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I He z " BEM, P~i HABANFC, J,, KARBAN, Oi NEVEC. J.,, PREWERIN) V. --Z-- -- Polarization mea-surement of protnng with 6,? MeV energy scattered on carbon, Chekhosl fiz zhurnal 14 no. 6g404-410 ,64. 1. Institute of Nuclear Research, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Rez. PRESFERIN, V. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Phygicomathematical Sciences at the Technical Phynics Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe in 1962: "InvestigatioL of Neutrons With Energies Greater that 10 May in the Photo- disintegration of Light Huclie.1 Vest. Akad. Hauk SSSR. No. 4, Moscow, 1963, -pages 119-145 S/056/60/0-7~ /00M, /`-~i 91/048 24 0 B000070 Kulichitskiy, L. zresperin, V. TITLE. Past Photono~-utrons Fz'om Some Elements /7 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal. eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 196c), Vol. 39, No. 400), PP. 1001-1004 TEXT: This work is a continuation of the photoneutron investigations begun earlier (Ref. 1). While the experimental apparatus remains unaltered, an improvement is mainly to be found in the evaluation of the experimental data. An estimate of the difference in the energy distribution of the forward and backward emitted neutrons (with respect was made. Fig. 1 shows the angular distribution of to the gamma beam) 0 the 10.-Mev photoneutrons from a lithium target. A significant 9hift of the maximum in the direction of small angles was observed; it is observed also for 18-Mev neutrons (Fig. 2). A comparison with the anEpiiar distribution of recoil protorts (Figs. 3,4) confirms that 'the asymmetry of the neutron angular distribution is not caused by the apparatus. It Card 112 WOO Fast Pbotoneutrons Prom Some Elements B004/BU70 was also observed for 10-Mev neutrons from iodine (Fig. 5). The relative neutron yields from Li, Be, 09 Al, Ca. Cu, I and Bi are given in a Table. The first two have the largest yields. The authors mention a paper of G. M. Shkiyarevskly (Ref- 7). There are 4 figrureq, I table, and 7 references: 2 Soviet, US, 1 Canadian, and I Italian. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fIziko-tekhnichesk-4y institut Akademii nauk SSSR (L en.~,.ngrad InstA tute of ~"HsLcs and Technology of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: June 23, 1960 Card 2/2 KULICHITSKIY, L.A.; PRESPERIN, V. Fast photoneutrons from Be9, C12, and A127. Zhu eksp.i teor.ffiz. 37 no.6:1524-1529 D 159. (KLTtA 14:10) 1. Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inatitut All SSSF. (Neutrons) (Bremsatrahlung) _ 7 _ inzh. KUTSER, M.Ya., inzh.; PRESS, A ,.. Conveyerizing of assembly shops at the Minsk P,-adio Plctlt. Mck-h. i avtom. proizv. 16 no.6,-26-)8 Je t(-2. 15:6) (Minsk--Assqpbly line methods) (Minsk--Radio industry) VIKSNE, Z.;_~REPS,_B. Fiber formation in cicatrizing caseous pulmonary nidi. Izv.AH Iatv.SSR no.1.81-84 164. (MJRA 17:4) 1. Institut organicheskogo sinteza AN LatvSSR. ~,_B.; GRIGALINOVICHy G. Morphology of reparative processes observed in experimental tum-ors treated with chemotherapeutic remedies. Izv.AN Latv.SSR no.12: 1011-109 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut organicheskogo sinteza AN LatvSSR. ICUSP Eq. PRMS. B. Regeneration of the uterine mucosa following abortion by meams o* I vam.= excochleation. Vestis Latv ak no.3:11J-118 162. 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy i klinI-cheskoy meditsiny AN Latviyskoy SSR. 0 -k MAUNA, MI.; Case of primary sarcoma of the intima of the aorta. 3.,lch.pat. 21 no.10:62-65 t59. kHE~A 1,.~:S) 1. Iz 1-go terapevticheukogo otdelaniya (zav. A.N.Kavaleva, nauclinrl konsulltant - prof. L.I.Vilenskiy) i pat6logoanatomicheskogo otdo-leniya (zav. - kandidat med.nauk B.O.Press) III Rizhskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach A.G.Baba3mn). (AORTA--CANCER) PRE8S, B.O. Cand 7.-;ed Sci -- ( '02istological clhan,~~es in the lungs in post-oper:iUve pneumonia." Riga, 1957. 15 2~ cm. (Acad 8ci LaSSR. I-rlst of Experiuientual i-iedicine.) 200 copies. (KL, 23-57, 117) -1-34- / - C~ GILLER, S.A.[Gillers, S.), otv. red.; BLEYDELIS, Ya.Ya. (Bleidelis, J.1, red.; BLYUGER, A.F.[Blugers, A.Ired.; ZIDERMAIM. A.A . red.; red.; MANEEIRMA, V., red.; LIDAK. M:yu.fLidaks, M.1, red.; KOVI, 0., red.; SHULITS, 1 1. .,. I (Cyclophospi,ane) TSiklofosfan; sbornik statei. Riga, Izd- vo "Znanie," 1965. 267 p. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Latvijas Padjmju Socialigtiskas Republikas Zinatnu Akademija. Organiskas sintezes instituts. EXCMTTA 1EDICA Sec.4 Vol.U/4 1.1-d.!:icrob. ctoc. April,'53 1075. FLUCTUATION OF AGGLUnININTITRES IN TFE SERUM OF DONOIRS no RELA71ON TO AGE AND SEASON (Russian text) - P r e s s F Blood Transf. Station, Kursk. - PROBL. GEMAT01-.PrRIEL. K-Rovi i956, 1/2 (GO) The stability of the titres of group agglutinins in the blood of 272 healthy donors was Investigated In relation to their age and the season of the year. As a rule the t1tre of these donors did not vary or fluctuate only slightly; these fluctuations were 102s, not connected with the season. Sera with a high titre (1:64 and higher) were found more frequently in donors 20 to 30 yr. old, and sera with a low titre (1:4, 1:8) in donors older than 30. Krymskii - Moscow (S) 9(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1889 RSFSR. Moskovskiy ekonomicheskiy administrativnyy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva Poluprovodnikovyye diody i triody I ikh primeneniye; sbornik statey. (Semiconductor Diodes and Triodes and Their Uses; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Tsentr. byuro, tekhn. inform.., 1958. 102 p. (Series: Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki) 1,700 copies printed. Consulting Engineer: Ye.Z. Korobeynikova; Ed.: G.P. Gaus. PURPOSE: This book may be useful to engineers in the field of semiconductor electronics. COVERAGE: The articles in this collection discuss problems in the design, manufacture and application of new types of semi- conductor devices. *Ke double-base diode is descrited and results of the calculation of its characteristics are given. Fused-junction silicon and germanium triodes are discussed Card 1/5 Semiconductor Diodes and Triodes (Cont.) sov/1889 and the characteristics of the type 314 fused-junction triode are presented. The effect of feedback in transistor amplifiers on nonlinear distortions is covered. Operation of low-frequency transistor amplifiers for individual units of multichannel communication systems is explained and a discussion of __--ti%nsistor units of the KPP 30/60 system is presented. Attention is given to the problems of cooling transistor devices. TIkere is a review of Soviet and Western magazines and patents for 1956-1957 concerned with semiconductor devices and their applications. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Press, F.P. Fused-Junction Silicon n-p-n- Triodes 4 TM-a=hdr discusses properties of silicon and describes the advantages of silicon triodes over germanium triodes. He also describes the construction and characteristics of fused-junction silicon n-p-n triodes. C4rd 2/5 '44- Semijeonductor Diodes and Triodes (Cont.) SOV/1889 Samokhvalov, M.M. Type 314 Germanium High-frequency Triodes 12 The author discusses the construction and applications o~ type 314 germanium triodes. He also explains the equivalent circuit of a fused-junction transistor and discusses limiting operating conditions of type 314 triodes. Dobkin, A.S. Double-base Germanium Diode 25 The author discusses basic parameters and principles of operation of double-base diodes. He also explains the con- struction and characteristics of diodes and gives examples pf their applIcatIon. Borisov, A.I. Nonlinear Amplifiers The author discusses amplifiers with and of using feedback to derives expressions Distortions in Feedback Transistor nonlinear distortions in transistor without feedback and describes methods decrease the distortions. He also for calculating performance of transistor 37 Card 3/5 Semiconductor Diodes and Triodes (Cont.) SOV/1889 amplifiers with various types of feedback. Muradyan, A.G..,and G.M. Mikirt-ichan. Transistor Amplifiers for Individual Units of Multichannel Communication Systems 61 The authors discuss the operation and characteristics of a low-frequency transistor amplifier used in a standard twelve-chminel high-frequency system and derive formulas for calculating amplifier performance. A discussion of a transistor audio amplifier and a control- signal receiver is also presented. Zaryanov, N.V. Cooling of Semiconductor Devices 74 The author dkscribes a transistor chassis absorbing heat from transistor circuits and derives expressions that may be used In the design of transistor cooling elements. Fridolin, G.G. Review of Certificates of Inventorship, Foreign Journalstand Patents for 1956 and 1957 Concerned With Semiconductor Devices and Their Applications 81 I. Transistor generators of 3inusoidal oscillations 81 II. Flip-flop circuits and pulse generators 97 Card 4/5 Semiconductor Diodes and Triodes (Cont.) SOV/1889 The author reviews Soviet and Western patents and magazines concerned with transistor circuits. He discusses the operation of various transistor oscillators, frequency dividers, modulatorsand multivibrators. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TK7872.T73 P58) JP/Jmr 7-23-59 Card 5/5 ZELIKKAN, G.A.; MAZEL', Ye.Z.; PRESS, F.P.; FRONK, S.V.; DOBKIN, A.S., red.; S1-jUL'SKIY, A.S., red. (Silicon diodes and triodes; their production technology] Poluprovodnikovye kremnievye diody i triody; tekhnologiia proizvodstva. Moskva, Energiia, 1964. 