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7L 53599-6 E4T(mVEPF(c)./T Pr-4 AMC/ APGC WE ACCESSION NRi AP5010980 UEV0319/65/000/004/0014/0016 AUTHORSt -Drabkin, 1, Ye.; ;~j~anoy, Be Fe; Orechkin, D. B,; Popova, T, S, ~5 TITLE: &drofining the kerosene fraction SOURCE: Neftepererabotka i neftekhimiya, no. 4, 1965p 14-16 TOPIC TAGSt hydrofining, kerosene, hydrogenation,, dearomatization sulfide, catalyst / 3076 catalyst, 5058 catalyst Abb'rHAUT: An important solvent for acetylene production is the aighly dearoma- tized petroleum fraction from naphthene-paraffin hydrocarbons boiled off at 200-250C. This sol7ent must contain no more than 0.3% aromatic comr>ounds. The authors sought to find the optimal conditions for obtaining this scivent i3y hy- drogenation with i.idustrialL 3ulfide catalysts., 5058 (tungsten aulfide) and 3C776 (mixture of nickel and tungsten sulfides). Tests were made at high pressure with the catalyst ground to 3-4 mm. The duration of each experiment was about 48 hours. Fqdrogenation vith 3076 was carried out at 300 atm and at temperatures of 300 and 350C. Good results were obtained at 350C, the product having only 0.2% aromatic hydrocarbons at low delivery rates and still only 0.3% at higher rates. 7he yield of solvent in this proaaBs amounted to 68.2-78.5% of the Initial ~Scrd_ 1/2 6 53595-. 5-- o ACOMSMU M. AP5010980 raw material. Hydrogenation at 300C was unsatisfactory (yielding too much aromatic material). Hydrogenation of 5058 was also carried out at 300 atm, but at temperatures of 300, 320, 340, and 3600. Again hydrogenation at 30M was unsatisfactory. At 320C the aromatic content was lase, but not aufficiently less.i At 3400 results were satisfactory,, and were even better (lover aromatic content) at 360C. Results were thus satisfactory with either catal7st, but the yield was 7-101,'u' better with 3076. Orig. art. has: 3 tables, '2/ [Card 2 EKG-Lt OD SUB COM. OTMMt 000 FPt,. PC N L -11,1724 -65 Mrli ')/3WF(b)/T Pr-h IJP(c /I JD/~&-z - ACCESSION NR: AP4049872 3/318 /64/000/C,02/0014/0017 AUTHOR: Drabkina, 1. Ye.; Orechkin, D. B.; ?0_F2 ~.T_ TITLE: The effect of elemental sulfu n the oh mical stability of distilled fuels SOURCE: Neftepererabotka i neftekhtmiya, no. 2, 19G4, 14-17 TOPIC T,AGS:, sulfurous kerosene, kerosene discoloration, fuel stability, fuel sulfur content, gasoline corrosion ABSTRACT. This P U -is, a review, mostly of Soviet Boure s, concerning the deteF~nncntal influence of the elemental sulfur formed In fuels containina sulfur-compoundall Elemental S pr6s~Nnt in hydrogenated products reacts with hydrocarbons and forms unstable resins, some of which are distilled with kerosene and affect its color In storage. The presence of 50-200 mg elemental sulfur per liter in the hydrogenated product makes the color un- stable and the fuel useless as illuminating oil. During fractionation of sulfur-containing crude there is a definite dependence of kerosene stability on dtatillatton temperature. This faCL should also be taken into consideration when judging the stability of aviation kerosenes. Elemental sulfur in gasoline makes it corrosive. Elemental sulfur is formed through the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide daring fractionation or secondary processing of oils. Orig. art. has: 4 tables. Card L 19724-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4049872 ASSOCIATION: none SUBAUTTED: 00 NO REP Sov: 008 ENCL: 00 OTHER-- 002 SUB CODE: PP Card.... ilj.~UVA, Ts.;Ki5ZL&UVA, A. "Tuberculosis in Infants of Our Countr-r." p. 2, (ZDRA.VW-U FROINT, No. 46, Nov. 1954, Sofiya, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EZAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1,055, Uncl. v USSR Gonoral an(I ffiPocialAxid 7,oology. liviocta. InGoet and P Mito Posts. Abs Jour : R-,f Zhur - Biol., Dio io, 1958, ira IP403o Author : Ponova, T. T. Inst : All-Union Scientific Roscarch Instituta for Flax Title : Moro Attontion to Flax Protection Orig Pub : Zashchita rast. ot vrodit. i bol3znoy, 1957, No. 2, 14-17. Abs tract : This article dmls with the drq-~) Ll flax production duj to ,posts anC, disiasos and lach of or~~iaization of protoction in the nc.Jolity' Of flLLX growili':; fax~.17.. 1iccording to tho "dil-Union SRI for r]-u-,, the troatzaont of so,21; -'dith mQrcuran (1_~O ~;/cjatl- nor) cut tho damaoc to the sp:,outE; through adult floa -0Qotlcs in half., th::our;,n larvae by 5 tinco, ca-id through discaso by D times. T-rcatment of soud~- with 24n~ 300 9/centnoz r::~isceL thQ fibor Yield from 7.7 contnir/ha to 9.7 contnor/ha., ond ii;i-- provod its quality. Card 1/2 38 - 11 - USSR/Plant Diseases. Diseases OfCultivated Plants. 0 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 5, 1958, 20705- Author Popova, T.T. Inst Title Granozane in the Struggle With Nuclei of Fusariosis Infection in Flax Sowings. Orig Pub: Len i konoplya, 1957, No 9, 29-32. Abstract: No abstract. Card -. 