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FLIS, I. Ye. (deceased]; MISHCHENKO, K.P.; PUS1210K, G.I. Spectrophotometric determination of the dissociation constant, of hypobromous a-id at various temperatures. Izv vys. ucheb. zav.; khim. i khim. tekh. 7 no.5t764-767 164 iMIRA 18al) 1. Kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloldnoy khimii Leningradskogo tekhnologichoskogo instituta tsellyulozno-bumazhnoy promy-sh- lennosti. T_ 4 C a ne.1 gi-o"Ej-, of' znoph e I-,.a r 7, - dcAsent dcit.:@cnt T.V.Rasrcpova'/ Kazan- e.ylt,agnn-'s:-,. between some organophos:@horus ccm7oundo. trudy Kaz. gos. med. inot. 14:265-266 164. Mechanism of the action olf some organophosphorus spasmclytics. Ibid. :267-268 1. Klaf@.!,,-'ru far-nakolog--i (zav. - dct:-,ent T.V.RaspoFova) Kazan- IristLtuta. FLIS, Ye., doktor khim. nauk; PiJjE;NOK, G.I., inLh.; BUNYAYEVA, M.K., kand. khim.naulk Potentiometric method for the analysis of hypobromite aqueous solutions. Trudy LTITSBP no.11:111-117 162. (NIRA 16:10) PUSENOK, G.I., -Jnzh.; FLIS, I.Ye., d6ktor khim.nauk; MISHCHENKO, K.P., doktor khim. nauk; BYNYAYEVA, M.K., kand.khim. nauk Spectrophotometric method for studying the equilibrium of the dissociation of hypobromous acid in aqueous solutions. Trudy '.--TSBP no.11:118-123 162. (@ffRA 16:10) 7T -IJP c r1_64286.65 ACCESSION NR: AT5020469 UR/0000/64/000/000/0233/0237 PU utin S. S AUTHOR., G sep, A. 01. _3 -.-;-TIT1X* Mechanism of formation'of point-contact crystal rectifiers SGURCE:AMezhvuzovskaya nauchno-tekhnicheskg1a konferentsiva-po fizike polupr d.;. nikov (pove r&hnostnyye i kontaktnyye yavleniya). Tomsk, 1962. Poverkhnostnyye i kontaktnyye yavleniya v poluprovodnikakh (Surfa6e and contact phenomena in seml- conductors). Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo un 1964, 233-231 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor diodei electric property, semiconductor research ABSTRACT: A number of experiments are conducted to explain the process.of puls_ e formation of point-contact crystal diodes. The authors measure the temperatures developed in the region near the contact during thermal and electrical formation , it containing'. the capacity of the p-n junction in.the diode, the Q of a tank circul the diode and the current-voltage characteristi:cs. The temperaturein the case of thermal formation was found to be ofthe order of 800-9000C.'w the melting point of.germanium. However, a liquid phase may be' formed by contact melt ing. In the'ease-of electrical formation, local heating of the contact region at the moment the current pulse, passes thzv@ugh is considerably higher than the melting 1/2 L 642B6-65 - --------- ACCESSION NR: AT5020469 -Yll : Th e t t 40 60 M d @- ese measurem n s c a The capacity was measure point of rerman MLM Mn- - showed that electrical forming gives diodes'with a capacity of 1.5-4.0 upf, whie the values for thermal forming are somewhat@,lower--1.2-1.6 lipf. Before formation,- the capacitances of the diodes were 0.5-1 plif. A tank-.with a ther-mally formed d diode. N a considerably higher Q than one,with an electrically forme 0- diode has differences were observed in the'currbnt-voltage.characteristies of the diodes form ed by these two methods. Thus the'differences observed in the diodes are apparent4 ct of the elec.tric:forming current. Orig. art, ly due solely to the thermal effe has:- 2 figures,. 3 fo,,mulas ' :@' ,: stitut (Novosibirsk Electrical-.