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DANILOV, G.G.; POLEZHAYEV,)(gA..- GROSHEV I, M., red.; CHIZHIKOVA,V., t e k hn 7. "Fel . .4 [Utilization of the achievements of science in the agri- cultural practice of Mordovia] Dostizheniia nauki - v praktiku zemledeliia Yordovii. Saransk, Mordovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 119 P. (MIRA 17:3) (POLEZUYEV# Ye.F. Peculiarities of the conditioned reflex before and following AB automaiization. Trudy Vses. ob-va fiziol., biokhim. i farm. 4:63r7l 159. (HIRA 14:2) 1. Kafedra fiziologii Ryazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni, I.P. Pavlova (zav. kafedroy prof. P.K. Anokhin). (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) 17(1) AM HOR: Polezhayev, Ye. F. SOV/20-123-1 -55/54 TITLE2 The Conditioned Postural Reflex as a Special Reaction Within the Interval Between the Application of Stimuli (Uslovnyy poznyy refleks kak bpetsiallnaya reaktsiya v intervale primeneniy razdrazhitelya) FERIODICALs Dokladjy Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 1, pp 204 207 (USSR) ABSTRAM The study of questions concerning the analysis of complex performance of the animal organism in individual reactions of independent significance allows to determine with which special reaction the organism is concerned in every given moment. Furthermore, the dynamics of central processes can be combined with the interrelationship between various special reactions caused by corresponding stimuli. The paper under review is concerned with the characteristics of behavior of the test animals between the application of conditioned stimuli. The author asked the question whether this behavior can be interpreted in terms of a conditioned reflex which follows the general laws of cortical activity. The investiga- Card 1/4 tions were carried out in a room for conditioned reflexes. The Conditioned Postural Reflex as a Special SOV/20-123-1-55/50 Reaction Within the Interval Between the Application of Stimuli In several dogs conditioned food reactions were developed, in others conditioned defence reactions. Secretion of saliva was recorded by a kymograph; moreover, the contraction of the left hind leg as a response to a pain stimiilus and finally head movement and respiration were recorded. Also an electro- encephalogram EEG was recorded, the recording mechanism of which was synchronized with the kymograph. Results: At first the dog was accustomed to the stand to which it was tied with a harness. The EEG showed desynchroni- zation until the dog had calmed down. During the subsequent developing of the conditioned food and defence reflexes the EEG and respiration showed similar changes as in accustoming to the stand. Discussion of the Results: Even the fact of "accustoming" proves that it is impossible to achieve a calm behavior of the dog in the stand "at once". The dog displays the "freedom reflex" and tries to free itself. After this has been repeated every day, the "freedom reflex" is obliterated, while Card 2/4 the complex of stimuli (appearance of the room and the stand; The Conditioned Postural Reflex as a Special SOV/20-123-1-55/56 Reaction Within the Interval Between the Application of Stimuli fastening of the harness; and the like) conditions a new special reaction which may be interpreted as a postural reflex. As to its conditions of origin it has many similarities to the development of a motor reaction (according to Staritsin- .Patropavlovskiy). In the usual preparation of the dog for the test the postural reflex is developed in its interaction with the freedom reflex. It will still oontinue when other reflexes, e.g. food reflexas, are being developed. Pre- conditions for this are created intentionally. When con- ditioned food reflexes are developed, the organism will be oocupied with various special reflexes at every given moment. In the interval between the application of stimuli the conditioned postural reflex prevails; when, for instance, a food signal is given, the corresponding conditioned reaction will be formed. In case of over-lapping (perekrytiye) the stimulus used for this purpose will be related to the focus of stimulation most intensive at the moment. This will be the food reaction inspite of feeding being finished. There- Card 3/4 fore, the overlapping stimulus is related to the latter and The Conditioned Postural Reflex as a Special SOV/20-123-1-55/5 Reaction Within the Interval Between the Application bf Stimuli stimulates it. As it will not be corroborated, the food reaction is obliterated. The author draws the conclusion that the special reaction which was developed during accustom- ing the dog to the stand, the conditioned postural reflex, dominates in the interval between the stimuli and should be drawn into consideration in the analysis of the mechanisms of cortical activity. There are 2 figures and 4 Soviet references. PRESENTED: June 27, 1958, byL. A. Orbeli, Academician SUBMITTED: June 23, 1958 Card 4/4 NAGORNYY, Aleksandr Vasillyevich, prof. (deceased); NIKITIN, V.!,.; BULANKIN, Ivan Nikolayevich (deceased]; SIRDTININ, N.N.J. prof.; MAKHINIKO, V.I., dots.; PARINA, Te.V., dots.; POLEZHAYEV To F red.; LYUDKOVSKAYA, N.I., tekhn. red. [Problems of aging and longevity] Problems. stareniia i dol- goletiia. Moskva, Yedgiz, 1963. 754 p. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Nagorny). 2. Aka- demiya nauk Ukr. SSR (for Bulankin). 3. Deystvitellnyy chlen MIN SSSR (for Sirotinin). (AGING) (IDNGEVITY) LAZARIS, Yakov Aronovijph; SEREBROVSKAYA, Irina Alekseyevna; POLEZHAYEV, Ye.F., red.; .BASIHMAKOV, G.M., tekhn. red. A%WNMWMWAW INOwl- [Pulmonary circulation) LegoChnoe kTovoobrashchenie. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 242 p. (PUI~-IONARY CIRCULATION) (M RA 16:9) DIONESOVj Semen Maksimilianovich; POLEZHAYEV,_ Ye.F. red. -; MIRONOVA, A.M., tekhn.-red.; BEL'Ciffk-OVA, iu.S.,, tekhn. red. . -- [Pain and its effect on the human and animal organism) Boll i as vliianie na organizm cheloveka i zhivotnogo. 2. izd., ispr. i dop. Moskva,, Medgiz, 1963. 358 p. (MIRA 16:5) (PAIN) PLATONOV, Konstantin Ivanovich; POLEZRAYEV, Ye.F., red.; ROMANOVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. [Word as a physiological,and therapeutic feLator; problems of the theoz7 and practice at.-psychotherapy based on I.P.Pavlov's teaching]Slovo kak fiziologicheakii i lechebnyi. faktor; vop- rosy-teorii i praktiki paikhoterapii na osnove ucheniia I.P. Pavlova. Izd.3. a n0otorymi dop. i izmereniiami. Moskva, Medgiz., 1962. 531 P-' (MIRA 16:2) (PSYCHOTHERAPY) 41 KOGAN, Aleksandr Borisovich, prof.; SIDOROVA, V.I.. red.izd-va; VORONINA, R.K., (Principles of the physiology of the higher nervous activityj Oanovy fiziologii vysshei nervnoi doiatellnosti. Moskva, Gas. Izd-vo 'Vysshain sl*ola,o 1959. 542 p. (MIRA 13:4) (WVOUS SYSTAK) POLE MA-YEV,,. Ye. F. Initial state of the cerebral hemispheres in a chronic explr--riment. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.2:489-492 N 163. (AURA 16:12) 1. TSentrallnyy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Bakulovym. PGLZZMYBV, Ye.F. Novelty ao a sti=1us in special reactions. Biul. eksp. biol. nod. 47 no.2:9-14 F 159. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Iz kafedry klinicheek-oy i eksperimentallnoy fiziologii (zav. - deystvitelf'nyy chlen ANN SSSR V.V. Parin) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. - prof. V.P. Ijebedeva). Moskva. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSR T.V. Parinym. (RXFLIKO novalty aa stimulus in special reflex-reactions (Rae)) AUTHOR., Pol,ezhayevf Ye. F. SOV/2o-126-4-61/162 TITLE: Peculiar Features of Cortical Coordination in Case of External Inhibition (Osobennosti korkovoy koordinatsii pri vneshnem tormozhenii) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19510, Vol 126, TIr 4, pp gog - 912 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A simultaneous application of irritations, each one of which has a different signal- or unconditional importance, causes an external inhibition. Its origir is determined by an antagonistic interaction between functionally incompatible reactions (Ref 5). The investigation of the said interaction is easy in case of a collision between a defensive reaction (worked out accord- ing to Petropavlpvskiy) and a nutritive reaction. For it is possible to record the specific components of these two re- flexes. A comparison of the electroencephalograms (EEG) of the somatic and vegetative components of the said reflexes makes it possible to determine how the interrelation of their excitability changes, i.e. the condition of the cortical coor- dinates can be studied. When on the background of a conditio- Card 1/4 nal defensive reaction (caused by a metronome) meat is shown Peculiar Featuresof Cortical Coordination in Case of SOV/2o-126-4-61/62 External Inhibition to a dog, a discord appears in his behavior. He lowers his paw, strives for the meat, lifts his paw again; a flow of saliva sets in. A strained character of the respiration compo- nents is observed at the same time: an increase in the inspira- tory level, a higher respiration frequency, deep brcathing in and out. The intensity of the orientation reflex increases. Finally, after several repetitions of the joint application of irritations, the defensive reaction dominatest the dog, strives for the meat more rarely or not at all (Fig 1 A). After C, several days of eXDeriment, a new stage appears: showing the meat does not produce any change in the sozatic and veSetative components of the defensive reaction. The orientation reflex loses considerably in intensity. The EEG does not chan.-e now, or the synchronization degree increases slightly (Fig 1 B). After a repeated application togethcr with the defpnsive signal, the meat was shown separately without the use of the metronome. This should clarify what impcrtance the nutritive irritation had attained. Now the dog reacted to the meat just as to a pain signal: the defensive reaction originated at once. Card 2/4 The author investiSated the antagonistic interaction between Pecualiar Features of Cortical Coordination in Caue of SOV/2o-126-',!-0'1/62 External Inhibition various si)ecial reactions: nourishment, defence, attitude, biologic caution, vomiting, seekizig, liberty. In all cases, the order of phenomeria and the character of change in the EEG, in respiration and the orientation reflex, were the same. This points to the fact, during the antagoni3tic interaction, a stage occurs in which both tile competing reactions attain a hiah level of excitability in the cerebral cortex. 2 irrita- tion systems act there at the same time, each one of which is characterized by a special rhythm. This explains the discord in the behavior, the desynchronization in the EEG et al. The intensive excitation of the two competing. reactions, a con- flict-like nature of the inhibition, the straining of the orientation reflex, and the mobilization of its central effect demand a corresponding supply of energy. This explains the straining of the vegetative components in the conflict stage. The same act is porformed at normal vegetative components when the excitability of the competing reaction decreases, since in the stage of developed coordination the demand for supply of energy is reduced accordingly. There are 2 figures and 8 Card 3/4 Soviet references. Peculliar Features of Cortical Coordination in Case of SC)V/--,o- 126 -1" - 1, 1/62 External Inhibition ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (Central Institate for Perfection of Physicians) PRESBETED: February 19, 1959, by A. N. Bakulev, Academician SUBMITTED: JanuarY 59 1959 Card 4/4 AUTHOR: Polozhayev, Ye. F. SOV/20-126-5-68/69 TITLE: On Cortical Coordination in the Case of Transition to Sleep and Awakening (0 korkovoy koordinataii pri perekhode v son i probuzhdenii) PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 5, PP 1149 - 1152 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Several stimulations come in temporary relation with the sleep- ing state. Although the conditional somnifacient reaction is a familiar appearance the formation mechanism is not yet clear. The cortical mechanism of the formation of a temporary rela- tion is universal for any process in the organism (Ref 11 ). But it is not applicable for the analysis of the conditional som- nifadient reaction because the cortical cells are in state of restriction during the sleep (Ref 11). The elaboration of the said reaction, its analysis etc. (Refs 1,4,5100,13,18119122-25) make the opinion of S. P. Botkin (Ref 5) and I. R. Tarkhanov (Ref 18) credible according to which the sleep is a specific reflex. Its central organisation consists (as for example the nutrition reflex) obviously of a topographic branched system Card 1/4 of nerves formations. The elaboration of the said reaction tes- On Cortical Coordination in the Case of Transition SOV120-126-5-6al6g to Sleep and Awakening tifies that a cortical representation is a part of this reflex. This opinion enables to utilize the dominant mechanism common for the cortical activity in the sleep analysis which encloses at the same time the participation of the irritation and the restriction. The transition to the sleep taken place under con- ditions of an antagonistic alternating effect between the sleep reflex and the reflexes of the awake state. Consequently this transition in reached in consequence of a cortical coordina- tion. The gradual alteration of the relations of the excitabi- lity of these reflexes operates in a characteristic way on the electro enzophalogram (EEG). This makes possible the determina- tion of the peculiarities of their cortical coordination (pigs 1 k-D). In the behaviour of an animal a wavelike falling asleep can be observed: once slumber, once awake state. Further stages are coming about during the slumber (which is usually accompa- nied by a EEG-desynchronimation) at which a weak stimulation deepens the sleep in one case but in an other it calls back the organism into the wake state. (Fig 2). But in both cases the EEG-dasynchronisation in replaced by a synchronination. Hence Card 2/4 it follows that in the slumber a relatively high and an approx- On Cortical Coordination in the Case of Transition SOV/20-126-5-68/69 to Sleep and Awakening imately equal excitability level exists of the sleeping reflex competing with one another and of any reflex of the s,wake state. This means that some cortical cells are seized by the excitation of this or that reflex of the awake state possess- ing a certainrhythm whilet other calls are seized by the exci- tation of the sleep reflex possessing quite an otherztWthm. Hence the desynchronisation on the BEG follows. If the excita- bility of the reflexes competing with the sleep reflex decreas- es considerably the most cortical cells are in an excitation state of the same3tWthm belonging to the sleep reflex. There- forethe synchronization arises on the REG. The observations described lead to the conclusion that the normal sleep is a typical signal - or warning reaction on account of the parti- oipation of the cortical level. It arises before the cortical cells are.exhausted and injurious.products are accumulated in the organism. The conditional sleep bringing reflex is based on the excitation, contains a coordination restriction and follows the laws of the conditional reflectoric activity re- presenting a common rule for all cortical reactions. There are Card 3/4 On Cortical Coordination in the Case of Transition SOV/20-126-5-68/69 to Sleep and Awakening 2 figures and 25 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: TsentralInyy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (Central Institute of Perfection of the Physicians) PRESENTED: February 9, 1959, by A. N. Bakulev, Academician SUBMITTED: January 5, 1959 Card 4/4 TITATU7, Aleksey Asinkritovich-, DEBOV, S.S.. red.; POLBUHAYEV, Ye.F., red.; RAIJ)INA, N.F., 1. .