1/1 ZqARIKOV, Ya.F., nauchnyy sotrudnik; POPOVA, T.T., nauchnyy sotrudnik 4ow to determine the contamination of flaxseed. Ushch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.11:29-31 N 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut 11na, Torzhok, Kalininskoy obl. DUNINY M.S., prof.; KHOKHRYAKOV, M.K., prof.; POPOVA,.T,.T.,, starshiy nauchnTj sotrudnik; WR/DVA, N.A., kand.sel'skokhoz.nauk Outstanding scientists, Zashch. rast. ot vr(!d. i bol. 8 no.12:4-7 D '63. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Moskovskaya ordena Lenina--.el'skokhozyaystvennaya akademiya im. Timiryazeva (for Durlin). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauahno-issledovatel'skiy institut 11na (for Popova). 3. Vsesoyuznyy institut zashchity ras- teniy (for Naumova). POFOV.,-~, T. T. "Certain Irfle;-.~s of Cortical Dyra,,.dcs DLri*n,~ cancer of V-e- Or--ns.11 Cand ~'.ed Sci, SecorA :,:oscovi State 'Nedical Inst ir-,.--ni 77. --talin, 19 5 55 "T ~'o 14, A-r)r 55) SO: Sum. 110. 704, 2 N'ov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at, USSR Higher Educational Institutions. (16). t POPOVA, T.T., Some factors of cortical dynamics in cancer of female genital organs. Akush. i gia- 32 no.6:62-69 N-D 156. (MIRA 10-11) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. A.A.Lebedev) pediatricheskogo fakulltets II Hookovskogo meditsinskogo institute imeni I.V.Stalina. (GMNITALIA, FSMAIS, neoplasms cerebral cortical dynamics in) (CEREBRAL CORTF*X.In various dis. dynamics in cancer of female genitalia) I jai 4 1 4, f a )a Y- A I L-L-AA N CC 4WD-Cut WI 00 'hat Oy ' s thud. I, %;' liverts of frogs. 370 1091 33 , . * Sim). By"a jjmPVWjrid in &3 det-l- in Liver xlmwc~ w priog after hib-tion; hypophy4mtonkY M, " l INUco'O i b d 0 0 1 MU S we I y f,mjuftl all /t ot the aultim deIu,. were 13"sr in t1miltamtiv, g"mults e th i . e ot, ra ter 1 ,jo.6, (foln 11 IhAy. m * 1""e' the live' Itly""A'" 11 41"1 to t, cr~l (3..% thnes in trium of % contoot AM IIA flu trrms of total tim glycogen); in the "I day g 00 1 thrie i. it gradual lurfraw, a noticeable ri-w t"tini .14" Stitt crtachius "A tisn" f1w "ornud analue. 0 N" m11111- 7).- "It"' tion, y m roup ng 00 see too U IS AV 00 It:; r- -j-T a 00 0 o o 0 o 0! 000 010 0 0 0 0 0 v -fe - -w- manvu 1 ldishu is a 11 al 4) aGee 1 -&-.1 .11 - -1A10 0-4a 7-40 -00 eWtY 4 1-6 : in 0 in at age zoo .7 Os too goo 0 L 00 0 0 0 o 0 0 a 0 0' 0 00*0000.00000~ 4/ UAW/lbdicim -Reflexp CondIt1med 80,P/00t 48 Medicine - Drugs, Effect "The Action of Caffeine and Bromine on Mild and Savere Polyphea Conditioned Reflex," T. V. Popova, Lab for Study of Gaseous Exchange, Div Gen Physiol, VIM, 6 pp "Fiziol Zhur SSSR" Vol XKM, No 5 Describes experiments on male dogs. Discusses action of caffeine and bromine; Submitted 9 jan 47. 34/49W POPOVA, T.V.; CHMIGOVSKIY, V.N., professor. deystvitelInyy chlen ,ikudemii medi- Glhiklkh nank SSSR, zaveduyushchiv; BYKOV, K.M., akademik, direktor. Effect of inspiration of carbon dioxide and oxygen upon interoceptive re- flexes. no.1:455-W '52. (W.'Ra 6:8) 1. laboratoriya fiziologii retseptorov Instituta fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova Akademii nauk SM (for ChernigovAty). 2. Institut fiziologit im. I.P. Favlova Akademii nauk SSSR (for Bykov). 3. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk (for Chernigovskiy). (Reflexes) (Carbon dioxide--Physiological effect) (Oxygea--Physiological effect) PGPOU, T.V. RTI-1229 (Me interoceptive re'Llexes under t~:e con A.4 I-cns or m.-th-enc-lobimmia ar--d of hy-,)cxia induced b-,r admiinistration of KCN) met-~enior_?lobiner,iA i Cipoksii, -,Przvanroi vveepniem :IGN. VC)PROSY ---,IHCLCrjII INUEROTS :,,,T 2r' C: ~, 15"2o )II, 1: POPOV1.9 T. IV. POPOTI, T.V. e~'ll~~~~.__-.~--~:-~'t-z--~,-~~--- Interoceptive reflexes in hypoglycomia. Blul.okop.biol. I wd. no.4:3-11 Ap '54. MBA 7-7) 1. Is laboratorii fisiologii retseptorow (sav. doystvitellayy chlen ANN SSSR V.N.Chernigovskiy) Instituta fixiologii imeni I.P.Phvlova'(dir. akad. K.M.;Bykov) (HTPWLYGBMIA, experimental *Interoceptive reflexes 1Z (Ruin. .*Interoceptive in oxper. hypoglyoi~oia) Po P& V'4) -I-.- V, USSR/Medicine Neurophysiology, Hypozemia Card 1/1 17, 8/19 Author Popova, T. V. Title Interoceptor reflexes of dogs in hypoxemia Periodical Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 6, 32-36, June 1955 FD-23o6 Abstracts Author reports on "chronic" experiments on dogs without use of narcosis to study changes in the interoceptor reflexes in hypoxemia by inhalation of air with reduced oxygen content. During hyperten- sive diseases inhalation of oxygen caused changes in the electric activity of the brain, especially increased amplitudes and regularity of the alpha waves. Under experimental conditions there occurred on occasional lowering of the threshold of irritation and symptoms of pressor reflexes in response to irritation of sub-threshold strength. These changes in the interoceptor reflexes varied only in the stages and speeds of development during oxygen hunger and "relief" of the hypoxemic condition. 