@ ASSOCIATION: Novosibirskly elektiotekhnicheskiy@, n Engineering Institute), :-Z-;, l . SUBMITTED: O5Oct64 p.- ENCL.*:-bb -,SUB COMEo.'-ke '' NO REP SOV: OTHER: 001- 003 L ow- ROZENBERG, M.S., kandida;@ tekhnicheskikh nauk; PUSEP, A.0. Two-impulse automatic control of the parameters of the drier medium. Der.prom. 4 no.12:7-9 D '55. (MLRA 9:3) 1. Novosibirskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy inBtitUt. (Lumber--Drying) (Automatic control) p or t,IC, Ixtracticn-pnotometric in steels @-:Jth anai. 10 no.6:767-769 64, 7Pj, IS 3;' :.Iosl,(-)V.,Ikiy gooUdar"'Lvennyy iin!.,%,(-!r! it.11, Jr,,@.d Lomonoscont. PTI-T, ',T. Sistcrw,r smazki metallorezhushchildh stanlrov. '-Iosk7a, 1948. 170 r, illtzo - Bibliography: T). 170-/1-717- lletho-js of lubricatinl- metal-cutt-ing machines. DLC: TJ1230- P8 SO: "arm facturf n,@,, and 'Mec@arucal Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Con_-ress, 19@3, ni, tt, ci n. e zav.-, 17 6 i,, L c k i i 1 3 k i y , - @ -z I , - : @%- GUTIN, S.S.; PUSEP@-A.O. On the mechanism underlying the formation of p-n junctions in point-contact solid rectifiers. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav; fiz. no.1:103-107 163. (MIRA 16,-5) 1. Novosibirskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut. (Junction transistors) (Electric current rectifiers) 0 0 0 * & 9 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 : 0 0000090090000069 ii *6*qGoWW-W-W__ *I, a I . s . 1 0 1 No 11 it it 1. 11 11 Is It u Is It a b v Ill 34 a it a 43 fA 42* A A eo L_ L . L _J. __& - a ?_ 6 9 ) L_ k--% ? t a _L_ *4 ' R id dtteFmination of ratfinose in co"or4peed c&kes ap 0 and 16 Pil.-I, , , f : S.S . X. 1W; No. 1. 61 H.tfliml_ citis 1W h.I.L all 4) i b h h 04 . m n. oti y a met ased on the direct rrLition,hip be- 09 "t... I) its. 1, qll@tiotg. X1,1111111h, 14 the w"i all'i tile F.Sth. 00 .A.- repirwiltv.1 by y - Is(, wheire y - r.4flin.&,k *4 - C910CH. Of glAtithlitt in tile MV11. Mild 41 W 00 't"I.Mli"11411ty cncff. Thc glandule Cotten. In tile @.j I, ; jet-1, by tile volor pirfAumd with ronot. 16SO. :slid by I It oiivro@vot,tc exAmn. S V41tick =00 I S L A .17@LLUPGXAL LITINAILAF CLOSIM&TION u is A, W3 LS 0 IP WK xitNs PcOrt It, 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 00000?6 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 ejoj 00 coo -00 2 see 1 =0111@ !ties 04 cloo 0 PW 0 0 o a o o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 00 000 a * * 0 0 0 0 00 0 * 0 a The Jiscluirge of det9xicated cottonseed cak6 and grist by the oil tallts. F. A?Pu--,qj. Ataitakino-Zhirowya From. Ia. No. 11, 11-13(l 11M.-TO Reproximate the gossypol in Ov! ovntmr@d cake (1) and grist 11), a ground, alfted (rncsh Chemical Abet. 16), an.1 thoroughly mixed Wtug. Inunple of I or 11 Is sub- dividef into portions which are placed on slides. Vol - 48 No- 8 Thme Illurtions, Luoistened with 15-6 drops of FGS04, are Apr. 25, 1954 examd. under low-pa-wer lens for the no. of black spots wret- Ingtf-ddishliquid. The total no. of spots 6 then divided by Fats, Fatty oils# Waxes, and the wt. of the sample unit multiplied by R factor 0-076M Detergents gosqypol/spot/mg. of I or 11) to obtain the gossyPol content of the :@wnple studied. The gossypol content of I produced by the "peller or solvent-extri. methods is appreciably lower than that in I from the hydraulic process. V. N. K. PlISEP, F. A. FI'SEP, F. A. : "The prophylaxis of gossyc@ol poisoning anorig