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POTAPOV, Ivan Ivanovich -- kviarded sci degree of Doc., ',ied Sci for the 6 -74ay 57 defense of dissertation: ".%!ateriais or, tiie q-tiestio,-L of clinical txzx%mmt* and surgical treatment of tumors of the pharynx and the outer ring of the hirynx" qt the Council, Geo Inst, AS, USSR; Prot ~O 14, 31 B. POTAPOVt 1, 1, Geology The solution of present-day s cientif ic problems whIch arise fm :.,. the devdopment, of national economy, constitutes the basic object of Rostov Univ. scientists. Forecasts on the industrial coal, oil and gas deposits of the Eastern Donets Basin and the adjoining territory, is the subject of research con~lucted by numerous geologists of Rostov Univ., jointly with the geologists of the Volga- Don Geological Admin. The leading men are: Professors A. 1. Yegorov, 1. 1. POTAPOV and Docent I. A. Shamray. SO: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, No. 11, 1958, Uncl. POTAPOV, I.I., doktor med.nauk (Moskva) Closed fistula of the horizontal semicircular canal [with sumw-r7 in English]. Vest.-sto-rin. 21 nool:97-103 Tay '59 (MIRA 12:1) 1, Is kliniki bolezney ukhagorla i nos& (dir*' - deVstvitellnyy chlen AM SSSR -prof. B.S. Preobrazhenskiy) II Moskovskogo meditainekogo instituta. (SEMICIRCULAR CANALS, fistula closed of horizontal canal, surge' (Rua)) POTAPOV I.I., dolctor med.nauk (Moskva) Methods of conservative treatnent in chronic s=Durative otitis media with reference to their clatisification. V'est.otorin. 21 no.4:35-48 Jl--Ag '59. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, nosa i gorla (dir. - deystvitel'nyy chlen Akadenii moditsiniskikh nauk SSSR zaaluzhennyy deyatel' nauki prof. B.S. Proobrashenskiy) lechebnogo fak-ul'teta H 14oBkovelcogo rqeditsinskogo inatituta imeni N.I.Pirogova. (OTITIS MOIA ther.) LEBEDRY, A.V., aspirant Technic of endophotography in cancer of the larynx. Vest.otorin. 22 no.2:93-96 Mr-Ap 160. (MMA 13:12) 1. Iz kafedry bolezney ukha, gorla i nose (zav. - doktor med.nauk I.I.Potappy) TSentrallnogo institute usoverahenstvovaniya vrachey 'I-RI niki bolezney ukha, gorla i nose (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nould RSFSR prof. I.Ye.Sendullakiy) Hoakovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledervatellskogo klinicheskogo inBtituta imeni X.F. Vladimirskogo. (LA neoplasms) (PHOTOGRArHY) LEtEDEVs A.V.t aspirant Color endophotography of cancerous tumors of the larymc. Zhur. ush.t nos.. i gorl, bol. 20 no. 301-34 MY-Je 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Iz kafedry bolezney ukhaj, gorla i nosa (zav. - doktor med.nauk I.I. Potap_qv) TSentrallnogo instituta uaoverehenstvovaniya vrachey -i-oto-r-u~oia-r-i-n-gologicheakoy kliniki (zav. - zasluzhenny.,y- aeyatel, nauki RSFSR prof. I.Ya. Sendullskiy) Mookovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovateltakogo instituta imeni, M.P. Vladimirskogo. (IARYVX-GANCER) (PHOTOGRAPHYP MEDICAL) POTAPOV., Igor', Ivanovich; YEGOROV, A.I., Prof., Otv. red.; MORIJILOV, Ye.A., red. (Geotectonics; a textbook] Geotekhnika; uchebnoe posobie. Rostov-na-Donu, Izd-vo Rostovskogo univ., 19U~. 251 P. (MIRA 18:7) KUDRYAVTSBV, N.T.; PSHILUSSKI, Ya.B.; TOTAPOV, I.I. Investigating chromium sulfate solutions for the electrolytic deposition of chromium. Izv.vyo,.u"~wv*j-khim.i khia*tekh. 5 no.4:'617-620 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-takhnologicheskiy institut imeni MendeleyaVa, kafedra tekhnologii elektrokhimicheskikh proizvodbtv. - (Chromium sulFate) (Chromium-Plating) POTAPOV I[-I-,4=af. (Mos~,-Va) Development of Soviet otorhinolar7ngology. Vest. otorin. no.5:1-4 161. (MIRA 14'.12) (OTOLARYNGOLOGY) MIN, VJI.;POT -prof., otv. red.; KOVAISNKO, Yu.V.2 red. i -va; PAVLICMIKO, M.I., tekhn. red. [Radiometric methods of searching for uranium ores; land survey]Radiometricheskie metody poiskov uranovykh rud; pe- shekhodnaia s"emka. Rostov-na-Donu, Izd-vo Rostovskogo univ., 1962. 105 P. (MIRA 15:9) (Uranium ores) (Radioactive prospecting) PCYTAPGVJ, I.I. Origin of the Earth. Izv.vys.uchob.zav.; geol.i razv, 41 no.1,3-18 ja 162. (~Mu 15:2) 1. Rostovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Earth) POTA- FOGOSOV, V.S.; ZBEROVSKAYA, N.V. ------- In memory of Honoered Scientist, and Professor Alek'pandr laidaro- viob 7'e17&=. Yest.otorin. 22 no.69115-116 360. (Mvu 14:1) (F='-MAN, AT AN ISIDOROVICHp 1880-1960) 0 000000t0000 00 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 of 0 0 2. w - IMP, A Uri" "Mul, ~nmlil sov 1 4 # I I f W it Q tj W it 16 Ir 14 " 41 1. cap a) 00 Of ompa4fift of oil-field aratef by the 90 its mhftro with sea w " I t P f -0 0 Neflyaw" Xk~s- 1:36"N.: 100 ing tht Calm. oful' :0 rheir "r gi- & -ft- Wnli' ingtedientq ol 'em -00 and Ihefffm" tile M11CHA, of vzri~ 00 'Clovordon equations. WNIC14 aluf the (I-ve-Ary c 06 1 : 00 f:i 00 j 00 0*0 .00 a0 a*: 00 0 t-O 0 ISO* A I a - L a CLAISiPKATIC61 too 0 #a-Aliv woo ;0 0 u is AT No Is 'A w it a 0000 *0000*00 004440400000000 1 -- 0 0 0 0 6 * 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0-0-" 0 0 00OOOOO:OoO:: 0 0 0 rCTP.','CV, I. I. Geolo,_j,-f "ElectricnI Core Saj;~illln,l-, in Fotrcleujr. (,(--olo,y (Apshevonskiy TeninsidF..)" t~ i Gostoptekhizdat, lg/,8 Surnmary No. 60, 26 Yay 52; FF-52056S13-9 POTAFOV, 1. 