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ACC NRI AP6027776 tration of terminal aminogroups in the region of low molecular weights to be increased. Orig, art. has: 7 figures. [Based on authors' abstract) [NT] SUB CODE: 071 SUBMDATE: 09Jul65/,ORIGREF: 002/ PLYASHKE:VICH, L.N. Data on the-composition and structure-of the-ElIga iron meteorite. Meteoritika no.22:51-W 162. (MM 15:8) (ElIga Valley-Meteorites) S/035/62/ooo/oo9/031/060 A001/AIOI AUTHOR: Plyashkevich, L. N. TITLE: Some data on the composition and structures of meteorite El'ginskiy PERIODICAL: florerativnyy zhurnal, Antronoinlya I Goodeziya, no. 9, 1962, 73, abstract 9A512 (In collection: "Materialy po, geol. i polezn. iskopayem'ym Severo-Vostpia, SSSR". no'. 14,.Magadan, 1960, 47- 52) TEXV: Meteorite Ellginskiy was discovered on August 28, 1959, in the valley of the 9l.'ga river (the basin of the Indigirka river.upper stream) in alluvial de- posits at a depth of 20 m while sinking a shaft; its weight is 28.8 kg..A part of the meteorite was studied under a binocular and in reflected light un'der a'micro- scope. Transparent components were ztudied in immetsion preparations. The silicate andImetallic parts were subjected to spectral analysis, and'the metallic part, moreover, to chemical analysis, The-meteorite belongs to the class of siderolites, It is-characterized by peculiarity of its silicate component. Inclusions of sili- cate nature stand out on the background of metalLic mass. The main minerals of the silicate.components are potash-sodium feldspar (anort~oclase?)-and monoclinic py- roxene (pigeonite) whose ifiterpefietration structure is close to hypidiomorphic, Card-1/2 FLYASHKEVIGH, N. Notification. Za bezop. dVizh.-5,no.3:11 Yfr '163, (MIRA 16--4) . (cyclists, tests) ACC _Nk.___,~P700l9Y2_ solii~c-f-CFOIYI~-.--Ui~TO-f2O766-/000/006/0022/0025 AUTHOR: Vagin, V. A.; Volodin, V. D.; Plyashkevich, N. N.; Sayenko, A. P.; .Semenyushkin, I. N.; Stepanyuk, V. L. ORG: Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna (Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledoyaniy) TITLE: System for multiple acceleration of an electrodynamic separator of high- energy particles SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 6, 1966, 22-25 TOPIC TAGS: particle beam, proton accelerator ABSTRACT: A system for multiple acceleration of high-energy particles is described. The system recaptures protons in multiple frequency (q = 100) accelera- tion conditions previously accelerated to maximal energy and continues their acceleration for 15-20 usee. The system consists of a coaxial resonator, hf units, a pulse modulator, and ~ sy~nchronizer. The fre- quency of the multiple acceleration is 149.520 mc and the pulse duration 'is 15-20 psec. A 70% coefficient of proton beam energy Z - 10 Gev, energetic spread AE * 1.7 Mev, and amplitude of the accel- erating*voltage in the resonator. Vr - 70 kv was obtained during testing 1/2 UDC: 539.1.076:621.384.6 of tho system on a proton synchrotron at the Joint Institute oi Nuclear Research. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 formulas. I i SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM,DATE: 12Nov65/ ORIG REP: 005/ AM PRESS: 5111- I PLYAS.HKEVI.C.119 V.1 nayor In the spirit of friendship of peoples. Komm. Vooruzh. Sil 46 no.19:69-73 0 165. (MIRA 18:12) PLYASKIN, kand.takhn.nauk; SOUNTSOV, A.A. Working Vloo(W Oligocene oundo in, tho Sarbay Pit. Gor. zhur. no.8: 70 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1, Filial Kazakhskoge proyektno-teldn-mlogicheiskago instituta, g. Rudnyy (for Plya-akin). 2. Sakolovsko-Sarbayskiy gorneebegatitellnyy kombinat (for Solentsov). (Kustanay Province-Mine drainage) _1. I., kand. takim. nauk; STRURRIN, V. N., gozmyy inzh.- marksheyder Wor1ring inundated horizons of the Sarbay open-pit mine. Gor. zhur. no.10.,11-12 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Filial Kazakhekogo politekhnichookogo inatituta, Rudn (for Plyaskin). 2. Sarbayakiy karlyer (for Struikhint yy (Kustanay Province-Mine drainage) PLYASKIN, I.I., kand. takhn. nauk; USOV, F. M., inzb. Experience in the construction of deep pits under complex hydrogeological conditions. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 6 no. 9: 34-39 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Filial Kazakhskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (for Plyaskin). 2. Sokolovsko-Sarbayskiy gornoobogatitelInyy kombinat (for Usov). 3. Rekomendovana kafedroy gornogo dela Kazakhskogo polite- khnicheskogo instituta. PLYASKIN, I.I., kand.takhn.nauk; SANDRIGAYLO, N.F., Inzh. - Digging a large trench with the ESh-14/75 walking draglins, Mekh. stroi. 21 no.1:10-11 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:4) SHCHERBAK, G.S.; PLYASKIN, I.I.; ZHUMAGALIYEV, A.K. Use of a drilling and shearing machine to work ore deposits. Trudy Inst.gor.dela AN Kazakh.SSR 92135-146 162. (MIRA 15s8) (Baring machinery) P4TASKIN, 1. 1. Cand Tech Sci __ (digs) "$tudy of she possibilities of lepoe ag ZtA U/aA,j_ ,I tie excavating pdkww Vn subterranean working of low-oapacity deposits under conditions of permafrost (According to the example of the working of the Chay-'Ur~a A deposit)." Alma-Ata, 1959. 19 pp with graphs (Min of Higher Education USSR. Kazakh Mining mod Metallurgical Inst), 1,50 copies. M, 41-59, 105) ___ Of - VASILIYEV, Mikhail Vladimirovich, prof.. doktor tekhn. nauk; ROiZRPLENTER, BEILYAKOV, Yu.l.p retsenzent; A.E.J, retaenzent; PLYA!& . I _ JI,_"V retsenzent [Combined transportation in open-cut miningj Kombinirovan- Wi karlyernyi transport. Moskvaq Nedra, 1965. 306 p. (NIRA IS:12) -:w, V. V. KMIM j7EVSKIY, L. PLYAS: 1-1.1, 2. USSR (( :)Do) 4. Sheep - Diseases 7. Prevention of lunc, disease ~~- sheer?. Sov. zootekh. 7 Fo. 5, 1152. Monthly List of Russian Accessions.,-Library of Congress, 9 July 1952. Unclassified PLYASKIM,1.1., I - i t'L Possibility of reducing the extraction thicimess underground mining of low-accumulation.placers. KolTM 21 no-3:15-19 Mr 159. (KIRA 12:6) le'Prlisk "Bollshevik.0 (Gold mines and mining) GAVRILOV, V. [Harvylov, V.1; KUZYAYEV, Kh. [Kuziaiev, Kh.J; MALISHEWSKAYA, L. [14alishevs'ka, L.]; PLYASIINIH, 0. [Pliashnyk, O.j People and works of science. Nauka i zhyttia 11 no.8:19-21 Ag ,61. (MIRA 14:12) (Ukraine--Research) PLYASK3, V.,, general-leytenant inskenernykh voyak O'Sixty-five years in the ranks of the party of Leninm by F.L Petrov, Reviewed by V,PliaBkln, lo=*Vooruzb.SJL1 3 no,24:W#,-% D 162. (MRA 15tl2) (Russia-History) ' (CommnistTarty of the Soviet Union) (Petrov, F.I.) PLYASKIN, V., gvardii general-mayor inzh. voysk; GORWY, V., gvardii polkovnik. Engineering troops in the battle for Stalingrad. Voen.-inzh. sbur. 101 no,207-41 F 158. (MIRA, 11:3) (Stalingrad. Battle of, 1942-1943) (Military engineers) AARBYSHEV, D.M., Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza, prof., doktor veennykh nn%21r, general-leytenAnt inzh. voysk[deceased]; GOLDOVICH, A.I., general-leytenant inzh., voyak votetavke, red.; PLTAS')jKIjX,JLYa., V.Ya., general-leytonant inzh. voyak, red.; tZ63-HEM, Ye.V.p general-leytenant inzh. voysk v otstavke, red.; SOCHILOV, M.F., general-mayor ia&16 voysk v otstavke, red.; AFANASIYEV, D.M., polk ik V otstavke, red.; BORISOV, 0V;RO1POV D.S., polkoynik zapasa, red.; ,-K.V., inzh.-polkovnik v otstayke, red.; SHOR, D.I., inzh.-polkovnik v otstavke, zed.; SHEVCHUK, M.K., podpolkovnik aapasa* red.;ROSSAL, N.A.p polkovnik, red.; SOKOLOVA, G.F., tekhn. red. (Selected scientifie work]Izbrannye nauchnye trudy. Moskva, Voenizdat,, 1962. 703 P. (MIR& 16:3) (Nilitary engineering) KATTERKO L.P,; PLYASON, YiA.A., USTENKO, G.P. CoameTcial u9c, of I?devu trays with baffle elements. Noft-eptr. i n~-Ttekhim. noOsZ-0-43 164. (MTRA 17*1a) 1. Omskly neft-eporr7!rabatyvayushchiy zavod. PLYASKOV, __~. A ~__ Planning and accounting documentation In the basis of indugtrial planning and orgainzation, Trudy RTO sud.prom. 8 no.2:86-90 '59. (MM 13:5) (Shipbuilding) (Industrial organization) USTIHOV. D.A.,nauchnyy sotrudnik; PLYASUNOVA. lj..vrach: NOVINSKIY. IG.D. vrach; ZMUZAWV. To. Letters to the editors. Nauka i zhiznl 26 no-1:77-79 ja 159. (KIM 12: 1) 1. laboratorlya blofisiki Yeasoyasnogo nauchno-inaledovatell- skogo Instituta. zhivotnovodetys (for Ustinov). (MaRAVIOIRT DAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL, ZFMT) (RAMINS) (LEAD POISONING) NOVIVSKIT9 G.D,qvraah; PLYASUNOVA, K,V.,Tra6ch Medicine-of yogis, JkWm i shisn' 26 noo3l78-79 Mr 159, (MIRA 12W (Tout HkTHA) k" I 11 :CMM=HKINK, T.A.,inzh.; PLYASMIKOVA, N.I.,inzh.; VETROVA, H.Ta.,inzh. Purification of sweet water produced during the catalytic splitting of fats wfth ion-exchanging resins. Masl....4ir. proin. 