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M- ACCESSION NR: AP4041868 specifications. An essential point, mentiohed by the authors, is that the material consumption factor for the test lot was lower than in the case of pipe production from square rolled stock. The final rejection rate for internal and external films, depending on the quality of the metal and to a considerable degree on the technological parameters of the process, was also found to be somewhat lower than in the case of the utilization of conventional rolled blanks, despite the presence in the central zones of the continuously- teemed stock of less strength in the bond between crystals of the core and of central friability, All these factors, in the opinion of the authors; support the effectiveness of the technological n)odifications made in the production of pipe at the "Jeduosell plant. "In addition to the authors, the Polish engineers L My*dlyazh, Ye. Staslikevich, Yu. Fronichek, S. Grabovskiy (Jednose Plant) and B. Pachula (Institut metallurgii zheleza (Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy)) Y took part in the work." Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NO REP SOV: 001 OTHER: 000 ccwj,. 13/3 VATKIN, Yakov Leybovich; PIIAT5kQ_V�,K.IY __qskar Aleksandroyich.; VASHCHENKO, luz-iy Ignatlyevich; V. , red. izd-va; ISLENTIYEVA, P.G., tekhn. red. [Seamless tubes] Besshovnye truby; spravochnoe rukovodstvo dlia rabochikh. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 179 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Tubes) (Pipe) PLYATSKOVSKIY 0 A. Mechanism of tangential and axial slipping in helical and cross rolling.~ Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.6zlO6-l*-- 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy trubW institut. (Rolling (Nbtalv/ork)) sl /137/6'i/ooo/006/045/092 A006/A101 AU'--.qOR- Plyatskovskly, O.A. An analysis of' the effect of forces and condit-Ions. of grip in diago- nal, Diercing~ and roll-Ing mills PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhiarnal.-Metallurg-lya, no, 6, 19"1, 35--:56, abstrac-t 6D2,318 ("Tr. Ukr. n.--,'. trubn. in-tz!'.. 1959, no. 1, 19 - 34) -!EXT.- A crit,,ca! is presentad on. P.K, TeterirOs publication wh-D sonsidered the direct-Ion ~6f friction forces in the deformAtion, seat of a pierc- ing mlll~ derermined the vector component's of peripheral speed and normal pressure and ana!7zed or-ndisicns :~f gripping the blaaik in the axIal direction. P.K. Te- I s c~,nslusi-)ns and ff,irmulae are rejec~ted. New formulae are derived deter- terinv mining grip ect.-,11 -,Ions of -r-he blax%'k Ity i~he roil'S izi both the axial an,"' zanger-t%I-al dirz~::t.lon f*r Millis With f"L-Igiform. rolla and for conventional %.wo-high. piercing milis. Art arial7sli~ Of 1~h,~~ f,,rmalae shows that' -,he gripping of the bleaqk rry the ro-Ils is c?nly pozsible in the presan,~e rf slip be-tween the metal and the uh' frirtion force-A of p whiah assure roll surface, single cn.'Iy :,n 4 is easG arlze the forward motlon of- the me-~al. Norm.9.1 griv i~onditiona ara i:~,.3sible elther -If Card 1/2 S/-. 3yS 1/3-C-0/006/045/092 An analysis of ',h& effect e~f f-;rc&s A006/AI01 the blank ir- im;wveols or if, the, mr-a-I is advarced by external for,-E-e at a 1;-sser speed -,han -that de-irmined -.,,y the mav_qitlude. of ~',he c,:mponent~ of th,~ peripheral speed vector of the r.311z,, along the c-4rrespond-Ing direcAlora. Afi%er the grip,~ the piercing procem :~an only -,~%ke place in the presence of slip between the rclls and the meta!. See RZruvet, 1956, nc;~ 6, _53.37. Yu. Manegin fAbslxacterl s note-, Complritls trazialativ..,,] Card 2/2 LEVITSKIY, S.M.; PLYATSDK,-Z.A. Oacillographic method for measuring parameters of the plasma of a gas discharge. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 6 no.2:1.50-15Z Xr-Ap 961. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Plasma (Ionized gases)--Measurement) (Electric discharges through gases) BILIK, Tu.; PUSHEY&IT, 3- *Methodological problems of a planned balance of the national econonVO by M.Z. Bor. Revieved by IU. Belik, B. Flvshevskii. Vope ekon, no*10:123-127 0 160, (MIU 13: 9) (Ruesia-Rconomic policy) (Bor, H.Z.) PLYUSHCHEV, V.Ye.; KOVALEV, F.Y. Investigation of the reactions between chlorides of alkaline and alkaline earth elements in melts. Part 5: Idquidus of the ternary system sodium chloride - potassium chloride - calcium chloride. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i*khim.tekh- 3 no.4:575-579 160. (MIRA -13:9) 1.Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheekoytakhnologii im. M.V. Lomonosova, kafedra,tekhnolog# redkikh i rasseyannykh elementov. (salt) (PotassUm chloride) (Calcium chloride) 83313 S/lD/60/0004D4/012/027 zo8 E11+1 ATITHOR: Plyatskoj G.V. (L vov) TITLE: Stresses. in &.Ho o ylinder Produced by Uneven Heating PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Akademii nauk SSSRAtdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Kekhanika I mashinostroyenlye,1960,No 1+1 pp 79-83 TRITt The paper is a continuation of previous work (Ref 5). An infinite hollow cylinder Is considered with axis z and internal and external radii respectively a and b. The temperature of the internal surface changes with velocity w for f'> 0, and the external surface is cooled according to Newton's law by a wedium at zero temperature. The thermal conduction equations and the boundary conditions re written in the forms.(1.1) and (1.2), where V is time, 17 k1, and m. are the coefficients of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity (temperature conductivity) and heat emission respectively; and 6, 9 1 , m and B are defined after Eq (1.2). If the solution of tq (1.1) Is written in the form (1-3) then To, T and T* are determined from the equations (1.4) subjeet to the conditions (1-5)-(1.7). Using Fourier and Hankel transform methods, T, and To are obtained in terms of Bessel functions. Card 1/2 83313 S/179/60/000,404/012/027 8081/gl)+i Rtresses in &Hollow Cylinder Produced by Uneven Heating as (1.13) and (1.14) for 6 < 0 and as (1.15) for f > 0 - T* is given by Eq (1.22). The stresses.are written as Eq (2.151 the components of which are given by the equations on page 82. The formulae are illustrated by Figs 1 and 2. which refer to a cylinder with a/b = 0.8, and show the &tresses in the cylinder as, functions = Z/b. crz*, crr:" and or- are defined by of r/b and f, rz the last equations (:1 page 83. Since investigation of the stresses in the region of maximum temperature disturbance is of practical interest, the calculations were made for the region f 4 0.5. Fig I shows that for g = 0 the maximum value of the shear stress occurs at p,--0.89 and amounts to 63% of the maximum valun or crj% at V = I. Thus tho shour Abroo.,i crj~2~, imjs;~ bo al,inwod ror in j~trongt,li otclou.1,0J.ono to a, hollow ny.lljular ovAovoW.Y along .1tF, axis,. A.Ft stiowit 1Iy riA ;~. wio OU'ros'pos k1A%I1qP(1 1)y cl.r III" tfollworn III-to r1011 4ILL, I - 0Arn n) IsrooLl'..6 0, di'oLow:%og i - A ('Folo (II'lo 11.1stliol. Thepro Aro ;~ rAAtirois ojul Ii- Soviet and I English. SUBMITTED: February 239 1959 Card 2/2 /PZ JPODSTRIGACH. Ya.~.; PLYATSKO, G.V. Effect of heat emission on thermnl tension* in tha! elastic zone at a nonstationery heat system. Nauch.zop.IKA AN URSR. Ser.mashinowed. 