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22002 S/076j6l/O35/004/009/018 Electrical conductivity of some i.. B106/B201 ASSOCIATIONt Rostovskiy goeudaretvennyy universitet Roatov-na-Donu (Rostov State Univer8ity Rostov-na-Donu) SUBMITTEDt July 24, 1959 Card 5/7 Electrical conductivity of some ... Legend to Fig. 1z System AgNO 3 - C13NO 3: 1-7 curves of electrical conductance (I at 1800 C, 2 at 200 C, 3 at 2200 C, 4 at 2400 C, 5 at 26o0 C, 6 at 2800 C, 0 7 at 300 C); 8 liquidus cur,.re, 22002 3/076/61/035/004/009/01B B106/B201 0"? 47 06- 343Z 42 490 - 209 P '70 40 so do /M 'C'SN03- ma#.- AqNDj Card 6/7 Electrical conductivity of some ... Legend to Fig. 21 System AgNO KNO : 1-8 - curves of 3 - 3 electrical conductance (1-6 corresponds to 2-7 of Fig. 1; 7 - at 3200 C, 8 - at 340 0C); 9 - liquidue curve. 2 2 L-) C, -2 3/076j6l/O35/004/009/018, B106/B201 A -'CN 5~- z x 111C k, / / Card 7/7 4V 60 ev lee PROTSIM, P.I. Interaction between fused nitrates and nitrites of group I and group Il metals. Study of a ternary system consisti:i,, of lithium, silver, and cadmium nitrates. Uch. zap. RGU 40:149-157 '58. (KM 13:10) (1d.thium nitrate) (Silver nitrate) (Cadmium nitrate) PROTSEM, P.I.; XAIAKHOVA, A.Ya. Mectric conductivity of a ternary reciprocal s7stem consisting of potassium an& barium nitrates and mitrites. Zhur. neorg. khim. 5 no.10:2307-2310 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. RostovsIdy gosudaretyennvy universitet. (Systemff (Chemistry)) PROTS32M, P.I. Genetic relationship between various forma of the interaction between fused nitrates and nitrites. Uch. zap. RGU 40:159-162 '58. (MIRA 13: 10) (Nitrates) (Nitrites) IR S/078/60/005/010/029/030/XX B017/BO67 AUTHORSs Protsenko, P. I. and Malakhova, A. Ya. TITLE: Electrical Conductivity ;~of the Reciprocal Three-component U ystem Formed From the Nitrates and Nitrites of Potassium and Bariu-m /i -V I PERIODICALs Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol- 5. No. 10, pp. 2307-2310 TEXT: The electrical conductivity of the reciprocal three-component system K, BaHNO 39 NO2 was studied for the first time. In the experi.- mental part, the authors first study the electrical conductivity of the two-component systems KNO 3 - Ba(NO 3)2 and Ba (N02)2 - Ba(NO 3)2' P' I' Protsenko and 0. N. Shokina (Ref. 11) measured the electrical conductivity of the two-component system (KN02)2 - Ba(N02)2- P- I. Protsenko and Yu. D. Tretlyako studied the electrical conductivity of the two-component system KNO 2 - KNO 3' Fig. I shows the liquidus curves for the system Card 1/3 Electrical Conductivity of the Reciprocal S/076/60/005/010/029/030/XX Three-component System Formed From the B017/BO67 Nitrates and Nitrites of Potassillm and Barium (KNO 2)2 - Ba(NO 3)2 and for the system Ba (N02)2-(KNO3)2' as well as the electrical conductivities of the melts at different temperatures. Fig. 2 shows the projection of the isothermal lines of the specific conductivity of the three-component system at 3200C. The experimental results ind.icafe that the electrical conductivity of the melt consisting of all three salte is the sum of the electrical conductivities of the indi-Vidual salts. The projection of the liquidus curve and the Isotherm for the specific electrical conductivity shows that the crystal melt of the three-com- ponent system K, BaIINOY NO2 is completely homogeneoDs. The compound KNO 2- 2Ba(WO 2)2 is probably completely dissociated in the melt; if, -ould not be proved by mea~auring the electrical conductivi-ty. The apinion ex- pressed earlier by P. 1. Protsenko saying that no relation exist's between the liquidus curves of the phase diagrams and the lsr.~herms of con- ductivity for nitrate-, nitrate-nitrite-, and nitrite systems -was con- firmed. There are 3 figures and 12 S:)viet Teferenceg. Card 213 Electrical Conductivity of the Reciprocal S/078/60/005/010/029/030/XX Three-component System Formed From the B017/Bo67 Nitrates and Nitrites of Potassium and Barium ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Rostov State University) SUBMITTED: July 27, 1959 Card 3/3 PROTSJMt_Y,.I.; SHOKIRA, O.N. Ilectric conductivity of a ternary system composed of sodium, potassium, and barium nitrates. Zbur.neorg.khim- 5 no.2:437-448 r l6b. OKIRA 13:6) lo Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Sodium nitrate) (Potassium nitrate) (Barium nitrate) 058-74 5(2) SOV/78-4-11-27/50 AUTHORS: Protseako, P., I~, Shokina, 0. N. TITLE: Investigation of the Ternary System of Sodium-, Potassium- and -Barium Nitrites PERIODICAL: Zhurrial neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 11, pp 2554 ~- 2557 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Marketable, chemically pure sodium nitrite was used for this investigation, whereas the potassium- and barium nitrite was produced according to a method developed by one of the authors together with L. N. Venerovskaya. Among the binary syitems, the system NaN02 - KNO as investigated by A. G, Bergman and S. I. Berull (Ref 61 Wamong others. The authors determined in this system solid solutions with a minimum melt- ing point of 2320 for the composition with 65 equ% KNO 2' The system (NaN02)2 - Ba(N02)2 is eutectic with its melting point of 1810 at a content of 71.5 equ% B&(NO 2)2* In the system (KN02)2 - Ba(N02)2, the chemical compound KN02'2Ba(NO2)2 is formed. The binary systems are shown in figure 1, their data are given in table 1. 