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Electrolumines cent PhosphorD Based on SuInnides and Selanides OOV/51-6-5-11~~/,34 amounts of ZnSe aro due to shallowness cf the local levels produced by selenium. There are 5 figures, 2 tables and 7 references, 6 of which are ioviet, 2 hnglisn and 2 Datch. SUBIZMED- Juno 9, 1959 Card 4/4 FEKERMAN, F.M.; F--~TOSNINAt L,N. Luminous efficiency of electroluminemeent condensers. Opt. t spektr. 16 no.31496-500 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) 33 -00 AU THORS Karankin, O.N., roker-nan, F...,. and Petoshina, L.11, TITLE: Electroluminescence of ZnS-Cu-Mn Phosphors in a 3onst!int Field FERIODIGtL; Optica I spok-troskopiya, 195~), Val 7, No 6. pp 776 77~, (U'~~SHJ ABSTRACT: Application of a constant (d.c~) electric field usually producer only a momentary fla6h. The authors found, however, that phosphors of Zn-S-Cu-Mn type prepared as described balcA exhibit strong electrolwaineseenco in a constant field, There phosphors were orecared (with Cu from 0.05 to 0-3'1'~O and Lin from 0 to 3.0~~) In Fin atnosphere of H23 + HC1, fc1lowing; the authors' technique described earlier (Ref They were placed in a liquid dielectric (castor oil) b.n6 tasted toth in d c. and a, c. fields (the latter were of audio frequency) . Tno phosphors lumines cad bri. ghtly in a. c . f iolds , the s amnles wi th 0, 2,,~ and 0.5-1.011. Mi exhibiting the strongest emission. DeipendinE on tho amounts of Ou and Lin, pho~rhors witli one, two an~ three emission !,~~ .,'~ could be obtained (Fif; 1). At least 0 l'170Mn %ra.~; required to prod,.:.? electroluminescence iii 1,c. fields - The intensity of d,c- 1,ami ne- con c r rose Increase of the amount of Cu aTY] Lin up to a certain opti:.~--um value. -he eviission ciccurred only in the 14n band (Fii; 2). Thes 6 ctird 1/3 observations show th-it the two conditions for d c. eloctroluninss,-once of ZnS phosphors are (A, the .-.)rcsen,:e of '-Ln and (!~) the :Drasonro C-.- 41- 67156 Slactroluminescenco r.f ZnS-ou-!&n Phosphors in a Can4;tant Field Cu as GuZS, the latter raising the conductivity of thc phosphor very considerably (Fig 4, Table 1). On application of a d.'c. field the luminescence intensity did not rawain constant. The J;ime decandencej Of the d.c. luminescence was affected by the amounts of Cu and i1n. For example Fir, 3 shows the time dependences of Zm'3-Gu-Mn phosphors with 2 ~'. Lin and various aniounts of Cu frow 0.1 to 0,3%. The latter figure shows that at low concentrationa of Cu (curve 1) the intensity bogins to fall immediately after application of the d.c. field, When larger amo,,znt4 -)f C-u are present the intensity firat risos rapidly and then falls at a lower rate (curves 2 taA 3), In some cfxsej the rise may last tons of minutes; the duration of the rise dapands on the coneAtions of' prapuratio:~. The eventual fall of the d,r;. luminescence intenaity I.a due to polarization procasswi which reduce the internal acce".eratinE fioli. The authors carried out also the followinS ex 'Deriment, An a.c. field iTis first applied to u phosphor and its emission intunaity was deter--nineJ, This field wan switch*d off and 2-3 min later a d.c. J'ield WaE applle~l Then the d.o. field was raijoved, the a~c. field of tho orijinal amplitude was again uied and the eloctroluminescence :Lntensity was measured. It was fouad that this troatuent raised tho Intensity by up Card 2/3 to three timas~ This intensification of luminescanco wa,,; fou:!-) tc, A/ PEKERMAN F M i KC:ZLOVA, N.A.; HTOSHINA, L.N.; KAZANXIN, O.N. Investigating the s*.atility of electroluminophors. [Trudy] GlFKH1 no.51:40--52 164. (1141RA 18: 5) PETOSHINA, L.N.; M,ERMAN,,!,~L Investigating the luminescence of electi,clun~inescent cmdense:-s. [Trudy) GIFKH no.51t66-74 I(x+. (Ml RA 18 1 5) KOLPAKOVA, A.A.; PEKERMANL_F.14. Luminophors with a silicate base and radiaticn In the ultra-vf!~2,!t band of the spectrim. [Trudy] G1PXH no.5108-96 t 61.. (MMA 18!~) PANKRATOV, V.. podpnIkovnik v papase; PNI:LWWI, I., pDdpolkovnik v zaixctso. InTiortal feats. Toen. zmn. 3i no. 12:6-7 D 157. (MM 11:1) (World liar. 1939-1945--P-3reonal narrati739) IPEKERW4. 14. We are improving the structure of industrial management. Vior.11"lot 21 no.5s27-26 My 061. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Glavnyy inzh. zavoda imeni Desyatoy godovshchiny Oktyabr'skoy revolyutsii. (Ships-Maintenance and repair) (Industrial management) IMAROY.L.; Inzhener; MOSCIRIN,B. Inshener; Satisfactory lighting in dock, under flot 15 n0-7:25-26 JI '55. (Docks) (Electric lighting) PWJIMN,M. Inshoner z 4-1' " t~' a ship In repair. Nor. (NLRA 8:9) PFIM,IAN, M. Calsso-n gates for river ships. Rech. transp. 24 no.11:22-23 165. (!,,J,U 19: 1' 1. Glavuyy konstruktor Astrakhansicogo tsentrallnogo lconstruktorskogo byuro Ministerstva rechnogo flota RSFSR. PEEEIRMAN, M., konstruRtor ......=. .... I- New caisson-dock. Rech. transp. 20 no.8:46 Ag '(1. (MIRA 14: 10) 1. Astrakhanskoye TSentral'noye konstruktorskoye byuro Ministerstva rechnopo flota. (Docks) (Ships--Maintenance and repair) ACC NRt AP6037039 SOURCE CODE: UR/03l0/()6/0uw ~,j~)47/'JU47 AbTHOR: Pekerman, M. (Chief designer) ORG; Astra'-'.an Ts0 (A3trakhanGkoye TGKB) TIT'_E: A shell-type ship design SOUI'%CE: Rechnoy transport, no. 11, 1966, 47 TOKC TAGS: shipbuilding eng-.neering, ririne engincering, cargo !,hi;' ABSTRACT: An e)perimental shcll-type shi? for shoal-water river _'cr',':'cV is describe For the design, Author Certificate No. 178697 hzs been issued to A. P. 7sololo and V. L. Etiu from the Astr6han Central Design Bureau. Tine ship's -."in character- istics; and details of hull struc-,ures, framing, cargo capacity, and prop'Asion are given, and a structural midship 6ection is shown. Orig. art. has: I figure.. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none UD-^: 629.124.7 P13MMO. M.Ta.,klinicheakiy ordinator. ftda~~ A C&gg of systemic calcification of the lypphatlo nodes. Test. rent. t red. no.6:88-89 N-D '55. (KLRA 9:4) 1. Is Voronezhokogo rentgano-radiologichookogo i onkologichookogo instituta. (dir.-kandidat moditsinskikh nauk M.P. Abakumov) (LYMPH NOUS. die. calcification. clin. aspects) (CAWIFICATION lymph nodes. olin. aspects) PEU.',RMAN, M.Ya. X-ray examinatlon of the rotor funcl-lon of the gall'bliddler in sc~_-e diseases of the stomach anj duoderrum in the preopera'~,Ave and ~,- early postoperative periods of gastric resection. Ve~it. rent. i rad. 39 no.5:40-44 .13-0 I(V+. (mlw, 1R: 3) 1. Rentgenovskoye otdelenlye (zav. ',I.Ya. flekernan) 531rorodslioy oblastnoy ballnitsy. . irZb. FEIUMMK*-&Z. ?auk vessel for offshore refuelling of la4achas and wtwboat-s. Sudostroenie 29 no.205-46 F 163. OCTA 16t2) (Tw* vmsels) jp~~, S.M. - Appearance and disappearance of DCG And of complement fiXing Anti- bodies in monkeys following va,3aination and revaccination. Probl. tub. no.4:19-23 JI-Ag 153. (MLHA 6:11) 1. Is laboratorii inf*ktBiOnnOy pAtOlOgii Nediko-biologichoskoy stan- tail (direktor 6 doktor meditsinskikh nauk G.Tu.Malls) Akademii medi- teinskikb nauk SSSR, (BOG) (Antigone and antibodies) PEKEM.IAN, S. M. "Outbreal: of Pasterellesis in Capuchin Monkeys" a report prepared at Sukhurai Medico-B:-ological Station, AMS USSR, lc~,54. So: Rev:.ew of Eastern Medical Selences, Wuliell, No. 2, It .;f 5 0. /Met t sjuAll Oo~ivs'pl DDT in oxpubnapti; 4pej c Vri lict). o*ovv). ' t ii P 1 T i O Volvaiv -4(lfi Q.- ivo ; ila c upts yu 14, Nq. b, 4 ' Nj (1 4 1,111) irm-1villf 0,21 jllr.l~ bfAy Wt. of 131) l jxmW in t I sbovred acuir )vpalik;A ;d1wr 7-9 umthi cA the 3r au athit I'luale "pe (8 Yews LAID, rerTiving thr s=w d~~t of PDT, ShOWVI onlylight WtW. Chanit intheklmdMizistbutimt, 1112 Mult 11IM12ULby apes thr 4arbohydrdit suctalic-Olism was h4ml to tx Qqhtly dktwlOcd U are :1M 143 t u -"Otea for the pluldfl. supt. Atuil wohl mngrs In the twit. d )a khr v,,%cn. , tirb thr urb3i;, cb, the bloiA are Rbo jivm). On ytb- hitake the drOse W 0.2 Ing. DDT/kj. budywl. I!% tail "I'D t6)& 10T th idsm. It Lm AdvelKly affocts,the timmai T tlhe defmidwts..- wj mum USSR/Kicrobiology Medical and "ifeterina y. F-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologi;M, 110 7, 1957, 264o4 Author Re44~rman, .S.M, !not and Biological Station Title The Origin of Dysentery Antibodies in Monkeys Orig Pab : V sb.: Tecret. i prakt. vopr. med. i biol. v eksperimente na obezyanakh. M., Medgiz, 1956, 159-164 Abut : Tests of a group of' monkeys at the nursery of the Sukhumi Medical and Biological Station in 1951 showed the cectren- ce of Flexner dysentery bacteria carriers in a prorortion of 31.7% a.-nong the Finlyw1s. 100% of the adult monkeys, carriers and non-carriers &like, were found to have anti- bodies to Tlexner dysentery bacilli in their blood in ti- trationa of 1:100 - 1:&)0. The dysenteric nature of the antibodies was confirmed by the adsorption of serum anti- bodies by Flexner strains, vith subsequent agglutination reaction. Periodic observations on young monkeys i:,,1 the Card 1/2 LAP31. B.A.; YAKOVLEVA. L.A.; PIKERW. S.M. Mcparimental Puratyphoid B in monkeys. Btul. ekap. biol. i med. 41 no. 1:33-38 Ja 156. (WMA 9:5) 1. It Sukhumskoy madiko-biologichoskoy stantali (dir.-kandidat biologicheskikh nauk I.A. Utkin) AM SSSH, Predetavleno daystvitellnym chlenam ANN SSSR I.Y. Dwydovskim. (PARATYPHOID FEVER, exper. B type in mo:nkeys) 0 r T,.,e Effects C;f 7 Eff Orts ,'.bE. Jour: Euf Z:,-Ur-Tjj-ol-, izo 20, .1-956, 93739. U!"lor YakovIeva, llel:crn=i, Iloviltova, M.I., "'Vetisovc, S..'.. LI El `6 11 ilic 'BIQ Problell of thc 1.!fluu;lcQ Of Gelleral 1',0011t,-ai! I)Osurc LV mi thr. Cuarso c)f lInraty,)hoid D in Monlteys. Or-...-. !V.): Tr. Vs,~,s. lzoi-Screntsii po imd. radio. FJ-.Gj)erLi. ixd. ra-diol. H., Mok;iz, 1957, 11~5'5-167- li;tract: YounL; Tmiiheys (14--cacu3 ll~iesuo a;Id Wacacus ClAnese) were ly dlliarcl bac- injectc-A J_ntra:poritL`.ICt_'L wit" 30 - 50 r' terial orC;a-.iisr_,s ol a strain of paratyphi D, aiicl thaii they were -2m.)o3od -to v. doso of 16.3 r/rdn. Pn noi-,-kT.-mLiizcLl to parn-typhoid and exj,;oscd to r. dose of Cara 1/2 's- P-I Py-ganxim. s. Y. "On the Problem of the Presemce of Anti-dysenteric Agglutinins in the Blood Serum of Rorkeys" P. 79 in book publ. by Inst. Experimental Patholo-Y and Therapy, "cad. "edical Sci. LSSR, Problems pf Jnfpetinuti Pathology-in ?_':gnke _E=rimantjL.. Editor, B. A. Lapin (Cond. Medical Scl.) Sukhumi, 1958. PEKERI%AN, S. X. "Opsonic-phagocytic Reaction in Dysentery" P. 87 in bock publ. by Inst. ExperimentnI Pathology and 1herapy, Acad. Fledical Scj. USSR, Problema o[ Infactiouti.Yntholog-X In Monkey Eneriment i., Editor, B. A. Lapin (Cand. Medical Sci.) Sukhumi. 1958. MEREAN, S. V. "Reaction of Tying logether the Complement as a vethod of Diagrosing Tuberculosis* P. 185 in book publ. by 'nst. Experimental Pathology and 'Iherapy, Acad. "edical Sci. USSR. Proble= gf infegtinu PathnIQU in Monkey Eyp2rl"n&s.. Editor, B. A. ',spin (Cand. It'edical Sci.) Sukhurd. 1958. USSR / I-licroblolo&y. .1-1,1crobes, Pathogenic to Man and Animals. Bacteria. Pastourollae. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 5, 1959, No. 19564 Aut~-Ior : Pekerrlan,-;L-.Lj.; Dzhikidze, E. K. Inst : Not given Title : Inves"'Agation of Outbreaks of Fasteurellossis Among Capuchin ,'Ionkeys Orig Pub : V sb. Vopr. infekts. patol. v eksperiments na obez'yanach. 