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SKORY)CH, S.S.; PANOV, V.A.; PODORVANOV.. A,Z~-;-GOVOIAP., V,G,.; KULINIDA, VA'% 'Ways of improving transportation in an open pit of the K,-!Vc-/ Rog 0 Southern Mining and Ore-clressing Go-mbino. Sbor. nauch. trud. RIGRI no.7:52-159 160. (MIRA 14:12) (Krivoy Rog Basin-l-line railrouds) ALEKSEYEV, F.K.; ANDRIYUTS, G.L.; ARSENTIYEV, A.I.; ASTAFIYEV, Yu.P.; BEVZ, N.D.; EEREZOVSKIY, A.I.; GEMERALOV, G.S.; DCROSHENKO, V.I.; YESHCHENKO, A.A.; ZAPARA, S.A.; KALINICHMO, V.F.; KARNAUSHENKO, I.K.; KIKOVKA, Ye.I.; KOBOZEV, V.N.; KUPIN, V.Ye.; LOTOUSY V.K.; LYAKHOV, N.I.; MALYUTA, D.I.; WTS, Yu.S.; OVCDENKO, B.K.; OKSANICH, I.F.; PANOV, V.A.; POVZNER, Z.B.L-kQRQMQY .2'. POLISHCHUK, A.K.; POLYAKOV, V.G.; POTAPOV, A.I.; SAVI,rSKIY, I.I.; SERBIN, V.I.; SERGEYEV, N.N.; SOVETOV, G.A.; STATTOVICH, A.A.; TERESHCHENKOV A.A.; TITOV, 1).S.; FEDIN, A.F.; KHOMYAKOV, N.P.; SHEYKO, V.G.; SHEKUN, O.G.; SESTAKOV, M.M.; SHTANIKO, V.I. Practice of co#struction and exploitation of open pits of Krivoy Rog Basin mining and ore dressing combines. Gor. zhur. no.6: 8-56 je 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Strip mining) L_D5a6q!!-67 - V rOOO TO 15-r071:5-0/0150 ACC NRr--A-FM 9 9 UR 0413/ INVENTOR: Podorvanov, V. P, ORG: none TITLE: High-speed, highly navigable cutter. class 65, No. 184641 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 150 TOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineering, marine engineering, ABSIRACT: A high-speed cutter (see Fig. 1), provided with a vertical air vane and a horizontal stabilizer, is characterized by supporting :Fig. 1. High speed cutter I - Vertical air vane; 2 horizontal stabilizer; 3 - body; 4 wheels; 5 - axle of the forward wheels; 6 - driving shaft; 7 - shock absorber. C: 629.12-219.123:532.82 L 6? ACC NR- AP6029964 0 surfaces in the form of two pairs of cylindrical wheels for operation above the water's surface. The axle of the forward wheels, located above the center of gravity, supports 70-90% of the cutter's weight; the engine's shaft, perpendicular to the forward axle, creates a moment of forces which continuously press the stern to the water's surface* The wheels' axles are provided with hydraulic or pneumatic shock absorbers. The horizontal stabilizer is inclined 3-10* to the hori- zontal plane of the cutter. [GE] SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 0INov63/ kh SHAPIRO, David Moiseyevich; PODORVANOVA, Alevtina Ivanovna,-. MIRONOV,, Aleksandi:'Nl~~rfo-v-f6lff-BOMROV-A:-Y'~.'F,,'--rec-L. .7 (Collection of problems on the strength of materials] Sbornik zadach po soprotivleniiu materialov. Izd.2.9 perer. Moskvap Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 359 p. (MIRA 18:9) SHAPIRO, David Moiseyevich; PRMODIKO, Aleksandr Vikolayevich; PODORVANOVA, Alevtina Ivanovnai -MIRONOV, Aleksandr Sikitich; LKOV, II.I., red.; GRIGURCHUK, L.A.., tekhn. red. (Collected problems on the strength of materiald] Sbornik za- dach po soprotivleniiu materialov. Foskva., Gos. izd-vo, "Vysshaia sbkola.," 1961. 299 P. (MIRA 15-.2) (Strength of materials-Problems., exercises,, etc.) SHAPIRO, David Molseye-vL'~-.h.. -~QLLIRY.~L,'PVA. Alevtina lvanovua~ MIRONGV, AllekSand-~ fTIVA, ----d. [Collection of prlblems on the strength of mai,-.erials) Sbornik zadach po soprotjvlep.IA.u materialov. Izd.2., perer,. Mosk-va. Vysshaia shkol.a, 1965. 359 P. (MIRA 18:5) ACCESSION NR-. AP4043794 S/0188/64/000/004/0014/0022 AUTHOR: Pcodosenov, S. A. TITLE: Gas motion in a centrally symmetrical field of gravity SoURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 3. Fizlka, astronomiya, no. 4, 1964, 14-22 TOPIC TAGS: gravity field, theoretical physics, symmetrical gravity field, planetary nebular, star, red giant, cosmcgony, astrophysics, supergiant star, gas motion ABSTRACT: he problem of the escape of a gas, taking a gravity field into considerati;n, is of interest in cosmogony and astrophysics because it makes it possible to determine what mass of gas is involved and at what initial energy it can permanently leave the body from which it is escaping. An attempt has been made by the author, although in an idealized case, to establish a sound explanation of the origin of planetary nebulae as the products of escape of gas from red giants and supergiants. According to I. S. Shklovskiy, the outer envelope of a giant is separated from the dense hot nucleus in the form of a planetary nebula. Escape of gas from a red supergiant has also been discovered. In this stuoy, the author does not consider the source of the energy leading to ejection of gaseous Cali ACCESSION NR: AP4043794 masses. The simplest (spherical) pattern of motion is considered and the problem is formu71ted in the following way. At the time NO between two concentric spheres of the radii ,and r , there is a gas situated in the field of gravity of a nucleus of mass M in a s6le of Aabatic equilibrium. A highly rarefied atmosphere, is situated outside 7he sphere of radius r . Pressure increases as a result of energy release in the interval 0 r ) by the time t = 0. The author determines, the developing movement of gas outside this volume. From the periphery of the sphere there will be an escape of gas into the atmosphere, whose density is far less than the initial density of the escaping gas. A rarefaction wave penetrates into the deptins of the sphere. After a certain time the front of the rarefaction wave reaches the nucleus, after which propar-'-.On of a new reflected wave begins. An analytical solution of the formulated probiem is apparently impossible; however, an ,approximate solution is obtained. It is assumed that batropy is constant, that is, there is no dissipation of energy. Shock waves are not considered. The point of departure is a series of equations describing the Isentropic motion of gas. eh, under whose direction "In conclusion, the author thanks Professor K. P. Stanyukovi the work was done, and Professor S. B. Pikellner for valuable advice. Orig. art. has-. 