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J,ilD-RyuSijclllklNKO$ A.11.7 dcktrjr taklin. nank; IIONYATOV V. increas Lng the effl- ency rf Learn-gas syst-enis the exhaust gases for nir hea,.-A.nlcr. 'Ieploenerge 6&-69 Ile 165. 1. Sqratovskiy- poli-tekhnicheskiy institut. PONYATOV, V.A., inzh. Calculation of the optimum temperature of the exhaust gases of steam and gas systems with high-~pressure'steam generators. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 6 no.6:57-65 Je 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Saratovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Predstavlena kafedroy teploenergetiki. L 05212-67 ACC NR, A] WP (f WW SOURCE CODE: UR/0143/66/000/005/0046/0053 AUTHOR: 15onyntovp Vs Ae (Candidate of TechnicnI Sciences)# Zmichinskly, A. V. 9 3 (Candld'n-~to T=in ~cac ences); 11usatov, Yu. V. (En.-inecrj- ORG: Saratov Polytechnic Institute (Saratovskly politektinichaskiy institut) TITLE* Determination of most suitable backprossure in qjs turbines In Stezruri-gas Instn1lations with c:tdinust of combustion products into boiler unit SOURCE: IVUZ. Energatilml, no. 5, 1966, 46-53 TOPIC TAGS: stemi boiler, gas turbine, stean turbine / ic-200-130 steam turbine, K-300-240 steam turbine, GT-30-750 11727 gns turbine, GT-60-750 Fas turbine An analysis of the detormination'of the optimal backpressure of A'ST'.ACT'tho gass 4s for a steam-gas unit consisting of typical steam and gas trubinos with fixed initial parameters. The method developed pormits,analytic calculati6n. ~f the economically most suitable babkpressure. The economically most suitable drops for each heating surface are also found. The valixes calculated Are: a) for tho steam turbine K-200-130 with tho gasturbinb GT-30-75Q LMZ, X.,10 bar; b) for the K-300-240 steam turbine,.And GT-60-750 UIZ gas turbine, '1 11 bar. A calculation formula is presonted-for determining the economy of ille optimal gas velocities in convective s~itaces of the boiler. planndd for operation in steam-gas s..wit4 exhaust.of the combuction.products to the L-Rilor- burner. .' D,05:1 C,rd 11161~UA.AO&r- 1-4 Ysuqm nQ-rx-/ POKUROVA, V.A., Kobility of neural processes in rabbits. dogs and.the lower apes. Trudy Inst.fisiol. no.2:398-410 153. (MLRA ?:5) 1. Laboratoriya sravnitelluoy fiziologii vysshey nermoy deyatellnoett i Kafedra anatomii i fiziologii chelovske, I zhivotnykh Podagogichaskogo instituts im. A.I.Gertsena (saveduyushchiy - L.G.Voronin). (Nervous system--Mammals) V, e 6 e ~at r an a aa e 8 iii-I'd If O-C.t .on o .0 Riou- - p0.: i r g i'!;h- p, y" y', n' S" t- t ut 103MM, MIYATEMO, N.A. [Paniatenko,, M.A.); RADCIIJIIKOyl.V. Effect o 1164, h+p Rb4*,Ctj+, Ae, rund 1111+lons or. thr, Raman spectrum of the NM ion in melts and aqueous solutions of nitrates. Ukr. fiz. 2ur. 9 no.11:1233-1239 N 164 (MIWi 18tl) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. A11DRYUSHCHENKO, A.I., dol-to: teekhn. nauk, prof.; LAPSHOV, V.P., kpnd. tekhn. nauk-, dotsent; POII.YP-.TOV V.A., inen., GGRaA.C A.I., I:.Zh.; VRSELOV, B.N., inzh. Choice PP the optimal parametera for gas part of large steam gee units. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 7 no.1109-21,6 N 164 (MIRA 18:1.) 1. Sgratavskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Predstwvlena kafedroy teploenergetiki. ANDRYUSHCHR,IKO,A.T.., nauk, prof.; IAIISHOV, V,N., kard. tekbn. nauk,, dotsent; PONYATOV,_,. . - MINOT, R. Z., inzh. inzh.; k The rmodynamic calculation techniqxie of -the optimum parameters of the gas section of binary steam and gas systems. Izv. vyS. ucheb. zav.; anerg. 7 no.6,.54-60 Je 164 (KIRA 17:8) 1. Saratovskiy politeklmicheski.-f institut. PredstEmlena ka- fedroy teploenergetiki. LAPSHOV., V.N., kand. tek~Ln. nauk; PONYATOVPV.A.Y inzh. Dete=ination of the optimm outflov speed of gases,,IAI large steam and gas syetanw. Izv. vya. voheb. zav.;orriorgL~4-po*7t 3,14.40 Jl '64. (14MA 17:8) -kiy politekhnicheskiy in 1. Saratov. stitut. Predst~~P- a ka fedroy teploenergetiki. U-MGWAM L 04814-67. ACC NRs AP6025420 SOURCE CODE: UR/0143/66/000/007/0054/0061~-~--: THOR, (Candidate of technical sciences); ~kgatov, WU ue Ve (Ehglneer) (It Soratovak PoWea Linto Tnatitut" (Saratovskiy politeMniobeekly Oil 1111111.101 044 Wo-1111110 W, clot wr 11110; 111001; "OV141111tigogoll" olzo of title 11000ti-xig 4,h#$ ltpi~ldw 111-111104 fit' 064114wil A OU It 0 1A IIVIJY,. WntargoliAka, tko. 'r, 1966, 511-61 TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine engine, steam boiler ABSTRACT: The article is devoted to determination of the optimum n tempez-ature gradients and gas velocities at the heati g surfaces of boiler units operating under pressure feeding. Under these conditions the total temperatureeffect due to radiation (q of a boiler unit I a variable at constant temperature of the gases at the outlet froms, the furnace, and varies according to a linear law as a function of t:-~, -~-14 where Tal is the absolute theoretical combustion temperature, Lcard 1/2 UDC& 621-180�622-,~-- Efir L %814-~67 A6C NRI AP6025420 conventionally determined at A t = 0, OK; ~' Is a coefficient taking into account the difference of the beat capacit es of the gases In the furnace (C r I and In the temperature intervalof the exiting gases and ( YT- thesurr.OUEWI'ng medium cp.); Is the coefficient of beat