agri- cultural aninals". Moscow, 1955. Yoscow Veterinary Aca-dery, Yin Acriculture USSR. (Dissertation for the Degree of Can@lidate of ' T@IICL L GH ILTLT,_'I Sc-*ences) SO: KnizYxiaya Letopis' No. 51, 1C December 1955 PUS51 v. L., 49traightfor!,;a.rd Control of Rolling,@ Stanki i Instrument, No. 3, 1948. Cand. Tech. Sci. pvgtl I v - 2. ,;Trcrease o" Force dur ng he Removal of a Cut;i-g Instrument," Stanki i Instrument, No. 6, 1948. Cand. 7ech. Sci. Moscow Machine-Tool and Instrument Institute imeni I. V. Stalin, -cl948-. 27 js 0 0 It i V . 16 -00 00 0 0 00 oo .00 00 so -00 00 .00 go 00 Abrupt Change of Strew on Withdrawal of Tools. (In go Itu,ian.) %% F. Push. Stanki i Inst,nmeliti tToo6 '- 0 00 19. June 194S, v. 16-19. and Instruments). V. Pr,sent% mathematical analysis of the above. esPe- 0 cially applicable to drilling. The stre%s firA in- zo 0 00 creases sharply. then drops off to a minimum 00 value. Includes diagrams. zoo 00 400 ' -90 D -go O 00 q -00 AG, 00 0 0 0 0 / - It 1 a 10 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 01 0 40 to0 0 0 0 0 : * : 0 0 : : 1. PUSH, V. Yr-,. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Lubrication and Lubricants 7. Calculation of the ways with regard to liquid friction. Stan. i instr. 23 no. 9, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. 0 PUSH, V. E. . kandidat telchnicheskilch nauk, dotsent. Relieving forces acting on the cylindrical guides of beavy-duty machines. Is9l. v obl. metallorezh.stan. no-3:95-100 '55. (XLRA 10:.2) (Machine tools) (Bearings (machinery,)) RODIONOV, Yevgeniy Pavlovich; PUSH, V.R.. nauchnyy redaktor; KONTSEVAYA, E.M., redaktor; KUZI MIN, -fft'd",-'@t7ekhnicheskiy redaktor [Lathes] Tokarnye stanki. Moskva. Vses. uchobno-padagog. izd-vo Trudrezervizdat. 1956. 102 p. (MLRA 9:8) (lathes) e r for t1w. .,,e rer- of Joctors -,n Scie:ices) Technical 1- 1956 DERTAGIR, B.V.; PUSH, V.B.; TUSTOY, D.K. Theory of solids sliding with intermittent stops (frictional natural vibration of the first type) Zhur.tekh.fis.26 no.6:1329-1342 de '56. (KERA 9:9) l.Moskovokly stankoinstramental'W institut imeni I.V.Stalina i Institut fisicheskoy khtnit AN SSSR. (Friction) (Vibration) ANAH'IN.Sergey Grigorlyevich, professor; ACORKA Naum Samoylovich, professor, doktro tekbnicheekikh nauk; BOGUSUTSKIT, Boris LIvovich, pr9feggor; IMMMOT, Vladimir Viktorovich. dotsent; IGNAT'TU, 14@colv_ Vasil I yevich, doteent; UMATASHOY, Aleksandr Alekseyevich, doteent; FqSR. Valentin Irvinovich. dotseut; YZDOTXIIOK, Aleksey ... gnov c , .66en KRYM.""A e sandr Nikolayevich, dotsent; Ant ROSTOVTSIV, I.A., inzhener. retsenzent; SOKOLOVA, T.F., tekhniche- skly.:rqdakto i oole at stanki. Pod red. N.S.Acherkana. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-rY, 1957. 1015 P. . - (MLRA 10:6) (Machine toole) V ACHEEMAN, N.S.; YFMIAKOV,V.V.; IGNATIYEV, N.V.; KAUFAAR, L.M.; PUSH, Y.E.; FEDOTENOK, A.A.; KHARIZOMENOV, I.Y.; KHRYNOZ, A.H.; Vzrm , . .7 kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, dotsent; GAIIDL@2, A.V.; kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, dotsent; ALEKSMEV. P.G., kandidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk. "Machine tools" by Y.A.Bravichev and others. Reviewed by N.S. Acherkan and others. Vest.mash- 37 no-5:87-91 My '57. (YLRA 10:5) l.Kafedra "Metallorezhushchiya stanki" Moskovskogo stankoinstrumen- tallnogo instituta, (Acherkan, Yermakov, Ignat'yev, Kaufman, Push, Fedotenok, Kharizomenov, Khrykoz) (Machine