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DaffiHA, A. [Domsa, A,]; 1,ALrALV:, A., Irniestigatlons c:. t:.e preparatior cS iror, Foross',.. met. -111 S-0 161. 1 no.5:102 1 1. Yauzhak-ly politekhnicheski-Y institut, Rumyrzlaya llarodnaya Respublika. Owmania-f-owder metallurgy) DONSA, A.; BOTHA, L.; P ; SkNDOR, L. Piston rings made of metal povders. Studii core motalurgio 7 U0.3. 319-337 '62. DONSAL, A.; PALF~AW".; BDTHA., 1.; NICOW, V.; COLAN, H.; SANDDR, L.; FILIP-L~CU, M.; PECULZA, M.,- CONSTANTIMCU, V. Studios on the antifriction materials Fe-graphite and Fe-Cu graphitef Studii cere metalurgie 7 no.l+:"1-456 162. DOMAII A.i BOTHA, L.; PALFA.LVI, A. On the decarbonization and Simultaneous reduction of Some iron powders. Bul stiint Polit Cluj n0.5:235-241 062. MZAP A.; FALFALVI, A.; BOTHA, L.; NIGOLAE, V..; COLAN, H.; SANDDR, L.- FILIPF-SCU, M.; PECUIZA, M.; COIJSTANTIN~-~GU, V. Contributions to elaboration of the Fe-graphite and graphite antifriction materials. sti-~nt polit Cluj no.5:243-259 062. COIAN,H.; DOMSA,A.; PALFALVI..A.; MCOLAE,V.; BOTHA,,I. Research or the molybdenum protectior by silicificatior. Studii cere metalurgie 8 rio.4t397-407 163. POKSA, A.; SZA PC , L. ; SWIRCHFZZ, Z. ; PALFALVI, A.; N I COLAF, V. ; Pt'7'A, 1- ; HEii C r' V 17 SS. Contributions t( tne man,i',ict-ire uff -Irriw p1piles mn !(- r," - ~tn- tungsten carbi-ie hard alloy. B-il stlinf. pnlit Cliij I POMSA, A. ; SZA130, L. , SPIRCITZ, Z. ; FALP'ALVI, A. ; NICOLE, V.; BC',TI:A, L. Cc, rit.ributions t.,, '.~.e st. udy and grrm-i I rim., tr :(- rlr)(j in v of powrir-:rn. ;' r I - ,he f"Pld if :v'!-ttnj7 sleves. Pri: poiLt Cliij 6.23'~-2,,4 '6'. .,'ACCESSION NRs AP40422V R/OO17/64/O0(VO%/O156/M58 1AUTHMS Domsa, A. ftiftivis A*, Filipescup Me, Nicolaes Yet Both&# Le I TITIEs Pressing and sintering properties of molybdenum powders SOURCEt Metalurgia, no. 4, 1964, 156-158 .TOPIC TAGS: metallurgical pressing, sinteringt are-castt molybdenum electrode, 1powder metallurgy ABSTRAM The article deals with preasing and sintering operations of molybdenum powders made from indigenous raw materials. Two methods are used to obtain compact molybdenums one in which the sintered semifinished products are forged and, possibly, &own, and one in which sintered molybdenum yowder electrodes are melted in vacuum (also called the aro-ount method I As a result of the experiments made, it appears that molybdenum powder made from indigenoutt Iraw material has favorable pressing and sintering properties and can be used in !powder metallurgy. Drig, *zte bass 21 figures and I.table, ASSOC IAT ION, None ACCESSION NR: AP40421M R/()017/64/000/004/0158/0162 AUTHORi Gelan, A., Domsa, A*, Palfalvi, A., Nicolas, V.., Both&, L. TITLEt Reaearch on the protection of molybdenum through silicification SOURCEt Metalm-gia, no. 4,, 1964p 158-162 TOPIC VtGS-i Silicification# silicide, silicide layer, molybdenum oxidation, molybdenum protnetion ABSTRACT: The Earticle describes various methods tested to protect molybdenum from oxidation. Modern techniques require materials for over 1,0000C., while. molybdenum oxidizes beyond tolerance limits at 5000 C. It must therefore be effectively protected before it can be used at high temperatures. Several methods were =oDosed, but only some are valid. Results are presented for methods used .to silicify molybdenum, especially in the SiC14 and H gaseous phase. Most effective protection is with eilicide, especially dilicide. Although silicide layers are brittle when cold, they become far less brittle at high temperatures and they retain their mechanical resistance. They may therefore be used for the protection of heating elements for electric ovene and for that of parts used in high temperature furnacesj turbines, rockets, eUs Orige art* bass 9 figures,aod DOMSA, A.; SANDOR, L,; BOTHA, L.; NICOLAE, V-; SAbADEANU, D.; CGLAN, H.; PALFALVI, A. Study -m the procer-1-- . -44f-A-tlon materiale lubricated with MN~, At Ugh temperatures-.- Bul stiint polit Cluj no.7:249-,e),. DMA, A ; PALFALVIII I.; FrLIPMU, Ifthm1a; WCOLAE, V.; BOTHA, L. Pressing and ainterizing properties of I.P.C. molybdenum powders. Bul stUnt polit Cluj no.7:213-221 164. GOLAN, H,; DOMSA, A.; PALFALVI, A.; NJG0f,& , V.; BOTHA, L. Research on molybdenum prot-cti.r)n by sillconizing. Bul. stiint polit Cluj no.7-237-247 t64. VARGA, Gyorgy; TOROK, Istvan; ZABRACZKY, Geza; TRAUTIW4, Rezso; FOVACS, Istvan; BAFADZIEJ, La5zlone; WALVI_,_-Ar -a U & a; GRDF, JozBef The 1961 national economic plan and the tasks of trade -xnions; the 9th plenar-j session of the National Council of Trade unions, Munka 11 no.211-6 F '(J. 1. Szakszervezetek Orszagos Tanaesa titkara, es Szerkeazto bIzottsnrI tag, "Munka". (for Varga) 2. Vasas Szakszervezet fotitkara (for Torok' 3. Tatsbanyai Trosztbizottsag titkara kfor Zabraczky, 4. Epitesugyl miniszter, Budapest (for Trautman) 5. MEDOSZ fotitkara 'for F0VqCB; 6. Kistex szb titkara (for Baradziej) 7. Fejermepyei Szetkszervezetl Megyei Tanacs vezeto titkara (for Palfalvi) 1. Vasutas Szakszerve?.Pt titkara (for Grof). ~&-ngary---Economie policy) (bungary- Trade unions) PkUALVI, Andras Situation of labor safety in Fejer County. Yamka 14 no.12:6-7 D 164. 