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00000004 Ilk lei G* -W006006*44-4va.- V It b J* h All to 1' 11 % F. #A a :0 A! 00 00 0;1 00 *0 00 00 al" 00 .3 A MrIbW of INW614611" Of 11w "61"'bulk"k a' Cut' rml to Gas Filarbarp. (in Rtwskknj K M Prilkhrudel aml T. A. rItAIVL. 714411'"01 P"-"" 00 (Journal %,f T%whi%ical Physica), V. 17, Pvc. 11.10, 00 p. 1421 M10, Rakhal distributim of ckvtr%A1 concristrAtion ilk a p" dwharre emd slowt currerit denlAr, (liptrillu 6m on the ancde under diffemlit cond tions %vn' investicawl. R(.-mults are charted and surnmaravit re coo a** J V * I1q. ,73 A OIVALLL~,~*L "'T"Al"Of CLOSSYKA11CA *I,,- -T- it if P1 tj It 0 * 0 0 0 0000 0 060-6 00 0 0 o i;oo .00 zoo I U3 n I a Pw 0 Ago If 0 0 -milrd Imb it III of it #I to 11 ph If 11 is it t% of W-M , : 7 A,1111 AL a rA a, I if 0 00 At ::,a Effect of guests ferwitetwe in thie :113tums with "S. siuln and V rewaltanct elpto forwiters 00 It yield and winter 00 M. 1). PrikhYawr and 1. 1. I'll,. 00 S-5. R.) S. NI rf. ON 71 f jj%~'IQ I. Ck,,q, Zf*tr. 19W. 1, __S(,rf&rr tcT, -00 in tbe 'Pring with K and fiuprrph~pftafe gave 00 ontra4fif Ivry te%ul!�. Fall ttirtiliffetion sit 3 K and %fit"- phs~phatr witarat,-ly gave g(xvi temilts. K and P in. 800 fit 00 Icrori gave a greater inirteaw in Tield thwl file uIll of the Ill.--- M%e, (mi'd (-If va,b wparate Y. 11. V. Will It zoo coo go: a** 00 1.r a S 0 S L 4 *11ALL&ACKA% too 0,01 0-1 _rw 000 0000 0 0 a a O's a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 PEIKOV. Ivan.. Work of the circle in the school mushrorm beds. Biol i khlm 5 no. 2:52-53 163. 1. Uchil. "Ivan Rilski".. Varna. PEIKOV, IvLan_pinzh.; ITILOVSKi # Simeon., inzh. - -- DeAgn for the first submarged hydroelectric-power station in our country. Khidrotekh i me]-ior 7 nc,5:1',8-159 162, MIKOV, 'L'Van,, inzh. CoUecting of water from the Pasarel H-,droelectric Pcrrer PlAnt w meet the needs of Sofia,. llidrot,--kh i melior 8 no.1:30-31 163. PEIKOV I (a. Ignatiovo, Van enako) Preparing and cirrying out the lessons on natural science in the etical fie.',.d for the !ith grade. Biol i khim 4 no.2-37-39 62. FEIKOVq St., Inzh, Froduotion and application of mol7bdenum In the world and :Ln Bulgaria. Min delo 17 no.It,12-b3 JI 162. 1 I. Upravlenie "Tevetna metalurgiia i rudodobiv". PEIK(YVP St., inzh. Tho Mining and Ve-.allurgk. (,:)mbine of Bor, Yugoslavla. Hin delo 18 no.303-34 '63. 1. Komitet po promishlenoatta. PEIKOV St. inzh.; BOICHEV., At., inzh.; MEKHAIIDZHIEV, M., inzh, The froth method in dust elimination, end its applicatisn at t~P State Metal Works "G. Dimitrov.11. I-Tin ~elo 17 no,,4:36-39 Ap 162. 1. Upravlenie "Tevetna metalurgiia i rudodobiv" kum Kordteta po promishlennostta (for Poik-ov). 2. Otdel "Promishlen" pri Okruzheniia komitet ba Bulgarskata komunisticheska partiia, Vratsa (for Boichev). 3. Dt-R-T "G, Dim.1trovIl (for 1-Iekhandzhiev). PEIKOVI St., inzh. The work of the cinders electrofilters In the Georgi Damianov Copper Cmbine. Min delo 16 no.12:34-36 161. 1. Upravavlonie "Tovetna m-etallurgiia i rudodobiv' k= KF. (Copper industry and trade) I, I. Bcridze, G. and I'londso I wl,-oft Tnuly In-ta vino, aclnrstvvl i vinoclclyn I - (Alcad. muk Gruz. Mli) I V . V, 1949, p. 110-51, (in Goorginn, rcalu2o in Russian), Dibl', 8 items. SO: U-4630, 16 Sept. 53, (Letopis $Zhurml Inyl-Ji Stntey, No. 23, 191,9). PEILE, E. Publications of the Latvian AcadenV of Sciences. In Russian. p. 175. LATVIIAS PSH ZINA714U AKADVAIJA. VEMS. RIOA, IATVIA. No. 3, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions. (KEAI) LC., Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. PEILE, E. Publications of the Latvian AcadezW of Sciences Institutions,. Vestis Latv ak no.10:169-190 159. (EUI 9:10) (Latvia-Bibliography) (AcadeoW of Sciences of the Latvian S.S.R.) PEILE, E. Publications of the institutlons :)f the Li-ityian AcadezW of Szierices. Vestis Latv ak no.11:179-182 159. (ERAJ SI: 11 ) (Latvia-Bibliography) (Acaderg of Sciences of the Latvian S.S.R.) -,PEILX,l..--- .Mlleation - In' -6. of tim i stitilthl-OrAM-letvian Academy of Scleaces. Vestio I&tV A n-o.9:187-1191) 160. (UAI 1039) (Latvia-Sibliograp.'hy) (Acadeur of Sciences of the Latvian S.S.R.) YEILE, E.; SLUCKINA, fAcade%tciar !.rv,d-i Arvids Kalnins; ~dobibliot:rafl'a. hijlfl, 1,i-tVij!18 FSR Zi-- natnu Akad. 1,)64. 154 1'. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Latv! jus Akadomiju. FuMla-ii?rltlila b'Wiotf)ka. PEILEE, E. ............. --- Publications of the inatitutes of the Department of So~ial Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian S.S.R. Vestis Latv ak SSR no,,8tl49-151 162. PKILE, E. Publications of the institutes of the Departmetnt, of Biology arxi Medicine of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian S.S.R. Izv. M Latv. SSR no.5:151-153 Ib2. (?URA 16:7) (Bibliography-fliology) . PEILES E. Publicatl.