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BARANOV,Paval Vasillyevich, laureat Stalinskoy premii; PA.NKCNA,V.X.,
redaktor; RAI[OV,5.1.9 tekhnicheakly redtddor
(Our experience in full utilization equipment] Nash opyt ispoll-
savaniia reservov oborudovaniia. (Moskva) Izd-vo VTeSPS Profisdat,
1955. 60 p. . (MLRA 9:1)
1. Siarshiy master vyasallnogo teekba no.1 Hoskovskoy chulochnoy
fabriki imeni Nogina, (for Baranov)
Smm UXV. Yevgeniy Grigorlyevich; PANKOVA. V.M. I, redaktor; KIRSAHOVA, N.A..
tekhnicheekly redaktor
[Resources of the entire organized group] Bilami veego kollektiva.
(Moskva] Izd-vo VTsM Profisdat, 1956. 39 p. (MIRA 9:10)
1. Master Moak-voskogo zavoda imeni Vladimira Illicha.
(Efficiency, Industrial)
LYAPUNOV, Boris lvanovi=ch-,~PANKO redaktor; KIRSANOVA. N.A.,
tekhnicheski,~.! re 0
[Decisive power] Reshaiushchala sila [Moskva] Izd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat.
1956. 6o p. (MLRA 9:10)
1. Direktor Leninskoy mashinno-traktornoy stantaii, Moskovskoy
(Collective farms)
GAFAROV, Arelan Nurtdinovich, burovoy master; PANKOVA, V.H., redaktar;
KIRSANOVA, N.A., tekhaicheskiy redaktor -- -
[To Devonian depths] X devonskim glubinam. [Moskva] Izd-vo VTsSPS
Profisdat, 1956. 61 p, (HIAPA 10:2)
19 Treat "TaymazaburneftIO (for Gafarov)
DVORZHAK, losef [Dvorak, Jooef]; DANIX01, Yu*T., inshener [translator];
AXIMOVA, A.V.p kandi"t tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; TONBOVTSIVA,
S.4.; PANKOVA,.V.X., redaktor; URSANOVA, N.A., takhaicheskiv
[Us~vershenetvovauiia v oblasti kholodnot obrabotki met-allov.
Perevod s choubskogo inzhenera IU.T.Danlko. [Hos'lml Ind-vo
VTs3FS Profisdat, 1936, 207 P. (XVIA 10:2)
(Metals--Cold working)
KW,V.OV~Anatoliy Arkadlyevich. mekhanik; PAIIKOVA. V.M., red.; HALRK. Z.N.,
[Water beyond the encroachment line] Veda za kontarom, [Hookval
Izd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat. 1957. 6o p. (HIRA 11:5)
1, TSekh poddersbauiya plastovogo davlentya ordens Ionina
promVslovogo upravleniya Oftymazeneft" (for Kulikov)
(Petroleum engineering)
YEVSTRUTBV, Sergey Illich; red.; RAXOV, S.I.,
[What modernisation of machine tools has civen us] Chto n#m d4la
modern12at9iia stankov. [Moskva] Izd-vo YTsSPS Profisdat, 195?.
60 p. (MIRA 10:12)
1. Fachallnik makhanicheskogo-tsekha, Hookovskogo sayod.a imeni
Vladimir& Illicha.
(Machine tools)
~ T It il.
AY NT~ t-
[Shl ~' a repaired by upeed-up methods; a collection of articles]
Sudapse utiraiutela skorostnymi matodamil sbornik. [Moskva) Izd--vo
VTIISPS. 57. 78 P. (MIRA 10:12)
(Ships --Maint enanc 9 and repair)
t - s; "T ;;~. - ; if _; , I
. -, . - - - I I- ~ - .~ ) - -1 1-1 -
SXMINSKIY. Vitaliy Kupriyanovich- n redaktor; RAKOlf, S.L.
te*khnicheBkiy redaktor
[worker's notebook] Zapiski rabochago. [Moskva] lzd-vo IrTRSPS
Profizdat. 1957. 156 p. (NLRI, 10:9)
(Machine-shop practice)
BAGEOVA,, M.D.9 nauchnyy sotr.; VASILIYEV, A.S., nauchnyy sotz-.; GEYZEH,
IX.v naucbnyv sotr.; ITTMOV, N.A., n.-31cbrWy sotr.; LUKIYAOXT,
V.S.p nauchnyy aotr.; PANKOVA V M., red.; KOIIOBGVA, V.D.,
tekhn. red.
[Living and health]Byt i zdororvle. Moskva, Profizdat, 1962.
149 P - (MIRA 15:9)
1. Moskovskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut gigiyeny im.
F.F.'Erismans. (for all except Pankova, Korobova).
KEzmsv, visaimir Andreyevich: pMOV -AN V.M., red.; GOLICE3NKOVA,
[wUnusual" stmoopheric phenomena] nNeobyknovennyall iavleniia v
atmosfere. Moskvag Iod-vo yTesm Profizdats 19599 511 P.
(MIRA 13:1)
NESHCHADIM, Takov Ivanovich, elaktrosvarshchik; PMKOVA, V.14., red.;
MAIJW, Z.11..
(Aleatric slag welding; practice of manual electric slag
welding of reinforcements] Elektroahlakovaia avarka; opyt
ruchnoi elektroshlakovoi avarki armatury. Moskva, Izd-vo
TTeSPS, Profizdat, 1957. 108 p. - (MIRA 13:2)
1. Stalingradgidrostroy (for Neshchadim).
(Bleatric welding) (Rainforaing.bars--Welding)
LALETIN, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; ABDUMIN, Rovgat Akhmstovich; GYMAN,
N.A., spatored.; FANXOVA, V.M., red.; SHADRINA. N.D.,
(Story on'petro leum] Rasskaz o nefti. Kock-va. Izd-vo VTOTS"
Profizdat, 1959. 206 p. (HIRA 12:8)
(Petroleum industry)
STRCOANOV, Konstantin Vasillyevich, glavnyy iniffiener; PANKOVA,
VA., red,; SUMINA, N.D.,
[Likhaahe,v Automobile Plant begin@ the seven-year plan] ZIL
nachinaet semiletku. Izd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat, 1959. 37 P.
(MIRA 12:4)
1. Likhachev Automobile Plant (for Stroganov).
(Moscow--Aatomobile industry)
LUTHORS1 Khrushchovt,N. L*pj~*iova, V. G., Pensionerova, V. V.,
P Rozovskaya, G. V.