1. Secretary, Fejer County Trade Union Council. pmyAiVit ATTII't it 31 . DC,MSA, Alexuu.,Irvi I't -Hh, Liv~u; PAIYALVI, Attila PreTeration '- :7,aE;m - - ,owders usable ~n agriculture. Studii cerc :..t:Lalixgie 7 no.1;103-113 IQ. DOMSA, Alexandru, prof. ing.; BOTHA, Liviu, ing.; PAUALVI, Attila, ing. Preparation of magnetic povders usable in agriculture. Metalurgia constr mas 14 no. 2:104-110 F'62. 1. Institutul politehnic, Cluj. '. Agricultural utilimtion of blast-furn-ce slag. 71. p.167 KCHU~ATI !A~~`K. (,h~orar Banyaszati es Kohaszati Egyesuiet) Budapest, Hunagry Vol. 1-1, no.P, Aug. 195P Monthly List oi- East European Accessions (a-A!j 1,C., Vol. P, no.7, July 195? Uncl. i17~ e. FAT"' A' PALFALVI, Istvan Possibilities of metal gluing in the machine industry. Gepgyartastechn 2 no.9:329-334 S 162. 1. Budapeati Muszaki Egyetem. J~a B.Ilr.,Iger !3tj !pi t1fr, a F! e r 38 C; 164. HUNGARY/Scil Science. Tilla6e Land Reclexation. Erosion. J - 5 Abe Jrjur: Ref Zhur-Eicl., Pic 6, 1958, 24842. Authf~r Palf!ivli, istvaji. Inst Title Land-Recla-aLi,--r. r.f ~'cid Soils in the Scutherr. Rugi,r.s Cf Zatis'. !'rig F-jb: Vh&,yar Mezc,,gnzd., 1957, 22, N, 6, 12-13. ;,batract: No abstruct Card : 1/1 NAGY, E.; PALFALVY q-- I. -- A new application of paleobotanic methods in stratigraphy. Acta bot Hung 6 n0-3/4:383-388 160. (ERAI 10:6) 1. Ungarische Geologische Anstalt, Budapest. (Geology) (Paleobotany) ?ALFALVI, Laj-,v. La- . * Th e. , 1~ - v ii, , _;- T'l a n -)f ' of- ~-!7 - --~' - -, : -.1p , :~ep~,y a" to t~ , o :.n '. -.'~ I ~ -:.-, - " . I t- J t . . . - - -t Rf~ r ~_n a z& - ~ V &~ ' a 'i i , - ~ & 7.j~. - , .: i, ( , , --' -). '. - - E^- . I From - ':- p & 1 ~' IV . I E t -P., . I hazasi Val '~alat "'or -,M!. - , I HOTIVATHP IAPzloj PALFALVAI, Iftoz1o Electrical =Lnual shoveling equipment at the Kaposvar Sugar Factory, Cukor 13 no.10.-285-286 0 060. FALYALVY I.; VD~-, S. The investigation Of Vil,lCaflk tUffS fr,)Tn the northeastern sector L~f the MG-Csek ,,, no. 1, Jan./Mar. 1~?57, Wdarest, liur-4--la-y P. 30, (Foldtani Kozlony) V,)!. ~~7 SJ: Monthly Index -f Last European AcessiDris (LJ,~Al) Vo:. 6, No. i1 Novemrer i-5t' FAlFFY, Arpad Tranaistor circuit submi-rdature electrolyte condenser. RadictEchr-ika 10 no.3-.66-67 Mr 160, r- e b -1-2 -A. I -I AA 0 CE 0 94 0 A **A TU rower-b"Oba kah-20078 and its CUIUVOIJOO 1"ALRY. A.-ji,,mv 14, lqujo m /01"11 I"J. It, AK3 A t-- J Ike "haracloofttk, ..f (for 1.1taw4kam 1 ION' ooo~.~l v fig it. .1mmrshol =0 All. 1 , w It patfol-toloof "It-mu- f.. floor jul-II.J1111- 1101 111 11-.Xdflr~ 104ta(MIh~ " , ,nllpn. fj 111.. '.3 5 ; A now.1" hvin.'art..4 irl tresh sea I .11 Cold aml III w m- ,, L, I, "M &_1 -.1.) .4 L..k -lily, n,1,1,, &r, :3 A&SAM-14. "TaLLLO&K&L LlIvalolkal CL&SIAPICATMO u lp 0 mut[ It o o 0 41 0 0 f It Use Use a A Joe T 'a 'o *71 an I 1 0 w a 4 0 1 to ) go 1 4 ISO It I a. 0 0 *is 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 l,kLyyy, A. GagYi --&In Teshidwa Abst. Vol. 6 No- 1"4 6-22-34 :02-2734, Magazzine sloping In Rre rnining. especially Is respect to the PACAk wh~f - Nagarialrylls ar t'rr- rreski IftijUnydijaira -VA. G4gyI )WIly. (Ilung"n journal of Mining - Ild- R (86). 1953. No. i, pp. i - i B. 21 fig'.c) lite magazine method to essentially a room method whereby the cut coal Is xtorr4 on the spot, clearing away only enough to perruit the miner to teach (Ito roof. Special cases of mining practices abroad are mentioncti. Wfure starting production all preparatory work must be completed, after this production can begin simul- tancously in all the memo. The cost of evinning amounts jn 4o% of the ebtire cost of production. Two variations b' been vmyW out for the employment of this work- 'Zvemethod in Hungarian mines. Aamnling to one Variation the first slice coincides with a haulage level, while according to the other It is started between two levels, The importance of the large scale use of roof bolting Is emphasited. Slurry obtained from ore dressing a suitable for slope filling. If slurry stowing is not pos- sible due to the lack of damming facilities then the rubbish is pouted through chutes into the cavity in which only 25% of the rubbish is leveled by mappower. According to calculations the attainable savings at the Rrtjh mine comes to 25% of the entire mining costs. Further savings can be ensured by rapid drifting and by increased mKhanization. P. hf, CSOQORJI St', dr.; PALFF71,.B., dr.; TOM,Bd,-. Morphofunctiona.1 baBev of the Cont7o red taDt. (Histo-phyqJr,-c- chemical studies). M-od. intern. (Riour.) 