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PROTASOV, L.P. Overall mechanization and automation of the transshipment of general cargo. Trudy TSNIIFVT no.37:86-135 165. (MIRA 18:12) D- Of Ar 'anf- 'truclu~. re on (~C .n-I Flow0 u llixtur,,2 throur-h 1.1an. ripes. Powx Enoineering Last lv:oni G. Krzhlzhanov:31dj hcad 3ci us~~R za~i Ky a So vecherya,.Y sum 71 PROTASOV, M. T. M. S. NVHRO VIC ff-TIANIC HEN110, Lesokhim. Prom. 1, No. 1-2, 9-15, 1932 PROTASOV~ - 9 ". ik n-P . " School for perfection in msthods-- from the pages of the newspapers 9 "Leninskoe znamia" of the Transcaucasian military district. Toen. vast. 39 no.6:92-94 A 15Q. (MIRA 12:9) (Military-education) ,IF ,07 .1.10V, 1~~7 C;C)I. PRMMV, N. - ,author of article criticizirg, the renvs,---ner of a lar~-e unit -for not properly reporting --the nacti,,-itics of local I:arty;. (Kraonay-- Zvezda, 12 Dec 53) SO: 311"1 152Y 25 June 1954 Listed as author of author of artir-Le, "From Em)eriences of the Work of Ufficers in Studying 1. V. Stalin's Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR' (From the Pages of Military Newspapers)," published in Voyenrrj Vestnik, No 5, 1953. (VV, No 17, Dec 1953) SO: SUM 152, 25 June 1954 BOLOTOV, I.N.; LITVINOV, N.I., aspirant; APENNIKOV, S.A., aspirant; LUKASHGV, A.I.;,PROTASOV, N.,aspirant; GOLOVAITYUK, V.I., aspirant; GUBAYDULLIN, Kh. Caabine cultivation practices with the use of hefbAbidex. Zemledelie 27 no.6:53-59 Je 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Luganskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Bolotov, Litvinov). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kormov (for Apennikov). 3. Donskaya opy-tnaya stantsiya Vsesovuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta maslichnykh i efiromaslichnykh kul'tur (for Lukashov) 4. Belorusskaya sellskokho- zyay5tvennaya akademiya (for Protasov). 5. Bashkirskiy nauchno-issle- dovatellskiy institut sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Gubaydullin). FROTASOV, N.A. Results of applying an index of increase of labor productivit7. Vest.sviazi 16 no.7:29 Jl '56. (MLRA 9:9) (Irkutsk Province-Radie stations) 137-1957-12-23637 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 113 (USSR) AUTHORS: Protasov, N. F., Khlebnikov, V. P. TITLE: Results of Experimental Rolling of NY 36 and 55 Beams of the Light-weight Type (Opyt osvoyeniya prokatki balok Nr 36 i 55 oblegchennogo tipa) PERIODICAL- V sb. : Rats ionalizats iya profiley prokata. Moscow, Profizdat, 1956, pp 156-159 ABSTRACT: The experience from employing a universal stand for rolling (R) a Nr 40-K beam (B) was taken into consideration when the rolling of a thin-walled B NY 36 Was planned, The universal stand could not be employed because the non-uniform local re- duction of the flanges produced by it impaired the quality of the structural profile. The test results with the first calibration for a light-weight NY 36 B were not satisfactory becau-,e the small incline of the inner flange surface caused the open flange calibers to wear out rapidly, and after the rolling of about 20 t the required profile could no longer be obtained. Increasing the incline of the inner surface from 2 to 10 percent, as well as changing the pro- Card I /Z file dimensicns somewhat.. produced satisfactory reiults, and 137-1957-12-23637 Results of Expe rim enta1- R,61Iing-,6f.Nf S6 and 55 Beams (cont. the durability of the rO1113 returned to normal. It is assumed, on the strength of the experimental rolling of the Nr 30 B with the employment of slanted GrOOVesp. that a light-weight Nr 36 B may be rolled through inclined -Croovea. Experimental rolling of a light-weight Nr 55 B had proved that it can be rolled in large quantities. During the rolling of a light-weight B the consumption of energy increased by 25-30 percent, along with increased con- sumption of metal. The amount of the light.-weight B's which were rolled is not sufficient to justify a final conclusion regarding the practicability of mass-producing light-weight profiles. For the preceding report see RZhMet. 1956, Nr 10, 10148. P.G. 1. Beams-Rolling-Test methods 2. Beams-Rolling-Test results Card 2/2 STEFANOV, V.Ye.; PROTASOV, N.F. Grooving channels by the method of gradual bending. Stall 23 no.8:724-728 Ag 163. (KERA 16:9) (Rolling (Metalwork)) fT-9TASqyO N.F.; STEFANOV, V.Ye.; DEMCHENKO, V.p.; sHIYAN, V.A.; KRISHTAFOVICH . F.D. Rolling SVF-17 and 27 shapes with a greater incline of the walls. Metallurg 8 no.901-34 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Zavod "Azovstall." (Rolling (Metalwork)) inzh.; SHUVALOV, B.I., inzh.; FRADINA, M.G., inzh.; . CHERNOVA, A.V., inzh.; RAKHANSKIY, B.I., inzh. Properties and peoularities in the production of type R,75 heavy rails. Stall 23 no.8:731-733 Ag 163. (MA 16:9) (Railroads-Rails) (Rolling (Metalwork)) R(OTASOV, N.F. 1. 1. 31 EF,',,N()v , V . Y,-: . , ., I,,.- h.; Sf H.'! 111. A. , tyl."'L. Using double --adi-i cf cI-Irn--'ticn i'O-r webs and flange-s in t!:-_ rolling of lioghtweigliz; girders. Stall -95 no-8:834-836 S 165. 1. Zavcd IlAzovstallil. 11 (IL,1191 18:9) PROTASOV N.FJ- STEFANOV, V. Ye.; SHIM, V.A.; DEMCHIRINO, V.P.; -~~~67TCH. F.D. Rolling of a Ho. 16 a'annel. by the gradual bending method. Metallurg 9 no.1:27-29 Ja 164 (14IRA 18:1) 1. Zavod mAzovstal-l". FROTASOV I KHLEBITIKOV, V.P.; SIKORSKIY. A.I.; GONCHAR, V.V.; STEFANOV, -===t 'BOLDYREV. L.I. Improving the equipment of a cogging mill for large-size shapes. Metallurg 3 no.100.25-29 0 '58. (MnU 11:10) 1.Zavod "Azovetall.4 (Rolling mills-2quipment and supplies) FRDTASOV. H.F.; KHLEBNIKOV, V.P.; SIKORSKIY, A.I.; GOMM. V.V.; BOLDYRIV, L.I.; ,--- - -IMMNOV. V.Te. Developing shapes for mine supports. Metallurg 3 no.12:27-29 D 158- (HIR& 11:12) I.Zavad "Azovetall." (Rolling (Metalwork))- BOV/130-58-10-9/18 AUTHORS: Protasoy_,__hF_-., Khlc-bnikov, V.P., Sikorskiy, A.I.,# Gonchar, V.V., Stefanovp V.Ye and Boldyrev, L.I. TITLE: Improving Accessories on the Reducing Mill of a Heavy- Section Mill (Usovershenstvovaniye armatury obzhimnogo stana krupnosortnogo tsekha). PERIODICAL: Idetallurg, 1958, Nr.10, pp.25-29 (U33R) ABSTRACT; It was found that when