1. "Concerning certain controversial questions in the geol f petroleum," (0 uskotorykh t 20U 0 P. diskussinnykh voprosakh geologil nefti), Aznefteizda Publishing House of the State All-Union Association of the Azer)avdzhan Oil and Gas Industryf, 1951. POTAPOV, I. I. "Problem of the Formation of Petroleum Layers" (DepoolLs of Nonmetal Ores, Oil unu Natural Gases), Izv. AN rhzerb. SSR, No. 9, 1953, pp 2Q-51 (Azerbaydzhani resume) Ab s Iv;-3ii46, 1 Feb 55 POTAPOV, 1. 1. Origin of the Apsheron productive stratum. Trudy Inst.geol.AN A2erb.SSR 15:170-190 154. (MLRA 9:1) (Apsheron Peningula-Petroleum Geology) USRMT,4matqliy Petrovich; POTAPOT, I.I., redaktor; ALITW. T.B., tekhnicheakiy redakio-r-. _- [The Surekban oil field; structural geologr and oil-bearing capacity] SuraIchanskoe neftianoe mestorozhilents; taktonika i neftenonnost'. Baku, Aserbaidshanskoe gos. isd-vo neftianoi i nauchno-tekhn. lit-ry, 1955. 177 p. MR A 9: 6) (Surakhany-Oil fields) -P()TRTICIV9f,I, USSR/ Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemi6try D. Abe Jour : Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 4, 1957, 11541 Author : Potapov I.I. Inst 1caeemy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR Title Petroleum Formation and Forming of Petroleum Deposits in the Light of the Existence in the Apsheron Productive Stratum of "Ranging" Deposits Ori Pub Materialy Disk-ussii po probleme proiskhozhdeaiya i migratsii nefti. Kiev, AN USSR, L956, 126-138 Abstract See RZhKhim, 1956, 35707 Card 1/1 L 38173-66 IIEWP(t)/ETI jp Gn. r)/Rd/jr, ACC NRt AP6021079 (A SOURCE CODE: UR/0365/66/002/002/0216/0220 AUTHOR: Kudryavtsev, N. T.; Potapov, I. I.; Mellnikova, M. M. ORG: Moscow Chemico-Technological Institute im. D. I. Mendele ev (F skovskiy khimiko- tekhnologicheskiy institut) Y TITLE: Analysis of the electrolytic deposition of a Co-Cr alloy SOURCE: Zashchita metallov, v. 2, no. 2, 1966, 216-220 TOPIC TAGS: electroplating, cobalt, chromium, optimum process, magnetic property, temperature dependence, current density, alloying 1"F74,j- -A5-4 f-- C rWO 4)~ r / C. D E7 PO _71' 7-/ 0,C) %I I-VI ABSTRACT: The Cr content of Co-Cr alloy S22:~jLngs, % electric current yield, coercive force, inductive saturation, residual inductance and coefficient of orthogonality were measured as functions of electrolyte composition, pH, temperature and current den- sity in solutions of Cr- and Co sulfates + amino acetic acid. The conditions for ob- taining good coatings of Co-Cr alloys (5-15% Cr) are given. It was established that some of the factors contributing to changes in the composition of the alloy also af- fect the magnetic properties. Additions of cobalt sulfate ranging from 0.25 to 1.0 g-equiv/1 lowered the Cr and increased the Co content of the coatings. The electric current yield increased from 10 to 33% at 6 a/dm2 and from IS to 41% at 10 a/dm2 for the same cobalt sulfate changes. Above 10 a/dm2 the quality of the coatings' was poor.~_ UDC: 621.357.7 Gard 1/2 ACC NRl AP6021079 By increasing the temperature from 20 to 500C, the % yield rose and the quality of the: coatings improved, although the Cr content decreased from 10 to 3%. The lowering of pH from 2.5 to 1.5 dropped both the % yield and the Cr content. Alloy coatings, ob- tained under optimum electrolyzing conditions, had a low coercive force (20-50 oe) ani a residual inductance of 5000-6000 gs. With increases in current density frcm 2 to I 10 a/dm2 and pH from 1.5 to 2.5 the coercive force dropped as a result of the increasel in Cr content. At pH=2 the coefficient of orthogonality went through a maximum but increased with current density. The orthogonality of the hysteresis loop improved with increase in temperature from 20 to 500C, while the coercive force went through a maximum at 400C, probably due to a phase transformation in the coating. Orig. art. has: 7 figvres. SUB CODE: 11,14/ SUBM DATE: 22Jul65/ ORIG REF: 011/ OTH REF: 001 Cuid 2/2 3OFtoK7 Trk inv,p 'r, solutions of I - 3(,,4-30? my-Je '65- y t t rr Mosicovskiy khjmiko--tekhno109I':heSwi mendeleyeva. PUUFOV, I.I. Geologic. development of the earth. Azzlele geol geogr 17 no.".: 3-19 nS 163. VOYACHEK, V.I.,, prof., Geroy Sotsiallaticheskogo Truda; UNDRITS, V.&p p,rof.; LIMCHEV, A.T.,, prof.0 zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki; POTAPOV I.1p, doktor med.nauk, prof.; FOTIF, A.V.9 dotsent, Active mmber of the kademy of Modleal Sciences of the U.S.S.R. and Honor-ad Scientist,, Professor BoriB Sergeovieh Froobritzbonokii; on his 70th birthday. Test.otorin. no,4.33-9 162. (Miu 1b 1. Deystvitel?nyy chlen AM SSSR (for Voyachek). 2. Chien- korrespondent A14F SSSR (for Undrits). (PRWBRAZHENSKII, BORIS SERGnMCH., 1892--) POTAmt -I.Ilp prof, Prophylaxis for hearing disorders. Nauch.trady Chetv&'Moskagor, klin.boV, no.lt259-263 261. (MM 16:2) 1* Imkliniki bolezney ukhav nosa i gorla (zav. - prof,, I.I. Potapov) TSentrallnogo instituta usavershenstvovaniya vrachey na baze Oto- rinolaringologicheakogo otdeleniya Mookovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitay no./+ (glavnyy vrach - G.F. Papko). (EAR-DISFASYS) PREOBRAZHIWSKIY, B.S., prof.; PO-T-A?QVI.I., prof.; BELKIN, V.R., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik,- C-ORKLE, N.S., inzh.; SMINIOV, B.A., inzh. Instrunerrts for manipulations within the esophagus. Vest.otorin. no,4%92-% 162. (KERA 1613) 1. IvEauchno-issledovatellskogo institute, eksperimentallnoy k~inl-rgieheskoy apparatury i instrumentov Ministerstva zdravo- 01cbranenlya SSSR (dir. M.G. Ananlyev), kafedry otorinolaringo- logii (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR zasluzhennyy deyatel" n4uki prof. B.S. Preobrazhonskiy) lechebnogo fakullteta II Moo- kqvskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova i otorino- laringologicheakoy kafedry (zav. - prof. 1.I. Potapov) Tgentrall- nogo inatituta usovershenst7ovaniya vracheyo (ESOPHAGUS-EXPWRATION) - POTAPOV. 