retention. Based on data calculated according to the proposed metbodp a figure allows selection, based on the beating value and the type of fuel, of the optimum values of the minimum temperature gradient in the boiler unit of a steam gas plant with a K-200~-130 LMZ turbine, within the limits of 25-1100c, Orig. art. has: 26 formulas and 4 figures* SUB CODE: 20,p 21/ SUBM DATE: 03Nov65/ ORIG REP: 0051 OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 MANNEWRIN P-1- Tin NOW Oww"M ft ; ---------- P ALAM&C, - A.Y& UNBLyUH, L.L., redaktor; SVYATITSXAYA, 55q , .P.. ;v9dushchty regitor, SEIKIN, S.T., takhnichaskiy redaktor [Ilepairingoassemblin.go end operating boring machinery] Ramout. moutaxh I obaluchivaule buravogg oborudovanila. Nomkva..Goso naxichno-tekbu. lzd-vo neftlanoi i goino-top livnol lit-ry 1956. 254 Ps ILO:I) (Boring machinery) PONTATOV, T.I.;POPOV, A.I. Onvi-Afo, for ifinfavtonlixg &rill pipor! Imnhingn. Notiftipitilk 2 ne.h.-r. All I "I?, Ogmm wo) III 1,41h f., 14f; 0 -lot filivy 040, 1 it. f I It tog I IItil v #4 1141 #4 1411 , P 1, t, a if Cot T14Y 4"04 0.0o 1.14 r 1*04 C I: #I 10 v Iftift I, v "if flit- Ott It it I tisim fl 1,;OIA 01 it k .1" ti , i.:q A 0c: cyclic varjmlw..~ ty c ._Alcuf~,,.~Cytelr an,-] -44 Ll reac gnancy. vo; . ri. 1. h. ohini~bv (.nau`iall-j` vkallsim., zllele~nwy doro~gi i a-fedry 1-~attfiz_,ologll a ba- dayushchiy dot'sent V.A.Yczlov O'nitin,91kc-go meditsins~~ogo insLituta, Ito Oh4M tii jwIAvF0v.0 t~jlwllj voi Ali %IIII'mill Iihli k'Ita t11,00till 1101C~ijl! tf#, iloom, Ij!IjII# i-i USSR-/ Virology.-Bacterial VirUses-.(Bacterlophages). E-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol. No 100 1956: 47-995. Author Krivosheeva, S. Z*,I.P.opyatovskayaj N, Is, Inst Not' given., .: .I Titit-, Method for Increasing Dysentery Phage Titer Under Industrial-Conditions.. OrIg Pub.- Til. 13f1wit, ji.-I. In-tn vaktRin I qyvorntnk, 1957, Steppes Problem of seed propagation in r)lant associati. ns of steppes. Tr,)dy Tot. iz-,Ft AN SSSR, Ser. 3, n--). 7, 1951- Mont' hily List of Russian Accessi-ns, Lil~rary of Congress, June 1952. UNCI o.!,S' IFIED. PONYATOVS)LAYA, V. M. ,Root systems of the most important forage grasses and legumes of Kaliningrad Province. Trudy Bot.inBt.Sar-3 no.10:102-153 156. NLRA 9:6) (Kaliningrad Province--Forage planta) (Roots (Botany)) m POITYATOVSKAYA,-V,M. lApplication of mathematico-statistical, methods to geobotany"- P .synthetle processing of materials [in German] by MI, Rdicka. Reviewed by V,H. Poniatovakaia. Bet. zhur. 44 no.7:1026-1027 J1 '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1.Botanicheekly institut im. V.L. Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Phytoaociology) (RuYicka, M.) NOW ~M- '7 9 W"I AVP--'WR~- PONYATOVSKAYA, V.M. Morphological study of a plant comumnity as exemplified by desert steppes. Probl. boto 6:375-387 162., (HIRA 16.5) (Kazakhstan-Plant communities) LAVERNKO, Ye.K., red.; X(RCHAGIN, A.A., red. 4WYATOVSKAYA. V.N,,, red,; RYBKINA, A.G.. red.izd-va; SKMOVA, A.V., [Field goobotany) Polevaia geobotenike. Pod obshchei red. ISK. Lavrerilco i A.A.Korchagins. Moskva. lzd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. voi.2. ig6o. 499 p. (MIRA 14i1) ;I-, Jill it i~ I ifls~# 01 1 o it" ; I PONYATOVSKIY, Fxperience in the meebanization of I"bering operations in the enterprises of "Chernbviteles" Trust. BumA der.prom. no.4:32- 35 O-D 162. (KERA 15;12) (Ukraine-Lumbering-Equipment and supplies) KULYAVIN, V.I.; FONYAKOVSKIY, V,l. Fsonoml- efficiency In the use of dAwrvnd bits in Lhv IlAbi Cit)(,,I.ogic-nl-Prc)nlijiot,lnp. Adyn!'-dStrsttiorl 15.1-111rillitl -om, no. Noft. I r1l.%. pi I I Fi. fl -4 ~-A I C, REMEZOV, N.P. [deceased]; RODIN, L Je.; BAZILEVICH, N.I.; Prinimali uchastiye: ALEKSANDROVA, V.D.; BORISOVA, I.V.; BUOVA, L.N.; ZONNAP S.V.; KARPOVA, V.G.; MINA, V.N.; NECHAYEVA, N.T.; PONYATOVSKAYA,,,, M.; REMEZOVA, G.L.; SPWOYLOVA, Ye.M.; 9N..; SUKHOVERKO, R.V. Methodological instructions for .9tudying the biological cycle of ash substances and nitrogen of terrestrial plant communities in the-main natural zones of the temperate zone. Bot. zhur. 48 no.6:869-877 Je 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Botanicheskiy institut imeni V.L. Komarova AN SSSR, Lenin- grad i Pochvennyy institutimeni V.V. Dokuehayeva Ministerstva sel'skogo khozyaystva SSSR, Moskva. f No PONYATOVSICIY, V.V. Stability of thin ahalls under tho uotion Qr h)NirvotAtAo Jsni.jx-) j1prup..1 jast. no.D165-168 161. (MTRA 3.5 2) plAU."It told IJ110.11P A PbNTATOVSKIT, V.T.; PORTNOY, G.V. %4t~~IWCM assembly of wooden boxes. Kona. i ov. pron. 12 33-38 N '57- I.Vassoywnaya nauchno-iseledovatellskaya laboratoriy&t (Box making) (Food industry--Xquipmn ."r..liYATOVS,KlY,, 'r,V. Theory of be-9ding tif - p3at~es. IriK 1. rilat. msklro 28 no.6;I033 -1039 N-!) "64 (maliA .8-.-;,i 8/044/62/000/009/03o/069 AO6O/AOO0 ..AUTHOR: P TITLE: On the stability of thin shells under hydrostatic pressure PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no.,9; 1962, 61, abstract 9B,2_90. (In collection "Issled. po uprugosti i plastichnosti". I. Leningrad,' Leningr. un-t, 1961,* 165 168) A TEXT: it is established that the operator of the linear theory of shells is symmetric under the usually encountered "tracking!' (i.e. unchanged with respect to ~,.the material coordinate-system) loads, provided ~tha.4E,either the normal dis- , placement or-the component of tangential displacement normal to the boundary is eqi4l to zero at the boundary of the shell. Hence 'follows that the stability of th4 shell under such boundary conditions may be~ investigated'by the bifurcation method. S.G. Mikhlin L 2066P,66 EWP(e)/ERT(E)JEWP(W)/EPF(n).ZITIPWP(t)IEUP(k)IETC(~.