It - ~Ov a I ~V- Y ~e_
TITLEt Distribution of rheniump selenium, -and tellurium in the
molybdenum deposits of the Soviet Union
PERIODICALs Referativnyy shurnal. Khimiya,-no. 19, 1961, 92, abstract
19G95-(Sb. "Mineralln. syr,ye", M., no. 1, 1960, 86 - 92)
TEXTs -Much-R4~,Sep and, in part, also Te'waa found in some of the
molybdenites from 26 deposits belonging to different genetic types. Re
was determined by an improved photodolorimetric method permitting work
with weighed portions of 0.05 - 1 g. The resulting-data were confirmed
by polarographio analysis. In the higher7temperature deposits of molyb-
denite, molybdonite-seheelite, and qua.rtz-molybdenite-tungstite-greiseii
formationep the He oontent fluctuates between 5-10-4 and 4.0-10-3, and
that or Be is 2.0 - 8.6,10-1%., In the quartz-molybdenite-sericite forma-
tion, the Re content ranges between 1.0 - 6-3-10-2 %, and that of Se
Card 1/2
Distribution of rheni~mee, B101/3144
between 1.0 - 2.9-10-2%. In the quartz-molybdenite-chaloopyrite formation,
the Re content ranges between 1.9*10-2 and 1.2-10- 1%, and that of Se
between 2.3 - 6.0-10-2 %. kccording to 16 determinations, the total Te
content is up to 1.5-10-2 %. Thus, the Re content in molybdenites, con-
fronted with clarke~ is higher by a factor of 6000 - 1,200,000, and the Se
content by a faotQr of 133 - 4000. Practically important Re contents
are presented by the majority of mesothermal molybdenum deposits (quartz,
molybdenite-sericite and, especially, quartz-molybdenite-chaloopyrite
formations). In molybdenites containing only litte Re, the Be content is
also low as a rule. Be is abundant in molybdenites with a major Re
content. A rise of Re concentration is intenser than a rise of Be concen-
tration. This is explained by a higher isomorphic miscibility of Re with
Mo. Te in molybdenitee is only found in small amounts, an& the
accumulations it forms are of no practical interest. ~bstraoterls notes
Complete translation.] -
Card 2/2
PANKOVA, Ya. V.. Imnd. mad. nauk.; TROFIKOVA, Ye. X.
Problem of so-called latent syphilis. Vest. der=. i ren. 32 no.6.,48-54
N-D 158. (MIRA 12*1)
1. 1z kafedry kozrWkh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.I. Kartamyshev) Tsentral-, usoverBhenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. V'.P. Labedev) i boll-
nitay Imeni. Korolenko.
(SYPHILIS, diag,
latent formp. neural & visceral forms, problems (Ras))
EXCERPTA MEDICA See 13 Vol 13/11 DermatOlOgY NOV 59
3179. SO-CALLED 'UNKNOWN' SYPHILIS - Pankova Ya. V. and Trofimova
i Amongst tne patients with syphilis d'emblie there Is quite a number of caijes with
i neurosyphilis and visceral syphilis. In the case of pooitive serological reactions
when there are no clinical symptoms of syphilis present, a careful invesUgation of
such A patient with a prolonged control period to neclseary. A steady high or in-
creasing Mrs to a signal for antleyphilitic therapy, IKraus - Hradec MAIM
Treatment with ultrasonics of chronic urticaria. Sov. med.
25 no-4:126-128 Ap 162. NIRA 15:6)
1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof.
A.I. Kartamysherv) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya
vrachey (dir. M.D. Kovrigina).
Skin - Tumors
Use of subcutaneous oxygen injection in the treb-ment of helold ncr;rn. VE-st. ven. i
derm. no. 4, 1952.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. November, 1952. UNCLASSIFIFD
oxygen - TherUTICUtIC U30
use of subculancous oxygen injection In the trenlirtent of kelaid rchrn. VnSt. vtn-
i dem. No. 4, 1952.
lont of Russian Accessions, Idbrary of Congress, Nover~ber 1952. UETLASSIFIED
Ily -Idst
AppIlextion of subcutaneous insufflatiou of oxygen in the treatment
of keloid scars. Vest. vener., Moskva no. 4:55 July-JOS. 1952.
(CIAIL 23:3)
3. Of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases (Read - Prof.
W. A. Rozentul), Central Institute for the Advanced Training of
- PANKOVA,, Ya. V.
PANKOVA, Ya. V. -- "The Treatment of Certain Dermatoses by the Subcuta-
neous Injection of Czygen." Min Health USSR. Moscow., 1956.
(Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical Sciences).
So.: Knizhnaya Idtopis', No. 7., 1956.
T~grs, Dried
Spray drying apparatus for the production of powdered eg!i,,s. I'lias. ind. 55SR No.2(1952
Moiat L-Ist of'Russign Accessions, Library of Congress, August, 1952- UNCLASSIFIED.
li~~ophysiml characteristicis of ~!hes-Uiu-. r:ol-ls in the Yioa-aclian
Plain, Fochvovedanie nooga"-51 S '64- (KIRA 171121
1. Vaesoj-uznyy gosudarstvennyy proyektno-izyskatellsldy i nauchno-
issledovateallskiy institut vodokhozyaystvennogo stroitellstva.
Soils in river valleys of northern ~bngo3ia as exemplified in the
Boro-Gol Valley. Pochvovedenie no.8:66-72 Ag 162. (NIRA 16-1)
1. Vsesovuznyy gosudarstvennyy proyektno-izyskatellskiy i nauchno-
issledovatel'skiy institut Yjinisterstva sel'skogo khozyaystva.
(Boro-Gol Valley--Soils)
Chostnuto loanp sandy-loans, and sandy soils as the object of
irrigation farming; using the example of the soils of Mongolia.
Vast. Mosk. un. Ser. 5: Geog. 18 no.1:40-42 Ja-F 163.
(MIU 16:5)
1. Vsesoyuznyy gosudarstvennyy proyektno-izyskatellskiy i
nauchno-.issledovatellskiy institut Ministerstva sel'skogo
khozyaystva SSSR,,
(Mongolia-Irrigation farming)
-2 6~
4pply-lbg terma "mountain" and "plain" to the chest ut soil of Mongol4a.
Izv. A14 SSSR. Ser. geog. no.5:77-?9 S-0 164.
(MIRA 17: 11)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
PAVKOVA, Ye.V. kand. med. nauk
-- ~ -~J-j
Acute inversion of the uterus ln--,thevp6kii~ period. Akudh.
i gin. 39 no./+:128-129 Jl-Ag'63 (MIRA 16-:12)
1. Iz kgfedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - zaslunhennyy
deyatell nauki, prof. G.K.Cherepakhin) lechebnogo fakullteta
Gorlkovskogo meditsinskogo, instituta.
FAITKOVAp Ye.V.9, assistent; TUTOVA, I.M6, aspirant
Treatment of late pregnancy toxemias with magnesimm sidfate aerosol, s;
preliminary report. Sbor. nauch. rab. Kaf. akush. i gin. GE1 no,l:
59-61 160. (.VaP-4 15:4)
1. Kafedra akasherstva i ginakologii, zav.kafedroy G.K.Ghorepakhin,
Gortkovskogo gosudarstvennogo maditsinskogo instituta.