1.I. Problem of earth's origin. Analele geol geogr 16 ro.',I-IC~7-123 TI-Ig 162. S/169/62/000/011/001/077 D22a/D307 1UJT11OR: Potapov, I.I. TITLE: Problem of the origin of the earth PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 11, 1962, 4, abstract UA7 (Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavederdy, Geol. i razvcdka, no. 1, 1962, 3-18) TEXT: The existing concepts concerning nebular evolution, the formation of stars and the origin of planets are reviewed. In the author's opinion the evolution of stars from hot giants to red dwarfs is accomplished in 3-5 billion years; the primordial sun po- ssessed a mass not less than 5 times in excess of the present value, and contained the majority of heavy elements that form part of the Earth, including thorium, radium, and uranium. Earth could.not have been formed by the condensation of solid cold particles-, since its mass-is insufficient to ensure.self-fusion of cold cosmicmatter, necessary for the density-separation into a number of geospheres, such as exist within the globe. f-Abstracter's note; Complete trans- Card 1/1 lation2 --- POTAPOV, I.I. Geological development of the earth. Izv.vys.ucheb.z&v.; geol.i razv. 5 no.6:3-17 Je 162. (1,111RA 15:7) 1. Rostovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Eart,h) POTAPOV, I.I.j doktor med.nauk (Moskva) Beaign tumors of the pharym. Med. sestra 19 no.12:24-27 D 160. (KMA 1302) (PHARYNX-TUMORS) POTAPOV, I.I., doktor meditsinskikh nauk "Collection of articles of the Lvov Branch of the All-Union ()torhinolaryngological Society." RevIewed by I.I.Potapav. Vest. otorin. 22 no.1:97 Ja-F 160. (MIRA. 14335) (OTOIARYNGOLOGY) POTAPOV, Ivan Ivanovich Denign tumors of the pharynx; clinical aspects and surgical treatment] Dobrokocheatvennye opukholi glotki; klinika i khirurgicheskoe lechenie. Moskva, Medgiz, 1960. 180 p. (PHARYNX-TUMORS) (MIRA 13:8) POTAPOV, I.I. Claosification of tectonic structures. Sov. geol. 3 no.8:66-74 Ag 16o. - (MIRA 13:9) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudaretvennyy universitet. (Geology, Structural) 3(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2302 Ak'Ldemiya nauk Ukrainskoy 33R. Inatitut geologil poloznykh takopaYe- mykh ?roble" algratsit neftl I formirovanlya nertyanYkh I 9AzOvY1kh 8kO- Pl4niy; materialy Llvovakoy d15kU3311 8-12 maya 1957 &- (Problem Or Oil Migration and the Pormation or oil and Gas Accumulations; Materi &IN or the Discussion Held In L'vov, May.8-12, 1957) Moscow, 008toptakhIzdat, 1959. 422 p. 1,100 copies printed. 942.: V. B. Portir-yev, Academician of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences. and 1. 0. brod, Professor; Rxec. Ed. : P. R. YerhhOv; Tech. Ed.: A.S. ftlosina; Editorial Board: i.o. Brod, Professor W.R. Ladyzhenakly, and V.B. PorCirtyov~ Academician ~f the Ukra in- Lan Academy of Sciences. FUR?=: This collection of articles is Intended for a wide rang& Of geologists And research workers Interested In Oil problems. COVZRAaE: Articles containad in this book deal with the problems of migration and accumulation or 01.1 and gas. These problems were discussed In May 1957 at Wvov State University im. 1. Franko at :,a* ting organized jointly by the Institute or Geology and Xlncr- R:sOurc*A* Academy or sciences of the ussn, the Department of Geology and Oil Exploration of the L'vov Polytechn--c Institute, and the L-vov Geological society. Theories on the origin of pe- trOIQuft dePOsLts and the conditions surrounding their Occurrence are treated. Thar* are 327 reronees; 232 Soviet, 86 English, 5 French, and 4 German. TA"r* OP CONTENT3s Introduction 3 IneCoAddreas by the President of the Organization Committee the nf0rence V.D. Parfirvyev 5 R-9rP.a.RTS Gabil'yaa-A.X. [Institut soologil, Tashkent) The Problem of the FOrautiOn Or Oil and Gas Deposits Illustrated by the Deposits In Eastern Centria Asia 296 Pota NOV. I-XA-Ptata University, Rostovj Conclusions On the For- --"TIKff-6f-M 'Posits In the ApsheronakAya Region 302 ssakhov-Ye.K. (vxraxi. Leningrad] The signiricance or Ruptures In the Formation or oil Deposits on Sakhalin and Latest Information an PIS~Urtd R*66rvoirs 306 Y'.4 FOTqg-,,Ivan Ivanovich, prof.; ZBEROVSKAYA, Nina Viktorovna; KALIENA, Valentin Osipovich; VOLKOV, Yu.N., red.; PARAKHIBA, N.L., tekhn. red. [Tympanoplasty] Timpanoplastika. Moskva, Medgizp 1963. 166 p. (MIRA 16:12) (TYMPANAL ORGAN-SURGERY) -L l1983-66---EllTt]JLF-VIA(-i)&LEI~IA(b)n2-----;K ACC NR: AP6000770 SOURCE CODE: UR/02113/65/ooo/oo9,/oo45/0049,-,y, Dem5dov)- A, 1AUTHOR: V,; Dombrovskayal Yu, P,; P~t.,pp_ov, 1. 1,; Kitayev, IG._Yeo IORG: Moscow Division of Lenin Medical Institute in. 1. 11. Seebenov 10-10slcovskiy-ord6na Leiniba. m6dit-sih6ki~-`ihgtTtVtY-; of i lyhysicianal Graduate Studies (Tsentrallnyy institut usovershenstvoinniya! fvracbey); All- Union Scientific Research Institute of_-YpAicnl Ipstru- i Jments and Equipment Or a a-a.oyu zny.y... noIu-cIbn.o-i -1 ssl.ed -1 ovote l'skiy ir-stitut 1-ffedit6inskikh instrumentov i oborudoventys) TITLE: Hand operated alectronerosol generator and its clinical application l SOURCE: Meditsinskays promysblennost' SSSR, no. 9, 1965, 45-..