tools) Y-USH, V. E'. (Candidate of Technical Sciences) elyayev, V. N. , Candidate of Teckmical @';ciences; irger, I. A., Zoctor of lechnical -Sciences; Zemidov, ---. P., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Korotkov, V. F., Candidate of Technical -ciences; Kudryavtsev, V. N., Doctor of Technical @-Ictences, -Frofessor; Martynov, A. D., Candidate of Technical Sciences; "iberg, N. ya., Candidate of Tectinical @iciences; Fonomarev. -17. D., Doctor of Technical Sc5ences, rrofessor; Pronin, B. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Fush, V. E., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Sleznikcv, G. I., h;ngin--eeir; Stolbin, u'. B., Candidate of Technical -"cierces; Tay-ts, Fl. A., Doctor of Technical 5ciences Spravochnik metallista. t. 2(Fletals Engineering FAndbook. v. 2) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 974 p. 100,000 cories printed. Ed. (title page): Cher-navskiy, 6. A., Csndidate of Technical -7ciences; Ed. (Ir@Ade book): Yarkus, M. Ye. , Engineer (deceased); Tech. Ef% ; Sokolova, T. F.; Editorial board of the set: Acherkan, N. S., Doctor of T-.2hnical Sciences, Frofe3scr, Chairman of the board and ,'hief Ed.; Vladislaviev, V. S. (deceased); Malov, A. N.; Pozdnyakov, S. N.; Rostov-ykh. --@. Ya.; ,@tolbin, '-I. B.; and rhernavskiy, S. A. PUHFCSE: TiE book is intended for technicians and engineers working in the field of machine rIesign nnd in production. BELYAYEV,V.N. kand.tekhn.nauk; BIRGER, I.A., doktor tekhn.nauk; DEMIDOV, S.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOROTKOV. V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; IMRYAVTSEV, V.I.. doktor tek-hn.nauk. prof.; MARTYNOV. A.D., kand.tekhn.nauk: HIBERG, N.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; PONOMAREV, S.D., doktor tekthn.nauk, prof.; PRONIN. B.A., kand.tekbn.nauk;-PU8H. V.I.. 1rand.tekhn.mauk; SIEZIfIKOV, G.L. inzh.; STOLBIN. G.B.. Vand.tekhn.nauk; TAYTS. B.A., doktor tekhn.nauk-, ACHEMN. N.S., doktor tekhn nauk, prof, glevnyy red.; VIADISLAVIST, V.S., red Edeceasedj,- MAIOV. A.N., red.; FOZDNYAKOV, S.N., red.; ROSTOVYKH. A.Ya., red.; CHWIAVSKIY. B.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk. red.; MARKUS, M.Ye., inzh., red.-[deceased]; KARGANOV. V.G., inzh., red.graficheskikh robot; SOKOLOVA. T.F.. tekhn. red. [Metalworker's reference book in five volumes] Spravochnik metallista v piati tomakh. Chleny red. sovets V.S.Vladislavlev i dr. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. Vol.2. (Pod red. B.A.Chernavskogo). 1958- 974 p. (MIRA 11:5) (Mechanical engineering) ACHERKAN, Naum Samoylovich, zasI. deyatell nauk! i tekluilki RSFSR, doktor tekbn. nauk)prof.; GAVRYUSF-INT, ;.A.; YEF@4,AIOV, V.V.; IGNATIYEV, N.V.; KA.KOYLO, A.A.; IIDIEOV, V.A.; KULURYASHOV, A.A.; LISITSYN, N.M.; MIKHEYEV, Yu.Ye.; PUSHj@"; 'IROR5wVr@s-- O.N.; FEDOTENOK, A.A.; KHOMYAKOV, V.S.; ABANKIN, V.I.r inzh., retsenzent [Metal-cutting machines in two volumes] Metallorezhushchie stanki. [v dvukli tomakh]. Pod red. N.S.Acherkana. Moskva, Mashinostroenie. Vol.2. 2. perer. izd. 1965. 628 p. (MIPA 18:12) ACHERKAN) N.S., cioktor tekhri. nauk, prof., zasl. deyntell nauki i tekhriki fSFS-q; GAl,`lCfUSPIl-i, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, YERNAKOV,, V.V., kand. teklin. nauk, dicts.; MalliATI-YE-V, N.V.' kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; KAKOYLO, A.A.. inzh.; h-UDIl:CV, V.A., kand. zekhn. nauk; KUDRYASFOV, AJ., kand. tekhr-nalik, dotS.; LISITSYN, N.M., kand. tekh-n. nauk. dots.; flIKIFYEV, Yu.Ye., dots,,;'FUSP V E., do-tor tekhn. nauk, prof.; N TR I PD-1,1 OV , 0 ..kand. tekhn. nauk. dots.; FEEDOTENOK, A.A., doktor tekh-ri. nauk, prof.; KHOi',,YAYOV, '..'