Plethysmography and pneumography in toremiao of the sacond half of
pregnancy tr6ated with magnesium sulfate aerosols. Sbor. nau'ch. rab.
Kaf. abish. I gin.' GMJ no.2:41-44 160. (MIRA 15:1.)
1. Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii GorIkovskogo maditsinskogo
in.stituta im. S.M.Kirova, zav.kafedroy doktor med.nauk G.K.Cherepa-k-hin.
ye V.
Ye. V. IIV~11--,inal Iud fro2tinent of Infl~?,xrntory Ji5c.weE of thle
Fernle Recroductive OnTans tmder Ref!icnql Conditions." (,--,r'Uy .'Jt-.te
1-indical Inst imeni S. 1-1.'irov. -~,orliiy, 1955- ( DiscertAim for the
Decree of C---ndid.ate of -`ciences)
-0: 1"nizhimyn letoriFt. Nlo. 4, L956
SHTEYNBERG, M.A., doktor meditBinakikh nauk; PAIIKOVA, Ye.Ye., ordinatory;
Changes in sensory chronaxy in lupug erythematosus following a procalne
block of trigeminal nerve endings. Vest.ven. i derm. 30 no-5:14-15
B-0 056. (ML~A 9:12)
1. Iz V vovskogo nauchno-issleclovateliskogo kozhno-venerologichealcogo
instituta (dir. - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Y.F.Podusovski7)
Oblastnogo vendispansera (zav. G.I.KurochkLn) i 2-go rayonnogo
vendispansera (zav. B.T.Glukhentkiy)
procaine block of trigeminal nerve ending, causing changes
in sensory chronaxy)
(PROGAINE, ther. use
procaine block of trigeminal nerve endings in lupus
er7thematosue. causing changes in sensory, chronarv)
(SKIN, innery.
sensory chron4xy changes in procaine block in of trigeminal
nerve endings'in ther. of lupus etythematosus)
Case of conjunctival tuberculosis. Oft.zhur. 14 to.6:373-374 159.
(MIRA 13:4)
1. 1z glaznogo otdeleniya (zav. - L.A. Birchenko) oblastuoy bollnitsy
i glaznoy kliniki (zav. - prof. M.M. Zolotareva) Belcrusekogo Insti-
tuta usovershonstvovaniya vracbev.
ACC. NRi AR7002ftl- OURCE CODE: UR/0275/66/000/010)'AOII/AOll
AUT11OR Kazl in, G. S.;-Noskov, D. A.; Pankovets, N. G.; Sudakov,,V. I.;
."Pros ku rovskiy, I.
TIT LE : Electr n-beam welding of leads in electrovacuum devicea
SOURCE: Ref. zh. ElektroniktL. i yeye primeneniye, Abs. IOA74
..REF SOURCE: r. Tomskogo in-ta radioelektron. i elektron. tekhn. , no. 4,
1965, 112-114
TOPIC TAGS: eaectron beam welding, tungsten msebMM, nickel imaWing, -flux
ABSTRACT: A experimental investigation was nude of electron-beam welding of
leads in electrovacuum equipment, which were made of tungsten and nickel com-
ponents. Acted u on by the accelerated and focused electron beam in vacuum, the
tungsten cornp6rient generates the heat which fuses the ends of the two wires. The
leads are welded on an electron beam device. The components to be -welded are
fastened to a mandrel, placed in the operating chamber. During welding, the com-
TMIr. 991 Q--n.n
ponent8 are bro ht t distance at 0. 2-0.3 mm. The nickel component is fed
the tungsten coin7oneontaby a spring mounted on the mandrel. An unetched micro-
The weld
scopic analysis OOX showed no defects in the weld.. was dense, without
pores, cracks, "d inclusions. [Translation of abstract] [NTI
P.L.;.,GMHUSHNIKOV, G.A.. inzh., red.
(Mbum of designs for devices, implements, and instruments
for assembling large-block buildings] Allbom chartazhai pri-
SPOBoblenii, inventaria i instrumentov dlis montazha krupno-
'blochnykh zaanii. VyPusk KB-2. Moskva, Biuro tekhn.infor-
mateli, 1958. 155 P. (MIRA 12:9)
1. Akademiya stroiteltatva i arkhitektury SSSR. InBtitut
organizatsii, mekhanizataii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroi-
telletvu. 2. Sotrudniki Orgatroya Nauchno-isoledovatellskogo
instituta organizataii, mekhanizateii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi
stroitelistvu Awdemii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SM (for
Dilldin, Vasina, Voronin, Gromovaya, Pankovets).
(Building--Tools and implements)
4a 0 a 0 1) 0 0 0 0
X Is 0 61 A) #1 a
--vcsdw-- N. A. Liskovkh and N_I), Panka-
vets. ammarAmlap Prow. 17, No. 9, 67
8.-verdol paper is used for applyinx
designs to oak wsd finen fabrics and shoald be of suffickm
d that It Is cot appreciably delmned und- be in.
etliasome j0% wood paste and W% of a mixt. prepd.
Y Uling;;Iton pa%te with 27e NaOll 8 his. at 2-2..',
bleaching wit 01:171. active Cf. The mixv
=40:41tizing contained: twin 1.1-1-21 Als(SJOS 2..1.
with Ali% 18.5, potato stwch 2..'. and Tram gta~% (cf.
I.U) 2.5% (an refereed to the wt.,.( dry fiber). Twrntv
kanlin was used as a filler anti 0.03-41.07t,"0 Aniline
Now ve Orange was uped for coloring. The paper mum
Ise well sized and havv a relatirely With ash content (141%).
The latter requires the um~ of a water of pit 4.6-4,4.
N1.G. bloort
15E.14-ILA tormuer CLAStWICATSCM
16.M.3 10.1,11
TT "14 is(
*IAJII ad am, All
a 91Ra plait Itim"On I-" AM I I a 1W 0 it I
00 00*000*00000*00600041000000000060000006 400,
0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 O.AAk-A. _6_0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0
0000 Of 0 006 a
VTP 04P k
,71 (v)
L-18L a
ACC-RR=6009960 SOURCE CODE: UR/0137/65/000/D 03'IE036
AUTHOR: Kazlmin, G. S.; Noskot, D. A.; Pankovets. N. G.; Proskurovskdy, D. I.-
Sudakov, V. I.; Shangi, A.S
ORG: none
TITIZ: Electron-beam weldin) ~f materials in a vacuum
Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 12E283
SOURCE: Sb. dokl. k Novosib. nalachno-tekhn. konferentsii po mashinc-str. Ch. 1.