-- - I- ..,- I- [Antisympathin] Antisimpatin. Moskva, GosAzd-vo med.lit-ry, 1960. 151 p. (MIRA 13:6) (ANTISYMPATHIN) PETROVSKIY, Vladimir Viktorovich; FOLEZHAYEV, Ye.F., red.; ZUYEVA, tekhn. red. - I [Role of the lymphatic vessels in blood circulation] 0 roli lisfati- cheskikh sosudov v krovoobrashchenii. Foskva, Gos. izd-vo med. lit- ry Medgiz,-1960. 149 P. (MIRA 14:7) (BWOD-CIRCULATION) (IaFPHATICS) LETAVET, A.A., prof.i red.; KOSIGOV, S.A., prof., doktor biolog.nauk, red.; ZOLINA, Z.M., kand.biolog.nauk, red.; KRAPIVINTS3VA, S.I., kand. med.nauk, red.; OKHNYANSKAYA, L.G.,, red.; PAVLOVA, T.N.. red. (deceased]; POLICZHAM, Ye.F., red.; ZARRAROVA, A.I., [Materials on the physiological basis of working processes] Mate- rialy k fiziologich8Bkomu obosnovaniiu trudovykh protsessov. Pod obahchei -red. A.A.Letsveta i S.A.Kosilova. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med. lit-ry, 196o. 286 p. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. Institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy. 2. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii medi- tainakikh nauk SSSR (for Letavet). 3. Institut gigiyeny truds i profzabolevaniy ANN SSSR (for Kosilov. Zolina. Krapivintseva, Okhnyanakaya, Favlova). (IMSTRIAL HYGIM) (PHTSIOLOGT) MAE ObW, Akop Arta she sovich;--)~PLJ~?HAYET, Te.P., red.; LAUT, T.G. , - [me.rvous regiilation of blood coarilation] Nervnaia regulistaiis avertyvaniia krovi. Moskva, Ixd-vo Akad.podagog.nauk RSFSR, ig6o. 375 P. (MM 13:5) (BLOCD--COAGULATICK) BUSH7=A, K.A., dotsent; POLEMYEV, Ye.F., dotsent; SBMZMCKO, A.D., assistent Studying reflex thresholds of atmospheric pollution by electro- encephalography. G1g.i san. 25 no.1:57-61 Ja 160. WRA 13:5) 1. Iz kafedry kommunallnoy giglyany i kafedry klinicheekoy i eksperimentalinoy fiziologil TSentrallnogo institute. usover- shenetvovaniya varobey. (POLLUTION) (MMMOIMPHALOGRAPHT) POLSZHAYEV, Te.F. Phasic changes in the UG as an index of the formation of cortical coordination. Fiziol.zbw. 46 no.1:26-36 ja 160. (MIRA 13-5) 1. Nom the Department of clynical and experimental physiology of the central advanced training institute for doctors, Moscow. (ORR RAL CORTIZ physiol.) (BLICCTROMZMWGRAPHT) BUSHTUYEVA, K.A.; POLEZRAYEV, Ye.F.; SE,',IEITNKOf A.D. Effect of subliminal olfactor7 ati=lation on reflex &cti7~!t7. Fiziol. zhur. 46 no. 4:452-457 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. From the Department of Clinical and Experimental Physiology and Department of Co=minial Hygiene# Central Institute for Medical Improvementf Moscow. (ELECTROENGEPHALOGRAPHY) (SMELL) BUSHTUYEVA, K.A.; ~OLEZHAYEV Ye.F.; SEMZENENKO; A,.D. Changpivin optic chronazy and the electroencepbalogram caused by the use of substances acting on the triguminal nerve endings. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. lp9 no-3:65-69 Mr '60. (PEU 14: 5) 1. Iz kafedry klinicheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziologii (zav. - deystvitellnyy cheld AMN-SSSR V.V.Parin) i kafed.ry kommunallnoy gigiyeny (zav. - prof. V.A-.Rvazanav) TSentrallnogo institi*a usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. - M.D..Kovrigina), Moskva. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR V.V.Parinym. (TRIGEMINAL NERVE) (OPTIC NERVE) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY) FEDOSEYEV, A. N. POIZZRAYEV, Ye.F. Prcillis, it es f-cortICAI-d-oordination in dogs in experimental atherosclerosise Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 49 no. 6:47-54 Je 160. (K[RA 13:8) 1. Iz kafedry Irlinicbeskoy i ekBperimentallnoy fiziologii (zav. - deystv. chlen AMN &WR V.V. Parin) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovazaya vrachey (dir, M.D. Kovrigina)e Predstavlena deystv. chlenom AMN SSSR V.V. Parinym. ACEMRAL CORTEX) (ARTERIOSCIEROSIS) (EIZCTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY) POLEZHAYEV. Ye-F---, Effect of aminazine and adrenalin in small doses on the formation, of cortical coordinations. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 60 no.5:568-576 '60. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Kafedra klinicheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. V.V. Parin) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. (CHLORPROMAZINE phammeol) (EPINEPHRINE) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) PETUKHOVA, G.N.; PETUKHOV, B.N.; POLEZHAYEV, Ye.F. Effect of gminnzin on reflex anctivities of varied complexity. Zhur.nevr.-4 poikh 60 no.8:994-1001 160. (MUA 13:9) 1. Kafedra, klinicheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. V.V. Parin) TSentrallnogo inatituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. (CHLORPROMAZINE) (REFU=S) SOROKFITIN, Georgiy Nikolayevich; POIZZHAYEV, Ye.F., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekbn. red. [Ator,T of the nerve center] Atoniia nervnogo tsentra. Moskva Medgiz, 1961. 309 P. (MIRL 14:U~ (WERVOUS SYSTEM) PIATONOV, Konstantin Konstantinovich; POIEZMEV,Ye.F., red.; GABERLMD, M.I., tekbn. red. [Psycbology of labor] Voprosy psikh6logii truda. Yoskva, Medgiz, 1962. 218 p. (MIRA 15:4) (PSYCHOL07, -INDMRM) GAMBARYAN, Leon Sarkisovich; FOLEZHAYEV, Ye.F., red.; MA=.LEVA, M.M., tekhn. red. [Problems of the physiology of the motor analyser; an experimental investigation) Voprosy fiziologii dvigatellnogo analizatora; ekslo-rimentallnoe issledovanie. Moskva, Kedgiz, 1962 238 p. (MIRA 15:5) iCONDITIONED RESPONSE) (MOM2NT (PBYSIOLOCM)) LAMUS, Ya.A.; SEREBROM,AYA, I.A.; POLEUMEV, Ye.F., red.; ROFMOVA, Z.A., tekhn. (Pulmonary edera] Otok logUkh. Yoskva, Eedgiz, 1962- 368 D. (MIM 15-4) (PUIVIONAlff EDEMA) "I CHUKHLA]qTSEV., V.G.; POLEZHAYEV, Yu.M. Reaction of ium zirconium silicate with water under hydrothermaAnditions. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.6:1358-1362 Je t63 (MIRA 17:8) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Kirova. POLEZHAYEV, Yu.M.; CHUKHLANTSEV, V.G. W1-1- i.- -~~ I - ~ I , I- Interaction of sodium zirconsolicate with water. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.5:1123-1128 My 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Ll', FZHAYEV, Yu.M. c, n c, f s i rC 3 r -11,~tE of the hydrctheru i-i,ium. Zhur. neorg. kb`m. 10 n3.7~158c-1597 (M--RA Ural^skiv politekhnachesic-fy jr,=tjt-ut imeni S~M. Ki-o,,,R. POLEZHAYEV, Yu.M.; CRUKHLANTSEEV, V.G. Triangulation of the system Na20 - ZrO2 - S102- 74-v- 'I; SSSR. Neorg. mat. 1 no.11:1990-1993 N f65- (MIRA 18:12) 14 Urallski-y politekhnicheski-y institut imeni S.M. Kirova, Sverdlovsk. Submitted June 19, 1965. Li2S!0.1; 1j).Ll2ZrOi-LiiSlOi;*1Z) I ~- ~ ~ ,:y .., . - POLEZHAYEVI Yu.M.; CHUKBLANTSEV, V.G. Subsolidus structure of the sptem L120 - Z--C~2- - 2!C;z-- -zT- LN Neorg. mat. 1 no.5:781+-787 My 165. (ME-Ulk 18:10) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Kirova. CHUHLOUSEV, yI sc~ji--,n haftyl sillcata --r,pj~ ais. 1;7v,. -97s. v,;hev. -,a-v.; khln. 1. khim. takh. 8 o. 3 0 197--3 60 t 65. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Urallskiy pol-ItAklinicheskiy imeni Kirova, kafedra razilok-himii. T/V,'H/JD/W- /JG/GD JP(C) L 06293-67 D1T(m)/EKP(e)/BWP(t)/3r1 :1 JA ACC NR: AT6027149 SOURCE CODE: uR/oooo/65/000/OOO/O217/0i2O AUTHORI Polezhayev, Yu. M.; Ust'yantsevp V. M. ORG: none TITLES Phase transformations of zjrconium dioxide s a V-eparating during the thermal d comoositiontof NaHZrSiO5 (effect of prior pro SOURCEt AN SSSR. Otdoleniye obshchey i tekhnichaskoy khimii. Issledovaniya v oblasti khimii silikatov i okislov (Studies in the field of chemistry of silicates and oxide4% Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 217-220 TOPIC TAGS: zirconium compound,, phase transition, refractory ABSTRACT: A study of the phase transformations of ZrO2 present in a mixture with ZrS1207 was carried out with aid of high-temperatu-ru'x-ray phase analysis on a t K50I diffractometer provided with a heating attachment. The heating rate was 8 deg/min. It was found that the low-temperature tetragon&l ZrO2 which separates during the thermal decormosition of NaHZrSiO on heating changes directly into the high-tem- perature tetragonal form, and the latier changes into the monoclinic form on cooling. As the pressure of the prior prassing of the specimens rises, the temperature at which these transformations be n drops. It is concluded that polymorphic transformations of ZrO,7 in re ractoriezan be prevented if it is mixed wJ'h a suitable material hav- ing a small coefficient of thermal expansion and good sintering properties, such an card 1/2 WNW I L 06293-67 FAdC NRt AT6027149 1411&505. Orig. art. hass 2 figures and i table. SUB CODE, 07/ SUBM DATE: 05()ct64/ ORIG REFt 003/ OTH IREP: 004 0 Card 2/2 ~,, r v - .- , ; " Hjo N , Y%4.V . N on-~t a I, -icinary me- :- --." a viscous --- n a a-: i -. I noli-ni.. ',~'bor. rab. Ti': 163. ( ,,~ -, r~ I,; 'i " t 4 1 ,ACCtSSION NR: AP4000398 S/0294/63/001/001/0033/00,18 AUTHOR: Polezhayev, Yu. V. TITLE: Utilization of experiments in nonsteady state mass transfer fo r determining the thermal conductivity ar~~ other thermophy sical prope-rtics of vitreous heat-shield4ng materials SOURCE: Teplofizika -vy*sokikh temperatur, v. 1, no. 1, 1963, 331-318 TOPIC TAGS: shield, quartz glass, ablation, mass transfer, rocket, missile, stagnation point, high temperature, thermal con- ductivitv, ablative heat shield, glass, cooling, ablative heat trans- fer, bal 14 st-c rocket, ballistic mossle _L L..L r, - A3STRACT: It is shourn, that experiments in Vnich the nonstationary ablation of cruartz glass is investigated (for the purpose of develop- ingj heat shielding materials --for roexets, and missiles) contradict calcul'ations in i-inich "lo-w tem;De--ature" values of the thermal con- ductivity a Ire used. It is Pointed out that in order to determine the ther-nophysical properties of viscous materials with the aid of ex.periments on nonstationan7 mass removal., it is necessary to mea- Cord 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4000.398 sure the t1me variation of the leading critical point, the station- ary values of the mass velocity of fusing, and the surface tempera- ture. A method is proposed -or determining the thermophysical pro-. perties of material wit-h-the aid of a "summary" nonst-ationary aero- dynamic experiment, which is a modification of the experiment de- L. (JASS, 27, No. 7, 1960). It is shown that scrLbed bv Adams et a!. I-, unlike thermal condu,ctivitv, ,-he variation of the specific heat does 'influence the character of the nonstationary heating and the not melting of the viscous materlals, whi-c'n is determined completely by t-lie arithmetic mean of the specific heat. Inasmuch as the 4~ffect of an -inc--ease i- the SpeC4 f46 heat on the s-a-ionarv value' -of' 'the sur- face temperature offsets that of an increase in vispo's"ity,' these parameters can be determined fronm the known thermal conductiv.~ ,y and measure6 values of the stagnation temperaturb the ablation rate- ':~he accuracv with which the specific hqlLt, and the Viscosity Y_11~ 1111 ~ are determined 6epends essentially on the acclArc y''with which the ._ ~Ic surface temperature is in. e a s u r e 6Th e e 'L -f-i (n cV o f - ciE the met:hod can Card 2/3 A_CC"7SST0N XR:. AP4000398 0 be improved by determin4-ng one of -he parameters by a different in- deT3endent method (I'or eya:-,pie, by measuring the specific heat cal- orime-r~callv). "In concluslion, the aut-hor is grateful to V. L As' hra-ova, %,~io perforined all the calc-alations with I e eleczron4c coiiputer." Orig. art. has: 5 rEigures and 7 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: OGMay63 SUB CODE: AS DATE ACQ: 13Dec63 NO REF SOV: 003 ENCL: 00 OTHER: .004 Ccrd 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4041411 S/0179/64/000/003/0003/0008 AUTHOR: Polezhayev, Yu. V. (Moscow) TITLE: Theoretical analysis of non-stationary heating and disintegration of fiberglass C, i reinforced plastic near the critical point SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Melchanika i mashinostroyeniye, no. 3, 1964, 3-8 TOPIC TAGS: plastic, reinforced plastic, fiberglass plastic, plastic ablation pattern, nonstationary disintegration, thermophysical parameter effect, heat shielding material, plastic ablation rate, plastic charring process, surface temperature pattern, resin carbon. value, fused film viscosity ABSTRACT: A schematic model is presented for the nonstationary disintegration of a complex glassine material (i. e., fiberglass plus an organic binder), taldng into con- sideration the reaction kinetics for the thermal decomposition of the binder (see Fig. 1 in the Enclosure). The author analyzes the interaction of fusion and charring processes and demonstrates the effects of individual thermophysical parameters on surface temperature and rate of ablation of the heat shielding material. A number of expressions are formulated 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4041411 for the conservation of energy, the motion of fused film, the flow of gaseous charring pro- ducts, the conservation of ma,-,6, as well as initial and boundary conditions. In view of their essential non-linearity, these expressions were computer-programmed for numerical calculations. It is concluded that the carbon value of the resin and viscosity of the fused film exert significant effects on the ablation process. Changes in thermophysical para- meters produced greater effects on rate of ablation than on surface temperature. N~ver- theless, the determining effects were exerted by the weight concentration and carbon value of the resin and the viscosity of the fused film. The peak effect of the process of thermal decomposition on specific heat of disintegration applies to high pressure of gas in t:he on- rushing flow or to minor thermal fluxes. The disintegration parameters for fiberglass reinforced plastic approach the values for homogeneous glass as the stagnation tempera- tares increase. Orig. art..'has: 5 graphs and 20 equations. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 15Jan63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: MT NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 005 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4041411 ENCLOSURE: 01 2.5 a) OXP 1.35 (D Figure 1. L - fused glass film, C - porous charred resin, R - decomposition zone, U - material at temperatures below phase conversion levels Card 3/3 POLEZRAYEV, Yu.V. (Moskva) Calculation of the unsteady mel4ing of a viscous glass- %. y material. Izv.AN SSM.Otd.tekh.nauk.Nbkh.i mashinostr. no-3-.9-15 W-Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Malting) -0 1, YU.v. (moscow) I'An analysis of non-stationary fracture of filre glass reinforced -pla-Eticsil Report rresented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical =4 Arplied Mechanics, Moscow 29 Jail - 5 Feb 64. ACCESSION NR: AP4024187 8/0294/64/000/001/0032/0038 AUTHOR: Polezhave, Yu. V. TITLE: Effect of non-equilibrium vaporization and dissociation of vapors on the mass erosion parameters of vitreous beat-insulating kmaterials SOURCE: Teplofizik& vy*sokikh temperatur, no. 1p 1964, 32-38 TOPIC TAGSt silicon dioxide,*.quartz glass, vaporization tomperatuio, nonequilibrium evaporation, nonequilibrium vapor dissociation, vitreous heat insulating material, erosion parameter, mass erosion parameter, vitreous material vaporization ABSTRACT: The investigation was motivated by the din,-parity between the heat of vaporization.of SiO 2 (9500 kJ/kg) and tl~e amount of beat absorbed by a unit mass of quartz glass boated to the vaporization temperature (about.1/3 tha heat of the silicon-di=Ldo). Zf it~ia ;Card .1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4024187 assumed that vaporization is accompanied by an endothermal reaction of vapor dissociation, this study becomes of great importance to the calculation of the effective destruction of a vitreous material, and to the accuracy with which the rate of evaporation is determined. A system of 7 equations is set up for the rate of evaporation and for the various partial pressures of the components, and is solved I by successive approximation on a high-speed electronic computer, using published thermodynamic data. The nonstationary erosion of quartz glass, with exact account of the evaporation kinetics, was compared with the approximate formulas and it is found that the exact calculation gives results 10--20% higher for the rate of fusion of the quartz glass and 1--2% higher for the surface temperature. With increasing pressure on the outside of the boundary layer, the tem- perature of the fused surface layer increasess and the difference be--~ tween the approximate value of the partial vapor pressure and the exact one decreases, but the total per-unit heat of evaporation begins to deviate more from the exact values. The effect of varykng 1. Card.. 2/3 I !ACCESSION NR: AP4024187 isome of the parameters is discussed, as are the differences between ,the present calculations and earlier more approximate calculations ^iekhn. n. Ser. -Mekbanika i mashi- iby the author (Izv. AN SSSR- Otd. inostroyeniye" no. 3, 1963).- Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 23 formu- las. 1ASSOCIATION: None SUBYLITTED: 19.Tul63 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: 00 !SUB CODE: MA, PH NR REF SOV: 004 OTHERt 001 Card 3/3 Pui,EZHAYiN, ~U.V. (MOSRva) Thonre!Acal fjzjnlyb4.~, of thi! ror,-0,biAonary jAqt4j~.g tinrl of glass rolnf,-,r~:od pla-stil7s nuar Litt) rriLit-o'-L p'c'."Ilt. lwv. AN 11 11. Makh. 1 masidnasLr. nc.1-'~-8 My-le '64~ (.'t.1 -, 1, '1 1 ~- , -7 1 1 ~Ni - - - - I - " _L`24238-w65 EPF(c)/EPR/EPA(.s)_2/M-1G (v)/EWP(j )/E,.,IT(M)/FCS/EVIP(b)/T/E;WA(1)/EWP(p) Pc;.4rPe_5-7Pi_4/rr-4/Ps-4 IMIKI S/P179/64/ODO/005/0157/0161:* . ACMSION 1IR t Ap5ow6w AUMOR.--pole zbv*". t Yu. On the Wluenoe-of t'ho.-rate cf: thermal dissociation on -the process of nonstationary fraotuke -of fiber-glass reinforced lastics P -SOMM'. --AH SSSR.- Izvei3tJ,*a*: Nekhanik& 1~"w maehinoetroreniy 0* 5t 1964P 157e-.161 fi er ~glaa -.kineticat-viaeosity b a, plastiop thermal ..deoomi6sitiont ABSTRACT t.- This eta Ay involves-the-interaotio Abetween --the processes of-- thermal- dissociation of the organic,bonde and the fusion of the vitreous fillers auging -the fracture Of""fiber-glaes- reinforced ~jastics under the action of a high-temperature 9" flow.X'9 The numerical solutions of i~_O' differ4litial equa- 77fi7on-Fiirb study the influe Ince of the kinetics of thermal dinoooiation on the basic parameters of fraoture.. A pbaroical . modiol similar to those of N. Beecher and .R*,Ro,9ew*eig (Ablation mechanisms in plastics with inorganio reinforcement. ARS Journalt 196!v 31 j Ito. - 6) aud of S. M. Scala and L. M. Gilbert (Thermal degradaticm- of -w-charforming plastic. during bypersonio flight. ARES Journal, 1962, problem. -The equation ~329:306 4) wavdeveloped for the theoretical study of." Ps N w ere Y is the give n by IOV "d- "M -- IV) .of motion of*the film of th _06rd A CC--- ---vt-a th veloo a el -to the normsa Mp=en.. 0 8 ityp: x inA-Y'.are -the cooidinat s-_paralj tanSVnt a33A the, nornal to the iurfaoe:of fracture respectively, /,c Is the viscosity the vitreous part Of the Melty 'r isi-the aerodynamic atrees on the surface, and W -the heated-layers-The energy ooneervation p is thepressurs on the outside of, 44Uat ~ . .-e -.1. . d >.- are ion is given:,by 01 Or , I*, p-where /09 or an the density$ specific, heat# and thermalconductivity respecti*ely. Here subscript __2:refer6 to the effective valve in the porous mediumy and subscript g refers to the volatile products resulting.,~ftom the Aissociation., The conservation of mass is givow by. ~ '51V, Air + V h)"expW, PR__ -e---th ____dmdiV An h=l- i- i i where an /0U ar e R VU P0 the-reaction zone. and the initi-sil"' deinisiV iespective4.. These equations are solved to get the coking gas concentration, the temperature. of the meltj and the rate of reaction for varicus.times. 'It was fa=d thato corresponding to each cok ing temper4turep-there we W E/k. The effootof re I o."s of-values.of B.andA the kinotio'constant is to set 110ts on the.operating ranp of the coking tivp6ritures OAgs art* haso 9"6juationep 5 figareol and I tablee :2/3 c crj L 21986-66 EWP(e WEIVT WITIMP (J )/Eta (m) -6/EWA (-l,)' J_ UP(c). . IG/;V71/RM__1 ACCESSION NR: AP5025988 UR/0294/65/003/005/0731/0739 536. 422*. 1:546. 284 AUTHOR: V, Yu. V. (A4ACIA)) TITLE: The mutual effect of evaporation, combustion, and coking processes during disintegration in a high temperature stream of gas SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh tempera&lur, v. 3, no. 5, 1965, 731-739 TOPIC TAGS: insulating material, thermal decomposition, resin, silicon dioxkb! w 4L-/ combustion, high temperature oxidation, A"T' hwzt' AIBSTRA CT- The article considers the disintegration of a composite heat insulat-~ ing mate riaiiconsistinLg of an organic binder (resin) and ai inorganic filler. The article considers only prpeesses taking place in the gaseous boundary layer direct- ly adjacent to the surfacerof the body. in a first approximation, the products of the thermal decomposition of the organic binder can be considered to be solid porous carbon (coke) and gaseous carbon monoxide. Three gaseous components penetrate through. the surface of the body into the boundary layer in the decompo-; sition process: 1) volatile products of the thermal decom'Position o -f the resin; 'Cor.d.112 J~_ L 21986-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5025988 2) evaporating molecules of silicon dioxide; and, 3) coinbustion prmittcts of solid carbon (coke). The velocities of t-iethrce processes are mutually iioorconnected.i Based on mathematical relationships established between the three pt -ocesses, the article offers a sample calculation for the case of the decomposition of a glass plastic with a resin 'Weight content of 307o and a coking number of 0. 