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Fcm Plastics; Collection Of Articles sov/42D7 Poplav, V.A. and V.A. Kontratlyeva. Foam Plastic Sheets Based an Phenol Formaldehyde Resin and Its Combinations With Rubber and Fillers 91 This is a detailed study of foam Plastic sheet production based on Phenol formaldehyde lacquer resin (foam plastic sheet FF) and on combinations of this resin vith scrilultrile (foam plastic sheet of the FK type) - In the Soviet Union these fow plastics are produced by the non-pressure method and are mong the most cammonly used products. Khimenko, G.S.J. V.A. Popov, SoL. Fleyshman, K.Po Goraldy, and G.M. Smolentsev. Application of Foam Material FK-2D_ST in the Manufacture of Antenna Reflec- tors of Aircraft Radio Electronic Equipment 109 This study data on the physical, mechanical, and dielectric properties a foam material ?K-2D-ST. It also includes data on the design or antenna reflectors, the molds for reproducing such reflectors, and their fields of application. It is concluded that antenna reflectors made from foam material can be produced at a lower cost than from metal. Kafengauz, AoPo iind Ye. lo Yadicheva. Production of Gas Filled Polyurethanes 117 This study 6- -s the technology of producing gas filled polyurethanes, the properti-z polyurethanes, and fields of applicationo It also in- eludes dp-ta oa t e polyesters,, diisocyanates, catalysts, and emulsifying agents used In ,- production of gas filled polyurethanes. Card 6b Foam Plastics; Collection of Articles SOV/4207 Pav1DV V.V. It H.S. Goryachev., and T.F. Darasova. Usin,3 Polyurethane Fow Sheets in Aircraft Structures 131 This study contains data on the technology of producing radomes and dielectric grating reflectors for antenna installations. It also in- eludes data on various ways of filling the structures vith foam material Borodin, M.Ya... and Z.I. Kazakova. Foam Plastic Sheets From Organic Silicon 157 This study contains data on the production technology and properties of foam plastic sheet K-40 made from organic silicon. High thew-al stability and good dielectric and heatproof properties make this foam plastic suitable for applications in the field of radio engineering and heat insulation at temperatures of 2DO-250* UP to 500 hours and at temper- atures of 300-3500 up to 50 hours. LoBev, I.P., D.A. Kuznetsov, and V.D. Valgin. Foam Plastic Sheets Based on Polyepoxy Resins With Aromatic Dismines 167 This study contains experimetnal data on the production technology and properties of foam plastic sheets made from polyepozy resins vith aromatic diamines. It also includes data on the Interaction of such Card 7/8 Foam Plastics; Collection of Articles SOV/42D7 resins vith metaphenylenediamine and on the optimum foaming conditions for the compositions, and on the effect of the surface active compounds on foaming conditions. This type of foam plastic sheet can be used as struc- tural and electric insulation material at operating temperatures up to 110* in the field of aviation and electrical engineering. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JA/rn/'zm.n Card 8/8 9-0~ NAW I jig F ir V,, F I o .lit it ?IIEV as f 5 i I rs 45 S/061/62/000/009/067/075 B101/B144 AUTHORS: Rogov, L. V., Pavlov, V. V. TITLE4 Production of foam polystyrene by means of various foaminE agrents PLRIODICALs . Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 9, 1962,,592, abstract 9P51 (6b. "Penoplastmassy", I.I., Oborongiz, 1960, 45 - 49) TNXT: A method was developed for producine foam plastics (FP) with a density of 0.03 to 0.1 g/cm3' udable up to 700C, based on polystyrene emulsion and formed by the use of foaming agents 5, 10, 254, andt.:~,'(BSG) (-- vith I'a 0.03; -11, -G,-'('(PS-BSG) with r- 0-05;rC--5(PS-5j) with 0.06; M~ -254(PS-254(P,3-254) with f-- 0.1). The PS-16 having a hommogeneous fine-pored structure and a goodaurface was the best of the FP so obtained. To produce FF,polystyrene is mixed. in ball mills for 14 - 16 11r, tith the corrcBpondinq amount of foaming agents. TI.A fini8hed mixture is screened through a silk sieve no. 30, thencompressed t 100 C under 100 - 150 atm. The semiproducts are foamed at 98 - 100 I..for 3 - 4 hr in Card 1/2 9 14 160 /Foo ;L 7) AUTHOR: Pavlov, V. V. 33579 3/19 61/000/012/090/097 D271YD301 TITLE: Technology and properties of expanded polystyrene radomea PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 12, 19619 43, abstract 121241 (V ab. "Penoplast- massy", M., Oborongiz. 1960, 64-80 TEXT: Expanded polystyrene with its exceptionally high and stable electrical properties was one of the first foam plastics which at- tracted the attention of investigators developing radomes. It is known that polystyrene can be given a foamed structure by various methods, but for radomes the beat is pressing which produces an expanded material of the greatest strength, with a homogeneous small-cell structure. For a long time, however, it was not poes- ible to use expanded polystyrene for radomes because of their spe- cific properties (large dimensions, thin walls, complex shape) and because suitable technological production methods did not Card 1/2 15 S/08 61~0000/022/068/076 B1 44~Bl 38 AUTHORS: Pavlov,-V..V., Goryachev, M. S., Durasova, 1. F. TITLE: Utilization of polyurethane foam plastics in aircraft construction PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no, 22, 1961, 452, abstract 22P75 (Sb. "Penoplastmasey". M., Oborongiz, 1960, 131-156) TEXT: General information on the following subjects is given: production technology for foam polyurethanes (FP), main physical and mechanical properties of ;'I~f-101 (PU-101) andf-tY-1011 (PU-101A) type FP's, and the production technology for radomes, grating reflectors, products with closed reinforcing tramework, with simultaneous bonding of the reinforcing tranework, pannels and heat.-insulating blocks, and to radiotransparent inserts. The paper also describes the use of FP as a light potting compound, the moulding of complex small parts 30-50 cm3 volume with varying wall thicknesses, the filling of product by means of an insert, and investigations made to determine the resiBtance of radomes to deformation under the effect of high temperatures. ~Abstracter,s note: Complete tranale6tion.