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ORMT, N.10 -- 0 9~i in the Volga-lam Basin. Los. prom. 35 no.2:18-19 1 '57. OMM 10 - 4) (Volga Valley-Lumber-TraneDortation) Onw. H. 11. Xechanizing and automatizing textile enterprises of Ealinin economic council. Teket.prom. 19 nool:93-94 J& '39* (XIBA 12.1) 1e Zanestitall nachallnika proiisvodetyenno-takhnicheakogo otdals Nalininskogo sovaurkboza. (Zalinin Iconomic Region-Textile industry) SIHANOVSKATA, R.E.i rukovoditell raboty; SHPM, S.Ta.; YODZINSKATA., Z-V-; NOXINA, Z.I.; rSTUKHOVA, M.G.; NATJWVA, V.A.; VASITANOV, V.P.; VASILIYBV, fi.Y.. mstsrLSM."~N., starshiy apparatchik: RAUMUF, F.M., starshly apparatch1k; TRUPIN. M.P., starshtir apparatchik; VOLKOVA. V.M., starshiy apparatchik; ZORIBi. Ye.A.; KIROVA. V.A.; IMOVA, Z-I., ZINKINA, Z.P., laborant: WMIRINA. L.A., laborant; NIXITINA, N.A. Ilhosphogypeum and its use in the manufacture of sulfuric acid and portland cement; small-scale operatift at the pilot plant of the Scientific Research Institute of Yertilizers and Insectifuges. LTrudyj NIUIF no.160:59-76 '58- (KIRA 12:8) l.Sotrudulki Mail hnogo institute po udobreniyam i ineektofungisidam (for SimanovskaM Qhpunt, Vodzinekays, Xokina, ftstukhove., Saydenove.). 2.ZamestitelO nachal'niks 3-go teekha Oprtnoge. zavoda Nauchnogo Instituts po, udobrenlyan I ineektofungisidan (for Vaelyanov). 3,3-Y teekh Opytoogo savoda Hauchnogo institute pe udobraniyam i insektofungisidam-tfor Vasillyev, Orlov, Naumov, Trupin. Volkova, Zorina, Kirov&, Lutova, ZenkIna, Samokhina). 4.TSentral'na7a analiticheskays, laboratorlya Opytnogo zavoda Nauchnogo institute po udobraniyan i innaktofungisidam (for Mikitina). kGypoun) (Fortland cement) Oulfuric acid) X .IUT'.C'az Voliahko, and Cints. X.A. Tr= t rhe Sixth Conforence of YauK Scientific 7ork~rs of the Institut Goo[:rafli X11 UrZR ~Instltute of Geo- grephy A3 U--M) I;a Akadr=ii na-Lk =H, geograflahea- rz"rti (USSR kaj-, 59 jrr 4. py, 152-154 -RAM The ~tlolo covers the Birth ~,onference of Young gc1*nt1f1c ~orkors of the Institute of I : I XS U= which took place In 1;0,ir*p,'5'y reports nore -sad by the roii=ia~, scientific wor- ke" , I.O.Gl%ch reported on o3ome Genetic Ro6ularl- ties In the Amtribution of xt=oapheric Precipita- tion0l jL:,_L.,ot rakov anJ 3.1. Tevtevev cc=,ento,1 on L_ at otural zet-.~~s n son F~e;orch In ru Alts.mtic __SAOM6 "a- Poke On Ih, -O.-r.rhlca ae~ .Or tiontbeUm on th A, I , k Carl Ld~> =4 he latest tectonic Moye~..= ta in' the Fort hem TraLnfi-Ural Lrea. " P. OyChinniko a evaluated tho evaporation acco='IB~~O the water balance =tho,_4 from the Africaz continent, ::.Is. riz-onoya di cuaP~d evaporation problems .In the Sulf of saLt Ze.,-. ::in.%Yevn report1d On r-las mpact of solar rod--- - -- -,jmC Its Meltind in the Zrans-7016a region$ spoke On so" radlation near the Zlbrus 7eather Statical Ztj!L-9U=2MX7a lectured on an,c- conditioa3 in the 20=t&lzs Of Central Caucasus; 17..'T. Crl.v r:,,-crt.J on big Men method to measure t1m ME- 5 BVC,. carried by wing-43, rhovb7 azow-flakeg are recorded by a Photoelectric device A-M t:9L:!hA4Y"C__0_MRPg=dne&' aa;t'othe zagorskaya Scion-j%o r- Be tutiOm near on spring; star dlOcharge and Oil studied the", Cam 2/5 1W.ff. Drwye~ an-d loct~ed on hoo to calculate the ximal apriaZ nater discharSe in the renisoy and tons rivvra accordin,- to the method of .~'__.JUIba.Z~Mkolayova lectured on sea levoin t --TH' and sea urTnC a V-X1X centuries J~L,X~ an the lake levels In the TurgAy do- pression durlzZ L849-19581 L.r. IZ- ~' reported on the rivers a=d lakes of the-717CM plateoul , I di:cu;sed -lioness, forms of relief in J. ~ri, -wify a the E- bcain, j.A__1Lcj&ghkp sl,~cjdat.,I on loans deposits In the central areas of the %solnn plain, 11.k. -"geg'tgrF. lectured on "Torrezt-Llk~ Phenomena in Z.