14 references, 10 USSR, 7 since 1940, graphs, tables. Institution Laboratory of Physiology of Receptors (Head: Acting Member Academy Med-ical Sciences USSR Prof V. N. CherrLigovskiy), Institute of Physi- ology imeni I. P. Pavlov (Dir: Academician K. M. Bykov) Academy Sciences USSR, Leningrad Submitted 5 June 1954 P t) t2 C) -,q A 'T. V, USSR/MedLne/Neurophysiology FD-2944 Card 1/1 Pub. 17-8/23 Author Popova, T. V. Title 'T-nfTu`e"n" ce of T~Ihemoglobinemia on the interoceptor reflexes of dogs Periodical Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 7, 27-12, JulY 1955 Abstract Author reports on experiments which followed those reported in the preceding issue of this publication. She experimented with other types of oxygen hunger, especially methemoglobinuria by which the pressor reflexes are changed. She describes the experirent5 and concludes that increase of pressor reflexes do not appear as a consequence of the added conditioned reflex component of the reaction. There was no increase of interoceptor reflexes in hypoxemia as a result of the addition of conditioned reflex shifts of blood pressure. Two-phase changes of Lrri-tatlons of the vaso- motor and respiratory centers during hypoxemia stand out most clearly. The central functional shifts are apparently the "drivers" in the mechanism of the above changes of the pressor interoceptor reflexes in oxygen hunger. 14 references, 11 USSR, 11 since 1940, Graphs and table. Institution : Laboratory of the Physiology of Receptors (Head: Active Member Academy Medical Sciences US13R V. N. Chernigovskiy), Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov (Dir. Academician K. M. Bykov) Academy Sciences USSR, Leningrad Sub-i tted : 5 June 1954 wtrTA I MICA See. Vol.10/1Z Fhy.Biochem. Dec. 57 'A70"rA T. L/ - i ; 5236 POPOVA T V Inst. of Physiol. 1. P. Pavlov, Leningrad, USSR. *In te ro - ce;-ve ~';ehexes in experimental fever in dogs (Russian CONV t e x t) BJ7JLL. EKSPER. BIOL. MED. 1956, 42/7 (33 -38) Tables 3 Illus. I The changes in interoceptice reflexes during the general reaction to fever were studied in dogs. The pyrogenic stimulants used were a culture of B. mesentericus, tetra-vaccine, tetrahydro-2-naphthylamine, turpentine and sulphazine, producing a change in the rectal temperature of 0.4-3.5*. The maximum temperature pro- duced throughout the investigation was 41.7*. In the whole series of experiments, depending on the period of fever reaction, a d6pression of the interoceptive pressor reflexes, and sometimes a very slight depressor reflex reaction were observed. The results showed a difference between changes in the interoceptive reflexes in fever and in heating of the animal. In conditions of both general and local increase of body temperature a significant rise in blood pressure may be observed, whereas in fever, the blood pressure falls. This difference shows that fever and heating must not be regarded as mimilar conditions characterized by identical changes in excitability of the peripheral and central nervous apparatus. References 14. Sbitneva - Moscow USSR / Human and Animal Physiology, Nervous System, T General Problems. Abs. Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol,, No 22, 1958, lon62. Author : Popova, T. V. Inst :Not giv6n,----- Title iInteroreceptive Reflexes in Dogs in Hypoglycemia and Subsequent Restoration of Blood Sugar Level. Orig Pub: Byul. eksperim. biol. i med., 1957, 43, No 5, 71- 77. Abstract: In chronic experiments on dogs, as well as in ac- utie ones on cats, in insulin hypoglycemia the pres- sor reflexes from gastric interoceptors, rectum and carotid sinus increased at first and then de- creased or were replaced by depressor reflexes. In acute experiments on narcotized animals, the phase of increase of pressor reflexes was preva- Card 1/2 GANELINA, I.Ye.; ZIMOVATA, N.G.; ILINSKIT, O.B.; LEBEDEVA, V.A.; MARTYINIUK, V.K.; HERKUWTA, O.S.; KUSTASHCHIKOVA. S.S.; KTAGKATA. I.F.; OSADCHIT, L.I.- POPOTA, T.T.; SXMRZNNIXOT, I.S.; TTUTRTUMOTA, Z.I.; CHERMICHMO, SKIT, A.Ta, Interoceptivo component in the development of certain pathological states. Trudy Inst.fiziol. 8:240-253 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Laboratoriya patologicheskoy fiziologii (zaveduyushchiy V.S. Galkin (deceased]) Institute. fiziologii im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. (SENSES AND SENSATION) (PATHOLOGT) POPOVAq T.V. --in-fl-uence of anode and cathode polarization of the medulla oblongata on vascular interoceptive reflexes. Biul. eksp. i biol. med. 50 no. 8zl3-19 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz laboratorii patologicheakoy fiziologii (zav. - prof, V,S. Galkin (deceased] i, laboratorii fiziologii krovoobraahcheniya i dykhaniyu (zav. - prof. G.N. Konradi) Instituta fiziolngii imeni I.F. Pavlova (dir. - akademik (K.M. Bykov (deceasedl All SSSR, Leningrad. Pred.stavlena daystv, chlenom AMN SSSR V.11. Chernigovskim. (MZDULLA OBLONIGNEA) (REFLEXES) BOBRINSKAYA, O.G.; BOBRINSKIY, V.M.; BUKATCHUK, P.D.; DANICH, M.M.; KAPTSAN, V.Kh.; NEGADAYEII-NIKONOV, K.N.; POPOVA, T.V.; ROSHKA, V.Kh.; SAFAROV, E.I.; SOBETSKIY,-V-.