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PIGUIEVSKIY, G.V.; BOROVKOV, A.V. Sesquiterpenes of the essential oil of the f1ruits of Libanotis transcaucasica Schischk growing in the Stavropol Territory. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.4:926-928 Ap 163. (MM 16:7) (Stavropol Territory-Essences and essential oils) (Sesquiterpenes) PIGUIMKIT, G.V.; BOROVKCV, A.V. Sesquitarpenes of the essential oil of the fruits of Libanotin transcaucasica Schischk (Golubozersk formp introduced). Zhur. pri~l- khim. 36 no./+.,929-930 Ap 163, (MM 16:7) (Essences and essential oils) (Sesquiterpenes) IWRANC'VA , 7 . L. ; , Yu. D. ; ~ I -J; LJ-VIAlY , C,.V. Ideceased I Oyides of higher fatty 1-nsal-raLed acids. .-ar*, ~: ---. cxides of petroselinic and petroselaidic acid meti-~ esters acetic acid. -hur. ch. kl~im- 34 nc.10:3487-3493 (: ( M I .'-'-A ~ ". . . 1. Leningradskiv iYLsiidarstvem,..vy univer-sitet. l'Ir',UlZVSK:Y, G.V. [doceftse'll; K( N r ", , . . l:-w~---.---- - - - ~- -_,; --.1 - . . .1 Reaction of sac-Inene -.-i . I . . . . ;-- ~ ~ - , , ". ,, . I - "hur. oh. khim. -1~1 r)c.-: 11 -. I . LenIngradsy' y - C, ~ - 11 ! I r' t - ' '~- " T , : . -' - ! . . . . . . LRIGULEVSKI, _G. -ased] Y, . --Joece --, w Third Internatiorial. ConKress an Eagointial 11,11a. Past. re-P. 1 no.11152-153 165. (PIPA 18:6) 1. Botanicheskiy Inatitut Im. V.".. Konarova All SSSR, Leninprad. L,.v froun ii, o; 's vesi ~n var'l.-)u5 ERANMTNA, Ylj.A.; KERINOV, S.Sh.; PlGUUVSKrY, G.V. Furocuum&rim in fmits of fernel H.ppwarath= micrccarrum (9m-,B Fedtoch. Zhur. prtkl. khlm. 38 no.511172-1174 My 165~ (MIRA 18,11) 1. Botanichaskiy institut AN SSSR. DFUJ,~17SYNA, Yu.A.; PIG[!LEV,;K:Y, C.V.; ?"KREYF'~'Al -.11. Coumarin compo-unas fr,Im fr-,Its cf !,~ -7.7- .. . 7.~i,ir.prikl.kl-inl- 38 no.11:1'570-257~ N 1- 5. (x, ..i, , - : ~, .~ 1. Submitted April 23, 19,-.4. cf the e- - V , -1 -1, U. 00 - ; :, .,a, . .1 - - I -~ 71 *-,---f~ :-1 - - ,- ", - :.-, "i :~ t ~._. VASILOW, A.Y.. IrAh.: PIGULWMY, I.A., starohly elektromekhanik. ArypliftIr for trouble shooting In track circuits. Artom., toles. I EVIAN 2 no.104 A 158. (MIRA 1'- t I) 1, Tereshchaglasknys, distantelya signalizatsil I avyazi Sverdlovskoy doragi. (Rallroads-Tolophons) (Blectric circuits) ? 1171 1i Z,-.- -.%I" "/~ . IPIGULIVSKIT. K., inzh. --'wowwlftrs~ place in the competition for the best motors In the vorld. Tekh.mol. 26 no.2:34 '58. (MIRA 11:2) I.Sek.retarl Vessoyuznogo trenerskogo soveta po velosipednomu sportu. (Motorq3reles) BELYY, M.; FIGULEVSKIY, L. hwhing barges on the Dnieper-Bug Canal and on the Pripet River. Rech. transp. 22 no.5s45-46 My 163. (MIRA 161g) 1. Starshiy dispetcher Pinskogo uchastka Verkhne-Dneprovskogo parokhodetva (for Belyy). 2. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela Pinskogo sudostroitellnogo i sudoremontnogo zavoda (for Pigulevskiy). (Dnieper-Rug Can&l-Towing) (Pripet River-Towing) PIGULIBYSKIT, L.G.. NOVAUVA. V.1. ~ - - Xseential oil obtained from wild carrot Daucus carota L. Zhur. prlkl.khim. 28 no.12:1355-1357 D '55. (XLRA 9:3) (3sesuceB and essential oils) (Carrots) PIGULEVSKIY, M. Kh. Fundament,als and metholn ~f studying the ph *v-ic-,l Pn,~ of Pci-; sup%ltment to the cofrq--ra,iv-~ stir;v f the Sci-2 -~f the 1,--nin,7r~I' :,r-rvi,;c-. ., ^ ~~: ., 1 193~- (Trudy Lenin,-rE'!skogc. Vses~;uzr. .--- institutc ludobr-riii, -i-r-.+-kY~n` . -1 441) RWIN. Yeavolod Sergeyevich, inzh.; TORGONSKIT, Mikhail Nikolayevich, doteent, kond.tekhn.nauk reteenzent; 9 *Ii- red.; GORYOOVA, DIYAKOTA, Te.l.. rateenze ii-, MZYHS~T L.K.. red.izd-ve; KUZNWSOTA, A.I.. tekhn,red, [construction of logging roads and artificial structures] Stroltellstvo losovoimykh dorog I Lskusetvannykh scoruzhenii. Koskva. Goalesbumixdet, 1960. 330 P. (MIRA 14:4) (Forest roads) USISR/Madicine - Parasites, U Fab 50 Infection, rxperimental 02Xperizental Infection of Van by the Larva of Gastrophilus Intestalls," S. V. Pigulevskly, Uningred Sanitation and Hygiene Ned Inat ODok Ak naukSSOR"Vol LXX, No 5, py 933-936 Studies method of penetration of skin by subject parasite, bletological picture of section of skin JAto vh1ch larva have penetrated, and subjective' sensation during penetration. Finds that in prbc- sea of penetration into skin and movement there- after Important role is played not only by mouth -10 165T38 MR/rAdIcize - Parasites (Coutd) 11 Fab 50 and throat organs but also by cytolyt1c effect or salivary secretions. Notes pain and :itching region of larva. Submitted 24 Noy Jig by Acad 1. 