&hestan' ani ~ T. on fleation of Torrents in cent,;;l 6 '3caque; he - Soobetanic aurve7 of the -entrar ~jf`ij EZ.7"L lect-ed on tile Alv.,Ion of the ~rano- I ,ard 3/5 Ural ood-an!-ateppe area into sinCle relief type.g SOV/10-99-4-25/29 The Sl--th Conference of Tou~~ Z ' -otific "orkers of the lastitut Goograril Liu D LSR (Initit te of w ~,rapz;y AZ USSR) a explaime-A hc~ t- hollon a= the oFaIr ItIle Irt7sh river near Pavlodar origi. natedl So,. 3 short ;h.) i-1 ~~ oury on the :rxas-aarm %"*I ~-L~ a. j ber =rlt experience in the ann- Lyg%S 61 a map of MorphoSenetia greund for-* M~do b7 amrial phot*C:raj?by In the BuryatakAym A,3ZR. .ZjnQjSXj3_dIxCU5Ged relief ariZ;iz In the southern part of the Lzur and Zeys rivers 0--ea$ h.-cv -4 sarpholoriaml and = wasure roll coofticien.91 O.r. Zhub~i, .cwmimal TU,$, ffarazov gtvv a rin to the Contra - Of the rakuta:cmxa A=? it T par - i reported on the developaeot of the Cumm-mig- --go- .I Lrsaj &7A-LUQOAav discussed data on the distribu. tion 40 V-ocific features in the fishing econovq of the OputictrokIs -atsiomsl'=j7 -kruc (7."Aki r_~A 4/9 --2- d 3,1 ev re-or"d on the okay. blao- And Gor'leve2kly eltonottichookiy rayon (Gor'kly Economic District) reopectively, aZ, G lectured on the phynical :rmlto. ation. and economy of the Land 3&deh-2uerttoz- re, Vent C-wr=aAy. The comferimce waa also attended represen,tativen of the Coakovakly Cooud&ratvgjuV, vW"Itat (rcoC= State University) Toencral'o, insti.tut prognozov (central In3titute,of Prognoso.i. tnxtitut marzIotovedenlys J5 3=9 (Institute of For, frOst Research L3 =U), and other organizations. The falla, woulor mork.. of the Ingtituts of Googm- JAL USSR t~k Part In the discuscions I A.P. Gal taor, B.L. Dzerdtoyers"y, L.3. Ocl~~ehin. JL.G. Dosksch, X.B. Dumitrashko, U.I. L'",tch, 8.11. S~,- &Z=t~eY, N.Y. Sribmy7, B.A. 7edorarich. aW others. Card ORLOV 9 b'. N. First rosults of the -reorganizut~ion of the iory., o. Tf..! I . - Offi3a of Technical information. Opyt rab. po t,-khn. inform. 1 prop. no.4-3-5 163. (MIRA 0~1,, 1. NaAal'riik rSaw-ral'nogo byuro tokha_,heskoy Informai-till,. ',-*,-, Vyatskogo soveta naxodnogo Khozyaystva. --- - - - - .1 ~ -., -. I I. : - I---.-- - ~ - m 77 ~ 1 :, , , , , I . . - t . I . . . '. . -:1 : -' '.iA I!'- - T, !,: - , - "' - - . . . 1, j.jjv . ; i- ;, . n . . - - I ~'i -- . ~: I t~'. . . ORLOV, N.N., IrLzh. pc podgctovke kadrov Sk b oo 19.of comnunist Inbor are NtIng built. -rarisj- str,.'. ',4 ~- I,c~ I;) '' -144 JI 164. '. . 1-1~ _. ; I 1. Uprav7eniye at.-c!'.61stva T-erins-Lrcypotf. J, 165. OlLov, "An zx~, er'jnew, it %` --- :noc lati on rif im, ' i -s Ith Def i,)rinr,-.ei 3lood , o* -',at' 1e -,.Ihi ;-.ave Had Foot-and-l-louth jisea3e'l. -Ir. Tarvo~o -.r.--te.--in. naic:.nno-or-. s'ezda I 2~. -,. -- `92 ORLOV, N. P. (Yerited Worker of Science of Kazakh S17R, Professor, Alma-Ata Zooveterinary Institute, Department of ParasitoloU, KAZAKH, _12SR). On chemical neutralization of environment in the fight against parasitic diseases. so: Veterinariya; 23; 2-3; February/March 1946; Uncl. TABCON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 ORWV I Z1. P. Orlov, N. P. "The interrelationship of the organizm and its environment in parasitology in the 1i ht of Michurinian libiology," Report to the Scientific gonference of the Alua-Ata Zoologico-Veterinary Institute devoted to the hugust Session of VASKhNIL, Trudy Alma-AT. vat.