24 no.11:37-39 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Loningradakiy mylovarenVy zavod im. larpova (for Chernushkina, Plyssunkova). 2. KharikovskLy zavod "Krasnyy khtmik" (for Vetrova). (Glycerol) (Gums and'resine) 30(12) Z-OV/2 5- 50 -3-44/46 AUTHORS: Novinskiy, G.D., Plyasunova, K.V., Physicians TITLE: The Medicine of Yogis (Meditsina yogov) PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhiznl, 1959, Nr 3, pp 78 - 79 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the philosoDhical outlook of yogis and their way of healing dismses by breathing exercisel special diet and strict self-control. Card 1/1 VIADYKINA, M.I.,; PLYASKOVA,__~. ~., Clinical X-ray observations on staphylococcal pneumonias in children. Vop.okh.mat.i det. 7 no.7:3-10 JI 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz kafedry fakalltetskoy pediatrii, (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AWT SSSR prof. M.S.Maslov [deceased])i kafedry rentgenologii i radielogii (zav. - prof. Ya.L.Shik) Leningradskogo ediatricheskogo meditsinsko o instituta (dir, - dotsent Ye.P.Semenova.3. ~PENUWNIA) (STAPHYLOCOCCAL DISEASFS) b"ifia kand. mad. nauk; SIDOROVA,, K. A.; KOZLOVTSEVA, I. G. HMrvitaminosis D in infants. Pediatriia n0.4:61-66 162. (MIRA 3-5:4) 1. Is kafedr7 fakulltetakoy pediatrii (zav. prof. M. S. Maelov) Loningradekogo pediatricheekogo neditBinakORO instituta (dir. Ye. P. Somenova) i detskoy ob"yedinennoy b4"lnitey Mookovskago rayona (glavnyy vmch K. A. Koahevaya) (VITAMINS-D)..,~-, HYMVITAMINGSIS) PLYASK!YVA, L. M. PLYASKOVA, L. M.--"Changes in the Skin-^Zalvnnic Roflex and Polarization Currents in Various Sta;os of Children's Pnoumonia."*(Di-isertntion for De rees in 3clence and Enrineerins Deffened at USSI Higher Educational Institutions.5 Leningrad Pedintric Inat, LeninTrad, 19r,-5 901 Knizhnaya Letopim~!, No. 25, 18 Jun 55 * For Degree of Canciclate in Medical Sciences !7A jly-Areger D'acli'm 46 a b.! dc- z hydracarlKlas- Tk.~ yte.A" 'f or ahjrnlru,~ih"v c-at;dv,t~ DOROSHENKO, G.L.; PLYASOVA, L.N. (Stavropol'-na-]Kavkaze) Treatment with sarcolysine of myelomic disease. 145-146 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Terapevticheskoye otdeleniye (zav. - G.L. Doroshenko) III gorodakoy bollnitsy, Stavropol-na-Kavkaze. (SARCOLYSINE) (MARROW-CANCER) PLYASOV, 11.14-S- Gladiolus Gladiola cultivation. Sad i og.) no. 1.13 1952. 13S 1-1,01-IT-ILY LIST 01' RUI'~,IAM AuGIL~-101-15, LIBRIM UF G&!G;U~,Sj, JURE 1952- IJJOI,~I. 11,TZ. Q '14 1, u Is Id 0 J6 1) If if 40 41 Azaa 4: IT co A f a 4t Lim. (*of GRCVFI t Alt 6101021011013, 104V1210 IVNJ44111 ` W~*p so !ml r go goo 00- ariv-111 %.Vila unp of PW1 A4vd)'Ioojl avieviva"m NO 81 SOW OM W SWPU&3 OWUJA JO lVqq"OM it rt it m A; if it is R It V4 zi w a w a It a a it 11 11 It 11 (1 Affoli it lift 9 of FLYASOV, A.M. The T-40 high-speed universal wheeled tractor. Biul.tekh.-ekon.- inform.Gos.naueb.-isel.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. no.1-1-.77-79 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Tractors) .PTIYASOV, Yu.P.; KTIZININ, A.D. .A wide-range irradiator for an antenna of the "parabolic cylinder" type . Trudy Fiz. inst. 2L"t14,21 165. (ERA 18:7) KLEVTSOV, P.V., KUNTSOVA, R.F,; KFFELT, L.M.;,, ~I.Y~jq~jj~jt4. Forics of grcw'.'h and sy=etry of iron molybdate Fe C--rvstals. 'Izv. AN SSSR. Neorg., mat. 1 no.6018-9B ~65. (MM 18:8) 1. Inst5`-'ut neorganicheskoy khiidi j Institut kataliza Sibirekoga obdelen3ya AN SSSSR. I LYA5011A, L.M.; )~-FTJJ, c,tructure of all--,-Lnun oxides. Kin. I kat. 6 no. 6:1080-108' S Wipm 19:1) N-D $65 1. ]rlstAtIlt le i.Iya AN !USER. nuhaittad- .atal-,.-t Sibirskogo Otc, J,~optcmibar 10p 119(l, PETROVSKAYA, A.P.; PLYASOVA, Z. I.; AFONOVA, S.B.; ASRATTANO E.A., otv. red.'f_XIT1K1ffJt-0.G., red.izd-va; Y-ATYUKHINA, L.I., I y tekhn. red. [Methodology of studying the higher nervous aetivity of man; bibliographic-index of Russian literature from 1900 through 1960] Metodiki issledovaniia vysshei nervnoi de- iatellnosti choloveka; bibliograficheskii ukaaatell ote- chestvennoi literatury (1900-1960 gg). Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 90 P. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Akademiya,!iauk SSSR. Institut vysshey nervnoy deyatelf- nosti i neirofiziologii. Biblioteka. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Asratyan). (BIBLIOGRAPHY-NERVOUS SYSTEM) -- 1, W'5liCHJN'jl-:AYA, N.K.; ...W. - '. ~- - ~ - . - ~ ; ;-- ~:;I, _ r-' 5' 916-2 (10 RA 17.8) -,KjTf~ --- .'.'o'lynr;depi.qattc,rl rIL Y// cJ~~ -'iO- Lsatolly Andreyevich; PLUM, Yv., redaktor; G., ~ 6 tekii8chniy redaktor - - [wages and increasing, lksbor prouductivity in industryl Zarobitr~a plate i pidvvshchounia produktivaosti pratsi v promyslovosti. i;yiv, i)erzb, vyd-vo polit.litv-r~ 1957. 96 p. (miRA lo:lri) (wages) (Labor proiiuctivity) It z 1/9 "A" OGORODNIK, Savve Yakovlevich; %. PLYASUN. Ya.. redektor; LKVOHICNKO, 0.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Improvement in the living conditions of the Ukrainian people during the postwar years) Pidnesenate dobrobutu ukrainelkoho narodu v pisilievoienii roku. Kyiv. Dersh.vyd-vo polit.litrry URSR, 1957. 52 p. (MIRA 10:9) (Ukraine-Neonomic conditions) GNTSOV, L.B., PLYASUMV. B.F. Use of the UIN-5 machine for testing long-period strength under changing cyclic loads. Zav.1ab. 26 no-7:869-871 '60. (K IBA 13 ?. ) (Testing machines) (Strength of materials) PLYASUNOV, A.K. Total Incidence (occurrence) of disease,, visiting by and hospi- talization of the urban population and workers of the petroleum industry* Wrav. Ros. Feder. 8 no.3tl2-16 Mr'64 (MIRA 17t/+) 1. 14ediko-sanitarnaya chast' neftepromyslovogo npravleniya "Pervomayneft'" Kuybyshevakoy oblasti i.otdel organizataii zdravookhraneniya ( rakovoditell - doktor med. naulc I.D.Bogatyrev) Moskovskogo naucbno-issledovateltskogo instituta gigiyeny imeni F.F. Krismara. FLYASUNOVS-k.~.- I Organization of epMensive sai'ltary*azd hygienic measures in Otradnyy, Kuybyshev Province. %drav,Ros,Feder. 7 no.2s25-27 F 163. (OTRA:DM-PUBLIC HULTH) (MIRA 16.4) PLYASUNOV, M. Taking into account the urgent needB of collective farms. VTO 3 no. 5:11-12 147 161. (MIN- 14:5) I# Chlen nauchno-tekhnichookogo obahchestva pri Opehinskoy rayonnoy traktornoy atantaii, (0yash-tolloctive famis) ANDREYEV, K.K.; HLYASUNOV, M.S. Chemical-kinetic basis for The difference between secondar7 and initiating explosive substances. Zhur. VKHO 8 no-5:586- 587 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiv khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva. I-D/078/62/007/006/017/024 B119/B138 AUTHORSs Zhukov, A. I., Baranov, G. P., Plyasunov, P. V. TITLE: Sorption of hydrolyzed ions of elements of groups I and II by cation exchange resins PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 7, no. 6, 1962, 1452-1457 TEXT: The authors studied the sorption of Be, ~jg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and Zn (as chlorides dissolved in water), and Cs, Ag, Cd, 11g(H) and Cu (as nitratee dissolved in water) to the cation exchangers 0-1 (KU-1) (exchange capacity 2.20 mg-eq/g) and 1 1 2 corrosion is intercrystalline, at i2> '1 uniform corrosion takes place. There are 2 figures and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. PRESENTED.- January 22, 1959v by A. M. Frumkinv Academician SUBMITTED: January 22, 1959 garkl 2/2 GXHbACII, Vamiliy Vamillyevich-, MIUMbOV, Konotaritin Alaklibybviolij LIVSHITS. Lev Zakharovich-,-YLYASUNOV, V1adiair_IvaAoTic#;_ KORSTANTINOT. A.P.., obahchiy red.; KAZAROT YU.S., red.; FRMIN, P.S., [Workers of the Baltic Factory in Beltiltsy v trekh revoliutaiiakh. tinova. Leningrad, Goo.soiuznoo 1959. 146 p. (Leningrad--Shipbuilding three revolutions] Rabochie- Pod obahchei red. A.P.Konstan- izd-vo sudostroit.promyishl.. (MIRA 12:5) workers) SOV/25-59-1-147i:51 AUTHORSt Novinskiy, G.D., and Plyasunova, K.V., Medical Doctors TITLE: None Given I P,11 W D I CIA I ~ r I' Fill 11 - I v~ I, I -, ' - 1 9 '- ') # 11 1, 1 , ml 7R-7'! A 11 i I I'll A I IT 1 '1114 H 14 0 1 1 " I t4 d .~ s; 1 0, *~ I 1 11 1 1 i ., I'mil I 'm I 11 1 .. I , ~ 1 le ~i II I i f, i f ti., I 1 , ~ i 11 1 0 t -111t.