-A-'.'--;-'kDtL'SHI-Eyll, A.Ya.; HURGELYA, N.K., red.; DRUMYA, A.V.,, red.; KUZN7ETSOVA, (Stratigraphy of sedimentary formations in Moldavia] Strati- grafiia osadochnykh obrazovanii Moldavii. Kishinev, Kartia moldoveniaske, 1964. 129 p. (WIRA 19:1) 1. Otdel paleontologii i stratigrafti AN Moldavskoy SSR (for Bobrinskaya, Danich, Negadayev-Nikonov, Popova, Roshka, Sobetskiy). 2. Institut geologii i poleznykh iskopayemykh, gorod Kishinev (for Bobrinskiy, Edellshteyn). 3. Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Moldavskoy SSR (for Bukatchuk, Kaptsan, Safarov). POPOVA-, T.V. Comparative accuracy of fin:te difference schemes for the advection equation. Trudy 1,24TS no.,7:72-91 165. OAMA 18 - 7) POPOVA T.V. Characteristics of nursinE work with infectious polyartihritt!i patients. I-led. sestra 22 no-5:56 1,V163. (14111 16:8) 1. Iz terapev-ticheskogo otdeleniya 13-y Gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy Moskvy. (AMIMITIS, WIEUMI-OID) "Aff Chafact-fatle, Of the Chernaxams of the CrItti-eap fi~eppO S'F- 'fatt Univ , Kidiiney "I Pochone- denta 19 6. '.Vc 1 T, -V A ci; uparu,111 C", "lie in Crimca wnd ~Izz diefuutcai ihuAv:i that -'ic ! !r- mer cantztfiii !=-s ari; matur, mom 111, an([ hence L lower C-N atio. Pw, iiii1crtncr N ascribed to the specific cli- m~ sqpqit ffjus uf C.- linea. b Ji3sertaL i.on- o1, tfol l') "",av 14. (Jovetakaya Lol--iavlya, 21") A:;r 51i 3C: 24-j, 19 Oct 1954 USSR Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Ap- 1-30 plication. Food Industry. Ab5 Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, 110 10355 Author nova ~_T.Y. and Makeyeva, L.F. Inst Moscow Technical Institute of the Meat and Dairy Industry. Title The Development of Dietary Foods Packed in Cartons Orig Pub Sb. stud. rabot. Mosk. tekhnol. in-ta myas. i moloch. prom- sti, 1956, No 4, 23-27 Abstract The packaging of kefir and kumyss in waxed cardboard con- tainers has been investigated. The permissible temperatu- re of the products filled into the containers, the effect of the temperature and of the type of product on the swel- ling of the carton, as well as the loss of moisture from t the quality of the product were studied. It has been esta- blished that waxed cardboard containers are perfectly capa- ble of withstanding the temperature5 in the thermostated Card 1/2 ya. Iffect of narcotics on interoceptive reflexes in dogs. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 47 no.3:61-65 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Iz laboratorii patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. V. S. Galkin [deceased] Institute fiziologil imeni I.P. Pavlova (dir. - akademik 11. M. Bykov) AN SSS71; Leningrad. Predstavlena akademikom K.M. Bykovym. (BLOOD PRESSITH3, physiol. eff. of interoceptive stimalation of stomach. rectum & caroti artery, eff. of narcotics on reactivity (Rue)) (NARCOTICS, effects, on blood pressure reactions to stimulation of gastric, rectal & carotid interoceptore (Rue)) USSR/Technical Crops. Oil PLlmts. Sugar Plants. M Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 17, 1958, M46. Author z Pop -n, T. Ye, Inst AS UZSSR Title Changes in the Composition of the Microflora of the Rott Area of the Cotton Plant Depending on its Grawth arid Depth in the Ground. Orig Pub: UzSSR fanlar Akad. doklad-lari, Dolcl. An UzSSRj 1957) No 10. Abstract: The nicroflora of the roots of different orders and different depths in the ground was etudied an irrigated clayey typical sierozem (old cotton land of the Tashkent oasis) in the blossoming phase. It was established that the nicroflora of little active roots (III order) differ signi- Card 1/2 POPOVA, T.Ye. Requirement in spedfic nutritive abbsVancea by dahliae Kleb., causative agent of the cotton wilt. "liki-ObAo- logiia 34 no.2:324-328 l4r-Ap 165. (HIRA IF: 6) 1. Inotitut botaniki AN IIzbokokoy SSR, '"ituilikent. POPOVA, T.Te. Influence of rhizosphare micro-organisms on the development of plants. Izv. All Uz. SS'R. Ser. biol. nauk no.4:67-78 1.57. OIRA cotton 11:9) (Rhizoophere microbiology) (Cotton growing) POPOVA, T,ye,) Cand Biol x-i -- (disc;) "RooL rp."croflora of Lne coLton Dlant." Tastrikent., ?ub ii-.ise nf Acad Sci UZSSR, 1956, 1S Op (Acad .)ci UzSSR. Inst of Ooil Science) 175 coPies (KL, 50-58, 122) - 39 - POPOTIA) T,., Y.e., Distribution of micro-o rgazi isms in the profille of -typical Sierozem soills. IUkrobiologiia 32 no.!-,94-98 163 1 17:3) 1. Institut botaniki All Uzbekskoy SSR. POPOTA, T.Te "-.