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AUTHORSt Agakhanyants, O.Ye. and Selivanov, R.I. 12-1-21126 TITLEt None Given PERIODICALi Izveatiya Veesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva, 1958, # 1, PP 95 - 98 (USSR) ABSMACT: The reviewers criticize a book "The Tadzhik SSR" (Tadzhikskays SSR) composed by a large collective of authors (D.A. Chumichev, P.N. Ovehinnikov, A.V. Popov, Yu.L. Shchetkin, A. Dzhalilov, V.A._Yo_za_cNF_ov_s1_Tj,_ B. Kh. Karmysheva, Y.R. Rakhimov, I.K. Narzikulov, S.L. Malayeva). This book gives a general picture of Tadzhikistan. A great part of the work is devoted to physico-geographical matters, connecting natural description with economic evaluations. However, there is a series of deficiencies such as problems of divisions into districts, which are Insufficiently covered, wrong descriptions of some natural phenomena and erroneous economic recommendations. Many facts relating to nature and economics are obsolete. On the basis of the mentioned obser- vations the book cannot be recommended to a large circle of readers. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 1/1 KIRILIDVA. Yevgenlya Grigorlyevna: OVCHINNIZOV. P.N.. ZVWi. G.O., red.; KOTSABIWO, Ye.G.. red.tad-va, YRDLOV. P.M.. [Root crops in the high Pamirs] KornsplodiWe kulltury v uoloviiakh vy"okogortl Pantra. Stalinabad. 1959. 86 p. (Aiaidemiia nauk Tatshikskoi SSR. Stalinabad. Trudy. vol. 91). (HIRA 13:2) (Pamirs--Root crops) ANTIPOV-V,RATATV, I.N.- OVCHINNIKOV. P.N.; BILTAIMYA, L.P.; ROYCHKOVSKIT: F.X-, IWTAfMTA, N.N., - KIRZUH. P.A.: LIPKIMD. 1. M. 01'ga Aleksandrovnn GrabovOmla: nbituary. lov.Otd.ost.ntiuk AS Tadzh.SSR no.2:145-149 159. (14IRA 13-4) (Grabovskata. 01'ga Alaksandrovm, 190P,1958) NARZIKULDV, H.N.p otv. red.; BORISOV, V.A., red.; ~QLV_Q~INIUKOV, P.N., red.; F*jJ(ROVSKIY, V.S., red.; SAPOZHNIKOV, G.N., red.; SHAPOSHNIKOV, L.K., red.; VINOGRADSY-PA, S.N., red.izd-va; GELLER, S.P., tekhn. red. (Transactions of the All-Union Congress on the Conserva- tion of Nature) Trudy Vaesoiuznogo soveshchaniia po okh- mne prirody. 3d. Dushanbe, Andesila po okhrane prirody AN Tadzhik.SSR, 1961. 128 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Vsesayuznoye soveshchaniye po okhrane pr1rody. 3d, Pushambe, 1960. -~'x ZAPRYAGAYEVA, Vera Ivanovna; OMMININCV, Y.N., g.uiv. red. [Wild fruit plants of Tajikistanl '~hrr.llo rloclovye Tadzhikistan%. Glav. red. P.N. Dv,-~Jnnlrov. V,013kva, 17,d- vo "Nauka," 1964. 694 P. (MIRA 17:5) OVCHINNINDVO PON* New technological processes used in producing chemicals. Bjul. tokh.-skon.infors. no.10144-48 '58. (KIRk 111121 (Chemicals--Manufacture and tnitustry) OVCHMAM, It. P. ; Si'LR ',l)()N(YV , S.F. ; AX I IIENNO, f;, 1. Record proeuction of -,)al w,,LA the M-1 cutter- I under. i gC, I ' 40 no. 12 - U.- ', 6 D 165 . I ~l " il, A , 8: I_, 1. NoT-maVv-nc,-t~islpnnv%te' lixhyn qLan,rly-d trerIvi !'.r(Avnt,. 1 1. OVCHINUKOV, Semen Ivanovich; IUSI(Ka, Favol Somenovich; MISHIN, kftTld7--tekhm;--Tuiuk, roL,3onzont; NOVIKOV, V.S., Inzh., re-Aenzent; PL3YAI,I.IY.~,V, Y.N., rod.; DUYJIOVNY'Y, F.!;., rc~. [Crganization and plp,nnint- o." Ilipht lniugtr)- enterpriso!i' (,Y-- genizatsiia i plj~nirovi,nie ;:-e(.,jrliatii lerkol Tromyrhlcnn(,sti. Moskva, lzd-vo "Logkaia ln~:i.,,ltrila," 1')C4. ~171 1,. (Y,:,~A 17: L) SHITIKOV, V.P.,- OVCH320"IKOV, S.G. caunen or and mat.,odn of nlinlrin'lng 'kin clodding of rol:A,,, t~cr,( -T~ the rwnufacture of asbentoo friction mrticleae KAuch.1 rnz. .11 no.7:35-Y7 JI 162. (:'IRA 15:7) 1. Vsesoyucnr- nauchno-issledovatellul-ly inc3tit'A asberlo-t,khri- cheskikh izdeliy. (Yaroslavl-Asbestoa) SHITIRM, V.P.; VINDGRAWV, P.A.; TARUSINk, M.S.; Prininall uchastlyes GLVSHIMOVA, K.B.; ARSEWITEVA, N.G.; GUDOK, V.V.; GVCHINNIKOV, S_.G.,; MALKOVA, A.P. f Increasing the heat and vear resistance of engineering asbestos friction materials. Kauch.1 rez. 21 no.l2a25-26 D 162. (MIRA 16s1) 1. VsesoyuzTVY nauchno-Imstedovatel'skiy institut asbesto- tekhnicheskikh izdeliy, Yaroslavskiy savod sinteticheakogo kauchuka i Yaroslavskiy zavod asbesto-tekhinicheakikh lzdelly. (Rubber goods) (Asbestos) U!CI * ~ ~ (V 0 3. T. , kand. tel:hr.nauk , dotoort C orrer,-)r -dance schools for V-e traininf; of future . Nozb.-obov.prom. 3 no.1C.-M-18 0 161. 1-1.11C 1. Rektor Tooso:,uznoL:o zacc'nogo inatituts. tekstillno*. i legkoy prom.-ohlennosti. (Ukraine-Corres?ondence schools nnd ccixses: MCHTTZIKOV, S. I. C(,nv-ving Machinpn/ A lication of Pnr!n,-r Kovnlev's techni.)ue in studying the o~*-r4tl)n I con,-Yor flowl. L~,g, rrom. 12 no. ~, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessicns, Library of Congress, Augus . - .'I h'. a !, - . . 