.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; ABANKIII, V.I., inzh., retserizent [:-letal cuttin@ rr-nchines) Netallorez@ushchie stanki. Mcskva. illashinostroenie. Vol.l. 1965. 764 p. (MIHA 18: 10) NIKITIN, Boris Vladiu.-irovich; FYZH,-V.F,., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; LESNICHENKO, I.I., red. izd-va; GORDEYEVA, L.P., tekhn. red. [Calculating the dynamic characteristics of machine tools]Ras- chet dinamicheskikh kharakteristik metallorezhushchikh stankov. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 110 p. (MIRA 15:8) (Machine tools-Vibration) KOTEiEVSKIY, V. Yu.; PUSHP V.E. Automatic balancing In machining on lathes. Stan.i instr. 32 no.7:1-3 il 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Balancing of machinery) TU@H, Valentin Ervinovich;_ACHERL4N, N.S., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; SNIC-IiIalko-I.-f- - --12 .1 ., red. izd-va; CHMOVA, Z.I., tekhn. red. [Small 4iiplacements in machine tools] Malye peremeshcheniia v stan- kakh. Moskva., Gos. nauchno-teklm. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry., 1961. 122 p. (MIRA 14--g) (Machine tools) (Mechanical movements) BAR,IIKI-I,, V.Yai I-VANOVp V.B.; PUSfUKGVA,, T.-K. lAruia5s,--@n--a atudy of ths diff and ac:r.Lrulation of protains in plant roolvs. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. biol. nc.6.916-01 - N-D. 165. (Mim 18.-11) 1. Instil.-ait-molek-alyarnoy b-Iologii AN SSSR i Optisheska-ya labora- toriya Inst-tuta obshibey I ne5rgan-Icb--,skI-)7 khindi im. N.S. Kim-makova AN SSSR. 5 (-) '-:JijV /-'2-25-4-63/71 A U 17- Pushakova, Ye, A,, Acting Director of "Rcs;D---_,.=iborsrabs- @aa@@e@,sVlan RSASR TITLE: On the Supply of Plant Laboratories Idith Unbreakable Labora- tory Vessels (Ob obespecherl-;---* zavodski'Kh laboratoriy labora- tornoy neblyushcheysya posudoy). (With Reference to the Ar- ticle by Comrade Rokhlina T-,, Published in 'Nr 2 of the Perio- dical `Zavodskaya laboratoriya" of the Year 1959)(Po povodu stat"i t, Rokhlinoy I., opublikovannoy v No 2 zhurnala '7Zavodskaya laboratoriya" za 1959 9,) PERIUDICAL; Z--vodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 21;, "r 4, pp 505 5o6 "USSR) k I ABz3T!LACT: The author of this article states in connection with the article me.,.tioned ir tlie title that in view of the fact that It is impossible to expand the production capacity of plants manufacturing gla.-S and china laboratory vessels tilere is a constant shortace of such items. However, the nauchno-issledovatels:kiv plastmass (Scientific Research institute of Plas-tics) concludes, it would be Card -112 necessary to carry out trials @f plastics prior to using On the Supply of Pla-it Laboratories 'Nith Unbreakable Laboratory Vessels@(Vlith R-'2fereiic-c to the Article by Comr&de Rckhlina- i. Published in t@'r 2 of the Fe@riod4cal "Zavodovaya ia-boratoriyall of the Year 195 thern for the manuLfacture of ia'boratuot-j vessols, ,;Jince no rel--2vant experic-n-e is at haiA. Apart from their advantages, L,lascir-s have -.ome shcr-@comings, su.