- I. Changes in the rhizomphere microflora of cotton plant roots as dependent on their age and depth. DDk1. AN Uz. SSR no.10-55-55F '57. (Xiii-A 11-:5) 1. Institut pochwovedeniya AN UzSSH~ Predstavleno chlenom~-kor- respondentom AN UzSSR I.A. Raykovoy. (Cotton growing) W,POPOVA, V., radiograf Atom for peace. Rabotnitsa 36 no.8:1 Ag 158. (Min 11:9) l.Stroitellstvo gazoprovoda Stavropol' Moakva. (I.r,ays--InduBtrial applicatiow) KOCHZTOVSKAYA, Yevgenlya Nikoleyevne; POPOVA, V., red.; TROYAHOVSKAYA, N.. [Nationalization of the land and collective farms in the U.S.S.R.J Natsionalizataiia zemli i kolkhozy v SSSR. Koskva, Goo.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1958. 78 p. (MIRA 12:4) (Collective farms) (Land, Nationalization of) -POPOVA, V. The greenhouse produce in Bulgaria. Priroda Bulg 11 no. 6; 83-85 N-D f63- 1. Ikonomicheski i-t na Bulgarskats. akademiia na naukite. POPOVA, V. Gonospileia glyphica. L. and Euclidia glyphica L. (Lepidoptera), alfalfa pests in Bulgaria. Priroda BuIg-12 no.2:91-92 Mr-Ap 163. 1. Tsentril6n nauchnoizsledovatelski institut po zashtits. na rastenisto, 6ofiia-Kostinbrod. BUIPGARI,A/Goneral and 3ystematic Zoology. Insects. Harliful P Insects and Acarlds. Forest Posts. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1959, No 11690 Author : Popova V. Inst : Title Biological and 14orphological Investigations of the Lina-Boan Pod Borer (Etiolla Zinckonolla) and its Control. Orig Pub Nauchni tr. M-vo zoncl. i Sorlto, Sor. rastonlyov"- dstvo, 1957, 2, No 5, 29-48 Abstract Females of the lima-boan pod borer deposit their eggs in one or in a few small heaps. EL-bryonic period of the egg development lasts 3-16 days. The caterpillar has 5 ages; the develop;,2ont p--r- iod lasts 23-92 days; the chrysalis sta3c is 26-29 days. The butterflies fly at night fro2 Card 1/2 - 56 - KUKAYN, R. [Kukaine, R.1; INDULENP 14. (Indul4na, M.); KANELI, 1. [Kanele, I.]; KONDRASHOVA, M.; KALHINYA 'B [Kalana, Vj; VOLPAT', A. [Volrate, A. 1; FMW, G. [Feldmane, G.J; iAU,YEVA., L.,-*PAMVA, M.; POPOVA, V.- Gharacteristics of the tuberculin tests in children inocculated during early infancy with-jAr-oral BCG vaccine and live poliomyelijis vaccine'. Vestis Latv ak no.7:115-117 162.* 1. Institut mikrobiologii P11 Latviyskoy SSR. POPOVA, V. *Reducing Noise From Capacitance Effects,N Radio, No. 7, 1949. PCrOVA, V,, kinoreshisser. Werybo4y's concern. Klnmwkhanik no,12:9 D 153. (MLRA 6:12) (Notion pictures In agriculture) Re Pe ~.! /) IC. zoolo-ir. 'bB Jour : R-f 71jur NO 11, I 496o'l %ut-hor : Popov- V. -:-,Is u T i -t 1, J Thc PosLs of th~D Orrai'n-3-c~iri .,rop.,3 amd '~hi--ir Ori.l-, Pub 1957, 2, ~io 6: 36-,-3C)5 ,abstract Card 39 - - qm~~ Aria :m, a 3N . a an E: i r va OU, , at n K r a f; ORI(a. -PTJB .: 19571, 6 % I?o.3 , S 0 -8 2 , AB.'.;T.I~ACT :The life 'd 1 - C. 0 C - ts aT. .,ci U f BTY" t ed. F. D 26 ca rc I 40 POPOVA, V. Epicaniet-is ;-.-~rta Poda-Tropinotn hirta and its control. Izv Inst zasht rast 2:8r~-113 162. POFOVA~ V. Quantitative ratlo c" inl',-,,ic-u2 inmect.3 to alfalfa, deperviing on its age. izv Znst zaaht rast 5g101--113 163. POPOVk, V. A., LIFSHITS, I. I., and ROGACHzvsKII Thekhovyi bludahet dlia massovogo i seriinogo proisvodstya Y astalloprozUshien- nostie KharIkov,, Gose respublikanskoe obledinenie matalloobrabatyraiushchei proaWshl. Ukrainy, 1930. 271P. Akchine-shop budget for man and aerial production in the metal industry. L;,-- -7 DLCt TJ1135A5 30t Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953e POPOVAI-N.A., - - I- locking disconnecting switches with circuit breakers and with call enclosure@. Prom.anarg. 12 no-1:33 J& '57. (MLRA 10:2) (Mectric switchgear) La. W-! w it At At w a it a a a so n a k a IF all VIA No kPAIR4141 ats"ato so 100 p I'vockstes "a 01140111ILS7 ;Clad 00 i-00 oo *00 00 -0* go 1040 V. A- go A pcmwL (J. o0 Outimb"d by oe,f see 0 j the ot&r ve estatym. Mid of :0 pt A4 < 010 < ON < CGO < MOO EL T. -.406 00.3 j. tile ardw < 100 goo Fdoe ~1119 goo Iwo ~o* L a waIFALLU"ICAL LFIFINATtAll CLAUVICATWO glow 11 xpj- #~A-v %to a.. Got saw,141-ij am G- &I, it - , ; ; 10C "F2;1 ; 4100000100404000600060000*00 00 06460640006000 000*06000600000000000 04 -----*o~ogqoo L 21 ACC NRt Ap6017448 NOURUN uuljk;: UIKIUUY.510-5/UUUIUJ.4/UUJ.Z/UUI AUT-Holf: 4ityer, Se L.; Popovat V. As ORG: NIIZhB4 TITLE-: Low diameter pressure tubes from self-stressed reinforced concrete SOURCE: Stroitellstvo truboprovodov. no. 12, 12-14 TOPIC TAGS: reinforced concrete, pipe ABSTRACT: Using self-stressed reinforced concrete one can produce structures without prestressing devices and mechanisms* The straining cement is made of jointly crushed portland and aluminous clinkers and gypsum (75:15:10). Changes in composition and of hardening procedures affect the expansion and hardness coefficients. This cement ex- pands after achieving a strength of some 150-200 khlcW, and this results