1. skryabin. tz 2ft3a PIGULEVSKU , Sergey Viktorovich; POPOVKIN, Aleksandr Petrovich; TOVSTOLUZHSKIY, N.1.0 inzh., retsenzent; GONCHAdiOV, A.F., inzh., retsenzent; KIFMLI, L.S., red.izd-va; GRECUISHCMA, V.I., tekhn. red. [Construction and maintenance of 750 mm-gauge logging rail- roads] Ustroistvo i soderzhanie lesovoznykh abelearkh dorog kolei 750 mm. Moskva,- Goslesbumizdat, 1963. 224 P. (MIRA 17:3) YNWZT�KlY Ber4 VladWrovich, prof.; PBMMWNDV, Yu.V., red.; - .. tekhn. red. [Pathogenic animls of Daghestan) Patogennye ztuvotnye Dagestana Saratov lad-vo Saratovskogo univ. Pt.2. (Poisonou; animQ lkdovitye zhivotnyp.'1961. 128 p. (MIRA 16:6) (DAGHESTAN-POISONOUS ANIMALS) PIGULEVSKIY, Sergey 'Iladiairovich (Dagestan State Med Inst), Academic Degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, based on his defense, 11 February 1955, in the Council of the Leningrad Med Inst of Sanitation and Hygiene, of hi8 dissertation entitled: "Classification and historical routes of distribution and philogeny of trematoda of the gorgodend f?_7 family. rl Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no. 24, 26 Nov 55, Byulleten' MVO SSSR, No. 20, Oct 57, Moscow, pp 22-24, Uncl. JPRS/NY-471 SHLrVCHENKO, A.L., inzh.;.._PIGUIEVSKIY, V.G., inzh. Installation for securing built up columns during their erection. Prm. stroi. 41 no.11:46 N 163. (WRA 17:2) ' FIGULNTSKIT, V.G., insh. Frecast reinforced concrete construction olonents of build- ings subjected to large dynmdc loads. From-strol. 38 no.6:36-39 160. (KIM 1317) 1. Pridneprovskiy Proustroyproyakt. Okctor lee-Do sign and construction) (Strains and stresses) - PIGUIMKII, V.G. Shortcomings of roofs of Industrial buildings with double c=-!:eTar slabs. Prom* atroie 40 noe2:11-12 962. (MIRA 15:7) (Roofing, Concrete) PIPROV. V.M. Palo& electrolqdrualle method for controlling the froexing of pip*o In wells. Aserb. neft. khos. 39 no-5:16-17 NY 160. (MIRA 1):10) (Oil won drilling) W-_4 . ...... 5 fil, , o 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0909900 0 # U IN #I Is 11 to to bX x a a a a Vapp b 01 v 0 m 0 in v 0 0 a'w a Gee 0o A-A-L-A -10- a A 1 -1 . I JA 0 CC0U4a bI i a I t Of -00 00 v V. 11bu Itma 2V 171 Iwx I. sl~ il~~Jjtts jvw t", IsTammll.m. 4'v 4,1A.Ams 1. 11-4~ %m% 00 c . n.'Is"s 1brAI flarlkwwtim. 119%swis 6111ins sf%~v* 'W w, "%A-"wd 00 =01sk IhT 44%id OrA ssw.~ mv %'vmIr"w4 all ql%vOos 1~v 00 .00 ftV.I ~IMS IIV 1110 WHO OW161111 1111d tht tN%)A01.41r k. flactontal" by ate0 ! law"" Ow 1wrom"r I* vaWns Isw Imp -00 of 0 .46 00 a 00 'me i d 000 00 '3 Oov 00 0 00 a 90 06 ;00 0 411411111 9 too ' '00 go Or OR IF It 40, a I'va I I 0 09 0 0 a a 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 o o a 0 o o 0 0 0 0 a o 0 o 0 so 000000000000000000;0000400000000000*00;AA Oro 11 0 14, IS 16 1? a a St a a a As So 0 is 20 , a It A? 1) m 0 to Al a 0 j, a 1 1, 1 &A OL a 41 b 1 0 4 64S Q 00 mbylo", cimsoosawafte wo V. V. ph", so :11611 Rom. ;." IM. jusir 12. IWJP tirpme qulwlancv~ 11tv CfWkrA and wofinpil imilb 11,54). To t1w 5" 41-nig rthylroor belcor', dLuths (W Stirl cl"lqv.-km bus IWO," 00 (~--Iknll arv &3dml ma %.Ivrnb to wbjrh ookfin. W, nuwv -4 than .-th" hvdrucwl",~ .00 so th" Odfln 14 in&& toy TVUPS It* QWVQrlob WCWT cumPrvaNing and at nmwLl prtimmus, ~ IljnmSh thr nmliwrwor lukwitut4w by jubsimting th, cylindil, j th, fm by inpr -00 win 111tv thr dim+4wV Pipe Of tbr ctwoopresmw Aftei flow c%,mrArjr so, Im"jal Nurfa, -00 skin by notiling *twi w;wn ol HoO tho, entlir mixt 6 "06-41 by bring pamni thmill, ur sm, rmt1lorins refunim with ml"lov -vtim, in -ucTr-uw, it =00 00 Wo -00 zoo -00 fir 1 '00 0. I If 8. 1 so I I a AT 10 43 n a Is to 0 0 0 e 'So 0 -1000000.0 0000 so 0 0 0 4110 0 so 00 Of* 0000 00 0 0 0 oe W-11111 A-i 'C A. I I -a lob 41 wa 4f r 00, ow"mon cmdo,ouu"w im ftevaper pun. N, Fl.! 96 d CA :;M= . . ind t1w sat, p"umd trot wpd intu 3 008 wtt gak (b) Blau pq. i f. liquid at IA under 1011 stro prr-utr 008 71M Iftlittkinsi cimitaiDrd. rm.. to % by wt.. It 14. OA 0-0. n C,11.2MI 1, 1. 0-0. CJU 12, 24,3.4 0. butylievor 2.9. 40 a 6 fk IWO; va;%,n oll hisbr, unmid. hydincarfmcom CIA), IS. 0 0. 114, 0(k IU %,WlI -a- ut"lrrtak,n todri the piw4hillityul u, somatul. fit sypthetic chrm. comlp& to nVioce miaturvill tats, Ica pr rtc Sig ow 4110000009 NN:0 01 a 17 a III a "1 .0 11 a 41 A I a a a site a JL W O 0 "VICII Am, u1 -00 A t 5.410 FudW as fairt"S. (is) Perm. id GI light gaukhror .01 L hy&mutxxu 49 0. l 2 (X & IA i v X O. ny ., Ct)*, 0. etc. 3.0. -00 1 00 s er"k,,d am in it. . sly"As. preft"Set. .00 A R,,ustmemns see 1 r i t 00 06 a'00 11g0. It i- , -5 -- --T - - - - _ - i u 10 W 0 91 ~. 