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int oa, ie-a- ~ - T'- 77 T t ~ 6 PALISMISKA, Ewa, mgr inz. Set of microwave meastiring instr-,merts for band C, Przegl telekom 36 [i.e. 37] no. 4: Supplement: Biul przem inst telekom 17 no. 1: 124-128 Ap 164. Paliszowski, W. "Trainino V.e Staff for New P'ant-', v. Fzl - Lignin, TtS -hemistry a.-A A7! !~,-.i'-ion 0 P. q3 (PRZF'~T-O Vol. 1, :7", "ar?*--, -1--3, '-o3-, 7-1an~ 30: "ontlily List of r.,t~t -uror-an A,:-ceF!~ions, VDI. 2, d-, Librr3ry Df -0,'v"rr-Fq, 1~*'3 Uncl. PALITS:':, D. ca I !: V. s ck.-- e In tl~e ~)or e r I II] L -,a I0~-c2o A,SMVA, I.V., KUCHAYEVA, A.G., PALITSKIN. N.P.. STWKOV, V.V. Soviet gibberellin; production methods and activity testing. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. biol., pochv., aeol., geog. 14 no-3: 3-12 159. (MIRA 13:7) 1. K-9-fedra 1-iologii pochv Moskovsko-go universiteta, Insti- tut mikrcli:lo~,!i N SSS'P 1 ?armatsevtlc',ieskiy zavod im. Karpova. (GIRBXt~.LLINS) FALITSKIY, A.; SOYOLCV, A. ~Uuuffactured according to the new styles. Mest.prarn.i xhud.promys. 3 no.5-.26 MY 162. (RIII~A 15:6) 1. Rabotniki !-,izhskof,,o gorodokogo upravleniya bytovogo obsluzhivuniya. (Riga-Orthopedic shoes) PALITSM, K.- - - This concerns all state farms. Okhr. truda i sots. strak~. 4 no.5:36-37 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Predeedatell rabochkoma sovkboza imeni Lenina, Bollehaya Mookvtl, 11111yanovskiy rayon. (Moscow Province-Agriculture-Hygiene aspects) 0 000000000geoeogesoo,::Goooooooooooooooo.oooo 0 0o 00 0000000000000000000 OoO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* '! ,m. 11( 01pr."ALe. 00061 TUN 4 T1_ L - T." C. ;l " u . Gov.-$ - , i .09. 1191WILI. J111 SON 0 to -- F of SOS 00 OOc 0= 00 go Ul q.11A . ...... l so swrlil PAIN it al"IttlaWpi 7 "N !1VIUM)f All in) tv qj~ftaj gal 00 11 .118 )a itm Ap 00 puviqw 1~tu 111 it ) lu-m-sad ail 31"PAq- p- 00- U-11111 -1r 91tandap jqj in 111.1 lul. N IS U, a '. . p ()e.,) lu JR111IMP v ptm 1,1,1 Go- p P) Illk)) J41 ul pritatutun, aiv %jjn~,,j Xt'L 'U.IA!S 'IML)) w.plitnil'i Ito I'll. Wdou. JR.qlatlt M41 00- 00 aq3 a S_q 4.0404 4., Q.. " - 0 T-rj 1 11 1 -f I I , 6+0 a 35 0 w of 11 ff a 61 91 tj .1 a a I I I I 1 0 0 9 0 s t- f f t a IFIF& t `01, f 9 0 f 0 4l * 0 0 0 0 a v m n", 00000000 0 I .- *4049*041096 0 it a it to a lit 11 0 0 C- 1-1 - JL I A, a CK to 111 ~-q j AL k : : 1 0 190SUIlS of geocbem" inveshpittogs d the CarbOtAtt *0 00 dePos't& Of tbw Ishimbeew oil Selds 1,allisyn - 00 Mduldly , Af-;'47. ';' I'_'_ 00 11tal, -R,,:1.4 "4 1939. N" )I.*, Ott, -00 . N" '~ ~.'! 'j k t 13. -00 f-111- ..' (11- 1 as' 1.-1 1, t 0 -It,' I I, An n-.-1 - .... I. t at %igc, 1, ' 00 a" .'atwa.