Novosibirsk.. 1964, 115-12Z
TOPIC TAGS: electron beam welding, vacutun welding, metal cutting
TRANSLMON: The authors describe the. advantages of the elec".ron-beami method for.
welding metal over other methods. Units are described for weldin1g, drilling and
cutting na~tials wLth the use of an electron beam. These ifistallations were developed
in';the Department of Electronic Devices at the Tom-sic Inst--tute of 1,idioclectronicu
and Electronic Technology. V. Fomenko [JPRSF
CU, M, ilf U-60GJIVIA
Chf-nica,l Tecl)nolo-y Jlro,!~ictE7
Their AprIic;,AioiAv, Oxiilos. ',Ii rieral
US. JOUIR. pa-Mhir-
No -L)5)-, NO. 684'1-34
IM I j T-O R
N, 11.) TI Tu U
'Dron o
v the imn)-ovemenf.
of tie I i t.
n. r, r
T,jcreL-.iiJnp llrodiict`ou of c'edii.i
I J- j m, ~'l-Oor'.de from-
:)I-Lrrj. PUB. -Vest. Slov. kf~Tn. (Irii-st-trK, 1.1)1,7 , Vo
4 ~ 'T,
..3" IRA
i:~ -ro--
For Vhv incr(-FP i,ji nro4vctinn salt
tri rcenfnrc(~ dams (if -P-e T-.,rinarjr Pvjj -,O*ra-
of (~acii rrom,,
ch Fi-rc,, bpi- np f-i 1 1 edi -i Vi se-t vn ter ( nof I -O.Or
+,ar !!~e lhe!7j-ny)inj(! of knril) u,~ to a, 50 - 6r) Pm
,I -)ol ~; viater f 1. owr, !-,.y f~ravj i.v
il-f-, IoNyl-r pools (if) which v.-iter is mr-dit-
iotilled al, IL 101? Tevel) v-nd rrnurinod conlintiomily
or inter-i4l.teutly Into tl-(., uri-oer ponls. In U)v
care of -viii-in I-lie upper pools ijrc
Y-Acids, Boases, Sal--tsq.
,~Ipm in Yi)poslavin,
ABS. JOUR, fMLKhjm. No 19 1959, No. 6324 34
PMTRACT admittinq watpr I.TI-Lo t1-.& To-rer
, of ee.l+, irs-ter with more
Con t(I by the pumpirp,
-,13 bacl~ into tbe I!,., c
t,b~-, vect. Por Vto itrirrov~-,;jiont -, of f3lk)t (1-vali-ty it.
2.4 T)rOTIOSOX!) thal. the concen-tratinn of ikea wnter
or of raotber lictiaox be ke-pt below 28.50 L-~ .
C-ii,e or two dayn before t'.,-,e final. raking oT salt
crystaAs, P- nrosle-terrined quantity of' lower
f,oncili:i,ti,it.tion I.,rine is arhnitted into rvmnronriate
-,volv, in ordor 1,0 fhe
coneentrativn of' motler M-qucr at it Jovel of
Mc -4, 'M
Coun-try YUGOSU%Vi~' F
Category: Laboratory E(,uipr4nt. Instrurient-,tion.
Abs Jour: RZhEhin.., i1o V1, 1959, ifo. 6o7og
Author Kranarsic, V.; Pankovic Z.
Title Application of the Mariotte's vessel in Me-
mical, Experir-wits
Ori.(; Pub: TOWa, 3,958, 13, NO 11, ind., 12, No 11,
Abstract: Application of t.-.(- Wrxiotte's vessel f or -che
automation of various chemical laboratory ex-
periments is described: Autorntic filling of
burettes, -,~~iatewncc of constant liquid level
in the filtration anol decantation, and n1so for
Card 1/2
-111-~P~Vsxly ~, uw-wla~-
Natural gas. Mn.tekh. 3 no-10:35-37 0 158. 11:11)
1. GlavWy inshener stanteii "Podzemgaz."
(onst Natural)
p'"'Kamy, V. glavnyy inzhener podmoskovnoy stantaii "Podzemgazp.
Prodzengazg near KOBcOw- liauke, 1 zh12n' 23 no.11:33-34 N '56-
(mak 9:11)
(Moscow Province--COal gasification)
-PAN11,ovsKly, V.I.
esting inclined directionpl boreholes. Po6zem-
Preliminnry resulis of t (mm 11:4)
gAz.ue,l. no.1:43-47 '58-
1. Podmoskovnsys stAntsiyn "PodzemgR%".
(Gonl gagificAtion, Underground) (Borings-Testinf,')
Xx perience in the removal of hydrogen sulfide from gas by the
Thylox process. Gas. prom* n0-3:19-22 Mr 1580 110)
,on sulf ids) (Gp6s)
Moe e c0 ons Ifor underground gas Drodlicer merationn
at the Moe,-.w 3risin "Podzemgkz" plant. Podzem.rnz.u,!,I. no.2.48-5r)
157. ONURA 10 - 7)
1. Podmoal-n-nay& stantelya "Podsemgaz."
."..'scow Basin--Coal gasification, 'Underground)
~Gas -Droducers)
Universal rig for dr1111i'g'_'*v"e"'rtical holes and retrievin
casing pipes. Nauch.-trudy TN1IPodzemgaza no.8~73-79 112.
(MIRA 16s6)
1. Laboratoriya napravlennogo bureniya Vsesoyaznogo nauchno-
issledovatel'skogo Institute podzemnoy gazifikataii ugley i
Podmoskovnaya stantsiya "Podzemga2l.
(Moscow Basin-Coal gasification, Underground-
Equipment and supplies)
(Boring machinery-Testing)
IPAIIIKOVSKIYO Vol* cation for housiehold
Using gas producpd by underground coal gaelfi (mm 11:1-9)
needs* Podzem, gaO. ugl* no.4:67-69 '58-
I.PodmoskovhaYa stantsiya "Pod%emgaz-"
(Gas-Heating and coolE1093
HSTMOVICH. B.A., prof., doktor tekhn.zLauk; BORDARENKO, S.T., kand.takhn.
neruk; BRODSLAT-A, B.Kh.. kand.takhn.nauk; LTANDRES, S.N., kand,
tokba.mauk; PANIKOVSKIT, T.I,j BENNOT, A.D,j ZMGY, ?.Is$ kand.
fi'&4-ii POLTAKOVI, T.V,,
takhn.nauk, red, z
[Applying an electric current directly to the fuel layer in
shaftless underground gasification] Primenenie elektrichaskD90
toka dlin nsposredstVennogo vozdeiatI#iia'na, Plast topliva-PrI
besshakhtnoi podzemnoi gazifikatail. Moskva, 1959. 234 p.
(MULA 12:2)
1-Akademiya nauk SSSR.. Energetichaski)r institut. 2. Energoti-
cheskiy institut im. G.M. Krzhizhanovskogo AN SSSR (for*Meyerovich,
Bondarenko). 3. Institut khimii AN Estonskoy SSR (for Brodihaya).