48 formulas Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043794 ASSOCL4,71ON: Kafedra teoreticheskoy fizild Moskovskogo universiteta. (Department of Theoretical Physics, Moscow University) SUBMITTED: 26Dec62 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AA' NO REP SOV-. 002 OTHER: 000 Card PODGURSKII, G.V.;,ZQQSENOVA, N.A.; ROSLAVLEV, V.G.; MIRINA, L.G.; GARA- SHCHENKO~ A.P.; LUNEVA, Z.S.; PETROSYAN, L.K.; DEGTYARE14KO'U.S., kand. tekhn. nauk., red.; LESNICHENKO, I.I., red. izd-va; GORDEYEVA, L.P., tiskbn. red. [Technological processes for manufacturing taps of higb-speed steel) Tekbnologiia izgotovlenlia metchikov iz bystrenAushchai stali. Pod red. N.S.Dogtiarenkc... Moskva,, Gos. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo ma- shinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 41 p. (KIRA 14:9) 1. Moscowi. VsesoyumVy nauchno-issledovatellskiy instrumentallnyy Institut. (Taps and dies) (Metalwork) PODGURSKIY, G.V.;,JPODOSENOVA~ N.A.j ROSLAVM, V.G.; MIRINA, L.G.; BUDDIKOV, N.Ye.; GARASHCIWKO*,--K;P-.; LUNEVA, Z.S.; PETROSYAN, L.K.; GAMOVA, L.S.; DEGTYARENKO,, V.S., kand. tekhn. naukp red.~ LESUICIMIKO, I.I., red. izd-va; CHERNOVA, Z.I., tekbn. red. [Technological processes in manufacturing metal-cutting tools) Tekb~ nologiia, izgotovleniia reztsov. Moskva., Gos. naucbno-tokhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 79 p. (MIRA 14:10) (Metal-cutting tools) PODOSZNOVA, N.A. Heat phenomena caused b7 the ginding of tempered steel. Trudy Sem. po kach.poverkh. no.4:142-157 '59. (MIRA 13-6) (Grinding and polishing) (Steel-Metallography) PODOSENGVA, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Cutting of P18 steel on eccentric presses. Nov.tekh.izg.ins',,,r. no.20-12 161. (~Ul 15-8) (Cutting machines) I'loV79 If A*9 AS 9. 0' 01 Ze 3 - . 4 A vo U-ju 04 a nu 0 a Mui 1 j&'O 0 9 so MLa 4#6 am 00. a' 01 Vig I ON U, ve" b: !HH IN A jig] 0 AA vo 0 0 -0- E 1 lit S/020/63/148/003/032/037 Bloi/tI86 Sazhin, B. I., t2~~eno~v~f N. G. TITLEs' Compensation effect of the electrical conductivity of crystalline polymeric dielectrics PERIODICALi Akademiya, nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148,,no. 3, 1963, 627 - 629, TEXTt The effect of crystallization of polyethylene terephthalate, poly- trifluoro chloroethylene, and pentaplast (polymer of 3,3-dimethyl ohloro hydroxycyclobutane) on the electrical conductivity d was studied by oal- culating 0 from the residual current. The-increased degree of crystalliza- tion was achieved by repeated annealing of the polymers at increasing temperatures. The degree of crystallizatio.n was determined according to W. H. Cobbs (J. Polymer Sci., 92, 417 (1958)). An increase in density of 0.5 - 5% corresponding to an increase in degree of crystallization by.10-50% was found to reduce a by a factor of 10 - 1000. The function U a A + -B log 6, t0 is linear. For the polymers studied, B - 0.7 kcal/mole, A a 21. The oppo- site effect of the change of U and d on the rate of the prooesel the com- 0 Pensation effect, was thus found for crystalline polymeric dielectrics for, Card 1/2' S/020/63/148/003/032/037 Compensation effect of the electrical ... B101/B186 -the first time. For polyethylene terephthalate, the density d30 of the -13 -1 -1 initial sample was 1.345, cT 3-10 ohm *cm . kfter five annealings at X0 16 increasing temperatures (105 20000, d was 1.408', 6 - 1-10' For Poly- -17 trifluoro chloroethylene, the initial values w ere d 2.129, a 4*10 after four annealings (130 - 1700C) d30 was 2.128, 6 5-10-20. For pents- V 30 -16 plast, the initial values were d 1.407, d a 1-10 after two annealings (150 - 1600C) d30 was 1,416, (r 1-10-17 The cr values hold for 1000C. -There are 1 figure and 1 table. ASSOCIATIONs Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy institut polimeriza-~*' tsionnykh plastmass_(State Scientific Research Institute of a Polymerization Plastics~ Eksperimentallnyy zavod Gosuda -rat,~- vennogo~ komiteta Soveta- Minis trovSSSR po -khimii (pilot Plant of. - the State.Committee for Chemistry of the Council of Ministers- USSR) PRESENTEDs August 3, 1962, by V. A. Kargin,.Academician SUBMITTEDt July 24, 1962 Card 2/2 ACCi-SSIOIN AP4009158 s/olgo/64/PC)6/001/0137/0143 AU2,10i'!S: Sa-,hin, B. 1.;_?~p;qnova, 14 G. TITLE: Investigation of polymer electrical conductivity. 8. Effect of crystallization SOURCE: Vy*so1corolekulyaray*ye soyedinoniya, v. 6,- no. 111' 1964, 137-143 'TOPIC TAGS: polymer., crystallization, electric resistivity, equilibrium period ABST11ACT: The effect of crystallization of polyethyleno-terephthalato', polytri- fluorochloroothylene (series I an4 II), and pentaplast polymers on volumetric electric resistivity /~V, was investigated for T>,Tc. The specimens were pressed into 1 mn thick disks 50 mn, in diameter. Measurenent, errors in 1'. cud not exceed 154006. The experimental points were fitted with curves of the forn. Ae-U/IZT PC 4. The results sh(nied a 10- to 1000-fold increase in resistivity upon raising the degree of crystaIlizaticn from 10 to 50'00". This increase was-found to have a Card 1/2 -- ----- ---- 34CL: 00 SUBMITTED: 1OSep62 DATE ACQ: lor-eb64 OTHER: 005 1,10 REF SOV: 005 E: Oc -SUB COD -2/2 Card - ACCESSION NR: AP4041743 S/0181/64/006/007/221.5/2~17 AUTHOR: Sazhin, B. I.; Podosenova, N. G. fliLbl Study of the effect of crystallizati-on on the electrical ~-conductivlty of polymeric dielectrics SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 7. 1964, 2215-2217 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric, dielectric polymer, crystaflization, elec- trical conductivityj poly.athyle-ne terephthalate, polychlo Votrif.luaro- ethylene, pentaplast, PET, F-3, PT ABSTRACT: The effect of crystallization on the,electrical conductivit :of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) polytrifluorochloroethylene (F-3) and pentaplast (the polymer of 3,3-dimethylchlorohydroxycyclo- ~utane, PT) has been studied to determine whether the compensation effect and a rise in volume resistivity occur on crybtallizati~n ol these polymers in the glassy state. The temperature dependence of volume resistivity.