-.19 TOPIC TAGS: medical equipment, oerosol dispenser, electric V,)nerator, clinical medicine, charged particle ABSTRACT: Electroeerosol therapy with aerosol particles of apprcximate-! 1y identical electric charge can be easily applied with this generator I for individual inhalation, called Electrosol - 1 ane developed by VNIIMIO. It works 'with compressed air at 0,3 atmospheres or more and Card 112 L 11983-66 ACC NR: AP6000770 has a simple pulverizer for disDersing the medloation, which Is Plectri-I cally charged in the same opereiion, The inhelator ann be safely turned In any direction and the particles n8n be positively or'negatively charged, The current is 127-220 volts AC. It can also be used for sim ple inbolation and is easily dissasimbled for cleaning and sterilizstio~_ Clinical application (mostly with ncgetively charged aerosol) involves dailly or every other day inhalations of 5-15 minutes for adults and 3-7 minutes for children. U to 30 treatments may be given and the course may be repeated after A weeks, This treatment has been found to have a favorable effect on respiratory organs, blood cbemtstry and circula- tion. Antibiotic inhalation obviates the need for repeated injections. The generator may also be used for disinfection and in industry for thin film deposits. This apparatus has been tested, accepted and recommended for commercial production. Orig. art* has: 1 figure, SUB CODE: -060 07o 14/ SUBM DATE: 26Apr65/ ORIG REF; 006/ OTH REF: 002 cwd 2/2 ACCESSION M AP4036805 4/0286/64/000/009/0011/0011' AUTHORj Potapoys L Not Polukhin, Pe I*; Onadchiys Ve Taal Finagin, Po 9.1 Mogileykin, Fe Doi Golubohike No M*; Tartakovskiya I* No TITLEt A method for rolling seamless thin-walled pipase Olass 7, So* 162089 sOURCE& Byul. izobr. L toviro snakays no@ 9g 1964# 11 TOPId TAGS: pipe rolling, seamless pipes thin-walled pipe. r6l1ing mill, pipe rolling mill, metal rolling ABSTAACTz This author's certificate introduces * Aethod for rolling seamless thin- walled pipes by the intensive rolling (burniablag) method* In order to inorease the mill prGductivity and reduas the thickness rr the pipe walls (for example a wall thickness of 1*5 mm and more at a dimater #.a wall thickness ratio of 12-30). the burnishing (intensive rolling) is carried out on a conical mandrel in a rolling Kill with three rollers* The working rollers of the mill an made in the form of two. ASSOCIATIM Card' 1/2 ACCESSION KRs AM36M' SUBMITTZDs 16J=68 CM1 mm DATE ACQe Mum" No Rv my#, SNOU 00 onim 000 Cord' 2/2 --------------------- ~. L,, ~,. ~ !, Zv , y u . r. . ; ;; -, - r -,,, . 1 . t.7 . I , . . Mech~n f zat,l -~n r~f thc. r9imov.,il of hot me ta IL from the- .. r,!--n . Metallurg 1.0 no.6:30-.31 Je 165. 1,-:6i% 1. Zavod POLUXHINI P.I., doktor teklin.riwik-, prof.; POTAPOV, I.N., inzh.; FINAGIN, P.M., inzh. Adjustment of drives for pipe-rolling mills securing a steady rotation of rolls. Vest.mashinostr. 43 no.9:18-21 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) POTAPCV, I.P., inzh. ~-ean and lubricating forms. Bet. i .,he!.-bet. no.4:18F-189 Ap 161. 6IRA. 14:6) (Concrett -onstruction-Formwork) POTAPOV. Iji.; FINOGENOV, V.P.; SOLODKIN, R.G.1 KAPELINSKIY, Tu.N, ' Ye.A., SEROVA, L.V.; POKROVSKIY, A.N.; 1AJSNZtUN5&1 10 PEVZNER, Ta.A.; LEEMN, B.T.; VIUDLUIRSHY, L.K.: MATYUXHIN, I.S.; KGOV, V,V,; PISKCPFELI, F.G., doktor ekon, nauk, prof., red.; SHLENSKAYA, V..A.,, red.izd-va,7 ZINCHENKO, V.S., red-izd-va-, PAVLOVSKIY, A.A., takhn. red. (Foreign trade of capitalist countries] Vneshniaia torgovlia kapitalisticheskikh stran. [By] I.S.Potapov i dr. Moskva, Vneshtorgizdat, 1963. 456 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Commerce) POTAPOV, I.T,, inzh. Organization of atorage facilities during ihipbuildlrig vith t 'he use of plastic materials, Sudostroanie 29 no.6444-46 Jii (MIRA lr,~7) (A a it in s--Stomle) (Shipbuilding materials) I POTAPOV, I. T., inzh. - Improving the supply of materials and equipment. Sudostroenie 28 no.lOt46-47 0 162, (MIRA 16sl) (Shipbuilding materials) POTAPOV., I.V.; KLEYvIT;NOV, V.V. Use of electronic comptera with continuous action in wal.-ar hammer analysis. Trudy NPI 157:75-85 164. (MIM 19: 1) AUBAKIROV. Zhaksylyk Aubakirovich; SFJMOVI. M.I.. kand.geograf.nauk,; POTAPOV. I.Ye., red.; ALFMV.A. P.F., [Alma-,Ata Province; economic and geographical description] Alma-Atinskaia, oblast'; ekonomiko-geograficheskaia, kharaktariatika. Alma-Ata. Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kazakhakoi SSR. 1959. 137 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Alma-Ata--Economic conditions) POTAPOV, Kh.; ZAKUSILD, P. Hidden potentialities for reducing production costs on collective farms, Vopeekon. no.9:111-119 8 61. (MIM 14:8) (Collective farms--Costs) SHAMBERG, V., MILIN, M; KAYYE, V.; POTAPOV, Kh. 'i0 Publication of economic literaturp in 1959, Vop.e'z n. no,2: 134-141 F 159. (MIRA 12:5) (Bibliography-Economics) GORSHKOVI P-P., nauchnyy sotr.; KOLYMMI, L.I., nauchnyy sotr.; KOTOV) G.G., nauchnyysotr.; KUZIMD-.A, V.I., nauchrZny sot-r.; RUWANITSEVA, A.V... nauchn~rj sotr.; SEIJUA, 17.G., naucluy sotr.; CHEREPOVA, I.V.: nauchnyy uotr.; POTAFOV, Kh.Ye., red.; OVCHE'NIKOV, F.G., red.; PONONW3EVk,-K-.-A., t,61ffin. red. (Raising the level of the development of collective farm opera- tion] Povyshenie urovnia razvitiia kolkhoznogo proizvodstva. I-Ioskva, Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1961. 236 p. 0AIRA 15:2) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy P-suchno-issledovatel skiy institut eko- nom:Uci sel'skogo khozyaystva. 