rolling low-number girders, especially Nr.20 in the reducing stand of a rail- structural mill the metal often displaced the guides, leading to stoppages. The authors give details of guide construction and attachment (Fig.1) and also of special devices provided before each pass (Fig.2) to support the beam from below. This is advantageous for rolling large girders (Nr.30-55) but unreliable for smaller (Nr.18-16) sizes. For rolling these latter when the closed passes are In the bottom roll two variants of guide arrangements have been proposed. In the first special movable vertical supports are provided for the Card 1/2 guides, fixed on trapezoidal projections. In the SOV/130-58-10-9/18 Improving Accessories on the Reducing Mill of a Heavy-Section Mill. second a trapezoidal-section bar is fixed to the housing (similar to the guide bars on the finishing line) (Fig.4) which supports one end of the specially shaped guide, the other being held in the pass with the aid of a load. The authors favour the second variant and mention its applicabilities. Its adoption has enabled the load on the finishing line to be reduced by 20-25%. The new roll-pass designs used since March 1957 have led to better roll life, higher productivity and other improvements. The new accessories are especially useful for thin-walled sections,and during the year for which they have been in use no cases of guide displacement have occurred. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Zavod "Azovstall" ("Azovstall" works). Card 2/2 -Z -7 U OM of StTel V uni cr, a perafflia I-lum v Fl v V 1'11 'R 11%, , l, O --ijap l NY ,1 i F An ~ account m Qlvijtl iluthod of renovating worm 6tad rrUTA by iinL-r a, lay-arler gj,1z. T 11011111 :hod developed ii-t the AV ~M L-i applicafbh~ --%ay sizs. Of:.-O!f vv~ld ~l er tniu-.0thtr "+5t M-M SUV130-58-12-12121 AUTHORS: Protasov, N.F., Khlebnikov, V.P., Sikors?.iy, A.I., Go ~c~,.-~.,"Boldyrev, L.I. and Stefanov, V.Ye. TITLE: Experience of the Adoption of Profiles for Mine Supports (Opyt osvoyeniya profiley d1ya sbakhtnogo icrepleni~~) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1958, Nr 12, pp 27 - 29 (USSR) ABSTRACT*. The "Azovstall" works Is one of the main Suppliers of the more important sections for mine construction and opera- tion. The authors illustrate (Fig 1) sections for props types 18A-18B and 28A-28B and show how the first two fit each other (Fig 2). These sections are rolled from 230 x 285 and 245 x 280 mm. blooms in four stands arranged in two lines and the authors outline the pass design and deformations at the various stages. They deal with the production of inclined props to GOST-5157-53. The authors Card 1/2 SOV/130-58-12-12/21 Adoption of Profiles for Mine Supports state that the pass designs for pit props developed at the works have improved quality as well as increasing production. There are 4 fig gures ASSOCIATION: "Azovstall" BEREZNYAK, M.M., kand- teklm. nauk: VASILIYOV, Ye.I., kand. teklm. nauk; KALININ, A.V., inzh.; PROTASOV, N.M., inzh. Using ETsT-1 electronic digital computers in the se-Ject-ion of transpor- I tation for strip mines. Izv.vvs.uchab.zav*;gOr,zharo 7 no.6:83-87 164. (MIRA l7i*12) 1. Kemerovskiy gornyy Institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy otkry-tykh gornykh rabot. BAGRYANSKIT, X.V., kandidat takhnichakeikh nauk, dotment; PROTASOV,N.F. inzhener; TTAGUS, V.A., inzhener; SHLPIRO, Tu.A., TH75FWar. Automatic building up of the surface of steel rolls with ceramic flux. Stal$ 16 no.11:994-997 11 156. (MLRA 10:1) I.,Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheakiy institut i savod OAsovetall.0 (Rolls (Iron mills)) Olectric welding) PAO_W_V.&jW;l&vnff prokatchik; " NIKOV, V.P., starshly kalibr*vshchik. Mastering the production of lightweight I-beam@. Ketallurg ne.4:1&21 AP 156. (KIRA 9:9) l3aved "As*vetalll (for Xhlebulkey). (Girders) (Rolling (Metalwork)) PP-Q"Sf.-)v) NA FROTASOV. N.M.0 polkovnik; KOZRV. A.I.; RTMIGAN. V.G., podpolkovnik, redaktor; N.V., tekhnicheakiv. redaktor [The newspapexisa. -nowerful weapon for educating the soldier; collection of articles) Gazeta - moguchee oruzhis vospitaniia voinovi sbornik statei. .4oskva, Voennoe Izd-vo Kinisterstva oboroTW SSSR, 199~. 142 p. (Communist e4ucation) (MLRA 8.-4) (Journalism, Military) (Soldiers--Education, Nonmilitary) L.- COUN." N I'T"O"h CAT,~GORY AR,~. 87141 A Tj T Ili ID ~R '17W . U:.(., of .-,s a .Itro~en 1. Or'. FE 1, .1 ze r Or C ot Ec 10~ 23 'PI. cv C:, vo ORIG. !)U B. A ~T ?,A CT Cri a pl--~rt of un. cc tent of is 1-=,r, f-',:---n In ccr--r.F~ctj.--n Lhl~- e lit r '-o-*! of -ciencc o f T-unicri-114 -TKi ! conduc ted J.n lcLC-1~:57 -1cw-PI, cri-n-,.ert No as 17'el"t-J-11-zer for 1A~ t 1 cc"~-c -reri -r-,t!-. t'~c. ct vc~ r;E, e c-:. Y. J.- z 0 as -vtilizei, d %L's or ?,-he ~-rlc of its aLl.-I ; C-. t; ~'n' tlip- time of -tutui-ji- c L pn~-,.^Lanl Jns- plowing e -I-inm-in-tes its t'-~XCity to ~Iur-ITS -inci r,rcrRotes of N to vc-adily -tssimi-lable Rats--- cf a-,p]Ac~.,tion is 30~,'-*,,C,(~ TT,is ;.-imc-unt of 0 AR'D : III'L- Country 71Q,-14 M-7 CATEGORY A33. JOUR. RZ b i1 110 19 NO - 07141 A U T I --L 0 TITUE ORIG. PUB. ABATRACT N, zx4lr--s it i~o~siblc to inri-c!:ise 4"-I,e vield, -Jz k 1 n at ',e n st: In t.,.& 'u be S -S -R cl e J'C-50 I U 3;- C~ t; - C. c- 1-iectares -,, be fe-rtilized by making use of N, Cthat is not- suitab'LE: for defoliation. CARD: 2/2 S1 123/60/000/020/009/0 15 A005/AOOI Translation. from, Referativnyy zhurral, ,- Mashinostroyeniye, 1960, No. 20, P, 192 # 111035 AUITHOR~. -Protasov, P. K. TITLE The Technological Process of Casting of Permanent Magnets in invest- ment Patterns PERIODICAL- V sb.. Peredovaya tekhnol. litsyn. proiz-va. KI'Vev-Moscow, Ma-slAgIz, 1958, pp, 35-38 TM, it is noted that the cost price of the finished products sharply decreases, if the permanent magnets are produced by casting in investiment patterrs, because these magnets need not be subjected to mechanical processing in contrast to the casting in sand molds. rlhe technology of mold manufacturing, the compos-1- tions of -the alloys magniko, al'ni, allniko, and the smelting conditions of these alloys are presented. Magnets of the magniko allol have the coercivity of the order of 480-550 oerst., the residual Induction of -the order of 15,200 - 5,800 gauss, occasionally also 6,500 gauss, without thermal treatm~_nm_ After thermal Card 1/2 S112316010001020100,0/0 19 AOO.5/AOO I The Technological Process of Casting of Permanent Magnets :in Investment Patterns treatment, they have the coercivity of 500 - 700 oerst,, the residual i-nducrIon of 10,000 - 13,000 gauss. The thermal treatment conditions are. heating In the electric furnace up to 8000C and soaking at this temperature during 15 - 20 min, then fast transfer into a furnace having 1,300 0C.