16 no.'#'.*851-897, J1161+ 1. Lucra:re efeA-uata la Catedra do fizielogin, C-titedre da ana- tomie patnloglas -,~ Catfdra de a I.M.F. (111stitu- .na:.._-114~~Cj TL-irg-,i Aur~-R. tUl MedjCO_faj_ Fli_UN~U RY YARTON, Sandor, Dr, '_KX'_CH, Gyor~y, Dr, UZ*-_\r.7Y Qyn~y Dr Gyj"_Dx, National horany, 7B institute, Janos Hospital, Ambulant TB Station of Szolnolk Mo,-.p! (~,rnLiqos Koranyi TBC. Intezet, Janos Korhaz. Szolnok vegyei TDC. Goncozo). "T ,he Evaluation of YzLs,,i X-?ay and ',,;'--rculIn Screening Tests an Diabetics." Budapest, Crvos! Het'llap, 7o1 104, No 21, 21 Kay 63, pages 970-974. Abstract: [Authors' Hun;a-ian sui-jaary: Tne tb morbidity of diabetics Ts possiblY 3-4 fold of that of the general population In Hungary as well. Inactive tb was found to occur in similar numbers among diabetics and non-di-abetics around the sixth decade of life. Diabetic men showed more frequent active tb than diabetic women. No significant difference was seen in the tuberculin reaction of diabetics who had no active th and healthy Individuals of the same age groups. Ya3s tests among dia- betics showed that 3 per cent of them had negative tuberculin reaction. 13 Western, 3 Eastern European references. a/l I E,--CFRFTA aDICA SEC 8 Vol 12/2 Neuroloa Feb 59 7wo. EXI FRINIENTAL ALLERGIC YNCLPHAIX)MYELITIS IN 'I HE DOG Ube: (lie exi,eri"ientHle allergis( tic E'n, ephalon3yelitis brin-i Ilund - Pa I If y C . and 1: nd r ;,) r z i E . Neu rol, -Psychi a I. Klin. und Ph ySio). -Tn-~-t---trn-jvPLdcs - DTSC H. Z. NERVE N*HEILK. 1958, 177/4 (05:416) Tables I Illus. 12 A histological report on 7 out of a group of 13 dogs injected with a suspension of 505 g. of killed and dried tubercle bacilli and 32 g. of homologous brain tissue in a mixture of 50 ml, physiological saline. 140 ml. paraffin and 2 ml. phenol. Sub- cutaneous injection of 10 ml. twice a week first, and then 5 or 2 ml. once a week produced neurological symptoms in 3 out of the animals. Only one of these showed the complete histological picture of experimental allergic encephalomyelitia one month following the first inoculation. Almost negative histological findings were found in the 6 others surviving 20 days to about I yr, after the first inoculation. Edgar - Amsterdam FAIM, G. Neurologic complications folloving the use of sera and vaccines. Acta sod. hurg. 5 no.3-4:403-412 1954. 1. Prom the Ispartnent of Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Fees Nedical School (Received August 10, 1953) (VACCINE9 & VACCINATION, complications neurol.i (NERTM SrSTM, diseases newol. compl. after vacc. & use of sera) (INN= MMUMS, Inj. off. newol. ) P&LIF-PT, GAGY-1 A. One of the new iron ore bases of the 5oviet Union. p. 579. .1 BANYAS7ATI, IAPOK. (14agyar Barrjasza!.i -:3 Kohaszal.i- Fkzesulct,j 2-udapest, '"h.,nkfary, Vol. 14, no. 9, Sept. 2958. Monthly List of East. European AccesiAons (EUI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1:69, Uncl. PALM Oyorgy. dr.; BALAZS, Bela. dr. Polyganglionitis In zoster. Ideg. szomis 9 no.4:102-104 Aw 56. 1. A Pecei Orvostu4omarqi Effetem Ideg-es Ilmoklinikajanak (lgasgato: Kornyey. lstvan, dr. egyateal tamar) koslemanyo. (NEURITIS, etiol. & pathogen. herpos zoater, thoracic, causing poliganglionic radiculoneuritis, histopatbol. (Hun)) (HIMPES ZOSTER. compl. polyganglionic radiculoneuritis, In thoracic soater. histopathol. (Hun)) MOLKM, Laszlo; PALFFT, Oyorgy: BkLAZS, Bels. Acute effects of electric shock on thp nervous system. Jagg. sz~Mle 9 no.4:97-101 Aug 56. 1. A Pecal Orvoetiidomanyt Rgyatem Ideg-es Blooklinikajan (Igasgato: Korrqey, Istvan, dr.) kozlemenys. kSHOCK THIGIAPT, ALECTRIC, eff. on NS funct., eliminatinn & regon. processes (Hun)) (MMVCUS STSTW4. physiol. off. of electric shock on elimination & regon. processes of funct. (Hun)) KALLOS, ZouzBa, dr.; SZANTO, Endre, dr.; PAU", 07ula, dr. Results of drug therapy in the form of aerosolA in the treat- ment of lung diseases. Tuberkulesis 16 no.4/5:124-129 Ap-W 163. 