12 sections were investigated (Figs 3-7) Card 1/2 in the ternary system. The three crystallization fields of 05874 Investigation of the Ternary System of Sodium-, SOV/78-4-11-27/50 Potassium- and Barium Ifitrites barium nitrite, of the compound KN02.2B&(NO2)21 and of the solid solution of NaN02-KNO2 meet in two ternary points one of which (1620) is eutectic.'The type of this ternary system con- siderably differs from the system of corresponding nitrates, particularly by the appearance of the complex compound of potassium nitrite with barium nitrite. The nitrogen of the NO% ion tends to attain the coordination number 3, and therefore 2 easily forms complex compounds with heavy metals. By measuring the magnetic moments of complex compounds of NOI, a covalent bond between the central ion and the doordinated su'bstitutes was detected.. Although the bond between Ba2+ and NO~ is n~t quite covalent, it is more covalent than the bond between Ba + and NO-. For the complex KN02.2Ba(NO2) ' the following structure is 3suggesteds 0 f2N>a_ NO~ 0 N02-Ba No2 There are 7 figures, I table, and 6 02N references, 5 of whic are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Hostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet (Rostov-na-Donu State University) SUBMITTED: July 24, 1958 Card 2/2 pRoTsmIKO P. I. - VEIIERNSKAYA, L.N. (g.Rostov-n!L-D,n-,I) Experiment in obtaining nitrogga trioxid-,. Zhin-Y ;:hikole 14 no.4:40-41 Jl-Ag 159. 12:11) (Nitrogen oxide) (Chemistry-Study iii1d toachirig) PBDTSNM), P.I., prof., doktor khim.nauk What various university departments give to the national economy. Vest.vyo.shkoly 16 no.11:41-43 N '58.(MIRA 12:1) 1. Prorektor Rostovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitets. (Research) PRGTSENKO',_~I.; POPOVSKATA, N.P. Oxidizing and nitriding special steels in nitrate-nitrite atmosphF,res. Nauch.clokl.vye.shkoly; met. no.1:244-249 '59. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Rostovskly-na-Donu gosudarstvenWy universitat. (Case hardening) (Metallic films) SOV/3-58-11-14/38 AUTHOR: Protsenkc P.I., oct3r of Chemical Sciences, Professor; "Uhiversity -Pro-Rector TITLE: The University Chairs - Serving the National Economy (Kafe- dry universiteta - narodnomu khozyaystvu) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1958, Nr 11, PP 41 - 43 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The solution of present-day scientific problems which arise from the development of national economy, constitutes the basic object of Rostov University scientists. The Drospects for expanding creative research have improved after the So- viet of National Economy (Sovnarkhoz) was established for the Rostov economic administrative district. All faculties are engaged in solving scientific problems. A staff of phy- sicists under the-leadership of the docent N.S. Novosill- tsev, A.L. Khodakov and I.N. Belyayev have considerably de- veloped research in the field of semiconductors - ferro electrics. In cooperation with the chemists, they have syn- thesized new materials: single crystals of variconds possess- - ing improved ferro electric properties. Professor M.A. Blokhin has lately worked successfully on the construction of an electric meter closet for the semi-automatic registra- Card 1/3 tion of X-rays spectrums, as well as on long-and short-wave The Univornity ChaIrB - 3erving the National Economy SOV/3-58-11-14/38 spectrometers~ T'in-walled shafts, plates and covers are being widely used as elements of construction in modern engineering and especially in machine building. They per- mit the manufacture of machines and devices of the least possible weight which is partIcularly valuable in shipbuild- ing and aviation. Docent I.I. Vorovich solved the basic problems of the non-linear theory of covers; he substantiated theoretically the computations of thin plates and rods, thereby widening their scope of use. Docent A.K. Nikitin has devoted his studies, over a number of years, to the hy- drodynamic theory of lubrication. The Chair of Analytical Chemistry, headed by Professor P.N. Kovalenko, is working on new physico-chemical methods of analysis. Forecasts on the industrial coal, oil and ga_~ deposits of the Eastern Donets Basin and the adjoining territory, is the subject of research conducted by numerous geologists of Rostov U-i- Card 2,13 versity, jointly with the geologists of the Volgo-Donskcye The University Chairs - Serving the National Economy SOV//3-5,9-11-14/38 geologicheskoye upravleniye (Volga-Don Ceolopical Admini- stration). Ti,u leading mez. are: Professo-?