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PALFY, Imre; RXV, Endre Gunstructl,)L on u:-dermlmed areas. ap 4 par 1. 3 nc. -,; - PALFY, Jczsef I saw it in Brussels. Auto motor 18 nc.4:17 21 7 t6c. S/ 1 -V, A~F-~"-Dp PhIfy, P. Na'lona~ Czechos'ovakian welding conference it-, Brr~( I - HTF '0 D!LFlo f f-r,) I I v r:yy zhu rna I , Met a Iij rgi ya, JC). q, !'-)6 1 7. The cor-ference on the theme "Ensuring the de~relopmer! I- t~c *t.',T--i five-ya-ar plan" took place on April 13 - 14, 1961, wl-, tfiv par~-I, lor. -f 250 sPeclalls-s from the laboratories of metallurgical a-nd macrilne-t-jl r4L p an* s .The share of welding in the machine-building Industry for the per' 1960 - 1980 shall increase from 10.3 to 16.8%, where the share of auf,)ma-!z an,! Fc-mia,-omalic welding shall increase from 10 to 65% of all welding work. f n. e -51 fi~jrr- 35% sto ld be assigned to automatic welding by f,;sion melnod~ mr-ri~e.J, slag shielded welding), and 30% - to resistance weld!ng-, A'*---, ,-e Trelzenla,ion of tne main contributions at the plenary session, 1,1= W-r'IN- was con'inued in five groups dealing witl,. a number -)f In 'he develonment of welding in the fields of: transpji4, p-~w-r t,~ n -C;~ PAJYY , Viktor 1- -- - , Men and vehicies in an Automobile racing with the world's longest course. Auto motor 16 no.17: 11 6 S '63. s/613,1162/000/'C, 19/004/006 B108/B1 a6 AUT HOR Palgi, L. TITLE: The effect oil the intermediate vector boson on the energy spectrum of the electrons from muon decay SOURCE: Akademiya naui. Es'-onskoy SSR. Institut fiziki i astronomii. Trudy. no. 19. 1962. Issledovaniya po teoreticbeskoy fizike. 100-103 TEXT: The effect of the non-local behavior, which is due to an intermediate vector boson, on the Michel parameter Q in the electron energy spectrum P (X) = 2 -r-1x2~6(1 - x) + 4Q(-' x - 1)-' 1- 3 1 in muon decay is considered (L. Michel. Nature, 163, 959, 1949). x = 2E /m. The expression Q = .1 + L_ (m/MB)2 is obtained. This result e 4 10 agrees with the result by T.D. Lee and C.N. Yang (Phys.Rev., 108, 1611, 1957). SUBMITTED: November 14, 1961 Card 1/1 Card 1/1 iUTHOR: Pal I gi, M. SO V/79- 2 B-6-4 9/66 TITLE: Synthesis of Several Isomers of Methoxy-Allyl Diethyl- kminoethoxy Benzene (Sintez nekotorykh izomernykh metoksi- allildietilaminsetoksi_~enzolov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 8, pp. 2239 - 2242 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Several methoxyallyldiethylaminoethoxybenzenes have hemostatic properties and cause a contraction of the uterus (Reis 1-3). According to publications the following of the possible methoxy allyl diethyl aminoethoxy benzene isomers have been synthesized: 2-methozy-6-allyl-l-diethyl- aminoethoxy benzene (Formula I), with b.p.161-1630(12 mm4) (Ref 1), 140-1430 (3-4 mm)(Ref 4); 2-methoxY-4-allyl-l-di- ethylaminoethoxybenzene (II), b.p. 1580 (10 mm)(Ref 5); 4-metlioxy-2-allyl-l-diethyl-aminoethoxy benzene (III), b.p. 1660 (6 mm); 3-mettioxy-6-allyl-diethyl-aminoethoxy benzene (IV), b.p.200-2050 (12 mm) (Ref 6); the propenyl derivative, the 2-naeti,OXY-4-9ropenyl-l-diethyl-aminoethoxy benzene (V), Card 1/3 b.p. 185-187 (4 mm)(Ref 7). The authors imprcved upon the Synthesis of Several Isomers of Methoxy-Allyl Diethyl- SOV/79-28-5-49/66 Aminoethoxy Benzene synthetic methods for isomers (I-III,V) and synthesized for the firGt time 2-methoxy-3-allyl-l-diethyl-aminoethoxy benzene VI) and 2-methoxy-6-propenyl-l-diett,.yl-aminoethoxy benzene ~VIIXsee the reaction diagram). With the synthesis of these isomers the corresponding methoxy-allyl-phencla were produced. It was found that the alkylation of the iao- mers of methox.,,:rallyl-phenol with 2-chloro-triethylamine in a nitrogen a,mosphere led to noticeably increased yields of the corresponding methoxy-allyl diethyl-aminoethoxy benzeaes (compared to syntheses carried out in the air) and reaction products of greater purity. There are I table and 21 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Tartuakiy gosudaretverinyy universitet (Tartu State University) SUBMITIED: June 20, 1957 Card 2/3 Synthesis of Several Isomers of liettoxi-Allyl Diet)..Yl- S~7/71-- Aminoethoxy Benzene Card 3/3 BDBROVOLISXIY, S., inzho; J~~IN ~, inzh.; MUM, 0., inzh.; IVASHCHXM, A., insh.; RABINOVICH, S.. insh.; ROTINUIM, A.. inzh.; SVWATKIIA, I.. Starshir inzh. letters to the editor. Stroitell no.11: U N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. %rest Stalinzhiletroy No.1 (for Syrovatkina). (Construction induBtrv) USSR Diseases of Farm Anirmla. Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Fungi Jour. Ref Zhur-Biol, No 23, 1958, No 105802 .iut'-.:)r Pal 'gov A. A.; TYurina., L. A. U % ' Illstltli~, MatRuAt-e-r Veterinary Medicine, K&74Lkh Aff i- Tit1c Vaccinoprophylaxis of Paratyphold Abortion in Plares OrIF. "Flub. : Tr- In-ta vet. Kazakhsk. fil. VASKKNIL, 1957, 8, 210-217 Abstr---A : A phenol alum precipitated vaccine prepared by the authors from virulent strains of Salmonella abortus equi possesses agglutinogen properties and increases the resistance of horses to para-1 typhoid Infection. In a part of the vaccinated horses (6-7%), postvaceinal complications is" observed in a form of asevtle depo-infiltrates * liate of the All-Union Academy of Agricultur~ Sciences imeni Lenin C-rd: 1/2 1P 212 SALYUKOV, P.A., kand. biol. nauk; VERNIGOR, V.A., kand. sellkhoz nauk; KOWANOVSKAYA, M.A.p kand. sellkhos. nauk; GOLODNGV, A.V. ; SKOROBOGATOV, YU.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotr. ; MALLITSKIY, V.A., kand. sellkhoz. nauk;CH*HCHIN, B.V., kand. sellk*z. nauk; PONUMAREV, P.P., kand. tW&bn. nauk; BARYINTSEV, Yu.N., doktor sellkhoz. nai;k; NECHAYEV, I.N., miad. nauchnyy sotr,; POZDNYAKOV, P.M., kand. biol. nauk; KOVIN-KO, D.A., kand. biol. nauk; RALANINA, O.V., kand.sell- khoz. nauk; MOISEYEV, K.V., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ROMANOV, P.F., kand. voter. nauk; PAL_'GQY,_._A_A., k"d.veter. nauk; ANANIYEV, P.X., kand. veter. nauk; VASILIYEV, B.M., kand. sellkhoz. nauki ABDULLIN, V.A., kand. ekon. nauk; GALIAKBEROV, N., laureat Gos.premii, kand.-sellkhoz. nauk, red. ; GUSEVA, N.,_ AeC ; NAGIBIN, P. , teWkr6 red. (Reference book for zootechnicians] Spravochnik zootekhnika. Pod red. N.Gallakberova. Alma-Ata, Kazsellkhozgiz, 1963. 492 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Kazakhstan--Stock and stockbreeding) C i C - - b i,) I o -Y T A,' , I? -, 1 0 -,:; 1/' . 1' 1 9 9 nal I g,)v, A.A. ; DuO ul: - I ov- , R. V Shvokt A - - - - 1 8 t 7 ?1 L ". - g e azakh ' Neterinary Science, l 6r In 61 . on Acad. of' Agric. Sciences All-Unl . " r Pthodi3 of it- ser,)In~-.Lcal DiaFnostic in Larg:e 'little. 01."CG. LIT-- T.r. In-t(i vet. j:nz-,khqk. f1l. Vil"T"ILt 19570 8, 23-26 APSTP,kCT A serological ,,,Lu,3.y for brucellosis T. a ~d un~ on naapleq of '.olool sera of lnr;-,-~~ catu-i tIL An a v~ -) u t ~'. na t i on reartion (jtP) an,! Korol'tz, ;~icdifted r(-r,-~lon OAAP) wrre sel, ~, p Oll T)Ilrt; 111 Q.,. atAmpics, Fi,-A rv:r)Lhf-r -ctr~ wer tested by 3 Ai?, i:.Ai), rin(l A,''' (Co.qj.~;.t-mont flya!~I-on rearti~~. W)re I)oBl and doiibtfal reactiriv sera .,.,ere found witt. the CFR than with the Tr- adddtir,r was demonstratad in 1-11 to ?3% of trlc- rea!-tin;.-( 2/2 USSR / Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseages Caused by ViruBes and Rickettsiae. Abs Jour :Rof Zhur - Biologlya, Ro 2, 1959, No- 7"2 Author :Pallgov., A. A.; Kozlov, 1. S. Inst :Veterinary-Mititute, Kazakh Affillate of the All- Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni Lenin Title :Provoking Hidden Forms of Infoctioua Anomia in Horses Orig Pub :Tr. In-ta Yet. Kazakh-sk. fil. VASMIL, 1957, 8, 218-224 Abstract :The resulteof testing the method of ~Jartynyuk (Inten- sification of hidden forms of infectious anemia (IA) provoked by introducing atropine and adrenalin to horses) are reported on, which were conducted at two farms infested with IA on 12 and 6 horsoa respectively, in which at different times some phenonana were found in some wa8ure characteristic for IA, and at one farm Card 1/2 USSR/Piseases of Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Bacteria R and Fungi Abe Jour Ref Zhur Biol., So 5, 1959, 21369 A.ithor Pal ' irv A.A Inst Kazakh Seientific Res4arch teterinary Institute Title Data on the Epizootalogy of Secrobacillosis in Horses Kept in Herds Orig Pub Tr. Kazakhak. n.-i. vet. in-ta, 1957, 90 257-267 Abstract The author conducted studies at some stud farms investiga- ting the effect of keeping and feeding conditions upon the origin and spread of necrobacillovis (N) enzooties. The basic source of infection of horses proved to be soil contaminated with N bacteria excreted by sick horses toge- ther with purulent discharges and cast-off necrotized tis- sues, and in some cases with feces. The use of the same Card 1/2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., no 4, 1958, 14644 Author Palgov, A.A. Inst Title li~ng of infectious Pleuropneumonia Virus of GD&tB. Orig Pub Tr. Goa. nauchnokontroln. in-ta po, vetpreparatam, 1956, 6Y 102-3-10 Abstract Drying of vectors of infectious pleuropneumonia in goats preserves the virulent properties of the microorganism for 6 months. Card 1/1 r v Av Ei n,- u ya 7 P 2 vuTr n1: St LETCHS HU-NAL Iz-..T7Y Vni ,~.c z~k 1;1 va, PALO GOV. A.A. , ~G. ~-! - -Z, -:~, 1'. - Streptococcal &bortion in she-camels. Izv. AN Kaza".SU. Ser.biol. no.6:39-45 '51. WAA 9:5) (UNSM-DISALM) (STRUTOCOCCUS rroGms) (ABORTION IN ANIMALS) PALIGOV, M.A. Surgical treatment of tLberculous coxitis and its sequelae. Zdrav. Kazakh. 