-I Card 1/1 P4 V~ v V'~ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SON7/606_ Aleksandrov, Avraam Yakovlevich, Mikhail Yakovlevich Borodin, and Viktor Vasil'yevich Pavlov Konstruktsii s zapolnitelyami iz penoplastov (Constructions With Foamed- Plastic Fillers). Moscow, Oborongi41962. 186 p. Errata slip inserted. 4500 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): A. Ya. Aleksandrov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Ed. : L. M. Kurshin, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing liou-se. N. A. Gortsuyeva; Tech. Ed. : A. Ya. Novik; Managing Ed. : S. D. Krasil'nikov, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for design engineers, designers, process engi- neers, and students of schools of higher technical education. COVERAGE: The book deals with the characteristics of working with units con- structed with foamed-plastic and similar light fillers. Methods of designing, Card 1/0 Constructions With Foamed-Plastic Fillers SO,.'/F'(j()" manufacturing, calculating, and testing the strength of such structures ar~ cussed. General information on foamed plastics and their physicochem-1--al p.-op- erties is also given. Ch. I was written by M. Ya. Borodin; Ch. 11, by Pavlov (except parts A and B of section 4, article 2, and article -0, am: fl,.- _n troduction, Chs- III and IV, and the remainder of Ch. II, by A. Yd. Aleksan-'_ o' No personalities are mentioned. There are 34 references: 15 Soviet, 14 Eng~*~I_ 4 German and I Italian. TABLE OF CONTENTS [Abridged Introduction Ch. 1. Foamed Plastics i 1. General information 1. Structure of foamed plastics 2. Production methods and principles for foamed plastics 3. Dispersion and volume weight of foamed plastics 28 Card 2/0 PAVLOV, V.V. ftlynologleal data on the age of Sobo-Khaya at the mouth of paleont.i biostrat. of deposito composing the olovation the Vilyuy River (Lena coal baein). no.12:74-77 158. (MIRA 13: 4) (Bobo-Khaya region--Palynology) PAVWV, V. V. Results of a palynological analysis of samples from deposits of the Beacon sedimentary-volcanic series (Antarctica, King George V Land, Cape bluff). paloont.1 biostrat. no.12:77-79 158. (MIRA 13:4) (George V Coast-Falynology) PAVWV, V.V. IdentifyIng specles of the fern gez)uB Conlopteris by spores. Sbor. at. po paleout. I blostrat. no.13:59-61 159. (MlqA 13:3) (Coniopteria) (Spores (Botany)) PAYLOV, V.V. Some problems concerning the relation between spore and pollen complexes and the lithological composition of rocks. paleont.i biostrat. no.16:94-105 159. (MIRA 13:3) (Palynolog7) PAUDY. V. V. Cooprehensive study of vegetation based on plycological analysis and studies of leaf Upressions, palsont.1 biostrat. no.18:66-78 6o. (MIRA 13:8) (ftleobotanical researcb) I VASILEVSKAYA, Nina Dmitrtyevnia: =,-VRAIvn Rktgravipht OUSEV, A.,Lv kand. geol.-minerel. raur,-,rwd.j IVIVINA., 101e,, velmusbchly red.; YASHCHMUNSKAYA, A.B., te)dm. red. L (Stratigrapby and -flom of Cretaceous oadimenta in thm Iona- Olenek region of ttm Iona coal basin] stratigratne. i ricra melovykh otlozhenii lono-Olonekskogo raiam Leniskogo uglemoonogo baseeina. Leningrftd,, G*jstoptekhizdat,, 1963. 95 p. kleningrad. Naucbno-iseledovatellskil institut geologii Arktiki. Trudy, vol. 128. Problemy neftegazonosnosti ArkUki,, vol. 2). (MIRA 16:6) (lens. Basin-Palebbotany,, Stratigraphic) Uena Basin-Coal geoloRy) POFFL#p S.I. (Sverdlovsk); PAVWV, V.V. (Sverdlovsk) Effect of the surface activity of nozpomnta dissolved in iron on the consecutiveness of their oxidation, Izv, AN SSSR. Met, i gor. delo no.5t42-49 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:11) POPELIJ. S. YESIN, 0. A. Calculation of the surface tension of liquids by means of the excess isochore-isothern potential. Part 1. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no. 3t622-.627 Mr 163. (MMA 17:5) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheksiy institut imeni Kirova, Sverdlovsk. POPE111 p S. I.; PAVIPV, V. V. Rate limiting reaction in a converter bath. Izv. vys-ucheb, zav.; chern met. 7 no. 4:5-10 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. piwi nv, v.v.: Prip.-ni , , m ~ ~~ --~- , F. Kinetic dharacl-oristi-!3 c" tne " 1-1 ,-,u reaction developing at the surface of 1;,-ibtles c." a ~,oillng bath. Izv. vys, ucheb, zav. charn. met. 7 no. b-,5-10 164. (KIRA 17!7) 1. Ural'sklY polile~hnirhwikiy inntitut. V.V.; S.7 conponents ir. oyi-te v . no.6:30-37 '64- c f F3 K, i tiU,~t, kafedra teL)ri' !~rallsl pc ,e k 5 r,-- I c h es k 4 k 1. ! r cc, t s e s -q iv PAVLOV, Vj, Uve of intubation aneethesia. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no,1:18-21 161. (MIRA 1413) 1. Is Severo-KazaUstanskoy oblautnoy bollnitay. (INTUTRACHEAL ANESTHESIk) PAVLOVS Va. Late pains following herniotuomy and characterls tics of *,!Le tO--sg--a;hy of the i1ioinguinal norve. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no.5t24-27 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1, Is kbirurgichoBkogo otdoloniya Severo-Kazakhatanskoy oblastnoy bolluitay. (&W41A) (ILIOINGUMAL NEMS) , PAVLOV, V.V.,- ANDREYEV, D.P. Operative treatment in acute stages of Werlhof's disease. Zdrav. Kazakh. 22 no.8:70-71 161. 0/,LiA 14:9) 1. Iz Severo-KazakJistanskoy obiastnoy bollnitay. (PURPURA (PATHOLOGY)) PAVLOV, V.V.; KOVALEV, V.A. Extensivo oavernous heMaWloma. Wray. Kazakh. 22 no,lOt7l-72 162. (MIRA 17:5) 1. lz Severc--Kazakhstanskogo oblastnogo onkologicheakogo dispansera. --t.v,.Ov, 'I.V.,* ?*~i'-'~. r, . , I I c, ~ -ci, - -, . n -,f - 1 . C--3 1 a . 7 , . r"', f % , , , ~ I '. - - .,- - - - , k;., ~ -;, ~ ". 1. ~. ~ . 1 z ~, - . I - , I * , - - - . PAVLOVP V.V.1 POPELI, S.I. -- ---- -- - - - I ~ . Dependence of the surface tension of re&l solutions on com- position and temperature. Wmr. fiz. khim. 39 no. 1t;94-186 Ja 165. (MIRA 19tl) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova. Submitted Dacember 19, 1963. PAVLOV, V.T.; POPELI, S.1.1 YESIN, O.A. Wculation of the surface tension and adsorption of the com- ponents on the interface of condensed phases. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no. lt214-218 Ja 165 (MIn 19tl) 1. Urallskiy politelrhnicheakiy institut. Submitted February 18, 1964. PAVLOV, V.V.; POPELI, S.I. Temperature dEpendence of the surface tension of Bolutions. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.4:973-977 AP 165. (MIRA 19- 1) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, Submitted May 6p 1964. R, AP6005278- IJF(o) JD/WW/JW/J0/UURCE CODE: UR/0413/661000/001/0D17/0017 DJ 0 Moskalen_ko. 'No D.; NovIkovI 0. ravlov, V, V. -GaLbm 2 - 's Makhmjskiv. V. S.; Zhizhina,. T.- S.; Rakbinskif, 1. A. .,ORO., 'none - TI TLE: Continuous mil f or, rollin aluminum strips from,liquid meta Class 7, No. 177395 '47. T -, YY, Ww .SOURCE-..:,,-Izobreteniya, prgmyshleanyye obraztsy, tovarnyya znaki, no. 1, 1966, 7 -luiinum strip ral;ling, continuous rolling, OPIC:TAPSi aluminum aluminum strip, a ind toid -vetal, rolling j ABSTRACT.' 'This Author Certificate introduces a,cont uo" 31ill for rolling MI uminum itak from Iiquid Metalj4 The mill coWrises a. continuc 'us casting Machinelvith a 'mold formed by.a.metal bolt and a wbeel, a raw strip 81 1dAing.stand, a planetary and a linis", stand. In order to synchronize the csstimg and rolling rates, the 112 669,JA 4421 7*6.271621-771.-237.064 FAVLOV, V.T.. Inshoner, nauchuyy redaktor; BIGAK. B.A.. redaktor Isdatelstva; S.S., talrbatcheskly redaktor [Charts for general mechanization of construction work] Skhavy kompleksmol makhani2staii stroltelinfth rabot. moskya. Gog.ird-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhtt, No.?, sec.3- LZarthwork in laying out foundation pits and trenches for industrial and public buildings] Zeslisays raboty pri ustroistva kotlovanov i transhat pod promyshlen- nye i grathdanskie sooru2hentio. 1957. 121 p, (MlaA 10:7) 1. Akadentya stroitel9stva i arkhitektury SSSIR. Mauchno-issledov*tall- skiy Institut organizatell I aekhanizateit stroitelletys. (larthvork) (Youndationa) AUTHOR: Pavlov, V. V. SOV/138-59-2-12/24 TITLE: fiEii-closed-11T-ype Press Moulds (Press-formy zak .,-to6o tipa) PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, 1959, Nr 2, pp 41-43 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Rubber components (cord rings etc.) for machine construction which are required to operate at high temperature and under arduous conditions are not always satisfactory when pressed in the usual type of "open" or "partially enclosed" moulds as shown in Figs 1 and 2. Components from such moulds have a large amount of flash - amounting to 10 to 20% of the weight of the part and much more in case of very small components. Besiaes the pressure is not maintained on the component since the flash holds the mould halves apart. The "enclosed" type of mould, shown in Fig 3, limits the amount of flash or flow-out to 0.8% to 2.0% of the weight of the component because there is internal and external vertical cylindrical confinement, as well as a horizontal confinement and the pressure is applied to virtually the true horizontal projected area of the Card 112 component. Pressure distribution in these three types FAVIN, V. V., Aspirant "The Use of Reduced Geometric Characteristics in the Calculation of' Beams nnd Plates During Elastop-astic Deformations." Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Order of labor Red Banner Construction Engineering Inst imeni V. V. Nyb.:,,shev, 21 Dec 54- (VI40 20 Dec 54) Survey of Scientific anti Tochnica.1 Diswrtntlow) Dt-fonde.11 tit Higher Educational Irwtitut-ions (12) SO: Sun. No. 5456 24 Jun 55 PAVLOV, T.T. . *Ie ~,k~ .,*4 w.mftwP Solar rotation and sunspots. Biul&TAGO se.18:49-52 '56o (KIAA 10:1) ksun-Rottition) (Sunspots) PA'VLOVj V. V. ISAKOV, I.S., prof., admiral flotn,; PETROVSKIY V.A.. dotsent, kand.voyenno-mrskikh nauk, kontr-admiral. red. tdocessed]; DIP4111, L.A., dotsent, kand.gnograf.nauk. inzh.-kepitan 1 ranga, glavW red.; BARAIPV. A.H., red.; BERG, L.S., akademik. Inzh.-mayar, red.; BOLOGOV, N.A.. dotsent, kontr-admiral v atitafto, red.: VITTRR, I.A., profe9sor, dnktor geograf.nauk. red.,; GRIGORITBV, A.A., akademik; TEGORIYPV. V.Ys., zuslu2hanW deystell naukt, prof., doktnr voyennn-mrskikh nank. I-ontr-admiral v otstavke, red.; Z1140, L.Ta., prof., red.; ZUBOV. N.N., prof., doktor goograf. nauk, insh.-kontr-admiral v otntnvke, red.; KkVRATSKIT, V.V., prnf., doktnr fizlko-mat.nauk, Inzh.-kontr-admiral v otntavke, rod.; KALESNIX. S.V., prof., 4oktor geograf.nauk, red.; KUDRYAVTSEV, M.K., general-1mytenant takhn.voyak. red.; LAWKIN, S.M., kapitan 1 ranga, red.; MATUSSVTCII, N.N., 2asluzhanWy deyatell naliki i tekbniki. prof., doktnr fiziko-mat.nank, In2h.-vltse-admiral v otstafte, red., [deceased]; MFSHCMIINDV, I.I., akademik, red.; MILRNKI, S.dr., red.; ORWV, B.P.. prof., doktor geograf.nauk. red.: PANTHLEM. Yu.A., vitse-admiral, red.; S*MHINSKIT, V.A., dotsent, kand.voyenno- wr9kikh nauk, in2h.-kapitan 1 ranga, red.; SALISHCHEV, K.A.. prof., doktor tekbn.nauk. red.: TRIBM . V.F., admiral, red.; FOKIN, V.A., vitse-admiral. red.; SWEDE, TeJe., prof., doktor voyanno-morskikb nauk, kontr-admiral, red.; SHUIMKIN, V.V., akademik, inzli.-kapitan 1 rang&, red.; !AVIiO!4,1.j,,,-Inzh.-polkovnik, red.; VOLKOV, F.G., (Continued on next card) ISAKOV, I.S.---(continued) Card 2. podpolk-ovnik, powshchnik glaynogo red. po lxd-vu; SEWY. N.Te., kapitan 2 ranga, ucheiWy sakretRr'; TOROBITEV, V.I., kapitan I rangs, red.kart; 141GALKIII, G.A., lnzh.-kapitan 1 rnnga, red.kart: GAPONOVA, A.A., red.kart; GONCHAROVA, A.I., red.kart: GORBACHRVA, Mo., red.kart; ORYMTREW,, G.Yu.. red.kart; DtWV, A.G., red. kart; YERSITOV, I.B., red.kart; ZILIBERSHER, A.B.. red.kart; KASTALISKAYA. N.I.. red.kart; KUBLIKOVA, M.N.. red.kart; HAKARDVA, V.N.. red.kart; IJDROZOVA, A.F., red.kart; PAVLOVA, Ye.A., red. kart; POCHUBUT. A.H.. red.kart.- HDMAWVA, G.N.. red.kart; SMIRNDVA, L.V.. red.kart; S141RIK)VA, L.N., red.kart; TANANKOVA, A.I.. red. kart; YATUTICH, M.A., red.kart; YASINSKATA. L.P., red.knrt; USTLITEVA, Z.P.. VIZIROVA. G.N.,; GOWVAW)VA, A.T.. tekbn.rotd.; VOTDKHDV, V.I..; MALIVY.0, V.I.. tekhn. r"d.; SVIDERSKAYA, G.V.,; CHERNOGOROVA, L.P.,; FURAYWA, Te.M., [Marine atlas] 1-brmkot atlas. I.S. Iaakov. L.A. Demin. Izd. 14Drakogo genorallnogo obtaba. Vol.1 [Havigation gangraphy) Navigateionno-geografichaskil. Zamastitall otv. red. po I tnmu V.A. P"trovskil. 1950. 83 maPs. (MIRA 12:1) (Continued on next -card) ISAKOV. I.S.---(contlnu"d) Card 3. 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Voyanno-morskoye miniateretvo. 2. Nachallnik *)rnkngo kartograftchmakogo InNtituta v07"nnO- morskikh all (for LarVkln). 