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I N POPOWYAN, M.D., Gand Med ci -- (diss) IlDieerd4t%- - of krAw--b&&&ergd of the cerebhospinil flwi~ in certain disea5es of the nervous system.', Saratov, 1956, 11 pp (Min of Healta RSFSR. SaraLov StaLe Med Inst) 230 copies (KL, 29-58, 137) - 125 - POPOVIYANTS M. N. (Cand Vet Sci); 511ORIN, I. Ye.(Cand Biol -cci); SHABUROV, Irl. S. "Isolation of a Livinf Bacterial Cultare of Brumella from a Qtmsi-Sterile Semiliquid Ant-ibrucellosis Forrml Vaccine," Veterinariya, Vol 27, Ito 9, Pp 28-30, 195o. the (This report is from Dept of Biochemistry, All-Union Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Science) Trunslation W-17962, 3 May 51 LOGTINMO, F.I., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; POPOVIYANTS. R.S., '_ (gor. Voroshilov) -1. Part 1: Spontaneous rupture of the stomach. Part 2: Subcutaneous rupture of the duodenum. Vest.khir. 77 no-5:84-86 My '56. (MLRA 9:8) (STOXACH, rupture, spontaneous (RUB)) (DUODIMM, 'r'Upture. subcutaneous (Rus)) LOGVDIENKO, P.I.,;-P-WOY!YEM~.,,A,,~�!,-,.BCiRTIIIKOV, O.G. Q. Voroshilov) Intraperitoneal infusion bf antibiotics in acute suopurative peritonitis. Mairurgiia 33 no.9:64-66 S '57- (k-MA 11:4) (PERITONITIS, ther. antibioticst intraperitoneal admin. in laparotoqr) (ANTIBIOTICS. ther. use peritonitis, intraperitoneal admin. in laparotoaW) mm~ I0GVINll2lK0, P.I., kand. med. naulc; SORWYEV, V.F.; POPOVIYANM. R.S. Use of Dotentiated anesthesia. Test. khir. 82 no.6:109-114 Ja 159. (WIRA 12:8) 1. Iz If-skogo voyennogo gospitalya. (ANESTHICSIA) (AUTONOMIC DFCGS) Q POPOVI YANTS 0 R. 8, Treatment of obUterating endarteritis. Khirargiia 36-no.3*0 93-98 Mr 160. (KM 13:12) (ARTERIUSA-DISEASES) (LOCAL ANESTHESIA) POPOVIYA14TS, R,S,; FIROZHENKO,"V.V. Operative treatment of closed trauma of the diaphragmatic surface of the liver.' Vest. khiro 84 no'.4-39 42 A 160. (14M 14:1) . '(LMR-WOUNDS ~;D iNJURUSf GYIIM[KO, P.I.,; POPOMANTS, R.S. (gor.Yoroshilov, Primorskogo krays) Results of treating perforation of gastroduodenal ulcers by suturing [with summary in English. -o.L5?1,, Vest.khir. 80 no.l: 41-43 is 158, (14MA 11:4) (PWTIG ULM. Derf. surg., results (Rus)) Y A. disease. Sov. med. 27 no.2:2r';-4-r-j 7: BASM) N. G. [Basov, N G ]- KROCIIIN, 0. N. (Krokhin, 0. N.1; fOFOW- J. M. [Popov, Preparation of states with negative temperature at p-n trans- 1~tiond-6f degenerated semiconductors. Acta phys Hung 14 no.2 3: 24r243 162-o 1, F, N..Iebedev Institut, fur Physik der Akademie der Wiesen- scha-ften USSR, Moskay,- Vorgelegt von G. Szigeti (Gyoigy Szigetil KASPRZYK, Henryk; POPOW, Jerzy; ODCZYK, Kazimierz Pneumatosis eystoides iyoestinalis. Fol. tyg. lek. 17 no.48:1878--1870 26 o 16-2. 1. Z Zakl'adu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Bialymstoku; kierownik-. prof. dr med. L. Kemczynsk:L. (PNEUMATOSIS CYSTOIDES INTESTINALIS) I POPOW, Jerzy Peptic ulcer and multiple papillomas of the esophagus and pylorus in an infant. Pediat Pol 37 no.21187-189 F 162. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomil Patologicznej AM w Bialymstoku Kierownik: prof. dr med. L. Komesynaki. PEPTIC ULCER in inf & child) PAPILLOMA in Inf & child) ESOPHAGUS neoyl) i (PYLORUS neopi 9W=3 ~WIWMEWM KLIMOWICZ, Leon; POPOW, Jerzy; GORCUTISKA, Zofia Generalizod candidiasis in the course of liver cirrhosis. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.2:64-67 7 Ja 163. 1. Z Zakladu knatomii Patologicznej Ar w Bi Ibl*ymetoku; kierownik: prof. mod. L. Komazyna4 i z Kliniki CWrob Zalmznych AM w Blalymatoku; erownik: doc. dr. med. P. Boron. t (MONILIASIS) (LIVER CIRRHOSIS) JODCZYK.1 Jerzy;,:POPOW, Jerzy Thymoma granulomatosuia in pregnancy. Pat. polska 12 no.4:467-4.72 161. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej A14 w Bialystoku Kiermmik: prof. dr L.Komezynski. (TH)MIUM in pregn) (PR:,,'GIWICY conpi) POLAND POPOW Jerzy and CIECHAN, Anatol, Department of Patholo- (Zaklad Anatomii Patologicznej) (Director: gical na o y Prof. Dr. mod. L. KONICZYNSKI) and the Laryngological Clinic (Klinika Laryngologiczna) (Diroctor: Prof. Dr. mod. W. HASSMANN), both of the AM [Akademia Medyczna, IMedical Acad- emy] in Bialystok. "Warthin's Tumor (Papillary Lymphomatic Cystadenoma)." Warsaw-Krakow, Przeglad Lokarski, Vol 19, Ser II, No 2, 28 Feb 63, PP 157-139. Abstract: [Authors' English summary] The authors present a case of a Warthin tumor, giving a typical microscopic picture in the parotid glands of a 72-yoar old woman and discuss opinions on its histogenesis. There are four (4) references cited, of which there is one each of Polish, French, Italian, and English. L V1 F,()j,o,4, jerzy; KASNIZYCKI, Konrad to the prob-, m of carcirl,0EErccza. -Ieh- 1 - C,_ _e - .m- . - -9 no . 15 : 5610-5-62 6 Ap 164. 1. Z Zakladii Anatomii D'ato'-,c,aicznej Akademil Medycznej w Bialymstcku (kie--oimik: prof. dr. med. 1,. Komcz~nski). Jerzy; BIERGER, Ralina; J"ADUYK, jerzy Tuberous scl---rosis (BouvnEvLlIe's disease). Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.10':603-605 13 Ap 164. 1. Z Zak-!adu Anatomil Patologicznej A-Iadem-ii 1,1redycmej w Bialym- stoki, (kiervmik: prof. dr. med. L. Komczmski) i z Kliriki Cho- rob flerwo-irch Akademii Medycznej w Bialymstoku (kierown-4k: prcf. dr. med. Z. Kanigowski). 27 ai~ all rr. op.! vad JODCZYK, Kazimitrz. D~q*Lvtwont oI'_PaII)c,.Lwbp4-caI Antatomy (Zeklad AnAtor-cii Putolo- Mcdycznn, Medical Acadonly] in Bialystok (Urecta:1% Pref. Dr-. m4d. L. KOMCZAIMSKI) "F~(Ounratogls O.Vatlle-03 Intestil.1, Royor'.' of 'Saven cann5,.11 pp Vol 17, Uo 46, 6 so, 62 Abs t&-to b tCAL&Llhorsl Englial-, aummary] Sevon casas of in- 'MMIMnaT pne"Clatogis are ropvrtak~. Moen" views concerni-ne, t4st, otiology and pathogonasis of this disoano are discu:~qnd. Of the rAno reforenros, two are English, thia other-1 Polish, 3./j. I POIVIWICZ1, Mariam;-CELLM, Witc,!C; Edward; RCIVANCWSKI, - ----- ---------- wl*a~fyslaw Studies on the inf-uence of certair, conditions in the preparation of nickel cat.-alysts on their structures, activity . U~ and catalytic stability. Przem chem 42 no.10!563-566 0163. 1. Zak!-ae, Syntezy Kontaktowei, In3tytit Chemii Ogolnej, Warszawa i Katedra Cherodi, INieorganic-.nej I, Politechnika, Wroclav. POPIV,il~ -- Reflex theory in the pathogenesis of primary glaucoma. Klin.oczna 31 no.4:353-358 161. 1. Z Kliniki Okulistycznej Panstw. Inst. Med. w Smolensku Kierownik: prof. M. Z. Popow. (GLAUCOMA etiol) a POFOWICZ.1- A. Hand-operated switchboards. p. 256. (TELE-RADIO. Vol. 2, no. 6, June 1957, Warszawa, Poland) Wit Monthly List of East European Accessiors (M~L) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec- 1,957. Uncl. POPOWICZ, A. Hand-operated private telephone branch exchanges. p. 261. (TELE-RADIO. Vol. 2, no. 6, June 1957, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European AccesBicne (EW~L) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. -a957. Uncl. Am lip A., J. nT an a -Sez*Ies, at -Bal4ing Sites. Nimbsidest lUctrotaGWo tbe' Dispatchet Power Telokowmalkaeja no uslugsah slusby dymposytorskioj v bwovd6twise Pm1lid Toobilosay. R0. i) 1909 27419 i 6 ..figs. pp Teliaomunlontlosi system adeptable for tob In the 41spatcher servios In,,billdlag-practi 9. rating- feature* of,ttelepbow switchbo&M 0 PS us designed for In btiftding praotlos kr6to.- Ad floptober types of Pollah4oslgv ;;itchboards tmqar was al th lintiftl* 1 _2 w P PC-0,-?TCZ, A. PCPO,,!TC'.7, A. Priv!,,te br-mch-exchan--o switchbo-,rds. p. 1118. Vol. 1, No. 4, Nov. 1956. DIO TECELDIOLOGY .-.Yar3zawa, Pol-and So: En2t Eurorean A~ccession, Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb. 1957 POPOWICZ, 14. BADURA, Z. Chromat6graphie partition of amino acids on c6lumns of chitin powder. P. 315 (Roczniki Chemii) Vol. 31, No. 1, 1957, Warszawa, Poland. SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC. - VOL. 7, NO. 1, J24. 1958 RARANOWSKI, T.;POPOWICZ. J. -:, -- 1: "'-. - ~ Subautensous test for biological activity,of AM. Acta physiol. polon. 3 SUPPI. 3: 229-231. 1952. (GLKL 24:1) . 1. Of the Institute of Physiological Chemistry (Read--Prof. T. Baravow- ski, M.D.) of Wroclaw Medical Academy, POPOWCZ, J.; LUKASIAK-WARDZIIISKA, H. Determination or Fe3+ using sodium p-aminosalicylatee P. 893. CfBKrA ANAL-LT-YCZNA. (Komiaja Analityczma Polskiej Akademii Sauk i Naczelna Organizaaja Techniazna). Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 3, No. 516, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EW) IZ, Vol. 8, No. 8s August 1959 Uncl. POPOWICZ, Juliusz Amino sugars. Postepy biochem. 6 no.3:287-300 6o. (AMO SUGARS) ,. ~ I , ~' 71-2 o UII-I-j~~--',i-.;-'~: ~ ~ - ~"-- ~ I - -, - ': ~' - ,, POPOWICZ, J. Quantitative determination of chitin by the turbidimetric method. p. 7 CHAMIA ANALITYCZNA. (Komisja Analityczma Polskiej Akademli Nauk i Naczelna Organicaeja Techniczna) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 4, No. 1/2, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, August 1959. Uncl. MIRMCKI, H.;POPOWICZ, J. Studies on chemical modifications during sensitization to industrial chemical compounds; preliminary communication. Przegl. derm.. Warsz. 3 no.1:91-92 Jan-Mar 1953. (CLML 24:5) 1. Of the Dermatological Clinia,(Head--Prof. H. Mierzecki. M.D.) of Wrocl#w Medical Academy. POPOIJICZ.9 Juliusz - Gel filtration on the dextran Sephadex. Postep.,f biochem. 9 no.2:245-256 163. 1. Till minne av arbete i Medicinsk-Kemiska Institutionft i fort,jusande Uppsala. (DEXTRAN) (BIOCHM4ISTRY) ~~Yvsii' T.; MCRAVBGKI, A.-, MMAUM-KATZENELLMOGEN, W.; POPOWICZ,J., LISOWSKA.-S. Attempted- Ificaticn of active peptIde from hydrolysates of acid Pur ACTH. Actsi physiol. polon. 5 no.4:567-570 1954. 1. Z 7.akl*lu Chemil Fizjologicznoj AkAdemil Madycenej we Wroclawtu. lierownik- Prof. dr. T.Baranowski. (ACTHO isolation of active peptide from hydrolynates of acid ACTH) (FIFTIMS, determination, isolation from bydrolymates of acid ACTH) POPOWICZ. Juliusz -, POPOVICZ, Uuiomir Optimal conditions for malanophoric reaction with Rana temporaria an& Rana terrestris. Acta phvsiol. polon. 5 no.4:575-5?6 1954. 1. Z Zaklad'a Chezii FIZJologiC2nej Akademil Nedycznaj we Wroclawiu. Kierownik: prof. dr T.Baranowski. (MELANIN, effects, nelanophoric reaction, optimal cond. In Rana temporaria ea Rana terrestris) LOZA-IIILDIII, Maria; POPOWIGZ, Xrystpu; SZCZ,;,TKA, Franciszek The sequence of ossillie--ation fon! in the hand and car-Pal bone in Warsav children. Pol. przegl. radio!. 29 na.5% 461-467 S--O 1 65. 1. 2~ Z-akladu Ren'Lgenolog-L*cznego Akademii Wychowania. FIzycz- nego; z Pracowni Rentgehologicznej Inst7tixtu Naukowego Kul- tury Fi".ycznej (KierownikZ prof. dr. mr-A. V. Gzarnoeka- Karpinska) i z Zakludu S-Uitystyki i Metod Matematrmych Akademii Wychowania Fizycniego (Kuratorr prof. dr. J. Forkal). --77~77- V "d~'n . and ME-. B Oi P. 11 %n chromatozraphy using the mixt. 6.'FiOlf. .0 by paztitic . and AcOff ia the ratin 29: 10: 1 as the solvent, Clutamic mid aspartic arldg are sharply se d. from ea-th other and TI h i l oin 1puc iie ( and ahinine (TI on w1umas FJhA w tli vhiti.~ piwidt-t MD. and to .1 Icver legme oil cellulose (IV). !r-! A P.!Y~Arw. N-Ahw. h -1hic, 1. and 11 or of rl,.Cnyl- c! T. 4,::I if k -p-j equally well on Iff or A. Kql~ewski PWOWICZ' Juliuar IkAomir Optimal conditiona for malanophoric reaction with Rana terporf-ria an& Rama terrestrie. Acts. p)Wsiol. Polon. 5 no.4:575-576 1954. 1. 2 Zakladu Chexii Fizjologicznej Akademii Medycznej we Wroclaviu. Kierovnik: prof. dr T.Baranowski. (KNIANIN. effects. melanophoric reaction, optimal cond. in Rana temporaria & Rana terrentris) MH 2 406 p E 72 ikL wa~ xp r!L~ r W.t I paz WaF :-,.o 22i 'A..2i- 4 A 'j r 3_~:.l -0 app! x. a - of 0 1, 1 a n. a " e 4 . ': ., g~Lln d Inc af f I. iT X-' In, s~ ant S qlc 5 C;f p p f on c' I*az-d 2/1;. 23308 P,614/61/040/010 1 /0,04/10.07 .Mvestigation3 on obt-a-InIng xylenes ... 42211A-126 znO, Trlio was not very active and was loosing its activity rapidly. This was 2 partly due to chemical combining of phosphoric aoid with altLm"rium and th~- leach- ing effect- of water. Catalyst made on kieselguhr carrier washed with hct water, lost-50% of P205 within 12 hours, Accumulation of soot on t-ha citalyst, too,.was responsible for loss of actiVit;. Catalyst prepared on silica gel was much superior and after 300 hours still maintai4ned 70-75% of its original activity, ~As -he reacticn was carried out at a temperature 10 - 200C lower tha-i t'hat wish kieselguhr catalyst, less carbon settling on the catalyst was observed, The 6omposition of xylenes thus