183 P. (MIRA 17:12) - PRESS, Frank, prof. vy- Seismic study of Vpe-earth's cruBt. Priroda 47 no.8:33-37 Ag 158. (HIRA 11:9) l.Direktor seyamoologicheskoy laboratoril KaliforniVskogo tekhno- logicheakogo instituta, SShA. (Geology) MITELIMAN, L.V.[translatorj; GUaM., V.A.jtraneiatorj;,-M;3qj_F.P -. [translator]; IGLITSni, M.I.., kaud. fiz.-mat. nauk., r~&.-; BURAKOVA, O.N., red.; GMIUKHINA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Methods for measuring the parameters of transistor devices] Metody izmereniia parametrov-poluprovodr4kovykh priboxw. FW red. M.I.Iglitsyna. Moskva, Oborongiz, 1961. 262. Translated from "Transistor technology." U&A 1(.:l) 1. Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. (Transistors) M.',SS, Feliks Favlovirh; PV-Ri3PElITSKAYA, A.G., redaktor; TAIROVA, M.V., ~--. 1- . ~. t-eA~fChdakly-rodaktor [Semiconductors and their use) Poluprovodniki I lkh primenenie. Moskva, Goo. izd-yo kullturno-prosy. lit-ry, 1957. 30 p. (Biblio- tochka v pomoshchl lektoru, no. Z) 0GRA 10:4) (Semiconductors) ATITHOR: _!~~~~rofessor SOV-26-58-8- 5/51 TITLE: Seismic Investigation of the Earth Crust (Seysmicheskoye issle- dovaniye zemnoy kory) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 195a, Nr 6, pp 33-37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Seismic investigation is used for determining the origin of the earth crust, of the continents and oceans, of the mecha- nism of mountain formation, etc. In seismological investiga- tions explosions are made and the waves caused by the ex- plosions are measured at various points for the compilation of hodograms. On dry land, for one explosion, thousands of kgs of explosives are needed, on oceans less, be(ause the waves are less impeded by water. A diagram of the structure of the earth crust below continents and oceans is shown in Figure 2. The Mokhorovichich surface, dividing the silica part of the crust from the ultrabasic shall of the earth is located 35 km below continents and 10 km below oceans. This distribution, together with a change of the gravitation force, indicates that isostasy, i.e. the tendency of tYe masses in the earth crust for gravitational equilibrium, is the prin- cipal tectonical mechanism. Below the oceans a sedimentary Card 1/3 layer of 0 - 0-5 km thickness has been detected, below which seismic Investigation of the Earth Crust SOV-26-58-8-5/51 is basic rock in which the seismic waves attain a speed of 6.7 - 7 km/sec. In the shell of the earth the speed of longi- tudinal waves is 6 - 6.2 k-m/sec, and that of transversal waves 4.6 - 4.8 km/sec. Seismic 'waves are used to study elasticity in greater depths, as well as the transition from the conti- nental crust to the crust below the oceans. Several methods are used for this purpose. The correlation method of re- fracted waves permits the separation of the waves received according to the layers from which they were refracted. It was used in oil prospecting and then also applied to seismic sounding at great depths. It has been established, by this method, that the crust below the Tien-Shan mountains attains a depth of 53 km. The method of phase speed is used for measuring the waves from distant earthquakes which proceed slower in the earth crust than at deeper layers. Three seis- mographs are used and the difference in the wave phases is used for the calculation of the geological conditions. It has been established that the phase speed is lower below mountain areas and higher balow lowlands. The difference is clearly visible in Figure 4. The Lg-wave method makes use of a wave with a short period which is caused by the curvature Card 2/3 of the earth (Figure 5). For all continents, the speed of Seismic Investigation of the Earth Crust SOV-26--58-8-5/51 the Lg-waves is 3-50 - 3-55 km '/see. The Lg-waves eannot travel below an ocean, so that the presence of these waves is always an indication that no ocean is between the source and the receiver. They may be used in the Antarctic region in order to determine whether this continent consists of is- lands below the ice or a continuous continental mass. Translator's Note: There is no indication as to whether this is an original article or a translated article. There are 4 diagrams and 1 graph. ASSOCIATION: Seismological Laboratory of the California Institute of Tech- nologic (USA). 