0 0 0 0 0 96966 0 goo*' 0 0 0 * 0 0 rfiq ft 11u 0 b 17a 01 Q Q as 0 r 1 00 It 00 0 w ZuKruil" N 1448jumacum rogwi-4," ;-p I. so so- lulwassa 0 p0matuaw" AMU ujjpa"m,2,qP%,q so "I ftwQl*"S" "640 4%* 00 %V va-V cl ftttx~Awm C4 pipamaxu 'I rcra 6% ow SUffe Aq I" p R~4A aq, ra Ajq,,mWj p4W C, 00 ftVW IUM-AW -4=4 Mq `41L VPM %VW "Ill SmUlod ,a sop plas %so P- 91 too pa" ma 81 ""~ ["me up Act Ap%owedis -= MNI "" JUIR UMV-pAq aqj pov ppe atLL W pillp - qALqAw Pug 6a * no Aq4gnm, .98 at Pate" AKIVVWJ goa &%Iw aqj "0 p&snmjm a"A pompaw to -EV44V 0 1110DOM PISW An I so- t-' -W 5 got ua%s'P saft 4Ma 4ILL '41- 16 lu-NUMAS -()Wli oa piam, %n. - 011 gig" mp" 49 66443" 7ja p - , ~ - .. %L (Oalkw-mv -99*Ar 'uluA4'u'km4 % 'A Qkv m3Lwvmvj,4 s a p p - , vv 1 I I w , V - or or 4w IV a a 'of a06 0 v a 0 0 0 0 a a v w -V, t -6 "-- t -6 IXIA0 a lli.IL i! m. the Tap"O lbite. If P)- I " MAIL .. ..... -4-1. It.. 1..k 1'. 41. .4 l . ' k a I., ttivi"S it. ."-.Ih,t 11,1,bw .. I-, I-% thir ltlmsL-wh a ... I IIXUh-%,kki tittlii,al 1111% ".1milliattr omlaall-t .1.411 ~1,41 th. - t-tvinvl. X, 4,- , -butWk-, -t-N 411-v J ms ArAl butalm 1-h& dogriv III isnultj Lh~ltl with 14twitine mato *a% h-und 1,, -00 he 00 7f;. the Initsal Is Is - As to -S' WW lbr end 1%,int + I * to 4 W* fit the treat tlwnl Of this C%W"hjMjr With JIOW4 the 1911101kinj thftr 10419W1 ."r -114,krIl tril r ; IL%ttns leralnient dutrallami tit OW"wall wital the "I cimm lite virld 4.1 141C.0 l " O"MMS211") I., M -&)- r I I I "#,I k I mmialrate " I be 1411r1 Irbrid"I alftme m the A A 11--pliti ift-1, -09 & It #A 1 5 me a f Is IN Iss 4 1 a Woo , 0 11 to to 111 0 111 a 11 111 it I It 0 00 0 000000 64606 0 0 0 a 0 Off 0. ago* Af "-P-A A ANA 0% . ." .1- A b-,v 1 -Tw-O 0 00 C7, 4- Hu-v 24.FHI. 3 1. 1 6W. GWKMD pndwb ammij obAm obUturd im erwhina cwS. substamws and 6%mm an&W pdmb1m I S -k- prmrv we tnubd sith bratw ambassumn way k: in mid a4str or lb" "bay 1w diwaml usul.1 410 W"We In bOuid WW Babt krdrotwbum. bw tantins Irnsp h sradLWly rau". Im to -00 0 0 90 zoo use tie* SIVALLUOSKAk WIDOW CLASSIPKAIM WO" C.- &fill, 4. V'T, a al a fAA P09 10 as a n of it 000000 feeA *fee* 000000 0000 0 a 0 0 0 1* 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a po a f W Is 4 a IN a a v a 0 al a r co 4T 0 it. A t, a a. It 6 d I .I .& 4 A 6 0 1 "41,19913 JAM19811111 if x1d" 119 to 9 11 all 'Mot f OR TZ SL W r OV 9: 00, *-,- ~000 Soo 00- lip 00 1"IRIAn. %qj UWqj -A 0* I'M 0"I -4 11- 1- sivol I'll. Me ..41AjAjtl,k 1 146,44 PON OCIA1410AW OU t Wq4Wj dOW1 9 10'(Ill.611 4110 atto 00 -(^VZ so"M 1,1114-MMIT"d A AP" WMINOM 'M M '"IwIt"ll IAW Kd *0 $*#do* -~) 40 IV to it to 9*0 A 4 sit tin low 49419 11116FTykilk 0 a Is 0 IS 14 a 6 0 000000 000000 W.*44-S. 0 0 **less 6600 lb 0 0 a 0 0 0 699090000 090 -Q MONAIN =I - U-;, --- 1 0 , 4"ut S. am#% Tw CK at .%a .10414.a W4.41111.1 "AlWilva l. oil QIv . g o o mll I P&Jv lea Ulm ju I " " Ol P.. p At"" "Im" 8111, P 0"601 * "A dwa jq4 41 Ppp *u 'OSC+ at .9+ aftw 0 got j ~ A4301" Sq% P 01149" au "M 2 , ,%Nwq4 I- M- am 'Pop &"a .91 to W" P -4u 044 j" """ 44114 " *9100" aq4 (q) ' 0 S11APISMIUS we 411 4)WH Ou OM14*q" * Al 1014p, '40 -u it) -I- 0 So puadw we Omp Par -494a4 P ammw P41nd . , ot powtxAmd z! aaw "m R AN wat Aq 10840"s so aUqAdOSdp:g=Q-pu(9) Vvilef "-r'j,&qwMP" oe 4RAINQ V)iO1'W`1 V9 11/1) - X :$"I'M" II d -J&W ~ Aq r rso (j IN& Welp- " I p so- -am (Puftp-[) -11" *WPOW "Ift3 fell so 00 s0- 00 is Of 3*0 010 so 0 * 00 f It 4an JIM 4fjTuMw of a to 0 10 pso,pp 00 0 0 0 0 A IF 0 off 09o 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 6 t I &-"-b&-AA 4 r i, sib F and or ba v :0 a MOO I M ins by IV 941 0 im a as A, a a a a 5 0 A )-v "floss Is do. a V. V. pdukv". J. Ch- f Acil ~ j -of - o sggm m .00 ftH (0) b, &I WhibilEd by -'"m Mill MA-11SMillS Ol OUMM' 'be d M is activated by I of 13. 12 P-nkwW- I wW IlSthH kgTmd 62 -19"?Wdistca -%T" of 'Okusbaft -4 111 lene MON. Tb, vtn -00 IV mi" than thst al I by 0 C A -00 00 0 0- 0 0 .010 -00 -00 00 '00 be .40 s Oil I CLAISIPKA?Kb are 0 00 u 'F*IFAAi team o di a 1 9 ** 010 OST'41 00 00 *9660060000660009io see sesofooooogel- 1114-w.i Iiii it 111 0 I a 0 it is M to 11 1? is 0 ? tF- U S IAI!IAIjAS7osVMV" is P -A~ &-i t I~Maw too A "Mitsts am "tweet-ti '4049 tobtsdiiiiq silvelools sted tidws boo predwo of the Trani And CAiin- ha: J. 4 a 2L U 711-16OWS) = 7 of abaurption of Pt 1 . . prup)-icite by HISO. was investitated as a typical C"Inple .00 j gwopligM u1 unotd. hydrocarixtris The sani. Q1 pit4)y$rjw alwail" by unit swife,v A aid to unit tinte is ~quvd in cmiaivirta of diltortil dinirmions if the , hanfir of the faltud pressure of INLI'vilir 1, equal Wilh a dr- 00 crease in cown. of the arm. the velocity cticut. of the . react i= falls abruptly wW is higher if the surface