-O.) was determined for samples of these-polymers with various degrees of crystallization. The plot of the function log pv f(l/T) was linear, indicatin'g that this function can be de- Cord ;;.1/ '3 ACCESSION NR:___AP404l,7,431_ scribed by the Arrhenius equation Pv increased by a factor-of 10-100 on crystallization in the 20-70C range, i.e., below-the glass transition temperature. It can be shown that the depen ence of log Pv on the degree of crystallization is linear, the rise in p with crystallization indicating-ionic conductivity. A plot of tL dependence of activation energy (U) on log (preexponential factor) (log 60) showed that this.dependence can be dencribed by the equation U A + B 'log 60, where A and B are positive constants, in the ranges 90--150 and 20-70C. Values of B calculated for each of these ranges showed that B is proportional to the average absolute temperature. This work was done at the Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of [Addition] Polymerization Plastics. Olrig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table, ASSOCIATION:' Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut polimerizationny*kh plastmass, Leningrad (Scientific Research Institute of Polymerization Plastics) C,ard ACCESSION NR: AP4041743 SUBMITTED: 03Dec63 ATD PRESS: 3055 ENCL: 00, SUB CODE: SS, MT No REF SOV: 008 OTHER: :"~1001 COCA- PODOSBEVNIKOV, B.F. Variation-i-a the dispersed composition of dioatyl phthalate vapor duriligcoagulation in a sonic field. Prim. ul'traakust. k isol. veshch. no-15-.137-150 161. (MMA 16:8) (Ultrasonic coagulation) (Phthalic acid-Acoustic properties) PODOSEEVNIKOV, B. I., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Research into the acoustic coagulation of highly-dispersed aerosol." Moscow, 1960. 15 PP; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Moscow Inst of Chemical Machine-building); 220 copies; price not given; Mt 17-60, 158) AccEssim xR-. ARW39363 S/0272/WOW/W3/00400048 SOURCEs Rafe Zho Metrole I imnerit. tekhn. Otd. vM,s Abee 3 *32,338 AUTHORs Podoshevnikovp Be Fe Miss On a nothod.of evaluating electrodynamio emitter of sowd ,CITED SOUIRM Sbe Primemeniye ulltraakusto k Isslede veshohestwas VY*p* 17e, Me# U63a, 67-73 TOPIC TAGSt acoustic sources aerosols o0aplation TRMSIATICKs Presented In a method for evaluation of electrodynazio enitterp w1dch is employed In a generating apparatus for acoustic coagulation of highly dispersive :aerosolse The calculation involves a sound reel, strenSth of r*aonator feeding Us. acoustic zeelo a magnetic systemp and a vibrating spindle of the eleatrodynamic .mittere P 'DM ACQ& 22Apr64 SUB CM&I 6 J06 MGM 00 Card 06226 50) BOV/64-59-6-18/28 AUTRORSa Podoshovnikov, B. F., Tartakovskiyj B. D. TITLUt On the Method of Calculating Columns for the Coagulation of Aerosols With a Liquid Disperse Phase Due to the 'Actien-aL-Sound PERIODICALt Xhimicheskays promyshlennost', 1959# Nr 6, pp 527 - 528 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Experiments (Hof 1) showed that in a sound field of high in- tensity a considerable muffling of sound waves can be observed which exhibits a linear dependence upoa the intensitj of the sound pressure. Since the muffling of sound waves in the columns has so far not been taken into oonsid*ration in the calculations concerning agglomeration columns, an essential, change must be made in these calculations. The equations for calculating an agglomeration column possessing in its upper part a sound pro- ducer, e.g. a siren, are derived, and the following final equa- tion is obtaineds a *(PT)kV P0 a 0~ I- (a) (ao a muffling coefficient of k (I e_'GH) Card 1/2 of sound waves with an infinitely small amplitude, P sound ' AUTHOIS F .'V , a ri,j Ta r ta k 1, y. B ~ D IITL3 Attenuatinn o!" P'Ia~ae Acr--*.-t-!.-: Warsr, of Fiz_,itr, limolitude in GajaF (0 zattiLharaii plonVll.ih vrukneylai 7oln kcno~:~-tr,;V amplitudv v ra?akl-,) MR-10DICAL. Vivxrna7. Vc' 4~ N-, 4~ PP 3ee-Mil (USSR) ABSTRACT. Attenuation of plane a,:.oust-1- vavea of finite amplitude in Viscous hoat---;ondu,-.t-*ng, ravdia wa,; daalt with theoretically in Raft 1, 2. ' & ' ." mea--~ii~-oLnont;~ in gauer, . made at Experim-3nta3. 0 k.-I/n , ware reported in Ref 3. The present auth.,--c- st-tidied depanden,~o of the attenuation - I ?tic wavos in gasea on their intowity. An eloctro- L, k~~/z acou resonan.-,a gonerator cf the type doscri'_ed In Ref 4 was atta(410d t,.; a culindrical tx'4-o cf I-s m. length, anrl dlameter (tho goy1i3-ator -diamot;)r wa;; 1-:~ A zl~.nivn~oidal voltage was applied U tho vsnfratoe fi'm E 'rho radiating olement wav a solid alutpin-lum iqllwior with. 1-3 resonani-t- frequen!!y, Tho radiatee, wavo ,wa:; not f-illy planar. The variatir-n of sound Presst'-zapi along the t,*:~e amid, was maa~-w-od by means-, of a la.:Iiim tite.-natE, prota. Fig I shows Card 1/1; Attenuation of Flans A,--oustl i Wp-v&s Of Finite, ILInplitude in Gase;; SIDV/ 46- 4-4 -15/20 the &ounA prc,-.siU-,e px, ar-, a function of the d--*staw~a along the tule r. den,ma experimontal re!~ultxi plottad direr-tly. While 4~rops6z- rapresent ;3tatir,-U.mlly averagf.Ldl. oat resixita. Fig 2 -~-hvws depenlam-3 ef tho attenuation cc~efficisnt as, a iNinction ;cI P, where y. i3 the mean. value, -DE p at, r = 70 Fig "', r~,hovs that C~ 4ia a linear function of This linear depeadenca can te u,.sd in the of at~ousti tars-metors in apparat-vi u~;&d Az- -cagulation of aorossl.~ , 'IT.,jr,3 are fipre- -,ro..~ ;& eal 6 4' , 2 of utlich are So-~iet and 4 Amerir n. I ASSOCUT.LOil.-r,os,adar;it7ennyy n.