-l :Ia *It 114-1- see ' ut- d -(%-n in, Iv,ut at cao and Al t) A l d i . tal y- m s saiI-d ou, ja-a- .4 dolaum =00 .1th),1111t, founa In Ill, tack. .4, coo iorok~d Partly " the fe~nlg (If tht, flalluld', fra~t'- I bJ' 11 tuPPmtt-d ky~ All tffufva~d conttnt of S, it in .p~, I- 00.3 mrn% Ohich runianind dolontsiv.. No 4 muie, itus, wit, -6. wrvtd ttweell lim, -mt,al f ".Jftw'jl~ and .11h)dflic- It. HaamIg" wa,tton t-L pl.&- th, l.rt,vj,.jAv f-autd lunttatics and the w4t,r -nrg ~~pusg h see t rm4h the lont-imi- J be awif at bitutacn~ wa~ in pit"al highul In .1tich wnslned lnghtr (a, trill i, of Nlgf I and .10 1.. 600 got f tie* r 1100 41 is des; 0 0 ei* bolt 0 0 0 0 a 0 00o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0j 0 0 0 0 - ._MjjSYN,_ N.D.., kand. peol.-miner. nauk, otv. red.; REYKHERT, L.A., red. izd-va; ZENDELI, M.Ye., tekhn. red. [Development and use Of aerial methods in geological and geophysical studies] Razrabotka i primenenie aerametodov v goologo-geofixicheakikh iseledovaniiakh. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 130 P. (MIRA l6t6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. LaVoratoriya aerometodov. (Astronautics in geology) 1-15Y /V N 9.3 t :vi ~v fell 10 1 !q pt se pdig .9 ;, oil h p* , 11 -:1 SHU,I-S, Sergey Serge-yevich, c3oktor peni-raner nauk; '40ZHAYEV, Boris Nikolayevicir., "O-ZHAYEVA, ';ale.-,,ina 6rigorlyevna; HUKOYATKIN, Anatoliy Arkad'yevich, ~fi Annt-~.-'iy I - I vasll;yev4c~~. F ITS Ijj~ -- ;t. SYN, ,-,Jay T.MitrIlyevich; F~, ll~-MA?!V, Yevge ly Wisi. yevichi J'.A,, red 1. z,J-va ZAvA!IAYEVA- it A. I.ekhx- red omm i7e.)' opl7Ft' an~ p- morphological nutillne .~112j mEiki-.ri v( zvysher~r 7fol.- j7--I-eomorlf~,Iogicheskli f-jeherk. ;~Y K Vl~ v S.':j S R, 1 96 z I L 6 1 440MR, A1'06000943 SOURCE dOAr:--- 0/0286/65/0M/022/0028/0028 AUTHORS: Malakhov, V. I.; Ps.111M, N. P.; Piskunova,_Xe. M. ORG. none TITLEt A method for obtaining forrocene..\ Class 12, No. 176293 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 22, 1965, 28 TOPIC TAGS: ferrocenev iron compound, organometallic compound, organoiron compound ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining ferrocene by reacting anhydrous ferrous chloride, diethylamine, and oyclopentadiene, and by subsequent separation of the product. To simplify the method, the process is carried out in the presence of excess diethylamine. The product is separated by steam distillation and washed with boiling distilled water. The anhydrous ferrous chloride is obtained by heating hydrated ferrous chloride in vacuum at 160C. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DAM 080ot63 r UDCs 5470419,6!112A-~ NESMEYANOV, A.N.; VIL'CHEVSKAYA, V.D.; KOCHP:TKOVA,N.S.; PALM;YN, N.P. synthesis of jjhosrjhorui3-con*.jAJnJng derivativeo of ferrocenef. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khIm. no.11:2051-2052 N 163. (MiRA 1":Ii 1. Institut elementoorf7anicheskikh soyedineniy AN S,,SR. PALITSYN, Vladimir Andreyevick, !Lnzh.; SPEKTOR, MoiBey Isaakovich,inzh.; Aleksey Ivanovich, inzh.; SANDKHDTSKIY, A.I.; inzh.., ved. red.; TRUSOV, L.P., kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; SOROKINA, T.M., tekhn. red. (High-temperature double-chamber electric furnace for heating stamping billets) Vysokotemperaturnaia dvWchkamernaia elektri- cheskaia pech' dlia nagreva zagotovok pod shtampovku. Moskva, Filial Vses. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn. informataii, 1958. 11 P. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicbeskii i proizvodstve=yi opyt. Tema 5. No.M-58-206/i2) (MIRA 16:3) (Electric furnaces) even- v ded- vith, -"Aefi-66t"~ k ~Av A u0 -., (lou-(' i" ok ,Uof ii th PALITSYN,~t. Novye vadnye Puti. LTne new waterwavs/. (79,Iny tranqnort, 19) n 1, DD~: i956 R,~- Plan 19)7 g. I zadachl vodnogo trRnsporta. fThe plan for 1937 and the nriblems of water transoortation7 (Vodny! transDort, 1937. no. 4, P. 5-8) DLG: HE561.R8 Planovye voprosy transDorta: Vodnvi trans ort. Porty. ~Planninr problems of transportation: Vaterway transport; portis". (Transport i khoz-vo, 1930, no. 5, P. 131-132). DLC: HE? . T68 SO: Soviet Transnortation and Comminication. A Bibliograph-v, Library of Congress Reference Department, Wasnington, 1952, Cnelassified. K-.-; - . 1. - ,, . . I - .. I I ~ , I .., .. . I , --' N ~- r r -. - - -,% , , - , *. . , .- I - , :~ , ~! . : - , " , - r- " 9 ~ . ;, . - . . . s - . -. .- -. ., -. , - ". -.-- . I- f:I I- fW .-f 14 USSR/ I-ab(-rat(--)ry Equipment.. kppar.~itu6es, Their T Theory, Construction ,rid Abs Jour: Referat. 2hur.-Khi-miya, No. 3, 1957, 273-08. Author I A. Pa I I tsyri,, . TItle Adaptation of Spec trophotome ter SF-4 to Fast Automatic RecordIng of Spectra. Orig Pub: OptIka I spektroskopiya, 1"J56, 1, No. 3, Abstract: In order to -,rrange an automatic recordinE (Dip spectra with the spe(, tropho tome ter SF-4, its recording device was replaced with the recording device of the spectrophotometer FP-l (R7hKhtm, l')55, 4'~200; 1956, 19649). The spectrum evolve- ment Is carried out by rotating the prism of the rp,onochromator with a motor 2ASM-100 and reductor. At the maximum speed of the evolvement, the range or wave lengths from 400 to 219 i~, Is reenrded In C a rd 11,*2 USSR/ Laboratory Equipment. Apparatuses, Their I Theory, C-,nstruction ;~nd Appl~catlon. A bs Jr) ur - ReCer,it- 71,ur.-Khllmlya, No. 9, 1-~'--)7, i3 sec., and the range of wave lengths from IfOO to ~60 m,- is recorded In 4 sec . The resolving rapac Ity In the, v is Ible range is 4 m, ind in the ultraviolet range It. Is 0.1:, m,4, . ~7ard :?,1'2 FILITSTIU, I.A.; DUBOV-KUZOV.V. 1. A simple instrument for the simultaneous measurement of dielectric constants and phase angle. -Tl-Ag 155. (Dielectrics) (MIft 8:10) Ri?:Hol Ko 24(7) --E I BOOX EXPLOITATION S07/1365 Llwav. Ualveraytet IFAterl&ly X VaesrT4~.