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FROKOSHKIN, Dmitriy Antonovich; VASILIYEVA, Yelena Valentinov-na; SAMAR171, A.M., otv. red. [Niobium alloys] Splavy niobiia. Moskvay Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 330 P. (MIRA 17:4) 1. CiLlen-korres.nondent fill SSSR (for Samarin). S/16 61/000/002/003/003 D224 YD301 AUTHORS., Sharipkulovp R-Sa and Prokosbkini V,A, TITLE-. Mechanical and certain physico, fbemical properties of chromium-manganese steel PERIODICAL2 Akademiya nauk UzSSR. Seriya tekhnicheskikh nauk. IzveBtiyaq no, 29 1961, 85 - 91 TEXT: The steels investigated contained less than 0.1 % C~ 16 com- positions of chrome-manganese steel free from other alloy elements were melted alongside the chromium-nickel steel X18H9T ',Khl8N~T). The metal was forged into billets, 12 mm diameterg 14 x 14 mm , 20 x 20 mm2, and it was also rolled into strip 45 x 5 mm2. Short- term tests to fracture were carried out at temperatures of 20 and 6000 on KRD-3-type specimens after soaking for one hour at 11000 and quenching in water, followed by tempering at 7500 for 10 hours- The influence of temperature and time Of soaking during tempering of quenched specimens on the formation of the d-phase (in"Ermetal- Card 1/3 S/16 61/000/002/003/003 Mechanical and certain physico- D224YD301 lic compound FeCr) was studied on steel X17 16 (Khl7Gl6) (16-74 % Cr, 16.3 % Mn, 0.14 % Nig 0.29 % Sig 0.07 % C). The steels were also subjected to corrosion testing. Such tests were carried out in boiling 55 % nitric acids The specimens, 30 x 20 x 2,5 mm39 were first quenched from 11000 in waters 7 steels were tested for 4 cy- cles of 30 hours each, the remainder for 4 cycles of 25 hours each., It was found that a chromium-manganese steel having an austenilic structure approaches in its mechanical properties the steel Khl8N9T both at room temperature and at 6000, and in some cases is even superior. A steel containing up to 13 % Or and up to 11 % Mn exhi- bits a superior V~T;S- owing to its austenite-martensite-type struc- ture, Steels having an austenitic-ferritic structure have mechani- cal properties practically equivalent to those of steel Khl8N9T at 200 after quenching, Heating to 500-8500 causes formation of the (Y-phase which results in a drastic decrease in mechanical proper- ties of these steels. Chromium-manganese steels containing 13 and 17 % Cr and A and 15 % Mn, respectively, are closest with respect to their resistance to nitric acid attack to steel Khl8N9T. There Card 2/3 3/167/61/000/002/003/003 Mechanical and certain physico- D224/D301 are 4 figures, 4 tables, and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non- Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: F.M~ Becket: Am, Iron and Steel. Inst., 173-194, 1930~ ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii AN SSSRq Gornyi otdel AN UzSSR (Institute of Metallurgy AN SSSR, Department of Min- ing AN UzSSR) SUBMITTED4 May 16; 1960 Card 3/3 m maW physics 2149-wsons 1/1. Pub, 2.2 21,~*60 I Tyapkin, A. A.; lCozodaev. M. S..-.and Prokoshkin, Yu. D. Titie 11 Formation of-TPO-mesons with protons of 670 Mov of energy-at the nuclei of various elements Dok. AN SSSR' 100/4. 689-692, Feb 1, 1955 .Absiwaot Experiments with.the foxuation of n* -Moone through a protoa collision with another proton are described.. The protons in the eiperiments had an energy of 670 Mev. Formations of nO.-mescns were observed aa nuclei of various elenents, neyn 1y: D, Li, Be, B, G, Al, C, Cd, Sa and Fb. The experiments were conducted ;with the-accoleraton of the Institute of Nuclear Problems of the Aced. of Soo., USSR. Five referencess 3 USA and 2 USM (1952-1954). Graphs. Institution s Acad. of Soo., USSR,.Instituts of Nuclear ProblemB Presented. byi, Academician L..A.-Artsimovich, Deeember'22. 1954 --SUBJ',rCT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1784 AUTEOR PROKdKIN'JU.D. -TITLE The Relations between the Angular Distributions of Particles and their Decay Products. PERIODICAL Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,ll,fasc-4,732-732 (1956) Issued: 1 / 1957 In some cases no direct data are available concerning the character of the pro- duction- and interaction processes of these particles because of their short life. It is therefore necessary to content oneself with investigating the dis- tribution of the secondary particles, i.e. of the decay of primary particles. For this purpose it is, however, necessary to know how the distribution func- tions of the primary and secondary particles are connected. The present work investigates the practically important case in which the sec- ondary particles move with the velocity of light and in which the angular dis- tribution W(cos nc~ ,) of the primary particles does not depend on the azimuthal angle T and can be represented by a linear combination of terms such as: Wn- (1/2)(n+l)aosn rr with integral n. The distribution F (cos ~) of the secondary particles is an analogous linear combination and is also explicitly written down. With the help of these expressions it is possible to show that, in case of any even (odd) n the angular distribution F is a polynomial which consists of even (odd) powers of the cosine. A cnommon property of the functions Fn is their rapid modification in the immediate vicinity of the V .-.,-Z'urji.eksp.i teor.fis,,31,fasc-4,732-732 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1784 point P = 1. With diminishing P the anisotropy of angular distribution vanishes rapidly. Only in the case of 0 , I are the angular distributions of the primary and secondary particles similar to each other. The greater the power n the more rapidly will anisotropy vanish. Even in the case of very high values of P is the angular distribution of the secondary particles still nearly isotropic. A high measuring accuracy is then necessary in order to be able to determine the angular distribution of the primary particles. This applies e.g. in the case of investi- gations of the angular distribution of neutral pions in the vicinity of their production threshold. Up to very high even values of the exponent n the radicals of the equation T Fn(cos$~) 1/2 are within a small angular range of about,~14 - are cos (03). A consequency of this peculiarity of the functions F n, which is of considerable practical importance, consists in the fact that the yield of secondary particles under the "isotropic" angle kl* depends only little on the velocity of the primary particle. For n - 2 the yield does not depend on P at all. Therefore it is possible to obtain data on the total production cross section of neutral pions an the occasion of nucleon collisions. For this purpose it is necessary that the P-quanta yield be measured only under one angle. The "isotropic" properties of the angular distributions of secondary particles shown here make it ponsiderably more easy to measure the energy dependence of the total cross sections. INSTITUTIO11: Institute for Huclear Problems of the Academy of Science in the USSR. PROKOSqxv, Yu.13.