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S/837/61A4_91/000/003/011 B102/B104 AUTHORS: Prepelitsa, B. V., Pokatilov, Ye. P. TITLE: Electric'Fonductivity and Hall effect in semiconductors with loops of Axtrema SOURCE: Kishinev. Universitet. Uchenyye zapiski. v. 49, 1961, 29 3T TEXT: The occurrence of bands with exti-emum-loops in wurtzite-type crystals when spin-orbital interaction is taken into account has been shown in group-theoretical 1. Rashba and V. I. Sheka (FTT, 1, 2, 162, 1959; FTT, 1, 3, 307, 1959). 'The energy of this interaction can reach several hundreds of ev, as was shown experimentally for CdS, and should exert a great effect on the kinetic coefficients. This effect was theoretically determined as regards the relaxation time, the electric conductivity, and the Hall effect. The expressions for 1/1~1 and the Hall coefficient ratio R(Hllz)/R(HJz) obtained in crystals with circular minimum loops are compared with those for point minima. It is shown that measurements of the Hall constant offer the beat way of finding out whether a semiconductor has an extremum loop or not; the Card 1/2 S/837/61/049/000/003/011 Electric conductivity and Hall effect ... B102/BI04 mobilities or the conductivity ratios differ only by a factor of 2. The Hall coefficient ratio for semiconductors with extremum loops is characterized by an exponential drop with temperature. I/ Card 2/2 EWT(1)IEWG(k)IFM (b)-2/BDS--AFFTC/ASD/ESD-3--Pz-4--AT/Tip (c) ACCESSION 0: AR3000372 8/0058/63/0~0/004/E060/EO60 souRcE; Fzh. Fizika, Abs. 4E405 AUTHOR: Pokatilov, Ye. Pr2p2litsa, B. V. TITIE: Effect of,screening and acaustoele~tric effect in semiconductors with one type of current carrier CITED SOURCE: Tr. po. fiz. poluprovodnikov. Kishinevsk. un-t, vyp. 1, 1962, 15-18 TOPIC TAGS: acoustoelectric.effect semiconductors, screening TRANSLATION: The accusto-electric effect in a semiconductor is considered with allowence for screening by the~current carriers of the field produced by the deformation patential. It is shown that the screening greatly reduces the acousto-electric emf. V. S. D= ACQ: 14..W63 ENCL: 00 SUB CCDE: PH IDS/ ........... L 26767-M EW(l)IT -lip(c) aa ACC NRs AT6005619 UR/2837/64/069/000/0003/0005 AUTHOR: Pokatilov, Ye.P.; prepeLitsa, B.Y. 37 ORGt Kishinev-Slate University (Kishinevskiy gosunLversitet) TITLE: Ground state energy of a piezopolaron in & cubic symmetry crystal SOURCEt Kishinev, Universitet. Uchenyye zapiski TOPIC TAM crystal, cubic crystal, OrYstal sYmMetr7p CrYstal structural piezoelectric arystaly g-round state of cubic symmeirjr. ABSTRACT: This paper is a study of ground states in crysta The analysis was based an previous work by one of the authors, which showed that the potential created by the piezopolarization of an electron has an asymptotic Coulomb nature. The elastic constants and piezoelectric moduli of cubic crystals determined before by P. Belincourt, at al.,(Phys. Rev. 129,3, 1009, 1963) were utilized for quan titative calculations. Uue to the cubic symmetry, it was possible to neglect the devi-, ations of polarization from the longitudinal and transverse directions relative to the wave vectori The radius of the ground state of ZnS at - 1950C is'estimated to be bet-d ween .0000051 and .000056 cm. Orig, art. has 11 formulas. SUB CODEt - 2C/ SUBM DATE: None ORIG REN 003/' -0TH iFY- 002 Card 1/1 PREPELITSA, B.V.1 FOIKATILOV, Ye.P. Electroconductivity and Hall affect for se"miconductorB with an extremum loop. Uch. zap. Kish. un. 49t29-31 161. (YJRA 150) (Hall effect) (Semiconductors-Electric properties) S./058/16 1!000/b 10/076/100 A ri 0 JYA 10 C) AUI`HORS- Pokatilov, Ye.P., Prepelitsa, B.V. -7~1,E: - Relaxation time in scattering of electrons by acoust!c oscillations of lattice, ionized and neutral impurities in wurtzite-type crystals =~RICMCAL: Referativnvy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 10, 1961, 251, abstract IOE167 ("Uch. zap. Kishinevsk. un-t", 1960, v. 55, 163 - 1-14) The tensor of relaxation-'ime for wurtzits-type crystals is calculat- v ez~i-by the Herring and Vogt method (RZhFiz, 1957, no. 1, 1581).' Formulae are d9r�ved.for the case of electron,scatt6ring by themal'acoustie'lattice osailla- ~O la tions, as well as.for scattering by neutral impurities and screened Coulomb cen- in the latter case the calculation is performed in'*Born approximation, V.' Trubitzyn FAhatranter's note: Complete translation] POKATILOV, YO.P.; PREPMITSAI D.V. Erwrgy of the groLmd state of a piozopolaron In a cubic cz7o" Uch.zap*Kivh.un, 69:3-5 164. (Ml RA :LS::L2) ZINGER, Kh.M.; SANDLER, F.S.; PREPELITSKAYA, A.M. [Prepelyta",-a, A.M.) Use of polyacrylam-ides for sizing. Leh.prom. no.4:23-2-4 O-D ,62. (~CRA 16-: Ir) (Sizing (Textile)) (Acryl4~~de) L 09385- DJT(l) P ACC NRi AR603378P SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/000/007/F,070/EO71 //7 AUTHOR: Cheban. A. Go ; Rozneritsa, Ya. A. ; ratana, P. _ K. ; Prepelitaa, B. V. TITLE: Eff ct f e ectrie qnd rnnor etic fields on local states In semiconductors and dielectrics SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 7E534 REP SOURCUt Uah. map, Xishinevolt. un-t, no. 00, ID05., 63-013 TOPIC TAGS: electric field, magnetic field, semiconductor, dielectric, impurity center, impurity absorption, optical absorption ABSTRACT: An investigation is made of the mechanism of thermal field ionization of impurity centers in semiconductors. A formula which takes into account. the dis- integration of impurity centers is derived for charge-carrier concentration as a function of electric field intensity. The effects of the electric and magnetic fieldu on the coefficient of optical absorption as a function of impurity centers is also investigated. It is shown that in the region of impurity absorption, as well as in fundamental absorption, the electrical field displaces the absorption edge toward lower frequencies. The effect of the magnetic field on the impurity absorption edge Cc.rd 1/2 L 0-9385-67 %CC N-R--A:kk33789 manifests itself in the appearance of oscillating magnetic absorption curves, which make it possible to determine the effective mass of the charge carriers. Theeffect of the magnetic field on the F1 absorption band is also investigated, The frequency function of the absorption coefficient in photoionization of the F-center in the presence of the magnetic field'is oscillatory in form. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20/ 2/2 I,, I it I If 7-lelding of cla, st iron. Torf. omm. 2G no. 9, 19572. Month!y List of Russian .~ - :C' I i c-cessians, -;;brary cf Congress, December 10~52. v IV 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 ill A 0 c 9 .L.-.f 1 1 U 1 a lint$ 1-14*66.0111 It to &A 0 $1 M tt ban black. 1,,;, . Mfr . ., kIll 11141,-IjAl j, lnIgjj,,j in 0 fa illt-I the delmll. ,I be jjlT,w_ wlycli, wo 0 Lz la ILk bjIAjkuPt.K*1 LitF*Al6Kf CL&$%1fKAftCft tz ft it 4 V~. I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o o o 0 T's OV 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 0 0 o 0 o * o 0 0 0 0 0 PIO 'OVSKA, I.; VANECIA, R.; KUBAT, K. Effect of carbon disulfide on experinental. atherosccl---rcsis 4-n rabbit. Acta univ. carol. [mod.) Suppl. 14;177-185 '61. 1. Klinika nonoci z povolani fakulty vseob--cneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Teisinger II. pa-tologicko- anatomicky ustav fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze prednosta prof. dr. V. Jedlicka. iARTERIOSCLETWSIS exper) (CARBON' DISULFIDE pharmacol) CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 613.r'j32.L:615-o')9(:5L6.262-3)-C,'6.-2.6i6.l53- -915-072:616-13-00L.6 _,_Jv-=gL;_ DRD--OVA, Sona; Clinic of Occupational .)iseases (Iainika Chorob z Povolani) Chief (Prednosta) Prof Dr J. TEISIUGER; Institute for Organization of Medical Services (Ustav pro Organi- zaci Zdravotnictvi), Chief (Prodnosta) Prof Dr Z. STICH, Faculty of General Medicine, Charles University (Fak. Vseob. Lek K-U), Prague, "Effect of Chronic Exposure to GO on IBiochemical Changos in the Serum in Respect to Atherosclerosis&' Pracrue, Pracovni Lekarstvi, Vol 19, No 1, Jan 67, PP 1 - L Abstract 5-uthors' Ehflish summary modifiod 7: 50 licalthy er,,.pl.oy- oes ageU 20 - 40 years working in 2 dnngerous locations ~-:ere exa-m- f inod. Max.CO concentration roachod 0.1 1'3 by vol; oxi)o,-jiirf', time was 3 - 20 years. The contont of choloatcrol, beta-liponroboins, and total lipids were identical with the values found in controls; content of phospholipides was slightly higher. It appears that the small amounts of GO have no influence on the occurrence of atherosclerosis. 4 Figures, 1 Table, 15 Western, 6 Czech, 1 USSR reference. (Manuscript received 20 Dee 65). 1/1 PRERO"v-SKA P.-Ln a TEIS 1116E"? If r , n ne Praln. ln~. 'L- n c, i. . Fu r, i k a r, e:7 i z an fq.~,oc-, I Drai,e (~ re.-incs ,,, 4 pr P. 7n;D=7: PREROVSKA, Ivana; STYBLOVA, Va1ja Perorall poisoning wituh monoritromethane. ?---ac. lek. 16 r;o.4: 168-170 MY t64 1. Klinika chorob z povolani fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University x, Fraze (pre&.osta: prof. dr. j. Teisdrger, DrSc. ) a ITeUrolo_ gicka klinika lekarske fa.~ulty hygimicke Karlovy UniverniLy v Praze (prodnostai prof. dr. Z. Macok, ese.). v r -T Y fi hy.-,~rv i.:--.,:C('. 71-P P`i!'I.'!:';tAf. etiol. Ceskoslovenske lazne. Karel =,-,erovskj a 3r;olu7~m, covnir;jL. ~mmhaf nakl., 1957. 914 T). (Czechoslovak hea'th resorts. is,- ed. u-, SO: index of 7-ast Zuronean Acces~ion %101 7 no 1 -Jan 1n58 I SVEJCAR, J.; FBMOVSK7 I.- LINHART, J. Hotee on determination of the haxosamine content in a connective tissue. Co.U Ca Chem 28 no.3:728-732 W 163. I* Biochemisches Z.ontrallaboratorium, Thomayer-Krankenhaus, und Institut fur Krankheiten des Blutkreislaufes,, Prag. ~lw~ LINHART, J.; PBXROVSKY, I. Nervous control of venomotor tone in cardiac failure. Rev. Czech. N. 3 no-3:177-202 1957. 1. Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases. Prague. Director: Prof. K. Weber. (CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE, PhyBiOl. control of venous pressure by NS.) (19aVOUS SYSTEM, ph.