3. Deyetvitellnyy chlen Akademii pedagngtchmakikh nank RSFSR (for Orlov). 4. Nachallnik Gidro- grafichOBkogn upravloniya voyenno-miorskikh nil (for Tributs). 5. Gmnerallnyy posudarstv. dirnktor topograficheskoy aluzhby (for 'Baranov). 6. Direktor topografichnnkoy slulshby (for Milnnki). (Oc"an-Haps) (Harbors-14nps) CHIRDAMR, G.N.; BASHUYINA, G.N.; YARUSOV. A.Ya.; KSRMUV. V.A.; FILIPPOT, Th.T.; MRIN, D.A.; MMIN, P.Y.; KOMKOV, A.M.; KLUVATSU, Z.F.; MIROSH- NIGHINKO, A.F.; KOLULTXV, P.K.; SrTCRTSOV, F.A-; Plvwv. V.v. Discussion of K.A.Sallahcher's rex3ort. Brief report of speeches of G.N. Cherdantsev, G.N.Bashlavina A.LLMarusov, Y.A.Merivalov, IM.Filippov, D.A.Larin, P.V.Denzin, A.M.lomkor, Z.F.Karavaeva, A.F.Miroehnicheako, P.K.iroldaev, P.A.Sk-vortsOT, V.V.Pavlov. Vop.geog. no.34:14-34 154. (Cartography) (MLRA 7:12) ~LAMPTYEV, P.M., V.71., R---KOVA, T.N., 13YUI-l4.--,:'I,:-, L.11-1- OINIBURG, j a~--Alemik; MMRI, Ye. I. 7 D 1.7L 7, -All' POPCV, K.M., Y.-'di!lLTSYJY, N.F. IA,-v lAkovlevich Ziman, 1906-1956; obituary. Izv. A~, SL."h. ~'er.~eo-. no.6:153-154 ll'-D 156. (Zirman, Le- lAkovlevich, 1900-19',,6) , A.B., gornyy inzb.; PAVLOV, V.V., gornyy tekhnik KZDSh-58 pyrotechnical relay; letter to the editors. Gor.zhux. no.ln:40 0 160. (KIRA 13:9) (Mining engineering) FAV;qv, T.T. iuzh. fiew way for using solar energy for industrial purposes* Inergokho2. za rub. no-5-45-46 S-0 157. (MIRA 13.6) (United States-Solar batteries) FAVL(YV, V,V. Use of the combined method for paleobotanical charactee-za- tion of Upper Msozolc, sediments in oome regions of the Lana Basin. Sbor. at. po paleont. i biostrat. no.32:b8-78 163. (MIRA It,.-JI) KIRICIIHOVA., A.I.; PAVLOV V.V.. Now Cretaceouo ferna from the north of 5lberla, Palecmt. zhLr. no.21lIS-321 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftyanoy riauchno-issledovatellskiy geologorazve- dochnyy institut. NEMILOV, Yu.A.; PAVLOV, V.V.1 SELITSKIY, Yn.A.; SOLUVIYEV, S.M., Eysmomr~'Tx. p Distribution gf the masses and kinetic energies of fragments in tho fission of Th232 by 12 Hev. deuterons. IAd. fiz. 1 no.4s633-638 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) j- -3 165. S/058/62,,'000/0c)5/058/119 AO 57/A 10 1 AU-LHORS: Abdusadykov, T., Favlov, V_.-Ye. TI=: ~',uantiftative spectrographical determination of indium in sone alkali-halogen crystal phosphors P'E'RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 5, 1962, 19, abstract ')G179 ("17b. nauchn. rabot Kafedry optiki i Kafedry exsperim. f. .Z. Kazakhs1c. un-t", 1960. no. 2, 145-153) TT--XT Results are presented on the determination of In concentration In the alknli-ha,ogen crystal phosphors NaCl-In, KCI-In and KBr-11n prepared by thf, -riethor'. of" ther-,odMI-islon fr-rn the gi:;eoLs phase. The concentration of 'n T ; PrA ~13r, containing and n,--)t containing non-activating tons Sr Lnd ,-a2+, was varied by the duration of heating the evacuated ampoules with the components of phosphors. The quantitative determination of In was carried out by photographic photometry of the spectral lines of In with wavelengths 3039.36 rind 3256.1 ?% and standard element (1.1) by the method of three titandnrdfi. The obtained data were used to verify some principal assumptions of the process of foi-nation of crystal phosphors. rAbstracter's note: Complete translation] P. Khellenurme Card 1/1 42072 S/503/62/014/000/007/007 1023/1223 AUTHOR% Pavlov, V.Yc. TITLE': On the determination of the coefficient of acattering of light in Earth' atmosphere for small sc,-~ttering Angles PERIODICAL: Akadmiya nauk Ka---,akhskoy SSR. Astrofi7icheskiy institut. I7vestiya. v.14- 1962, 110-112 TEXT: In cRlculn.ting the scattqriTig of atmosphere the rays from the sun are shown as rays. This assumption is correct for large s1,1 ,but for smaller angles the actual disk of the be taken into account. The ratio CPI;n the light in the a shaft of parallel 'nttering angles, Sun (320) should average scattering Card 1/2 PAVLOV, V.Ye. Atmospberic scattering indicatrice in the visual and ultraviolet spectral region. Astron. zhur. 41 no-3:546-549 ~~-Je 164. (MIRA 17: 6) 1. Astrofizichoskiy institut All KazSSR. I ACCESSION XR: AP40176211 S/0033/64/041/001/0122/0127 AUMOR3. Pavlov, V. Y*. TITLE: The atmospheric scattering indicatrix in the region of small and large 1scattering angles SOURCE: Astronomicheskiy iburnal, v. 41, no. 1, 1964, 122-127 TOPIC TAGS: astronomy, astrophysics, atmosphere, scattering, scattering indicatrix, atmospheric scattering ABSTRACT: The article discusses the results of a study of the atmospheric scatter- ing indicatrix on the basis of sky brightness measurements at solar alcracantur in the absence of a snow cover. The observations were made in the summer of 1962 on the territory of the Astrophysicil Institute of the Kazakhstan Acadeuw of Sciences and in a sexidesert environment on the banks of the Itiver Ili. The stability of the optical properties of the atmosphere was controlled by observations with the Fesenkov aureole photometer. The article discusses, specifically: 1) the at- mosphoric indicatrix at small scattering angles; 2) the effect of the eircuzoolar aureole on the computation of optical thickness by the scattering indicatrix; 3) the light scattering'indicatrix ir the Earth's atmosphere at large scattering Cr-leji. As a basis for their reasoning, the authors &as-- d that if one selects 1/3 ACCWSION N1t: AP4017624 as a scattering volume an atmospheric colu= with unit base and height equal to the height of the atmosphere, then according to measurements at solar &Imucantar it is possible to determine the directional scattering factor, calculated for the entire atmosphere I ED-P-M ore B (~) in the brightness of the sky at an angular distancot*r*from the Skln; EO is the illumination of an area perpendicular to the Sm's rays, at the limit of tha atmosphere; P is the transparency factor of the atmosphere; a is the at- mospheric mass I= the direction of the Sun. It is shown that, in the region of Small scattering angles, the elongation of the indicatrix increases as the vuve- length increases and as the absolute value of the circumsolar aureole increasies. "In conclusion, the authors wish to express their gratitude to Ye. V. pyaskovskaya- Fesenkova for her formulation of the problem of the investigation, and to P. N. Boyke, with whose assistance