1) icH LZ AIKV-vl p 0,, 1 . OTCHMINOT, S.I., inshener. Using conveyors in cutting rooms of shoo factories. log.prom. 14 rio.5:12-14 My '54. (WAA 7:6) (Shoo Industry) OTMINNIKOV, S., -dote.; PUSHKIN, P., (tots. j -2cononics of the light industrya by L.I. Itin. Reviewed by S. Orahlanikov, P. Pushkin. Leg. prom. 113 no. 1.-5(1..53 JA IrA. (lanther industry) (9hoe Industry) (Itin, 14 1. ) (MIRA 1192) OVC11- KNIKOV. S. I.. kivnd. tnkhn. linuk; SV I R IN A, V. I., i till h. Designing cnnveyinp, lines for a wide-assortment production. Leg.pron. 18 no.10:6-9 0 '58. OCRA 11:11) (Assembly-line methods) OVCHMIIKDVR S*I., kand. takhn. mail Ir , dotoont Organizing the press sections of production lines in the manufacture of footw9ar with the hot vulcanization method. IZV. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. log. prom. no. 10-8 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut legkoy promyshlennosti. Rekomendovana kafedroy organizataii proizvodstva i ekonomiki legkoy promyshlennosti. (Shoe manufacture) (Assembly-line methods) OVCHIBNIKOV S.I. Imnd.tekhn.nauk, doteent; PUSHKIN. P.8., kand.tekhn. n~ 0 nau1c, dotsent Trend@ in Improvements in the production layout dod in the administration structure of shoo factories. Report Vo.2. INV. Tye. uabob. 2&v.; takh. log. prom. no.2:7-14 160. (MIRA 13ill) 1. Moskovskiy tekhoologichaskiy institut legkoy promyshelennosti. Rekomandovaaa loOsdroy ekonomiki I organizatell prottvodstra. (Shoo industry-Haaagement) OVCHII-NIKOV. S.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; FUSHYIN, P.S,, kand,tekbn.nauk, dotse~t Trends in the improvement of the production setup and of the admir4Xtrativd structure in shoe factories. Report No. 1. Izv. vyB. ucheb. zav.; tekh. log. prom. no. 1:13-23 160. (MIRA 14: 5) 1. Moskovskly tekhnologicheakiy institut legkoy promyahlennosti. Rekowendovana kafedroy organizataii proirvodotva i ekonomiki legkoy promyehlennosti. (Shoe industry) DOLGOVA, Ye.S.s, Inzh.; OVCHIM11KOV, S.I., kand.tokhn.nauk, dotsent Zffectiveness of aingle-proce6a shaping in the manufactLre of footwear. Izv. vys. uchqbv zav.; tekh. log. prom. no. 1:9-12 160,, (MIRA 1415) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut legkoy promyshlennosti. Rekomendovana kafedroy orgdnizateil proizvodstva i ekonomiki legkoy promyshlonnosti. (Shoe manufacture) aVCHINNIKOV, S.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, doteent Potentla.le of production capacity in the manufacture of footwear with the hot vulcan1jntion method. Kozh.-obuv.prcri. 3 no.2:2-5 F 161. (MIRA 14-4) (Boots and shoes, Rubber) PUSRKJ141 P..i.; 07~lillil;IKOV, S.I.; GORNOSTAY-POL'oKlY, A.M. Methods of deturmiaing the mcchunization indices In producti,n. Kozli,-obuv.l)x-om. 1. no.10-14 Ja 16-1. (1411%Ji 15:j) (Kishenev-lAlatbor induLitry) BELYAXOVA, N.V.; ZAY(-NCHYOVSK1Y, A.D.; qVCHINNIKOV, 3.1. Potentialities ir. tlle manufsc*,ire 3f mi-roporous s,les ir, the "Iskozh" Combine. KC1ZJ71.-01 'IV. P,-00. 4 nc.2:d_1-2~ F',,,e . (~QRA (Kalinin-boots and shoes, Rubber) OVCHINKIA0V.,-Sax"-IYa4oyjqbj_ GRYZL4DVA, T.A.p dota., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsentent; NOVIKOV, V.S., inzh., reteenzent; FLEKYAWIIKOV, M.N., red. [Organization and planning of shoe industry enterprisesl Organizatsiia i planirovanie predprilatli obuvnol pro- myshlonnosti. Moskva, Legnkaia industriia# 1965. 174 p. (MIRA 1W) AW FM SMM COM tM/0323/65/000/005/0003/0009 AVMj PosmWakovs Tfs. 1. (204"ex); yesint V. A. (Comilexte of t,,bi,.l ,Iences~; ,!P.*.v.Aj6jUC&DA1dAt* Of technical sclewes)j Cbertkov, D. a. (Sagover) 00: Iftsdaymkov; Tem1n) lbscow Technological Institute of Light Industry (Hookovskiy tekbnologichlekly Imatitut legkoy promWahlennostl); [Orchinalk-ml All-Mion correspob. dome Institute or Textiles and Ught Industry (Vi�esoyu=Wy Institut tekstillnoy i 2satoy promrehUnmostl); Iftertkawl Lvov Company "Progress" (Myov key& firm& *Psqpvssr) T TJ : Orgaidsatloma and technical Uvelopment or footwear production and Industrial structure of a factory SOWN: IM Tokhnologiya 2eSkoy promyshlonnostit no, 5p 1965p 3-9 ?AM: industrial production,, lDdustrial plant, footwear AWIRACT; This art1c3A ae&U with the structure and production of a footwear factory. The production structure of a footmar factory must be at the level of orgesdzational mA technical dovelopmeit of productions Rearganizotton or the production structure of rootwear factories awt be carried out on the level of the improvement of technical proceduress teebnologyq and organIzatloo-of production, [WTI SUN Corn: n/ s= mw: 26Apr65/ cm mr: om/ //J~ 5 L W(I)JEWT(n)MEW(t) IJP(c) JD/Oa ACC NRs AP6011002 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/003/0795/0798 ~,.AUTHOR: Ovehimik.oy.'Tu.