-rootekhn. in-ta, Vol). it 1948# p. 35-41 So: U-3566, 15 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 13, 1949) ORL(W, N.P.____ Scientific, practical, and civic activities of Professor A.A. TSeli- mbeimm, Doctor of Biological Selencie. Trudy Inst.2ool.AN Irazakh.SSR 1:5-10 053. (KLRA 10:2) (TIelishchev, Arkadil Andreovlch, 1 " -1950) (Itasalthstan-Thellerlasim) mwvp- N.)?. 20.98 Orlov, N-R. Rodionova, N.D. i PetU3hkova, A.G. Reaktsiya Organizma zhivotuyal na vvedeniye Tripanblau Pri Razlichnykl Dozakn i sposobakh primener-iya Izve3tiya Akad. Nauk Kazakh SSR, No. 44, Seriya Parazitol, Vyp. 6, 1948, a.168-76-Rezyume Na. Kazake. Yaz. SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY- Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949 ORLOV. N.P.; RODIONOVA. B.F.; POSPNWVA, 2.1. Reaction of organisms of healthy animals to the introduction of chemical agents. Izv.AN gazakh.M.Ser.paraw. no-7:66-72 149. (MLRA 9:5) (Pharmacology) #Biolo' of vatineous ticks and the measures of the fight against cutaneous :marige in'sheep~') Alma-Ata, 1,948. Price 60 kopeks.. 10,,000 copies (Society for Dissemination of Folitical and Scientific Knowledge.) SOt Veterinariya 29(2). February 1949.(-r.??) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OWbV X. P. N. P.'s ORWY 0 414thor, of h"Satkg naltakwumm ja.1111;111L; ig, r1kZ - a A-tI (e3cables In 71mrs AnIshla'and Alm-Atm,.-Issogiss ig5j. 111 pagesi illustrated. 10,000 copies. bderm Netbods of:Coutrol*) Price 3 rubles 20 kopecks. Report U-"02*- 28 Avast 1953 Is =1HkRT MICINE Yeterimarlys, No. 11, pp m Am 63,64, Nov. 1951, Moscow, ftestan so per.) 0 0 0 0 ORLOV, N. P. "The Problm of Specificity in Parasitology and Its Significance for the Resolution of Practical Problems". Tr. In-ta Zool. AN KazSSR. No. 1, pp 11-24, 1953. The evolution of parasites proceeds by means of adaptation to specific species of hosts, specific organs, tissues of cells, age group of the host, etc. Examples of host, regional, age and seasonal specificity of parasites are given. Specificity is historically complexq conditioned by factors of adaptation of parasites to a definite group of hosts, place of localization, age of host, and season of parasitization. Regional, age and seasanal. specificity of parasites must be considered in the diagonsisj, medical treatment, and prophylaxis of diseases caused by them. (RZhBiol, No. 10, 1955) SO: Slum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 CRLOV Nil Petrovich, professor, zaeluzhonn)7 dayatell nauki KazSSR; -.==6 ILOYASHMO, L.V., redaktor; ZLOBIN, M.V., takhnicheakiy redaktor [lot us got rid of sheep seab] Likvidiruez chesotku ovets. Alm-At&, Zssakhskoe gos. izd-vo, 1956. 13 p. (MLRA 9-10) (Scab disease in sheep) ORWV, Nil Petrovich. (Biological princioles in the treatment and proohylaxis of parasitic diseases] Biologicheskle oanovy lechenita i profilaktik-i parasitarnykh sabolevanti. Noskva, Gos.Izd-vo sellkhos. lit-ry, 1957. 156 P. (NIRA 10:12) (Parasitology) USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Protozoa. R Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 5, 1959, 21417 Author : Orlov X P Inst : Alm-A a Zooveterinary Institute Title : The Biological Basis of Treatment of Protozoal Diseases Orig Pub : Tr. Alva-Atinek. zoovet. in-ta, 1957, 10, 167-176 Abstract : In the author's experiments the use of biostimulants (ACS) was twiding to promote the acceleration of the manifestation and the increase of the intensity of the macrooripnism's reaction to chemotherapeutic preparations of 13 animals which were affected with theileriasis and vere treated with a combined application of chemical pre- parations and ACS, 12 animals recovered. The positive result of the treatment coincided with a positive leuko- cytic reaction. In order to obtain a leukocytic reaction Card 1/2 - 24 - , asslushennyy dayatell nauki KasSSR; O'FWV, %J?