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PSTAq W, Jet rou'- Rtkhaylbv ich. kandidat me Pakokhozysys t von -.:Ykll nsule deceasedh SKMTAV, V.L. rodaktor: ZUBRIIIUA, L.;)_ 1-lip-ly rodaktor ~ , r 7 .I c, , D . 'Rovan] Riabina. Moskva. Goo.izi-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, ) (Rowan) (ml- I) ye. m., Fingineer "From Iarf:e-Block to Lart,e-Pano,l Conetructi, n." Sub 15 F14Y ')I, ACfldewY of Co'nolunal Xconon,, imenl K. D. Pamfllov Dissertations presented for science and en(-Irieerin, deg-re -s in ~Ics~ow durirl, ]C,52. SO: Sum. Nc. 480, 9 May ~5 I . I I . - / / ASKIXAZI. Z.H., inzh.; PZTROV, Ye.M., Inzh. History of the *Salonin* hydrogenation plant. Mael.-zhir. prom. 23 no.8:25-27 057. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Leningradakiy zavod "Salolln."'. (Oils and fats) (Hydrogenation) PETROV, YE.m. Service Tree Crimern larpe-fruit service tree. Pr1rods 41 no. 4, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952. UNCLA6SIFIRD. PIMOV, Ye.N. Characteristics of the Tomi river bed structure. Biul.Kow.chetv. per. n0-19 38-49 '53. (NJ-RA ?:!I) (Tomi Valley--Geology) (Geology--Tomi Valley) 15-57-4-5141D Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 4, P 151 (USSRT AUTHOR: Petrov, Ye. N. TITLE: Structure of the Meso-Cenozoic Cover and Gas- Petroleum Potential of the Southwestern Western Siberian Lowlands (Stroyeniye mezokaynozoyskogo pokrova yugo-zapadnoy chasti Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti v svyazi s voprosami neftegazonosnosti) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Geological and Mineral- ogical Sciences, presented to Tomskiy un-t (University of Tomsk), Tomsk, 1956 ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy un-t (University of Tomsk) Card 1/1 /~. - /I(G; A RMOV. _~: Mozo-Cenozoic structure of the southwestern part of West Siberian Lowland. Trudy Gor.-geol. inst. Zap.-Sib. fil. All S&SR no.15:Q'3- loB 156. (MIFA 11:1) (Siberia, Western-Geology. Stratigraphic--Cenozoic) MROV,Ye.N. Structural chnracteriatice of the nouthern trans-Urnl MountAin region. Neft.khoz.34 no.6:42-45 Je 156. (KWA 9:9:) (Urnl Mountain region--Geology, StrRtigraphic) 77/ i ZU, at' kova, _etrov, TITI-7, L 3eoloU-j_c_,eo- 0--ljolo -ical c-f r - -7 - e c t ji n~: As Carried in the Vakh River Bas in) Tzve-qtiya Aka-e-ii nfiuk -3:-~ f~ ~,, erl ya -e:D, -:-a Ia, - r ~T Kc ya , Ir -P , artIc-lLe i _'7 cc~nc,:,,yn~,-'. ti-e ae---ial 7~ a_nl~ln- an_t4clinal el,-~7,ra'-*on:-- -.2 t a. r a r-., c. t 1, ~ I- r:' 7 vef-~.-i :~'ions, Can -ive v.-iii--lble .a on occurrence in the bo.-ed t 'Ye 1, P 0 C 10. -iro_ extremely lj~jr(j to c,-)n~uct. I _nj -Lnticn, i:~ _J n o Tkh rive-, ccjntoalr:~ a~7ci_, r~-I, -)-- - tp -4 711 ri ~ar,l 1/2 c I Ilv" r~ t. u . A0 :~eolo 'ic-3e:)mor;-'-l- 1 o:-i --a! ?-P --.o - Of 3-i- ctural (As Carried in the Vakh River Basin) e ar -alcs'-4- e- noy C,n He 3 ~ r-"O "I of -~rea- on ~-eolo-y- e- -a--, a--czin. '-hc--e a:--e L :jaT) ----etches, an reference-s. i ---in ..ra- no-O S..r --a o~ -D .0 aw 'a-d Z 3(2) AUTHORS: Petrov, Ye. N., llalikcv, B. N. 9- 6 3 12 2 TITLE: The Prob'em cif Enr--'-,hir-g th~ C-t-nt ~f t*.1" T,,p,tgraph 4i ~Map on a Sca'-e of 1 : ~00,00D K ~,~-Ierzhaniya topograficheskcy Ia--Iy MUESI-taln, I ',00,n30) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartDgrafi~a, '959 Nr P- 4"-,9 , 1 ABSTRACT: The prese-t topc.graph'-- map --i a s,;a.,, ,,f ~Dffers a - Id c~ '_ .- very high a-,~,u cf the f * el iomptlatlor s-.;r-py but, on the hand. it does r.~,t s'-~w P_'! 'th~- -i~Fta-s --f t-irra4n inter- e3ting fcr the (-_' s t a aU-*,,. e F3~, .3 appea n the aerial ph-,-~o-raphp. 'hp azt~c-a morphclog--'ca-- -,he &rc-F- rf t%e Vakh Basin With the use of aerfal surveys -),i a 3,-a'.e )f z 65,000. They point out some ~~cacz-ete shlrtcrm_fnEs :,f 'he raps, an,-' the rethods of eliminating -.hem. Tc the M_9t-_--j .,f inct.~-r-s in the Q,.idternai,y pL-,-iod, t-, d?ti~-:-.a"ie +- .':-'d;-! 7- , E, nd to sea.---h a nizmber -,f mine~-al ~f th~- morpho'~ - -.f river i gr;.-zk -. imp- --t There are, f)r instan-e, the so--ca,'lled han-g-'ag" -.a-' ~yB. ~!~--y ;ire formed Card 1/3 when +.'C- -f 4-h~-, ~urzx.-Jnt the " f-ld, and the r`17cr -hange-i l';, a7cfd the newly risina The Problem of Enrirh_1!W the C-itEnt -)f -.1,z! SC)",'(-r 9-6-13/22 Topographic Map :,n a Sca-r! :)f '.Xj,OG0 ahapad -)n. 'ea-.- ng a 1. ',:.y f - rr,,zl In the old g 11 'a'je :i.-l -)b,3(,rvation of thr. inc-,nt' a.,--., ~C. map, bowpvs-' '7 W' g-ara 3 shows a a 1-i Portions 9 f t e,~ a ~m i; fa r. vi'- r r , .n 9 are rr, pro due e d ~n f c~u 'I IT. 4 n ii S 'n o -'r-i tial 3Tat'lr- .:f "jn-~-. '_- ~-, (I ba .*K. In such , E. , , -, 11~'c Y '3 -' .' '7 :'*.'. 1. ' V;~ Ti I?S I ake s o r m - .- -_3, an, -~_ + h i? a J- U-L-. 20.-t -)f valleys FL r.~_ s r c- v :n47--.O. s o lorial 'I- r p jj t',-c of the z n' L- . 'Yi,~ '-p-graphiic map cn a s,~,a-z r-f 1 100,000, th--, wl!'t, vakl~_-y se.~t4_,-)- is repre- sented as a Dathless marsh'Rnl. "))p elemen-:s cf' the former bydrog-_aph-'c system, n'aar'v in a~?r:a-_ ;)h')tO,-raphs, are rot s,-,f~wn n tile In f-'gure 6, the authc:r s sh-.~w a f-~ nvun-_'t~ 7.-, rt~pr%~- :i a7r-a. As a rule, t.he to.~_.gra-*,,I~ c ma~, r( -mpl pr~ :;ents the Card 2/3 element.3 Je ma-0-, c.- 'h,1 evolution The Problem of Enrichin,7 the Content of T~he Topog-raphic Map on a Scale ^,'f I : 100,OOC of the ii-ver bed to be -'.ra~-ed.. The 't-lopographic map must indicate the kir-ks a' the lon&I'tud'nal prif'-e of the river, as well as the cha-1-acter--'sti.-; relie'. e'erents b~- which the direction of the present tectc-r-fo T.,:)tion can be determined. The topoGraphic map does not shoNi the .