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S/057/61/031/003/01-3//019 Some peculiarities of an... B125/B209 0 6 2Z.5 140 Legend to Fig. 2: Change of the ion . current of the target, of the extracted 41 too 0 l current, and of the gas consumption as a 6 S t 84 function of the channel length. 1 - target 24 0 1 .;5 current, ma; 2 - extracted current, ma; cm /hr. 1.2 45 28 0 6 12 I'MM Fig. 2 Card 6/8 20929 S/057/61/031/003/013/019 Some peculiarities of an... B125/B209 V Leggend to Fig- 3: Ion current of the target versus extracting voltage. 1 channel length (= ex- 1 = 10 mm, 2 - 1 = 15 mm. 3 Uextr tracting voltage), kv. V 2 4 6 8 Pme. 3. Topt 1101100 MH[UeHH 9 BaORCHMOCTH OT HanpamenmR BUTarmnaRm -AAUNA Mik"SAft 1=10MM. 2-1= Fig- 3 Card 7/6 Some peculiarities of an... Legend to Fig- 4: Distribution of the ion- current density over the beam cross section versus half angle of divergence (aperture angle). 1 - density of ion current, rda/cm 2 2 - angle of deflection from the axis.. 1 20929 S/05 61/031YO03/013/019 B125YZ209 Yen,* OM11flentma CM Oca Fig. 4 Card 6/8 VASILIYEV, R.D.; DOROWEYEV, G.A.; MDRDOVSKAYA, G.S.; PETROV, V.I.; PIMENCYV.9 M.I. Study of a thervAl nqutron source. Atom. energ. 15 no.3: 200-204 5 163. (MIRA 16tlO) (Neutron Bources) L 37120-66 T~I)Z'L- T(rr.)/ t Ll'i Iii (ci JU GG Ti ACC NRt AP6015769 *1L SOURCE CODE: UH/0048/66/030/005/07, A/0796 AUT1101t: Spivak, G. Y. ; Pavlyuchenko, 0. P. ; Petrov, V. I. ORG: Physics Department, Moscow State University im. M.V.Lomonosov (FjLzichc!Sk3.y fakulri-e-tMoskovskogo gosudarstvennogo- u-ndviersi-t-et "a) TITLE: Electron microscopic observation of domair. structure dynamics in magnetic films //R-c:,,)rt, Fifth All-Union Conference on Electron Microscopy held in Sumy 6-8 July 175657 TV- SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 5, 1966, 793-798 TOPIC TAGS: electron microscope, ferromagnetic film, magnetic domain structure, stroboscope ABSTRACT: Alterations in the domain structure of ferromagnetic films during rapid magnetization switching have been observed with a stroboscop_ic electron I.-licroscope. The present paper is devoted to a brief discussion of the technique. A cross section diagram of the electron transmission microscope employed in the investigations is shown in the figure. The magnetizing unit was similar to that of E.Fuchs and W.Liesk (Optik, 19, 307 (19G2)); it was supplied with alternating current, and the windings were made to form part of a resonant circuit in order to increase tho magnetizing field. Only four of the windings were employed because full compensation of the motion Card 1/3 L 37120-66 ACC W AP6015769 Cross section of the stroboscopic electron transmission microscope. I - electron gun; 2 - gate; 3 condenser Ions; 4 - shield; 5 - magnetizing unit; 6 specimen holder; 7 - isolating pulse transformer. of the image was not required with stroboscopic opera- tion. The microscope was operated ordinarily in the de- focused condition. The electron beam was normally cut off by a 50 V potential applied to the gating electrode 2, and was turned on by a 60 V 0.5 microsec strobe pulse. The high cut off voltage was found to be necessary to prevent transmission during the off phase of the cycle of a low current of exceptionally high energy electrons, which led to considerable deterioration of the image. It was found that the stability of the domain structure from cycle to cycle that is requisite for stroboscopic observation obtains only at low switching fields, where- in the switching takes place by reversible domain wall displacement. The sharpness of the stroboscopic photo- graphs depended strongly on the duty factor, the requir- ed exposure becoming excessive at low duty factors. By reducing the magnification, operating the microscope in r_4 2/3 L 3il.!.-66 ACC NRi AP6015769 the focused condition, increasing the accelerating potential to GO -V , -.rr! the pulse current to 1 m.A, it was possible to record at a duty fnct,)r A 2. with an exposure only an order of magnitude longer than is required with no:nrnl' 1-11- tion under static conditions. Several photographs nf the domain structures Of P. r:,-- Plloy films ar-2 presented, which illustrate the rv 11ution achieved and show tht- -,It - tions of the domain walls during a portion of the magnetization cycle. It is con- eluded that a stroboscopic electron transmission microscope can be employed to in- vestignte the variations of the domain structure of thin ferromagnetic films during; magnetization switching under conditions when the processes involved are reversible, and that the sharpness of the image depends on the stroboscopic duty factor and on the stability of the domain configurations from cycle to cycle. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUEM DATE: DO/ ORIG REF: 001/ M REF: 005, Card 3/3 L 01862--67 EWT(I )/hiiT~m)/Feli (t)/ET1 1JP(c ) JD/'tvW,/GD ACC-NWi -AT6029304 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0007/0026 AUTHORj Petrov, V. Is Polozhikhin, A. I.; S ORG: none TITLEs Heat transfer to -sodium a small diametor tube at high heat loads SOURCE: Moscow* Energeticheskiy institut, Toploobmen v elemontakh enorgetichoskikh ustanovok (Heat exchange in power installation units). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 4-26 TOPIC TAGj: convective heat transfer, sodium, heat transfer fluid ABSTRACTz The article reports the results of a study of heat transfer during the '~iovement of sodium in a heated copper tube with an ingide dinter of 0.09 mmo Data .were obtained at specific heat loads reaching 20 x 10 watts/M over a rpge of .velocities from 1.7-30 metera/sec, at Reynolds numbers Re - (4.5-71) x 1 and Peclet numbers from 27 to 485. The circulation loop was made of 1 8)~~ steel. The article thows an overall scheme of the apparatus and detailed mechan r4 ll~awings of the lexperimental tube. The temperature of the outer surfai was measured with Isix Chromel-Kopel thermocouples located at intervals of 5 M. Detailed experim-antal Oats, are shown in an extensive table (four pages). Bas,,d on this data, a figure ,11111ustrates the change in the Nusselt number as a fun,:cion of the Peclet number for a Lcard 1/2 L 01862!