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BOGACHEVY V.Fl.; KUNII'k, S.L.; FIETROV, tekhn. nauk, dots. [Design of transistorized Lransm-itter stages; martual ;c,- a design course] Raschet k;iskadov poluprovodnlko,.~,,kh pe- redatchikov; posooie po kursovoru proek*liro-%r!,-:Aiu. '14c- skva, Mosk. energ. in-t, 19614.. 170 p. (1-: 1~ Ir" - I 1. M.0skovskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy in,-~rltut sv.yaz4 Popov). 2. Kafedra radiol;eredayushchikh skogo eren~~eticheskogo insLittiL, '~~.,664 9~- AM th*p 6.1,tiklian- d -pp~," SL f A & e- the M tfur the TIINn5ation o Ups Inp! j ' ' Utd ten ~=O ills. K o0tt o e v~po-. tit p action in D. C. , - I- kom cc kotv)r u stcj- n.t.mOtOMM Pro agy manpdcl reak r ~ El ktr Mi b mt l d I 6 h - e qv n c . n nasm mitroji ) . mic van_k!2p_g -TG57 Ob:Dr v. 49 technick p . , , POPOV, I.F., assistent. - Intraosesous penthotal anesthesia In ovine. inst. 21:445-452 '52. (aU 9: 12) 1. Xafedra operattynoy khtrurgil lharlkovskogo veterluarnogo In- stitiXta. (Anesthesia) (Pentothal) (Swine) Larolnesjeence daelyists of WS 9 2, No. 4, 7-IR(1956).-De--criptlon of an ultravi6let app. used in vitamin a", yds. Thts app. petmits the olnerva- tion of Photolumh1ca=1ce of those COMP&I. whose spectral raugo Is within 4W-VO millinuc I rons. . It is tWs ra6ka which caused - the . phatoltuninescence -- of many ~ erg. -- COMP4., Ir.g. Ao not exWbItIuminftcence4t tka with the aception of uranyl rauge and complex Pt C-Ompds, which rre Wdora pfes4ut In die water and then at such law mucus, that tljclr disturbfiia effect can be dtsmwtted-. --:- .. BANSSHEVICH. 1.I., kandidat BOGIU, ll.k., karvlidat tekhaicheakikh nauk; BYKOV, Ye.i.. inzheaer; VIASOV, I.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; GTITSBYSKlY, M.Te., lnz)-,ener; GRUM, L.O.. inzhener, OURVICH, V.G., Inthanar; DAYrdOY, Y.H., inzhenerl YgR- SILOV. 1.14., kazididat taklinicheakikh naulc: ZASORIN, S.N.. kandidat teklmichoskikh nawk; IV.0OVj 1.1,. kaadidat tel-chnicheskikh riauk; KRAUKLIS, A.A., Inzinmier; ULY20'l, L..B., inzhener; I.W111, V.B., inzhuner, 1ASTOVS-XIT, V,?_ dotacut; 1ATUNIN, N.I.. inzhenar; MkRXVAi&T, K.G., proressor. doktor tekhniaheskikh nauk; MAKHAYLOV, M.I., professor, (loktor tekhnichesklkh nauk.- NIKANOROV, V.A., inzha- ner; OS7,01AKOV, Inzhener: OKHOSHIIIL.I., inzhener; PARYKNOV. X.A., dotsent, Ir-mididat tekInnicheskikli nauk; Pz-MSOVSKIY, L.M., inzhener; 1-1? ~;~i~a Inz hone r. X261UIAV, B.G.. Inzhener; RATIMR, M.P., Inzhener: AROSSUI~.:VSX1Y, G.I.. cloteent. kandidat telochnicheakikh nauk: RYKOY, 1.1,, kandidat te'rhinictif-sk-lk'n nauk; RYSHKO'fSr-IY, I.Ya., dotsent, kanradab tel-6mich-A-Lk"'kh naWk-. RYA-BiUl, A.Ya.. profe~.Sor Edeneasedl; TAG&I, kandiao.. zel-chnicheskikh nauk: KaMf. H.M., profefi-tior, dohtor ti-aak-. "OHERNYSHEV. 14.A.. doktor Wainichonktkh nauk; i;'Jitt, profewsor, doktor tekhn i cheek ik.11 nauk: YURL21W, (40tcola'v. AY-*61ibl, I.Ya., doteent, kandidat teklmichaskikh anu-%; inzhener; BAWIROV. P.V., professor. doictor aauk., BARNGARD, K.A., kaadidat tekbinicitieskik'n uactkZ 4.17e., dotsent, keadidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; BWDAN~N, irzltenar-, l-,WDANGV, N.K., kandidat tokhniche- Bkikll rauk- 711;N1GH3lkW;, N.Cz., dotsent. kandidat okonomicheakikh nauk; (Continued on next card) FUNISINVICIT, I.I.--(con0imed ) 4.;mrd 2 . VASIL"YEV, V-F.; GUNGWZ01i; N.G., inzhener; DARIBAS, A.T., inzhener; DOBROSELtSKIY. K.H., dotsent, kandidat tekbnichoskikh nank; DLUGAGH, B.A., kandidat tekhnlchesftkh nauk; YjWIHOV, G.P., kandi"t tekhni- cheakikh naulrz; LAMBE.114OV. S.V., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nouk; UbAUG, R.L., kandidat teklinicheskikh nauk; WIN, K.F.. lmndidat teklmichuskikh unuk! 4AR&L'I'lKOV, A.D.. kandidat talchnicho- skikh nauk; iLiPLW, 2.8h., inzhoner; ICANSHIN, M.D.; KOCHHEV, --'.P.. professor. dDktor tel-chn icht~ ski Ith nau1c; KOGAN, L.A., kandidat tekhni- cheakikh aauk; 11JOH-URiN. 3.Y., Inzhener; LAVASHOV. A.D.. Inzhener; R&KSINOVIGH, B.M., dotsent, kan-didat tekhnicheskikh nauk; MARTYNOV, H.S., inzhener; lfAbAW. O.M., inzhener; NIKITIN. V.D., profel~-sor, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ZADNYA, V.A.. inshener; PANTEIRYMV, P.I., kandiciat teklmicheskikh nauk. ~VUOV, A.P., professor. doktor tekhni- cheskikh nauk-, POVOROMNKO, V.V.. professor. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; PISKARYIV, dotsenr,, knnelidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SMXYAV, To.$., kendidat tokhnLcheskikh neuk-, 61MONOV, K.S.. kandidat tekhni- cheklkh nauk; SIMANOVSKIY, M.A., inzhoner; SUYAZOV, I.G., inzhener& TAIDAY-MV, F.Ya., in3hener-, T10011OV, K.K., kandidat tekhnichaskikh neuk-, USHAKOV. li.Ya., inzhenr; UbiANSKlY, V.K., inzhener-, FILIDMAN, R.D.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; I%UPOWOV. G.V.. inzhener-, KHOKHLOV, L.P., inz~*nr; CHERNCHORDIX, G.I., professor, doktor takhnicheskikh neuk; SHAIUYAV, K.Y., inzhener; SHAYLRKIN, B.I., inzheuer; YAKUSHIN, S.I., inzhenor; GRANOVSKIY, P.G., redaktor; TISHMMiKO, A.I., redaktor; ISAYIV, I.?., doteent, kandidat tekbni- cheakikh nauk, redaktor; EL19OV, V.10., dotsent kandidat takhnicheakikh (Continued on next card) SHEVIGHp LL-r-- ~coatlnuad) Card 3. nauk, redaktor; 11.7., Inzhener, redaktor; KALININ, V.K., inzilener. reduktor, Z'IRFALOV, V.N., professor, redaktor; SIDGROV. N.L. inshener, radaktor; GARONIMUS, B.Ye.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nank, rednktor; ROBNLI, R.I., otvatetvannyy redBktor LTechnical reference manual for railroad engineers] Tekhnichaskit spravochnik zhelez-nodorozhaika. Moskya. Goa. tranap.zhol-dor. izd-vo. Vol-10. LElectric power supply for railroads] knergosnebzhenie sheler- n7kh dorog. toma K.G.Hark-vardt. 1956. 1080 p. Yol.13. [Operation of railroads] Skspluntatatia zheleznykh dorog. Otv. red. toma ILI.Robell. 1956. '139 p. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Cblen-korrespondent Almdemii nauk SSSR (for Petrov) (Alectric railroads) ORBilroads-PLanagement) POPOVI I.V. Aerial photographic study of the meandering process of river cmyes. Trudy Ukr. NIGNI no.3:151-155 '55, (MA 9:10) 1. Gosuderstyennyy ordenn Trudevogo Krasnogo Shameni fidrologichookiy InstItut. (Aerial photogrametry) (Rivers) "L~.lect,ronic s~-itcik--. -~,j --!,i,ri circ~-d,,s off." So-F-L-a, Vol 3, -0 i~, 17,-.511, 26. -S4 ..Cc~~ 10,-3 I-ISt. ';-,l 0 1'C, of f~T~ S- K Ax 'r-Ain Idea.- ycotic S % ~Pl._Aaort jl" awl IV 7 acail. balgrre set. t, illus rn~er. Tri-e: . , i o i t d i 4 i i ' t L- o s x t a n rr 1 h a/ 4 r c4 f; s L- o- i 2 ;' r j ' j 'h IvA f ildm i d ~ n i l rrt nns o i av s Wero : ch gmve inanit as ag to Pd, 'Vin 61-11- -Aere uvide!n test tubes cutitz. 5 or 10 itil. us; w'jioh wm po~;rd 0,10or O.M L'of the ale. KIV 44zOtapicti- iijbiliftion for 7'. gypyrial, Al. Obimnx, and 1, *,I.C, 4rti;~ resvi- 2-wwh1'qlnxyu4ttlc vid A. 12, 12; q It onap th, nk- 9.*:12,-~12, 2-nal-lithaWhyde 10,16. 15; 2-ijaphtayl WI-T.N11 ketlelc +3~1,' +.30; 2-naphthaldeltyle thiose"li- apmwtfic ajcicl' ere ' -i'>4r,>4; M. 1-acctoiaplathniy!20.23,20~ 1-uaphtha!puicaw~; U.tir a,id +20, +30.* _+30: (2.4-di liloropheni~.xy)acctlc P.C;(l +30. .+V0, -42t;'. 'ibytilAuyactile mid -. +20, +20; iiieth Ul-' , ketont ~' ..-, -cliloro-I V. 2 IV ' P'nuti,one +4, +4; +10; clypt,nne 10, >20. 20; 9-hydroxy- c4tiltioline 2, >4, 4. A + ign Indicater that the 4evelop- . ...... Inelit is tint hiflu-mced but lih ;%cr cSivens.- %vemnot examd.: > the deveiaptacrit R strongly Inhibited but not Completely o' dilm POPOV) 1. f,,ttermini-nr tht.- characteristics of the operation of asynchronoll!-) rwtors at nor, mal primary pressure. p. 3. - Sofiya, Vol. 6, no. 1, Jan. 1955. MEM, ~jrTIA) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (Z&AL), LC, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. Popov, I. TA Conference on tne Study of the Hydrological State,"' pp 91-93 (mid). (Meteorclegiya i Gidrolcgiya, flo b 111ov/Dec 19h7) SO: U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 POM, I. :i~;,mctlvenesm of bank control. Dan.i krid.14 no.8:35-37 Ag 156. (MMA 9:9) (Khabitrovsk Territory-Banks and bankilL,') (Khabarovsk Territory- 30 Industrial mmnsgement) Popov. I. Utilize surpluo revenue In local budget. Yin. SSSR 17 no.7:1-P-51 J1 '56. (Ukrpine--Budget) (mm 9:9) FOPGV, I. Strengthening the base of income in local bud.-ats. Fin. SSSR 16 U005;41-45 W 155. (MLRA 8:6) (Banks and banking) For-OV, I. "Finacinc, capital in',!estments in industry"Y p. 12.y (TESIM FROM- ISHLE',,'OST, Vol. 3, 117o. 10, 1954, Sofiya, Bidgaria) SO: Monthly List of East k;i=opean Accessions,(EEAL), LG, Vol. 4, No. 6, June 1955, Uncl. POPOV, 1. Tank firing drills. No 5. Tankist, No 12, 19h8. 7-~q~Lvy I -j . FOPOVJ i. 1 - - - -, ~r r ~- , ~ - ~ 1~ ,t, -, ...... -, lllltli - - I ~ - -f ~4 ~ , , Firing instruction for taikment durin- t*,ie surilrier training period. No 4. L1 ~ Tankist, No 12, 19h8. PO PO ~;!, T . Popov, I.I., Po for 'educinp- 1-icot4ne ir Tobacco." p-209 (JZ-.~ T T_,!., po,~r, Vol. 2. 195"l-, Sofiya.) SO: Nonthly List of East E;uropean Accessions, Vol- 3, 110. 3, Librarf of Con-ress, Mare i)%, Wnol. F-, mu M, 1W "The-re,7encrated kolkhoz.11 -Ir. from ti:e 7.-~issians. p 67, (YOOFE~--?UTFmO -oi 6 "1/2, Jan/q-b 1951, --iii1r,arie-) East European 'Vol 2 #8 SO. Monthly List of ROOM= Accessions,/Libraz7 of Congre5S, - August 1953) Uncl- MONDESHKI, M., prof.; RADANOV, R.; POPOV, I.; SLAVOV, G.; DOBEEV, P. Active non-surgical therapy of tuberculous erWema., Sofia 6 no.8:26-41 1955. 1. Iz Katedrata po ftiziatriia pri Med. akademiia V.Chervenkov - Sofiia (direktor: prof. M.Mondeshki) (TUBEEULOSIS, PULMONART, complications, pleural emMema, ther.) 3~4 X: POPOV, I.; SLAVOV, G. Application of pneumoperitonsum in complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis., Sofia 6 no.8:76-84 1955. 1. Is Xatedrata po ftiziatriia (direktor: prof. M.Mondeshki) pri Vieshiia meditsinski institut Y.Chervenkov) Sofiia. (PNSMPrMTOMM, ARrinciAL. therapeutic use, tuberc., pulm., in complex ther.) T DO711M, M.Z.; POPOV, Iord. St. Treatment of palmonar7 tuberculosis by extrapleural pneumonolysis., Sofia 6 no-8:53-66 1955. 1. Iz Durzh. ask-ttorium 9. Iskrets (biveh gl.lekar.: M.Z.Donev) (COLLAPSIC THERAFT, pneumonolysis, extrapleural) Popov, I. ........................... . Cleaning shoe* and other leather goods. Rabotnitea 35 no.2:30 Y 157. (leather) (Cleaning) (KL'RA 10:4) - -~~ ~' J -- - ~ n --l- I --.- . ~-- ~ 1. . ~I * : - 1~ V " - - . - '. POPOV, I. Ukraine - Local Finance Local budgets in the Ukrainian S.S.R. Fin. i kred. SSSIR No. 21 19753. 1,11onthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ;_u= 1953. Unclassified. 2. T-111 ~600) 4. Local Finance-Ukraine 7. Locitl budgets in the Ukrainian S.S.R. Fin. i kred. SSSR no. 2 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. Ljs~-. of Er) s -,AL) 0 Orc POPOV, I.., Imndidat biologichookikh nauk. Decreasing the wear and tear-on clothing in the laundering process. Zhil.-kom. khos. 3 no.11:22-23 (NI'53- (KLRA 6:12) (Laundries, Pablic) 1. FOPOV, I. ; M-4LUSHKO, V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Cheese Factories 7. Some problems of re-equipping cheese plants, I. Popov, V. Malushko, Moloch.prom. 14 no. 5, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. P-1-2~;'111 I . Local. Fi-npnce - llkr~t`ne Regulating the utilization of special reserve funds and imi,provin,_7 control over I-cal '-,u-4, 3 , Sov. fin. 13, No. 3, 1)52. ?-',onthly list of Russian Accessions, Uhrary of Con-ress, F-aY I'Y'52, Unclassified. 1. POF10,11) I. 2. U55R (600) 4. Chaunskiy District - Moving-Picture Projection 7. Beyond the Arctic Circle, Kinomekhanik no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Libr-ary of Congress, APRIL .1953, Uncl. POPOV, I., SVINT-SOT, A. V. Hydrology Conference on the study of hydrological process. Met. i gidrol. no. 6, 1947. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. -6 1", 1. Laundry Laundering linens -with L he aciDlication of sodium silicate. Rabotu' I-sa 30, nD. L, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 0~2. Lnc las -ii if;d - 1. POPOV, I~. 