4. Glavnyy inzhener Podmoskovnoy stanteii Podzemnoy gatifikateii
ugley (for Panlkovskiy). 5. -Voesoyaznyy nauchno-i'ooledovateltakiy
i proyektnyy institut podzemnoy gazifikataii ugley (for Lyandrea).
6. Rakovoilitall laboratorii Ysesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovate:Llskogo
i proyaktaogo instituta podzemnoy ga21fikat~ii ugley (for Remnikov).
(Coal gasification, Underground) (Oil. shales) -
8 (0); 14 (5) PHA.82 x BOOK ZX?L0jUTX0
Bond4renko,, S. T. B Brodsks
V* I$ Van 'k "
Ya 80
and A. D.
If- Lyandres
P~`ilnenjYe elektri Reznikoy E. A. *_,rerovich
ft0'r"'D'jVr"ectr-' besshakhtknoo'yo ptood'a dly1ft nepooredstyennog
Action on zeamo
Sinking Solid yue., 0 V'OzdeystviA na pi.,,t
Errata sa Shatt) Moscow , Ali sSSR Y gEtzif'katsil (Use of Electric C
lip Inserted. Se8as in Underground Gasification Wit1jout
1959- 234p. I UrrLmt
Ponsoring A
1600 Copies Printed,
A. jb'8yDez1rC0Yv' Almdemiya nauk SSBR& EnergetIcheskly i,,t,tt.
ich 13~rofessor
BDuse: P. 1, Zubku, JP Doctor of 7Lzcbj2Ica1.
PURPOSE: 'v; !rbeh' Ed-: T. v. poj.3,~akova. Sciences; Ed. Of pLallish
with th This book Is in,
e Intended for BLDeciaalsts in the
underground electrocarb0zlIzationof coal. c0al -industry
COVERAGE: 7his book describes the we Of electr1c current cOnceZned
raent of underground coal beds, The authors to r t
in n he e
Card .1/10 tii that such Odirect tr at
Use of Electric Current Ifor Direct Action (cont.) SOV/2079
for the use of a high-efficiencY unit able to Produce sufficient electric
power effect the release of the chemical constituents in the bed,
In dealing With the electrical engineering problems involved in the process
the work describes the ejectrolinking method* The results of field tests
in electrolinking are provided in-the work. The system Of drilling gas-
to the fuel bed is desadbed as is the
permeable channels from the surface
method.of directing the fuel gases from the bed to the sur:Nce- The electrical
conductivity of the channels may be used for subsequent electrotherml fuel
processing. Theoretical and 2AbOratOry experiments in this field were
first started at the EnergeticheakiY Institut imetni G. Mo -KrzhizhsnOvskOgO
(T_nstitute of Power Engineering imeni G. M, Krzhizhanovskiy) The first
experiment,13 conducted under actual conditions were carried out at the
Estonian shale deposits near the tcrm of Niviyli, the greater part of the
work involving experiments on coal. The Tmstftu~ VNMbdzemgELZ (All-Union
Scientific Research Listitute of Underground Gas) tooic an active part in
the tr.1,Als and established a special laboratory for the Purpose. The electrO-
linxA-mg method was next applied at the Moscow PGU station on coal beds.
Frolessor E. A. Heyerovich supervised the electrical engineering Problems
:L-It the_iook aid vrote Chapters 1, 3, and 8. Chapters 2, 6, part of Chap-
terz " Wial 7 were written by S. T. Bondarenko, Candidate of Technical
Use of Electric Current for Direct Action (coat. ) SOV/2079
Sciences (ENIN AN SSSR); Chapters 9 4 and 7 by M. B. Brodskaya, Candidate
of Technical Sciences (Institut Xhimj'ii~; Chapter,,11 by V. 1. Phnlkovskiy,
Chief Engineer of the Moscow PGU station; Chapter 10 by S. N. Lyandres,
Candidate of Technical sciences (vNr1FodzemgELz). S. P. Vladimirov and V. K.
Red'kin (ENIN AN SWR) contributed data on electrical measurements for Chapter
5; A. D. Reznikov, Chief of the laboratory of the VNIIPodzemgmz Institute.,
assisted in compiling the joint reports of the Institute of Power Engineering
and VN11Podzemgaz on operations conducted at the Moscow PGU station. Other
personalities mentioned include: Engineers V. A. Matveyev, P. F. SkLfa, and
1. S. Garkuski (GlavpodzemgLz); Professor N. V. lavrov, Doctor of Technical
Sciences; 1. P..Kirichenko., Candidate of Mechnical Sciences; Professor A. A.
Agroskin; P. G. Zubkov, Candidate of Technical Sciences. The Estonian staff
consisted of I. G. Kheyll, Acting Ylember of the Academy of Sciences, Estonian
SSR; A. K. Freyberg, Chief Administrator of the Shale and Chemical Industry
of Sovnarkhoz of the Estonian Republic; A. T. W11, Director of the Institute
of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, and L S. Feyngolld, Senior Scientific
Wor~-,r, Institute of Chemistry, Estonian Republic. There are 60 references:
53 Soviet, 5 English,, 1 German and 1 -Tapeneae.
Card 3110
Use of Electric Current for Direct Action (Cont.) SOV/2079
ForewF4. 3
Editor's Foreword 4
Ch. 1. General Nature of the Problem and Conducted Studies 7
1. Status of the problem 8
2. Tbeoretical and laboratory experiments 10
3- Experiments under actual conditions 11
Ch. 2. Main Electrical Characteristics of Solid Mineral Fuels 12
1. Flemarks on the method of measuring the electrical conductivity
of a solid fuel 13
2c, Yea6uring electrical conductivity and dielectric constant
using a-c. at 250 to 3000C 15
3. Wasuring resistance at high temperatures using a-c and d-c
under atmospheric pressure conditions 2o
4. Yealiuring specific coal resistance under increased ambient
pressure 24
card 4/io
..Use of Electric Current for Direct Action (Cont.) SOV/20T9
5. Data on solid mineral fuels'l brekkdm '.)T
a) trial method 127
b) results of measurements 28
Ch. 3. Principles of the Thitial Channel Formation Theory in the
Fuel Bed 1
1. General physical concepts on the process
2, General mathematical formulation of the problem
3. Simp2ified procedure without convective heat exchange IM
4. Determining the power of the electrical source 112
5- Nature of the standardized breakdown 45
6. Approximate calculation of the standardized breakdown system 118
7- Essential conditions for starting the process 1.17
Ch. 4. IALboratory Trials (Experiments) of the Initial Electro-
linkIng Channel Formation Process 6.3
1 . Qmlitative nature of results of laboratory experiments 6.3
2. Description of laboratory installation and trial methods
on Estonian shale 67
3- lAboratory tests of the initial channel formtion using
d-c high voltage pulses 69
Card 5AO
Use of Electric Current for Direct Action (cont.) SOV/2()79
4. Initial contact channel formation affecting the barriers of
solid fuel using a-c comercial frequency 75
5- Some conclusions 82
Ch. 5. Electrolinking Borehole E)Terimients on Test Stands 84
1. Experimental trials on test stands at the Moscow PGU station 84
2. Trials in small pits (boreholes) 85
3. Trials in large boreholes 88
a) Graphs of currents and voltages in the electrolinldng
process 88
b) Graphs of currents and voltages showing completed tests 89
a) Graphs of potential distribution according to probes
(sounding bores) and electrodes relative to the processing
pipeline system 89
4. Experimental electrolinking trials on block coal barriers at
the Idsichansk PGU station 96
5. General conclusions 98
Card 6/10'
Use of Electric Current for Direct Action (Cont.) SOV/2079
Ch. 6. Expansion of ImEtial Electrolinking Channel 100
1. Formulating the problem 100
2. Period of preparatory channel heating 103
3. Derivation on approximation equation for the expanding
channel process 104
4. Initial expansion stage. Small diabeter 107
5- Second stage of large M ter channel expansion with
restricted models 108
6. Second stage of channel expansion in unrestricted ambient log
7- Solving the problem of channel expansion in an unrestricted
solid ambient with a self-mode3ing process and under forced
initial and restricted conditions
8. Calculating the actual channel temperature 13-1
9. Energy spent an establishing (creating) a thermal effect range 113
10. Intensity of the channel expansion process. Specific expendi-
ture of energy 224
11. Comparison of theoretical calculations based on experimental date 3.16
Ch. T. Iaboratory Trials of the Channel Expansion Process L18
Card 7AO
Use of Electric Current for Direct Action (Cont.) SOV/2079
1. General nature of the process and the'object of laboratory ,
trials 118
2. laboratory trial method of the coked ebannel expansion process
in Estonian shale 119
3. Changes in electrical parameters 121
4. Temperature charmateristics 126
5~- Wed of channel expansion 127
6'. YielA of steam and gas mixture and its effect on the process 127
7. Results of experiments on coal 130
Ch. Be Investigation of Operating Conditions With an Electrical Wel.
Electrical Control by the Equivalent Circuit Method. Results
of Several Studies Under Actual Conditions 135
1. Experiments on an approximate electrical model 135
2. Parameters of the mesh grid md the - mea;Ijurtd--,m1ues 136
3- Results of model gaging 138
4. Eqi4valent layout of electrode-bed-electrode system l4l,
5. Results of gaging under actual conditions; group linkage 148
Card 8/L0
Use of Electric Current for Direct Action (Cont.) SOV/2079
Cho go Testing the Electrolinking Process in Actual Shale Beds 154
1. Description of beds and results of several actual formation
measurements 154
2. Description of high voltage field equipment 155
3, Trial of the electrolinking process in an open bed 155
4. Trial results in an open bed 157
Studying the electro3iTildng of boreholes 161
Trial results of electrolinking of boreholes 162
7- Studying the electrblinkWproceon -.on =&11 dimedbion
panels 165
8. Trial results of electrblih -.Cit.-Padels 170
9. Hydrodynamical nature of the co=ercial batch and evaluation
of the change in gas constant of the bed subjected to elec-
trical current 173
10. Electrothermal, disintegration 177
Us Opening depleted panels 177
12. results obtained from opening the B&H-3 panel 182
Ch. 10. Borehole Electrol-Thkin Tests In Actual Conditions at the
Lisichansk Coal Deposits. 187
Card 9/10
Use of Electric Current for Direct Action (Cont.) SOV/20T9
1. Nature of experiwntal lots subje,%.ted to electrolinking 187
2. Pit constraction and surface commmications 190
3. Electrode construction 190
4. Electrical installations for electrolinking tests (trials) 191
5- Borehole preparation for electrol-Inking tests 193
60' Test description 194
7- Several results of recent trials and general characteristic
of trial results 202
Ch. 3.1. Result of Using C rcial Borehole Electro3inking at the
Moscow "Podzemgazu Station 208
1. Geological characteristic of Novo.-Basovskoye deposits
[Tallskaya o.1 and composition of coal 210
2. Electrical equipment used in borehole linlage 213
3. Borehole construction 213
4. Tests in electr6linking 213
5. Comercial trial of electrolinking method 21T
6. Compercial, introduction of electri)linking 221
T. Basic conclusions 228
Bibliography 230
Card 10/10 Im /fal
- 8-24-59
"RANIKOVSKIY, V.I., gornvv inzh. (g. Stalino).
Method of dBtermining roci: strength in natural conditions. Ugoll
33 no.2:24-25 7 '58. WRA 11t2)
I /V - A U V -) A / T
Technical qualities of jower, gas from the underground gasification
of coal. Podzem.gat.ugl. ne-3:31-33 157. (MIRA 10:11)
1. Podmoskovnaya stantsiya 'Podzemgmz"
(Gas as fuel)
PANIENS6y, V.i-,., inzh.
Introduce advanced methods of roof control. Kekh.trud.rab. 11
no.6:17-19 Je 157. (MIRA 10:11)
(Mine timbering)
V. I'wl~
Ignition of underground gas producers. Podzem. gaz. ugl. no.3:
9-11 158. Omm 11:10)
1. Poamoskovnaya stantsiya "PocIzergaz.11
(~bscovi Basin--Coal gasification, Underground)
23240. Betonitovy krepi iz minerallnykh otkhodoy promyshlennostl I opyt
primeneniya etM krepey na ahakhtakh tresta "BUDENNOVUGOLI", Referat.
Sbcrnik statey (Coo. Makeyevsk. Nauch. - issled. in-t po bezopaanosti.
rabot v gomoy prom - Sti), 1949, May, c. 32
SOt LETOPISI NO. 31p 1949
FAIIIKOVSKIYI Vladirdr Ivano'v-ich; KOLLAGOV, A.I., spets. red.;
MMAIMIM, i., red.; ABBASOV, T... tekhn. red.
[Great gas) Bollshoi gaz. Tashkent, Gos, izd-vo Uzbekskoi
SSR, 1961. 63 pe (Gas industry) (MIM 15:4)
~IK~~-XlfLdizir--T-Vau=ich; TUPIKOV, A-1-P red-; FULTIN, L.I.,
tokbn, red.
[Gas in industry and in the household]Gaz na proizvodetve i v
bYtu. Tulap Tullskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 78 P.
(Gas) (MLU 15:12)
Equipment of steelworks with open-hearth furnaces. p. 116. (HutnAk, Vol. 2,~,
No. 3, Mar 1957, Katowice, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East Euron~2n Accessions (EFAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. F, ~x;g 1c) Uncl.