- "Investigation of Neutral Pion Production bY 390-W Mev Nucleons (Review), paper presented at CERN Symposium, 1956, appearing in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 X AUTHOR: Prokoshkin, Yu. D. and Tentyukova, G. N. 120-2-4/3? TIME: Investigation of the energy spectrum of protons of the internal beam of a phasotron. (Issledovaniye Energeticheskogo Spektra Protonov Vnutrennego Puchka Fazotrona.) PBRIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika -Eksperimenta, 1957, No.2, pp. 18 - 22 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The amplitude of radial oscillations in cyclo- and phasotrons is considerable and the internal beams are therefore not monoenergetic. The mean ener&7 spread for particles at the inner target of the phasotron may be of the order of tens of Mev and the theoretical evaluation of the particle energy spread can be obtained in a very rough approximation only. In experiments which use the internal beam, the accuracy is very low, oiiing to the absence of any date on the spectrum of bombarding particles. At energies at which the cross-sections for reactions chanT very rapidly (meson formation near the threshold etc. measurements become impracticable if the energy spectrum is not known. A method Is therefore, needed which permits experimental determination of the energy spectrum of the internal beam. Such a method has Card 1/5 been su,:,- sted by Prokoshkin (Ref. 1) and is discussed 1-ge 120-2-4/3 Investigation of the energy spectrum of protons of the internaK beam of a Dhasotron. in the present article. The experimental arrangement permittin- the measurement of energy particle distribu- tion is shown schematically in Figure 1. It consists of a system of equally spaced vertical metal wires in the plane perpendicular to the direction of the beam. The beam particles, when accelerated, are displaced towards the target and energise the wires when passing through them. The process goes on until the particles leave the beam on reaching the target. The degree of activa- tion of the v,-ires (which are made very thin so as not to induce appreciable distortion in the beam) varies acco-,d- ing to the distance from the target and depends on the value of the free radial particle oscillations a The activation of the wires induced by the protons, assuming the active cross-section to be constant, (Refs. 2, 31 4), is given by equation 3 where (p(xa, is the distribution function of the number of collisions of the particle with the wire for a given Cr, A-r is -,;he mean increase of the radius per revolution, x is -the distance between the given wire and the target. F(a) is Card 2/5 the function chaiacterising the amplitude distribution 120-2-4/37 Investigation of the energy spectrum of protons of the internal beam of a phasotron. of free radial oscillations of the particles, a is the amplitude of above oscillations. J(x) is the wire activity induced by the protons. Further transformation of the function F(a) into the energy spectrum F(6E ), where E is the proton energy, presents no difficulPies provideg the topography of the magnetic field of the accelerator is known. The procedure of measurement of the particle energy spectrum is thus reduced to the experimental comparison of the activity induced in wirE!s placed at various distances from the target, which is possible if the function T(x,a,-Z-r) of equation 3 is known. The collision distribution function is determined starting with the equation for the radial movement of the beam as given in equation 4, which can be reduced to a dimensionless equation 5. In the case of a phasotron (Z-r very large) it can be assumed that particle trajec- tories are a family of trochoids. An expression is obtain- ed for the collision distribution function (equation Experiments were carried out at the phasotron of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research. (Obledinennyi Card 3/5 Institut Yadernykh Issledovanniy). The proton enerFy 120-2-4/37 Investigation of the energy spectrum of protons of the internal beam of a phasotron. at the target was chosen to be 400, 550 and '050 IY:eV. The distance of the wire system from the centre of the accelerator was varied. The activ-ity of the threads T,,ias measured, in standard geometry, by means of a group of proportional counters. The values for J(x) were found to be constant for the three values of protons energy (within the experimental error of 3%). A plot of J'(x) vs. x is given in figure 5. The conditions for the validity of equation 3 are discu.,.sed, and the effect of the wire diameter and of the material on experimental results is also investigated. It is shown to be neglig- ible. Finally, from equations 4 - 7 and from the obtain.~!d data on the activation J(x), the energy distribution and the distribution of amplitudes of the free radial vibra- t1ions of the particles are evaluated for the internal proton beam and are plotted in f-igure ? for the follo;,;ln6 values of parameters: ZY = 2 x 10-3 12 = 0.05 .1 (n is the mean number of collisions of particles having Card 4/5 amplitude a). The mean proton energy spread obtained was 120-2-4/37 Investigation of the energy spectrum of protons of the internal beam of a phasotron. Z Ul- = (12 + 3)1,;!eV. A diagram of the experimental arrann-e- meRt and six graphs of theoretical and experimental results are given. The work has been discussed .vith V. I. Danilov, V. I. Kol1g, and A. A. 11yapkin. There are 4 references, 2 of which aie Slavic. SUBMITUE'D: October, 27, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Joint Institute of Nuclear Research. (Ob"yedinennyy Institut 'fadernykh Issledovaniy). AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress. Card 5/5 A.UTHOR EROKO~KIN, JU.D., TJAPKIN, It, 