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16o 0 C The Decay of Tb and 11 and thc, Lfvc-.L ','ch( Df Dy of th~'J~-linoo in thc. f3pectrum of -ire the range of +207o in aCreement with thoo-C -f 5 and L The Teasur,~ments of t~-,e converei~, that the sc~ft cc,:~-~.nent is tw"P as iveak as -h;-- %ar! The multii~licity of theje trancitions and between the int~noities of must exist.. - Radiuactivc Ho 16() was cb'~a'.red of a tantalun. tarj-,et with ~)ro~ons with ar. ene-E7y --f ~r 660 MeV. The erbium. and huimiam fra-tionE, were-, t,:' C,ra~h.icaily separated fro--., ~hc tar(-,~ in spectrum all c-nversiun 1.-nes of HC h"" obtained in refere-ice 8 were also ronf~rr.e-! ~,&: a-i new ones disoovered. It -is shown that th~- Iran.:' t - c,,~ s the upper levels are 1),ri,-,itted ones, Tho sr.-~al, ~z. b e rf 1; u s i t r a n s ( v n e ;; u s i t r c, n ) 1) e r d e c ay i o e.~; I ~ ~ ! ~' -,- *~ !f that at tha low decay-energy the K-capture iz, .nc~, When the decay to two urper levels is K/,~' can b(: determined according to th& tabl,%S by zwelfe- (ref. '0), The values 5400 and 400 thi~,s ubt~i,nel a~-- ~-r~ h~ ch . ccnse-juently a considerable rart of 1 10 Ca.rd 2/5 of 110 () m-i5t take place by way of K-ca, tur~~ 1 n t. 10() 160 The Decay of Tb and 11 c-rid tl~e- ~;chf-nc' Of IJj- second short chapter the deterrainLtion 3f t~;e ] ul t plicity of trLnsitions is s.~own and its are in the form of a table. - In the third tho 160_ -wn ("o of the Dy levels is treated. A level scl w of Dy was here cr,--ipiled ~-,-ith the use of all e;-,perizmerital data. theoretical considerations and the analo(.,,y with the neiChboring nuclei. This scheme in the best uiara,or curreslonds to all data. All arCwnents confirmint; thi3 scheme are Given here and all facts contradicting this scheme or facts whioh ccrinot be cyplairied are en.ijeraTed. There are 8 fi,-u-res, 12 tables, and 19 referen-leS. e cf which are Soviet. ASjOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut Lenin,%radskuGo r, universiteta ii.. A. A. Zhdanov,-:L (I.'Istitul-' for in the Le;Lingrad Jtate University imeni A. AVAILADLE: Library of Con,-re3s Card 3/3 1. Terbium-Decay 2. Terbium isotopes (Radiotctive) AUTHORt Peker, L. K 22- 2 1 ~/l 7 TITLF,j On the Decay Scnemes of Some Odd Odd Deformed Iluclei (0 skhemakh raspada nekotorykh nechetro-nechetnykh deformirovarir_~,kh yader) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSESeriya Fizicheskaja, Vol. 22, Nr 2, pp. 216 - 227 (USSR) ABST11AM In this paper At was attempted to construct the level schemes of some odd-ode nuclei on the basis of the existinG experi- mental data on the pl.. and r. spectra and to coordinate them with the respect-1ve theoretizal conceptions. Ir thc, ~hapterzz The level scheme of , .2d154 the decay scheme accordin,3 to __V 4 Z-9 0- Stephens is referred to which is cons-idered to be tio conpli- cated. Simplifications af this scheme are proposed hern. Pro- ceeding from thi.? exampte i'~ stated here that the val~,,es K - 0 and K - 2 can be ohosen if at least the multipolLir order of one of the four I( -IineeR 1005.4; Q196,61 875,7 and 757,36 keV Is known, beoause I n the cage of K - 0' they are all of type E !, or. if K - 2 they refer to the type E 2- Card 1/.5 The paper contains a tabie with the theoretical &!-,J experi- 48-22-2-1-',/17 On the Decay Schemes of Some Odd-Odd Deformed Nuclei mental data on the ratj,:,q . whi ch are combined t _^ a.,. in ter. 31 ty enerGy of the transitions. In the chapteri The level scheme of G d 5 6 it is referred to the respective 64 :~92 data in I-Now Ta~loar Data" ( 1957 ) which ~ hovloviir , are r- sidered to be 1,ic.omplete. 