II MR, f
R M111-161 I if
% I'M B
F 0 L
.3303 6-52.927 : 621.383
Rychllk Z., Pankow I rhoio-Electric Cell Temperature Control In
,,Zastosoyvatite fotokom6rh-: do refLllaril tempemtur plec-6w grzew-
rzych"~ Gospidat*a Cieplrw-Frtergetyka Prtemyslowa No. 6, 1953.
pp 13-16, 4 figi
Automatic control of The prccluction proce3s proper Is a means of
stepping up output The authors set out to de~crib,2 the L.,;e for tern-
perature control, of One of i1he di,vices a,,ailjoble for this purpose, the
phato-cleetric cell. A description Is given of the, oper3ting details of
MASIAIML, Aleksander., mgr inz.; PAI.."Md, Igor, inz.
New method of drying indus*zial furnaces. Gosp paliw 11
Special issue no.(95)-.26-2'1 Ja 163.
1. Instytut Metalurgii Zel-xzal Gliwice.
PA-NK-Off.2 L.; RYC=K, Z.
Using a photoelectric cell for the regulation of temperature in heating
furnaces. p. 13, (GOSPODA.W CIEPI21A. ENERGETYL4 PRZEIff-SLMA, Vol. 1, No. 6,
Dec. 1953, Yiarszawa, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), Lc, Vol. IL, No. 5
May 1955, Uncl.
4 Pit,
E,isu-,ia lUIATY,01;SF-,N and 71--deusz PANW-JI, State -Nleur.opsyclluat-ic Easpil,:;A-l
iicznie Choryclj) Dlrecto.- (dyrc-kf-
fStpical Panstwow), db 7-,c-r-,i~owai Fs-ycl
;,,r J. GATABS, Rral-,ow - Friblerzynle.
with the 'New Anticonvul,sant Preparation N-3 (1-Metlayl-5-Phertyl-
Krakow, Vol 13/Sei 2, "'o 11, 1962; rp 446-447.
DrIJE., rupplierl by in snall yjantity, use-J In 10 children
10 monrltn; ;ood results. Three case reports of
t1i'le, ~fftcts in 3 1.30ents.. I-,lild Tinychlatric syndt-ome with ballucinations
in 2; severc aller,-,ic rash In I in -uhom drug, had to be dircontinued
Ehile the side effect rccecLd irt tLe otlier 2 when dosage was red'Liced.
In some patients, continued - no epileptic attacks for
ceeks or riontl,-s after therapy ended.
BIZON., Zdzislaw; PANKOW,.TAdeusz!,, PLUZEKs Zenmenal WINID, Boguchwal;
Introduction to the soologr of suicides,in Krakow, (lot report).
Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. pol. 13 no.1:62-71+ 163o
1. Z Wojewodzkiej Frzychodai Zdrowia Psychimnego v Krakowie
DMktors lek. med. T. Pankow.
Changes of the cholesterol concentration of the total lipidB and
of.glucose in the se'rum under the influence of physical exertion
of long duration. Bull. "loc. amis so. Poznan [mod] Ser. no.12-.61-
70 163,
HOW Meat Plant No. 2 in Wamltw struWes for a decrease in prime costs;
alsoj, remarks by K. Goslawski,
P. y
Vol. 7# JUlY 1955 (no. 7)
SC)' Mnthly list Of East European Accessions (EEAL)., LC, VOL. 5 no. 2
Feb. 1956
to- 5 5_00 D265 D302
AUTHOR: Paihkowski, Zbigniew (Warsaw)
TITLE: Propagation of thermoelastic waves in a layered infi-
nite body
PERIODICAL: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 13, no. 5, 1961,
TEXT: This paper analyzes the propagation of thermoeleastic waves
in an infinite body composed of several elastic media of different
thermal and elastic properties. Each medium is assumed to be iso-
tropic and homogeneous and the characteristic coefficients for
each medium, i.e. coefficient of heat conduction, density, specific
heat, Young's modulus, shear modulus, Poisson's ratio, coefficient
of thermal dilatation are constant for each layer and different for
different media. The thermoelastic waves are induced by the heat
source which acts in one of the layers and is uniformly distributed
over a phase parallel to the layers' interfaces. Impulse type
source and the continuous source of intensity are considered. The
Card 1/3
Propagation of thermoelastic ... D265/D302
paper provides the complete analysis for 3 and 2 continuous elastic
media, for which solutions are provided for the heat equation and
temperature field. Stresses are determined by means of the thermo-
elastic strain, as a function of which the gradient is the displace-
ment vector. The problem-being one-dimensional, the displacements,
stresses and the thermoelastic potential are functions of one geo-
metrical coordinate X and the time t. Laplace-Carson transformations
are used throughout the analysis. Stress diagrams are obtained for
the case of two media, for which the numerical example is solved
illustrating the procedure adopted. These diagrams reveal that the
stresses produced by an impulse undergo jumps and this phenomenon
is analyzed in detail by providing the function representing the
propagating wave, whose front constitutes a jump giving thus the
stress increase. The relation between the amplitudes of the pro-
pagating and the reflecting waves is stated, The case of 4 media is
considered in some detail without, however, presenting exact solu-
tions. There are 8 figures, 4 tables and 13 references: 4 Soviet-
bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language
Card 2/3
PANKOWSKIp Zbigniew (Warszawa)
Propagation of thermoelastic waves in a layered infinite
body.,Archiw.moch 13 no.5t595-635 t61.
I Department of Mechanics of Continuous Hedjq IMP Polish
!;~demy of Sciencep.
~ PANKOWSKI, Zbigniew,_._(W.arsaw)
Stress and dioplacement field a plane beat source in an
infinite layered med~ium. Archiw mech 12 no.5/6:749-762 160.
1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of
Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
Method of determining the degree of mechanization and_ alltoma-
tization in forging. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 4 no.IsP~-42 Ja
162. (MlRA 1713)
GAON, Igzatiy Kapitomovich, dotsext; PANKRASHI4, V"P ' inzhomer, rotosittext;
IOUARDOV, M.Se, imhenar, TAV, G.T., lubazer, re-
daktor,- ; IJWA, V.I., inhaser, rodak-ter; RUMMY, T&.V.. tokhnichs-
skiy redaktor.
[Free forging) Svebodmia kovka. Xiov, Goa. nauchno-takha.izd-vo mashl-
mostroit. lit-ry. 1955. 291 P. (MIRA 9:6)
FAhTJWHI V. F.. inzh.
&chanization of forging processes in small-lot and piece
production. Vest.mashinnstr. 42 no.8:67-70 Ag 162.
(Forging machinery) (hIFA 15:8)
Parallel hilamod d.c. repeater. Nauch. dokl, vyo. shkoly; radiotakh,
i e1ektroA*#:Ao.2t292-2q7 159. (WRA 24: 5)
1. Kafedra polupravodnikovykh priborov Moskovskogo'energeticheskogo
(Amplifiers (Electronics))
Higb-speed soaking. Leg.17rom. 18 no.10:46-47 0 '58.
1 (ianning) 041RA 11: 11)
Subject uSSR/Aeronautics - education AID P 5231
Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 17/26
Author Pankrashkin E., L . Col.