3ukhuml, 1958, 191-195 Abs-,ract : No abstract given Card 1/1 PmTwal. S.11. Typhoid favor in nutria (myocnator CO.VPUB), author's abstrPet. Zhur. milmobiol.opid. i Immun. 29 no.2:111-112 7 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Sukhumskoy mediko-biologicheakoy stnuteii AMN SSSR. (TYPHOID FEVIM) (COYPOU--DISRASES AVD PESTS) P?,)T,FIIA,4, S. M.: Naster Bioi :,c i (diss) -- "rh-2 imuncl )cy Ot iyS 2rt ~r- bar i - - t) la-carrying aviong monl(eys". S:ikhumi, 1959. 13 pp (Inst of and Microbiology im Honorary Acad 1q. F. Gamaloya of the ALad I-ILd S(i USSR), 200 copies (KL,No 11, 1959, 117) YMML#Y.gVA. Z.V.; F&EMN, S.M.; SSMOV, L.F. Testing certain antibiotics for the prevention of radiation ei0mess. Antibiotiki 4 no.6:78--80 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Institut ekiiperimentallnoy patologii i terapil AM11 SSSR. Sukhumi. (RADIATION PROTEDTION) (ANTIBIOTICS) PEKFIU,V,r, S.m. InhibLition of ~~ - - -. --. --,, f*~ dose3 of gairma ir-raciat-cn. 8 nr~.9-01-65 jl,-,3. 1. Iz ln5titut!t '''- :~ , ' 1 ' I ~ira-pii ( I ,- . - prof. B.A. Laj,~,n, riall-lmyy --!-, I patologii - daystvitellnyy chlon 11.1. Tro-,'t..-ki ~, ,,,I; SSSRI L 2611"~ En(i)/T JK ACC,N$4 "W87 . I 4MCE CODE: UR/0248/65/0(M/03-1/0038/005C AUTHORt. Abikidze i* E, K.;-Stasileviih, Z. 0; pa Hot' K1kvWtdze K. 11. 2- ORG: institute of rimsntal Pathology and Ther&P7 AMN MR. Sukhuri (Institut Gkq*r1;iMt411nqy patologii iterapb. MIN SSSR) 'VIT18i SiiMlatiOn 'of human intestinal Wections in experiments with 1USferentanim SOURM: KU SSSRI, Vestrdk, no, 11, 1965, 38-50.' TOPIC TAGS iintestinal diseaea, humn ailment, animal disease ABSTRACT: The article reports on the simlation of Osente4 salmoneUOIAB (9 iand-gschoiichia. coli~791nfelctionB in various animals and Is abased on literature and original research on monkeyad. .'Spontane.ous and experimental dysentery in new and acelimat-ized, monkeys closely approximates the 3 etiological variants (Flexnerp: i3onne, and. Newcastle) of human dysentery in respect to clinical ~and.carrier forms and agglutination titers6 However.. in the imals the diseases viere more arL aerious (3Q-60% deaths) and 4'had higher localization in the Lntestine, Experimental ~,,Salrionella infection in monkeys produced essentially the 'same clinical picture with a latency of 2-3 dayst fever., -other typical slepq of R;R6;a. frequent.-I.bAct.e.r., ami,.a-and.-II-r. W UDC*. 616,YL-M-01RA L 26114-66 A-CC NRz AF6015387 ' Or: 'Ii~ th6 following 'ord -Ityphoid diseasGe virulence declined heldelberg. Whilo um S. enteritidis, typhimir staTaey and Ain humans these Anfections cause so-called food poisoningj, , Id like salmonella, monke they resemble typho - infections I An children,' are rarely Isolated under natural S, paratyphi B ~eonditionsj, but this infection.was over 50% of the'experimental monkeys In a form resembling human para- 7:typhoid, -One hundred porcent could be inereitaing a through vitamin C deficienoy Ithe sen6itivity of the rionkey .or radiation disease, Typhusabdominalis can be reproduced. by a differs from the human disease Un the chimpanzee but . i shorter Incubation atid it milder courseo In tests on rhesiis,' Zonkeys, no clinically,pronounced intestinal forms were ' pneumoniao Isom but.15 out.of 51 had a S;ecific kind.of ~Z, Coli laeotion led tO a benign intestinal dysturtotion - ,Iand had a tendency to o6eur again Li infant monkeys* 'Serious.coll,infection could also be produced in monkeys ...1by Inducing-a vitamin C-defioienoy or-radiation disease, 11t is concluded thitt the'results justify the use of monkdys - --- , - - - .___. _ - i" -- - ---__ _ -!for model ipg -o _-__ & SUB cows 06 SM DATE 3,Wu165 ORIG RM 055-J, &M Pfft 041 Corel 212, el-44 - DZHIXIDZE, E.K.1 STASILEVIGH, Z.K.1 PEKERMAE., S,M.1 K-AVTARADZE, K.N. Simulating human intestin&l infections in different experimen*,al animals. Vest. AMIT SSSR 20 no. 1108-50 165 (m:,-LA 19 1: ) 1. Tnstitut eksperimentallnoy patologli i terapii AM SSSR, Sulhumd. 'Tubmitted July 13, 1965. DZHIKIDZE, E.K.; PEKERMAN, S.M. "-: --. ~. , Immunological reactivity in monkeys following acute rEidiation sickness. Biul. ekap. biol. i med. 59 no-4:73-77 Ap 165. (MIRA 18..r.) 1. Institut ekspermirietallnoy patologii i terapii (dir. - prof. B.A. Lapin) AMN SSSR. DIRIOM, Te.D., prof.: PWMOU'N, Ta.H. (deceased] Roentrgenotherap7 in aeute POBtoperative anastomosites,, Shirurglia )5 no.3:44-L8 Mr '59. (MIIL% 12: 8) (GASTRBCTONY, colpl. postop synd., ther., x-irradiation (if anastomotic sites iRus)) (RADIOTHERILPT, in various die. postgastrectomy synd., irradiation of anastomotic sites (RUB)) Ri AP501156.3 UR/0219/6 5/059/LO04/0073/0077 AUTHORi b2hikldze, E* K. P~tkerman, S. M. _garin. V, 0 TITLE., Irmounological. reactivity in jmnkeys after recovery from Acuto radiation S'fckne SOUPCEI Brulletan' eksperli~ntallnoj biologii i meditsiny, v. 59, ni>. 4, 1965. 13-77 TOPIC TAGS: imff-Mity, radia.tion sickness, X-ray Irradiat ~on, artibody, p1tagocyte AMRACT, .-.'The natural mechanisms of immunity, particul4rly antibody formaticn, were studied in 77 monkeys *d! months to 5 years after recovery from irradiation with doses ranging from-150'7UO r, from 1he RUM-3 and a telegawma cobalt apparatus. An- tibody formation was impairttd in pr-cportion to the dose of radiation, a6 reflected in varying degrees of retanLition ov even complete Inhibition of' the Inimu-:10logical spon,,z;e. The humoral indli~as of natural immimity were not significantly .