- temperature and soaking during 10 - 12 min per each 10 mm of the magnet cross section. Thereupon, the magnsts must be transferred most rapidly from the furnace into a magnetic field, the intensity of which must be not less than 1,000 oerst,., where hardeningilz perform- ed. The cooling of the magnets in the magnetic flux is performed downi'to 600'C, thereupon they are covered with dry sand, in which they are cooled down to room temperature. The tempering of the magnets is performed at 600 0G during 2 hcurs. If the magnets do not satisfy the technical conditions after this thermal -~reatl- ment, they are subjected to repeated hardening and tempering, but- sometimes only to temperirg. The additional treatment increases magrietAr, &&-racterlstics ty 10 A, M~ G~ Trarsiator's notei This i-:: the fall translation of the original Rui~slan abslract" Ca-rd 2/2 PUTH-t6co P K. SIR d W W W 0 0 0 GF-6-410-9-4 OF OF W- IV W - 1 4 1 a I a I II u 11 id IS 16 if a It a A f 9 a ** II UIS 1, )i N, v in )v AA U IM 0 A )IIIIIJOASIOUNING (I J 4V 41 N 0 1) A 1 , - . 11, ..-a -- - -. - A_ &-- h-j- I-q )on A.0 1~ "plat ----T4~66 00- . PROCEtitj A.0 I&CF(RF111 I.Df. 00A 00 it m -is aL.A end -00 0 so a Can" by the woiudft a" of humus wwe - 'a 00 !i; P. N Pay I U. S. I d'W4 -1 ~tu with &Ikd 141. MCI; ppt. uestitY ital 4d A ffe ~ .411 0 a u It q dwyold N ; O Witk Pat or U, diseol"- tell with 114h tO - 0 08 96,1 jual.a(H.0, humus. a-P%- 41A evel tn&tII4 he ore. wetter, then astal. with Na w I Weeninne at UKA oat the hineshnasks ni No of u were vm4 as 01 -'- ?ft I -00 00 0 after "Ch -MR cooduxtseve 140111 MMAwed tit,'t'd witie MCI of Set.% OW "bob, OW faM. The cooduclance "L The data ov PaTto"t b d 800 a t Oft C1 * pasp6idoass by tkftdmg W th C1 &"VUW St " and IUM r th in tm bmia U4 mbwd I her "0' c " ki bs H i I =00 i~, y ons s tz=W on the bub thAt Use hwrewd. The cim-esee is 41% mad U howIll been 090-ed ft "W" of Or as the he W ei 400 e t r Wity than peveloves without bicartion- the cooductenc- rb- r"Offl, h, a straight sm. Par the s- 000 04 Irbe dow Im o with UK tekd- -kne- te. the rise in -duct- -' "' btbecaled-vOks(th"Oh"I'" orld w" res d " l goo nes ca p ng conduc - In OW hexima )f dimood. Na ious ft- the is is u*bwd by the -im- I Th muk vw used) f 00 . ow but Wt is thal Iftiewni sune"alon" The 2 soill the comaue cleawk timtm cmTenponcry -1. %,tly Ow sess""'m tiam, of the' too It of ,,&Wtjectfjc titeg". The ,= 7=2- Or the P-kt, &-P which do not contain bicarbaftfts tellers Pis K1WOrfUJ CfNXUkUtS than the Be. if 6 h e ti. Forthe mincrul g,,,P,,Adm t ono AM folic has" th f voo Af . or f"'t tow ""W~- in. Mat- e 0 0 & I S S L A stIALLUNCKAL UYINATIaNt CL Tica, Uz- i too* ) s AV U 0 3- 1 Use - A, p a 10 At aat -or U t9 tr 19 , ~- &A A 5 a h1 0, a . -V11x 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 * 0 0 111 *0 0 O 7041, ; a 1 06 00900W0000000000004,000 1 0 0 010 : 0 0 0 o 6 o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 -4i i :P 00410 00 o Nammounnummo~ 0000 4006040 0:1 Oil 4 %1 4 It- Id, I&I As -.. As 46 U41 Olson* A _L AL"14- ""I A sio st I A 9_1_1 _. U-1 1--b '1_t A. - 1, - 1, %a A m 0 .,1-- Ij A $M0 .40 It..poplop, a 0149CIMAS AMC V`#Cfl4I?'fS 1-011 A J N 1 T D P rotasov and eev. . . . , A. IN. )Marino P, 00 c AplWisd Clum. French IN78) (11W).-II-poirmutiter can be prcpd. from Vyatka glass- -00 *08 conifes by mmns Of PIVIIInIstary fpItion at variou's Irmyn. i -00 00 a ucorJtc and ranaval of Ca. The absomption ahility nt = - teen dm-oftm withst dectm4cof pa of ItAddAl water. P 09 008 A. A. mtgomy -00 so's 00d 00 a W1 ! 000 i 00. too 0011 00 00 4 go* 00 COO goo goo 00 : 1 R. DO* %Ad.. see 9*10.0 A. 0.. Gas 4,14921 out 0.9 Ask too W to ap to 0 091 111 A 0 0 Go 00 0 000600640 0 o 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 00000 go lei 0 0 0 01 go 00 go 0 0 * o * 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 goo@* 0 400 000 69-3 go,, PC N. Vis. age NW M. 0. Visafer. J. MIT.. A. 0. W of Pg"bioftteo Is the mob of 9 In am" onlY Ivr demetwil pitIlythlountoo land Its Ow filtivir aittr the mplafka 44 the w6, JH; drNowd P*tbhmtrs are tomiallitan- be Slabilims of (kirn's mAsuill. Tbeact.tiftbe 0 Ivs. of P.Oj- - In Ow ca"utai" andwabbyll anOt 'exteappairstalbe hwW then the actual no. of ad ke" pulythioxnatse detd. by dw inetbad = = Durraut (C. A. 26, 2102), 411-4bytiteauthan. 11ve diveillema ol the mulls of &05-- *tn. by Fh-and". a metbad hurn ibe wtual vw. at opf". j= bicaustes drpracls on: #be Bar al 1bg Win Is I I C It INILS lWtO IN CUSNUIRICd Istur O= *1010. "W kind Of CUkr4ktiNC 2011t, At dOM4010 14 1110 6C, ilust d WHAM upots His ad, oft. Title divaoracto is on. plalad by The Net lbal tbeiv Is a rfacticut Wwwft the jmf~tes sail NfWH a wO to an oaklatica. 6 ft( 464-11CA SITALLN"AL W1100001 CLAIMCA"Iff C;? of "00 400 =00, is* 40 UO 94!T- .!=,V. Vol Mi Mir Is 'IV "' "I; lot suede ltvllffo9Ao3$v PECIVS(!~- P. IM. USL 1--,,/Chemistry AbLorption, of Acetic Acid ny (arbon Chemistrr Acetic Acid, -,.(.sorption of' 11,~~bsorption of "Substanoct: bir Gramdat(c. Carbon Fro, a Flow of Solution: The AnalyEia of Dynamicz of Acetic Acid Soyptiori by Goarze Porous Carl~on," A. N. Khaiin, P. ','. ProtaL-ov, Krasnodar PedaE:ogical and Teachers' Intt,, 2(~z'. pp I'Zhur Fiz Yhimii" No 10 _4 n-.