-I. inatitut pa premyahlonnoy i sarn-Itarnoy osftlotke gaLc7, Mcakva (State Research Institute for Indu;st-.ial awl Sanitary Plarif-Ication of Ga;~ e---. , STJEMITTIED- May 15., 15,~.3 f. Card 2P PODOSHEVNIKOV, B.F.; TARTAKOVSKIYp B.D. Absorption of sound of finite amplitude in a coagulating derosol. Zhur.prik~khim. 34 no.11:2573-2574 N 161. (MIRA 15 -1) Aerosols) (Absorption of soun4l PODOSIMIKOV, B.F. Acoustic coagulation of aerosols in dependence on the sound duration value. Zhur. prikl. khim. ~/+ no. 12:266/+-2668 D 61. (YaRA i5a) - (Aerosols) (Sound waves) SOV/46-5-2-22/.34 AUTHORS: Gudemchuk, V.A., _Podoshevnikov, V.F. and Tartakovsrkiy, B.D. TITLE: On the Role of Turbulence in the Phenomenon of Acoustic Coagulation of Aerosols (K voprosu o roli turbulentnosti v yavlenii akusticheskoy koagulyatsii aerozoley) PERIODICAL: Akusticheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Vol 5, lir 2, p 246 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The physical nature of the proGess of acoustic coagulation of aerosols is still not clear. In particular the role of turbulence has not 79t been elucidated, although Matula has suggested that it may be important. The authors studied the effect of turbulence on coagulation of dioetylphthalate, using 13 kels acoustic waves. The aerosol was passed from below through a verti:,-al cylindrical column of 125 em height and 12.4 cm diameter. The mean radius of the aerosol particles wa 0 28 tA. The coagulation effect was judged S i from the ratio o intensities of light scattered by the aerozol before and after coagulation. Turbulence was found to increase on increase of the sound pressure produced by the acoustic Card 1/2 generator (placed at the top of the column) . Eddies were SOV/46 -5-2 -22/ 1314 -On'the Role of Turbulence in the Phenomenon of Acoustic Coagulation of Aerosols seen to form at the point where the aerosol entered thG column. In order to limit the motion of eddies in the horizontal direction the authors placed a grid consisting of plates 90 cm long and 1-2 cm apart. When this grid was placed in the column coagulation fell by a factor of 1.8. In other words turbulence plays an important role in coagulation of aerosols by means of sound. The effect of turbulence probably lies in mixing of the aerosol particles by the eddies. There is 1 figure, and 1 reference (translation). A680GIATION: Gosudarstvennyy n.-i. institut po prom-yahlennoy i sanitarnoy ochistke gazov (State Scientifie-Research Institute for Industrial and Sanitary Purification of Gases) SUBMITTED: September 19, 1958 Card 2/2 PODOSHVA B, instruktor-planeriat ,-* Piloting the A-13 glider. Kryl.rod 13 no.8slS Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1, Hookovskly planernyy klub. (Gliders (Aeronautics)) BOCHKAM., V.V... red.;,TQ~~O~IJVJVA ALYADIIET, A.F.., red.; VIASOVA, N.A., (Production and application of radioisotopes; selected papers by foreign scientiets]Poluchenie i primenenie radioaktivrykh izotopov; izbranrya doklady inostrannykh uchenykh. Fod red. V.V.Bochkareva. Moskvap Gossatomizdatp 1962. 287 p. (MIRA 15:1.1) 1. Hezbdunarodnaya konferentsiya po primeneniyu radloizotopov v fizichankikh naukakh i prouWablowioati, Coponhagen, 1960. (Radioisotopes) GALKIN, N.P.; PONOMAREV, L.A.; SHISHKOV, Yu.D.; MTSHVIILAI V. , red.; - L VLASOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. (Plutonim hexafluoridep its preparation and properties] Geksaf- torid plutonlia, ego poluchenie i avoietva. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atomnoi nauki i teklmikip 1961. 34 p (MIRA 15:2) (Flutonium fluoride) Ca -'.i.Khiylovna- OC zil-c;Gnium, and ni,)biu- r9 C, r i r.-d .-r97 IfD)" R-W4,Daktivnye izotopy I ' ',-'5 j - 1,- -,)7 t on n 1, 1? b~i 5 1 97 _ I Mosk-va, iobiia 7 Z r N b' Atomizdat, 1.96~.. 24 p. GORLOVOI, Gennadiy Dmitriyevich; STEPAIMKO, Vladimir Ananlyevicb; 'PODOSHVINA, V.A., red. [Tritium emitters] Tritievye izluchateli. Vloskva, Atom- izdat, 1965. 115 P. (MIRA 18:12) KORYAKIN, Yu.I., nauchri. red.; i'00()60114A, V.A., red. [Tenth annive-rsai7 of *Ihp world's firEm atov,ic power plant built in thp U.S.S.R.] 1-0 let. pervoi v mire citomnoi elektro- stantsii S.1M. Mo5kva. A-Lomlzdatl 19N,. 211 p. (MIRA 17:10) MOZZJ1UKHI11,, Aleksandr Sergeyevich; RACHIN.TCIY, Foma Yurlyevich; PODOSHVINA, V.A., red. [Chemical prevention of radiation lesions] Khimicheskaia profilaktika radiatBionrykh porazhenii. Moskva, Gosatom- izdut, 1964. 243 p. (MIRA 17:6) REFORMATSKIY., Igor' Aleksandrovich; PODOSHVINA, V.A., red. (Laboratories for work involving radioactive substances) Laboratorii dlia rabot a radioaktivnymi veshchestvami. Mo- skva., Gosatomizdat., 1963. 127 p. (MIRA 17:4) BPODER, D.L., red.; VESELKIN, A.P., red.; YEGOROV, Yu.A., red.; ORLOV) V.V., red.; TSYPLI", S.G.,, red.; FODOSEV-BA,_V..k., red.; IUKITNA, T.K., red.; VLASNA, F.A.1 tekbn. red. (Problems in the physics of reactor shielding) Voprosy fizik-i zashchity realtorov; sbornik statei. Moskva, Gosatordzdat, 1963. 345 P. (I'MU 16:12) (Nuclear repetors-Shielding (Radiation)) FAFFILOVA, Z.Ye.; ROKELD, M.I.; RODIONOV, I.S.; FAUSTOVA, D.G.; GOLTSIFLEYN, D.S.. GOROD171SKIY, S.M., red.; TIKEWIROV, V.B., red.; PODOSHVINAI V.A., red.; VLASOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. (Protective coatings in atomic engineering] Zashchitrye po- krytiia v atomnoi tekhnike; sbornik statei. Moskva, Gos- atomizdat, 1963. 183 P. (MIRA 16:12) (Shielding (Radiation)) SHCHELKIN, XIAU Ivanovich; PODOSHVINA._V.A., red.; MPOVA, tekhn. red. [Ph)sics of the microcosm; popylar essays] Fizika mik$Dmira; popyliarnye ocherki. Moskva,, Gosatomizdat, 1963. 166 P. (MIRA 160) 1. Chlen-korrespondent kkademii nauk SSSR (for Shchalkiz). (Nualear physics) DUBININ, Nikolay Petrovich; PODOSHVINA, V.A.9 red.; VLASOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Molecular genetics and the effect of irradiation on heredity] Molekuliarnaia genetika i deistvie.lpluchenii na nasledstven- nost'. Moskva, Gosatomizdat,' 1963. 238 P. (MIRA 16:5) (GENETICS) (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) --.?ODOSHV321A,.V.A., red.; MAUL', Ye.I., tekhn. red. [Industrially manufactured electropl-qsibal apparptus] Blektrofizicbeskaia apparatura pronVs1ffeTmo-.-izgotovleniia; spravochnik. Moskva, Gosatomizdat, 1963. 