the observations of the scattering indicatricen were carried out in ;the zo=idesert area in the vicinity of the Ili River and who also provided a scattering indicatrim which lie obtained on the top of Mount Humbell." Original article has: 8 figures and 4 formulas. Card 213 ACCZ;5SIO3 NR: API'017624 ASSOCIATION: Astrofizicheskiy institut Akademii nauk K=WR (Astrophysical Lmtitute of the Academy of Sciences Xazakhatan SSR) SUBMITTED: 02Apr63 .. . DATE ACQ: 18Mar64 ENCL: -00 SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 013 OTHER: C07 C,,d 313 PAVL-OV, V. Ye.: Meter Tech Scl (dine) -- "Tho offoctivenenn o4," nom,~ FT.vqt,3,w3 of automatic braking of uncoupled care in existing mechanized clw3siflcatlon yardn". Leningrad, 195P. 22 np (Min Transportation 19SP, lpninjqxn~ Ovl.,~r r-f Lenin Inet of 13aiLroad Tranaport '-4'nqineera im Acad V. W. Obrfiztnov), 150, conipo (KL, No 1, 1959, 120) -12 An Nr. 976 26-, Vay PHOTOELECTRIC SELF-RECORDING. DAY-'SKY PHOTOMETER (USSR) Pavlov. V. Ye. IN: Akademiya nauk'Xazakhskoy SSR. Astrofizicheskiy 1~j in ui.. Trudy, v.: 3, 1962', 62-65. S19131621003/0001008/033 A photoelectric photometer capable of measuring thediBtribution of sky brightness in the almucantar of the Bun from -U = 1. 5* to -0 = 180* has been constructed for'the purpose of 1) studying the'indicatrix -of B'cattering at .-small scattering angles, 2) measuring indicatricesof scattering in an op- ticall'y unstable, atmosphere, and. 3):improving the accuracy of computation of the optical depth and.,coefficient. of asymmetry of scattered light flux. The tube of the photometer has a diamet,er of, 40 mm and a length of 600 mm; it is equipped with diaphragms tha t delineate a solid angleof 36' without penumbra, or ,,B' with penumbra'. An.MY-.27photomultiplier serves as radi- ation receiver. Interference light filters with wavelengths. X - 447, 560, and 630 mR. define the spectral region. The signal from the -.-r photomultiplb is delivered first. to a. four-!tube d-c amplifier and then to.aniffIO-2 100P OB- cillograph. Tbe phot' meter rotates automatically in an~ azimuthal direction 0 at the rate of four revoluti IDMI ons per minut.e. FAVLOV,, V. Yo. Determining light-scattering factor in the earthis atmosphere at ar-13 angles of scattering. Izv*Avtrofiz.inst.AII Kazakh. SSR 14:-UO-M 162. OURA 15:8) (Llght~scatt*ring) (Atmosphere) PAVLDV V Y .; SHARDBAYKO, T.N., red. (Automation of car-classification in classification yards~ Avtomatizatalia sortirovki vagonov na sortirovochnykh 3tan- tBiiakh; uchebnoe posobie. Leningrad, Leningr. in-t inzheno- rov zhel-dor. transp., 1962. 40 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Railroads-Hump yards) (Automation) L -- L 10 WAC _P~SM~3GWL".-ffl ~6(1)/W(e) In C _j_P2LI-6 ACC - NRi - - 7 AR6033091 SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/66/000/007/0030/0030 AUTHOR: Livshits, G. Sh.; Pavlov, V. Ye.; Milyutin, S. X TIT LE: Ab tiqn of light by atmospheric aerosoI5 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 7.51.197 REF SOURCE: Tr. Astrofiz. in-ta. AN KazSSR, no. 7, 1UGG, 05-90 TOPIC TAGS: aerosol, light absorption, optic thicluiess, scattered light, light intensity ABSTRACT: A laboratory method of separating the optic thickness of scatLerinf, and absorption which does not require the measurement of indicatrires has 15con developed. Past and scattered light is registcre6. 'I'lic ratio of this surn Lo Liie incident luminous flux represents the coefficient of la,yer traiisparency v-,~i,(-- characterizes the extinction caused L)Y pur-, absorption. Ai! ~~10rwhl splic-!- used in the system of the light collecting cien-iont. Light int-~--ijsity ill 1he and IR regions was registered by photoinultipliers through intei-fe'rencl- Absorption in aerosols was calculated during multipoke rer'('Ct~ ". of "Jigilt fl-oi-" 1"~t sphere. Particles of soot., lava, meteorites, graphite, clay, Fami, etc. , havc Lcard ACC NRI A R(ij 330 been investigatr-rl. The prcF~c-zF-. of ~:A.V, C C I j, rit r- -:i r.t P- noticeable in,,7rc-as- in p~-ire hs,-, r pn, Sr)(,~ an(] -rric-r high values of pure absorption. Growth of pure ~ibsrlrption .viti- Aecri,ztse ir, length is typical for many acrosols, The Forbes effect and the sh,illow absorption band in the blue part of the daylight fiky sp.,:~(Arutn tniq bo by this growth. V. ZhuravIcv. [Translation of abstrik,,!tj SUB CODE: 031 2 / 2'6~ ' PAVLOV, N!All- Indleatrix Of light scattering in the earthle atmephore in the ultraviolet spectral region, Trudy ABtrofiz. inst. AN Kazakh.SSR 4:93-101 163. (MIRA 16-11) 'r UBLONSKIY, A.A.. prof., dcktor tekhn.riauk; PAVLOV, V.Ye., kand.tokhn.nauk Methods for comparing the effectiveness of automatic control systems for braking uncoupled cars. Sbor-LIIM no-170:8-33 160. (KIRA 13:8) (Railroads-Yarde) (Automatic control) PAVICY, V.Ye.. aspirant Silecting a method for regulating movement of uncoupled care in mechanized automated hump yards. Sbor. LIIZHT no.158:279-285 '58. (MIRA 11:6) ('Railroads--Hurrp 7arde) (Automatic control) TABIONSKIT, A.A., doktor tekhn.nsuk. prof.; FAVIDV. Y.U., Insh. Pover of brake positions in existing mechanized hump yards. Sbor. LIIZHT no-153:209-223 '58. (MIRA 11:8) (Railroads--Hump yards) (Railroads-Drakes) s/o8l/62/000/011/ol6/057 Elll/E152 AUTHORS: Abdusadykov, T., and Pavlov, TITLE: Quantitative spectrographic determination of indium in some alkali-halide crystallophosphores PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, no.11, 1962, 140, abstract 11 D 88. (Sb. nauchn. rabot Kafedry optiki i Kafedry eksperim. fiz. Kazakhak. un-t, no.2, 1960, 145-153). TEXT. Specimens of crystallophosphores based on NaCl, KCI and KBr were prepared by the method of thermo-diffusion of the activator (In) from the gas phase. The In-concentration was varied by the time of heating of evacuated ampoules with the components oi the phosphores. For spectral determination of in the sample is mixed in the ratio 1:1 with a buffer mixture (0.15a Li2CO3 + One part NaCl + 2 parts carbon powder). Spectra are excited by evaporation ot the specimen from a channel in a carbon electrode in an alternating current are with a current strength of 6 A and photographed on a type vAcn-22 (ISP-22) Card 1/2 KOt"W and %V. Pavlov ' 4I APftkW- Z- lt%U, 6, Ifh 637-5"; *a. .4&p,, 10M. (Al.