~N y Institut) W(ifiik~ 161ko4ekhatcheski Moscow Physlcotec6ii~d 16, magnetic field 'TITLE: Specific heat o guy* SOURCE: Zhurnal ekspertmentallnoy i teoreticheekoy fitiki, v. 50, no. 3, 1966, 795-798 heat, magnetic field ABSTRACT: The behavior of a thin superconducting:iin a stationary magnetic field to considered. The field is assumed to be directed along the film and to satisfy the condition where d is the film thickness andl*~V/T,, is tile correlation parameter. Subject to such a condition, the ordering parameter A(r) can be considered to be the same throughout the film, even though such fields change the spectrum* Since he gap depends on the angles and vanishes for certain directions the quantity A does not play the role of a gap in the spectrum. The spectrum derived is used for determining the thermal capacity of the film. It is shown that at low temperature."(t-< N' the specific heat decreases according to a power law. (CS) SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE., l50ct65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REFt OOl/ TOPIC TAGS: superconductivity, superconductor, BCS th ry. thin f ilm , apecif ic L -CWd OVC&INAIII~'CIV _'~ V S.K. OVOINN11,0V DOWIMAII , B.A. and S.K. OWEINNILOV. ...Geo!L)f,,iir aialaiskogo khrebta (severn sklon tsentrallnoi ctutsti) ... Leningrad, Izd. T-Jz~Askc,-Pmairskoi ekspeditsill 1936. 63, (1),-. (TadzhiRs,-o-PnjnIrs),.aJa ekspedlts~ia 193L g. Trudy ekspedits.'J, vyp. LXV) . Bibliogmphical foot-notes. Sum-rery in English. DLC- ~E315.Ekj SO: LC, 3oviet -,eography, Part 11, 1951, Uncia5sified (JVCfilNNIKOV, S.K. (doceasod) Southern Gissar structurpl-facies zone and tne Gisear deep-seated fracture. 'zv. Otd. gool.-khim. i taki. nauk AN Tjidzt,. SSR Do. i . 91-98 il 59. (MIKA ". . F, 1. Voesoyuzn)-y goologichookiy institut. (Gias&r R%nge---4'-eology) OVCHINII-IKOV, S.K. (deceased) 3tructurELI levels of the Southern GisAar. A'zv. Ctd. est. nauk Ali Tadzh. SSR no.3:55-~ 159. 1YJ -- 1;, 15 : ' 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy geologichookly institut. (Gisw Range-Geology, Structural) (K&rntogin Rango-Goologyo Structural) N -. -:. w OVC ~i 141 K )vCI., ,+w~ic -.,. . ,-i- !:), ri~ -rA %- , -, , ,4 use of carbon dioxide-. So: Veterinar~ya; 23; ~12 . :ece-,ui-r I TAKiN 0 0 0 0 e j 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 :Lin si, raLx ea 3 s a., t a -Zi Ve IT. 'rvtiq -e s -I Fsert i'J -,r.s Def'~., e- S' DUBOVOY, L.V.; SHVETS, O.M.; OVCHINNIKOV, S.S. Measurement and stabilization of magnetic fields by mearw of the electron cyclotron resonance. Prib. i tekh. eksp. no-3:106- 109 My-Ja 160. (MklitA 14: 10) 1. Fiziko-takhnichaskiy inatitut AN USSR. (Magnetic fialds-44easurement) S/06 6o/oo6 /'04/"0 2,'C(, Bi I 3YB017 AUTHORSi Dubovoy, L. V., Shvets, 0. H., Ovchinnikov, S. S. TITLEt Ionic Cyclotron ResonanooWIn Done@ Plasmas 1,1' PERIODICAL: Atonnaya energiya, 1960, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp 316-523 TEXTt The possibility of heating plasma was investigated by using ionic cyclotron resonance. In this connection it was found that experiments yield satisfactory agr*oment with the theory of the dependence of the reduction of the influence exercised by the polarized field on ponetrat- ing variable fields for heated plasma with charged-particle densities of 10 13 to 1014 cm- 3. In plasma with a low Ionization degree a strong reduction of the energy transfer efficiency of the high-frequency field to the ions is observed with an increase in their velocity, which is related with the cooling of these ions by neutral ions. The authors thank K. D. Sinellnikov for discussions. There are 10 figures and 13 referencest 6 Soviet, 4 American, I British, I French, and 1 German. SUBMITTEDi May 4, 1959 Card 1/1 8/781/62/00/M/002/036 AMMOR: DdMoy, L. U., Bhvo%, 0. M., Ovehinnikov 58* TITLE: lon cyclotron resonance In a donee plasma PRRMJCAL: Flaika plazmy I problemy upravlyayemogo termoyaderpop sintezo; doklady I konforentoll po fitike platmy I problems upravlyoyomykh termoyedemykh makksiy. Flz.-tekh. inst. AN Ukr- SSR. Kiev, lad-vo AN Ukr. 8811, 1962, 8-9. i.'~.''TZXT: Tbopossibility otheating plasma via the Ion cyclotron resonance mechanism was The plasma source was an electric discharge with oscillating electrons. The III varied from d6oll"ve d"M 101 to 101, cm and tbe absorption of the high frequency power was measured by dolex InIngtboobange ia Ow Q of a rosonant circuit, the self-inductance of which served as the element introduced in the high frequency SOMW Is the plasma. is ok dot do ase of abort boning sections (compared with the longth of do plasma "ooh) It planiA with charpd-particli density 101-1011 ca-8 makes It possible to attenuate caw 1/2 8/781/62/000/000/002/036 iytiolma resonance in a dense plasma influemp of the transverse ion polarization