4. PA - 2086 TITLE :nvestigation of the Excit~tion Functions for the Reactions C-14(p,pn)C-1-1, tl 2( (P,3pn)Na ", and ~U27(P,3p 3n)Na" in the 150 - 66c) -~%;11 Energy Range (Issledov~~ie funkcij vozbUz`danija d1ja reakcij r,,l27(p,'1pn)- Na 44 1 Al (P,3p 3n)Na" v intervale energij 150 - 660'MeV). PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 1, Pp 177 - 178 (U.S.S.R.) Received 3/1957 Reviewed 4/1,0517 ABSTRACT The excitation function for the reaction C"(p'pn)C11 (1) was measured by R.AAMONT et al., Phys.Rev.88, 799 (1952), in the energy range from the threshold value to 340 MOV-.Comparison of these results with those of L. M.S.SOROKO and B.V.GAVRILOVSKIJ (report of the Institute for Nuclear Problems 1952) indicated a rapid decrease of the cross sections in the 300 to 460 MeV energy range. But according to the measurements of the ratio of cross sections in the case of 290 - 660 MeV energies the cross section of the reaction (1) diminishes much more slowly in this energy intervalt d(670)/d(290) = 0,84 t 0,03. The authors concluded from this that the real reason for this non-agreement is obviously a systematic error (- 150/o) committed on the occasion of the determination of the absolute cross section in the above mentioned previous works. Results of more recent works show better agreement. The cross sections found in the aforementioned previous works are obviously too high by 15 to 250/o. Because of these unclear- nesses the authors investigated reaction (].) in the 150 - 660 MeV energy interval. For this purpose a graphite target was installed in the chamber Card 1/3 PA - 2086, Investigation of the Excitation Functions for the Reactions C231 (p,pn)C", A,27(P,3pn)Na 34, and A,27(P,3p 3n)Na" in the 150-660 JMeV Energy Range. of the accelerator of the laboratory for nuclear problems. ~-..roz-n `1-~,Y passing through the target was determined by means of a gaurv ti,e-vio. battery. By means of a group of proportionality counters th,-;; rkl acti-,rity of graphite targets was measured and a value of 20,8 t G,2 minu- tes was obtained for their half life. The following energir dependence of the cross section of reaction (1) was found (Ep - energy of the protons in the MeV,, d = 6 (E,,)/ cr (660) - relative cro3s section of the reaction). dli(Cli) 11?49 + 0,06 1, 23 1, 19 1,16 1,03 0,98 1,00 In the case of E 260 to 660 MeV errors of I are omitted for space saving purposes. These L:ta are also illustrated in a diagram. The data found by the authors agree with other more recent data. By me,tns of the above method also excitation functions for the reactions A127(POPOMa" (2) and A.127(P,3p 3n)Naa'3 (3) are determined. They are given in a table. The ratio between the cross sections of reactions (1) and (2) decreases monotonously with increasing energy. This is contra- dictory to the result found by G.CHACKETT, K.CHACr--;T'r et al. according to which this ratio of cross sections decreases rapidly in the 200-500 MeV energy range. This is indicative (in contrast to the dat,.-,. of the present work) of the existence of a maximum of the cross section'-of reaction (2). Card 2/3 FA - 2086 Investigation of the Excitatici ~Yanctions-for the Reactions Cla(p,pn)C", A,27(P,3pn)Na", and A127(P,3p 3n)"la?A in-the 150-660 MeV Energy Range. ASSOCIATION United Institute for Nuclear Research. PRESENTED Br SUBMITTED AVAIIABLE Library of Congress Card 313 -USSR/Nuclear Physics Elementary Particles. C-3 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 358 Author : ProkQshki Y11 g Tyapkin, A.A. -,D Inst : Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Title : Formation of -,-io Mesons in pp and pn Collisions in the Energy Range 390 -- 660 Mev. Orig Pub : Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1957, 32, No 4, 750-766 Abstract - Measurements vere made of the total cross sections and angular distributions for the reactions of the formation of -a-0-mesons in pp and pn collisions at various proton energies. The values of the total cross sections at 660 Mev vere found to be 0"1r" -0.6 ::fO.2) millibarns, arid 6`-1-1" (7-0-f 1.1)pp milibarns. In the 390 -- 660 gn Mev ;n rgy range, 0the total cross section of the reac- tion p -V p 7,- -r p -rp is proportional to the Card 1/2 - -1 USSR/Nuclear Physics - Elementary Particles. C-3 J Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 358 maxi4u~a momentum of the 0-1 0 meson, raised to the 5-5 power. The angular distribution of the 170 mesons, which is essentially anisotropic at proton energies of 450 Mev, becomes isotropic as the energy increases to 66o mev. Card 2/2 05434 SOV/120-5~--7-5/46 AUT14ORS: -Prokoshkin, Yu, D., and Tl&ng Hsiao-vf-i TITLE; Measurement of the 'L4;11erK.Y of Electrons and Gamma -~tii-kllt:j With a low Efficiency Counter (Izmereniye energii elektronov i gamma-kvantov schetchikom s maloy effektivnostlyu) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 5. PP 32-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Measurement of electron energies between 50 mev and a few Gev is very difficult and involves the use of large magnets and "tot4l absorption" counters (Ref 1). The problem is even more difficult in the case of gamma rays, The instruments usually used are spectrometers which determine the energy distribution,, However, it is often unnecessary to have this detua- -led knowledge of the energy spectrum and it is sufficient to have the mean energy,, This is particularly useful when the fo.7m of the spectrum is known, The mean ener.;y can be siiapl,- determined by the method now sugges-,ed. Tne passage of electrons and gamma rays through matter is accompanied by the production of showers,, The cascade parameters Card 1/4 describing these showers are uniquely connected faith t'ne SOV/120 05~~, -5)-3-5/46 Measurement of the Energy of Electrons and Gamtna qua-nta '.7-ith -3 Low Efficiency Counter energy of the primary particle incident on the- abBor1,,-:._r,, It follows that the primary energy way be determined if one of the cascade curve parameters is measured, 1, Vt., e i I the incident energy is r-,reater than about 1 Gev the 0 cascade curves can be computed in the usual way, as in Ref 3. while for lower energ ies one can use- experimental data (Ref 4) or the Monte Carlo calculations due to Wilson (Ref 5), Fig 2 shows the number of electrons in a shower as a function of the primiary electron energy for different