6 no.5:75-82 '57. (gLiu lo: 7) (Thermal analysis) (Slasticity) AUTHOR; Plyatsko, G. V. S/170J59/002/10/011/020 B115/BO07 TITLE: The emperaturo Piold in a Hollow Cylindor at Variable Boundary Conditions PERIODICALt Inzhonorno-fizichoskiy zhurnal, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 10, pp 65-'11 ABSTRACT- In the prozont bapor the toi-4iperature field for the ca-to of a ~vari~tion of temperature with velocity and acceleration with- in'ay'd 011tVido '.' hollow cylilider i's calculated. It is tq'_--cilmed that no heat sources exist in the body itself, that the then.,ial conductivity c(;efficient is toi,,incrature-indopendent and that heat transfor~botween the cylinder and the modiw CV develops according to Vewton".,. law. Using those boundary con- ditions, equations are obtainoi: f or the determination of the temperature field in a plate. It follows from a comparison of the results obtained that in the fonnula describin& the tem- perature field, the series converaes raore rapidly to a certain b9undary,.in the case of the cylinder than in the cane of the plate. There is 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Institut mashinovedeniya i avtomatiki AN USSRp g. L'vov (in- stitute of Machine Construction and Automation of the AS UkrSSR, Card 1/1 Ci y or L'VOV) SOV/124-58-3-3146 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 3, p 87 (USSR) AUTHORS: Podstrigach, Ya. S. , Plyatsko, G. V. TITLE: The Effect of Heat Emission Upon Temperature Stresses in an Elastic Strip in Transient Thermal Conditions (Vliyaniye teplootdachi na temperaturnyye napryazheniya v uprugoy polose pri nestatsionarnom teplovom rezhime) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. In-ta mashinoved. i avtomatiki AN UkrSSR, - 1957, Vol 6, pp 75-82 ABSTRACT: The authors present the solution o,' a problem on thermal conductivity for an infinite strip in which the temperature of the bottom surface varies at a constant rate, the side surfaces are thermally insulated, and the upper iurface has a heat delivery into a constant- temperature medium; this solution contains a series of functions which depend upon the roots pL~of the transcendental ', equation tan ~Ll. = - ~L/h, where 1. is the thickness of the strip and h is the relative heat-exchange coefficient. For the above-indicated temperature field the problem is solved for the thermoelastic equilibrium of an Card 1/2 infinite strip the surfaces of which are free of outside forces-, SOV/124-58-3-3146 The Effect of Heat Emission Upon Temperature Stresses (cont. ) the boundary conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the strip are ful- filled rigorously, while those on the lateral surfaces are fulfilled in the sense of de Saint-Venant' s principle. Even though the temperature field is tran- sient, the authors disregard the forces of inertia and discuss the problem as quasi-static. The stresses obtained (as well as the temperature) are in direct ratio to the heating rate. With ideal thermal insulation ( h = 0) the stresses at a certain moment become practically constant. The stresses reach their greatest magnitude on the heated surface. V. K. Prokopov Card 2/2 PLYATS10. ?.V. Temperature field In a hollow cylinder under variable boundary- conditions. Inzh.-fis.shur. no-lo:65-n o 159, (MIRA 13:2) 1. Institut mashinovederAya I aytomatiki All USSR, L'vov. (Heat-Transminsion) 10 M .i, 3 0 00- pil The C~ of R~*W in Tubs Produedw on the Stiael Equip. ~IL 0. Pip A7 IM). flu (Stal. 1938, No. 2 , 4M -03'requipinew for the pnmh.PllT;. of' wallill-Sm wi** cxinsists tir a cthw-ty1m, pit,witig utiatut, at, mtwutaiit~ tw)" rolling-mill, a m4ing t;iat-hine. and calibration and reductiml marldnes. An exhaustive illustrated discumion with some exlwri. sitental clata Is given of the various forms of dofma and their cituwjo fit the various stagco of pr(Auction. 00 -00 .00 Soo Coo a** Coo 6*0 goo =go 'm a I w 0 a a 0 iL; * 0 0 000400 0 0144 o o IFq 0 0 09 * 0 0-0 * 0 nYATSKOVSKITS O.A. kand. tekhn. nauk Tnvestigating the kinematics of processes taking place on irclined-roll piercing mills by.means of notion pictures and other methods. Obr. not. davl. no.5:114-128 '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1.VeesoyusW nauchno-inaledovatelinkly trubnyy institut. (Rolling mills) (Nachinery, Kinematics of) 11111411141 F Vill, 0 A , I ti-It Ovoilvillij 1414(vto Hill I-0111i 111 14 W#ky 4111140v,11~4 4A 1.114bilowil (Iik~- put of the machinery. 1xv.vya.ucheb.m%v.j ohnru.mot. ~! m.10:49-56 0' 159. (HIRA 13:3) 1. Ukrainskly muchno-issledovatellakty trabrWy in 'stitut I sayod b2ani X.Libknekhta. Rekomandovano laboratoriyey tekhnologit goryachey obrabotki trub Ukrainakogo Dauchno- insladovateltakogo Isrubnogo instituta. (Rolle (Iron mill@)) SOV/1 37- 59-1-1765 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1. p 232 (USSR) AUTHOR: Plyatskovskiy, 0. A. TITLE: A New Technology for the Manufacture of Pipes, 102-170 mm in Diameter, Made of Stainless Steel IKhlBN9T (Novaya tekhriologiya proizvodstva trub diarnetrom 102- 170 mm iz nerzhaveyushchey Onl'i iiint-i-,i I K It 114 N9T) Ii P ( 1. ~4 t II I Ii the new technology involvesasinglc~ heading aw! pit~tLtssg In contrast with a commonly employed method involving small redLic- tion-elongation which increase gradually as the billets pass through successive stages of a piercing mill, the employment of greater Card 1/2 reduction- elongation during the rolling phase of the first operation of A New Technology for the Manufacture of Pipes (cont.) SOV/1 37- ;9-1-1765 piercing made it possible to increase the productivity of the pipe-rolling mill "220" during the manufacture of stainless P's by more than Z-3 times and resulted in a reduction of energy and fuel consumption, as well as in an improvement in the quality of the rolled Ps. Ye. T. Go lid '! /,,! T Sko I< CHKKKARIV. Alsksandr Petrovich; VATKIN, Yakov Leybovich; KNYAZHINSKIT. ZrJdtar Oalpovich; XMIMM, VAlantin Alaksayavich; SATKIN, Petr Ynoll'yvvioli, Ititfumerl SIMSAR0111K. Opmen Aidtrlyvylelli: TVIIIIANP, $tit Ito 4414 l0i"ll jj,-* (PAild. SWul.) (Jiolltug 06-641W1,00) (6414.1446) SOVI-3- 59 5 _~6/-l AUTHORS: yk~af-hovskiyt O*A. I Candidate of ~16c~n__-C_a!7ociences r K--- and oroE-0-Cffc'3 .n, J.Yu, Kirvalidze, N.S., Engineers TITLE: Some New Techniques in the Production of High-alloy Tubes (Novoye v telchnologii proizvodstva vysokolegirovannylch trub) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1959, N:r 5, pp 436 - 441 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A considerable increase in th~e rate of production of medium- and large-diameter high-alloy tubes was obtained by increasing the degree of to optimum values during the first and subsequeant ple-reing operations. The new pra~%tit~.e was based on the follcifing considerations: .,,) CrntAcF1 and othr4r defc-ttju whIch care usually observed '101, Lilt, MIII.Vn~lfs 1'.-C 1'1111'*11:0 1,111ponr lin't otily fi !-. f I IA Ij V ti 1. r1il 1. . J, i I, I', III rA it I Ili) f)t' v " I it 1 10411 r4 1 t- , -Iii z 1, '~ ; - )I (Ato .!-11#3 1' F j It 1'114. 