23 no.2:34-37163. (MIW, 1; :10) 1. 1z ortopedicheskogo otdeleriya Vostochno-Kazakhstarskc-y oblastnoy bollnitsy. (HIP JOITT-TUERCT'DDSIS) (HIP JOB T-SURGERY) PAL'GOV, K.A. RP3eCtion --!' ~ne .-:p Fis a ~," clLcice ir. of tuberculolis arnr.""-.g an~lll it's 9,t-~iielqe. Pr;~Ll. ",,L. 42 n- ., : 55-59 163. (PSHA 1. Iz ortoped4cheskogo ,.' iqleniya C;Llastnoy bo.1r.-"-sy vrach V.N. Gapon), '-!s*.l-KamencgrrFk. a:.-; w, f Aea-1. K ..;1 4.-.. '.~esum In -,azaK.-, SO: ':-")42) il _arc.. n, Q! 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,. .1953. Unclassified. PAL'GOV, N.N.; KORZHICNVSKIY. N.L.. professor. doktor geographicheakikh etvetotvennyy rodaktor. [Glacial rivers of the Trans-Ili Ila-Tau-1 Ladnikovve rekI khrebta Zaililskii Alatau. Alma-Ata, led-vo Aicad.nauk Kazakhakoi SSR, 1948. 139 P. (MLRA 10:4) (Trans-Ili Ala-Tau --Rivers) rALIGOV, X,N, , ~ -11 --- --- - Upper reaches of the left branch of the Talgar River in the Trams-Ili Ala-Tau. Izv. AN Kazakh.WR.Ser.geog-T?o.1:5-34 148. (KLRA 9:6) (Talgar Valley--Glaciers) PiWGOV. N.N. ~ I _ Glaciers and waters of the upper reaches of the Issyk River in the Trans-Ili Ala-Tau. Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR.Ser.geog. no-2:3-38 '48. (Issyk Valley--Glacier*) (KIRA 9:6) MIGOV, N.H. r------- Bol'shaya Almatinka glacial group in the Trans-Ili Ala-Tau aretea of the Tien Shan. Izv.AB Kazakh.SSR.Ser.geog. no.2:39~-71 148. (Bollsbaya Almtinka valler-Glaciers) (X2A 9:6) PALICOV, N. N. TI 51TY) Im Oftabalskly's Glacler 1n the Zo.111yokly Alton 3. N. Pa3L'rw, 3.4 pp 62w TeemMuz Geograf Obebw Val LMM, No 1 Somorlbes chormaterlstles of this glazier, one of am In the nwtbwn It, lm abon, IbIch romm the ~ft Ong Talw RIver. Doscrlbm Its cheracterIsUbm. PAL'GOV, -I.N. Contemporary glaciation In the Trans-111 Ala-Tau. 1zv.AJ1 Kat--kh. 151. (K6RA 110:2) (Traw3-Ill Ala-Tau, -G-.IacierB) PAL'GOV, N. N. Method of observing the hydrology of mountain glaciers. Trudy Sek-t.geog. AN Kazakh. SSR no-5:98-110 '59- (MIFIA 1): 4) (Glaciers) (Hydrology) PAL'GOV, N. N. KazakhStarn (Kazakh SSR), Moekva, Gcografgiz, 1953. 166 pages illus. 3N15 621.3 -Pl PALIGOV, N.N. Some methods of studying glaciers. Izv.A.N Xazakh.MR.Ser.geol. no.16:102-112 '53. (MLRA 9:5) (Glaciers) PALIGOV, N.N., doktor geonraficheskikh nwak. Glaciers of the ?.-i~,2B-Ili mla-Twi. Priroda -'~2 no.-i:t)-72 S 'I. (),axA ') : ~, ) (Trans-Ili Ala-T_u--G1F_ciers) (Glaciers--Truns-11i tklkz-Tau) - . - -M - - . 1 i z - 3 . , ' '7 , I I .. -. ; . , - . . . . .1 - . i . . -1 - 1, . . . I I - .1 FALIWV, N. N. N.L.Korshonevskii; obituary. Trwly Bak-t.geog. JLN Xazakb. SSR no.5:218-?20 159. (MIR& 13:4) (Xorzhenevok-ii, Nikolai Loopol'dovich. 1878 - 1958) PALIGOV, N.S. Glacier-snow discharge in rivers of the Trans-ni Al&-Tau. Geog.sbor. 4:20-26 154. (KIRA 7:9) (Trans-Ill Ala-Tau--Glacters) (Glaciers--Trans-lli Ala- un) PALIM, S.W. Water capacity of glacier-snow melt rivers of the Trans-Ili Ala- Tau in relation to the area of the basin. Geog.sbor. 4:27-33 '54. (KIAA 7:9) (Trans-Ili Ala-Tau--Rivers) (Rivers--Trans-Ilt Ala-Tau) ti '*i---`f'Adid:, o tAIL Iliz-M nt PALSGOV. N.N. -- Ixtent of glaciers of tho Trans-Ili Ala-Tan. Trudy SAGU no.5rj:9-.;Il 154. (Trans-Ili Ala-Tau--Glaciers) (MLRA 9-7) KOLITS(N,Sergey Vasillyevich; PALIGOV,9.5., redaktor; BIMNSHTNYN,S.A., redaktor; RCIROrINA.Z.P., to-wnfaii4kii-redaktor [Through Akmolinsk Province; regional sketches) Po Aimolinskoi oblast; kraevedcheskie ocherki. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akademil nauk Kazakhokol SSR, 1955. 97 P. (MLRA 9:1) (Akmolinsk Province--Description and travel) t7 ',V~077,Mwmw~, Pe Ai pa ,-5 -bt-- N-6: p- -Wr"i th lbiw&Us Z"SM kri, lp or' A f t A upw~,Ift~ 0 - we oi ii, . PALIGOV, N.M. - Olwiers of Lopas 'Kars' in the Dxungartan Ala-Tau. Isv.AI Xas&kh. SM.Sor.gool. no.20:167-183 '55. (KLBA 9:8) (DawMprian Al&-T&u--Glaciers) PALIGOV, N.N. Malays, Almatinka glaciers of the Trans-Ili Ala-Tau. -, . no.1:9)-124 '56. ( ku~fu , ; : I " ) (TranB-Ili Ala-Tau--Glaciors) FiLL, WV, B. H. I)7namics of glaciers of Lepsa "Kora" of the mountain range Dzun&L- rian Ala-Tau. Vop.geog.Kazakh. no.1:125-143 156. (MLRA 9:11) (Dzungartan Ala-Tau--Glaciers) PAL'=, JIM&j --Mmw~ kademik. Determining the thichness of sounts,in glaciers by a method of balances. Test.AJ 11&z&kh.SU 12 no.4:40-45 Ap 156. (KWIA 9-8) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhokoy SM . (Glaciers) PA-LIGOV. B.S.. akademik. Balance of one of the Maloalmatinakiy glaciers of the Trans-Ili Ala-Tau. Vest.AN Kazakh.SU 12 no.6:71-78 Je '56. (KLBA 9 - 8) 1. Akademiya nauk XazbSH. (Trans-Ili Ala-Tau--Glaciers) PA.L'GOV. N.N.. akademik. Features of the geography and regimen of glaciers of the Trans- III AlaTau. Vest.An Kazakh.SSR 12 no.10:48-58 0 '56. (XLRk 9:12) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakh8koy SSR. (Trans-Ili jkla-Tau--Glasiera) PAL'OOV, N.N. Origin of 'oases' in the Antartic. Vest.Afi L&zakh.SSR 12 no.12: 52-54 D '56. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Akademik Akademil nauk lazSSR. (Antartic regions) FA 7 1 Gt Z -a pi 1 7. ?JJ ZL SOB I Ills l*-, a crdlect--' r -3 1 as7)oct:; f s---' 'ff Ka'-Lj"' -".a. a -I s ::a Iw-I p-- ~re. s s raw.! tr. e aa ; i-. z! The a-ticlc-s in t?,e res,,ect*v- ran-,'ied w-, the ex--'s-!~ing sclentific lns-~.-,ltt ,3, ant-i numbe- of ocleritistr at-,- m--~rl, al:(~, 1.1 2 ~ I. I:i 2. is a I L- 7a . c )t. '. i- v:r.*,,!:.,!-Lt,- at.0 1: PAL'WV_, N.N. Observations of the motion of one of the stone glaciers of the Dsungartan Ala-Tau. 157. WJIA 10:7) (Duungarian Ala-Tau-Glaclers) AUT80Rt Pallgov, N.N. TITLE: ~he jelermination of Ine Tn_~:kness of' Muunlain Equilibrium Method ~G~,redeleniye mcsn-nnosti gornyKn -el-11.11~_-1: metodom balansov) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Vse6oyuznogo Geografichesko.go 01,shchestva, Vol 90, Nr .,', pi 1'!C - _174 ~U13SH) ABSTRACTi The thickness of mountain glaciers can be -eterminea lt:y t.-.e equilibrium method, based on various factors, such -is al,.Iat-r~n, decrease of, and addition to the glacier during the year, A formula is preserted taking as a basis the trapeziun. or !3em, elliptic shape of the glacier cross-section. Fable I and contain yearly figures of glacier dynamics and serve to the glacier thickness. The values obtained by tide method are compared with the results of the Lagaill metnod, which is recommended for the case of a trapezium - snaped crops section of the Clacier. The accuracy of results ~'-_tained tne equilibrium met*~od deLends on tne accuraa2y I- cata, relating to tne :;.elting, surface leve!'_nF, --.e morphometry and movement speed. Tne articie contains -%L_aEs and 2 senematic drawings. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Glacier dynamics UTEKAGAMBRTOT, Hasletdin RegBmbetovich;,MIWF-.--,NN., red.; SIfFOSTITANOTA, N., red.; KUZIKZUKO, R., [Physical geography of Kaxakhatan; textbook for teachers) Fizichanksia geografiia lazakhatana; ponoble Me uchitelei. Pod red. N.N.Pallgovs, Alm-Ata, Kazakhakoe gos.uch9bno-pedBgog. Izd-vo. 1959. 169 p. (MIRA 140) (Zazakhatan-Physical geography) 3(5) SOV 0 AUTHOR: Pal'gov, N. N.--, of t~.e AS SSF TITLE: Geographical investigations ir. Kazax:~s,~,-r. issledovaniya v Kazakhstane~ PERIODICAL: Vestnik kkademii nauk SSSR, 1191)c, Nr 11 Z:i R ABSTRACT: The Kazakhakaya S9R comprises 5 economic 16 a dmi n i a t ri t ive oblasts an d 21 1 ad;:, i n 1 s t ratjvx~ ray(jrj amftnv of which have not jet been given a detai 6t t i scription. There is only one book oblasts of Karaganda and Pavlodar . In 1958 monogra~.,.s E; J'.-g ;Ci geographical description of thecblasts of Alma A*,a, North Kazakhstan and South Kazaknstan were sen' to graphs are being prepared for the areas of Dznai-nr~;1, K::~ Orda, Kokchetav, Semipalatinsk and Taldy-Kurgan. '-Ie Sektor geografii Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR Department of the Academy of Sciences of t~e SSR.' published "Ocherki po fizicheskoy geograf.:i K:I the editorship of 1. P. Gerasimov. The water Card 112 Kazakhstan are also .r)eing explored and the -f Geographical Investigations in Kazakhstan sov.'40- I' ~44 Dzhungarski y Alatau are observed. The geograpr., ..i carried out investigations of the distrlcts of are planned in connection with the irriga-ion ~,f C.-:,- Kazakhstan, as well'- as of the geography of cEitt'-~--:---- 1918 the Department completed the monagrhpn "Prir-7-.. .Loviya i seliskokhozyaystvannoye osvoyen.~e V Alma-A t i nsk oy ob 1 a s t 4. ". Fur the rmo re , a p hy s i oc C e I g ra ~ ir- dictionary of Kazakhstan is being cozr.~1.11ed b3 tr.(- Dezartm=,.~ cooperation with the Chair of Physical ',eograp if University. Within the framework of *n~- Seven geographers of Kazakhstan intend t-- intenq~fy and practical investigations. A'~;SOCIATION: All' Kezakh~~.,r,. Card 212 PALIGOT, N.M.. aimdamik. red.; POPOLZIN. A.G., dotsent, otv. za vypusk; _0~ ~. F.Ta., red.; FRMOROV. T.F., 11okes of North Kazakhstan] Ozera Severnogo Kazakhatans; abornik statei. Pod red. N.N.Pallgova. Alma-Ata, 1960. 