2. USOR (600) 4. laundrY 7. Laundering woollens. Rabotnitsa 31, No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessionsp Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. n -a r 1-.~c tu r,~ or, r 1 ~? c tr r n - n % I-C alic. tc r tc c r - ~arl--;neer -ancl +'-.-- t~ieorv c 'r c :f:7 c~:~ n P J I T.Ki4r~- - F77~, 1. Electric en~ineerin;,,. o7 p_. AUTHOR: Popov, I.D. 3-58-6-8/34 TITLE: In the Interests of Developing Industry (V interesakh razvitiya promyshlonnosti) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysphey Shkoly, 1958, Nr 6, P 34-115, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Len.ingradskiy inzhenerno-ekonomicheakiy institut (LIEI) (Leningrad Engineering and Economical Institute) renders sub- stantial scientific help to the city's industrial enterprises on questions of economics and organization of production. This was also done before the Leningradakiy sovet narodnogo khozyay- stva (sovnarkhoz) (Leningrad Council of National Economy) was organized. Yet, the situation changed radically after the sovnarkhoz was estab'lished. The institute's staff of pro- fessors and instructors at once felt that the Council of National Economy was deeply interested in the scientific re- search conducted by the institute. The institutele deputy- director for scientific work, Dotsent S.A. Volkov, Dotsent L.L. Shayovich, Candidate of Economical Sciences M.I. Orlova, and others have, in conjunction with manufacturers, worked out methodical suggestions for the most rational specialization and cooperation of semi-finished product plants and the pro- Card 112 duction of fixtures. These suggestions were accepted and P AUTHORt Popov, I.D. 3-5-23/38 TITLE& The Rhythm of Operation in Machine Building Enterprises (Z& ritmichnont' raboty mashinestroitellnykh predpriyatiy) PERIODICALi Vostnik vysshey mhkoly, 1957, Nr5, pp 64-065 (USSR) ABSTRACTi The author reports on an inter-VUZ scientific conference at the Leningrad Engineering Economics Institute, thesubject of which concerned matters of organization and planning of a proportional way of operation in maohine building onterprisen. Reports were made on this subject by the following scientific personst Professor E.A. Satell of the Moscow Engineering Economics Institute and Dotsent K.G. Tatevosov of the Lenin- grad Engineering-Economics Institute who declared that defi- ciency in specialization and co-operation prevent rhythmical operation. Dotsent I.A. Rozenberg of the Ural Polytechnical Institute demonstrated in his report that there is a lack of rhythm in many machine building works. V.G. Firsov, Chief of Production at the Leningrad Kirov Workag described a special production system in serial and non-serial machine building. The results of the conference were reflected in its deci- Card 112 sion. It stated that one of the factors of increased produc- GOMM= U It 14 11 It it is it x It 27 JI Ad nJ47r)sjv nil Stu MIS mwHC -L-1 ALA a it t, u itI v 1 ~ J I m up U k v U .1 0 41 . - - t. feeding a Cakim WW phospboms Contents of Bu4piri" trading 2 a a =1 alk and Cakitim pbospUte. fer-D-POIKIT. Axa.timiv- ch . f stoffs with the . 00 ..... I Ca pho5phAr Sofia 9, Hitt cOrctif-wW43 it Ifictuilk Addils. to the 4.11Y Wiwi 4, (w (mis "ere Aludwel alld Frallile air divell ill lu labitI. Villiox fill, Oinlif lwlii*l - lim d'.1 ma (Sbird 1~11tng) A K(AXI IUY IVIVidt'll pullicivill C&I whril flit Illilk prixtut : o exceed 18 kg. .4 dAy. Utlicrwilic an ddn. A chalk is ntctmry. Lticirtne bay wtith so 0 ow1r,~l-itling g4mml cimicii. fc~tl furnishes sufficient Ca and P. llurinx the suckling --h Ca. and chalk s;.ould I* ad&d. Ku& C-t j zoo Ago zoo 00 -.00 A S S L CIL-S$IfKAIJC- t: &ID too a ew a 0 1 w 4 ) a T 000 09 0 o 00 0 00000 0 0 0 IN, 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 1*0 4 11 1 ) 14 It It It 10 r--Jt 0 )1 12 11 161 Al W Ji ff a a a r is a 1 0 M as cc OR UfA., I Po Pr -90 The efiect of an exce" of calcium carboute as the dipistibility of f"d mid the eat Mcluinjigovilborus and nitrogen viclutage. IvanD. lInIxiv. Alex, Uair. ~66 in C-ril'AIMMIl -2).-The dillestiiPit %I -Wv~rc made wish 5-yess, old .00 lavut,, f,,d 2 twritlit, of '-IS day% -&ch. 'rh~ mt-n. tioin its Co. seals Wirdeil to 111%tratir t1tv cificlenCY (it iftElfg. Ca- Thv 0191411%. of 20 a. CaC(h hail no influmcr .00 "It g he dis(clitiltility of the rawn. In the firit ivrit,il (witliout a4ldn. of CAC01) tile 8*0 Ca fWance was ncg.; it was strongly put. in the wconif gwriod (with addst. I,# CAC01). on tile othrr hand, tile jxA. lb balance in tile first pet"I IxTanie strongly neg. upon =00 thr &1,31111. 111 Cacol. The addli. of CaC(h Ird to incrmwd elimination of N by the Uldlivir. thr N tMiall- r-i.ininv nal. ralml3v Ku&-M 00 06 0 00 goo 00 coo tiff A I A. A liVALLURGIC&L tIfERAT011 CLA1110KAITIC& tie 0 to., ..I,. gig.. W0-0. wee ;T .1. Q.- dot Ilis SAN Ah a 1 -1 U 0 a of Un ;go-on Iva*,, is It I v a 9 do a :s 0 als. 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 *16 0 0 4 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 & 0 0 0 0:0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 goo 0 0 0 Ole 6 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 06 & 0 0 0 0 *07 0 4 0 * 0 I A I A 7armiscumillsil"Pra it If a 30 a a V A A ~A-M~ a 00 A .*Crfarl~s 146cf1sal ..a 00* 998 is If a aIII a 111 9 xa a 41 it 41 Ad AS 1! . . . .. I- . A IA 41-F- -00 -00 -00 -06 -00 -0 MW ft" value ad amalum SO* Zk. Gambev am&A-ftOWx-'--- W. Slow- avow. nfiviculftfir 11, 435- Ans. somi 00,3 zwf it, Gt7rmw 4-W 02MIX33). Kull" A18.1 A "TALLUOKAL Lill 04TURI CLAssWICA11C. .to- I.A.3bl 1W. "t U 0 AV '.Vg a a9 4 it 0 0 & # 0 1 o 0 0 0 0 o aeon tee tf*o tweo V INA Aft o9 - WA n1 114 sad 0 it It I W olIdo a :1 0 46 0 & * 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 e 0 e 0 - 00 0000 0 be 0 Ofe 1- Vqf* 0 4e 0 a * 0 a 4 0 0 0 a 4 0 0 0 *oQ 0600 lrod1*411 4 # 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 *a * 4 -Q ' g I 1 0 L it ull 14 'Su I'll "Milla 313,13 NZ1111)9: 11111 lin Mill 3111? IS 4 it la u 41 Or* --- %-L-A J I 00 -00 so 11116011M of 1"tic, acellk, bu4m sad fawic adds tie h -00 t e 44p"bUky of food. as the earywo W a" - -0111 00 an the W IRWIN". 