1 - I ti t . I titlj,� f: 4 11 1 Ot ri 0 ' I i'_I f 4 i I SOV/1,',3--59-5-!6/3l Some New Techniques in the Production of High-alloy Tubes rolling section of rolls of the piercing mill. The optimum value of the degri-ie of elongation should be determined for each type of steel aml for each size of tube billets. 3) It is advantageous to i;oncentrate the main doforviatiun. of the motal or. a sinaller longth. of the zone evntact of metal ur-tth- 11) A decrease in the vo-, 'ume of the mete.1 deformatlon with tens-ila stresses can Lie obta--;---d by using a more closed pass by a. maxlmum decrease izi ratio of the distance between guides to the distanf-~, bet-ize3n. rolls, or by an appropr3-ate shaping of the 5) It is necessary to decrease the n-,.aniber ~f operations and r~?heatings as these hava ;A influence on the plastic properties of metal. The latt-ar o-an be obtained by an increase in the degree of reduction (in comparison with that recommended in the literature) at the narrowing part of the rolls and in front of the =and ~el. The influence of the degree of elongation on the quality of tubes from steel IKhl8N9T is shown in Tables 1 and 2. The technology of Card2/3 production of high-alloy tubes on mills 140 and 400, based SOV/133-5p-5-W31 Some Now Tochniquos in the Production of lligh-ai:loy Tubes on the above considerations was introduced at the Novotrubnyy Works. The comparative data on the old (nominator) and new (denominator) practices Are given in Tabfe 3. With the new rolling practice the output of the pill 140 on rolling high-alloy tubes was nearly doubled-and of 400 increased by 10-200%. There are 3 tables, 4 figures and 9 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONS: UkrNITI and Yuzhnotrubnyy zavod (Yuzhnotrubnyy Works) Card 3/3 OSTRMO. Tiktor Yakovlevich, VATUTIN. Petr Ivanovich PLYATSKOVSKIT, O.A., I-j)" A ~- --; SIBYAVSKAYA. Ye.K. red.; ANMYJW, A . . ~re. ~ [MRnufacture of pipe with automptic equipment] Froizvodstvo trub na avtomnticheBkikh untanovknkh. Rharikov. Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi nstAllurgii, 1958. 133 P (KIRA 11:9) (Pipe, Steel) (Rolling mills) kandidat PLYATS tekhnicheakikh nsuk; LIVSHITS, A.S., kandidat tekhni- chaskikh nia; SHCHIPAK, 14-1., inzhener; LOZINSXIY. A.B.. inzhener; KRYUKOV, I.I., inshener. Increasing the sturdiness of pilger mill rolls by means of weld seams. Test. mash. 33 n0-11:87-" N 153. (MLR& 6:12) . (Rolling-mill machinery) PLUTSKOVSKIY. O.A., kand.telft.nauk; PAVMVSKIYp B.G. 0 inzh.; KWENIXOP L.g.t -----Mff.-,-STAROBINETSq Ta.S. InvepUpting the reeling of thick-valled cylinders..Stall 21 no.2.147- 151 r 161. (MM 24:3) 1, Mctainskiy nauchnP-Assledovatel'skiy trubnyy institut i Chel-yabinskiy truboprokatnyy savod. (Rolling(Metalwork)-) -w-liew= 0 0 ~90 0~6 0 soes *so 6 1 N 11 u u lul N 11 "Min Dion 36vxll 3031 21) 34i$ IS 9 Alem; fil ail u4sto v I V z AA varmal ?"NNW In OWN" Und" h~ V. M. mystak -00 -Y khe Ila, (1) -fN ItIvAt4ol'I Its 00 Awl 111641W for ow'41fillad dwill 414, 11"11 %.IIh. Mao 00 !XX zoo ~00 ASB.SL 61TALLURWAL LITERATLIP9 CLASSIFKATION c 2- 00, %Miami .4f Q~- 0.1 411411&W -I F q I T- a " , 1z' . A S v 0 w a 1 9 1w 0 a d u 11 AV so 1% It o R It Is R a K It rf it x w 1 14 0 0 9 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 6 o 0 o 0 0 o o & 0 0 0 jo'z :0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 000 ACCESSION NRi AT4038177 S/2690/63/005/006/0291/0294 AUTHORSt Karpe Yu. S.; Plyatook, Z. A. TITLE: Electric breakdown of electron-hole junctions in the pulsed mode SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Institut elektroniki-.i vy*chislitel'noy tekhniki. Trudy*, v. 5, 1963. Avtomatika i vy*chislitellnaya te~jchnika .(Auto- mation and computer eAgineering), po. 6, 291-294 TOPIC TAGS: transistor, electron hole, emitter, dielectric strength, measurement method ;ABSTRACT: The breakdown voltage of the emitter junction of'fa P416 ,transistor was determined as a function of the pulse duration. The research was stimulated by the fact that the breakdown voltage is bone of the factors limiting the use of transistors in many circuits. i i.The dependence of the breakdown voltage on the pulse repetition Cord 1/3, ACCESSION NR: AT4038177 iperiod was also tested. The repetition period was made smaller than 'the carrier recovery*time (10-3 sec). The results obtained are in- Iterpreted from-the point of view of the carrier surface recombination' 'and other factors. The most dangerous pulse durations turn out to be. :10-6--io-3 sec. Orig. art..has: 4 figures and 3~formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ-. 04Jun64 E N C 1;,.- 0 1 .!SUB CODE: EC, IE NR REP SOV: 002 OTHER: 001 Card 2/3 ------ -T!7 ACC&SSICN BRI AT4038177 ENGLOSURSt 01 Card 3/3 3 S'd (/0 1/ q/ .') z o S/12o/61/000/002/027/o42 E039/Ell4 AUTHORS., Levitskiy, S.M., and Ply&tsok, Z.As TITLE: An oscillographic met hod for measuring the plasma parameters of a gas discharge PERIODICAL: Pribory i tek hnika eksperimenta, 1961, No.2, PP-150-152 TEXT: A description in given of a simple device for measuring the plasma parameters of a gas discharge. The device is said to be much simpler than those described by other workers (A.M. Bonch-Bruyevich, Ref.1; B.A. Mamyrin, Ref.2; P.,Johnson, Ref-3; V.I. Drozdov, Ref.4'). The basic circuit in shown in Fig.l. The current in the probe circuit is produced by the battery G and the oscillator r . The electron current from the probe passes through the diode 1. The voltage drop across this diode depends linearly on the logarithm of the current. In the case of V\ the diodes ar- Li. 21 (DG-Ts. 21), ar- Lj 24 (DG-Ts 24) and ar-LI 27 (DG-Ts 27) this linear dependence is found to occur between 061 and 100 ma.* Howeverg the slope. of the straight line may differ from diode to diode anduiux`i~ be determined in a preliminary experiment. The temperature of the diode has an Card 1/ 4 S/12o/61/000/002/027/042 E032/E114 An oscillographic method for important effect and must be kept constant. The diode 2 is used to pass the probe ion current whenever it appears. The voltage drop across the diode I is applied to the Y-plates of the CRO amplifier, while the oscillator signal is-applied to the X-plates. As a result, the volt-ampere characteristic of the probe is obtained on the screen on a semilogarithmic scale. A typical result is shown in Fig.2. The electron temperature can easily be found from the slope of the left-hand part-of the curve. The charge concentration can be found by replacing the diode by the ohmic resistor. The above method has been checked with a DC discharge in mercury vapour. The oscillator r produced sinuzoidal vibrations and the experiments were carried,out between 30 and 300 cps. The plasma parameters were determineo both by the oscillographic and the "usual" method. The table shows a comparison between the methods. There are 2 figures, I table and 6 references, 5 Soviet and I English. ASSOCIATIONt Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat Card 2/4 (Kiyev State University) SUBMITTED: May 26 196o An oscil lographic method for S/12o/61/000/002/027/042 E032/EI14 4p, Card 3/4 Fig.2 ZGGMGX, N.F.; PLYATT, Sh.N. Heat conductivity in comundum products. Ognsupory 18 no.6:265-273 Jo '53. (min U: lo) (Heat--Conduction) (Corundum--Therml properties) T k t 4.2 1. 