-1. 4 -1 . Card 1/1 I KUPCHIKY I., tekhnolog; PLYASUNMU, Ye., tekhnolog Container for the transportation 'of bricks. Rech. tranap. 2,0 no.5: 36 my 161. (MIPI 14-- 5) 1:0 7~enskoye :Fayomoye upravleniya Irtysb#kogo palrokhodstva. (Briaks-TranspoAatibn) (Containers) CHUDNOVSKIY, A.F.; PLYAT, Sh.N. A.I. Pekhovich and V.M. 2biRikh's monograph "Graphic Method of calculatIng the nonsteady thermal state inside a plate". Inzh.-fiz. zhur. no.10:128-129 0 164. (MIRA 17:11) 'I I I ~ , I ~ I k. I f, It! IT I, I 1, 1 V AT . ~, ) I , t I , - " t., I .: I ! ~, -- , ~l - 1 1 r, I I I I' 1~ , h14 ~vi . I ti 11 IT 5/170/60/003/007/014/018/XX P-9/00 11019/11067 AUTHOR: Plyat, Sh. N. TITLEt I. Temperature Distribution in Abrasives During Heat Treatment PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol~ 3, Not 7, pp. 80 - 87 TEXT: To solve the problem of combustion processes of abrasives, the temperature field in the abrasives must be analytically described, The polt)tlonp of the -quation hent con(Juctio'ri rr)r hollow cylJntlinirs whinh tinvia It 11. 11 1, !i !j I!nntj iiji,1*11 ('tqfj!i wili I I t-tsIrom tils I.n Iit DO " Iit ImijiMn 1 -.v - ,it - I it 111itII I t- i 11M ji ~itI v- ~i 14 11 fj If4 i4 iR 1 1 11 ;~ it 1;4 it it4 . . . . .. f4 I I 1i - 01 4 44 I'll 14 4 1 1, f; Card 1/2 I, Temperature Distribution in Aprasives S/170/60/003/007/014/018/XX During Heat Treatment B019/BO67 Three diagrams are given which facilitato calculations. There are 3 figures and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Vaesoyuznyy nauchno--issledovatellskiy institut abrazivov i shlifovaniya, g. Leningrad (All-.Union Scientific Research Institute of Abrasives and Grinding, Leningrad) V~_, Card 2/2 M - V -Tempo tui-i7lia-from CIOA# 77 7 -k:mOtb6d-- ki the beat,trausfer function in concr6te; ven taUng into account the dependince of O"th6fty'on Una: and temperature. Solutions' of the problem are given for a number of one- and two-dimensional bodies. Analytical solutions are given for the beat conductivity problem for concre'Le wa-Us cooled symmetrically and asymmetricalLy and pylons of circular and rectangular cross section. Orig. art. has: 34 formulas, 1 graph. ASSOCIATIOM Institut gidrotekhniki im. B. Ye. Vedeneyevas Leningrad (Institute of Hydraulic Engineering) p EWUL: 00 SUB CODE: HT, TD NR REF SOV: OD6 OTHEM OD5 JPRS cl,~ V, PLYAT, Sh.N. Roots of a transcendental equation in the heat conductivity problem for a hollow cylinder. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 7 no.2:75-78 F 164. (MIRA 17-2) 1. Vsesoyiiznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut gidrotekhniki imeni B.Ye. Vedeneyeva, Leningrad. GLUT, Sh.R. Solving problems of nonsteady-state thermal conductivity of bollow cylinders by Grinberg's method (method of finite integral transformations. Inzh._fiz.:thur. 5 no.6-81--87 je 62. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Energeticheskiy inatitut, AN BSSR, Migsk. (Heat-Conduction) (Calculus' If of variations) 1 1 . . i~ -~ 1 q -Z " I " -, , I " " 1. 1 , H ~ , ;;.: , 1 4 4 i , m ! i I - I I , I I - i : 4 14--901L~-0 4 141. (jiJAL 1. Institut onerptiki AN BSSR, g. Minsk. (Abrasives) PLYAT, Sh. N. CRnd Tech 41ci -- (diss) "Study of the beat conducti-,rity of abraisive ceramic materials." Len, 19b6. 17 pp (Min of Hig~er Education USSR. Len Polytechnic Inst im M. 1. Kalinin), 150 copies (KL, 36-58, 112) -37- pLyAT, SH.N.; RAPOPORT, Yu.H.; CHOFNUS, Ye. G. Relationshin between the elastic modulus and the DoroBity of some heterogeneous systems. In2h.