har1kov, ul. Bassaynays. d. 15) Bzperimatal and clinical use of chloride plans* in acute intestinal obstruction. Mov.khir.orkh. no.2:7-11 Mr-Ap '57. (MLRA 10:8) 1. Ukrainskiy asuchno-imeledovatellakly institut perelivaniya krovi i neotlozhnoy khirurgii ( 1NTIST INES- -WSTRUCT ION) (B1,OGD PLASKA SUBSTITUTIS) -A aRISHKO, ju.X,, starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik New compound OChloride plasmsO " its use in several diseases re- quiring surgery. Top.paral.krovi 4:192-212 155. (KIRA 9:12) (BWO PIASNA SUBSTITUMS) OMBNKO, Yu.N., sterehiy nauchnyysowudnik; KOZTRI. P.T., kandidat biologi- -- ~ I-'- - - ~ 6bi4kM)VIauk Role of *midget ampules* for t1w bactartological control of stored blood and its componerits at various stages of preservation. Vop. perel.krovi 4:231-241 955. (HLRA 9:12) (BLOOD-COLLBOTION AND PRISMATION) (IABORATORIES-INSTRMIITS AND APPARATUS) ARLOZOROV. Z.G.. starohiy nauchnyv sotrudnik; ORIXNIO. Yu.M.. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; LEKABBY, S.A., vracE - -- New method of preparing serum from the blood of donors with conserva- tion of the globular mass for transfusions. Yop.perel.krovi 4:259- 255 155. (KLRA 9:12) (SIRUH) (COLIRCTION AIID PRNSIRRVATION) EXCERM MMICA See 9/Vol 13/5 SURGMY XV 59 2695. A TRIAL OF CHLORIDE-PLASMA IN ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUC- TION. A CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY (Russian text) -.Or - __Lc_Qko Yu, M. - NOV.KHIR.ARKH. 1957, 2 (7-11) Two prep%rations Of chloride -containing plasma no. I and no. 2, both containing extra proteins in plasma, were suggested by the author in 1949. 1. v. administra- tion of the preparation increases the blood concentration of chlorides and rapidly abolishes hypoproteinaemia and hypochloraemia. Experimental results were favout - able and clinical use (475 transfusions to 275 patients) showed that the preparation accelerates disappearance of toxaemla while the increase of blood chlorides is maintained for 6 - 10 days, (S) 'iRIA14KO, Yu.M., doteent Use of chloride-treated plasma in acute intestinal obstruction in experimental and clinical conditioas. Probl.gamet. i perel.1crovi 2 no-3:38-41 k-Je '57. (MLRA 10:8) 1. Iz UkrainBkogo nauchno-Isaledovatel'skogo institute parelivaniya krovi I aeotlozhnoy khirurgil (IR14TINAL OBSTMICTION, therapy, blood plasma with chlorides in exper. & clin. cases (RUB)) (BLOCD TRANSFUSION, in various diseases. intestinal obstruct,,, chloride-treated plasma in exper. & Olin. cases (Rug)) (OHIMiDIS, blood plaamB treated with chloride@ in ther. of exper. & clin. intestinal obstruct. (Rua)) ORMKO, YU.M. "Ourrent problems in hematology and blood transfusion." Probl.gemat, I perel.krovi I no.4!56-57 Jl-Ag'58 (MIRA 11:8) (BWM) ORLENKO, Yu. M., Doc Med Sci -- (diss) "Chloride plasma and its ap- plication in complex therapy of acute blockage of the intestines. (Experimental-clinical research)." Kbarlkov, 1960. 