-s A.T. Yegorov, I.I. Potapov and Docent I.A. Shamray. Docent G.R. Matuk- hin hnq elaborated a method to increase the growth of salt- resistant agricultural plants, by means of ~~ultivating them on salt-ridden lands. The biologists are Ariving great con- si(:eration to the development and productivity of plants and animals under certain conditions of their environment. In this connection the names of Professors N.N. Arkhangell- skiy, V.V. Akimtsev and F.Ya. Cavrilyuk are mentioned. AS31WIATION: Rostovskiy qosudarstv-9rnyy universitet(Rostov State Univer- sity) Card 3/3 1-80) AUTHORS; _LrotsejLka,_E,_1_, Popovskaya, N, P. SOV/163-501-1-47/50 TITLE: Oxidation and Nitriding of Alloy Steel in Nitrate-Nitrite Media (Oksidiroyaniye i azotirovaniye spetsiallnykh staley v nitrat-nitrit- nykh sredakh) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 244-249 (USSR) ABSTRACT: b1. S. Smovt, G. G. Sergiyeako, and L. Yo. Kal'naya aasiuted in this investigation. The authors had the idea of using baths of molten salts, the components of which would be the source material for atomic nitrogen and oxygen. In this article the problem is in- vestigated whether it is possible to oxidize and nitride steels simultaneously by a treatment in melts of nitrate-nitrite components, The influence exercised by such mixtures upon the surface properties of alloy steels is determined. For this purpose hardened and riot treated samples of alloy steels KhVG, R9 and R18 were ground, polish- ed, degreased and then treated thermochemically in salt melts in a metal crucible. The composition of the charge as a rule corresponded to binary and ternary eutectics. The thermochemical treatment varied with the temperature, the halting time, the salt composition of the Card 1/3 bath and the type of tool steel. The temperature regimen was SOV/10'3-59-1-41/50 Oxidation and Nit-riding of Alloy Steel in Nitrate-Nitrite Kedia. prescribed by the central laboratory of the "Roatsel'mash" Wcr?,& and complied with the conditions for the drawing of tool steel: 0 220 - 2400 and 540 - 560 .The samples were kept in the salt melts from I to 8 hours, they were then washed, dried, and tested as to microhardness and corrosion resistanoe.~- The experiments lead to the following statements: Protective layers with extreme hardneaB and high corrosion resistance are produced on samples of alloy steel@ in molten nitrate-nitrite media. The microhardness of the surface layers of samples which had been treated by such a process in- creases bY 38 - 100 % as compared to samples not treated. In the thermochemical treatment of tool steel samples in nitrate-nitrite melts of salts of the alkali- and alkaline-earth metals apart from the protective oxide layers also nitride-phases of an indetermiln5he compositian are produced at drawing temperatures. This means that oxidation and nitriding proceed simultaneously.- There are 5 figures, 3 tables, and 8 references, 7 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 jOV/165--59 ---471/50 Oxidation and Nitriding of Alloy Steel in I'litrate-Nitrite Redia ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu Gosudarstvennyy universitet (Rostov-na-Donu state University) SUBMITTED; June 24, 1958 Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Protsenko, P.I. 131-3-10/16 TITLE: An Accelerated Method of Determining Calcium- and Magnesium Oxides in Basic Refractories (Uskorennyy metod opredeleniya okisey kal'tsiya i magniya v osnovnykh ogneupomykh materialakh) PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1958, Vol. 23, Nr 3, PP. 138-139 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The determination of magnesium oxide in basic refractories is usually carried out by the weight-method, which, however, takes much time and does not meet the demands with respect to production. The author developed an acceleratea complexametric method, which takes only 45-60 minutes. This method is described in detail. A table shows the results obtained by comparing detemination of calcium- and magnesium oxides by the complexometric-, pyrophos- phatic-, and oxalatic methods. Finally the reagents required for carrying out analyses are named. There is I table. ASSOCIATION: Kushva Metallurgical Plant (Kushvinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Calcium oxides-Determination 2. Magnesium oxides-Determins-tion 