obtained was., r-~~6 of O-xylenie, 22% of m-7,yIene and 26% of p-xylene. TnflUeroe 01 4 ert -t;wo-skeleton carbon catalyst caT-rierl .L In V Follcwin~ the experience of some Soviet scient4SIS the a%zt. ors prepared the so- th called two-skeieton catalyst carrier3 Ac-livated charcoal was soakz-d in sodi,= sillicate, and SiO2 in its pores precipitated ''1y means of sulfuric acid. After washing and drying, the carrier was soaked in 40% ortho-phosphcric acid and drled out at 320-340C. The catalyst thus prepared :~ont--ained 30% of ac-tivatsd charcoal, 4% SIO and 66% of pyrophasphori-, acid 0~10007), This two-skeleton cattalyst mass 2 1 proved to be more active and durable than'tKose previously described. Its activi- .Y remained practically unchanged after a 300-hour test and from 'he original 616% h 4- r r ~a it retained 50% of ortnODhosphoric acid. 'The xylene to poly-met y1 olue e al.;.o Card 3/4 23308 P& 4/6, 1 /0 4-0/00 :/010 40) 0 7 Inveatigatlons on obtaining x1lenez ... A2211A11,26 in the crude product was 241 with around 27% of p-ycylere in _!'- On the basis ol" this laboratory work a semi-technioal installation was put into operat,aon and t1he above-meltioned findings were con.17-Irmed. 'There are 2 figures, and. ILI referances- 7 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloz. The r-_=ference to the most, recent English- language-publication reads as followsi Pat. amer, 275626!(19,-6). ASM;IATIOIN: . Zaklad Syntezy Kontaktowej lnst7tl:tla Chemll Ogblnej (General Cherpistz-j institute, Contaot Synthesis Department) in Warsaw, SUBMTMED: August 9, 1960 Card 4/4 )y -Distrt Wd 4E2c _L_ qSj) - ~ I J* - - - -- - enCe iC~efaIoj 7Rdu o s-p talystacilvity. 1 hate ca Ph cata yet a- I I An alkylation of bonzei admixtures on I ct V with methanol. W I Rarhu apow . !Sze e 0 d Tres n " And ulward Tres clls lem 9 paw jells, 01010a 0 P t P k 20 I 04 I c l l . t on a St I r ).-A Cata , 6 , yst ( lf wU for.-vaa alkyla- 6.6, and bentomnite .. of benzeiie (II) with Me I was pre ting kliselgalur, ZnO, and onit ix in the a e do,%vith: 85% H,PO,. drying at and crushing (grain sizej rmation 5 H20 was addedl Et-10 mni.). 'To avoid soot formation 5 to II-MeOH mixt.of 2:1 Mol. ratio. Contact times vrere20 br 25 min. ViOs (2), WOa (2), or TIO, (1-4%) added to, 1. increased its a ffICaO (50,1) decs~e sed ctlylty e ectrvc Y, a nd Cr ect to I) 0 (4% with ies FeA (1-4) l i a , t strong i p y, had no effect. ZnO and bentonite were also found to in prove the activity of I. H. The influence of Ignition.onj - 5 Ibid. 239A0 catalyst activity. Tentative regeneration. (English summary).-!, and I + ~% TiO3 were regentrated by 10-hr. ignition at 800*;- a German catalyst (ILI) contg. 111% -45%, and poisoized bYL carbon deposit (40%),L Was W regenerated over 10 firs. by passing in air, 80 I./hr., at 7 W goo Under the conditions the activity of I and Ti 6,1 yras completely restored after 20 and 100 min., resp., that Of III only partially; apparently C was not the only poison. 1 1jardne3s and comprcssivi strength of I and TiOj regen- erzited.w.eirevad. Ignition up to OW and above reduccdt~ activity, ~~g to recrystn. and deformation proccsses. 'i_ p A. Syafruisid POLAND/Chemical Techn,)l,.gy. Che!-,.lical Pr~,ductsH and Their ApnlicatiL:ns. Industrial Organic Synthesis. Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Rhimiyal No 69 19597 20391 Authur In ,-, t Title Determination of the Content of p-Xylene in a Xylene Fractiun by the Cryumetric Method. Ori,g Pub :Chem. analit., 1957, 2.~ No 49 458-365 [sic] Abstract :In cjnnection with the existing cumplicated and labDr-cunsuming methods fur determining the iscmers uf xylene (I) by means cf ni- trating with a mixture uf HNO and a con- centration Gf H2SO4 and spectLphotoimetric Card 1/3 45 L D trailtuttion of the I Le f- It -a' ta Ic,- etc ' by method. -. ~P.. -, tffl .. C mv I %V., M clse"4 An arBa v d R 369-7m M7CE iti ha us- s u i Ian sturtmarles),;4A Struple cryomettic method Is given fW: -7,4~ M, 'a "Zyj:Cr4ni4X~.1 yqzdzklq ~Z rsfa --SUbS1affCjii aniaw! (10ro K'lku6k6~GurvI& -C6,isiop~; ' .1 -dett;; an One eN tenili. in a x,-!;--ne was ~Idence 4 I -freezing Atixt, (the standard curve waiii The ertor d(;i; not! - i exceed 2 Small a nts. tri of mpt ties such as o4ylene, ethyl benzene, and tnesityle -ct on thi sha f ne, have no effL pe 0 . tbe.freezing-terap. corupm-SO15r. curve.