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P'LS14L-'~T~ICVI 1.,.. -1. Sell skokhoziaistvennoe vodosnabzhenie i burovoe delo fkricultur,l .,;Ate.- su.D.T .7.(~ borinj. Kos,-va, Sellkhozi,.iz, 1-)51. 340 F~- SC: ..onth-y List of Russian Acces-lions, Vol. 6. No. 5, AuCust 1953- lb . ~,iglLf OP IiRl OWS ~13 Uwyatov4p 1.. 110. Rlift. T V, (5), W-1.41 Ob5tr. In Rer. Zh- Win. (Rgf. J. Ultim., 14-4.mow), 195,6, (23), 75~'x-V). A coke z=pla 15 bLxned in a cirrent of 4tir at lZSiWC r-.3r 21, min, sul;lhur eluxids Is retained In a 0.1% m1alm of mid1w m"bona' to algid Sulp-hur. Is determined volm,-itric-ally. Sulpj,= dlcxldo .1ma alro rotalned In a 3% colL-wivr, -,~f hYtJrLsm Parmide AW tho sulrhluu, t0oXido -,ti;nImjd Yma~ dittv.-Ariod volm.~ctrlpally with 0.01 11 oolution of oauztlo w."Is. Th-4 methid It vitokTr vaij mro ezauate tl,,rz tho Goviot GtandE,.M. 16(1,) AUTHORS- Korina,Ye.A-, and Pasheakov,7.7._ TITLE,, Bicompactness in 3tructures PERIODICAL-. Izve-Qtiya vy5shikh uchebnykh zavedeniy~ Matematika, '959, Nr 3, pp 121-129 (U33R) ABSTRACT1 The authors consider T-structures, i,e structureg with a topology on the elements. Conditions for the topologisability of structures with orthogonal and complete nomplements ar,~ given. The notion of the TI-space is generalized to T-structures; it is 9howr that the bicompactness in the TI-9tructure imp'.ien that the etructure is atomic. The equivalence of the four ;onditions cf b1nompactness is proved.. The definition of the bi~~mpactness f .~e elements presupposes the introduction :f tl~.e elcoure operation. A theorem on the imbedding of a local-bicompact Hausdorff structure into a bicompa.-t Hausdorff structure ~q proved. The authors thank the Nce*-it L.A.Skornyakov for ad-ice There are 10 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 2 German, I American, and 1 Polish. ASSOCIATlONiMoskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (Moscow Pcwar-Engineer'_r_g Institute) SUBMITTED.~ April 9, 1958 Card 1/', AUTHORt Pashenkov V.V. (Moscow) SOV/42- 13- 3-16/41 TITLE: Structures With Complete Complements (Struktury s poinymi dopolneniyami) PERIOMCAL: 'Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, 1956, Vol 13, Nr 3, pp 226-229 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author considers structures with complete complements, i.e. structures with complements which satisfy the following conditions- for arbitrary sets of elements lx,, land arbitrary complements x~ of the elements x Q( the element llxl,, is the complement ofrx, and the element n X~ is the complement of nx, It is asserted that the elements with a complete complement decompose in a natural manner into a set K of classes A(a), where to A(a) there belong those and only those elements which possess the same complements like the element a. The classes A(O) and A(1) consist only of one element: 0 and 1 respectively. Theorem: The set of the classes K of a structure L with complete complements is a complete Boolean algebra. This is a homomorphic mapping of L for which the exact upper and lower bounds of aii arbitrary set of elements remain true. A general method for the construction of structures with complete complements is given. Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Pashenkov, V V TITLE. With Non-Unique Complements (3b odnom klasse struktur s neye~instvpnnymi dopolneniyami) PERIODICAL! lzvestiya vysshlkh u,-,hFbnykh zavedeniy.Matematika, 1958, Nr 4, pp 191 201 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author considers complete lattices L, the complements of which satisfy the following t-.onditionx for every set of elements x land arbitrary complements x. of the elements x" . the C~ j ct~ f element n is a (--omplement of '/'-X and the element is a complement of n The set of elements of the lattice L is divided into classes A(a), where to A(a) there belong all elements having the same comple- ments as a It is asserted that the set K of these classes is a complete Boolean algebra and the mapping x -)PA(x) is a homo- morph13M if in K it is definedi A(a),>-A(b) then and only then if in L for certain x~-_A(a), YF-A(b) there holds the relation x >Y. If L is atomic, then so does K; here it is defined: L is atomic if to every element x C-L, i ~ 0 there exists an atom p6rx. There is I American reference Card '112 On a Class of Lattices Witti Non Uriqul: Complements SOV/1 40- 58-4 - 2 115C ASSOCIATIOII:Moskovskiy energe,~ichesk2y institut (Moscow Pr-lvel nstilute) SUBUITTEL~ January 3-0. '?~8 Card 212 L-,"ri5 V, Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Incl.. s c 7- '1': 0'. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 'Jncl. FA.1~1 It:11TOV , IA. Ponds Useful manual for building ponds and reservoirs ("Reservoirs." I. A. LukAsnev. heviewed by Ya. Pashenkov). Les i step' 4 No. 9, 1952. Monthly List of Itassian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassifed, PASHENKOV,_ Ya.M._P._kand.tekhn.nauk Ways for improving the operation of rural water supply structures; at the scientific technological conference in KPybyehev. Gidr. i mel. 15 no.4:60-62 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrotekhniki i malioratsil im. Kostyakova. (Water supply, Rural-Congresses) *ASHMOV. Ya.Mv, kand.tekhn.nmy Pasture vater supply in arid regions of the U.S.S.R. Trudy VNIIGiM 32sU(6138 159. (MIRA 13:8) (Water supply, Rural) (Pastures and meadovs) , Yri . 1. . ppohr...1-ov. y1) . 1, . , C~ r- -A , ! . " . I.' . t. .-. -, ,- 1, " - !I - ': , IP. - 'I'lp t, 1" , , -I- t 1, - z - :, ~: 1, : , divi sl r, I i-t , C. I tit r! ct L , -' ' ,.- 4 -. ' : ;- ' , r-; ~ " t, , Fit " f i . 3 ~7 ;-. r - r I - - r ~, . ., ., , SUP'Dly PCC )Vtl ' F~ t I ' !.- C: ; r' - ',' I- f ? - ' - ' - r ~ ~. L . " I r (;. ( Vt - ! . - - - ' - - ~ i: . ' . in-t 7, dr ) tp',-- n! -, 1 1 - p I ' rF, I ~ ~ '. ) , V ' . X-Y',' , Is,, ~. - I , o * 1, *: F- ~ SO: - - 5 , I I A i, ,-u L t - ~. ~ ,( iA, t 3 T) i L ' ; f, i_ ri ir, I' ',-I S ti, t P:, , N.-) . 1 "1 , ' I ,) -P AS HFAfKO V) I /& A GIRACM. M'V. inshener. Vmauable -nual for technical high schools. teaching soil improvezent. ("Eural vater supply and vell drilling.* U.N. Pashenkov. 9.A. Karambirov, I.F. Gribanov. Revieved by N.A. Grachav.) Gidr.1 mel. 5 no.4.78-80 AP'53- (KLRA 6:5) (Water supply, Rural) (Pashankov, U.N.) (KArambirov. N.A.) kand.tekhh.nauk. dote., nauchnyY rabotnik, prepodevatell; IMUMBIROV. N.A., nauchnyy rabotnik, prepodavatnll; GRIBANOV, I.P., nsuchnyy rabotnik, prepodavatell; ZHURAVIEV, G.I., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N.,; ZUBRILINA. Z.P., tekhn.rad. (Agricultural water supply, boring and Dumping stations] Sel'sko- khozialstvennne vodosnabzbenia, burovoe delo I nasosnve Btantsli. Izd. 2-oe, iBpr. i dop. Moskva, Gos. ird-vo sellkhos. lit-ry, 1957. 591 P. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-lasledovatellskiy institut gidrote4lniki i maliorateiiI Moskovskogo institute inzhenerov vodnogo khozyaystvA im. V.R.Vill yamse (for Pashonkov, Karembirov, Gribanov) (Water supply. Rural) (Boring) (Pumping stations) PASIENKOV. YA. H. Gribanov, I. P. jt. au. Reservoirs and their use in irrigation Moskva, Gos. lzd-vo sel'khoz. lit-ry, 195-+. 243. 5 P. (55-41136) TC167.P3 1954 VOLODIKO, Ivan I?omir-h; DOBROVOL'SKIT, N.F.; KASHBKOV, L.Ta.; FASHMOV, Ta.M. , - , I 'OKOLOVI YOLIFOVSKAYA, V.N.. redaktor; DUBROVSKIT. V.A.. radaktFF, 3 0 S.N., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Construction of driven wells] Stroitellstvo trubchatyk-h kolodtoev. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry. 1956. 175 P. (MLRA 9!8) (wells)) FILIPPOV, L.P.; PASFM'NKOVA. I.G. Measuring the coefficent of thermal diffuBivity for llquidB. In2h.-fiz.zhur. 1 no.8:P4-88 Ag '58. (MIU 11: ~) i.Gosudarstvenn7y universitet im. M.V. Lomanosova, Moskva. (Thermal diffusivity) PAVLOVSM , Ye.F. akodemik, SPEWSM . G.N.. geroy Sotsislistiches~-opo Truda, lffKOV, P.B., tokarl. denutnt Verldiov-nogo Soveta SSSR., BaRm, K.A. kand.sellakol-hozy-iyntvr-r.Vkl nauk, geroy Botnialisticheakopo Truda laureat Stalinskoy preriii., PA=lMAYA, Y.H., n-irodnaya artistka SSSR.. XHOTSYANOV, L.K., ANVVYLT, M.G., kande-med.zisuk Living and working the Communint way.' Zdorovle 5 no.1:3-5 Ja 159 (MMA 11:12) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AM SSSR (for Speranskiy), 2. Moskovskiy zavod shlifovnllnykh stankov (for 'p7kov), 30' Chlen-korrespondent 091 SSSR (for Khotsyancrv)., 4. Dir-11-tor Instituta ekBperimpntallnoy khirurgichoskoy appnrntury I instrumentov (for Ananlyev). (RUSSIA) 0 0 4 0 mers- 11-4-9 4 41 4 42 & At 411 0 0 0 91-0 .1fin Olga apa"'Imsel No 300 sev mipeo 0 q 0 '1 U is Ill 11 16 If It 09 lb A le W A 6 L as C. vell as 11i -1 . - _ , r%fbi*r im two of hok -4 K V PA-111 S-enVA, M1.1). it, 'IV Ill% III Ol. In ....... -4 Ih, coo see -d . ........ tv J.J, fife", 00 3: Sol o 1 too, 0 Woe 11 u is -0 is p V!, Is a d 0 11 91 a of n n It fell *11 t a fell lrx w I us 0 0 ~__lvr oil io a 1 0 4"4 solb 0 0 0 e 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1) 0 1 0 L, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . PASHENTSEV, D. S. Dr. Technical Sc'-. Prof., Leningrad Electrical Engineering Inst. iz. Ullyanov. -cl948-. "First Russian School of Electrical Communications," Elaktrichestvo, No. 7, 1946; *Thirty Years of Electric Coumunications," Radiotekh.. go. 1, 1948. PASBEMSEV, D.S. Elektrosviaz' za 30 let sovetskoi Vlasti. ZSlectric communications during 30 years of the Soviet regims/ (Priroda, 1947, no, 10, p. 34-50). DLC: Q4-P8 SOt SOVIET TWSPORIATION ANP CONVINATION , A BIMIQQRAPIiY, Library of Congress Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. WHIM23W, I.D., doti.,kand. tekhn. naul-r. T'raneignte 'In electric circuits of feedback magnetic rimnliftern, Shor. nuuch. trud. L3TIIZHT no.5:74-80 153. (MM 11:3 ) (Hagnetic woplifiers) (Transients (Mactricity)) SOV/1 12-57 -6-13162 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 6, p 216 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tyurmorezov, V. Ye. , Pashentsev, 1. D. TITLE: Delay in the Stabilization-'S~-il~i~i;-'Of-t'~e Power Supply of Electric - Communication Outfits (Inertsionnost' sistern stabilizatsii clektropitayuslichikh ustanovok svyazi) PERIODICAL: Sb. Leningr. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp. , 1956, Nr 151, pp 247-260 ABSTRACT: Transport -communication equipment requires power-supply rec!ifiers with a stabilized output. A high-speed feature is one of the criteria used for selecting the type of equipment. From this standpoint, the possibility is considered of using equipment with magnetic -amplifier automatic control, specifically, the equipment for a type BCC-51 rectifier. The circuit in ques - tion is a cascade connection of an external -backfeed magnetic amplifier and a power choke coil. It is assumed that the choke coils operate within the linear parts of their characteristics and that the operating current of the second amplifier accurately follows the control current. This expression is derived for the control current in the second choke coil: Card I /Z .IT PASE3WTSM, I.D.. dotsent, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. Transient system in some magnetic amplifier circuits. Sbor. nauch.trud.LXTIIW no.6:2i6-224 54. NLRA 9:1) (Magnetic amplifiera) p;3,SHEOSKVv I.D., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; VOLKOV, V.F., inzh.,, SOBAKIN, V.A., inzh- Noncontact numerical code transmitter using wwrietic amplifiers. Sbor. L11ZflT uo.169:213-230 160. (MMA 13:11) (Information tbeory) (Magnetic amplifiers) -A ~ -.', -' :"~ T ....... KLmovrcH,, I. G., kand. med. nauk; PASHERSTNIK, L. A.; FINKELISONT, Ye. I. 3plenoportop,Taphy in ffurger/ on childrpn. Khlrurgiia n,).6: 100-103 Je 062. (MIRA 1~0) 1. Iz kafedry detskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. S. Ya. Doletskiy) TSentralinogo instituta uscrvershonstvovaniva vrachey I Detskoy klinicheskoy bol'nitsy imeni I. V. Ftusakova (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR dotsent V. A. Kruzhkov) (SPLEEN-RADIOGYLIPHY) (PORTAL VEIN-RADIOGRAPHY) KLIMOVIGH, I.G.,; ]N69HMBIK, L.A. (Moskvap Bol'shoy Vlaal7evskiy per., d.10, kv.5) Use of relaxants of brief action in splenoportograph7 in chi-ldren. Klin.khir. no.9153-56 S 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Wedra detskoy khinirgii (zav. - prof. S.Ya. Doletskiy) TSemtrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i Detskaya gorodskeya klinicheskaya bollnitsa imeni I.V. Fwsakova, ~Ioskva. (MUSCLE RELAWTS) (SPLJM-RADIOGRAPHY) (PORTAL VElV-RADIOGRAPHY) PASMKIN, V. *klat the radio equipment for dispatcher service on farms should be like.' Radio no.5:61 My 155. (HLRA 8:6) 1. Tartsevskaya KM Smolenskoy oblasti. (Radio in agriculture) PASHETKINA, Z. - - '. Women employment in the U.S. and the increased exploitation of the working class. Mr 156. (K12A 9:7) (United States--Women--Employment) HULGARL'. MlcrAiAoj:,y. ~;cnoril t-;IcroM il )gy. F Phyf,l-)l w_,,, !.rA M whw-Antry. J'.bs J,~ur Rof Zh--ar N- (, 1959, ',-. 779.-)6 .'author Mitev: P~ishcv; Khpriz~,.novr-~; Lambrov; 3csrik-)v Inst Micriblological Ir-stituto Title Influence of Various ?-.ctors Dn El~,synthcsls of )rblc .,cid by M,dd F~ingl Orig Pub lzv. 11-111kroblol. in-t, 209 1 `.bs tr,~c t N,) a lb s t r, c t t7 I v C,~rd 1/1 "Fol. ~cm- 1- tr. U5(, z!j ri - ia; o Lc r n p v l r r. r.f - ~ ashev, A. Machines and mechanical devices for di, 1-ing holes "or "oundations and 1,oli,s and their i I acc-mc-nt * n t he electrifi catic,n o f the railroad I . I . ?,,. T:'!,'E 1- 0! ITNC, D71,0, Zofiia, -id~,aria, VoI. 11, no. t, 1911 Monthly List of Eart European Amssions (EF.Al) LC. Vol. ", no. 19510 -Oct. Uncl. PASHEV, A. "The Seventh Congress of the Bulgarian Communist Party." p.1 (Tekhnika, Vol. 7, no. 4', 1?58, Sofiia, Bulgaria) Monthl,y Index of Fast E-AiropeEm Accessiorus (EJ-Al) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, August 1958 PASHEV, A., inzhener. (Narodnaya Respublika Bolgaiya) ;-~. - The Batak cascade. Gidr. i mal.9 no.2:48-52 F 157. (MLRA 10:3) (Batak, Bulgaria--Hydroelectric powe stations) PASHEV, A., inzh. Mechanization in bui-ldinC, and its influence on labor prodTictivity. Stroitelstvo 8 no.(1:1-5 161. 