-,'i.6 'AP6001473 SOURCE CODE: ACC NRt UR/0226/65/000/012/0045/0047 wwPulir-1 7 Golubeva, L. S*;~Litvip ov- AUTHORt u-P.t-Y.- Ponyat Yee~:-_G.; Zhirkin' Yu, N' -7-777-7-7 'ORG s Central-~)Sclentific-Res-earch lnatitute-of~Ferrous Metall ly -~-tTae trallnyy~ ~ichno-issledovatellskiy institut,chernoy matallurgii) n. n&. -TITLE The Zr-Ti-O-Fe deformable. alloy f or high-pressure chambers -1965 45-47 _'SOURCEt Poroshkovaya metallurgiya,no. 120 0 :.TOPIC*,-TAGSt 'defortmabie' b-od en oy oy.steel, y, high str gth': all high, all - .:.---coherent:,scatteri -ng neutron scattering, high pressure chamber, metal I im~ ren h forgingg u ate. at t T -ABSTRAC .-Zr-Ti-O-Fie--deformAble-alloy-'designed~for high- -jpressura. ef~anbiiia v eutronogr v 0 Te ~ by:. the Authors.,.du,r ng n -Them ~.L~ Anve a ti gatlons -,of :. inater i al 9. allby has:,ak, composition corresponding ~,to.. th'a~_ zero. awolitluda of coheren,t % scattering- for, neutrons (53% Zr, 44.95~-43fWTIV0025-0,40% 0 nd I's 0-2 , O%~ Fe) and to the structure 'OV:an unordered solfd solution& The ultimate strength 0f f-prgings is n- M=2-7 .6 4. 130-150, d& -FBased on atithorl a oabstract], PTJ CODE C I SUBM DATE i .04JUn65/ ORIG REF _SUB f OOS/ OTH REFt 001 -.-Cwd -1/1 * Aing h die kin Eflect of " C6 orns upb ctic-S oi C. MITI 1--imitt ZA.M.-Iltionlyc atid - 1" 6 11 l-.Irl h OVA Me 71 7 1 1 4 Tim lm-apeuirnurik: mahod was tmed 'D StudY the efivct of cooling midhionsi lit the staWillty M austenlTe awl t lit: L-i- Ueticsf"T the Martensite fransfortim^ion (M T) iiI ai~ i , illay cont.g. 22.470 M and 3.4%, Un, w' which ihe m.,ru;iiar print T~ Is 11."AinalriwV m4utase-- vtlocdcy ;,f MT r6wating- tilt: m. m 111C on grcitcr the del;Ict, and raw of prial4ninary lar(ki-cryolinF. Af Vievame tinit the blif-mil of AM-~ broadtlutd, and T., 10 it rj~k-~ thc la~iiei plljjj~. li.-rift jA Ar F d&ru,~m" Tbc prelimill~i). under- ur'-whip of 1-wilviiitt. pr4tL~11VAly &.1S Ila affect tL,~ fiwd- 6moll., Of -IlmnLaqw. I'liec a c 'I'm to, atrei~~;es ci~MAA t)y 11W.-41c-d --k rnw~,.-Hl iA crpsillk d 11 I Sat% t"gelki's will) durilig 11ir U ~!l J! In tiou. ............... ,IV 'lie of clian At 260 the hysterc-SIB, In terms of c,u. kg ./sq. cm. for tile t 0 ir;"Isifif)[i wid !~~t ItAt - _(~ir_ SUBJECT., USSR PHYSICS, CARD 1 2 PA - 1306 BUTUZOV,V.P., PONJATOVSXIJ, E.G., SACHOVSKOJ, G.P. ITITLE The-Melting Temperature of Zinc,.Cadmium, Thallium, and-Antimony at Pressures of up to 30-000 kg/cm2. PERIODICAL Dokl.Ak ad.Nauk, 1 , faso. 3, 519-520 (1956) 122 Issued: 9 reviewed 1956 9 1956 The influence exercised by.-pressure on the melting temperature of chemically pi ure-Zn 9, C d,IT1 and Sb 'is studi 6d.,Adiagram illustrates the melting curves of these elements up to.30.00 kg/cm? pressuret which were plotted on the basis of 2 isAncreased from 0 to 30 ex, 4rimental C 1~a._ It 1.000 kg/cin , the melting 0 0 temperature'of zn, Cd and of Tl increases by 129 , 187 and 190 respectively. This increase is linear in the case of Zn and Cd,'but in the case of Tl this in- crease somewhat decelerated with increasing pressure. However, the melting 2 temperature,of.-antimony deareases,.if pressure is increased from 0 to 30-000 kg/cm and this decrease accelerates somewhat with growing pressure. Thus, antimony, like bismuth and thallium, has an abnormal course of the melting curve in do- pendence on pressure. Because of the anomalous pressure dependence of the melting temperature of anti- mony as well as because of the similarity of the,physical-and chemical proper- ties with bismuth and antimonyi it may be assumed that antimony passes through a polymorphous transformation at excessively high,pressures just like Bi I .. )Bi II. .,On the occasion of the thermal examination of antimony at pressures of up to 30 000~kg/cm in the temperature interval of between room temperature and melting AUTHOR: Ponyatovskiy, Ye.G. SOV/70-3-4-22/26 TITIB: The Me tetssium at Pressures up to 000 k 30,000 k Cm (Temperatury plavleniya kaliya pri davleniyakh ,do 30 000 kg/cm~) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, ar 4, P 508 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The m.p. of potassium has been measured at pressures mo.i7e than twice those used by Bridgman to-kL-st a hypothesis by Ebert (Cesterreich. chem. Zeitung 1/2, 1 - 1j, 1954) that a critical point would be found at 22 390 kg/cm and 225 0C. Pressure was measured with a manganin manometer to � 100 kg/cm 2 andotemperature with an iron nickel thermo- couple to + 1.5 C. Melting was detected from the heating and cooling curves recorded aui~omatically. The curve of m.p. against pressure rises Wonotonically from 263 at atmospheric pressure to 251 G at 30 000 kg/cm . At thes2 two points, the tangents are 0.016 and 0.003 degrees/kg/cm uard 1/2 SOV/?0-3-4-22/26 2 The Melting Point of Potassium at Pressures up to 30 000 kg1cm The initial stage of the curve agrees very well with Bridgman's findings. Any special point would have been detected in the experiment but no trace was found. There are 2 references, I of which is German and 1 Bnglish. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography Ac.Se.USSR) SUBMITTED: April 2, 1958 uard 2/2 SOV/ 137-58-9-19825 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 2415 (USSR) AUTHORS: Maksimova, O.P., Ponyatovskiy, Ye.G., Rysina, N.S., Orlov, L.G. ..... ......................... TITLE: Changes in the Kinetics of Martensite Transformation as a Function of the Position of Martensite Point and the Composi- tion of the Alloy (Izmeneniye kineti-ki martensitnogo prevra- .shcheniya v zavisimosti ot polo zhei-_-'niya martensitnoy tochki i sostava splava) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. In-t metalloved. i fiz. metallov Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta chernoy metallurgii, 1958, Vol 5,. pp 25-40 ABSTRACT: The effect of the position of the martensite point, TM, on the kinetics of martensite transformation was studied on a number of Mn-alloyed steels (85G2, TM 155'C; 95G3, TM 850; 70G6, TM -400) as well as on a series of carbon-free alloys of the Fe-Ni-Mn system containing approximately Z30/o Ni and 3u/o Mn. A time-temperature transformation curve for the alloy NZ4G3 was plotted on the basis of experimental data. As the position Card 1/2 of the TM is lowered, the initial transformation rate is reduced SOVY]37-58-9-198Z3 Changes in the Kinetics of Martensite Transformation (cont.) throughout the entire temperature range; this is particularly apparent in the alloys of the Fe-~Ni-Mn system in which the temperature curves of the trans- formation rate possess a maximum regardless of the position of the TM and exhibit no tendencies toward limiting the temperature interval of the ascend- ing branch. In the case of Mn steel the ascending branch of the rate curve is gradually lowered as the temperature interval is reduced; at temperatures of approximately -500 it disappears entirely. It is assumed that the difference in behavior of alloys and steels is attributable to the difference in elastic- plastic properties of austenite contained in these materials. 1. Martensite--Transformations 2. Manganese steel--Phase studies V.R. 3. Martensite--Temperature factors 4. Austenite--Metallurgical efflectus Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Ponyatovskiy, Ye. G. SOV/2o-120-5-25/67 TITLE: On the Critical Point of the Curve of Polymorphoua Cerium Transformation (0 kriticheskoy tochke na krivoy polimorfnogo prevrashcheniya, tseriya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 12ot Nr 5, pp. 1021 - 1o23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: First pertinent previous pape;,s are mentioned. This is a study of cerium with less than 0,75~ of Nd, less than 0,75% of Pr and less than 1,10-4% of Pb. The hydrostatic pressure was generated by a compression of a mixture of isopentane with normal pentane in a~pressure generator for superhigh pressures. Two methods of the determination of the point of the a -~ a' transition are described. The transition of cerium near room tempe:.-ature is connected with pronounced hysteresis phenomena. With rising temperature the hysteresis is reduced from 6000 at 200 to-zi-tro at- 280o. The thermal effect of the a -~ a' transition also decreases at rising temperature. At temperatures above 2800 (tnd correspondingly at pressuresabove 18500 it becomes so small,that no particular points may -Cakzd-1/3- be noticed on the diagrans. Now the determination of the amount On the Critical Point of the Curve of Folymorphous SOY/2o-12o-5-25/67 Cerium Transformation of a'-phase formed as a function of pressure is.outlined. The transition a --> at begins at a ressure of about 7000 kg.clre,2 and terminates at 10000 In the pressure interval. 77 00 - 8350 70% of a' Ce are formed. The termination of the transition is less clearly_marked. The temperature of transition~at a heating and cooling of the samples was inves- tigated in the same manner. The temperature of the equilibrium of a- and a' -Ce increases linearly as the pressure. The thermal effect and the bulk effect are a.sumed to decrease according to a rule governing both quantities. If the thermal effect and the bulk effect of the transition of cerium actually tends towards zero at rising pressure, the following can be said concerning the further course taken by the equilibrium curve of a-Ce and a'-Ce: The curve of the phase transition of the firot kind transforms into a curve of the second kind. The Wirve of the phaue transition of' first kind terminater, at the 114,10- Abovo Wip ot-it.lonl point thpre An neither a o- 1:14" 1. 1 #,f, 1~1!14 fit-if, r~ I ~410 i~ i ~~ On the Critical Point of the Curve of Polymorphous BOY/2o-120-5-25/67 Cerium Transformation which are Soviet. PRESENTED: March 22, 1958, by W.V.Belov, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: March 10p 1958 1. Cerium--Transformations 2. Cerium--Properties 3. Cerium --Temperature factors .4. Pressure--Metallurgical effects Card 3/3 TITLE i oi, 1, lia 11T 0J. 