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PASTYqIK, L. Present nroblems of intern3tional relations In the field of biology. P. 39? BIOLOGIA - (Slovenska akadomia vied) Bratislava CZECHCOLOVAKIA Vol. 10, No. 4, 19--,. SOURCE: East Euro-ean Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Con~ress. Vol 5, No. 1, January, 1956. PASTYRIE, L. Experience acquired during a study trin 46a Russia. p. 636- Vo'. I'l, No. 10, 1956. Bratislava, CzechoS lovakia) SO: Yonthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6. No. 8. Aug 195-. Uncl. PASTYRIK, L. Another report on the effect of granulated superphosphate on the potato yield. p. 47. BIOLOGIA. (Slovenska akademia vied) Vol.-3-1. no. 1, 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions 14st, (BEAL) LIbrar7 of Congress Vol. 5, No. 8. Aumgst 1956. 'IC V- PASTYRIK, L, The functm of tace OWMMU La ths Outfluou of Fulita Pavirl Netave. tplinvit Pastteik, &nJ X,olwrt NAklv4aidk Slovak Trcb. 11Mv.. IkslislAva. Ctavlo.). Oorw. linsis 4. 149-6800M.-MR-40, esouipocd tof 10 Imits B. 7 Ma. I Cu. I Zu. 0.05 1. 0.05 Dr. 0.1 Ti. 0.05 tin. O.N5 Lt. 1). 1 Ni. 0. 1 Cal and 250 citric arid ar Nil. citrAtt JA ioulsolplompbate and fullforf dim. toy &UPC lomphate -&4" Illo, tatko l!OM was iwrl%l. The hwrrawrfa c"Poth 4#0 sal .4 111f IrOVI'D 0I 1W Urdliur 14 )'too-pp) anti. Glut /'#book. #"Wow was "I'Movid ( tultivoldr.1 .011 Ill. 6clib trildised by hilt-49. Possiost emossob., sh-M - Jiltvt drPell4cloov III the Pcovoth and 111) t4 Ot lr&vfA lill the mint. 4 added Itarv clements. jail Mkka ff)STYRIK, L. It. 711"Wxwn of bem Cleturat. it) the nufmwn of Plants SIo, A L Irfsto S. C 1 44, lillip-r 1W ind"t-lur ..I lh~ x1v ii tit 1. 1 loilitmilts J-11-f J the W 14011111J1 h~V' I- Wed III It I ItIJI)IS Will, .". 111C "I'litwO in the %mmid yr.u After applicattAm Anti thr thi. kno - 4vid no. tif Ivxvirt awl toolit ur itirte.mA I devre.4wo the fre- ilurnry .4 411-k-It 410 Improve, lite physiol ouldif k)n priAmp the %TSCIIA111111 I'VIiIhI Of P111"161 I"Ift'10 41111 mcmi-4 the calInt f,*itufoei in Nor,t pol.mouAj, V-tvu .)III .. *I'd. And (1.1"'Ifoy hi III P Semev. I VullArk, i'.4111-Amftik. ~nd R NA.1-ir,flk m-Alt Trelt Un1% Crovit I 1b.4 2172 ir2 ( Y iiiipl. Ith t leope,mu., imlw.o, t hAt mich itnt.or Nfif pf-lurt I, m I v t,v, .. f-, th, , I N, 'A tIW Ir.101. h'JI01 4 the 1.1 ,It -I thr (ma. 4,14 th~ S,a,t 111, -4 frativ eh-mmit- -Irit-I fr-it 1; 'o INIF vt 1, W-40 with Ihc Adn -(('01%fi, "( it leott' 11) I'l 'S J'Litt- 71tr 11111"0"1 l"C"41 " off"-t~' I'y tra- Orment-. -h -1b,r I-At, ripl, ffj- Or-, W -1 111,11% 1,1,1 1 0--al s t. Effect of organic So& 13ASMIX, L. "objectives of Bioloo In Slovakia.* ]p. 9. itratimiava, vol. 6. 1951. Bos Xast Paropean Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 9, September 1954, Lib. of CoqVosm PASTYRIKJ, L. "Experiences with mechanical grafting of grapevines." (p.19). (Slovenska akadenia vied a umeni) Bratislava. lol. 7, No. 112, 1~52. SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 3,No 8, Aug 1954. Chemical Abstracts May 25, 1954 Biological Chemistry d/ =entz. L:,"Pastfrik and kc eed of some microele --C' loveaski Univ., Brati5lava, QiRh'* r7w, Zvesti 7, 359-K IOM).--An addn. of T mixt. of Inicroele- ments "ME-49" and "MFW " in low concti. hasa favor- able stimulating effect on & Vegetative development of -radish (Raphanus safirus), while in high conco. it ha., re- tardingeffect. The biometric evaluation is not is convincing as in the otherplants. Cf. C-4. 46, 4066i, 4067a. jan?,Ilck-Tr' PAS7MKv Ludovit 65th birthday of Academician Sylvestr Prat. Bioligia 15 no.3-1: 877-878 160. (ZEAI 10:5) (PRATO SILVESTR) (CZEGHDSLOVAKIA-PIANTS) PAS7TRIK, Ladovit 9th International Conr ess of Botarq; a report. Blologla 15 no.2: 150-155 160. (ENA1 Q:5) (International Congress of Botany. 9th Montreal, 1959) (Botany) PASTUtZIgKx-X#,j,, LENART. I.; KOUBA, K.; PELISEM, V.; LIVMITS. Ya.L.. red,; ATROSHCEMIKO, L.Ye., [Building of socialism in the Czechoslovakian Republic] Stroitalletvo sotsializina v Chakhoslovatskoi RaBpublike. Moskva, Izd-vo *Znanie.0 1959. 78 P. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Chlen TSontrallnogo Komiteta Kommmisticheakoy partii Chekho- slovakii; saveduvushchiy otdolom partiMkh organov TSentral'nogo Komitets Kommunistichookoy partii Chekhoslovakii (for Postyrshik). 2. Chlen TSentralinogo Komiteta Kommunisticheakoy partii Chakho- slovakii.; sekretarl TSentrallnogo Komitets Kommunigticheakoy partii Slovakii (for Lenart). 3. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy politekono- mii VysebBy partiynoy shkoly pri TSentrallnom Komitete Kommuniati- cheskoy partii Chekhonlovakii (for Kouba). 4. Zamastitell ministra shkol i kulltury Chekhoslovatskoy Respubliki (for Pelishek). (Czechoslovakia-Boononic conditions) KIETA-FYDA, Alekeandra; PASYK, Stanislaw; S061N, Marian A syndrome of gastro-intestino-colic fistula (observation on 2 cases). Polski tygod.lek.15 no.10:365-367 7 Mr '60. 1. Z I Kliniki Ghorob Wewnetrznych A.M. w Krakowie; kierownik: prof.drp loon Tochowics. (GAf*.TRIC FISTUIA etiol.) I (FISTULA INTISTINAL etiol.) (STOMACH surg. ) .1 -3 F- " I "lj,,o-tLvj(i9 for Cortr,~.L.Lirie Rb c i olic t I ve Su Li v ta rif- e s I%ef, :- AjTpb r& L -_i, vs-(. I ri R~'cllotr-rrzvpy Divivionas". p. I 4u. Trudy Vvevopazno~ Konterentpii po Necltsinntcov ll~pcll~)Jo,-Il (V(jT)rosy G-~Jyer,,~ 1 Dwirietril) toobogir, iy~,, Ruesivr', u)'. Procepaines of tne- All-UrAor, Conierenc- Un I-ImnicbI Maniolop-,v tryrienic and Dosimmtric- Proolems) Ae, Iny )u ence of trace elements an the lonnativa 0 tallus tho grow1b of Valls of the-papevins (Vitis -yWhrik), I.Itflovit 11,1~t k, (S)oi. Viniv., Arall%ln a, CxrOO. of tlementi fflolgrittled mj~4 M.