-faiol. control of venous pressure in congestive heart failure) (BLOOD PREWURB, in various die. congestive heart failure, control of venous pressure) 02ECIM=VAKIA PRONFKV X; P"--ROVS7Y. I., InstItuts of Dicawas of the Blood (Ustav pro charaby obehu krevnibo), Preguo-Xm (for both) Brno, Tnitrni lek-mm$vl No 6~ 1963, p2 547--559 pmmm Iz Ustho" of OardialAgioal Inv6stigatleneO Orm,- LIMMT Jiri I U, SURWIE, Given Names CGUntrYs Czechoslovakia Academic Degreesi /not given/ Institute for the-Blood-Circulation Diseases (Ustav pro choroby Affiliationi obehu krevniho), Prague; Director: Academician Klement WEBER. Source: Prague# Vnitrni Lekarstvi, Vo'j. III, No 5, 1961, pages 500--509. Datas "Oxygen Consumption of Human Peet and the Bffect of Heat." Co-authors: PREROVSKr,, Ivo, Institute for the Blood-Circulation Diseases, Prague, Gpo 9416%3 LINHART, J.-, PREROVSKY 1,,,- FRUFAR, Z.; Technical Collaboration: M. Katouir[07-& !A-It6 RAflex adaptation of the neripheral circulation in man. II. Active cholinargic dilatation of the muscle blood vessels. Physiol. bohem. 5 no.2:234-243 1956. 1. Presented in abbreviated form to the General Section of the J. F. Purk~rnm Medical Association, Feb. 7, 1954 and at the Congress of Czechoslovak Physicians and. 10ndocrinologists, Prague, May 27, 1954. Institute for Cardiovascular Diseagag,1rague. (ST14PATIIOLYTICS, effects, dibanamine ne-ve block on vasomotor funct. in man) (JaMPINE. effects, nerve block on vasomotor funct. in man) (GAliGLIA, AUMITOMIC, physiology, eff. of stellate ganglion block on vasomotor funct. in man) (AN.MSTHESIA, REGIOILkL, effect3, atropine, dibenamine & procaine nerve block & stellate ganglion block on vasoznotor funct. in man) (BLOOD VESSELS, physiology, vasomotor responses to atropine, dibenamine & procaine nerve blocks & stellate ganglion block in man) PREROVSKY, I.; VAVREJN, B..; LINHART, J. The clearance of 1131 from muscle and the subcutaneous space of the lower extremity as a function of body position. Physiol. Bohemoslov. 11 no.51443-451 162. i. Institute of Cardiovascular Research, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Surgery, Prague, (BLOOD CIRCUL&TION) (POSTURE) (LEG) (MUSCLE) (SKIN) (CAPILLARIES) EML, J;PRNROVSKT, I;TRXW, Z;ZUFNICKOVA, J. Slide method in culture of tubercle bacilli. Gas. lek. cesk. 89 no-30:841-844 28 July 1950. (CDQ 20:1) 1. Of the Bacteriological and Serological Department in Bulovee (Head--J. Viklicky) and of the Institute for Clinical Physiology of the Medical Faculty of Charles University, Work Group of V. Kurti (Read--Prof. J. Skladal, M. D.). PRZROVSKY, I.: LINMT, J. Reflex adaptaian of the peripheral circulation in man; III. Importance of arteriovenous anastomosis. Cas. lek. cesk. 44 no.10:260-262 4 Mar 55. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevniho; predn. prof. dr. Kl.Weber. (BLOOD CIRCULATION peripheral; off. of arteriovenous anastomoses on reflex adaptation) (ARTERIES arteriovenous anastomosis. off. on reflex adaptation in peripheral blood circs) (VEINS arterlovonous anastomosis. eff.of reflex adaptation in peripheral blood circ.) PMEROVSKY, I.,, 1FEWAR, Z.; FEJFAROVA, M.; MALA, V-; WIDIMSKY, J.; LINHAWT, J. Iffort tests in adolescents. Pediat. listy, Praha 9 no.15:276- 280 Sept-Oat 54. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevniho, Praha-Kra, reditel. prof. MUDr. K.Weber (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM, functionteate effort test in adolescents) PREROVSKT, I.; LINHART, J.; FWFAR, Z. Reflex regulation of peripheral circulation in man. I. Role of veins in regulation of blood supply to muscles and skin. Ceek. f~rsiol. 4 no.2:163-170 May 55. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu. krevniho, Praha. (BLOOD PRESSURE, physiology eff. of increase venoue pressure on vasomotor reactions In muse. & skin) (MUSCLES, blood supply, vasomotor reactions in increased venous pressure) (SKIN, blood supply, vasomotor reactions in increased venous pressure) LINURT, J.; PR'KROVSKT, I.; FZJFAR, Z.; Za tachnike spoluprace Marie MAtouskove Reflex control of peripheral blood circulation In man. 11. Active cholingargic dilatation of the muscular vessels. Gook. f~rsiol. 5 no.2:209-217 23 June 56. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevniho, Praha. (SYMPATHOUTICS, effects. dibenamine on peripheral muse. vasodilat. (Cz)) (ATROPINE, effects. on vasodilat. in peripheral muse. (CZ)) (PRO CAINE, effects, on vasodilat. in peripheral muse. (Oz)) (.BWOD VESSELS, effect of drugs on. atropine, dibenamine & procaine. vasomotor reactions in peripheral muse. (Cz)) LINITA'IT, J.;,-PREROVSKY, I. Heomlynamic and metabolic changes following arterial occlusion. GeEk. fY9iOl- 7 no-5:502-503 SePt 58. 1. Ustav chorob obehu krevniho, Praha. (ARTERIMS, -physiol. eff. of occlusion on metab. & hemodynamics (Cz)) PREROVSKY) I.; LINIU12, J.; DEJDAi, II., SVEJOL!, J.; K!101~1, J.; VAV;U;J:,I, B. Research on the Firktary varicose vein3 ar-, C!Irr ,n4 0 ,re- jo-ag Rev. cz---c*,,.. mad. 8 no.3,.171-178 162. 