19 pp; (Kfiar,.eov State Medical Inst); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 1~-bO, 166) ORLMZO,ju.K., daktor med.nauk; BRUSNITSINA, M.P.; BIRYUKOVA, S.D. Imediate and late results o1,' different surgical interventionp for perforating ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Khirargiia no.3:47-51 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. In Ukrainskogo institute perelivaniya krovi i neotlozbnoy khirurgii i kafedry obshchey khirurgii Kharlkovskogo meditsim- skogo inatituta. (PEPTIC ULCER) (STOMACH-SURGERY) (DUODH1&JM--S1JRGERY) ORLEMO. Yu. M., doktor mod. nauk (Rharlkov, ul. Petrovskogo, d. 6,18, k~. 15-T - Perforating ulcers of the stomach and duodenum in elderly and senile subjects. Vest. kh1r. no.4112-15 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz kliniki obahchey kbirurgii Kbarlkovskogo meditainokogo Institute (rektor - doteent B. A. Zadorosb"y). (PEPTIC ULCER) ORLENKO, Yu.M., doktor med. nauk (Kharlkov, u1. Petrovskogo, d.6/8, kv.15,; ~ Ya. P Acute cholecystitis in aged and sen-'13 persons. Vest. khir-. 99 nc..l.': 125-127 0 162. (.'-!11.~A l-,: 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgii (zav. - doktor med. nauk Yu..". Crienl,~ , lechebnogo fak-LI'teta Kharlkovskogo meditsinskago 4nstltuta (rektGr - dotsent B.A. "adorozhnyy) na baze 11-y Kharlkovskoy gurodSkLly kll'lli- cheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - Ye.b. Guzhel). CRIMUP Ye. K. Min Higher Sducation UjSQ. Moscow Crder of LenLn and Crder of Ltor Banner Higher Tecimic~,l --'chool imeni Fbuman. -,oscow ORLENKCIV, Ye. K.:- "The effect of the ~l,hlity of' weld penetration or, tile strength and plasticity of butt joints in autom.-tic flux welding." M. n higher Education Uo',,.R. Moscow Order of Lenin Find Order of Iabor !ied BFnner Higher Technica. .-Ichool imeni Faunuin. Msc:;cow, 1956. (Ldj:~,,rt,tj,, for -.',e De.;-ree ol -:-nddate *,.,. *Ica-I --- (:~ - - . " SC: Knizhneya Leto~ip 1, No. 2' , 1 .'56 13 7- r)8 - 3 - r) 198 Translation from: Referativnyy z-iurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, p 106 (USSR) AUTHOR: Orlenkov, Ye. K. TITLE: Vibration Strength of Welded Butt Joints with Defects Due to Non-fusion (Vibratsionnaya prochricist' svarnykh stykov~-k':'. soyedineniy s neprovarom) PER10DICAL V sb. - Prochnoqt' i avtomatizatsiya svarki (MVTU, 71), Mashgiz, 19'~T, pp 19-4~) ABSTRACT~ The LT. of butt joints of low-carbon steel welded on both s,,des and containing flaws caused by various degrees of incomplete penetration was compared with the 15,w of identical, but deff-( t- free joints. A limited(swwas determined for each series of specimens on the basis of Zx,06 cycles with alternating tension and pure bending alternating in sense. It is shown that under both types of vibrational loading a welded seam obtained by automatic two-sided welding with flux exhibits greater strength than the parent metal. In all specimen,; exhibiting complete pen- etration and free of other defects of the seam, the rupture oc- curred in the parent metal far from the welded region. Card I 1Z Under a pure bending