1. Az OrBzagos Korany-i Tho Intemet (igazgato foorwos: B002ormenyi Miklos dr, kandidatus, tudomanyon igasgato: Foldes Istvan dr. kandidatus) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) (LUNG DISEASES) (AEROSOLS) (PYRAZINAMIDE) (NECKYCIN) MARTON, Sandor, dr.; BIKIGH, Qyorgy, dr.; FEMCZY, Gyorgy, dr.; Gyula, dr. Nvaluation of rool2tgan and tuberculin screening toots of diabetics. Orv. hotil. 104 no.2g:970-974 21 My 163. I.-Orssagos Koranyi TBC. Inteset, Janos Korbma, Ssolnok megy9i TBC. Gondozo. (DIABETES MELLITUS) (MASS CHEST X-RAY) (TUBERCULIN RUCTION) (TUBMUIXIS, FMONARY) . (BCG VACCINATION) .cow vc off4matow aft&$ To" : 4v ook 4141o oet: Poo**** 4006406440606 outo a t, It @of # t p 0 4p 00 0 0!, l p: o 00- A vvo(All no Aiges,11 V - - o a % 040- m r W 1.32 1 (WI 4 P n ol P L)yx III ote - -V 9 mp SM P- ' AW pm o,,p " " op o% poomAw o m 1 00 _ . 1 p l q W p VII m OR rv Ill.. IV , .0V "I P.M "d, 104" pe POO ' ' 01"d MIN A%qlk -AVO - AS (O 0 , U -9 j t V N 1 O AA k % 1064 ito a a 0 1 0 0 0 41 : : : : 77 T PALFI, L. C', -,., - i I' Report , r I',-"'- irg 1 4 t- A " .- "-'I- , :',.'L - ~ . . .I . I I Mar~-.h 1. 1, D, 4a-,f,st, - I; -.1 1- 1 r., .. --: .; 'C: c!-t h'- - j s-t - f ' St vr~ w -al A, or E- (~" ;C ), i . I . 1, I:ar ch 19 ~ 5, 1 -,! c--. . P-III, L. ri~:- c,~v j, rr, ~ , -t * f r ", (VILLAN'(-,A,G, Vc:. -, :- ( . I , ~ar r.,- . - -,r w . Et : (p :- ,,* r - t . -.;,p .-. . - -.1., lL;a7)-stl S Cl: ~-Crjth.!Y List of Fart 7urcpr-ai (rF ' T ' ;, I i , L 'I,( - . . , I - . I Riiirch rcl. HUNGARY PALFFY, Zoltan-, Higher Institute for the Training of HIgh-School :F~`acl~ii'(Filiofoku Tanitokepzo Intezet) in Budapest. "on the Interpretation of 'Perspective Vision"' Budapest, Magyar Psztchologiai Szemle, Vol 23, No 1-2, 1966, ~p 227-239. Abstract: This article discusses the philosophical and psychological as- pects of perspective vision on the basis of some theoretical considera- tions and experimental data. The theoretical considerations are based on the I-larxlstic-Leninistic interpretation of the factors involved. The ex- perimental date deal mainly with studies on children. Although some so- called modern bourgeois artists doubt the general validity of perspective vision, it is a valid concept nevertheless. Indeed,, the development of perspective vision indicates a higher level intellect characteristic of socialistic,, realistic creative art. No references. 1/1 PALFFr, Zoltan, dr. National investigation of innovation cases. Ujit lap 13 no.4:U'-7 P 161. 1. A legfobb Ugyessmog foosztalyugyesse. (Btmgary-Induatrial management) PALFFY, Zoltan, dr. National investigation of innovations. UJit UP 13 no.4i:6-" F '61. 1. Iagfobb Ug3reasseg foonstalyugyeass, Budapest. (Hungax7~--Industrial management) PALFFY, Zcltan, dr. ,,Iaste pro-Jacts and c-1 t~'e -wa,;e syste:a. ltirLaa ,~zer-le " no.12:2t--'7 D 164. PAM TSCHBOLOGY PERIODICAL: MAGYAR HIPALASTECHNIU. Vol. 9, no. 2/3, June 1956 Palfit A. Low-frequency noiee of pentodes, p. 47. Monthly List of East 1kropedm Accessions (EFAI) LG, Vol. 8, No. 2 February 1959, Unclass. PAIJI , VALKO, I .; f ITEI, *!, A. Radi;Aion of pe-to :e A I u , 1, r~- ..-. c~ .In : . ' ~- -'. P7--qICDlC.'. i(LYTECHNICA. :-I :k" ~~- ":' .'. ~Bul.!,e..t, Lvyete:-., Budapest, Huligl---r . Voi. ;, -r:. -, I-Iont`dly List of &Ist Acce sions- Vol. -', no. .,ec. Uncl . PALFI, A. TECHNOLOGY PERIODICAL: KAGYk HIRADASTECfMKA. Vol. 9, no. 2/3, June 1958 Palfi, A. Low-frequency noise of pentodes. P. 47. blonthly list of Eebt European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. -~, No. ~C, February 1959, Unclass. LLLEK, Istvan dr.; INAG'.", Dezso, dr.; PAIXI, Aladar, dr. The effect of estrogens on the 1,la--ma lipids. (EFtrog :---- arteriosclerosis). Orv. 103 no-41A2021-2025.28 1. Soproni Allami Szara-"rium, BoloaztBdy u:; Soproyd Tanacri Kor::azu, Kozponti Laboratorium. (LIPID I- '-:'ABOLISI')' (A~-.T!~UOSCLEPAOSLO --NS) (LIF0F!DT-*--I-!S) (EST;UDiOL) (BLOOD C:,'OL-ST...LLJ' MEE. 9VT(I) SCTB DD /FS (v) 3 ARi AT6007405 SOURCE CODE: HU/2505/65/026/bOX/0026/0026 ~,N 10 Golan A !Ld-vit J-1 ceerp F* GaUg To T~ k -006, _11618irtai'AnW Medical- Corps (Magyar Nephadeere SzolgAlbta); of PWthooomi Medical University or- at.(Budapeati -7jiLki Ifflect or gastric hydrochloric acid secretion in the rat per lw~ ;"wafted at the 29th Meeting of the Hmprian ftsiological ps 614 in Sseged from 2 to 4 July., 19641 SOUWXt Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Act& physiologica, v.. 26, SuppIpmentv TAGSt ive -r6t IWpuvxIaj,'biologic secretion,, hydrochloric -acid,, digest 9.*Stl"4. "stlie system.diseave 6~ IF ;t a repo -6k* JA eailleir,~, d" loymen 0 SHkI car :.