1. Institute for, Cardiovascular Rcaearch, Prague-Kxc; Director; Academician K. Weber. (VARICOSE Tv"INS) (VASCUIAA DISE'AS:-~S) (Uli*13) LINHART, J.; PIMROVSKY, I.; DEJDAR, R.; VATLIK, M.; GRAFTIETTER, D.; DOMIER, L. Functional and biochemical changes in ischaemic diseef-e cf thle 1--wer extremities. Rev. czech. med. 8 no.3:145-151 162. 1. Institute for Cardiovascular Research, Prague; Director: Academician K. Weber Second-Medical Clinic, Prague; Director: Prof. F. llierlas. (VASCULAR DISEASES) DONN-ER, Ludvik; LMHLiT, Jiri; PR:"ROVSk:Y, Igcr Fibrinoly-tic activity in patients with atherosclerozis. Acta carol. (med.] no.7:845-852 161. 1. 11. interni klinika fakulty vseobacneho le'karstvi Univer3it,,r Karlovy v Praze, prodnosta prof. MUD-r. Fr. Herlos Ustav chorob obehu krevniho, v Praze, reditel akademik prof. MIDr. K. Weber. (ARTEMOSCLEROSIS physiol) (FIBROOLYSIS phy,.dol) PRE R 0 V Ail FIJYAR,, Zdanek; LINHaT. Jiri-, PREROVSKY, Ivari Modification of orthootatic romation during convaloacenc* following myocardial Infarction. Gas lek ca 93 no.16:425-433 Ap 154. (XILL 3:7) 1. Ustay pro choroby obehu krevniho. reditel prof. MUDr Xl*mont Weber. (MYOCARDUl INYARCT, physiology. lborthostatic reaction during convalescence) WIDIMSKY, J.; KASALICKY, J - OVSKY, I.; DEJDAR, R. LIP.M12-U-4-- The thromboembolic disease. Cas. lek. Cesk. 101. no.46: 1253-1263 19 11 165. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevniho v Praze (prednosts. prof. dr. J. Brod, DrSc.). LINaRT, J.; PREROVSKY, I. local cholinergic: vasodilatatioa in the isolated artery in do-. CeBk. fysiol. 8 ao-3:220-221 Apr 59. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevniho, Praha. Predneseno na III. fysiolo- gickych dnech v Brne dne 13. 1. 1959. (ARTMM, -Dhysiol. local cholinergic dilat. of isolated artery (Cz)) PREROVSKY, I,'; LINHART, J.; DEJDAR, R. Functional examination of the veins of the lower extremities. Pozh-1. chir. 40 no.12:786-70.5 161. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu krevniho v Praze, reditel akademik K1. Weber. (LEG blood supply) LINHART, Jiri; PRFMVSKY, Ivo Reflex vasodilation by heat, an examination method of skin vessels in vascular diseases of the extTemities. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.21: 633-639 26 My 161. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu. kTwmiho v Praze, reditel akademik Klement Weber, (VASCULAR DISEASES PERIPHERAL diag) (SKIN blood supply~ (RE=) PMROVSKT, I.; LINHART, J. Pulsation volume and the outflow. Cesk. fysiol. 8 no.3:239-240 Apr 59. 1. Ustav oro choroby obehu 1crevnihot Fruhn. Prednenono rui III. fySiolo- 1rickych (Inech v Brno dne 13. 1- 1959. (BLOOD VOUMN, determ. (07 ) ) to PREVSKY, J.; LI19HART, J. I BEJDAR, R.; VAVRIK, M.; GRAFNETTER, D. Isch6mic disease of the lower extremities in young adults (thromboangiitis obliterans or atherosclerosis obliterans7). Cas.lek.ceek.99 no.42:1339-1345 14 0 160. 1. Ustav pro choroby obehu. MUDr. 11. Weber. (MROMBOAMIITIS (AMRIOSCLEROSIS krevniho v Praze, reditel prof. OBLITERANS diag) diag) PTEMOVSKI, K., Prof. Dr. Czechoslovakia Research Institute for Physiatry, Balneology and Climatology -- Prague (Vftkumn~ dsta-vu ~pro fyziatrii, balneologii a klimatologii -- Praha) P-rague, asiatx-iclk~ V6stnlk, No 5, 1962, ,p 249-252 "Ten Years of RescarQh luid Pructical '-,,7ork in Physiatx-j wid Balneology.11 PFE-ROVSKY, K. Prof. 1-111UI-jr- Not given CZECHOSLOVAKIA PraFue, Prakticly Lekar, ~,,lo. 18, 1962, pp 8171-811 "Ten Years of Research and Practice in Physiatry and Raineology" PRMOVSKT, K. (Praha-Liben, Vale ikovtt 1. .sxerclse nhysiatric therapy. Gas. lek. ceok. 97 no.23-24:753-754 6 June 58. 1. Vyzkumny ustav balneologicky v Praze VIII - Bulovka, prednosta prof. dr. Karel Prerovskv,. (MRGISE THMAPT, In Czech. (C%)) (PHYSICAL THIMPY, saine) PRZROVSKY, K, .. I . On iontophoresis. Prakt. lek., Praha 33 no.11:247-249 5 June 1953. (CIXL 25:1) PREEROVSKY, Karel Cesk05lovenske lazne. (Czechoslovak Resorts. lst ed. illus.) Prague, SZdN, 1957. 214 Information on all Czechoslovak resorts with many illustrations. Historical data on their develop~ient, especially during the last 10 Years; natural springs and principles of the therapy in resorts; climatic therapy in Czechoslovakia. The second and third part deal with individual resorts, and the fourth part describes places where mineral water is bottled and other product are made from mineral waters. Included is a map of the Czechoslovak springs and a survey of the chemical composition of the Czechoslovak mineral waters. Bibliograficky katalog, CSR, Ceske knihy, No. 34. 