-67 ACC NRI AT6D29304 tube with a diameter of 1.09 mm. The majority of previous experiments on heat transfer to liquid metal:; iLave used tubes with a giameter pater than 8-10 mm and specific heat ioads not exceeding approximately 1 x 10 watts/m . The re"s,of the present ~-nvestigation indicate that the relationship Nu - 5 + 09025 Pe 0 can.. in the majority 'of cases, be applied accurately in the calculation of heat transfer to salkali Retals ,'up to a2tube diameter of 1 mm and specific heat loads of approximately 20 x 10' 7 ~mtts/m * Orige art. has: 23 formulas,, 7 figures and 1 table. PSTIOV. V. 1. - Cleaning spectral carbon electrodes by etching. TSvet. met. 26 no.2:79 Mr-Ap 153. (Blectrodes) ()nJIA lorg) PEMO W hgat oll JiGulb. e rov. Lad'eX RNG.'~P.I =ki VMI.Vel Kotov' and 1. MfA (DW Ahad~ Navk_S5AJk~-jq5:Y. JV, 775--776J.-Heat &a.-#fer Is measured from a thin-walled, direct electrically heated tube to a WUng liquid In5ide it, the tutx~ tiring surrounded externally by a non-boiling It d at the temp. of the tube. so as to preven, superheating whentiling occurs inside the tube. Some measui, ments with water are r-corded. R. C. MuRaAY. Ile ZAP( PH"t 1 8009 CULOITATION SOV11826 A&MMIGNIFS nstsk UU. XnergotleMookly InstItUt Uploperedocha I two:_vvoya modellrov"Iyo (Mont Tran.ror and 010d0ling of Neat PIocemo*o) Moscow, ltd-vo AN SSSR. 1959. 619 V. arrets al.;, InsArtod. 3,500 copies printed. a&% gd-t a. &. nAmor*v, Ac4d*mtci&n; td. or Publixhing ausel D. A. Iveanova; Tech. r~d.s 0. N. Shavchonka. 1`200561 ?he book LA Intended for scientists oomerned with heat trw"Gfor, heat owt"Son, and hydraulics of liquid Totals. etc. =nMOR, This collection to dedicated to *he "Mary of Uftdoslel~ V. V. Kirpichow Wbo In the twenties Initiated a yatenuitic Investigation of is"t transfer processes and the orrlcl*ncy of' heat apparatus. Later he led the development of research work in this field. Two aZwocIal collections devoted to work. of Kirpichovos Suftedl have been P"llshod, one in 19)8, RatortalY moveshchanlya PC uPdollrov"Iya iltaterlitIs of the Conrorence on Modeling) ajad in 2951# ?QOrIY4 podaA4,a I modellrov"Iyo (Theory or Similitude Und PIDdsling). ?In* present collection prepared in 1956 "presents further do.. I pewa-- of the ark of this school. This theory I. fUndAV1dT1t4I for Efto ~Iyolo of many heat p"bl9ms In the r1ed of 4100triGal and rvwtlo engineering. Of great lftport~co are the fIrOt SYRtesatla S.~"Stlgntlon. at host transfer and the ft"mullas or l&qW_4 ontaIg which as a now kind of heat carrier MY b& used In tho Mr1ous branches or modem engineering. As a result or special %svostigations or am* cameo or convective rm&t tP4vafsr, a terpeadenee or the process on the kind Of liquid, to rature, P"acat". direction of the heat flow. and other Yeators, was dlocaworrod and established. On the basis or - wide few"112stson or eazerim.ntal data, now dependable rocoMmandatlons " h*&t analysis tsf wigineoring equipment were developed. of no :060 Interest to taw work on heat transclamion In boiling liquid, Mad 100 0andonestLans of vapors. All inv*stlgstlons are based on %be theory of oisil-zude. the nature or which, according to K. V. 92-ITIChov. is that =f *experimentation." Work on the theory of 0 rogul~ regime ap,;Iod to a system or bodlow with an internal source of host to of Interest for the future. c4ure 2/20 Nest Ivtansfor ( Coo L. I iOV/1826 I - and 1~'T. On the lanourv.,ent of :L..m Zo-n-te-a-IFTIF-So 'i Ing t%-T~~ a nP, 272 The article describes a oatnod or measuring steam coote~t bamed on the phonomovt~ that In the process of boiling with uft&r?`h*atIng In a flow 0! a liquid, little steam 1. vn1lable an tnve heated surface. -he fluid is ct~ulftttng In a cloAo aa~-!`Vur, having a fmo rurface on which boiling antlear- Data on this ub)"t revo been obtained by X-rays (H. 9-hiberg. stamarord univorsity) bw-. am tudged Insufficient. There or* 2 1 Soviet W4 1 Enclish. t a tals In Pipe@ 69 This art4ole gives results of the first most complete IgIvest:gation of average be*t emission In a turbulent flow of ji1quid artals tftywaizo straight pipes. SUP21044ftting the reVpii of the Intera4ttmal Conference on the Peaceful Use of Jtonjo tn*rgy. thIA ai~tjcl* provides more complete twblej of values ajod dozer--ptions of experiments. 1. A. Vel-tis"Immov, 4. V. Osipcor. and G. 14. Chlthevok4ye cooperated with Use authors In oonductcizg osperitoants; P. A. Mikollokty. T. V. flossen. A. P. Solowlywv. K. A. Kalakutskays, and 1. A. Poholk-S with the oooprazt=-. of V. A. Vol'tIvb0b*v& determined th# pkyvloel Properties of oe~algj data On the viscosity or load. mw~ury. and oodtu. - t.1.o rr~T he ~'r Fhnl!!cT' Shvidirovokly, and Chiong. Them are 0 mromno.61 4 Soviet. and 4 rftlioh. Diatr; 4E2c/42d(b) 2 cys/4E3b/4E3c 2 eye/4133d AE2bkv.) /Ah anif Ii to 9LDift- Or fie W~ij ~'r) and a lint 7- MTC. %T on pep ca the ou IP6* detd. by , 'n, of Fmnn les .103 WJ3 Pilot wall. Dmwinp sw~i .k- bled On. 77A pipe was by ther a beater. or by an at &-n=. temp. of a nm Imder concildow of boWhesting a Velocity of the 11 mttsls "s varial Ir see., the beat fluxlymmmm 2 X Jos to ~I X Jo Pq-36 no. (Re) from I X 104 to 0.5 X no. (Pr from 4 X 10-8 to a x 410-0 44 iwd- by Mitre Nu. is the Nund of the chta, i.e.. for S. PI by 'Nfa m 4.8 + 0,014 app. are . ce ts we" cwHnir. The 01 to2Dm/- eutectle are i. BI-Pb eutec. Drted. All the -'8.3 + OA14 i!,- (Re) MO. - 1-K vieve better S/12o/61/000/002/035/o42 E032/Ell4 AUTHORi Petrov, V.I. TITLEt