-ffected e_ r but the twchanisms of - nonspi?cifie cellular immunity were somewhat dcpressed in a. Inumber of ''animals during tb3 first 1.0-12 months after irradiation. However, the extent-of injury was not dinictly r4ilated to the dose. Phagocytosin returned to i the original level 1-3 yearlit later,# Apparently clinical recovery vas not llecessar~- C..,d 1/2 I VA A Tt 5 imoOmil'ovaroll MW Apr 48 Taculm Thl)em ."'Dealwater arA CentImettir Wavei.0 M. Pokerekly, "Fadle No 4 10docuilmeo eW69aring pextIculars of altrahigh- trequem'T vAyesi,, eloctron tubes, and charactarlatice Of oentimeter ipaves. PZXBRSXIT. H.A. ~-,: Using, high-tension currents In heating frozen ground. Prom. strot. 37 no.3:41" Mr 159. (HIRR 12:4) 1. Vessovuznyv nauchno-inaledovatellakiy institut zolota I rodkikh netallov, Magadan. (Frozen ground) (Electric heating) PEXIIAUEX, M. 1. 36320 Sciderzhantya k)alltelyla i foafora vnekotorr)dl kermnvykh raste:ityakn vositoc~,nogo namira. Soobah tadsh filtala a)md. nauk SSSR, VYP. 17, ig4g, a. '37-39 SO: LetoDtol Zhurnnl'nykh Statey, No. 49, 1Q40 PZMCMIKI go 19 32626. Kermvoye dostolmstvo volooristsm, pushistokolosogo vastochtogO pamira. Izvostlya tadsh. filtala skad. Sauk sear, No. 231, 1947s. ~- 50-5? SO: Letepts' Zhurnalleykh Statey. Vol. 44. Moskva, 1949 1. M. I. PEKIIACHEK 2. U33R (bOO) 4. 3arctene 7. Carotene content in certain plants of the Eastern Pamir. Soob. T?Al: 6,-3,3;1 no. 23. 1950. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - Ai)ril, 1953, Uncl. 1. PEKHACIEEK, M. I. 2. USSR 6u) 4. Pamirs - Botany 7. Ascorbic acid content in plants of thf, Eastern Pamir as a function of habitat, Soob. TFAN SSSR, No. 23, 1950. 9. Monthl List of Russian Acceselons, Library of Congreas) Apri I - 1953, Unel. 1. PWIACREKO MO I. 2. uwR 6oo 4. Pamirs - BotarW 7o Carotene content in certain plants of the Eastern Pamir, Scob. WAY S.-.SP, No. 231 19~0. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl. 1 . PEMACIM, M. I , 2. UMR (IM) 4. vitamble 7. Ascorbic acid content in plants of the Eastern Pamir as a function of habitat. Soob. TFAN SSSR Nol 23, 1950. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl. ,*R11-A mum-M20=2 rvo=vxu It to l e v ~ 4w oom n t cpz m , 123 4 abctcrWe 7-axiOuxin Rm"O Cain was lasbcA m 01. P. Also C=Parcd I M a zras~", and kripted vaAum 'and 4 za ".6. Lrcm~ ~z d =d wr rs ww Vratm cm castvm and w Inizat3w. I to 3 -gram 10= than ion vro tem -and wmbem slopm A. W. .. ......... __r__ 7- 17- t in son 23. 51-4(i in ftbth;0 Thel contitl~Ifm Itm i er t U -,- we =mlWiMolor 6 f( im -F-sirwin. tilt lltmtlbrm~ ind ; lot a ti 06i ! -1 . I ~L- ~, , , T- . , '. I - - I , I .11 1 : - I . . , - . , I; . , - , Zc-mc-;,.,clje) Vol. 9, no. 3 Mr-r- 1r)- - 19 .,-. 1b, r .-, : , " SO: Inu -- : . I "r- - . Q., - '' - - ~hLA-,) 'V --' . I . - ~*,;",-;I~~I ~ IJUAZII-Ai, M.L.; P.,~;IJUXJX, 1.L. (LIxv) Work. of tho contiriou2 'LC)r te.-cLers of mathe---E-t~cu -,r. ulio c.-Lty of Lvov. L',!at. v -ilole no. C-:Vc-cl Y D 'co. (Ivo,r--~'Lr.thei.,u~'U,-cs-Sti,dy z:nd teachin.) 1*956, 1,44 :34 'At wag, ' 4 11 d jh ~ 4! 0 0 1 0 , It 01 lit f-~- nl`-All VVJ1 S/137/62/oc)ci/002/129/1 - A052/A 10 1 AUTHOR: Pekhaty, K. TITLr,. rhe technology of tip-brazing hard-alloy tools and its automall.-n PE.RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 1962, ')5, atntract ("Chekhosl. tyazhelaya prorn-st'", 1961, no. 9, 35-100 The following problems are considered: the importance of automation of brazing, , the causes of flaws at tie manufacturing of brazed hard-alloy toc)12, the inothods of invostigating various factors affecting tile pi-ocess or bra~lng, the experience made in the technology of brazing lathe cutters with hard alloys (brazing a hard alloy with one or three surfaces to steel, solder selection, the brazed joint thickness and the role played by the gasket, flux selection, the way of solder application, the flux application to the holder, and the Importance of changing temperatures of the heated tool, automation of lathe cutter brazing with hard-alloy plates, and the equipment developed in CzPR). rAbstracter's note: Complete translation] V. Tnrinova Card 1/1 3783 9 3/123/6z/boo/oo8/613/616 A004/AIOI AUT HOR: __Zekha_tL. K TIME, The technology of soldering sintered carbide bits onto cuttIng tools and its automation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, no. 8, 196'2, 20, abstract 8B125 ("Chekhosl. tyazhelaya prom-st"', 1961, no. 9, 35-44) TEXT: The author points out that the automation of the soldering process of sintered carbide bits onto cutting tools makes it possible to improve the cool quality and eliminate defects of a subjective nature arising owing to the L' laborez, not observing the prescribed process, temperature and hei~tlng rate. The author analyzes characteristic defects (warping, sagging of the bit, cracks, etc.) and investigates the factors affecting the soldering process. It was found that the strength of the soldered joint should not be lower than 15 kg/mm2, while the size of the non-soldered surface should not be more than 5%. Joints soldered with brass alloyed with nickel and manganeso preserve their acceptable strength after repeated heating up to 7000 C. The author recommends to ensure a thickness of the soldered joints for tools of 16 x 16, 20 x 20, 25 x 25 and 32 x 32 of Card 112 S/l23/62/oo:)/oo8/0i3/b16 The technology of soldering AOO4/A1Ol 0.1, 0.15 - 0.2 and 0.25 - 0.3 mm respectively. The following flux composition yielded positive results: 70% boric acid, 25% potassium bifluoride, 5; fluoro borate. if this flux composition Is used the non-soldered surface Is less than 5%. The author presents some methods of laying on the colder and applying the flux to the holder. He gives a description of the model EPH automatic soldering machine with h-f generator for 25 x 25 mm tools. The efficiency of the automatic amnounts to 400 - 500 tools per hour compared to 70 - 100 pieces in nanual solder- ing. The machine has a round swivel table, into the holes of which steel holders are inserted.. A device measuring the temperature of the tool to be soldered is connected to the inductor. The soldered tools get onto a conveyer from the table. There are 15 figures. I. Briskman Y Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 GOLUBS-VAq I.V.; PMIM'SKAYA, V.Ya.; GUSEVA, Yu.I.; KOSSOVAq A.K.; KASIYANOVA, L.'K, ---- - -- -- --- - -.