-C-1. 44, Ott no. YgIralts by 4.P ith water co"Truh, Whereas in Oolltwl MIN pure soln. of supupht*pbale u 10-48% fall wwq bbwfved. PASKVAN. Re ..I- Development and prob3em of the struggle against hail, p. 386. Periofttali POLJOPRIVREDNI PREOLED. Vol. 70 no. 9/102 Sept./Oct. 1958. AMCULTURE SOi Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 8., No. h April 1959, Uncle PASTVA, H. ------------ Penicillin sensitization. Przegl. dorm., Wares. I no.2:182-188 Serpt 1951. (CLXL 23:2) 1. Of the Ambulatorium (Head--T. Jarninski, K.D.) of Warsaw Ranicipal Hospital No. 2 (Direotor--Prof. B. Michalowski, M.P.) Air 4bWmf^,A L SamoA, 0, P. P"W (16. OrkA IAL 36611% aim Z!i Wo '00,4-w b- m Amoo 1-17.71i!.~w is a awnw magum Aftow won), ba to is-& TC 4 *fthm lo= see 0. + y moo egy bbpi, a.*,; see Ep -a 12-6. OLAla goo No* moo Woo L I I It 40 00000 41111111 Slia 0 0 0 Is 0 0 a o 0 0 a IN A~ 040 91 00 :1. Sol I 90 00 00 to -0 40 4 0 G 0 00 --a -'A- a S-~'Ivq -S 10 0 9 0 0 'a 'S 0 a a 6 a 0 0 0 2 it . " CO VO - Velot ft ill propeptim of ultra sook waves in colloldal an*". ~ Aim Physuctirkim. V j 14 LU : 1 . 1711# Ar, (of 1" lsc11- -1(AAj ?in %wed by "trantt of an somok- interfi-twitilctew. in whk it 416"112 wave will 6milled tw1wir'.41 the *11114ce .4 " limits l4sic under jwc*%rsrr still a teflertm thai cqvill,l I" -1%1. by roemn,of a m6-i-wrivirt %ilw- A wave Iritisth --f 2WZ tit. we. tj,~d f,q all J the At, elecirocisatic vtAtmettf. ccumm'Ird in a fevotsixtice cirt-mi. %a% tisrd as a registering inonintrni. nr p0mliAl t-s? tire citirvi 4 the quissir plate wai4 alpitit IINI v witl itir 1""1161wit of Ifir 11111011ts muld lie read I., I) IN%% Imi, Me at"Italiv lowtJ11111. M e6~t hit v, h - 1 %1, in is It" Is It file wthivily of wound atilt d 11 the it lot fill "1111 , am, APO c ak-d. hirasum"wilt. welt Inatle .,It III(,. ItI.Wil, :. -~zoo C.14, H1.0 and N&CI wilm ""n, 1,11S 21,2-Vo N,,, I mail thr fradtacornpartil with earlier data. %tramiti-intiti. -00 -in Fe.(h -d aww"i that . Iixht it%-t,-.- ..f F' take. '"I exists. In A. of "elic mid" 1. C.11. I hr- 1, a d raw in 1-' wit% kinicn., tprq'l~bly due W the %111411 ve = wity of ~wbd in solid rtiltim-w det, than Ithl tit 1 11.1, ate liven aim Intr i3tirlicelltilme In sivione and gelatin tit water, which shirm very hill. ch,4rig, 4 V oith-ru-it Is R41,111"" till I I a t66 o I it 8. -1 is a I I I U A, 44 too-,' 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sio 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 a 0 Is: 00 00.0 0 11 Is is W U 11 If z? Is a Ad a h v n J9 AN M are is 4, X P A-1--l-PA MCC WUj$ It a A I -00 00 U-- It. S. - S. 41"11! -Ifimo ('in- -00 F flomworith'Itlatin It& "N' (1.1vularlimi (rhalins FAISIlk awl 1.11( JNUWAS" p"Awl) In loll comm isfib Pu tr sollm. &I verWo h valiws. At) We"11011 a Vim nadc by iliter tircititivetik mirtbuilk litydrnipro inhydn-or wA illan tin-l"A-41 and tot, -00 ClAwin all elbods (Michaelis. and Chill and Lui-). the Memo is with the Sks" clortrode beinx btvtpltd -00 00 as standday VeAsurements. In all the Ittifirf tolns. of 1.00 gelatin th . dev-61im of the ckctrometrw inethoch 0 0 13 ariwated -0.05 Pit WW for the colorinteiric -0.1 =00 d 113 r few whit. of jeclatin tl~e agriement hetween 000 lemills ailied by vat63u% methods deptrids on the purity 14 1 gelatin. Ikiriations in purified gelatin for If t freasurr"'ents allmnled to -0.15 h and coo 1. the 111c airified *0.2A on. and -0.1.5 h, iintl -0.1'11) -eth,,d-- cewn rdccvu~. A~ A IN.htfingk 0 co* N90 If We 0 T,7 S f - a I V 71 -1 1 a aw 0 W At is a 0 ICXA 4*0 U it AV go As it It 0v 61 $1 a 0 Platt IIKKan Is A 1 0 p 9 0 0 0 0 0 1* 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 I tiff to 0 W11111ju tj *:A 00 11 bm *0 A At ap at in V4 hk At 00 12 UO SOO be ml IRS I A .11 &L A V'Vx .1 L ~f 1 ..1 Val 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9, S 0 OL a 0 0 0 0000 0 00 a a A? Al Ad 0 b 0 Irv a -SUL 0. -09 ales mbusi 91.0091!1 at "Now 00 Op"m fA ebb" (mahad o9"). -166 . X. Lus. (U. a. IL U.) 0. ba'AWMI.- .00 with a radial ci IUM-11%xv V./cIn. vu to a asnam d a I to 3% wis. d rubbn it bnum 00 -00 cbm w bet dimappmed am ma of t1w 604, F INM PWYAWWMI PdYnMWti= 00 fOWltd. At -00 sw Imp. (401) the 0&0 Voss wwbtiy Imms. . -109 m&lirqi 6" with jx*mlw-pad1pml6 flat) Ilm to U w.frem. &w Irm M to lot cycla at 21) W s*VV 400 hww in vimmily. The rflallis we 91plaitud on tbv p of an Omit 4efannatim of callaklmil stnacture and an .90 Italim of the W)"Wrilwy CQUDWW "in. 00 tk I/wRetbmann -00 see 'alswK.W'P. U99 114. J.", NOID too P-1, 4-1 5- 1 V *11 -1- a ew 0 1 or Do .3 A) a Is '0 ; r.0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 .9 It 10 0 * 0 0 0 o1!0 00 p 009 SO 00 of 0 0 0 0 0 so, 1000000*4180 800000*00,008*00 a c 0 tF 6 44 X L a a 0 PQ 4 IT I IV cn OA OR et SON 00- 00- SO, 07- is 11 r 0 At III ft V a v a as At Id Is' P, J.UV 'A . *Ala") v , I v - 'Kst VO wq-fvwA p IS SRI 00 coo 0 So So 0* 0 r I n 41 T) a ev I I T- 4, 4 T T T T v "-w 9 Wig W 10 M V I a it 41 Go* 0o00 so so 4p 0 000 ~09006 * 0 go 0 11116 19 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 a 0 0 o 0 010 0 a 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 , U 1 , b 1 I s 0 , 1 " * I 1 , b 0 " " . " Is , I , 11 1* L - L . 1 T Z 1 , 1 0 O L a n ' 1 a 11 0 0 o or 0 a : lavratilaung time liquor with a tugs flettwo. S 1 -00 be a N 11. /4 Ot.Winst Fekhrithet K.-:1sn"mor -CO 14 15 -A 101", Slid -41, "-Nil, *A. found .111tAIII. -06 00 0 fiv jr.' dirtsts, in I ..... hqw.r ft.,ti, lvath,,r tmatimut SOm oiittx not 1,-%, t1iAn o2lsil" 1 o AT #4 Nat,% hair ati alimp*1 Omit tis walaw of IL12 1-, 123. Pladr tit Is eatil A4t% the f-,, - -00 12 it In &I'l A C814 M I, p" - 12 11, &11.1 .411. 