depths in the absorber., As can be been, there is a value of this depth t for which this dependence is linear -to a high degree of accuracy. This imeans the primary eiiergy may be determined by measuring the number of electrons in the sho~cer ar, only one point, The requirement of linearity is introduced so that the mean energy can be directly calculated even in the case of a wice energy spectru::,.. The quantity nt for various energies was measured by the appara I -ii L - - Card' 21LL tus S-own schematically i Fig 3, A coll4m-t-,ed 05434 SOV/120-59-3-5/46 Measurement of' the Energy of Electrons and Gamma 14uanta 71ith a low Efficiency Counter beam of high energy --amwa rays is incid,,,~nt on a I ii= thick lead converter,, The positrons fo-L-ined in the converter are deflected by a ma,-netic field throu-h and pass through a counter telescope a, a Iead collimator, and a counter arrayf,. By changini~ the intensity of the mat-;-netic field, the enerGy of the positrons could be varied between 50 and 500 Iilev, The energy spread was 2 - 3%. The counter array 6 which was 15 x 15 cm in size, was made up of identical halogen counters, When the particle passes through the telescope a, a high voltage pulse is produced and is applied to the cathode of the counter array., A lead absorber', having a 'thickness giving the linear curve mentioned above, is placed between the counters and the telescope and the counting rate is determined with and without this absorber, The ratio of the two counts gives the quantity rLto directly,, The apparatus used in the case of gamma rays is shown in Fig 4.. Here a thin (2 mm) lead converter is placed in front of the telescope a, Card 3/4 Another counter, in anticoincidence with the telescaDe, 05434 iD'O V 1 2u, - 5 9- 5/1' 6 Measurement of the Energy of Electrons and Gammia quanta Witii a. low Efficiency Counter is placed in front of the converter., The quantity nt, is determined as above, ie by countiD,,-, with and without the absorber,, The difference between the z;wo arrangements lies in 'the fact that in the absence of the absorber m electrons Droduced in the converter pass through the colunter array., and not just one,, Fi,-, 5 shows that the dependence of nt on the gamma ray energy is quite linear in a wide ener-gy ran-e,, There are 5 fi:-,u:r,es, ~1- C) 2 tables and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet. I Chinese and 3 English., ASSOCIATION~ Ob"Yedinennyy Institut yadernykh issledovaniy ('r.i.-t Institute for Nuclear Studies) SUBMITTED: March 28. 1958 Card 414 21(9) SOV/89-7-41-4/29 AUTHORS: Vasilevskiy, I. M., TITLE: Investigation of the Energy Characteristics of the Deflectei Proton Beam of the 6 Meter Synchro-cyclotron PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 225-230 (USSR), ABSTRACT: The proton beam (150-0670 Mev) coming from the 6-meter aynchrc- cyclotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) is collimated by brass. diaphragms (width 0.1 to 0-7 cm; height 2 cm.). In this vay --'t arrives between the poles (100 cm) of a magnet (field strength 16 koe), where it may be deflected up to 200. At the of the spectrometer there is a plastic scintillator as proton de- tector, which is coupled with a multiplier FEU-19M. The eleutric pulses of the multiplier are integrated by an RC-chain, and the current is measured by the self-recording potentiometer EPPV-51. By means of a synchronous motor the detector may Ite moved perpendicular to the proton flux. The variation of zo- ordinates could be reconstructed with an accuracy of up to 0.02 cm. The dependence of proton flux strength upon the Card 1/3 variation of coordinates J(,Y,) is represented graphicaliy and SOV/89-7-3--4/29 Investigation of the Energy Characteristics of the Deflected Proton Beam of the 6 Meter Synchro-cyclotron shows that here a Gaussian distribution exists. The ene.-gy spectrum of the protons ~(E) was obtained by datermining ~J~Jjl once with and once without the magnet being conne,.-ted, End 'by being L'_' to determine the course of the energy spectr-am b~, means ~egration. The deflected proton beam may *roe -e presei metrically as well as by the Gaussian func-.icn )(E) exp E2 )/2 a2~ ~ _(F E where th %ersion 6 E at 665 Mev amounts to (2.81-0.3)lfev (measuremc , with helium). The dispersions determ"ned other R-values coincide well with the theoretical cur-,e g_-.en in reference 4. The average energy of the protons was de- termined with an accuracy of 0.1~6 by the method described in reference 5 (current-carrying wire)s thIs accuracy 'os-ing at~a'~r, able only in the case of energy measurements (E > 250 The radiation energies are not constant quantities, but they fluctuate in dependence on the various conditions of accelera=n as well as on the conditions for beam deflection. !- was pos- Card 2/3 sible to show by means of measurements carried out betweEn so-1/801-7'-3-4/29 Investigation of the Energy Charact-erist"ics of the Deflected P.roton 3eam the 6 Meter Synchro-cyclotron July 59 1957 and October 12, 1958 that the fluctuations e.g. for f= 665 Mev vary between 671.0 + 1.5 Mev and 658,8 By employing the method described a7lso the average energies cif d and a-particles were determined which were accelerated in the synchro-cyclotron. At a deuteron energy of 405.3 1. 0.5 ME:;r the dispersion amounts to 1.7 � 0.5 Mev, whereas Tn the cabe of a-partioles of an energy of 811.3 + 1.0 Mev it is 3.5 � 1.5 Mev. Results obtained.were Tiscussed with Tan Sya-.