-W 3.111). --1 In # .0) "Amuft Idaminium *I"* of I-M tow. dixineor ~ 6" del st 430' V. TlW folkPaing two see gmin-810 SW buth Un* OW tVWj*MtWV of it* =.Pnxvvo, Ow h b i g rtuvem t stion fr e grain-fti" wW the digm I,( Ion, &MI thr d b h oo ifimme et re aptitneM W " have btv-n aub~rc~ U, & n4,otery ' 1WLKVMWW thm WWh have MA. I IwtatcofpoothofDrwgraiiiswpjtb. inmistion pTW " am diorownt sucl it is shown that The fornwi, i t n , s o VArcim by froomy ukiiat the Wirt 0 VKY "Iwh grMter for spVi"WlW r",ovrry Itutv". -8. fee See ueo boo j was. ba"AA. *9VcIQ "so 40V Ost 614111 ex SOW Atl &A IN a 9 A a 3 0 AV I* a ir I PAVLOV, V.Ye. Empirical formula for the atmosi-Leric allowing for t~- circumsolar aureole. Astron.zhur. 42 no.2:,3,~- 436 Mr-Ap 165 (MIRA 2E.Z." 1. Astrofizicheskiy InstitUt AN KazSSR. RODVIOVS, B.A.# Inth. "10nin9Md4 PAMP V.Ysq IrAh. (IODINTad) Toobacal and operatioml roquIvenento of ARS retarder* Zbol,dovatzansp, 47 no,1209-W D 06% (MIRA ISsIZ) 4 AP16005381 SOURCE CODEt - ----I UR/04-13/66/000/001/0124/0124 AUTHMS: -Filippovp P, Vo; Pavlov,_Z. YO. WWWAW ORG e. none //7 0 TITLEs A hydraulic drive of reciprocating motion. Class 47,, No. 177731 SOURCE: Izobreteniyap, promWshlewWye obraztsyp tovarn;yye znaki, no. 1, 1966" 124 TOPIC TAGSs hydraulic device, hydraulic equipment, hydraulic liquid, clutch ABSTRACTs This Author Certificate presents a hydraulic drive of reciprocating mo- tion,, containing a working cylinder, a jot tube for consecutive feeding of working liquid into the chambers of the hydraulic cylinder, and a mechanical foodback for directing the jet tube according to the position of the piston of hydraulic cylinder (see Fig. I)* To simplify its construction and to increase its productivity, the feedback nechanism Is made in the form of a two-shoulder lover rigidly fixed to the shaft attached to the shank of the jet tube through a friction clutch. Ono end of the lover is connected to a apring-loaded rod,, wbile the other end is connected to a key-like protrusion forned on the rod, and insuring a passing of the jet tube fron one position into anothere Card 112 UDCt 621.226 IACC NRo AP6028602 SOURCE ODDEt UR/0033/66/043/004/0M/P890 iAUTHOR: Pavlov, V. Ye. JORG: In-t Astmphysics, Academy of Sciences KazSSR (In-t astroMiki Akademii nauk iYaZSSR) TITLE: A regularity in atmospheric light scattering ISOURCE: Astronomicheakiy zhumal, v. 43, no. 4, 1966* 809-890. TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric scatter, optic brightness, optic thickness ABSTRACT: The article considers the applicability of day sky brightness tables comput ed on the assumption of isotropic light scattering in the atmosphere , to the integra- tion of observation data at an angular distance 0 z 570 from the sun. Tables for the; brightness of the sky were used to compute the absolute brightness indicatrixes and graphic integration was used to deteraine the quantity: n 'r = 2:6 ;A (0) sinO dO. The computed results ar* compared with the results of direct measurements to show that the tables of day sky brightness can be successfully used to interpret observed data at, an angular distance 8 570 from the sun in the interval of optical thickness Tj s 0.8 Cord 1/2 LFDCs 523.035.27 PAVLOV, Y. A.; MAM~Kl, 1-1. A.; YELYUTlN, V. P. (Prof., Dr. Tecli. S,,i.) 1, The Interaction of' Smelted Titanlwn w-'t~i Graphltc-, " iln uoo,~. .,-* ~ -.- of Radioisotopes in Metallurgy, Sympoc"um XXXnI; Moscow; State PubIII.,-.hII:,j, !!()u.-( !'~ :- Literature on Ferrous and NorXerrou.-. Metbliurgy, 1,-;55. Prof'. V. P. YELYUTIN, Dr. Tecli. Su-'.; 14. A. WkLTAYdi, Ass 'I' L tant; Y. A. FAVILOV, %-: ~ - *, ~:. *~, Chair of Rare Metal Metuilurgy, Moscow Inst. of Steei lin :. V. Staii'n. PAVLOV, Y. A.; 14E~V, R. F. (Eng.); YELYUTIN, B. P. (Prof., Ph. D.); Teinverature Detenminationr at The Start of' tile peu~-tlon Oxides by Carbon, " in boor'. The Appli cat 4 on if RE- d! c) i sotopes i n Metal "ur r"' S XXXIV; Moscow; State PublislAno House for Literature on Ferruuc, a.,id Nonferrm:s 1955- Prof. B. !-. YELYUTIN, Ph. D., Prc,.'., Chair of Rare Metal Metallurgy, Mos- -~)w I-Ft. Steel im 1. V. Stalin; Y. A. PAVILOV, ASSlSTkW: R. F. MERKULOV, Engr/cla-.r -:V '.-:;.re Metal Metallurgy. YA. : I '.U; . . . Turbines Lim.ension of intake tui~es --' !-:y:r., t., 2C, r.~. :, I .:- . Mont-ly List of ft-a.,-sian s, I !Lrary of N ~vc::'t (~,r -.'~,52. C. - -- - - - 11 -- PAYWY, Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza. Unforgettnble days. Voen.znAn. 33 no.1:9 Ja '57. (YIP-A 10:10) (Militnry oducntion) PAV7/)Vp Takor Fadotovich; IVANDY. S.M.. redaktor; MUNffAH. T.F.. --a-W-rodaktor [What I learned in the defence nrganization] Chenu is nau- chilsia v oboronnom obshchestve. Literaturnala repts' L. Savelleva. Moskva, Izd-vo Dosaaf. 1955. 39 p.(MI.PA 8:10) (Military education) MISHIKOVO Hikolay Sergeyevich; PAVLOVp Y.a.M.,- red. (Goomotrical drawing; textnook for the fulfillmont of the fulfillment of the lot task in mechanical drawing]Goovetri- cheskoe cherchenie; uchobnoo posobie dlia vypolneniia I-go zadaniia po mashinostroitellnomu chercheniiu. lzd,2,, perer. i dop. Leningrad, Leningr. im. 1-1.1. Kalinina., 1962. 104 p. (MIRA 15:9 ) (Geometrical drawing) P,L:VLOV, YA. M. Detall mashin (1-lachine Parts) ',.:oskva, '~ashgiz, 15154. 4,-'0 p. Dia-rs., Tables 5): N/5 741 - P3 MA"OV, Leonid Mikheylovichl MELIVIKOVA, Larisa Mikhaylovna; PAVLOV.9 Ta.M., otv, red, (Sections and cuts by inclined projecting planeal methodological manual for a course in mechanical draw- ing) Secheniia i razrezy naklonrqmi. proaktiruiushchimi ploskostiami; metodicbeekoe posobie po knrffu mashino.- stroitellnogo chercheniia. Leningrad, Leningr. politekhn. in-t im. M.I.1alininal, 1964. 72 p. (MIRA 180) BASKAZOV. V.3.; VIMYAYBV. V.11.,- GAVRILOV. R.I.; GREBRIV, P.A.; ZHEMCHUZHNI- KOVA. Ye.Ye.; IDSLISON, I.D.; MENISHIKOV. B.S.; MOHOZOVA. YU.G.; POPOV. V.A.; MOROV . S.F.; FAVLOV,, Ta.Xv, dotsent, kandidat tekhni- cheekikh nauk. redaktor; inzhener, redektor; RUBICH, K.U., Inzhener. redaktor; SOKOWVA, L.V.. tekhnicheekly redaktor [A colle ction of drawings for parts used in machine building) Sbornik mashinostroitel'afth chertezhel dlia detallrovok. Izd. 2-oe, dop. t perer. Moskva, Goa. rauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry, 1956. 