-!a lak~~ basins and the small affluents which char. be stereosocpically from the relief as well aa f-nDrn- the, :~Dntra3t fr veeetation. In the area of the West-Slberian ttf,~ river terraces are an impertant objer, of Jnvost4gaticns. They a-e r-.,t ql,own -,-i tl-~- There are 9 fig-ares. Card 3/3 PETROV, Ye,N. Phosphato-bearing Lower S'llurian r3c,.kq ~n the -awe7- Tung,-zake Basin. Sov. goo!, ? no-St133-1~6 A--o '64. ( ~ i l? : -m C. , 1. Sibirskiy nauchno-i tialed ovate: I e ki y inatitut geo'..ogll, geofiziki i minerallnogo syrlya. PETROV, U.N. On the road of a technological reorganization of the production. Tekst.prom. 22 no.9:5-8 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Zematitell glavnogo inzhenera Pervoy monkovskoy sittsenabivnoy fabriki. (Textile industry) PETROV, Ye.N. Concerning the theory of a triode with plane electrodes and negative charged grid. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.8:1400-1403 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Triodes) PETROV, Ye.N.; ZYATIKOVA, ILIJI. Methodz amd resi-Its of geological and geomor~holo.-�ca2 irrre.,tigations c~~rried out in order tn ituOv stn-t1;res in the cantral areas of Uw VaA.8:LbWUn Plalm. TrWY SMUV_M%*%_5k.1;~t87-96 160. (M! - 1 14: 7) Nest Siberian Plain--Geology, Str~uctural) PETROV. U.N. r,oncerning the theory of a plane-electrode triode with zero space charge in the plate-grid gap. Radiotekh.i elektron, 6 no.7:1170- 1.172 161. (MIRA 14-0 (Triodes) ZYATIKOVA, L.K.; PETRDV, Ye.N. Analyzing longitudinal river profiles to find structures im '.he West Siberian Lowland. Izv.AN'SSSR.Ser.geog. no.3,89-90 %O-je 161. (KM 14:5) (West Siberian Lowland-Rivers) __J~j Te.P., rrach (Leningrad) On skl treks. Morovie 6 no.2:30-31 7 160. (MIRA 13 :5 ) (SKIS In SKIIEG) PETROVO Ye. (lUga) .~ no. -e - "Rigas Mwpresis' to '-ne r6sclue... Zr-JI.-LOM. f-!~~,Z. -., 25-26 D 1611 (lKhA . r- . ~.' 11 PETROV, Te.S. Re q(-ti on of ce3 112-,. z,;i t, - , ': .,., ,(7-t -t% I r. I ur I n a, he at lzlg - 'V' Iz-.,vost,fil.AN 35SR :1-.4 _' ', -i ~ 5 7 k ,.?.,A i -~ ) ) ", . Zapadno-.Sibir~irl,,- , i x. ' , -. : ~ : -in , - (A I -.I. ,.g I . .1 , ,- ... FEDOROV, IN.Ya.; SKLYARENIKO, S.I. [de.:;eased]; PETROV, Ye.S. !,L-1l.ini, diagr,~Lm of trie sy,.,i*,pm Scr,.l - NaGl. Izv. 30 A5 SS."? 6er.khlm.-iauk rlo-31120-1,,~ 163s (Y. ":j A - - , -~ ) i. :nst-Ilut Sib- -4rsK3gc ct~ie'.en:ya A': SS311, Novosibirs-k. P"TROV, Ye. S.: !-: a s L:! r k-,h e r. S c i k'd i s s ) - -( n t-he intm.ra~ L ion ": ~, 1~ '_ 1. n, I z WiLh SiIiCa and ahmina ipoii "ovosfi)Lr,,;I(, "2 pp (A. ~v! - i " I ',-m I I InSL Of tht' 01 Sit i~-aLtS) , I I () C 0 P i I S ( 11 1 -, :4 0 : 0 , I " j' ,~ 2 1) -.VLCU co 2", C'J-* t a o t-7 e r o n c; c, z~ i, ts -.CL' Of C 3 n. - I-v 0 V V%, ;;0 1( .~i_:,clucAnym c A rtri. 13t, I c e c c -n t C' 0 0 v s 0 v oc1 -. 1p 0 I t r I c h 0c I y Ov. ~I ya~-~v a,, yi (Eare P%I'Kall Col- of ht povt3 of tnc conft:rence on tht~ Cherilstry, Tcc~.rioloay, of R31,0 AlIC1111 EIL-,ent3, Held 27-31 1-d-vo Sibirakogo otd. L'1 SSSR, 1960. -Yj p _Of~'j COPIC5 PrInted. Akademlya nai~x Z2,31R. Sibirnicoye otl~clentye. __'I:.,a/o-7ceLa1IurgIcheokIy inzLitut. Re-,. !~i. -. T. V. Zabolotskly, Candidate of Technical Sclences; of i--ditorial Board: A. S. Prof,:!Ls3or, Doctor 3cl(lnces, A. '2. D),_-,v!rcn/.o, Can,~Idate of 'Iechnical F. F. Barkova, Candida*,e of Ch-7.ical Sciences; Ed.: Bushuyeva; Tech. Ed.: A. F. Plazurova. C - C.", /~ ` ~7 3 ; Co 1 lor, C) r. L r, c n I c-.-. 71, r,~i an' tech- :i for 7:~a I I li, r.etalluz-,Ical P,:,(t -.1ning o,,)(.;-a*,,.(,r_, &rid Col .-C -1 lon Crn wlth t-he - r- . .. -, - -I - - e a 1 % e -.: - - a a' r,'_y"_laj , of c, L;,LD nd o:.:-~:. a-1. 'their rr.-.c~lcrs ral or a d alts. e5 n 5 c ~_-x%va- or. anJ 7,--_~nn ann P.,tical t cl n u a e h I e 3 nd are al~:n dlz,u,i3,~,,!. ':o i:-2-r3onalitles are mentioned. erence-1 a::,.,77,-.aiy IndIvIlual articies. V, V. Yu. P. Sim )v, and I. V. 10 Im. Lc-i~,nc:7ova Vc7-r_cw Jn:-,z.tu,e of Fine Cn~ml-al :t-zhnoloo Y.. V. Lomoro~~ovj. lfi&h-'!~,:7perature Plodificatlon of Spod~znoxle' 5 PIYU51-lcnev, V. Ye. [Mo5cow institute of Fine Chenical Car,l 2/5 ~3 ; C011CO -,-i:..on o o of of Alkali J,.~Lalr, 15 1. a,-.d T. 17. U,~ o-, "K of t;.u .._,i-lod of u m 25 `-Ida r:-,,v~_.n,-.yy lnLt-u,-6 r,~~:,(,kh Y.!v, of and 'Llnor s.:uLaIll. The Int,:!racUon 0., 'J., th I t r0 i~en 31 __:.~Gv, S, [Slblrskoye otdLlunlye AN 53:~R - Slbc:-ian Dlvi- -)7-. C AS U-]. Some Re' !~hc Int,,ractlon In Laiz_q of Alka--i Lotala With L1.11ca and Alumina and Proper- of Lae Pro,_~ucta Formed 43 ;vln~nko, A. T. and G. D. Ur- yvayeva C!tv~:kly Inbtitut Sibirskogo otdeloniya. 1L1! S~3R - lns~itute of Cl, Xletallurgy of the Siberian Department of the Academy Card -11/5 PETROV, Ye.S.; FADUYEN, V.N. Thermodynamic foundations of high-temperature chlorination of polymetallic tin-bearing mterials. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.9:59-68 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. 11imiko-metallurgicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniyu kii SSSR, Novosibirsk. (Iletallurg7) (Chlorination) FADEYKV, V.N.; IFROV,_Y~eS - Fusibility diagram of the system In -GI. Izv.Sib.otd.Al' &SSR w.1:94-97 162, (MDU 15:3) 1. Khimiko-metallurgicheakiy i3wtitut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. (Indium chlorides) (Melting) PETROV) Ye.s. International symposium on extremely pure aubstances in science azid technology. Izv.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no.1:108-109 162. (~ELFLA 15:3) (Idneral industries-Oongresses) 1witric>al o1' rophir rif tra,~,, wait-cri,- i. ?Utt i jut. khnz. 8 no.Y:13-14 ' 6,' tn' - ~,n t--rsxt - by-70 y vmo,7o uprav! -r~ Ya KU:1014', Ananiy 3rigorlyevich, do)-tor tclclui.nauk, prof.; LITAVRIE, Oleg Grigorlyevich, inah.; '.,evgeniy Valerianovich, :Lnzh.; POTYAYEV, '-,'yaci~f!LlFv Andreyevich, k--nd. 'kl,l--h.