- udies dynamics of sorption of' C11 C0011 from anurzouE bc,lzitiom of coame carl,bori. theoi-y of sorption dyn&-nics develdpcd ioy Zhukho-vitqki,/, Zabezhin.,~kiy am Tlikiic;nuv, CaleulL Kinetic coefficients of acid zorptior. on carbon and establishes their dependence on ed of flow of solution and diameter of carbon grains. Calculation based on this data oj. assyntotic courses of relationship bet-acun time .f protcctive action and leni-juh of carbon layer c-ives, for long periods, results in good a---rccm-~.nt .9ith experi;r~ent. -Iab!:-,itted 27 Dec. PA 21/49T12 Cof - - - - M M111110111. awpo -mv ,W,LA. S. Fig. i Twben InA.. LWOW-)- Zh-- am utyric d. C.A. 43, 12W,-B Aci,j ohm. vim lUtered ibmMh colul"lls, 1. con. kad, 4 bkorb cban-d wb- p-licig di&m- d W-1 s,"t. TIw liell" 0 Of 6reek-through "'So 0. - C"O,~V. i. l1w (wir J filtralk"j, 'Fbr cuu%ts. 0 jlj%17 All, . IhA419y 14 lot%/ A -1,1 he F',h~ 43 IAll At . -I to Ixtuu~' intec"Al at 'a tj~. th~ lh--t'cA'c'-j stualler than llw r%, J. It. ""g, ~ di u TSITOVICH. I.K. (Krasnodar); PHOTASOV, P.R. (Krasnodar); BOYKO, V.Y. (Krasnodar) Acquainting students with chemical means of crop protection. rhim. v shkole no.3:38-44 Ky-.Te '53- (NI-RA 6--7) (Insecticides) X -W ILI IN, Nikolay Mikhaylovich, PROTASOV. Petr Pavlovich.; KONEV, B.F., red.; MEVA, N.K., tekhn.-J~-&(l Cl?uel systems for automobile and tractor diesel engines] Sistm-T pitaniia avtomobillnykh i traktornykh dvigatelai. Moskva, Nquchno- tekhn. izd,-vo avtotransp. lit-ry. 1�58. 155 P. (MIRA 11:10) (Diesel engines) a i 4 4 e 4 i o i 40 a q a All Tills Moss" of poludim as *A mobility W PrO, ;Ad On ** &MA"dam c"atity of W all. v. XimucA. BvbU. Vzoivyw. X a 0;OyuSNlKhl) No. ). " tin U461" Pit Itr- Arldmis. of K and terlitimm itw~ the nitratr tocilcut. although in the early Oag" after ibe addis. of IN! K ailiffit-aline i4 impetled, The imitamil luffaft influrtwits (SymalAy the ~Ay. 0( 1"O" tin( IWC is j im tlefivilte miclation between nittificAilixt anil rekaw olPgO.. Addn.t4 K tool" and well-41raimed aWs lovtx* 00 4 Vill file liums 0( N. awl (but K Is a licit. fartgir In tilis cww.. Wit to pomly drained msils, the Incrmw in nitrificatim title to K iA a Pos. factor. oow of i. A atf$Lttog$KAL 4.1flaAffAl CLAISIOPKAllow 4.11191$ Nif U". If n IF it 09 K of it Ot mw ft I 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 00 0* 0 4 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 4 In!, &Still 64. so 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 -00 -00 000 .00 3;00 COO J:** 0.0 2 are* boo t:oo ttof# woo 'Win a rd 00 tt-v!tj -S --20.~t Sq! *8 WWI 00 .00 go *go oodi ea now -80% (rddd ee w7 tu L POW ("14M shooed no lu x" MW F. go: off Are* MOO see "W's 00 : 00 00 l 1ALLLOSCAL LITINArwo CLAINF94140 =-.1. see l / id"O" -d 1 a 111060 -$1F Gov 484 ---:t inat 81111 an GNI 01 , AV ~: A i a L I a ad a a 4 1 N a 9 a a 3 6 9 a is ig -a 1i a i i ~ 0 0 0 0 : 0 o 0 0 0 0 &A -- -0A 0 , W.0 v w v FIR v IF [w- fee 9 0 Olt ~.j 0 t 4- p 0 tie 00 0 0 0 e 9 e 0 0 0 0 11 L ` m it v a ff a) 11 11 1 . 4) so i Ike use of the cabidtialtrits mothod of Milas tat the (4 pablitifulle to 9stracts from carbmall; 00 11 1 lid 0. V.. Pelrova. Ownlis4box I N.. 12. 01,4(liNIV); (,Awm. ZkIM-116,11, 120-Th, ZLIje I"Ull% Aft ublaincd eff With the issethod -A Milise (d. C. A. U. .5335) .. Willi PtC4. The diffeirtwes between the 2 did mit vu-ml tile twilld-iblir 16twit 1-4 5.0%. ltwtft,CAI Allilt- %,I CACI,, 00 fi, 3.faClL. CAW, and Nii,1114), in nu W&Y Alln'ted tht AC, I St. G. %I,xmf 0 0 curary .1 the tuethod. 09 .100 06 '09 age, "oe" -FT.LLUPCKAL Lsflx~TLor CLASSIFK.TIC. 91- NA i J;01196 At K) A ... ... IF IMP it K 11 lop 40 0 0 0 edn 0 0 000 00 go 0 1 00 000000 -0 0 0 0 We 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 a 0 0 0.!-9, 0 11111age 0000 0 0 o 0 0, *If 10*1 o 0 e 1* 0 0 l 1 1 16 a ? x 11 !11 1) 11 ;! 1, $1 J0 22 34 It M 11 M n It V a 11 L 11 At 6_ It _J L a F-, q; _X 1_ L . AA. 91 q. W EL 0 0 00 -A Heat stirrillution of wil. S. A. AbroKinsov and 11. V. Protasov. Mierohiplaty (U. S. S. R.) 9. 3111-3(in J:rtglish. in firt,tin. in 104)(19,10).-Autoclaving of for Nitragi IN glau jars of MIG-1000 9. capacity does not render the oil ntirely sterile even after 2 hrs. at 2 atm. and 130'. T. U, aur, 0 0 0 00 we 'a 00 ots IL U AV 10 LS it a rt tt rt it at no n i x4 VV to It 0606919 Applying fertilizer to cotton at different stages of growth 1'. M.31inkin and 11. V. 11, tU 73(11051). N, JI theEmwilligsie"mm. Nmarvatioll ill abundance of N in the later sf,.Km rvurd,l the nuctirity ,f thr fruit. With the increase ill gir-th. wile dre-ing %sith N %houill he ill"Cased. P iA I&NO r%wilmil Imill (11, C'u-1v twit and nuturity. All of the P can be applied at the Inne of prefig. the suil. Fraction.0 application, of P bad $in rf- feet Oil plant atilt Yield. K i% aNy t"ential throllichout ill,- powing ~cavni, vilw6ally at the tintr of townrity- 1, S~ [.,t1,. Tue 'cd=itt-ee cn Stalin 1'rizee Cof tVe C'Xincil Of HinlPtere US6!i' I- ficience and inventions announces that the foll.mring sclentifIc worka, pop-~Iar S~C'Iem- t1fic books, and textbooks have toeen itubmitted for coaq;etmon ror Stalin Prizes for 'tat ye&rii 19);2 &.ad 1953. Moscow, No, 2.2-4u, Feu fpr- 1.954~ NNW Title of Work 14cvdUated bV X- Protasov, P. V. t'Cottor. Growing" of' Airr'r--jItii-;e Uzre'.1 Teytbonk SSI SO' W-3o6t)4, jul~j jq:-~4 FROTASOV, P.V. Primenenie kaliinykh udobrenii pod khlopchatnik v Srednei Azii (The use of potasFium I . 8 P-) fertilizers for cotton Frowing in Central Asia). Tashkent, fiJ-ad, nauk UZESR' 1953 P- SO: Monthly LiEt of Russian Accessions, Vol 7, No. 8, Nov- 1954 USSR/Technical Crops. Oil Plants. Sugar Plants. m ,4,bs Jour: Ref Zhur--Diol-, Ila 17, 1958, M42. Author FrotgzmL.-.F.V.; Pershin, G.P. Inst Title Si(p*Lificance of Early Feedings on the Increase of Harvest of 1:hw Cotton and the Accelerntion of its Ripening. Orig Pub: Sots a.-kh. Uzbekistana, 1956, Ila 5, 31-34. Abstract: Vegetation experinents conducted in 1954 by the Central Station of Fertilizers and Agricultural Soil Science of the iM-Union Scientific Research Institute of Cotton Cultivation showed that one of the conditions which assures early ripening of cotton is the regulation of the nutrition of the plants from the very beginning of their card 1/3 95 USSIV51'echnical Crops. Oil Plants. SuGar Plants. M Abs Jour: Ref Mmr-Diol., No 17, 1958, M42. vegetation. The high requirement of N in cotton appears in the period of developnent of 3-4 current leaves, and of P when they are 10-25 days old. Feeding of N at this time accelerated the blossoming of the cotton by 3 days, and the opening of the bolls occurred 4 days earlier than in those plants which obtained N only in the budding period. 