at Itie 4 .00 acid Tenusins undisturbed. The fracticiet is auturatalytic. Ag "Its accelerate cussidesibly the atwirptum of C%ll. *nil tbal Of OpylCtor much less. in fact, evvn It" than r s. V. V slid W sails act very frehil as tbot of buty ciataltrats. Unsaid, hydiucarlains vvitb a tertiary C atorn are abwrbcd by IlSO, &I an orvokystird speed. Coo As a Firsult of The reaction, a Inist. of &M sulfates of oo tartovic acid end five IIN%O. is Gwrited. The fortusuoti g of evr1w eaters frunt alva. and AcOll in the ptevrice ~J Save no pos. tr%ults. the use of nalifith%niullons, and quIlO Motrublic acitis as catal)%ts ploved nurse 0 til'r, FEaters can also be ohimazird front acid sullatro IC (woe tartaric arids. F, F. .1;IelanOWAY I; see salami .1. $a T 0 "1 le 04 me no It 40 Oad a.. Is, i goo I do 0 2 a I " *ft*4400*00' Of4o, is -P 0 4 10 0 10 0 !000000000000000 0 0 * g ~ 1 I M It 0 Is Is Nowti mw UP641 Is It 11 S l o . 0 1 a x u4jasto 00 --Aft -Aff - _M _x a wa o -.00 ape N~Tl_ 00 sham. .4* -00 1. Gf%. 2. 11111-WIM).-Pan wArtarkins CA -00 was oxidind in an Offifirshy bested re chambrit (1 2) 01". W 17 ent.) cbWPd to s/. of III nwerity WHIF the -00 09 catalyst ~. bf g. NH. vansdate ew grog hu"Ph and -90 hrti Tbrrewti'm 1=61 - o W64 III mists. conic 3-4% Wt. and IV 7 t Mj% 0 by vol, at a temp. interval of 370-480)' and consm t tumb of 0.4-2DA fac. PIP The reaction pars wm vori 00 durlrd % *trzr= of rowitown tneW to room thr7 -00 0 O fi temp, Dry a& or 0 wo tread true the , 0 : a la-t tram of H.0 lby trmiDS with liquit! sk. A max. 450' - id btai wid of 38% In id a) d d s e se was o ne at % a y contwt period of Im them I sec. in an 0 sent. The chid products of wearititat are I (or mairic anhydride (n)) and to 0 1110; the by-products we qubxxw (4M%) and maw dt~,ooopa. products probstAy contS. quinhydrow. Wheit *0 the firal lair) vcmdragw was heated to W-W to prevent 00 any comdmntim of the H#O fnnned to the rvaction. only part U r4kried in the first condenser and I in the arrood ' Soo (kv wt. It fullows that the pnnwy product of the caidiittim of C.H. is 11, which combittas with zoo the fts"itto HIO in the coodmaI with the formation of I ~ The moot probaW otechanian td the reartm is alternate vnislation #4 CIIII. to bydrorlummur, quinom MW U with -n"I. of CCII, MWO l".0 Cho- Blanc bOO seem iis-~Ssz.. 1#44#2 o0 0" got !i SIS411it !.L- 4w- 'I. 1 11 : AV 4D 01; 5 " I - Aft A I a b, 0 0 0 1 IF at 9 a a 11 004 00, 06 0b 004 00, 004 00., @*a L' Ck*y"" lob.." Kbesers", Aliturish M cv~ssz OW cion. rrft*ww of 0v 1, priedeed. it, S. S, R.) S. IW-470M).-A &To*" I" Ismod W. 1. aW 42-4. CO, OA CO 0.7 and M6 A I AW ism mi- dood witit (h (taims 7-V% by wd. of the Wig) of 3110- aw, mw a cmtwt duration at 7-2) aw. lm 7M 0t - ) I w-vived with the ww"aw w imp.. norbing 11ir Owes. of 41W. As a resub 4d wevadmary rvemiums, 7 Sho".voll, God so 4h cow-M. in 'be Co wag kvwd on) 41141K andie cuslise I dowatkoal 128W. Pwift $41 for INMBVIM cl this crorked Go% a Pm"bl -17~. .0poRdpwrobw pocelik W" be"&~ J Imp. 111610 71Wy6mcfeewaid, 3d "IbmwIsM Is 6-7 timen koll" 110111111 11161 41 v poll I Vs. 91. Odft" W **Pkft, p%*v 0. 4"Aws so Win putibrooks emb tiord, "O"t amil. robylvar Mi &ad said. Irydionwill"es SM 111" addind with ()~ under the istawt virelffilivIRS. IV MO., YW of lidto of Otj~jrkft WSLS Cbm md MI 400" hylver oxi& ID 11, 0"rity" " dow t " c0 11 1. 91" Ilk) 1. at rtuvorm, cowhith" is be AM, ;;VALLUM�" LWMYWN OUR 11"Solve, T 000 ilfleiiiiiji 0 o &A jilie 0 0 . 0 00 evarliseves. Sors n-fervism;. M. Henspilkimillizi IbW. V. V. Pittairvehil wild L I IMM I- 16W. ry 4) -_ wmlrd "Ith I t0H bv dehydrlitkis &I M. WAS O%klijA-j as &=~. Of few-l"I .00 Im"bimur bernowd with am w of twip. (to 4W'I, ,, .04111 mom., m4 the twism lint. 71w eithle 4 propyient WA CO was ameb" by axiiialbon at 300)" the yield ~d ~ 09 - intwoodeg wilb the, ir^Tftw bI the (h cone" ibe 00 TIw ViAl of aWky&.. xieIr of p.,pykw. wide and CU ins I Whb increase of temp. to 41111'. but a forlim 600 ism ~-- of It* BMW. NY I The &Wvv Yw. wurb wa~ floe a w by a Iowa i" of the wel-m-fty ad res"I'M V= 7 of T l"Or oxide St 4IMP sm* 15 mad $hot if ry 7 golb l 3.5c .0 ahlrbOft 01 The gem @d IV. cow ___ 1 (7 ~' - 6 if d F. . pol"i'll- S .0 .W.' . 