1 v.. 50 1. (XIBA 10: 2) (Machinery--Design) YAVL"*--rakQ3r-!!k~LmXlovich. dotsent. kand.tekhn.usuk; ITSKOVICH, G.M., Insh.. rat senseiit-f- PMYAKOV, V.S.. doteent, lmnd.tekhn.nauk, red.; SIMONOVSKIY. N.2.. red.isd.: IPOLISLAYA, R.G., [Machine parts] Detali mashin. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tokhn. Isd-vo machinostroit.lit-ry. 19589 511 p9 (MIRA 12:3) (Machinery-besign) S112-4,16010001020100;V0 I A005./AO01 Translation from: Referativr*7 zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1960, No. 20, p. 28, # 109648 AUTHORS: Pavlov, Ya. M., Smotrin. N. T. TITLED- A Machine for Testing PlaStics at Complicated Stress States PERIODICAL: Nauchno-tekhn. inform. byul. LeninAr. politejhn- in-t. 1959, No. 4, pp. 63-65 TV".: A device is described which car, be put In the clamps of the machine UM12A (IM12A) for testing plastics at complicated stress states, A tubular plastic specimen can be subjected in the testing process to the action of Internal and external pressure with simultaneous stretch. The device consists of ~ hollow steel housing; the knob of the upper cap of the housing is put in upper clamp of the testing machine. The upper end of the specimen rests :In slitted cpherical sockets which are placed In a special nut attached to the upper part of the ho%:.Z- ing. The lower end of the specimen is attached to the movable rod by a nut; the lower end of the rod Is connected with the lower clamp of thq test machine by meavis of trio nuts. The sperical surfaces of the nuts assure the hinge joint of Card 1/2 HINIS111KOVp N.S.; RUNICH, K.N., in7h., rqtsenzont; FORSIN, Yu.Ya., retBenzent; PAV-4qypja~,M... prof.,* red.1 HITARCRUK, G.A., red. izd-va; PETERSON, M.M., tekhn. red. [Technical sketching of machine parts]Sftemka eskizov s detalei mashin. Moskva Mashgiz.. 1962. 123 P. (M1I(A 161l) iMachinery-Drawing) I V" J-,'jj V L- 0 V, ~ t- f" I - IGIIATOYEV,A.K., in2hener; BART,F.F., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk, doteent. "Mchine parts.* YA.M.Pavlov. Reviewed by A.K.Ignatlev. F.F.Bart. Vest.mash.-35 no.6:86-87 Js 155. (KLRA 8:8) (Huhinery-Design) (Pavlov,IA.K.) FAVLOTj, Ta,N* I kandidat tekhnip-haskikh nauki, dotsent; IMOVICE, GA., '. HUU"r, retsonsent; F. LTAKOT, V.Se, kwAldat t9k)mlcb99kikb navk; MISUT, F.I., Inshenor, savedm"shchty redaktoleyl POLI- SKATA, R.G., tekbnIcheskly redaktor [Plachine parts) Detall asshin. Leningrad, Goo. n-chno-tekbn. ixd- vo mashInostrolte I sudostrolt. lit-r7, 1954. 480 p. [Microfilm) (mm 729) 1. Leningradskaye otdolonlye KashgIsm, (for Yetlavy) (Machluery-DesIgn) PAYLOVI Ya. Ill. PAVLOV, U.N., )MAdIdat tekbmichaskikh mauk, dotsext; ITMOVIM. G.M., retsemsext; POLYAVOT. V.S.. kmadidat tokkatchoskM WI& mauk, redaktor; FWIBOT. F.1., Inshomr. redakUr. (Padblio parts) Dotall waskis. Moskva. Goo. smuckao-tokka. lad- vo maskimstroltollsol i sudostroltellmot llt-ry. Moskva, 1954. 480 P. Omm 7-7) 1. Lenimp&dskays otdolonlys Mashesio. Zavedayusbckly rodaktoley (for Yetloov) (Machinery) ! I k. .... ~ :~d ,-~~tcnlne -,~rtL; ',--Y'~book -ic~:- ~ -vc ;:.:A . - . :, 14 - ! . ~ , -1 - 1 1 ~Lro`t. 1 it-rv L~ r. ~ n.-r !,; s ~ .- ~ c * - -! . -. 1') -157 .1`2 L. i,~, c i i -1 r - t3 r,. - -, ~~.; ~ - r, mvm~u- x. 6701 FAVUW. YA.M. Detail Foahin. (Posoblye Dip FashInoutrolt. Tokhnlkm"). Kiyev, Haftiz, Ukr. Oto-Niye, 1954. 464 a.9 111. 23 on. 3.000 ekz. 10 R. V per.- Bibliogri V Kontsel Razdelov.- Na Ukr. Yez- (55-2201) 621.81 and (016.3) SD: KidzMaya Iotopis INID . 6, 1955 25(2) PHASE I' BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3i63 Pavlov, Yakov Mikhaylovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Detall mashin (Machine Element,s) Moscow, Mashgiz, 19~8. 511 P. 85,000 copies printed. Reviewer: G.M. Itskovich, Engineer; Ed.: V.S. Polyakov, Can- didate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed. of Publishing House: N.Z. Simonovskiy; Tech. Ed.: R.G. Pollskaya; Mana- ging Ed. for Literatureon the Design and Operation of Machin- ery (Leningrad Division, Mashgiz): F.I. Feti8ov, Engineer. PURPOSE: This textbook is intended for students of machinery tekhnikums. COVERAGE: The book deals with methods of designing and cQnstruc- ting such general-purpose machine parts and transmissions as gears, drives, and joining elements. Information is given on fits and tolerances., hoisting mechanisms, and design work. No personalities are mentioned. References follow each chapter. Card 14 J~ Machine ElerAepts TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface Symbols SOV/3163 3 5 Introduction 7 I. The Importance of the course, Machine Elements 7 II. Basic trends in the development of machine building 8 III. Bri0f historical data on the course, Machine Elements 12 PART ONE. BASIC IMRMATION Ch. I. Materials Used in Machine Building 15 1. Cast iron 15 2. Steel 17 3. Copper and copper alloys 21 4. Substitute s for metals 24 Ch. II. Design, Calculation, and Construction 26 1. Forces and deformations 27 Card 2114 Machine Elements SOV/3163 2. Classification of stresses 3. Limit of endurance of met?.lZ 4. Effect of dimensions of a part on the endurance limit 35 5. Effect of local stresses on 111he strength of parts 35 6. Safety factors and allowable stresses 41 7. General requirements for machine parts 48 PART TWO. TRANSMISSIONS Ch. I. Friction Gearing 53 1. Gearing with parallel shafts and cylindrical wheels 54 2. Gearing with parallel shafts and grooved wheels 57 3. Bevel friction gearing 58 4. Brief resume' of Information on variable-speed drives 59 Ch. II. Spur Gearing 63 1. Elements of tooth gearing 64 2. Basic theorem of tooth gearing 65 3. Construction of Involute-tooth form 67 4. R"c-k and pinion 68 Card 3/14 Machine Elements SOV/3163 5. Tooth shape at 15* and 20* pressure angles 70 6. Module of a gearing. Pinion and gear diameters 70 7. Gear ratio 71 8. Line of action 72 9. Selecting the minimum number of teeth 74 10. Selecting the face width of a tooth 77 11. Operating conditions and materials for gears 79 12. Basic equation for designing gears for beam strength 80 13. Stress concentration in teeth 82 14. Allowable (design) stresses in tooth calculations for en- durance at bending 83 15. Allowable limit (maximum) stress In check calculations of teeth for plastic degormation or brittle fracture by bending 85 16. Determination of the design load and module of