239 p. (HIM 1): 12) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhokoy SSR. Alma-Ata. Otdel geografii. (lazakhotan-Lakos) c:v. red. ; ZZ-- '.'A, '~ A. , rc K) i( VA..' . rc i-acial inve.-tigatic,-ni-, the 1~',Y perlodj A:~ Fint: A--atau. Altai] Za- -iskii kirg-zsk-j A':.,;iu. Altai. (M1111 17:9) 7 kkadeniyj nwtk .:h:-,Yoy S"'., Unti-Ata. Sekt-r cheskoy SAPARGALIYEV, G.S., kand. yurid.nauk~FALIGOV,KA-.-akad.; ROGATYREV, A.S.; AFAEASIHIV, A.Y., prof.; BYKOV, B.A.; SHAKHUTOV., V.F., kand. istor. na-uk; FUROVSKIY, S.F., akad.; SAVOS'KO, V.-K., kand. iBtor. wr:k; NUSUPBKKOV, A.I\., kand. istor. nauk; BAISFZV, S.B., akad.,- GORCY,'-- VODATSKIY9 I.S., kand. istor. nauk; AKHKETOVl A.9 kaVd. istor. nauk; RAKHIHOV, Aes kand* i5tOr. Dauk; FIVEN', W.F.; CHULANOV, G-Ch., doktor ekorom. nauk; BOROVSKrY, V.A., kand. eko-nom. nauk; SYDYKOV, A.S., kand. pedagog. nauk; ZRANGICLIDIN, T., kand. filos. nauk; KARASAYEV, L.K.; KANAPIN, A.K., kand. istor. nauk; BEIM-OV, M.D., kand. ekonor.. nauk; KARYNBAYEV, S.R., kand. med. nauk; AKI*WOVq K.A.,; SMIRNOVA, R,.S., doktor filolog.nauk; SILICHHNKO, M.S., doktor filolog. nauk; YERZA- KOVICH, B.G., kand. iskusstvovedcheskikb nauk; RYBAKOVA, P.; MUKHTA- ROV, A.I.; BOGATE74KOVA, L.I.; K.NDAKBAYEV, B.; SIRANCV, K.S.; SHVYD- KO, Z.A., red.; MA)MOVA, L.B., red.; ZLOBIT%I, M.V., tekhn. red. (The Soviet Kazakh Socialist Republic] Kazakhskaia Sovetskaia So- toialisticheekaia Respablika. Alma-Ataq Kazakhskoe gos. izd-.vo 1960. 477 P. (MIRA 14:6~ 1. Akademiya nauk Kaz.SSR (for Pallgov, Fokrovs~.iy, Baishev) 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk KazSSR (for Bykov, Smirnava, Sillchankc) (Kazakhstan) FALIGOV, N.Nof akademik,, oty. red.) ZHUKOVA, N.D., red.; ROROKINA, Z.P., _U red. [Glaciological research during the International Geophysical Year', Gliatsiologicheskie Issledovanila v period MGG; Zaillokil i Dzburj.- garskii Alatau. Alma-At4q No.l. 1961. 233 P. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Akademiya nauk Azakhsk SSR Otdol Geografli. 2. Akademiya nwk Kazakhokoy SSR (for Pallgovi. I (Trans-Ili Ala-Tau-Glaciers) (Dzhungarian Ala-Tau---Glaciers) PAL: GOV, IJ,, I.: ~ Academy of Scienceb of the Kazakh S.S.R. 1zv. All LSSI~. 3er. goog. no.6:132-134 1;-D 16d. (KDtA 14:1~', (Kazakhstan---Geographical research) (Kazaldistan-Glaciological research) PAL'GOV, N.N. --- i-; is known about the FeofriTt-y of k-azak-E'-ar. Tr-ut:y -Dt.-J. g-og. 9 (' A": Kazak~. SSR no.P:3-26 - ( Y-- -. - : ~ (47akhstan--Geography) PAL'GOV, N.N. ____ - ITOV-observations on the movements of the Nizkomorennyy rock glacier in the Dzungarian Ala-Tau. Trudy Otd. geog. All Kazakh. S-"R no.8:20r-204 '61. (MII,~ 14; 3) (Dzungarian ;Qa-Tau--Glaciers) CHIGARKIN, A.V.; TRIFONOVA, T.M.; ~1?1,'GVA, R.Ya.; KAZANSKAYAl Ye.A.; VILEESOVA, L.A., MU?UW-ZTZHAVOV, S., kand. geologo- miner. nauk; GLADYSMA, Ye.N., kand. ge-ogr. nauk; BAZARBAYEV, K.; KUZNMSOVA, Z.V.; ABDRAM"OV, S.; NAZAIRMKOp I.M., kand. geogr. nauk; YESAULENKO, P.I., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; LAVROVA, I.V., kand. ekonom. nauk; PALIGOYM N..N.. akademik, red.; CHEZGATIOV, L., red.; -GIVE N A W7~P., tekbn. red. [The Virgin Territory; brief studies on nature, popplation and econovq]TSeliraWi krad; kratkie ocherki o prirode, na- selenii i khoziaistve. Alma-Ata, Kazakhskae gos. izd-vo, 1962. 188 p. (MMA 15:9) 1. Otdel geografii Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR (for all e7cept Chezganov Nagibin). 2. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR (for Palvgav~- (Virgin Territory-Econortic geograpby) PAL I. GOV,- SN, "11CH, K.G., red.; _, oty. red.; ZINKOVA, V.A., red.; PAY CMKASOV, F.A., red.; KOVALEVA, I.F., red.; YdRMAKOV, A.G., tekhn. red. [Glaciological reseLrch during the IGY]Gliatsiologicheskie is- sledovaniia. v period MGG. Almr,.-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakh- skoi SSR, No.2,[Trans-lli and Dzungarian ILIa-Tau]Zailiiskii i Dzhungarskii -I-latau. 1962. 208 p. (IURA 15:91 1. Akaderriyn nauk Kazakliskay SS:;,, Alma-Ata. Otdol i-eogrF-fii. (Kazakhstan-Glaciolof,-ical research) F LLL~L~~., otv. red.; VILESOV, Ye.N., red.; 7,.'Ii'K(,VA, V.A., --ed.; MkU_:~_FEVICF, K.G., red.; : A., red.; FALIGGIVA, Z.11;., red. fLGI'aciological research in Kazakhs'.an! Gliatsiologiche- skie issledovan~ia v KazaJ:hs~.ane. Alma-Ata, Nauka. No.5. Iat. 1FG F. 1Q..:, 1. Akademiya nauk Kaza3,hskoy SM , Alma-Ata , Sektor f~zi_ cheskoy geografii. Z., - . - , , ,I I ,-- - - '-" C "I i -, If - .-. . a - I -t, ~ *,El I -~ - .