90,p' of the bolls opened in the first case, in the second - 80%. Field experiments conducted in 1955, in the Twentieth Party Congress Kollchoz of the Yangi.-Yult Rayon, showed that the transference of a snall part of the yearly norm of N from the period of budding and blossoming to early feeding assured the increase of the total harvest by 1.2-2.2 c/ha. However, Card 2/3 WSR/Technical Crops. Oil Plants. SuGar Plants. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 77742. excess nitrogen nutrition in the &2xly period can cause retardation in the growth and developr-ent of cotton. The great effec-k' from early nitrogen feedings is obtained on typical sierozems long under cotton cultivation. Early feedinGs proved ineffective on fields after plowing up of grasses of first and second year and on meadow soils where there is a high content of N. -- V. F. Nepomi.luyev. Card 3/3 96 v USSR/Caltivated Pl,%-,.ts Oil--Deari-~~. SuLar-Beari:;.f- m ,Ibs Jour : Rcf Zhur Bio-L., No 18, 1953, 82433 Aut:,,or : Protasiv, P.V., Yaruve:14~.j, G.I. Inst Title Souc Data on t'lle Inf.L-.e.--ce of Antiseptics o:., Cottol'. Yield. OriG Pub Sots. s. kh. Uzbekista:.,,t, 1956, Ilo 6, 71-73 Abs.tract 111 1955, laboratory experiue~.ts were carried out at the Ce:itral Statio:-, of Fertilizers and Abriculti-ral Soil Science of tIe AJ.1-U;,.iop C-)tto;i Scientific Researcl: Ins- tit.te for the pitrpose of a comparative sttidy of the i:,- fl, of Nts (as a:. a-Aiseptic) on t1lie dy-immics of the formtim. of n-itrate and an--Imii-m N in sierozems. Expe - rime-uts were conducted ii.~. Petri dishes. 100 )f the and sail ai-d 20 milli_!rans of N i:i the fom of Naa; Na- , 1 Nts were placed L-I each dish, As -ontiseptics, L2~6 hexach- lora~le d~-st (20 milligrans to a dish) and Nts Card 1/2 - 37 - USSR/Cultivated Plaifts - CoLaercial. SuGar-Pearii--r-~. m Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1953, 82433 (5 railli:~ra'--Is to a dish) were appliedi Zie res:.,.Itii6 dnta s.iow t".at a-- additio- t~) t.e fertilizers of a small qum-,tity of Ifts or '11.exachlorane is accompa-,Aed WiVa an ace-mulaatio:. of armonium N and a slower acidifi- CCLtiO'-'! of it to nitrates. T-Iie field test coi-.dcctc-d i:, tae same year at SverdlL)v Kolidioz sl--.-.)wed t!,.at an addition to H"L of antiseptics (hexacchlormie, ranosan ~' ethyh.iar- curochloridej, parnfori.i) i--.icreased t'-.e cottL):, wool yield c ai an averar, IOY 3 ccut-., rs/ha. The riost positive ef- fect Dn the cittj-. woo! yield was prod ced by t1iie 12% I~e- xaclil3ra:~e -- V.F. NeporAl"'.yev Carcl 2/2 PA`4-, 77/9'~ & ~,~ P 1v` - BH=R1.,P.1.,,red.; POPOV. G.P., red.; PROTASOV, P.V., red. [Collected scientific works on the use of fertilizers in cotton growing] Sbornik muchnvkh rabot po primeneniiu udobrenii pod khlopchatnik. Pod red. P.N.Besedina. G.P.Popova I P.V.Protssovs. Tashkent. 1957- 332 p. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Tashkent. Vaesoyuzny7 nauchno-iseledovatellakiv institut khlopkovodstva. TSentrallnaya stantsiya udabrenii i agropochvo- v9deniya. 2. 7amestitell direktora po nauchnoy chasti Toeso7waogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta khlopkovodstva (for Besedin). 3. Direktor TSentralluoy stantaii udobreniya i agropochvovedeniya (for Popov). 4. Zamestitell direktora Do nauchnoy chasti TSentrallnoy stantsit udobreniya i agropochvovedeniya (for Protasoy) (Cotton growing) (Fertilizers and manures) USSR / Cultivated Plants. Plants for Technical Use. M Oil Plants. Sugar Plants. Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 6. 1959, No. 24963 Author :Protasov., P. V.; Yarovenko, G. I. Inst :AcaZ&m--y 6-P-96lencea UzSSR Title :An Experiment in the Application of Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizers Under the Cotton Plant Orig Pub :V sb.: Ref. nauchno-issled. rabot po khlopkovodstvu. Tashkent, AN UzSSR, 1957, 180-192 Abstract :A summary of the native and foreign literature and also a generalization of field experiments by the Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR, according to comparative testing of liquid nitrogen fertilizers. A general deduction Is made that the liquid forms of Card 1/2 117 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Plants for Technical Use. 14 Oil Plants. Sugar Plants. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 6, 1959, No. 24963 nitrogon fortilizers (liquid ammonia and ammine "A"), according to the nitrification speed in the soil as well as to the effect of the growth and development of the cotton plant, are equivalent to the solid forms (Na and-Naa)- Card 2/2 , A '; cl~ V! Tt USSR/Cialtivated Plants - Technical, Oil and Sugar Plants. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.... No 3, 1958, lo877 Author : Protasov, P.V., Pershin, G.P. Inst : Union Scientific-Research Cotton Institute. M-4 Title : Early Fertilization of Cotton in the Absence of Irrigation Orig Pub : Sots. s. kh. Uzbekistana, 1957., No 4., 15-17 Abstract : On the basis of field experiments conducted in 1955 by the Central Station of Fertilizers and Agricultural Soil Husbandry Union Scientific Research Cotton Institute under production conditions it was determined that when nitrogen in the Naa form is added to the fertilization from the side of the row in the 3-4 leaf phase, without subsequent irri- gation, it is used by the plants before the budding phase and assures both a good total yield m d a good amount of cotton before the frosts. The fertilizer must be inserted Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants - Technical, Oil and Sugar Plants. m-4 A Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 10877 pirty deep, keeping it as close as possible to the row. Early nitrogen fertilization without irrigation is in no way inferior to fertilization with subsequent irriCa- tion. It should be done on plots where, because of soil misture and the external conditions of the plants, irri- gation does not have to be done. Card 2/2 ,Lno a - Jr. t 1W a-ca. IL 'as of STOD 110. (SC . e IV e All 1,ec TlAe ti. -n r orou oil 'O%V t SLne CiLl. %~l (X, 0,4 e % ,tlv 0 t A 11 I -te tM eyal tyLVLS Cul f 1~ an OL f 'Tle ljsbo4 ottoll 0 ar- tr ~ rms ox c %fi.