-..n,--uk; ?:JlOXZY;41TS, Aloksandr llaorgiyevich, kanc. tekh.. nauk; CHERTKOV, Al.,',,sarxlr Llvovich, Laureat Lenir-nikoy premli; Aostifilav I-likhaylovich, inzli.; 11.01SM'U, A.A., doktor tekhr-nauk, prof., ."etsenzent; MASLOV, A.A., I-and. teldm. nauk., dot3., retsenzent; UY"I'SEV, Yu.I., kand~. *.ckhr.. nauk, retsenzent; KtOiEVI-11KOV, A.V., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; GITELIMAII, A.I., inzh., retsenzont; YU.I., red.; "'SAL, tekhn. red. [Varine stear- and E tuf-bineslSudovye parovye i C.,-,zov~,e tur- birV. Pod red. A.G,Ku,zana. Leningrad, -'Wpi-oirgiz. 1. ,.ol.2. [Systems and working principle of turbomachine--y units] SisteW i ustroistva turboag-.egatov. 1962. a9 p. (~MRA 15: 11) (Marine turbines) P--r,eov Y~F- V. PRASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/6240 Kurzon, Ananiy Grigorlyevich, Oleg Grigorlyevich Litavrin, Yevgeniy Valerianovich Petrov, Vyacheslav Andreyevich Potyayev, Aleksandr Georgiyevich Rhorozyants, Aleksandr Llvovich Chertkov, and Rostislav Mikhaylovich Yutkevich Sudovyye parovyye i gazovyye turbiny. tom. 2: Sistemy i ustroystva turboagregatov (marine Steam and Gas Turbines. v. 2: Systems and Devices of Turbine Units). Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 419 p. Errata slip inserted. 5000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): A. G. Kurzon, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Reviewers: A. A. Moiseyev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Yu. 1. Zaytsev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, A. I. Gitellman, Engineer, L. A. Maslov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, A. V. Kozhevnikov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: Yu. I. Smirnov; Tech. Ed.: R. K. Tsal. Card 1/4 Marine Steam and Gas Turbines (Cont.) sov/6240 PURPOSE: This book is Intended for steam and gas-turbine designers, service personnel, technical, engineering, and scientific person- nel, and for teachers and students in transportation and ship- building institutes. COVERAGE: In this volume steam turbomachine systems and Units and gas-turbine engines and installations are analyzed. No refer- ences are given. TABLE OF CONTENTS [Abridged]: PART 1. SYSTEMS AND UNITS OF STEAM TURBOMACHINES 1. Systems for Regulation and Control Il. The Lubrication System 5 61 III. Systems of External Sealing, Preheating, Scavenging, Steam Removal From Valve-Rod Seals, and Cooling (Circulation) in Turbines 113 Card RA -, - IETROV, Ye.v. New technology of naking ceramic 7 ipes. Stek. i ker. 17 no-10: 3~--W 160. (MI.RA 13:16) (pipe, Clay) PBTROV, YesTus DetarrOnation of retantlan e,.:-P,;seB ir. the ja=.Ing of ar. Prabl. Arkt. I Anturk, rio.20~92-q4 165. (MIRA !811O) RMOV, Mikhail Naumovich; LEEG~tAN, % ladimir Illich; MOSKALENK0, Vladimir Mikhaylovich; NA191IMOVICH,, Eduard Miftr7lovich; PETROV, Yevgeniy Yuw---allyevich; WSM=Ir, Vol- AXSE14OV, Yovgoniy Mikhaylovichl ROWOVp B.N., inzh., retsenzent; SHAKHNGVA, V.M., red.; FRUWIII, F.S., [Shipbuilding calculations on electronic computers] Sudo- stroitelInye raschety na elektroruWkh v-ychislitellnykh ma- shinakh. [By] M.N.Reinov i dr. Lenlngrnd, "Sudostroonie," 1964. 169 p. (Ml,-LA 17:3) 1, T. -1. (1, v i y 1 " . , . 1. kwld. t-nKI-.n. -it,:].,( ('-p tf m u-,r. t- c n d ; t ; , , r - j , 7:! - ,, .. t -,, " - me 7 ~-c . _9 - -, n ~. -. _.-.i W~--1-5. Feoh. 24 1 ~15 . I kj.- t " " P. ~ SAVVIN, L., inzh. (Moldaviya); YEKHUKOV, A., inzh. (Sverdlovsk); TRUSOWP I., inzh. (Frunze); IVANOV, N.;'FUMEYE7, ~. (Kherson'; KHa=p M. (LIvov); GWW-40, P., rabochiy (Novoaib:Lrsk); TARASOV, 0. (Novorossiyok); D'YAKOV, P., inzh. (Kamensk- Shakhtinskiy); BUTUSOV, V., dotsent (Moskva); SUVDAKOV, M., Inzh., student; F(IRTNOV, Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk (Makhachkala); PETROV, Yu., inzhener-stroitell (Ivanovo) Readers arguep agree, advise. Tekh. mol. 31 no.6-6-9 163. (MIM 16: 7) 1. Starshiy inzhener Usollskogo maskiinostroitellnogo zavoda (for Ivanov). 2. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskogo uchilishche iineni Baumam (for Butusov). 3. Zaochnoye otdeleniye fakullteta zhurnalistiki Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Sundakov). (Technological innovations) , :,- I o 0 0 q * o o o a 0 9690 009 090000000 1' 4 P 0 0101priti.11NU I a f -I. a JI -IL _j I 00 00 9 00 00 10 d do Adbe" leboop's Udbs& J. V. Prtruv jM *0 % ' the ~hxvp pistol is 18-6 kv.;cm. r"iu-i to 16-4 kit.jem.". in i h 11-111015 mrs. by 4nision &I a prew #14siturg . r, urt, I A A WOO* ILI bI u a AT go IV C!, a a 'M I[ fa a 9 0 : & o 0 0 o * * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 -0-0 0 -0 0 4=~** ob *go**** 04-- o I . oo*eeo*oooeoe k x 36 SIP AD 34tsl 11 31 so a b Al M OJO 6 so 4) 13 41 a 1ro I 4A K-%J" A- A A-t--L -'I- b-A,- IL '-'7' 1 u(, ..t. Ot so -00 d ban (lowim (an NWI DopeeiM or VO (Nekd/Virguoi. JOK (3). Ofi-ftl- %* inth ikn inwriumlixte am- mating this2 tbP thicktimIs of the CoAtIng is wdw.~d of 0-5 lig. ern.1k i2.1 W69 Zoo ;v0 .Zt. qPq to'! To. oat Ow 0 1 POP a I a wx 0 0 0 o 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---PETROV, Xu. Hidden petentia-lities for imp-mving the utilization of vcr~L~ ca-_iza2 in machinery manufacturing. Den. i kred. 20 no.7:16-20 J:L 16Z. (1-URA- 15-7) (Moscaw Pmvince-Rachinery industry-Finance) FETRGVJ% YU, Ways to raise the profit of machinery riarm &cturing enterpriBes ne-ar Moscow. Fin.SSSR 23 no.5:43-47 * 162. (HrU 15:5) (Moscow Province-Rachinery industry-Finance) 4WROV, Yu. "Financial PlAnning in industrial enterprises of a regional economic council" by S-Rogovtsev. Reviewed by IU.1strov. Den. i kred. 18 no.12:85-87 D 16o. (MIRA 13:11) (Moscow Province-Induetries) (Rogovtoov, S.) - I-ETROV, Yu. Hatt to prepure a pa~vent caiencar. Fin. SSSR. 22 no. 2:67-72, F 161. (IdFl~ 1-4:2) 1. Nachallnik finansovogo otdela Upravleniya mashinostroyer,.;ya