-The'vesulte-were curaWed.with those obtalne by -1 ' T n1ethWS-(CL 1~110(fCCU1.7PMMYS C46u, 34,' 315(1955) C4 ' Kontiiik asid-Kraczkiiwfc:i,..CA. $l, 7241o). A satisfac-, .~t ent- Was Obtaited qry agte~* Ft POLAND/Physical Chemistry - Kinetics. Combustion. B-9 Explosions. Topoche'mistry. Catalysis. Abs Jour: -Referat Zh.ur - Khim, No.,9,-1959, 30578 Author Grzelewski L., Popowiez, Treszczanowicz,E. Inst Not,given Title Studies of the Reactivity of Phosphate Contact Catalysts. I. Effect of the Addition of Metal * Oxides on,the Reactivity.of the Catalysts in .the Alkylation of Benzene with Methanol. II. Effect of.Sintering.of the Catalysts on Their Reacti vity in the Alkylation of,Benzene by Methanol. Ori.- Pub.- Chem-Stosow,.1958, No 2, 233-238, 239-21+5 Abstract: I..The'r6activi ty.of phosphate Icatalysts (PC) containing 61+% P205,6.5% Zno, 26.5% kieselguhrt Card 1/3 PQPQWICZ 0'. Dr. Patfly Brahre of Win"Ar zSCIMML 'JUPAUIC4, MAWYn WYCWImYch". PW1144 Odrnicry, No 4. 195o, pp~ 157-193,12 figs. New method of calculating the operation of winding engint s&. fety brake for different design of joints of jaws with the ahms. ror- mulat for addins the moment of extemal force exerted on the law, of surface pressure, of conditions of Ughtening of jaws and so on. 0, CSINNO v? Crado Is oraa~ "I" Pop--" Pk,,W W PMMMCmmcb bowA oNNOWD ~pMcsyny PrwgJ4d 06rnIM. 180. 7-4, 21 '*l- , "0", Fornswu for fksbm ow for basoog MMM to uw dwat of Uw drum baml under & snowoft dAr*uw Md am a cooem2tm- ,d kmuk 7be nutbod at Mwaoim of bwAft- Moplinim and stream foe - - - drM or tw &=a with any liumb" shearing. awk is sh". CouctAIMM s" dmwn con. of ribs. Cakul"Wo 41 ot the drum. e.vmkng the conOMUCU- Wo u1slatoNow CZ-1 0. "Pressure of Rope or. Pulley Grooves." p. 126, Stalinogrod, Vol. 10, no. 4, Apr. 1.954. SO: East European Accessions List, Vol. 3. No. 9, September 1954, Lib. of Congress I V Sou.e consideratlons conc~,rnl'r,~-- the beimuvior of cables. -in a ARMD,171E GGjl!lEICT"-t7A I H-T':ICT,iA, rs -a- -a 7")1. 3, no. 2 1955 SO: vlonthly List of ~~aas-t --`Urop~aan Accessions, (EE~.L), 11C, Vol. 4, nc,- 10, uct. 1955, Uncl. (Iriterion of ratijnal applieLtion of dril-L-q- s,.eaves in vunr e~- ractors. 15,7 (AD' f:oR Tr- land, C'-?-. 1, No. 2, 195~, 6-0: ""lonthi-, i- ("ex of huroc-ean Accc-sslirlns n. 6 c). 1`7 POPOWICZ, Cktaitan ~-- ---I.----. - ----- F- .. .....- Hope twisting in shafts under dead weight action. Gormictwo Gliwice no.71 3-24 263. Strength of drums of belt conveyers. Ibidt25-38 FOPO'iqCZ, Oktawian Deflection of the dru-m jacket of the hoisting machine and the elastic tension of the cable. Archiv gorn 7 no.3:321-329 162. , .- : ! , -'! ~,- ~ ' ~- ~ , 1- f I 4r:;~'-- . _jV, -, z I ~.- - ~ ". FOPOWICZ, Oktawian Relative shiftings of rope and li4img oix the drive wheel. Gornietwo Gliwice no-4:55-91 k62. POPOWSUI 1. t~~ Uperience from the activity of the Health Gotmittee of the woivodship people's council. Mrowle pub.. Va:rozava no.6: 486-488 Nov-Doo 54. 1. Przew. Komisji Mrowla W w Bialymstoku. (NATIONAL HIALTH PROGRAM in Poland, activity of Health Comm!Ittes in voivodship people's council) PO.VOWSKI. J. "E-roeriences of the Health Commission at the PrRaidium of the Volvodethip National Committee." -o. 486. (ZDROWIE PnILIGMT-S ITO. 6. Nov./Decl 1954o Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of Fast Europpan Accessions. (BEAL). LP,. Vol. I-. No. 4. April 1955- Uncl. CA .3 to v i a u 40 1) u A 000 .10 4OP2 04 -1 A 1 -4 3-9 0. .4 1 p ..3 00 0', u 0 go I , , , 1 0 Ch 3 i . 389 tT4 40 a 1 0 A Ali a f C3 0 *0 d 4-4 0 rm 0-110 1.0 0 0 u .0 Ck 1. 14 -01 94 ~4 0 %:S .3 IS 042~ 03 -4 .~a 0 e. So 36 0" 43Z !lot-rifi"S 0 A - t *'A T. . 1 rw a i 92 1.0 10, 0 -0'00 0-. 13 0 0 NO 0 0 1 :01 a "a *0 0 .0 a00 a210 000 K.1.3 ." 0, 8 1!3 H c C, I f POPNICZ 0. TECHNOLOGY PERIODICAL: PRZEGLAD GORNICZY. Vol, 14, no. 1, Jan. 1958. POFaNI(',Z, 0. Precise and automatic steering of she.ftt-witding machines. p. 1. Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (ESAI) LC Vol. 8, no. 4 April 10,59, Unclass. POPOWSKI, S. Calculation of the work of machines in quarries. p. 84. HATERIALY BUDOVUNE, Warszawa. Vol. 11, no . 3, Mar. 1956. SOURCE: East European Acession List (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol- 5, no. 8, August 1956. 15' p (~ 1-1 P"G. The hail -,;.hich cccurred, c,!-, Jully 5, 19'3 in til-ie Da-mlbe River delt,), n rire atinosn-heric phenomenon vith destructive effect upon reed -rcns. P. C!E'1T,U-1OZA S! ill'? (Itsociatia St.,-intific-a a ln,7inerilor s- 'Lohnicienilor din Rominia si Ministerul Industriei PetrolulLi si Chimie) Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1-959 Monthly list of Eastern Europeai: Accession Index (EE-E-A-1.) LC vol. .10 vember 1959 Uncl. POPP, I.; PRKMEAYJ, T. . A new spontaneous transplantable tumour of the syrien golden hamster. Neoplasma, Bratial-7 no.4:363-365 160. 1. Oncological Institute, Bucarest, Romania. (RWPLASMS exper) Ij 1 4 1 f I I I IQ )1 11 Or W is 14 11 AI 'C'_O I f A__x_x , r fit A P10 T 14 0 a loll 111.11418 )AV lon& 41 QU 4$ -4 - k - A, - -b-, 9, F. -- A --I 1.0 -AkO It. C&DINS I -Cry 31 N Roentgen Therapy in Acute Rhcmm&Uc Fever. 1. P -80"s)(in Acto Med. Romia 21, 492 00 8 ii, .00 I The results of the x-ray treatment of the arthritis prov- moo '3 Went In &cub rhournatic favor cases at* presented. it was =00 found that when do"m of 50 to 60 r of hard x-rays were ap- a plied to the joint or joindst most severely affected, pain sub- 00 .3 aided some hours later and the accompanying favor had a COO 0 0 Ii tendewy to fall. In mild cams recovery took pLace after Two or Wee days, mod In more severe cases, after 5 to 8 days. goo 0 0 The radiation dosagor In these cases was repeated if necessary. so* 0 coo moo bee ALLURGICAL LITINATLISIE CLASSIFICATION too 0 Ala-ILA SIT A we* INJUN3 I? INV 1J.9 b U It AV. PO Is a . . I 1 9 . I . F ~ IPa Nl 'I An L S 8 FW 0 0 0 1 W N to 0 it at K Or It W X K 19 it 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 OT-44 00 0 0 00 00 0 0 GOSTAGHEL, 0,; KITULESCUI I.; POPP, I. Influence of diisopropylfluoroPhospbate (DFP) on the eapacity of aoetylphosphate synthesis of the brain of mice with transplanted Erlich's ascites carcinoma. Rev. sci. med. 5 no.1/2:19-21 160. (IsonuRoPHATE pharmacoi) (PHOSPHATES metab) (BRAIN metab) (NEOPLASMS metab) COSTACHEL, 0.; KITULESCU, I.; POPP, I. The influence of di-iBopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) on the taking of grafts of Ehrlich's ascitic carcinoma. Rev. sci. med. 5 no.1/2:23-26 160, (ISOFLUROPHATE pharmacol) (NEOPLASMS exper) I POPP, I.;,GRIGORESCO, S.; TRANCU, A.; DIMITRIIU, A. .- ....... Oh the role of the reticulo-endothelial system in the me-ch-aniam of radioprotection. Rev. sci. med. 6 no.1/2:85-89 161. (RADIATION PROTECTION) (RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM physiology) POPPA, C., dr.- POPA I chimist; Colaboratori tehnici: FETRIS, Ioana; 0 DUMITRESCU, Dounica, Filtrated plasma, a reagent for testing the activity of coagulation, factor VII. Mad. intern. 13 no.10:1439-1444 0 161. 1. Lucrare efectuats. in Institutul de hematologie Bucuresti, director, Prof. C. T. Nicolau. (BLOOD COAGULATION) (PLASMA) (INDICATORS AND REAGENTS) COSTACHEL, 0.; PZTJ61" TEITEL, S.; BEJU, D.; ANGHEL, E. The effect of the administration of lymph-node and epithelial, homogenates on the metastasis of some experimental tumors. Stud. cercet. endocr. 14 no.4/'5/6:571-577 163. )k GRIGORESCU, St.; POPP, I.; TRAJICU, A. The normoplastic action of acetylcholine on malignant epithalial tissue. Rev. sci. med. 5 no.3A:157-159 160. (ACETYLCHOLINE pharmacol.) (SKIN NEOPLASMS pharmacol.) GRIGORESCU, S.; TRANCU, A.; POPP, I. Ultra*a&,ionated roentgen thers. ,py in the treatment of maligrant tumors. Rev. sci. med. 5 no.3/4:161-164 160. - (NEOPLASM radiother.) COSTACHEL, 0. ; POPP , I. Relation o-f the mode cfo adid-nistratiOrl U) Ili!, Lr -J',,'~, Lic,n 0i' of Walker 256 tumor -,etastases. flowotwory 144 nc.2:89-91 '(j4. 