1. Zam. p7-ndeedatel na Komiteta poatroitelstvoto. Hydro-electric constructions s/196/62/000/009/013/018 E114/E184 width along the top 12 vi, width acros5 tho base 610 m. Slopes 1 : 2-5 (inside the reservoir) and I -- 1.75 (outside faces). The volume of the fill 7,950,000 m*5. Reservoir volume 330 million 1113. The capacity of tlie underground power s ta t ion 215 "If, generation 54L1 million W. The arch dam Korube Ji, is one of a series of dams on the river Kurobe. TIcight of dain 176 r-.i, length 495 m, width along tho top 8 m and along the base m. The volume of concrete in the body of the dam 1,360,U00 1713. T-c- volume of the water reservoir is 220,000 nP. The hydraulic contre of 1~hatangi has two mass dcAms with counterforce foundations - Khataiigi I and 11-hatan,~! 2. The dam at is 126 m high, 269 m long, and the volume of concrete 56-5,(.Iuk~ ;II-). The dam Khatangi 2 is 69 m 11,911, 105 m ions,, .%rith a volume of concrete 145,000 m3- Plan views and cross- sec tions of the daii. are given, as well as certain information concerning the conduct of work. Abstractor's note: Complete translation.-I Card 2/2 PASHEV, I. Effect of the culture medium or. -he biosynthesis -.f acfflls in yeast cells. Izv. mi-robio'-. inst. 15-.63-78 1631 PASHEV, 11. F. Effect of active ac.',,ity " Ine med~u:-,, -r- tp prodUct.' of amino acids ~-, ',he veasi (:ell. Izv. m"kr-,biol. .ns . lsof-*~ia) 16-.245-252 "V, PASHEV, I.P.; BESHIMV, M.N.; IAMBREV, B.K. wimination of 7pant fun,-i in wine grapes in Bulparia. Izv. Mik--rob. irpt., Sofin no.8:119-156 1957. (Y-RUITS, t-rnT)es, isolation of yen5ts) (T-,IASTS, isolation on yessts) PASH3V, II.P., Dotl3.; - _4FSIjEX)V' M.N., nt. nnint.; IAMB113V, B.K.. ani9t. lPermentative nctivity of nome yeastn. lzv. Hiltrob. inqt., ;ofip. u).8: 197-207 1957. (TEVASTS fermentative activity of 'a types) (FEI%MTAT loll fermentRtive activity of lb tyneB of yeaste) HITBV, Ir.P..;. PA-SHEV, I.I.P.; KHARIZANOVA, M.S.; IA14BREV, B.K. ; B&HKOV. M.N. Ifffect of some factors on bioiqnthesis of L-&6corbic acid by molds. Izv. Mikrob. inst., Sofia no.13:209--221 1957- (AWGI, metab. biosynthesis of Ir-ei5corbic acid) (VITMIN C, metab. L-ascorbic acid biot;ynthesi6 in molds) v 7 Onyehn FIg ,enici'Ll tcm i Izv. zT.1krob,, In,,;t,, 5o"i.7 p :f the Veterinary Bacteriulc)r--,-~El 1'10-td~ V; rjrL- Ya larl-ov-ski-Head of the ')".,n- V crier.--)] ogl wl the ',4ovkeral Hospital, Plovdiv; Di-. Fr, R, Rdrajovski, He~~d of the Romtganologieal Divinion of tho ~,3 Poqpital, Plovdiv). lq~ 1, I'lov" PASHEV, L J.AkWL Histogenests of trachowtous tolliculomas and new clasBification of trachomatous panuses. Izv. inst. klin. obsbt. med. 4:1-26 160. (TRAGRCMA pathol) PASHRY, Konstantin, akad. Corebro-visual functional manifestations as a test for retinn- cortical reflexes.,Sofia 11-12:329-338 1955. 1. Soktatia za oftalmoloeiia (za;r.akad.Konot,antIn Pashev) na institutn %a k1liAchna i obshchestvena neditains, (dir.: akad Tsvetan Kristanov) pri BAN (AG9.)SIA, visual, form. of conditioned reflexpe in) (Rv-Y-,U, CONDIT101M. form in visual agnosia) PASEW, Konstanin, almd. ~-l Formation of baaophil and aosinnnhil coMisclea by direct division of protoplasm cells. !zv.nad.inst.Sofia 11-12:339- 344. 1955. 1. Sektalin za oftalmologlia (sax.akad.Konatntin Pashev) na Instituta za klinicbna I obahchestvena meditnina (dir.: akad. Tayetan kristanov) pri BAN (TRACHOMA. pathology. form of basophil & anstnophil corpuscles by direct division of protoplasm cells from trachnnatous tissuo) (OOWIMTIVITIES, pathology, form of basophil & ftoninophil corpuscles by direct division of protoplasm cells from conjunctivitis tissue) (CELLS DIVISION, protoplasm cells Trom conjunctivities & trachoma, form. of basophil & cosinophil Porpuacles by direct division) (PPDT0Pi'hS'q' division In conjunctivitic & trachomutous tissue, form. of hasophil & oosinophil corpuscles by direct division) PASHEV, Konstantin. Akad Investigations on accipital quwirantanopsia; (-,- ir)itRl gunshot Injuries.,Sofia 11-12-345-362 lcJ55- 1. Sektaiia za oftalrinlogiia (zav.:akad.Konstaritin Pashev) na instit-uta za klinichns, I obshch-Batvena meditBlaa(dir.:akad. Tsv"tAn Kristanov) pri BAN (HMIANOPIA. quadrantanopsia, caused by occipital 1-unshof inj.) (OCCIPIT" 'WBZ,woxxr,&s arA iumuries, %xn,atxnt, cauging qundrantanop9la) (VOUNDS AND INJMM. gunshot. of occipitel labie, causing quat'r ri*anapsia) PASHEV, Konotantin, AkBd.. Endemic trachom in Bulgaria. 11-12:363-367 1955. 1. Sektatia za oftalmolot,,Ila (zav.akad.Konstantln Pashav) na Inatituta za klinichruL f obahchoetvnna medltalna (dir.:akad. Tevotan YriBtanov) Dri BAN (TRACHOMA. apidemiolngy, In Bulgaria, ondemlelty) PASHIN. K. .11.114kwl.~-.~A Hyporplastic tumors of tho coajunctiva. Izv,lnst,sote*med..3ofi& Vol.2:98-106 1950. (CIM1 20:6) 1. Academician Prof. Dr. K.Pashey. Dimitrov Prize Winner. Bulgaria Aicroblology. Sanitary Microbiology. F-5 Abs Jour: Referat. Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35636 Author : Pashev II.P.; Beshkov, M.N., Lambrev, B.K. Title : A Study of the Residual Microflora in Sterilized Canned Foods Orig Pub: Nauch. tr. Vissh. in-t khranit. t vkus. prom-st. Plovdiv, 1955, 2, 163-182 Abstract: Having studied 1169 tests of various canned goods, the authors found that 15.42% of them contained bacteria of UP to 30 kinds, and most frequently of all (58.13%) they found spore-former5: B.mesen- tericus, B.subtills, B.mycoides, and B.megatherium. Most of the non-sterile tins were among the vege- table canned foods without oil, particularly stewed fruit (29.03%), and the least among canned meats (5.74%). The authors consider that the C ard 1A BTJLG~Jil,~ / 'Microbiology. Technical Microbiology. F-3 ,,bs Jour: Rof Zhur-Bioj., Po 16, 1958, 72033. "Uthur 4.N.; Lumbrev, B. K. Inst :Higher Institutu of Food and Confrctionery Industrv. Titlo :Investigation o,' Form,ntative -ctivity and Prod- uction PossibilitiLs of Som~j strains of OMYCOS OlliDsoiduus. Orig Pub; Nauchn. tr. Vissh. in-t k~xariit. i vkus. prom-si, T'lovdiv, 1~~56, 3, ...bstract: Tho morphclogic~~I, cultural apd biochuraicai prop- artios, furmcntative activity, and producti,)n of 15 strains of S. wor,-D invustigatud. Coridlitions of maxi'-iLil )r:)- ductivity of (_iach strain woru From the authcrls rusumu. FA:7 IHII, K.' F, Soci a-1 o-mit -.a'm,' o,- --. In Fm,c~~. -. I- 7~)-l . 9, ~ , Jan. / zi -. 1 Q 5 6 1 , -ofiia, .-ulgari .a S J r: -, : E :East Euro ean Accessior.s List ( ~-'-'AL ) 'o I . 6 ~i o . 1, : '! - PASIW, K. Cerebro-amaurotic and visual -ifestations in pleural surgery. Izv. mod. inst.. Sofia 1 no. 6-7:29-36 1952. (CLML 24:2) 1. Academician. 2. Section of Clinical and Social Ophthalmology (Head -- Academician 1, Pashev) of the Institute of Clinical and Social Kedicine of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. PASHEVO K., akmA. Contribution to ocular toxoplasmsis in Bulgaria. Izv. inst. klin. obsht. med. 4:27-38 '60. (TOXOPLASMOSIS epidemiol) (EYE die) Country Catugory It I U%- ."'I- IlstItit. BU4URIA (-m Ptth: vp,,:ic 'r,,z, ~4in end Anitriall as ev '.rj.,lliu )i,, ro q ~4jil":O% &,Lca~ li --.I' I(- ~(;16, of :3cienc4 Or.'Air lhij, v0 I I -i I - A-, -3 rr- r, I't I i -f OC' 2 01 a I I.L1 )QJ C Lf I),- C C. 'OK-3r, '1'l , LJ-Aj~ 7 ~ e . c,i a r c( c,, 1 , I.-% i , ~ -A j-t, L i i ol i;,, sI-It-ri. r t c -e . 1, 1 f : -; -at I, T-, i n i t on L,I 'L 1~ J ' , r . I 'VCzl 1 -1 l- , ~.ll cv, 1( a v a, cr, mv,171 41 1 1, I lo.- tL. Os, t I T. I. ~~,vn, I . b 0 -,-j L it i i ' ral,eE i , . ~~ - Y a r~- .,u I ..t r, i Irl It' t ~jb"l ms. :3 ~ ~ .. - ,, . I .. I "i "' 9A . llr~priml Conjunc ! Lvi : n - 1. ;'1, D. 1 ? a :_ A ` , . a ' . ~. , rl-, . I , -. -' - ~ . J I Sofiya, bi-, 1.7 a r i a . So: onthly List if a ~- t ~ -,, - -, - , in A-: -~- : lrl~91 ~' I . 3, - - ~ , ". 171.,/ 1 , . !. [~ , ~ ; "I. - - . I ~11*. . - 12, . "Ophthal-da Granulo:3r, ~ I I iarJ - . "- 1. - I - . '.. i I I . . , "'. , I . F-'Lblished 1--)7-17=';-i-y 1 771 _7 -1 a. ) a So: '-~-t --." L~-t ir)pean Acce~;3.~,ns, o1. ~, 5, ay 1 e ./dric i,-o. . : . ~ ~ PASM9 K,q eked., laureat na Dimitrovska nagrada Functional structure of the cortical retina. Xhirurgiia 7 no.2: 69-76 1954. (RWrINA. diseases. *caused by brain inj.) (BRAIN. injuries. *causing retinal die.) (WOUNDS AND INJURIES, *brain, causing retinal die.) PASHSV, K. M. Lee tumoura rates do l'oeil et Is cancer de l'oeil en Bulgnrie. Sofilp, lzd. nn Bielgnrslmta Ak-ademiia na neukite, 19~1. III p. Bielgprekq Aksdemlin ne nallkite. Institut za klinichns. i obshtestvems meditaina. 1. Eye - Tumora. 2. Eye- 09ncer. SOME" PLlt-7 r-D. So PASHEVA, Z.P.; TARKHOVA, T.H. r"-, ..I Crystal structure of milarite. Doklady Akad. Sauk S.S.S.R. 88, 807-10 15-j (CA 47 no.22:121)9 '5)) (PURIA 6:2) I . _ _ " . F . , T.-U- 131C)VA, -1 . N1. 4. (6k. ( ~ 4. --i lari te 7. -1-r-yot a h ine struc urtL -** i%i -Itiri , (- .- . " . ; a - ~. - ; ti , ": . ,, . . ~1' i'll ~ 3 " !I .~ (I ~. - . ~'I - A.", .10. 5, Iv" 1. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I.ay 1953. Unclassified. PAMVA, Z.P.; TARKHOVA, T.N. Tba crystal structu" of milarits. Dokl. Akad. Sauk SSSR 88. No.5, 80?