'llial JJ tim T I LI r 'AliIIII a talliya) PERIODICAL: Kr:Lstallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 2, Pp 257-.259 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Bridgeman's moasurements-on TI at high pressures have been extended. Using a pressur2 multiplier examinations ware made at UP to 35 000 kg/cm and 65o 0C. Tile inaterial which transmitted the pressure was a mixture of isopentane and n-pentane. The temperature 0was measured with an iron- nichrome thermocouple to +-I. and the pressure with a 2 manganese resistance manometer to + 100 kg/cm A specimen of 2.5 g was used. Every 700 kg/cm from 1 to 33 000 the specimen was heated.and cooled at a constant rate of 0.5 0/see. The melting and solidifying points as well ets the a-Ap and P--?a transition points-were found. More than 160 points on the liquidus and on the transition curves in the P -- T giagram were plotted Tile super-, cooling was about 1.5 The polymorphic transition is very sharp but proceeds with hysteresis which increases Cardl/3' On the P - T Diagram of Thallium SOIr/70-4-2-27/36 0 2 0 2 from 2 at I Rg/cm to 40 at 33 000 kg/cm To estimate the effect of the rate of temperature change an the hysteresis measurements were made at 5 dif ~erent rates of heating and cooling. At 27 800 kg/cin tile - I IV x toves,i R vvirl o I 11, 0 f 0 A i 10114 bt)cWd tALI.ilig COafrCif-luilt bUt a higher specific woight than the close-packed a-.Tl~ There are 3 figures and 9 references,.2 of which are On the P - T Diagram of Thallium SOV/70-4-2--27/36 ASSOCIATION: Institut Icristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of CrSrstallography of the Ac.Sc., USSR) SUBMITTED: September 4. 1958 Card 3/3 0 1 1 1 Th0- luitlim- JlAidlud the P v(,ro(i;; T dlagram having e-iumliiiA blumath under changing pressul-e uP /cn2 to 30,000 lcg and temperatures frow, 200 C to mp. He -used a inultiplicator -for extra high pressure, a mixture of lsopelntane and n-pentane a':' the pre~3,',ure carel 1/11 transmitting Tfiedlum, electric. Concerning the ~-T Diagram for Bismutl-i at up 76119 to 30,000 kg/cIn Pressure SOV/70-5-1 -28~ -`30 -acy, and mianganeoe manoiijeter providing + 1.50 C acc~i :, U - providing 7- 100 kg/cm accuracy The phase trat,;Ation points, wer~e determined both at r1sing and droppliig temperatures at steady-3tate pressure and at rising and dropping pressure at steady-state temperature, t,*c +300 Fig. 2. P-T diagram for bismuth tinder 30,000 ~4 Zoo lif pressure according to author's ^~M~ T7 _47 date.. (x - P. W. Bridgman's data) .100- colwc ~1-111'ng the S-T D.Lagi,aw VO.- B.I.;-;muth al, upY to 30,000 kg/clli Pressure Tire- exper.1mental data it; il"ustratud In FIg. 2 and L phase transition rele s I about 0.8 cal/g energy. The equilibrium curve like melt, is parallel to the P axis and in ans that the transition does got change the density. The ter ary point 13- 6 Is at 174Q C arid 22,600 I-EVc1lip prel"zilliv, 1. S. "C" 111v 1.1% Por Jowl, Ili Hic. Fig. 3. The heating and cooling curves for bismuth Card 3/4 under 23,800 lcg/cm2 pressure. Concerning the ~-T Diagram for Bismuth at up 78119 to 30,000 kg/cm Pressure BOV/TO-5-1-28/30 There are 3 figures; and 5 references, 2 Soviet. The U.S. references arei F. F. Bundy, Phys. Rev., 110, 2 314-318, 1958; T. Hall, J. Phys. Chem., 59, 11 1144-1146, 19553 P. Bridgman, Phys. Rev.., 4A, 11, 893-906,~1935- ASSOCIATION: CrystallographIcal Iiistitute of the Ae-,.-,demy of' Of thO USSR (IOUtILI-At 10-1111[11- ral'll AM fly.13.,110 ~ .. I lor U 13MV19111),I) A I'As" it "/A tIO/ ).1,~o0o/()ol/o I 1 /4)11 1 1(4)7 1 Ise r4 11 All i'~WIIA i ~114dklkt4ti Oi44V It !A 44 d Ilk; 41 Y, !k (I v it it v s; It 10i I v '4 4 44 t~ It 'Ailit. $At '414'A I it v ts is 4, 1 it it - 1~11 a impar-high I)rOuslive lutillLiplier. The high projistire vesso-1 (see sketch) was made of steel L4.6*XHM4A (45KhNMFA) heat treated to a hardness of 55 R c The rod I which produced the pressure was made of the tungsten carbide 2 9KL~-.5 (VK4.5) with a compression strength of 61 to 63 tons/cm Card 1/5 2773.8 On using certain material ... S/12o/61/000/003/031/041 Z073/E535 The high pressure chamber was 20 mm. high and 12 mm diameter. At the bottom the chamber was closed with a conical steel part 2 which also served for introducing the electric current and was insulated from the body by mica washers 3 and 4. At the top, a 3 mm thick copper probe 6 was placed between the substance to be compressed 5 and the pressure generating rod 1. This copper probe (plate) served both an a sliding contact and as a seal. The pressure inside the chamber was measured from the pressure. of the polyniorphous trans formations of bismuth, which at 206C equal 25.9 and 27.7 katm. The polymorphous transforma- tions were recorded by a thermal method from the change in the temperature of the specimen resulting from the transformation. For this purpose a 5 mm diameter 3 mm high bismuth specimen 7 was placed into the substance being investigated. Into the centre of the specimen the joint of a thermocouple 8 was introduced, one branch of which was connected to the electric inpiit lead, 14114 Is C( Is"- o thiLlf, "Ild I't"F1 Collissrio( "d 4: it t fie. e o p 1) P r iv $- 11 1, .I P 1 0 4~ it t I tV, C1,101 I lit, 1- 04 it I I- it it f- 4 it t' 14 4141fitt I It -410 " t, 1 !11 "it i it 1 11 1, 1, 1, t' I f I t. it fill 114 11 to it Hf 11 illm #I!# I i It J* i 14 04 P 41 ti H t I !H f, it4iit 27718 On using certain material ... 