Mosoblsovnurkhoza. (flayment-) PETROV, Yu. Give econonic Incentive to stimulate the introduction of new technology. Fin.SSSR 20 no.9:43-46 S '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. llachal'nik finanBovogo otdola Upravloniya mashinostroyeniya Mosoblsovnarkhoza. (MoBcow Province--Machinery industry--Suggostion systems) FZTROV, Yu. For better utilization of work-ag capital in the machinery industry. Fin. SSSR 21 no.2:59-6) F 160. (MIU 1):I) l.Nachallnik finansovogo otdola upravleniya mashinostro3reniya Moskov- skogo oblastnogo sovnarkhoza. (Moscov Province--Machinery industry--Finance) PETROV. Yu. Planning and organizing working capital in macbinery conBtruction. Fin.SSSR 19 no.11:42-48 N 158. (KIRA 12:7) 1. Nacbal'nik finansovogo otdela Upravlenlya masbinostroyeniya MoBoblsovnarkhnza. (Macbinery Industry--Finance) PgTROV, Yu. Fourth corgress of the Union of Free German Trade Unions. Sov. profsoiuzY 3 no.8:66-69 Ag'55. (MLRA 3:10) (Germany, Enst--Trnds unions-CongresseB) FETROV, Yu. Mau-Naeft"a. Hidden potentialities ror speeding up the turnov,~r ~f workl'rx calp-ital in machinery manufacturing. Fin. SSSR 2C,: -.c.5:19-22 JR7 159. (MIRA 12-10) 1.11achal'nik finansovogo otdols, Itpravloniya maohinos',rcynnlya tIcs- oblsovnarkhoza. (Moscow Province-Machinery industry-Finance) PETROV, Yu. .- Sew life of Bulgarian workers. Sov.profsoiuzy 2 no-3:78-83 Mr '54. (MLRA 7:2) (Dulgnriti-Itibor md Inboring clasnes) (Labor and laboring claaseg--Bulgaria) FETRC-T, r . , Y-ROSHENTO, 7. ".. , and V. F. "Eff-ct of 9'11,-.ctric~-l fiplds on c nv-ctlv~ heat. -'-,xchijn,~'~. " Rerort presente-i ;;t. th- Ist 1.11-Xnic-n Conf,-xenc(i an lied-'- and r,bss- 1) Minsk, B93R, 5-) June 10"l VELISM&N. R.R.J. in2h.; PETR V Yu. A., inzh. . - - t~_ -2- - --- Simultaneous docking of two ships in a floating dock in winter. Sudostroenie 27 no.6:55-56 Je 161. (14IRA 14:6) (Ships-44aintenance and repair) (Docks-Cold weather operation) MAKARENKO, P.P., inzh.; PETROV, Y-u.A., inzh. BPS-l bunker train for 14'png rork vit~,oot changing c:Fir!3 In 1r4 It, .i;. .1 - Gor. zhur. no.914~-45 1 61. (t.JIR_A 16,17) 1. Gosudar8tvannyy institut po proyektirovanipi predpriyatly nikelevoy promyshlennosti, Leningrad. (Mine railroads) SOV/'112-59-18-39359 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 18, P 183 (UsSR. AUTHORS: Matkhapov, P,N., Petrov, Yu.A. TITLE: Circuit for the Series Connection of Commuting Devices in Powerful High-Voltage Generators of Square Pulses PERIODICAL: Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn, in-ta, 1958, Nr 35, pp 65 - 73 ABSTRACT. Two circuits of series connection of electronic and ionic commuting devices are given, which are used for the generation of powerful high- voltage square pulses. Such circuits are employed in those oases when the rated capacity and voltage of thyratrons and electronic modulation tubes are considerably lower than required. Making use of the principle of the well-known Arkadfyev - Marks multiplication circuit the authors improved it by introducing a special multi-winding choking coil, which resulted in a considerable constructional simplification of the circuit The calculation formulae for the designing of the choking coil are given K.V.B. Card 1/1 P , Yu. A., asoistent MATIUMIOVV P. N. V doktor tekhn. nauk dotsentf-EKIE2V Calculation of the pulse-droop compensating j*tworke of pU300 transformers. Izv. LETI 59 no.46-128-133 162 imim 15:10) (Palse circuits) (Electrie transf6rftrs) ZAVALOVA, N.r. (Moskva); ZUKHAF.', V.P. (Moskva); PhTROV. Yu.A. (~bskvad~ On the problem of hypnopedia. Voy,. pqikhol. 10 no.2:qF-I,--2 Mr-AP '64. (MIFA P:Iij Pr--TRO\~ Yu tA AID p - 4,~-4 Subject USSR/AeronautiCB - training Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 9/23 Author Petrov, Yu. A., Maj. of med. service Title Pilot's estimate of aircraft attitude In space Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 2, 50-56, F 1956 Abstract The author analyzes various previous articles of authors on the subject of spatial orientation, whl(:~, appeared in this periodical In 1955. He describes the results of various tests in instrument flying, wh.'--h were carried out for checking the ability of pilots estimate the attitude of aircraft in space. One table-,. Institution : None Submitted : No date 22028 7- L~~_b 3/17 6 1 /000/0(') 1 10r,4 10 1 ' 0 D21 1X306 AUTHORS: Timofeyev, N.N., Colonel of Medical Services, Dortor of Medical ScienceEl and Petrov, Yu.A., Lieutenant- Colonel of Medical Servfces, Candidate of Medical Sciences TITLEz On assessing flying abilities PERIODICAL: Voyennor-meditsinskiy zhurnal, no. 1, 1961, 30 - 34 TEXT; The authors give a short history of methods that have been used in the USSR for selecting men for the technical branches of the Armed Forces in general and for the Air Force in part1cular from 1923 onwards. The authors state that in view of recent tremen- dous technical progress in all the Armed Services, the task of re- cruiting committees in selecting the right men for a given service is becoming increasingly diff'~icult. As existing selection methods are inadequate, the author believe that they should be complemented Card 1/3 22028 S/17 6 1/000/001/004 /G I On assessing flying abilities D211X306 by psychological investigations. The authors refer only to th'; lection of men for the Air Force, where conditions in modern av-a- tion differ fundamentally from those in the other services. They cite the following investigators, who first used experimental psy- chological tests in the USSR: S.Ye. Mints, A.P. Nechayev, N.M, Dobrotva-rskiy, K.K. Platonov. They then refer to investigations carried out during and after World War II in the USA and other foreign countries. Analyzing the working conditions on jet and su- personic airaraft, the authors think that only exceptionally gifted men are able to deal adequately with modern complicated instrument panels. H-vever, as -it. is not possible to find enough ind-;'Iriduals of this type, more attention should be paid to the more rational and simplified construction of instrument panels which would permit the pilot to interpret their showings correctly even if he is a mar, of average qualifications. It is also essential that pilots should be trained on ground installations, strictly simulating those used C, in flight; in such a way pilots could acquire the perception and Card 2/3 S/17 61/000/001/OC-4/010 On assessing flying abilities D211X306 flying habits, needed in actual flying. Generally speaking problems of flying abilities should be solved with the aid of a psy!