*am Aely Uibibited by trok2r, In this in.; pnwW by the' InMUtIon of ;Paz!* Oman n". artil6a bm _WUMMM role vas attributed 7L 77*~; Mt AT6007405 to secretion caused by wWgeni, We Abino rikts 14M 280-220 g were used in the present experiments.. The anims.2s ware _tved for 48 hours, were-given water ad libitum, and underwent SMAT's S pration.aAar ether amethesia. Fonowing, surgery, the rate were Into Abree croup@. The first group was exposed- to a &tram of pure oxy-ben ~~Ixt--260 mm Mg pressure for 6hours,,the second group to pure *Vgen at W 6 Ng pressitri for 6 houn.' the third group served as control. Afte e the, anUmas were'manguinated'and' were, examined th molow, ~RCI o6ntsnt~ iuW totAl'acidity of tbe gastric Jul*@,, Acoording . to t1W IV, res U.- ObUla of, the CSANADI, Gyorgy, dr.,egyetemi tanar; FASKERTI, Sandor; SZABO, Dezso, dr., a kozlekedestudomanyok kandidatusa, okl.mernok; GSUHAY, Denes; TAKAGS, Endre; CSABAI, Rudolf; NAGY, Rudolf; NUTAS, La9zloommok; VASAMMYI, Boldizear, dr.,a muszaki tudomanyok doktora, tanezek- vezeto egyetemi tanar; KOLLER, Sandor, muegyetemi adjunktus; KALROKI I=, 3andor; 70MBER, Sandor; TALLO, Gyula;KOZARY, Istvan; 3ZILAGYI, Lajos; HEGYI, Kalman,oki.mornok; BERCZIX, Andras; MARKI, Lasalo; PALF1, W ; NAGY, Endre,okl.mernok; SZATMARY, Forene; MAGORT-,- U CSIKHMLYI, Bela; MESZLERI, Zoltan; VKROSZTA, Imre; ZSIGA, Sandor; TOOK, Istvan; KQVCZ, Laszlo; IWESSELY, Foramens; SZABO, Bela; KONCROCZI, Lajos; GGITTL, Jozgef; CSOWTOS, Dezso; JAKAB, Sandor; LOVASZ, Istvan, imrnok; KISS, Karoly,FADMIM-Ammly The Ctty Transportation Conference in Szeged. Kozl tud 9z 12 no.2. 49-54 F 162. 1. Akademiai levelezo, tag, a kozlekedes- es poataugyi miniszter elso helyettese, es *Kozlekedestudomanyi Szemle" szerkeszto bizotteagi tagja (for Caanadi) 2. Kozlekedes- so Postaugyi Miniszterium Muszaki Felugyeleti Oestalvanak vezatoje (for Faskerti) 3. Fovarosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga VIII. Varoarendezesi on Epiteezeti Osztalyanok munkatarma, e9 *Kozlekedestudomanyl Szemlow amorkeazto M25dMAjr-A-agj& (for Szabo) (Contineed on next card) , Gyorgy -- (Continued ) Card 2. 4. FomerUk, Kozlekedes- es Postaugyi Miniazterium Kozlekedespoli- tikal Oaztalyanak aftwkstersa (for Csuhav) 5. Kozlekedes- e9 Flost-suggy-4 Miniazterium Autoko2lekedPesi VezerigazgatosaganaLk sz&kosztal3rve%et*je (for Takao@) 6. MAV fointezo, a Kozlekedestudomanyi Egyesulet miskolci teru.1sti szervezeterek titkara (for Csabai) 7. Fomernok, a Fovarosi TanAea Vegrehajto Btzottsaga Kozlekedesi Igasgatosaga helyettes vezetoje (for wagv) 8. Fovarosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga Kozlekedeal Igazgatosaganak fvjIe9ztesi eloadoja (for Kutas) 9. "Kozlekedestudaft vi Szemle" szerkegzto bizottsagi tagja (for Vasarhelyl) 10. Csoportyemeto fosornok, Debrecen m.j. Varosi Tanaes VeRrehajto Bizottsaga Ipari e9 Kozlekedesi Osztaly (for Kalnoki Ki9q) 11. Rendorornagy, Csongrad Megyei Rendorfokapitanysag Kozrendvedelmi Oaztal,ra (for Ovomber) 12. Fomernokv Miskolc m.j. Varosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga Epite-gi es Kozlekedesi Oaztalv (for Tallo) 13. Ftmernok, Kozlekedes-es Postaugyi Miniszterium Utosztalya (for K6va!OY) 14. Favorosi Tanace Vegrehajto Bizottsaga VIII. Varosrendezesi 0.9 EpitenvAl Osztalvanak vezetoje (for Szil&gyi)25.Ut-V&sutterv*za .10114k*604 092t&IV& vesetoje (for Hegyi) 16. BUVATI Kozlekedesi es KdOi~9zak9ostalyanak vezetoje, Budapest (for Berezik) 17. Pecs m.j. varos Taftasa BV Epitesi es Kozlekedesi Osztalyanak vezetoje (for Marki) (Continued on next card) GWADI, Ovorgy --- (Continued) Card 3. 18. Szeged m.j. Varool Tanaes Epitesi es Kozlekedesi Osztaly-anak fomemoke (for Palfi Budinsaki) 19. Budapest Fovarosi Tanace Melyeritesi Terveme Vallalat iranyito tervezoje (for Endre wag ,jr) 20. Debreceni Nozlekedeel Vallalat igazpatoja (for Szatmary) 21. Budapest Fovarosi Tanace Melvepitesi Tervezo Vallalat tervezomernoke (for Magori) 22. Budapest Fovarost Taracs Melvepitesi Tervezo Vallalat tervezomernoke (for Csikhelvi) 23. Miskolci KozIekedesi Vallalat fomernoke (for MesaJeri) 24.Kozlekedes- es Po7taugvi Miniazterium Autokozlekedesi Fooszt-alyanak famemoke (for Veroazta) 25. Szeaedi Kozlekedesi Vallalat fomernoke (for Zsiga) 26. Miskolel KozIekedesi Vallalat fokony-veloje (for Torok) 27. Debremni Kozlekedesi V&Ualat fomernoke (for Koncz) 28. Penzugy- minlazterium foeloadoja (for Wessely) 29. Pecei Kozleke.,desi Vallalat igazgatoja (for Szabo) 30. Epitesugvi Miniazterium Ilaroarendezesi F0052talmft-k~ mernoke (for Komoroczi) 31. Fovaroei Vill arnosvasut Fvmvi-~bke (?W'tIrt1) (Gontinued on next card) USANA19 GYOrgy - (Continued) Card J,. 