fields resulting. from the motion of the elec- Iro6j slongtbe force lines of the external magnetic field. Measurements made over a wide rangs 4 pressures and plasma densities point to a satisfactory agreement with the StiX jo. theory for systems of this type - A method of estimating the effectiveness of ion heating In the ~ rosommi region is developed. It Is shown that in a plasma with low degree of ionization, efficiewy.of energy transfer from the fields to the ions decreases with Increasing ion *ocIty j~Ang the heitl ng process To explain the rate of 'energy dissipation observed in the -.40"risamts it became necessary to suggest a now mechanism for the interaction between particles. According to preliminary data, the efficiency of this mechanism In- ems"VIVidly with 1wreasing electric field intentity, but Its nature is still not clear. -j~m two rebrences, one of which to by T. N. Stiz, Physics of Fluids, 1, 308 (1958). Tbm W2 -Tssorl -ql Apnis 0l SPM '-'O-'2n6TjSaAUT aqi jo asodind aqL W-OVU.LSqV AITSUaP PWSPTd 'VWST -e PaZTUOT -4u;auiaj-r7,-oo ?,-useTd uo,,--zT,-4oj vui,~ L, 'UOTIOrJaJUT p-,-w-:: -,7i u-butu -,uisLTd 'bUTIPPU vuisp7d Z)IdO-T ~Zw OA-PZI ',~,OTV 'C- 'OU 'TTS-4 -TNOP ;o ---!-'aTqo-ld -7 -U7PTC? LIX77-_T t,-z !-1 0 V '-'T PO-lPn-4Tf, lelUSIOTd T? 0-1 r,3',Mnboj3-q6T74 jo A-Lclc!nS :2,1, IL 'J, 'A 'NOT01 :"W *0 'S-4;9AqS S'doH' rV "S -S 'AOX-rUUT'4Z)Ao J - I '~~TC/LTLTO/~00/000/E9/18LZ/S 9t709EOVJV :dN NOISSZO:)V ACCE'SSION NR: AT4036048 plasma. if the generator frequency ;s lower than the ion cyclotron frequency, the high-frequency generator can be used Lo produce a rotating plasma more effectively than in crossed electric and mag- ne~"c fields (using a radial capacitor discharge), since no arc is produced to conLaminate the plasma with wall-chamber material. Plots showing t,-Ie relations between the different plasma paramet'~rs are inclucied. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 DATE; ACQ. y 6 4 L-CL: 61 SUB CODE: XE NR RZF SOV: 000 0 7. i El(: 303 Card 3/4 A,CCESSION NR:AT4036046 A iT-l ~, p 37 111 ..i "c 3 2200 c U-1 4.Ir c e a i~ r am s e P E,;C LOS URE :-o: e, Pro-` a Card 4/4 ACCESSION %R: AT4036057 6/2761/63/000/003/0184/0192 AUT11ORSg Shvots, 0. M.j Ovchinnikov, S. 6.1 Tarasenko, V. F.1 Tolok, V. T. TITLE: Investigation of tho properties of a plasma in crossed electric and magnetic fields SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike pla4my* i problemam upravlyayemogo ter-noyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Kharkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i prob- lemy* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and prob- lems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferentsii, no. 3. Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 184-192 TOPIC TAGS: plasma research, plasma rotation, plasma magnetic field interaction, plasma electric field interaction, magnetic mirror, ionized plasma ABSTRACT: Tests were made on a rotating plasma in crossed fields, confined by a system of magnetic mirrors. The installation consti- c0rd 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036057 tutes a coaxial copper chamber (inside and outside diamaters 1.6 and 12.5 cm respectively, length 180 cm) placed in a homogeneous mag- netic field that can be regulated from 0 to 20 A/m and in a radial electric field produced by capacitor bank of 1050 ILF connected to the system through a discharge gap and six coaxial cables. The vacuum in the system was 1.33 x 10-4 n/M2. Oscillograms were taken of the waveform of the plasma voltage, of the capacitor and short- circuit currents, of plasma-diamagnetism signals from a probe lo- cated in the working volume, and of the time dependence of the light, obtained with a photomultiplier. The results show that a plasma rotating in crossed electric and magnetic fields has many advantages over a plasma produced by other means. A rotating plasma can be re- tained for several hundred microseconds at densities on the order of 1015 cm-3 and high degree of ionization (-30%). The confinement time (650--1000 ~isec) agrees well with the time of penetration of the magnetic field due to the azimuthal current through the chamber wall (-1000 ;.