--!, as 4nsufficient firmness and t@-mije--atur;l resistance, Furthermore it is pointei cut that plast-i-:; materials are expensive (', ton of glass co@5ts 18000 to 15-17030 rubles, polystyrene 10COG ruble!"k, Card 2/2 PUSHANKO, N.N. From the experience in the operation of Olier system diffusers. Sakh, prom. 38 no.ls2l-24 Ja 164. (YJRA 17:2) 1. Barshchavskly sakharnyy zavod. 27587 S/102/61/000/001/005/005 D2-/4/D303 AUTHORS: Kulykov, V.O. and Pushchalovs'kyy, A.D. (Kyyiv) '_PITLE: Multiplier incorporating magnetic amplifiers PERIODICiE: Avtomatyka, no. 1, 1961, 67-70 TEXT: A multiplier is described which could be used in simulators which require incrcased reliability and simplicity in operation, as well as small size. The multiplication of two signals of different sign can be carried out by a magnetic-amplifier multiplier which works on sufficiently high loads without pre-amplification of signal. The amplifier is designed in accordance with the relationship a-b = 1: [(a + b)2 _ (a - b)2j (1) >< 4 The basic circuit of the multiplier (which is shown in a figure) incorporates magnetic amplification with internal feedback. For cer- tain values of voltage, displacement current, and load resistance, an output characteristic 11 = f(lamp) can be obtained which has the Card 1/3 2?58? S/102/61/000/001/005/005 Multiplier incorporating magnetic... D274/D303 form of a quadratic parabola. On using Eq. (1) for the multiplica- tion of two signals, it is necessary to have a squaring amplifier with a quadratic characteristic in all four quadrants. Such a squaring amplifier can be obtained by suitable connection of four magnetic amplifiers. These amplifiers are connected in a differen- tial circuit which yields a current given by the expression 113-4 " C[(Iamp]_ - IamP2)2 _ Uampl - I amP2 )2], (3) which corresponds to Eq. (1). model of the described device was successfully tested. The cha eristic of the amplifiers has a ia certain spread which affects t accuracy of the multiplier. The maximum relative error in mu lying two quantities is +37o. With more accurate construction o 'gnetic amplifiers, the accuracy of the multiplier can be increased. A figure shows the characteristic of the squaring amplifier. It gives a power output of approximately 0.2 watt. The range of the variables which can be multiplied (with an accuracy of +3%) is shown in a figure. The described device was constructed in diverse models, using transformer steel and permalloy. Card 2/3 27537 S/102"61/000/001/005/005 Multiplier incorporating magnetic... D2747D303 The lag of a device, made of permialloy, is comparatively small; the time constant is approximately 0.01 sec. The bandpass is 10 cy. with an error of +2'/'J. There are 5 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc refer- ences. SUBMITTED: May 25, 1960 Card 3/3 PUSHCHALOVSKRY A.D. [Pushrlhalvvslkyi@ A.D.] (K.yev) I - @ 11 1 --1--- 1-11- Analysis of error in an au'vomatic system for dosing liquid metal.. Avtoma+.yka 8 no.6358--64 163. (MIRA 1738) PUSHCHAWVSKII, A.D. [Pushchalovslkyip A.D.] Study of the effect of certain parameters an the character of traneiente -in a system of automatic dosage and pouring of liquJ& metal. Dop.AV UBM nool2:1575--1579 162. (MIRA 164) 1. Imstitut liteynogo proirwodstva AV UkrSSR. Predstavleab aka- dem@kom AN IPArSSR G.N. Sairinym [Savin,, JI.N.J. (Automatic control) (Pounding) S/021/62/000/012/008/018' D251/D308 AUTHOR: Pushchalovsllcyy-, A.D. 