5, in a! stream of high temperature air. In this. case, the following components are present on the surface of the body.- oxygen, atomic oxygen, nitrogen, silicon diox~, ide, silicon monoxide, and carbon monoxide. A specn.d mathernatical program is also given for calculation of the overall heat effect ,' %he s,wiacc reactions and the molecular weight and partial pressure of the evapo 'ration peoducts. Orig. art. has: 13 formulas and 5 figures ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 04Sep64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE:, /117-0 NR REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 000 1, Card 2/ 2tj /n, .411, L 4)207-66 1-,W __WZr1W.__A_P6014O67 CODE': UR/0294 664166i/ol - 610 - 1 22 AUTHORS: Gorskiyt V. V. (Moscow); Polezhayev, Yu. V. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Some characteristics connected with the flow of a film of melt SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v- 4, no. 2, 1966, 218-227 TOPIC TAGS: melting, quartz, fluid viscosity, boundary value problem, specific heat, boundary layer, flow characteristic ABSTRACT: The steady-state melting of a vitreous material in a high-temperature gas stream is analyzed. A 'simple approximate calculation method is deveI_op_e_a_f&r__the V-icinity of the critical point and for the lateral surface. The continuity equation wid equation of motion of the viscous Film of melt are: (ru) + (rv) 0, ax Gy a / 011 ap~ .0- JL_ + F., = P~ (X) ay dy ax where u and v are components of the velocity vector; a is the coefficient of vis- I bounaary layer; and Fx are Os'ty; Pe 'a the pressure at the exteimal boundary of the the body forces. The pnergy equation is: Cded 1/2 Tmc! 9-i~.6oi.16 L 4"-207.,66 ~.CC NI, AP6014067 PC U aT -L OT OT ay where 9 is the density; 9 is the specific heat; and ;k- is the thermal conductivity epefficient. These equations, together with the boundary conditions, cover the dtated problem. The error of the proposed a-D roximate method, as co-mpared with accurate numerical calculation, does not exceed a few per cent for the rate of qpxrying away of the mass or 2o in cal,,,ulating the surface temperature (see Fig. I Fig. 1. Relative deviations of approximate rate of fusion from corresponding accurate value as functions of sarface temperature Tw and the parameter n. 1 n (0(/T,)-(1 -T,00/T,); 2 n 0C /Tw gel 49 1 je2 0 0 0 0 0 le W I?"? '?"o Zf -r tog .71? 14 H Fusion of a blunt cone of quartz glass in a hypersonic gas stream showed rapid soli fication. of the film of malt striking the lateral surface of the cone from the side spheric-al blunting. Orig. art. has; 21 formulas and 4 graphs. SO CODE: // :20SUBM DATE: 06Feb65/ ORIG REF. 007/ OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2 at POLEZRAYEV, Yu.V. (Moskva) Use of experiments on unsteady maes transfer in determining the heat conductivity and other thermophysical properties of vitreous heatproof materials. Teplofiz. vys. temp. 1 no-1:33-38 J1-Ag f63. (MIRA 16:10) POI;EZHAYEV, Yu.V. (14oskva) Effect of nonequilibrium vaporization and vapor dissociation on the mass transfer parameters for vitreous heat insulating mater- jals. Teflofiz. vys. temp. 2 no.1:32-38 Ja-F '64. (MIRA 17:3) 'Effect of dhe ra-~-e rr nonstationary 'Izv. LN SSSR l-ekh. i mash-rir)L'.r. "W MOSR/Medicine - Blood Congulants Ma-Y/Jun 53 "The Effect of Pectinic (AnhydropolyL7,:.,lacturonic) j Acid on the Coagulability of Blood, 1. Polez- haycv;.,~Ebiv of Ph,rmcolory, All-Union Sci-!~es Chem- Pharaviceut Inst im S. Ordzhanik:Ldze Far=~.hol i Toksikol, Vol 16, No 3, pp 29-33 Pectinic acla (I) increases the coasulability of blood in normal ~~nirnals (expts on rabbits). I r;--~t COL4," accele -a . ulation of blood in exptl, syn- anthrin-produccd hemophilia of rabbits. I has a low 27(OT37 toxicity (e:rpts on mice). When injected intra- muscularly or sulocut-aneously, I doess not e-zu-t an.. irritratinr! (,-ffect on aniiin~l tissuez (ex-pts on rats). ::70T37 of Ahe, "Data on the Pharmacology of Thiosemicarbazones," by M. D. Mashkovskiy, A. I. Polezhayeva, and M. F. Runova, Khimiya i Meditsina. Tiosemikarbazony (Chemistry and Medicine. Thiosemi- carbazones), MedFiz, Moscow, 1954, pp 98-105 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal--Biologiy , No 9, 10 May 57, Abstract No 39,149) "The investigation of the toxicity of various thiocarbazones in and rats was carried out in order to establish their suitability as drugs for the control of tuberculosis. The maximally tolerated and lethal -doses of the substances were determined. Cuthizone [p-isopropylbenzaldehyde Itliiosemicarbazonel and tibiDne were found to be the more toxic of the .group of thiocarbazones. The maximally tolerated dose of cuthizone by mice was 7 milligrams; the absolute lethal dose for mice was 20 milligrams or 1.25 grams per kilogram body weight. Tibione was found to be approximately so toxic as cuthizone. Neither had an appreciable effect on the blood. No.- I*thological chan a in the organswere exhibited.". (U) 9e POLNUATUA, A.I. Camparative evaluation of dicounarin and neocounarin. ?arm. i toks. 1? no-3:34-40 Ib-Je '54. (KLRA 7:8) 1. Otdol f&rmakologii (zav. prof. N.D.Rashkovskiy) Vaesoiusnogo nauchno-iseltdavatellskogo khimiko-famatsevticheekogo instituta imeni S.Ordzhonikidso. (COUKARIN, derivatives, *biOWdroxycousarin & ethyl biscoumacetMe. comparison) F-- ZIA A r= V.W. . a S. S.1 B=sQ,1?9d Aira11kiP1uihted2cW Formhol. i. Taksikof 18, No. 1. 14-22(19&5); cf. C.A. 48, 7705c(1954).- %Aminazifl (1) (S-0-dimethylauda" rupyt)-Zchlorophcno-/ thia2ine hydrochloride) shows An L.K. for rulce by subeu- 'tuneous administration (U) of 00mg./kg. and intravenously .40mg, Five to 20 min. after 11 clonic Oad tonic-clonic spastris )occur. In doses of t~-10 mg./kg., I causes sedation and drowsi. ness, by lasting =ction oil the "treme stimuli (sound. pain). No toxic effects were observed by repeated H and intra- venously toIttt's cf 5-10 mg.11-g. for 10 days and to dogs 20 Imif-A-g.forlidaA. I decreases blood pressure of narcotized 'dogs and cats by 40-70 mm. - The hypolcusive effect of 5-J0 tux.ft. lasts a abort time Parallel to decrease of blood preksurc. vol. of kidney is d;creased. OnlySmg./kg. causes sorne decrease of pressure effect of bean. linhibits !muscle and nerve cholinergic systents in cats and intestine segment, of rabbit. I countemets acetylcholine, cytisine. and enrbocholine. At 0.6 mg. IAg. in narcotized cat% and ~dugs I munteracts: adrenaline and namdrenuline (0.02 -61,jecreasesandinconcn.10-1, lriconcn.2XIO Stops aCtiOn Of hiStQlaille On Intestine of gulnea pig; 5-10 mg.11,g. of I protected g.-.;inea. pigs against I lethal dose of histamine. - I administered to dogs (10~20 mg./kg.) 20 min.