1. Z Instytutu Onkologii w Bukareszcie (Rumunia). RUMANIA / General Biology. General Histology. B Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1958, 1032511. Author P~R~Ion Inst :-Rumanian Academy of Science. Title Transformation of Nuclei In Transversely Striated Muscle Fibers Subjected to Changes by Means of the Introduction of Collodion Sacs. The Problem of the Theory of Development of Non-Cellular Living Matter. Orig Pub: Bull. stiint. Acad. RPR. Sec. med., 1956, 8, No 4, lo45-lo6o. Abstract: An attempt was made at applying the Lepeshinskaya theory to the study of regeneration of transversely- .striated rat muscle fibers. -The Investigations were conducted on four groups of rats, in which col- lodion sacs were implanted in the rectus abdominis Card 1/3 3 POPP, Ion Nuclear changes in striated muscle fibers injured by implantation of collodium Backs; contribution to the theory of development of non-cellular living substance. Bal. Rtiint., nect. med. 8 no.4:1045-1060 Oct-Bee 56. (MUSCLIM miclertr changes in striated muse. fibers injured by im- plantation of collodium sacks. in ratR. relation to develop. of non-cellular living substance) (G3LL I;TJCLVX same) collodium sakes implanted in muse., causing nuclear changes In striated muse. fibers, relation to develop. of non-cellular living substance) Akio 00 onwmkwql ~Www a Me womr., - . fW- :,Odds, w fm d" A. 0. P., AV 10 Is IV io Vol %100 o0 oil I 79s 9 &0B TO-IDT14 T?TBO-LO-'O:)4aA -3iJOA79u zyqdiij2o~zp,~q ue've[ej, iDq4 jo uor-tvz,--.L9,~anjwD r 11 ek .1 C.. 11 - -."0." POPP9 V., dr, Mudo from the reed-growing awamps of the Danube Delta and t1eir importance for.the productivity and quality of the reed- growing mimagements. Cel hirtie 12 no.4:113-118 Ap163* POPP, N., dr. Lithologic charaeterization of Danube Delta soils on the dril-ling data basis. Mateorologia hidrol gosp. 7 no.2.-126-139 162. IA MARCELO I.; POPP.._A,,; BIHOIU, Elisabeta Pbytogeographic-istudies in view of-the-elaboration of Dambe Delta Vegetation Maps. Yjeteorologia hidrol gosp 6 -no-4:318- 325 161. HIRJEUI Gh... ing.; POPP, IT.- BIIIOIU, Gh., ing. I.- Hydrogeology of the Danube Delta. Problem of phreatic vaters and their chemistry. Meteorologia hidrol gosp 6 no.3:205-214 161. POPP, N. GeochenfLca:L conditIons of reed growths under management in the Danube Delta. P. 69. CELULOZA SI BIRTIE. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicierdlor din Rordnia si Manisluerul Industriei Petrolului si Chimie) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 8, no . 3, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EPEAIJ) IP, Vol 8, No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. CoUld-Rly :Rumania D CAN?GOFY :Goamahemiatr-/. Goochemistry. Hydrooljorairti.y. ABS. JCUR. : NO. 16 1-959, No. 56771 AUTHOR :Popp, 11. IMMT . llldf:-~Even~ T IT L"-' :Hydrochemical Conditions in the CpLnebrakes in the Danube Delta OiIG. PUB. :Celu! si Hircie, ?, No 10, 401-410 (1958) A BST -gbXCT '.rhv author hab atudied tho variation of 4ydro- chemical conditiona in thral! characterlstic canebrake areas of the Danube Delta: Malyuk, Ruska (owamp lands and tidal flats), and Matitsa (river shoals). The inve3tigation covered the period 1953-1957. During that period the hydro~ chemical indicators pointed to optimum conditions for the growth of the cane: pH 7.0-7.4, total hardness 3.00-4..85 mequiv, alkalinitY 3.1-5.2 Mequiv, oxygen demand 18.8-79.2 mg 02 per liter-, CARD 1/2- 60 POPPI TT!Clffool P7TTODICAL: CTULO"I'A ST HIRTTE, Vol. 7, no. 10, Oct. 3.958 POPP, T:. Reed grasses of the Danube 2-iver delta, and their hydrocnelaical conditions In the units which are being arranged for exploitation. p. 401 I Monthly List of Fast %E-rope2n Accessions (FEAI) LC "V01. ek No. 4 ADril 11059, Unclass POPP N. Hydrographic changes in the northwsst~rn Part Of th* Rwumian Plain (the northern Baragan). MeteVologia hidrol. goop 8 no,11. 20-28 163. POPP.E., ch.. Peat bogs and nwamps in the Danube Delta. Cel birtie 11 no.31 81-90 Mr.t62. POPP, N.; Ionescu, N. Additions to the pedoloQr of the Danulne River delta, -Liri regard to rush culture. p. 291. (CELULOZA SI HIRTIE. Vol. 5, no. 11/12, Nov./r4c. 1956, Bucure.-ti, Rufiania) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Del,,,. 