* - CHATEVA, Te.G., rod.-, IXYZVA, V.H., [Veterinary parasitology] Yeterjuarnala parasitologiia. Moskva. Gas. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1958. 324 pe (KIRA 12:2) (Veterinary parasitology) BOYW~ S. M. and ORLOV, N. P. "Parasitic Diseases in Farm Animals 'In the YB7-akh SSR and Principle.j f '~h-2:r Control." report submitted at Fourth International Regional Conference nf Asian C-intries ~)n R Parasitic Diseases in Animals, 31 MBY to 7 June IQ58, Alma Ata, Ka-.akh SSH. Cirlov, N. p. - Zoo-Veteri=7 Imt, Alm-At&, UM ORWVq Nil Petrovich, prof.; USACMWA, I.G., red.; DEYEVA, VX., tekbn. ......... . .... . .... ... 0 [Biological principjAe in the treatment and prevention of parasitic diiseases] B~a3ogicheskie osuovy lechaniia i profilaktiki larazitar- nykh zabo3s*Wi. Izd.2.9 dop. Moakvaq Goa. izd-vo wl'khoz.3it-ryt 19Q. 157 p. (MIFLA 14:8) 1. Alma-Atinskiy mooveterinarrWy institut (ror Orlov) (Veterinary parasitology) GOROVENKO, G.G., doktor med.nauk (Kiyev, 4,, Kreenoarveyakeya ul., d. 20vkv.l8);-0BjQV~L N.S., aspirant (Kiyev, 4 Krasnoarzeyskaya ul.,d.20,kv.18) Pulmonary resection for tuberculosis In diabetes mellitus. Vest. khir. 89 no.9.-IO-15 3 162. (MIFIA 15:12) 1. Iz 1-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki (rukoyoditell - G.G.Gorovenko) Ukrainskogo nsuchno-issledovatel'skDgo Instituts, tuberkuleza I gradnoy khirugii imeni F.G.Yanovskogo (dir. - dotsent A.S. Hawlat). (TUBERCULOSIS) (DIABETES) (LM-SURGERY) ORWY. ILL; MORDOVWO. P.A. Pressure tarring of ropes. Taket.prom. 20 no.8:61-63 ikg '60. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Ilachallulk.pargailovogo khozyaystva Kharlkovskogo kanatnc4,,o zavoda (for Orlov). 2. liachallaik kanatuo-volaknistogo proizvodstva Kharlkovskogo kanatnogo zavoda (for Kordovenko). (Rope) (Tar) 1 *3 .'~f IiV wori - " trit, laboratory. Noel . 117 no.8:17-2 As~ ",?. , . ~;.- - c I . ; -:- - .,tzkiy moslosavod. (0i ! seede: (',Pj Ov, IT. V. 0-Tl,e Effc-c+. o' Stniror-alic Aonlica,~irria on the 'Rody," Sov. Med, No. 5, 19-Q. Sverdlovolc Sci "~es r,f !'eth rds of 'r-rit-p, t Dir Ye. I 1,1113nitina; Sci Dir, Prof 1). G. Shefer; Mins cf liblic Fenlth PSMR, -C1940-. 71 E . '---) :% -~:J - " '~ - -'," t-t ' - -- . 1. 1 . i~ . - : - .' r . I'vi. I. ., I I . '. . , 7 . - t . ._; 11 ~-..p . - k, . " a 0. . h rd - I --,,r -Let.-). ': 1, 111 .-, ". i OIRLOY, NikolayiVesil'yevich; DIVTDOVA. I., red.; FILIPPOVA, I., [Health resorts. sanatoria. and rest homes of the Urals; a guide] Karorty, sanatorii I doma otdykha Urala; sprevochn1k.6verdlawskos knishnoe lad-vo, 1958. 113 p. (KIRA 12:7) (URAI MOUNTAIN UGION--HEALTH RASORTS, WATERING PLACBS, ITC.) COUNTRY USSR G CATEGORY Zooparasitology.Parasit-1c Worms.General Probleras ABS. JOILM. RZhDiol., Wo. 4 1959, 11o. 15015 AUTHOR Orlov. 1% V.; Plotnilcov, E. 11. TITLE Measures for the Control of Trichinelliasif3 ORTO. PUB. Vestn. s.