1 Oct 57. p. 740. PRIBOVSKY, Karel, prof. MUDr Ton years of the Czech balneolog7 after liberation. Yysiat.vest., Praha 33 no.3:81-82 June 55. (RALSIOLOGY, history in Czech.) PMOVSKY, K;KUBICKA, J;SANTROCH, J. Xffect of intravenous injections of novocaine in chronic arthritis. Cas. lek. cook. 89 no. 38:1045-1051 22 Sept. 1950. (CLML 20:1) 1, Of the Rheumatic Department (Head-Prof. K. Prerovski, M. D.) of the Hospital in Bulovce. Excerpta Medica 1/4 sec 17 APr 55 Pub. Health. Social Medicine & etc. 1619. PfIEROVSK~ K. l"'ah,'. *Oh-)dov5- syst66m ve zdravotliictvf a ochranny 16- v/.tahu k fy.,',iaErii a ldzensk6mu 1666enf. The a re a sys- t e in. in '.1i.. ~ieo It E .e rviv e an (I the Pi~ot ec t ive. the r a p eutic regime in relation to physiat rv and halneology FYSIAT. VESTN. (Praha) 11954, 32/2 (33-36) The area physivian gives meclical assistance where needed, seeks out persons x0iose health is nienaced, and improves the sanitary standards of all those under his care. The area system favours wide use of ultraviolet irradiation and of other physical methods of improvicg r -sistance, and makes it possible to give specialist care, as well as orthopaedic treatment and spa cures to those who stand in need of them. 'rhe protective therapeutic regime is an exactly arranged programme forthe patik,nt to foll-% in the spa. In composing it, two factors should be taken into con- sideration: the balneologirnl it eatment and the arrangement of the milieu. One should onlY prezicribe a reginie for the first haLf of the patient's stay in the spa: for the iccond a new clierne should he given, in accordance with the patient's re- actions. The nu:!Ajer of the patients should not be too high if one whirlpool bath is used by 30 patients one after the other, as occurs now and then, hygiene suffers. No work should be done by the patient during his treatment, because the treatment itself alrezidv demands much of his strength. A detailed prescription should be given as regards diet, therapeutic gyninastics and suitable amusement. Wolf - Prague pg,,:~Ro/,Sx/p~ x f PRUM)VW L omift pavwgmww a thmpple dwMI*mh arwltldn 40 swetle wvy objevu. ffatbogenes" ~d dmw~ Of Ohm arthritU In reUtUn U MW dlSW;r~ one Isko aNke 69s26 a Apr 50 p. "3-79 I. Or tM M~tio A*wbmt Of tb* HDRAtal Is BWDVOG- CUL Vol. 19s, No. 2 Aug. 1950 KUBICKA; PREROVSKY, K- , -WM04 &.4k, Treatment of chronic articular rheumatism with adrenal cortex extracts. Prakt. lek., Praha 31 no.17:382-383 5 Sep 1951. 0144L 21: 1) 1. Of the Rheumatological. Department (Head -- Prof. K. Prerovsky, M.D.) of the State District Hospital, Bulovka. ALLERGOLOGY CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 616.28-008-55-039-31-02--97.2(613.262) BENES) J.; REHUREK9 L.; KASE9 F.; Internal Depart- ment Krajska Hospital (Interni Odd* Krajske Nemoonice)p Usti nad Labem# Read (Vedouci) Dr 0* DUB; Otolarygological Dept. Kraj- ska Hospital (Otolaryngologielce Odd. Krajoke Nemoanioe) Usti nad Labom, Head (Vadouoi) Dr Ke ZEMAN; Krajoka Transfusion Sta- tion (Transfuzni Stanioe), Usti nad Labem, Head (Vedouai) Dr J. MATOUSEK. "Food Allergy to Garlic and Signs of Meniere's Disease." Prague Casopis Lekaru Ceskyoh, Vol 105, No 31, 9 Aug 66, pp 825 - 627 Abstract juthors' English summary modifed_71'A case of Meniore's diseai-eis described; the classical manifestation of this dis- , ease is food allergy to garlic, The allergic basis was confirmed by the leukopenios thrombopenic, and repeated exposure test. 2 Figures, 5 Western, 2 Czech references. (Manuscript received Jan 66)0 PREROVSKY, K., prof. dr. The present status of physiatrics in our conttmporary public health. Fysiat. vestn. 43 no-3:129-130 Je'65- MUDr PF=QW ~ -F -~~ - '"_ ABC of physical therapy. Prakt. lek., Praha 34 no.19:44C-444 5 oat 54. (PHYSICAL THBRAPY basic principles) --r.e skosloven3ke lazne. Karel Fz--rovs~-_,, a spolupracco-mic.J. T~'rasha, zcr--~Otn-c' `!us., tab7e~ makl. lgcrl. 214 p. (Czechoslovak health esol-ts. 1st e-4. SC: 7-~Onthly Index of 2ast -luronean Accessions (=I-AI) IC, Vol. 7, no. 1 in-n PIC,ROVSFY-, K- Pathogenesis and therapy of chronic arthritis in relation rc new disco-ories. Caa.lek-.cesk. 89 no.lo':445-41,1? 21 Ap 150. (CI.VM 19t2) 1. Of the Rheumatic Department of the Hospital in Bulo7ce. PBIROVSKyj,. -I*Fjl, MUDr, Prof . Problem of chilling and body resistance. Can. lek. conk. 93 no.40- 41:1143-1146 8 Oct 54. (COLD, off. off. of chilling on resist. to Infect.) (IMCTION off. of chilling on resist. to) PRIM,OVSKY, Karel FPJROVSKY,, Karel, Prof. MUDr. Arthritis deformans. Prakt. lek., Praha 34 no.15-16:337-339 5 Aug 54. (ARTHRITIS, RHE M TOID *diag. & ther.) K~ PRFH-OVS`Y, K._ SURNAITE, Given Names Country: Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees: Prof, MD Chairman /predseda/ Section on Physial-r1i's Czechoslovak I-Iledical Association Affiliations "jan Evangelists =ekce Ceskoslovenske lekarske spolecnosti J.E. PurItyne Sources Prague, Fysiatricky V,stnik, Vol 39, No 5, Oct 1961; PP 310-312 Data: "Memorandum" (Resolution of Section meeting) Gpo 9R164) 0 Vo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 111 ? g 1 0 0 0 Cause o( roddlesim o( the shin followug cubonic add both Aymalol. 20. '1", ,11 (1 v I 11. goo C, bir skin imirpenden4y of 11"mi, ffirvt, through vhniv. mimolo, by lixi). oo ~00 .-o- .41 The 4in 4""1. 11A I III Ille- 1-41hR. . II'.. 