~go '"c5hChaJUY& Po spaktros,(opil. t. 1: MOlakulyarnAya (P&Pers of the lGth All-Union Conference an Spectriacopy. V0'-- 1: Mlecular Spectmooopy) 11,1vov) lxd-,. Lvov!~ogo -Anita, 1957. 499 P. 4 OC.0 copies Printed. (Sri.. ! I.e. Plz7chnY7 zbirayk, v7p. SA~) Additional SPOM-orlng Agerjej: Alrademiya nauk SUR. Komisslya po spektroakoplll. Fl.: lazer, S.L.1 Tech. Ed.: S4L-Anyuk T.V.; Editorial B~Ard; !A~Iaterg, G.S., Aca4emtclan (R..p. id., Deceased). Neporent, B.S., Dottor of Physical and Mathmalcal salencea, Pabelln~kiy, I.L. Doctor of Ph7slcea and Patheciatical Sclecces, . V.A. . &.ot.r of Phymica~ and Kathenatical Solenc.S. Kormit%kly, "W.G., C~ndtda" of Teclinloal Sclences, Rayakiy. S.M., Candidate of end S.L.-, KIL-kly, L.K., Candidate of Fhje-'oal w.-1 Mathematical Scienate, Millyanehuk, V.S., Candidate of Phjsjj~;. " mathematical Sciences and Glaubftrmmmv A. Ye., Candldat* of Physical and Mathematical ~Clences. C" 1/30 Dlanov-laokov, V.I., and A.D. St&khaveldy. Reglate" Device for Infrared Spectmestere 401 PArkov, M.N. The Spectral Sensitivity of a Costod L~lmrtl& Rolowter 403 Mallnewo A.P. Nickel bolometers 405 131 nko ,P.L., and O.Y. PialkovskAWa. Infrared P"Lation Polarlsers alltffyna~ I,A. Analyzer Based cm the SY.4 Spestro. 407 WkItIm. V.N., B.Z. Vol*hek, and N.V. Vol-kenahteyj6 U41mg Infrared Polari d 409 ze Light in Deterubdog the 0r1*nt&t10n of Polymers PQkrOvGkaya, Y9. I. Variations Im the Infrered fteotp& or crystallim polyedre D 411 urLog Neltiza 1,- " I . 426 PA11111sylluip I.A. Automatic recorder of ~,otassiun xanthate concentraticla. TSvpt. , 14:' met, 34 no.1;:17-l'~ -g - 1. Institut elementoorganicheskildi soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Flotation--Equipment and supplies) (Kecording instruments) Category ~SSF G-2 Abs Jour Re~ Nc Author Palitsrab -':I K! L Title -he D-ItI,!, the, Or 19 Pub Tzmt-x + i Ich 14 Abstract The -n z!-zi' 1. Or. W~85,~rl)C tllt' wItFige-; i-, axid tc h--~i. A.'e _ri~-mcwn ~spa--~-y -,,-1e juality W-i Tm IF, r .a F, 4,~t.-:-Mjnt!,d ~'rt_)M TI)e ,n '.nf- .-etbd- pr,;,!*-i -J tV 13 i-.- vh-n 'ho mea~iui-l is conne:'ted i r. t. 411 1, "'t Fin,: -harig- -- Q pr ~~-~d -v -DaniectlnL.- 'I, MWA i, ~' 5p,- ~ ~- S '. I..! " - TA -111 1) ttie vaitle -f --ar, ^, of tne Inves- tig8l:t-I 3-,-.b~razzi-e frow IhL- rnb_ag,~ in ,he sl-L-pe :.f the curve on tee osciLlograph screen Tn- i-,-;,qtv- -~-ns,~.uv,_tv of the Instrument is ~ ') x 10 The mini- MUIn mi.:-- .,T_j_t-)f9rf3ds Thie :.perating freqiency .-trimer"', 'S f.!i ~'I-ml ur. 9- line fwl-hout ri Pard PAL TSTNA, I.A. for t-he 57-4 spectrophotometer used in rapid automatic recording of spectra. Opt.1 spekt. 