~- vey and A. A. Tyapkin. There are 6 figures and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: December 7, 1958 Card 3/3 24(5) AUTHORS: Prokoshkin, Yu. D. , T',~il~, MV/56 79 M - , , - 1 TITLE: Showers Produced by Positrons 71ith Energies of 100 to 400 (Livni, obrazovannyye pozitronami s energiyey ot 100 do 400 MeV) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 1, pp 10-16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the introduction some theoretical and experimental works dealing with this subject are discussed, as e.z. those by Skobelltsyn (Ref 1), Belealkiy and. Ivanenko (Ref 3). The authors of this paper used a monoenergetic positron beam for their investigations. A high-energy e -beam (originating from 7io-decay) impinged, coming from the phasotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Insti- tute for Nuclear Research), upon a lead converter located in the magnetic field. The positrons produced in the con- verter were collimated by means of telescope counters and a lead diaphragm. By varying of the magnetic field strength positron energy was coutrolled within the range of 50 to 500 MeV with an accuracy of 2-3 %. This positron..beam Card 1/3 impinged upon the 20.20 cm2 lead- or copper absorber with ~~C)'J/5 6-36-i -2/62 Showers Produced by Positrons With -Energies of 100 to 400 MeV different thickness t. The shower electrons n(t) therein formed are counted in the "cover" (kover) located at the back of the absorber. The cover consists of a number of STS-8 type counters of similar construction and has a size of 15.15 cm2. A scheme of this device is given (Fig 1). The cascade curves are plotted for the following positron ener- gies: 101+2 MeV, 294+10 MeV, and 407+10 ?AeV. For these values the proba~b`ilities w(-n) in ~,- of 8 i --values are between 0 and 30, 0 and 35, and in the last case for 10 t - values between 0 and 50 rim Jead, and are given together in a table. Figure 3 shows the cascade curves n(t) for the first two energy values according, to measurements carried out by the authors, and, for purposes of comparison, the curve cEil- culated by 'Nilson (Villson)(Ref 5) according to the Monte- -Carlo method. Good agreement was found. The conversion of Wilson's radiation units (in which the absorber thickness is given) in g/cM2 is carried out accordin.- to the equation 2 / 2 1 r.u. Pb = 5.6+0.2 g/cIn and for cropper 1 r.u- Gu = 11,5 P~ rm. For positron energies of 407+!0 MeV figure 4 shows the cas- Card 2/3 cade curve n(,) for lead- and copper absorbers; again Showers Produced by Positrons With Energies of SOV/561-174-1-2/j52 100 to 400 MeV mea:jured values are compared with those cnIculated by Wilson. Agreement is good. From the measuring results ob- tained the following approximated cascade curves are cal- culated (see figure 5); they too are compared with 71ilson's rosults. For the connection betweenparticle number atvl en Tr- gy it holds for the maximum that n max (E O)r - 3(0(/e)0 0.008 E0 and tmax (E0 8k = O~ (see figure 6). There are figures, 1 table, and 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: ObI''yedinennyyinstitut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute for Nuclear Research) SUB'MITTED: April 23, 1958 Card 3/3 21M BOV/56-36-6-6/66 AUTHORSt Dunaytsev, A. F., Z,~~kos~kln, Yu. D. TITLE: The Reartion. p + p --~ p + p + n0 Within the Energy Range From the Threshold to 665 Mev (Reaktsiya p + p -4 p + p + no v ob- lasti energiy ot poroga do 665 MeV) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, vol 36, Nr 6, pp 1656 - 1671 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper investigates the angular distribution of neutral pions formed in proton-proton collisions within the range of 400-665 Mev. The paper goes into many details and first discusses the results mentioned in numerous publications dealing with this subject, and deals with the problems connected with the investigations described. Pion angular distribution is de- termined by means of the angular distribution ofy -quanta (decay nO -+ 2~); the latter is less anisotropic than the an- gular distribu ion of pions, and with decreasing pion velocity the anisotropy vanishes rapidly (exponential decrease, see figure 1). The investigations were carried out with an unpolari- zed proton beam on the six-meter phasotron of the OIYal. The Card 1/4 experimental arrangement is shown by figure 21 proton energy The Reaction p + p -4 p + p + n 0Within the Energy SOV/506-36-6-6/66 Range From the Threshold to 665 Mev distribution in the beam corresponded to a Gaussian curve with a dispersion equal to (2.8+0.3)Mev at maximum proton energy (of Fig 3). In the followi7ng, the authors describe the recording apparatus in detail. Figure 4 shows a scheme of the X-telescope system, the degree of efficiency of which is shown by figure 5 in dependence on the angle. Liquid hydrogen in a cylindrical container made from foam polystyrene as well as polyethylene and graphite (for cross section measurement) (diameter 8 em, length 25 cm) was used as a target6 The most favorable recording conditions were in the range of 45 n + e , V )/W( + -4 is shown in Fig. 1, Experiments are made with positive pions. The greatest difficulty is the charge exchange of the pions on entering the scintillating material of counter 4. The probability of charge exchange, however, decreases rapidly with energy but its intensity is still higher thanthat of the sought 4-decay by almost three orders of magnitude. One count was recorded during an operating time of about 30 hrs which corre- sponds to a X of about 5*10- 8, But this one count could belong to a #-decay as well as to a charge exchange process. Estimates showed that X < 7-10- 8~ Calculation of the constant G, which determines the intensity of A-decay of pions, yielded G -< 2.5G A I Consequently G is essentially not greater than the constant of vector interaction Gis = 1,4'10- 49 erg - cm3 14 14* as determined from the decay 0 -4 N D, I~ Blokhintsev, V. N. Sergiyenko, V. P. Dzhelepov, A. A. Tyapkin, A. A, Log-unov, Card 2 S/056/62/042/002/049/055 ,rExperimen-al estimate of .5 -decay ... BlOB/B138 Ya. B. Zelldovich, S. S. Gershteyn, B. Pontekorvo, and L. I. Lapidus are thanked for help and discussions. There are 3 figures and 8 references: 4 Sovidt and 4 non-Soviet. The4references to Engl ish- language publica- tions read as followst H. L, Andereon et al. Phys. Rev., 119, 2050, ig6o; R. P. Feynman, M. Gell-Mann, Phyg. Rev., 102, 193, 1958; E. C. G. Sudarshan, R. E. Marshak, Proc, of Padua cont.0 19571 G. Impeduglia et al.. Phys, Rev. Lett., 1, 249, 1958. ASSOCIATION: Obl'yedinennyy In�tit4t yadern kh i88ledovaniy.(Joint Institute of 1fu61~&r,_Reoearch~ SUBMITTED: Docember 9, 1961 Legend to Fig. 1: M - magnotia foouaing lensi 1, 2 - scintillation counters of n meson monitor (with PY-33 (FEU-33) photomultipliers), 3 - scintillation counter (with 56 AVP photomultiplier), 4 - "at ping P I. detector" counter (FE-U-33); 5, 6 - Cerenkov spectrometer (58 AM CH - polyethylene filter for slowing down pion beam; Pb - lead shield. 2 Card 34 37P96 S/05 62/042/005/048/050 B I 08Y31 38 ;JUTHORS: Dunayt.