0 -Paremeshchenil "AtItainyltla -ton na severs Vostoclaney Evropy Zap'a-Unol-tifft ~~Welednlkovoo vremia. [Shift~of plant zones. to the,north in- euterlEe" il: Europe and western Siberia during postglacial time.] Akadtmii~ No4L; SSSR, 84 (1):127-130, 1957- A6, refs. DLC---~Twcnty-Ihree pollen diagrams a howing, the- n i 4,64C forest vegetation~as indicated in plart-depesits up-toi thickfl".'~of 3 m have been r at ct C' (or regiong, of withern Ynmttl, the Bol'shexciOl'skala tundra, the lower Ptchom all tile KolaI 0'0 Penimmla. ~ I it til"Cre ions'01 northenst Europoan.Russia and western Siberia climatic change g and northgardshiftof ynchronously. -vegetation procWed a Four phases differ am ng them- h 0 selves in xlimatkconditiom ~extent of faresecoves and na6re ck planf-formation are dis. aWd are =anyze~. Subjed,Rehdinp. tinguished J.-Pbwt 66%6 -FOO&cw period i d -*a. JS 3. Climatic clsanies 4. FONO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0. ::0:6909909090000*0 0 0 )a v x 31 40 0 Ad . 0 LN a C 9 a 0 PC writ P-CLITTER! 34D A%D SIM COUIRS r. ALIT.00 -Cf. *.Tiau ts 10014 -Z-7, eel ost Oft 0A 00 00 Jan) wilmuou Dulwm Dilumlsa 90-9? #0 -00, eel 00 .00, 14W 11,44J44RA COW M511,31i 00 I F-W r If- W, It It a 41 fl~ a cc it If Of KA-las's"" a u 4 1 1 e 6, 0000,0000 0 0 0 O;*o 0* boo 00000000-0 0-0 f 0 0 09 11 u is SO Is is 1? 11 0 It I &-I' it off off 31 It 33 36 A )A V 34 10 10 41 (d 43 ld 4 _d_-_l f 4 ""n"00- ih. cuum -f Ima. -00 laft(Ulry- lklo. IM, (U). jtu.4&jj.j Cf. .00 I 1. 478; 1941, A gtncml AmIunt of the meth(A a .nd its sag =Go A S A. S L a ULLUOMICAL LITINATM CLASUPKATWO al- INMI lk I V ZA RAI 0. '1. A A a Od 0 1 w 0 a 3 AV 'MOD IS a a' It 4014 01 go G* w 10 0 0 0 a 0 to Go 6 0 a 0 4 0 b %Y ff V rT-, USSRIMisical Chemisiry - Crystals. B-5 f Abs Jorar: Referat. Zhurnal 10ilmiya, ITO 3, 1958, 7055 - Author I.K. Inst Title ~'.-Scintillation Kinetics in Sodium Iodide Crystals Activated With Thallium. Orig Pub: 09tika i spektroskopiya, 1957., 2, Ito 3, 384-386- TI monocrystal with ~r-rays in the range from -150 to +800 was studied with an oscillograph. The scintillation rise duration at 200 is on the border of the instrument resolving pawer and equals about 6 . 10-8 see. The scintillation damping at 200 follows an exponential law with from 3.0 - 10-7 to 3.5 - 10-7 see. -,:' rises with the temperature deorease~ a second component appears below 00, which also becoms longer with the temperature drop, and a 3rd component of short duration with Abstract: The form of individual light pulses at the excitation of a XaI- Card 1/3- -16- TJWWPbYsic&l ChezistXY - Crystals. B-5 Abs ;To=: Beferat. 2b,=aJ 114rdya No % 1958., 7035- of about lo-7 ser. appears at. temeraturea from -120 to -1300. Activation energies 6 were found,for the first two com- ponents fIrom the inclination of the lines In fll/T), they correspond to the equation 1/T = poexy ( Z IkT): C, = 0.15 ev, &p = 0.05 ev, i.e., the scintillation duration is determined by lower levels in proportion to the temperature drop. Assuming that absorption and radiation depend an the transition is 0 - 3p it was computed fr= the si7ze of the lst ab!~rption band 0;9 of Tl (at 295 4,A), that T= 4-5 :t 0-51 - 10 see in ac- Luce with the scintillation growth duiration., but not vith the scintillation damping duration. It-was concluded that the growth duration is connected with the radiating transition in the T1:" ion and the damping is connected with electron (or hole) liberation from metastable or capture levels - At the excitation by a spark, the damping duration in the T1 band (295 M^) is the Card 2/3 -IT OSSR/Physical Chemistry - Crystals. B-5 f Abs Jar= 11eferat. Zhu=al Ehimiya, No 3, 1958, 7055- same as that of e-scintil2ations, which was attributed to inter- mediate processes between the excitation and radiation of the preionization type (Rnaadn, 1956, 7100P-). Caxd : 3/3 -18- ALITHOR: 51-4~ -2-21/28 TITLB: Duration of Photoluminescence of Alkali-Halide Ci-jstals, Activated with T1 or In. (Dlitellnost' foto- Iyuminestsentsii shchelochao-5aloidnykh kristallov, aktivirovannykh Tl ili D PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol.IV, Nr.2, pp.266-268 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An electric spark of about 10-8 see duration was used as the source of excitation. The decay constants of photoluminescence were measured by oscillography of single pulses of luminescence.- The spark occurred between two platinum wires, 0-5 mm apart at 3500 V. In the 240-300 m~t spectral region, where the long- wavelength absorption bands of activated alkali-halide crystals occur, the spark spectrum was sufficiently intense. The ul-t.raviolet.end of the spark emission was cut off by a filter. This prevented excitation of the alkali-halide crystals themselves so that only the activator centres were'excited. The crystal temperature was varied between -1?OOC to +1000C. Luminescence was collected at a photomultiplier. The photomultiplier Card 113 sigaals were fed into an iscillograph. For calibration 51--4.'-2-21-/26- Duration of liiotoltuiiaescanc~~ of Alkali- J, ri-stj -~r-j iza a':~ U -al With FOl oi! In of timo a sinu-c-oidal voltage waS also applied to the 0 oscilloGraph. A figure or- p.26" gives, by way of oxa-wple, oscillo-,-rulis of photo -scintillations of five crystals '-JlaI~Tl, la-Tl, CsI-In, and Ya-Br-I-n); curve 6 reprc-sents the excitiar- spark. Decay o-.L,-' luuinescence in all the crystalc -,tu(lied vas e,:--ponciltu-ial. The decay tu-JUe constants (in raicroseconds) are given in the uppca~ table on p.268. The decay tiLie constant of luir,inescence of crystals activated with Tl depends suron6ly on temperature; this dependence is e~~.Tonential if the tire constant is plotted as a function of the reciprocal of absolilte ten-perat-Ure. This shows that uhe i-.,zasured -U - constants are not really the decay imG t im s of th eemission transituicns but they correspond to t-herL,,al liberation of electrons or holes from shallow metast-able levels or capture levels. The author thainks Galanin. ,-.,ho directed this work, I and L.IJ. -Shai~.-.ovckiy for supply o-f the crystals. There are 2 tables, 1 '11a.1 ~ fiLure L d .3 roforences of w-hich 2 are Soviet and 1 Car,,'. 2/3 Amei-ican. 51-:4 --2-21/2 Duxat-ion of YfLo-uoluL-,:L,--.---::~ce;-,.ce of Alkali-11--Piide Wi t h I or In. !;hysics- Dastitute imieni P.N. Lebed.ev, Academy of S'ciences of the USSR. (Fizichesk-iy institut im. L u Z) P.11. Lzabodeva, AN SSSR.) SU"IJ''TT-6D: Lay 11, 3.957 1. Alkali-Halide crystals-Lumineseence-Decay 2. OcMographs- Applications Carla PLYAVIN', I. K.: Mster P!Ws-Mth Sci (diss) -- "On the kinetics of photo- and gamma-livninescence In certain activated alkali-haloid crystals". 'Riga, 1959. 7 PP (Phys Inst im P. Ii. Jabedev of the Acad Sci USGR), 150 copies (KL, No 14, 1959, 117) -24(4). 24(2) SOV/51-7-1-10/?7 AUTHOR: Plyavin', I.K. TITLE: On the Kinetics of Photo- and V-Luminescence in Certain Tl-Activated Alicali-Halide Crystals (0 kinetike foto- i Y-lyuminesteentaii v nekotarylth shchelochno-galoidnykh kristallakh, aktivirovannykh TI) MRIODIC&L s Optika J spektroskopiya, 1959, Vol 7, 1Tr 1, pp 71-77 (USSR) ABSTRACT.- The pe.