load the presence of Lip to 25 percent of 13 7 - 5 8 - 3 - 5 19 8 Vibration Strength of Welded Butt Joints (cont incomplete penetration has no effect whatsoever on tile vibrational strength of the weld. At 40 percent incomplete penetration the 0.1 of the welded ioint is 7 percent lower than that of the parent metal. A considerable decrea~se in (5V,(29 percent) was observed at approximately ~iO percent of incomplete penetration. Under a tensile load, incomplete penetration in welded butt joints sharply reduces their 6W. Even the presence of 5-6 percent of incom- plete penetration results in a 30 percent decrease in (YW. Not unlike a sharp notch, the effect of stress concentrations created by incomplete penetration is more pronounced at low stresses which approach the C7W. Parent metal with transverse fibers exhibits a 0./ which is 14 percent lower than that of a metal with longitudinal fibers. N. T. Card 2/2 KA , Fl~tnlm 11 tt,.4 , '.c,.! (,! -)ch . OW-i-~~ 1, t a . T Eie c - um, a . Y . .-,: 7 ~ g k -', "h(,rob A IP .4e e ~ir, e z n of or A. Ffl i JK, I e w 0 0 -110 0 are 0-6 6 0 0,0000000 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 w - u is fill fill Its IV a a b AS if a It At u 0 16 v a a a d, -W 41 a A-A a A. a It It A 0 Q 0 04A b 00 -00 Aj -00 -00 00 a 00 004 Cd $mod "go 01 p" mA na4mm pladd6b -00 ee N.. bbwNW7- -J,-h9tt- t.96 C% l0j).-A disimwki-- Koo It ye Lai. Cbm. : 0 a =00 .';zoo "MOO see w0 :zo 0 coo too r - 0 U00 Alto SL 1141ALLUNGKat toll "lug, C141111"1101 woo t I WX'i goo us -69 do , t- 9 g- I - 11 1 1 g- ) is . a 1. , wi 0 a it a a a q 0 4 a w 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 st 0 0 0 o q 1166009,6 00000 0 iio a 0 - 00 : :t A I --0000040000000000000es le ? It IT I.? r f.90.20 2 II6. l Ab op so! *0 06,00 . A-1L.A 6-M -1 AL A P&OM519 AW O"flit-11 ..of. -4119 00 00 00 00 -00 *0 00 -00 90 008 -00 06.1 1 0 goo zoo I%J- (IrktallZandskupa Lob., IOU, a. '100 Tb,,tcch*,Ari. u. di., ml. 00 a ToWn asmi photagmphe an given. -8. G. roo . 0 I SOO 11 00 W 0 0 0 : : 0 .91ILLUI-LKA. LITEPATL411 CLASIMPICATION 9-1- MOO woo U a A, ~O IT an 11 Iq a in A a n* 0 0 *wool# Code 0006000006*00090 O O O 1 0 : 0000 0 0 0 0 a 0 00 0 0 00 66096091096006006 d b S O::: - -41 00000000000 0000 000 00A 00 00 00 00 000 00 1 a 0 is is is v avp 041 4 di 40 460 . a -4 1L rodw R. T. 6 L A MIT"t Ll"Mal"Off 4L&UWICAVMN .00 see 1-00 qoo !"Of Ogg woo goo so* j"0 j age V- ago woo a MI; J i a ; a ; ; 4-op'l "Jgmi str4o ",Iwo 9 a 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 loop 00 00 14,r ffn gvm64 ,k IRON the cqmw. Wa weft owipwition OW outUP4 ivopwike of do J8,14,11 siumi-vism4imm 4ypro of bigh-spmd otwk mid lowbie 1&"Ww in Uw m stlard 7ximAtioll of staw Row"m stfob of " tylv. ("M the polm View INAII of cutting pnq*rLkv mobtl of muwmy tat &Wyir4 co"lumN. 77i;.SLA 'WI&LtWWIW "SOW JOA Diem ;AJ 1000000 U pea "Oe see woo see sloo V IN S 8 A 0 2 V 9 6,04ASID go go 416 ell go go Pik~sz;d T. S4,rxim-skity" (Vial, 1M.No,10-11,pit 84--M). ( V it of shvi DNA (owitaining'eltabon 