4 1", - I., I &f1- .0,18111"1 bt ' ' .00 ailifil t4 vaisoml aws,imls .4 % *.S Thr .4v .4 k ntt 1114 riva,litaliv "ith tlis owwasse tit th. t4mvit .1 N*,S A ishight hm.iinx 4 tj# iiji,"i Itiv 00.11, of up Its 141% of N&CI to CaMll 4 + N&~S I tir C& wis. swv, as. , Itims.N411v d N Cl A f f h ft h h Q 0 .3 00 1111 e JIr n c m . n o as altiscost two e t tk KCNS rct (sit Poo. caumns only a artfall C4 thr isinliation is# Ca Aas.S4 catitroi only & mumill timt-dw (03) tit thi 11 ,l, " "I j I III JuMn 44 113t7raisins allitc 1,11 (%*Il4Y'4 Is 11) a %.*IJ -III III Cat I M 112 '4 I'mils m ca 00 00 vpnIS- W-1.5%, Nms~% pitVivamverly ilvertrawd Site pm valur, The vimilvid I)[ Ca iom m 0 0: 0 0 Polutims alw ilictraws Wih Incyrs" Concti .I (NII,6FA).. This, a mmul,ralsls- 200 ~ loutting of N and cunwqueutly a fmt adjustitirnt of thr asi-tive alky. tit lime liqutir, 00 00 0 0 can only br effected ljy the addirs. of wnk bans ouch as NH6 salts. In fresh lime liquosts 0 0 1 9 is ptarficAlly cimi,t at V A 1101011LING9 ZOO . 1860 too 44i rj 0 0 IL- .116I.LUVOCAL 1,1110-11161 CLA11WICATIOss tsir 0 WOO ik, U it AV so it I -W-j T IF 11, a it as- i -,Ax-a- i I .. 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 9 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,411 0 * 0 0 a 0 00 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 op 0 Goo a x 15 Ifivapp- all W13 360 Is 1? 0 is A,& r Ak--h r-.a 11 1,1- or C"da . "an. A. Paqjijj,~ij and NIrlh"ji, refill's qd lvptl If "IMINIwI i 0 efs 0 t, .144, 1110 throwl III hi,hlr wim"(f mh mal S"411% are diwil,-, Melb.t. 4,: 00 1 vok, 'I'm, cralfirlits &"j th~ 00 rVirsuoll 'I'lleffiral wit,11.1tv WIS. f...".1 b l e "...I ' zoo . 0 a; 000, Goo '00 coo zoo lot # too SITALL14frILAt LIfIRAILAI CtAMPKAI.-Ob ISO. T- 0.. 001 I --q --v 4 1 '1 4-1A 34 -"-.v *?I- 0 bi 0 0 6 1 0.. t. ~vwl I V d3 a 3 a 7 Ill to a Not) IS All* 000-0-0066 goe, a 0"000 000 00 0 0009*0 0 1 0 4 -& 41 4 9 0 a -91 ~0611"IvFl 090 Osseo Do go 0 a *~Clw-f 0 0 0 go to 0 a 0 go 0 lly9 0 0 , 16 16 Is " . Is to to m .1 ace a a a A -11 s op "plot 00 b%Wy Two" , less d Irst k -00 . - el A of Timistric" base l- Ch*00- 11tabitiovich. J. PA I ~Afl mA A r - . A _ - - M I The l 2S f C A U IW4) - . v . ( S S 6. S. (vra . ) S. W1- 0 0 vah" OmAirted ~y & calAUAry and fallins- in the Velocity rremm spims, viammmets, is due to dif '00 pa&mis. Ahtf vormlioll for thm. the two mcith-ds .00 66 deal reyttills Dela are Ai%m lot The vievcsolY it) W% =00 00 age 00 0 00 00 00 It -FV4LkVVl.-(.L W10.11.6 CL-SSIPICATIC- too lk % n IT 1 t 4 u 6 m 0 0 00000000000 ~ o o 0 0 go 0 04, 0 0 0.0 06 0 0 0 P 0 s s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 : :, 000090 401111111119111111 so of*** 0910-ow-0 #9o-4-0-4 is *so* **es 04 6;;16 ! 21 a it is 1) A 17 . to W 11 Ll to 1% 1. 11 too h a 'i F A 9 ot, 11 u it u is 16 if is to x -3 . M .1 00 A4' a L to -&--I -a X___j __& I. Al OL "? ._4i1 it. W -A 1 1 -4 1*U M U 00 v 00 7U griabb Wonve". A 1. &AoWv wA A. 11. l1amionAil. (Mah 1W TabloosibW X69AW"aftof prVise.-jahe 1031, No. 21 22-3; cf. V. A. 19, 49M.-- I he trilistAlit v at I loot 00 t1ruile abovim f,t 0 is q%srolliontobtr; it dirtwitoli on thr kmoo 0 alkali wrlal~ l 00 r; -- - trot otcoln Fle"noooks weir prrpd. of I Itillawins clumpros.: LW) 10. Cat) t t s. C*O 11). rAO. (15%. p- nocaure- 10. SiO, No%; Na.0 M. C&0 S. SAO, 72%j X.O rotents of thru tkortruiles, wm Matle to ikiles. of JAM. N&011. KOJI. NbOli wA Cs- oil or variKvub copxn%. Vp to Is. - 10 there Is a dinct relatineWp of the $x"ential too Joe pop at ibe Wit. For U w4 No glass tim, &v6tkm wit In at SIMUI Pot - I I It and 11.0. The H-1hoot, riMmode showoo a drop toward tht abotim In L1011 som MA swr 00 dtAiDe Into N&OH and not devisticons for "not. of KOJI, Rb0H and CPOTL The No- 00 glays electrode slontroo a drop in Was. at Wit and NaOtl and a n3inag deviation Itt 111,01londC%011. 1U K -elan ettorode hisos dmp in JAM and Nboll WAS K011 00 . and a convoidrrablor deviatke (%I* cww manias &3nxnt patrand to ibe abstim) Its KOJI and a enuch ounalles 4erviatian In win%. of RhOll and C-011. Thus the U-gta~ 00 ek,ctro& &Inman to I* most reliabir in the at-mv of U and Na kuts. alibnuSh t3wasour- 60 v"Is nosy be vilcried in the prr-cwc tA Na ions pootovkl"I the circtru& is prt4wdy 00 A. A llochthorigk 00 00 ~99 j Joe 00 11 00 S. to 01 1., a,,. V-11 V is it 1. S so a 91 4 a .1 a 11 M ~L:o M I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 00 -00 00 .09 -00 .00 0 to .40 111 -00 .00 00 .00 ;00 A 0 .00 00 90 I 0 0 41, a W 0 6, 1 it I 0 0 0 PASUKHINAp A,p sudlya re8publikanskoy katogwii Thirty minutea under parachute canop7. K271. rod. 15 no-5:17 My 164. (MIRA 17:8) PASUMUM, A.; LIVOV, V. Ifere they like aport. Zhil.-kox. khoz. 13 n,).1:22-23 163. (Mia 16:3) 1. Neshtatnyy korresporident zhurnala "Milishchno-kommunallnoye khozyaystvo". (1-bscow-sports) PASULIKO, I.I.; NAUNDV, H.I. Modern gully erosion phenomena in Transearpathia and several measures for controlling them. Geog. sbir. no.7:114-118 163. (MIRA M12) KUZIN, I.L.; PASVANSKIY, I.M.; P&RUGIN, N.N.; CHOCHIA, N.G. Some methods for determining recent tectonic move,-.ents in oil- bearing platform areas. Trudy VNIGHI no.225-192-205 163. (MIRA 17:3) KDGAN. A.B.~ PA NSKIT. I.M. 7,., New data on the tectonics of the southern Mang3rahlak Penlmmla. Trudy VNIGRI n0.131:287-296 '59. (YJRA 12:9) (Navj7shlak Peninsula--Geology, Structural) PASMOVA. N.N. Data on the problem of Inheritance of blood groups In man. Akt.vop. parel.krovi no.4:111-113 '55. (KIELA 13: 1) 1. Severo-Osetinakaya Reepublikanskava stantelya perelivaniya krovI. (DZAUDZHIKAU--BLOOD GROUPS) Co 13 awdAnny-hubd pa . IlefilUIL (1610blatiqwn-, Neaft. Urmt kadkWh, lwsZA:iPvMAsWrlU ITIAW, juror 23. ID.W. Tlw;~nmitaf OW a noraml bal prr- Imovedglow-lampbody. 