-ev, A. F., Petrukhin, V. I., Prokoshkin, Yu. D., Rykalin, V. I. TITLE: The probability of z + -.4n0 + e + + V and r, + + e+ + v decays PE'RIODICAL: Z-hurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 5, 19062, 1421-1424 Z'a--11-er .,.,crk (ZhETIT, 42, 652, 19062; Nuovo Cim., 22, 5, 1962) showed as predicted by 'theory, the relative beta decay probability of the r mezor. is indeed very small (, 10 This paper presents more results or the radiative beta decay as observed by a system of scintillation counters and moderation filters. The meson beam varies with time at a period of 76-10-9 Sec. The data obtained are in agreement with theory and confirm ihe as3umption of the conservation of the vectorial current. Exact measurements yielded the relative beta decay probability +1.0 )-10- a -0-5 and the constant of the beta decay intensity G = (1-14 1 0-37)G 0where Card 1/2 The probability of- 3108Y3138 1.'fO-10- 49 erg-CM3 is the vectorial constant of nuclear beta decay P. reynman, 11. Gell-'.-:Fnr,. Phys. Re v., 109, 193, 1956). There are 3 fiE;Ures. %r--OC-'r1ION: 01~11yedixnennyy 4nstitut yad r I h i ledovaniy (Joint e n ic as institute of Nuclear aesearch~ SUB."'ITTED: AMarch 131, 1962 (initially) APril 13, 1962 (after revision) S/05 62/042/005/048/050 Card 2/2 S/056 62/042/r,06/044/047 B11 B1 04Y13 2 AUTHICRS: Dunaytsev, A. F., Petrukhin, V. I., Prokoshkin, Yu. D., Rykalin, V. I. TITLE: Evidence of the charge exchange of stopped n mesons on nuclai of bound hydrogen PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 6, 1962, 16ao-16 82 TEXT: The charge exchange of n mesons stopped in polyethylene was _nvestigated using a device with high time resolution.(A. F. Dunaytsev I et al., ZhETF, 42, 632, 1962). The device allowed ;0 mesons to be recorded more efficiently than had been possible in previous investiga- tions. A 75-Mev n- meson beam (Fig.) passes through a set of scintilla- tion counters and moderating filters and is stopped in a target (poly- ethylene, liquid hydrogen). The y-quanta produced during the decay of no mesons emitted by the stop of n- mesons are recorded by Cherenkov spectrometers. After preliminary experiments with a target of liquid hydrogen the H target was replaced by a polyethylene target. The Card 1 S/05 62/042/006/044/047 Evidence of the charge exchange ... B104YB112 coincidence counting rate remained two orders of magnitude above the background level. 71hen the target was taken out of the beam, the count rate dropped to 1/300. The y-quanta recorded possessed an energy of 70 Mev. In both spectrometers, the y-quanta were produced simultaneously. The effect observed was caused by the stop of n- mesons. ','then the energy of the n- mesons was reduced to 65 Mev, the count rate dropped to 1/15. It'lith the use of a graphite target, the count rate reached only 1/50 of that obtained with a polpthylene target. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATIOU: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh i'saledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBL-1-ITTED: April 4, 1969. Fig. Experimental arrangembn t. (0-0) scintillation counters, (5)-(6) Cherenkov spectrome6is; (7) scintillation counter in anti- coincidence connectionj (8)~'~b~using magnetic lens; (9 polyethylene filteribr the moderation of "- iesons; (M) target; n ta Pb lead shield. C~Lrd 21e 3/056/62/04 3/004/ 013/061 B102/B180 L,"; .An, 1-okoshkin, Yu. D. t rnri1lar dintributions of pions produced in nucleon collisions, -raid the h:,-pothc-;is,of isotopic invariance c-* T-imien tall noy i teovetiches'Loy fi.ziki,.v. 43, no. 4(1:j'), VIi62, 1202 -.1207 . // '_]~:0-',,ev neutron bean, from the ~)roton synchrotron of the L: i bo r:~ 1. r -' Iya yarlornykh problen, UlYal (Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of the Glyal) wa,..; used to obtain exact data on the pion'angu~ar distribution of I - n+_P n+p-~-j + -eactions. It Was obtained 'tty r6cording the pion -decay -ran, 0 in a telescope ai gement of scirtillati'n and Cerenkov counter.-: with a lead co.,-.verter. The Lyamma-quantum yield from np-collisions ultsted by the difference method from neutron-irradiated polyethyl- ca1c ene and Graphite: ey' - (dqt 'dQ)/(dO~C/d_Q)_' The angular di.-3tribu- np(Q) np/ n 0 tion fr (tf) was in fnct oymmetrical with respect to 90 c.m.s. as required I0. C a r d 1 -6/056/62/043/054/ 013/061 ,.tribulions of . . . L 61 02/B1 80 b-! co-servrt~icn. It can lie desn-ribed by fl- W -1/3 nD + :",Cc)z if t~ic- dian enerCy ---L-)ectru:,, i L s ta'ten into aCCOUnt, 2 -37)cos -P. ior averare neutral-pion anEular dis- + (o-~,+ - - e trib~i ti n~; I + ( 0 . c o:; This ticvoeri with the fk- r~p) + n d i s t r r. o b. ta n e dby ~-'epanov ani -.-,-,,chenko (ZhETF, 32, 1265, 1957) anl Dy Ot al. (Z,-I-,'TF--, 35, 64, 1)58), but not -.,.-ith those obtained by rondro. (Phys. -lev. 114, 1623, 1959) or Rosenfeld (Phys. Rev. 96, 13), 1~1`54) -tt :1,1bout 650 lViev. This could be due to violation of the isotopic invariance at hitah Tl,oro are 5 figures and 1 tnble. A~;z-GCIA-1,--'. -Obllyudinennyy iristitut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Rese3rch) 6'-) PETRUKIIIN., V.I.; PROKOSHKIN, Yu.D.; ZROLOVA, N.N., [Charge exchange of stopped --l-/--r--esons on complex nuclei) 0 perezariadke ostanovivshikhsia JT --mezonov na slozhnykh iadrakh. Dubna, OblledirenrWi in-t iadernykh issledovanii, 1963. 5 P. (MIRA 17:1) S/12o/63/ooo/oo.1/043/072 O'WE"314 AUTI-10, U RS Dunayt s ev, A. F. Petr Rhin, V-1. , Prokoswun, Yu.D. and Rykalin, V. 1. A detector. for ;;topp:Ln_r- mesons TITLE: PF-RIODICAL: Pribory i telchnilta eksperimenta, no. 1, l9tG5, 159 161 TUAT: The detector is illustrrt ad schematically in Pig. 1. Bits Properties were investigated err'th a 75 NeV qT+-beam. The 11 '1 a scintillation counters of the beam- IT II as ons pass througi tL ~:4atcnsity monitor (1, 2) and are then retarded by the polythene -,filter 5 They come 't o reat in the phosphor of the last c ount 63- (S The system incorporates fast: photomultipliers ~(56-AVP)- The mesons -are recorded by the fast coincidence circuit -rhose resolution %,,-as somewhat CI 4..higher than reported previouslyby similar Dunaitzev et al (Nual. Instrixa., 196c, 8, 11) who have s '-us -Le the,optiml i iorkinr- conditions apparat in order to, detannii Lir r -ra s r -ording of stopping- an assessment % iiade of the officicaicy of roe- t and transmitted-iY -raesons (in the Latter case the fil er was removed) as a.function of the voltage V on each of the C rd 1/4 a "MMIS-212"WO Vi-o/63/ooo/ool/oWo72 A detector for 3 2 /1".3 1 Photoiaultipliers. Thus t1le amplitude discrimination ad carri nt or 5 out. not. only in the couA as.was done previouisly but a!.