4.1 11,C0, Itic fivi,,irmis viod vicr vvr~. (I jIrtfm-ir,j,y j%tb, jjj~ijj 'A, I'll Ill the devch-Pilient of erythrma. Cataboilim vil- laritiog the V-1, 1,ccolur acti%,e through anoxia. Tim swur, .,I thr.,f mil.tames hzt~ om vct b~n ritavilly let& it. 11. R. Mit, ;goo e* " tie 0" :Uo U** .10 ' l " 4 1 0 7 r j I r P '162 o 00 0 0 o O 00 0 0 & * : 0 0 0 0 s s 0*0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 goo 0 0 go 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 - POI~M T. , _PRES, J. and MIMICZEK, A. , of the Chair of in t ernal Di3eases, Veterinai-I Departinent (Y.--tedra Chrob ';.ewnetr~~nych '.,.~rdz. 'Vlet.), Higher School of A&-iculture (*,-.'*5R), 11;r0claw. Prof. Dr. B. Gancarz, Head. "Behavior of Certain '-.etabo"ites in the Blood olf Young Cattle Fed on large Quantities of Carbohydfatesil Lublin, I-,edycyna 'ieterynarrina, Vol 22, No 6, 1966, PP 366-30'9. Abstract: Me effects of feedin-I younZ black-white lowland bullocks on large amounts of carbohydrates and fer..-.cnted corn urere studied. The group fed on potatoes exibited a greater anyloly-tic activity than the groun fed on corn silage. The potato-fed~ group had a hiEher and constant blood sugar level. It also exhibited a hijier blood and muscle protein levels, greater weight increase and some%4-,at better fodder utilization. Contains 4 'fables, I Fi..- le ,ure and 1:1 ref rences ( 5 Polish, 9 Western, 1 Czechoslovak and 2 German-language). 1/1 - 68 - a n A r o 1 7 FRITZ, Zofia; PRES. Jer7y Methionine and lysine admixtures in feed rations with reduced animal protein content in broiler feeding. Zesz probl post nauk roln n0.54: 127-130 164. 1. Department of Animal Feeding of the School of Agriculture, Wroclaw. Hewi of Department. [prof. dr] Zygmant Ruszczyc. SVITTSOV., A.A..,,- PRESAYZEN, I,V, Shortening building time by a new organization of the supply of material and equipment. Trud,7 PaEl no.15:311-31/+ 161. (141M 14 -.12) 1. Upr&vlyayu5!hchiy tr6stom No.9 Ifinisterstva stroitel'stva BSSR (for Svittsov). 2. Nachallnik proizvodstvennogo otdela trests. No.9 I-Tinisterstva stroit#lfj;tva BUR (for Presayzen). (Construction indwtry) PHISAY23N, P.Z. ltxperience in organizing urological care in towns and districts of Leningrad Province. Urologiia 21 no.1:53-55 Ja-Hr 156. (YJRI 9:12) 1. 1z urologicheBkogo otdelaniya (zav. - P.Z.Frosayzen) Leningradskoy oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyyvrach A.P.Yegorova) (UROLOGY urol. care in Leningrad district, in Russia) P. Z. Presay-zen, Fl. Z. "Clases of -i~arclrc:, :ni~r- on c lijr. fr'n ly Lc-nin7r. obl. - ar Y 19111", p. 110-12 SO: U-3850, 16 jll_nC- 'I, (Letc--f..- lZhi7rnp-1. -,'o. IMESDORYJ ~ -4 0 T h a o r-f o f sy s te m s o f n i ng- u I &r i n t a k- a I e, ~ j a t ., ,,-i F v I '-'- a ul e 2 r, n ~-: :- a, ~/-; symbolic matrix. Part 1. Vest. TLU 20 no.19:5a-73 165- ("41RA 18:30) 17 PRE SDOMF ,Z. Operators admitting of unbounded regularization. Vast. LGU 20 no.13s 59-67 165. (MIRA l8s7) k~ "- PRESENT, 1.10 Substance and factors of heredity. Trudy Inst. gen. no.29: 19-39 162. (KnU 16:7) (Heredity) PRESENT) I.I. ~, I i Lenin's science. I I f~ i theory of two evolutionary cone'~ptb and the biological Trudy Inst. gen. no-.28:5-23 161. (MRA 14: 11) I (BIOLOGY-PHILOSOPHY) - (LEN-IN, VLADDIIR IL'ICH, .1870--~1924) LYSENKO, T.D.., akademik;-PRASENT, I.I., akademik Biology cann t be reduced to chemistry and physics. Hauka i zhizn' 29 n0-4:11 Ap 162. 0-MU 15:7) 1. Voesoyuznaya Akademiya sellakokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni Lenina (for Prezent). (BIOLOGY) PRESENT, I.I. Historicity of the ngture of interrelationship of developmental stages. Trudy Inst. gen. no.28: 56 161. (I/JRA 14: 1-1) (ONTOGNEY tBOTANY)) 9 0 0 0 0 0 41 e 0 0 0 0 a 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 df 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 41 0 0 4 60 A 1..A- 'A 4 A 4 dl Sla RolodesioNji' betwovis dw mdwAW comrWft at -I'm ~, 1 "CA. zkt, - m - I of comit- dan 6 ex=d. R. C. A. ~ =o# 00 4M see Iriu tie 0 S. "TALL111161CAL LITINAT161111 CtA$IWKATPDI$ 94- t*o An A S a aoi o a, 9 a o u s IF IV IF so K x a III of a it it Is Flo PRFSERRI, A. Problems of combustion In the SM furnaces. p. 351. (Nova Proizvodnja. Vol. 7, no. 6p Feb. 1957, Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) 4, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957, Uncl. F-IN L _0 Ut Y9 g', Mace NA 71W., wffglf~llt the fu Vill of I. the Icnding balance, e-ipccialtly the. S in gas, Wai f.;~ible. b-i wit In the optK~itc.-coe- (;vAd&suffurLat1cn ~Cv is tmsAbl,~ if zi good loading (0441j~j. of S hnd a ips with a mnx. G, .( S-Pr cu.m.) I!; presew. The load quality can be lcvLattil whcit ps is adequ3t,.-. In thi.A case parti,.I pru- '4111giii? t,( refininr tim-2 and an increwt of lirm: cozimimpt; i Tccdol. Micii adc vxtitiLi vf 8 tit lavtAv quate qu, c imirls gruatry - diffictiliks of Coal with a max. of 0.7(,,, of S 6ricces!r4ry if the riarmal t"me of mfiniti.- is demandk2,1. % PRESEM-112 A. American steelworks. P. 34. NUVA ?ROIZVUDPIJA. (Zveza drustev inzenirjev in tehnikov LPS) Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, Vol. 10, no. 1, 1959. Monthly List of Last European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. b, no. 6, June 1959. Uncl. PODKOLZIN, P.