'IM or the like lmarinS tht wild or liquitt fum ts ( I)IOTI Wh" iS IWOM by A "~WAWV COH. irlip-4.1" S/ 14 5/6 1/000/007/006/(4) 9 u221/i)3ol AU'ruou: Pasutman, B-V., Aspirant TITLE: Method of design for stressed cylindrical helical compression springs of minimum weight PilillOI)ICAL: Izvestiya vy4shikh uchebyykh zavedeniy. Mashinostroveniye, no. 7, 1961, 71-77 TEXT: The design of prestressed springs is reduced to that of springs where tne maximum specified load stress ~-!'Ipm,.x =40 instead of the maximum allowed stress is used. This permits determination of the parameters, provided the minimum load Pmin and working stroke,,~~- , 're given, The magnitude of 7,, pmax is proportional to the moment of inertiA of the area under the curve '= f('( ) in relation to the axis of 'C in the diagram of deflection without hardening. This leaves a reserve of "Cpmax' After analysis of the relationship between -/, and the angular Card 1/1 Method of design ... ,s/145/61/000/007/006/009 D221/D301 deforniation of the cross section -),, and designation of the ratio of the elm3tic nuclvus and wire diamett-rs toy III EIq. 03) /~~ ,.4- I/~ 3 '11 /Prijax =S~3 3 / is obtained. In the above, 'L~ sis the yield limit on shear for the materi al .The consideration of strength and reliability requires that B should be over 0.5. Issuming 13 = 0.5, then ',-- pmax = 1.29 ',s. lihen the coefficient of stress concentration is k = 1, and Max p1mLx the weight of spring is given by 1~q. (16) ~2 P', 201, (PVIWIz P M.. where G is the shear modulus; j' is the specific weight of spring Card 2/,1 6/145/61/000/007/006/009 Method of design D221/D301 material, Z the spring stiffness, I- wor its working stroke, "_ a co efficient of the construction of turns; i the number of active tuin, c the spring indey., Prni nthe minimum load. The author recommends L B Tevelev s equations (Ref. 5 Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no 10 1959) for determining optimum stiffness and other parameters of springs A detailed account of the calculatioi 'i procedure is ~,iven The reserve of strength is characterized by IV-B, where -e z: ZE- ~ In the latter Ts is the maximum deflection corresponding to the instant of failure and is the angle of deflection of the yield limit, The com parison of weights of prestressed and non-stressed springs of similar optimum stiffness Z is about l..5, according to the quoted equations. although the computation.4 indicate that the prestretised sprijig iN 2 3 timee lighter than the correspowling unit without prelond. There arp 1 table and 6 Soviet bloc references. Card 3/4 S/145/61/000/007/006/009 Method of design , D221/D301 A560CIATION: Bryanskiy institut transportnogo mashinostroyeniya (Bryansk Institute of Transportation Engineering~ SUBMITT" October 15 1960 Card 4/4 I ASU.'*~:-'L~~ , ... I . .-- 1, '~ ~- r-t-.~7t;on of f_np -),, nDr , ~. I , ' - 1, ~ 7, '-, - ~. r, I , , " '' , " r 1,,, 1 c I, '~ ~l 1 -1 1 ~~ a , , , I I , C Prps,-r-j I;prinws an(! torso ~ ' n" -)m ion bare. , ~ s - rrlilFKlric,,~t.r. ".c. n-,. 1. : 38-30 Jq (Y' ~~ " Q; -., P,'tNJTMAN, B.V., ini-.h. fffect cf coli carvatures cn '~he fatigue resistance of compressed springs. Vast, mashAnostr. 44 no.5;26-28 Ry 'tz.. (MIRA I-lt6'j PASUTMAN, B.V., aspirant Calculatinp strained cylindrical spiral compreSSiOn springs with a minimum weight. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no.7:71-77 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Bryanskiy inotitut transportnogo mashinostroyeniya. (Springs (Mechanism)) 'ASVEM# Erperiments with rOtary brush azr kOzlony 37 no.103 'r,. cOr-tidioners. Hidrologiai FASVEER a A. PhD Head of the laboratory In the Department of Protection from Air-o Water-gand Soil-contamination In the Dutch Health Research Institute (Holland 4eszsegugyi Kutato Intezet Levego-,Viz- *8 Talajszennyozodeselleni Vedelem oaztalya) Budapest, Hidrologiai Kozlony, No 5, Oct 62, pp 416-420. "Two Now Trends In the Development of the Activated Sludge Method of Sewa6e Treatment*" PASVER, A. Experiments W 4~th airing installatiDns with rotar~v brushes. P. 33, (Hidrologial Ko-.1ony) Vol. 37, no. 1, 10-57, aidap~st, HLII'L,ar-N SJ: Monthly Index of Last European Acessions (E~-11) Vol. ~, No. 11 November 1957 5VTK-TTE OPTIIIA i~. I Jq I 1 1'. llooence~rl WISVI-K, I.I.A) Geochemistry 3' r- e I iz EMAX. Z.1.; PASY011SWA. B.S., kand.tekbu.nauk Methods for preparing the balance sheets of rav materials, production and consumption of fur goods. Eozh.-6buv. prom. 2 no. li:4-6 N 6o. (MMA 13 -12) 1. Rukovoditell laboratorti okonomicbeekikh teeledovanty (for Khadak). (Fur) FASYECFiNIK A.1-11. 25 70 Sm. 25`~70 ryeaktsiya gladkoy rri ikul atury na baktyerial lnyye endotoks-,'ny. 5CC Bsh. LAO,% panyeehnik. Ptyeaktsiya gladkoy muskidatury kishyeehnika eiri-brionov i novo- rozhdyenhykh zhivotnykh na brutsyelyeenyy i 1,ryushnotifoenyy endotoks iny. Yikrotiod. Zhurnad, t. xi, vyg. 2, 1;49, S. 63-7l.--na ukr. Yae.--Ryeeyiriye na rus yap, i3ibliogr; 22 naev. SO: Letopis I No. 34 CZUBAK, Ikgeniusz; PASYK, Krystyna Removal of nail bodies with barium sulfide in treatment of on7chomycosis. Przegl. derm., Warsz. 8 no.6:627-632 1958. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej A. H. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr K. Iejrmn. Adres: Krakow, Klinika Derraatologiczna Akademii Medycznej, u1. Kopernika 17. (HAIIS. die. onycliorcVcosis, ther. removal of nail bodies with barium E3ul- fide (Pol)) (SULI?D=. ther. use barium sulfide removal of nail bodies in onychomycosia (Pol)) (WRIUM, ther. use same) (71MGM DISUSES, ther. same) PASYK, S-.Ianislaw; RORZELOWA, Jolanta A na5e of unusual hypertension of the right ventrie-le. Pol. 4 Lygy. lek. 19 no.23&879-880 1 je 161" 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewne-trznych Alcademii Redyerma.1 v Krakow~ev (kierownik: prof. dr. Lem Tochowica) I a nlnikl Chorob Dzieci Akademil Medycznej w Krakowle (kierown-l-kt prof. dr. Tadeusa Giza), PASYK, Stanislaw Treatment of myocardial infarct with special reference t,, shock. Wiad. lek. 18 no.4:281-286 15 F 165 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetrmych Akademil Medycznej w Krakowie (Kierownikt prof. dr. I. Tochow1oz). PASYK, Stanislaw; DUBIEL, Jerzy Heart Bounds in ~:ases of pulmonary hypertcTisicn. Pol. tyg. le~. 20 no.12t424-42~ 22 Mr 165 1. Z T Miniki Chorob We~,:netr=y~-.h Akademil Medyczne~ w Kra~rjwin Merovnlk. prof. dr. Loor, Tcnhowl-z). A,~ Htan L; inw r WT PASYK, St4m islaw; HATCH, Fryderyk T. Effect of pulmonary blood flow on the behavior of lipids in the peripheral blood studiesin a patient with occlusion of the superior vena cava. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.50:1876-1878 9 D163 1. Z T Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A14 w Krakowis (kierownik: prof.dr. Leon Tochowica) i z Oddzialu Przemiany Materii Ogol- nego Szpitala w Bostonie (kiero%,mik: prof.dr. F.T.Hatsch). TOCHOWICZ,Lson; PASYK.Stanislaw; DZNIKIXWICZ,Wladyelaw 11stimation of the value of the examination of cholesterol and nutritional lipemIA in atherosclerosis. Polski tygodlek. 15 no.20:737-742 16 W 160. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.K. w Krakowie, kierownik: prof. dr. loon Tochowicz. (ARTIRIOSGUIROSIS blood) (CHOLISTXROL blood) (LIPIMS blood) PASYX, Stan!3!aw; DUPIEL, JRrzy A(J-iances in tfae treatment of arrhy-thmias amd cond';ction dietarbanves in myocarolal infrftction. Wiad. lek. 18 no. k-, 19t1499-2503 1 ' 165. I. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych All w Krakowie (Kierowriik: 1;rof. dr. L. TochowicV.) . PASYK, Staniolaw; DU~JIFL, Jerzy Chnica" course and mortality In patients with n1tral va.-Ve insufficiency. Pol. t1g. lek. 20 no.321ll96-1198 9 Ag 165. 1, 7. 1 KlIniki Chorob Wevnotrznych AM w Krakowle (Kierowniki prof, dr Leon Tochowlcg). PASYK, Stnnislaw; illIbILL, Jorzy; ThiTIAPE'l, Wladyslaw Statistical eval-ation c-f acq.;ireo neart Fc-'. ~7,F- -~?. 20 no.34:1.~75-12'16 23 Ag 1t,5. 1. -'~ I Kliniki Chorob WewTietrznych A14 w Krako,.rie 'KierovT.~k: ~rof. (11'. 141oll I ochowlez I . SZYBINSK1, Z.; HORZELA, T.; PASYK, S.; KONWREK, S. Application of the quantitative radior-ardicigraphy ir, studies. Kardiol. Pol. 8 no.3:251-255 165. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Krakowie (Kierownlk: prof. dr. l.. Tochowicz). Leon; PASYK, Stazilvla,4; DIllill"I" Jel,zy "-iriical course of mitral Sten05iS in 413 patients treated conservatively. Pol. arch. med. wevnet. 35 no.7:993-90,8 '65. i. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznycli A14 w Krakowie (Kierownik: prolf. dr. med. L. Tochowicz). Country : POLAND Category: Organic Ch(.,.,-istry- Organic Synthests Abs Jour: WhMiLa., No 17, 1959, No. 60759 Author ; MalinowsYi, S.; Benbenek, S.; n2NiLiculaz.~; wojcieehowsl,-, E. Inst : - Title : Study of thu '.ldol Roactions in Gaseous Phase. V. Orig Pub: Roczn. chez,,., 1958, 32, No 5, loaq-lo96 1,,bstr_-ct: InveStiga6cd am effects of tempernturv, nature and dos,-&; of cal-janlyst (silica gel procipita- ted from a watL-r solution of water &iss by means of H2SO4 at p:i of 8-9, or silica gel, containing lc~ Nr.011, KOH (~r ITL)OIT, obtainod by iai-ving of 135 gr of silic:, Gul =d 135 ),a of l'i' cfMstic s-lutiol, with the conscqucnt drying in vacuuit %t ~%pprox. Card 1/3 G-3 KML, Wladyslaw; PASYK, Stanislaw Auscultation phenomenon in hypertension. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.10042-344 8 Mr 165. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych Akademii Modycznej w Krakowie (Kierownikt prof. dr. Leon Tochowioz). TOCHOWICZ. Leon; PASYN, Stanislaw; DICNIKIRVICZ. Wladyslaw Choleaterol and turbidity of the blood in patients with vqocardial Infarct and hypertension. Polskle 30 no.7:931-932 16o. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych A.M. w Krakowie Kierctmik: prof. dr med. L.Tochowicz (CHOLESTEROL blood) (MTOCARDIAL INFARCT blood) Oix SION blood) KIETA-FrDA, Aleksandra; PASYK, Stanialaw Effect of phenyletbylacetamide on pathologic serun turbidity. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.16t584-587 16 Ap 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrsnych A.M. w Krakowiel kierovnik: prof. dr Leon Tochowiess. (PHENYLBU7TRATES pharmacol) (LIPIDS blood) CHOLEWA, I*om; PASYK, Stanislaw Value of Lassual toot In the diagnosis of pancreatie diseaver. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.)9'1492-1493 25 S *61. 1. Z I Klinikl Chorob Wownetr7myth A.M. w Krakowie; kierowlik: prof. dr Leon Tochowicz. (PANCREAS dia) (SULFATES) KIETA-FYDA, Aleksandra; PASYK, Stanislaw Effect of the use of the vitamin preparation Lipobolit on the status of arteriosclerotic Fatients. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.3: 94-97 20 Ja'64 1. Z I KUniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Krakowie; kierownik: prof.dr. Leon Tochowicz. TOCHOWICZ, Leon; PASYK, Stanislav Morbidity of myocardial im'aretion and mortalit7 of mn-vivirig subjeetz. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no-31:1185-1190 31 JI '61. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob, Wevnetrznych A.M. v Krakowie; kierownik: prof. dr Leon Toehowica. (MYOCARDIAL INFARCT statist) DI * E, 1,. 