1. Geophy8ics 2. Earth--.Btructural analysis 3. Geology 4. Seisrdic waires--Applications Card 3/3 -PRESS, I.M., kand. tekhn. nauk 7 ~-- ' ~ `~: ~':- ~- -- Aftntages ai~-" disadvantages of various undercarriage types for mine loading machines. Gor. zhur. no,6Y48-50 A 165. (MRA 18-a-7) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut "Gipronikell", Leningrad, FRMSY I. M, Results of tests of self-propelled machines equipped with pneumatic tires. Gor. zhur no.4:47-49 Ap 163. (PIU 16:4) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektiravaniyu predpriyatiy nikelevoy promyshlennostij, Leningrad. (Mining machinery) (Tires, Rabber-Testing) ROD101-1,OV, Georgiy Viktorovich: doktor tokhn.nauk; KALINITSKIY, Yakov Borisovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; GU,',?KOV, Konstantin Stepanovich., kand. teklm.nauk; KOS-CYM1 '. Aleksan-dr Dr-itriye-tich, kand. teklr-nauk.; M1r&HIf,4ZV, Petr Aleksandrovich, kand. tekchn. nau1,;,,.MkE.SS, Igor' Mikhaylovich, nauchnyy I-otr.; SOBOLI, Arkadiy Vladimirairich, st. naucbWy-aotr.; SOROKO, Veniamin Vasillyevich, kand. tekhn.nauk; BAZANOV, A.F., kand. tekhn. nauk, retserizzent; BULATOV, S.I., red. izd-va; &'I-1diOVA, G.V., tekhn. red. [Loading machines for loose and lump materials; design, teory, and calculation] PogruzochrWe RiashirW dlia sypuchikh i kuskovykh rate- rialov; konstruktsiia, teuriia i vaschet. [BYIK.S.Gurkov i dr. Ho- nkva, Mashgiz, 1962. 286 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Loading and unloading---~,Iquipment and supplies) PRESS, 1.M., gornyy InA. Datemining the carrying --pacity and the spee-1. (;I' min", machinery on tire wheels. Cor.zhur. no.--,G-~52-54 0 i64. (MIRA 18-1'i 1. hlauchne-issledovatellskiy i proyektriyy 4nsli',,ut "Glprcnikelll~, Len ~ ngrad. -"UMPTA MEDICA See. 7 Vol- 9/10 Oct. 55 2236. PRESS J. Szpit. Zakafnego im. W. BiegaAskiego, Udi. *Leczenie gruilic- "~Z`egozap~a enia m6zgu i opon m6zgowo- rdzeniowych u dzieci. T r e a t rn c n t of tuberculous encephalorneningitis in children GRUftICA 1054, 22/7 (489-495) Tables I 178 children -ere treated; 63% belong to the age group from 2 to 6 yr. Mililry tb of the lung was found in 24%; generalized tb in 537a. Total mortality amounted to 2456. In 10 cases a relapse occurred. Two clinical forms were recognized: me- ningeal and cerebral. The prognosis in the latter is poor; death ensued because of the involvement of the cortex, subcortical centres and vegetative centres. Various regimens of treatment were applied according to the clinical course and the seriousness of the disease; not infrequently the regimen was changed during treatment. Streptomycin was given both intrathecally and i. m. Since July 1952, isonicotinic acid hydrazide was administered together- with streptomycin. The results of this combined treatment were considerably better. Sanatorium cure should follow the treatment La the hospital since the cases of tuberculous ence- phalorneningitis require a long period of observation. From author's summary (XX, 8, 7,W HAIrrOLISOWA, Anna; PFM, Janina; WRKOWA, Maria; WAIaWSXk, Anilia; DOGSKA, Krystyna Neurological, characterial & psychic lesions in children after tuberculous meningoencephalitis. Grazlica 25 no.7:571-579 JN11Y 57. 1. Z Geutraluej Wojewodzkiej Poradni Przeciwgrualiazej w Lodzi, Kierownik: prof. dr mad., J. Szustrowa. Adres: Udz, ul Moniuszki 7/9. (TUBUCUU618, HOINGU4 in inf. & child characterial, neurol. & psychic seq. (Fol)) (HIML DISORnM, in inf. & child characterial, neurol. & psychic seq. of meningeal tuberc. (Poi)) MISS, Janina Treatment of tuberculous meningitis and encephalitis in children. Grazlica 22 no.7:489-495 July 54. 1. Ze Szpitala Zakaznego im. W.Biaganskiago w Lodzi. lierownik Oddzialu: dr J.Press. (TUBERCULOSIS, of brain. In child., ther.) (BRAIN, diseases, tubere.. in child., ther.) (TUMCULOSIS, MINGILL, in infant and childL, ther.) IIJAY15F.TUT, (,rigorjy MIlkhaylovich, 9t. naucVm. sotr.; Pl,~ESSMAN, L, I ,.9 cicjktor med. riauk, red. [Clinical inst2mmental examinations in cardiac irsuf- ficiency] Kli-nikc.-irist?_-urrlentallriye issledovaniia pri serdechnoi w-dostatochnosti. Moskva, Veditsinp-, 196". f~O p. (1.!I;i-A F"SS Cholelithiasis incongenital absence of the gallbladder. Khirurgiia 33 n0-7:121-122 JI '57- (MIRA 10:11) lo Iz kliniki fakulltetakoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. G.G.Karavanov) Llvovskogo goeudaratvennogo moditainskogo instituta (dir. - prof. L.H.Kuzimanko) (GALLBUDIMR, abnorm. absence. cholelithiasis in) ((;HOIALITHIASIS. case rep. in absence of gallbladder) PRESS, N-Ye. Acute left-sided appendicitis in the presence of a congenital anomaly of the large Intestine. Xhirurglia 35 no-3:109-110 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Iz fakLL11tetakoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. G.G.Karavanov) Llvovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo inatituta (dir. - prof. L-11-Nuzmenko). (APPENDICITIS. casq reports left-aidod, In patient with dystopia of large Intestine (Rue)) (INTESTINE. IARGE, abnorm. dystopia, with left-sided acute appendicitis (Rue)) ZNA1-',,1"'KIY, M.S.; PRESS, . .13 - _it. -red. (Tuberculosis of the boneo and jo4.ntB] Tuber"Kii;.iez kno-,.t~! i sustavov. Frunze, I'lespublikanskii dom sanitarnogo pro.gv. 1965. 