-- Production of dry standard antigens for the preparation of diagnoctic coli-sera. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 31 no.7:127-.130 Jl 160. WIRA 13:9) 1. Iz Moskovskogo instituta vaktoin i syvorotok im. Mealmikova. (ESCHERICHIA COLI) KOSTOV, K.; .~41ILIVANOV, Use of dealcants in Czechotlovakia. Selakostop nauka (2) no. 2: 277-278 163. PETKOVI ll.; K"'HUILVI St.; Slit.; PIXIJLIVLj.'CV, P.; Iv. Treatment of 5evere ro=s of alopecia acrata with hor-morkii and neuroplegic drugs. Dermato vener --ofia 1 no.ltl2-IC 16- 1. 1z Katedrata po lcozhni 1 venericheski bolesti pri IT-1, Sofiia (RiLkovoditel na katedrata prof. L. Popov) i Ilauchnc-izsledovatelskiia Icozhic-venerologichen institut, Sofiia (Direktor prof. P. Popkhristov). ". Otgovcren redactor, "Dernatologiia i venerologiia" (for Petkov). 3. Chlen na Redalctsionen suvet, "Dermatologiia i venero- logiiall (for I;otF-v'). IOUV, S. ; PLMILIVANOV, P. On a case of' severe form of arythema exsudativ= maltif orin, Ste- vans-Johnson syndrome, complicated by cavernous pulmonary tubercu- losis. Suvremomed.,Sofia 2 no-1-95-100 160. (ER7THEMA MU1TIFCHM compl.) (TUEERCULOSIS PULMONARY coz3pl.) KWZKMOMM~ Subka I.., PEXHU'VANOVA-PEM- k, Af"djta Nitriles of thet saturated and nomBaturated fatty acids, and their utilization as plasticizers for polyvinyl chlorido. Khim i industriia 23 no.59134-136 '61. USSR/Pharmscology and Toxicology. Chemotherapeutic Preparations V-7 Antitubercular Drugs Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, No T1301 Author Pekhterev 1~.G Inst Institute Title Studies on the Effectiveness of the Preparation of Buttercup -I'Lutidin"- in the !L"reatment of Pulmonary Tuberculoijis Orig Pub Uch. zap. Stavropollsk. med. in-t, 1957.- vYP- 1) 321-326 Abstract Lutidin (L) was admLnistered intramuscularly to 46 patients affected with various forms of pulmoinary tuberculosis in doses of 2.5 ml. of 0.1 percent solution,, or per os in doses of 60 ml. of 0.1 percent solution in 400 alcohol per 24 hours. L improlres the general condition of the patients and diminishes the symptcme of tuberculous intoxication in a number of them. In patients with fresh foci and Infiltrative forms) a decrease of Infiltrative changes., consolidation of focal fiasemination and a decrease of desitegration cavities, were observed. L did not exert a positive Influence In fibrocavernous forms of Card 1/2 FMUT baftv, (Prki;a)- ". Pioneer Palace in Prague. Mn. tekh. 20.3:54-57 Ur '57. (KIRA 10:4) (Prague-PAlic buildiags) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 41 a 9 w .i 0 000*0000000 as 0 j) lo e 'to, A* L. A. m a A, 4*- 4" 41. 0. 1 4 *or( 0 Pit 1&.0 -00 00 .00 go ; of 11M afsawltimi: 90 k It. S. S. R.) 14, lZ 711 .00 -11 1*4 mli lkw filtrate 44 a IMAJOhim rulfult lie ft(wd#t-GvjKau nr9an-1, 01110*4 041"lic Oll"I"11W :4 t hAf*CtfFi1W~ Allf-f tht trijuival A UNImils. 1he tow irtained alta lpsim. with sk. mAdryins fut '-1 hm. and =00 Oi lin s kiccst,n. Ifesting on a wstrr bah mutmiaving d(as Twt c(mitplarly drstroy the 4~csw,,") An sitalusill with antigrax. pf"twFlics ii, ICA"Ird by the roe go tim of ftovilAb" 4" 11., 1061). S, A. Kmikila L4 0 94 zoo go -00 00 sso too.. sif-sliv. we* A $'Dodo molar&, 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 *Is 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 to 1, 0 st 0 0 0 a 0 FZKHIETSKAYA, V.Ya.; GUSEVA, YU.I.; YMOKNOVA, M-11. Detection of colonies of dysentery germs under obliaua transmitted illuninntion; author's nbatrnet. Zhur.mlkrobiol.emid. I immun. 29 no.2:113-114 F 158. WHA 11:4) 1. 12 H06k0T6k0g0 inGtItUtA VAktain I nyvorotok imeni Mechnikovn. (SHIGELLA) (MICROSCOPY) ..,.,...-Al t "WFTLFI~3 , Gu~;' N'U.- - --VA, yu,:. Datermiratlion of H entipen In Zhur. mikrobio~., epid. " 41 no.1,72-76 ja In4. f M I r. r I ~; . -- , 1. Moskovski.,- institut vtixl:!31n 1 sv,-varo*,ok impn! Mnr-hn!k-ivf-i, GOLIJBEVAO I.V.; PtKHLETSIK ed]l GUSEVA, Yu.j.; ULISKO, I.N.; RAGINSkAYA,-7.r.; S?4IMVA, T.V.; BARATS, M.M,; ABROSIYDVA, N.A.; POODRELISKAYA, S.A.; MKOPOVICH) A,V.; AWLSEYEVA., R,A. AccilexwW and sleplifie'd method bflib6jrstor~ diagnosis of lfiteb~#al-'c6li'lnf66ti6iis'~with the use-of liquidb'c6ntaining sp6cific serim media. Zhur.mikrobiol.,, epid. i immun. 42 no.2:21-26 P 165. (MIRA 18:6) 16- Yoskovskiy'institut i'i~vorot&'s Ufbaskiy institut vaktsin i sporotok, lhepropetro-~ipkiy institut ~pidi~m:Lol6gii,- mikjr6biologli i kigiy-ehy, Gb:Pk6irskiy'lnstitut 'Fpide-Mloblogii) m1kr5biolokii-i kikiyenyp' M,6skbVski*'pMiatjrlchbskiy hauchroo- ibsledovat-Wskiy ihstitiit-i I,6nfi&adskiy pedistricheskiy meditsinskiy institut imeni Kirova. ,e PFFjIL:TSKIY, I.D. (Perm') Existence and wniqueness of solutions to certain systr.-7s of partial differential equations describing quasi-confo-mal mappings. Volzh. mat. sbor. no.1:156-163 163. (1411RA 11): 1) T !JP(-W). ACCESSION 'Mt: AR5006729 s/O044/64/000/012/BO21/t021 SOURCE* ematika,7Abs.; .12B119 Rel., zh. Mat. AUTHOR:. P-W toXiv. 