-;o in the counter In t 11-4.s -,,~Iyl the volt in age reZion :%~:hich t h asensitivity of the de-Lector to transmitted mesons decrea. as rapidly vith decreasing V, waile the efficiency of of stopping mesons was still very nearly 1C011', was det-- ermined. The moson-countins rato was than -fourid as a function of tho delay :Z~t of the T)ulso -from counter ~ relzitive to IL -or a number of values o'f V in the above ro-ion. Th a c ount or -~foria the resolution curv.e;:; -rras found-to be quite- different A-or ztopping and transi-iiitting 11 -I1105ons. Hance, tile selection fi( ensitive to the dela coef iont-viras very s. L. y 4'1 t Fig. 3 shows the selection coefficient K (2) and tl-.c efficiency of recording of .5topyinm mesons e (1) as functions of the delay tiiao At . The arrovr 1ndicates t1ho -value of the delay. As can be seen, a Selection coofficiena. of the order of 50 may be obtained with an G.LA.Jiciency practically equal to- 1000,,,. This compares -with K The detector is suitable for the as reported-by Dunaitsev at al. select--ron of. stopping particles -in tile presence of a large Card N t~_ 0 0 ll-~ f-I 0 0 0 0 f WN F-i tek tt 4 CrIv Pue. J. SanflortmocTh moD"nlxnollTf-oT6opa K (2) u vocunintiocru pomeTpaiRms ocrandnox C'(I) Orr 3aAePMUR -At. CTpenuofi yxa3ano. pa- zlaAeP)Hlcn JSAYP ceir Ct $4 0 0 Puc. I- C"MaTalt MCPIDICHT0. 1.2 Uy7;;a is'-XC30.110b; 3 4-1 D1411 dPJlaT.Tp', 4, 5cnerqnjtn ACTCATOPa OcTa- ITODOIC; $.- UOJIUI CUOTOnOA: 7 nopomemian 10 i33M)"A At; Cz, Cil - Cxc&tGT 'COD"MeRlsit; ._4 171, '711 7 nepectionstio yoYposilrTua ACCESSION NR: AP4009089 S/0056/63/045/006/1737/1742 4. AUTHORS: Petrukhin, V. I.; Prokoshkin, Yu. D. TITLE: Measurement of the mass difference of charged and neutral pions SOURCE: zhurnal eksper. i teoret. fiziki, v. 45, no. 6, 1963, 1737-1742 TOPIC TAGS: pion, charged pion, neutral pion, pion mass difference, neutral pion decay, negative pion capture, capture by protons, pion capture by protons, gamma ray angular correlation ABSTRACT: In view of the importance of employing different methods educin- and' ^. - the experimental error, a method is developed for measur- ing the pion mass.difference by determining the angular correlation of the gamma rays from the decay of neutral pions produced upon cap- ture of negative;p~ons by protons. The accuracy of this method is Card lltz- ACCESSION NR: 44009089 claimed to be alMQr?t as good.,as that obtained by Hillman et al (Nuo- vo Cim. v. 14, 887, 1959) an~ Haddock et al (Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 3, 478, 1959). A value 4.59 + 9,03 MeV/c2 iak obtained for the pion mass difference,xin good agreement with the results by others. The- method is free of*rystematio errors associqted with the determina- tion of the angular resolution and geometric dorrections. "In con-.. clusion, we take:-t'~ie opporturtity to thank X. F. Dunaytsev and V. I. Ry*kalin for help with the work, I. V. Puzy*nin for performing the. laborious comput.~4ons, andA. A. Tyapkin for a discussion of the results." Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 7 formulas, and 1 table. 'ASSOCIATION: Ob"y~~dinenny*y:institut yaderny,*kh issledovaniy (joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: OlJun63 .CODE: PH S Carrd D4CE ACQs 02Teb64 ENCL: 01 N4 REF SOV: 091 OTHER: 0061 DUNAYTSEV, A.F.; PETRUKHIN, V.I.; PROKOSHKIN, Yu.D.; MALIN, V.I. - -- . ..... Pion beta-decay. Zhur. eksp. i Ileor. fiz. 47 no.1;84- 91 J1 164. (MIPA -7:9, 1. Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovanly. L 26923-65 EWT(M) DIAAP AMESSION NR: APS004193 S/00-70/65/160/001/0071/0072 AUTHORS: Petrukhin, V. I.; Prokosh kin, Yu. D. TITLE: On Pi-Mesic toru processes in hydrogen-containing substances SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 160, no. 1, 1965, 71-72 TOPIC TAGS: Dion, mesic atom, pion transfer, hydrogen containing substance ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to determine the M-Itanism of the transfer of pions from 'hydrogen atoms to heavier .............. or /3' L 2,693.23-63 ACCESSION NR.- APS004193 bv Cerenkov total-absorption spectrometers. Various gases and solu- t)-(,-ns were used as the targets .- The results have shown that a prob&- .--- -4 -inns bv nuclei of bound hydrogen does not de- 1 L 2(s ,I ACCINS-118m NR: . AP5004193 i i SUBMITTED: 18Jul64 I NR REF SOV: 002 I i i ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP OTHER: 001 0 DUNAYTSEV, A.F.; PROKOSHKIN, YU.D. Multichannel schame of ocincideLces and antiaolnclden~-es wil"h lo-w resolving time. Prib. IL takh, ekep. 9 no.5i93-99 164. (141RA 1?312, 1. Ob';yed-'nernyy inst-itut yadernykb. issiedovanly, ~IJTI-Ny v ':;-1. v red. Z!:ur. ekzper. ' te--Zet. amn (M'Juel 19~----2` 1. Ob'yed'riennyy pt(',,r-:,rykjj ~vsled~vanly. oubvs-Itted Fnpl,~nnber 1, 1,965. GUHAVIN, V.M.; XLIGER, G.K.; KOLGANOV, V.Z.; LEBEDEV, A.V.; MARISH, K.S.; IIJSIN, M.A.;.-PROXOSHKIN, Yu.D.; SMOLYANKIN, V.T.; SOKOLOV, A.P.; SOROKO, L.M.; TSUTY VA-CPLIE [Tslji 'Wa-ch'i;ang] Elastic scattering of 650 Mev. protons. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no.4:1228-1231 0 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. PETR~ Yu.D. rin Ti -mesic azcm prccesses in hyirogen-bear4n.- -UbSta CES. ~ok', JP:2) MI SSSR 1-00 no."IC/1-72 Ja T Ob"Yedin,amyy ipstAUit y'adErnykfl i.,-3lf.-dCVtLniy. SUbMLULUN AUffLISt 1964, 0 Ij G I - ~ I so IC)V too'c' JL -J: lloj !- sca,- v 0 - 'I cl: C)SO 1,231 ~_%Jc e,-J:Cfl r4l sc:a. .1.011 4 IC) 0 otor~ sect tyle Coll V 1: c 0~ 0. cto ,,b c. 0 le .1:0 at 0 .O?lc , C.-Jec jrOl e dr els APZLS 'I- e L. 0J- e G- tota.).. a a%l -~c I es a tot, a, -0 ed, IIC 3ST, UrT . e ~ I of. v CT.' at -,c eci )I. bcao e des 0 C vas tr"e ve-C Oto , a '.t- rl C e- e t~ae C %0 G - c0 0 T/ 6 W�, 5~ P, 9J :7 17' T. I ACCESSION VR: A041047465 S/Olzo/64/000/005/0093/0099 I AUT14OR: Prokoshkin. Yu. D. TITLE: Multichannel -coincidence and anticoincidence circuit with a short resolution time SOURCE: Pribary* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 5, 1964, 93-99 c !'TOPIC TAGS; coincidence circuit, anticoincidence circuil, multichannel coincidence circuit, multichannel anticoincidence circuit ABSTRAGT:~ Basedlo.n an earliez double -coincidence circuit with a resolut.. ~tirne of 10 nb*ed,~.th6 isolating present circuit uses a bridge as an element for both coincidence and anticoincidence and has a rosolution time of I nsec; the bridge has n inputs (see Enclosure 1). The circuir ch.