'T@TLE: Investigation-of the effect of certain parameters on the nature of transient-processesin a system of automatic dosing i4id pouring of liquid.matal PERIODIC,Z: Akademiya naul, Ulwayinallcoyi RSR. Dopovidi, no. 2 1-962, 15-75-1579 TEXT: The analysis of the.problem under discussion is com-.,, plicated, and the difficulty increases with the rise of the number of@ parameters. The solution may be greatly-facilit 'ated with the'use of an clectric.device. A non-linear program of the pouring rate as a function of the weight is used, and e untions and block-diagrams for the model of the program are given. @he variable parameters are: inertia, drive clearance, and- the amplif ication factor. . Oscillograms, are given indicating the*effect of the variation of these parameters. Use. of the principle of -quasi-invariance, as in the work of 0.1-1. Kry- zhanovskiy (Teo riya invariantnosti i y1eye primenenike v,avtomatiches- ..Card 1/2 S/02@/63/000/012/008/018 Investigation of the effect D2.51/D308 kikh ustroystvakh (The theory of invariance and its application in automatic devices), M., 145, 1959) gives an improvement in the nature of the control. The bscillograms obtained give the possibility of estimating the nature of* the transient processes in a system, t1n parameters of which are cl:ose to the real values, and also give cer- .tain relationships be'tween t@e parametera of its elements - a necess-! ary condition for the realization of the system in.practice. There fi are 3 gures. ASSOCIATION: Instvtut lvvarnoho vvrobnvtstva AN URSR (Institute KRYZHANOVSKIY, O.M.; VRUBIEVSKIY, V.I.; PUSHCHALOVSKIY, A.D.; SHUR, A.G. Automatic control of the powing of liquid iron. Lit.proizv. no.9:13-16 S 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Iron founding) (Automatic control) MrZ I JA t.LIVSK-1 I PUSHCjIALOVSUY@, A-D, [J@ishchalcfg,:@IKYJ.,, A.4'i IKIY,3';*) Prim@-tples of the theory of automatically .@ontrojlsJ logage and peuring of liquid me--al. A-,@toi.,Lalyka LRA 1 2 (Automatic control', k.Liquid metals) S/021/'62/000/009/004/008 D234/D308 A. U-'.,L' 11 C 11 SKryzhanovslkyy, 0.1-11., and Pushchalovslkiy, A.D. '.L'ITLE: Principle of the theory of automatic proportioning of liquid metals IIERIODICAL: Alcademiya nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR. Dopovidi, no. 9, 10@62, 1170 - 1174 T----,".T: The authors give three block diagrams of different systems of automatic proportioning. Differential equations describing the sys- Ueris are formulated and conditions of stability are studied. The -rst kind of systems has a given program'of rate of proportioning as a -function of time, the condition of stability is an inequality containin6 five parameters.. The second kind has a program of Yaria- tion of weiGht vilth time and is described by linearized dif-ferential equations. It is found that the transition processes are unstable, but may be stabilized by introducing the derivative of the signal of difference between the required and actual weight into the law Of regulation; the condition of stability includes six paramete-rs. T]ae third kind has a given program of rate of proportioning as a Card 1/2 Principle of the theory of ... 