32. 51-es Autokozlekedesi VaUalat mu*atarea (for Coontoo). 33. Ut-Vaeuttw-vezo VaLbilat irodavezeto fomernoke (for Jakab). 34. Budapeati Relyierdaku Vaeutak osatalyvezetoje (for Lovusz). 35. Magyar Allanvaeutak igasgatohelyettese (for Kiss, Karoly). 36. Magyar Allawwavatak veserigazgathohelyettese (for Rodoxiyl). VILLkWLI, Katalin; FALFI, Ervinne; JUhASZ, Sandor Experl-ancen and mthada of andanlon apectrum analyals at Macask Ore Mining Enterprise. Magy kem folyoir 70 no.12z 511-515 D 164. 1. Measek Ore Mining Enterprise, Pecs. PALF1 p G. Nitrogen and arL:nc acid content in rice leaves under tne influence of abundant fertilization vith ammonium sulfate. Fiziol. rast. 12 no.3:398-404 Mya-Je 165. (MIR.A 1. Kafedra fiziologii rasteniy Segedskoge universiteta imani Iozhefa kttily, Vengriya. PALFI, G.; DEZSI, L. The translocation of nutrients between fertile and sterile shoots of wheat. Acta bot Hung 6 no.1/2:65-74 160. (EFAI 10:3) 1. Research Institute for Agriculture, Szeged, and Institute of Phytophysi Olo 11 L*Eotvos University, Budapest. (Wheatf PALFI, Gabor Zffect of sodium salts on the nitrozer., pnosp-nornia gro em t I- acid contents of rice shoots. A, k alajtan 12 0 163. 1. Jozsef Attila Tiidomanyegyetem Novenynlettan-.' Szeged. I -, ~ , ; . - . I . 1 9 1 . . - PALFI, L., VAR(A, E. Examination of the future development of the peak-load problem in the field of timetable large-scale industry. p. 600 ENERGIA ES ATOMTECHNIKA. (Energiagazdalkodasi Tudomanyos E*.Vsulet) Budapest Hungary Vol. U, no. 9/10, Sept./Oct. 1958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC., VOL. 8, no. 7, July 1959 Uncl. C tV I 71 ,1 r. X; nc r t 1 .'.1 VTL "WP! rALFT. L. 'urrent pro!3lems of the elect r-,~-powe r economy. p. 3-~ - - 9 Vol ~ J. no. 10, Oct. 1955. --,',GYA.;' E-~~FRI',IAGA,DA "Ar~, -.Mapest, "unparY. So: wastern ;,-,uropean Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1,?56 PALFI--IdkffZRr-' Excerpts from the report on the If1t;_2 Wa saw S-rz-- 'j= r . pos -. - of *hF- Sx=o~ear Economic Council of the United Nations.&Iektrotechnika 56 no.10:471- 473 0 163. OSZTROVSZKY, Gyorgy; Schiller, Jano.-; PILEj. Lai" okleveles villamosmernok; BOZSIK, Ferrnc; GYORI,. Attiia, oklevoies villgm smernok, foenerge"Lkus; VARGA, Endre ok-leveles gepeszmernokl- TUFUN, "iyorgy, 6develes gepesz- mernok; SZEMY, Karoly, :ir., ':~;,,ons-.-.--:Jktor; KOVAGS, Ferenc, okleveles villamosmernok; CSILY, Jeno, Codiszpecser; BEREMAY, Frigyes, fomer- nok; PALOS, Fer--nc, ok'ev-~!,~s -:ernok; .-,ILARSZKY, Zoltan, ok-leveles gepeszmernok; NEIET111, Iinre, okleveles villasmosmarnok, fomernok; AL- PAR, Imre, okleveles gepeszmernok, foenergetikus; GATI, Gueza, okle- veles villa-mosmernok; BEF"p, Gy,,da, okleveles gepeszmernok; VISNYOV- SZKY, Endre, foeloado; VEMUTS, Gyurgy, okleveles villamosmernok, fo- mernok; FUTO, Istvan, oklevels gepeszmcrnok; NAGY, Karoly; PIKLER, Fer--,nc; SZEPESSY, Sandor, okleveles gepeszmernok; NADAY, Zoltan, ok- leveles 7epeszraernok, fotechnologus.-. BUCHHOLCZ, Janos, okleveles Ce- peszmernok, fomernok An account of the ilth itine-.-,t,.t npeting of the hungarian Electro- technical Asso(:iation held --.n Pecs, 1;.;1y 18-20, 1963. -Enerria es atom 16 no.12:559 D t63. (Gontinued cn next card) ~WI,Laszlo, ok1.viUjm-nsmernok. On the lOth anniversary of the electric powr ecommy. Ipari energia 2 no.1/2:1-3 Ja-F 161. 1. Qrszagos Villamosenergia Felugyalet. PARIS., Iasz1o; FALFI, Viktoria Fur coloring by dye carriers. Bor cipo 12 no.5A :175-178 0 162. 1. Boripari Kutato Intezet. FALTIq Viktor -15WYMUMMI-construction of apartment houses in Czechoslovakia. Masz elet 16 no.9s12 AP 161. (SW 10:6) (ftechoslovakia-Apartment houses) USSR / Parm Animelas Cattle Abs Jour Ref thur & lgiologlyg. go 2, 1959, No. 7359 Author Zalfiy,,_F. Yu.; Pervak, Ya. L; Nakonechnaya, Yh_.__Ta. Inst i kot given Title : Some New Achievements in Investigations of Changes of the Milkts Pat Content in Cows. Orig Pub : Zhivotnovodstvo, 1957, No 12, 40-42 Abstract : Thirty to forty g of sodium sulfate per head were introduced into the ration for cows of the Black-spotted breed with an average daily milk yield of 11-12 kg and a fat content of 3.51 percent. With this additional feeding, the content of fat in milk amounted during the first 5-day period to 3.95 percent, during the second 5-day period to 4.05 percent, and Card 112 i iA i. TY SO: at. ',er t t,t 4 GZE128XIT, S.Z., professor; GOLOTAW, V.I., Imadi"t biologiobookikb nauk; PUPU, I.G., kandidat b1clogichaskikh mawk; PALY 9-jL~~Id&t b1ologIchemkikh