1. 1). lhnxw. Avio. Stair, ' ;,,,44. 1 . Fatalti ditow. jWrtirw .00 litiplq. with %hvep 2 yearl*w Which fftvjv"j a h'4- 0 e l 01 The filitin wa. avids shniml inrira,,rI Koo : l Jitrsti AMY ul pintleins atul [at litil line" diti"itAlity q,f "Tude filter And N-from eat. The acids had no induem, coo -n pepsin and p(rafin ewrpt vrfwm the Pu of the mirditun was altered. The redetiott fit the urine was tw)t chaniie,,f. COO 0 '9 1 Th ad-is prr~senl in WeLm (nmi eilits may mt for fit, goo 40 4r#0 V11-4-1 KL it' It u is tv IV 29 it of 0 9009*6400C46000111 0 goo 0 go * 0 0 mile 5-11 SIMI) '001vol-jilall 34 10 1, : 660040604606, elcoote*66000, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of 0 0 4 0 0 Or.1014"O.; i 4,0-4 0 4 6 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a W W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go 0 0 0 A 1 6 1 6 0 n it U it u is to it 1 31 It a,)$ 3% as x IN 11 11 U Ida ISMISM40.14163ho a J2 A [I "-A-Z -1 Po P 0 0 00 TM bjW?OW vshm of OMM pr$&Wm I"d go" Is of G. (;dnchtir and 1. 1). IOpW. 4401. Ellie. Alrada aff"Or. 'rwo -00 year%* empts. with young pigs showed the followins value, fnt the "rins- centrifuged milk 96.75. wheat bran X2.4, lafley 62.2, peas 6jr.l. cam 48.8. aun- It,wer take 411.0 and Yetch 63.9. Corn mid sunikmer coke tried in mixt.gavo better results (M.7). Themetlind 0 0 de'lot*d liv Thomas and imp"wed by MItcWl and later goo by Srhiftati A. 27, "077) was 11-rd. Z. 1. K. 400 Of COO roo 488 *00 ~14009. 0 0 9 go* 0 t:96 t1of so 008 'goo t 0 4 1 D it to ;1( 01(1 It(I V(Utt its( 4 0 00000 an.: 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * * 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0:0 0 0 0 0 ~~O 1.00 06. 0: 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 *- - - - - - IF w 9 as 'lI OF f US 6 WTf : 9 J D 5 is ). 27 A .4 x J, 1; M U A I- L ft F I AA N CC PP it I j I ._ E , CA so Ci 00 -90 a wet of (cereal) flours and some factors Influesscing it. 1, D. V-"lv- -1-m- .00 C 14 2iklir. - 'The metholl J 1116h. Samlmtrdl and 1 . 1 J3 WA* allghtlY 511.016C.I. A 14811- J'jAICIj;jj, (1 , .00 all'i 4 11111-Ce. V41111111filse IIAA welt, used ple 4.1 111 S. th"Ir all.] the reaction was inteilluistril with 4 cc. of a rulal. .100 Thilln,th-d zoo 00 a if.w-t m.t mcir%%itate lite imnlrdiAte detts. ist sugars. Wit. 00 j , o( tile th.15tatk, millf. or beating the dour to -JU, or Above litiluilli$(U"'~%* l Tl t l i i i h role . ie v cnil .tip ted is imer act u ty. Finer 11-stst give higher activity. 'rhe diAs,tA-tic activity of 40 c,lmmon BuIllafian flouts was dctd. by the pripillmd Z. 1. Krflr~x age KOO ' zoo lie -fTAILLURGICAL LITIO.Tl,fif CLASSIFKATICU tie U slo w., 1". An a ad a 4 a I W 6 ;,, ~ It Of It IV It :3 4 s I Is *sees 0 0 0 6 9 0 0 00 0 o o g 0 goes; C/9 W"d ""bodk4two, CAI, I .14 0. Ofalh. fl ('WISIM10. PfY tPnVh SAW4111MI (3-5 1-) 6 ORMICII 2 hf'l- With 3) AV- -1 re-itrelt (40" . ZOC4 11637r~ IICO at ZV. TIN mull- tog -Impy mAm Is Chill. to 21; &61. refluant foir I hr. awl i1frivd. The Ii I im w4hic fvp(v'wIItN of the Wright f the WoRml. M. 6A'Wtq Vvfy writ with v~doc, WAAitmt hy 1114ble 'NNlvcljjksn4j nwilst.14. Thr filtrat, 4mtt.lim 67-14', -4 1-hWillf -041-Alr (A. IgIlk-). PfrIMUllovot A its,- "t-I with IICI lit relux ito tvitiow hvinkrIltdirw) IIN its a ectlulmr-1, silt "Muk- v%H4111. iAtcr tre.4tumilt W 46r,, ~_j *.!A..,,,,, jilvtio. Iw filtratc kt"ItAilts :V ;' rv-ducull -ttigm. t1w 1414bef liallill t-Affitflit f1hill-I ill Ith- Olidilt.Lt 'A%Xl-I 11 .11161'sit"I to Iftilli&-mmi (if 't IM-11too of the hemi'VIIIII-." hy saforill m-I'l 11W wl".1% ",..I jjjv'~ A lignill-ft- lilit-41%! wiliell Imorwa, .1asSIAly. After 24 lit, mily '.PI' ;. M the w- h.1144 .111BAN 6 fvtnwltt~t. rise vI lot, _.-losme) givra A fillt-41~ .1wh Irflow'st. C.'ImIly km"'70 : to 24 The b-%4MIuk- f~.-t ~~,y 4-tty. 1'. %IWW hilt" tbAI;Iwf. It,, lv~njimllu- k-~' "'IlICT IIW ACtitillf 4 r4-1. 11. To k- T J- AT HIN, B.V.;POPOV, I.D. Histology and phyaiologic theory of 1. P, P&vlov. Arirh. amat.. Moskva 30 no.6:30-41 Nov-Dec 1953. (CIML 25:5) 1. Of the Department of Histology,(Head -- Prof. B. V. Aleshin) and the Department of Marx Ism.- lenin ism (Head -- Docent 1. D. Popov) of Kharlkov Medical Institute (Director Docent. 1. F. Kononenko). S- X, I'lovdiv, al. IDI /-%a enzymochemicai activity of seed"on ;be applicati(in of tmswkx. Ivan D Popov N. Kaiabashev, a d T bulf6re Sci. a. N"'0. I. "IgWin Ru3siAoXGennan frQr rice, batteV, wW affalfa was used. As a sourid source an it1tra- sonic geamtor with plezoquartz or a magnctostrictive oscil- ~Uk,tor was used. The application of sound caur-d &'sub- stautW Increase In the awylase-catalase-peroxidase activity, Them was also an activation of the germination process. In addn. a strong development of the toot system and the stalk was observed. It is advisable to soak the seeds in water varying lengths of tirne, according to the type of seed, before the application of the sound. 1. M. Worn Ab -.7 ur MhMIA/Chemical Technolo(,y Chemical Products and Their H-27 Application, Fermenting Industry. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya,, No 17., 1958, 59004 Author Popov Ivan D, Georgiev Ivan K,, Tonchev T A, Manchav S Inst Title Speeding-Up the Ripening Process of Young Wine of the DizVat Type by a Biological Mlethod. Orig Pub Izv. in-ta biol. Bulg. Ali, 1957, 8, 207-221 Abstract In semi-factory conditions, the possibility 'vms studied of the utilization of the preparation Botrytis cinerea (see RZhKhir-, 1957, 6527) for speeding-up the process of ripening and agin(; of young wine of the Dir;yat type. The introduction into the wine of 0,75 G11 of a dry preparation significantly increases the content of amine nitrogen, lowers the quantity of colloids, does not change the hydrolysing activity of the estorase, increases its synthesis activity and the activity of Card 1/2 77 B'JLW.RTA/Plant Physiolojry - Mineral Ilu",--i-tion. Abs Jour : Ref Z.Iiur - Biol.) NO 0' '-c*- I-C4376 Aut-lor : Popov, I.D., and Karis.