1. - D. function. ~iving_the. interior- ofthe image-of planoregions o CITED BOURGS Uch. zap. jEclIjBIt, un-t,_no. 103, 1963, 147-155 inverlo mapping, complex variable, R:LeTrAnn aur- :--TOPIC TAGS--' analytic function, T 'face, homeerrorphism, 1~opctlogy TWRA,NSILAATIO vem;--fin-ft-cly Connected7r;-!Sro-n-with-b~atwdiv~-y-r-itf--the-- _D be _P--plane,'and let the function id(10 i-epresent D homeomorpbically on a certalm -closed regionT-with boundary L; (anal L consist, for exmple, of reci:ifiabl.2 r Tordan curves* --The mapping'W(4') posliesies the folloving properties: a) thej~e !:'.*exists a neighborhood r and a function (F--), arwl~,tic in this neigh'barhood ,--such that b) for the ratio of distances,, "the equality Jim 41. C 0 1/2 7 39424-65 ACCESS1011 1m: AR5006729 W fulf 111ed.. Furictious of the fo F L uj 60-1 M W1 . re investigated,, iere is an analYtiZ-function in D. The :function F (.&) belcngs-to the class MG) D(G) -or Hp(G) if q! (iA)) belongs to the respective class in D (the meaning of 1.11 eclassesAs given in the book of 1. 1. Privalov, "Boundary Proper, ties of Ana onlit' L950). -7~je author points out.that the basic prcper- 0.yUc_.Functi bf- -the-, _f une ttons- of- the a u , c--l an a----d --t- ----- -- ven-,e erm nat on,--are preservc It-is- possible -to -dispen-Se with, the requireracrit of rectif iability of the bound- aryo It is also'ppssible to effect thin aeparatian of these classes for finite Riemann surfazes. Various examliles of applicationn of this theory of classes of i4teri or representat ions are given. For example,- It Is well-knoun, that for de- termined -~xiditiqns, each s9lution of the Beltraml equation is represe-Ited in the, form- 4? rtuNi' where Q(w) Is an analytic function, and w in a complete hamecnorphism. Setting a deL4!rmined boundary for the coefficients of the equatiov, ve get that 40(-;L-) fulfi-,.ls the above-illdicated conditit-IS and -~he theory cf classes-turns out to be applicable. Ye. Solomentsev. A j, SUD CODEf M- FNCL, 00 card 2/2 .-T.EKH1.FT3KlY, ILD. u,-i---7 a ler tly a*. a-.". A IN iOl' 8 F 10. 1. PQrTPSFiy Subm-, tted TI; PEKHIZTSKIY, I.D. ---- ... Weakest unifornization of a polyvalent quasi-analy-tic relation between Riemannian surfaces. Sib. mat. zhur. 2 no.6:891-894 N-D 161. (MIRA 15:7) %'Riemann surfaces) AGOPIAN. K.; POPOV, St.; MITBY. P.; PELMLIVANOV, K. Citse of incomplete cyclopia. ~;i-znixgiia, Sofia 10 no.9:8.39-841 1957. 1. (1z Institutu t)(, Datolofichnn unatomiia i obedineiiiia nodilen dom; Plovdiv). (MONSTERS, case reports cyclopia, incomplete (Ail)) POPKIIIIIIISTOV, P.; ICIEV, S.; PEK~MIVIICV F ClIES1,11INTLIV, ) 7h. Neurotropic treatment in dernmatolo~V. Dermato vener Sofia I no.3:1?-25 162. 1. Iz Illauchno--izsledovatelskiia kozhno-venerologichen i-t (direl:tor prof. F. PopIchristov). I Chlen na Redaktsionnata I-olegiia, "Vernmatologiia i venerologiia" (for Popkhristov). PETKOV, Il. Bulgaria No degree listed Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Hipher Medical Institute (Vissh Meditainaki Inst- itut), Sofial repartment Heads Prof L. POPOV Scientific Research Skin-Venerological Institute (Nauchno-izelodovatelskiya Kozhno-venerologichen Institut), Sofial Directors Prof R--F0P=X1WOV- Sofia, Dermatoloitiya i VeneEologl`yg, supplesent of Suvremenna Meditaina, So 1, 1962, pp 12-16. "The Treatment of Severe Alopecias with Hormonal and Neuroplegic Drugs" Co-authores BOTEV, Sht., Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Nigher Medical Institute, Sofial Scientific Research Skin-Venerologic&l Institute. Sofia. 1/2 PETKOV - Continued Co-authors: a XAPNILOV, St., Department of Skin and Venereal Disease of the Higher Medical Institute, Sofia; Scientific Re- search Skin-Venerological Institute, Sofia, PIKHLIVANOV apartment of Skin and Venereal Diseases L_X"--D e Higher Medical Institute, Sofial Scientific Re- search Skin-Venerological Institute. Sofia, KIRTAKOV, Xv., Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Higher Medical Institute, Sofial Scientific Re- search Skin-Vessrological Institute, Sofia. 2/2 B/007/62/000/002/005/012 D204/D307 AUMORS: Docheva, S. and Pekhlivanova-Peneval 'A. T I TL E: The use of saturated and unsaturated aliphatic nit- riles as plasticizerr. for polyvinyl chloride Pr-'RIODIC:.qL: Referativnyy byulletan' BolgarskQy nauchno~, litera- tury, Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, no. 2, 19621 6. abstract 103, Khimiya i industriya, -53, 1961, book 5, pp 134-136 (Rus. and Ger. sumarics) TEXT: Crude and distilled oleic nitrile and stearic nitrile were studied as possible plasticizers for polyvinyl chloride. it was found that nitriles alone could not be used for this purpose, since the crude nitriles migrated, whilst distilled oleic nitrile gave masses with relatively low physicochemical properties. Crude and distilled oleic nitrile can be used to plasticize polyvinyl chloride, in combination with other plasticizers. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.2 Card I/I B/081/62/000/005/099/112 B166/B101 AUTHDRs Pekhlivanova-Peneval_ - ----------- TITLEr Study of the effect of plasticizers, stabilizers, and .pigments on the viscosity of polyvinyl chloride pastes PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 5, 19629 607-608, abstract 5P31 (Khimiya!A industriya, (B"19-)o V- 33, 19619 73-76) TEXT# In order to obtain PVC pastes of the required viscosity which gelate to a lesser extent on storage, a study was made of the effect of holding temperature, type of plasticizer, and type of stabilizer and pigment on the viscosity of PVC pastes made from PVC type Halvic 336. it was found that the vibcosity of pastes containing highly gelating plastiolzers (dimethyl phthalatet trioresyl phosphate) increases more sharply than that of pastes containing nongelating plasticizers (diootyl sebacate)l lead stearate greatly accelerates gelationg while cadmium stearate has very little effect on the viscosity of pastes; the viscosity of colored pastes is lower than that of uncolored pastes; Card 1/2 15.66() B/007/62/000/0 01/002/002 D204/D307 A UTHOIR Pekhlivanova - Peneva, A. TITLE'. A study of the influence of plasticizers, stabilizers and pigments on the viscosity of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pastes PERIODICAL: Referativnyy byulleten' bolgarskoy nauchnoy literatury. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhno- logiya, no. 1, 1962, 6 - 7, abstract 21, (Xhimiya ' industriya, 33, 196's, book 3, 73 - 76) TEX12. The author studied the dependence of the vis- cosity of PVC pastes on temperature, duration of storage, stabi- lizers, plasticizers and pigments. The experiments were carried out with PVC "Khalivik 33611, dimethyl phthalate, dibutyl phthal- atet dioctyl phthalate, palj~tinol AH, mesamol, dioctyl sebacate, tricresyl phosphate, lead and cadmium stearates, titanium white Card 1/2 PIKHMII, KJL [Pohme, K.1; KlVIVThLI, B.TjYUviv9II, B.) Design and technology for the manufacture of skin from plywood. Der.prom. 9 no.3121 Mr 160. (NIHA 13:6) 1. IVzhnaya fabrika Estonskogo respublikanskogo soveta "Dinamo". (Rs tonia-Skis and skiing) TSYKHAN, A.I.; PEK14N'Oy M.1. Shook-absorption requirements for bit rollers of small dimteter In the drilling of solid rock. Noft. I gas. prom. no.203 Ap-J* 164. (MIRA 17:9) TSYUAN, A.I.; PEKHNIO, M.I. Self-packing valve of autuomatic devices opera-ti'ag --,- hear--"L.7- contaminated fluids. M~q-sh, i neft. obor. no.9:24-25 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Llvovskiy institut raashinovedaniya i avtomatiki AN Uk-S~t. MALETSKI, Veslav (14alecki, Wieslawl, inzh.; TEIMOTA, losif [Piechota, Jozef), inzh.; I-W-GAIISKI, Ezhi (Mazgajski, jerzy), inzh. Prospective hydromeliorative works in Poland for the period 1960-1980. Khidrotakh i melior 8 no. 10:291-293, 296 163. KAI-Jill, Ynmriloh; F, L f L, '~ n -,, I et - e s it !A 11) 1 On i a ,-- a-- .-. _~, n. i - z- ;, d ,12 ~~ - -, -, -- e -, I ~ - ~- - -j : . -, : -, - --, - 1, ?,hiimalov i olakrttov, 1~?62. 270 7. (KIRA 15:12: ( .1% p 1) 1 e ) PEUOVP D.D. Improved testing unit. Kok. i tepl.tiaga 6 no.&24 AP, 162. (HIRA 17: 3) 1. Priyemshchik Glaynogo upravlemiya lokomotivnogn khcnyqatva Ministerstva putey aoobshchenlyti v depo Kazalinsk Kazakhrkoy dorogi. IPELIOV, A.F.. kandidat veterinarnykh nauk. Aww"MMMMME"W"M Phase-contrast microscopy in laboratory practice. Yeterinariia D no.11:79-82 N 156. (MLBA 9:11) (Phase microscopy) (veterinary laboratories) F31HOV0 A.F.' Blectron microscope analysis of higb-frequency no=d effect on Bact. suipastifer. Blul.ekep.biol. i med. 42 no.10:48-49 0 156. (NLRA 9:12) 1. Is Institute ekeperimentallnoy biologii AM SSSR (dir. - prof. I.N.Keyokiy), Noskyao WICHASONICS. effects, on Salmonella choleraeoulop electron microscopy (Rue)) (MICROSCOPY. BIRCTRO11. of Salmonella choleraesuis after ultrasonic irradiation (Rus)) (SAIRONNIJA, effect of radiations, choleraesuis. ultrasonics. electron microscopy (RuB)) 13 7'~ I - .1 II I. I PEKBOV, Effect of certain harmful factors on the morohology of bncterial cells. Zhunmikroblol.epid. I immun.,suinlement for 1956:11 '57 (MIRA 11:1) 1. IA Institutn eksDerimentRllnoy biologii AM14 SSSR. (SAINONELLA CHOLKWSUIS) (LITHIUM CHLORIEE--FdYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (SOUND WAVES--PHYSIOIDGICAL EFFECT) USSRAicrobiology Antibiosis and Symbio-sis. An I; i -F-2 blotics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol., No 18, 1958, 811+24 Author Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N.Y., Pekhov, A.P. Inst Title The Nature and Significance of Bacteriophage. Report X. Characteristics of Symbiotic Effect of Sarcinal Using Stop-Motion Microcinemato- graphy. Orig Pub: Zh. mikrobiolj~_epidemiole I immunobiologit, 19579 No. 51 16 Abstract: The mechanism of sarcina symbiotic action cn visible bacterial forms was studied by observ- ing during their lifetime individual cell ele- ments of sarcina and E. coll In joint cultiva- tion on a solid nutrient medium. Methods Card 1/2 FEKHOV, A.P. Genetic recombination in bacteria. Vest. APY SS--R IR no.!2: 34-43 163. (MIRA 17:?) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy biologii A14N SSSR. ]PZK OV, A.F. Pleuropneuxonts and plauropnetwontalike organisms. Zhur.mtkrobiol. apid. I Imaun. Z8 no*3:122-131 Mr '57. (KIRA 10:6) 1. Is Instituta eksperimeatalluoy biologit Akademit meditainskikh neuk SSSR. (PLEUROMUNDBU, microbiology, review (Bus)) (PL191MOMUMONIA-1,10 ORGANISMS, review (Bus)) ZEUKOV-VMZHNIXOV, N.D.; FXKHOV. A.F. Nature and significance of bacterlophogy. Report no.10: Characteristics of the sympbi'otic action of Sarcins as determined by high-speed micro- cluenstograp1wo Zhur.a1krobiolsepid. i immun. 28 no.5:14-16 My 157. (MLRA 10:7) 1. Is Institute skeparimentalluoy biologil ANN USA. (SARCIJU symbiosis with B.doli. microphotography with quick notion camera) (MSCMICHIA COLI symbiosis with Sarcina, microphotography with quick notion camera) nvt3 Atitlior Zhukoy-Verezhnikov, Ni N.;_Eekhov, A. P. Inst Not given Title on the Nature and Significance of Bacteriophagia. Report X1. On the Theory of Bacteriophagla in the Light of W Encrinental. Data. (h. i g pub Zh. mikrobiol., epidumicl. i immunobiol., 1957,','1110. 