-aracterlstics measured by a 70-141ov pi-meson beam are: the plateau, over'600 v; resolution for the `6 narrowest curve, 0.8 nsec; haff-width of the zesoliertion curves, at 10 life, ACCESSION NR: AP4033099 S/0120/64/000/002/0022/0023 AUTHOR: Petrukhin, V. L; Prokoshkin. Yu. D.; Soroko, V. M. TITLE: Foam-polystyrene liquid-hydrogen target SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 2, 1964, 22-23 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear target, liquid hydrogen target, foam polystyrene i target ABSTRACT: A new two-chamber foarn-polystyrene liquid -hydrogen -filled target is~described (see Fig4 I of the -Enclosure)e The liquid hydrogen is stored in a tank (3) surrounded by a liquid-nitrogen screen (5). The tank is con- nectedwith the targets (1)and(2); one of them can be placed into a bearn of particles. The targets and the tank are sitrrounded by foam-polystyrene Jackets which are - cooled by- the . ambient . evaporating hydrogen. Mle 13-31ter nitrogen jacketWis made from stainless steel. Provision is made for the r& d pi card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4033099 removal of the hydrogen from the targets (1) and(U The hydrogen capacity is 33 liters; cooling nitrogen consumption is 6 lit/hr; time of hold of the hydrogen (ortho plus para in 3:1 ratio) is 30 hro' "We t a k e t h i a opportunity to thank V. Vlasov and V. N. Dmitriyevskay.%. for their help in preparing and testing the target. 11 Orig. art. has: I figure. ASSOCIATION: Obl'yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh iseledovaniy (Joint Nuclear Research Institute) SUBMITTEb: ZlMay 63 DATE ACQ: I lMay64 ENCL: 0 SUB CODE: NP NO REF SOY: 000 OTHER: 002 !ATD PRF.SSi 3o43 Card Z13 ACCESSION NRs AP40] Fig, 1. New design of. &.foam-polystyrene liquid-hydrogen target Card 3/3 I . . ACCESSION NR: AP4042373 S/0056/64/047/001/0084/0091 AUTHORS: Dunaytsev, A. F.; Petrukin, V. I.; Prokoshkin, Yu. D.; Ry*kalin, V.'I. TITLE: Pion beta decay SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 47, no. 1, 1964, 84-91 TOPIC TAGS: pion, beta decay, Cerenkov counter, nucleon, positron P.BSTRACT: Continuing earlier investigations (Intern. Conf. on Fun--~ amental Aspects of Weak Interactions, Brookhaven, USA, 1963) the authors registered 43 cases of pion beta decay with the aid of Cerenkov spectrometers. The relative probability of this decay was found to be X = (1.1 + 0.2 x 10-8), which confirms the hypothe- sis of vector current conservation. The installation used for the measurement was described elsewhere (PTE, no. 1, 159, 1963) and con- sisted of four Cerenkov total-absorption spectrometers. The experl.- ACCESSION NR: AP4042373 ments were made with the synchrocyclotron of the laboratory of nuclear problems OIYaI at the end of 1962. The experimental setup described. Th4 measurements and the adjustment of the apparatus are 10 lasted 500 hours and involved the passage of 4 x 10 pions. The apparatusWas recalibraited by means of pulsed light.sources'every two hours. The values obtained for th~lconstants G and'GI3, which characterized the beta~decay of the pidh and the nubleon, were found to be approximately the same, G = (1.03 + 0.11) G13, which is also in agreement with the data obtained at CERN (P. Depommier et al., Phys. Lett. v. 5, 61,1963). The energy spectrum of the positrons i produced in pion beta decay agrees with that calculated on the basis of the vector-current conservation hypothesis. "In conclusion we thank G. P. Zorin, V. I. Orekhov, A. V. Revenko, N. N. Khovanskiy, V. A. Cherny*kh, L. N. Andrianova and her co-workers, N. B. Yedovina, N. M. Kovalev, and K. A. Baycher and his co-workers for help in pro- ducing the apparatus and with the investigation. We are grateful to Kim Ge Fa, E.,V. Kyagu,'.Z. F. Prokoshkina, and M. Sgonova for 2/5. ACCESSION NR: AP4042373 scanning and processing the photographs." Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh issledovaniy (joint institute of Nuclear Research) ,ISUBMITTE!D: 14Feb64 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: UP NR REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 010 3/5 '- \3 I Z3 4 5 =~~ humn '-'- K ENCLOSURES 01 Experimental setup. 1 6) scintillation counters, 7)Cerenkov total absorption spectrcmeter's, 8) anticoincidence scintillation counters, K- decelerating filters ACCESSION NRs AP4042373 ACCESSION NR:~e4042373 ENCLOSURE1 02 MI.) positrms produced i picn Energy spectrum c~f in beta decay. kTow,- positim of positive M= distributicn nk-Lximum 17S 2 d. mev. .Card 5/5 PROKSIKY Josef, inz. Some problems of snsw-in- the product cual-fty ix: t:--,e jeneral machine industry. I odn org- 16 no.11:4e3-49,5 AN 1 64. 1. Kinistry of General Machine Industry, Prague. 621.396.11,08 : 621.396.61 . A simple method of esUpating.Rjjw-.proj;jga:.- A3 don within the Visual Mage- Zkg, '216, 346-52 (Dec., 1953) The elfcaive service area of an u.s.w. broadcasting transmitter is determined by means of a relief map Electrical Engineering Abstracts ' of the part;cular district, taking account of the ' curvature or tho earth s surfacc, A point sourc-c of june 195h , light is mounted ovcr such a relief map at a height and EIOCtriCRI Engineering location corresponding to those proposed for a transmitting aerial. From photographs showing the intensity of illumination of the district round the ~os!d transmitting site ood estimate can be pLo made of the effective service area. The tLic or the method is illustrated by results obtained 'with a relief map of the Harz Molintains district, transmitting aerials at heights of 50 m and 200 m being assumed oil th~ Torfhaus and on the Bocksberg and at a height of 100 m,ntar Braunschw-eig. The results ob~iai.ned are discussed with reference to diffraction theory. The horizontal scale of the relief map used was 1 3 100 000,- the vertical scale being 1 5000. WIL;j%'o-4 RYABOVA, T.S.; GLEBOV, R.N.-, SHABAROVA, Z.A.; PROK-OV''IEV, M.A. Synthesis of methy'. ether of N-adeny 5-phenylalanine b-i -h-a carbodiimide method. Dokl. AN SSSR 15-11 no.2063-365 N 62. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstverinyy un-'verqLtet im. M.Lomonc-sova, Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Belozerskim.