44. .8. . I The stivi I- - wbw Mlyms out the wo"M is Shp P"Nmv 0i l w , TZwh d w l w Ik . fit lie i WMINIJI ft a as propwi y1 e , 113 the P. 111oll .,w int"aw of u**h ilk Imak the yww 41410, 'Al CO and CO.. The cmipm0we yjrW of s"Fdep end 4114141 with ire-roswif with a aboinirming of the "twt disratim A was. y6rid of these cuenpils was observed at 4(v* and '00 scomlarl time ImIll"40arv Aparlialphyinerisetum if pru"kiw ttmak p6re set 414P. a nwtW 4uratka of 5 woo mom "Hear *I Mail IPIS Ali 1111111 time so# 0 di a a at A 8 A" 0 is 01 U 1) W a 16 V L P a ile A a A -_ _ _ 004 _ _ fit am# INV 1-tol gas Oblicalsts ouslo tooploo'll lost inwo") Okow tram Pigs of Portristrum crockrilindsefrojoserphistat lo, %* Piphriookil V " h "Al i I d R l T E R 0 . essollec j ui rans. tormed,. xpo tomm. 0 06 1"1 riostims mooi cbm refainssit of ceacism, " 3 f -00 I(MM). c & S. R.) 3, 2 4 C A 20. ooo PFOII was pn-pd. InAn the PFIrpylvm frat-tum lot 00 t.lied crackord pot and Irnm a raw gas. obtained in the -60 valloor-phassr crackirif 4 pirtruiclum at 4060 (OV, toy ish- owlltion with MR 0% 110)to (Imb.) at -2'1t' t. 411'. slid itapionificationt 4 the irmliumn pfimduct tit sk At icitim to trulp . the yield of NO11 was f15% with lot 4% anti almut M% with M 8% 11.%0. ThrVield,41toolynitrio gas 004 t%howro,l at '.Nl* with 149% WSAX Thrfrairti4inh up * as to, lot I it 11 Will, 3.1.) wa. moreorpted A. PV011 Till, Ira, - to t imnif enritanird otimmor S41to morld Nlr,CO The -mle vartsooff~ gas tot the istmo,re synthrooss we a -if unsatcl 09 4-C hydr#wartmm% and in mottle rwor%, even 4 protifyirtir 1-11. and the Pormatrom .1 "heavy hydr-art.on-" It woo : -prespir I cullatri Twmty relefentret A A 11 so* FL, s-, ;IPTAILM"Alt LIVIDAIM CLAUIPMEATON Boom OV"Oss" z $deg" -# I omiso-4-0-4- a 1--- 0 2gas C3 00 14900 1*00 Ibe Ittoo ,a- a 41.41- rl-r. 3&-JC woo gas" 411"40111, logo 0119611 m a" sit :O 4 4 -1 A0 e 000 0000* 0*0000 : V- I 0 At lil '14 t6$ ",,Cetus Am* "Colov1#1 ..f. -00 a wo Amm - - ' . 7 -00 X. % . III rmm. N;d ggW. 'V NW k V. F4p Leb. Shm 4DISM OW N". Abo"als on C . - pwdmoi V.S.S. N.A. *0-0 611 0 'HWII-A mahl. 44. 1.1- .4 of im-htxhm 50-81), on. 7 1 1 90M and IMMM" 6% by wt.. tow HOSIX and 41mucim- I . The I i= of k- poi,~ almmined I " TY -00 - . 'IMI pa a -4 I -414 HjSM fam.7 seen, sort" wills AOMI at - Imp. VW&s isms-ftoAr. Time emorkOrwisses pom 4to a -416 go grow 02100 of rem IMV ""Ims I IN em do Miles I 0 b f1whiw i KID* e tow . o n * . a $ 02 11 mmill.. Ike commomplimse W M)II resew-hirs, 007%. YW&bs -60 00a 22% of 6o-FrOAc Jewish w2pa to 6P-PWOM). the fv- ~16 nmb*W# ism-FdWh" being usp;,mmumd in h& cm im-Pd*-%H wW A.OM ot . uwA- veto., of 1:2 tier 0 W the refer is 61% (31P = a, % with was I* AmOfff be ms am With a NA). .0 . Ous. cob" IN ~be Word sort 0 .00 Isdooly took, Isis Pon" loop, the nabia ptalums l h u f f m b d d h It oss riew the rot# IN t e m k. 1 s%) o urm y pnwtwi with kv. TUr povpv. of tht rstrr from ion-IWII .00 got t. rfftvted he I at I IW by addimS dnV one a mk%t of i0& x6rW AcOlf mA H.M. (d. I M), thr ykId wormsoling then see 00 L of I I at 4(,K AL OTIM&I P" CL &%%WKAV1Qb S + WEI uAV go is to a a a a I aof It t aaw01IF ft 9 a 40v 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 10 0 IN o 0 0 0 & 0 o 0 6 0 o 0 o o o o 0 090090096 0 09o0 0 10 0 0 006000000 06 go* oo 0o 6. fro 1-41011-11 NXIS Ospri! A A e P- r ji, I III, 'A 60 is a# "obt me MAWbak= W % F, -7 _ pigair"bu WWI N v RtHifsk"'. L4h. Khmpt. Makmaj .0 1 "of b 1'rmhww of rMckilis 1frodiert, r x S R 1--"Ar we. Pro try aft-wNfix I'lecil CIII (IsirtIld IDY debYtivalins 1%,, Ivoll withviewtl if Mid with an equilmsi. mist cd clik-ifel At4)11 strut 11.4ti, &DO www wairr, &I "w4if lemp , vwMing tit% of ibr ClArt 71hr w0mils, 4 the ahwasplim a( StrCil Cit. 8,4 by thr AIN)VT inist I% t3l) limr. tir"M Ili" III Shumplum Willi WWI. alraw A A IN.Ill."tit 00 00 09 .4 ..90. Aim 1 aof 5--y- T -to wag 681 Its 011131- b u a Av so It . it 0 0 0 to ; 0*0000000000000600000 oooo::*Gotoooooooo 1190~84 0 0 0 w.0 66 6009,909 00 go** 6 ***go 0 00 0 roe =so aIoe .00 :0*: fie 0 .00 end 0000*0000000 A 00 aftim by mgwk add 0 an TIW raw ad auntow- ad I- I we Owmal aws" 1 b 4var"ho 6w a. 1. n-INS. PAWy AimW Saab V. V. P . Ii Sjj.,*. -111111,"S"11144) ~ Coop. rood. aW. wil. -A w smomik l b 00 i i t). U."s 331-8( %#)f Voil Wow idft.A. 34. 1016) ism owd to o4ody thii atwwp- %% (NO ev ) In fi ) b M O mm. t y W C911. (at 304 1W rtwilm vwj bovins a dima, of 10 c iia; "Mrd swiwv fif W sq. cm. sad a %-4- ff" cc - M ve"d w" hem at 70' - 0-bo dwims Imm CJ The expekt., a" rotated lbrimsh 200* evrry-30 mv. to 000 !j! 4140 rate (K) cl C.11, abovWbm *as toopurskotal (1) to the MnW preamwe, wW (2) to the ratia of m-Witucir w ~Ifuwiom swbm (3) to free ww- I V) of tbe r*wtbm t m b l i C n ~!! o n t t equa , . ~ ) s oviiiij. 7U popts Scuslity cowil end am the dbmn*ms at Ow C(V/S)' did sot de so N - p . nw valor of C X fir Iscreowd from 0.5 to 1.0 to a p w the film cemm. Im bmrnwd from M.5% to m 90.4~; to 09.4%. 