5/12o/61/000/003/03i/o4i Z073/E535 channel of the pressure multiplier was made to increase or decrease in a continuous manner. If the pressure of the specimen reached the pressure of the first iar'i the second transformation of bismuth, an appreciable.increase or decrease of the tempera- ture of the specimen occurred which showed as a peak on the thermograph. This method is simpler than the method of measur- ing the electric resistance and permits measuring the pressure in a solid plastic material at any point of the high pressure chamber. The pressure directly under the rod is calculated from the ratio of the areas of the rod and the piston of the top press of the pressure multiplier, taking into consideration friction in the piston -glands. From the data of thermal analysis, the presave gradients between the rod and the centre of the high pressure chamber were determined for various media. The specific pressure applied to the rod in the case of a pressure in the centre of the chamber of 25.9 katm was 29.1 katm for silver chloride, 30.7 for teflon, 31.2 for paraffin wax, 40.9 and 42.4, respectively, for pyrophillite and tale stone. Consequently, the pressure gradients between the rod and the Card 3/5 On using certain material 101103 031 S/120/61/000 01 /041 9073/E535 4.11' '347, t9tf) "?Ifl 16,1 1-1m, % gradient in pyrophillite can be reduced (from 68 to t0%) by placing a 0.5 to 0.7 mm thick layer of lead between the pressure transmitting medium and the walls of the chamber. This shows that the major part of the pressure gradient in the solid phase is due to friction at the boundary between the chamber walls and the pressure transmitting medium. Thus, the obtained results show that even in such plastic media an silver chloride and paraffin wax the pressure gradient along the hcight of the chamber is quite considerable and that the conditions of the pressure from all sides differ substantially from hydrostatic Card 4/5 27718 On using certain material S/12o/61/000/003/03i/o4i E073/E535 conditions. Thin factor must be taken into consideration in investigations carried out in the solid phase, particularly if pyrophillite or similar material are OLsed as pressure transmitting media. There are I figure and 8,"references: 3 Soviet and 5,non-Soviet. The English-language references read as follows: P. W. Bridgman, The Physics of High Pressiire, 1949, London; D-., T. Griggs, J.' F. Bell, Bull. Geol. Sci. America, 1938, 48, 1723; P. Ws Bridgman, Proc. Amer.* Acad. -Arts and Sci.., 1952, 34, 169; P. Anderatch, 0. U. Anderson, Rev. Scie'nt. Instrum., 1957, 2.8., No.4, 288. f ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR. (Crystallography Institute AS USSR) SUBMITTED: May 20, 1960 [Abstractor's Note: Abridged translation,] 1'227 61/011/003/016/017 5111 -AUTHOR., The Melting.Point*of Li TITLE% i dSodium at Pressures up to ~30. 006 kg/cm ,Fizika metallov i me"-I- .1961, yol.11, No'-'3, _RIODICAL p"'r~..:476-47T.-, ~_.TEM An,experitnental study i ed of the melting 2 s -30 000 oint* of lithium and sodium in the erange 1 kg/cm p lithium -pure s re employed. The 99.8% pure and 99_9% pressures~were produced with the ai ltra-high pressure* 11jultipli Icator, using a mixture of i.- eand n-pentani;. The ling and heating curves. melting points were determined from The pressure-was measured with a ma --- manometer to an aid of an ion accuracy of +100 kg/cm2and the with the n1chroine thermocouple to an accurac 50C- The ftgur2 shows the melting.points (*C) as function- pressure kg/cm The present data are indicated by o les and the crosses c.-r-ye for potassium is represent.Bridgman's'results.(Ref.1 given for comparison. In ord6r',to ;~i~d-t 'her the melting Card 1/2 Ma ,,*/070:/62/007/003/020/026 7th Scientific-Technical Conference Cal- 1.11c; 445e Of 4-4'g4Yz' J lit investigation of materials V A polycrystalline film of.Tl, t)ie surface of which had been mechanically freed from oxide, was examined in an X-ray diffracto- meterwith Cu radiation at temperatures between -1900C and the melting point of Tl. On first heating up to 232*C the h.c.p. structure was found up to this temperature where the alpha to beta transformation took place very sharply in less than a second (heating 1.5 0/min). Recrystallization rapidly took place, big grains being formed. The structure was then b.c.c. Further cycles through the transformation did not reduce the grain size. To avoid these grain size effects a special specimen of fine grains mixed with aluminium filings was prepared. At 250*C the Card '1/2 S/078/62/007/010/OC3/008 B144/B186 AUTHORS: Zakharov, A. I., Ponyatovskiy, Ye. G. TITLN- Phase diagram of thallium tin alloys PERIODICAL. Zhurnal neorganiche6koy khimiip v. 7, no. 10, 10~62, 2374-377~ TZXT; A supf--lement'a-ry phase diaEl-am of Tl,-S.n allyos containing up0to 15 at.-~,. Sr. (Fig. 3) zras plotted for the temperature range from 20 C up to the meltinbr point in order to, elucidate the inconsistencies between, on Ulu (jor, Land, the previous datij of the pr'esent authors (Kris tallografiyA, vir It, 1,11non, A. H. Stok-za (Hlataru, 146, 437. (1941)), U I II I j $I f~ ;0 1 1u ii t)f4i .111.UIt 14 i141 to 001fil ,, Utc, X-VILY ~otuvaij. Into 111itLurilo (11, 111k 4 11 it taken at 20 and 112 C prove that huating of L he utimplt rouulta In uutijaLio Card 11f e-? S/07s/62/007/010/003/006 Phase diaLram of thallium tin alloys B144/B166 decomposition of thec+S phase and in formation of the phase. Tl-,ere are* 4 figures EAnd 1 table. ASWCIATIOR:. Tsentrallnyy nauchno-~issledovatellskiy Institut chernoy metallurpii (Central Scientil"ic Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy) SUBMITTED: January 4, 1962 Fig. 3. Phave diagram of Tl-Sn alloys rich in T1. Le-end: (1) hexagonal donse.packing, uL phase; (2) face-centered cubic lattice, 6 phase; (3) body-centered cubic lattice, ~ phasej (4),t4i (5) interface of the appearance of the F, phase;-(6) interface of the appearance of the liquid~-phasej (a) at.