=3 of the Acederty of wSciencos of the Latvian S.S.R. Ve8tia Latv ak no.ItI77-179 161. )II -.", N FEILE, E. Pablicationf; of the Department of Phys i cote chnical Sciences 41 A of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian S.S.R. Izv, AN Latv. SSR nc).IO:U5--128 163. (MIRA 17: 1' F~E R. Publicationa of the latvilm Academy of Sciences. Vestis Latv &I: ao.12: 183-185 '60. WAI 10: 9) (Iatvia-Bibliograpby) (Academy of Sciences of the Latvian S.S.R.) PEILE, E. Publications of the Departmnnt of Chamical and Riologicnl Sciences of tho Academy of' 3clonneim of Oin I,!it.vlt,.n Ixv. AN Tntv.SI)R no.9:133-135 163. (111RA 1602) - -PEILEV E. Publications Of the Department of Social Sciences of the Acadeny of sciences of thit Latvian S.S.R. Izv.hN Latv.SSR no.1:125-128 164. Publications of the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian S.S.R. Ibidol.,28-171 (MIRA 17:4) FEILE, E. Publications of the DeepartzEnt of Chemical and Biological S--Ienc4!.9 of the Academy of &Uences of the Latvian S.S.R. Izv.AN Lat-,.r.SSH no.2:117-119 164. (MDU 17:4) ,_FEILBP B. - - ftbl-teatiomw of the Acadezg_of Sciences of the Latvian SSR. Vestis Letv ak no.1:177-3.79 161. (Ew lC':q) (Latvia-Bibliogn.pby) (Academy of Sciences of the Latvian S.S.R.) BILE E. =1 NbUcatious of the AcjLdwV of Scimcee of the IatvUn S.S.R., Ustis laty ak no.6tl76-180 161. (Biblioffraphy) PEILE, E. Publications of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian S.S.R.. Vestis Latv ak no.12:141-143 161. PEILE, E. Publications of the Academv of Sciences of the Latvian S.S.R. Vestis laty ak no.1:153.-154 162. PuLawmi, z . Artificial nesting facilities for birds living partLy in tree holes. p. 40 CHRON,1Y AZYRUDE OJCZYS"fA. (Panstwowa Rada Ochrony PrzyrodyO Krakow. Vol- 15., no.1, Jan./Feb. 19511 Poland Monthly List of East European Index (L.EAI), LC., Vole 8p no* 61 June 1.959 Uncl. EXCERPTA ~EDICA Sec 8 Vol 12/6 Neurolo a, Juno 59 2614. EFFEC I'S OF STRONG LIGHT FLASHES OF S11011T DURATION ON IWMAN AND RABBIT RETINA A 'M) BRAIN STUDIED BY ELECTRO- I(ETINOGRAPHIC A%D ELECT ROL.NCEI'll XI-A-)GRAP111C METHODS (Rus- siantext) - l1eime r 1. A. - AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSIA 1958, 3/1 (52-61) Graphs 6 I115_s_._T---- Simultaneous ERG and EEG readings were taken from 15 hurnan subjects and 10 rabbits exposed to strong light flasheE of various (short) durations. Tile ERGs sh~)wed a remarkable difference from the usual tracings: after a latent period averaging 5 msec. there appeared first a deep negative a-wave and then the positive k-wave, followed :ilowly by the negative c .Wave an the after-potential C,. The ne-gative components a and cl were preserved when the flash was given against a biickground fif ill-imination already present. This is also the case xith adaptation. Both appear to be connected chiefly with tile activity of the cones, whereas the b component is due to activity of the rAs. The b component falls o ''f sh.,rply with adaptation of the eye and increases greatly in darkness. When the eye is illuminated with normal light. practically no ERG appears at first; when it does appear the negative components are seen first, followed by positive b-waves, which increase in logarithmic relationship to the time thathas elapsed since the flash. Brief illumination of high intensity causes a depression of !he a-waves of the EEG. These also show a short latent period and ot'.1ler changes differing only quantitatively from those produced by normal illumination. The changes in tile ERG last longer than those in the EEG. This points to a protective action against damage to the brain. It is worthy of note that all these phenomena were identical in the human and the animal subjects. Vor. Skramlik - Berlin (11. 8. 12) rv-T,I,AR, A. FTSCUC01 use (-,f the cavirm nystnin. p. 2W. VcI. 2, No. 11' "'0v. 1954 RUDY. Praha. SCURCE: East Lurepeen Accessicns List (FFAL), I,C, Vol. 5, No. 3, Varch 1(-56 ,I-~XUMQ% Khr.; PENEVA, X - Treatment of chroiie alcoholien with aponorphins and sodium hypovulfite. Suvren xed.p-Soflik no-7-8slIl-115 060. 1. Iz Gradeklia psikho-nevrologichen dispancer (Glaven lekar L.Kmatev) (ALCOHOLISM ther) (APONORPHINE ther) (SULFITES ther) PEIRF'k, I.- Aurel A. Babes (1886-1962). Stud. carcet. endocr. 13 no-3:4-,.-3-...'.!