zirconium targets deposited on copper and silver PERIODICAL, Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961, No.2, pp~174-1-76 TEXT2 The present author discusses a method for the preparation of zirconium targets on copper and silver. It was found in preliminary experiments that a copper foil in intimate contact with a zirconium foil will bond together when heated in a vacuum to 600-700 OC. However, it was found that the zirconium layer does not show a strong absorption of hydrogen. In oubsequent work the zirconium layer was therefore separated from copper by a silvtr foil. The apparatus employed for preparing such composite foils is shown in Fig.l. The flat end of a copper cup having a carefully prepared surface is used as the copper target. The zirconium foil (0-03 mm) and the silver foil (0.01 mm) are pressed against the copper surface by the load 2 (1 kg). The pressure is transmitted by the graphite rod 3 and the quartz tube 4. The assembly is heated by a high-frequency furnace supported by the quartz tube 5. The displacement gauge 6 carries a scale divided Card 1/5 S/12o/61/000/002/035/042. Zirconium targets deposited on ... E032/EI14 into 0.002 mm divisions. The entire assembly is placed in a vacuum of 5 x io-6 mm Hg~ An the heating process begins, !he displacement gauge shows an increase in the length of the apparatus, and as soon as the silver begins to melt the gauge pointer moves in the opposite direction. It is esti-mated that ~he average atomic ratio of titium to zirconium in these targets is about 1A. In order to ensure a better heat transfer the targe! was later modified, as shown in Fig.2. In the modified form it is in the form of a disc with spiral channels for water -ooling- The modified form of the complete apparatus is illustrated in Fig.3, in which 2 is the water-cooled target and 4 is a piston which transmits the pressure (300 kg/cm2). Fig.4 shows the apparatus used for preparing zirconium targets on silver. The silver is loaded into the graphite crucible 1. The latter has an aperture which is covered by the graphite rod 2. This rod can be raised by means of the thread 4. The silver is heated by the high-frequency heater and can be poured out onto the zirconium foil 3 by opening the aperture on the crucible. The foil is kept in position by the steel ring 5 and is supported by the quartz tube 6. Tritium to zirconium ratios of about 1.8 were obtained.. Card 2/5 S/12o/61/000/002/035/o42 Zirconium targots deposited on .... E032/Eil4 Acknowledgements are expressed to O.V. SoptBov for practical assistance and to V.V. Kesarev for-help with the saturation of the zirconium targets with hydrogen isotopes. There are figures ard 3 English references. SUBMITTED: May 27, 196o -017 03 ell Fig. 2 Card 3/5 S/12C1/61-/000/C102/03;5/c)4 2 Zirconium targets deposited on .... E032/E114 Fig.1 (: a 1-,-, h / 5 Zirconium tnrgets deposited oil . . . . 5/1 2C,/6 11 -" --' E032/E114 Card 515 3 ASTAKHOV, O.P.: PETROV, V.I.; FEDYNSKIY, O.S. Noto on contact thermal rosistanc-p 4n *,ra-sfer *,.n metals. Atam. enerr. 1' 5 't1. (heat--Transmission) ACC NR% AP6022207 SOURCE AUTHOR: Vasillyev, R. D.; Dorofeyev, G. A.; Petrov, V. I.; Pimenov, M. I.; Shavchenko, V. F. ORIG: none TITLE: Calibrating thermal-neutron radiometers in diffused flux SOURCE: Izmeritel1naya tekhnika, no. 5, 1966, 63-65 TOPIC TAGS: radiometer, thermal neutron ABSTRACT: The possibility of using a graphite moddrator as a source of thermal noutrons for calibrating noutron radiomotorti was oxplorod. A fast-noutroll soul-00 (T(d,n)He4 reaction) was placed inside a cavity in Lhe frraphlLo. With Lhick lridua- trial ZrT and TiT targets, the neutron yield reached 10 per sec, at 100 kv and MCAamp in the cascade accelerator. Theoretically, Q/P = 7000 per cm2; experL-rientally, 5600 per cn2; here, Q - yield of fast neutrons, P - thermal-neutron flux density. Hence, a -'field of thermal neutrons with a density of 106 neutr/sec.cm2 was feasible; these neutrons had a Maxwellian energy distribution and a temperaLure of 2911'. 7he technique of calibration of Soviet-made RUP-1 radiometer is described L-1 5ome detail. The radiometer_ calibrated in a direcLional flux showed readings by 30/;"" bower than true valueolmeasurand when used in diffused fluxes. Orig. arL. nLas; 7 formulas. SUB CODE: 18 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG RF.F-. 005 / OTH REF. 001 Card 1/1 UDG:621,035--i64.2 L. AW9,5,7~~67- EWT(m) ACC NR' AT6031326 SOURCE CODE: UR/3163/66/000/004/0026/0033 AUTHOR: Vasillyev, R. D.; Dorofeyev, G. A.; Petrov, V. I.; Pimenov, M. L; -Shevchenko, V. F. ORG: none 7 TITLE: Determination of the yield of nuclear reactions in thick targets with energies up to 100 Kev SOURCE: Soyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut priborostroyeni_y . Doklady, no. 4, 1966. Opredeleniye vykhoda reaktsiy Deyteriy (deyton, neytron) Geliy tri i Tritiy (deyton, neytron) Geliy chetyry v tolstykh mishenyakh pri energiyakh TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reaction, neutron, deuteron, neutron flux, all-wave colLinter/NG-200 cascade accelerator ABSTRACT: On the basis of previous works, a deterrnination is made of the yie 1 d of nuclear reactions Dfdn)Re" and T(a~,) Pe' in coz-n- inercially produced thick targets along accompanying particles at deuternn energries up to 100 Kev. 'rhe neutron yield was measured with an NG-200 cascade accelerator. Confirmation was made of the virtual absence of scattering in target nuclei Nd Card _1/2_____ ___ _____U.D'C: 539.17 __ , ___ ACC NRt AT6031328 escaping toward the counter. Results of the calibration of the all-wave 1~ounter confirm the corrections of the method used to determine the neutron flux density, and the yield of the reactions DA-) He" and W10 He' Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 11 formulas. SUB CODE: 20, 18/ SUBM DATE: 200ct65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 006/ ard 2 / 2 C L-- - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - . 7-A ~j o7g,,s-67 wr( m) ~2~CC NRi NY' At6031327 SOURCE CODE: UR/3163/66/000/003/0022/0025 AUTHOR: Vasillyev R. D. Dorofeyev, G. A. Petrov, V. 1. Pfmi~nov, I Shevchenko, V. F, ORG: none TITLE: On the problem of using-puclear reactions to calibrate radiometers of fast neutrons SOURCE: Soyuznyy nauchno-issledov~tellskiy institut priborostroy Jya. Doklady, --- ~~jt - -- -- pAili : . no. 3, 1966. K voprosu ob is zovanii yadernykh reaktsiy Deyteriy (deyton, ney- ' tron) Geliy tri i Tritiy (deyton, neytron) Geliy chetyry d1ya graduirovki radiometro%r bystrykh neytronov, 22-25 TOPIC TAGS: radiometer, nuclear reaction, neutron, neutron detector, neutron flux/NG-200 generator ABSTRACT: A study is made of the calibration of neutron radiometers with energies close to 2. 5 and 14 Mev, formed during nuclear reactions D(dn)Hff1 and T (d. 0 lie" respectively. A neutron NG-200 generator was used as the accelerator. It was found that in some cases, neutrons from reaction Card 1/2 UDC: 539. 1. 075. 2. 089:539. 172. 4 L 0795847 ACC NRI AT6031327 T(d. n) He4 can be used to adjust instruments intended to register neutrons from reaction D(dn)lle- The calibration error of neutron radiometers for both reactions was calculated as being the sum of the mean square errors in the determination of the neutron flux density and the readings of the calibrated instrument, and was of the order of 5 to 10%. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and I formula. SUB CODE: 20, 18/ SUBM DATE:.. nine/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 001 'Y. 2/2 L 07560-6? EWT(l) WWIGD ACC NRt AT6029311 SOURCE CODE: UR/ODDD/66/OW/000/0064/0068 AUTHOR: Petrov. V. 1. 4-9 Bf ORG: none TITLE: The temperature drop in a plate heated by internal sources of heat whose specific power depends on the temperature SOURCE: Moscow, EnerLetichaslciy Institut, T ploobmon v olemontaldi enorgotichoskikh ilustanovok (Heat exchange in power installation units). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, .64-M -TOPIC TAGS: thermodynamic analysis, heat conductivity, conductive heat transfer ,~ABSTRACT: The heat conductivity equation for the problem under consideration has the forra: (1)2- ] + q. (1) = 0. dX dX The solution of this equation, with constant specific power of the internal heat sources qvp is contained in many textbooks on heat transfer. However, if, in addition to qv, the heat conductivity is also a constant quantity, then the solution of the iequation is expressed by the dependence of the temperature on qv,, A , x. the thickness :of the plate, 6 , and the boundary conditions in explicit form* Taking account of the Card 1/2 L 07560-67 ACC NR: AT6029-311 ,dependence of the heat conductivity coefficient on the temperature, at conutant q., .does not bring about any difficulties in the solution of Equation (1). However, in ,this case, the function sought is not the temperature, but the auxiliary function X (t) dt. (2) 0 Here, the temperature becomes an implicit function of the given parameters. The rest .of the article consists of a mathematical treatment of the problem as posed above. 'iOrig. art. hast 17 formulas and I figure. SUB CODE: 201 SUEN DATE: 06Apr66/ ORIG REF: 003 ~C-ard 2/2- not L OZ,561-67 EWT (1) _W/Q L~ ACC AT6029310 SOR CZ CODE: b-ii/oooo/66/C)00/000/c,-u"~/W64 AUThOR: Petrov, V. 1. ORG: none :-7 TIME: Stabilized convoctivo heat tranafor in tuboa with a linear dependence of t~,o heat flux an the wall temperature SOURCE: M03COW, Energoti chosiciy_institut. Toplooumon v elemontalkh enorgotichaj~,4." 'u3tanovok (Heat~-e-xch~~g-e in power in3tallation unit3). 14o3cow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 59-64 TOPIC TAGS: convective heat transfer,, heat transfer coefficient, thermodyTiamic analysis ~357RAOT: The article considers the case who-n the neat tran3fer cocfficicnt ro'-'air,3 constant, while the heat load deponds lincarly on the wall temperaVare. Under those conditions, an analysis is made of the change aloni- the leni,-th of the tube of the wall ,temperature, the liquid temperature, and the heat flux. in place of the usual ex-?ression for the heat transfer coefficient, the analysis makes use of the corresponiin,-, in form. In order that the heat tran3for 'coefficient remain constant at any point over the length of the tubej, that is,' + I W. Card 1/3 114. L 07561-67 ACC NRi AT6029310 ,it is necessary and sufficient that the following condition be fulfilled for all :values of x in this section d dx 1 -1 I Differentiating, we got I dq q d 0. dx 1-~171 I'V dx 'Setting each of the factors equal to zero, and limiting the final magnitude of the ;#.emperature gradient, we obtain the condition for the constancy of the heat transfer coefficient over the length of the tube; this awy be written in the following form; dq dx dl,. dx dx iThe remainder of the article is devoted to a mathematical treatment of the problem ,under the abovq initial conditions. The final expresaion haa the form Cord -L 07561n67- ACC NR, AT60-29~10-- + "0 '-1) b br A a In Y (13) + - A LLUAI A (q00 (x Here, is tho tomperaturo coefficiant of the elootrio resiatanoo of the material of ihe w2le Orig, art, has: 13 formulas. i SO CODEs 20/ SMI DATEs 05Apr66 Card 3/3 net SOV/137-56-~4-1~)-, ~, Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, j) AUTHORS: Strelets, Kh.L., Voynitskiy, A.I., Ivanov, A.L,,_.Pe*1rU,,-. V.;.. Sergeyev, V.V., Forsblom, G.V. TITLE: Studies in the Metallurgy of Titaniurn (Raboty v oblasti nii-t.t:- lurgii titana) PERIODICAL: V sb,: Legkiye metally. Nr 4. Leningrad, 1957, pp 1 14- ABSTRACT: A review of studies of titanium metallurgy in the USSR cor-- prising the production of anhydrous TiCl4, the development ). processes and equipment for reduction of TiC14 bv k':,- and ~"'i. the purification of Ti spongv. the electrolysis of Ti and To., chlorides. the electrolytic refining of Ti, etc. J'hp studic; investigations performed have made it possible to (:) r J, dZ C large-scale industrial extraction of Ti in the USSR. Lanl ~m-~',t!