2. VsesoN-.uznyy nauchno--issledova- tellski-y institut ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva. (for Gorshkov, Kolychev, Kotov, Rupyantseva, Selina, Cherepkova, Kuz'rrd1na). (Farm, management) LAPTEV, I.D , starshiy nauebrqy sotr,; BUYANOV, P.S., starshty nauchi3yy sotr.;-KASSIROV, L.N., starshiy nauchnyy sotr.; TEF~~AYYEETA, y sotr.; SUM' VA., L.I., Ftarehf'y rpauch- A.F., starshiy nauchny, HO nyy notr.; SIDOROVA, E.I., starsidy nauchnyy sotr.; SEEM, S.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotr.; Prinimali uchastiye: ARKHIPOV, A.I., mladshiy nauchnyy sotr.; VAZZYYTJ12A, P.F., mladshiy na- uchnyy sotr.; MUM, I.Ya., mladshiy nauchiVy sotr.; KA,?11AUKhOVA, Ye.I., mladshiy naucluryy sotr.; IWLOVA, T.N., mladshiy nauchnyy sotr.; R01,W-40VS11%.AYA, L.S., mladshiy nauchnyy notr.; C)119J'OV, G.N., m.1ndahly witiclinyy rioti-.; T'OTAPOV, Kh.Yo., red.; MtASILOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. (Commmal funds of collective farms and the distribution of col- lective farm income] Obshchestvennye fondy kolkhozov i raspre- delenie kolkho.-ny1ch d'okhodov. Moskva, Izd-vo okon. lit-ry, 1961. 38t'-', PO (I'MU 15:3) 1. Akaderdya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonoriki. 2. Sektor ekono- miki sellskogo khozyaystva Instituta elfonomiki Akademii nauk SSSR (for Laptev, Buyanov, Kassirov, Teryayeva, Suvorova, Sidorova, Samin). (Collective farms--Income distribution) ROMIN, VasiIiy Petrovich; POTAPOV, Kh.Ye., red.; POLOMAREVA, A.A., tekhn. red. I- [Some problems in improving the economy of weak collective farms) Hekotorye voprovy podnema ekonomiki slabykh kolkho- zov. Moskva, Iqd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1961. 154 P. (MIRA 15:2) (Collective farms) SEVIIN, Sergey Ivanovich, kand. ekonom. nauk; POTAPOV, Kh.Ye... red.; PONOMARE- VA, A.A., tekhn. red. [Undivided funds and wals to narrow the difference between co-Uective- farm cooperative property andpublic property] NedelinWe fondy i puti sblizheniia kolkhozno-kooperativnoi sobstvennosti s obshchenarodnoi. Moskva, Izd-vo ekon.lit-ry, 1961. 180 p. WIRA 14-:11) (Collective farms-Finance) (property) TSAGOLOV, N.A.., Prof., red.; FTAIIQY.,JR,~e.., red,,- PONUMAREVA, A.A., telchn. red. (Developing collective farm property during the period of the large- scale building of communism] Razvitie kolkhoznoi sobstvennosti v period razyernutogo stroitel'stva kommuni2ma. Pod red. i so svtup. statlei N.A.TSagolova. Moskva~ Izd-vo ekon.lit-ry, 1961. 446 p. (MIRA 14: U) 1. Moscow. Universitet. Kafedra politicheskoy ekonomii. (Collective farms) (Property) MISECIDIKO, Ivan Grigorlyevich; URIYEV, YEvell Abramovich; DRONOV, B.T., red.; red.; FONOMAREVA, A.A., tekhn. red. [Role of Siberia in the economics of the country's agrim-ature] Roll Sibirl v ekonomike sellskogo khoziaistva strany. Moskva, Izd- vo ekon.lit-ry 1961. 228 P. (MIRA 14-12) Niberia-Agriculture) POTAPOV Kh.t ZAKUSILO P. .1 Ways to economize on expenditures for agricultural production. Vop. ekon. no.12:60-69 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) :;~ (Collective farms-Costs) STOROZHEVJ V.I.; KORKUNOV, I.N.; RUDAKOV, Ye.V.; 14ELLINYY, S.A.; LUKOVIIIKOVA, S.V.; J~P~ -Xh-jqj ZAKUSILO, P.S.; ZAVERENYAYEVA, L.V., red.; GERASIKVA, Ye.S.f tekhn. red. (Triumph of the Lenin cooperative plan in socialist countries] Pobeda leninskogo kooperativnogo plans, v stra- nakh sotsializma. Moskva, Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1963. 274 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy sotsiali- st-iche5koy sistemy. (Europe, Eastern-Agriculture, Cooperative) (Collective farms) POTAPOV, Khariton Yefremovich-, ZAKUSILO, Pavel Stepanovich; KALASHNIKOVA, ' I--- -ie-d. , tekhn. red. (Ways of lowering unlt costs of production on collective farms] Puti snizheni:La sebestoimosti produktsii v kolkhozakh. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1960. 142 p. (MIRL 14-7) (Collective farms-Costs) DAYON, M.I.; POTAYOV, L.I. Spectrum of q.,-mesons underground at a depth equal to -40 s of water. Zhur.ek-sp. i teor.fiz. 36 no.3:697-706 Mr '59. (MI]RA 12:5) 1. Fizicheakiy Institut Im. P.N.Lebedeva AN SBSR. (Neeons-spectra) DAYOIT, M.I.; POTAPOV, L.I. Measuring the masses of cosmic ray particles imdergrcrind. Zhur.ekep. 1. teor.fiz. 36 no.3:921-9P2 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Pizicheskiy institut im. P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR. (cosmic rays) POTAM-17, I. S. 7d. 1,,Tezhdunar-,dnaya tor,-ovlya (International trade) Pod red. I. "I. Potapov, G. S. Roginskiy, Yu. N. Vapelinskiy. Moskva, Vneshtor,.-J7,dat, 115)1 686 p. tables. Chwok MUM *I 4"knul Volummko NAL I V. 4,04jow - and V. A. GaIttoclimll f~ PAYA~ CAWM, Rsem, I " 1. is. 1 4 - Itim).