- 10 '53. (mLu 6:2) (PA 56 no.672:8797 153) L 16064-66 EWT(m)/WPM IJP(c) JD = NR:' X 6003251 SOURCE CIDDE: UR/0020/651165/006/132911331 AVTHDR: Faftyeva, T. A.; Paaheva, Z. P. < ORG: None TITLE: Phase composition of amorphous films obtained by vapor condensation during heating of a silicon dioxide-silicon mixture in a vacuum ,'1,7 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 165, no. 6, 1965, 1329-1331 TOPIC T4qS: silicon dioxide, silicon, electron diffraction analysis,-4Q.Vtr' ABSTRACT: The structure lof thin films obtained by condensation of silicon monox- Ide vapor (evolved by a mixture of S102 and Si on heating) in a vacuum was studied by electron diffraction. After finding the average atomic density, the authors calculated the radial distribution function with a computer. The data indicate that the number of closest neighbors of silicon nSi-Si is 4. This result is ex- plained by assuming that elemental silicon with a diamond structure is present in the film together with S102 as an independent phase. Thus, the results of the analysis of the radial distribution curve are interpreted as showing the presence In these films of two independent amorphous or submicroscopic phases, viz., silicon dioxide and silicon. The paper was presented by Academician.N. V. Belov, Z__ Card 1/2 UDC- 539.235 L. 16o64-66 ACC &R: AP6003251 13 May 1965. In conclusion, authors exprens their appreciation to Acad. N. V- Belov,and L. L Tatarinova for useful suggestions and interest in this study. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE:07,%O/ SUBM DATE: 13Apr65 ORIG REF: 004 OTH REF: 007 Card 2/2 PASHF~TIN, B.P. TRA14SACTIONS Co' TUP. IhSTTTUTP, OF :IJCLFAR PHYSICS (TRUDY INSTITUTA yAL,F,FN-07 FT.,,' JKT) of* the KAZANH tcidcmy of SciellcPS, Volume 2, by Lifferent rn)thovo, Tiizakh AcAdery of' Sx-Aence Publishing House AlrA-ATA, U&M, 1959. On the structural char.cter of the Influence of third elements In the spectral annlysis of silicon brass. At U'll L~ V 3d PASHEMB, B.P. Spectral determination of Cd, Flb, Gu, and Fe in the To-V, To-O, Ts-1 zinc alloys by means of photometric interpolation and dis- placement spectra. Izv.AB SSSR.Ser.f12.19 no.2:185-186 Mr-Ap '55- (Tartu--Spectrum analysis--Congresses) (MLRA 9:1) 7 1 ' A,- A SHCHKRBOV, D.P.; PASHBVKM. I.N.; BAKARASOVA. V.P. Use of polarimetric determinations In bulk analysis of ores. Trudy labegeol.upr. no.1:31-50 '51. (MISA 7:11) 1. TBentrallneys, laboratoriya lasakhokogo goologichaskogo upravlonlya. (Polarlecops) (Ores-Sexpling and estimation) 1 3 5 8 - 1 12 ~ 1 1 ,/" , 1; " .'!, ,! /~ /'II "/ ranslation from Referativnyy zhurrial, Mctallurgly;l 19~W Nr AUTHOR Pashevkina _Q_N_ TITLE Polarographic Determination of Lead Daring Phase AiialN,,i- '~4 Lead Ores (Poly& rograficheskoye opredeleniye svintsa pri lovo vom analize s\,intsovykh rud) PERIODICAL~ V sb. Opy-t raboty geologov-razvedchikov Kazakhstan- Alma-Ata. AN KazSSR, 1957, pp 137-140 ABSTRACT. In order to determine PbS04, 0.2-0.5 g of Pb ore are me, h- anically mixed for I hour with 100 cc of a~25%6 NaCl SOIL111011. the solution is then filtered and evaporated t'0 a volume of 100 cc, and the Pb is polarographed (because of its 10W SOIL11)III'V in a 25/oNACI solution the 02 is not rernoved). In order to (lcicr- mine PbC03, the filter containing the residue is mixed for I hour with 80 cc of a 15'/o solution of CH3COONH4~ after filierln~,, the solution and evaporating it to a volume of 60-70 (.-( , 18 of concentrated HC1 are added to it together with Z cc of a I .~", solution of gelatin; the mixture is diluted to 100 c( , 0. 1 - 0-2 g u1 reduced Fe a re added, and, after an interval of 1 -2 hour!, thc Card 112 Pb is polarographed. When determining lead sulfide, the filter 13 7 - 5?;, - :~ - 11-101 Polargraphic Determination of 1.(fad Diring Phase Analysis of 1-f-ad Or- and the residue (after the separation of PbC03) are calcined, diss(!ked i:i '0 cc of aqua regia, and evaporated to dryness, 5 c( of concentrated IICI are added and the mixture is a4ain evaporated to dryness 40 - 50 c ( of I IC ~ ( 1 41 are then added, the solution is boiled, and I cc of a I.:;To gelatin Solution is added-, a sufficient amount of HCI (1:4) is added to increase the voluine to ~G cc, after which 0.2 g of reduced Fe are added. and, 2 to ~ hours talvr. the Pb is polarographed The method described produces more a(Luratu rcsa!~~ and is considerablv faster than the c hemi( al method. 1. Lead analysis--ApP. Card 2/2 'Ibn -(I~rzl -1 duc4 --c 4 s a 4 0 4 0 * 0 1 a 9 a sr4 -0 -4 4 40-0-9-0 A 0 0 a 0 0 a 4 0 0 a # 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -) 0 0 0 a 's * A 0 0 0 4 1 OD I I 1 0 1 . , I . % * 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 0 4 Ole 0 . 11 .) . Is 1. 1y so Dion mpa" 1011 v is alsou No* a L & AL-4--& L 4 it F Q Kit 1 6 ..p te'"I UrW bauxito as c*Wyst for the redbake of oulfw \ anddstowuNw. G.D-P;sAmLi1ms3dK-A.Tsbu-3o, J Chm ]ad Ir 00 matkiArtfffy cataly't. If. hf. 1,61TOP 8 t! - 00 Ir i .00 010 a =06 94 :.! coo 00 zoo is. else 499 am &1 40 X4 0 e o 0 of 0000 0 fee es ZHEMOCHKIN, B.N.. prof.;'PASHCREVSKIY. D.P., dotsent; BMUISHTEyli, H.S., doteent-, HIKIFOROV, S.N.. prof.; TOCHIZKIY, V.F., dotsent [dece;,sedj; VILKOV, G.H., red.izd-va; RUD.AKOVA, N.I., (Cour3a in structural mechanical Kura stroitellnoi makhaniki. Pod obshchei red. B.N.Zhemochkina. lzd.2. Moskva, Goa.izd-vo lit-ry po atroit.. arkhit. i otroit.materialam. Pt-3- [Statice of stnictures] Statika soonlzhenii. 