-Idk-~. nauki, 19.53, Uo 2, 73-79 ABSTRACT Due to systematic trichinoscopy, trichinolliasis has docreased in a nunber of foreiM countrios and in the Soviet Union, However, until rocently, the irdividual outbreaks of the iaection have been registered among hunans as a result of the use of infected york and, more frequently of the meat of wild animals (badger, bear and otber4 Along with the strengthening of well-known COM: 1/2 ?0 (11=0 NOVO Use of natural therapeutic factors In the Urals outelde of resorts* Top;kur*,fislotere I Isch, f1se* kal'to 23 n0;38443-446 3-0 058 (Him 11:11) 1, Direktor Sverdlovskogo nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo institute Ingit i fisloterspil; (MAL NOWAIN MIGION-TWUPMICS, PHYSTOWGICAL) OX&Jv, N. V. it Heilanwendung Yon Sapropel-SchLiu=. " report submitted for the 7th Intl. Cong. of Moorland Research Frankskavy Lagne/ Fran ensbad-Prague, 15-19 Sep 60. ,~ ,N-V., kand.mod.nauk Participai on Of the Sverdlovsk Institute for Research on Health Resorts and Physical Therapy in the development of health retsorts in the Urals. Biul. sov. 2 no.2:17~20 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14910) (URAL MOUNTAIN REGION-HFALTH RESORTS, WkTEFWIG PIAGES, ETC.) ORLOV, N.V.; ZHARKOVA, A.K. Fangotherapy in compound treatment of inflammatory diseases of the spinal aord. Vop. kur., fizloter. i leah. fiz. kul't.Z9 no.1:3-6 164. (KRA 17:9) 1. Nervnoye otdaleniye (nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. D.G. Shefer) Sverdlovskogo instituta kurortologil i fizicterapil (dir, kand. med. nauk N.V. Orlov). , , podpolkovnik meditsinekoy alushby (MLOV N.V. - Significance of X-ray diagnosis of atherosclerosis of the abdominal.aorta and its ramifications in flight personnel, Voen.-wd.shur. no.1109-U 164. (MIRA 18t 5) ALEKSEYE;V, V.N.; ORLOV, N.Ye. Cast iron gates with ceramic packing. Sbor.rats.predl.vnedr.v proizv. n,).1:14-15 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Makeyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Open-hearth furnaces--Equipment and supplies) ORLOV31 N.Ye.,- ~,. Service of rotors on b500-II-1 exhaust fans. Metal-larg 9 no.12:3-5 D 163. (MIRA 17 :4) 1. Makey-evskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. Ui"V, N. 2. - Inobited knIfe womrA of the hearts Nov.khir.ELrkh. no-3:114 N.,r-Je 159. (MLM 12: 10) 1. Rhimr4chaBkoye otdelaniye Helitopollskoy gorodBkoy boll- nitay. (H&M--WOUIIDS AND INJIMINS) LEYSHMAN, M.B.; BALASHOV, M.Ye.; AFANAS'YEV, A.S.; MIKHELEV, V.M.; TAMAMV, G.l.; SHYdiAlAKHOV, Yu.Sh.; SANNIKOV, "u.1.; SLAV--N, EMAKH, Z.Ya.; KAPLINSKIY, B.I.; ~~- PIMM51, V.V.; VALOVI O.V.; KIREYEV, V.V. Inventions. Avtom. i prib. no.3:76-77 Jl-S 164. (MrRA 19:7) Ol -~ L L. ,loci TBUT. X.Oalguay..A-La.~ SAUNCOX. T.O.; PISAURO. M.. redaktor; PATULTU. P.. tokhnf6boakiy redelitor LNenuml for rural comunlestion workereJ Poslbuik millmilkoho UvOtaskivtots. Xytv. Dersh.vyd-we tokha.lit-ry ULSR. 1956. )50 p. (Telea~lestlous) (MIRA 10:7) OIRWV, 0.1., inzh. First telephone line. Nauka i thyttia 11 ho.8:53 Ag '61. (KPA 14:12) (Telephone) ORWIF, 0.1. -7 Calculations for the swirl chamber. Trakt. I sellkhnzmash. no.12: 6-8 D #58. (141RA 11-. 12) 1. Nauchno-Issledovatellskiy avtotraktorrqy tristitut. (Diesel engines) ORIA)V, 0.1. --- '59. -Designing a swirl chamber. [Trud7l RATI no.19:93-108 (KM 12:9) (Diesel engines-DesigO AUTHDR: MMMVA,G.A., IWMMaY,S-V-, ORIOV-0-7h, .80-8-15/26 YMSTAWT3NOV-X-11- TITIZ: The Application of Radioactive IsAtoPes in the Agrictature and Snienoe of the U.S.S.R. (PrimeneWe raaloaktivnykh i stabillukh isotopov i is jucheniy v narodnCM kbapygFwe i nauke v I.S.S.R. , Russiar) FMIODICA14 Atowaya, ftergiya, 1957, Vol 3, Nr 8, pp 162-166 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: In April 1957 an isotope Conference took place In Xoscow which was attended by more than 3000 dele8ates of 1016 different fizm and in- gtituteo. Altogether;.444 papen were reiAd which were distributed over 4 departments: ) The tedhnical and industrial use of iso- topes, 2.) Ohemistryi, 3.) Bioloay, viedicine. amm'-%xilture, 4.) The production of isotopes and r -guns. A380CIATICN: Not given FRESERTO BM SUWT=s AVAnMLEs Library of Congress card 1/1 --D&LOV L-O.