-before 11 of metruiole and camphor, decreases spasms and,mortality and prolongs life, but gives no protection against strychnine (M). I increwes antispasmodic action of pbenobarbital (IV) or Diphenin (V). I has together with IV and V 5ome antispasmodic, activity. against M. I increases narcotic activity of beienall and thiopental lit rats, mlcc~ and dogs and of nembutal in rabbits. linertasts :local anesthetic action of . prt- aine. I lowem temp. of body in rats, rabbits, and dogs. Espec4lly strong effect was observed in animals submitted to '"ternal cooling. 1 (5 rng.^g.) stops vonifting by dogs after 0.1 mg. apornor- philwftg. A. Soncw~at_ POLAZHAYNVAP Hydrocodone phosphate. Ned.-irom. 11 no-11:54-55 N '57. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Vseioyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheakiy institut iment S-Ordzhonikidze. (CWBINOHN) Aft!" 4- _2 POLVZHAYEVA, A. I. Bffects of aminazine on the cough reflex. Farm. i toks. 20 no-3: 55-57 KY-Je '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Otclel farmakologii (sav. - prof. M.D.Maehkovskiy) Vaesoyuznogo nouchno-issleclova tell skogo khimiko-farmatsevticheskogo institute imeni 5.0rdzhonikidze. (CHIMMOKAZINS. effects on cough reflex (Rus)3 (COUGH, experimental, off. of chlorpromazine on cough reflex (Rue)) POLRZRAYRVA, A.I. Iffect of e ters f diDhenylRcetic acid and their derivatives on the coi4,,h r:flex fvlith'summgry in English]. Farm. i toks. 20 no.6:56-60 N-D 157 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Otdel farmakologii (zRv. - -prof. K.D. Kashkovskiy) Vaesoyuznogo -.nuchno-issledovatellskogo khimiko-farmqtE;evticheakogo inBtitutR iaeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (COUGH, experimental eff. of diphenylncetic Reid complex eaters & deriv. (Rua)) (ACETIC ACID, rel. cpds. diphenylacetle acid complex eaters, eff. on cough reflex (Rua)) (MUSCLZ RELAXANTS, effects same) M&SHKOVSKIY, M.D.; POLEZH&YNV~A.~.I. On the pharmacology of imizin (tofranil), a now neurotropic substance. Zhur.nevr. i Paikh. 59 no.8:964-971 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Otdol farmakologit (zav. - prof. M.D. Hashkovskiy) VBeS0Yuzn0go nauchno-issladovatellskogo khimiko-farmatsevticheakogo instituta imani S. Ordzhonikidze, Moskva. (TRUQUILIZING AGMS pharmcol.) Pa6SZHAYBVA, A.I.; GRUSHINA, A.A. Pharmacolop ~y of dipia. Farm.1 toks. 22 no.6t533-538 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Otdel fetrmkologil (zav, - prof, MoDs Nashkovskly) i labora- tortys khimioterapii eksperimentalltykh opmkholey (ruLkovoditell - kand.biolog.nauk V.A. Chernov) otdola khimioterapit (zav. - -prof. G.H. Pershin) Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-looledovatel'skogo khtmiko- farmataevticheakogo institute. imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (PIPIMAZIRB) ~,OLE _HA=A, A-I- Levallophan.. an anatogonist of morphine and its synthetic substitutes. 15 no.5:45-47 My 161. (MIRA 14:6) i. Voesoyuznyy naucAno-iseledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatoevtiohoskiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (MORPHINAIT.) POLE-ZHAYEVA, A. 1. : Mastcr Bliol Sci (diss) -- "On the phar-ma.r-olo~y )' ppr.,2par.-i- tions triggering the cough reflax". Moscow, 1959. 14- pp (I'lin Health USSR, All-Union Sc:- Res Chein-PharmacetjL: InsL ini S. Ordzhonilddze), 200 copies (Y,L, No 13, 1959, 103) POLEZHAYEVA, A.I. Fharmacology of 5-Phenyl-2-imiro-4-oyazolidineone (-,.radcn, azoxodon). Farm. i toks. 25 no.5015-519 S-0 162 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Laboratoriya farmakologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent MT SSSR prof. M.D. Maslikovskiy) Vsesoyuznogo nauchno--i!3s'-,e- dovatellskogo khimiko--~-.-Pannatsevticheskogo instituta imeni So Ordzhonikidze. LIBERK,U, S.S.; POLEZHAYEV.A, A.I. Ahalgesic and antitussive effect of some diphanylal-koxy acetates. Yam. i toks. 26 no.6t656-661 N-D 163 (MIRA: 1882) 1. laboratori-ya farmakologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. M.D. MashkovslUy) Vsesoyuznogo nauelmo-issledova- teltskogo khimiko-farmataecticheakogo instituta imeni S. Ordzhonikidzs. MAVCHM,1KO-B3R'-~ZHNOY, R.A.; POLEZRA OVA, L. I. Variety of microspectrophotometer with automatic spectral recording. Izv.Ur. i Koll.fil. AN SSSR uo.2t66-72 159. (MIRA 12-11) 1. LAbmratorlya fizicheskikh metodov iroledovanlya mineralov Kollskogo filiala. AN SSSR. (Microspectrophotometry) DENISOVY A.P.; DUDKIN, O.B.; YELINA, N.A.; KRAVCHENKO-BEREZHNOY, R.A.; .POLEZHAYEVA, L.I. Relationship between the physical properties of apatite and the ad- mixture of rare earths and strontium. Geokhimia no.8:666-675 '61. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Kollskiy filial imenj Kirova. AN SSSR. KRAWEENKO-BEREMOYP R.A.: POLEZBAYEILI L.I. ........ .__., __ ". - - liackgTowid factors In X-ray apectral detemination of rare-earth elementse Zav.lab. 31 no#4:436-4/,O 165. (W RA 18:12) 1. Geologicheskiy institut Kollskogo filiala im. S.M.Kirova AN SSSR. POLAZHAYIVA. L.V.(Moskva) Work of the public in assisting day nurseries. Ned. sectra no.11:16-18 N '35. (MI-RA 9:3) (DAY IAMMINS) 7 ;iznMM ARBUZOV, B.A.; VINOGRADOVA, V.S.; POLEZHAYEVA, N.A.; SHAMSUTDINOVA,-A.K. Esters of 0 -ketophosphinic acids. Report No. U. Structure of the products of interaction of some aromatic c< -halo ketores with triethyl phosphite and sodium diethyl phosphite. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.khim.' no.8:1380-1389 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Nauchno-issledovateliskiy khimicheskiy institut im. A.M.Butlerova Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, im. V.1.Ullyanova'.1,enina. (Ketones) (Phosphorous acid) CE XV- /Y AUTHORS: Arbuzov, B. A., Member, Academy of 8011/2o-121-4-19/c4 Sciences, USSR, Vinogradova, V. S., Polezhayeva, 11. A. TITLE: On the Structure of the Products of the Interaction Between Some a-Haloid Ketones of the Carbooyclio Series and Tri- ethyl Phosphite and Sodium Diethyl Phosphite (0 stroyenii produ&tov vzaimodoystviya mokotorykh a-galoidoketonov karbo- tsiklicheskogo ryads a trietilfosfitom i dietilfoeforistym natriyem) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 121, Nr 4, pp. 641 - 643 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the course of the past years the authors found that the reaction of regrouping according to Arbuzov of tri- ethyl phosphite with a halide ketones proceeds in a very complicated way in the production of P-ketophosphinic acid ethers. Apartilrom the mentioned ethers mixed phosphoric others are formed (Ref 2). Thus the investigation of the first mentioned ethers was rendered more difficult and some deviations of their chemical and physical properties were Card 1/4 explainedp,(Ref 3). It proved true that the reaction according On the Structure of the Products of the Interaction SOV/2o-121-4-19/34 Between Some a-Haloid Ketones of the Carbocyclic Series and Triethyl Phospbite and Sodium Diethyl Phosphite to Mikhaelia-Bekker in the case of the interaction between sodium diethyl phosphite and a-haloid ketones proceeds also in a complicated way and that it also leads to the formation of epoxy phosphinic acid ethers apart from the expected ethers (Ref 4). In this paper the structure mentioned in the title is shown. The ketones are: a-chloro-cyclohexanone, a-chloro-a-methyl cyclohexanone, a-chloro-cyclopentanone and ethers of bromine pyruvic acid. The investigation of the product of interaction between a-chloro-cyclohexanone