12, 76-81 Abstract A critical survey. In the opinion of the authors, the d-Ita of the last few years on the mechanism of lysogony~ ind,,--- tion, the introduction of phage into the bacterial celli the results of isotopic res,~arch, the phenomena of transduction "have considerably weakc-ned th,; position of the parasitic theory of bacteriophagia and have contributed a series c)f artsuaunts in favor of an endobactericLI point of VicIT". The authors surmise that one of the factors in nature which induce phag- formation may be the action of symbionic j,.Ltcrab,2s. Th,~ bi- bliography contains 50 titles. Card 1/1 FZKHOV, A.P., "Iaboratory examination methods in veterinary practice", vol.4. Reviewed by A.P. Fekhov. Vaterinariia 34 no.12:74-76 D '57. (MIRA 11:1) (Veterinary medicine) USSR/ViroloC;y - Bacterial Virusc;,3 (Bactuvi,.)phn,-cs). E-] Abs Jour Rcf Zhur - Biol., No 12, 1~58, 52570 Author Pckhov, A.P. Inst Title Th~-- Elfoct of BactL-riopha--c oi-, the Growth am! of Bacteria. Report 1. Cyt.)plcLsmtic Granulc3 Olbs-rv-.' i~~ lk-Actcriu DurinU the llia,--olytic Process. Ori3 Pub Byul. eksperim. 1&)1. 1 11C('ttfji11Y, 1957, )4)j, IN -1, 74-77 Abstract In 20 of 183 tested c,~113 of Bactcrium coli acro6cn~s cytopl.asm.tic (3ranules wcx, successfully found by contrast rderoscopy cft,r inicction by the pLaG-. Ili ,;or.,Q cQlls thc:se L;ra,,-,)J--s, in"'istin6uishable duri;i, t.,; latL-nt pcriod of infuctioii arc found in the phaE;~Iyzis products. It is that these granulc~s appc:ar as mitochondria. The graaul,~s 'acrc not invcstigutc-~! cyt:- chcoically. There arc 2 photmicrographs. Til~iononko Card 1/1 USSR/Microbiolo-7y. (Ijeneral Microbiolo- Abs Jour Ref ~,hur-Biol,, 140 13, 1958, 5?458 Author Zhukov-Vp-tezhnikov N.,_:~ekh-ov A. Inst Not --iven Title Some Problems of Heredity and Variability of Microbes Orig Ilub "Med. Rabotnik," 1957, Noyabrya, tic )3, str-3 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 F21DIOV. A. P. Preparing specimens used In the electron microscop7 of bacteria ex-nosed to phage. Vopvirus 3 no.2:117-119 Mr-Ap '58 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Iz Inatituta ekaDerimentallnoy biologii AMN SSSR, Moskva. (MICROSCOPY, SIXCTRON, of bnet.ex-posed to phage. technic for Drop. (Rua)) (BACTERIA, phnge-infected, nrep. for electron microscOP7 (Rua)) TJ3SR Virology. Bacterial Viruses. (PIiages). 2 jabs Jour; Ref Zhur-Biol., 0o 2, 1959, 5239. Author I Fekhov,,J'. Inst Title Growth and Development of Bacteria in -telation to the Phenomenon of BacteriophaEia. Report 4. Investigation of Bacteriophagic Lysis by Phase- Difference Ilicroscopy. Orig Pub; Zh. mikrobiologii, epidemiol. , i i-Miunobiol. 1958, No 4, 97-101. Abstract: Morohological changes in 530 cells of Bacterium ooll aerogenes No.1321 lysed by virulent phage were studied ty phase-difference microscopy. It was established that aorphological changes in cells invaded by ~.)hage differed in various cells prior to lysis. Most frequently there was observed Card 1/2 U33H / Vlr6l-dgy. Bacterial Viruses. (-'2hages) . Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.; Uo 2, 1959, 5239. J~bstract: foroation of spherical, spindle-shaped, and giant cigar-shaped forias. The types of lysis also differed: in some, the lysis occurred sud- denly in the form of an * 'outburst,-, in others, slowly ("cell melting-,). Some cells divided once and twice, and even formed microcolonies of 50- 60 cells. Some of these colonies re.Lained in- tact, and ot.--ers lysed. In the phagolysate there were found residues of cell --lembranes and cyto- plas.nic granules. Ya. I. Rautenshteyn. ;ard 2/2 USSR / Virology. Bacterinl Viruses. (Phages). kbs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5230. Author Pekhov, PIP, Inst rwin-evu. Title Growth and Developdent of Bacteria in Relation to Baoteriophagia. Report 3. "1crobial Sym- biosis as a Factor Inducing 3&oterial Phage Production. Orig Pub: Byul. eksperim. biol. i ned., 1958, 45, No 2, 87-89. Abstract; Bacterium coli aerogenes 1321 was grown on 11PB for several hours at 360 together with strain 30 of Sarcina lut6a, the culture liquid then being centrifuged at 2,500-3,000 rpm for 40-50 min.; the presence of phage was determined in the supernatant liquid by seeding on agar using Car~d 1/2 ZMKOV-VE=HNIKOV. N.N.. PEEHOV. A.P.. LTSOGOROV, N.Y. (Moscow) - Biological and physicochemical lave of heredity. Usp.sovr.biol. 45 no.2:234-245 Mr-Ap '58 (MIRA 11:6) (HEMITY. b1ol. & physico-chem.laws, review (Rue)) Q,]Yg=V, A.Poe kand.veterimarafth nauk -1 Filtrable forms of Streptoccocus equi. Trudl TIN 22.-268-176 159, (MM 13:10) (HDraem-Dimeases and peote) (Streptococcus equl) IFS]MOV, A.P. Cowwpt and significance of bacteriophaar. Report No.12: Properties of bacterial cultures regenerated from filtrable forma. Miur.mikro- biol.spid. i immun- 30 no,2:29-34 F 159. (HIRA 12:3) 1. Is Instituta eksperimetallnoy biologil AMN SSSR. (ISOMICHIA COLI, culture, regen. from filtrable forms (Rue)) PAMV. A.P. Growth and development of bacteria and their relation to the pheno- memon of bacteriophayg. Report No.4r Phrther investigation on nuclear structures of bacteria and their responses to the influence of phages. Blul.ekep,biol.1 wed, 48 no.12-.75-79 D 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. 12 otdela Immanobiologil (xav. - deyetviteltnyy chlen AMN SSSR N.N. Zhukov-Vbrezhnikov) Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologil (dir. - prof. I.N. Mayekly) ANN SSMI~ Moskva. Predstavlena deyetvitelluym chlenon AMN SSSR N.N. Zhukovym-Verezhnikovym. (BkGTIMIOFHAU) (MICWSOOPY MOMN) (BSCHERICHIA COLI) J. Growth and development of bacteria in connection with the phenmenon of,bacteriopha". Report No. 8t Ultrastructure of bacteriophage in the period of Intracellular development. Vop, vir~s.'5 no. 6:711-715 21-D 160o (MIRA 14:4) 1. Otdel izmt~biologii 'Institute. eksperimentallnoy biologii AMk'SWR, Moskva. (BACTERIOPHAGE) (ESCHERICHIA COLI)