a gearing from the beam strength 85 17. Design of teeth for contact strengths 87 18. Allowable limit) stresses 91 19. Helical and herringbone gears 92 20. Manufacture of gear teeth 101 Card 4/ 14 Machine Elements SOV/3163 Ch. 111. Bevel Gearing 107 1. Construction of bevel gearing 101, 2. Approximate method of constructing tooth profiles 108 3. Gear ratio and number of teeth log 4. Determining face width of teeth and module and diameter of gears III 5. Design of teeth for contact strength 114 6. Forces in bevel gearing 115 7. Methods of gear cutting 116 8. GeaTp on nonintersecting nonparallel shafts 119 9. EfrIciency of gear trains 119 Ch. IV. Constructions of Gears 121 1. Metal gears 121 2. Nonmetallic gears 125 Ch. V. Worm Gearing 12-' 1. General information 127 2. Types of worms and worm gearing 128 Card 5/14 Machine Elements SOV/3163 3. Gear ratio 130 4. Efficiency of a screw. The lead angle 131 5. Selecting the number of teeth for a worm gear 132 6. Materials and allowable stresses 133 7. Determination of the module from bending stresses 133 8. Design of a worm gearing for contact strength 135 9. Determination of dimensions of worm and gear 138 10. Forces In worm gearing 141 11. Design of shafts for worm and gear 14'~ 12. Cutting worms and wheel teeth 145 13. Bearings for worm gearing 146 14. Arrangements of worm gearing 149 15. Lubrication 150 16. Efficiency of worm gearing 151 17. Calculating worm gearing for heat generation 152 Ch. VI. Belt Drives 158 A. Flat belt drives 158 1. Diagram of a belt drive 158 2. Pressure on beaeings. Different types of flat belt drives 159 Card 6/14 Machine Elements SOV/3163 3. Flat belt drives with idler pulleys 161 4. Determination of forces In driving and driven sections 162 5. Slippage of belts 164 6. Materials and types of flat belts 166 7. Belt joints 168 8. Stresses in a belt, belt length, and center distance 168 9. Design of belts by means of slippage curves 170 B. V-belt drives 175 10. Properties of V-belt drives 175 11. Types of belts and design of the drive 177 12. Groove dimensions for V-belts 181 C. Belt-drive pulleys 182 13. Constructions 182 14. Design of a pulley 187 Ch. VII. Chain Drives 195 Ch. VIII. Speed Reducers 200 1. General Information 200 Card 7/14 Machine Elements SOV/3163 2. Gear ratio and number of reductions in a unit 204 3. Arrangement and elements of a geared reducer 207 4. Arrangement of a worm-gear reducer 213 5. Some parts and elements of reducers 213 PART THREE. TRANSMISSION ELEMENTS Ch. I. Journals 221 1. Determination of the bearing reaction of an axle 221 2. Design of end journals 222 3. Types of journals 226 4. Vertical journals 228 Ch. II. Axles and Shafts 233 1. Axles 233 2. Schematic diagram of a shaft and the forces applied to it 236 3. Design of a shaft for torsion 237 4. Design of. a multioearing transmission shaft 238 5. Design of a shaft under torque and bending forces 240 Card 8/14 Mashine Eiertents -SOV/3163 6. Characteristic features of designing shafts loaded with torques and bending and compression forces 245 7. Design of a shaft for torsional rigidity 247 8. Check of the rigidity of a shaft during bending 24Q~ 9. Hollow shafts and axles 250 Ch. I II. Radial and Thrust Bearings 26c) A. Sliding-contact bearings 26G 1. Solid bearings 260 2. Split bearings 261 3. Bearing bushings 262 4. Methods of lubrication 263 5. Self-aligning bearings 267 6. Concept. of the hydrodynamic theory of friction in bearings 268 7. Direc:tion of pressure on bushings. Lubricant supply 273 8. Sliding-contact thrust bearings 273 9. Materials for bushings 274 B. Rolling-conta,.t. bearings 276 10. Basic types 276 11. Review of rolling-contact bearings 276 12. Selection of ball and roller bearings 281 Card 9/_14 Machine Elements 13. Brackets for bearings Ch. IV. Couplings and Clutches 1. Rigid fixed couplings 2. Rigid split couplings 3. Rigid jaw clutches 4. Flexible couplings 5. Torsionally flexible couplings 6. Friction clutches 7. Safety clutches 8. A3sessories for engagement of clutches PART FOUR. MACHINE-PART JOINTS SOV/3163 Ch. I. Bolted and Screwed Joints 1. Constru-tion of helixeB 2. Construction of thread forms and systems 3. Force relationships and efficiency of screw couples 4. Comparative valuation and selection of threads 284 2a7 287 288 290 292 294 301 3o6 308 309 309 310 312 316 Card 10/14 Mac.-hine Elements SOV/3163 5. Design of bolted joints 3c'_~ 6. Determination of the height of a nut 329 7. Design o' f a bolt with eccentric load 331 8. Design of a bolt with shear forces 332 9. Method of relieving bolts and screws from shear forces 33- 10. Studded joints 334 11. Manufa,~turlng and constructional factors affecting bolt strength h: 12. Foundation bolts 338 I" . Design of a group-bolt joint 340 1.4. Translating screws 343 15. Clamped joints 352 16. Locking of threaded fasteners 353 17. DesIgn examples Ch. II. Cotter and Key Joints 367 1. Cotter joints 367 2. Key joints 3-1 3. Check ~~alculation for a key 376 Card 11/14 Machine Elements 4. Spline joint5 5. Pin joints Ch. III. Riveted Joints 1. The pv,,oess of making a joint 2. Types of rivets 3. Riveting methods 4. Classification of riveted joints 5. DesIgn of lap joints 6. Design of strong joints with two cover plates 7. Permanent rivet-type joints 8. Tight joints 9. Strong-and-leakproof joints 10~ Design examples Ch. IV. Welded Joints 1. Type3 of welded joints 2. Ditt welds 3. Fillet welds 4. Allowable stresses Card 12/14 SOV/3163 377 379 381 381 382 383 385 387 390 390 393 394 403 409 409 412 414 415 Machine Elements SOV/3163 PART FIVE. TOLERANCES AND FITS. COURSE DESIGN PROJECT Ch. I. Tolerances, Fits, and 1. Dimensions, fits, system 2. Degrees of accuracy 3. Limit gages 4. Surface roughness 5. Concept of interference Interchangeability 423 of tolerances 42~ 42", 428 42~) fits 43() Ch. H. Course Design Project 432 1. General remarks 432 2. Problem. The number of reductions in a speed reducer 433 3. Distribution of the total ratio among reductions 434 4. Efficiensy of a reducer, and horsepower rating of an electric motor 434 5. Speed and the power rate on shafts of a reducer 6. Determination of basic dimensions of a gearing 7. Design of shafts, selection of bearings, and the switch of the reducer 438 8. General view of the installation 441 9. Explanatory note 441 Card 13/14