23 P. (MIRA 18:12) PRESS, S, A. I Frof. "Electricoatitomatics of M,Aal.-C-jttir~- Eachirie To-,Is," Steriki '1 2,, - - ,r,. 6, 1939, Frof'essor Renort U-1505, 4 Oct. 1951. PRESS, S. A. "On Systems of ~~-ntrol an6 Dri-ie of Y.-tall-Cutt-i-a Mac-i, e i JGIO Frofessor 101 No. 87 /1"7 Report U-1505, /, Oct 1951 Autbio--; 'Zitle: Th,-z! electricOL anuipr,--at of thiz mptoil. c-pttinp, (Ylektrlcht~Czce obarulavsnin m-~tallovezh-aehshMvi Pub! i eher -. S t. at e Sci entl f Ic and Te-~hni cal 'Fulbli cation c-? th, e Pachine Ony~strqcljlon 7ji'le7ature Datel 1941S Available% Library of ConZm3g Sourco: V.)nthly 1,ist of Rqs~lian Accessions, Vol. 1.1, No. I., Y-. 27 UwR/Weapons jui/Aug 49 Artillery Remote Control 0 10 "Letter to the Editor," Prof S. A. Press, Dr Tech 4 Sci, Qhgjt_QL Lenin -o-f-R-ed-BRE-er Mil Vast-it Nech Inet, 1 Y!V 70~ V '1' , in ad Z~lecUo~- teD grad Electro ~6h Inbt imemi V. 1. ~M'yanov, Docent B. I. Rubin, Cand Tech Scl, Chair of LXVVIA, and Prof M. L. Te-ukkermm, Dhair bf Leningrad Inat of Prec,iae.Mech and Opt, e:p:r "A-r tcma t ITelemakh" Vol X, No 4 Critical letter denounces M. A. Ayzerman and Ya. 51/49T105 !MSR/WeaponB (Contd) 4ul./Aug 49 Z. Taypkin's review ("],,vtmatika i Telemekhanika," 'No 4, 1948) of V. A-Besekersklyle book "Remote Control of Artillery Unite." 0 M11- :51/49Tlo6 ~' Bergey ;'deks, nuh-ovich Technolo,iy Ceneral electrical enf-ineerinp. "r-s. Diners--. iz-J-vrj, -,,-,c- L -,I- . l'o-athl List of T-ussian Accessions, Library of ConLfressj SeT-tember Uncinssified. Prof Belfs',dy, I.R. "General cf~,urze en electric encineer",irii: for nical 44~cr.-nic~', schc ols. General electric en.-ineerinf," I.R. Be-L'skjy, V.,,,. Besez"l-erskily, -~.,V. Df-,,l- skoy, A. S. Fress, Ye.K. Yurkovskiy. Reviewed by Profs. M'. Kh--shechinskiy, S.A. Fress. E'Iectrichestvo no. ,~, 1952. Monthlv List of Russian Accessions, Library of ConE,,ress, Novem-ber, 1952. BALITZ-f, 7, Y., G777-717f, ~. 7. ')oc(,,nt C1, 0 T.W-71% Y,7 2. USSR (600/1 4. aectric 6ngineering 7. Comments on the textcook "Gc-nera-I dlectrical engineering," edited UY 5. A. Pr~--ss, F. I. Cherniavskiy, ~ng. V. K. Ealuyev, Docent B. V. Grushevskiy. Elektr-ichestvo No. 2, 1`3- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. 1. PPX,,S-J, S.A. 2. U3SP (6CO) 4. Electric ~~ngineering 7. "General electric e ngince ring." S.A. Press, Reviewed by Docent A.A. Yezhlumov, Elektrichestvo no. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APhIL 1953, Uncl. S..A.. professor [redaktor); YUMATOV, A.A., inshener (Kronohtadt); PALYAN, dotsent. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ROZAKOV. S.P., professor (Moscow) [reviewers). Discussing the book "General electrical engineering,O edited by S.A.Press. Reviewed by A.A.IUmatov, Ih.R.Palian, S.P.Rosanov. Blektrichestvo no.11:81- 84 N '53. (M12A 6:10) 1. Armyanskiy sel'skokhozyaystvannyy institut (for Falyan). (Electric engineering) ytft SOKOLOV, T.H., lauroat Stalinskoi premii; DRUZHINSKIY, I.A., laureat Stalinakoi premii; VOROSHILOV, H.S., kandidat takhnicheskikh nank, redaictor; PBESS, S.A., doktor tekhnichaskikh neuk, reteenzent. [Automatic control of profiliri4 processes on metal-cutting machines; elemouts of profiling machineej Avtonatichaskoe upravlanis protsessami kopirovaniia na metalloreshushchikh stankakh; elementy kopirovalInykh stankov. Leningrad, Goo. nauohno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostrolt. i sudo- stroit. lit-ry LLeningradskoe otd-niel 1954. 320 p. (MLRA 7:6) (Outting machines) PFCISS SERGE IY ALEKSAITDROVICH. Elektricheskoe oborudovanie metal',orezhushchikh stankov. Izd. 2. isor. i perer. Dop. v kscLestve uchebaike dlia vtuzov. Moskva, 14ashgiz, 19.46. 541 p. diagra. Electric equipment of metal-cutting machines. DLC: TJ1230.P67 1946 SO: Manufacturing and MechanicFil Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953 ~CREZS, Sergai Alaka&ndrovich. Electrical equipment Ifor metal-cuttincr machines Izd. 2., ispr. i perer. Mos".-vq, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1946, 451 p. (51-16191) TJ1250. F67 19~6 N I K 1 T' I N , V , D' . 9 in zh. ; S. S~ I in-,~i. ; S'TEF . Kh.Ya. y i I j i The a, r separa Lion ,_,i I t. Trudy nr,.F:3-2~: ; -'4. 1"': P a C: llaritfcs Of I-..i c-*'-' I,-,, :;tate to Slc~-T, .-,lc, 51-70 pe,~,~. inst. no.ll:, laf o~lra- b--*,o'-!o:, -*I i Ku:~:: (PI FRj3Sj Te.G., inzh. - Ui3ivg anchor chuck* for aecuring equipment to foundationa. 316t, i zhel.-bet. n0.2'076 7 158. (MM 11-.2) (Youndations) PRESS, Ye.S. Fluctuation of the agglutinin titer in the serum of donors depending on their age and 'he time of the year. Uch.zap.Kursk.gos.ped.in3t. 12:130-135 161. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kafedra zoologii Kurskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta. I I * Pass, Ye.s. I in the agglutinin titer of the serum of donors, depending on their ages and the time of year. Probl. gemat. i peral. L-rovi 1 no.2:60 Mr-Ap 056. (M12A 10:1) 1. Iz Kmrskoy oblactnoy staataii perelivaniya krovi (dir. - L.S. Golldis) (AGGLUTINM) (BLOOD -TRA NSYUS ION) PRESS, Ye.S., kand.biologicheskikh nauk Model for the demonstration of heart activity. Biol. v sbkole no.4:84-&5 Jl-Ag '61. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Kurskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Heart) (Physiological apparatus) mso 0, YU. S. Cand. Tech. Sci. Dis~wtation: "Activity of Nickel Powders used in the Electrdytic Refining of Nickel.If 30 YaY 49 Moscow Inst. of Nonferrous Metals and Gold imAni M.I. Kalinin SO c s v a Y Sum 71 BAROTITSKAYAJ, F.I.;. PRESS, Yu.-S- - Selecting an efficient method o~ pwifying zinc electrolytes from cobalt. TSvet# met. 34 no.2:38-43 F 161. (MM 14:6) (Zinc-F,lectrometallurgy) (Cobalt) PRESSKIY, P.V., kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. mRra!'eingg Mit"tle gourds for birds' nests. Biol. v shkole n0.3:89 (xLRA 1o:6) 1. Kirovskiy gosudaretvennyy,pedagogicheskly institut imeni V.I. lanina. . (Gourds) (Kirov Province--Birds, Protection of) AUTHOR: Pre s s Nb. G. , En-ine er. sovl 97/58/e-_/12/!6 I C3 -------------------------- TITLE: The Use of Anchor OCartridges" for Fixing Columns to Foundations. (Primeneniye ankernykh patronov dlya krepleniya oborudovaniya k fundamentam). PERIODICAL:Beton i Zhelezobeton, 1958, Nr2, pp 76. ABSTRACT: The anchor "cartridge" is a tube of 60mm. diameter round which a 5-6mm, i~6inf6rcing rod is wound (Pigure 1). The "cartridge" has a Jicle through which the fixing bolt is placed. The idea of the spiral reinforcing is to provide better adhesion of the column to the foundation.. The whole construction is finally concreted in using concrete Mark 200. The substitution of the anchor plates by anchor "cartridges" speeds up constructions. This anchoring construction was also used for securing beams to foundation slabs (see Figure 2). There are two figures. 1 Beams--Stability 2. Reinforcing steel--Applications 3. Structures--Design Card 1/1 PPESS, Ye.s. kand.biologichaskikh nauk Uperiments or) the dynamic and static work of muscles. Biol, shkole no.5:42-44 S-0 162. ' (KIRA 16:2) 1. Kurskiy pedagogicheskiy inBtitut. (muscles) (Physiology-Experiments) MATVEYEVA, Z.I.; PRESS, Yu.S. Using.modified sorbents for the selective recovery of germanium. TSYet. met. 36 no.8169-71 Ag 163. (I/JRA 16s9) (Germanium-14stallurgy) (Hydrometallurgy) L 18h2o-63 EWP~(q) /EW7 (m) /BDS AFFTO JD ACCESSION NR:' AP3005801 3/0136/63/000/008/0069/0073. AUTHORS:- Matvayevai Z. I.; Press, Yu. S. TITLE: Application of modified sorbents for the selective extraction of german SOURCE: Tsvetny*ye metally*, no.~8, 1963, 69-71 MPIC TAGS: germanium, tannic acid eluent,, hydrochloric acid,, zinc sulfate, Zn, Fe, Cu, Cd, As, sulfuric acid, silicon dioxide, Ge, zinc, iron, copper, cadmi=, arsenic ABSTRACT: The method of extraction of germanium using sorbents modified with tannic acid has been examined in solutions containing Zn, Ge, Fe, Fe++, Cu. Cd, S1022 As and H2SO4' Several types of sor-: bents were examined, they include: Vofatite E, AH-1, and activated . carbonof the cationic type. The results showed that the absorption' of germanium on the Ah-l sorbent is almost quantitative from a solu- tion of zinc sulfate. The capacity of sorbent for germanium absorp- tion-depends upon the nature of sorbent. Its capacity increases Card 1/2 L 18420-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3005801 with an increase of germanium concentration. The desorption (elution) is made with 10% HU and the total elution capacity' is 85 to 95% of the total germanium absorbed. During the elution of germanium, the sorbent containing tannic acid is regenerated to approximately 80% of its capacity. Orig. art. has: 1 table and I figure. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 06Sep63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 212 ?!:~ ! - -~\ -..;~ -11, 1-11 BUROVOT, I.A.; MRDVA, L.Yu.; PRESS. Yu.S. Automatic control of temperature and acidity during the eleCtrOlyBiS Of 21n;.- TSvet.met. 27 n0-4:20-27 Jl-Ag 154. (MM 10:10) 1.Gosudarstvennyy institut po tsvetnM wtallam. (Automatic control) (4nc--431ectrometallurgy) AZOS, S.; AR IYEV, A.; ARTAMONOV, I.; BABINA, I.; B3REGOVSKIY, V.; BLOZHKO,V.-, BRAVEMN, A.; BYKHOVSKIY, Yu.; VINOGRADOVA, M.; GAIANKIIIA. Ye. -, GILIDMIG3RS'H, F.; GLCBA, T.; GRZYVICR, N.; GORDON, G.; GULIDIN, I.; GULTAY37A, Ye.; GUSFICHINA, I.; DAVYDOVSKAYA, Ye.; DAMSKATA, G.; 0MaM, D.; YEVDOKIMOVA, A.; TEGUNOV, V.; ZABBLYSHINSKIY, I.; ZAYDWM3HG, B.; AZMOIMNIKOV, I.; ITKINA. S.; KARCHEVSKIY, V.; KWSHIN, B.; KEJVINOV, Ye.; KUZNF.TSOVA, G.; KURSHAKOV, I.; L&KIRNIK, M.; LRYZICROVICH, G.; LISOVSKIY, D.; LOSIMOV, F.; MALIffSKIY, Yu.: XASIYANITSKIY, I.; MAY-ANTS. A.; MITIM, L.; MITROFANOT, S.; MIKHAYIDV. A.; MYAKINKNKOV, I.; NIKITINA, I.; NOVIN, R.; OGNH7, D.; OLIKHOV, N,; OSIPOVA, T.; OSTRONOV, M.; PAKHOKOTA, G,; FZTK3R, S.; PLAKSIN, I@; PLBTIRWA, N.; POPOV, V.; PUSS. Yu.; FROKOFIY37A. Ye.; HJCHKOV, S.; RSZXOVA, F.; RUMYANTSIV,M.; SOBOLI, S.; SPIVAKOV, Ya.; STRIGIN, I.; SPIRIDONOVA.V.; TWO, Ya.; TITO7, S.; TROITSKIY, A.; TOLOKONNIKOV, K.