7w temp. coa. 44 C win 13% m W, The efmtMty evell. (SI V) of tbe a lamand from d 110 T w ibe a 0.41 to 1.74 and 344, nq)., ou pkwing bielksgrims 16 X 1L.. tie &b i ll N m s 220 porcit a W r J. W. flervy OW 10 0 a a ~Ulw 00000009909*944 0 0 :: 0" : is two 600:0000*0000*0 tie --wile PINNIAd 31 00 .00 foe I i, O*o too Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - traek u0s. a-, l vl. ZkRf, Pt W~Kh Thr. Spithtsio, 1~y flit! JL~, virtbod, of left-Du f.-,Iilj frexirin )( eruk-cd X;vv,,s and t c io,. of Its Licit Ydru tt ;I vnft S I exiag. with vylithc1h. Mixit'. ul wviuyl ard isl~C~114 w-d wiih difftsetAt ctuvzus at Also, It wt:-; "I)qml that tbv fAvinyl groop In Fuch juivu. is zlitbic in 40TO )I#SOq. PolymcTl- zatiza OCCUTTed in 45-60% HISC4 Isobutylsactisic 'Vid was pread. by &LALzing at rooul MOP. 11 r'd Lvj- ' * l V -A.O Ab~ut I IC0% rd 5 u and cold l ) 40% 111$01~ Ca r- Iso-C,11% mactefwllbeut exy pO. 1. Reudgenolosko odeljenje Vojne bolnice u Skoplju, Nacelnik: ppuk. dr Rafael Pijade. (BCHINOGOCCOSIS radiogr.) (DIAPHRAGM die.) I -r- r/,/- " / / C,/: , P it- FIGUTA. D.-. Objectione to V.A.Gorboyls review of D-B-Pigutals book 'Sanitary improvement of inbabited communities.' Gig. j on. ?2' no.11:69-73 N '57. (MIRA 11:1) (PUBLIC HFAIRR. RURAL) (GORBOV, V.A.) Pl,',UTA, D. PA ?6/~,~T67 UM/ModIcine - EpMemlology Jul he Medicine - Literature, Medical "Review of Professorm L. V. Gromshevokly and G. M. Vayn1rekhato Book, Tocal RpIdemlology,'" D. Piguta, 4 pp "Gig I San" No 7 - Unfavorable review of book, published by Modgit, Mosoov, 1947. Considers It unfit for a ronual. TDB I I I PIGUTA.D.B. [Establishing sanitw7 conditions in inhRbited placeel Sanitarnaia ochietka neselennykh most. Moskva, Medgiz. 1955. 251 P. (SANITATION) (Kw 8:11) I I to I A I Aj 4 00 I**- . 00 A so , 00 1 04 00 00 ge, 00 00 C--SddftOtr*FPMPSOUdisthtaus I I I'mumv Chi I' .4 11,)* A(.#-, , rs*hkcnt I Sn VI, N. 5. 14 pp (1M21 Frittions ga- Wool -wilI a, Ntw--k uIv" ; vilow-ily 1 7 - a - 'It ftsh 14",' i , t and Ileolde Sakhanow lkinif Imnitt 4 Ill' w % (faCk' Ilk f thostooss) &I 4N)' atilt 411 *list* Poor mr III. oil IfIr Smithtown tat, apl- it '. -,1 :01'. A 1"bird 211"Ollif, 211111*j gig 6-166-lorst kirlikool". lf..V 1 4 -Ioot kill is. I'll 411.1 ;J41 3, , J frooldw 1, at"'oot-31NI, yofor poitiolm,V4 in oldilli it) 4 Im- lot C., 7"; 1 w1whols gaill Th, alta4d. ankillillsitc.11 Ili 0 V, tht jok-hroor ""lookitt"I loolmm ONO 41"moll'. 1111-61of -liolpolo 441 A-, I timphiloic"it, . gulosthit, AP 2", , 1, IV, IW 4 ".. Ilk 4. 0 omil M 11, US 12V A 2. 27 ,, 12 " , and .4 4p; . It E.". Pit), lot #). 114 is. I " I it"'I A4 it., 1, ,A) 2114), =1 I. it 1. 1 -, 11 *11.1 M is, I-" A P--Iooh-l Ilk 1'. 111 c! oil, 111 SWAj))f, 7', 11 Irlikillf to All-C ;Vooll wa- IIIIIAllit 41 Ofit-1 5 rfirking iwl% walk"in in Intiorb jim-lir *Sul Igask-400 fiwtklns wm umd to 1"rycling The soldlow Itit"ll III Ilk? I.efItIt" $8. .,41 all. crioclord cospolone, 10114, tworr-Ilitinish. 46-4. Itil.; tmw.. 411 O.-hnst look- And firt, Illowlt. ?"-how LIs, It'. I Isurillor-lo, wrtf ,, 0, 1 , " I h, U) ), 47 , 4. .ol ~,)o OT ismomoold "A"Pit.. 15-6, Olk, wK, 11, - I CII. lu-2, Colo. C.M. . C.H., V W, lifirt 6T-1 romyclisis -, 5.6, 0-2. 2 3, 71 J. 3 7, It 3, 4 7, 5.9% , !Jlrsj~aokil irt-yvirtool 4 It. 41.4. 9.2. 69.8, 9~1, 73. -. -' ; elect third two,dws it 2. 1 4, 12, 7 2, 7:1 m. 1.% 2. alirr fixtorlb rmyt-lins 1):.,. 4 1). 1 74 2, 1161A. , . I'lli, viach"I ir"Jowit las n- vat uum -dwil. &ro$ ywhini PAt 3% 111 a jtj X, I I fral-18"I III III:.% go 11. ~112 matillor thor 1"11,8111111S .4 f IF14 top Igo vw)d"lan asphall of 40, .4l.."Inks pnhl, a .4 4. And Allskillity W "wif 11-hIlmolL -00 -00 - -60 .00 1-00 Al =&O roe roe 1 010 1ILA CLASSIFICATION fft- too A, 10 I's to 48 is is KW is I an 0 9 9 0 0 0 O's 0 0 a 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 41 0 9 a 'j, A W m a 0 as v a SO 0 v a a 0 W~,* 01 , f _JL_ __~, I 1 -100 6i -A-7L-* 9 POOM14% A46 rpoplefIfs "t. 00 09.0 Tb 0 theory d &yelps so WO "WAMOry Aysc M. V, t-00 Korviingim. U. A. flilmyo as?d A. F. Sruvrchkins. AM go; Ilk No. 14 TUm. 204M. 190, H, 2918; cl. C A. 36, 1&Z;.-Hxpts'ao draruinidrAg aft we reportect 71W Ink W" treated iW4 bm at "gap. Witb a oom mixt. at: AcOH 10, amid. No meet - -,!Mk, 10 ad. wo "k ot* go trite 2 s. in 30 o1. of HoO. Tbis mAxt. am mW pF 00 of 6ber. After the tmtnmmt, the aft Was 00 soOmd, Sompirs of tbe 4carninised sUk were i= Thl go I lim( PWO 1JhW "d Mect Violet 0 in 00 promise of 60 N11,C1. The lbuit W advorption a Direct PWO Phir by R, goo the treated &M to*% 0.014 jf,cquiv. per 100 S. of Wk, fw 90.3 Dirvel Violet 0 it wo 0.016 g.