0.87%. silicon 4l-302%,, nlarigarmw sulliltur (1-0160%, OKwilkhmna 0-016%, chroiniuin 1.51 ~ linif nivitel (1-4149110 bad for Its object th" dekemittatioork of the optirfluill 1#111 film, awl a slotiv of ilk" offevi (of thiii 14,1111writ. lin- still the . M.18 t,,.. on the hink-lolibillf %. now) hithilbown, an 41 " ill*, rfferl it( the troilwratorr on il.i. merhanival ltrulvertivit. MitiOninin ooirfaiv hikphw~ %%is. .,bittill,41 bV #11killirbilIg f,,,, &,W)*r (!.. file bJkJdJl* tittlittif 1~,ftig that n-otintumilded ill tho A.M.N.T. (itow A.N.M.) standurtim Vor ulaxitnunk dut:Mlity. the juenchilis tenilicrattin- mhould In, lowemil to W V. wild the holding time tmbled. The hardnom irrinitined unclistigM by tolikilmim at 'up W HAVC. slid it then fell five Hoo-hwull C units on tenilwing as 211WC., Illistelluently rrinaining un&vw-,Avd when the tempering trinlirmturr iiiiii $it. rfrow4il up to 300- C., above which the hairditr4a again dev",awill Foir inipmved ductility imprring should be voitilurtai at MWC a 10 1 L MIALLUNGIC" LlT%RhTW!! ~LJ!~WKATSM losawa:.,., GO 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a iW-M i 0 0 1 w -00 lee -0 0 400 40 409 too lee too too 410o do* 400 00 a C a a 4 a u X L a 0 pq a I I W 12 A a . .1?itufm r ST a a 0 Vs l Is's ** M 'Iffca a " WO APO 4y. C*D#NS V. 400u" 'T;x gamLs On luismilwams 9 11 -6 9 9 r d ap ma!p sq, jo tmmlmdawa jqj uo n (1" im s* mql no Waa *s idoatu -iu4nuwuO9jvOm"jO"W)O"'" my OWUPSY4 w - jew am" aqj u"MO (n envmwum Swuld4s" vajiMoid Iviluwq 00 002 jaqglq v onwIM-ma lunu- &qm Mom Q%L Pma wa mp 002 muldaMs ~qj jo imm M uo suo"qys umqmm ap p P%w 0 4~1 11139JUQ9 sqj~ -pq" aq plow jumm Omm OR% pm" ORS (n lx- so= -walpwva ul"aw tUnlp-A JO V.(IgO '91 -0 PMM.UW F NU -a ' - - w 4n.1 .1 E m I ; 000 0 ' St-0 r p IOU pip 1-" -0 %094 7. 0 0 *~ laryu 'UR40-M-0 usni"a 10/112 .0 womw 'Yowo-mo Olg I i p 00 0* anamm %g9.0-09.0 uoqM :puWuw on oopiwduloo )0 0 s 00 0 4k. " 1 illtull Jluj.,Aqtqj aqj ujqjjA samej st" saM uO luessigan I Ad o0 , o Oid Q%L Mr-Oll 01 -1-ils P mt~ 10 ) (" t e- 00 'I'lm) -.1 'N p MR w4 VOW" vp I I to "Pom W � ~ 0* 4 . q * pm P" pww =Pam p A 000 100 00 *0 A 00 - - 00 7 641 f #140 w A i roe 0000000000 00001 01 a 6 * 0 0 6 CD rv as rp rp a a a a is 0-0-0 0 0 0 0 0 #1 0 l , T 1 9 So is u isw5tr a Ill aAll vSO a 0 &1 , IOU a 43 a age A 0 0 .0.9-M -voe A c4pl" - 00, -- ps 00 A l 0o' 00 ir I ...... l Admim sawsmio ai m 1"b.. 1157 1 00 54 In It Itruw 1 vw1irfa w II , a 'rIwrt UFItt. .00 00 .00 0: 00 000 00 o: IS 09 00 see '00 'go '69 oes woe too w AV Rol ltall 41101 A I a ad 0 a Sir IN 9a 14wil ISO v am, it 01091 an 0 0 & &* * 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 4440000000006 0000000 00 0 ** 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of oiee 0 0 *Go 000 000000 006i MARGOLIN. G.I., inshener; DIIOMDOVSKIY, B.A., inshener: ORMS, P.I., inshener. Junction lines in shaped steel castings. Stal' 7 no.1:58-62 147. (KIRA 9:1) I.Xirovskiy tavod. 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