-oi, V. Inst : DU13arian AS Title : The peactration of C060 Into Ifficat Seeds upoii Soakin~; Them in a Solution. Orig Pub : Do-I--. Bolg. AN, 10, 110 1, 73-76, 1957. Abstract : '.,[heat seeds were so,-.k-(!(! for 7 hours in a 0.02'p" nrj-W~ion of COC12 co-'-""ining 20 cur-Lct; o-f Co6O, mid thcroupon Gcl--- riiiia-'Gcd on filter T)apc---- soak&- in distilled wat-ar. CoG-) pc-iic!t- rated the seeds chio,ly iu'hroug~ the seed bit'ft .o a much smaller exu'en~", tlirou(jh the opposite c,.d r)i' 'UhQ sc,z:d. Upon the germina-'--,--oi,. ceeds CA "'LIC root o~C the germ plaii'u-, a-acl -thc radioactivity oz Ql~ stalk L'.creased slio'vtly. --- L.V. Romanov Card. 1/1 LEVIN, Mark Mironovich, prof.; ZADOROZHNYY, B.A., dotsent, red.; BELOUS01, V.A., prof., red.; DOXARIUS, N.H., prof., red.; VOROBOYEV, F.P., assistent, red.; GMECHEUKO, I.I., prof., red.; DERKACH.. V.S., prof., red.; KORSUNI, A.Ya., dotsent, red.; KOSHKIN, M.L., prof., red.; KOINTSEV, V.I., dotsent, red.; PIKIN, K.I., prof., red.; PRIKHODIrOVA, Ye.l., prof., red.; "POV, IQ., dotsent, red.; SOLOVOYEV,,M.N., prof., red.; SHTEYNBERG,, S.Ya., prof., red.; KHkRCHENKO, N.S., prof., red. (Repeated surgery in stomach diseases foUowing operations] Povtornye operatsii. pri. zabolevaniiakh operlrovannogo zheludka. Sharlkov,, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo gos.unir., 1961. 177 p. (Kharkov. Medychayi institut. Trudy, vol.58). (MIRA 16-2) (STOMACH-SURGERY) GOLIDFARB, Lev Grigorlyevich; _PQPQV,_IYan_DAq:~go_vich; GRUBNIK, P.D., red.; LnUIIOU, Y.1.1 tekh,.. red. (Modernization of equipment and increasing labor productivity; from the work practice of the machinery industry of the Kharkol Economic AdministratLfe Region] ModeM12ataiiayoborudovaniia i povyshenie proizvoditellnosti truda; iz opyta raboty mashino- stroitellnoi promyshlennosti KharIkovskogo ekonomicheskogo administrativnogo raiona. KharIkov, KharIkovskoe knizhnoe izd- vo, 1962. 66 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Kharkov Economic Region-Machinery industry--Technological in- novations) FOPOVp I.D. Reproduction of beech in cutovers as related to the type of the forest and various intensity of cuttings at the Akhmete Forest Working Circle. Trudy Inst.lesa AN Gruz.SSR 11:153-168 162. (MM 16:2) (Akhmeta District-Beech) (Akhmeta District--Forest reproduction) A frj3e o:, ntrazori,77 I ,:Dr Report oresented at t*,.,:- 5t". Internati-Imal Hoc,ie,nistry Moscow, l,)-16 August 1961- POPOV, Iv.D. Copper cation as a catalyst accelerating malting. Ukr. biok-him. zhur. 33 no.2:253-260 161. (11URA 14:4) 1. Sektor biokhimii, TSentraltnyy nauchno-issledavatellskiy institut rasteniyevodstva Bolgarskoy akademii nauk. (COPPER) (MALT) (CATALYSIS) GORKIN, Z.D., prof.;,_.~~OPOV, I.D., dotseut (KharIkov) Introduction of new technology and further tasks in the improvement of labor conditions. Vrach.delo no.6:621-623 ,To 16o., (MM 13:7) (DWSTRIAL HYGINIM) POPOV, Iv.D. Malting barley in a ahortened period of time. Izv Inst biol BAN 10: 217-226 ~6o. (EUI 10:4) (BARM) N,-, 10109 F, Popov D. Gco rgiV ev lv...n K. T oncliev, I.-Altute t-,f Mol()gy of th~! Bulgarian Acadernry of Sciencesl Thc- Accel-~raLlou of Maturation of Young Wine of the D~!m,.;at Variety ',,y Ehe biologic Method Manc!le---, S. Use c-E i, fE!rl-LLcn'iT~-g preparaLton 'if BcArytis cl, Lnerea 4t to ~bt;tin w-Ille 1-t g b er uality In a ilUM"'k-tr of charact-c-ri-Aics, ChlC!'lY in U45 clarity. Card- POPOV. I.F...assistent. Mass use of pentothal anesthesia In swine. Sbor. trud. Kharl. vet. inst. 22:392-398 '54. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Kafedra operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anatomii Kharl- kovskogo veterinarnogo instituta. (Pentothal) (Anesthesia) (Veterinary surgery) POPOV, I.F., dotsent The collection "Public health service in Voronezh Province from 1917 to 1957". Zdrav.Ros.Peder. 3 no.8:4-41 Ag '59. (MIRA 12: 11) (VMOIIEZU PROVINCE-PUBLIC ffi"TH) 0 0 oil 0 0 0 a a 6 W 1, U 11 14 It j6 if it LLI ri 13 U 25 It 17 A it ~ ]a it ii It 11 0 U it IS V At 4: 41 0 0 U J_ _L_ I AA IS CC VP U fl g 4 PC F 0 ....... I t I I Cedar awmill waM a raw waftrial for Ow produc. 11" of roola aimp. YS_ V. Dranke and 1. F. Pcipov. l ;I I 11ral"Ai BOU Far I ' ad . Set. V. S. S_ R. No. 10, 9~20(10:Rl); CUmit & indaitrie 34, 1 M-lt is advan- 00 a.. 'Aaftms it work up Korean cedar (Pinar kom"rii) waste c 10 produc , on the one hmW rosin and spirit of turpentine, stid q,n the other celluknc or its hyd"ysix prWucts, m4mr JWWtk:uhUIY c"Imthydrates, as feed. llydrrAyqi4 hm! 141 tm varTivat out in 2 stag", which pertnitn 4 Db~ faining a yield of up to 47.44% ol reducing cubohydratcs on the dry basis. A. Papineau -Ctmt tire 7 7; z: zoo ~Ei JO 00 00 00 1 vto v bi n 'A 4 3, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4'1 0 '6 0 0 0 0 4P 40 * 0 0 0'0 0 0 0 ~'Oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 01 0 0 0:, 0 0 C 0- 0 0 -0 0 0 0 -0 0- 0 0- 0 - -0-0 190-A VOYDA, A.N. [reviewer]; KRUTIKOV, N.P.; SHCHERBAKOV. K.F.; SMIRNOV, I.J.; PQPOV,, f authorel, Review of Oneory, design and calcalations of farm machin~ry.0 volume 1, by N.P.Lrutikov, K.F.Shcherbakov, I.I.Smirnov and I.F.Pbpov. Sel'khos- mashina no-10:31-32 0 153. (MIRA 6:11) (Agricultural machinery) (Krutikov. N.P.) POPOV, I.F., dotsent. i Elements of the theory of the rotary working parts of hay harvesters. Selikhozmashina no.4;15-20 Ap 154. NLRA 7:5) (Harvesting machinery) SOV/ 137-58-8-16683 Translation frorn: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurcyiya, 1958, Nr 8, p '04 (USSR) AUTHOR.