-per -was presented at the V11-th Conference on Luminescence in Moscow, June 1958. Co6O -was used as the I-ray source and a 3500 V spark of 40-8sec duration was used to excite photo luminescence (the spectrum of the spark is shown in Fig 1). Duration of luminescence was ",leisured by means of apparatus shown schematically in Fig S. It consisted of an ~excitation source, a chamber for cooling or heating of the crystals studied, a photomultiilier (FEU-3 or FEU-29), a preamplifier and an amplifier, a delay line in the forin of a coaxial cable RK-3 of 700 m length and a hig)i-frequency oscillograph OK-17M. The reriolution ti~na of the apparatus was 2 x 10-8see. This apparatus was used to study the decay of scintillations of photo-oxcited NaI-Tt, KI-Tt, CnI-Tr and KCt-Tt cryst~%ls and y-excited Nal-Tt , KI-Tt and Cal-Tt. Both photo-- Card 1/3 and -$-scintillations decayed exponentially; in the case of Y-excitation SOV/~r,1-7-1 !'-;- 0n the Kinatics of Fhoto- and '~-L=inescence in Certain Tl-Activated zllkali-FAli~r, Crystals the decay curve could be represented as a rsum of several exponential%? It was found that the decay time-r of photo-scintillations excited in the long-wavelength absorption band of the V activator depends exponentially on the reciprocal of absolute temperature. To explain this dependence it was assumed that tha activator ion in the excited state has two closely spaced levels. During the excited-state lifetime the activator ions are Sistributed between the two levels by thermal motion. Under such conditions true fluorescence (i.e. spontaneou3 transition from the excited to the ground level) does not occur; before the emission act thermal transitions occur between the two closely spaced_ excited levels. The author discusses also tpj_ mechanism of short-durat-.. r Y-luminescence. Free electrons produced by scattering of a ~;-quantwn ir. a crystal are captured by the activator ions. This is followed by capture of holes by these ions with consequent formation of excited ions wbio.11 are in a metastable ,.:t%to slinilar to that observed on photo -excitatio n. in the activator absorl)tion band. Subsequently the excited ions are Card 2/3 SOV/,514-1-10/27 On the Kinetics of Photo- and X-Luminescence in Cartain Tl-Activated Alkali-Fialido Crystals liberated thermally from their metastable state and the duration of their emission is dotorninod by their lifetimes in the metastable state,, The results obtained could be also explained using an exciton jaechaniFm of energy transfer suggested by Ch.B. Lushchik at al. (Ref 10) for a univalent activator. Acknowledgment is made to M.D. Galanin who directed this work., to A.M. Leontovich and I.K. Vitol for their advice and to N.V. Kostin for his help In measurements. There are 7 figures and 10 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 2 English, 1 Swiss and I German. SUBMITTED: October 11, 1958 Card 3/3 L 32999-66 EWT(l)/MfTfm)A%1P(t)jWP(b) _TJ P(0) ap ACc-N-R7--KM22861 SOURCE CODE: tYR/0051/65/019/003/0378/0386 AUTHOR: Trinklerp M. F* aMLY-1-D.AJ., K. Bergin R. a.; Mmz�~A. ~K. _4 - )L '05 ORG: none qq 5- TITLE: Spectroscopy of some activated alkali-halide crystals. SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya,, v. 19) no;% 1965, 378-3W TOPIC TAGS: alkali halide, luminescencep activated crystal, absorption band, band spectrump transition probability -ABSTRACT: The material of this paper was presented at the Twelfth Luminescence Con- ference at Wvov An 1964. T~q,.ap~~=s report results of an Investigation of the kinetics of intracenter l&inejice"n'q'e in alkali-halide cr"ystals activated with Ti+ and Pb++ (KCI-TI) XBr-Tl, KI-Tl, XCl-Pb, XBr-Pb). The study was made by oscil-lographic observation of individual scintillations excited by brilef exposure to the light of a spark (Fig. 1). The luminescence was excited in the long-wave absorption band of the activator, corresponding to the 'So - 3P, transition in free T1+ and Pb4+ ions. The measurements showed that the effect of temperature on the kinetics of luminescence was the same for all crystals except KBr-Pb. All of the crystals activated by thal- lium have two emission bands excited in the ISO - 3P]. absorption band. The energy spacing between the bands increases from one host to another in the order KC1, Y.Br, and K1. The crystals activated by Pb4+ differed sharply from the thallium phosphors. In EC1-Pb the 340 nm band was found to be elementary, and no strong temperature de- pendence of the pbotoscintillation decay time was observed for KBr-Pb. The possible Card I/ L 11929-66 ACC NRt AP5022861 PM- Fig. 1, Diagram of,experimental sebdp.:l - Spark V gapy 2 monochrom6torp 3- semitransparent quartz' e,4 light-traneforming crystal, 5 - pboto- put multipiier,,.6 - investigated crystal, 7 - cryostat.. 8 - manochromator 9 photomultiplier, 10 - oscil- loscope. JMP-3 caus en of the splitting of 3P, level of the activator are discussed. Data were ob. tained on the energy structure, radiative transition probabilities., and other para- meters of the luminescence centers. Origo art. bas: 4 figures, 5 formulas) and I table. BUD COMI 20/ Sum DAM 07Auga/ -ORM MW.- 016/ OTH MW: 003 LO-M 221 A L-~6661-_66 EWT (m) DIAAP JD/JQ ACC NRt AT6010458 SOURCE CODE: UR/3119/65/000/003/0075/()082 AUTHORS: Berzint, B. Ya.; Plyavinl,, I. K.- 17 ORG: ho ATITLE: -Gamma scintillations tf CsI-Tl SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Institut fiziki. Radiatsionnaya fizika, no. 3, lo-nyye kristally (lonlc-crystals), 75-82 TOPIC TAGS: -cesium compound, iodide, activated crystal, Beintillator, gamma,-detector., ex.citon, temperature dependence XC4,-k,0&A' -ABSTRACT: The authors present data on the damping of y scintillations :as compared with the damping of the.intracenter and exciton scintilla- tions of the 0sI-T1 crystal with a definite activator concentration. duration of the ry scintillation was measured as a function of the crystal temperature. The crystals were grown by the Stockbarger method- 60 .and exposed to ry rays from Co The experimental condItions were such that the scintillations were produced by Compton electrons. The measure- ments were made in a cryostat in which the temperature could be varied from room temperature to 130K. The ,y scintillations produced in the 'crystal were recorded with a pbotomultiplier. Analysis of the y scintil-_. C12M .1/2 -~/EE%b)-2 IJP (C' AWL/A S (Inp) AFETRA-9 1) g s S. IT WR ACCE. SION NR! AVIM OR: Plyminl 1. K. Kinetics* .6f intracenter luminescence of K13r-T1 TITLE:, I -,S040WE-;,!':A'N.LRtSSR. Institut fiziki. -Radlatslo' nnaya Mika, no. 1, 1964. Tonny*ye kr!sWly* (Ionic crystals), A9-162 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, intraceriter luminescence, thallium Impurity, potassium bromide crystal, quenching time, quantum yield, photoluminescence ABSTRACT: The authors s-Aied and quenching time, relative quantum yield. and emis- sion spectra of the activator luminescence of K13r-Tl single crystals v6th a thallium con- centration of 0. 5 - 2 mole _' ;D' in Lbe mel't. The quenching time of photoluminescence was determined by oscillography of single photoscintillations caused in the crystal by excila- tion with short light pulses. A comparison of the experimental data obtained with th~2 tl~ieoretical calculations of 13.1. StepanoN wa.,~ wsed U) dei-ermine --vrtit~n UK- thallium cunter. It jupto 123K), an Itc~Wiffi A- 'th ally equilibrated distribution of ions over the enutting r UM bt6n. uc to a erm 3p, and 3PO le-vels predominates in the luminescence of KBT-TI. Below 123K, the equilfl)- rium emission in K.BT-T] is associated with direct transitions from excited levels i),iiosc 93rd 1/2 FLYAVINI. I.K.; TRINKLM, M.F. -L-- ---- Kinetics of intracenter luml sconce in the tempemture quenching region of an activator. Opt.i spektr. 