3. Refractory materials-Chemical analysis C AUTHOR: Protsenko, P.I., ':)2-8-8/61 TITLEz An Accelerated Method for the Analysis of Blast Furnace Slag (Usko- rennyy metod analiza domennogo shlaka) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 8, pp. 911-912,(USSR) ABSTRACTt The now method proposed in this paper is based on a combination of the already known methods of volumetric and colorimetric ana- lyses and permits to carry out a slag analysis with sufficient accuracy within 2o minutes. Examples for the employment of this method are demonstrated in the paper. They may be summarized as followas Ig slag is well ground, demagnetized in the conic retort, first with 50 ml of hot distilled water and then with lo ml ni- tric acid well stirred, and then completely dissolved by addition of another 50 ail hot water and lo ml nitric acid. Beside that a normal solution of the already known components and their quanti- ties is prepared. For determining the silicic acid content 5m1 of both solutions respectively are taken away and separately treated by addition of 5 ml ammonium molybdate solution (%,) respectivly, 2o ml hot water, 2o ml nitric acid, lo ml Mohr's salt and then examined for the optical density an a special apparatus and com- pared. For the determination of the alumina content the same samp- le quantities are treated by addition of aluminum acetate solu- tion and also investigated for their optical density and compared. Card 1/2 The determination of the manganese oxide content is performed with . .............. . An Accelerated Methodfor the Analysis of Blast Furnace Slag. 32-8-8/61 loo ml initial solution which is in boiled state treated by ad- dition of lo ml nitric &aid, 2o ml aamoniumpersulfate solution (2o%) and 15 ml silver nitrate, and which i4titrated against arsenic anhydride after cooling. The determination of the content of oalciumoxide and magnesiumoexide is carried out to the complexometric method (the process is described). The ferrous oxide content is determined is a solution of 0,5 9 slag, 3o ml sulfuric acid, 50 ml water by titration against a permanganate solu,tion. ASSOCIATION: Metallurgy Works in Kushva (Kushvinakiy metallurgicheskiy zavod) AVAIIABIE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 X0,jetr IvIn ich P ZHARSKIY, F.T., red.; ZARkMA, I.Ya., red.: _ ____PIQTSRL 2!_~ PAVLICHENKOp M.I.,q tekhn. red. [Outline of the development of chemistry at the Rostov University] Ocherk razvitiia khimii v Rostovskom, universitete. Rostov-na-Donu, Izd-vo Rostovskogo univ., 1960. 213 p. (MIRA 14:9) (Rostov-on-Don-Chemistry-Study and teaching) PROTSENKC, P.K. Automatic control of the transfer roll table of the 2250 rolling mill. Sbor.rats.predl.vnedr.v proizv. no.1:24 '61. (MIRA 14:?) 1. Alclievskly metallurgicheskly tavod. (Automatic control) (Rolling mill) INOZEMTSEV, B.S.1 kand, takhn. nauk; ITtOTSENNO, R.D., kand. 1vt-Ahn. nauk; KOZIREV, M.M. [Kozyriev, M.M.], inz1h. Attacbment for protecting electric motors. Yekh. sill. hosp. 14 no.9:30 S 163. (MIRA 17-1) PROTSENKO, R.D., kand. tekhn. nauk Protection of three-phase motors from single-phase operation. Prom. energ. 19 no.1:12.-16 Ja 164. (MIRA 17.2) FRGTSMKO, F. .0. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Development and study of telemeasuring equipment for equipment of agricultural d6signation." Moscow, 1961. 19 pp with diagrams; ~Moscow Order of Lenin Agricultural Academy imeni K. A. Timiryazev); 200 copies;price not given; (KL, ?-G1 sup, 244) PROTSKO., R.F. Content of ascorbic acid and glutathione in pea and corn sproutus with various intensities of growth. Ukr. bot. zhur. 20 no.3: 14-18 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Otdol fiziologii rasteniy Instituta botaniki AN lJkrSSR. PPNOTSENKO) I to 61110"It M;Zon "40 and MAI N~htmnmsd It 044wy Akid. Sauk ):..S-A~ X. 11. 321-M OW-7lu kimtka of the tubaffse rmvtwu tIetwern HUI and NW, wimm 1$ 6 a loug-fived rwNuctive iodiar lvuttr, with the wlt Nat I ptoduced by the reactkm Nap.1i 2.Nai* + S. were Investl4ated in Ale. WAn. with' 1111641 concna. B(I - Nal - OA .11, by selm. with Colid, plit u. id I- with ASN(li,, And iltin. of the activity of (he jAgl* ppt. with a C-tiger-Muller counter. The llud-ordcf Areaction, expremed by k 1/(a + 6)11 In It I - I I + 0/0 1 (xic) 1. or. with a b - 0.1. k - 0 1 -510 We fit I I - 2jxji)j 1. where c total activity of Wine. x - Activity of hi I, is confirmed by the lirWA6ty4)( Plot& (A Iog 11/11 - 2(x/c)jl 4sainst 1. % .aluts of 1111k. in III-IV I literwc.' 