1, Ierzy; I , - ",, I! " - i K Ki PASYKGWA, Krystyna Effect of the vitamij. preparation Lipobolit an sme skin dise-e-p-es. Przegl. dem. 52 no,ltl9-24 Ja-F 165. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej Akademil Modycznel w Krakowle (Kierowniks prof. dr. K. Lejman). : A-- Y 1"; 'A , Kry 5 LYr a "', f, ri : s " r I b~ , ': f - - -I.-, - - t.: . , ~ - . . " , - '. T.t-glf~n .,.. - A ~' o .T Y ~.,* I . 1- :'~ - .1 !, - -, 1 . Z KI ir, -4 k 4 ',- r-,",, * ; , i, ~ zT, c I P P. ; , ~ * , f. - , I . ~ -1 , I 4, ~ 1, 1 erown -.*x . j,r , ~'. : ~ , ~, ..e.,. ffll~o ' , 1, r),~,q,?~-6? ACC INR; J%P60Z2050 SOURCE CODE. UR/0146/66/009/003/0003/0009 AUTHOR: Paaynkcv, V. V.; Savel'ycv, B. Ye.; Shinkov, A. D. ORG: Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute im. V. I. Lenin (Leningradskiy clektrotekhnicheakiy institut) TITLE. Using an electric integrator for measuring carrier lifetime in transistors SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 9, no. 3. 1966. 3-9 TOPIC TAGS: transistor, carrier lifetime ABSTRACT: The use of an electric simulator for determining carrier effective lifetime and its dependence on transistor configuration and semiconductor parameters is cont;ider'ed. Assumptions: The barrier capacitance and gene ration- recombination effects are neglected; the level of injection of minority carriers into base is low. The simulation is based on the method of determining Card 1 UDC: 621.382.333.3 L o8973-67 ACC NR. AP6022050 0 the lifetime from transient responses (B. Lax et al. , J. Appl. Phya. , 1954, v. 25. no. 9). The time of persistence of positive voltage across the junction upon a current reversal it; measured. The techniques of using a Soviet-made electric integrator for the above purposes are described. It is claimed that the method perr-uts finding the relations between the carrier effective lifetime in a transistor and the transistor geometry, volume lifetime, and surface recombination rate. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 12 formulasm and I table, SUB CODE. 09 / SUBM DATE: 07Jun65 ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REF: 004 Cc.rc; Z/Z nst L 09918-67 L14T(M)/F,6T_CtVFr1 ACC NRI AP6033560 SOURCE CODE: Ult/olol/66/000/010/2902/2905 AUTHOR. Kallnin A. kov V. V.; Tairov, Yu. M.; Yas1kov, D. A. Papyn ORG: Leninarad Electrotechnical Institute im. V. I. Ulfy~nov (Lenin) (Leningrad- skiy electrotekhnicheskiy institut) TITLE: Photoluminescence of silicon carbide containing a beryllium impurity ,,7 '1, / )I) I SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 10, 1966, 298?-2985 TOPIC TAGS: photoluminescence, silicon carbide. beryllium, impurity, luminescence extinction, electron hole, luminescence ABSTRACT: Beryllium when added to silicon carbide is shown to render the latter luminescent. Both electron- and p-type silicon carbide samples were found to luminesce. At the same time, the spectral radiation composition was found to vary. The activation energy required for the extinction of luminescence for electron- and p-type silicon carbide samples is about the same (approximately 0. 32 ev). Electro- luminescent light sources were prepared in which electrons were injected into luminescent p-type silicon carbide samples. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. (Authors, abstract) SUB COD9: 20./SUBM DATE: 16Mar66/ORIG REF: 005/OTH REF: 006/ Pird 11-1"; /~~ PASYNKEVICH, S.V. Reactions of organoaluminum compounds with alkyl halides. Vysokom. soed. 5 no.10:1585-1586 0 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Polltekhnicheskiy institut, Vars~ava, Pollsha. KAZITSYNA, L.A.; PA�INKE~IGH, S.V.; KUZNETSUVA, A.V.; REUTOV, O.A. Synthesis, structure, and infrared spectra of aryl diazoalun cadmium halides. Izv. AN SS_h.Otd.khjm.nauk no.10:1762-1767 0 lb2.. (YjRA 15:10) L Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Diazonium compounds-Spectra) KAZITSYNA, L.A.; PASMEVICH, S.V.; KUZNETSOVA, A.V.; REUTOV, O.A. SyntheSiB, structure, and infrared spectra of boron halides and aryl diazonium tetraphenyl borates. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.- khim.nauk no.3:"8-453 Yx 162. (IxJRA 15:3) 1. Moskovskil gosudarstvennyy iiniversitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Boron halides--6pectra) (Diazonium compounds--Spectra) KAZITSM, L.A.; PASYNKEVICH, S.V.; RSUTOV, O.A. Synthesis and study of the structure of double diazonium salts of aluminum halides. Dokl. All SSSR 141 no.3:624-62? 11 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Moskovskiy goeudaretvennyy univeraitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. 2. Chlen-korrospondent All SSSR (for Reutov). (Diazonium compounds) (Aluminum halides) PAWLIKOWSKI, T.; NACZYNSKI, Jerzy; FASYNKEWICZ, J. Review of publications on gas engineering. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no.8t266-267 Ag 163. WARCZEWSKI, J., mgr inz.; KAUCKI, J.; PASYNKIEWICZ, J. Review of publications. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no.12t423, 3 of cover D 163. GROSSMAN, Andrzej; PA3YNYIFWICZ, Jadwiga Q/idation of phenols in watoers and spwaj~es. Kc,~s ') Mr-Ap '64. 1. Department of Technology of Water and Sewa,ye, Silesian Technicnl University, Gliwi(,e (for Grossman). 2. Central Laboratory of the Gas Industry, Warsaw (for Pasynkiewicz). PASYNKIEWICZ, Jadwiga __ Dephenolization of a niacal liquor by the steam method. Koks 6 no.5:177-182 0 161. 1. Centralne Labor-atcrium Gazowblctva. (Phenol) 1. r", I i Str lX2c(j) D ad INOTAwyor a waawr -4 53 A. C wwom HCHO (1),Q - 1" two Ulm= (whr bb i d a m IV ptco i T) v ) d *u 4M , ' r ff ( " Ir enw s l o ( mar V motd. wftkI 1% "~' of u 1" a . NR . OM KOH a r A s a H a b l s cabbits.. alo d 7 btab AIM I b W at oredd nt micalor for a w n o sto m m Ali ewwygbl M. ibut Wkh Rmm='.. 