1957. Uncl. RUMANIA / soil Scionco. soil GonDsis and Goography. j Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 6050. Author ; Ionoscu, N. ; Popp,,, Inst :Not givon. Titlo :Tho Soil Govor of the Duna River Dolta and Rush Cultivation. Orig Pub: Coluloza si hirtio, 1956, 5, No 11-12, 291-304. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 POPP9 N., dr. Braila Island, a local source of reed for the Pulp and Paper Mills, Braila. Cel hirtie 13 n0-9:313-318 3, 164. Fij, Y..; ane cortico,.3t(~r~ne -um -if' s~Arenril- i7l,and cf rats. 0 in thr :~oliemosi. 13' .c:Ldpi-y of Scion-c-'-'s nslo.t r ti v -_i! i '~ -1 )8.1 66 ACC NRt AP6030535 SOURCE CODE: RU/0024/65/000/006/0023/0937: AUTHOR: Popp, N. (Doctor; Bucharest) ORG: none TITLE: Subcarpathian hills of Rumania. Geographic characterization SOURCE: Natura. 3eria geografte-goologiep no. 6, 1965, 23-37 TOPIC TAGS: physical geography, physical geology \r ABSTRACT: A physical-geographic description of the Subcarpathian hills, a stretch characterized by high neotectonic instability which consists mainly of neogene formations formations containing friable rocks in folded strata. Both intense erosion and the presence of alluvial deposits are typical of the-area. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [Based on author's Eng. abst.] 1JPRS: 34,6721 ,SUB CODE: 08 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 016 11b 1- 31104-okfi (m)/T DJ SOURCE'CODE: PoToo-o67/657/0f~-/oO~~/o5-l7/0'1~~4--) AUTHOR: Popp, S. (Bucharest) P ORG: none Q TITLE: Investigation of the subsonic flow of a compressible fluidif in a duct in the.--presence of an obetacl:d SOURCE: Rozprawy inzynierskie-, v. 13, no. 2,, 1965, 317-324 TOPIC TAGS:J"flow, flow analysis, C"& 'ft'&W r4.t- S CT: Using the hydrographic method, the author investigates the steady state, irrotational and isenthropic flow of an ideal com- pressible gas in a duct in which a circular or nearly circular oFs-fa-c-l-eprojects, and compares her results with those of other researchers cited in the text who used approximation methods applied to a physical plane, or hydrographic approximation methods. Values of critIcal Mach number, obtained In this study by the hydrographic method, are compared with the values obtained Using E. Lamla's expression for the maximum value at the obstacle. The resulbB obtair Card POPP, Simone. Studies on the subsonic motion around a body situated in a canal. Studii cerc mat 1I+ no.W13-2-21 "63. POPP, Simons. (Wcarest) Correction of compressibility in the Helmholtz problem. BM math Pam 4 no.l.'79-8/+160. Foppp Simona, conf. univ. Professor Victor Valcovici; on the occasion of conferring upon bim the title of "Scientist.R Gaz mat fiz 15 no.33161-165 Mr 163. 1-0111, ---mala nmien'r; -~,) the me-han-l-.i ,f ivur--~Pg ~14e Ircl-. -,5'j i Y~lj eve ye,-ars. m~i.-, f.,z 69 nc..8.*~85--~.9L S/1 24/62/000/ 003/011/05 2 D237/D301 AlUTHOR: PODD. Sill"Ona TITLE: Research on determining corrections for coripressibJli- ty in the case of plane subsonic flows FEERIODICAL: Refe.rativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 3, 1962, 27, abstract 3B138 kStudii 9i cercetLri mat. Acad, RPH, 1961, 12, no. 1, 37 - 90) TEXT: A subsonic stable plane potential flow of gas around a given obstacle is studied by determining a correction to the solution ob- Vained for the incompressible fluid. In calculating this coilrection only the terms proportional to the square of the Mach No. of.the i.---cident flow are tal-Ken into account. This method is applied to some flovis with detaching jet--s. In the case of the plate stu-reamli- nod at an arbitrary angle and of the symm6trical streamlining of a double-faced wedge, a resultant of hydrodynamic forces acting on the obstacle -md velocity distribution on the obstacle are determi- ned. [Abstractor's note; Complete translation]. Card 1/1 _POPPp St r.; FIREZ, Al., dr.; GIOGAN, M., dr. _ ~5d Considerations on upper digestive hemorrhages. Mod. intern., Bucur 13 no.2:221-226 P 161. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Spitalul unificat de adulti nr. 1,, Oradea. (HEMORRHAGE, GASTROINTESTINAL etiology) POPP, Tu.A. (Omsk) linearization of position forces by fragmental-linear approximation. Inzh.abor. 18:149-152 '54. (MLRA 7:5) (Vibration) (Mathematical physics)