~~ Differences in the reactions of the optical nerve of the frog related to the color of the otimlues, Blaflaike 6 no. 1:77-83 061. (MIRA 14t2) 1, Iwtitut biologicheskoy fisiki AV 333R, Mookya, (COUR SUM) ORLOV, O.Yu. Retinal receptors and visual pigments. Biofizika 6 no.3:331-338 161. (KMA 14:6) 1. Institut biologicheokoy fiziki AN SUR Moskva. (COLOR SENSE) (RETINAI CRLCV, O.Yu.: bYZCV, A.L. Colirimetric investigati on of visim in cephalopod molluEks. D*I. AN SSSR 139 n-).3:723-725 JI '61. (VJFLA 14: 7) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Fredstavleno akademikom Yu.A. Orlovym. (Cephalopoda) (Color sense) 9~RWT,-~- BYZOV, A. L. Fwictioning of the eye in the B*der (Aranea). Biofizika .1 no.l: 70-72 '62. (yd"A 15: 5) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva, (EYE) (SPIDERS) (BLECTROPETINOG.-APHY, A BYZOV., A.L.O~WV, O.Yu.; UTINA, I.A. Adaptation study of the eye of cephalopod mollusks. Biofizika 7 no.3018-327 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Inatitut b1ologicbeskoy fiziki AN SWR, Moskva. (VISION) BXZOVI A.L.;CORLOV,, D.Yu. A- --- -- Sources of the electroretdzftrm in Cephalopoda. Fizic4. zhur. 48 no.1:16-23 Ja 162. VIRA 15-2) 1. F~rom the Institute of Biophy ice Moscw (CEPHAIDPODA) =16THORETINOGMPHY) ORLOV, U.Yu.j BYZOV, A.L. Vision of cephalopoda. Priroda 51 no.3sl.15-118 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (Cephalopoda) BYZZOV, A.L.; 1y: 3 ORLOV, O.Yu.; MAKSIMOVA, Ye.M. Role of intracone light filters; a mechanism of color vision in the lizard and the turtle. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.2: 463-466 Ja'64. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Predstavleno akademikom Yu.A. Orlovym. CRIlOVP V.N.; ORLOV, 0.__YtLI PANOV, Ye.N.; CHAYXOVSKIY, Yu.V.; YkBLOKOV, A.V.; GWCHAfiiilKO, -Ye.i.; GORBUIJOVA, V.G.; KCNOPLYA17111KOV, A.K.; KUDRYASHOV, Yu.B.; REA, V.D.; SHUBNTKOVA, Ye.A.; TARUSOV, B.F.; PETRUSEVICH, Yu.M.; IVANOV, I.I.; GAPCKWO, V.T.; ANTMOV, V.A.; VOROBIYEV, L.N.; BUTdACVA, Ye.V.t BURDIN, K.S.; PARKHOMENKO, I.M.; AGAVEUI'YLFT, A. Sh.; DOSKACH, Ya. Ye.; TARUSOV, B.N. Brief news. BiuL MOTP.Otd. biol. 70 no.6tl58-171 N-D 165. (MIRA 19:1) ORWY, P. ( Liekva) Z, Invisible rays. Pron.kDop. 14 n0-70 J1 160. (mm IL318) (Mosem-lufftred roWs-Inftstrial &pp]Lie&tion) ORWY, P. Nwsmfaotnr* comfortable and Inexpensive furnituro. Promkeep. no.1:37 ja 157. (KE8A 10:4) (Parniture Industry) ORIDVP P.v inzh. (Mskva) Taking the right road. Mest.prom.i khud.promp. 1 no.2/3:15-16 N-D 160. (MIRA 3A.-4) (MDOcOv-Notalvork-Technical innovatlow) ORLOV j P. s (~bskva) Nitrogen or nickel. Mest,pron.i kbud.promp. 2 no.4:24-25 Ap 161. (Nickel plating) (KMA 14:4) ORWVP P., inth. Sound as welder. Most. prom. i khud. proWs. 2 no.6:23 Je '61. (MIRA 14:7) (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications) (Soldering) ORLOV,, Foo inzh. Warmer than Vool, stronger than steel. M-est.promi khud.pramys. 2 no.8:34-35 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Glass fibers) .qR1Py,p_P.