69 p. (MIRA 17-1) (Particle accelerators) (Electromagnets) PARNOV, Ye.I.; GLUSHCM'IKO, Ye.A.; PODOSRVINA, V.A., red.; POPOVA, S.M., tekhn. red. [Window on the antiwniversel 01-ro v antimir. Izd.2. Mo- jkva, Gosatomizdat, 10,63. 74- p. (MIRA 17:2) TRIFONOV, Dmitriy Nikolayevich; PODOSHVINA, V.A.., red.; POPOVA, S.M., tekhn. red. [Boundaries and evolution of the periodic system] Granitsy i evoliutsiia periodicheakoi sisteny. Moskva# Gosatomizdaty 1963. 165 P- (MIRA 17:1) LAVRIEHIRA, Avgusta Konstinovna; KOLESOV, Gennadiy Mikhaylovich; PODOSHVINA, V.A., red.; MAZEL!, Ye.I., trakhn. red. [Formation of chemical elements in cosmic 'Dodies]Obrazovanie khimicheskikh elementov v kosmicheskikh telakh. Moskva, Gos- atomizizdat, 1962. 171 p. (MIRA 15:12.) (Chemical elements) (CosmogoM,) I BUDYLIN~ B.V.; VOROBIYEV, A.A.; PODOSHVIVA V.A.-, red.; VLASOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Effect of radiation on ionic structuresPeistvie izluche- nii na ionrWe struktury. Moskvap Gosatomizdat, 1962'. 166 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Dielectrics, Effect of radiation on) (Ionic crystals) GLAZOV, Nikolay Vasillyevicb- (deceased]; PODOSPmeNoAsp-;~~44. - VLASOVAj N.A,O tekhn. red. [Using radioisotopes in engineering studies) Primenenie ra~io- aktivnykh izotopov v inzhenernylch izyskaniiakh. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atomnoi nauki i tekhn.* 1962. 67 P. (MIRA 150) (Radioisotopes--Industrial applications) (Engineering geology) FRADKIN, Grigoriy Mikhaylovich; PODOSHVIVA, V.A., red.; VIASOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. (Isotopic neutron sources] Izotoprye istochniki neitronov; spravochnik. Mmskvaj Gosatomizdat, 1963. 86 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Isotopes) (Neutron sources) GOLIDIN, L.L.,- SKACIIKOVt S.V.; SIIORINj K.N.; FODOSHVINA, Vt,., red.; VLASOVA, P.A., tekhn. red. [Magnetic measurements in charged particle accelerators] Mag- nitnye izmereniia v uskoriteliakh zariazhennykh chastits. Mo- skvap Gosatomizdat, 1962. 55 P. (15:4) (Particle accelerators) (Magnetic measurements) AMIRAGOVA, M.I.; DUZHENKOVA, N.A.; SAVICH, A.V.; SHAL'NOV) I-I.I.; ~qHVINA, V.A., red. ~O [Primar7 radiobiological processes) Pervichnye radio- biologicheskie protsessy. [By] M.I.Amiragova i dr. Moskva., Atomizdatp 1964. 286 p. (MIRA -17:12) RUDANOVSKIY I Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; ~OPQ~gKj V 4.,, red. ~ PAR,_ _ [Radioactive isotopes in mining and mineral dressing] Radioaktivrore izotopy v gornom dele i obogashchenii poleznykh iskopaemykh. Mookva, Atomizdat, 1965. 179 P. (MIRA 18:12) SHCHELKIN Kirill Ivanovich; LODOSP IIA red. S ~~ V.A.X-~ :V [Physics of the microcosm poFularized] Fizika nikro,-,.ira; populiarmye ocherki. Moskva, Atomizdatj 1965. 230 P. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ali SSSR (for Sbchelkin). KUKURECHENKO, I.S.; SUKH V, N.G.; SHOKIN, I.N.; KRASHENINNIKLI;,, :~.A.: PODOSIMN P.A.; OSTOROIIKO, A.I.; TROYNIK, G.G. Decarbonization of sodium bicarbonate in a semi-industrial- column with submerged.packing. Trudy MKHTI no.40:186-190 163. (KRA 18:12) BOLDIN) K.M. (Yaroslavl'); DROZDOVA, Z.S.; LEVIN, R.I.; VAYSMAN, L.A. (Kuybyshev-obl.); WDQ51-NOVSK1_ V.V.(Kazan'); SAYFULLINA, Kh.M. (Kazan'); EUSYCIN, 113.(Kazant)- RAZMVSKIY, Yu.K.(Loninogrosk); GELIFER, G.A,, dotsent (Gor1kiyj; MAMISH, M.G.(Kazanl); RUALOVICH, M.B., dotsent; MELINICHUK S.F.,; KMPIVIN, B.V.; STAROVEROV, A.T. (Saratov~; SURIN',"~'V M POROSENKOV, V.S.(Romodanovo, Mordovskoy ASSR); ANDROSOV, M.D.(Mom~;a ZARIPOV, Z.A.(Urunsu, Tatarskoy ASSR)- MURAVIYEV, M.F.(Izhevsk~; KUZIMIN, V.I.(Batyrevo, Chuvashskoy ASSi); SITDYKOV, E.N.(Kazanl); YUDIN, Ya.B.(Novokuznetsk) Short reports. no.4:81;..91 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) (MEDICINE-ABSTRACTS) 21i C ei'5-3, 1870e.-Thi! were rearranged by AgiO.In MeOH to the corresprinding a,O- unsaid. Me wphthalimidoulkenecarboxylates, which added I -phthatirnidocrotonate CHX, to.give 2-pyriazolines. Nit 4 (1) (100 mg.). dil. H2SO4. "d .5 mi. AcOR were heated 1 hr. at 100*; the sola. was then concil. to small vol. in vacuo to iv lW% 4-phthWimidocrotonic acid (H). in. 104--6* (400 mg.) Was added to an excess of CH,*4% in Etto and the mixt. kept 20 hrs. to give 385 Ing, Me 4-phthal- -itWdomethyl2-p)-mzoline-5-carboxylate .(III), in. 164-6* (with evolution of N) QdeOH). 1 (8 g.), 60 mi. 37% aq. HCI,'and'50 mi. AcOH were heated 2 hrs. at 100'; the mixt. was then evapd. to dryness and the residue recrystd. train HiO to give crude 11 which was then added during 10 nun-toCHtNinRtxO.' After 30 min. the soln. was filtered and then kept 24 hrs. to give a ppt. of 3 g. 131; conen. of the RttO motherhquors gave 3.9 g. Me 3-chloro-4-phthaliuddo- butyratt (IV), m. N-6, (WOH). IV (5W Mg.) was hydrolyzed with,l: 137% HCI-,AcOll for 1.5 hrs.; evapn. of the rWxt.- to ,dryness and reerysbi. of. the residue from H20 gave 3-chlor64-pbtballmidobutyiie'acid, in. 16D-70% which with CHqNt as before gave IV. IV (200 mg.) in 50 in]. MeOli was heated 6 hrs. at 160-with excess freshly pptd. AgjO; the niixt-wa~~ then decolorized with C, filtered, coned. to 2 InLi and cooled to give 1. 2,Bromo-4-phtbali. saidobutyricacid (4.5 g.) and 1550. mi. SOC12 were mfluxLd 2 lirs', ~tlui excess SOC12 was then removed in vacua and the I.-residue-was taken up in C414,* added dropwise to CHIN, In EtO at - 15%and the mixt., kept 12 hrs. at - 10* to give 2.5'g. 1-diai:6 -3-bromG-5-phthatimidapentan-2-one (V), yel- Jow needles;- in. 12D' (MeOH).. . Aq. HBr (40 70) was added V)~ ~to J~~ 10 ml.' AcOH until the vvolution of N cta!td; afltr P 111i", the mix?. wav dild, with JW Int. HIO to give 4&) ing. 1.3-diboinc~-.5-1)htltalitjiidopetitan-*)-one, III. 116-7' (MeOll): 200 ing. V with 37 '~;tq. HCI similarly gave 180 Mg. 1-chloro-3-bromo-5-plith:ilimidopetitaii-2-otie, needles, in. 95.5* (WOH). Freshly pptd. Ag2O (from 8 g. AgXO~) suspended in 'McOH was add,:d to S g. V in 150 nil. MeOH: after the initial violcut reaction freshly distd. ceased the inixt. was refluxed 10 lirs., decolorized with C, filtered. coned. and cooled to give 4.8 g. h1c &-plathalimido- pent-2-enoate (VI), its. 93-4* (McOH). V1 (100 mg.) in 10 mi. RtOH was reduced with H over 50 ing. 5% Pd-Baso, at room temp. and 1 atin.; the mixt. was then filtered and in a little evapd. to, dryness and the residue rtvrystd. fro Mrva to give Me 5-phthalimidovalerate (VII), m. 42-3*. -Ag.