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"I ; . " I ;-. K '. , - - z -iETHOV, #Ee,m_Vlktorovicb; ZA-:E",3KAYll, Yuilya 1 ikhavlovnn; -;(,L,-JA"ENKI)VA, '.A., red. [Transplantation iumnity and rmoint4,-n ct--meras] Transplantat.gioruryi iNmunitet i radiatsionnye kh-DrIpry, Foskvh, Atornizd~it, 23() ;.- ( ~ i -;A I ~-f - A, Yj-r'y Pk-,,ayevich; FETIROV, rtKi. 1 -,mmunolo;7ical aspects of the preverO -,n niagnosis ar.4 L- Lrebt.ment of cancer ': lmm-unulog4cheskle aspe~ty prof4.- la.ktiki., aliagnostiki t Le.-aFil rakn. Poslcva. MediLsina, I 1P65 ~ 243 p. (m] RA JR, r)) ACC NRi AM6006277 Monofp7aph UR/ Petroyp Rem Viktorov-ichi Zaretakaya, Y'Uliya Mikhaylovna :Transplantation immunity and radiation chimera (Transplantatsionnyy immunitet i radiataionnyye khimery) Moscow, Atomizdat, 65- 0230 P- illuB., biblio. 1,980 copieu printed. jTOPIC TAGS: radiation, radiation biologic effect, radiation damage, blood, .transplantation, biologic transplant, tissue transplant, organ transplant :PWOSE AND COVERAGE: This COMDilation deals with the problems and achievements in tranoplantilig blood-producing (hematogenous) tissue after overexposure to radiation..' Problems of the incompatibility of tissues af ter transplantation (transplantation immunity), and the methods for overcuminE this iiiimunity are analyzed in the light ;of extensive literature and of the authors' experiments. Several chapters are devoted to methods of transplanting marrow caid to the effectiveness of thiff op9ra- ,tion. Biology of radiation chimera (organisms orig-inating as a result r)f accepting !the transplants after irradiation of cells and tissue) is presented in datail. Tho possibility of utilizing radiation chimera for solving actual radiobiological problems is discussed. A separate chapter deals with the authors' theory on the .aftereffecta of overexposure to radiation. The monograph is of interest to u 1,~.rge Card 1/2 I- - __ ____ - - UDCj _578-089-643t621-039-553-5 :ACC NR: AM6006277 igroup of investigators in the field of radiobiology, immmology, and transplants- .tion of organs and tissue, to practicing physicians, and to the teaching staff ani students in schools of medicine and biology. .TA.BLE OF COITTE14TS Z-abridged7i Introduction 3 Ch. I. Transplantation immunity 7 Ch. II. Reaction "transplant vs. the host" 42 Ch. III. The effect of ionizing radiation on transplantation immunity 68 Ch. IV. Immunolo&i.;al tolerance and radiation 98 Ch. V. Medicinal effectiveness of Lransplanting hematogenous tissue to an irradiated recipient 126 Ch. V1. Radiation chimera - 151 Ch. Vil. Treatment of the transplanted heauitogenous tissue in the organism of radiation chimera - - 164 Ch. VIII. Irradiated animals as living cultures of cells 203 Ch. IX. The immunological concept of the aftereffects of overexposure to radiation - - 217 ConoluBion - - 148 ..Card_- 212 SUB CODEs- 0/- SUBM DATIE! 13Sep65/ ORIG REFt 003/_ OTH REFi Oil L., --,Zi.. Enr~ne~~r'.-.-- ani, -i-a]ty of' clomeF`c rad o 0:.- mont. Ft--.a-~'o no.10:1-`-5. 0 I(A. , "j, , Z~: " % , .-, 1 '' ., P ODG I - '., . 1 1 1. -r;:, ,,r, 3 ; S(V,I,0V-SOKOIT-,,1A'K, L. , kand. tekhn. nauk - - - ~ 4 . Kryl. rod. 15 no.9:44-,'5 S I ". k . ~1,:~A I F,: I ) I " A v IVII0 ~(' -,- ~-, --e- - , 7~5 . - - -~ rlr i ~Ll R., . ? ~ c , : j - - ' - - .,- - -i L- - (,,., -. t r, Y., r, n : r. e -, k --.y I ~ , , . . , ~-. -, I -".. PETROV) S. Very conveninet. Meest.prom. i khud.promys. 2 no.12:26-2? D 161. (MIRA 1-4: 12 1. Upravl*ywhchiy kontoroy "Lengorbytprokat" (Rentine of equirment) PETROV, S. Every commarider J., zn ecu--f,:)T. av. 20, S 163. (Mll--A 1b;F'. (Art-tic k~(irmnorclfil) a =Marv- 6-3 e%% C, e CIO e c,, ec; 06 0*- lop e:c e e e C; OAct 0 l$.0 el& t qtO CeP 21,01 )9 0 ONO O~ ~O e0l t C; "'0q, 0 o -v P et el &19 , 6 019 NC) e0 eo~~ 9~,- 9w~ v 0 e e e C'. 400 %N t, 01 109' %., 0 0 C.C. t e6 10 el 0 e, Ni % %~p se ,99 V~ te 6 40 et e 0 e - -~ 0 e 0 ~P &11 CIO, C, Olt, K, 6-6 et , 0. -t ID, e O*A e - py, et eq 0'( 0 ov ,e ,oV t 60 OA V ve e- eo 9:ce e, I~A ov 0q, 0 KO 0 VCd~ Np 'VI 0'e K,,~: t' ,:Ce 0 ec A~.K, J~ec, s 4 e t0t Peo ,,e 1"0 e C, 00 Z's'e eo ON-9 e%* ete K~.O eD, eo ~~o 000 e. e j5. e %e ec- to ONO 0-~, "L:, t tpc e &,.r- ~ou ~-Zle ,9c', 0 00 ,,e'C ,,re 'Ce _K- e 0:C 'ce e t4 C, oe V, etotA ,& - e tK, c-0,,. e K, e K~ eb' 0 eo eO 0- Va eP OIL te 40e;", CPO V eO:)p ACC-NR, -- -- - -- - - - - - . . - the use of clectric,Ffnerating sets in association with transport vehicles, such as the IAP-1.5 trailer and the KRAZ-219 and Ural-375 trucks is considered. Personnel safety considerati no are discussed, and the design, principle of operation, and use of continuous insulation monitoring devices (PKI for diesel electric sets and rnegom- meters M-143 for the gas variety) are analyzed. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. 0 SUB DE: / SUBM DATSt none/ ORIG REFt 001 FITOV, S. "Industrial h7giene' by B.I. Zhelegnov. V.S. Marfenin. Revieved by 6. eetrov. Ukhr. truds. i sots. strakh. no.2:95 Ag '58. tHIRA 12:1) (Industrial hygieno-laws and legislation) tZhaleznov, B.I.) kHarfenin, V.S.) SOV/ 137-58-7-14188 Translation from: Referari%nyy zhL-rnai Me'.aliurgiva, 1958, Nr 7. D 32 (USSR) AUTHORS: Gargc r. K. S. , Krivulya, G D . Unino% , V. D. , Ul'yanov, D. P. Marrichits, K. A. Petrov, S. A. Sorokin, A. A. TITLE: Autornation of Cor~TP_~T-p-ro'ces- Control (Avtomatizatsiya kontrolya kon~erternykh proisesso%) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn a cherr.ov metallurgii, 1q57 Vol 18, pp 738-742 ABSTRACT: A brief pre6entation made of the history of the de-.-elop- ment of control of Besscmf~r blow, tirst by -.-isual inspection and later pci-formcd vith he aid ot it photoelectric cell and a spectros,ope. Thcre fol:L-w-, a description of monitoring with the aid of the different,.~ photoelectric method as de%eloped by the Dneprodzerzhinsk Evening institute of Metallurgy in con- junction with the im. DzerzhinskiV Metallurgical Plant termed the W-diagram method beca,se of the shape of the record pro- duced. A description is provided of the means by which this method is applied; the results of the use of the method under shop conditions are presented, as are economic indices per- taining to its introduction and prospects for its development. -e: Card 1/1 1. Furnaces--~;ontr~s~ sys, err,..s Photoe.~ectr_;o ___~__A: AUTHORS. Koburneyev M So re K JL nA. A. -and Timoshpol'skiy, I.S., Engineers TITIE- A Rational blethod of Feeding Compressed Air (Ratsional'ny.v podvod kompressornogo vozdukha) PERIODICAL: Stal', 1959, Nr 3, pp 212 - 214 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to improve the state of flame in gas-fired 185-Pn and 3?0-ton open-hearth furnaces at the a ove works, a supply of compressed air (up to 2 00G am /h) through the water-cooled tuyeres situated on both sides of the gas port was introduced.. Alternatively, a compressc-d air (600 - 800 nm3/h) throush Laval nozzles was supplied to ejectors placed at the end of the gas port. This measure increased the output of the fu_rnaces by 3% and decreased the consumption of fuel by 2-3%. In 1956, the supply of compressed air to 85-ton furnaces was modified., n'qMP1V ~ it was introduced into the flame through three sections of tubes situated along the port (Figure 1). This mode of supplying air increased the output by 8-10% and decreased the consumption of fuel by 6-8%. Si-multa-neously due to a better control of the flame the Cardl/2 durability of roofs increased. The comparison of operatin4z~ A Rational Method of Feedinw Compressed Air indices wit-'vout and with the uSe of compressed is shown in Tables 1 and 2. it is thouvht that a similar supply cf oxygen may be particularly beneficial. In -,en thro-",~-'h this case, it would be sufficJent to supTly jxy~- -2-3 streams situ--teld an bctl~ sides of the fiame, wL-ere- apon the bottcm streams wojlu act on the bath, speedin.E up the steel-makinC process ari6 particularly the decarburi- sation of the bath. In order to protect the roof from the a2tion of the flame it wouid be advantageous to supply compressed air th-rcugh the tubes of the upper section (Figure 3). There are 2 tables and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION-. Zavcd -'r, Dzefzhinskogo (im. Dzerzhinskiy Works) Card 212 PETROV2 S. A. PETROV, S. A.: "The development of the technique of explosion work in the USSR mining industry". Leningr Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Order of Lenin and Red Banner Mininr Inst. (Dissertation for the Degree TECTIICAL Sciences) drillinE-and- d, 195". Min. Order of Labor of Candidate of SO: Kni--hnaya Letopist No. ~~l, 10 December 1955 I listall folio Joe 'iF **a 00.3 sow 00 AidowrIke of COO"ti m *Wa&d Charcad hyd.. apbotre. ,ft Physk"Aim, V. R. S. S. 11, ?A)-dd(IqNj(jn ling. -00 IN) .-In a Its aim. the adomplitm of uni. and tustlit- .00 vakat ims an at platinized charmal is ~htlr activated intbrurdrir J<