-/, ,62. (0131TUARE S) GOLIDFARB, D. M.;INIUMIS, L. A. V. ~ ~ Mechanism of action of bacterial toxins in the organism of sensitive and resistant. animals; role of environmental temperature on reproduction of botulism in frogs* Uchene sapski vtor. MDSkDV. med. Inst. Stalina. 1s217-222 1951. (CIML 21:3) 1. Assistant for Golldfarb. 2. Department of Microbiclogy (Head - Prof. V. D. Timakov. Corresponding Member AMS USSR). or- '4, L-flj. of C SO: 'Eastern Euror-ear. tlccessi n3 fij/ Category POUND/Solid State Mysics - Mechanical Properties of Crystals and E-9 Polycrystalline Compounds Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, Ho 2, 1957' No 3970 Author Dabowicki, Rikolaj; Sakwa, Waclaw; ?~~razrlk, Stefan Title Effect of Hardening on the Wchanical. and Structure of Pearlite Malleable Cast Iron Orrig Pub Przegl. adlewn., 1956, 6, No 4, 97-103 Abstract No abstract Card 00 4111041 11-00 111*07,1100 00; 7fom P"11.1 NUO Cc HU I A I 47R A 4~ a )) 1) A) a a 41 41 41 60 d 0 U AL.. 00 004 0* 00 0: 100 0 -00 0:1 00 Dotonskudes of the isola* compel,,"* of n dat *0 to pbefloya0golS, A, 1'. Vinor-doy And Jk-%~ IV6 pea. wad. its. 11".K.A.'~' SO. *$to fw,(1047~'Jn ro 0 00 j )_0i reTwAting fortarr VNI-12. (C.A. 3*' 1411111. 00 ~M thr 6M.n,ir jjw"j,n. 4 (1 jut t(. pbwoynIhek in ~00 J,w it.. %'. aml J*. fouml thst the intivAst, Adi, r* 0 C.aa *0 in the 4. -A liM PresA. frmn 0awulwA by photinynthmi- 00 ovrr thatof lfO Prepd. fMW ()ObtAim-4 by the elec-trolYtis -of alter vwicd from +2.0 to + 23v (av. +21.2) and roo 00.4 diderW sm,tly Irm the W both of 0 Irons air Od +7v) and from CG~ ad - +11.6v). Thus, during ht&6 0 Is libmird a* a Firtult of liO Atbydw- PbOtftynt 41V 0 prulkwi r!thvi thAn A% 4 t"ult of the redurwo of ON FrAtik CIOUtt roo C-00 ;00 *0 too S L s- b[TAILuvrKAL LITIMOURI CLOSIFKATION tio 0 C r - tjo* wag" Mailv^ woo .aw T-T;f- 40 It W 4400 A, It rM 0 a a I ilos - - ::0:::1,00, ;000"IO':::fiO:UO*":OOsOO& 0000000000000000010 : i 2 22, 0 0 0 0 00600000 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 ill w0 *be, 000 0 & 0 0 01 PEISERT, Eugonia The valuo of T-.mnck's to3t in differ&Atial diagnocia of bUlouj changes of unkmom etiology. Przogl. dorm. 1.9t1,54.8 162. 1. Z Kliniki Darmatologiczziej AM w Pozraniu Kierovadk- Vrof. dr A. StrasqrskI. (Pwuous) (DEILMATITIS HIRPETIFOR,15) r 11.11'j ;, ; ~* , , . Peisik, V. -ad 7orbeni.-a "A 3tuCi;r cf* ",-3 'u:3ccj neto:-:-- ters rl r 1. TYb-Y:-:71CIT, E. M., PEISIK, 4. 1. 2. U3,7 (600) 4. Latvian Depression - Geolo~y, Structural 7. Post Devonian tectionic riove,-ents ir. the region of the Latvian depression. Dokl. Ali' 3S&q 88Y 11o. 5, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, '-:ay -1953. Unclassified. : I, & A-& a a a -fi Mlt 1-10 1131: 11111: O I e w w a v I u d I I v r I 04"f61 * 90 j "F4 "A ww"dod rollAstion pyrite (Uiliftso)o IOLP.? J* Chmo todo Oiessow) 10830 ke, to 4"o-Varelot md sops scienovsk : mthods ror the treatmont of suoh pyrites are dineussed md oemparedo 0 a RA, Wooster Oo r Oqj see 00 a zoo 0 * coo slow SOS 00 z #0 .00 t to CD0K a it aman (cx 0000000 0 0 00 00000 9, & I I C~K Q.- AM 9 wL3n its 000:0*0000400000ooesso i.~2 ogogeogeo)ooo*eo* ooei0400*0000000000* 0o 0 0 00 0 toO 0 0 00 4b 00 00 00 00 00 0 a 00 00 AV m4 do AN * Uy lo IW A mom" U6 il in 14pwuwm whis ="4 As rm.~, ~h, a w Aiwa of $13; A., IM, IM). it* 90mi of kw of As t&, dia OdMI.L This WbA at a nbwbv a" an W-T~ ova mdwaubw 14 ism a W-ab"MIS won& ;,W= 16 xpd minswr. A= k (1) w" very ra Q In Al or lbe PS, =Away ah,m C= WIN an*mp is paw, Inwows Ow r" U40A '400 - **,a" O".Y. solo% 't (1). la Ow Va. a IN$ dwrAill"Wal 0" 1 No thM71.6m. As it Alre4lo, As. -I~69 obwend, 96) Ag baw bow Na^ slows rd, IN, "k we IM& to FOOR KAR AH Ag 'Gor wM Old do" 6WAYPAW-V Off"t of of It"- dpro4w emanumsts, end exacw of =Alm (if. wmba mom Tfhkbi AD I a By A. I N. on 00 !4 =APIb us k a amww k - w p As M& 0090% IIMMU4 01 I_ let hm to 6 Al mW Ail* i, a ------ -- so J is Ai i i 4 is il i 0 9 1 0 0 * 0' STEBER, Bela, dr. ; PEISZ,.,-,Iday cir. D--*agnosis and treatumant of congenital tuberculosis. Orv. hutil. 106 no.14:643-645 4 Ap T65 1. Orvosto,7abbkep,,.c Intezet, II. Gyer-,nekgvogyaszati Tansz6:. ST:M!'M, B.-. FLY";, Tda Diagnva!s end treatment, -~" --,nnata2 A -.' healed chies. Acta puediat. Ar-,qd. sc~. Hmg. 5 no.3091-.W) t64 I. Second ')aparizment of ilaediatr~~!a, -oslgradurtte NedinnI School, Wdape3t. PEITCHEVV P.; NIKTFOROV, N. Moot of glutamic acid and of some nth,~r drugs on the direct excitability of the skeletal muscle. Folia mod. (Plovdiv) 6 no.lt46-52 164 1. Institut do HELutes Etudes Medicales "I.P.Pavlov*, Plovdiv, Bulgarie, Chairs do Fharmacologie (Direoteun P.Peitchav, prof. agrege). 