1 It Will coin -owthylv*1 (39.1 ). 71w.=mzyWdcOg Mom bw bIS 39.1 me kit6iii0awok oflimm) was albotaw W.0% wft VI a the it 28D', DD.61 *M T o , I with TV was b 1~ - ~ also" the IV I 0 -Idol Rota" wo rowh A t 2w . PASr"KID-TICZY J. : BORYU-0:1, B. The influence of the naphthalene content of benzene on the amount of phenol extracted from water. p. 133. GAZ, WODA 1 TECH"TIFA SA'*ITAT~!A. (3towarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inzy-nicrow i Techrikow 3anitarnych, Orgrzeumictwa i Gazolmictwa) Warozawa, Poland. Vol. 33, No. 3, March 1959 Monthly List of East European Accession (ELAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959 Uncl. 1 16141-66 F"(j)...' _'RMjv-v /0653 KP6005897 (N) SOURCE CODE: po/0099/66/040/001/0(J, AuTm6R: S.tarovieZakI. K.; PasynklevIcz, S. Department of Organic Technology Institute of Tecin-010-gy _(Poiltechnika), Wa'rsaw TITLEs Structures and TR spectra of organooluminum complexes with SOURCE: Rocaniki chemii - Annales societatis chimicae polonorum, v. 40. no. 1, 19660 47-53 TOPIC.TAGSs orgenoaluminum compound, nitrile, chemical compound, ,electron acceptor, benzonitrile, proplonitrile, acetonitrile, tri- notbylaluminum, IR spectrum ABSTRACTs The structure of organonluminum complexes with benzonitrile, propionitrileg and ocatonitrile, as well as the electron-acceptor character of the organooluminum component ware studied by IR spectron- I It studied for t1ve f1rot copy. The organoaluminum-nitrile complexes were time. Experimental results 1~7!'-;- ACC NRI AP6005897 Table.l. -C S N stretching frequencien (CM-1) of free nitrIles and their complexes with organoaluminium compounds (molar ratio 1:1) Orpno- qHICM rII,CN AVC-Iq OWN Avomif eDmpDvnds 22V 2244 2255s. 2293m (CsIIj),AI 2Z70 +43 2282 +38 2260fn, 23D23 +41 (CiHAA" 2282 +55 2302 +58 2269w, 2315s +60 qH&MC32, 2286 +59 -2305 +61 22713h, 2321s +66 (CH,),Al 2264 +37 2231 +45 2255s, 2231s .+42 (CHp)&AIO 2279 +32 2306 +62 2255w, 23033 +48 'CHAIC% 2285 +58 2311 +67. 2268vw. 23071 +52 AX31. I 2M 2313 1 1 2311S NNAXOWSKA, PASVMKIEWJ~Z, F),; SZEWCZYK, H. L m. -cpolym-erLzatlon of ethylene wl h acrylonitrile. Folim-ery t%4oj-z wii!lk- 9 no,12;516-1~;213 ID 164. I, ;,.- ti*e of ifeaw -- --h-As,, Blachowina Slaska iris" . / Orgeinia Sv,.', (for Nowai-owrim and Sui~iczyk '). 2. Npartment oil OrgAniu I of the Warmiu Tec.,;iicel Uniwwsity (for Dahlig and Faz~yak,`L.swica) .Si~,Emitlc! V~Iy '5,. 1964. PASYNKEVICH., S.V. [Pasynkiewicz, S.]; MATSIASHEK, S.A. (1-laciaszek, S.] Reacticus of triethylaluminur. with benzonitrile. AN S-SSR. Ber. khim. no.6:1118-1119 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Politekhnicheakiy Inatitut, Varshava, Pollsha. IMESTEIN, Z.; DAELIG, W.; EMARSKI, B.; PASYNKIEWICZ,--S. A new method of presenting organic mercury conpounds. Bmi chin PAN no.j..,161-164 160. (EUI 10:9/10) 1. Instytut Chemli Organicznej PAN; Katedra Technologii Organicznej it II Folitechnika, Warszawa. Presented by T. Urbaneki. (Mercury organic compounds) AA/ I str: -4E2C~j)/iMbAIR3d i D alumin VntheSII a o f 1 y w raw( . ts, ot ethyl-- of t tolion, l r 0m Acla ffioff and zomp ex ad ' Aluminum dicWoride with sodfurn chloride. zimierz Dahl ig Stapislaw P. ~P01itechnEM-WUMY F-Ifuliki Chem. 34, 1-12(IMU7- AUCrInan sumraary)~k;tIVU2-NaCl (1), used far catalytic polyme. ization of C.B,, w-" '.-.=d to be active in synthesis, of various ketont-, from acid chlorides Thereac- tion occurred according to I + RCOCI - RtCOR + AICIA + NaCl. and possibly by reactian with the solvent (m-xyltne) in which Iwas dis-sch-ed, ArH + RCOCI ro ArCOR + HCl. Good yields were obtained if the org. radical at the CO group diminished the electrophil]c claracter of the C atom ja this A; Krq giewaki- PASYIIY.IEWICZ, Stanislaw; DAHLIG, Wlodzi.-aderz; STA!~(,'..~LEYSYI , Kazi--ricrz Preparatir- -z' orponvaluminum coiapound~~. i L.4. Ror7. cheinii 36 no.11:1583-1592 162. 1. Department of urganic Ted,,. ' . -- 1, hiz3titute of Techn,,Iog-,-, Warsaw. FASMIEWICZ, Staixislaw- DAHLIG, Wlodzimierz; WOMARMSKI., T3dousz ftwmwww~ ~ZAW Reactions of organoalumimm componnds. Pt. 3. Rocz chazil 3? no*1:31-43 163. 1. Department of Organic Technology I. Institute of Technology, Warsawo PASYMUEWICZ, Stanislaw; DAHL1G, W:Lodzimierz; WOJXkROWSKI, Tadeusz; RADZIWONKA, Tadeusz Reactions of organic alunimm compounds. Pt. 2. R(,c-, c.',emii 37 no.3:293-300 163. 1. Department of Organic Technology I, Institute of Technology, Warsaw. g log WT AU~S,4 ...... Distr: 4E2e(j)/.4B2c(m)/4B3d JoMpl Y..Tbb Mction of taill almninlum, In Tho g" Ph"C' AW. I I. w t 90-5* -with EtCl In the presence of A C4 rL~V l fo H, HCI, and AIC4. but no organo aluminum compds. Dry HCI reacts with RtAICI* to give AICI.and r-2H#.wbkh explains the formation CkfHClas a by. product in the synthesis 911 in the liquid phaie. A. XmIewakt Diatri d ~4E2cQW4E3b/4Z Preparation of ercuri'co OrKanoln Mounds tMM Me divpwire. the ppi. 111telid off, diled, arid recrystd.' : added UJts and organ6alumin y UM COMDOW rinu nt -L-.: M.Liz, ein j- W1 MIM-Dahlig, DortuniFf etntt ki. and Stanin.' 