--pf; (b) ~ by welghtL full lines with oxperimantal pointai interfaces based on the authors' resultal full lines without pointst data of Blade and Ellwood; broken lines& suggested inter- f%ce.q. Card .2/a TITLE: Phase transformations of indium antimonide under hiah pressure from all sides ?L'RTODICJ*LL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 1, 1962, 129 131: T E X TThe authors studied the phase transformationP of InSb under real hydrostatic pressures to check the results obtaine' b ff. A.. Gebbie, P. L. Smith et,al. (Nature, 188, no 4756, 1095 (196o)). The experiments made on IrSb-single crystals and polycrystalli e samples at tempera- ture s up to,bDOOC and pressures to upl.-28,000 ka/cm Isopentane was used as pressure-transmittinG pedium. The phase changes viere determined by ~dif.f orentlial thermoanalysis and measurements.of the electrical resistance. The phase diagram plotted from the resulto obtained differod considerably fron- tho diaf,,-ram found by Gobbie at al.: With rising-pronsurethe meltin~r). point of InSb(a-phaso) dropo to tho triplo point (3400C and 16000 IC(Vor., her pressures, crystallization the p-modification. The hijf melting point rises with increasing pressure. The phase transformations Card 1/2 C-r tj n 2:' 8 Lae"al1c;t, POKYATOVSKIY, Ye.G. Phase transformations in an alloy containing 50 atomic % Bi-50 atomic % Sn at high isostatic pressures. Fiz. mat. i inetallovod 16 no-4.-622-624 0 163. (6A 16;12) 1. InstituT, metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov TSentrallnogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta, chernoy metallurgii. NITC10 L 01* MR111m, 0,11 Lite Pli4ie 6quAIIIA1,1WI, al. gv.;AVII11to oalucillui, in the iro - carbon system. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.6:1364-1367 ,63. (MIRA 16:1 .1. TSentra nyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgi im. I.P.Bardina. Predstavleno akademikom G.V.Kurd ACC NR, AR6013662 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/65/000/010/E027/EO27 AUTHOR: Yershova, T. P.; Ponyatovskiy, Ye. G. TITLE: Effect of high pressures on phase equilibrium in an iron-carbon system S&RCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 10'-(e'Z~ M-Y, LITVIN, D. F.; PONYATIOVSKIY. Ye. G. ........ Effect of pressure on t7l. temperature of the antiferromagne'vic transformation of chromium. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 1:69-71 My 164. (MIRA 17-5) 1. Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov TSentrallnogo naiiehno-issledovateliskogo instituta chernoy metallurgii im. I. P. Bardina. Predstavleno akademikom,G. V. Kurdyumovym. dr6diagram,Aemperature. .1 ji4&aq, e- -Sn-s -ste h W- jd~i --R~dia ra -;-a ~'7'! ~ 12000--and-.1-8000-, atfti b( la-g d in al~eb Or -it, it 'Ilk fiffi 00, IRON, "I R.Z,j PONYAT 7 J, KII, AIRGIV, 1. VT" ONY AT ye,f" and -m-aune toe la .3 Zhur.crksr,i,. 4 6 n c--.. i:ziivr ILet, (MIRA 17. 10,! YL-R.9HOVA, T.Pc-~ Mac, of high rt4SC eatectoid part, ()f me talloved. 17 no.4,.,584-591 Ap 8) 1. Ills"itut skogo instituta c-e-r-m.y metallur.~-;!. 1;/0M/64/1%/002/0*/0M 1 i AMM: U,~# Do Pei Yee. 00 Thi effect of pressure. an the temperature of antiferromagnatic chrme SOUM-. M 860. %klady*,, ve 1560 no* 110 1964 69 -T1 TOPIC TAGS: pressure,, ant:Lferromagaetism, chrome transforsiation, structure analy- sis Cri Fep Rip Coo~ Cuj, Impurity,, electric resistivity :ABSMCT: With a view to amplifying earlier studies carried out by Western iaveitigators.. the authors employed neutron s~rueture ana.3,ysi,.a as the most effective methocl of observing the effect of pressure on the magmatic structure of 1,ehromeo, Thq.t,otal'amount of Impurities in the epee'-an did not exceed..0.02% and i ithe Fe,, Ni., Co and Cu content vas limited to 0.001 to O.OD3%. The authors also studied the effect of pressure on Neel temperature by plotting a diagram for Cr resistivity versus twperature and presM=. All, results stood In good agreement iwith literary detao Rydrostatic pressure was found to lower the temperature of 'transformation of Cr Into the antifeizcmagmatic state.- The me-, Inclination of TITLEi Tho arfu(IL of 10ah prtia"Itrua ttii -.10 1 Hit iiw' 4 lw-i~i -4 1..' outoctoid part of the iron-ocarbon diagram SOURCE: Fizika metallov i rretallovedeniye,, v. 17p no, 4. 1964.