in a stresscd armature of the concrete (see Litver and Popov, Issledovaniyo predvaritellno napr7a- zhennykh konstruktsiy (Study of prestressed structures), Gosstroyizdat, 1958)o The present article describes the construction of small diameter pressure tubes from self- stressed reinforced concrete developed at the NIIZhBo The tubes are produced by the vibropunching methods Results of the tests on $ = 150 mm tubes are also given. The use of the new reinforced concrete guarantees a simultaneous stressing of the helical and longitudinal armature; the now tubes are extremely impermnablo to water, the pro- duction equipment need not supp3,y high stresses and is thus relatively inexpensive wid the tubes can be produced during a single production cycle* Origs art* has- 3 eurs 2491AMP" 13 SUM DATEt none upc: 621.643,255:001.2 TILICH:-.'NKO, K.N.; POPOVA, V.A. Chloromethylation of aryl aliphatic ketones. Zhn-r. Obahchei raii. 23, 118-21 '53. (KLRA 6:3) (CA 48 no.2:637 '54) POP()Vk, v ~;,. New outcrop of carbon-atites in the southern Kola zone of central intrusions. Sov. geol. 7 no.-II:104-1r-;9 PL- '64. (IERA 1?1--10) 1. Karellskaya kompleksnaya ekspeditsiya. KAPLAN., V.V... kand.tekhn.nauk; NASHATYRI, V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; FOFOVA, V.A.,, imah. Method for compensating losses in a load during the formation of plane current impulses in an experimental system. Elektrichestvo no.9:55-59. S 165. (MTRI 18:10~ . A I 1. IAningradskiy politeklinicheskiy institut im. Kalinina. POPOVA, V.B. Making maps of restored vegetation, as exemplified by Sapozhok region In Ryazan Province. Nauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; geol.-geog. nauki n0.2:180-186 '58. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Saratovskly univerattet. geograftche6kly fa)nilltet. (Saposhok rogion-Afforoutntion-MApa) Season,-! of Jr., My-je (,5 J." yc. Eh-,,-trU-,aL-fr,n of mr, land minor elf~-*.rt'i -:r, f-e--;.;in rack ir~-5zi.if.q of weL!t~rn : ~~-kivtan. "lpv.[:~~.,?4,-~.k.'ses.min.ob-va rc,.15: 3-391 163- VOSKOBOYNIK, S.L. [Voskoboinyk, S.L.1; POPOVA, V.I. Stabillity and compatib,'Llity of dibazol in mixtures du.ring prolonged storage. Farmatsev. zhur. 17 no.6:54-57 162. 120 (MIRA 17:6) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii lekarstv Livovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. kafedroy - dotsent Yu. O.Karpenko). - POPOVA,, V.I. Seed culture is an important potentiality in increasing the breeding of sunflowers. Inform.biul.VDNKH no.lt28-30 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:4) I JL. Starshiy ekskursovod pavilions. "Tekhnicheskiye kulltury" Vystavki dostizheniy narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR. OSKOLK0VA, 011ga Borisovna; POPOV, K.M., doktor ekonom.nauk,; KOSTINSKIY, D,N., red.; POPOVA V I * m1adshiy red.;KIS--ELEVA,Z.A., red, bu4; VILENSKAYA,~ ~.. s, Lk;~. ~re;. ~' (Central India; economic and geographical features] TSentrall- naia Indiia; ekonomiko-,geograficheskaia kharak4eristika. Moskva, Geografgiz 1961. 279 p. (MIRA 15:7) Undia-Economic geography) ZUBOVq Alskeandr Aleksand ovich; KOSTINSK37, D.N., red.; POPOVAq V*I.q mladshiy red.; GI&KHq D.A.y (The people of Tierra del Fuego] Liudi Ogvennoi ZemId. Moskvap Gos*izd-vo geogr, 1961, 38 p. (KEU 14:7) (Tierra del Fuego-Description and travel) Lyi. T/ '17B~ al', 71-Tidir KhN77 MATI :17.-'-17,~ It'% (~"TRA 18:10) DEMMIYKV# Igor' Aleksandrovich; KOTLOV9 L.N.,; LAVRENTIMA, Te.V.t red.; POPOVAj V.I.t mladshiy red.; XOSHELEVA, S.M.j (The Republic of Iraq] Irakskaia respublika. Moakwat Goo.izd-vo geogr.3it-ryt 1961. 47 (MIRA 14:6) ("50 SHCHEDROVp Ivan Mikhaylovich; LIPETSf Yu.G., red.; POn-VA9 V.I., mladshiy red.; GOLITSYNI A.V.7 red.kart.; BURLAKA, N.P., teii~2.-ied. [Hanoi] Khanoi. Moskva, Gos.izd-.vo geogrelit-ryp 1961. 76 p. . (MIRA 14:6) (Hanoi-Description) ZINAN, Lev Takovlevich-[deceasedl;.GOKHKAN, V.M;, otv.-red.1 KILET-., KOVSKIT, A.G.,; CHIZHOT, N.N., red.; POPO mladshiy red.; KOSE3IZTA, S.M., . ~P-~~ [Economic regions of the United States] Bkonomicheskie raiony SShA. Koskva. Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 541 p. (MIRA 13:2) (United Statea-Economic conditions) LESHCHIM, Roalld Yefimovich; GCKHRAN, Y.M., red.;-LAVRENTlYEVA, 'fe.V., red.;-PqNVA,-V-.-L-, mladshiy red.; KALICHEVSKIY, G.N., red. kart; GUM, D.A., touianal Gwisna. Pod red. T.H.Gokhmana. Moskva, Gos.i2d-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 76 p. OURA 13:4) (Guiana) NEDTMXOT, Turiy Tladimirovich; LIFETS, Tu.G., red.;-YqFDjA'T T-- mladshiy red.; KISELITA, Z.A., red.kart; KOSHEMA, S.K., (Basutoland, Swaziland and Bechuanaland] Basutoland, Svaziland, Bechuanaland. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 54 p. (MIRA 14:1) (Basutoland) (Swaziland) (Bechuanaland) ZZKOVICH, Boris Aleksandrovich; CHIZHOV. N.N.. red.;.POPOVA, V.I,.