'ETTIII'E", 1.'. At home with a heavy-tonna7e lo-2omotive eni-ineer.p.216. (-,eleznicar. Frana. Vol. (, Dc. L, Aur-ust 19c~6.) I I of I-ast 'Huropean Accessions (EIW-) L", Vol. (, no. 7, July 1r-"7. ',ncl. SO: Ponthly LiS4 ALEXINSCHIP Al.; PEN, M. Fauna of lApidoptera in Moldavia and the region of Iasi. Pt* 7. Studii biol agr Iasi 13 no.1:69-78 162. 1, Membru al Comitetului de redactie, "Studii si cercetari stiintifice, Biologie si stiinte agricole"'- Filiala Iasi - (for Alexinschi). ALEXOSCHI , A.; LM~,j M.; FASSCOVICI, V.; FILIPE-SCU, C.; Ecologic and oystematic contributions, and the Hibernia DAr. genus distribution in 1~wmania. Studii biol aCr Iasi 11, no.1:69-83 103. MENEM RUWJTIA Gonoral kind Sp~,cjql Zoology. 1113(;Ots. Harraful Inso6ts and ,raohnids r .Tnoral Ptoblums. ,.bs Zourt Rek Zhur-Biol., 21, 1958, 96479. .kuthor : klexinschi, A.; PeL~,JH.; Fili--pescu, C. Inst : Not given. Title : The Biology of the Jestructive Butterfly Phalonia 2pilinana. Orig Pub: Nature (Romin), 1957, 9, No 6, 123-128. Abstraot: No abstraot. Card 1/1 1, Priu, 14; FILIPESCU) C.; Additions to th5 knovirledgc of the hioloZY and destraction of curcul~o Sciaphobus qIL!~ld,,s, Gyjj* P* 239 LUSGRARI 51,1INTIFICE. (Institutul Agronomic "Profesor Ion lonescu de La Brad," Iasi) Bucuresti) Rurriania, LC, vol. 8, no- 8, Lug. 1959 F F,onthlY list of East uroptan Accession- Uncl. PRIVE, A. V. The present problems of tectonics; in connection with the 2d Union Conference on Tectonics. Analele geol geogr 17 no.1:21-27 -Ta-Mr 163. ~ 11 J., PF,rn' J. Use of microelements in n. -. TI,7(1.-.,Cr~jCjd~SKAjA NAUKA; SEIZKCC~~' I LESNCYu KIIOZIASTVU. (Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademija. Eicloi,ijas zinatnu nodala) RiFa, Lat*ia, 3, 1957. Nonthly list of East Luropean Accessions (ET-kI), LC, Vol. 6, 110. 8, AuL-11st 1959. Uncla. PZM, J. Resolution of the Enlarged Conference of the A11-Union Coordination Comaission on Microelements in Rigap January 21-22, 1960. In Possian. Vestis Latv ak no.3:[Sup le nt]1-8 160. IM IW7) (Trace elownte) ~-~IVE ~-T~11 Util.ization of nicroelements in an important problem of the national econovy. In Russian. Veotis laty ak no,5:139-147 160. (EM 10:7) (Traeo elements) ~.. Let uf7 !:sti-ate the local i-A c1lover correi-tl:,-. P. 16. (I;AX,',JU LA71IO" - KC I,'-,iiC ~-,: .) L-itvia) Vol . 10, No. I , Jan. !Q~P 30: ll.'onthly Index of East 1~iiropcan Accc!ision 1,-' Vol- '7, 'lo. r" 1wp C C'U".1-T ~H'Z CArl, C)R- I fib'. T'IJI.J. . -,; U~ AUTH 0 IF 3T , T1'.L1 OR 1" . ?UB. A 3 9 TRi~ C T C 1, U: 1/4 Czechoslovakia B-12 RZKhia. , No. 21 19510, Nlo. 743?~ Peizker, j. t 1--ven T~e Distortion of Polarograpnic Curvef3 Caused ~)y Chmic Resistances : Chem Lisly, 52, No 9, 1699-1707 (1958) : The inclusion of two large ohmic resistances in, the polarographic measuring circuit causes a aiatortion of tn.? polarographic cLrves; a sini.- lar phenomenon is ooserved when the processes takinir p-'ace at the electrode surface cause an increase in the -ell reaistance. Distortions of the above typ; in curves in which tne current decreases with increasing negative potential have been explained bj the use of the Kauffmann in6l;a- bility criterion (W. Kauffmanti, Ann Physik, 2, 57 COU iT i~ r, C n 0 Z3 1 U V 'I 7t i a CATMORI AB3. JOUR. > ~o iO* 7~377 AZKhLL. 1`70- 21 1" 59, T 1 T L 0,:i I,~4 PUB. B32 T C T nhtj Lif polerograp1hic curves (IOCO)). .~i-h tj,,t! eurren", decreRelue increx-wir-.1'3 _,ve Y~Ote,~jjzj tlnj s~,,ow &harp ,ich :LO cur-, cs obtained for Deriodates in. or 11j2." ione in thiocya- s.-ilntions or nide sol%ltion3) can, ba modifted by the incLuS.-LOn ith d%sccn- ic rer,48tances to give curves w1 tinuous curront drops. Such curves ~jave a to timtt of polarographic maxlt.,,a 0, tile f~rbt type. I)i5colltinuouc current flow CAF10 2/4 AUTHOR: Peizkerl Josef CZECH/8-52-11-21/~O TITLE: Aiit~oia~t~lic Compensation of Errors which Occur Durin,-, Measurement of Polarographic Currents due to the Influence of a Metering Resistarice,(Automatick4 vyrovndv&nl' chyb. kterd vznikajl pri m6r5eni polaro- grafick~ch proudil vlivem m6Yicfho odporu) PERIODICAL: Chemicke" Listy. 19581 Vol 52, Nr 11, DP 2-169-217? + 1 plate (Czechaalovakia) ABSTRACT: In earlier work (Ref 1) the influence of 0ie resistance of the polarographic circuit on the results of polarographit, measurements was elucidated. The aim of this paper is to describe a method which parmftts elimination to a maximum extent of the distoi---.ion of the polarographic curves caused by the resist;.