-fiz. zhur. no. ~:96-97 A 153. (MIRA 11:7) 1. VoesoyuzVy-nauchno-iskledovatellsk~v Institut abrazivov i shlifovaniye, Leningrad. (391ast icity) Ooros ity) S/170/60/oo A'/ cj io/(j B019/BO54 AUTHOR: Flyat, Sh. N. "I TITLE: II. The Distribution of Thermal Streases in Abrasivesib During Thermal Treatment (Calcination) PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 3~ No. 10, pp. 97-102 TEXT: In his investigation, the author proceeds from known form0as for determining the thermal stress in the direction of the principal normal in hollow disks. First, he studies - for instantaneous temperature changes of the medium - the thermal stresses in uniform heat exchange, and in the case in which there is no heat exchange inside of the cylindrical surface. Then, he assumes a linear change in the temperature of the medium. He obtains formulas for the thermal stresses in uniform heat exchange, and for the case in which there is no heat exchange in the interior. Further, he assumes a temDerature change similar to an open polygon, and discusses the formulas for the stresses. In his-consideration of an infinite hollow cylinder, the author refers to the fact that the same formulas hold for its radial and tangential thermal stresses as for the hollow disk. But-, Card 1/2 11. The Distribution of Thermal Stresses in S/170/60/003/010/015/023 Abrasives During Thermal Treatment B019/BO54 (Calcination) there is an additional stress in the longitudinal direction of the cylin- der, and formulas are given for the instantaneous temperature changes and the linear temperature changes of this stress. In his final statement, the author discusses the use of the formulas derived for calculating the thermal stresses in abrasives during thermal treatment. Formula (17) is indicated for calculating the position of the surface of the highest thermal stress at a constant heating rate. Further, the approximate formula (18) is given for the tangential thermal stress. A. A. Lykov (Ref. 6) is mentioned. There are 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut abrazivov i shlifovaniya, g. Leningrad (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Abrasives and Grinding, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: April 5, 1960 Card 2/2 Y 0 A 6 V. It wlomik i'pil. ; SK I WINK fT, P. M, , pri If'. ? I-nd, 0 110111hk i%f , .4 ; 11 1,roto . 4- -A, W I ~ omtlt , viAwl - t I'l-VAT 1411, N fi-mil. I t4hw miiilt , i oil, I h0l:'IIAN'101'~V 1 A A, P;-A_v i "*A, I lit -if- i.'l t W4, Iiiiji'l- 1A., 11141" w4lik, 4.00'i 'f~W'11'illwvwo' 11'J., 1&"140 1, Pi"iM. 111411h b BE1.1 ZAT19KAYA, L. , rod. A zd.-VIA; 'HWPUYNN, L. 0 red. I lad-VIA1 111DERKO, N. , takhn. red. ; VOWKItANOVICII, 1. , takhn. t-ad. [Heat and mass transfer] Teplo i massoperencis. Minsk, Izd- vo AN BSSR. Vol.l.[Thermophyaical oharacteriatieB of materials and methods for their determination] Tep~lofizicheskie kha~akte- ristiki m&terialov i metody opredelentia, Pod obshchei red. A.V. Lykova i B.M.Smollskogo. 1962. 216 p. V01.5. [Me'Lhods for calculating and modeling heat-and masp-transfer processes] Meto- dy rascheta i modelirovaniia protsessov teplo- i massoobmena. 1963. 471 P. (MIRA, 16:10) 1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniya po teplo- i massoobmenu. 1st, Minsk., 1961. Akademiya nauk Bel.SSR (for Lykov). (Materials-Thermodynamic properties) (Heat--Tranamission) (Mass transfer) . PLYAT, Sh.N. Distribution of temperature In abrasive goods during thermal treatment (firing). Insh.-fiz.shur. n0-7:80-87 JI 160. (MIRA 1. VsesoyuzW nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut abraz1vov 13:7) shlifovaniya, g. Leningrad. (Abrasives) (Heat-Conduction) ,71 AUTHOR: Plyat, Sh. ff. 57-12-15/19 TITLE: On-the..Extention of Odelevokiyls Theoryof Generalized Conduatance on Heat Conductivity ~(K *y6ios4~,o rasprostranenli teorii obobalacbenrioy, provodimosti. Odelevskogo na teploprovodnost'). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fizikip 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 12, pp. 2789-2790 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this investigation, experimental data were obtained, which confirm the possibility of an application of the formulae of the theory of generalized conductivity by Odelevskiy on the computation of the heat conductivity of some porous systems. Corundum-ceramic grinding materials were employed as samples. The coefficient of heat conductivity was determined according to the method of a plane steady heat flow, taking it into consideration calorimetrically. The heat conductivity of the solid phase, that is of a material without pores, was established from an extra- polation of the ( A - P) - curve -A, Ao A pores denote the coefficients of heat conductivity of the system and of the soliil phFine nnd of the pores respectively. The