-hologi- ,:~al investigation of the whole personality of the candid~:+-Sz. There is 1 Soviet-bloc reference. SUBMITTED: September, 1960 X~l Card 3/3 97 0()00 t'c~ D234/D305 AUTHOR% Petrov, Yu.A., Lieutenant-Colonel of Medical Servi,es, C~ndidate of Medical Sciences TITLEs Some aspects of applied experimental psychology PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, no. 2, 1961, 40 - 47, TEXT: This paper is a survey of psychological methods used in in- vestigations related to military medicine. The role of hgbit forma- tion in the rapid and evrrect evaluation of aerial photographs was studied 4,y V.F. Rubakhin ZA-bstractor's note: No reference givejn. Black-and-white photographs were used, and time at the disposal, the subVct was not limited. Reports included the time spent on preliminary study of photographs, comments made by the subject, the sequence of work and names of auxiliary instruments used. Spatial orientation of pilots during instrument flight was studied in a series of experiments making use of the radio-reportage method. The first cot-kpit of a dual-control training plane was occupied by the Card 1/4 21890 S/17 6110001002100310135, Some aspects of applied D234X305 experimenter pilot, while the second cockpit, occupied by the sub- ject, was completely covered by a special blind. Visual spatial orientation was completely eliminated and the subject had to rely only on instruments for information. Several predetermined fliEht tasks were carried out by the experimenter pilot, while the s~ib~'C+ L/ .e glive a running commentary on the position and evolutions of the pla-ne by radio to a ground station where this was recorded on tape. The accuracy and time del Ity of this commentary can be assessed by oomparing it with the actual flight task carried out, time being measured from t#e task-number atmouncements made by the experimen- ter pilot. -Lhis method can be used both for the evaluation of the cockpit equipment and for testing personnel in training. The atten- tion-Olaiming properties of cockpit instruments and light signals were studied in another investigation. Artificial emergency situa- tions were created with simulated instruments and signal lights du- ring normal flight, and the time taken by the subject to react ap- propriately was measured. This method was used to determine the time intervals, during which the visual indicators appeared to te Card 2/4 21890 5/177/61/00C/G02/0-V3/:DU--',/ Some aspects of applied D234/D305 ineffective, and to evaluate the conditions for correct and ac~c-llra- te perception of emergency signals and instrument readings. Reacti- on time experiments, based on the discoveries of the PavlOV 3chool, were used to define typological properties of higher nervous acti- vity. One of the problems investigated was the influence of' extf-r_ nal inhibition on motor reaction-time. Three kinds of experiffien were used: (1) Motor response (key re.~sing) to white light stimu- lus, interfering aud:Ltory stimulus fbell). (2) Choice reaction-time (alternative keys for colored light stimuli) where the connections between stimuli and required responses is not known to the subject initially. (5) Choice reaction-time (as in (2)) with varying rela- tionships between stimuli and correct responses. -these experiments throw light on individual differences as to speed; reliability, plasticity, and other aspects of the underlying cortical pracesse~:. Tachistoscopic exposure of pictorial material can be used f(,r ting attention. The fullness of the description given by the suc)- ject after short exposures in the Wundt or Nechayev type tuacEiste- scope ZA-batractor's note: Not describeg gives a measure of atten- Card 3/4 21890 S/17 6 1 100010,rj21r_J J 3/',,~ Some aspects of applied ... D234YD305 tion. A very efficient method of studying the activities of tank and car drivers is to take motion pictures of the subject's eyes (A.K. Abramov, A.M. Pospelov, V.A. Popov, K.K. Platonov). Sub- L/ sequent decodint~ of this film facilitates the understandinV of Jn- dividual movements and actions in a complex pattern. Telemetric transmission of pulse rate measurements can be used easily to mea- sure emotional tension in subjects remote from the experimeter. Me- mory can be investi ated by the retention and reproduction of .1ists of unrelated words ~5 to 15 or more). Modelling with electron1c computers opens up new perspectives in experimental ~sychoioE~y. T',-zs method has all the advantages of the laboratory experiment wl~ile approximating maximally to the real processes. Another bra-nch c1f psychological investigations which should not be neglected is the so-called natural experiment of A.F. Lazurski_Y ~A_bstractor's note; Not describeg. The purpose of these natural experiments is to ob- serve the psychological processes in real-life situations. Th,~s me- thod is of great importance in psychopathology and pedagogy. SUBMITTED; October, 1960 Card 4/4 PETRDV, Yu.A., podWlkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby, OAviation psycholor78 by K.I.Platonov. Reviewed by IU.A.Petrov. Voon.