- - n - -. . - -I- I - -. ~, . - - . - , - "'. -. e Itki ~ a -, -^ , . . g mf- '.., -Y~ . ; ~ : s tc - , -, . " . I ': , - N , %, , - 1 4 n - v ~. - - :- . - I .. I - - - - . -~', yfq:- .n -. ~- - . - I . . I - , - - . 11 . .. p PAL13OV, N.N. Regime of 3ollshaya Almaatinka glacierB, 1923-1950. 'rudy I KazNIGW n0.19:57-60 '63. i--:iA ll:i~ PAVGOV, N.N., otv. red.; 7XNKOVA, V.A., red.; MAKAIMICH, X.G., red.; CHERKASOV, P.A., red.; OSTROVERKHOV, A.P., red.; KHUDYAKOV, A.G., [Glaciological research during the IGY] Gliatsiologiche- skie issledovaniia v period MGG. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Ali Kazakhskoi &13R. No.3. (Trans-Ili and Dzungarian Alatau" Zailiiskii i Dzhungarskii Alatau. 1963. 228 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Alma-Ata. Otdel geografii. JAa: .'~q 1:-! 1 tut, J 'f" r- Iv onn ci f .'.e -')n A~ r.': e Oz 7 a f 2 of I I !~v Al ~, t,vj in r-erA d~cndcs" PAL "V "The relation F,,Iacler retm-at and the position of th, frn lin, vith s~-cind rel"erence to the 7~ntraluy Tuyllis-u C;lpclem" TFENOV, Mikhr~!l V. lycifr-s~~-, Tar-sk .3tR" University imeni V. V. Kxkyb~-hev he role of aurm~--r snowfalls In the fluctuation of rsiaclers" rOPOrt to WUtt:dttOd for th-3 on thi Tnrlaticns of th* Regime of Rximting Glaciers,MS (IUGG), Oberguargl, A=txia, 10-18 Sep 19~2. PALIGOV, Nikolay Nikitich; KOROTKOVA, Ye.A., red.; ROROXINA, Z.P., tekbn,red. [Rivers of Kazakhstan; a study in physical geography] Reki Katakhatana; fisiko-geografichaskii ocherk. Alm-Ata, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kazakhakot SSR* 1959. 97 P. (MIRA 12:6) (Kazakhstan--Rivers) PALIGOV, Nikolay Nikitichk SHT:f)V, F.G.,. red.~ ZL9BIN, M,V,, -L"KIM. rea . [Altering Kazakhs~,&n-s naturej popilar science sketch' Preobrazovanle pr1rudy Kazakhstana, nauchno-popultarnyl ocherk, AL-na-Ata. Kazakhskoe gos,izd-vo, 1955, 39 p, (KIRA 16-8) 1. Deystvite'. nyy chlen AN Kaz.SSR (for Pal'gov, k'Kazakhstan-Economic geography, PAL'nV, Nikolay Nikitich N/5 ~22.1 Tam gde podnimayet'sys tselina (nere where virgin Boil emerges) .71 MosIrva, Geografgiz, 1955. 42 p. Map. 3(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1555 Pallgov, Nikolay Nikitich Sovremennoye oledenenlye v Zaillyakom Alatau (Present-day Glaciation in Zaillyskly Alatau) Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, 1958. 312 p. 1,050 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya nauk Kazakhakoy SSR, Alma-Ata. Sektor geografli. Eds.: N.N. Koroleva, and M.P. Korotovskiy; Tech. Ed.: P.F. Alferova PURPOSE: This book Is Intended for glaciologists, vuz Instructors and students, area specialists, and all those interested in glacier phe- nomena. COVERAGE: The book describes present-day glaciation regions In Zailly- skiy Alatau and all of Its Important glaciers. It Is based on ob- servatIon5 made by various investigators, including those carried out by the author during a period of 30 years. It provides a geomorpho- logical and morphometric outline of the region and discusses the dy- namics, regimen, and spatial distribution of the glaciers.. Particu- Card l/ Present-day Glaciation (Cont.) SOV/1555 lar emphasis is placed on glacier hydrology and Its role In feeding rivers. Many glaciation factors are reduced to mathematical for- mulas to express the various dependencies on natural conditions. The author thanks G.A. Avsyuk, S.V. Kalesnik, N.L. Korzhenevskly, K.K. Markov, L.A. Molchanov, N.A. Solntsev, M.V. Tronov, A.S. Uteshev, V.L. Shullts, and O.P. Shcheglova for their help in preparing the work. He also thanks M.E. Grudzinskly, instructor of mountain climbing for his help In compiling maps of mountain glaciology. There are 94 diagrams, 41 tables, and 242 Soviet bibliographic references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 I. General FhyBiCogeographical Features of the Range 5 Surface 5 Meteorological conditions 13 Il. Zone of Present-day Glaciation 21 History of explorations 21 General character of glaciation 25 Glaciation of the northern slope 34 Card 2/6 Present-day Glaciation (Cont.) SOV/1555 Uzunkargaly 'river basin 35 Chamalgan river basin 35 KaBkelen river basin 36 Aksay river basin 36 Kargalinka river basin 37 Bol'shaya Almatinka Piver basin 37 Malaya Almatinka river basin 58 Levyy Talgar river basin 76 Sredniy Talgar river basin 102 Pravyy Talgar river basin 112 Issyk river basin 115 Turgen' river basin 133 Asy river basin 135 Glaciation of the southern slope Chongkemin river basin 136 Chilik Ybiver basin 14c) III. Main Features of Glaciation 150 Center of glaciation Secondary glaciation centers 152 Dependence of glaciation on the upper level of mountains 157 Card 