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nau1c; POPOV, A.A., inzhener; PRBSMW. I.B., inzhener; DUCHICH, V.V., inzhener; SEMIZ, M.D., -6wdfi-iV'enny7"redakt*r; GCRITSKIY, A.V., redaktor; SVAK, Te.G., tekhnicheskiy redaktor; PROZOROVSKATA, V.L., tekhnichaski7 re- daktor. [Blasthole drill] Instrument dlia burenlia shpurov. Moskva, Ugle- tekhizdat, 1953. 163 P. (MIRA 7:8) (Boring machinery) KRASTOSHEVSKIY, L,S.; DANCHICH, V.V.; AVDIYEIIKO, T.G.; AlUWJlGELlaIY, A.F.; GAX, A.M.; UPIFANTSEV, Yu.P.; ZELINSKIY, V.H.; IVANOV, F.'S-; IVASHCHMO, P.R.; rATT INA, M.D.; MVC 0, A.G.; KOTLYAROVA, A.Y.; i;~GGLYAKOVA, K.D.; LEVIKOT, I.I.; LIBKIND, R.I.; NIKOLAYETA, N.A.; HAUMMIKO, T.Y.; PRISYAZHNIKOV, V.S.; POBIDINSKAYA, L.P.; POKALYUKOV, S.M.; rOPOr---A.A.; SGLOKRNTSZV, M.N.: TAHASOV, I.Y.; FILONENKO, A.S.; SHISHOV. Ye:L.; SMYMAN, L.I.; YAKUUIIN. N.P.; ZVORYKINA, L.H.. red. izd-va; LOHILINA, L.N., [Horiz*tal mining in foreign countries] rrovedenie gorlzontallnykh vyrabotok za rubezhom. Hoskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1958. 342 p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Kharkov. Vossoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatelli3kiy institut organizateli i makhanizataii shakhtnogo stroitalletva. (Mining engineering) XRYNSKI, S.; BOROWSKI, H.; PREIS, M.; LALKO, J. Investigations on sensitivity of Staphylococcus to sulfonamidee. Acts. Poloniae pharm. 11 Suppl.:61-62 1955. 1. Zaklad Mikroblologii Akademli Modycznej w Gdansku. (MICROCOCCUS PYOGIRTIS, effect of drugs on, sulfonamides, sensitivity) (SULFONAMIMS, effects. on Micrococcus pyogenes. sensitivity) PIU&ISL1,111, Ellglusz II . Yunction tnatn in evaluation of affici"ney of the organizm. Act& phyalol.polon. 6 nn.1:116-117 19-55. 1. Z Poradni, Sportowo-Lakarskinj II 11iniki. Chorob Wownetrznych A.M. or&z Zakladu Kontroli Lakarskimj WSWF w Poznaniu. Kierow- nik: Kliniki: T)rof. dr J. Roguski. (PHYSICAL IMOIKAU7, daterm.) PREESERIN, A. Deoxidation with almdb-mm. P. 158 Vol. 6. no- 3, Aug- 1955 'M PROIZVODIIJA I IOVIL Ljubljana So: Ea3t European Accessions List (E:EAL). LC. VOL. 5, no. 2, Feb. 1956 PRESHINA, L. A. j Tronov, 1". V. "The Effect of Various Catalysts an the Direction and 90M00 Velocitir of Bromination of Aromatic Comnounds" Soobshch. o Nauch. Rabotakh Vses. Y."him. O-va im, Mendeleyeva, No 2, _`)53, 2~~-2:5o Investi-ETated the bromination of benzene, toluene, chlorobenzene, and nitrobenzene in the presence of metals, bromides, and certain other compounds. The best catalysts for the bromination of benzene were Fe, Zn, Ni, Cu, Hg, Pb, Nl-~;, Cd, and Te. Toluene underwent bromination at a faster rate than benzene with the same catalysts. Chlorobenzene reacted slower than benzene exceDt whe n catalyzed with Te. Nitrobenzene undei-,ient bromination very slowly with the best catalysts being Te, S, and Al. '19he best bromide catalysts were foundx to be FeBr,, ZnBr21 and SbBr Broinination HBr res - of benzene in the presence of Fe, Zn, Hg Bi, "-e, and I ul~e*d only in substitution, while in the presence of water and acetic acid, addition took Dlace. (RZInKhim, No 3, 1955) So',' Sum-?To 545, 7 Mar 1956 PREZHHLN, I.B. Experiences in electric rrta--r- --4-,---Lng -L, .1 CIZ -~.; Iof hGIe5 ~.dth =4---e flushing. Biul.tekh.-e-kon.1-riform.Gos.nauch.-4-!3Sl.i-nst.nauch. i tekh.inform. 16 no.11:16-17 161. (11MRA 16.-L1) I- FMHMAN, I.*B., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Water supply of workings in mines under construction. Bezop#truda v prom. 5 no.9:15-16 S 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organizatsii i mekhanizatsii shakhtnogo stroitel'stvu. (Mining engineering-Water supply) PODKOLZIN, Pavel Semenovich, kand. te"n. nauk; POPOV, Aleksey Aleksandrovich, inzh.; PBESHMO, Iosif Bentsionovich, inzh.; DANCHICH, Valeriy Valerianovicho inzh; FOCHENKOV, A.K., otv. red.; KOSTONIYAN, A.Ya., red.izd-va; MAKSIMOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Machines for drilling holes] Mashiny dlia bureniia shpu rov i skvazhin. Moskva, Goagortekhizdat, 1963. 155 p ' (MIRA 16:8) (Boring machinery) PRFI~WNY l.B.9 inzh. M-oderniza,41on of ",E: mas-h-n~ for cecond~.f~-cn'-ng :~cra .1 _ i .. ~ IL. -,,e, rcAjj. Evar. pro-,z,.*. ~ "';- :: ! - 7. - - - 1. Ver-soy-u?ryy navolinc-I -ttiledova Lei I Aiy -I.n--';ltut I mekhanllzats~i sbakntnoga stroftA-00-tva. FRESHMAN, I.B., starshiy' nauchnyy sotrudnik Ways of Improving the availabilit7 condition and mdint-erance --r b,~rjrg machiner7 in mines under constraction. Ugol' b'.cr. 3 no.11:17-18 N 159. (KI.U 13:3) l.Ukrainakiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiv Inatitut organizatsii ~ makhanizateii shakhtnogo stroitelletva. (Boring machiner7) PODKOLZIN, Pavel Semenovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; POPOV, Aleksey Aleksandrovich, ~4~10UK Jq_pif Bentsionovich, inzh.; DANCHICH, Valeriy inzh,; 11!3 Talerianovich, inzh.; oi~etstvenW red.; ZVCR7KM, L.H., red. izd-va; &BITOV, A., teldin. red. [Machines and tools for drilling blastholes] Mashiny i instrument dlia bureniia shpurov. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1958. 176 p. (Boring machinery) (KIU 111-8) AIXYNIKOV, N.A.i PRESICH, D.T. Industrial use of flotation reagents in apatits flotation from apatite-nepheline ores. Obog. rud. 2 no.4:32-37 '57. (MIRA 11:8) (Flotation) (Apatite) PEKELISP G.B., dotsent; KASATKIN, I.I.; ARONOV, I.Z., starshly naucbnyy sotrudnik;.PRESICII, G.A.; SOLODOVNIKOVA, Ye.N.; VINIK, I,A.-, FUKSON, F.I.; LAGUNOVA, V.D., inzh,-kh-im.'Lk Experience in the application of contact water heating. Tekst. prom. 25 no.9:71-76 8 165. (MIRA 18-10) 1. Belorusskiy politekhnicheskLy institut (for Pekelis). 2. Glavnyy spetsialist Gosudarstvannogo komiteta Soveta Rinistrov BSSR po koordinatsii nauchno-issledovateltskikh rabot (for Kasatkin). 3. Hauchno-iseledovatellskly institut saritarnoy tekhniki UkrSSR (for Aronov). 4. Starshiy inzh. Nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta sanitarnoy tekhniki UkrSSR (for Presich, Solodovnikova). 5. Rukovoditell gruDpy Belpromproyekta (for Vinik). 6. Nachallnik kotellnoy Minskogo kamvollnogo kombinata (for Fukson). 7. Minskiy kamvollnyy kombinat (for Lagunova). PRISIMM. Sligiusz Studieo on regulating action of thp cerebral cortex on electro- eardiographic curve. Acta physiol Pbl 5 no.1:71-82 '54. (KNA 3:7) 1. Z Dzialu Vewnet;.-znego Wojewodzkiej Przychodni Sportowo- Lakarskiej przy II Klinice Chorob Wewnstrznych Akademit Kedycznej w Poznaniu. (CXRXBRAL CORTJUI~ physiology, *regulation of heart funct.. XCG) (HEART, physiology, *regulation by cerebral cortex, XCG) - .. C01,11 '- -r'~":' :1 s"" " Now -1 -1 (1 - , 0. - L ~g - : p. 27 :1:'Jyd') "Aif I al-cs' , I Iviii:-,r r7.r Vol. 7, "f). I., I' ;!I'- -l" 'I - , 11 , '1 -1, '~U: '.'ciithly indc-z of ;".,ast ~Luropeari jrcss-. !is ",101. (), ~io. i1 .,:ovc-v.,r)cr 1~57. ATAXASOV, A.H., MSKOVSKA6 V.V. Primary ores containing anglesites in the Kadzharuvo deposit (northeastern Rho4ope MouLtains, i3nigaria). Geol. rud. m-storozh. no.4:110-113 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Narodnaya, Reepublika Bolgarii, Sofivekly gosudarstvenW universitet. (Rhodope Mountains (BulgELria)-Anglesite) A7 S, _315095 F~ 5/62/~ C,7/~_-, 115-3, 'L~,9/D502 ;166) AUTHO-_`S: nets 7 ,ey r1a, S ,,ro-,- ing of -L a: -,-.hanum e-ch,-,,. sulfa~t-e CrY ,Eadolinium- and cera-um ethy' su_--~,te i-m-our4t4ez; --,:d some of their n1--ysical, --oroocrties 'I)ERT 0- J'~ 'L: U-iayins I kyy T'i--ychnyy V. 7, ",62, 22 - 29 T "r e me-hod o-T m_,euara-ti~m, gro,:.rinz~ zochfque E_.nd re_-.e-,-L 1 11 . U_ - - 1 0 of the d4eliactr4c~l constaxi~s o-,' -LnuTsi e t,, v-, e ,-!4 _L_ U I Anium- and ceri u?.,,, a -,..Iyl-,3ul�'a-Ue is r'-escri'bo'. .-jhich re paramaLme G c su, stances by m ans of stals a. L .1 ~ quencies can oe arn-olified. T'.Iie salts of -,he ra--e-earth 'hylsuif e -uric acid vie-re prep-, by mixin.- equJval ant' o, C~ - rare-ear-6h element sull'ate and oarilum et.hylsulf--te in so-_-,~tion. sing -le cryszals -.-iere Erovm -oy Eradually cooling the SO~u- tion, over a period of 10 - 12 days; the cry2,uals %,,ere 20 Card 1/3 7/ Grow.-LnE, of I-anthanu--. e-thyl s-u-, --:'a-ue ... 1; 2 2, is irioort-n-t Tj 1 o nn- an d 12 - 15 n! - i.~, rate of I-emper:,-uure a3 at r~_,~Ics ,-)acue Is 17", e S -i .Lormed and -Ghe c-L-dys-Lal bcco:.-.~-s In'no,- u 1 C,'-,! U 0 suals depends on tale co-ncen-~ratio- o ti-e solut' the crystals -,,.,ere -pris~-s and (wish J Mi" sulfate concentration) others .-,,ere I.,exagonal 4, o bl e - ri r a, I d s crystals .-rown from nufe solutic,ns ,-tore st~,ble 4-- ai- &-~-d cuum, duz-Ing ropea-ted cool-J---E -from roon, tomperature to t"ia,41, of 1 -4 - followed bv 1--ea-lin- to the orilr,-inal -"h---. cuid -',,-,elium, L - t;, -- ittiV4ty -_I iielectric constants (-perT-- -and t-.1-e tan,-eris of ~Uhe ~2' c: - U 4 tirc-loss Lm--le t:7- o were L-easured at a oI* C-~ tD 9000 over a ue-)-eratlure --ance of 290 - A.20" T-,, i t no such data were previously Five-. The r.,et,.od, olf based on the Derzurbat'on Gf tl-le resona-zor '61',ro-~-h introduci-:'l- si ze s-~)eci.-ens int-o its ~,h--IrtrueZicy f iolr-'- . 2',iiS L Z-.-~--- -r.:-, at each -Uemne-,-ature T-,oint the Perturbed and va7 -,~es of the natural f'reauency ar.2 )-factor off' -L--'.c! resc-n~-.toi- sim~,Iy ving the specimen fror-,a tllie re,--Jon witI.- that w','Iere the field 'practically vanishes. T'.,-.,c- va- Uard 2/3 2 C ; 2- / -4 -ed _."C" 3.4 2 0 2 t 7 ( easu- C. e 12, ol . a C11-ve 0 a tu ,,, e 2 Z'Z, W' ' ~lt 7 C. - l UZ e::lpara~ u U"re ) 1~ h e , ,- L - Q 10 - ::e b-10C Elld 4 are 5 f i .- a]ej,,, ces U~ rcl t - G u ranslation) n - :: as S c hu 1 - '7 - - a's f 0. 1 s 1_~ 305, 1959; J -' __; -, -I - - - D ov_ i . . ;, ase , . rs _ ~, , L,~ _n d o n, 'OCL`I.TlC1:.,: Ins r d' ri a c, z, jr ~a _y elekturoniky t Ir - 1, --, ( n ~7 of -_~'adio -6: c, T playsi c s and Electro--lics, --p --'- ) T~ K_harkiv SUB"ITTED: Llai~, och 14 1 c.. 6 1 0 i / -, 3