A00k; IUMI, A.I., asplr&W. Iftioup of chronic hematuria In cattle. Voterluarlis, 34 so-P4" 15?. (ME" IORO Ohign-k9prespoudeat AkM*Nll mavk Mmalaskey BU (for Gsbltakiy), 2, sbivotuove4stva sapadayth rayanov Ukmaliskor on, LITOT. (RewturtO (Cottle-DI leases and posts) van / Diseases offtm A&I..,Ja. Disas.8 of Unknown Etl~loa 11 4" J&1118 Rot zhur-Ideloal". ft ]A, 195a 1 74246 Author # oWt$'klY 3 Z UthasUbowx S.F.; Golovach, V.K., P.Pln' I.G: ti~- TV.; Ruseaw, B.I. lost -Not Oz. ' Title Icourse and xftture of Chftnlc Sloaturin in Cttl. O&M F*1 lnfO-- byUl- IGwk--4DsI- 10-t MoularobStva 1 tvbrlDdtltVa aakhldn. Myoniv Up_~,Nlq%, vip-1.35-36 4betracts 't 18 she'" that the CSuMt1vo anent of the dlmmse o18 a Ilv* Of8salam 'Aleh belongs either to rungi r Protozoa or to bacteria of collujose foments. tion. Polling late the runes vlth feed, this or- Realm aweless thert and socrotes prodwts of vi- tal activity valch Infect the muscosa of the urinary cue ILA 32 blsftv--- the Introduction or the ateats of the no4a or sick cows into the rusen cot healthy cows (by asset of a rMIDIMotany) caused othe appearance in their %=rim ftdlmmt of both cellular flawato of the Ir7 tvacts arA a asatity of *Ink Am es"s &,Mthbe"ftl~"Qho 4 field or 'MM" to the of as as. me latrodusuch of the contooto rose of hftluw cam lot alsk oft$ 6wmssd the '"a" or and Iftlossed their IlreaJas 91 M the latter oom lot* " one lorest" - reaster of bnluw wIth westarls led to Mae =Lot the f1rat win" or the &I"*&. Is M" 13- exiiatka. -- A. 0. kam G7.HITSKIT. S.Z. (HzhjrtlB'kyi. S.Z.); SUKHOMLIMV, B.Y.; GOLOVACH, V.N. (Holovach, Y.M.1; PAMPIT. IP.Tu. [Falfil. IP.IU.I;SKDVRDUSKATA, Te.V. (Skoyronalka, 3:3.V) Biochemical indices of blood in local coarse-wool sheep and their bybride with French Merinos. Pratei Inst. agrobiol. AN URSR 2 pt. 1:5-12 '53. MIRA 11- 7) jSHW--Y-MIOIOGT) (BMD.-AAALYSIS AND CHINIVRY~ GZHITSKIT, S.Z. (fthrtelkyl, S.Z.);SUKHOMINDV, B.F.; PALFIY AP.7 tp&lfli. 7.1u) ~~~Lwk - Effect of carbon tetrachloride and hexachloroethane on the amount of fatty acids in sheep blood. Pratst Inat. agrobiol. AN URSR 2 ptol:13-17 153. (MIRA 11:7) . (ANMININIIFS) (MWD--AXALYSIS AND CHEMISTRY) .(PARASIT&S-SMP) - .J. 1. SUKHOMLINDV, B.F.; PALFIY, Y.Yu. [Palfit. P.M.] (bmntitative variations of lactic acid and acetone bodies in the blood of liver-fluke infested sheep during dehelminthization. Fratel Inst. agrobiol. AN URS'R 2 pt.1:18-23 '53. (MIRA 11-7) (PARAal"kr,.-SMP),,(XMI)6.-ANALTSIS AND CTWIISTRT) .VHBININTICS) Q SUKHONLINOV, B.P.; PALVIT, F-Tu- LFalM, F-1U) ~- Treaen;OwP,S-rtnrient paralysis in covs by inflating the udder vith air. Pratej Inst. agrobiol. AN TURSH 2 Pt-1:33-39 '53. (MIRA U.-?) (Covs--Diseases and posts) GZHITSKIY. S.Z.[Hzhyts'kyI, S.Z.]; SUKHOnINOV, B.F.; GOLOVAGH, V.N.[Holovach, V.X.J; PALIPIY, F.Tu. Effect of lactation on the biochemical comoosition of blood in local black-and-white cove. P-atsi Inst. agrobiol. AN TJRSR 3 no.2:3- 17 '56. (MIRA ll:?) (lactation) (Blood--Analysis and chemistry) (Gows) FALFIY, F.Yu.; LIVAK, I.T. Effect of corr silage errIched with sulfur cortaining ej-'r- acids or. the concer'ra'.'on of* vitamins B, and B12 Jr. the and b1clod of ca"%le. a, i,. hN URSR no.6t8G2-805 t63 ', '--') 1. Ukrainskiy na,,i(--Iirr-,-I~esledovateltskly institut -f biokhimii sell skokhoz-yaystvenn3dh zhivotrykh. Predstavlpn; akademikom A]; Ul,,rSSR iI.F. Gulyr. [Hulyd, M.F.I. tv V~m W ud AM omufi 46r; oir-abd -g l IOU MAN ! sw a t e tt"6 6 W -mytri fto M buo i " 11 d no," 17 ' -hydrcx "Szi F>/9 L.r_r Y, F Yt4, USSR/Diseascs of Farm Animals - Diseases of Uramown Etiolocw. R-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 1.694o Author Gzhitskiy, S.Z*; Oolovach, V.N.; 111upin, I.G.; _~~ If, F.Yu.; Kusent., 9.1. Inst Title On the EtioloGy of Chronic Hematuria of Cattle. Orig Pub Veterinariya, 1957, No 5, 44-46. Abstract The authors consider that the soil, water., and feed com- position have no influence upon the development of ham- turia. This is suyported by the fact that the transfer of -tck animals to some other place has no effect on the course of disease, and that disease occurs in countries with different aoils and different fodder vegetation. AccordinG to the authors' opinion, the etioloGical ac;unt of hematuria of cattle is to be looked for in some micro- orLanisms of the soil. It is Possible that these Card 1/2 SKM(ODINSKIY, Z.P.[Skorodynslkyi, Z.P.], oA.v. red.