3/ 6 Present-day Glaciation (Cont.) SOV/1555 FIrn line 162 Elements of glaciation 169 -,81 IV. Glacier Movement General remarks Almatinka river basin Talgar river basin 184 Malaya Almatinka river basin 187 Characteristics of glacier movement 191 V. Glacier Thickness and Mass Thickness Glacier mass 196 VI. Glacier Melting 201 Methods used and areas observed 201 Melting of the Levyy Talgar glaciers 2o6 Melting of the Shokallskiy glacier 221 Melting of the Issyk river glaciers 224 Melting of the Bol'shaya Almatinka river glaciers 229 Melting of the Malaya Almatinka river glaciers 232 Summary of observations of melting 239 Card 4/ 6 Present-day Glaciation (Cont.) SOV/1555 Melting and Its relationship to cloudiness 244 Melting under silts and disintegrated rocks 247 Sub-glacial melting 249 VII. Glacier Runoff and Its Role in Feeding Rivers 253 General remarks Runoff from the glaciers of Levyy Talgar 255 Runoff from the glaciers of Bol'shaya klmatinka 258 Runoff from the glaciers of Malaya Almatinka 26o Glacial and fluvial runoff 262 V111. Spatial Distribution and Conditions of Balance in Glaciers 278 Fluctuations in the firn line 2~8 Retreat of the Chilikskiye glaciers 2 0 Retreat of the Isaykakiye glaciers 282 Shrinkage of the Bol'shaya Almatinks, glaciers 282 Shrinkage of the Malaya Almatinka glaciers 290 Conditions of balance in the glaciers of Malaya Almatinka 293 Xquilibrium profile 295 Iffoot of glaoier shrinkage on rIver feed 296 Card 5/6 Present-day Glaciation (Cont.) SOV/1555 Conclusion Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Mmlsfm 5-5-59 298 Card 6/6 -PkL'GOV, V. Let us fight for the erforcement of every point in the collective Weawnt. Sov. profsotuzv 5 no.2:25-27 7 '57. (MLRA 10:4) (Collective labor agreements) YEIAISKI'Y, 1-1-S.9 khna. arkhit., red.; FA1,13uV, *..I., kand. mea. riauY, red.; YISL.~~'SMIK, red. 'Firarming and aevelc.,~-I'rg cf s~-J--ar:i arlL, :-,,~ive L zones 'or indu~tria` -istricts us t r c) i s t v o s aa r na- za s hc hi t nyk r. zc- nor ~y s h 1 e rin-, k-l". raionc,v. Kiev, Gosstruiiz,ia-, 1. !:&uchriu-i ssler-,vtitell3kiN, i tel Istvh (fcr Yeleru---,iy, I a ~,-w; A. v T C. I on c. n Lhe fle'd of appiied rebulto of ru5c'..", r~ i on j. -it "ell f,) r a L -c! ?i an; i IC, j i o ki 1: 1 -i A. li. It 11'.0t 1, Lute In ~;UW~i"Um 1',*.'aUchr.o-*-:,,;i--C--'O,.-L-tLlls;~ly In5LItut po Btrol- yu. R-~2earch of uB e z; a! ' n a '.I n g rys L Da h Pe~ala~ 67 yy D. N . V I Pal 16ov, And Yu. D. ~h-. `:vat f , ; x-l-- 51c e sk Ly institut nuy nlir Z~Ien',Iflc Researc.~, llnatltu~ cf %:,inic.1pal Hyg~lez---). Character of Urban BuIldIng on Mloclifying Insolation 00 r-*!,-n in ti-,e ~rkrSSR 4/7 LAWN01 TO.S.,; PALIGOV, V.I.. vrach; YABL(XSXAYA, Z.V., arkhttaktor Health and architectural planning aspects of village construction In the Ukraine. Gig. i san. 24 no.1:55-58 J& 159- (MMA 12:2) 1. Is Ukrainskogo institute kommmallnoy gigiyent t Instituts grado- strottellstya Akademli strottel'stva i arkhitektury USSR. (HOUSING, rural constructions in Russia (Run)) (RURAL COBDITIONS, same) FAL'GOV, V. I., Cand of' Med 5ci -- (dli3~,) "Iiyjrenlc Problems of Planning housInE Unlt,-z ConstnAction and *-~,e iieli-Bei:.6~ of Bov4:.Dz ~.)ettlemerlto," Kiev, 1)1~9, 16 pp (i.Iev MedlczA .11 (K.L, 1-60, 126) PALIGOV, V.I. (Kiyev) - WX;nic evaluation of the solar radiation and aeration of living quarters in Ukrainian cities. Trach.delo no.6:627-629 Je '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Uk-rainsk-iy nauchno-lesledavatel'sk-iy institut kommurel'noy giglyony. i (UKRAIN-F,-&kNITAT TON. HOUSFSOLD) PALI GOV, V. 1. (Kiyev) ........................... --.. Hygienic problems in building dwellings on Ukrainian state farms. Vrech.delo no.10:1061-lo63 0 '57. (MIRA 10:12) I, Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut kommunallnoy gigiyarq. (FARMHOUSES) (PUBLIC H&ALTH. RURAL) 0 KALYUZHNYY, D.N. , prof.; IWEEBSKIY, A.M., kand.rped.nauk; YAI-TYSEEVA, N. Ya.,; IIALIGOV, V.I.,,; Luum, Ye.S., kand. med.nauk "Handbook on iminicipal hygiene, Vol.1.11 Revieved by D. N. Kali uzhn-.ri and others. Gig. i san. 27 no.3;102-104 Mr 162. 1~c4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent A141 SWR (for Kalyuzhnyy). (PUBLIC HEALTH) PALIGOV, V.I. Hygienic evaluation of planning and Improvement of the state farm villages of the Ukminian S.S.R. Uch. sap. Mcsk. nauch.-issl. i=t. san. I gig. no.6t87-U 160. NIRA I.1:1-1) (UWINE--STATE FAINS) MALCHENKO, A.L.; KRISHTUL, F.B.; MAKSIMOVA, Ye.A.; PALIGOVA, A.S. Increasing the yield of bakeral alcohol from molasses. Spirt. prom. 1. Veesoyuzrqy zaochrqy institu (for Malchenko). 