~_ Popov, 1. F. T IT LE: Extraction of Molybdcnun-i by Ion Exchange Frorn Discharge Waters of the Hydrornetallurgical Department of the Balkhash Plant, and Certain Questions of the Mechanism of Interaction Between Molybdenum and Ion Exchangers (Izvleclicniye rnolib- dena metodom ionnogo obrr-ena iz sbrosnykh vod gidrometal- lurgicheskogo tsekha Balkhashskogo zavoda i nekotoryye voprosy mckhanizma vzaimodeystviya molibdena s ionitami) PERIODICAL: V sb-: Materialy Soveshchaniya po primeneniyu ionnogo obmena v tsvetn, rrietallurgii. IV105COW, 1957, pp 61-63 ABSTRACT: A procedure for the recovery of Mo from mother liquors and wash waters or MiXtUrCS thereof has been developed at the Balkliash Plant. The nieti.od consists of oxidizing the solution to a pH of 3, -.-Oiercupon it is passed through TM "espatit" in the form of a sulfate. %,Io recovery came to 98-99'7o. Re.ffen- eration is by normal amn-ionia solution. An ammonium- molybdate solution containing 60-65 g Mo/liter is -3btained. At present, an industrial installation to recover Nfo by this Card 1/1 method is under construction. 2. ic-n 0y ja F -avich,-dots.; ZHELIGOVSKIY. V.A., akad., retseazent,; Il t- Pop pAor POHOKAREV. V.A.. k-qnd. tekbn. nauk, red.; AVSHAROVA, Ife.G., red. izd-va.; MMLI, B.I., tekhn. re4. [Hay harvesting machinery; construction, theory and design] Hashiny dlia uborki trav na seno; konstruktaila, teorlia I raschet. Koekva, Goo. naucbno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 268 p. (MIRA 11:11) (Efay-Harvesting) POPOV I-F-.dots.-, XMI1111, 11.1.,inzh. L.6;1. m_ Xffect of the mo=tlng of rear wheels of tractor plows qn the tractive resistance. Trakt. i sel'khozmaeh. no.2:28 1 '59- (MIRA 12:1) 1. Hoskovskiy institut mekhanizataii i elektrifilmtsii jel'skogo khoZY[LyStVa iM. V-H-MOlOtOVa. (I'lowe-Teeting) KLETINY N.I., dots.; FOPOV, I.F., dots.; 6ERGEYEV, A.S., dots.; dot2.; TTI;0~7-,'EX A 1. , dats.; 512CEIZV, SoLov"YEV, - .--- 2 . B.vl;.p dot-=.; I=-1-101, B.Ya., re-d.; PEWhZER., V.I., z-sk-h-m. red.; DUDAKOV, V.A.j tekhr.. red. (Manual on practical exercises with agricultural machines and implements] Prakt-tkum po sellskokhoziaistvennym mashinam i orudiiam. [By] N.I.Klenin i dr. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat,, 1963. 319 P. (MIRA 17:2) KOZLOVI N.S.; PINIMNA, L.Yu,i_P_OPOV,_1.L-_ Catalytic-synthesis of halogen derivatives of,45-aryl amino ketones. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.7:2234-2216 J1-1~1. (MLR~ 14:7) 1. Permskiy sellskokhozyayetvennyy institut. I (Ketone) KOCIGO"ZOVs M.Lj~ POPOVv I.F. Some results of the reqrganization 9f the district level of the rural public health pystem in Kuyb shev Province. Zdray. Roo. Feder. 4 no. 10:2#.32 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz Pybyshevskogo oblastnogo otdela zdravookhraneniya, ~-.KUYB SHEV PROVINCE-FUBLIC HEALTH) S/032/60/026/008/023/046/XX B020/BO52 AUTHORS: Popov, I. F., Rodzayevskiy, V. V,, and Lazarev, A. 1. TITLE. News in Brief PERIODICAL: Zavodekaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol, 26, No., 8, P. 949 TEXT: A method is suggested for the separation of molybdenum and tungsten from rhenium, which is based upon the adsorption of these elements on MnO 2' During the separation of molybdenum, 50 - 100 ml of the alkaline solution containing rhenium and molybdenum, are neutralized with sulfuri(: acid (1:2) until the bromophenol blue turns yellow. For each 60 mg of molybdenum in the sample. ~ mi of 0.25 N potassium perman-anate solution, 7 ml of a 0.5 M Mohr's salt solution, and 3 n! of 0.25 N sulfuric acid are added. During four minutes the solution is boiled, cooled down, and poured into a 200 ml measuring flask, which is filled up to the mark with distilled water. After filtering, rhenium is colorimetrically de- termined in an aliquot part of the solution by ammonium rhodanide and tin chloride. The colored complex is extracted by butyl alcohol. Prior to the Card 1/2 POPOV, I.G., kand.ekonom.nauk; KHAVAYKV, R.I., [Work standards in agriculturef Normirovenie truda v sellskom khosioistve. Moskva,, 1959. 31 P.. (KIRA 12:7) (Agriculture--Production-standards) POPOVI I.G., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk (Leningrad) Approximate calculation of lorg cylindrical shells. Rasch.- prostr.konstr. no.6:189-212 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Elastic plates and shells) POPOV, I,.:G Method for luminescence analysis ofwater. Iab.delo 2 no.4:7-9 Jl-Ag 156, (KIRA 9:10) 1. Ix TSentrallnogo ins ~i tuta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. (LUNINISCENCI) (WATIML--ANALTS IS) g -Wndidat meditsinskikh nauk (Moskva); IVANOVA, Ye.N.,kandidat me tzinskik% nauk (Moskva) Role of feldshers in the sanitary inspection of wells. Felld. i akush. 22 no.2:40-45 7 157 (KLRL 10-5) (WATA SUPPLY) Popov. kandomed.nauk Some features of Analyaing water on the basis of its fluorescence [with summary in English]. Gig. i san. 23 no..5:21-26 MY 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Iz kafedry voyennoy gigiyerkv voyennago fpkullteta TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (WATER, photolumineacent analysis (Rus)) -;3 PY, A POPOV, I.G.,, IVANOVA, YO.N., (Moscow) Public henlth requirements In settirg up field stitions. Felld I akush. 23 no.5:42-45 MY 158 (MaA 11:6) (AGRICULTURA--HYGINNIC ASRCTS) POPOV, I.G.,; IVANOVA, Te.N., (Moskva) Proph7laxis of poisoning by tetraethyl lead, an athyl solution, and athyl gaseling. Y91'd. I akuuh. 24 no,lo.-38-41 0 159. (MIRA '13:2) (LUD POISONING) POPOV, G.M., prof.; POPOV0 I.G., kand.meditsinakikh nauk Fifty years of water disinfection by chlorine in waterworks in Russia. Gig. i san. 25 n0.4:112-113 AP 160& (KERA 13:8) (WATER SUPPLY) (CHLORINE AND DERIVATIVES AS DISINFECTANTS) FOFOV, Ivan Gerasimovich., kand. ekon. nauk; KOVALFIV, N.I., - :. - - - '7 , - spets. nauchr'. red.; A.F.j, red. (Mathematical methods in economic calculations for agri- culture3 1,11atematicheskie metody v ekonoieicheskikh raschetakh po sellskomu y'l-hoziaistvu. Voskva, Kolos, 1964. 238 P. ~1,1111A 17:10) IVANOVp Anatolly Yevgeniyevich; KHAYEVSKIX, N.A.,, prof.p red.; POPOV, I.G. 0 red,j SUCHILO, K.K., tekhn. red. (Pathoanatomical changes in the lungs in reldiation sickness) Pito- logoanatomicheakie imeneniia legkikh pri luchevoi bo3.ezni. Pod red. N.A.Kraevskogo. i(oskva, Gos. izd--vo mede Ut--;~ Medgiz, 1961. 