'I'liorefore in tniB paper the con- struction of -a bc~eme or. the basis of the theoretical con- ceptions on tne pvjperties 3f the levels of the deformed odd-odd nwlei is proposed, In the chapcer~ The level schemE! of Er 169 reference is made to the data 68 ,00 1 6o on the d e c, aw aper-trLim ..f' T.~ (Ref 17) and At izi otatud here wit'i respe--t t-D Er 168 that in thx9 case r lines are abstint, which may ht? lritprpretad as 71-transitions from the high level of t!ip type 2t or 1. Vierefure the assumption is made here that 3uci; a level is missing up to the iuitation energ,- Lind theref~)rfj t),e vibration level 2_~ Jn By., 8 A u a t 1) 1-, somewhat higher. In the chapters The level scherie-of 7 V1184 it is 9tated that 'rhe excitation ID 184 Card 2/ 5 -T-ese _7_e v-e T-s'- t ak e ~t p) a-'c"o i n the g, - d e:! ay o f of t -,13" &.1 A. 0 On the Decay Schemes of Some Odd-Odd Deformed Nuclei 4i: - 24"-2-1 ~/l 7 and in the G-decay of 7,Rel84. For the purpose of a clearer ell determination or these 16 slRere data are the 184 and the 7'-spect lgiven or. -lines of Ta rum of Re 4 and it is stated that 17134,,- must have the +energy of 1 10 keV, and that the second rotation level 4 must have the ener.-Y 360 keV and 'hat "apparentlV' the --linc 240 keV -iust cor- respond to the transition 4 --* 24. Por the deter:.-,ina tion of other ii -lines the levelss 1000, 1190, 1295, 1455 and 1500 keV are introd4ced. In the chapter: The level schem 1186 the analocy with Cs 181~ wit'n the e o 74 112 same number of neutrons is used, and the suppositi~':~ is made that in W 186 the level 730 keV exists, which is cornected by the transitions 730 and 610 keV with the levela G+ and 2 + (K _04 ). For a clear determination of the re-vAnin, lines the levels 930, 1030 and 1440 keV are used. --'he i.c3iti,~,n f t!-.e Card 3/5 line 1150 keV is here considered to be not clear. In the On t!ie Decay Schemes of SuLtz Odd-Odd Defor-.1ed lluclei P 23 chapteri The level sche,_-.e 01 0~~U ~',ese levels are traced - 140 "' I I i back to the f,-decay of Pa'~)-, the F_ -Jecay 17""' a~- 4 'he 236. n of V-e sche:je for U232 is .4 -decay of Pu onstructi, .1 arLlojuous to that (if '2 h (Ref J) Pu "Her 1 ~he T.-lines 589 and 455 keV corresponl to the rotation levels (K-O-); 436 (1-') and 502 kcV (3-). The levels 868 and 943 1:0V (if they exist) can be related to K=O. "he values of K/L for the lines 668 and 021 keV Lire not contradictory to the multipole order E 2. In the chaptert The level schene of PU 240 these levels are put into rela- 04 12_6 244. -e assumed that tion. with the (X-decay of Cm It is her the level of Pu 240 of 600 keV represents the vibration level with V-0. TLe ~.-decay of the isomeric state of Np240 is accompanied by ^r -lines 1400, 900 and 560 keV and the E -de- cay in Am 240 by 1400, 1020, 920, a,8,9 and 42,97 ~~Refs 26, 27). Card 4/5 In order to place these lines correctly the analogy with On the Decay Schemes oil Some Odd-Odd Deformed Nuclei J ~' 1/1 7 PU 240 was used tojether with the assumptioi, a vi~ratiori level 01 940 kcV and the levels 1020, 1060 haV (band with K=24.) with spins 2+ and 3+ exist. As a conclusior, tables of results and their explanation are -iven. Theve are 8 fi.-rures, 5 tables, and 29 references, 7 of 'ahic~) arp Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Biblioteka All SSSR (Library AS USSR) AVAILABIZi Library of Congress 1. Nuclei (Deformation)-Beta spectra 2. Nuclei (Deformation)- Glamma spectra Card 5/5 4C-2?-2-17/17 AUTHOR: Peker, L. K. TITLEt On the Peculiarities of Nuclei With Small Def,)rmation Para- meters. The Properties of 00190 (Ob osobenn~Dstyakh yader 76 114 a malymi parametrami deformatsii. Svoystva On 190 76 114 PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seri a Fizicheo