~, TROFIMOTA, A.; FJDOR07, V.; CHIZHIKOV, D.; SHRYK. Ya.; YUKETANOV, D. Roman Iazarevich Yeller; an obituary. TSvet. met. 31 no.5:78-79 VT '58. WR& 11: 6) (Yeller, Roman Lazarevich, 1897-1958) F-iE5S, YU, S. IvActivity of Nickel Powders Used in the tlectrol.~Aic Tefin,_,n:- of "'ick-el. 0 7.nesi's for degree of Cand. Technical Sci., Sut; 30 May 49, Moscow Inst oi'- Nonferrous Y~-_tals and t1old imeni Kalinin. Surinery 82, 18 Dec 92, Dissertations 1resented fcr Deffrecsin Science and Lnvineer- ing in Moscow in 1940,. Fror Vechernyaya Moskva, Jan-Dec 194-9. PRESS, Yu.S;-; MATVEYEVA, Z.I. Pilot-plant testing of various methods of purifying Sipe electrolytes fram.cobalt. TSvet. met. 34 no.11:29-34 11 161. (MM 14:11) (Nonferrous metals-Blectrometallww) (Cementation (Metallurgy)) -- PRESS, Yu.S.; MAINEYEVA, Z.1. Using sorption processes in the hydrometallurgy of nonferrous metals. Sbor. nauch. trud. Gintsvetmeta no.23:263-268 165. (MIRA 18:12) PFZWIER, Ervin (124 Ormond Rd., Melbourne., Australia) Tarking problems here and there, Auto motor 15 no.18:5 21 S t 62, PRESSLER, J. ; KOLOC, J. "Interchangeability of dimensionally setup cuttine. tools cf Multispindle automatic lathes." p. 248. STROJIRENSKA VYROBA. (MINISTERSTVO TEZKEHO STROJIRENSTVI, MNISTERSTV0 PRESURTO STROJIRENSTVI A MUISTERSTV0 AUMMOBILOVEHO PRUMYSLU A UPMEIMCH STROJU.) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, no. 6, June 195~. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959. Uncl. GARAZIIA, N.N., aspirant; KRIISKIY, A.A., assistent; PRFS514AN, A.P.I. dotsent Effect of chronic hypoxia on the state of the periodontrium. Toor. i prak.stom. no.6:102-108 163. 0MRA 18:3) 1. Iz kafedry vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. - prof. D.F.Presnyakov), kafedry terapevticheskoy stomatologii (zav. - prof. Ye.Ye.Platonov) i kafedry rentgenologii i radiologii (zav. - prof. I.A.Shekhter) Moskovskogo raeditsinskogo stomatologicheskogo instituta. PRESSMAN, A.F. (Moskva) Mechanism of the formation of hypertension crises. Trudy PONIXI no.5:207-214 162. (MIFLA 16:4) (HYPERTENSION) PRISSIKAN, A.P. Significance of hemograms in contraRing blood transfusion therapy of pulmonary suppurations. Terap. arkh. V no.6:50-56 '55. (MLRA 9:2) 1. Iz kliniki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. prof. I.A. Chernogorov) Hookovakogo medit5inskogo stomatologicheskogo instituta. (MCKCHINCTASIS, therapy, blood transfusion, blood picture as control factor) (BLOOD TRANSFUSION, in various diseases, bronchiectasis. blood picture as control factor) (BLOCD pi;ture, in bronchiectasis in blood transfusion, control value) PREWMAN, A.P. (Mosk"Y Rheumatism and the nervous system. Trudy MNIKI no.505-,41 162, (MIRA l6t4) (NERVOUS SYSMY~DMEASES) (R.HEUMATIC FEVER) FRESSMALN, A.P. (Moskva) Characteristics of vascular reactions in hypertensives. Trjdy MDNIKI no.521077-1U 162. (YTRA 16.-4) (HYFERTENSION) (NERVOUS SYSTEM, VASOMOTOR) (RESERFINE) tAUTHORs Pressman,,A.Ya-.----_ SOV/110-))-3-11/20 TITLEt On the Diffusion in the Atmosphere of a Heavy Nonhomogeneous Admixture From an Instantaneous Point Source (0 rasprostranenii v atmoofere tyazheloy neodnorodnoy primesi iz mgnovennogo tochechnogo istoohnika) PERIODICALs Inzhonerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 3, PP T8-87 (USSR) ABSTRACTj The aim of this investigation was to study the effect of the parameters of an initial distribution of an admixture in the source with Stokes' velocities of falling on the subsequent propagation and settling of the heavy admixture component. It is assumed that the turbulent propagation of the admixture occurs in horizont&l directions only, but in the vertical direction the motion of the particles is a mere falling with a constant Stokes speed. The initial distribution in the source point by. velocities is taken in the form of a two- parameter function in which the parameters are n, the degree of uniformity (dispersion) of the given distribution, and w 0 the Stokes' velocity of particles prevailing in number. TW~ spatial and temporal distribution of particles possessing some definite settling velocity w is described by the solu- Card 1/3 tion of the two-dimensional (in tha given case) diffusion SOV/170-59-3-11/20 On the Diffusion in the Atmosphere of a Heavy Nonhomogeneous Admixture From an InstantaneOUB Point Source differential equation + (2) at T;7 az X DX21 where T