10, 20,30, 40, Anti W. air W23. O.W. 2.15, 4.2. And 1.1-3. mp.. brtjm, the Activation energy E - 19.0 kCAI./MOk. With the steric factor a~sunted - 0A. the ellective collision diam. isof the oriltrol 3 X If) Icin. V. Tfujis -P'RO 126ilO - 1, , A 4y"s Of Coal-A,Ohn ad 10 the Asa. a gns a, T""",,"d H , toriya, V. 13, i0-17 (Fron) 7,jLw&jWj,,' -P. 1-.lo3 Dotffmin tion of Cl,, Zn, and Cr. Tab* ----------- ref. PROTSM-M-, R. V. 1603SR/Chemistry - Furfural Dec 48 "Absorption "3~ctrum of Furfural in Acid and Alkali Solutions," A. A. Dobrinakava, M. B. Neyman, L. N. Polkanova, R. V. Protsenko, Inst of Chem, Gorlkiy State u, 3 3A pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXIII, No 5 Study of the absorption spectrum of furfural, one of the most interesting representatives of aldehydes because of its bond system, confirmed previously advanced theiry of the equilibrium of alpha and beta forms in solutions of unsaturated aldehydes and ketones. Submitted by Acad N. N. Semenov 12 Oct 48. PA 55/49T17 L T ' PrIn-IMLI L'-Chastlye-. MATYUK, F.,M, GOGOLINA9 PAIILGVSKIY, L.-, L.L~ SERGUNINA, V.A.~ SIDORM, N-I.; LIBERMAN, ROYM-NOVA, L,V,; FROTSENKO; T.V.,? YkKUKRIA, L.G. Selecting the opt,-wum system for dr1ing paint coatings in thermosetting dryers. Lakokras.nat. I Ikh prim. no.2-.45-48 164. (MIRA 17:4) PROTSENKO, V., kontr-admi-ral The most Important factor in our efforts to #prave, the milit,,--.7 training of Soviet servicemen. KcE=.Vooruzh.Si:L I no.18:50-54 s 161. WIFi. 14:9) (Rues ia-Vavy--4*neuvers) FRMENKOP V., kontr-admiral A small ship with important functions. StarSb.-.6Prez2;, M.22,2~; D 161. U~T-~ 15z3) (Russia--Navy) 012198 (Y) S6URCE CODV- AUTY40R Protsenko, V. ORG: none ~l'ii-i-0-0--O-B,-/-,65/000/302/0002/0002 TITLE: A plan that leads to victory [On more careful planning o[zaval tactical and combat exercises) SOURCE: Krasnaya zvezda, 24 Dec 65, p. 2, col. 1-3 TOPIC TAGS: naval training, naval tactic, naval personnel ABSTRACT: The article discusses the need for more carefully prepared and imaginative plans for tactical training operations. The author stresses the responsibility of naval units staffs in the matter. He feels that such plans too often follow a well-known and rehearsed plan, sometimes year after year, and are carried o 'in the same area, under the same conditions, and with the same sequence of ut events, This, says the author, is not conducive to the development of initiative among naval officers. Moreover, the forces of the "adversary" should not be under- estimated. If during tactical training operations, an "enemy" submarine is permitted Card 1 / 2 1 ACC NRt AN6012198 to change its course and speed according to the situation, its commander, and also the commander of the pursuing ships, will learn more about tactical operations, than if the same submarine has to follow a predetermined course blandly at a preestablish-, ed speed. The author stresses that tactical training exercises- should be carried out in so far as possible in conditions approximating actual cornbat. He states that I modern progress seems to have bypassed the analytical sessions following training exercises. The analysis sessions are too formalistic, too hasty, and are made in the presence of too many officers of the most varied categories and specialities. Thore is no question period, and no remarks are permitted. The author feels that such sessions should be prepared more carefully, should be more comprehensive and should cover the activities of each participant in the exercises. They should take ,several days, not two or three hours, and the time spent would be of great profit to the officers. [f-,C UB CODE: 15, 05/ SUBM DATE: none/ FROTSEUKOP V.A.; PLOTNIKOV, N.G. Methodology of examining the lipobtic activity of the blood ser- um, urine and duodenal contents. Lab. delo 10 no.5:288-291 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kafedra, patologicheskoy fiziologii ( mveduyushchiy - dotsent S.I.Georgiyevskiy) i kafedra detskikh bolezney (zaveduyushchiy - dotsent K.V.Shelupenko) Kr-,nnskogo meditsinskogo instituta, Sim- feropol'. PROTS"EINKOt V,A. 1,,Jpage and tributyrinase activity in the blood and- fo-717-ifnz ligation of the pancreatic ducts in experlmental pancreat-'t-is. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 8 no.1g61-62 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 118~:2) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav.- dotsent 3.1. Georglyevskiy) Krymakogo meditsinskogo instituta, Slmfercopoll, a MOTSENKO, V,A, ([,rouenko, V.0.j On the sflfe%~t, of -Lhe Wicreas, lungs and- kidneys on -.i-e serum "ias'e - j o. - activity. Ukr. blokhim. zhur. 36 no.2s226-233 164. (HEU IL11) 1. Departruont of Pathological Physiology of the Crimean Medica-l insttzute, Simf eropol. KACHANt A.A.; ~'ROT5ENKC, V.~. 'r I 'l-.6,ction of cerium ions w"th methylene blue in an ac4d medium. Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.2.403-406 F 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Belotserkovskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut, kafedra obshchey khirnii. Submilt,ted April 15, 196". STEMENSKIY, A.I. [Stezhenslk-yi, A.I.], kand. t,ekhn. nauk; LITKIYANC-HYCV, V.S. [Lijklianchykov, V.S.1; PROTSENKO, V.B. Unit for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. rhim. prom. no.4r27-29 O-D v64. (MIRA 1823) PROTSENKO, V.F. (Roqtov-na-Donu) Unusually severe flood in the lower Don Valley. Priroda 12 no.808-99 Ag '63. (~a RA 16-~') (No subject headings) I Orgal"4-zatilon of 1~- cn n~r=~ study cC Olangerous h v-1 tec_rologica I p! .-nomen-n in tne No.- C~-ouca3: 's -111-drome tecr( loil 11 Ca I SErVice ~.Jminis tration Leor f 1. S'eve ro-Xavkaz skaye upravleniye',-ogicheg~.-.oy sivzhby. BOLGARI, P.P., kapitan 2 range; PARAMOVOYA, G.V.; RUDEPKO, A.Ye.; MIOTSAiKO, V.I.; POLYAKOV, I., red.: ISUOVA, N.. LHUseum of the Black Sea Fleet; a brief guide] Muzei Cherno- morskogo flota. Kratkii putovodital'. Izd.2. Simferopol', Krymizdat, 1958. 124 p. (MIRA 12:9) 1. ~Qmfqropol. Maz~y-Ch6rh6morake9O,:fj,9tn-. 2.-,Rabotniki muzeys Chernomorskago flots (for Bolgari, Paramonova. Faidenko, Protsenko). (Sebastopol--Naval museums) S"TKIII, M.N., redraktor; BUIATOV, N.P., rednktor: PAZUHOVSKIY, U.N., r!!,Iakto:-, ThRA"OVA, V-11., tekhrilrnaskiy re-dak-tor [Students' practice in Ivdustnv and agriculture] Frak~llra x;&,s13hcM-kh-- Me v promyrhlennom i Bel 19kOk~IOZi&iRtVennOn DrfAzvod"tve. P.-A red. M,11.',ZksAkIv& I 14-P-Pulotovs) .Moikvm, 1957. 215 p. (MI,'iA 10:10) I. AkademiyA ondspogicheskikh rjailk RSFSR, teorit j istc-! i oedagogikl (Agriculture-Study R-id tqechlng) (Technteal edu,:!Btion) PROTSENKO, V.G. Talented org=izer of communist education. Egt.v sh-kesle no.2: 30-39 Mr-Ap 154. (9LRA 7:3) (Makarenko, Anton Semenovich, 1888-1939) BELINSKAYA,, M.S.; SHVYLEVA, A.A.; PROTS'KO, V.I. Spectral method for determining copper in ironoalts. From. khim. reak. i osobo chist. veshch. no.1:22 163. (MIRA 17:2) ACC NRt A.P6022031 SOURCE CODE: UR/01?0/66/000/003/0198/0202 AUTHOR: Nikollskiy, A. P.; ~elits?i.LL I! o, V, -fe-jllar-ov, T Ya- Varenov, B. N.; Sh~-,elev, V. I.; Kordonsidy, G. A. ORG: Central Laboratory of Automatics, GKChIs'e7il, ftoscow (-Tsentralinaya laboratoriya avtomatiki) TITLE: Automatic fluorescent x-ray spectrometer SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 19616, 198-202 TOPIC TAGS: automatic spectrometer, x ray spectrometer ABSTRACT: A newly developed all-wave vacuum fluorescent automatic x-ray spectrometa~r is briefly described; intended for both qualitative and quantitative analyses, the t,..To-beam .. spectrometer permits programing of 24 lines. The programing unit has storages for these parameters: the Wulf-Bragg angle, discrimination threshold, discrimination-window width, standard or timer pulses, collimator type, sequence of interrogation of lines. These units are mentioned or described: x-ray optical system; primary and secondary collimators; crystal analysers (LiF and IIHHPO4); radiation detectors (proportional and 14aI(TI) scintillation counters); amplifiers, supply packs, etc. The BKhV-6 x-ray tube (50 kv, 100 ira) permits exciting the K-series of elements with Z = 12--60 and the L-series with Z > 60. Data regarding counting rates of pure elements is supplied. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. [031 SUB CODE: W.709/SUBX, DATE:14Apr65/ORIG REF:006 / OTH REF:001 -Cordl/i Z'u_ UD00543,426- P R ~ 17, ) F [,~ ~,,t , v i',j' GARNII, I.I., inzhanar; GPJMOVICH, S.A., inzhener; PROTSINIO, V.N., inzhener. DST,50 type 150A electrodes for the welding of NL-2 steel. Svar. proizv. no-3:22 Mr '57. OaYA lo:4) (Steel-Weldine) (Electrodes) SUBJECT: USSR/Welding 135-3-10/17 AUTHORSt Garnik I.I. Engineer, Gershovich, S.A., Engineer, and Protsenko V.N., Engineer. TITLE: Electrodes "ACK-50" Of tYPe " )-50A" for Welding Steel "IJA-2% (ElaktrodyA C K-50 tipa )-50A dlya avarki atali VIA-2). PERIODICAL: "Svarochnoye Proizvodatvo", 1957, # 3, p 22, (USSR). ABSTRACT: Type "_~-50A" electrodes are used for low-alloy construction steel. In view of &cut* need for such electrodes, the labora- tory of the author's plant has developed a new electrode coat- for welding steel "HA-211. The recipe for the coating of "CM-11" electrodes which are not applicable for welding steel "H.A-2"(give pores, vertical and overhead welding Is impossible) was used as the initial basis. The coating for electrode type "34-50A" of grade 'ACK-50", aP- plicable for use with a.c. and d.c. (with reverse polarity) was creat*d as a result of the latest work. The recipes of coatings 'CM-11" and ")QCK-50" are as specified below(in % of weight): Card 1/4 135-3-10/17 TITLE: Electrodes "ACK-50" Of type "')-50A" for Welding Steel -H-q-2". (Elektrody ACK-50 tipa ) 50A dlya avarki stali HA-2). M-11 K-50 Marble ............................. 