2. Vsesoy-uznyy inotitut formentnoy I splrtovoy Maksimova, N11gova). yeast in the production of 29 no.8:4-6 163. (MIRA 17:2) pishchevoy pronyahlennosti nauchno-isslodavatellskiy proqrshlonnosti (for Krishtul, Country * USSR T Catc-Gory- lhu= aiul PhysioloCy. Circulr-ti--.-. Genarc-1 Problc: is Jour: F=iol-, No 19~ 1958, 88777 ;,uthor Inst Title Ontogenctic Stuay of the Intcrocc,)tLVL Efft.XtS fra. the SplcLm U:)on Dlood Pressure and Rusj)'-ration. OriL Pub: Byu]. cI-:spcr-"-:.-.- biol. i Lieditsiny, 1c"57, Nr- 1,, 13-17 ,~,.bstract: The spleen ef Dup-,,ics was perfused w-I'th = oxy- genated II:,-CLr-Lcc!-.c solution. WiLli an elevation of the bl,)cxl pressure (DP) in the spleen vcssels to 80-100 ~v of !IG In puppies 2-4 m~,nths ~))A, in half of the cc~scs v. sliaht elevation -X BP was noted; Card 1/2 PALI GOYA. L.A. Interoceptive effects from the spleen on blood pressure arA respiration in ontogenesis. Biul.skep.biql. i mod. 43 no.1 SUPPlament:13-17 '57. (MLR,1 10:3) 1. Is kafedry normalluoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. A.P.Plosukhia) 11azakhskogo meditsinskogo Institute, Alma-Ata. Predstavlena daystvitellaym chlenom AKN SSSR Y.N.Chernigovskim. (SPIM. pkwaiol. eff. of stimulation of baroreceptors and chemrseeptore on blood pressure & reap. in puppies) (BWCD PRESSURN, physiol. eff. of stimulation of baroreceptors & chemoreceptors of spleen in puppies) (RESPIRATIOV, pkWsiol. s8 me ) FALIGOVAp L.Ye. Interoceptive reflexes frost the pericardium and pleura an the circulatory system in ontogeDesis. Isy. AN KazaM. SSR. Ser. sad. i fisiol. no. 1:7-13 160o (KMk 13:10) (REMEM) (BLOOD-CIRCULATION) (PERICARDIUM) (PLEURA) PAL'GOVA. L.Ye. Reflexes from the baroreceptors of the stomach and the urinary., bladder affecting puppies' hearts as recorded by elect rocardiography. Izv. AN Knzakh. SSR. Ser. mod. i fiziol. no.2:37-43 '59 (MIRA 13:3) (RXYLXXJS) (STOM&CH--INNIRVATION) (BIAMIR-INAUUTIOW) (ZLBOTROCARDIOGDAPHY) Vr)LOD'Kf - Menhar, -Lm o! *,-. ' ' - '- ' : '- Fl- ~ -,. - I " " * - -. - th,-ra-,.:! su-jer"'. . 1. , ; -,~ -. . I.- - " i '- - 25-V 'ItIL PALIGOVA. L.Ye. InteroceT)tive resnonses to blood circulption nnd respirntion in ontogeneels (with summnry in Enclishl. Fiziol.zhur. 44 no.5*.412-416 It 158 (HLRA 11:6) 1. ]L%fedrn nomallnoy fiziologii Knznkhekogo gosudarstvpnnogo meditainskogo instituta, Alma-Ata. (RISPIRATIOR. Dhysiology eff. of interoceDtive stimulntion of vnrious orgFin" in young dogs (R~s)) (BLOOD PRESSM, physiology, same) ~-,!.Z-11-:A Set 2 Vol A12j" )y 785. DEVELOPWAT (IF k%() RESPIRAMM' IMS11i,IN s L's TU IvrEituici-PTIVE. S-TlNIL:I-l - I I, -v L.~L . Dept. of Physl'i'.. Kazakh Med. Inst. . Alma-Ata - 1-17-14)l Z It. 1-95-9-,44. 5 (412-416) Illus.4 The de velopment of inte I,,( v pti ve re flexe t -,! , - It, r,dl blood pre sau re and re bpi ra- tion wah studied in y-ing p~jppjeh. lilt,,ri r,-L- re tria retipiristifin may rebwma to stifflula, ... n of vIN(.vrme,eI.t-,I N -)f inte ;W. K.011eytAridurinary bladder sn early as ttie fir8t jx.stnatal dayh. Thche f,i-x rval.110ob I)CCOMe tyllifUl Iiii- thofic (it adult 41111111,11h till vwj) oothr I Stit oi !uu, .1 iii, Smitiotton Minneaptilot, Minn PALIGOVA,, L. YE., Doc Bio Saig "INTERCEPTI " EFFECTS J-01-'BLOOD CIRCULATIO14 AND RESPIRATION IN ONTOGENESIS." I ALMA-ATAI, 1961. (MIN OF HIGHER AND SEC SPEC ED KAiSSR~ ALMA-ATA ZOOVET JNs'r). (KLI, 3-61, 209). 120 'A,L'r, V,4 L . ),'c. PALIGOVA, L.Te. Reflex action of intestinal chomoreceptors on blood pressure respiration in ontogenesis. Blul. eksp. biol. i med. 38 no.7: 7-9 il 154. (MIRA 7:8) 1. Is kafedry normallnoy fiziologil (say. prof. A.P.Polosukhin) Kasakhakogo meditsinskogo Inatituta Imeni. V.K.Molotoya. Alma-Ata. (IMSTINKS. physiology. reflexes from chemoreceptors to blood pressure & reap. after histamine & carbon dioxide stimulation) (BLOaD MSSURX, pbysiology, intestinal reflexes from chemoreceptors after histamine stimulatiou) (RWIWION, physiology intestinal reflexes from chemoreceptors after carbon dioxide Stimulation) (CARBON DIOXEM. effects, on intestinal chemoreeeptor reflexes) (HISTAKINI, affects. on intestinal chemoreceptor reflexes) P'qx '6r,6 FAV G jig Interoeoptive effects from the urinar7 tract on blood preBoure and respiration In ontogenesis. Biul.eoksp.biol. I mod. 38 no.12:3-6 D 154. (MI2A 8:3) 1. Is Imfedry norms.11noy fistologit (saw. prof. A.P.Polostukhtn) K&Zakhokogo moditsinskogo Institute. iment V.N.Molotova, Alma-Ata. (URINARY TUCT. physiology, off. of stimulation on blood pressure & rasp.) (BIM FUSSURM, physiology, off a of urinar7 tract stimulation) (BBSPIRATIO3, physiology. eff. of urinary tract stimulation)