12 no.5:654,656 IV 162, (Luminescence) (Quantum theory) OUPA 15:5) 8 6 S/0 5Y1Q1DOq/003/00 3/011 9201 1691 AUTHORSs Vitol, I.K. and Plyavin', I"K. TITIZ s Kinetics-of Short-Lived rhotoluminesetnes, of Some Activated Alkall-Halids, Crystals PERIODICAL: Optika i spek-troskopiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 366-368 TEM The paper was presented at the Conference on Physics of Alimli-Halide Crystals hold in July, 1959, in Tartu. It deals with the effect of two lower excited level& of Ga*+*, Int, TV' activator ions on the kinetics of short-lived photoluminesconco of KI-Ga, KI-In and KI-Tl crystals. The temperature dependences of the decay time constants are given in Figs. 1-3. The results obtained agread well with theoretical calculations confirming the correctness of the latter and permitting determination of nom* luminesconce-centre parameters. There are 3 figures and 10 referenoess 8 Soviet, 1 English and 1 translation into Russian. SUMITTEDs December 28, 1959 Card 1/1 V, 11 `~- 11, 11-1,kli ill)NIA), PLYAVIN, N. Tanker 'Stanislav" has joined the fleet. Mor. flot 18 no.2:10 F 158. (MIRA 11:2) l.Kapitan tankers, *Stanislav." t. (Sta,mislay (ShO j I I PlAi'M141, I.K. Kinettes of In sodium Iodide crystals vtcti7ated by thallium. 12v. AN SSSR. Sar. fix. 21 no.4:549 Ap '57. (HIOA 10: 13 ) 1. Tlxtcbes~-iy Institut imeni P.N. Iebedeva Akademil rAilk SSSR. (Luia-Inascence) (Phosphors) AUTHGR: Plyavin', 1. K. 51.-3-IV24 TITLE: Kinetics of gama-scintillation in crystals of thallium- activated oodium iodido. (Kinetika y-stsintillyatsiy v kristallakh iodistogo natriya, aktivirovannogo talliyom). PMIODICAL:"Optika i SpektroskopiZall(Opties and Spectroscopy), 1957, Vol.2, No.3, pp.384-38b (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: This paper was read at the 5th Conference on Luminescence in Tartu in June 1955. The mechanism of transfer of energy from the sodium iodide lattice to the thallium activator is of great physical interest. To study this question the form of the light pulses produced by-gamma-rays in Na1:Tl was recorded at various temperatu98 s. NaI had 0.01 mol.% of thallium. Gamma-rays from Co were used to excite the crystal. The scintillations were amplified by a photo- multiplier and recorded by a cathode-ray oscillograph. The experiment was carried out with the crystal at temperatures from +80 C to -150 C. Oscillograms of scintillations at +20 C, -10 C and -150 C are reproduced in a figure. The scintillaAion decay was found to have a time constant t I of Card 1/3 3.0 x 10-( Bee at room temperature. With lowering of temperature t inerbased and below 0 C further component with its own ;ime constant t2 appeared in the decay curves. Kinetics of gamma-scintillation in crystals of thallium- activated sodium iodide. (Cont.) 51-3-lV24 This t2 also increased the lowering of temperature. At about -120 C a third component was found in the scintillation decay. The activation energies corresponding to t 1 and t2 were found'to be E1 = 0 15 eV and E ~= 0.05 eV, respectively. The sci~;illation Qlitude was found to change discontinuously around -20 and also at -110 C. From the absorption band of thallium. at 295 m-P, assuming so -3pi tran ition, a value of t of 4.5 x 10-8 sec was found at room temperature. This value is one order of magnitude higher than the decay constant t but it agrees well with the time constant of the scintillati;n growth. It is concluded that the scintillation growth is related to radiative transitions of the thallium ion. The decay is more complex and it involves radiationless tran itions with freeing of electrons (or holes) from metastable levels or from capture levels (trapping levels). Photoluminescence decay, due to 10 Card 2/3 sec sparks- whose light was absorbed by thallium, mainly at - 295 M1,L, was found to be similar to the gamma-scintillation decay. There are 3 figures (onc, half-tone with scintillation Ii Kinetics of gamma-scintillation in crystals of thallium- activated sodium iodide. (Cont.) 51-3-17/24 oscillograms) and 3 references, none of which is Slavic. SUBMITTED; August 30, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physics, Ac.Sc. U.S.S.R. (Fizicheskiy Institut AN SSSR). AVAILABLE: Card 3/3 SUBJZCTs 1UTBORs TITLEs PERIODICALs ABSTRACTs USSR/Luminescence 48-4-29/48 Card 1/2 PlyaTin, I.K. Kinetics of Gamma-Scintillations in Sodium Iodid Crystals Activated by Tallium (Kinetika ga~&-stsintillyatsiy v kristallakh iodistogo natriya, aktivirovannykh talliyem) ISTOstiya Akadenii Nauk SSSR9 Seriya Fizichookaya, 1957, Vol 21, #49 p 549, (USSR) Individual gamma-scientillatione in NaJ-T1 crystals were investigated with :n(oscillogr#phq and it was found that they have very flat ris rC 6xio- see) and a longer decay ( 3x10_ ago). Decay of gamma-scintillations proceeds according to an ex- ponential law$ and the 'r-yalue depends on temperature. This time apparently characterizes the levels of capturing elec- trons or holes in NaJ-Tl. The dependence of lnV on inverse temperature in the range of temperature from +800 to -1750C is expressed by two straight lines corr:sponding to activa- tion energies of 0o15 and 0.05 ev. At the room temperature the decay is determined by the 0-15 levels, at the lower 48-4-29/48 TITLEi Kinetics of Gamma-Scintillations in Sodium Iodid Crystkls Activated by Tallium (Kinstika gamma-staintillyataiy v kristallakh lodistogo natriya, aktivirovann,-kh talliyem) temperatures lower levels begin to play a role. Experimental data confirm an assumption that the scintillation includes a two-stage process consisting of a non-radiation transition (Liberation from the capture levels) and a radia- tion transition in the activator. The report was followed by a short discussion. No references are cited. INSTITUTION: Physical Institute im. Lebedev of the USSR Academy of Sciences PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTED& No date indicated AVAILIBLE: At the Library of Congresse Card 2/2 p V i 11 i, N. Union of 3outh Afric.-t - Descriptirn und Travel At the Cape of Good Aope. Vok-rug Sveta no. 5, 1952 Monthly List of Russian accessions, Library of Gongress, July 1952. UflCL-'i3SI-F-I---D. PLYAV IN. N. The prevention of sea water pollution by petroleum waste pro- ducts. Nor. flot 15 n0-7:27-28 n 55. (KIRA 8:9) 1. Kapitan teplokhoda Olosif Stalin." (Water-PD11ution) --xi,/ 0 PLYAVIN N. I., Cand Tech bi 9 ,4, Sci -- "Operal xg~ a aaxd*e tanker. " vJjW'L Odessa, 1961. (Mlin of WA~Ljb* Fleet USSR. Odessa Inst of Engineers of the ~4 Fleet) (KL, 8-61, 247) - 285 - 1-15 756. 5"1 -P7 Ekspluatatsiya Morskogo Tankera (Opnrstion of a Yairitine Tai*r-,-) Yoskva, "Y"orskoy Transpoit", 1956. 27h P. Illus., DiaErs., 1-1aps, Tables. PLYATIN, Nikolay Ivanovich. kapiten dallnego plavaniya; YAROVA, L.V., ~i.Aev tekhn.