-04 'ta'ou- .9,10 & rr aVeS -1 A , ap. u 'jLon I O%Ift I &a pre. C, orp laAa, 11 r telfe I? PC Xglyl d,),6 t tT~f 'atwa n Oe f V", -t'b IM of AjBtje .9()S'5 te -Dy -Vrl(, tho (3f CO itre. (lev xjf~. , OV t1l tx'sep tue rr P-A at& t't'e tu jT'cTek% u1"'", gr OAO 0. Ltel;t r 'Whecl Lbor ddl t 1017 Vita Y'n 2 r 70 CTC", Gra~~, lig J~ e tj #--a x- ch I n s tUzbek iverieiFo uf Frepowinis, Placement of A.,11 rc. o I, Ft Sul fate i nd r- Cotton. F I n d In e, o 'L exper I mart t aof ti-, c. Central station fertilizers and agricultUral soil f3clence Of 41-ie cotuton growIng reecarch inetituto, of Uzbek SM, and clso an experlment of tile agri- cultural. ahem~ stry laboratory of the Chlrazekaya on the advant-aFe of Njj 5e compared with Naa ln casG of pi-ei3owinS Flaceraart of Na und er ~:ntton (in sierozenma) at, a rate of -15 to '30 /'- of e arnual quota. Orwarilzational economic adviant- Lh ages of U~j-s method 8r& allso Indicated. 115 C -I It; it 'W3. J(Xj~'. hZ?:bi(_)1_.' N-,. '1959, i'UTEGR OJ- :R10. F"J S - KIM ~C T tin. 15731 r Prepowing, Placement of Liquid Nitrogen Fartl- lizera, urder Cotton. Y).5Pt No.1, 35-3,11 -The economic estimates and findings are cited of experiments of the central station of fertill-i zera and agrosoll. science of the All-Union Cotton! Scientific Research Institute for 195?, conducted~! In slerozems In a number of kolkhozy of the Uzbek;; SOP., on the advantages of placing part of the I I.Iquld fertilizers amounting to 30 % of the annual N quota under plouehland as compared to using the entire annual quota of liquid ammonia only as supplementary fertilizer In the W~- i 573 1 f-, 7- r,C period of vegete-tion. The presowlng placement o fDart ol' the liquId ammonis. heightened Ue raw cotton crop yield and reduced the capital Investments An the construction of warO-.oure prewlsea. A R D MUKHAWWZHANOV, K.Y.; ULIDZHABAYEV, T.U.; MAKBDOV, M.T.; RODICHEY, S.D.; r1RWV, B.P. Prinimali. uchastiye: P4QTASPyj!.Y.; POIZVSHCHIKOVA, V.N.; MALITSIT, A.M. P3V 9 L.I., red.; BOBDARMO, M., red.; z RA MROV, A., tekhred. [On cotton plantations of the U.S.A.] Na khlopkovykh plantataiiakh SShA. Tashkent, Goa.izd-vo Uzbelmkoi SSR, 1959. 172-P. (MIRA 13:10) (United States--Cotton growing) 38364-66 ENT (m) 194P (g) I ogip ( j) I. --A- TL ACC NR: P60j9946 07, SWCE CODE: UR/0323/66/000/001/00~4/0057 AUTHORt Protasov, V. G. (Engr.); Barn~=, K. (Prof.; Dr. of Chemical Sciences); Baranova;--Z.-'P. (Engr.);_Starligov, 1. N. (Engr.T ORGI Physical and Colloidal Chemistry Departmento Moscow Technological Institute of the Light Indust (Kafedra fizicheskoy I kolloidnoy khimii Moskovskogo tekhno lo-gicheskogo instituta legkoy prowyahlonnosti) TITLES Study of adhesive--based on modified polyethyloneli - SOURCES IVUZ. Tekhnologiya legkoy prorVahlormosti, no. 1, 1966, 54-57 TOPIC TAGS1 adhesive, polyethylene plastic, footgoarg polypropylene plastict malsic anhydride ABSTRACTI The possibility of using modified polyethylene an an adhesive for bonding footwear and sewing materials was investigated. The mechanochemical modification of polyethylene involved the use of a laboratory extruder; maleic anhydride (MA) was introduced t*_ increase the polarity, and &tactic polypropylene (APP) -waa added as a V1 The properties of the adhesives were tested by bonding footwear and plasticizer.\ sowing materials in various combinations. Adhesive bonds in footwear materials were tested for ply separationp ar;d in sewing materials, for ply separation and shear, It was found that as the &tactic polypropylene content of polyethylene risesy the L 38364-66 ACC NRt AP6019946 resistance to ply separation increases; this is attributed to the plasticizing effect of APP. The addition of MA to the adhesive composition increases the adhe- sive strength by increasing the polarity of polyethylene and atactic polypropylene (by forming carboxyl groups). It is concluded that the use of modified polyethylene offers attractive now prospects for the production of inexpensive and efficient adhe- sives for the footwear and clothing industry. Orig. art, hass 2 figures and 2 tables. SUB COM II/ SUEN DATS3 2OAug65/ ORIG WWI 004/ VMh RADAKOV, Dmitriy Viktorovich; PROTASOV, Vladimir Rustamovich;MANTFEYLI, B.P., [The speed of swimming and some characteristics of vision in fish; a reference book] Skorosti dvizheniia i nekotorye oso- bennosti zreniia ryb; spravochnik. Moskva., Izd-vo "Nauka" 19 64. 47 P. (MIRA 17:6) JILM, j.o.; PaKmCEK, J.; JIRKOVSKY,I.; PROTIVA. M, .-- P - -.-. Synthetic ataractica. X. lhkoved mrtUds of preparation of phenoharmane Cesks farm. 13 to-W29-233 1*164 1. V~mkunmy ustav pro farmacii a biochemii, Praha. BELOUSOV, M.A., otv. red.; LRqTAp!~y,'P.V., red.; BESEDIN, P.N., red.; KENZER, A.P., red.; ARuTyuNov, V.N., (Methods of agrochemical, agropbysical, and microbio- logical studies in irrigated cotton areas] Metody agro- khimichoskikh, agrofizicheakikh i mikrobiologicheskikh is- sledovanii v polivr,7kh khlopkovykh raionakh. 3., perer. i dop. izd. Tashkent, 1963. 439 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Tashkent. Vsesoyuzriyy naucl4spissledovatel'skly institut khlopkovodstva. ,,, kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; ZEMIN, N.N.; PRQTAaa,.. PV kand.- sell~kokhozyaystvennykh nauk; PERSHIN, G.P., kand.sel'skokho- zyaystvennykh nauk Waste and qua3ith deterioration of mdneral fertilizers due to poor storage management. Zemledelie 24 no.6:51-54 Je '62. (MIRA 15:11) (Fertilizers and manures-Storage) - PROTASOV, Petr Vasillyevich [Fitrogen in cotton growing in Central Asia]Azot v khlopko- vodstve Srednei Azii. Tashkent, Soiuz VIKHI, 1961. 163 p. MRA 15:12) (Soviet Central Asia-Cotton growing) (Nitrogen fertilizers) AUTHCR: Protasov P.,kE~_ TITLE ThemItzs to '-,l.c Party (Spazib,) Partii) PERIODICAL: YletallurL, k4r 7, p 39 i (USSR). ABSTRACT: The author, ~%,ho has vorl:e& for 25 yel-rs at the V_aLnituo- 6orsll: uombine ( he tLocc 111.t tl-,e firczt chir-C iin Uh,e first open-hcarth furn&cc tl`xre), briefly i.Icntionz. So.;ic eve.ats ,-.