_idy ayj 'lea Card 1/1 S07,',72-24-,'--'-'7 AUTHOR3: Zalesov, Yl;. P. , Yarkmrir., A. L. , Pct:-cv, 7. Korobtanv, A. A., Pllpenko, A. T., KuKay, L. N. TITLE: Crommun" cat 4. 3ns in Brief ',Kcrotki~-e S00'-'3'-cheniya, PERIODICAL: 101~8 Vr' 21 ' ",SSR' 7avodskaya Laborat~r;~-a Nr pi 1070-10" Z , , , ABSTRACT: Y11. 1'. ','jilonov nrd A. L. M)jil(mni, Vsesoyuznogo nauc~no-isslerlovatellskogo iristituta zhi rrv, (Central Asian Branch of the Allunion Scienlific Fat Institute) 'lave evolvei a rnethou fcr the gossypoll ir; cottonseed oil. Gossypol is Pxtractfd wi`-. aquootis alktilint) noltition; In this prooent j:oqsyj,,'it1t11S formed, w1rich solve well in water, and which are termined gravimetrically or volumetrically. V. I. Petrov, M. A. Buzhenko and A. A. Koro~tsov rauchno-i ssiedovatel t skiv dizellnyy instit--t' '~'Ce.'-*- r a3 - n Diesel Research Institute" ave evo'ved R for acetone in air, water, and waste gaseq. It is base! 0~. t".(-- reaction of acetone with hydrochloride hydroxyl T-.~ resultant hydrochloric acid i 9 determined phot Gr-r-tri cal F:. Card 1/3~ a green light, filter and met'ryl orange as an indicatcr. Communications in Brief SOV/ 1' 2-24 -9- 11 4,!5 A. T. Pilipenko and L. N. Kugay (Institut spetsial. 'nykh sp lavov .0 USSR) ~,Institute of Powder and Special A7-.'oys of the AS 'V'krSSR) prcpon(i a f:,T- determdnat ion of horon and I-ori des i n some metal s. W~ t.z- borides of titanium, zirconium, niobium, tungsten, and molybdenum, an alkaline out in iron or nickel crucibles at 7000, `-e s',1'-sl 011 - 0,2 g,and small quantities of sodium yeroxidf.- The analysis procedure is JeSCr4 bed. I ASSOCIATION: Sredneaziatskiy fil'Jal Vqesoyuznogo instituta zhirov (Central Agian Branch of ",.cAII-Union Fat Research Ins+4t~.;*Lp) Tsentral'!'Iyy (Central Sc~,--'Iific Diesel Research Institut metallokeraniki. i s-,etsj,-.I'nYkY. splxivov AN 7-SSR (Institutp of Powder Meta'-'~1-irgy -and S-,PcJill ;AS Pard 2'3 RF _ ZR03L VJ., dotsent Trna 4xen t!, the I.,und after the removT11 of skin."r. Pf) no.74P3-P,4 Ji (MIRA 15:8) 1. 1z 2-y E08 ita-l,noy khirurgicbeskcy kliniki (nahe. - prof. Ye.v. SmirnZ Voyenno-inedi ts ins koy ordena Lenina alrademii im~ S.M, Kirova. (SKIN GRAFTIVG) PETMV, m.y dot,-~eiit T,rentMej-4 -f tte woiLnd after the remov-1 cf skirl. Vest.!-?Zi-. TI 1~~'l 1. 1z 2-y gos-it&llnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (nahe. -prof. Ye.11. Smirnov~' Voyenrio--meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademji im. S.M. Kirova. (SKU GRAFTING) , -~', !~, '.' , -, - k , CT V~;,~ ~ . - f F,-Cfl- r 1. .*! ! " , r.'. 4 hf .. -- -- - . ,- ':. e. I ~ 1, . - , I I . . . . . . I . rim -1 . I . I . ., IJ; ~ , r.:.,- -: e ~ ..-'r , ~, -/I - . . I ! r I j xtir -. ?. fl . -' r ;!:-F -, , . r. . . . . : - - " ~ *7 : I - ) FSTROV, V.I., dotsent Roentgen anatomiml study of the lungs In forensic expert testimony. Vest. rent. i rad. no.5:64-68 8-0 154. 1. Is kafedry rentgenologii (zav. prof. Yu.?;.Sokolov) TS~ntrallnogo Institute. usovershonstvovantya vrachey (diro V.P.Lebedeva) i Hoskovskoy oblastnoy sudebnomeditBinskoy ekspertizy (zav. L.N.Dodina) (LUBGS, radiography, mad. legal aspects) (MISPRUMICN, MEDICAL. lungs x-ray in) PETROV, V~I. Ep,.demiology of epidemin hepatitis In Dnepropetrovsk. Zhiir. mikrobiol., evid. i Inmn. 40 no.6.:-18-22 Je 163. (MIRA l7rb) I -epidemiologicheskay -L Iz Dnepropetrovskoy gorodakoy sanilarno atantsill. PETROV, V.I.. dotsent; KOTEGOVA, G.K. Surgical treatment of fractureB of the long bones [with simmary in Nnglieh, P.1591 Vest.kh1r. 77 no.6:71-76 Ja '56. (MLRA 9:8) 1. Iz gospitallnoy lchirurgicheekoy kliniki No.1 (nach. - prof. Ye.V.Smirnov) Voyeano-morskoy meditainskoy akademit. Leningrad, J'ontanka. 106, gospital'naya khirargicheskaya klinika No.l. (FRACTURES, surgery, intramedullary nailing (Rus)) Vol 3-,~.r:-ery Dec 57 6373. PETROV V.I. *Free skin grafting in radiation il 1:~ess ( H is- sian text) VESTN. KIIIII. 1956, 7. , '9 (85-90) Ninety-one rabbits were irradiated and 104 experiments per~-ifmt-. U 1 1- :7 Af'4'.4 of skin was taken as an indicator of the organism's capaclt~ "(w rt-gent.:.I. Grafts were made 6-12 hr. after irradiation in 28 rabbits; the skin transplant 'A.IS successful in 22 rabbits. When skin was grafted 24-48 hr. after irradiation Ilatent period) the transplant took in 9 out of 28 rabbits, primary r,ecrosis u~,:Curred ill T secondary necrosis in 12 rabbits. Grafts were successful in 2 out of 13 rahbits operated on during the early period of manifest clinical symptoms (if radiation ill- ness. Seventeen rabbits were operated an at the height of radiation illness; the grafts did not take in any of the animals. After recovery from radiation illness (after B-11 weeks) the regenerative ability of the tissues is restored almost completely- skin grafts were successful in 14 of the 18 animals operated on. Tile author considers it expedient in the case of compound injuries to carry out preli- minary treatment of wounds at an early period. FMOV. V.I., dotsent RadTo-tbe-rapy of cdp-cer of Vater's ampulla. Vest.khir. 77 no.12: 108-110 D 156. (MLRA 10:2) 1. 1z 1-y gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (nach. - prof. "Z.V. Smirnov) Voyanno-morskoy newditainakoy akademit. Adres avtora Leningrad, Yontank-a. d.106, 1-3ra gospital'aaya khirarg. klinika VHM (BIIZ DUCT. CCWON. neoplasms IAsdiother. of cancer of Vater's cliverticulum) (RADIOTHMAPT, In varioue die. cancer ot Vater's ampulla) . '. . f . c - I I I . . . .. I , . . I . . f at /) ti- 7 ~- , , , .