-oice a~nd by other properties of the polarographic meterinf~ circuit, whereby the author understands under the term "polarograpbic metering circuit" the sourco of -,he polarization. voltage, the instrument used for measuring the current @aid the polarographir, container vjiLh the two electro~-es. In adaition to resistances ill ~hu Cardl direct neighbourhood of che indicating elecurode, all CZECH/8-52-11-21/3C Automatic Compensatio.,. of Errors whic'a Cccur Duriri!-~ Me3s~~e--!-e:lt of Polarographic Currents due to the Influence of a MeterinLT Resistance the other parts of ~he polarographic CirCu4-t flay ,ISO contain unde,,;irahle resistances. Tho inst.-rumerits described in this paper are intended for uc3o in conjunction with 5-electrode long period polarographic analysers with a basic equivalent circuit as shown in Fig la. FiF; 2 shows an overall schematic circuit diagram of the 3-electrode polarographic anal,-Iser. Fig 4 shows Lhe circuit of the applied compenator. Fig 6 shows the full circuit diagram of the photo- compensator. Fig 7 shows the shape of the Li~ht marking used instead of a slot in the projection lamp. Fig 8 shows the circuit diagram of the applied tube voltmeter. It is claimed that the proposed circuit is simpler and yields more accurate results than potentiostats which have been described by various authors. Experimental results are ';iven and also information on the instrument itself and on results obtained in experimental Operation. Ca.rd2/3 A 3-electrod~- analyser (designed and patented by AUTHOR: Peizker, Josef CZECH/8-!)'2-11-28/30 TITLE: :~-ola-r-o-"g-,r-",a-p-DE,-W-ith a Now Device for Recording the lie Pola3;ographic Currents (Yolarograf s noqin zaflzen3-M na zaznem polarografickYch proud-d) PERIODICAL: Chemicke/ Listy, 1958t Vol 52t Nr llt pp 2195-2197 (fteebaslovakia) ABSTRACT: In earlier work (Ref 1) the influence was explained of the iNesistance of the polarographic circuit on the results of polarogra hic measurements and in another paper of this issue Up 2169-2177) an automatic compensator of polarographic currents was described which eliminates the errors caused by resistances and other properties of the polarographic metering circuit. Operational tests of such a compensator have shown that it is suitable for i6corporation, in a directional recording electronic polarograph which is capable of working with a very small reference electrode and a very high resistance in the polarographic circuit. In this brief paper the use of this compensator is described for improving the properties of the Cardl/2 pola'rograph of K. Ezr (Ref 3). It is stated in a card2/2 Iii- I C,~-Cc ho C R y AM,. JCUP. t RMin., Mo. 196o, No, AU CR I i~qj zke r , J DA r; t k-);, L.1 ont.-, o :' Pol ,t ro,,z raph i r C u rv v s Go tin a d nY Ohmic Re6istunces Colicetion Czec~,osic~v I~nem Commun, 24, A ?, 2 13 1 See ii3liftirr., 19Y4, No z~!, 743??. ')4 -7~ A ldi b lm l 1 i e or 9 W p peumr(b UL-. I L a471 M r, i d i i l d a WAS re uce m e Wave; nk n tbp,- proviso was - -.W~aut by diffusion. A.sulteLble ined-i iiz~ mm-w" NHs buffer sob. VU 34.5' - for 9 10-1107~M ~d on E 5 in Wh CC H OH ( 5 1b . t 0 I W j , ) bad a hial-vmvc pot~a~ (1) at -La v. Higher kboms.,.. 'Ollbed' Ilarl= (abo~v I~X.10-3M)bioujbt about It mu. I cda cbarwter %Yhkh teinded to disuirt I but did not interferi. with d0n. of Vie diffum cuireml; lmovided The pa- trmdal LilSectious on tle ltkppet plattan were subtracted., 1 11da 1 t - m - - - p ILI on. "d action *I va~ disum" wet b= . duta"a in San ~ 1 7Y , 'i b & d i e a on (1) of tirt-_ wo ladney &Tkcs . P p am, tht knumce of C_% was studied ~,T means 01 n A in W t k h d wi h bt urgs.suamne j r met mt o am o t j a y effect-i Times of rats wlikh have been prcvl- ow4y &xpowd Jor orcr 33-57 Its. a all.atm. am - of i dr xbowtd ftndu iffiffertnou I. C%fi . y ~ Compared With thaves or Untipc-sed aigmals. Increased I (aV. 19%) in The llvcm " an &Y. bwresse of 20% In the 3&m, The brgn showed an IohNt16n:d,1 of 27% ale- ADS e sciatk aye au InlWAtIon 01 13% V1 , . . xwh*spMc pmd,d W reactloa ci aWbac.41sal vM attloo acIds Ih fU blood, ~ B. Soutpk sad 2~ Mid)o. cmied out - wlb mum d mwhW blood &W blood bamples wbkh were win intstbated witit ajhxr2D-22hmitWr 3cd totbefallo s. tpb of amlao fingin (13 of the Incubs cMs (3) S - . * g p 1061 ms'sh6w 3dttr d vel m nt vdtb z 10 (11) IM a e e op sive colaft, lalki dle! thin Shm 0 s = t ma 0 f4 the Mormal no the ims ." of (2TZ,"= arma . w 1W%dAW. =min$, no Spots ~ "S gat MW )oatili* to Xyd"' Sutse . ad p enylaurdn'., (3) 16 some chromal, ! 