~sec). It is therefore proposed that the plasma confinement Cord 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036057 time is determined under these conditions essentially by the time of penetration of the magnetic field through the chamber wall. if this factor turns out to be decisive, then the penetration time of the field can be increased by increasing the wall conductivity and the wall thickness. The former can be done by cooling the chamber, but the latter entails attenuation of the field at the chamber walls. Experiments are continuing in this direction since an es- timate indicates that the penetration time of the magnetic field through the chamber wall can be increased by three orders of magni- tude. Orig. art. hass 6 formulas and 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQt 2lKay64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODEs XE NR REP SOV# 001 OTHER; 005 Cwd 3/4 ACCZSS104. n: AT4036057 To oscilloscope K OCWAW4X~V C. N,. R, R. 3 R' R. nP PO !L 2A A C&vd 4/4 ENCLOSURE: 01 Schematic diagram of Instal!a,,Ic 1 - copper vacuum chamber, 2 - central rod, 3 - porcelain 4 - solenoid producing a homoge:.eous magnetic field, PI, P2 - dIsc rge gap voltage divider, Ilp Rogowsk.' .2. - capacitor bank, R - .y loop, 01 E AP limiting resistor, R 0 Integ- rating network. E*tiT(I)/EPF(n)--:~WG(m)/F.PA(w)-2 N-6/Po-4/Pah-10#1-4 1,1, T- (c) WW/AT AP5010810 W~AS/036/004/0717/0722 AVMOiL- Shvets O*M* Orchinnikov&q.I.To: T AM, -91gk, Y.T. TITWt -Investigation of the. properties of a-21ma-&-in crossed electric iffind magnetic, f 10lds 8OU=i~.Xh=%al-tskhU10hGskoY fisikil v 35,, no, 49 1065t 717-722 -TOPIC TAOSs plasma rotation, plasma mtabllity, Plasm a confimmonte hydrogen plasma 1, electric field, magnetic f leld ABSTRACTs The behavior of a hydrogen plasma was Inveatigated in or cooed radial electric and longitudinal magnetic fields* The plasma was contained in the 180 ca long annular space between two coaxial copper cylinders of diameter L6 and 12.2 one The radial electric field was produced by discharging a 2050 ;tfd capeoitor across ~hs two copper cylindernt and a longltudinal magnetic field up to 2500 Oe iwas produced by 24 water-cooled coils. Hydxog n was admitted and thesystem pumped. continuously,, During the operating cycle, the current through the plasma ~Snd ths~ p0ential across it were recordod, The luminosity was recorded with a -photomultiplUrp-and''thore was S magnetic __,,,,,b, wittIn WW working volume At the end of the operating cycle the plasm was short o1multed with a spark,gapo Two "C'Wd IA 77-7 :7 -7----' 49245~65 ACCWtOK_XU-_ AP3016810 ~S 'SIXm-anx maxima of the luminous Intensity vere observedl the first in ascribed t., oe .1, arc'~breakdown and the second to the formation of an electron zone near 0, 46' The plasma was 'found to remainAn stable rotation for 650-1000,gsec. .1-iltion Of the stable rotation was nearly independent of the pressure, W'. az_j fiold btrength, and capacity And charge of the capacitor bank, and vas of Vi or~ar of.the time, required for the magnotio fIeld:Aua -to the- plasma currents At .'arAtftte the conducting wall of the chanbers It is concludO that during thib S..,-JIL.period the plasma Is confined by the magnetic field and that the duration -increasing the conductivity of U, r-.~ tt...4e rotation could be greatly inoreaaod by _Ier wall* Experl"Uts to test this conclusion by cooling the wall of the L.1-ber a" under way* It is suggested that plasmas In crossed fields way find A.--oxteal application In the construction of noninductive capacitors and bigb- p-or svltchiDg devices* "The authors.expreas their'deep erstilkude to Acadeaicirt.~ A- .sInAtnikow- for- his -support- And - interest- in- fte -_*6ekt -and they also thank O-AA9SftA=MM_1A__Wj And 1(&l am discustint the ~rssulti-df Us experimixtat and PsYsPeshkov for his active Art-icipation-In -the - -dev parft at the AV tus* Orig, arto 2": 7, V" 49~45-65 3=4 00 BUD Ax"I a O=%j 004.. -.L,134-49-66 1JP(c) JDAT ACC Nits ANN3441 NOW= 0=1 W/001~02/012/2168/2100 AVIVOt Shwets, O.IL; Omblvelbov, M6X:;T&r&mmh*, V.F:v%vlftbs~h*.%S.;T*1qk V~T- Cage. Z I DIMUn ot to a metallic chamber by a blo frequency NOUNM ZkWU*1 tGOINIChm" flalki, V. 35, no. 12, 19M, 21M-2168 2MC ?AM-. plamm generator, paseve election t -ratere, plasm deasity~ plasm hGotleg, blo frwpgm" discharge, "Onwri 11, 14 -3 Damon (up to 2 x 10 CIR ) Plamos were Produced to a 12.5 cm diameter. 2 m long cylindrical c 16amber of 2.5 M wall thickness with glass ends by ex- citing two 5 em, diameter, 7 ce long aluminum electrodes located I a apart on the silo of the chamber at 1.82 Uft with a 100ky oxcIllatera, A longitudinal magnetic field UP to 2*5 hOW WAS Provided by a suitable winding. The experimeto are preliminary to & P"JsctOd l"O'StUstism Of PID~ besting by left cyclotron waves. The plasm dmsltl" WOW d&tendaW* from the Stork b goo' ift of N pl, observed with a 1.3 a local loath spectrometer, and live rollectles of 3 ca and 0.6 co, wavelo*gth micro- waves. Zloetrm temperatures were determined from the Intensity ratio of triplet to singlot bellmo lines. Plaom damaltlen were also determined tam the intensity of X 11 on the assampAles that 9 Itatiom Is entirely by electron Impact; the densities 1/2 OW s 523. 