-L-ich have takcii place and, on the occa-AoL of th: "Day of the Mc-t-tillurGist", than~zs the uof--runist Party for ta.:in., care of or~.iaary 1.vorlii:men. There is 1 illustration. ASSOCIATIOV: La(~LLito -oj'SjCi17 oetallur-richeskiy kor-binat ~LaL;nito-orsk Motallureical Gombine) U Card 1/1 1. Labor--Attitudes--USSR 2. Steel industry--USSR 0000094000090000 oooooooooooo**oooloo::: *00000*600009000:::1:: 000900900000000*iee ft I u is it 9 0 so S Is IF x 30 a PUP 2 C 9 0 G 0 A L a 0 0 1111 2 S T W - , . 41 a a a 46~v cm AT IS 111, A . I - I - h . k . . . . . . , Tor wig IST Afto 31V LITM 0 Oil eon 0 Ott 0 fit *Ox on go= 1.0 ..0 'T. "D I LS ~96 .01I.N0111.13 ]LIPM1.101AII W111.8t. go. U249393mi -M -H PaAouwj 'ClavIduma It! Pull "n .MWKA d AbOn" lq.L md Uml lo luau= so Ui .(W IAr PUIP PM ?D 'ON 4M1 MLL A -Voll" AOMMA1,C) 0- 05j ovontill lowest a" a .1. it 11 9101(itlilfta it $fit & C, 90 so 00 00 *0 PROTASOV..S...I. - -'.. i::: ~ ` 1, . - 7. - On a certain linear differential equation of infinite order. Dokl. AN SSSR 111 no.6:1189-1192 D 156. (MIAA 10:3) 1. Taganrogskiy radiotekhnicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akedemikom A.N. Kolmogorovym. (Differential equations, Linear) OBLEKHOVA, 0., inzb.; PROTASOV, V., inzb. Effectiveness of the "Molikot" additive. Avt.tran-,p. 40 no.2: 24-26 F 62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Avtozavod im. Likhacheva. (Lubrication and lubricants) (Molybdenum compounds) OBLEUKHOVA, 0.; PROTASOV, V.; KISELEVA, T. All-weather oil for V-type carouretor engines. Avt.transp. 41 no.10M-20 0 163. (MIRA 16%10) 1. Avtozavod im. I.A.Likhacheva. OBIADMOVA, 0., inzb.; VIPPIR, A., kand-tekhn-nauk; PROThSOV, V-, iazh.; ,ZRUBINSK&TA, R., inzb. --- Effect of a centrifugal cleaning on the extraction of additives from oils. Avt.transp. 38 no.8:20-22 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Automobile%-Ingines-Oil filters) Subject. USSR/Engineering AID P - 5090 Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 19/26 Author Protasov, V. I., Eng. (Chief Mechanic of the Plant) I------- Title Experience in modernizing the equipment at the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant. Periodical : Vest. mash..* 5., 69-75, MY 1956 Abstract : The X Communist Party Congress of Soviets issued directives for a considerable renovation and modernization of metal- working equipment in the Sixth Five-Year-Plan. According to these instructions, the workers and engineers of the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant carry out a program for improving the equipment and increasing the efficiency. The Plant's Chief Mechanic presents in this article some examples, of the improvement and modernization of various machinesA lathes and tools. 10 diagrams. Institution : -Nome Submitted : No date L -147L-k6 EWT(MVEWFO)A/Em(m)~ -.14VO ACC NRI AP6003938 SOURCE CODE: UR/0374/65/000/005/0039/0044 AUTHOR: Protasov, V. D. (Hoscow); Kapnov, V. A. (Moscow) -7 ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of the strength of fib Xglass reinforced tics under.plane state of stress SOURCE: Mekhanika polimerov, no. 5, 1965, 39-44 TOPIC TAGS: fiberglass, reinforced plastic:, antisotropic medium, tensile stress,~complex stress ABSTRACT: The method and the results of experimental investigations of glass reinforcIed textolitAstrength under plane state of stress are considered. Tubular-s-a-m-pTes are destroyed by the simultaneous effect of longitudinal load, regular pressure, and torsional moment. It was shown that the results of the experimental tests conform with the theoretical calculations according to the theory of strength of aniso- tropic. material suggested in the investigation. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 9 formulas, and I table. (Based on author's abstract]. SUB CODE: 1l/ j/ SUBM DATE: -2 4Hay65/ ORIG REF: 006 Card 11 UDC: 67 8:539.4.011 RAZUMEYEV, V.F., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; PROTASOV, VD., inzh.; ANISIMOV, A.D., inzh. Strength characteristics of circular pipes made of pertinax. Izv* vys. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no. 3:40-45 161. 04IRA 14:5) 1. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni Baumana. (Pipe, Plastic) PROTASOV, V.D. 4 - Automatic hole-boring machine. 1-fashino--troitell no.30: 22 0 161. OMA 14: 0/) (DrMing and boring machinery) PROTASOV, V.; KESKO, Ye. The vage system vhich ancludes equalization. Sots. trud 7 no.12:118-123 D 162%, (NIRA 16:2) 1, Zemestitell naehallnika otdela truda i zarabotn2y platy Norillskogo gornometallurgicheakogo kombinata (for Protasov)e Starshiy inzh. otdela truda i zarabotnoy platy NDrillskogo gornomel:llurgicheskogo kombinata (for Nesko)* (Noriltak-Wageo.-Nonferrous metal industries) ARBIYKVP K.K., gornyy inzh.;_PROTASOV, V.F., kand. ekonom. nauk Technical progress at ore strip mines of the Norillsk Combine. Gor. zhur. ao.6s6-10 Je 165. (MIRA lSz7) FROUSOV. V_,,f., kand. ekonom. nauk; BOrffKARFV, G.N. Improving the type of work organization and wages at the Norillsk Combine strip mines. Gor. shur. no.6316--18 is 165. (MIRA 180) 4% PROUMV. V. 1. :--- ,7,.., Infinite system of linear diff*reutlal equations. Dolcl. AN 560 105 no.2:218-221 '35. MBA 9:3) 1. Taganregekiy radietakhnichookiy institut. Predetawleno Wmde- mikom S.L. Sobolevym (Differential equations, Linear) SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/Differential equations CARD 1/2 PG - 616 AUTHOR PROTASOV V.I. TITLE On a near-4ifferential equation of infinite order. PERIODICAL Doklady Akad. Nauk 111, 1189-1192 (1956) Reviewed 2/1957 The author considers the differential equation 00 Z &ny(,)(X) - f(x) nwo and states that if yi. -Flan? and f(x) is an entire function the order n -jooo f of increase of which is not greater than 1/2 and the type of which is smaller than 2 VT, then the considered differential equation possesses an entire solution which also has the order of increase < 1/2 and a type < 2 Y-R . But if f(x) has the order of increase 1/2 and is of the type < 2 VFI (Rlw-- R), then there exists a solution among the entire functions of the order of increase < 1/2 and of the type < 2 The third assertion id the following theorem: If f,-.