153 P. 10 ~eystviteilrq7 chlen AM SM (for Krayevskiy) (MIRA 14:8) (LUNW-DISF.ASM) (RADIATION SICKN W ) POPOV, I.G., mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby, Preflight sleep of the flyer. Vest. Vozd. F3. no.,~z:,,%_61 My 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Flight crews-Care and hygiene) i? MOM, Pinkhos Illich; POPOV, -.1,G. j__~; BELICHIMOVA, Yu.S.., tekhn. red. [Study of thermoregulation in the bygiene and pbysiology of work]Izuehenie termoregidiatsii v gigiene i fiziologii tru- da. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 229 p. (MIRA 16:1) (BODY TDIPERATURE-REGUIATIOTT) (RIDUSTRIAL BYGIENE) :.77 GUREVIC11, I.I.[trarwlator); YAZDOVSKIY, V.I., prof., red.; POPOV -,- I G red.; BALDINA, N.F.y tekhn. red. (Problems in space medicine; a collection of articles by foreign authorsjVoprosy kosmicheskoi meditsirq; sbornik sta- tel. zarubezhnykh avtorovi, Moskva,, Medgiz, 1962 323 P. iMIRA 15:9) (spArn NEDICINE) MALYSFEVA, Aleksandra Yovdokimovna, POPOV, LG.,_ red.; CHULKOV, I.F., tekhn. red. (Hygienic problems of radiation heat exchange of man and his environment; radiation cooling] Gigienicheskie voprosy radiatsionnogd toplaoibmena cheloveka s okruzhalushchei sre- doi; radiatsionnoe okhlazhdenie. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 241 p. (*AT--RADIATION AND ABSORPTION) (MIRA 16:4) (BODY TEMPERATURE--REGULATION) VOLYNKRI, Yu.M.; ARUn-TJI:OV, G.A.; plITIPOV, V.V.; ALTUKHOV, G-V-; BRIEVSKIY., R.M.; BELAY, V.Ye.; U;'-,ANOV, P.V.; B.R*---A2;G-';, 1-T..,* VA-SILtYEV, P.V.; VOLOVICF, V.G.; GAGAFB~, Yu.A.; G31111, A.M.; GORL,OV, F.D.; GORSHKOV, A.I.; GUROVSKIY, N.N.; YESWJOV, N.Kh.; YEGOROV A.D.; KARPOV, Ye.A.; KOVALEV, V.V.; KOLOSOV. '.A.; P KORESHKOV, A.A.; KASIYAN, I.I.; KOTOVSKAYA, A.R.; YkLIBERDIN, G.V.; KOPANEV, V.I.; KUZ1MIhOV, A.P.; KAKURIN, L.1 ; KUDROVA, H.V.; LEBEDEV, V.I.; LEBEDEV, A.A.; LOBZDi, P.P.; 1-!AKSIMOV, D.G.; NYASNIKOV, V.I.; MAlYSHKIN, Ye.G.; NEUkffVAKIN, I.P.; ONISHC101KO, V.F.; FO -POV,_j_,G.; PORUCHIKOV, Ye.P.; SILIVESTROV, M.N.; SERYAPIN, A.D.; SikSONOV, P.P.; TERENTIYEV, V.G.; USHAKOV, A.S.; UDALOV, Yu.F.; FOMIN, V.S.; FOMR1, A.G.; KHLEBNIKOV, G.F.; YUGAHOV, Ye.M.; YAZDOVSKIY, V.I.; KRICHAGIN, V.I.; AKULI14ICHEV, T.T.; SAVEUGH, F.K.: ST9PURA, S.F.; VOSKiESEUSKIY, O.G.; GAZENKO, O.G., SISMU, N.M.0 akademik, red. (Second group space flight and some results of the Soviet astronauts' flights on "Vostok" ships; scientific results of nedical and biological research conducted during the second group space flight] Vtoroi gruppovoi kosmicheskii polet i neko- torye itogi poletov sovetskikh kos-.nonavtov na korabliakh "Vostok"; nauchrWe rezulltaty inedikobiologichoskikh issledovanii, provedennykh vo vremia vtorogo gruppovago kosmicheskogo poleta. Moskva, Nattka, 1965. 277 p. (MIRA 18:6) Popov J.( YTICHAGIN, V.I.; BORSHCHENKO, V.V., SAVINICH, F.K. Study of the hygienic aspects of space clothes used In small cabins under comfortable microclimatic conditions. Probl. kosm. biol. 4:180-187 165. (MIRA 18:9) L 23281-66 FS5-2/E,4T_W/EEG(k) -2/FIVIAW) SCTF3 TT/M/G1,,i ACC NRt AP6011411 SOURCE CODE: UP,/0216/661000/002TO-2 AUTHORs Balakhovskiy POPOV, 1. ORGi -none TITLEt Results of a physiological and bLochemical examination of the Voskhod-l crew rK SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologicheskaya, no. 2, 1966, 212-220 TOPIC TAGSi manned spaceflight# human physiology / Voskhod-l ABSTRACT: Some detailed physiological and biochemical results (in- cluding some redundant data) of the Voskhod-l flight are given in the following figuress Card 1 / 7 UDC: '612.17 L 23-61-66 NRs AP601 1411 P~ 7~1 Fig. 1. Comparative data on pulse variations for all cosmonauts (Z above normal) at various flight stages. The sequence of bars in each frame corresponds to: Gagarin, Titov, Nikolayev, Popovich, Dykovskiy, Tereshkova, Komarov, Peoktistovq Yegorov. I - 4 hr before launch; 2 - 5 win before launchl 3 - I min before launch; 4 - I min after launch; 5 - greatest G force; 6 - lot orbit; 7 - ind orbit; 8 - 4th orbit; 9 - 6th orbit; 10 - last orbit# 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ACC NRt AP6011411 Table 1. Changea in ' some EKG indexes during the Vookh od-I ' flight ?-" i rva QRS, Q-T, R-R Inte e la in c spike aroplit udeg of Pg R. T a in re t .i units; systolic index j (51) n all mean data i r p e- I l r Orbits 'C i 1 d I ounch, i osmo lauts n exes . .2 -M 1 7 1 13 V, ill p ojig 3.2 2,9 0,1; 0.78 Komarov- 151A 49,3 30,5 io'o to, t T 2.7 14 2 14's 3,6 2,0 PQ (1,10 0:11 0'n 0.10 0,10 QRS 0,06 007 0,07 0,07 0,08 Q--T 0,14 0:17 0'18 n 38 1 0,34 R-9 o'cit 0,78 0176 0 .89 0,75 S1 55,7 48,7 50,7 45,0 45,3 K, P p O'Bi - 2A 0,60 0,64 Feoktiato-v R 16,/, - 38,7 8,9 D'I T 3,4 - 13,2 3,2 218 PQ 0.1.1 - 0,14 0,11 OJ2 QRS 0,0,5 - 9106 0,06 0,08 Q-T 0136 - 0,42 0,38 0,36 R-R 0169 0,90 0,87 0.78 SI 52.9 - 4313 44,2 46,8 Bo B, p 0,37 2, A 116 0144 0,51 Yegorov R 10,9 32,0 30,2 819 8't T I, 1 5,7 10,8 2:4 1,8 PQ 0,12 0,12 0,16 0,10 0,t0 QRS 0,06 0,06 0,07 0,07 0,07 Q-T 0,34 0,37 0139 0,40 0,37 0.59 0,73 0 98 1,03 .0.90 gard 3/7 58 "0 50,7 40:1 - 3~9'2 41.0 _L.."32'1-!66__. ACC NRi AP6011411 Table 2. Water balance during the flight I - Loss of water with urine; 2 - cosmonauts; 3 - linen chloride content, mg; 4 - urine excretion, liters-, 5 - water lost via imper- ceptible perspiration during the flight$ liters; 6 - total, calcu- lated water loss through the skin during the flight, liters; 7 - water ingested, including water in food, during the flight, liters; 8 - actual weight lost from 8:20, 12110 to 18:10# 13/10j 1964, kg;- 9 - V. Me Komarov, Ko P. Peoktiatov, Be B. Yegorov in that order* L r 4 6 7 532 3,4 1'0 414 1'(3 I'V 9 324 21 i0 1 3.1 116 2,9 460 3:2 1:0 1,6 3O~ Card 4/ 7 -L 'fo'Zo.1-up ACC NRj AP6011411 Table 3. Biochemical and morphological content of the blood during the flight compared with training data ICOMPlex= Flig ht After trainin flight Ind 'exe a Be-Aft- WJ-1 1-2 1 startl e n d ~wed~ d a y jdaye 1115 foreler idayaldaysH V. M. Komarov Sugar, M~% 92 115 - 105 J01 - Urea mg 4 34 38 38 22 32 - , Chlorine, mg'% = 2.50 280 225 175 - Leukocytes, 1000/MM3 5, G,8 5,1 4,5 4,0 .