-red. . [operation of seagoing tankers. I%d.2., dop. 1960, 362 P. tankers] fteplustatalis morskogo i ispr. Xoskva.. Izd-vo INKorskol transport,' (min 14:3) (Tank vessels) EPP(c)/E7dT(m)/T Pr-4 DJ ACM, 3SION ITR: AP5015267 UR/0286/65/000/009/0049/W49 T~Uevi'~s 0 Ya B lodis, V. N.; Ya. K.; Vanag, ia, F.; ALTI H )RS 15 ~~? ., a Zaks Za' t S ma n, I!s P~za;inlsn A. A 7- TITLE: A rotary vacuum pump. Class 27, No. 170601, SOURCE: Byul-letenl izobreteni7 i tovarny1rh znakcv.. no. 9j, 1965# 49 1~1 TOPIC TAGS: vacuin pump, pressure, suction, lubricant ADS"FMCT: This Author Certificate presents a rotary vacuum pump consisting of a cylindrical case with end covers, an eccentrically positioned roto-. with plates, a suction nipple mounted an the c~iindrilcal surface of the case, and Ypressure nip,31as 'k.eee Fig. 1. on the Enclosure). To distribute the lubricant lk uniformly t".e length of the plates by chan,:;ing the direction of motion of the vases oein~ exhausted in the case, the pressure nipples are mounted in the end covers Of the case. Orig. art. has: 1 f_-;I-ure. ASS)CUTION: Glavnoye konstruktorskoye byw:-o severo-sapada pri zavode Rigasellmash (Main Construction Bureau of the Northwest at the Rigellmash Plant'. 1 SUM-=D: 22Feb64 ENCL. 01 COM 1 19 NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: ODO f Card ACC NIR- A27001327 SOURCE CODE: UR/0371/66/000/005/0015/0019 AUTIHOR: Chernyak, V. G. Cernaks, V.; Dunina, A. A. - Dunina, A.; Larionov, q. G. - Larionovs, M. ; PlyavLn~I.~K. - Plavina, I.; Shamovskiy, L. M. Samovskis, L. ; Talc, A. K. - Tale, A. ORG: Physics Institute MN LatSSR (Institut fiziki AN Latv. SSR) TITLE: Photoscintillations of KC1-Tl excited in the F-band SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskikh i tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 5, 19066, 15-19 TOPIC TAGS: scintillation, light excitation, excitation spectrum ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the rapid transfer of energy from F-centers to activator centers and of the time necessary for such transfer when the crystals are subjected to pulsed excitation. The investigation was based on the comparison of the kinetics of activator luminescence excited directly in the center of lumines- cence (Tl-scintillation) and in the F-absorption band (F-scintillation). KC1-Tl-F crystals (0.2 or 0.5 w1% Tl in melt) were irradiated with x- or gamma rays. The concentration of F-centers did not exceed 5 x 1017 cm-3. The crystall; were placed in a metallic cryostat and excited with light pulses (_10-7 sec) from a'spark. Th. e excitation was applied alternately in the 247 and 560 nm bands. A coincidence was found between F-scintillation and Tl-scintillation with regard to their time ;_~.CC NR: AP7001327 characteristics in the range from room temperature to the temperature of liquid nitrogen. The time characterizing the slow exponential decay TLC (LC-long cormporient) in F-scintillations changed ' from 2.5 x 10-7 see to 5 x 10-5 see with a change in temperature from 300 to 80K. At low temperatures, a sharp emission (short component-SC) of luminescence occurs which describes the form of the exciting spark pulse, as in the case of Tl-scintillation. The ratio of quantum yield of SC and LC of F-scintillation is the same as for Tl-scintillation in the entire range of measured tem eratures, which shows that the overpopulation of the 3P level with respect to the 3P level at F-scintillation is the same as in the case 1of T1-sc- Q tim. Me SC and LC of luT&jeseence in F-scintil1ations xd4lp- to fi-e activator luidnesance of Wl-Till i.e., to the 305 nm band, but not to the 335 nm band, which corresponds to the hole centers. The maxima of the excitation spectra of F-scintillation and absorption spectra coincide and are in the region of 560 :t 5 nm. From the experimental results, it follows that the mechanismof F--gcintillatioa formation is of the electron type. This means that during short-time crystal excitation in the F-absorption band, free electrons, which are generated in the conductivity zone, recombine with holes, which are localized "to x- or gamma-irradiation on the activator ion or close to it. This process is accompanied by the excitation of the activator Orig. art. has: 2 figures. [JAI SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 06Dec65/ ORIG REF: 007/ ATD PRESS: 5109 Card 2/2 -7 .......... PLYASKIN, Ivan Ivanovich) kand. tekhn. nauk; MOSKALIKOV, Ye.F., I.inzh., retsenzent; KADYRBAYYEV, R.A., gor. inzh., retsenzent; [Organization of stripping operations at the Sokolovka- Sarbay open pit mines] Organizatsiia. vskryshnykh rabot na. Sokolovskom i Sarbaiskom karlerakh. Moskvaj Izd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 134 P. (MIRA 17:7) A i h ka itan dallnegoplavaniyall; LICNNIKOV, A.I., - I 115.2a2by'sig Y p redaccor; Allfivallinwy, L.A., redaktor izdatellstva; TROFMOV, A.V., tekhnicImakly redaktor [operation of a seagoing tanker] 14mpluatateita morskogo tardwrae Moolmas I*d-vo OKorskoi transport," 1956. 274 p. (MLYA 10:3) (Tank vessels) 'P//Y' tz- /X * /~y D. F. ALT1,11071, ?YA. I PLYETSTTYY, 27351? ob odnom io m~ekhani,mov nyespy--tsifichyeskoy "ye (-istyentonosti zhivotnkh K I stolbnyanomu oksinu. akad. nauk SSSR, novaya syeiya, t LXVLLL,No.1, SO: LETOPISI NO. 40 Dir., Kiev Polytechnic Inst., -1948, Cand. Chem. Sei. "Obtaining Aluminum Oxide from Keolins of the Ukraine," 50 Let. Kievsk Folitekh. In-ta, Kiev, 1948. (from Letopis) ABET 17M, A.A.; PLYGUNOV, A.S. ! In memory of Academician N.S.Emrnakev. Ukr. khim.shur.17 no-2: 159-164 151. (NLRA 9:9) (lurnakov, Nik*lai Semenevich, 1860-1941) SOV/143-59-1-1/17 ZiiOR: Plygunov, A. S., Docent, Director TITLE: 60 Years of~the Kiyev, Order of Lenin, Polytechnical Institute (60 let Kiyevskogo ordena Lenina Politekhnich- eskogo instituta) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Fziergetika, 1959,~,7r 1. pp 1-4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Car4 1/3 The article reviews the history of the Kiyev Polytech- nical Institute, founded in 1898. 23,554 specialists have been graduated from the Institute since its found- ation; 11,950 of this number, in the years from 1941 to 1958. At present, the Institute has 9 departments and 11,517 students. It trains engineers in 32 different fields. Its industrial basis has been enlarged by the recent incorporation of part of the Works la.Lepse. Stu- dents interested in scientific research are offered ample possibilities by the Students' Scientific and Technical Organization (SNTO) of the Institute. Large- scale research has been carried out by the various SOV/143-59-1-1/17 60 Years of the Kiyev, Order of Lenin, Polytechnical Institute chairs of the Institute. The Kiyev School of Physics and Chemistry is known for its studies of the kinetics of reactions in solutions (Academician D.V.Pisarzhevskiy and his disciples) and of the electrochemical properties of solutions (Academician V.A.Plotnikov and his disciples). Special departments of the Chemicotechnological Department (Professor D.A.Chernobayev, Academician B.S.Lysin, Prof- essor A.A.Alent4pv, Professor N.N.Voronin) have been play- ing an important part in the progress of the chemical in- dustry.. The rChaIV. of - Realstribee- of Materials - (now under Corresponding Memb6r of the Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR G.S.Pisarenko) has-been doing important