- -'rhe additive teactums between NIhMr, (1) and C',11,15f III? and between C It N and (U) In MeOH and EtOlf are accelerated hY 'jUj) anti CgIf,-Cjf,NRr. When the origmat concn, nt (1), (n), and (M) are equal. thevelocity coeff is increased by (III) by a factor of 1-5 -2,3. The temp coelf. of thr*r tractions ii n(Ft atI&tV1 bY thC CatAly4tS. J. I ". SOV/124-57-7 7867 T a ns, ~"Iation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 7, p 57 (USSR) AUTHOR: Potapov, 1. V. TITLE: Investigation of the Water Hammer in an Annular Duct Pro-,ided With Bleeds (Issledovaniye gidravlicheskogo udara v kol'tsevorn trubopro vode .9 otvodami) PERIODICAL- Tr. Novocherkas. politekhn. in-ta, 1956, Nr 33/47, pp 115-125 ABSTRACT: A descri*pition is given of an experimental investigation of the water hammer in an annular duct with and without bleeds, On the basis of the processed experimental data for a symmetrical annular duct with and without side bleeds, when there is no major di!icharge and during a sudden closing of the slide-gate, the use of N. Ye. Zhukovskiy's formula is proposed in the form given below 4H 1.12a Q m H 0 column g L' 2 Here 0 is in liters/sec; and in t.he other parameters the dimensional values of the lengths dre given in meters. Card 1/1 G. V. Aronovich Po,rAPOV, I. V. POTAPOV, I. V.: "Investigation and calculation of the hydraultc shock in some systems of the water-supply network". Novocherkassk, 19155. Min Higher Education USSR. Novocherka3sk Soil-Improvement Engineering Inst. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of TECHNICAL Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 51, 10 December 1955 PO A PC V, I . V. V. A. IIQLTZSFL!I!)T, ZhOFh 6, 757-63, '1930' 0 0 ID'o, 0 4 46 64616 4-4-6 1- ~41 *00000 -1 0 0 0 0 1) Ij 9 3 !4 1) 3 1 m x 10 Jet OU 0$) OJA is is it a 4; 11 u 0 hd 4520 ,A TA-, IF Rim I A- -t -L k 1- A.U 0- 00 4 !!SLS*PI!MS ~ ~ --L ---- 00 00 A -0 00 A .00 -00 ov, 00 go Oil oo V. A. RkmiwmT tAd&Ph QUM U.Six, m MW see EIX + qHjkr =go 000 wearmw =00 TI 80, m -- of wa zt0H, Aw ci (11) in MOOH. In brAh awn Ow ZOO tqfta4u~~ adu fammd ad im mWyom for CFO 0 the rescumL W. R. A. X00 are 4D .T ties boo Joe -v-r '1 10 1 v 14 a a IF it (t It at (I I 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * is 0 4 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 066 0 0 N 0 94 0 01 0 0 0 0 00000 Z STROCHKOV, A.A., inzh.; POTAMV, I.V., in2h. Switch mechanism without a counterweight. Put' i put. khoz. no.P,:27 Ag '59. (MIRA 13:3) tRailroade-Switches) v LIC-TAPOll 1. V,., Ptarshi-y nrouodnvntell Investigating the hydrzulic im,)Pct in r-wrilar ni-elinea w,4t:. pipes. Truc~v NPI 33:115-125 156. POTAPOV, I.V. Passage of a hYd:muJ-il^ hammer wave through the pressure pipe joints. Trudy NPI 106t75-82 160. (MIRA 15:5) (Water hammer) POTAMV, I.V., insh. Zlectric signal lamps. Zhel.dor.tranap. 42 no.11:67-68 N 160. k. MRA 13: 11 ) (Railroads-Signaling) (Electric lamps, Portable) TETI"OVTSEV B.D.; STMCHWI, A.A.; POTAPOV I V~ P Hinged crawk switch locks. Pat I Si o.7:18-19 PU ii 161. (14M 14:8) (Railroads-Switches) VASIVYINA, H.S.; CHIGAUTUN, A.V.; K.ONOBRITIMAYA, Ye.M.. knnd.j~eo~-,r.nauk,; POTAPOV, I.Ye., rod.; TEMICHKO, G.N., teklin.rad. Dature ar;d economy of the Dzho2kazgnn industrial regionj Pri- roda i khoziaistvo DzhazkazganBkogo promyshlennogo raiona. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kazaldiskoi SSR, 1959. 96 p. (MIPLA 13:1) (Dzhozkazgan District--Economic conditions) ;- Eor somol I '! ~ Z'. - -, :- -~- 1. . 25~lai, . 0. T"'I'C'-IS ~7 j 1.0 - 34 aock .:n A.N. !-'cry~~-nc,,v, A.P. Ver3:-z~je- ors -~P, 7 Z-7 l-l-nthl-V -'Usni-m Acce~-,sionq, Ljb,~3-.- of Uncl. Monthly List o-P Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, LARICVOV, Alelioey Prokoftyevich, kand. ekon. nauk- IPOTAPOV,~Ye., red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S.v tekbn. red. [Establishing work standards and wage schedules on collective and state farms] Normirovanie i tarifikateiia truda v kolkhozakh i sov- khozakh.*Moakva, Gosplanizdat, 1961. 167 p. I (MIU 34:6) (Agrioultur6--Noduation oUndards) (Agrioultitral wages) VERZIDM, V.G., red.; KARNAUKFIOVA, Ye.S., red.; POTAPOV, Kh.Ye., red.; PONOKARSTA, A.A., (Calculating production costs on collective farmaj Voprosy ischisleniia sebestoimosti produktaii v kolkhozakh. Pod red. V.G.Banzhera i E.S.Karnaukhovoi. Moskva, Gosplanizdat, 1959. 163 p. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Alaidemiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki. (Collective farms--Costs) v 0 Tid~ 281., PF, Op.rt. Clsvoyeniyc-, travopollinylkl- tayshypt . --','IyITI I 1-1-Ut. Cibl. Sov. S. A. A. dinlypktik-a nyeolukhodln~osti I sluchaynocti V michurins-l-oy typorii - S_,:. so: L-IT-CIPIS i70. lf,, Pcnl'ov, lar. Y's'. 16270 Peredo7oy kolkhoz chu7a9hsLr-:-7 A-5SP (k-~Ikhoz 'L".. 7oros;-ilo7F,. Tal' ctikot. Rayon). Sov. Agronomtyx, lq49, ~lo. 11, 9. 70-,/4 SO: Letooiil Zhurnallnvkh Statey, Nlo. 49, 1949 IVANCHOKO, Anatoliy Antonovich; HINAKOV, Pavel Semenovich; POTAPOV, Kh.Te., red.; OVCHI=OV. N.G., red.; GMUSIMOTA, Te.S., [Method of planning labor productivity in agriculture] Voprosy metodiki planirovaniia proizvoditellnosti truds v sel'skom khoziaistve. Moskva, Gosplanizdat. 1960. 142 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Agriculture-Labor productivity) TULUPNIKOV, L.A.; SOLOVIEY, A.T.; BATOTA. N.T.; GATRILOT, T.I., kand. ekonom.nauk; SHIMKO, N.I.; PCLOYENKO, I.S., kand.ekonom.nauk; RVAPOT, Kh.Te., red.; OYCHINNIKOT, N.G., red.; PONOMARE"A, A.A., [Problems pertaining to long-range planning and systems of management on collective and state farms] Toprosy perspektivnogo planirovaniia i sistemy vedeniia khoziaistva v kolkhozakh i sovkho- zakh. Koskva, Gosplanizdat, 1960. 681. p. (mm 14:3) 1. Moscow. Tsesoyuznyy nouchno-issledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Tsesoyuznoy skademii seliskokhozyaystvennyl-.h nauk imeni T.I.Lenine; direktor Tsesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituta ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva (for Tulupnikov). 3. Zemestitell direk-tora Tsesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatel'skogo institute ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva (for Gavrilov). 