Title : Seminars held by air force commanders
Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, 11, 71-721 N 1956
Abstract It is described by the author how in N... unit seminars
on various subjects were regularly held by the crew, by
flight and squadron commanders and pilot-instructors.
Institution : None
Submitted : No date
KARTVELISIIVILI, Yu.L., kand. tekhn. nauk; PANKRASHKIN P. _kand. tekhn. nauk;
KURILO, G.M., inzh.; KHRAMOV, I.N., nz
Determining impact loads acting on the dragline bucket. Stroi. i
(14j' A
dor. mash. 10 no.4:16-17 AP 165. RA 18:5)
RAIRM, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk;,-E~~N ~P-V-, _inzh.; SWSHKO, V.S., inzh.
All-purpose stand for testing building excavators. Stroi.J dor.
mashinostr. 5 no.7:32-34 J1 16o. (KIRA 13:7)
(Pacavating machinery-Teating)
RAMW,, A.'V-.,, kand. takhn.nauk; PAIUCWHKIN, P. V. inzh.
Power indices of excavators with various types of drive. Stroio i dora
mash. 7 no.7:8-3.1 JI 162. (NIRA 15:7)
(Excavating machinery)
RANNEV, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; PANKRASHKE1, PI.V., kand. tekhn.
nank; VASILICIENKO, V.A., inzb.; VOLKOV, D.P.) doktor
tekhri. nauk, prof., retsenzeiit
[Drive mechanisms for all-purpose excavators and thei-r
testing] Privody universallny~h ekskavatorov i ilh ispy-
taniia. Moskva# Mashinostroenie, 1964. 291 p.
(MIRA 18:1)
PANMASHKIN, F.Ye., podpolkovnik.
Discussions -vith air force commanders. Vast-TOZ4. F1-39 110-11:71-
72 '56. (Aeronautics--Study and teaching) ()U:RA 10:3)
BORISOV, Petr Aleksayevich; PANKRASHOV. A., rodaktor; POD"TZLISKAYA. K..
tekbnicbeskiy rodakt'"-- ---- -
CK"alian schungital Karallskie shungity. Petrozavodak. Gos.
izd-vo Karelo-Fluskoi SSR. 1956. 91 p. (MLRA 10.,2)
SMOLOV, Vladimir Alekseyevich; :RASHOVL_AA_, red.; POI)"YMISKAYA, K..
[Studies of Karelian limestones, dolomites, and marbles] Ocherki
o karallskikh izvestniakakh, dolomitakh i mramore. Petrozovodsk,
Gos.izd-vo Karelo-Finskoi SSR, 1955. 53 P.
04M 13:11)
KOSHKINI, Grigoriy Ivanovich; -A.F. , red.
[Make Netter use of forest resources I Folnee isroilzova-L I
lesrWa bogatstva. Fetrozavodsk, K*arellskoe kniz~moc izd-
vo, 196.1.. 59 p. (MIKA le,:9)
KRASHENINNIKOV, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich; FREYNDLING, Alakeandr
Feclorovich; SHUBIN, L-7kadiy Dmitriyevioh; KOLCWOV,
Boris Dmitriyevich; KOBZARI, Yevgeniy Porfirlyevich;
[M~tntenance of machines at lwnbering enterpriaeal
Tekhnicheskoe obaluzh-Lvanie mashin na lesosagotovitall-
nykh predpriiatii&kh. Pod red. E.M.Krashenivihikova.
Petrozavodik, Karalls'koe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 257 p.
(MIRA 16:10)
KRASMINNIKOV, Yevgeniy MiklLaylovich;_PMEKRASHOV, A.P., red.;
fWinter opera ion of 1166iiing tractore and trucks] Zimniaia
okepluatateii: leSGv0znykh traktorov i avtomobilai. Petro-
zavodek, lzd-vo Karel.lekoi ASSR, 1960. 107 P. Can 14:2)
(Tractors--ColiL weather operation)
(MotortrackB--(P'old weather operation)
PETROV, N.I.; Pfil]KRASHOV, A.:'.., red.
(Petrozavodsk Housinl; Construction Combine] Pelr,,zawd3kJl
domostroiteVnyi kor.;Anat. Petrozavodsk, Karellskne
knizhnoe izd-vo, 196'+. 38 p. (MIlt YZ5)
1. Nauelmo-.tekhnichaskoye obshchestvo bmmzhnoy ! nerE:v(--
obrabatyvayushchey promyshlemosti. Karellskoye oblia~d6ntrIe
SEROV, Boris Vasillyevieli; Boris Aleh.-Micirovich;
SIEFHTER, Yalkov 13omenovich; ..j
--~~W'HOV t, red.
[Automation of sorting and calculating in sawrillin-gl AV-
torratizatsiia sortirovid i ucheta v lesopilenii. Petro-
zavodsk, Karellskoe knizhnct~ -l.;,,d-vo, 2964. 223
g., Nwfz~
ASEYEV, Georgiy Danilovich; PANKRASHOV, A.P., red.; POD"ELISYMA,
K*M. p tekhn. red.
[Build quickly, solidly., economically; problems of the develop-
ment of construction in the Karelian A.S.S.R.]Stroit' bystro.,
prochno, ekonomno; voprosy razvitiia stroitellstva v Karel'skoi
ASSR. Petrozavodsko Gos.izd-vo Karel'skoi AWR, 1962. 154 p.
NIRA 15:13.)
(Karelia-Construction industry)
HATYIJW,INA, Antonina Potrovna; PANWSkHOVj._A~.Po rod.; POP"Y41LISKAYA,
[Segethda Order of Lc---"- Ifooiml-D az.L4-
ordena Lenin tselliullozno-bam-ax~:~ ko--;imat. Petrczaamxisk.
Gos.izd-vo Karellskoi 13~a, 1956. 29 p.
(MM 13:11)
(Segesha--Paper industry)
POPOVt Leonid Vasillyevich,- SBOICEVICH, Mikhail Stepanovich; SHUBIN,,
Vladimir I~anovich; PANKIWHOV, A.P., red.; POD"ELISMA, K.M.,
takhn. red.
(Reforestation by seeding in cutover areas) Posev lesa na vyrub-
kakh. Petrozavodsk, Gos. izd-vo Karel'skol ASSRy :1961 108
(F,I~A 15M*
LUTTA., Ayno Semenovna; PANKRAgTVI~_.F.p red.; POD"YELISKAYA, K.M.,
tekhn. red.
[Controlling bloodsucking dipterous insects in northorn
regions) Bor'ba s gimsom - krovososushchimi dvukrylyrai
nasekomymi v usloviiakh Severa. Petrozavodsk Gos.i,,Q-vo
Karel'okoi ASSR, 1961. 45 P. IMIRA 15:2)
(Karelia-Insects, Injurious and beneficial)