1959, 333 P9 (MIRA 12:12) (Structurea, Theory of) PASHMI17. D.P. Structural characteristics of the effect of third elements In the spectrum analfsin of silicon brass. TrUd7 Inst. Jad. fjZ. kH Vh7h,-'.. SSR 2:153-169 '59. (MIRA 13:3) (Brass--Spectra) N.S)Iii.vSi. i '12 11. 1 . kl I Uol . ) 27080 PAS111--VSKIly., L. 1. (G i dro tcl:hi iil.-. . 1891-191,9. N'c-lrc,,lty).--podpiSi : LopiiMiov Ye. I., Varz,":zTi-' 1, D., Paritin Y.L. (i dr.) Les. Prom-st', 19L,-;, No.8, s. 2h, s. port.r. K: Let-opis' aurnallrVich Statey, Vol. 3", 191,~; PASHIDDVP Khabib- Inhonkhofthayevich; PONDMARRINKO, A.A.. red.-, KUCHIIISKIY, V., red.; POhTORAF_,_T_._, Ialijin.rad. [Applying fartilizern during the planting of cotton] Priposevnoo udobranie khlopchatnika. Stalinabad. Tafthikskoe gon. izd-vo, 1958. 11 P. (NaRk 12:1) (Cotton--Fertilizers and manures) ANI -1i C7 , . . , -~ 'r ; 1~ " ~ , 1~ 1 : " , 1~ ~ , f- - ~ .~': -,:, -, , ;! . :'~ I., I '- 7' 1':. , v ~, f -I , I., r ~'! , , - ! * , . I : . I . ! i , I I , , . ~. n ,, . , i . - Concerning Anonaiou!~ 'n Ljiffr--ction Fatterns of Prini, Pclycr~-st,--I] ire Tn Rue- si mi. X=,st.r0ov, S. L. Firk-ells' litein, Pashilov. Doklady Akadevdt N,,-4 uk S-S S R ( h e-, r t,~ A-r-ndermv enCeS c f the UL-'R New stli: v . ct. 21, n. -,~17-10210. The aleve were ~,tadied f,)r ~-(,veral poIYCl-3,-t,,,1I ille alloy., V-11bJect Ilar-iiely, 1('V- eral AL PlIcys Prid Ferylilum ray patterns of such alloys Lqr(- v-i~i szens-itive to structarpl changes nceon aliyint, af,~rj,,. PosFI:ility of exrlaJn- inp the mechpnJcv, of af,inj, hy study of these vat- terns iF indicaled. cryphan MOM-COr SUM. A 1. I'subAlsiv (Stvird. Ionk livaecti. All soun Sk-imicIr-lovea Inst. I U-SA.R.). thIllisilly A&W. Saab S.S.S.R. U. zlii-3 (ION). Cf. C.A. 41. &W.-Pht Lim a-csy studies with ""Shl"d QA Insdistlim ""t muidt (M 0.6 to ~ .0mm. diant. I- WWW"M 14 ccww Fralitard As -6 b" - Cu silloy aged varloso amounts. s4wimm weeir jz;~'t in C for "An. treatensint, and quetwhoss wax canted out in a vWuuIu urn&m. ,:t 911cops. to "I, was Smus au r I -dinaen- skew Tel Wats Observed. consisting of faint streaks Inest tbr wWt radiation wA intessee "a frorn The chwaitterwic raidabote. Ttb eftel tAirstroir strooser "_Mnp to at) min. at WO ". but the Usse it"s Iwo I. dreviO a Low spa. the astow bKow tM crHadrictsil 81 Is found 1. he ?.%' 44', 4.N*, nJ 'W III rh.. tie f.. dunrn%sou,sl 'fh'i A- "-..I .0h '1. 1 1 1 ~ 1'.), ..'id (1110 Plan- flo-VW. it W_ 'Wt I.-it4e to a. 'UrnP that (eLunW?-PF"tM ftXb" 1%"411rl tO ttIC`W IdAni'% w"r (he Nft-I Aring bw ouvir th4n '-%', min ni 2.14)* 6ft"WI pffert. I I, nair.. .1-4k, causirti try white rs~lutiM ibmi --otins turfiv mit mitll 111014did"I Juljilf~ The 4-U"t IAIW 1-41111 -rAkry tisit n.-it lilutt"l, and IN-y Aint-I .11 after I 5-hr. aging. Chiefly at sinall diffra"i-m Rngk,, 41trxiis apiewe'l at rtlar" where no Law ef-fe alnirayr,l In the qurrW641 specimen Aging for Olm"I" lint" I1 Iligheir tritil. "used the .411W ir N-t.. And lip- It"". -"r I.xiv It~ tel.wIM bv Agrev I-K 11w Idur1rd lines of the orw ph3- *od the do.1,1--o- lines of tic sulervald. .4m) awn. Like tfw fito eff-1, this second effert was avuvd. with two-dirrietinsonAl ild frarlion from ilbe (111). 001)), anti (110) plan" rh, e6wit "tay be the result of non"whetreni IAltkT "wovii during ppin. causcif by the in ewncvapaint.,sma"". oth" olkw. with& j.r#r vol Change dulinx ppla. simiuld also show two-duntol"I.d dillroct6in effects caused by filastic Moirmallcm, Thu.. .n effmt of the first tvlw has Isren of-r"I in ju.Isrvv,t Cu-Ilp Ilkvy *'WWVl with the fill) Imf 111W f4.-,. allIx"Ish, MIT I Its)) planeirffrIrts bay, firen I-Ind if, .1"01, .Iv~jal' '4 thlialit'v. lWill-.14 I.N-AII-f -III111to, ul The ruethod IL~t A, 1. ('.oV PASHILOV, A. 1. Defended td5 Dis,ertmti-n for Cxmai of tic,. - '-,. ytech:.ic In3tittitl!, XTrI.Lov-3k, i4 , Pol - Dinsertptti,)n: "Structural in Lh- L-t* D'irirv Decomoo!~--- , n of Sonte Super-~~ttur ted .~c~li.- Sol~llti r-.n X-R~~,,, lnvr~ntiv--ti(in)ll yy :-'hurnaL 14C. , , ' ~ 55, A~.r '.4)' SO: Ilieferativp Obemical Vol. /.8 Feb. 25 9 General AboarmA fevtb Observed ;:= ON w. -A. I tA &0 S.S.S.R.. Ser. Fig. Vic. bate twes d AI-Cu .6 (4 1312 show the t l No. 1. a l of Ag-Cu (0.5 *nd 77o' Cu) nrd Cu-As (S and 6% Air) vvctv l l d i 1954 a nvest gated. in supersat so . solm. with single-phase de"gnpn. (AI-Cu) the abnonnal diffrap'ton efftets am due to and Physical Chemistry the presence In crystals of regions cd new formation. co- hemt with the orizing lattke, In 2-phave d.conips. RHO S the abnotmal effects we duit to the plutic dricirmation L - tbt IAttk* cauled by Internal stresm a wing upon 3 * n p J/9/ ef , . p ciant*phase. Ineninttmirdiattcsw lc u-,41)bc4htyp:s~ / vt offtqts we present. 