-mod. zhur. no.6:88-91 Jo 161. (,%a iA IJI: ?) (AERONAUTICS-PUZROLOGY) (FLATONOV, K.K.) ;.ACC MR, AT6036618 SOURCE CODU': UR/0000/66/000/000/0306/0308 ALITHOR., petrqyv_p!~_A~_ ORG: none iTInX: Methodology for psychophysiologlcal investigations In outer space 61aper presented at the C*Uf6r%W* On Problem of Space Medicine hold in Vbscow from 24-27 May 1966,7 SOURCE: lbnferentslya p0 problems Itossichaskoy neditsiny,-1966. Problemy kosmichesloy neditalay. (Problem of space oadicine); satorialy konforentsii, tbscow, 1966, 306-308 TOPIC TAGS: space psychology, spatial orientation, um-onchine system, psychologic APTRACT: The space walk by A.'Leo'nov was a necessary and important precursor to interplanetary flights. The assembly of orbiUa stations, repair work on &xtern&l structures of spacecraft during prolonged spaceflight, activity on 'the lunar surface, and transfer from one spacecraft to another only partially Irepresent the DOC882027 WiTitiON Of Man in *Pace& Doubtless it is necessary gaLe.thf! PsYchQ100"k lu.P940M -Of M14P .4M space &F an sesentid ,to ij)vesti I Card ACC NRI M6036618 reliability factor both in the biological sense and relative to evaluating the man-machine system. For understandable reasons (spaccouit, limited con- tact, etc.), conditions in space do not permit the use of normal methods of psychological examination. The development of an optimum methodological approach to these ends in an important problem for psychologists working in the area of coamonautice. The present study reviews some methods permit- ting the experimental evaluation of the dynamics of some changes and some human psychic functions which are to be expected under space conditions. 1. An Investigation of Spatial Orientation 6uring the experiment the subject must determine the direction of light .under conditions of "fixation" of the coordinate axes and with few reference data to solve the given problem. For example: "the southwest is to your ;right and the position with respect to the axis of the body is inverted. Deter- mine the direction of light in front of you". The correct answer is :11northwest". Results are rated accordingAo accuracy and ihe duration of response. In the process of developing methods, a number of test series with various degrees of difficulty. weie exam' ed. Instruction before the experiment Card I ACC Nih A16036618- permits execution of commanas and recept2on of answers in truncated forrr), which significantly Increases the accuracy of evaluating the orientation of .time. The truncated form of the example given above would be, "southwest, Inverted". 2. An Investigation of the Formation and ReducUon of Time !Relationships In this radio communication variant, the subject deterz~ines shitting relationships between geometric figures and theircolors. The number of figures and of their colors ranges from three to five. The results are evaluated as a function of incorrect response, aod the value of the latent period. 3. An Investigation of Attentiveness In this radio test, text is transmitted from which the subjectmust keep Itrack ol a number of particular letters or Lbeir combinations. 4. An Investigation Of Visual Estimation and the Coordination Of 'ACC N& ATW36618 Itere, the subject must arrange plastic spberes inio'predetermined geo- metric figures. The time taken to complete the problem and the quality of !completion, Is considered. The latter can be determined with the belp of pictures or pbotography. This method cannot be used an Earth be- ;ckwe'u"tWeness Is a 060"SM CV. A. 1b. 22g A= il G&.116] SM =M 05 SM miss 00"W Cmd 4/4 ACC NR: AP7004338 SOURCE CODE. UR/0106/66/000/011/0046/0050 AUTHOR: Matkhanov, P. N.; Petrov, Yu. A.; Danflov, L. V. ORG: none TITLE: Synthesizing passive circuits intended for shaping pulses that have a bell-shaped envelope I SOURCE: Elektrosvyaz', no. 11, 1966, 46-50 TOPIC TAGS: pulse shape, pulse shaper ABSTRACT: Synthesizing the reactive quadripoles is considered which produce, in a resistive load, a pulse with a bell-shaped envelope when a unit step voltage is applied to the quadripole input. The function sin t can be regarded as a zeroth appromimation to the bell-shaped envelope; the function sint t, as a first approidmation; the function sin6t, a second approidmation, etc.. Then, the cmd I /Z UDQ 621.374 ACC NR: AP7004338 corresponding pulses will be described by: f sin i sin 0" 1 0 < t where the pulse amplitude is unity- 0 I>r; normalized, and the pulse duration is sin' I sin w, t 0 K t normalized. An approximate formula for U I > the transfer function of a physically real- sIP'IsInw,t 0 is illustrated by two numerical examples. This important effect is noted: if a step voltage E is applied to the quadripole, the pulse height in the resistive load may reach a value of kE where k'p/ I (in one of the numerical examples, k . 10). Such a high voltage gain permits using lower- voltage power-supply sources and switching devices. Passive shaping quadripoles are recommended when the ratio of pulse duration to carrier period does not exceed 20-30. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 12 formulas. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 29Nov65 / ORIG REF: 004 Card Z/Z ACC NR9* AP7009052 (AA /V) SOURCE CODE: uR/o41-3/67/000/003/0018/ool8 IINVENTOR: Abayev, B. I.; Rillvidakiy, M. G.; Yeremeyev, V. V.; Mityukhin, N. F.; Petrov, Yu._-A.; Ofitserov, K. D. IORG: None 'TITLE: A device for growing single crystals. Class 12, No. 190864 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 3, 1967, 18 TOPIC TAGS: single crystal growing, quartz, electromagnet ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for growing single crystals of decomposable compounds by pulling from a melt in a crucible. The unit contains a quartz chamber of uniform diameter with inspection window and a hollow quartz rod for rotating and moving the seed. To rotate the crucible at a controllable rate and to control the rate of rotation and motion of the seed, the unit is equipped with statiofi- ary electromagnets consisting of vater-cooled copper tubes and rotatable pole pieces. iA quartz needle bearing is used for smooth rotation of the crucible containing the 1/2 UDC: 542.65:548.55 ACC NRs AP7009052 1 tationary electromagnet; 2-self-adjusting needle bearing CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 19Apr65 Card 2/2 PFTII('V, Yi;.A. t~nl* ts for dLrab--* I ! tv testlm- c~f mat, r! a I s undr--:- iw,erm~ * te:.' static loads. Zav. Ilab. 31 r.o. 11: 31 193-11 ~95 ' ) r, - ( vl!~_-% -,,,? : " , FETRGV, Yu.A.; Y-L,.,'- Fxper' erc e " n ' n,3 5' - -.'- ' --4:: ', t:, -- - n-e:-n- -~ - '- -4 - ~- - ..- ~Urgical .-I t, a. I - C n, . %-. : -~ g ! 65 . .... ... - . - . I 927 6-66 Q9-(d)/EWT(mjj_EHP(w) (d)AWPIv)A4m(-t)/EWP (k) IF= (h) /Ft-.-V fht- iKC NRI AP5M7468 EVIPM MA11MIEM SORCE CODIC: I)R/bD32/65/031/6IV139VI395 A=dRt Petrov, Tu. A. 43RG: none TITLEt Apparatus for studying strength under repeated static loads Sanest Z&TodwmY& laboratorlys, T. 31, to- 11, 1965 1393-1395 1~ TDPIC TAGS: test stand, metalXmEllic testinst machinev static load test, cyclic test, tensile testv bydranlio device/ ANG 6 alloy# D16T al ABSTROTI This article presents unilateral and bileral b7dramlic devices for tea samples aiwAltanomely along three sections at different or identical asymetry Of e strons ,variatione-with identical or different load frequencies" The bilateral Sa 9 COnsists of three frames with three individual loading mchaniams and a control e1. 'for tonsile,and cost proseive testing. With amymetric loading cycles 0 iolk in 10 06D kgq with Symmistriol 500D kg. The number of cycles can be varied 3011" Admutes I The unilateral awhine develops. loads of constant sign. Meng, Ai&"emilave ihomm +.hemol;m m-, to 'be reliable. The "mati (see Fig. I ) show -4 of i9p),ii fh 9~ the force-3wasuring mid--'.6cntroIIdi4ic" sitottii the so r 4, M)CS 60 11$~t4/.6 1.0~, , art. has: 2 diagram and I graph. 0 -ro %D &14 on. ems lit 13/ sun an$ AMD/ MIG Mwo 001 212 KUROCHKIN, G.D., kand. geol.-mineral. nauk (Moskva); DEMENTIYEV, G.P., doktor biolog. nauk (Moskvp); PETROV. Yuk,, kand. filosof. nauk; FEDOROVP A.S. (Moskva); IODI, -(Ho.skva ; GALYUK, V.A. (Mbskva); NOVIK, I.B. (Moskva); SLUTSKIY, M.S. (Moskva~; SHAFRANOVSKIY, I.I., prof.; FRANK-KAMENETSKIY, V.A., prof., Book reviews. Priroda 54 no.9:60, 103, 111-116 S 165. (WIRA 18:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Petrov). 2. Leningradskiy gornyy institut im. Plekhanova (for Shafranovskiy). 3. LeningrpLdskiy gosudarstvennyy univeiqsitet (for Frank-Kamenetskiy)i PETROV, Yu.B. Work system without specific assignment in -he "Prcle'.arsxa.~a- Glubokaya" mine. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.901-32 S '62. (MJRA 1. Nachallnik otdela truda i normirovaniya shakhty "Proletarskalla- Glubokaya" Makeyevskogo tresta u ollnoy promyshlennosti Donbassn. (Donets BasinJoal mines and mining) (Industrial management) PMOV, Yu.D.. kandidat sk-onomicheakikh nauk. Reserves for increasing railroad traffic capacity during track work. Trudy KTII no.5:53-64 '57. (KT-VA 10:10) (Railroads--Kaintenance and repair) PETROV, Yu.Ye. -WOw*--sO Development of conceptaclee in Aucoveira mirekbills Skottob. and the origin fucuses (Cyclosporeae). Bot. zhur. 48 no.91 1298-1309 S 163. (MIRA 16.1.1) 1. Botanicheakiy institut imeni V.L. Komarova AN SSSRV Leningrad. ANDRIANOV, A. M., BAZAiZVSKAYA, 0. A., LUK'YANOV, S. Yu., OSOVETS, S. M., PETROV, Yu. F., PODGORNY, I. M. and YAVLINSKIY, 11. A. "Investigation if the Heating of Hydrogen P&asma in Small Toroidal Systems. (Work carried out in 1951); pp. 42-65. The physics of Plasmas; Problems Df Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions." Voi. 1. 1958, published by Inst. Atomic Energy, Acad. Sci. USSR. resp. ed. M. A. Leontovich, editorial work by V. 1. Kogan. Available in Library. 05(YV'TPS, S. 14. , P11MOV, Yu. F. and SCHM)Rlh, N. 1. "Investigation ~-,f a Gas Discharge in a Uni-Connected Regir)ri.- (Wurk - ; pp. 242-263- "T~e Physics of Plasmas; Problems Gf Unt t Controlled Thermonuclear Reacticns.* V.-I. II. 1')5e, published by Inst. Atnmic Energy, Acad. Sci. USSR. resp. ed. M. A. Leontovich, editorial work V. I. Kogan. Available in T-1brary. it -as Re, r .1 IL s I as 4. S a Za all jp 4;j! 'Jet .1 WIM, l o . i . I I J4 .10 FETRZHAK. K.A., NZOLISKAYA, B.A. Possibility of using a method involving the slowing down and collection of fission fragments of gas for the study of frag-ient Isotopes. Part 1: Radiochenical study of the diatribution of fragnents from their paths. RaiinkhImits, I no.2:227-230 '59. (KIRA 12:8) (Fissinn products) ..nq. 21(8) AUTHORS: Bak, M. A., Bugorkov, S. S., sov/89-6-5-18/33 Il'inskaya, T. A., Petrov, Yu. G., Petrzhak, K. A., Solntsev, V. M., Sorokina, A. V., Ushatskiy, V. N. TITLE: The Yield of Ru103 and Ru io6 in the Fission of U 235 and Fu 239 by Fast Neutrons (Vykhody Ru.103 i Ru 1o6 pri delenii U235 1 Pu 239 byatrymi ne.