-cqWv. The firmit of ad- mwplim of deandmilrd lumb 541k is O.M5 I.-tQWiv. pet uO g, of 99k Imm tbon of untreated silk. The loo-trril 000 !4vorplim POWs to The importance of dic &SAN* JpoWp in coo CIO W MW mWaotivit dym by *U. and of i bat we the dye wit! The Aber, 1000 161. floftb 0 q96 goo #Soso* -0 1410.7 *It a.. V~ ON*" 414 -1 a GD 01,; 4 0 a a 0 3 9 v Ll ft 4 savis lose "aw-DR, a got Oew 1*0000*0000000*00 __tli pop 00 1.00 j-00 blow& an Wldk ailb"dwo M. V. K_ in. '00 0. r,v= A. V. Setrutchkins. SWA 1 2, A -W ZOO. IM, U, ITM-Titt obunp. -0101 of cultivated 04111 for Meet Pure Blue is 00 0 Mect Violet DAM g equiv. per too it f ililk. Ttese values are in good agreement with the Alcier, Fikentaclia and Porai-Kowhits thc~wy on the absorption limits of adds. will dyn and subsiatilivt dyes. The almspike Dolts d fulinh Wk we 1.5 lfnlc~ those of cul- livaled aa~ was am no,-; a"; "I see wow ;F61 In"- -'Tr,TTZOVJI V". V., "Effect of Chromium on the Elastic Properties and Internal Friction of Ferrite." (Dissertation for Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.) Vin HiL~her F.Fducation USSR, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Steel imeni I. V. Stalin, Moscow, 1955 SO' M-1036 28 Mar 56 of die NI'vila;all 150 811 ~4sthod il Z od -u htalo "OV ~1~1,11113tl h -Vuutr . n 0, V, Pri t. hie artun o tronits a. and V. NDv out wit Ol 0; IMPWA dU&JUtY Of tur:11PIC411 PtIlt, Fe, mdth Q11d with ion otter F-hubuBg ntlarnmi friel B T~' p.m AUTHOR PIGUZOV, YU.V. PA - 2243 TITLE -An ZKVVitigation of the internal Friction in the r- and a-phases of high Chromium Steel (Izuoheniye vnutrennogo treniya v r- I a- faekh vysokokhromistoy stali). PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957,Vol 112,Nr 4,pp 636-639 (U.S.S.R.) Received 4/1957 Reviewed 5/1957 ABSTRACT The investigation of a steel in which both austenite and ferrite can be obtained would be interesting and so would be the investiga- tion of ther-a-transformation occurring In this steel by the method of internal friction. For this purpose the specially produced steel 105 KE 12 (chemical composition in %: C 1,051 Cr 11,901 N 0,012) was sued. The castings ,eighing 30 kg were forged into roda, anneal* ed in the vacuumi and then cold-drawn into a wire of 0,7 mm. Measurements were carried out bi means of the vacuum-torsion-pendu- lum RKF-MIS in a vacuum of -lo- torr at frequencies of 0,4 and 1,4 c. A diagram shows the temperature-dependence of the internal fric- tion of the samples okilled in water at various temperatures. The curves of temperature-dependence of the internal friction of the samples chilled from 000 - 10200 at a frequency of -1,4 a have a peak at -2100. The height of the peak grows with increasing chill- ing-tomperatur*. On the occasion of chilling at at least 11600 (up to melting temperature) the peak completely vanishes at -2100 and at approximatively 2800 a new peak appears the height of which practically does not depend on chilling-temperature. The amount of Card 1/3 PA - 2243 An Investigation of the internal Friction in the I- and a-phaaes of high Chromium Steel. the inner background is here much smaller than In the case of the first measuring-series. The curve of the samples chilled from 11300 has,two maxima at -2100 and -2800. Radiographic and microstructure investigations show that chilling leads to different phase-states. A table contains the lattice-parameters and the atructure-phase-com- ponente of the samples with different temperatures. The peak at approximatively 2100 is due to the interaction between the carbon-atoms and the defects caused by elastic stresses in the martensite-lattice. The higher the chilling-temperature the trreater the mioro-stressea in the lattice. The author considers the solution of carbides to be a decisive fac- tor in the case of an increase of the peak, which is indicated by the modification of the inner background. The peak at- 2800 is due to the diffusion of the carbon-atoms embossed in th: r-iron and has only one relaxation-time. Position and height of th a peak do not change in the case of gradual tempering up to 5000 temperature after a modification of 1000 in each case. (4 illustrations) Card 2/3 PA - 2243 An Investigation of the internal Friction in the - and a-phasea of high Chromium Steel. ASSOCIATION Moscow Institute for Steel "J.V.STALIN" PRESENTED BY G.V.KUDRYUMOV, member of the Academy, on 4. 7. 1956 SUBMITTED 22. 6. 