28.2 26.4 Feldspar .... ...' ............ -.". 20.3 19.2 Sodium silicate .................... - 3.8 Ferrosilicon ....................... 8.5 9.0 Ferromanganese ............... 3.5 J Powdered iron ................ 32.8 -6 31 Powdered aluminum .................. - 1.0 Titanium dioxide .............. 3.5 3.3 Cellulose ..................... 1.9 1.8 Potash ............................. 1.3 1.2 Liquid glass of 1.40 - 1.44 density, - the potassium liquid glass 75 22-24 22-24 the sodium liquid glass 25 % (of dry compound weight) The thickness of coating recommendedi Card 2/4 ,135-3-10/17, TITLE: Electrodes "ACK-50" of type " 9-50A" for Welding Steel -21'. (Elektrody NK-50 tiPa )50A dlya avarki atali tIA-2), Diameter of the Diameter of the The maximum allowable rod in mm electrode in mm. difference in coating thickness, in mm 4 6,25-6.35 0.10 5 7.35-7-50 0.15 6 8.35-8-50 0-15 The resulting mechanical propert I es (on,the average) are; in weld metal: resistance limit 50 kg/mm I rela ive elongation 28 ~~ in welded joint: resistance limit 57 kg1mm , angle of bond 180 , impact resistance 18 kg/CM2. The electrodes are burning evenly in all space positions, on direct and on alternating current; the fusion is quiet; the weld metal is fine-scaled the slag covers the weld uniformly and is easily removed; no splattering takes place. For final and complete tests the electrodes were sent to the weld- ing institute im. Paton of the USSR Academy of Sciences. There it was established that the "P CY-50" electrodes are applicable for welding stool "HA-2" in all positions and with direct,aa Card 3/4 well as alternating current; their mechanical properties are cor- TITLE: Electrodes ".CICK-50" of type 50A" for Welding Steel of HA-211. (Elektrody qCK-50 tiPa 350A dlya avarki stali Hn-2). responding to type " 3,501" by the standard "MDE'0523-51% destined for welding heavy duty structures of steel "HA-211. The electrodes under consideration are widely applied, also at the plant "imeni Molotov" in Dnepropetrovsk which produces steel 8truc- turea for the combined metallurcical works under construction in India, and at the plant "imeni Pravda!'in Dneprodzh*rzhinak for construction of corn harvesters. The article contAins 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Dnyepropetrovsk Electrode Plant. PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTEDi AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress. Card 4/4 PROTSM. 0,_ Y,P., kand, tekhn. nauk "Thermodynamic cycles of atomic powp- plaiats" -,y D.D.Ka-llsfati. Reviewed by V.P.Protsenko. Teploenergetika 11 no.6t95-96 Je 164. (MIRA 18:7), PROTSENKO, V.P., kFind.tekhn.nauk Analytical determirat-Ion of the sptimam character-IstUcE of' Saturated stu-eam generators with Cree evaporation level. 'Ireploenargetika U no.2:36-42 F 164. (~ff RA 17:4) PROTSENKD, V.P. Incidence of leilkemia in Starropol Territory. Uch. zap. Str--Tr. gos. med. inst.'12:356-357 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii (zav. prof. I.N. Sergiyenko) Stavropol?skogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. PROTSENKO jP V.P. Func tiona I s tvi te o!' 'Ji(, ri(~ "orm 3y", U"m In I P ilk, r~mi ". .I,?(-h. var). Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:86 '63. ( " . i ,1/1,-A !!:9~ 1. Kul'pdrit piLtologichogkoy fiziologii (zav. prof. V.A. Che l1rin) i kafedra gospitallnoy terapli (mv. prof. I.N. SvrgJyi-nko~ Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo institttLa. PROTMIKOP V.P. (Stavropol') Tissue protei-n ~-etabcl~'-ijzn the functioral capacity of the liver ir. -atients with chronic nyelosis. Vrach. delo nc).9: 22-25 S'63. (1-1111U 16:10) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terap-ii (zav. - prof. I.14Serf-;iye&.o) Stavropollskogo medi'Uirskogo instituta. (FROTEIE METABOLISM) (LIVER Fb3:rTIOI,*. TESTS) Om~ow--!U-IORS) 7clec~4on of the zara.~eters of nuclea:- o-Wer :-Po cDolinc-. V'tcm. enerCc U 7e 162, (Atomic power plants) PRO73ENKO I V.P...,. inzh. Choice of oT -.inwl unit -,ower --nA vacuum of 7,7.: r *- - . -- -- -, ~ :, :; , . "s ;-7 ~- r - :- Teploenei,Le.ti-.:4,L U': no.6:33-37 Je 161. ( " E ~ I -/ : I U, , 1. Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut. (Turbogenerators) PROT-111.07 V.P. L w r _n, 5 ser,=, FF,OTSE*,17',',O, V.P`r,n mathod of E.naiytical dieta_-.-Ji or. cf t..e opt-h-aun initial parameters ol atomic power plantf w--;t'- z;- Lz,: 0; _-, I a. it .Tcplo.~,,nergatika 7 nc,.9:13-18 c onerg..itAches'r-.iy in.,Aitut. f,;I'I,(:,f,1It, iower jJunt:-I:` ZHIVAKOV, B.N.; fliOTSENYO, Tv.D.; SE!"MiOv, V.F. Radiospeactroscope with hifgh,"requancy modulation of thp sai~netic Plf~ltt for obeervine ~Iactronic paramai~nnt~c resonarace. el-sp, fiz. no.1:37-10~ '59. (~qru, 1):.