113,N~S~vv -- PASHIR, A. flenful implemout. Hias.ind.SSSR Z? n9-3:50-51 156. (MIRA 9:9) I.IezinUadskiy Masokombinat. (Packiag houses-Rquipment and BuPPlies) PASHIN) A.I., inzh.; PYASTW,~, A.A., kand. takhn. nauk. IleatLng of par--~r tran-sform~!rn usinL,, 7-rc) .. 3,-!-ju"nc-i &Iok. sta. 36 no.U:71 7 D '65. Orl : ~ "A I S : ;L , LEBEDEV, T.A.; PAY16FIN, A.M.; KOLOSOV, I.Ye.; PFMINIKOV, I.I. Heat reaistaw~e of austenitic chromium-lUckel Bteel otabillzftn by titanium. Metalloved. I term. obr. meto no.1:19-23 J& '64. (MIRA 17:3) PASHin, G.V. irtroduotim of Arrica montana. Bot.; issl. Bal. otd. VBO no.6t252- 255 164. (MLRA 18:7) PASM 1 NA 0 v ~ i . ,vie-thodi f or stlAyink chem' t,-ra -1 --uff'o- I cn. 9bor. d,~, ; . .. dr. TNIIC, rio.4-259-264 , ~ I., ~ ~. I R ,, ; PASHINO A.N. Face plate with a pneumatic clamp. Av.prom. 26 no.8:91-92 Ag 157. (KIRA 15:4) (Lathes-Attachments) PkSHIN, A.V. .j tudl es on the tint'! It,! ollc nl~rml t 'vI I.y of ente;-optitf,ogerilc I nfeiz t.; r,,il baclIll and on its rplatl-)n t!, the c-Arri,ipp, of symbl~)tlc phapes. An tJ I) i r) t I ~, 1 1)4~4 My (MIRA IS:,") zav ro N . Kanh ~ A n11'er, A rig rad - Ka f eo r,, Oll og i 91K -,~) lz o -~ r s3 )v erF en.5 I, v,,)v.,in i y H- vrlsi ~ h Py A men', K A rovs BUKETOV, Ye.A.; UGORETS, 14.Z.; PASHINKIN, A.S. Product of oolubIlity and entropy of aulficlos, selenides, and tellurides. ','Ahur. neorg. khIm. 9 no.3:526-529 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:3) KISELEV, B.A., inzh.; LIPGART, A.A.,;_PASHIN,_Y.A., red.; BORISOV, S.G., red.; BRISKIN, M.I., red.; HRYZGOV, N.N.,_re"'d.; D 'r~ r"V , C red.; ZILIBER~ERG, Ya.G., red.; LOUR', A.S., red.; 10NE7, 1.3., red.; NAGAYEV, P.V., red.; PEVZNFR, Ya.M., red.; PRYADILOV, V.I., red.; RAMATYA, K.S., red.; SAMOLI, G.I., red.; SEDOVA, Ye.V., red.; TAMRUCHI, O.V., red.; CHAPKEVICH, V.A., red.; CHISTOZVONOV, S.B., red.; SHKOLINIKOV, E.M., red.; SHIRNOVA, G.V., (Investigation of the operation and gas-exchange of a loop-scavenged two-cycle motor-vehicle diesel engine] Issladovanie rabochego protsessa i gazoobmena dyukhtaktnogo avtomobilnogo dizalia s petlevoi prcduvkoi. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1961. t93 p. (Moskow. Gosudarstvennyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii aytomobillnyi i mvtomotorny-i institut. Trudy, no.3d). (KRA 16:8) (Motor vehicles-Erigines) T.S.. Imnd.toldm.nauki PASHIN H.A. red.; LZIPGART, A.A.. red.; kL'- ril-ysyu MOVICH. A.G., red.; red.; BRISKIH, 14-1.. red.; DYB()V, O-V., red.; ZIL'BLiBM~, Ya.~., red.: ZOZU', A.5.,re~d.: LUOY, 1-5., red.; HAGhTSV, P.V., red.; AMER, N.M., red.: FRYADILOV, V.I., red.; RNMAY1%, K.S., red.; 4MOL', G.I., red.; SIMOVA, Ye.V., red.; TAHOCHI, O.V., red.; EHillIN, N.S.. red.: CIU.PCHAMV. b-A., red.; CHISTUZVONOV, S.B., red.; SHKOL'NIKOV, S.M.. red.; LNMU-NA, G.11., red.izd-va: SHIRUOVA. G.V.. [Design and investigation of perfort-"nce of power dink brakes] Ionlodovanie raboty diakovykli tornozov a usiloniem i metod ikh rascheta. Hoskva. Gos.nauchno-issledovatel'skii avtonobil'noi I avtomotornyi inetitut. Trudy. no.86) (HIRA 12:8) 1. Gosudarstvennyy soy=nyy ordena Trudovogo Kraenogo Znameni nauchno-iseledovatc-l'Bkiy avtomobil'n . i avtomotornyy institut. (Autonobilee-Brakes5v a and aid cA 19 C. 2, 1 57 itt )54 .4. 47. 2760h.* lie PASHININ, M.P.; MUKHIN, V.F. Effect of some phy,.ilcochemiaftl factors on (,-r(~Fictivti pro-In. Lab. dolo 10 no.5:283-285 164. (MIRA 17:r,) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii (nachal'nik - F-of.A.A.Slinitskiy) Vo- yenno-meditskinskoy ordena Leninti akademii im. S.M.Kirova, Le- ningrad. PASHINP M. P. USSR/Che~rdstry-Fhotography :~ar 52 "Some Derivatives of Benzthiazole. III. 2y 5p 6- and 2, 6, 7-Tri,. ethyl bznzthia zol es, 1. 1. Levkoyev, N. N. Sveshn.1kov, N. S. Barbyn', F. Fashin, All-Union Sci Res Inst of Cinematography and Photography "Zhur Obshch Khim" Vol UII, No 3, 1952, pp 516-521 When Dxidized, 3, 4-dimethyl thioacetanilide and 3, 4-dimethyl phenyl thiourea, through breaking of the thiawole ring in the o- and p-positions with reference to the methyl group, form mixts of 5, 6-dimethylbenzthiazoles which conta'.n nethy! 3r amino groups, respect, in the 11211 position. 1hese co,tds rind some of their derivs were stu-ied. PA 20q149 D,IvKonv. 1. 1.; Srl~'IOITIXV, N. ',;.; PiA'17111, ~. ~;.; 1'. Benzothiazole Dcrlvtitivee, Some derivativs~~ of Part 3. 2, 5, 6, Lnd 2, 6. 7-trin).ethylbe?izot~-.iazr.les. Zhur. ob. khim. 22(eA) VP-rch 195;' Vseso.,uzn.vy Nauchno-Isslesevatel'Ekiy Kino-Fotoiot,titut 30; Monthly List of Russian Accession3, Library of Congres3, _ Au ~:u s t 1953, TJncl-