4 xf1ef ~ e1.J1.ff with D . Lt. t* pp-n-d at il 1 do l 1 l c A aut mens at to 6 g and xlutam a t ut (in Utw ) M t he she of siptamik add (in bidimtosicag) d"mabw h l l ams. i 7ho I of the bloo3 scram probably ' i b h lfi a f y reml.wit CSa s ng 0 CW $HCSSH se r H a au sogwe o e w to t e , , lo V1 t r bbl out . ype. . i.11m of: swum: tboUbstgrami - ,S kl D &k Jbid dl by- tubow OraMdo.- Z. -C -13 lfid tm d1 19 ar . & o A oo .3 , Ih anas. of 105,~W. or IDW -jix ..~ ju e u iOnieverb an Inhibitory* elfecton cholineacuse of hunum saW pis serum 0.5 =J.). to tba ns%dtj %likyed, iCa Munp to those adw j huAtwy aect Vail Is tors scan SU 7 qp~Lnlltirx and ib. 1W b1i ..4" 14. , UAA E."CLUTA See.2 Vol-l' '7 Ju-1Y 5" lij I 2820. PEIZKER Z. Ustavu Hyg. Price a Chorob z Povolinf, Praha. Od,alvsc kyse6y trichlor v6 z plasrny DWIPIS of t richlo roacetic acid /rom plas?'7111 Pracovni Ukarstvi' (Praha) 1956, 8/1 (43-44) Graphs I Tables I It was found that the dialysti of trichloroacetic acid added to plasma is influenced not onir by the experimental technique but also by denaturation occurring during c cctrodialysis. Tile denaturation is different according to tile age of the plasma and perhaps also according to whether the plasma Is derived from a healthy or diseased animal. The addition of different salts to the plasma increases the dialysis of trichloroacctic acid from it. Manitius - Gda~sk CZECHOSLOVMA/Mysical Chemistry - Electrochwidatry B-12 Ab a Jo u r : Referat Zhur - Xhiniya, 11o 2, 1957, 3975 Author : Peizker Zdenek Title : WISF-og-rdplirc-Mehavior of Trichlorethr-nol OrIC, Pub : Pracovni leknr., 1956, 8, No 2, 115-116 Abstract : Trirthlorathanol (I) produces one polarographic diffusion wave; E.1 mid i, do not depend on pH in the interval p11 8-i1.4. At pH >"ll.4 the ij decreases anO. E~ becones nore negative. F.)r analytical purposes the 'backLxound utilized is amawda buffer solution pH 8-9-5 in a 50% water-ethanol nixti)re. In this solution Ej= -1.6 v /norivil caloinel electroac). At a concentr9tion of I % o-314 tje w., greater thrm 1 ve of I shows a r=inum whTch dioappcaro on cleercave of hoitji~ of Hg colwui or on ad- dition of gelatin. Ma(mitu~le of id corresponds to a two- electron irreversible process, which in the opinion of the author comists in splittino off of one chlorine atoij from I Card 1/1 215 PRIMER, Z. Use of N-ethylmaleizides for colorimetric deter-Jr-tion of anino acids. Coll Cz Chem 25 no.581514-1516 My 160. 1. Institut fur Arbeitshygiene und BeWokrankheiten, Prag. PEJA, BY. Morphologic observation in the region betwe n the Danube and the Drava. r,. 205. I Vol 3, No 3, 1955. FOLDRAM KOZIa-f&VfBK. GEOGRAPHICAL REVMi. Budapest, Hungary. So: Eastern European Acces-ion. Vol 5. No 4. April 1956 FZJAj GY02W)p drop NooeUth-dijaf) The Rakaca Valley Lake, Borood ozerle 6 no,,5:32-35 162. lo Kilian Gimn&zium igazgatoja; *Borsodi Szemle* szorkeszto bizottsagi tagja. FEJA, Gyozo, dr., a foldrajzi tudomanyok kandidatusa (Miskolc); Sandor Report on the work of the Miskolc Section. Foldr kozl 10 no.3:307-308 162. 1. Kosauth-dijas gimnaziumi igazgato; Magyar Foldrajzi Taraasag Hiskolci Oaztalya elnoke (for Peja). 2. Szakazerkeszto; Magyar Foldra,jzi Tarsa:gag Miokolci Oaztalya titkara (for Fisnyak). F':"JA G! . . Fonration and pr-2sent 7urfqce of tre Bukk :,o---nta, ns. V. I - 0. - TA-'IDAIC". (Tarsakinlom- es T 13:-.cret't~r"--3szto I I a ln t ) -1-1 - j Budapest. Vol. 113, rio. , , AL,:,. 1 51, SCURC7~: East --urope-in Acce.3 :inns Li:3t ("-` U) , LiLrary of Conare.~, I Vol. 5, ic. 6, June lc,~, PF.JA, Gyozo, dr., kaulidatus, Koesuth-dijas How did the mountain lILke at Arlo originate7 Borsod s,,,emle 6 no.2:36-38 162. 1. Ki-lian Gyorgy gimnazium igazgatoja, Miskolc; "Borsod-i Szemle" szerkeszto bizottsagi t.agja. FEJA, GY. Region of Ozd; the human being as a gemorphologic faAor, p. LWO Vol. 114. no. 7. July 1955 TERI,T.S-/ET ES TARSADALADM Budapest Source: Monthly list of East European Access"ons, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3. I-larch 1956 . dr., egyotemi tanar,- Bela. SZFJMLY.. Andras# dr., ogyetemi jLdjunktus; BUILA. MAXR, Jeno.. dr.; KOCH, Fereno, drop ogyotomi tansLrj TOTH., Aural.. kozepiskolai tanar; KAM, Leona, tanozeivrezeto, tamar; DUDAR, Tibor; RADO, Sandory egyatemi tanary a foldrNztudommyok doktora; DEZSENY1, Janos, dr.; KARLDCAI, Janos, dr.; LANGpASandor,, dr... egyotemi docenso a foldrajztudomany,:)k kandidatusa (Szeged)l XORFAS, Emilp dr., ogyeteni docons, a foldrajztudomanyok km1dIARtusa (Szeged); PENZES, Istvan, dr. (Szeged); KOLTA, Janosp dr.; SZABO, Pal Zoltanp dr.p foldrajzi t-udomanyok kandidatusa; PINCZES, Zoltan, dr.; WAR, Laszlo, dr.; FRISNYAK, Sandor; FWA, Gyozo, drop foldrajztudomanyok kandidatusa Reports on the work of the Divisions and country sections at the 82d general assembly of the Hungarian Goographical. Society. Foldr kozl-8 no.3:323-.V6 160. 1. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag valasztmanyi tagja (for Szekely, Toth$, Xa2ar, Karlocai, Lang, Korpas., Kolta,, Szabo, Pinezes, Peja). 2. 14agyar Foldrajzi Tarsanag tarselnoke (for Bulla, Koch and Rado). 3* OFoldrajzi Kozlemenyek" szerkeozto bizottsagi tagja (for Koch and Rado). 4. Magyar Tudomanyos Akadamia levelezo tagja (for Bulla). 5. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsaseg Termeazeti Foldrajzi Szakosztaly elnoke (for Bulla). (Continued on next card) SZMLY, Andram-(continued) Card 2. 6. Magyar Foldrajzi Tar;s!asag Termeszeti Foldrajzi Szakoszt&ly titkara (for Szekely). 7. Magyar Foldrajzi TarsaBag Gazdasagi Foldrajzi Szakosztaly elwke (for Koch). 8. Magyar Foldrajzi Tareasag Gazdasagi Foldrajzi Szakosztaly tit,kara (for Major). 9. Ma&ar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Oktatasmod.azertani Szakosztaly elnoke,, es Xozponti Pedagogus Tovabbkepzo Intezet (for Major). 10. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Oktatasmodazertani Szakoaztaly titkara, es szakfelugyalo (for Toth). 1L Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Terkepeezeti Szakoaztaly elnoke (for Rado). 12. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Terkepeszeti Szakoaztaly elnoke (for Rado). 13. Magyar Foldrajzi Tareasat TermeszetJaro Csoport (for Dezsenyi and Karlocai). ll#. Vallalati JWanacsoo (for Karlocai). 15. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Szegali Osztalya elnoke (for lang and Korpas). 16. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Szegedi Osztalya Utkaft (for Penzes). 17. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Del-Dunantuli Osztalya e1noke, es tudomanyos intezeti igazgato, Pecs (for Szabo). 18. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Del-Dunantuli Osztalya titkara, es tudomanycG munkatars, Pecs (for Kolta). (Continued on next care,) SZEIRLY, Andras-(continued) Card 3. 19. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag TissAntul-i ovzteLlya e1noke (for lEadar). 20. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Tiazantuli Osztalya titkara (for Pinozes). 21. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Miskolei Oaztalya Elnoke, es Kossuth-fdijas gimnazimai igazgato (for Peja). 22. Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag Miskolei Osztalya titkara (for Frisnyak). PF-JA .jr., kandidatus, Kossat ,_Gyqzo h.dija:s girmaziumi igazgato -- (Mi-skolc-D:Losg),,o.-) Mlsk-olc, the geographical center of the Borsod-Zemplen ree4ons. Term tud kozl E, My *,62. PEJAY-GRBA(;, o. On a focus of malignant diphtberia in Moslavina. Rigijena 12- no.l: 83-90 160. (DIPHTHERIA epidemiol) I I .,! .11 1, OPRIJAN, Milanko, prof, dral PEJAKOVIC, &Milo# doos drs Principloo for the olassifloatim of injuries. Mod. glat. 19 no.405-87 Ap-W 1 65. 1. Institut %a sudsku medicinu Hadicinakog fakulteta u Deograft (Upravniki prof. dr. Ja Bogioevia)s ov:m ir. PJ Tj T I t. PETROVSKI, Stevan; DJORDJEVIG, Jovan; -FZJAKG71C-,-.-SqrnJl0 Iaonicotinic acid hydrazide poisoning in a child and under experimental conditions. Tuberkuloza 15 no.1:85-88 Ja-Mr 163. 1. Pedijab-iska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta, Beograd - Upravnik: prof. dr B. Tasovac Specijalna decja bolnica -sa tuberkulozu i bolesti pluca *Dedinje". Beograd - Upravnik: dr J. Djordjevic Institut za studsku medicinu Medicinskog fakulteta, Beograd - Upravnik: prof. dr J. Bo i vi c. (TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDHOODI ce (ISONIAZID TOXICOLOGY) MORDPIC, Ruoozir; P&TAKOVIC, Smailo A fatal cave of ruptured ansmy. of the inferior tbyroid artery during gastric initmfttlon. Srpeki arh. celok. lek. 90 no.6,.647-651 A 162. 1. Institut za subsiu rgedicinu Yedicinskog fakulteta. Univemi- teta u Beogradu Upravnikl. prof. dr. Julijana Bogicevic. (ANEURYSM) (THYROID GLAND) (STOWH) PEJAKOVIC, Samuilo, [)r; *11!,''l0,j*j(,_" ()J -~T CLlubica, Dr; and TODOW"VIC, 'De~,irtm-enr of-ForZnsic medicilic of Faculty (InSLiLUL z... suill"mu medicinu 'Medicinskog fakulLeLa) Ileaj (Upravnik) Prof Dr J. N~CICEvIC; Bcl~;rade. "Sudden Death Caused by EbSLein AnOMaly of Tricuspid Valve." Belgrade, '~.Iedicinski Glasnik, Vol 17, ,o 6-7, Jun-Jul 63; [p 262-263. Ab.s_L.r_a_ct 'French sLmunary modi.