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MGMSUM, i iding"66- urce emicbn uc or 1S7 iiei~ I ' - -~ " ..:~ ~. ~'_ cc en of, ~ matc 94. U af LL VF W t 61~~ i1viNim of h r mental e scup -_,GORBATOT, Tevgeniy Ivanovich; TE31OLIJI, I et red.; IOFINOVA. TS.B., red.izd-va; FROKOFITETA, L.N., [Work practices of the Sudov Logging C~ImP of the Bratsk Lumber Combine] Opyt raboty sudovskogo lesprdmkhoza kombinate Bratskles. Moskva, Goolesbumizdat, 1959. 15 P. (MIRA 13:3) (Bratsk District-Lumbering) I M# A* PA 163T52 T_ T am it., A* A&d.N*" S.S.S.R.: Xhim. N4%k 4(7), was ddd. by amperetattric titration with K#Cr% In Tbt pre9ftx*1 Of NH& - aftftte, 1K, &. and Ca low. Wben the mole ratio ' 100: 1. or *ben tVmde -ratio KNOs: Ba- E AsmachasUM 2 M k Choldcal Abei. 1 .t aot affect tbe detn. The titraticin couM Vol 48 n be done at pil 4-7 but If Ca at Sr is MCMD'. I Visswhy. At mole ratio -01 an e I li " 5 . o. 4 . . r s p g Feb. 25, 1954 etrot was within 1%. If the mole ratio Sr:Ba was 30:1. Da "' could still be detd. but not with larger arati. of.Sr. Da, M44YUMU Chemistry could be deld. Its the pte-stnee of both So and Ca it their truge ratio to Ba was fiot more than SO: 1. The usual app. with a dropping HgOectrode was used. Titrations were at A poten- tial of I Y. referred to the sold. calociel electrode. Ba could be detd. fromf).002M &q. solas. within an error o( 1%. KaCrO, solo.was 0.5Af for most titrations'but 0.01M for dq. solos. of Ba. B&CrO4 PPt. was formed slowly 90 5-20 MMM. was, required for establishment of the equil. mtrent. Work with very dil. solm. was difficult. Below pH 4 the rc- aults nae low because of the soly. of BaCrO4. Above pli 7 results were low because some baxic chrornatc of Da wq3 forme(l. Alglyrile J-- atermiastion" of tha S61U b~ty OIL Solwmts A - At -Nragilley-A an 4-)~MA1-Uy-jx7`I1 7&81 3i No 8 - lp 50 yj 9 Cr ur"lKht . W54p N 38175.-~~Tl I TT - m 20* n ~ wh itO- is. tit. of a lualin I weter acetone and ii ilc. I Lam up-bleally and amperometrically.M- A -6-nq- (it M&PO nxid .11 (1050)). -The c were var r6i 2Atb35va1,%,,-- Th6Wyof8qjuInojjnoI , 1120-u6co Sol Ins, rosz sharply ivit ifi -CmIcit.- At2U% Me%CO the Ay. -i~as 6 times" much as the- - ._.salk. hillfo atul twiccus much as ilia saly-Aii ii 20% An. . The soly,lof 8~qtifr,Anol was also studW fit 25* ncu-.-of NHi war-yuried from 0.4 to - ~The co: irol datd.-from'; 4 9 The diss6cri comt.* of &4tiinol Its 561khi Nil. Solos. woLs 0.4 X 10-11. The effect of temp. 8-q ail M k. d iitn'. of NH4CI on th r1Y. f5f p~?!inoj wits Am, . d Ld z.. MEW= A A!, p w 4, b- f lability'sm& acid- ase proparties o QI( _A c 4 MV XNWIC III - 0 5-4,0811CLO-SMUNN X 10 -6.5 VIC acu -the soly.~ d:S;7-dlbroin4qtdnolljiol inermsed lv'th C* conc u; of the ocid.- In the Akali the soly.-Ircreakd with-, - _n'.ofNaOHlindieached- coilt a mat' at 0 IN. Froln the c - - I _ " - ., vr I -~1;1- '-- -, -, A ...... - ------- 0 iv~ I ai e -dlu nsf.~of 5.74bromow~- co culedo tb och. -, eca Vauer. ' . A 0 ~'Thi OH at X --:,,were Cj~- 2,15-X I07Piud X '-d. i,;i 4ctfi~. were 3 SO --J~ade in .10-807o ag. !4t!,CO -,Wns~ and in pia e MejCO. " At CO. onut; 61~10 -23TIo tLe Wv. of 6.7-41b an C;l m i ' ' ' ' ',~ t ~ -Wcid-fi ts mVbn of the [ISO jinot indeases 6-10 tli~ . _I. v C-g', RX%4 SO 113.-, ro I jth-,qa doublM the. M~Wed for RY call 4. CI or C"T =,p hAn a I 16,50,411e, Mp al Potenti , , W" wem obWIcd ah trod )C131'. 714 U=, V. -itb 0.03- C4 In ac4c rtks_-,_alr 1-, 1. tir.. --------- - T 77 i ll?-i ne 3:01'abRity of caw wid . ar" -The boiUbIlIty &I magnasjuirr. and chlount wa- deterrmutd in aq t-thanolic hydroxyquinolates s-3jutions was fouad that tht milulnHy cif calciurn h'.'dmxvql:mtAn'e -.,A- I,- t~ thr'r ';ni?,. 0y ------------ ------- ---- f. Inorganic Substances G-2 0 - Abs jour: Ref Zhur-lihimiya', 11o 6.1 1957.0 19572 Author : A. A. P o Dgj,.t. L. P Maksimova I st- : n University.,ol kazan" Title Phot6colorimetric Determination of 14obium Orig Pub; Uc h. Zap. Kazansk. Un-ta 1956, No 5,.86 90 Abstract: The method of.'deterrdination 'of 111v,as phosphate- m -0 -:(A'.A. Davydova, Z 14. Vays - 1 bdate' Iberg,,Zavod..1aboratoriya, 19471, 9, 1038~ is im- proved. For the.determination of Nb in alloy steels, tho, vielghed sample of 0.1 g is dissolved - 1 F d b di ze e' Is oxi 6 n. 81 10 ml of, in 14,S04 y . adding several drops or concentrated M,10 In 3 BF are order, to avoid Ilb.hydrolysis 5 ml~of R Card,-1/3~ 48 SOV/137-58-8-18172 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metalluraiya, 1958, Nr 8, p281 (USSR) AUTHORS: PopeV, A.A., Skrebkova, L. M. TITLE: A Study of the Conditions for the Quantitative Separation of Antimony From Solutions With the Aid of Di anti pyrilmethane (Izucheniye usloviy kolichestvennogo vydeleniya surlmy iz rastvorov s pomoshchlyu diantipirilmetana) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Kazansk. un-ta. 1957, Vol 117, Nr 2, pp 184-187 ABSTRACT: Experiments were conducted with standard solutions of Sb with additions of a radioactive isotope. After creating a def- inite concentration of the halide, Sb is precipitated with an acid alcohol-water solutici-n~'bf.~,diant:ipyrilmethane (D). The most corr~plete precipitation occurs in the presence of I (to 5' 10-"g/ml). The precipitate is dissolved in an alcoholic solution of HCI (IN HCI and 500/o of alcohol) and Sb is deter- mined polari g ra phic ally. The excess of D has no effect on the height of the step. The error of the determination of Sb is