- %' A4 Fn7 _ (6'1e 31) n 4co Yn! , Doklady Akad.liauk 111, 1189-1192 (1956) CARD 2/2 PG - 618 ( S, >1),and f(x) has the order of 2 52 1 32 '> S1 and is of S2-1 the normal type, then there exists a solution among the functions which does not increase quicker than entire functions of the order 2S2 and possess 92-1 the same typer The theorems are illustrated by some examples. INSTITUTION: Radiotechnical Institute, Taganrog. AUTHORs Protasov, V.I. SOV120-121-4..6 /54 TITLE: On Linear Partial Differ3ntial Eauations of Infinite Order 'T",fi Constant Coefficients (C, lineynykh uravneniyakh v chastnykh proizvodnykh beakonech.l.igo poryadka s postoyannymi koeffit- PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1958,Vol 121,Nr 4,PP 594-597 (USSR) ABSTRACTa If one seeks an analy;ic solution u(x,z) of gm,U M-1 C; X7 L ,+nu ~xM Z~_ n 3XV~zn 9-o rIzo I (z) 0,1,2, m axv v X-0 in the form of an a-c'solutoly convergent series ri, n U(X,Z) Yn(x) :1-0 n! Card-AIT a !~ On Linear Partial Differential Equations of Infinite SOV/20-121-4-6/54 Order With Constant Coefficients then one obtains for the determination of y (x), n=0,1,2 the problem (m)(x) M-1 ]k E: ,P-o (2) (0) = c(P) Y~ n 00 Z n Y~,k n=o = v (n) (0) , n=0,1,2,-. v The author formulates five theorems on the solutions of the Rroblems (1) and (2) each; eege i Theorem: If F(z) a zn I a max ~a(V)jf n n 049 Agm- 1 n n=o fn, is analytic in.jzj O) , and if the functions v,,(z) are entire, of growth of at most first order, and of normal type, then (1) possesses a unique analytic solution which is entire in x and z. For fixed x (or z) u(x,z) does not increase quicker in z (or x) than a function of first order and of normal type. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION% Taganrogskiy radiotekhnicheskiy institut (Taganrog Radiotech- nical Institute) PRESENTED: March 31, 1956, by S.L. SoLbolev, Academician zi ; q '6q 14 L! Y F. J~, -1 T, 4il- .3 -all 4 IM Ll P 14 ' ~ 4 4 "I h I . 15 '4 p, a 4305-~66- FAFT(d) IJP(c)__ IACCESSION NR: Ap5o25852 UR/0020/65/164/004/0743/0745 AUTHORt Pr-otaLg_v,,-V. I,, Cauchy problem for a line'ar differential equation infinite order TITLE. AN SSSR..Doklady, v. 164, no. 4, 19659 743-745 TOPIC TAGSs differential equation.. Cauchy problem [ABSTRACTi The author proves six theorems concerning equations Yj ae) (.z)- (a). (a0 + 0). land + (2) [These theorems assert the existence of analytic solutions in various circles And lack of existence of analytic solution.aoutside certain circles. Orig, art&- has: 4 formulas, ASSOCUTION i none Card PR 0-i A-5 0 V~ Card 4A vy/mas MM I MM EXrWITMON BVI5660 ob,hihe.tro mashtoostroittl-vor 7runw-hUnnottl. provigntyi. seh-Alla rea~ota i modamite'teli oboML771417s ND&mizatsi7s I reeent obormduranlys oambiwetroltellnYk2h mvod~ am Repair of Pachine-1-11" natt ZTup-t) 1acwzow, 261 P. Effete GUY tnnrtpd. 6,100 copt.. printed. $4. (Title pA")t N.A. ft.kin, Can,12dats of Technical fielcoct.; M. (lostdo b..11)t A.?. Pop", Rmt-tr; Tech. Ed., V.D. jl-kjbAj Vnmgto, 94. for Ilter-tUre on Metalworking -A P-him-Tool Cmmtr~ctlan (Masb4iz)l N.D. 111410wer; 2,11tArtal boaril: N.A. lookin (ChArman), Candidate of Technical ffcitoc**; U.S. borlmovs Ingimer; V.D. fletrav, RMIneer; V.I. FAkhaylo"Idyt ImAgiamerl end I.P. 01.1o,, Engineer. PMPMt Thlo collection of art2clas to int-U& for technical peroonmel Aeftling with v.Urat.mtlon tod overhaml, of CCVWLV,Tt The artlelte In We colloctloo deal with the bovic trends end . -Nmr Of sp-einc problem to the --domi tation of vo m,achim too-stry. mA-missum of foondryp forging-shopt and erwbR #Tttpmnt mA proVlem in the matat"tion of oqm~vmeut roydr we 41scuseel. Wormistion, to gives an W SAO of MMU4 (Engineer). practices ef Xwhlaq-T-~l Iblermustica ISO *A"v, V. ~ 12raimearl, Att~cbmntg for ftart*rdrd @*%up jkq~ to XTilymant Wnderntastlas 145 7 T* IRIRi"*P 0,0c"My t4mcney gmc4 (Ws,aw grale, Vi;:;.jjpjj, VaM14al- of T-hnitel Pelonepq, min Isonj BWJ*4ftl- 1ki"Unt of tkA C4?'GtrJftifn%I PlOtilty of NOW-01%tird P"him T-014 Coring P4patr mA *)Umizatiop 214 pre-e V I 12ftimort Cb~17%biMkty traktcray ss-.4 (Chaly"Lask U.. or Antotatto Tl%-ae vard r-1.4 (Vtth vibrating muct,04..) 228 114sto, 1,10, I&WInter), lklfl4b%lm of hr%o ci pewbInt-1col SVIV_at 7% 11r.1018 P 1. Wtkft124k1P% bf PSPdr Vart erA tjW Us# of illf4wipmont 241 m Bhch.ja7l Tj lewoudet- of Tckettcol 8ciencee, ToOmmusth). 711IM1011atles or Flundatt"to or Forcing memmors 254 ATAIMMS UWTWY of C-gre.. ACCF,SSION NR: Ap4oi9962 S/0020/64/154/006/1273/1275 tLUTHOR: ;.Protasov, V.I. TITLE: Solution of infinite order linear equations In generalized derivatives SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, V. 154, no. 6, 1964, 1273-12T5 TOPIC TAGS: linear equation, infinite-order linear equation, generalized derivative, generalized derivative linear equation, infinite matrix, matrix theory ABSTRACT: Some theorem concerning the existance of solutions to a linear, nonhomogeneous equation of infinite order in generalized derivat-ives with constantcoefficients are giVen. Equations of the type a.D"y (z) . f (z), (1) .where an are constants, are examined. The ooncept of Dny is a generalized derivative of the order n from the function or y(Z) '1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4019962 00 which is defined as follows. Let y (z) Tj ckz* be a," function, k-o -analytic in some circles iuid the point ( o(op als 0~2 ...... ), given., 11c'-k=0, k-=0, 1, .2, when ix~ are'complex numbers Then OD 1 00 '~f there is a convergence of the series .-D-Y (Z) Ck' Mk LIMT n1fP =(aep)11P>o, T-m' 'in some circle. If 00 and the characteristic function -P(t) of equation (1) is an integer of a growth eand of.typeo~, then there exists a solution, for the right hand part of J(jq, analytic in the circle IZ14 R, where R,,> which i's analytic at least in the circle izl'< (R"~-1---)Y? if then equation > 0, T17M 1>0, H m nWP1 ;r, -. n110, 7F1Z,- I - Tun WIP P1