1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 3/3 137-58-6-13468 Trans lat ion from: R eferativnyy zhurna I, Metal lurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 333 (USSR) AUTHORS: Piguzoy,-Y-u, V. , Finkel'shteyn, B. N. TITLE: Moduli of Elasticity in the Fe-Cr System as a Function uf Con- centration (Kontsent rats ionnay a zavisimost' modulcy tipruKosti v sisteme zhelezo-khrom) PERIODICAL: Sb. Mosk. in-t stali, 1957, Vol 36, pp 168-175 ABSTRACT: E and G measurements were performed on eight types of Fe-Cr alloys containing 0. 85, 1. 8, 3. 72, 4. 7, 6. 76, and 14% of Cr, respectively. The moduli were calculated from tile resonant frequencies of longitudinal and torsional oscillations generated by electromagnetic means in cylindrical specimens. Vacuum-smelted alloys were forged into rods 8 mrn in diameter at a temperature of I 1000C; the rods were then drawn out, in conjunction with process- annealing operations carried out under vacuum, to a diameter of 6 mm. The specimens were subjected to following heat-treatment procedures: tempering at a ternper- ature of 9000 for a period of one hour; quenching in water at 9400; annealing for a period of two hours at a temperature of 0 0 Card 1/2 550 followed by another two-hour anneal period at 700 . It was 137-58-6-13468 Moduli of Elasticity in the Fe-Cr System as a Function of Concentration established that at increasing concentrations of Cr, the values of E and G increase somewhat, while the Poisson ratio is reduced. The critical Debye temperature, OD, was computed on the basis of the propagation velocities of longitudinal and transverse waves. It was found that the 0 increases with increasing Cr content, which indicates a strengthening of ~ke interatomic bonds. The results obtained coincide qualitatively with the values of 0 D (obtained by X-ray methods) as found in literature. Heat-treatment procedures have very little effect on the values of E, G, and eD* 2. Ir, n-chr.)mium !,,ystems--'Fe.-.j_ A. F. Iror.--rxo:-d'_,n sy~;te.,n.,;--NechqiA,~q1 properties i,, .'y ; e*..,;,--..e2'_ re.- ,Its Card ZIZ SOV-' -58 -9- 2t,~l 56 AUTHOR: Liguzov, Yu.V.0 Candidate of Technical Sciences, Yoscow In- st_fT-uT_e_or-',tt~ee1 imeni I.V. Slalin TITLEt Relaxation Phenomena In Flure Metals and Alloys (Relaksatsion- nyye yavloniya v chistykh metallakh i splavakh) PERIODICAL; Vestnik vyjshey shkoly, 1958, Nr 9, pp 72-73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: From 2-4 April 1958, an Intervuz Conference on the"Relaxation Phenomena of Pure Metalo and Alloys" took place at the Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Institute of Steel). The conference was attended by 196 representatives of 24 higher educational institutions and 31 scientific-research institu- tes (including 8 institutes of the USSR AS)/' from 13 cities of the Soviet Union. Doctor K. Mishek of the Prague In- stitute of Technical Physics and Den Ge Sen of the Pyongyang State University were also present. S.I. Filippov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Steel, opened the confprenep. A reviewing report was delivered by B-N-FiAkelfshteyt [Ftial In 04waorw IredtAeof Stee2). V.T. Shmatov (Institute of Physics of the U33R AS in Sverdlovsk) and N.S. Fa3tOV (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut chdrnoy metallurgii (TsKIChM) Card 1/4 Central 3cientific-Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy) t Relaxation Phenomena in pure Metals and Alloys SOV-3-58-9-25/36 gave information on the application of the thermodynamics of non-balanced conditions. V.S. Postnikov (Kemerovskiy pedaA gogicheskiy institut - Kemerovo Pedagogical Institute) dealt in his report with questions of the internal friction of plastic deformed metals and alloys under increased tempera- tures. G.S. Pisarenko and V.V- 01illchevskly (Kiyev Poly- technic Institute and Institute of Metallo-Ceramics and Special Alloys UkrSSR AS) told the conference about a method of experimental examination of the energy dissipation in materials. A.A. Sazonova and K.F. Starodubov (7)nepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute) reported on studies into the in- fluence of annealing temperature after hardening, and iso- thermic hardening during the subsiding of oscillations in silicon spring steel. The report of M.F. Alekseyenko, Yu.V. Piguzov and L.S. Fedotova (Moscow Institute of Steel and the All-Union Institute of Aircraft Materials) was dedicated to the annealing friability of high-chromium steels and its in- fluence on internal friction. S.N. Polyakov kInstitute of Ferrous Metallurgy Ukrj"SH AS) spoke on the influence of manganese and molybdenum on the solubility of carbon in alpha-iron and on thp kinetics of the separation of carbon, by in- Card 214 ternal friction from a solia solution containing