4. Rukovoditell otdela TE;esoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo institute ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva (for Polovenko). (Collective farms) (State farms) RUUKOV, Georgiy Kuzlmich, kand.Bel'skokhoz.nauk; KILTAVSUT, Illya Osipovich. kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; KHARAROV, Hikolay Ifedorovich, agronom-ekonomist;.;PMAPOT, Kh.7a., red.; POUOKAREVA, A.A., [Planning and buninesa accounting in brigades and sections of collective forms] Planirovenie i khoziaistvannyi raschet v brigodakh i no fermakh kolkhoze. Kookva, Gosplanisdat, 1961. 190 P. (MIRA 14-.Z) (Collective farms--Finance) OKHAPKIN, Konstantin Afanaslyevich, kand.sellskokhoz.nauk. Prinimali.uchastive: IVIN, I.A.. kand.sellskoldioz.nauk, -atarshiy na-achnyy sotradnik; LA- RIONOV, A.F., kand.ekonom.nauk, utarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; BRARIKOT, P.G., mladehiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; XARFUSUL10, A.I., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; NOVIKOVA, Te.S., mladahiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; RUMTANTSEVA, T.V., mladshty nauchnyy sotrudnik; ARKHIPOVA, V.F.-, YESELOTA, V.I.; ZANTSEVIGH, R.M.; KHRAMOVA, A.M.; TEIXIMOVA, Te.V., aspirantka. POTAPOV, KIA.Ta., red.; PONOMAREVA, A.A., (Economic effectiveneso of monetary wages on collective farms] BkonomicMaksia effektivnost' aenezhnoi oplaty trea v kolkhozakh. Moskva, Gooplanizdat, 1960. 217 P. (MM 13:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iasledovatellskiy inatitut ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva (for Ivin, Larionov, Bran1kov, Karpusheako. Novikova. Ramyantseva, Yelfimova). 2. Hauchno-tekhnichaskiye sotrudniki Vse- soyuznogo nauchno-insledovateliskogo institute, ekonomiki sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Arkhipova, Veselovs, Zantsevich, Khramova). (wages) (Collective farms) IGNATOV, Leonid Petrovich; STAROVOYTOV, Kpifstantin Semenovich; POTAPOV Kh.Ye., red.; PONOMAREVA, A.A., tekhn. red. [Some problems of agricultural planning] Nekotorye vop-rosy planirovaniia sellskago khoziaistva. Iloskva., Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1961. 207 P. (MIRA 15:4) (Farm management) VENZRSR, Vladimir Grigorlyovich, doktor okonom.nauk; POTAPOV, Kh.Ye., red., PONOMAREVA, A.A., [Utilizing the low of value in collective form prcduction] Voprosy ispollzovaniia zakona stoimoBti v kolkhoznom proizvodstvc. Moskva, Gosplanizdat, 1960. 318 P. (MIRA 13:9) (value) (Collective farms) 1. POTAPOV, IM. YEE. 2. USSR(600) 4. Colleetive Farms 7. Consolidation of collective farms and increase in their communal wealth on the basis of their agricultural level. Sov. Agron. 10 no. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Feb. -1953. Unclassified. PCTAFOV Kill. Wi/B 'T9 1-USM/Agrj culture Apr 49 rlants - Cultivation "Results of Experiments Conducted at T. S. Malltsev's KolMoz "Zavety lanina,'" Kh. Te. Potapov, 3 PP "Sov Agron;" No 4 Kolkhoz-181 in Shadrinakiy Rayon, Mirgan Oblast, a semiarid trans-Urals region vith limited, sioradic rainfall. Potapov, kolkhoz director, briefly gjveP methods he has employed to maintain a steady Increase In harvestB. Recommends using Malltsev's methods on all kolkhozes in this region. LC POTAPOV, Kh. Ye., ; KHOLIN, I.A., red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., telchn. red. [collective farms on the upswing] Kolkhozy na krutom pod"eme. MoBkva, Gosplanizdat, 1958* 95 Re (MIRA 11.:11) (Collective farms) ZISLAVSKAYA, T.I., knnd.ekon.naukp rMOV,,G.G.,. doktor ekon.nauke r6d.; POTAPOV, Kh.Ye., red.; ORASIMOVA9 re.S. tekhnored. [Pr inc-ip.le of mAterial Interest nnd wgres on collecti7e farms] Printsip- materialinoi zainteresovnnnosti I oplnta truda v kolkhozakh. Pod red. G.G. Kotova. Koskva, Gosplnnizdnt. 1958. 161 p. (MIRA 11:9) (Wngen) (Collective forms) ZOTOV, Vasiliy Petrovich; OVCHIVITIKOV, N.G., reO,,; POTAFCV, Kh.Ye., red.; PONOMAILWA, A.A., - - - . 1 1 --4 (Light industry and food industry of --r-& - (1959-1965)] Legir.aia i pishchovaia promyshlennost' ,t, -1 gg. Moskva, Gosplanizdat. 1959. 191 P. (MIR-A 13:1) (Runnin--Indimtrioi) POTAPOV K I Engineer, and :AiALAYEN, ii. bi. =11- - -- Y "Rat-.o Communications" a chapter in the book Radio and Electronics and Their Technical Applications, by A. I., Berg, et al. Moscow 19567- Summary of chapter 1071291 BEILOV) A.F.; POTAPOV, L.F, Effoot of work on the working capacity and the fatigability of workers in the carbon disulfide department of the Ryazan Combine of Artificial Fibers. Nauch. trudy, Riaz. med.inot. 23t65-,71 163* (MIRA 1802) 1. Kafedra fiziologii (zav. kafedroy - prof. Vj.%irokiv) Ryazanskogo maditsinakogo instituta imeni nkadamika, 1.P. Pavlova. M96 S/120/61/000/002/oo6/042 5~1 7S-00 E032/Ell4 AUTHORS3 Dayon, M.I., Volynskiyg V.Kh., and Potapov, L.I. TITLE.~ A telescope of spark counters in a magnetic fields. an apparatus for measuring pulses of fast charged particles PERIODICAL,. Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961, No.2, pp. 47-52 TEXT. The design of the spark counters employed in this work is illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2. In Fig.2 the notation is as follows. I - perspex; 2 - glass; 3 - conducting layer; 4 - rubber, 5 -- TiO2 + Lac-, 6 - Teflon or polystyrene. A pumping line is provided through which the counter can be evacuated and then filled with the required gas. The upper electrode is in the form of a conducting layer of Sn02 and its thickness is 1.7 mm. The observation and nhofngraphy of the spark discharge is carried out through the upper electrode. The lower electrode is in the form of an aluminium foil mounted on glass. The distance between the electrodes is 2 mm and depends on the size of the cylindrical inserts shown in Fig.2. Edge effects giving rise to breakdown are prevented by the Ti02 + lac coating. Dry air at I atm was at first Card l/ 8 21396 S/l2o/6l/000/002/Oo6/o42 E032/Eil4 A telescope of spark counters in a magnetic fields an apparatus for measuring pulses of fast charged particles tried as the working gas, as suggested by J.E. Cranshaw ani I.,F,, de Beer (Ref.3,, Nuovo cimento, 1957, 5g No.5j 1107). However, air was found to be unsatisfactory because of sT),.;-ious sparks and other effects, The final working gas was a ni .cure of dry air (dried with P205), argon (300 mm Hg) and C2H=N ~, a total pressure of I atm. Since perspex will gradually ab--r-b pyridine, it is necessary to operate the counter with tha pyridine vapour pressure very nearly at the saturation valued This is ensured by introducing about I cm3 of pyridine into the working volume in a special container, Fig.3 shows the circuit employed in testing and in efficiency measurements. The spark counter 14C (IS) is placed in a telescope consistiag of two sets of geiger counters rC (GS). When the particle passes through the system a positive pulse is produced by the coincidence circuit which triggers the Trw 1-325/16 (TGI 1-325/16) thyratrons, Two pulses (with opposite polarities) are produced at the points K and A when the two L-C lines discharge through the thyratrons. Card 2/ 8 21396 S/l2o/6l/000/002/Oo6/o42 E032/EI14 A telescope of spark counters in a magnetic fieldi an apparatus for measuring pulses of fast charged particles They are 0.5 )'see long and are applied to the plates of the spark counter. The pulses are delayed by about 1.0 jisee relative to the entry of the particl*. A constant clearing voltage (8 V) in also applied across the counter. Another circuit in which the counters were operated with exponential voltage pulses is shown in Fig-36 (J.E. Cranshaw and I.F. do Beer, Ref.3). The mechanical counter MC I was used to record the total number of twofold coincidences while the mechanical counter MC II recorded the number of spark counter operations. The spark discharge in the counter was recorded by the small microphone M. Argon-filled counters have also been investigated using the circuit shown in Fig-39 and the results will be descr4bed separately (V.Kh. Volynskiy, M.I. Dayon, A.K. Ponosov, PTE, 1961 (to be published) Ref-5). Fig.4 shows the effickency of the present counter as a function of the applied voltage. This curve was obtained at room temperature (20 � 3 OC). As a rule, the length of the plateau exceeds 1000 volts. This curve was obtained by triggering the thyratron system with pulses Card 3/ 8 21396 S/12o/61/000/002/oo6/o42 E032/E114 A telescope of spark counters in a magnetic field: an apparatus for measuring pulses of fast charged particles from a special oncilLator. The necond part of the presen+ paper is concerned with the spark counter telescope placod In U magnetic field. The telescope consists of three counters aced in the gap of an electromagnet, gap size 60 x 20 X 10 cm, The maximum field was 6300 oe. The working area of each co~: er plate was 100 x 200 MM2~ The spark discharge was photograihed by three cameras on a single film as shown in Fig.5. The notation in Fig.5 is as followsg 1,2,3 - objectives; 4,5,6 - mirrors; 7,8,9 - coordinate grids3 10,11,12 - spark counters; 13,14,15 - geiger counters, The grids were specially illuminated so that the sparks could be seen against them and their coordinates easily measured, The voltage was applied to the spark counters when there was a coincidence between pulses from a series of three thin-walled geiger counters. It was found in about 97% of cases the root mean square distance of the spark from the particle trajectory was about 0.2 mm. The telescope has been used to measure the momenta of fast charged particles (-11010 - 1011 ev/c). A similar Card 4/ 8 S/12o/61/000/002/oo6/042 A telescope of spark counters ... E032/E114 arrangement has been described by P,G. Henning (Ref.~: Ator--kern Energie, 1957, 3, 81) and O.C. Allkof,~-r (Ref.9: Atomkorn Lnergie, 1959, 10, 389). Acknowledgements are expressed to A.I.;,likhanyan for his interest in this work and to Veremeyev, V.D. Yeliseyev, S.S. Kulikov and A.K. Ponosov for assistance in the experiments.. There are 7 figures and 9 references-, 5 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Physics Institute, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: February 26 1960 4 T Ptic.'2. P-Pv3 c-lermica-'I - wn-itcitnnac,-2- cre- HBO,' 11110iluAnImift nort, 4 - pemnia, 5 - TiO, + nait, 6 - T011AU11 Card 5/6 061101fi 1111A C%jj,~rLjjjKA . Fig. 2 21396 S/12o/6 110001GO-21co6lu 71.2 !(.-scope of spark counters E032/EiI4 2SO6 ULU .6 re 1e -- ----- ------ 4xeo(4r lfc j Ldlia rc T 'Cxe*ta jaft coa a Puc. 3. Cusfa IlLiTallitH CROMBI(a card 6/8 Fig~ 3 11396 S/120/61/000/002/006/o42 A telescope of spark counters ..... E032/ElA Fig.4 Card 7/8 Pur. 4. 3liBlICII31OCTb-.DillipeRT11DIII)CTII vier. ,imca OT HUCOICODOMMiciro iiajipmifemij, 21396 S/120/6J/OOC/GO2/Uo6/u-'12 of spark counters ...... E032/Ell't 0 Q (Bill y Card 8/8 Fig-5a c~. zz zz C4