- DE,(KOVICII, Yo.M., prof., nauchn. sotr., red.; GZdilTSKH, 3.Z.,J*3I1ytB,kyi, B.Z.1., 1000016 AVW*g prj~tp, red.; MITSIK, V.Yu., red.; PUPIE, J.Gz [Pupin, IAO, red.; SHOVKUN, V.Yu., red.; RAV.11, F.Yu.,red. [Abstracts of reports of the First Scientific jDriference of Graduate Students) Tezy Idopovidei Perehoi aspirantslkoi na- ukovoi konferentsii. L viv, 1963. 62 p. (MIRA 17-.2) 1. Ukrainslkyi naukovo-doslidnyi instytut fiziologii i biokhi- mii sillslkohospodarslkykh tvaryn. 2. Llvovskiy zooveterinar- nyy institut i Chlen-korres~ondent AN Ulcr.SSil, (for Gzhitskiy). 3. Ukrainskiy riauchno-issledovatellskiy institut fiziologii i biokhimii sell skokhoqaystvennykh SUVOUW" (for Berkovich) GZHITSKIY, S,Z.[Hzhvts'kyi, S.Z.1; ZEMTSOVA, N.A.[Zemtsova, N.0.1: GOLOVATSKIY, I.D.[Holovatalkyl, I.D.1; PALFIY, F.Tu. Biochemi::al iavert igq t ions of cow ~-lood ir. Wnntc*iom vil- milk yields and oarturient paralysis. P-atel Inst. agro'Acl. AN URSR 3 no. 2:25-38 156. (MIRA 1':7) (Cows--Diseases and omsta) (Bl~,od--Analysis and ~!iiemtatrv) 4 PAIJPIT, F.Tu., kand.biol.nauk; PERVAK, Ta.l.. kand.sel'skokhozy&79tvennykh nauk-; NAKOIBCCRNAYA, Ta.Ta., laborant. Nev developments in studyIng the variation of butterfat percentage in cows. Zhivntnovodstvo 19 no.12:40-42 D 157. (MIRA 10:12) I.Nauchno-issledoyatellskiy institut zemledeliya i zhivotnovodstva zapadnykh rayonov USSR. (Cove--Feeding and feeding stuffs) (Milk) pALVIy, 1P.yu. Cpalfji, 1P.rU.); SEDRMOD. V.I. (Skorokhid, V.I.) UNION& Iffect of sulfur compounds on the ratio of *olatile fatty acids in the contents of the cow rumene DDp*AN ugsR no.11:1546-1548 160. (NIRA 13-11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatelskLY inGtitut sealedellya I shiTotuoTodetTa sapadufth rayonow USSR. Predstayleno akadealkom Al USSR V.A.Belitserom. (Acids, Fatty) (Rumen) (Sodium sulfate) 00 go 00 *0 0 a go go 00 w 0 qp 0 W w - . - ~- 11 lee 1-00 we lee 400 see Coo Coo see coo PmA*y jAmjL Mw Anslyt, IM Jail 17, SO).- Wo" is & wAW ducribed JB., ion is a MiNuatka or cumimm Abd 8, A. t -06 SL A"ULLURUE" LITISATM CLASUPKAYMP IfIluma It 0119 cot IA va 10 it 0 wee nee Oe of, all 40 Ii. 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 1 0 ~o A-* 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 000 0 900 0 BALOGH, L.;'PALVY".; tschuical asBistant'. HOWATHp A. Air Iodine content and energy exchange of the rat. Act& physiol. hung. 18 no.1:65-69 160. 1. Climatic Sanatorium, lekesteto. (10DIII P'harmcology) (BASAL NITABOLISM) T';- LF-Y , F . ri,L~Y, P . rtemarks cn J075ef Jrvarovi--i nd C~. ~,rtic.-I- and 1,~e--jsurerrient sf Wood I. ')~- I .'j -11 . 4 , r!c . 9 , - m: t . 19 F A I F.-d' .ziudalest, i~imgary SOiURCE: East Ftwopean Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6, No. 4-April 1957 FAIFY, F. FALFY, F. Prc derr, cf cv.;Atv in tfe furn'tur i rv !,-q t ry .I . .- . Vol. 5, r-.2 , Jan. 19r;5. F,',JI;hL, Ii-iudalest, thurg ry. 0 :,~- lihCE. East FLrc! -~-r. ~cce,-s~'cns 'List ~'.SAL) Vol. I , t c. ~-j r-' 1 1957 PALFY, F. To the C*mission on Improvement of Products in the %miture InduBtry! p. 222. FAIPAR. (Faipw t Tudamanyos Egyesulet) Budapest. Vol. 5, no. 8, ~ug. 1955. 4KMCE% Rast European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress Vol. 5, no. 6, June 1956 L RUMANII,I/Cheraical T~echnolo(V. Cher0cal Products and Their 1-7 Application PcaticiduB Abs Jour Referat 711ur I(hiniya, No 4, 1957, 12447 Author Palfy Fr., Barbat I., Puia I. Title Contri'EuMon '-~o Uo Let.,xi.Lina~ion of the Action and Fffcc- tiveness of 2,4 -1) 1--!rbioide Orig Pub Contributii la cimicasterea actiun-ii si Mcacitatii ierbicidului 2,4-D. Frobl. arric., 1956) 8, No 5, 6o-66 (Riumnian; Russian and Fr,:.-:ich swziaries) Abstract A dosago of 2,4-r of 1 k_-1hectare being herbicidal to d4-co-tyl.--donous weeds alid sti:.-,ulating to grain crops incr,.x.s,!s thc: harvest yi,ld of the lattL-r. Card 1/1 - 54 - I lllkil~ I f. J 0 1-he ef ficienc.~ c. " ---,e--l in -A.,! as ~: co!;ten.1 of t rie -~,r -, F. " I - P. 1)'. iol. -, n- .,, P.:;r- 1) 3. -jurja 53~j: monthly List of ~~st &,ir--)pean Access:, ons, Vol. 2, #c,J1 U!Drazv -)! Lu.'Wr'ess AuFusi., 1)53, 'Jncl. GAGYI FALFFI, Andras, dr., oklevelea banywwrnok, a muszaki tudomwyok kandidatusa; FALFY, Gabor, okleveles b&nyamernok; HALASZ, Andraso dr., okleveles banyamemok, a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatuse Dressing of the Rudabanya sparry iron ores and recovery of their barite and copper contents. Bany lap 96 no.8:505-514 Ag 163. 1. Nehezipari 14iniszterium Zrc- es AsvaLnybanyaszati Fooazt&ly, Budapest; OBanyaszati Lapok* szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja.(for Gagyi Palffy). 2. Vaseredusitomu, Rudabanya. (for Paify). 3. Banyaszati Kutato Intezet, Budapest (for Ralasz).