9. 07 L 4092~- 6 t 1!W'A A' ACC NR- AT6020564 SGURCE CODE: AUT HOR; Shvets 0. M Ov h 7arasenr c P4v1-ichcnkoj,__L Tolo~., Y,_T_,__ ORG: none TITLE: Study of the conditions for generating a iense plasma ir, a motAl' c:.xm!~er ar.-' the high fr*quency ~"ting of plasma,~, SOURCE: AN LJkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy (High freq,,iency proper-~.-'es cf plasma). Kiev, Naukovo dunka, 1965, 26-38 TOPIC TAGS: heated plasma, plasma density, plasma generator, argon plasma A3STP,4.C-,: The peneration of 2~43ma in a rnt-a. an" the plasma were investigated. A (~" -.Zri:- of tke 100 kw car. be generated at f rv que--c'e s of 7he C be produced in several confir,--rdl~C-S, t,aS j 7, X -~ 17, *, ~7 V6C diagnostics conb.*1-* o': vc,*,i,~i dcro~~" It., '-las-'a nines the couP-ing Ments of P~asma a:... '1~' and ions an,~ 3 magne, ic 1 rc-~- , c, cT, 3 a,-, ~', atemperatture ot ~-Av-"'X W-Jr- 11*1111'."':'~'~ Card 1/2 1 _25W5_66 ACC NR, AM12387 and thas does not tend to drive the too any from the region of the mgnetlc airror; do conditions for producing the waves do not deteriorate with increasing plasms site or density; the lapat Impedance to law; and margy can be Introduced at two different frequencies It It to desired to beat both the Ion and the electron components of the plomm. Regular oscillations at frequencies of the order of 20 kXx of the lAonsItles of spectrum lines were obierved at , tic field strentba close to the proton cyclo- tron resonance. Theme oscillations appeared when waves were being excited In the plasm sed wore due to eccentric rotatiom of the plasm filamat so a whole with respect to the axis of the chamber, as was cWIrmd by longitudinal observation with tio pbotowltipliors mounted 3 on from the axis. 7be too temperatures were determined free the Doppler bromdoolft of spectrum 21mese ?be temperature of the additional gas (helium or argon) Increased sharply as the strength of the magnetic field appmeched the proton cyclotron resonance value, Argon temperatures am high as 250 oV were ob- &V . Tompersturms of various Impurity tons wore also measured; those temperature* r re Independent of Us was of the Impurity Ion. The width of No late prefed as lor broodentagg Indicated a such lower t~mpvrsture for d age stom then for the rlous loss, We Is ascribed to the short life of a hyd cg *too In the plessm,.The r empersture of tbo plasm decrees" rapidly with Increasing diatoms from the axis, emp Do does by a factor of 5 at 4 on fros the axles The Ion temperature increased I pidly with increasing hi&t-frequemey powera, and mob higher temperatures could apper- tly be achieved by Increasing the hIgb,~trm"mcy power md the - -g --tic field tre"th, It to concluded that a dome plomme oastalalft two kinds of lose can be 2/3 L. Z-I-N M-r'?h ACC NA. AprmI387 Mated by mamowe WwWtION of "M CYCIOt"a WaVOW IN 100 of -Omw kIWO but that WW mdmmlm of amply growler be& I taw two affelftt blaft of iow to not OrAge art* km: 3 lormobw aM 4 tjgwmp,. AI 3 - V.~ ~,,, .,Ig -1 S4 3 A L L 05Q17-67 ACC NR- AR6032293 cyclotron ion waves on the plasma resulted in an insignificant increase in the ion temperature of the basic gas (H3) and a noticeable heating up of the ions of other gases which were present in the systern (tip to ---, 200 ev). The mechanism of energy transmission by protons to other ions is not clear. Bibliography of 3 titles. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 09, 20/ 'K h Card 2 / 2 OVCHIIIIIIKOV, S.S. Deterviination of the quality of treatment of raw Pont from Its mechanical properties before and after trestmnt. Sbor.rviuch. trud.Bel.politekh.inst. no.65:91-96 '59. (MIRA 13-5) (Peat) OYCHINNIZOV. S.S. Investigating the reolstawe of raw peat to dieplacenont. Sbor. much.trud.Bel.pollte)M.inst. no.65:211-222 '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Pent) GLUSHKO, V&BJliy Vasillyevich; KLITOChUlKO, Ivan Filippovich; KRAMARENKC, Vladi=Ir Nikolayevich; MAKSIMOV, Stepan Pavlovich; CHIRVIVSKAYA, Marina Vladimirovna; OVCHIBIKOVA, S.Y., red.; VORONOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (Geology of oil and gas fielas in the Ukrainian S.S.~(.' Geologiia neftianykh i gazovykh mestorozhdenii Ukraim,- skoi SSR. MoskvR, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 314 p. (Y1 A 17:.)') OVG11Mj1w.