144 PAA z frorudiLMOHtoyieldI6.81.111. III was similUlY pTtPd, n front Et%MCI and EtAlCls + Et3AICI. To 31.1 _ IMP IMP R%ft"AWR WIR~ t tVM t MO. was 1 I 1 Co mrods. of the type R&AI, RtUCI, an d RAI Ch (R - Me or 1 4 P, , P . d stirred 30 min.. kept 4 hts. at room temp.. t I 11t) reacted with H9 salts to give corresponding orF. Us :20cc. concd, HCI (the te-P. a3before), theC411r1am sCPd. Is. in a high yield. The, method was esp. valuable, 1 and the HtO layer extd. with 20 cc. CJU TO the joined ,,when EtAIClj.NaCl (1), a by-product In the rna ul. of them solus. wa3 added 100 cc. 11A CA CraPd., the PPt- -61~ catalyst for the low-pressure polyethylene, was used. I dis. __ l d i tered off, washed with H~O and dried 1OYirJd 28 9- U03fa Al l l M t so 1, ve n most org. solvents, was easy to handle, and s:afe! ' r- and c s. IV wn3airailarlyprepd. fromMe%AlC Lin-use. To 112-8 g. HgCls (H) in 180 cc. xyleac was added To 33-5 g. Hg(0Ac)% in 80 cc, C4H. was added dropwise ; dropwise With stirring 78.8 g. RLAICII.NaCl in ISD cc.:. * with stirring 4.4 g= in 21) cc. CoNs with lbe te-P- 1 xylene. the temp. mised to 45-500, the whole stirred X min ke t 12 hm at ro t t i i h i i d h i kept below 50*. fter 12 brs., 50 cc. HrO was added, AcG~ ff to fidd 211 s Nt d I d d h t i ., om e w st rr emp., trea t p ng w t 80D cc- H10 at 40'. the PPL filtered off, washed -with H10' . - ere . o t st ., an & d CJ e pp j HgEt; the filtrate was evapd. to dryness, cxtd. with MeOH, and EtOH; and dried to 7icId 100.5 g. RtHgCI (III). To' and the ext. evapd. to give addal. 6.4 g. The new M-, l 21.4 g. U in 60 cc. CA was added dropwise during 12 ruin e it con- thesis of alkylmaeury, acetates also made possib 3 RUM in 10 M C41141 and the temp. raised from 2L W 10 m coned. HC1 ia 40 cc. H.0 wa ~ALfte 2~ Ym ercury salts. venient prepid. of other alkylm A. L. Lulmneryk-j S/061/62/000/022/023/088 B144/B101 AWHORS: ~asynkiewicz, Stanisraw, Dahlig, Wfodzimierz, Cia'alak, M~'rek--- - -_ TITLE: Synthesis o.-,organoaluminum compounds. I. Reaction of organoa.Luminum compounds with alkyl chlorides PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 22, 1962, 224, abstract 22Zh226 (Roczn. chdm., v. 35, no- 5, 1961, 12b5-1292 7pol.; summaries in Russ*, Fng., and Germ.]) TEXT: In continuation of a previous paper (RZhYhim, 1961, 14Zh244) it was 0 shown that at 80-90 C Rcl (in all cases R - C 2 H5) reacts with RAlCl 2 to form AlCl 3 and a mixture of C 2H4 and RH in approximately the same amounts. If AlCl is present the relative content of C H in the gas mixture 3 2 4 increases. Aluminum aeaquichloride reacts with RC1 analogously. RC 6H5 arises from the rRa.-tion in C 6H6' Below 1700C the substances R 2AlCl and R3Al do not react with RCI. In the presence of CoCl 2 (2-4%) R 2AM Card 112 S/Obi /62/UOC)/C)22/()25/C)86 Synthesis of organoaluminum ... B144/B101 decomposes at 1600C and R3Al decomposes at 120 0C. The CH 3A1 compounds react with CH3CI neither wnen-heated nor in the presence of CoCI 2* The reaction mechanism with FAIC1 participating as intermediate compound is 3 discussed. Elibstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 S/061/62/000/022/024/06a B144/B101 AUTHORS: Pasynkievicz. Stanislaw, Dahlig, Wlodzimierz, Ciemnievski, J6zef TITLE: Synthesis of organoaluminum compounaa. 11. Reaction of metallic aluminum with alkyl chlorides in the gas pkxase PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 22, 1962, 224, abstract 22Zb227 (Roczn. chem., v. 35' no- 5, 1961, 1293-1300 t [Pol.; summaries in.Russ~, Eng., and Germ,3) TEXT: When CH C1 acts on finely dispersed Al in the absence of a catalyst 3 (390-4000C, 3 hre) CH 3AIC12 arises with a.yield of 75~6- C2 H5Cl does not react with Al (4 hrs,440000. When heated with Al in the absence of a catalyst (300_ 3200C, 30 min) n-C3H7Cl decomposes with formation of HC1, olefins, resin and AlCl 3* C4H9Cl reacts with Al in an analogous way (190-2000C, 2 hra). An addition of AICI,, AlBr,, R9C'2 , FeCl,, RAlBr2 or Card 1/2 S/061/62/000/022/024/086 Synthesis of organoaluminum B144/B101 R2AlBr to the reaction mixture acceleratos considerably the RCl decompolli- tion into olefins and HC1 and reduces the reaction temperature to 115-1350C. In the case of the reaction of CH 3C1 with Al a mixture of CH3AlCl 2 and (CH 3)2 AICI is produced. Probably C 2H 5Cl and AlCl3 form the complex C H + AlCl-which decomposes into C H + and AlCl H+ changes 2 5 4 2 5 4; then C2 5 to C2 H4 and H , which together with AlCl 4 forms HC1 and AlCl 3* The substances Al 20 3and Fe 203 do not catalyze the reaction between Al and RC1. RCl is passed through a heated tube with Al filings 0 2 and moisture being excluded. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation .3 Card 2/2 B/081/62/000/022/025/088 B144/B101 AUTHORS: -2Asynkiewicz, tanislaw, Dahlig, Wlodzimierz, Meszorer, Ludwika TITLE: Synthesis of organoaluminum coipounds. III. Substitution of iodine or bromine by chlorine in organic aluminum compounds PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 22, 1962, 224, abstract 22Zh226 (Roczn. chem., v. 35, no- 5, 1961, 1301-1307 LPol.; summaries in Russ., Eng., and Germ.]) TEXT: RnA'X 3-n (X - Br, I) become convert 'ed into RnAlCl 3-n by heating with RCl in the N 2 current. C 2H5Cl is led into 14 9 (C2 H5)2 AII (3 hrs, 100-1200C), the reaction products are condensed at -700C, 8.8 g of C2H51 are obtained and the reaction mass is hydrolyzed. The amount of HCI proved that the h&lides were exchanged 100%. The reactions between RnAIX 5-n and RC1 were made analogously (RI n, Xv reaction temperature in Card 1/2 5/081/62/000/022/025/068 Synthesis of organoaluminum *.- B144/B101 0C. reaction time in hra, degree of halide exchange in ~4): C2H51 2t I, 60-90, 3, 100; C211 59 2, Br, 80-909 3, 66.61 C2 H59 2, Br, 170-160, 1, 100; C3H7' 1-5, 1, 80-90 (in ether), 2, 6.7; C3HV 1-5t It 120-130 (in ether), 3, 77-8; CH31 1-5, It 50-60, 1.5, 100;.CH31 1-5, 1, 60-80, 3, 100. rbetracter's note: Complete translation LA -1 Card 2/2 PAaNKIEWICZ, Stanislaw;-DAHLIG, Wlodzimierz; CIESLAK, Marek Obtaining of aliminum organic compounds. I. Reactions of Aluminum organic compounds with alkylahlorides. Rocz chemii 35 no.5:1283-1292 161. 1. Katedra Technologii Organicznej I., Politecbnika, Warszawa.