heat transfer on as, zzioxtiops of odeuvakivo. m*ory or (knersUzed 57-12-15/19 calftot-SM M, *S'b condwtivity The application of a relatively low final temperature (in comparison with the refractory temperature limit of the bounding : 12800C) of 12300C in the annealing process leads to a disturbation of the binding of the solid phase and the finely grained ceramic grinding materials obtain the propertien of statistical mixtures aooording to Odeleynkiy. Thei-q 4,,;; 1 rictirp, nnil 4 or "wo), ,,-P MCSY411. SUBMITTMI)i April 29, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 Pea' zhur. no.7. ~r, 1 1 1 PLYATER-PLOKHOTSKAYA, V.N. Accessory genital glands of the female German cockroach (B tella germanica L., Blattoidea). Ent. oboz. 42 no.3:550-552 16r. I (MIRA 17sl) 1. Moskovskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut gigiyeny i sanitarii, Moskva. 114 ~L Ilme of hoptotoblor for Uic diOnfoatickn of pan-gaine oklaols rrm. _, v oo4romhoss Nedeparos.i parat.bckl. 29 no.3110,141-XI 160. (INSECTICIM) (SHIPS--DISINnOTION) (MIRA 13112) PLYATM-PLOKHOTSKAYA, WNS Age-mcomected changes in the ovaries of female'Geman 4ockroaches. Md.paraz.i paraz.bol. no.1:79-82 162. (m3M 15:5) 1. Iz TSentrallnoy nauchno-isoledovatellskoy laboratorii gigiyeny bodnogo transporta. (COCKROACHES) PlYlTER-PWKHOSTSKAYA, V.N. liperienee vlth the use of dieldrin and aldrin for disinfection. Gigs i san. 24 no*2:85-86 F 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Is ?Sentral-luoy nauchno-iseledovatellsicoy laboratorii gigiyeny I sanitarii na vodnom transporte. (INSBCTISIDES dieldrin & aldrin for disinfestation (Rue)) RASTORGUYMV. P.V.; RAZIJMOVA. Ye.F,.6ZhZ N. _~ ~M. V~ Results of controlling malaria and helminthiatsis in water transportation in 1952. Ned.paraz.i paras.bol. no.4-.309-313 JI-Ag '53. (MLRA 6:9) (Kalarial fever) (Worms, Intestinal and parasitic) FLYATSKII, A;,M.- - -, - "~- -.- Surgical technic in so-called cardiospasm. Khirurgiia, I-oskva no. 11:28-35 Nov. 1951 (CLML 21:3) 1. Of the Hospital Surgical Clinic (Director -- YU, YU, D2hanelid2e, Active Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR), First Leningrad Medical Institute imeni I. P. Favlov. A A_J 60 A 00 1 : 00 i- 00 0 a Z t I 06 .3 , Iii 00 u ti: '~; 00 a It n is -h a h 130 it I? M J15 36 V is. ft W it 42 a ad d'eff I M -4 - I -%Al`-u4--k- PO..laUts CUS"941HOU Uudtf Prm~fe In liurtallic molds. V. m lIlyx - - Lit, Not Dria 0, Ckem. Zr * _Wt. Rif, 1030 It 1744 As.-In order to produce dense. cavity- and 82 rer,irgois from various metals, the metal chili molds ;Zfilled in the usual way after which the metal was sub. ircted to presi ton. lure applied Ity Inearts of a cast-iron pis For this purpow rapidly working hydraulic presses with a load 'If IS metric tons or more or even hand-operated screv~ presses imese used. The castings were under pires. %ure to (fir chill infillds about I -H inin. depending utx)n their wi. Ille crysin. under pitienure pqrAuccs a %-ery den-. 9--te- and c-itY-frrc caiting of suprrim nim-it properties. The critthod is suleful for the peoductaon of chM castings, formed objects and ring ingots of any de- sired diam. from various metals including cast it=. The castings remain under pnessum until the proce" of crystn. is finislicil. In this way the inclusiont; of g" and air am compressed so that a portion of such gm can no loam escape arad remains in the metal in solid soln. The casting has a uniform deallity in the upper suid lower portions. This denseness increases in a munriff proportkilaall to the pressor! applied. The ccnnprc%~ion of the puren ism~t intense in the still unsolidified Indid: therefore tile tinic (If cry%tn, tinder pressure should not be shortened. Ali in. crease n ted by incrcaing tile i tile period ofcrysiti. is effec temp. of the metal at tile little of pouring. llowevrr. thii p. is undmirablesince at higher temll,. tile tncrca~e in tern nivial ii, insufficiently drgavcd and dega-ing in the niold is ptrx-rnted when stiliddiratVAI take% Place ulld"r Pt burp. tile life of lite Inold i~ Awitcuttl fly hillb trnsp,. of the metal. The teoll). of 'be "'vial (when -IMAP for brass, IIWOJ-1050' for pottred I should be 900 Sn for S1 brotizes. tWI ~75* for Al. slid M-W for cast iron, the c~uwt temp. depending uptyn th thickness and form of tile casting. Since the temp. of the chill mold must not exceed 30W the tnol& should he too" tecled from too inten.