-- mladshiy red.; KISK3VA, Z.A.. red.kart: GLIM. D.A.. [Voyage to the southern oceans and around the world; notes of a participant in the First Soviet Scientific Xxpedition Around the World of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., 1957-19581 Pateshostvis v IUzhnyi okeen i vokrug ovate; zapisi uchastnika 1-i sovetakoi nauchnoi krUgo2vatnoi ekspeditsli Akademii nauk Soinza SM. 1957-1958 &. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogrolit-ryg 19609 326 p. (MIRA 13:12)1 (Voyages around the world) (Antarctic regions) GALIPERIHI Georgiy L'vo-vich; POPOVA, V.I., red.; LOBA11'OVA, 1:~.S., tekhn. red. [The Republic of Togo] Respublika. Togo. Moskva, Gos.izd--,ro geogr.1-it---y, 1961. 46 Ngo) NIRA 15:2) VALZV, Emil' Borisovich; CHIZHOV. N.H., red.; POPOVA, V.I.. mladahiy red.; KALIGHEVSKIT, G.N.. red.kart; KOSHEMA, S.M., [Albania] Albaniia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 87 P. (mm 14:2) (Albania) I i RAYT, Mariya Veniaminovna; TITOT, Yev--,fjniy Grigorlyevich; KOWINSKIT. D.H., red.;,POPOVA,_Y~_I,, mIndahly red.; KOSUMA, S.Ke, [Ethiopia; the land and its people] Ifiopile; strana. liudi. Moskva. GoB.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 90 p. (miRA 14:2) (Ethiopia--Description and travel) BARYSMIIKOVA, 01'g9 Gavrilovna; CHIZHOV, N.B., red.;J~~OVA, V,I,, m1adshiy red.; KISELEVA, Z.A., red.kart; KOSMi249___:i*_K'GV, [The Philippines; economic and geographical features] Filippiny; ekonomiko-geograficheakais kharaktaristiks. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr,lit-ry, 1960. 230 P. WRA 14:2) (Philippines--Economic geography) KWOLAPOV, Boris Tefimovich; CHIZ,HOT. N.N., red.; ml8dshiy Ted... -XISIM9VA, Z.A.. red.kart; VILINSEAU. Z.H., [Algarial Alzhir. Koskva. Goa.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry. 1959. 79 P. --- (MIRA 13:10) (Algeria) OLEYNIKOV, Igor' Mikolayevich; CHIZHOV. N.N.. red.;-P(2POVA, Y.I., m1adshiy red.; KALICHETS-KIT. G.N., red.kart; KOSHBLEVA, S.M. Angola. Moskva. Goo.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 78 P. (Angola) (MIRA 13:11) KORMYXV, Vasiliy Ignatlyevich; LITSTS. Yu.G., red.;-POPOVA, V.I., mladshiy red.; VILENSKATA, S.N., [In the land of oases and deserts] V strane oazisov i pustyn'. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 141 p. (MIRA 13:12) (United Arab Republic-Description and travel) U CHUARI-TSZYUNI [Wu Chluan-chftj; GO LAY-SI [Kno Lai-hsil; SE STAN-PAN Daish Heian'-fangj; ZDZURMATA, Te.D. Ltranalator]; MUKHIN, R.P. Etransiatorj; BERM, Ta.K., red.; FOPOVA. T.I., mladshiy red.; VILHNSXAYA, I.N., [Economic geography of the Chinese Amur Valley] Zkonomicheaksla geografiia KitaiBkogo Priazurlia. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 127 p. Translated from the Chinese. (MIRA,713:9) (Amur Valley, China--Economic geography) .. TIRASHEV, Angtoliy Konstantinovich; LAVPMVf1Y,7VA, Ye.V., red.; POPOVA, V.I., mladshiy red;; ITOGINA, N.I., Urom the Carpathian Mountains to the Baltic Sea; geographer's notes on the Polish People's Republic] Ot Karpnt do Baltiki; zametki geografa o Pollskol Narodnoi Respublike. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 126 p. (MIRA 12:11) (Poland--Description and travel) (Poland--Economic conditions) KAK&AKOVSKIY, Vladimir Pavlovich; LAVMITtYEVA, Ye.V., red.; POPOVA. V.I., -m1adshiy red.; KISHLEVA, Z.A., red.kart; _ tekhi;~red. [The Danube] Dunsi. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 51 P. (MIRA 12:9) (Danube River) SOKOLOV, Knrk Nikoleyevich; POPOVA, V.I., red.; VILRISKAYA, E.N., (Liberia; geolmaphical study) Liberiia; geograficheskii ocherk. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 28 p. (MIRA 12:10) (Liberia--liconomic conditions] NITOBURG. Eduord L'vovich; LAVRENTIYEVA, Ye.V., red.;_NKV1, V.I.,. mbidohiy red.; KISHLEVA, Z.A.. red.kart; GLEM., D.A., [Venezuela] Venesuela. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry. 1959. 79 P. (MIRA 12:10) (Venezuela) KIGAY, V.A.[translator); LEBEDINSKIY, V.I.[translatorl; F,ASI-;'DKD,', V,Vjtranslatorl; Ye."" [translator]; LEBEDEV, A.P., red.; FQJ~Q-VA,,-:vj., red.; KHA-RIKOVSKAYA, L.M.., tekhn. red. (Problems of paloovoleanism] Problemy palcovulkanizma; sbornik. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1963. 585 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Rocks, Igneous) (Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.) KATVEYZV, Gennadiy Petrovich; KOSTINSKIY, D.N.. red.; KAROLIK, K.A., red.;-FOFWA,-V-I-, mladshiy red.; KISMI VA, Z.A., red.kart; VILINSKAYA, B.N., [Luxemburg) Liuksemburg. Moskvn. Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry. 1960. 77 P. (MIRA 14:2) (Luxemburg) I TCUAK, Tan (Jonak, Jan]; KOVALEVSKIT, V.S. [translator]; LAVU11T'TXVA, Te.V., red.; POPOTA, V.I., mladshiy red.; VIUNSEATA, R.N., [Two thousand and two hundred kilometers along the Danube] 2200 kilometrov po Dunaiu. Moskva. Gos.12d-vo geogr-lit-ry. ig6o. 70 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Danube Valley-Description and travel) SMIZOT-SERAZINI. Ivan Mikhaylovich; ABRAMOT, L.S., red.; POPOVA, - mladohly red.; XDSFEU.RTA, S.M., [InBrussels; travel notes] T Briussele; putevye zametki. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 78 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Brussels--Des6ription) KULAGIN, Georgiy Dmitriyevich; GHIZHOV, N.N., red.; POPOVA, V.I., mladshly red.; GOLITSYN, A.V., red.kart; VILMISKAYA, E.1s., [Italjv] Itallia. Nookya, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-rv, 1960. 91 P. (Italy) (MIR-A 13:6) KOSTINSKIT, Daitriy latanovich; LIIHM. B.I., red.; POPOVA, V.I., uladshiy red.; VLTJMMTA, B.N.. lepal. Moskva. Gon.lzd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 151 P. (MIRA 13:6) (lepal) PULYARKIN. Valeriy Alekseyevich; POPOTA, V.I.. red.; VILKNSKAYA, E.N.. [Ceylon; a geographical account] TSeilon; a geogreficheskii ocherk. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-r7. 1959. 54 p. (HIM 12:6) (Ceylon) BERGM. Takov Mikhaylovich; KOSTINSKIY, D.N., red ; POPOVA, V.I., mladshiy red.; KISZLEVA, Z.A., red.kart; MOGIMA, N:I . -eeziii. r6-d-.- - [China; economic-geographical study] Kitai; okonomiko-geografi- chaskii ocherk. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 109 p. (KIRA 13:1) (Ghina--Sconomic conditions) YEFMIOV, Yuriy Konstantinovich; KOSTIIMKIY, D.N., red.; POPOVA, V.I., mladshiy red.; 90GINA, N.I., (Island of everlasting summer; trip through Ceylon] Ostrov vechnogo late; puteshestvie po TSeilonu. Koskva, Goe.izd-vo geogr.lit-r.r, 1959. 159 P. (KIRA 13:1) (Ceylon--Description and travel) ZONN. Sergey Vladimirovich; LAVREETITATI, Te.Y., red. - POPOV.A- T_I_._ mladshiy red.; KOShFLUA, S.M., LIn the tropics of southern China] T tropilrakh lUzhnogo Kitaia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 160 p WRA 13:3) (China, Central and South--Physical geography) UZURIN. A.V.; POPOVA, V.K. Glinical characteristics of autopsy cases in Botkin's diseas3 in chOArsa. Pediatriis 39 no.6:49-54 N-D 156. (KLRA 10:2) 1. Is kmfedry propedevWri detskik-h bolesney ~zav. - prof. V.A. TUsov) Il Koskovskogo maditainskogo institut-A imeni I.Y.Stalins no base detskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy Iment prof. N.Y.Filatova (Clavnyy vrach M.N.Xalugins) (HIPATITIS, INFIGTIOUS, in infant and child. clin. sapects & autopsy (Run)) -POPO-VA.. V-H, Imndidat sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk. redaktor; BOUDAR 0, 'isdaktor; PINKRASOV. Ya.B.. takhmicheakiy redaktor [Principles of livestock raising] Oenovy zhivotnoyodstva. Tashimnt, Gom. izd-vo Uzbekskoi SSR. 1955. 234 p. (KLRA 9:12) (Stock and stockbreeding) 0 0 Oro Ow" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a00 qjo-O:O,-v,*'!O'Wo, -0-0 0 *-4- L A 0 JU i :1nnjwnit ismifwit 1., 1, 14vif 00 -00 00 4:~ *00 0o -00 00 4 c4r%w nwes Ito S"lo ce"kim (in Raebina. 7,14-od- Russlaft.) V. M- POPOVA A" M~ 1,06" m Nrip's (Factotfy LAN 00 July 194A. P. 555-557. 17hscribr, RPPRrRtu$ for i-lati.m of rarbide In 00 stablo con4itlons. and leArribro, the m4fic xTIPh !zoo 00 .31 eation of standard %tri-14 durinic e,mfinunu- r" mov,l f the preclPitatle- 00 40 00 000 00 -go 0 4 zoo --0 0 to A I I L A.1?&LttjkGKAt CtIrgAttiff Ci.Aj%fFIC4jfC" si ff ~.11361 -41 C-I list .11111*1t, j- LI, n AIF 10 Li:; w 0 1 v ft i p tv ir cp x x a w mst aa it at kw n i lm 5 * *0000:00000*0000000090000 11 40*00000000009009** *10 U 04-000;00*0000000000000000;0000000000000000ai* SALIKOVSKIT. Oleg Vladimirovich; ZABIROV, B.Sh.., red.; .. mladshiy red.; KISELIVA, Z.1., red.kart; WM. D.A., [Austria; characteristics of its economic go'O'graphyl Avetriia; okonomiko-geograficheakaia kharakteristikae~ Moskva, Gos.iad-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 206 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Austria--Zconomic conditions) POPOVA, Veselina P., st. n. sutr. Laspeyrosia componitella F, (Lepidoptern,, R 2o far ijn.~nvwm pest of alfalfa in southern and southwostern BulgitriA. Priroda BuIg 13 no.5.-88-89 3-0 164. 1. Institute of Plant Protection, Kostinbrod, VNILIN, Vladimir Petrovich; VERINA, Nonna Alekseyevna; KOMINSKIY. D.N., red.; POPOVA, V.I., mladshiy red.; VILENMAYA. S.K., [Cambodia] Kambodzha. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo ggeogr.lit-ry, 1960. 71 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Cambodia) UDKIVICH, Yeksterina Alaksandrovna; LIPZTS. Yu.G., red.; POPOVA. V.I., mladshiy red.; VIMSKAU , B.N., EThrough China with geologists] 5 geologami-po Kitaiu. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 116 p. (MIRA 13:7) (China--Geology) VITTITSKIT, Georgiy Nikolayevich; LATPJW IYVA, Te-T., red._; POPOVA, V.I., mladshiy red.; MOMWSKIT, G.N., redskart; VILEN-MAYA, R.N.. (Climates of non-Soviet Asia] Klimaty sarnbezhaoi Azii. Koskva, Gos.izd-yo geogr.lit-ry, 1960. 397 P. (KIRA 13:7) (Asia--Climate)