-tronami) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 5, PP 577-578 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The yields of Ru 103 and Ru 106 were determined by means of a relative measurement with respect to the Mo 99-yield. Uranium oxide (U 235_enrichment >90 %) and plutonium oxide were pressed in aluminum caskets. The latter were surrounded by a 1 mm thick Cd-sheet, and the whole was packed in a firmly closed aluminum cylinder. The cavities are filled with boron carbide (all-round thickness at least 2 am). Two samples were made from uranium and 4 from plutonium, and were irradiated for 52.2 hours in a water-filled beam tube of the heavy-water reactor of the Al SSSR (AS USSR). Card 1/3 The neutron spectrum is characterized by the ratio The Yield of Ru103 and Ru io6 in the Fission of sov/89-6-5-18/33 U235 and Pu 239 by Past Neutrons En > 1-5 Mev : En > 2-5 Mev - 4.0 + 1.5. From the irradiated samples Ru and Mo was chemically separated, after which thin P-preparations (thickness -C 20 pglom2) wore produced on an organic foil; their activity was measured by means of a 4n-counter. An aluminum filter Of3 mg/cM2 thickness is attached, BO that only the P-rays of RuIO3 and Ru io6 reach the counter. Determination of the absolute activity of HU103 and Ru 106 was carried out by means f further filtering and recording the absorption curves of these radiating bodies with the same numbers. The momentum values measured make it possible, from 2 equations Oth 2 unknown ratios to calculate the latter. Herefrom it is possible to calculate the absolute fractions. From the latter and from the meaBured absolute Mo99-0-activity (which will be dealt with by a publication in the near future) it wa3 possible to calculate the following yields: Card 2/3 The Yield of Ru 103 and Ru io6 in the Fission of SOV/89-6-5-18/33 U235 and Pu 239 by Fast Neutrons Ru 103 Ru io6 PU 239 (n,f) 5.7 � 1.0 % 4.6 + o.8 % U235 (n,f) 3.2 + 0.6 % 0-71+ 0.12% There are 1 figure, I table, and I Soviet reference. SUBMITTED: December 22, 1958 Card 3/3 PETRZFAK, K.A.; TOLMACHEV, G.M.; USHATSKIY, V.N.; BAK, M.A.; BLINOVA, N.I.; BUGORKOV, S.S.; MOSKAL'KOVA, E.A.; OSIPGVA, V.V.; PEIROV, Yu.G.; SOROKDA, A.V.; CIVOTYSHEVA, L.P.; SH I RY AY-EVT-,rr.--- [Yields of certain fragments in U235, U238, and pu239 fi,_ 23" sion by neutrons) Vykhody nekotorykh oskolkov pri delenii U 238 239 U i T-U neitronami delenlia. Moskva, Glav. upr. po is- pollzovaniiu atomnoi energil, 1960. 14 p. (MIRA 17-2) 8568o ei '_"5;_/-_2 2 2- 2. AUTHORS; Pet rzhak, K. A, , I -et rov. yam an, E. TITLED Range and Kinetic Energy Dispersion of U 7 . PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental-noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki: ~91'_ Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 1723-17128 TEXT: The range distribution of the following U~" fiijoion fraementD different gases was investigated: Sr 91-9214Y92-9 3kr97 1%a"',Mand 'ne'4.11 The uranium target was placed in-a-Termetica_T7y-se`=ed al-umMim cy~-T.'~rer. The container had 30 films each - 6pg/CM2 thick and separated from ea--"- other by 2.5 mm. The distance between the target and the first film was 136 mm. The container was filled with various gases (hydro en, helium. nitrogen, air, neon., and argon). The thicknesses of the U2~3 tarf.,et were 76, 110, 145, 228, and 284 PgICM2. The container was irradiated at constant temperature for 1-2 hours on the reactor of the AS USSR in a flux of 1012n/ cm2sec. After the irradiation, the activity of each film was measured with an end-window beta counter. Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, anJ --e were Card 1/4 85680 Range and Kinetic Energy Dispersion of U~11 s / o,~, 6 A ri /o 3 ~, /'D,) Fission Fragments B006JB070 separated by the usual mettoj o,,' ~J,,e::;Ical analy.316- T!~e ran,-e distribution ourves of the above-mentioned fissi~)n frajmen*~ various gases were obtained from t~-,e -.-esullt- of --.e radioc-emlca'. analysis; the average values of tne ranE~e and the range disperc,~on determined therefrom, For illustration, Fig. 2 shows the range distribution curve of the Ba140 nucleus in H2. The ordinate gives the relative activity of Ba140 in the various f-Ims, while the absci23a ~-;es the fragment range at PH, = 760 mm Hg and t 191-1, The experiment:;. z distribution falls nearly on a Gaussian curve. Analogous results wer- obtained for the other fra&ments and Cases. The scattering ('f the fra,-ment ranges is assumed to be due to energy fluctuation.,; of fraFme'~t.-- caused by nuclear deformations. chan,-,es in kinetic energy as a resulT Q' fluctuation of the initial charge of the nuceus during fragment statistical fluctuations of the electron n-umber and the number of collisions during the slowing down of fra.;rments in the gas ~" *-,I a r. ~: P r r kinetis energy on emission of a neutron frDm a fragment , sicw'n,- d~),K,,, r. the target material and, finally. to the gei.metry of the apparatus. A formula is given for determining the scattering S of th~ ran6es- 7-e Card 2/4 Range and Kinetic Energy Dispersion of "1 233 S / 0 5 6 0 / 0 3 8 / 0 06 / 0 2 2, Fission Fragments B006~BO70 experimental values of the range and S are given in Table I after makinj; allowance for absorption in the film and in the target material. Formulas are given also for t-he scattering of kinetic energy, and the data are coll"ted in Table 2. The accuracy with which the ranges could be -ivert ras 2~o; the err'or in range scattering on making allowance for all effects e ,vas found to'b 10%. The data.obtained for the scattering of kinetic energy agree well with American publications (Refs. 2-8). Ye. B. Nikollski7 is thanked for help in the radiochemical analysis. There are 4 fi~;uxes, 2 tab!les, and'10 references-, 2 Soviet, 7 US, and 1 Danish. ASSOUIATIOI-T: SUB14ITTED: Radiyevyy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Radium institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR January 28, 1960 Card 3/4 8568c) S/056/60/038/006/022/'049/'XX B006/BO70 G I - Zf, nu a s Rem S. % IR, S, % iz. - S. % ;.-- rs-.% R.,. IS, % BOAOPOA H2 10.05 7,37 10,05 6,66 9,61 7,92 7.58 6,13 7,68 5,12 reallA Ho t.).75 7.09 t5.68 6,84 15 0 t 1, 91 11,11 1,03 t2,112 5,86 AW-r lq 2,58 9.51 2. 52 9,41 2:50 10.27 - - 1,86 9.26 B03AYX ~ 2 .54 8,04 2.51 7,6t 2,44 8,20 t,85 9,87 1,84 8.71 Hem 4.80 9,86 4,84 8,69 4,66 9,60 AproN 21 AWO I to, 59 1 2,s8 9,88 2,49 9,38 t.85 1t,38 1,81 t0'.11 Card