- -- Fused with the people ... Voen. znan. 41 no.4:6-7 Ap 165. (MIFJ, 18:3) AUTHOR: Orlov, P.A., Engineer SOV/25-55-5-1.1/37 TITLEt Preciaer Methods of Determining the Chemical Content of Metals (Utochnit' metody opredeleniya khimicheskogo soa- tava metallov) PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1958, Nr 5, PP 43 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The author calls on the Komitet standartov, mer i izmeri- telInvkh priborov (Committee of Standards, Mehoures and Measrxr- ing Instruments to insure more precise instructions on the per- missible aivergences in an analysis of the chemical con- tent of a metal, carried out by different laboratories or by various workers in the same laboratory. ASSOCIATION: Kombinat "Severonikell" ("Severonikell" Combine) 1. Metals--Chemical properties 2. Standardization 3. Chemical elements--Determination Card 1/1 NIKOW70VAS N.V., atarahly nauchnyy sotrudnik; ORLOV,, P.A.; ROORINOVP Ye, A. --------- Iffiect of the various illwination conditions of poultry housen an the productivity of caged laying hena. Tn* TSNnFPa 9t88-91 162. (MIRA 16:6) (Poultry houses and equipment) ORLOV, P.G.; TURKOV, I.A. Calculating the folindatlons of' drtlling maN-tB. MaBh. i neft. Obar. no.1:3-6 165. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Barnaullskiy zavod geologorazvqdochnogo obundomiliya. ORLOV, P.G. Design of multiple-bearing drive shafts on automatic presses by the distribution of moments. Rua.-shtam. proizv. 4 no.9s 27-32 S 162. (KRA 15:9) (Forging machinery) ORLCV, F.G.,, inzh.; LUZIN,, I.L.,, inzh.p- ABA HIN, D.M.,, in2h. Benign' an electric drive for uni:mrsal, crank presses. Vest. wshinostr. 42 no.8:37-38 Ag 162o (MIRA 15:8) (Pover pressee-Electric driving) ORLOV. P.G. - Typical graph of initial deforming forces for sheet-stamping on grogresuive automatic presses. Xuz,-.shtam.proIzv. 5 no.3s 34-* Mr 163. (Sheet metal working 08.4 inery) (KMA 16 W ORIDV, F. 6-. Eicientari-angement of bearing sheets of an-welded closed- type press housings. Kuz.-shtam.proIzv. 5 no.401-32 Ap 063. (MIRA 16:4) (Power presoes-Design and construction) CFLWvP LGOP insho Calculating resistan 9 force# in disk clutches and brakes vith bushings made of anti-friction material-gretinsUo0- Vast, maohinoetr. 43 no.2:30-33 F 163& (MIRA 160) (Clutches (Mac W ery)) (Brakes) -a I' OFa#OV# PoKee kandotekhnensuk - Parsawters of the laying out of shoot metal for cold stamping. [Nauch. trudy] MANI no.4:100-110 155. (MIRA 11:10) (most-metal work) D 4 0u 5 2 1 DID iq 0 15 0 A lin :A. - In M 'UH & gig R.A:P~ A iP I1 -.11 -9 00 0 i I z t. ! DO, .00 A vi, i 41il H - ISOM u Di A I - ulish iw fit A 0 to log ORWV. P. Equipment used fo- work standardization In the United States. Blul.nauch.inforr.i.: trud I zar.plata. no.3:76-M '59. (MIRA 12:5) (United Staten--Time study) ORLOV, P. Determining the rate of increases for rest in establishing time norms. Bial. nauch. inform.; trud I zar. plata no.4:70-73 '59. (MIRA 12:6) (labor productivity) MOSHRESKIT, M.; ORWV, P.; ARON, Ye. Classification of working time in the industry of capitalist countries. Sots. trud 4 no.4:85-94 Ap '59. WRA 12.-6) (Time study) ORWY. Time standards in the naebinery industry of capitalist countries. Sots.trud 4 no.6:96-104 Je 159. (NM 12:8) -- (Wachinery industry-Labor productivity) (Time study) ORIMO re Department of labor organization at a plant of the film imdustr7 In France. Biul.nauch.inform.: trud i zar.plata no.11*6P-70 159. (MIRA 13:5) A (Vincennes. France-Photography-Films) ~--ORLOV, P. Method of a rational placement of equIpment to a workshop. Blul. nauch.inform.: trud i zar.plata, 3 no.9:59-64 160. (KIRL 11,9) (France-Alachine-shop practice) ORWV, P. BitablishIng tims, norms for milling operations vith the ald of standard norms In Prewh lndustry~ Biul mauche Inform,: trud I sweplats, 3 no*' M61-70 160, (KM& 13i12) (france-listal outting--Froduotlon standards) , ORLOVr P. Determining the necessary number of measurements in conducting the exact timing of operations in the industry of capitalist countries. Biul. nauch. inform.: trud i zar. plata, 4 no.1:67-72 161. (KIRA 14.3) (France-Time study) (United States-Time study) ~ ORLOV, P. Auxiliary time norm for operations in laying out sheet met&1 in processing shops of French industry. Biul. naixh. inform.. trud i zar. plata. 