-O (from 4 g. AgNO.) was added to 10 g. 1-&AZQ-5- phthalimidopentan-2-one in 160 mi. 11eOH and th mixt. . c heated 5 hrs. at 80* and then worked up as before to give 9 g. V11. V10.80and 1:1 37%aq. HC[were heated I hr. at 1000; the mixt. was then evapd. to dryness and the residue recrystd. from H,O to give 2.6 g. 5-phthatimidopent-2-citoic acid (VE11), in. 202-3* (in a sealed tube). VIII (200 mg.) and excess CHIN, in EtzO were kept 12 hrs. at room temp.; the mixt. w&s then filtered and coned. to give 100 mg. Me -4-(2-phthalimidoethyl)-2- yrazoline-5-c-uboxylate, in. 118- 21* (with evolution of NY(MeOH). The following hoina- logs of these compils. were similarly preN. (compd.; % yield, m-p., recrysm. medium given): l-dia"-bromo-1)- phthalimidohexati-2-one, 82.4. 103-4", MeOH, 1.3-di.. bromo-B-phthalinildoljexan-2-one, 03.4, W.1021, McOH; 1-chloro-3-bromo-O-phthalimidohexan-2-one, 68.3. 111-12'. MeOH; Me 6-phthallmldo-2-hCXCn0ate, 55.1, &5-8', McOH; Me 6-phthalimidovalernte, -, 45--G*, MeOH; 0. plithaUmido-2-hexe Inoic acid. 88, 153-5% H20. M. L. BunAT&- 82569 S/'123/60/000/009/005/017 5-020 0 Aoo4/Aooi Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 196o, No. 9, p. 62, # 43522 AUTHOR: Podporkin,,V.G. TITLE: Increasing the Accuracy and Efficiency of the Machining of Non- Rigic. Shafts PERIODICAL: Nauchno-tekhn. inform. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1958, No. 6, pp. 3~21 and T W The author analyzes the methods of increasing the accuracy efficiency of the machining of non-rigid shafts on lathes. When determining the machining errors, caused by elastic deformations of the system lathe - machine part - tool, the conception of rigidity was replaced by the conception of yielding which is measured in A/kg. The author presents graphs of the yielding of the system during the machining of shafts of 50 and 100 mm in dia- meter. The vibration stability of ~he system grows if yielding decreases. In order to increase the cylindrical accuracy at minimum longitudinal errors it Card 1/3 82569 S11 23/60/000/009/005/017 Aoo4;/Aooi Increasing the Accuracy and Efficiency of the Machining of Non-Rigid Shafts is recommended to use the method of preconceived variation of the initial state of the system or the method of compensating the yielding. It was found that a higher machining accuracy can be obtained by shifting the position of the tail stock. A compensation of yielding of the tail stock is achieved by changing the tail spindle sweep and using a set of 2-3 centers of different rigidity. Formulae for the calculation of yielding are presented. Positive results were obtained when carrying out tests to compensate the yielding of the system during the turning of shafts.of particular low rigidity by using a vibration absorber instead of a rest. The rigidity of the shaft itself and the right selection of the lathe excercisie a'great effect on the achievement of high accuracy. It is shown that the existing classification of shafts with the rigidity coefficient 'A k =-cT- (k = 3-5 for rigid shafts and k = 10-12 for non-rigid shafts) is defective. It is suggested to determine the rigidity of shafts starting from the condition of the least irregularity of yielding of the system and the machining method, The author derives formulae and presents a nomogram of clastifying shafts into three groups (rigid shafts, shafts of medium rigidity and non-rigid ones) in order to select the right types of equipment and obtain a minimum of errors Card 2/3 82569 S11 23/60/D00/009/005/0 2 7 A004/AOO1 Increasing the Accuracy and Efficiency of the Machining of Non-Rigid Shafts of elastic deformations in the system. The problem of compensating the yielding of the system during the machining of stepped shafts is also investigated. There are 9 figures and 7 references. B.I.M. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 3/3 KALININ, M.A., uchitell; KWIKOV, I.N., uchitell; PETROV, P.F., zasluzhennyy uchitell shkoly RMR; uchit-ell; KALUZHSKIKH, N.I., uchitell; 7EGYAZARYAN, D.; OKHAFMI, F.P. (Kirov); GUTENEV, P.A. (s.Mikhaylovskoye Stavropollskogo kraya) Editorlo mail. Geog. v ahkole 25 no.1:58-61 Ja-F 'P. (MW 11:1) 1. 1-;.ya shkola g. Boksitogotaka (for Kalinin). 2. SydinBkaya semiletupya ohkola Krasnoyirskogo kraya (for Kraisikov). 3. Shkolm imeni M.I. Kalinina, g. Buguruslan (for Petrov). 4. 5-ya ihkola g. Ishimpe-ya (for Fodosinkin). 5. Nizhne-Smorodinskaya shkola Kurskoy 6blasti (for Kaluzhskikh). 6. Aygestanakaya shkola Armyanskoy SSR (for Yegyazaryan). (Geography--Study and teaching) FODOLISKAYA, I.A., uchitellnitsa geografii; PITIOKAq V.Ye. (Ushinev); PODOSINKIN, V.N.; 14IRKHAWV, G.G., uchitell geografii Editor's mail. Geog. v shkole 25 no.4t63-65 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. 1-ya shkola imeni Pushkina, g.Berezniki (for Podollskaya). 2. 5-ya shkola g. Ishimbay (for Podosinkin). 3. Buarajevskaya odinnadtsatilatmyaya shkola Bashkirskoy ASSR (for Mirkhazov). (Geography-St~cV ana teRching) (School exauraices) BLOKH, G.A., kand.tokhn.nauk, doteent;,PODOSINNIKOV, N.N., 1nzh.; CHFM1ffW, I.P., inzh. . Investigating the action mechanism of zinc-containing accelaratore of rubber vulcanization. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.3:50-66 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedrami tekhnologii reziny i fiziki. (Vulcanization) PODOSOV,L.A., VERESHCHAGI11,N.A. "On enriching the ration of alkaline equivalents." Report submitted for the 13th Intl. Congress of Sports Medicine MOSCOW July-Aug 1961 PODRABINEK, P. A., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Problem of the mechanism of the settling reaction of erythrocytes." Moscow, 1960. 