- heating by coating with water or air, The period of crysta. depends upon the dimensions the form and the wt. of the casting. For a bronze ingot turn. in diarn. and 301 mm. long with lite nitJd heated to 31.9)* and a ructal teinp. of I(ILKI* the pre-urce ii applied inin. it% compared wit 11 not more than 34) %cc. -I min. hir a thick-walled At M. G. Moore t-66 1 168 -00 -*0 as a Still 0 too 11. MIAMPGOCAL LITERATUON CLAISIFICAYMN 9 z 7:-.,:_.:_ foe IN I F;7, It a4v oat -a I `iA i 1 -4.4 T' 29 AV VO It a L I It ?W 0 A 9 U T 0 it P OP 9 R 4 via It ritt it elptuin ilia 00 PLYATSKIf, V. M, 11- 1.3 th- auLhor Of "Lltly- For] Da-,,I-aiy!~mlt, a hool; on pr~!3'-urc~ ca:3t-Jil,,,. Tht book is irlt.,~ade-d aL a t^--+ ~ Sovie!t Source: P: Vooruzhniaiye, No. 7, A-):t-. 1941, Moscow Abstractid in BE "Trcasur--, Is1widit y on filed iti Library of Conglr~s,-, Air Inforlaallion Division, Rsport No. 39690'. Unclassified :,L I . -S Fc. 1w . Nm . fl:,~ -11 - Founding under pressure. Yoskva, Glav, red. lit-ry po vooruzhenilu, 1946. 399 D. (50--;OLLC-,~)) i S2~;~. -,~6 19 Jan 1947 ~08tomping Parts Out of Idquid Metal," V. M. P3jat- L4 Akly., Candidatelech Sol,, 11i pp ,:*Vent Mashinoetroy" No I 'In recent years much research ban gone on to flud *actical method for stamping omall.metal. parts out of liquid iotal. Author ocmpareo the ibree- =4n. methods: 1) 'Ulitovskiyls "tha, ;~dbrovle method, 3) his own method. States that his method of producing ems.3.1 parts very niarly 1 U '~'&Vwcachee method of casting under pressure . L _A&T=_ 30T35 OWEngineerIng (Coutd) Jan: 1947 :Usa' a of stamping liquid metal lie in the fact,tbat ~A)oft formingand thecryoUllization processes .are ~'~i4cmpllshed under pressure, thus =kin It Poo- to, obtain parts that vill not,contain air ''holes, and, vith surfaces that do not require I'M ATO I I, I zil , t 1044AM1411K I Y , V .1'. , I 0,11alf (ikVAkl%&j Mosimt, lmoningradeikoes xttxuc~uio-takfui. lad-vo mashinostroltollnol litfora- tury. 1947. 139 P. NLRA 715) (Torging) PITATSKIY, V.M., kandidat takhnicheskikh naukl IMYMAN, Ta.Ya., inzhener. News in pressure casting- Vast-mash-27 no-12:5"5 D 147. (Die casting) (MLRA 9:4) --PIYATSFIY, VladirdrAlUkhaylovich Cand. Technical Sci. Sci. Assoc., of a sci. res. inst., -C1951-- "Stamping Parts Out of Liquid Metal," Vest. Mashinostroy, No. 1, 19,47; "Innovations in the Process of Casting under Pressure," ibid.. No. 12, 1947. Stalin 3rd Prize, 1950 nonferrous alloys. BBZGACHEV. L.A.; thYATOU j laureat Stalinskoy prewit, redaktor; .XOBYLYANPZIT, tekImicheskikh navk, reteenzent; SCKOLOVA, L.Y., tekhalcheskiy redaktor [Operation of die-canting machines) Nksploatatetis mashin lit'la pod darlenlem. Pod red. V.K.Pliatokogo. Moskva. Goo. nauchno- tekhn. lzd-yo masUnoetroit. lit-r7, 1952. 86 p. (Microfilm] (Die-casting) (MLRA 7:10) PLYATSKIY, V.M. New directions in the coustruction of uouring-g&tl.~ s.-,,stemm for die-C&Sting. lit-proizv. no.8:5-8 concluded on p. 29 AG '53. (~qaA 6:8) (Die-casting) Lanre:Ae of the Stalin Prize, Using High Preosure), 1,11achc-5z. The booklet .-.s devoted to a descr-irtion Of car;tln- --ocessos e7mlo-,. casting under pressure, crystallization under prensurc, and st-:,TiT)in-, liqlAd not.-al. The booldet is interlded. for e-nginearing-technical workers, and may also be used an an aid for students at techn-iicall institutc-s. SO: Sovetsliftye kmigi (Soviet Boo',m) , Nlo. 186, 1953, Y'oscaw, (U-6472) -P L Y~ Tsh~-' ' V M - / YJ KOVVI, K.G.; PLYAtkff. V.M.; TKACHMV, K.I., inzhener, reteenzent; BBLOUSOV, N.N., ka-n-d1`dWrrMb;~WcheskIkh nauk, redaktor. (Preventing flaws In castings from non-ferrous alloys] P'redupreshdanis porokov v otlivkakh is tnvetnykh oplavoy. Koskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. W-vo mashinostrott. I sudostroit. lit-rY. 1953. 122 P. (KLRA 7:4) (Younding) PLYATSKIY, V.M. jilli'll"I - t ine mli tv~~ HPOO i~i or7l ~Opn.', i5-~ .1 t ~~ ~ r 1 4, ; e ("t, i k ; ;~F' k I - , I ; . I -; . - . aonfez-.-Oas 00-~ unda pmeT