% 584-591 TOPIC TAGS: iron, carbon, phase equilibrium, eutectic, austenite, cementite., ferrite,, compressibility, alpha phase, V=ia Une ABSTRACT: The position of the phase equilibrium lines in the eutectoid part of tile Fo-Cgr (grapl-Lita) diagram at a pressure of 30 kiloatmosphoros and in tile Fo-Fo diagram at 30 and 50 Idloatmospheros iias calculated on the basis of ~3 thermodynamic data. The following assumptions wero made in the calculationsi 1) solubility of the carbide in the c>( -iron could be neglectod; 2) tile compress- ibilities of cw, and Y phases wore equal (i.e., the volume effects of 'Ube trans- formation did not depend on the pressure); and 3) the activities of carbon and iron in auBtanite did not depend on the pressure. Calculations on the equilibrium- curve (G-S Line) for austenite N austenito + forrite gave the relation Xard ACCEW1014 NR: AP4034056 23.4 A V- -I (T) Fe where 0 is the Gibbs potential and U the specific molar volume. Expressions L\,Gi and A U obtained by I. C, Fisher (it Metals, 1949) 11 686) and by G. H. Cockett, and C. D. Davis (Acta meta. 1962, 10p 974) are (T) -0,874 A V-T (T) 0,268 --:1,62- 10' T r + 20.459P g I=L 3/mol.) T whore -4 is the concentration. These expressions together give the temperature as: a function of the pressure. For the EISI-line, for austenite austenito + gviijjlllto~ tho nxj)roroion 7fill 2/3 ard C WY, As'a- i~-- wzw' ACCESSION HR: AP4034056 From theta expresnionn it. was established that uniform pressure increased t1-D solubility of graphite and strongly reduced tile solubility of canontito in and Fe-F systems were siliftod austenite. The outectoid points of the Fe-Cgr 030 under the influence of pressure in the direction of higher temperature and lower carbon content. At high pres4ures, thi Fe-Fo C system became stable while the 3 Fe-Cer system became metastable. The authors thank L. A. Shvartsman and I. A. Tomilin for the conaultations and constant help with thermodynamic calculations., Z. 1-1. Vlasova and K. A. Peresada for conducting the metallographic analysis, and A. N. Kryukov for collaborating in the experiments, Orig. art. hast 27 equations:, and 3 figurea. ASSOCIVIION.- Institut metallofiziki) TsNIICW4 (Institute of Metal Physics, TsIai0m) SUB14ITTED: 25Ju163 ElrLt 00: SUB CODEt MH NO 1W SO Vt 005 OWE R: Oll Card 313, lift y 14, i~ t# V is f. -TITLE: Magnetic and magnstoslastLe properties of a rustamaggiatLe iron-rhodium alloy !SOURCE: Zhe eksper. i teo.r. fize, v. 46, no. 6, 1964. 2003-2010 !TOPIC TAGS: magnetostriction, alloy Young modulus, alloy lattice ;parameter, ferromagnetic transition temperature, Curie point, iron irtiodium alloy, alloy magnetization, alloy ;ABSTRACT: The.temperature dependences of the magnetization, mag- ifnetostriction, Young modulus,and lattice constant of an iron-rhodium talloy of.close to equiatomic (Foo.5, Rho.5) composition have.been ;investigated in the 50-750K temperature range. The experiments (were conducted on vacuum-melted Fe-Rh alloy annealed atI100C for 5 hr., land then furnace cooled or water quenched from 1100C. In a field up !to 2000 9e, the annealed alloy was antiferromagnetic at room tempera- ;ture,with.the transition to the ferromagnetic state occurring in a Card I / 3 !ACCESSION NR: AP4042559 ifield of 1700 oe at 353K with heating and at 352K with cooling. The' ;Curie point of th 0 alloy, determined in a 9-oe field, was about 660K. The.transition temperature Tk was found to decrease by about 12Kwith. the field increasing to 14,500 oe. Isothermal curves for the mag- I !netization in fields up-to 140 koe showed that below the critical I ,temperature TkP the magnetization increases sharply in certain critical !fields Ilk, isee, the antiferromarnotic-to-ferromagnetic transition joccurs under the action of the field. The critical field Ilk, defined n" tile Flottl itinniittudo nt which Lite, mont rnpld Itiares4tio Iti i I iitt ft t- e 41 .4 01 tA ji i I. ff f" ?1 4 t, f I t, 'I I U It 1 it v t 0 it -1 11 tt t. i,. fit I I I- f.4 t- t. It it 4 -1 4- H it j I it f. 1 1: i I. 11POrd 2/3 V ACCESSION NRI AP4042559 of Young modulus AE/E are zero in the antiferromagnetic region but are at a maximum in the region of temperature transition. The maxi- mum probably results from the superimposition of magnetoelastic effects# e which are associated with the destruction of the antLferromagn tic structur nder the action of the field, on the ordinary AE and mag- netostri:tlon effects which are caused by domain processes. The use of the data obtained for determining the applicability of the C Kittel theory to ferromagnetism - antiferromagnetism transition I in the Fe-Rh alloy produced incontlusive resufts - and further re- search on the alloy to recommended* Orige art. hast 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: -MoskovskLy gosudarstvenny*y uaLvernitat (Moscow State University) SUBMITTEDi l$Jan64 ATD PRESSs 3068, ENCL: 00 SUB GODEs~ MMOSS NO REF SOV: 006 OTHERt 009 3 1, 115766-66- ACC RR- -AP6030656 SOURCE COD : UR 6020/66/i6-,9f/-O-O6-/l-3-l-8F/1-3-1-9, AUTHOR: Kutsar, A. R.; Ponyatovskiy, Ye. G. ORG: Institute of Metal Science and Metal Physics, Central Scientific-ReBearch Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy (Institut meWlovedeniya i fiziki metallov Tsentrallnogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta chernoy metallurgii) TITLE: The compressibility and the phase transition diagram of chromium SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 6, 1966, 1318-1319 TOPIC TAGS: chromium, phase transition, polycrystal, metal physical property, metal ATISIIUACT: Tho ituthoru protiont tho resulta of niouflureinciltu of tho coi-tiprootilbillLy of 0111-0111111111, Obi,11111041 by 1,110 t0iiijoniotric inethot] untior hy(h-oiqWtIo_ljrotjt 1