is volume concentration, u(z) is the wind velocity along which the direction of the OX-axis is assumed, Kx and are coefficients of admixture diffusion in the medium. e author solves this equation for two different cases of k the values of these coefficients 1. Kx and Ky are constant for all the fractions (by weigM of the admixture, and 2. they are proportional to the square of the wind velocity, average in a layer in which the falling of the particles takes place, and to the time during which the particles with the w-speed are settled. The author finds the expressions for volume and surface concentrations of particles as func- tions of the parameters n and wm and for the location of points along the OX-axis in which the maximum concentration of particles occurs. The problem of propagation of a diffus- ing admixture throughout the surrounding medium was already treated by M.I. Yudin Z_Ref. 1_7 who proposed another approach to the problem, and the author indicates how both of these Card 2/3 approaches can be reconciled. The author expresses his A SOY/170-59-3-11/20 . On the Diffusion in the Atmosphere of a Heavy Nonhomogeneous Admixture From an Instantaneous Point Source gratitude to O.S. Berlyand and I.L. Karol' for their remarks in the process of writing the paper. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut prikladnoy geofiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Applied Geophysics of the AS USSR), Moscow Card 3/3 10(2) AUTHORS., Karol', I.L., Pressman,_A.Ya. 06570 SOV/170-59-9-11/18 TITLE; On Dispersion of Heavy Polydispersed Aerosol in Turbulent Atmosphere at a Long Distance From an Instantaneous Point Source PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-flzicheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 9, pp 83-91 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The authors start from the equation of non-stationary dispersion of mono- disperse aerosol, Formula 1, the solution of which, Formula 5, was ana- lyzed by one of the authors in reference 2. In the present article, the authors derive formulae for the volume and surface concentrations of the polydisperse aerosol for two possible cases of its behavior: 1. The 11weightless" component of aerosol is reflected from the earth's surface; and 2. There is a partial or complete absorption of the "weightless" com- ponent on the earth's surface, For the first case, the expression for the volume concentration is given by Formula 17 and for the surface concentra- tion by Formula 21, provided that the distance from the source is long. For the second case, i.e., an absorption on the earth's surface, the volume concentration is given by Formula 26 and surface concentration by Formula Card 1/2 28. The results obtained are then analyzed qualitatively and the conclusion 065 70 SOV/170-59-9-11/18 On Dispersion of Heavy Polydispersed Aerosol In Turbulent Atmosphere at a Long Distance From an Instantaneous Point Source is arrived at that turbulent diffusion along the wind direction does not' affect the distribution of surface concentration, but along the vertical, the role of turbulent diffusion is essential for the deposition of aerosol from the atmosphere at a long distance downwind of the source. There are 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut prikladnoy geofiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Applied Geophysics of the AS US&01, Moscow. Card 2/2 PRESSMAN, A.Ya. Role of vertical turbulent dispersion in the settlirg of nonhomo- geneOus aerosols from the atmosphere. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. no.11: 11-19 N 159 (MIRA 13;3) 1. Institut prikladnoy geofiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (Aerosolo) 13 16(1) AUTHORS: Pressman,A.Ya., and Berlyand,O.S. SOV/20-126-3-13/C9 TITLE: Asymptotic Expressions for a Certain Class of Functions PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,vol 126,Nr 3,pp 508-510 (1JSSR) ABSTRA.CT: The function *y(?L,x) be given by b lf~x, t) S(7k, t) dt a where lim &(Xt) - S(t-c) , a - 1 ; z = x.;,~,O If x and increase simultaneously, where )I/x f2~~ 1 then it holds x -x2_ Y 2 Ax2 2 i (x)r') 2e 1 11 . 3 Y' (5) Y 1 2 4 f-0,'(2x)' + 2z 4X For (2x)2 ~~>(-i + MV + 3) and 9> I it holds i2 (x) (8) Card 1/3 S/020/61/140/001/002/024 Asymptotic representations C111/C222 2. 1 z xi!-~ 0 . Then for large x it holds 1 2 x N.- 1 U1 + 2-7k (2x) -2k + 0 [(2x) -2Nj + R + k-o where R. (2/x)~" erfc (x/f-2'). For (2x)2>,, 2 V2it holds s 31? ( ~ i2 1 , + 1 (12) V (12) holds also for > -1 as (6). 3. 1- = - - 1 ; z = x>,,0. The formulas are obtained by using the anaiytic continuation of F (I + ~t,) into the region Re - I and re- placing + 9 by - P in the developments of the points 1. and 2. For 2x > )) + 1 it holds s i2 (X) ~, i- for -)> ') _ , (x) i_. ) + I (x) (16) Card 2/5