- rormulai 5 5 3 3 6 5 - Rods Segments , 63 00,5 55,5 " 40 - Eo inophiles 8 1 1 3,5 2 5 1 3 47 - Lymphocytes 26 25,5 33,5 7 5 - Monocytes ,5 4 7,5 6 8 - - 160 5 It 107 -7 U 39 28 - 225- 210 05 7,0 5.9 - 6 0 - 64 51 - 1 2 - 25 35 4 a Card 5 / 7 L 2-3121-66 ACC NRs AP6011411 Sugar ml% Urea ' mg Chlor'Lne Mg% Leukocytes, 3~ 1000/mm Formulat Rods Segments Eosinophiles Lymphocytes Monocytes Su ar, mj% 9 Urea, mg/. Chlorine " mg% 3 Leukocytes' 10001MM Formula: 1 Rods Se. gm ents EoNpophiles Lymphoc tea a Monocyti K. P.'Feoktistov 82 115 133 75 100 85 105 70 63 21 25 1 35 1 25 31 - 47 1 40 - 36 237 250 250 225 225 - 200 225 = M 5,2 6 1 1 5.11 5,4 4,2 5,1 5,4 1 6,8 4,9 - 2 4,5 2.5 1 1 1,5 4,0 1.5 2 - 57 60 1 01 '5 V, GO 67,5 43 0 G0 - 2 1,5 1,0 1 2 2 2 0,1 3 '5 - 32 30 27 30 28 24,5 36 29.5 ; 28 5 - 7 1 4 1 8 1 4 9 4.5 10 8.5 , , B . B. Yeg orov 50 so Ito 115 115 70 112 55 65 59 20 W 33 23 - 51 41 40 1 /1 t 39 240 280 220 260 220 210 180 220 240 200 7,5 11,5 6,5 8,0 8,1. IBJ 12 .9 8,2 - 2 3 2.5 1 3 0 1 1.5 215 - 53 50,5 51* 55 43 35: 5 62,5 51,5 - 1 3 2,5 1 4 2,5 1 2's - 37 37 30 36 43 58 1 30 5 38 - 7 a 5 a 7 7 r" 5 4 5' 515 ~ It was no'ted that the cosmonauts did not tolerate re-entry as well as they did centrifugation during training, This wao attributed to the day-long exposura to VeLghtlessness. None of the observed deviations L-232-81r6fl- ACC NR: AP6011411 from normal was pathological and rapid recovery took place. Attention is brought to the individual somatic and autonomic peculiarities of the cosmonauts and their level of training. Orig. art. has: 4 tables and 2 figs. [CD) SUB CODE: 01"1 06/ SUBM DAM IOSep651 ORIG REFs 010/ OTH REFI 001 ATID PRESS: 7 U SOV/124-58-1-1082 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 142 (USSR) AUTHOR: Popov, 1. G. TITLE: On the Calculation of a System of Beams Resting on Elastic Supports (0 raschete sistemy balok na uprugikh oporakh) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. Er. Leningr, inzh. -stroit. in-ta, 1956, Nr 23, pp 5-27 ABSTRACT: The author provides the design calculation of a system of cross beams relative to a transverse load without taking torsion into account. Systems of equations are set up, methods for the simplifi cation of their solution are found for various particular cases that are of practical interest. S. N. Nikiforov Card 1/1 124-1957-10-12064 C_. Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 10, p 122 (USSR) AUTHORS: Popov, 1. G., Rayevskiy, A. N. TITLE: Determination of the Stability of Some Single-layer Unrestrained Frames (Opredeleniye ustoychivosti nekotorykh odnoyarusnykh svobodnykh ram) PERIODICAL: V sb. - 15-ya nauch. konferentsiya Leningr, inzh.-stroit. in-ta. Leningrad, 1957, pp 401-404 ABSTRACT: The Authors examine the static stability of multi-span, single- layer, unrestrained frames with unequal linear rigidity of the horizontal beams, as well as single-layer unrestrained frarnes of the monotonous type with vertical ties in the form of intersecting braces and loads applied at the joints. A method of solution is offered which permits the reduction of the system of uniform canonical equations, set up by the displacement method, to a single equation of the critical state from the deter=4"nt of the coefficients of the system, as is done in the general case. For this purpose, the turning angles of the frame joints arei deter- mined from the canonical equation as a function of linear displace- Card 1/2 ments and substituted in the equation expressing the equality to 124-1957-10-12064 Determination of the Stability of Some Single-layer (cont. ) zero sum of reactive forces the joints which prevent the The equation thus obtained is parameter. The problem i! approximations for given values in the supplementary constraint in linear displacement of the joints. utilized to determine the critical solved by means of successive of the parameter. A. F. Anishchenko Card 2/2 124-58-9-10508 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 154 (USSR) AUTHOR: Popov, 1. G. TITLE- On the Design Calculation of "Vertical-f lat- slab" Type Buildings (A Cricical Review) [ 0 raschete karkasno- pane Vnykh zdar,.iy (V poryadke. obsuzhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Byul. tekhn. inform. Glavleningradstroy, 1957, Nr 9 pp 21-25 ABSTIACT: An ifivestigation of the wind-load distribution between the trans verse beam-and-girder frames and the vertical stiffening panels (wall slabs) of I'verti cal-f lat- slab" type buildings. A critique is offered of the well-known calculation scheme whereby only the horizontal forces of interaction between the frames and the wall slabs are -accounted for by determining them from the condition -of equality of th-e hor 'ii~6ntal displacements of the i riterconnected points. It is proposied that considera,tion be given also to the vertical forces ar'ising frorn lh,~. interaction between the frame junctions and the outer edg~i of the walls connected thereto with due accounting for the longitudifial deformations of the columns of the framework. A calculation example shows that the hori- Card 1/2 zontal forces of interaction, according to the calculation scheme 124-58-9-10508 On the Design Calculation of "Vertical-flat-slab" Type Buildings (cont. 0 proposed by the author, are found to'- have Ahe same sign in every storv, whereas in the calculation scheme criticized by him their sign is reversed in the upper stories; the solution in the Mustrative example (Fig. 2a) contains an error. Ya. B, L' vin 1. Sturctures-Design Card 2/2 POPOV, I.G., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk. Using the method of forces in investigating the strength of frames. Sbor. nauch. trudov LISI no.26:7-44 157. (MIRA 12:1) (Structural frames) POPOV, I. G. Stability of flat symmetrical multistoried framea. Hauch.dokl. vys.sbkoly; stroi. no.21:79-91 '59. (14IRA 13:4) 1. Rokomenclovana kafedroy itroitql'noy mokhaniki Leningrad- skogo inzhenerno-stroitel'nigo instituta. (Structural framas)