research in the field of strength of metals. * The 'Chair I of Metal-Cutting Machine-Tools, headed by Professor Ye.M. Khaymovich,, has been concentrating on hydraulic drives and hydPaulic automation as used in mechanical engineer- ing. In the foundry field, new methods have been devel- oped.,,under Professo 'r K.I.Vashchenko, for the modifica- tion of pig-iron, for the smelting of acid-proof alloys Card 9/3 with Aigh chrome content, and for the smelting of the SOV/143-59-1-1/17 60 Years of the Kiyev, Order of Lenin, Polytechnical Institute antichloric alloy, resistant to hydrochloric acid and chlorine. The Chair of Steel Metallurgy, headed by V.S. Kocho, has developed a method improving the opera- tion of open-hearth furnaces. The Department of Heat; Engineering has been doi,ng research in the field of Interchange of heat and raising the efficiency of thermo- power equipment. The Department of Electrical Engineeringhas been bictessful in perfecting electrical apparatuses and electropower equipment. There is 1 photograph. ASSOCIATION: Institut kandidatov khimicheskikh nauk (Institute of Candidates of Chemical Sciences) SUBMITTED: December 15, 1958 Card 3/3 FLYKINp R~V# I I On p7' -propertieo and metrization over half-fields. Izv. AN Uz.M. - I Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 7 no.5:14-20 163. (MIRA 17!8) 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarf;tvenTyy univer.9i tot imoni Lenina, PLYPLINA, A.I.; RASKIN, Ya.L.; ROGOVIN, Z.A. - - Investigation of the processes of photochemical destruction of nitrocellulose coatings. Report No, 3: Effect of stabi- lizers on the resistance of nitrocellulose-in lacquer-paint coatings to photochemical destruction. Iakokras. mat. i ikh. prim.,no.4:2-5 161. (MIRA 16:7) (Protective coatings) (Nitrocellulose) PLYPLINA, A.I.; RASKIN, Ya,,L.; ROGOVIN, Z.A. Photochemical degradation of nitrocellulose films. Report NO.2: Effect of oil-containing components on the photochemical de- gradation of cellulose nitrates in paint coatings. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no 3:8-11 161. (MIRA 14:6) iNitrocellulose) (Protective coatings) PLYPLIRA,.-A.I.; ROGOVIN, Z.A. Effect of pigments on the photochemical dest-ra-etior. of reIlulose nitrates in lacquer coatings. Lakokra--.Mat.i ikh prim no.3=.36-37 16o. (MM 14:4) (Pigments) (Nitrocellulose) USSR/Inorganic Chemistry. Complex Compounds. Abs Jour Author Inst Title Orig Pub Abstract : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No. 8, 1957, 261+37. : Komissarova, L.N.j Plyshchev, V.Ye. Separation of Zirconium and Hafnium. Uspe.khi khimiii 1956, 25, No. 10, 1197 - 1222. Review. Bibliography with 123 titles. Card I/I PLYSISVS:I,IY, II ; DOBROITOL'Si,'IY., II., En'.-r. Boring Machinery, Drilling rig A VB-3-100- IATS 12, No. 9, 1952. 9. -Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, T)Pnprn'hpr 195.Ye Unclassified. Ayl fi i* --PL-YJSHEVSI~~AY19, N-1 - PUS I WK Orwro3rev., Ivan Iv*aovichq Boris GrIgortlevich Diatroptor, and Nadezbda lyanevna Pre davanig. teoraticbexkpy mekbanild v tekbnikme (The le-aeb Ing of Theoretical Mechanics In Tekbalkems) Mosew-ij, ftoftekbizdatp 1960. 243 p. 4.,000 copies printed. Stlentific Zd,,: G.M. Mwroviekir Zd.: M. UbrinsUra; Tech. Ed.: V.I. Subtevich PUUM: This book is reca~aftd as a training nuuml for teachers at special wandary technical schools by the Training and Jbtkwds Direction for Special Secondary Institutions of the Ministry of Special Technical Colleguwd Secondary Zftcatlon in the USSR. COMM %U book discusses a vzoer of general ;robUms In the teaebing'of mechwics =A also.special metbods of presentation (under the conditions of a tekhnik*,of individnal topLes. The limited size of this manua.3 does not permit consideration of special methods for all topics of the course; therefort-, the topics selected were these mst d-Afflelllt tn fonroi. tr%M *-ori"O GRIGCRIM. Ivan Ivanovich; DIATROPTOV, Boris Grigorlyevich; PLYSHEVSKATAt- - Nadexhda Ivanovna; KUROVWT, P.M., nauchnyy red.; KOBRIffff-ATAo Y.i.. [Teaching theoretical mechanics in a technical school) Ptepodavanie teoreticheskoi mekhaniki v takhnikume, Moskva, Vseo.uchabno-podagog. izd-vo Proftekhizaat, 1960. 241 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Mechanics, Analytic--Study and teaching) USSIR/Chemistry - Catalysts, Heavy MaY/Jun 52 Oxygen "Study by VI-ans of 018 of the Oxygen Exchange on Vanadium Catalysts," L. Ya. 14argolis, Ye. G. P3,vshevskaya, Inst of Phys Chem, Acad Sci USSR "Iz Ak Nauk, Otdel Xhim Nauk" No 3, PP 415-423. N~avy oxygen was obtained by electrolysis of heavy. C02 cMtg 0.9% 018. Using oxidation catalysts N205, V204, YgCr2041 Ag which did not contain 01,0, .tudied exchange with 01~~ in the gas phase. Using t6 sam catalyqs into which 018 was intro I I Igueed *i-me'ans of IT20 , studied exchange with 01 n.'the 22M6 gas phase. The kinetics Of 02 adsorption on V catalysts at temps 250-4000 were established in ~this manner. The inhomogeneity of the surface of ,T',catalysts was demonstrated. Oxygen exchange at catalysts of mild and severe oxidation was detd ii'-the temp of the oxidation reaction (350-4500). T116 mass -spectrographic method of analysis was investigating the oxygen regulging from tbt,exchange after conversion into COI 01 and doe. C~ The rek *I the msewn of gly 40616CWss the Of Isnuad" of 01"m - cam sea. L' axenfrid find F. G. Mvuhev.ka Dak Y Akdd. v4Nk ~~R. 65 11TV NIWJI, F. .,,1. 0, 7ilfg1k. -I*n4jrs throrlion 4111,hosphtwylitl~ that havinplarly rlvdtll~ X111- t1mc n'Woeit font ortntinal 1-fAnchims %4 risk- slyeiffivo nmI.. tht:slywvsr I kiiie. tile ability lulvat-t with "ItIvIII,. tiemv. the fiternatt; of slycomilmoteitt comItZ xes ilvioraRk im it-truinial, umaidthydic groups as well as oil tlw hcutiAmtal hydrultyls (Potential akithydic groups). The above tfn- -p %upported by expts. in which 0-dexlrio* wt-re oil- 2!t1f by the actiou Of 0-unlylase (oil glycorn 0( frog (it labial 111111beir. Fur cuitiplete cleavage of tile icritniml chainit up to the sitn of Maio branching rtjx*ted freatmen? with the ensyrne wtc4 notAM ill mamaw caws. The pruten; used WAN toy-gift w,huw 4bourption max, it 2M', A. Tbc i 41040ptioll InAll. Of A'AIVI(trill 11161b, with roymin "Wrr- .pmdcd In full with thum of mylikin alone; the tunpitz of tuytftin with glyrown It&* an aIrsorptioll. tmAx. at :34125 A. 1)"Irins formed from Slycogen by the action of I*)"*;pIKw- ybm- differ from a-&xtrins by residual tvirminal ghiew group.%; such "extrim. Prcpd. by incubstim of glycogen ill PboKphAtc buffer (Pli 6.8-7.0) in Preseft- of neutralimi eybteine-110 and Purified phosphorylasc for a rural of 48 kirs., idtu fail to show spectral evidence of ally combination with Inyubi". G. Al. Kumilapuff j~ I j 1 1 414 jj~-4 ~4 1 j 1~4 4 j'A ~4 q I i lit; i i.'; 1wtillf k I # A 14 1 t j j 9. jjontb_jX List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952 j999c Uncl. - Y 1. ANDREMAp T. F., PLYSHEVSKAYA. YE, 2. USSR (600) 4. Photosynthesis 7. Study of the formation of albumin in the process of photosynthesis with the use of N15. Dokl. AN SSSR, 87, No. 2. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. USS R a uniaturated fital tic -O'Blionplel L~.rgojjss and R. G - PI bel", e~l n. L. Ya. It' a a., Ca &-l. C.A. 48, 12072P wl*~p