and sodium diethyl phosphite revealed (in contrast to Ref 6) that it is neither an unsaturated ether of phosphoric acid nor a phosphonium cyclohexanone ether. Its spectrum of combination light dispersion does not contain the frequency of the carbonyl group. These and other data show that this product has the structure of a diethyl ether of epoxy cyclo- hexane phDaphinic acid. This assumption was proved by the syntheBiS carried out by the authors (Ref 4). Thus it was proved that the last mentioned ether was concerned and no Card 2/4 a-phosphonium cyclohexanone. Somehow surprising was the On the Structure of the Products of the Interaction SOV/2o-121-4-19/'):4 Between Some a-Haloid Ketones of the Carbocyclic Series and Triet:'.57-i Phosphite and Sodium Diethyl Phosphite similarity between the constants and the spectra of the combination light dispersion of the products of the two phosphites mentioned in the title acting upon a-chloro- a-methyloyclohemanone. The mentioned findings show the complicated process taken by this roaction. It leads to the formation of unsaturated phosphoric acid ethers, ethers of epoxy phosphinic acids, in some cases, however, even of.p-ketophosphinic ethers (Ref 4); this depends on the nature of the haloid,, the conditions of reaction and the substituting alkyl radicalsi There are 5 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimicheskiy institut im.A,11. Butlerova pri Kazan8.kom gosudarstvennom universitete im. V.I.Ultyanova-Lenina (Scientific Chemical Research Institute imeni A.M.Butlerov, State University imeni-V-Mllyanov.-Lenin, Card 3/4 Kazan') 50) V/62-T_59-1-7;73 AUTITORS: Arbuzov, B. A., 7ino-radova, V. S., Pollezhayeva' 'T. U TITLE: Esters of P-Ketophosphinic Acids (Efi3:3f ~-ketofosfinovykh kislot) Con~nunication III. On the Strncture of Products Resulting From Interaction Between Certain Halogen Ketones With Triethyl Phosphite and Sodium Diethyl Phosphite (Soob- shc:ieniye 3. 0 stroyenii produktov vzaimodeystvi,ra nek,otorykh ,-,qloidoketonov n trietilfosfito!,?? i dietilfonforintym natriyeal) PERIODICAI: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 1, Dp 41 - 49 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the preceding papers (Refs 1-3) the authors found Vint the esters of 0-ketophosphinic acid synthesized in various ways differ considerably as to their physical constants as well as to their behavior towards dini-tro-phenyl hydra- zine. The differences are particularly evident in ultra- violet spectra. The causes for these differences, however, have not yet been made clear. In order to obtain preparatiors as pure as possible the authors of this paper distilled pre- parations earlier obtained as well as now ones in rectifica- Card 1/3 tion columns with an efficiency of 17 theoretical plates. Esters of P-Ketophosphinic AC4 As. Communication III. SOV/62-510-1-7/38 On the Structure of Products Resulting From interaction Bet-:-oen Certair. Halogen Ketones With Triethyl Phoophite and Sodium Diethyl Phosphit The constants of the pure preparations are given in table Ultraviolet absorption spectra were recorded by means of the spectrometer SF-4 in methyl alcohol solution. Raman spectra were recorded by means of the thr----e-prism spectro- graph ISP-51. The investigations carried out h Ave nhown the following data: on t Ie effect of triethyl phosphite on chloro and bromo acetone (beside isopropyl ester of the diethyl phosphoric acid) as well as on bromoethyl hetone esters of corresponding P-ketop'lhosphinic acids are formcd. Product's of potas~,ium derivatives of phosphonium acetone and methyl-phosphonium acetone, thich were synthesized by methylation with methyl iodide, possess the str-ucture of esters of the P-l-,etophosphinic acid. On the effect of sodium diethyl phosphite on chloro and bromo acetone as well an on bromo-u-bromo-ethyl ketone caters of the opoxy phosphinic acid are formed. Their striicture was confirmed by a synthesis carried out in anotber way and by Raman spectra. Contrary to Kreutzkampls and Kayser's data, not Card 2/3 the unsaturated isopropyl ester of phosphoric acid is Esters of P-Ketophosphinic Acids. Communication III. sov/62-59-1-7/36 On the Structure of Products Resulting Prom Interaction 3etween Certain Halogen Ketones 'Nith Triethyl Phosphite and Sodium Diethyl Phocphite produced on the effect of.sodium diethyl pho--phite on chloro and bromo acetone, but the ethyl ester of epoxy-pTopyl phosphinic acid as well as phosphonium acetone. The Product synthesized by the interaction of methyl-y - chloro-propyl ketone with sodium dialkyl phosphite possesses the strizeture of the ester of 1-methyl-tetrahydrofuran phosphinic-l-acid. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 13 references, 0 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut im. A. M. Butlerova Kazanskogo gosudarstvexinogo universiteta im. V. I. Ullyanova- Lenina (Scientific Research Institute imeni A. M. Butlerov of the Kazan' State University imeni V. I. Ullyancv-Lenin) SUBMITTED: 'May 11, 1957 Card 3/3 50N AUTHORS: Arbuzov, B. A., Academician, SOV/20-128-1-21/56 Vinogradova, V. S., Polezhgy_em"_ff_ _A. TITLE:- Diethyl Ester of Cyclohexanone-2-Phospbinic Acid PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 1, pp 81-84 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tn the present paper the authors synthesized the diethyl ester of cyclohexanone-2-phosphinic acid on the basis of ald'-dibromo cyclohexanone. By reaction of triethyl phosphite upon %,a'-dibromo cyclohexanone the diethyl phosphinic ester of the enol form of cyclohexanone-2-phosphinic ester (III) was obtained with the following constants: boiling point 172.5 - 1730/2.5 mm; d 20 1.1685; n 20 1.4652. This compound 0 0 was converted into the diethyl ester of cyclohexanone-2-phos- phiinic acid by means of ethyl alcohol. The molecular refract- ion of cyolohexanone phosphinic ester is placed between the values which were computed for the ketone- (IV) (57.06) and for the enol form M (58-11). Figure 1 shows its ultraviolet absorption spectra in aqueous solution (curve 1) in methyl Card 1/2 alcohol solution (curve 2) and in isooctane (curve 3). Figure 2 .Diethyl Eater of Cyclohexanone-2-Phosphinic Acid SOV/20-126-1-21/58 gives the ultraviolet absorption spectrum in methyl alcohol solution with content of sodium methylate. With the example of the diethyl ester of cyclohexanone-2-phosphinic acid it was demonstrated that a ketoenol tautomerism may occur in phosphinic eaters containing a group of ketones in p-position within the hydrocarbon radical present in phosphorus. There are 2 figures and 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut im. A. M. Butlerova Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. V. I. Ullyanova- Lenina (Scientific Research Institute imeni A. M. Butlerov of the Kazan State University imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin) SUBMITTED: June 5, 1959 Card 2/2 ARBUZOV, B.A..- VINOGRADDVA, V.S.; POLIZUYICVA, N.A. Isters of JO-ketophosphonic acids. Report No-5: Structure of the products of the interaction between certain elf-halo ketones of the earbocyclic aeries, trietbyl phosphite, and sodium diethyl phosphite. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.i:h.Lm.-u W-5:832-841 My 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Khimicheskiy institut imeni A.M. Butlerova Kazanskogo goeudarstvennogo universiteta. (Ketones) (Phosphorous acid)