-J1k%or Alakneyevich; LIBIRISON, Zyams Milchaylovich: SAMBUR. Anstolly Mikheylovich; TOLPTABSKIT. L.M., intbeaft. retseasenti DOVOOPOL. V.I., inshener. redaktor; DUGIAA, N.A.. telEhnichookiy redaktor (*All molding at the Ural Car Factory) Litle v obolochkovye formy as Urmlyagousavods. Noskya, Go*. asuchno-tokhns Isd-vo mashinostrott. lit-ry, 1956- 38 P- (MLU 9,.12) (Shell molding (Founding)) ~.; ~ I LIPSHITS,Ya.G., kandidat tokhnicheakikh mauk, doteent; OVCHINNIKOW.T.T. Inshener. Use of cast-iron bushings Instead of bronze ones In tractors. Vest. mash. 35 no.6:72 Je '55. (KLRA 8:8) I* Rostovskly Institut sellskokhosyaystvennop masbinostroyeniya (for Lifshits) 2. Perslanovskaya mashinno-traktornaya stanteiya Rostovskoy oblastl (for Ovehinnikow) (Cast iron) (Bearings (Kaahlnery)) SUBJECTz AUTHCHt TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: INSTITUTIONt PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Card 1/1 U33R/Schooling (Econouical Operation) 2; - -1)/ 52 Ovc hinnikov, V. , -hief of the 'thitomir Oblest.1 Adirdnistrat. - ion of Labor Reserves. To Reduce ExpenAitules in Training Cadres (Snizhat' Raskhody na Podgotovku Kadrov) Professionallno - rekhnicheakoye "'brazovaniye, Au(_,. 1~')7, # 13, p 27 (US3R) The short article calls attention to the :Ihitomir building School # 4, whose 150 students are trained as bricklayers, plasterers, concrete workers and carpenters. The author re- commends that existing schools examine whether their unfully used dining and living rooms cannot be used for instructional purposes. Zhitomirskovo Oblastncye Uj-Qv1o-rivr Trudovykh Hezervov (Zhitomir G!, 1 a 3 t ' A I ministration of Labor ReBer ves At the Lihrary of Congress OVCH1141iiiUv, V. rho cuBtomer should get a taBtY anu ineXpenelve coal. OOT - profsoiuzy 16 ao.15:35-37 -Ag '60. (MIRA 1):9) 1. ZAmestitel' zaveduyushchago zhilishchno-bytovym otdolom Vaesoyuzaogo teentrallnogo eoveta profsoyuzov. khtestaurants, lunchrooms, etc.) OVCHINNIUN, V. ; Gh. , stargMy InLh.-mekhan.*k MI-c-ainiat traixir,-. of Ls mack- ojx--rLtor. , rof.-tekh. ~ ~: I'L , :." 1 61 . , Mr. ; 1J.: P I . Nitclat 1 Inik AdtomirekoUo obl a.; tno,~o uj rbvleniya pro reasional 'n(- tokhni clip ~. kot-,o obrazovaniya (for Ovchitinikov). ( ri- I rovince-Farm ,nochanization-Study and toaching, OVCIiINIIIKCV V Physician prescrioes a diet. Sov. profscilzf 18 n,:-'-:3~-34 My I L)2. (MLI RA I I:!. 1. Zamestitell zaveduyushchago zhilisnahno-bytovfm otdelom Vsesoyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta profeasionallpykh soyuzov. (DIET IN DISEASE) (RESTAURANTS, LUNCHROOMS, ETC.) A I OVCHINNIXOV, V. Forms of public control. 3ov. profsoluzy 11 no.17.-15-19 5 162. OaRl 15:1) 1. ZAmestitell taveduyushchago zhIIIzhehno-bytovym otdelom Vseaoyuznogo taentrallnogo soveta professionallnykh soyuzov. (Auditing and inspection) (Trade unions) OVCHINNIKOV, V. - Your right &nd your duty. Sov.srbacht. .3 no..'Lt36-3' ja I'Ji.0 OC ttA 17: 3) 1. Zamestitell zaveduyushchogo zrii'lishchnc-by-tovym otdelor-. Vse- soyuznogo tsentrallnogo sov,~,.a ;.-of,-sAonal'nykh soyuzov. r% ZY, Fy , V-ad izi r Var- ! . I., C. x Ll. . nFluk ,Sl')!-~ IN, V I k ?,or V . ii,: . 1. , " -;f - t I r. zt, Pr I YAMSHCHTKOV ia, er 4 y ' - rioye ", -, go! nimali uchastlye, YA 'T h-!-;KTY , M.A. rnyy inzt.. LF BErK ' VA , A.A. 3VLH,NN'.K' V.A. gornyy inzh. ~it mining of cc&'. &n0 T o, k oa s e khna o - g i I a I k or. I i e k a na I a ;n,i K han i za t a I i a t k 7-y c o ty.% c 1. 1 l '!a, I no r, j -i r..- x i u t- rry k h 1-~ " k v h . lg . rud * , s k . i r- radloo~ektrr,nixi I NoJ. Tt- A rOff M AP 19675 0; + 3 &G4 -eAdwi., vwclhoo; Ma Jaw 0 of Ono water ii the ratio'-d'i 1 -45 i 0-5*-' Tlhe-f-orwAa.-of---tJie-m_rgduot obtained vas, T" MIO sooqity~-of -the synthesized compoundO arrforms The temperature dependencel of visoo sity,~and vapor pressure of- the arylooWailanes- synthesized are shown gmphically:(See 'Tigs.- 1 and- 2 of the. Sholosure). It is oonoluded that the I aryloagrail-anes my tbasized have a greater thermal stability than either of -the industrial owlautst. the aromatized oil A19-3M or'nobiltern- 600* Orig, art. has% 3 tables muid 2 #WLmd. 1041 Ace= or ami '02 M CONS - 005 ATD PRESS "- CK)O- Nz .-4L .. .. ... ,-dV, o f I v -60852-45- ENCLOSMEs 01 ACCUSION.M. AP5019675 L I ol -77~t 0 Tomperstwel 0 superatus dependence 6f the visoosityof I* T dipbonoxy enylphenoxy-~m-cresoxyci2anel, Pbeno.V S;x un 3*,;~ VhqWlpheno)44i0i~~6*A 4 di(phony-lpheno*ipbenoxy)- ddWrwjwi-7,AMi-9615 --7 --7 M(CLOSUREC-02' ~ &V - w0 A V l - t l f im .W 0 Temperaturef c Fig. 2. Saturation vapor pressure of'aryloxysilanes as AL of M-1 a4ej.2,-;m~-phez`V 'Pheno phenoxys . di(I)benyl- silane; -,3 pbenylphenoxyalpheboxy' tilhno I'. Al - -dioilomet enoxydiphenoV) r cck VAKHROMBTNV. I.S.; OVGHIKNIKOV, V.A. Work practice of the Uchal? geological prospocting party In the improvement and development nf directional drilling methods. Ruzved. I okh. nedr 21 no.6:13-18 Je 157. (MM 11:2) 1. UchalinskRya geologo-razvedochnaya partiva. (BorIqg) OVCHINNIKOV, V.