4 no-3:65-70 161. MIEI 14:3) (France-Machinery industry-Production standards) OFJ,OV,--F- - - - - Methodology for creating and applying norms for turming in France. Sots, trud 6 no.11-126-135 N 161. (MIRA 141;11) (France-Turning-Production standards) _-DUff, P.M, Plecework norme in the industry of the U,S.Ao,, France, Great Britain, and Woot GermwW. Mmhinostraitell no.8z24-26 Ag 161. (KIBA 14:7) (Empe,, Womtern-Froduction otandardn) (United States-Production st4ndardo) ORLOV, P., inzh. Electrochemical grinding and polishing. Ment.prom.i khud.prWs. 3 no.4:19 Ap 162. (MRA 15:5) (France-Electrolytic polishing) ORIOV_,_ P. - Using motion pictures for studying the expenditure of working tine at the Renault Plants, France. Biul.nwich. inform.: trud i zar. plata 5 no.1:73-75 '62. (MII,'~ 15:2) (France--Automobile industry) (Time study) (France--Motion pictures in industry) I . 1-',. 3 1 ~ z !it -r, , "Cat tij 11 r iv i I i rm; .* i I ~~, - k .~c -.~ k It %t ,i ~: L-- - .ll-v' S--` !-'-' - ". ~. ORIDV, P.M.; BABKINA, N.G., red.; BkMD, k.l., tekbn. red. [Cattle at the All-Union Agrimltural Exhibition of 1954; catalog] KmpWI rogatyi skot na Voesoiuznoi sel'skokhosiaistwermoi vystavke 1954 gods; katalog. Moskva, Goa. isd-w mllkhoz. 1955. 73 p. OCIRA 14:7) 1. ftrektor pajillonov uIrOM rogatyy skoto na Vassoyusnoy sell- akokhozyaystw~ftoy vystdvk# (for Orloy). , (Cattle-Exhibitions) (Moacov-Agricrultural exhibitions) IQ-MEW&&& MWSOVA, S.P. -, KABRINSBV, S.N.; SASS-TISSOTSKIY. redektor; MAIM, A.G., tekhnichaskly redaktor [Broods of cattle at the All-Uniou Agricultural fthibition] Porody "nogo rogetogo skots po inatertalan TSIhV. Isd. 2-o9, perer, I dop. [Moskva] Isd-vo Ministerstys sel'skogo khostaistvm SSSR, 1956. 143 P. (MLR& 10:1) (Cottle broods) ~-, z- V~ RYAZANMV. V.F., podpolkovnik meditainskoy Bluzhby; ORLOV, P.M.; AIADOYEV. N.G. Aerosol insecticide pots in fly control. Voen.-medahmr. no.7:85 Jl '57. (Knu 11:1) (AIRCSOIS) (INWTICIDES) (FLINS) CRW . P.N.; LOGACHRV, I.I. %I- - Livestock section at the All-Union Agricultural lxhibition. Nmuk% I pered.op.v sellkhos. 7 no.6:18-19 Je 157. (MLRA 10:7) (Stock and stockbresding-ExhibitIons) " Experience of collecti7e nnd stota fams exhibited Pt the All-Union Agrim.1tural Exhibition of 1957. Nouka I nered.op. v sellkhoz. ? no.8;5-7 157. (XLRA In:Q) 1. Glavnyy metodist Vneso.7unoy sellskokhozynystvennoy vyst-vki. (M!)scow--Agriculturalexhibitions) YFSAULOV. P.A.. kand. Rol 1nkokho3yavBtvonnykb nank; OIUPV, P.M.. zontsirchnilf: awmw_. Sizteenth All-Indian Livestock and Poijltry Exhibition thlrotao- vndetvo ?0 no.9:85-91 S 158. (6A 11:10) (Now Delhi--Livestock exhibitions) (India--Cattle breeds) Author: Orley, P. N. Titles land masuring technique (0~20eEd. (Zerdemarie (geoderdis). 325 p. CUP Aw" Pddldkw Staft eriatt" Home* of Apicultural 14terattreo Vates 2949 AvalUbles U. S. L*partmnt of Agrioultum aDww$ OwtMY Lut or Runia, Acceownes, Vol* 3,0 so. 2p Page 93 ORWV, P. H. - kaya, Z. V.- *The app3ication of the stereo-photorphic Y wthod for study of deformation of engineering structureagm Dok3ady 'Oak. Be -kh, aked. In, Tisdryazova), Isms 9, 19499 p. 157-58 SO: U~5240g 17, Dec. 53, (letopis 'Zhurnal IrVich Statey. No. 25, 1949).