17 pp; (Moscow Order of Lenin I-ledical Inst im I. M. Sechenov); number of copies not given; price not given; list of autr-,or's works on p 17 (12 entries); (KL, 25-60, 140) POI)SHIBYAKIII. A.K. Determining the location of a pathological process in the lungs on the basis of a change in active skin spots; a preliminax7 report. gedych.zhur. 22 no.3:22-25 '52. (MIRA 1l-.2) 1. Institut klinichnot fisiologii im. akad. O.O.Bogomollteya. (LUNGS- -D ISLA SIS) (SKIN- INERVAT ION) - PODSHIBYAKIN, A-K. [Podshy-tiakin, A.K.] - Activity in the skin of the frog [with summary In English]. Fiziol.-zhur. [Ukrj 4 no.49478-484 Tl-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Institut fiziologii im. A.A. Bogomolltsa AF USSR, lnborstoriya vysshey nervnoy doyntellnontl I narvnoy trofiki. (S K=-- MORVAT I ON) Iq USSR Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patbolo- T gical). Nervous System. General Problems. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya,No 21, 1958 97837 Author : Podsbibyalcin, A. K. Inst : Not given Title : The Peduliarities of Blocking Action of Novocaine Orig Pub: Fiziol. zh. AN URSR, 19562 2s No 5j, 75-81 Abstract: Slow os(.illations of potentials were measured with a galvanometer (l .6 x 10 9 amps) witb oscillation. period of 5 21 rabbits. One electrode was placed on a portion of skin well saturated witb physiological solution; the other (nonpolar~-- izdd), on the frontal region of the brain (nearer to the parietal region). A 0.25 percent solution Card.1/2 BIDKH, G.A.; GRISHKO. G.S.; High-temperature treatment of carbon black to be used as s rubber reinforcing filler. I%v.vya.ucheb.zav.; khiaA khin.tekh. 2 no.1:114-122 159. (OURA 12:7) 1. Dnepropetrovekly kbiniko-takhnologicheskly Institut, kafedra tekhnologli(rextrV i kafedra. fisiki. Rubber) (Carbon black) GORGIYXV, T.B.; TRIKOZ, V.S.;PCDOS IXNA. N P ; TIKKAU, R.I. Preparing culture media from fishery wanton; autbor's abstract. Zhur. mlkrobiol.,epid.1 Immun. 30 no-11--114-115 N 159. (MI]RA 13 0 ) 1. Is Daepropetrovskogo Infitituta epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i giglyeny. (BACURIOU)GY-CMuRls AND cumm KzDrA) (FISH PRQCESSING PJANTS-AY-PROLUCTS) 500) SOV/153-2-1-21/25 AUTHORS: Blokh, G. A., Grishko, G. S., Podosinnikov, n. N. TITLE: On the High-temperature Treatment of Carbon Black for Rubber Strengthening (Vysokotemperaturnaya obrabotka aazhi-usilitelya kauchuka) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uohobnykh zavedeniy. Xhimiya i khimicheakaya tokhnologiya, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 1, PP 114-122 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Though the effect of the afore-mentioned carbon black is general- ly known, its strengthening affect has not yet been fully ex- plained. Recent investigations have demonstrated that some kinds of carbon black cannot be regarded as chemically passive in- gredient any longer which do not enter reaction with rubber (Refs 6- . The structure of carbon black contains such oxygen- :) containing groups as --OH, ---COOH, H0-0-0, etc. The i presence of C==C bonds is mentioned. The authors then refer to further publications(Refs 9-19). It was interesting from the practical and theoretical point of view to explain the influence exerted by the active oxygen-containing groups of the black Card 1/3 structure upon its strengthening property in mixtures of syn- SOV/153-2-1-21/25 On the High-temperature Treatment of Carbon Black for Rubber Strengthening thetic rubbers. In this connection it was/of special importance to expla in the effect exercised by the removal of oxygen and hydrogen.upon the strengthening properties. As is known, neither oxygen nor hydrogen can be completely separated from the black structure by temperature rise of up to 1000-1700 0C. Table 1 shows the composition of the gas mixtures, the conditions of vulcanization, and experimental results. Electron-micrOBOOPiC images (Fig 1) indicated variations in black chain-systems due to the effect of high temperatures. In general it was found that the elementary composition of black (Table 2) is changed by heating to high temperatures. Thus, also the specific surface (Table 3) and the adsorptive activity (Table 4) are reduced with respect to rubber. The authors investigated rubber kinds of di- vihyl-styrene- and chloroprene rubber. Figure 2 shows the X-ray PiCtUreB of black after the treatment at 900, 1400, and 1700' which indicatothat th+patial arrangement is improved with in- creasing temperature. Table 5 shows the structural change of black treated at high temperatures*. The physico-mechanical in- dices of rubber produceg from divinyl-styrene rubber with gas Card 2/3 black heated up to 1700 were considerably reduced. The number SOV/153-2-1-21/25 On the High-temperature Treatment of Carbon Black for Rubber Strengthening of active centers of the chemical interaction of black with rubber decreases, and the specific surface and the adsorptive activity of the black structure with respect to rubber are re- duced. K. A. Pechkovskaya and I. N. Duzhanskiy, Ts4ntral1naya laboratoriya ob"yedineniya "Ukrgas" g. Lvov (Central Laboratory of the Union "Ukrgas" (Ukrainian Gas), Ltvov) as- sisted in the present investigation. There are 3 figures, 5 tables, and 24 references, 15 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut;Kafedra tekhrxologii reziny i kafedra fiziki (Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology, Chair of Rubber Technology and Chair of physics) SUBMITTED: October 15, 1957 Card 3/3 ~PODOSIMK(ff 9,. V. Separation of lubricants aboard ship. Rech, trans 22 no.91 30-31 S 63. ~MOIRA 16:10) 1. Starshiy mekhanik teplokboda "K.A, Timiryazev" Volzhskogo ob*yedinennogo rechnogo parokhodstva. PODOSINOV, N.G. I support the suggestions of M.I.Mellnikov. Biol. v shkole no.4: 45-46 J1-Ag 163o (HIRA 16:9) 1. Shkola No.36, Tula. (Biology-Study and teaching) PODOSKII E. "Grassland competitions." P. 544 (Gospodarka Wodna) Vol. 17, no. 11, Nov. 1957 Warsaw, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Val. 7, no. 4, April 1958 PUl"DwKil J. l,rarrf,i,t currents in the ins i~z, liatic) 1-2c). I, So. East E--Ironean '-ccessinns Ust Vol. Sei Ae Y,UBC)~--~oT, j. Flectric traction equipment. p. 10. FIVEGI.A.D Tr.C!