-A., gornyy inth. Separate mining of co=plex str,.i,:t,1rq coal sea:L- ' a -)I e--, - I t mines of the Moscow Basin. U9,)l' 35 no.):19-?4 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:o~) (Moscow Baain--Strip mining) MDRDUKTIOVICR, I.L.. gorro,y inzh.; OVCHINNIKOV, V.A.. gortWy inzh. Introducir4- a now nxcavati,,n flov shoat at striTipine oppratinns. Ugnl' '1-s nn.1:1'~-ll 1. Podzn9knvnyy nRuchnn-laRlednvatel'skiy (K,nc(,w lasin-cnal mines and (Strip mining) Klarvrk -oal nina Wr '5 9. (MIRA 1,):5) agol 'n Institut. mln,7, ACC NR, AP6034207 tained from the rate of change of the acalo thicknesa. The propoaod method aloo per- mits the determination of the activation energy of decomposition of the HM. Orig. art.. hast 4 figures and 8 formilAs. SUB CODSi 0~ SUBM DATE$ 25J&n65/ ORIG REFj 007/ ON REFi 001 L 2/2 I - -.. " , ! . -1 .. - I . . . . . - . . . ~. nc.' - - 1.1 . wt U, , r.!,r. :. KURDYUKOV, G.V.,, dotsent; OVCHMIKOV, V-1" SHIILN, V.P., brigadir be tonshc hikov Reinforced concrete smokestacks are more economical than a wel ones. Prom.stroi. 40 no.8127-30 1621. 04W 15:1-1) (Chinnays) (Concrete construction) OTCHINNIKOV. V.I.; TRAUT. 0 N. M: Konstrultovantye Metalitcheekth Samoletov (Construction of Mptal Alrplpnes) Moscow 1944 Soviet Source: Abstracted in USAIP, "Treasurp Island", on filp in Library of Coner~se. Air Information Division, Report N. 92428 O%CFIII-IKO'vf V.I,, CInv. -.Pd ; 0S];,CFIT'YGVA, V.A , red,; ILKE-Ll~), G b rea.-, VCLYCV, 1, P , red I.T,, red.; ATVKOV, E tekhr,. -ca. (Thermal and electric power IJI eploenergetika; nauchno-telchni- cheskii qtK,rnIk. ftnnk, 1961. 60 p. (MMA 15-.11) r~ .. If. I 1, bauchno ob, hchnstvo one-getichoskoy rro- 'IC- re- -Manskoye otAieleniu. mycUrnnost- 'UJf9k,)-yr (Pow(3r erigir.eering) (T.",cctrAc power) RXISH. A.I.; GILUIA. N.D.; OYCHINNIKOV. V.I.; STAKKOVSKIT. A.P.. insh., red.; PAKHONOVA. N.A., red.tsd-va: RLIKINA. 2.N.. [0n# scoop excavators with cApacitles of from 0.15 to 0.) v~] Odnokovehov" skskavatory 0.15-0.3 03. Pod red. A.F.Stankovskogo. Noskva. Goo.izd-,Yo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. i stroit.materia- lam. 1959. 102 p. (MIRA 12:7) (Rxcavating machinery) REYS1. A.K.: GILULA. N.D.; OVCHINNIKOV, T.K.: STANKOVSKIY. A.P.. inth.. rod.; TELIFUGOVA, N.N., red.izd-va: AWKINA. R.N., [Singlo-brucket excavators with 0.5 to 2 m3 capacity) Odno- kovshovys eksimvatory 0.5 - 2 m3. Pod red. A.P.Stankovnkogo. NoskTa, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po strolt., arkh1t. i strott. materialam, 1959. 147 p. (MIRA 121R) (Bxcavnting ranchinery) S/06 11621000102110 32/069 B149/B101 AuTiiORS1 OvehinniKov, V. K., Serdyuk, A. S. TITLEs Use of labelled atoms to investigate the migration of silver on radioceramic surfaces PERIGDICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 21, 1962, 550, abstract 21K200 :zv. Leningr. eleKtrotethn. in-ta, no. 46, 1961, 546 - 547) TEX"'; Silver is spread from electrodes onto a ceramic surface by sub- limating it and subsequent cnemisorption on that surface. The rate of silver accumulation on a ceramic surface at 3500C and at a field intensity of 1.5 kv/cm is 10-11 g/sec, whicn corresponds to the rat* of silver sub- limation over tne wnole anode surface. In vacuo no migration of silver over a -ceramic surface is observed. 1,Abstracter's noteo Complete trans- lation., Card 1/1 bSSR/Nuclear Phfs.-s Abs Jour Re reran Zhur F~ z: ',.a -24 Author Nemi I )v, Yu - A -n nil - P sarev~,)-- A.N Tetf~rLn, Yt.D. Inst 14 t ~" ver. T't~e Use f the FEU,' in Or-'g, Pub Alom. eneri-~y-u, IL9`11L,, N Abstract Reprt -3.1- 7-he r-,;.. f a .e,,' -if a new FEU,2, wbl~~h ha-, f -I' )f .he shitter (,!) typi, an~, ha-, .,nclderably better para- meters than FEU-(o. 'Ile FEU-i2 has a Sb-Cc r Bi-Ae- Cs -ath.4,e .:i amcer. The bismvth-s ver-esi-im ,aLhodc 'q -~.en-i *-,e ver , v.!ere ran.~e cf Lhe s:~eclrum, ertendInv A t,h(4 C esteem, sje-men,;. 2C had an ntefTa- -a%h ,i,- sens~tv~tj ab,-ve 4~, Card 3 USSR/Nuclear Mysics Abs Jour Referat Zhur - F 7~v~a No :)L, mi:-roamperes per wiiei. (the W r .. 1, t y P A w. t1i a ccior temperature f 2~~4a' in,i;v!,-Iuai si,e niens have 80 microam-. ere,3 per amen. The effi 'en, )f an- p,.'f.catijn at a n,,rma. wur~in~- v ta_~e )n ~.he -)rder _)f 1.600 voits amount-, t) 05 -_ 4 x .(Y,. The stat.- -t;~ht character~stlc of the FEU-_2 is I;near to -urrents above 50 ma, and Ljro_on~,,ed .~perat'~)n at this -urrent is possible. The inear.ty f the 7,mj,~'Lude nirve, upon ex- posure to 6amma rayr , ex-, end s t ) 4.5 Mev 1. n :-omb -nat i )n with a NaI(T-') -rysta,). The value of the s-;,--.r"l pi-ked off reaches 4C -- 50 vo_~,3. The FEU-12 loes n~)t req,,ire a speciai choi-e if i))wcr sip; y. fir all tested gperl- mens, the best resj_u'-'-n was )btained when the v,,tao-es evenly ~ividei betweer, al, the e.e-tr_~des, the ~:Ap between the and the first lyno