1 no.3:437-438 Jl 156. (Spectrophotometer) (MIaA 9:11) V. W3846 NX: AP5022357 LIR/0115/65/000/007/0035/0039 621.314.22.061.24 7-IMMOR: Dianov-Klokov, V. 1,; Stakhovskly, A. D.; PalitLUU-1. A. 1ITLE: Designing the input transformer of an amplifier for a thermocouple and ~bolometer (operating frequency, dimensions, inherent noise) MURCE: lzmeritelInaya tekhnika, no. 7, 1965, 35-39 .!.~_:TOPIC TAGS: circuit design, electric transformer, amplifier design, bolometer jABSTRACT: The authors derive formulas for calculating the equivalent resistivities J:'-~-iof losses in the core and wire, inductance per turn and number of turns in the sec- I .0ndary as functions of frequency and core parameters in the input transformer of ani :;,,,.-,.amplifier for a thermocouple and bolometer. These formulas are then used for find- g',the maximum amplification.of the transformer as a function of frequency ind di- I is given for the passband at optimum tuning. The design for- ens.ons. A formula m Mulas were teste&by making three transformers with cores of various sizes made Of' various types of permalloy. -The results are tabulated. The cuives based on experi mental data are compared with theoretical curves. There is d noticeable deviation KOLBASOV, V.A.; PALITSYNA, ].A.; SHIBALOV, Ye.A. I .ontinuous se:f-recording refractometer. Zav.lab. 30 n, '- - 367-368 164. !IC?,A 1-:4) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedinenly. PALIUSCINSKAJA, N.; )MUKOVSKAJA, I.; GORIUNOVA, -K. Observations on the course of labor in patients with rhematic heart disease. Sveik. apsalip. 9 no.LIti7-22 163, 1. Respublikine Viln1aus klinine ligonine. Vyr. gydytojas - V. Zygas, reirmatologijos skyriaus vedeja G. StaBiulionyte, a.Kuserijos- inekologijos skyriaus vedejas A. Striupas. ~LABOR) (RHEUMATIC HEART DI~KASE) (PREGNANCY CaKPL., CARDIOVASCULAR) PALIUSCINSKAJA, N.,, KASEKkS, F..; ---.; GOR--U'N(,VA, N. Clinico-anat,om~cal analysis :)f of ~7,egna-n--wonen with rheumatic heart -"ioease, Sve-k. Apsaug. no.4.10-14 1. Lietuvos respublAine Viln-aus kl-~nlne lfgonine (Vyr. gydyto '4as V. Zygas). TSRS MMA Liatuvos eKspprimpn~Anes medicinos instilutas. (Direktore - E. Karosiene). '11-; ti u LI 1.~ ro -ain ra 3-5 c.,, i: o t* *,,: i u Le i!- "u:.,ili ti c ~-i A I I uf u oc! zation o C --Ill ton. -' c ',o ul-s !I ) . " CZECHOSLOVAKIA PALIVCOVA, Marie; STOVICKOVAN Nadezda. 1. Geological Institute C3AV (Geologicky ustav CjAV), Prague - (for ?)z 2. Institute of Applied Geonhysics, (Ustav uzite geofyzicky), Prague - (fcr ?) Prague, Ve3tnU ustredniho ustavu vpologickeho, No 2. March 1966, pp 127-136 "Petrographical formations and the origin of magna. in relation to tectogenesis as dealt with in modern 3oviet literature*" 7- C, C'. C, v Lit: i L; Acader-ic DeCrees: /not --4ve:-,/ Af filiation: /,%ot given/ Source: Prague _.Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii, Vol VI, No pp ".watermination of the 4xtincLiOll Inclination in 140noclinic A,--1ipUUO1t:!3 an-~; in -Lh,- Current ',:icroscopic ?rac-,ice. Authors: PA_L!VCOVA, Tv.arie ~'EDIUK, Fery --JlAlJVf'(',VA, Marle 11iiasic r-.cK.,i arm ~rob,emfi a' trie~r orlgln." ~evlewe,i t,,y ~ al Iveova . ".as min peoj' 9 no. !:"3-"4 164. PA', 'I , !'.., "-: . .. .- , ; , f. . . . I . .. '. . . ~ I .., I . I ~ ..3. _', - ~ 0 i ;-,! - ; . -, ." - : : , , - . ,, . , - 1~ ; < , : - I p PALIVCOVA, Marim, KETTNER, Radim, ak,ilemik - 1'' f . - I ~3 . 1 -1 ~~ . - : ~ , - -1 'o t- ~ ~,.g I a n:~ : I.- , ~ 1: . ~- ` ~, . -7 e -- - 0-. PALIVS0,-A., Ani., .!,, jn7-.; TICKA, V., inz. Chemical ind,stry anri increased salt content In stneamns. -2 O~ini hosp 15 no.3;119-122 165. 1. Ministry of .'hemlcal Industry, Pragun (for NIL, , and Rab). 2. 14Jnllr,r of' Ag.-irulture, Forestry and WaLer wrources, PrF uF (Io., tuo kq ", 0 w % - -4 Sft m P b. Spa . ...... id: In. 4`1 ;;tlr no ~4 j .......... Mg IS, T LEDPOLD, Jindrich: FLU'r%,, Zdenek: Antonin Culture nf Torulopsts utilis in waRtes frnm citrate fermentallon. Cpsk. b4ol. 4 no.4:?12-226 Apr 55. 1. Dievnicke zavody Julia Fucika, n. p., blochemicke vyzkumne oddelent, Kzanejov. (CRTPTOCOCCUS, utilis, culture In citrates fermentation prod.) (CITRATES, ciilture of Torulopsis utilis in citrate fermentation .)rod.) PALY.Ti-, !(., inz. lni,-j.strial cr-,7-.rty as an ob;,~2t" exchange, 5*,r, iirens-,vi 71 nc.,5:3ZI-3;~'- My ' tS.,, . 1. MIn:.9try -,f Hoavy Machine lndustry, Prague. rALIvhLEV, V. -i,. PA.LIVObA, N. onference ol" -rolwists I- (,reorFia. ~ mj.2;~-- - ,~; . C C ( M -r!--A 1, ~ ; I I I ) PALIVODA, N. 1. Treatment of closed trauma of the kidneys. Zdrav.Bel. 8 no.7: 20-21 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz kafedry urologii. (zav. - prof. A.I.Mikhellson) Belorusskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey na baze Minskoy oblastnoy klinichoskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach M.I.Kotovich). (KIDNFYF>--WOUNDS AND INJTJRIES) ; " i ~~ , I . T I . - .1 - . - ... 1, . PALI VODA,, Treatment of functional urinary Incontinence in women by exercise therapy with a straight bougle. Urologlia 24 no.4:47-48 JI-Ag '59. (MIRA U: 12) 1. Iz urologichoskoy (zav. - doktor med.nauk A.I. Mikhel'Bon) Belo- rasekogo Instituta ueovershonstvovaniya vrachey na. baze Minskoy oblast- noy klinicheskoy bol'nitsy. (URInTION DISORROS therapy) (EMOISE THMATY) PALIVOIA. N.1. Itmerne-nhrorna in conjunction vith repeated nregnancy In a young womn. Zdrav. Belor- 5 no.):64 Hr '59. (MIRA 12: ? ) 1. Iz kafedry urologii Belorueskogo instituta usovershenBtvovaniya vrnehey (zav. Irafedroy - T)rof. M.N. Zhukova) na baze 14inskoy ob- Instnoy klinichei3koy bollnitBY (glavny-.v vrach G.A. TSgoyev). (XIDNVS--TUWAS) At D