--TC7U-,'. OrE,-~nlzac-a Techniczra~ "Arszawa, 11olat-4. -1 .1 Vol. f11 1 , no. I r~'. 1',--r 1959. Vonthlv List of '-,'ast Enropean Accessicins (FEAI~ L'. Z Jjij~r 1959. j I Vol. 8. no. Uncl. PODOSKI) Jan, prof.; RAJSKI, Czols"Jaw, prof. Forty years of the Electric Engineering Department of the 4arsaw Politechnical Co1lege. Przegl elektroriki 2 no.3:241-242 J1 161. 1. Dziekan Wydzia1u'E1ekktrycznego, Politechnika. Warszawa (for Podoski). 2. Dziekan Wydzialu Lacznosci, Politechnika, Warszawa (for Rajski)- RAJSKI, Czeslaw., prof... dr.; PODOSKI, Jan,, prof.., dr, Fortieth anniversaz7 of the Electric Department, Warsaw Polytechnic; November 8. 1961. Przegl elektrotechn 37 no.9:388 161. 1, Dziekan Wydzialu Iacznosei Politechniki Warszawskiej (for Rajaki) 2. Dziekan Wydzialu Elektryczaego Pol:Ltecbniki Warszawskiej (for Fodoski) (Foland-Technical education) -PODOSKIJ, Jan. prof.; RAJSKI., Czeslaw, prof. Forty years of the Electric Engineering Department of the -.~Tarzza;; Pol7technic. Przegl telekom 34 no.9:261 S 161. 1. Dziekan Wydzialu Electrynnego, Po3itechnika, Warszawa (for Podoski). 2. Dziekan Wydzialu Lacznosci,, PolitechrAlm, Warszawa (for Rajski). PMOSKI, Julian Organization of the Lah of ",echnical boo'Ka in Lodz. Prze-wl techn no.40:5,6 7 0 162. PCDOSKIJ, Julian Causes of the low elasticity of the production for export in the textile industry. Przegl techn no.36:4 9 S 162. PODOSKI. Julian, Folish-made flaxboard plates proved as good. Fr;egl techn no.29s6. JI 162. r.VUJVO~) A. lj~k, Z.!io I, Ii see TLC ~i552-66 F1iTW/DjP(j) RM .ACC NR. AP6005109 SOURCE CODE: UR/0316/65/000/005/0044i~l~47~ll: AUTHOR: Aliyev, M. I.; Shikhiyev, L A.; Balezin, S. A.: Israfflova, S. Z.;~P& ORG: R" AN Azerb. WR TITLE: Synthesis of unsaturated esters of methyleycloheglphoghont acid SOURCE: Azerbaydzhansidy khimicheskiy zhurnal, no. 5, 1965, 44-47 wayev, N. 1.1 78 TOPIC TAGS: ccl.~%vac phosphorus compound, organosilicon compound, Aec4qAw e. k esk--'. '19, araxisi% 'Poorros-'r"A ABSTRACT: In order to study the reactivity and chemical properties of methylcyclohexyl- phosphonyl dichloride. some derivatives were synthesized in accordance with the reaction ROH CH3C,HPOC12---CHC,ii,GPO(OR)2, rAe. R--:--CH2 -- CH=CH2; -CI-12-CmCH; -CH3-CH=CH-S1(C2Hb)3; where MY -CH-CmCH -C-ca=-CH: -CH-C-CH CHS CH, CH3 CI-12-CI-13-CH3 CH/ CH3 A IV) Card --.(V) 4 t, 31552-66 ACC NR: AP6005109 Six different representatives (1-M of ethylenic and acetylenic derivatives of methylcyclo- hexylphosphonic acid were thus synthesized and described for the first time. The presence of a triple bond in dipropargyl methylcylcohexylphosphonate was established spectroscopically and also by preparing a silicon derivative. Infrared analysis showed that the addition of triepylSilanelt; the Piple bond of dipropargyl i-nethylcyclohexylphosphonate follows Farmer's rule of N-e-71dical ition, according to which the radical component, -Si(C2H5)3, adds to the more-HyIFo-genled carbon atom. A method of synthesis of silicon-phosphorus organic compounds was thus elaborated. Results of a preliminary study of the synthesized products showed that the dipropargyl eater (14 can be used as a steel corrosion inhibitor (in 15% HC1 at 130C). Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: l6Feb64 ORIG REF:. 002 OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 C- k PODOVINNIKOV, N. ._-- Houses witb one-fami17 apartments in the city of Kiybyebev. Zhil.stroi. no.4:14-16 159. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Glavnyy arkbitektor g. Kuybyaheva. (Kuybyshev--Apartment houses) GOSHEVA, A.Ye.; YERIAKOVA, M.P.: PODOZEPDIIA P. Effect of aurantin on ribunocleic acid and deoxyrinonucleic acid in culturea of human brain tumors. Antibiotiki 8 no.7v. 614-618 J1163 (MIRA 170) 1. Otdel infektsionnoy patologii i eksprimental3noy terapii infektsi,y ( zav. - chlen-korrespondent, MI SSSR prof. KhAh. Planellyes) Instituta epidemiologil i mikrcbiologii Imcni V.F. Gamalei MI SSSR. PoDPALTT, A. V. Prospects for improving the track system. Zhel. dor. transp. 41 no.2:28-34 7 159. (MIRA 12:~3) 1,Nachallnik Glavnogo upravlenlyn puti i sooruzheniy Ministerstva plAiy moobahchaniya. (Railroads--Track) PODPEHA ~j. "A preliminary monographic study on mosses. In French, German, and Latin. p. 1, 9. " P. 89 (A-plikace Matematilky, Vol. 30, no. 3, 1958, Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 7, July 1958 PODPEM, Josef Preliminary study on bryum, genus; specier. of the northern Eurasia. Prace CSAV Brno 34 no.2/3:49-102 162. KORMERI V.A.; PETROV, A.A.; SAVICH, I.G.; PODPORINA, T.R. Kinetics and mechanism of butyllithium vir-syleth-flace-It-17lene. Zhur. ob. khim. 32 no..1:318-319 Ja 162. (MM 15:2) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. (Lithium) (Buteneyne) -,-PODPORKIN, V.G.,dote.,kand.tekhn.nauk Classification of shafts on the basis of their rIgIdI'QF7. Test. mash. 39 no.3:64-67 Mr 159, (MIRA 12:4) (Ketal cutting) PODPOTaIll, V.G. __ -,. I - ., - j,:~ , - Cold straightening of nonrigid shafts. Trudy, LPI no.191:110-138 '57. (Y13A 11:9) (Metals--Cold working) PODPORKIN, V.G. -~ Errors in elastic deformations caused by machining nonrigid ahaf to fastened in centers and stays. Trudy LPI no.191-.139-150 157. (MIRA 11:9) (Deformations (Mechanics)) (Turning) V.G., kand.tekhn.nauk Using lathe rests in mchining nonrigid marine shafts. Su4ostroenfe 24 no.7:53-56 JI 158o (MIRA 11:9) (Latbes-Attachments) (Shafting) PODRABINEK, P.A. W6celernting erythrocyte Lab;delo 4:9-12 S-0 158 sedimentntion with RM vaccine. (mm 11:11) 1. Iz gorodskoy ob"yedinennoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach S.V. AfanaBlyev) g. Elektrostall. (BCG) (BLOOD-SEDIRNTATION)