-icd' : Report of sudden deaLh of 26-year-old woman wich Ebscein syndrone. She had had cardiovascular cOmFlain~_-s for a long time but was never proFerly examined or diagnosed and could do light work. Eventually the myocardium was unable to bear the Strain. Forensic discussion. Two Yugoslav and 6 Western references. FWAKOVIC, Samuilo; MIRKOVIC, Aleksandar JCXANCVIC, Dcbrivoje, drj PEJAKOVIC, Samilo, dr Alcoholism and its development in children. Med.glasn. 14 n->.7/8: 368-372 Jl-Ag 160. 1. Institut za sudsku medicinu Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu (Upravniks prof. dr J.Bogicevic) (ALCOHOLISM in inf & child) DORDEVIC, bismir, doe. dr; PEJAKOVIC, Samuilo, dr Report of an unusual case of suicide. Med glasn. 14 no.9:447-449 s 6o. 1. Institut za sudsku medicinu Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu (Upravni.k: Prof. dr J.Bogicevic) (SUICIDE) FZJAKOVIC, Samuilo, dr.; STUPAR, Petar Parathion used as an abortive mibstance. Mod. glasn. 15 no.7/8: 351-352 JI-Ag 161. 1. Institut za sudsku medicinu Medicinskog fakulteta, u Beogradu (Upravnik., prof.. dr J. Bogicevic). 2. Hem. (for Stupar). (PARATHION toxicol) (ABORTION CRIMINAL) PEJ.Q'OVIG . Vaso r. ~" June 1963. Bull seismique 21-25 je 163 1. Seizmoloska stanica, Titograd, R. Durica 2. Directeur de la Station Seismologique, TitogrLd. FLJANOVIC, Vaso The monthly seismic bulletin; December 1962. Bull seitnique; 6"3 D 162. 1. Direktar Seismoloske stanice (Titograd., R. Burica 2). PEJAIIOVIC , 2%o - -f.MA-41 %.nthly seismic balletin; March 1963. BLdl selamiquei 8-13 Hr'63. 1. Directeur de la Station Seismologique, Titograd. PEJAh'MC, Vaso "M ~ Monthly seismic bulletin; April 1963. Bull seismique:13-17 Ap163. 1. Directeur de la Station Saismologique, Titograd. FUABOVIC, Vaao The monthly seiomic bulletin; October 1962. Bull selamique 55-57 0 P62o 1. Direktor Seismoloske stanice (Titograd,, R. Burica 2),, PEJAKOVIC,-.Vaso- May 1963. Bull seismique 18-21 My 163. 1. Seismoloska stanica, Titograd, R. Burica 2. Directeur de la Station Seismologique, Titograd. PF.TCEVP F.; BOJADZIE-V, S.; MIAROVSKI, T. The influe-rice of ra~ai lelly c~r, the c,-un5t, of radintiGn sl~;k- ne!is in white rali.s. Folia med. (FLovJ'a-.,) '7 no.1.169-73 165 1. Institut de Hautes a,--Ide3 Med,~-ales "I.P.Pavl,,v79' F'lo-%r- div. Bulgarip, Chaire de Pharma--ologie (Dire,-3to-aur: P. Pejeev, prof. agrr4g,-); Chalre d'Organisation des Senrices Medicaux (Directuar., T. Zahariev, prof. agrege); Chairg de Roent.-genologie (DIrecteurz prof. K. Viahov). ;re3sure of co)iesiv^ soil on rettinin,,* w2lls. p. V "'anisterst'!o stave'-Init-tvi) I'rriha. Vo 4, no. 5, :ay l' -)56. E C -: '!~a.-it European Ac~cs-i-m3 List, Val. ~., no. 9, Septnnber 1956 FERVAL, F. Metal spraying b.-.- the electric-arc method. p. 168. (Stroiirenska Vyro~a. Praha. ','ol. r, no. It, Apr. 19F7.) SO: Yonthly List of Last European Accessions (F-EAL) LC., Vol 6, no. 7, July 10c~7. Lnel. FEjGHUTA), Zdenek, inz. Effect of the deviaticns on the stress of pressur 151-153. Ap 162. fro:-. crcss secticn circularit-. pipes. Inz stavibi 10 n0-4; 1. I~jdroprojekt, Praha. :zt PERHOTA, Zdonek, inz. . ~~v ~ influ"-nce of the livn load cm transverse stress of thin-walled pipelines embodded In the wirth. Inzz stavby 12 no.90(f)401 5 164. 1. Hydroprojekt, Frague. *~'?-JCHC,1T1-. , 2~dsnek 'r ., . v. iaying of largEi-cection V~,qmlnll ,,*' ralnfnr:-E-(l Vo6ni hosp IL I c,,,. . CERMAK, Zdenek, inz.; PFIX110TA, Zdanek, inz. Increasing the bearing capacity of pipelines embedded !n t19 ' b,,, a compressible insertion piece. Inz stavby 12 no. 3 I.Ir 164. 1. Research Institute of Civil Engineering Construction. RratI4- lava (for Cermak). 2. Hydroprojekt, Prague (for Pejcho~a). -Vi, z- 014 0.1 tit 17 it, of io 1 '41 T1111111 ell- oil, 6r, V-3 T 44. UM Of Mixed with is w~ :-Ahe--~LVO and: iWrct!-~ but Mrnt 'Spots!and is expeTisive. DL r~a (petroleum, tar, rii Cral juIxt.) p~xArty adht-ive, r Al D pm~vtd ef!wLive th, I(luantity Iva s efficient but hzi d law ndbe~lycne---~ RumeFan' Oois pvt -effective cwit-,11. Thc adbL;Jvr-ivt-.& d--rens--d he- "low 24)~' cone. Dinr,?.an prt,,.,f;l to b--- tne b~11, exer;h1if o" 11;L;.1.`es, adho5wr, alh! Col"fl::g Ct C'W ~~t:r5 lit 61 kwej. y -1 7C, The rmukitni L-f 10,it 1!-, 'ji Duril D-rd N, 'T lintrolninn, ~-') - - T 11 -w -A 3"o of f of Krctozan, or 15" of pttrol, m, I &',!', rA Duria In Klenzaq gavp NX)" eelArol wA it-nwast--aind a higher de~ RTM FEJ.CINOTIC~_ 1, The articlc "One Opinion about Improvement of Material Cperations." P. 517. VAZI)IRCITOVNI GLASND,~.. (Jugoslovensko ratno vazduhoplovstvc) Zemun, Tuioslava. Vol. 11, no. 4, July/Aug. 1955 Flonthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LCO Vol. V. no. 9, Sept. 1959. Uncl.