-, t - t ~ , --l/ - . 1 .1 , . - .., ., - . . ; . , . . -. -'M . - - , . * 13 .. ~ I I . . ~ 11 . - . . ~ I - - . I I . i I :. , I , , - ) FBTROV. V.I. (Lipetsk, Donskaya, u1.. d.5, kv-7) - 1, R.A - Phazedenic ulcer. Vert.khir. 81 no-10:136-137 0 '58 (MI 11:11) 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya bollnitey (glavnyy v-rnch - V.I. Petrov) Li etskogo traktornogo zavada. TTHORAY, ulcer phagedonic, in inf. (Rus)) FMOV V I Ganglioneuroma of a sympathetic nerve [with an-ary Ln English].'A.--. 81 n0-12:23-27 D '58. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Iz goopitallnoy khirargicheekoy kliniki No.2 (zav. - prof. Ye.V. Smirnov) Voyenno-meditsinakoy ordena Lenina akademil imeni S.M. Kirova. Adres avtora: Leningrad, nab. Yontanki, 106, gospitall- neya khirargicheekaya klinika No.2. (GANGLIONRMMA, case reports autonomic ganglia, cervical, thoracic & abdom. segments (Rua)) (GANGLIA, AUTONOMIC, neoplasms ganglioneuroma of cervical, thoracic & abdom. segments (Rus)) PETROV, V. I. Cand Mad Sci -- (diss) "Evaluation of the functioral state of.vessels im o"e4zV1' obliterating endarteritis." Mon, 1959. 12 pp (let Moo Order of Lenin Med Inst im 1. M. Seohenov). 200 oopies (KL, 47-59, 117) -52- PETROVI V.I. Evaluation of the functional state of the peripheral vessalE in obliterating endarteritis. Khirurgiia 35 no.9:22-28 '59. (MXU 13:12) (ARTERIES-DISFASES) Act L.-;o -.L PI~T-,~)V, V. _~. USSR/14edicine - Roentgenology Card 111 .iuthors Petrov, V. I., Candidate Medical Sciences Title Clinico -roentgenological symptomology of sigmoid flexurei~ of the Periodical Vest Rentgen i Radiol 1, 62-68, 1954 Abstract Describes some of the X-ray symptoms of siginoid flexures of the intes'.ne not ordinarily detected in the diagnosis when in the early staCes. Four references; ali USSR. Five photographs (X-rays); three drawings. Institution Chair of Roentgenology (Chief-Professor Yu. N. Sokolov) Central Ins-'itute for the Advanced Training of Physicians (Director-V. 7. Lebedeva), and Roentgenological Division (Chief-Candidate Medical Sciences V. I. T,etrov) Moscow Oblast Scientific-i~esearch Clinical Institute Imeni M. F. '.'!ad',- mirskiy (Director-P. M. i.ionenkc) Submitted Presented at the meeting of the Moscow Society of Roentgenologtsts and Radiologists on January 5,'-953. PETROV, V.I., kandidat moditainskikh nauk An apparatus for introducing contrast mediun into the intes~inea. I rad. nn.5:82-81' S-0 '55. (MLRA 9:1) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii (zav.--prof. Tu.N. Sokolov) TSentral'- nogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir.--prof. V.P. Lebodeva) I rentgenologichaskogo otdola (zav.--kandidat medi- tainakikh nauk K.F.Ochkin Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno- isaledovatel'skogo instituta imeni M.F.Vladimirskogo (dir.-- kandidat meditsinskikh nauk P.M.Leonenko) (INTESTINES, radiography contrast medium Introduction, appar.) (RADIOGRAPHY, appar. and instruments appar. for Introduction of contrast media) KGROLIVICH, Te.H.; PSTROVO V.I. Hentageal syndrome In Rustitiskii's disease. Ilin,zed. 33 no-3: 81-84 Mr '55. (KLRA 8:5) 1. Ix kafedry terapil TBentrallnoro Institute usovershonstvovantya vrachey (zav. kafedroy prof. B.A.Posledova) I 1-go terepevtiche-~ skogo otdolentya Gorodekoy kliniche8koy bollnitsy No. 6 (glavnyy vrach N.S.Shevyakov). (MYELOMA, PLASMA IBLL. manifestations, meningeal- eynd.) (MENINGES. in various diseases. myelowa, plasma cell) -PETROV, V.1.1 kanclidat modAteinakikh nauk; TILWIN, I.V. (Moskva) Significance of contrast X-ray diagnosis of volvalus of the small intestine- ll"mscl-, 33 n0.,11:70-72 N 155. N12A 9:7) 1. Is I kafedry rentganologii 1. meclitelaskoy radiologil. (sav.- prof. Yu.N.Sokolov) ?Sentrallnogo instituta usovershoustvevantya vr&ohoy i rentgenologicheskoge otdola (sav.-kandidat mediteln- abdbrh nnuk X.F.Ochkin) Keekovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-iesl*dovatell- skogo klinichaskogo institute. imeni X.F.Vladimirskogo (INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION, diagnosis, x-ray) PETROV, V.I., kandidat moditsinakikh nauk; THLEGIN, I.V. Acute dilatation of the duodenum and stomach. i rad. 31 no.2:86-88 Hr-Ap 156. (XIAA 9:8) 1. Iz kafedry rentganologii (zav. prof. Yu.B.Sokolov) TSentrallnogo institute, usovershenetvovaniva vrachey (dir. prof . V.P.Lebodeva) i rentgenologichookogo otdela (zav. kand. med. nauk K.F. Ochkin [deceaBed]) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-isaledovatellakogo kli- nichaskogo instituta tmeni M.F.Vladimirskogo (dir. P.M.Leonenko) (STOMACH. diseaaes. dialat., x-ray (Rua)) (DUODENUM, diseasea, dilat.. x-ray (Rue)) PETROV, V.I.. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Importance of X-ray investigation with contrast media in the diagnosis of volv-ulua. KhirurFtia 32 no.6:50-5) Je 156. (MLFJI 9:10) 1. Iz 1-y kBfedry rentganologii i maditsinskoy radiologit (zav. - prof. Yu.N.Sokolov) TSentrallnogo inBtituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i rentgenologicheskogo otdela (zav. - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk K.F.Ochkin) MoskoVBkogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovateltskogo klinicheekogo institutaimeni M.F.Vladimir8kogo. (INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION. etiol. and patho-en. volvulus. ileocolic. x-ray diag.) (COLON, DIS. colvulua ileocolic, x-ray diag.) (ILEUM, die. same) USSR / Human and Animal Morpholog:j, Normal and Pathologic,,J. Abs Jour : Fbf Zhur - Biol. , No 18, 1958, No 83628 Author ;-Batrov-/ -'V-:,C T; Inst Moscow Oblast Scientific Research Clinical Tlnstil.,,,~, Moscow Oblast Department of Health. Td tle Clinico-Ftidiological Diagnosis of Intestinal Obstruction. (,Investigqtive Method and Symptomatolo(zicril Appro:ich). In Aid of the PracticinK Medicr~l P-,diol,)gJst. Ori g Pub Moqh. obl. otd. zdra-vookhr. Mosk. -,b1. n-i. kJo-lich. ili-t, M., 1957, 136 str. J I. Abstract No -ibstr,,.ct. Card 1/1 8 -PETROV9 V.I.9" Creation of the Moscow Prbvince Society of Roentgenologists amd Radiologists. Vest. rent i i rad. 35 no. 4:77 n-Ag l6o. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Predsedatell pravieniya Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchnogo obshchestva rentgenologov i radiologov. (MOSGOWFROVING&-RADIOLOGICAL SOCIETW ) .-IWRQV,V.1. (~bskva, Zh-28, Darasovskiy pereulok, d.9, kv.2) X-rav examination of the intestine under polyclinic conditions. rad. 35 no.l: 14-18 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Iz rentgeno-radiologicheskogo otdela (rukovoditell - starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik V.I. Petrov) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno- iseledovatellskogo klinicheakogo inBtitUta iment, M.F. Vladimir- skogo (dir. - P.M. Leonenko). (IMSTMS radiogr.) KUZIETSOV, I.S.j kand.meditBinskikh nauk; PETROV, V.I.p kand,,meditainBkikh nauk; ~`EDDTOV# F.D. Roentgen diagnosis of actinamycosis of the thoracic and abdominal cavity. Vest. rent. i rad. 35 no. 5:37-43 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Iz rentgeno-radiologicheakogo otdela (zav. - kandidat maditainakikh nauk V.I. Petrov) Moskovskogo oblaBtnogo nauchno- isaledovatellskogo klinicheakogo instituta imeni M.Fi Vladimirskogo (dir. - nauk P.M. Leonenko). (ACTINOMYCOSIS) SOKUOV, Yu.N.; PETROV, V~I. Problem of the diagnosis of gastric cancer, Vop, onk, 6 no, 11:3-11 N 16o. 14. 1), (STOMACH-CA14CEB) PLTliC)V,_V.I.,, lcand,m-d.riauk; DOBUOMUNOV, A S.- ATWIOV, A.:,. Tracheobronchoscopy and bronc--logr~-T,:J under ancat:~02ia 'lz-'r-C Sov. med, 25 no.11:118-120 N 161~ O-a - -~. ~ ~r: r I., I% gospitallnoy kUrin-gichoskiy V.1iniki (dir, - d,-,ygtv'.tel'n-r,, c,dan Aj'J,' 3.-)S'i prol'. B V,Potrovs'lrj--) 1 '-Ioskovsko-,,o ordenu m;ditsinsko~.:o insti*-uta imenA 1.!',Sec~.Cnova. (Bao"Ic'-foscopy) (B;~cl';L;*H---itADIOG Ai-".,!) (T:I,AC!EA--MLO;tA'ri0N) 0-5jscu~ PETRCV, V. 1. Doc Med Sci - (diss' "Roentgenod-Jawnostics of mechar-4-p,'- struction of the intesl.~rie." Moscow, 1961. 21, pp -viitlh -,,ia- grams; (State Scientific Research hoentFeno-RadioloFical Inst of the Ministrv of Public Health KSFS)R); number of coDit~~ not given; price not griven; list of' siithor's works on pp entries/; (KL, 6-61 sur, SMIRNOV, Ye.V.,prof.; PETROV, V.I., dotsent Resection of the stomach for bypass in duoderal stasis com- plicated by pancreatitim. Yest.khir. no.1:7-13163. (ZALU 16:7) 1. Iz k-liniki gospitallnoy khirurgii No.2 (zav.-prof. Ye.V. Smirnov) Voyenno-mditsinskoy akademii imeni S.M.Kirova) (STOMM-SURGM) (PANCREAS-DISEASES) (DUODENUR.-DISEASES) ~~70y~ V.I., prof. (Moskva, Pokrovskiy bul., d.8, kv.8) Roentgenological symptomatology of volvufus of the ceam. Vest. rent. i rad. 38 no.ltl6-20 Ja-F'63. (MIRA 161l0) 1. Iz Moskovskogo ob2AStnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo kli- nicheskogo instituta imeni M.F.Vladimirskogo (dir. -za- sluzhenn,-y vrach RSFSR P.L.leone-idco). 4- PETROV., V.I.; KOLEROVA, N.V.; KOVTUNENK0, V.T.; SILAYEV, A.D. Methodology of preparing an aqueous suspension of bariuc far X-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract. Veatn. rent. i rad. 38 no.3:61-63 W-Je 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Iz rentg~qo-radiologicteskogo otdola (rukovoditell - prof. V.I. Petrov) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatel'Bkogo klinicheskogo instituta. imeni M.P. Vladimirskogo (direktor - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR P.M. Leonenko). PETROV, V.I.p Prof. Methods of cineroen-i-genographic examination of the s--mach. Vestn. rentgen. i radiolo 38 no-4:18-21 Jl-Ag'63 WM 17:2) 1i. Iz Moskow, (:;P.,o oF qst, f , -no-issledovatellskogo k11- 4 niches)-ogo inf- t-)t.r,. ;--..-!ni IIA.F.Vladimirskogo ( dir. - zaslu- zhennyy vrach '~L~~SR 1-.M.Leonenko). 9 a i; i,a P-rTROVJ- V.I.; KRI;W, FILER'OVA, 'X r f th-? vlg" and lef: c', -,he larga rent. J rn,:',. 31.4 11 N- P. t! P. M skrl~v_xct" C",'a 4 r5 C'll FZTROV, V.I. Stamping of a die. TSvet. met. 27 no.l.-78-79 -Ta-F '54. (W-TRA 10:9) 1. Zavod Glavtovetmetobrabotirt. (Dies (Metalworking)) f V" V GORBDV, V.A., dotment; IASKINA. V.P.. ordinator Hygienic study of dwellings. Gig. I san. 21 no.11:64-65 N 156. (M1BA 10:2) 1. Is kafedry kommunaltnoy gigiyeny I Moskovskogo ordena lenina neditsinakogo Institute iment I.M.Sechanova. (HCUSISG hygienic study of dwellings) (HTGIBNB of dwellings) P2PROV, V.I. Cases of poisoning by phenol vapors of workers engaged In ex- tingaishing a coke fire with phenol water. GIg.I san. 25 no.2t6O42 F 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Is Dmpropetrovskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemlologicheekoy stantall. (PMMGLS toxicol. ) YETROV I V. I - Mfectiveness of utilizing the excess sewage of a coke chemical factory for quenching coke. Gig. i san. 25 no. 12:75-77 D 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1. 1z Gosudarstvennoy sanitarnoy inspektaii Dnepropetrovska. (WATER-POLLUTION) (COKE) PETROV, V.I. Comparative characteristics of air pollution in a machine shop during electric welding with various types of electrodes* Gi i san. 26 no.12:87-88 D 161. (MIRA 15:W 1. Iz Dnepropetrovskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii. (WELDING--HYGIENIC ASPECTS) PETROV, V. I. (Dnepropetrovsk) Incidence of neuralgia, neuritis, and radicalitis in Dnepropetrovsk metallurgical workers, and measures to reduce it. Gig. truda i prof. zab. 5 no.7:50-52 JI 161. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Gorodskaya sanitarno-spidemiologicheskaya stantaiya. (DNEPROPETROVSK-METAL WORKERS-DISEASES AND HYGIENE) (DNEPROPETROVSK-NERVOUS SYSTEM-DISEASES) AVIIAN, B.I., red.; ZENII., V.V., !.I ---! tekhn. red. [Public labor under socialism and the steady t-rovth of its productivity]Obshchestvennyi trud pri sotsializme i neuklon- nyi rost ego proizvoditellnosti. Saratov, Izd-vo Saratov- sko o univ., 1961. 41 p. (MIRA 15:9) fLabor and laboring classes) (Labor productivity) PETROV, VI. Cyanides in industrial wastes from ferromanganese blast furnac,;.- witr. "humid" gas purifiers. Gig. i san. 26 nr,.4:98-99 Ap '61. (MIRA 15:5) 1. 1z D-epropetrovskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stairtsii. (INDUSTiIAL WASTiS) (CYANIDES) PETROV9 V.I. r Diffusion of suppurative skin diseases among workers ~'n L~-e ,ie-llur-~ _-, industrieB. Gig. i san. 26 no.6:10? Je 161. O'JiLA 15-5) 1. Iz Dnepropetrovskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-e~jidemiologic~Ieskoy stant-,li. (METALWOWRS--DIS'~~ES AND *,,YGIFM) (SKIN-DISI-AS-,,S) PETROV, V.I. Research and practical work of public h~:alth physicians. Vrach). delo no. 3:113 Mr 161. (KUU, 14:41': 1. Dnepropetrovskaya gorodskaya, sanitarno-epidemiologiheakaya stantsiya. (DNEFROPETROVSK-PUBLIC HEALTH) CAf PEiTROV, V Sbms for sumastul pulp mill operalkirs. Prom. 14, No. 2. .1.% 4:1, 1 Mill)- ac.,,, of till 1947. 104K,and 1940 lIvIsich g.r. l_.king cil nd 7.161'~ tt,l SAI,,. Pulp hmh- I,'-gvwlI flyorkmAn dra=MA frain M 11-, Ki to 77, 111, 101 ,,.'nt drem,,iiertl Imn MA2 to 3K*l to 'XIIIII. viwmitv In- crt-awd frtmn 47A to 112A to "I millipoilit,, and lifirak ing brogth in m. incirrased Inxn Mill to 7.3114 to g14.- Pyrit" coritumptilm decrea" frcxn 377 to 321) to 299 kr, 1111"form cims.unaption frolen 21).3 to IMP it, IM kx.; t ...... ::=r. nd w.t,f ""ImI1111,11- 'It-r-A; dior-tc-1 '0'. 1.1 -IlrAwd h4wn 11) IN, In Al to 1,, 2; -mimptiol, - 11 Lt Ala.twll Sgll'~ PETROV, Vladimir Ivanovich; KOPELIMAN, S., red.; PJADNOVA, A.M., tekhn. red. [Clinical and X-ray diagnosis nf imtestinal. obstruction] Kliniko-rentgenologicheskais diagnostika kishechnoi ne- prokhodimosti. Moskva, Meditsina, 1964. 261 p. (MIRA 17:3) PFTF Y4--Y. 1. Relationship of the method of sanitary clearance *.o dyaF-n*--r-f morhidity In Dnepropetrovsk. Vrach.delo no.8:123-124 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Dnepropetrovskaya gorodskaya sanitarno-epidemiologicheskaya stantsiya. (DNFFROPETROVSK-DYSENTFRY) (DNEPROPETROVSK-REME AND RFYLGF DISP06AL) PEW, V.I. --LDnepT-opetrovsk) Apropos of the article by F.I.Barannik and S.S.Poznanskii, "1'nE sanitary an(' epidemio1ogical sta".4on as a base for training p*sicians of a medical institute." Sov.zdrav. 21 no.12:23-25 ,62. (MIRA 15:12) (PUBLIC 11EALTH-STUDY AM TEACHING) PETROVP V. 1.-( 1 opetrovsk) k~ Characteristics of the working conditions for radiograph operators in a machine-building factory. Gig. truda i prof. zab. no-3:52-53 '62. (MIRA 15:4) (RADIOLOGY, INDUSTRIAL) (FACHINERY 1NDUSTRY-HYGIFNIC, ASPBCTS) FWMVP V. I.; TUROVSKAYA, Ye. B.; OBWTSOVA, M. Ye. (Dnepropetrovsk) Possibility of mercury contaaination of physics laboratories in high schools. Gig. tru& i prof. zab. no.208 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Gorodskaye. i rayonnays. onnitamo-epidemiologicheskiye stantaii. (MERCURY-TOXICOLOGY) (SCHOOL HYGIENE) FKTRGVP V. I., dotsent Surgical treatment of ulcers caused by x-rays. Vest. k-hir. n--.4: 100-102 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. 1z 2-y gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (nach. - prof. Ye. V. Smirnov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena loenina akademii im. S. M. Kirova. (RADIATION SICKNESS) (UILERS) PETROVP V.I. (Dnepropetrovsk) Planning antiepidemic measures within the work complex of sanitary epidemiology stations. Sov. zdrav. 21 no.6:48-51 162. (MIrLA 15:5) 1. Iz Gorodskoy sanitarno-opidemiologicheskoy stantsii Dnepropetrovska. (EPIDFY,IOLOGY) PETR'-)V, V. 1. .qvoe v orgaiizatsii satniqlisticheskog- !3-revn~v-!niia na zh-A-Iezn:dorozhn--m transo.rt--. N L New o:-ganizati..)n of socialist competiti)n on railraods-). (sots. transport, 11,33, 25-37). no. 11-12, p. DLC': EM7.36 SO: Soviet Transportation and Corunimiceti-ong, A Bibliography, Library of -ongress Reference Department, WasCington, 1952p Unclassified. PF-TROV, T I - IOANHISYAN, A.I., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh neuk; BUTURIDV, V.V.; YXMW . G.Z., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; FZTROV, V.I., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. ---, [Railroad planning and construction; part 1; railroad planning) Proaktirovanie i postroika sheleznykh dorog. Chast' 1. Proektirova- nie sheleznvkh dorog. Moskva. Goo. transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1953- v.1. PJ4831- (W-HA 6:12) (Railroad engineering) PL?RM,V.1., inzhener Nngineering specifications for designing and laying railroad superstructures. Tranap.stroi 5 no.5:30-)2 Jl'55. (Railroad engineering) (MLRA 8:12) PETROV V.I. kanclidat tekhz%iohsek1kh nauk. _::;Z~ T "I ~' Book on designing narrow gauge railroads (*Designing narrow gauge railroads." A.I. Iowmimian. Reviewed by V.I. Petrov.) Transp. stroi. 6 no.4:30-31 Ap 156. (KLU q: 8) (Railroads, Narrow gauge) (Ioanninian. A.I.) PETROV9 V,I,o kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; TSENIN. S.B., kandidat tekhni- nauk. Economic development of the eastern regions and their transportation systems. Zhel.dor.transp. 38 no.10-42-48 0 '56. (K6u 9:11) (Siberia_-Railroads) PETROV, V.I. 4,6b&b lc_~~ ~__ I - - Use powerful equbment against snowfall. Pat' i put. khoz. ao.1: 6-8 Ja '57. (NLRA 10:4) (Railroads--Snow protection and removal) --.!' -. / j,il /" " e:~- --L MOSICHMMO, N.Y. (Krasnovodek); IIAITROV, V. I., inzh. (Kiyev); GORMYXIN, B.N. Iotters to the editor. Pat I i put. khoz. n o.2:45 1 158. (MIRA 1113) 1. Starshly Inzhaner distantali, g. Gor'kiv (for Goremykin). (Railroado)