~) (Madiofrequency spectrOscOP7) (Pnramgnetic resonance and rolaxation) L 40]83_66 __F13D L-,IT_(I) 'r,(k`..21T/~~,w~-(k) EJP(C) 1.6 ACC 114R; AP6026979 SOUN'T., con"": 1,1i~/0051/66/021,/002/0243/Cj2,,4 Sapunov, Yu. -Irocsen~o Certain results of an investiration of ~I PLIISe(~. argon Laser Optika i spektroskopiva, v. 21, no. 2, 1966, 243-244 gas laser, argon laser ABSTRACT: Pulsed generation of an arl-on laser ~,ras investigated experimentally. T I I e experimental setup consisted of an external, almost confocal svstem of spherical. interference mirrors and glass tubes %1.8 m. lont- and 5.7 and 10 mm in dia~rieter with Brewster angle windows and a heater cathode. Current pulses throuQh the tubes ,:ero generated by ~he discharge oF a condenser fed bv a rectifier tip to 10-50 kv . T~n the 1.0-1-7 x 10' mm lig pressure ranpe j~eneration of Ar TI occurred in the blue-green " spectral region at eiphL lines: 4097, Ijh3l, 4765, 4880, 4965, 5145, 5610, and 5620 A. Generation at 5610 and 5620 A vas observed for tile fLrst time and occurred at pres- ra sures from 2 X 10-2 to 8 X 10-3 Mr', lj~, and voltapes, of 30 kv and up. The tempo I dependence of current pulses and peneration on tile pas pressure, laser discharge tube diameter, and capacitance WGS investigated and discussed in detail. nriZ. art. has: 1 figure. (YK SITB CODE: 20/ SUM DATE: 180ct65/ nPIC, RFr: 001/ OTH PEF: 004/ ATD PRESS: Card 1/1 vmb UDC: 62l.375.9:535(206.3):546.293 ALEKSAYOV, G.N.; ZIfITZYAKOV, B.M.; PROTSEliKO, Ye.D.; SM.-MV, V.P. Regulator of a magnetic field -eotential. Nek. vcr,. eks:~. filz. no-1:53-62 '59. (IMM, !3t2) (Magnetic fields) I /5'!P L q430C-66 ACC ~11~.' AP6018453 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/020/006/1063/1035 A'ij-IHOR: Gonchukov, S. A.; Yermakov, G. A.; Mikhnenko, G. A. Protsen~:o Ye. ORG, none TITLE: On the probLem of temperature effects in an SOURCE. Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 20, nu. 6, 1966, 1083-1085 T3PIC TAGS: laser, laser em ission, dischr-,j';,,e tube, 11F,.' 0v 1UF0 L'/ 0'-i i~ - ABSTF~ACT - The variation in the power of an tie-fie laser und,~I' constant pW,1p1-ng during the first few minutes of the discharge excitation is investigated. Thin varlation IS obviously due to the heating up of the tube and the variation in the crincontration of the neutral atoms in the gas mixture. When the tube is fired, the gas pressure rises somewhat. The heating up of the tube decreases the nmiber of particles in the wor~-ngl section and varies the temperature and concentration of electrons in the discharge. These changes, together with the varying particle velocity distribution, affect the magnitude of -0ie population inversion and thereby the output power of th,~ laser, The i output power is plotted as a function of pressure and as a function of tiie concentra- tion of unexcited atoms with various wall temperai-es. The experimental method, co-,,-! ditions, and equipment are described. Results show that there is an optimun. concentra- tion at which a peak power is obtained regardless of the temperature 111( 1 that the pow- UDC: 621.375-9:535.096 Card 1/2 L 34800-66 ACC NR: AP6018453 er output is temperature-(;ependent. P(-.arcjn3 for the variatiori in pr en. The authors thank A. 11. Orayevskiy for discussing the results. Orig. art. has: [14) 2 figures. SUB CCIDE: 20/ SUBM DAM OODec65/ ORIG RLP: 001/ OTH RFF: 001 ATD P;-IFSS:,S-o Card 2/2 F. '34110 05 E VIG (i /EVA (k )IF ED 14rr I )1E!Vrr (ra )/E P F C (k- 2/EP F (n) -2/E P R/F Eq (t /f wPf % Q__ ACCESSIOU NR:: A,?5oo6036 6/0141/64/00'11006/129011203' Pu-4/Pl-4 IJP(c) Nn/JD Ye. D. AUTHOR: Makhorin,_V.-I., Proteenko, TITLE: Divergence of emisGion in:a helitmi-neon laser SOURCE: IVUZ.' Radiofizika, v. 7, no. 06, 1964, 1200-1203 1OFIC TAGS: laser, helium neon laser, Deam.divergence,confocal cavity ABSTRACT The divergence 0 of the lover modes (00, 01) in ex~ He-Ile laser operating At X =~6328X as measured at distances d between reflectors of curvature radius :b = 2m. Output beams were photographed, and intensity distribution was determined Tfrom sensitograr.,3. The results for mode 00 were as follows: 1) at d/b = 1, C was minimal (-. 4.21); 2) at d/b. < 2,,dependence of 8 on d/b vas low; 3) at d/b = 2, 0 ~increased sharply. The results for mode 01 were'similar; however, the minimum value iof 64as 60-70% larger. Measurements for higher modes produced similar results. It vas concluded that the Q-factor in cavities utilizing spheri -cal reflectors -with small 'diffraction losses may be improved by increasing d, with 0 remaining virtually un- changed. When two distinct beams were generated in a confocal-eavity laser, the di- ;vergence ofthe same modes did not differ substantially from that of a single-beam ilaser. Orig art. has: 6.-figures and, 2 rormulas. fDW] 1-COrd 1/2 I I ,~ e, e,~ w -