3102 62/000/009/004/008 D234Y:1)308 function of weight and is described by three linear and one nonli- 01 near differential equations. It is stated that the dynamical problem. of such systems can be solved with the aid of the methods of the theory of nonlinear control of automated hoists. Oscillograms of i,ransition processes in such systems are given and found to be sa- Q V 111i'31'acbry in ci,.e of certain parameters. There -are 3 figures. IkSSOCLILTION: Instytut lyvarnoho vyrobnytsva AN UFSR (Institute of the Foundry Industry, AS UkrSSR) PRESENTEID: by Academician H.M. Savin, AS UkrSSH SUM7ITTED: January 26, 1962 Card 2/2 ;7: W_ @t -7 zt r P Ej J 7-65 1 3298 ION N CESS A AP5007406 R : C SUBMITTED: 24J=0 ENCL#-._ 01 @@SUB-CODE@ M,'JE @ go R* EF SOV: 000: OTHER., 000: 4@1 s" Z_ Card 2/3 KULIKOV, V.A. [Kulykov, V.0.] (Kiyev); PIJSIiCIUWVSKIY, A.D. [Pushcllalovstk-yi, A.D.] (Kiyev) - Multiplying device using magnetic amplifiers. Avtomatyka no. 1:67-70 161. (MIRA 14.' 4) (Electronic calculating machines) (Magnetic amplifiers) 13 /WYY\ YATSIN"KO, I.?., professor, redaktor; KEYSAKHOVICH, Ya.A., kanlidat sel'sko- khoxyayst.vennykh nauk, redektor; USH Vp &---Jmndidat sellsko- khozyaystvean.vkh nank, redaktor; ITTI =VIC47=K.', inzhener'. redairtor Luse of machinery in the control of aests and diseases of agri- cultural crops; proceedings of the 21st plenum of the Plant Gontrol SectionJ Nakhanizataiia bor'by a vrediteliani i bolesniaxi nellskokhosiaistyeaoykh kulltur; trudy IZI planum& Sektaii zashchity rastenii. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1953. 209 p. (KLRA 10:8) 1. Ysesoyasnays akedemiya sell ekokhozyaystveanykh nauk imeai V.I.Lenina. Sektsiya sashchity rastenty. Mant diseases) (Agricultural pests) kAgricultural machinery) a-,--!);arp Lil.,; Cor ;,lants @ora @I?S,s @i @iseaces. 2 iS-),.. 4 (jon :@Osk-va, kJos. nauch-iotelc!-@.-I. izd-vo "nsidnostroit. --'1 3, Iri + 2 J t --y -l-,3. 306 13 7 F " i F @,, 3 11 It It $4 014 -va -a 4 1, At Is aX, y I @ v Ila LU - -a a A A 1., 01 1 0 W A I - . R A *0 Ar it, flip veptolk =id vM1* 160"My. N. M. 06 PUMILIL Chami. Rin JIM, It 720-734).- 06 1 0600-nalpin I*' vhbAW i6 OXOWVV fimfi$ 0( 00 IKIM iMW of INO Is * qwv@ml In Ow Iftoravorp, are 00 -adlivill WN"T 110 dwarvio labial temp. of the son 101h so, of Movie Wed. The oo W mixtures 2) 00 0 witil Rk Mid0i W&HO MW dymmdo canditions in p*m 0013 of law diameter 420-4119 mm.) a varkwe temp. a" 00- i0vemillakel In = mel apse coadvita. A MJMU- -O-bl_hW 40-p. of salmts/an. tn. is 1jMW to explacle at *W &all. In heanew cowulsts, -.y Itigid to nitislogiltme In ot1wr parts of vNe systim evein t6mxh the vaiklar octurn. [a kower. JU "J.,oity I,( tilts OR. ilikisimi wave Introasen witil this olwvd Sir tilts mass D. G. J: A aTTAL&UNONC&L LITIOATWE CLA$111FICATIC -is 14 It 11 43 It , . ,p " IS IV lp f9a ignite Stan I,- Me 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 1 JJ.11 IWO-0- AS. I -Wto . *-.- va" 0 0 *1* 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *00 no* Mo =00 vo* moo vo moo Sao moo too KEHANOVSKlY, C.-.M. [Kf-@M-novsskyi, C,M.j (Kiys-,-); BOFIVY-Dy T,r, PUSHCHALCOMSHY, A..". [Pushchallovslkyi, A.@-I.] Wyev .' Relay syst6w in automatic dosing-aut, and pouring -,f '11.quid metals. Avt.cmatyka 9 nc.6)4-/.-54 164. (.MIRA 18-1) KRYZHANOVSKIY, C.I.I. [Kryzhanovs'kyi, O.M.]; PUSHCHALOVSKIY, A.D. [Pushchalovslkyi, A.D.] Fundamentals of the theory of automatic pGuring oil liquid metal. Dop. AN URSR no.9:1170-1174 162. (MIRA 18s4) 1. Institut liteynogo proizvodstva AN IfkrSSR. A Ul 11110 1?'S i-t-IfLenn- D. c jy @ V. Yu TITLE, A Cc, 7-m@@ t-a r Lb- a c% ' L@y Mot-or (Komutatcr d! j-MP-'; grorm, dvy-Unom) PERIODICAI: Av--oria@.'-1-ra i@Uyev) , "19'53@ Nr I. T)-p Ukrain-i-an SSR) ABSTRACT. V-111-@n a -@----D-Ie-viound motor (-@.h:ree-phase or %hree-stator) Js +-,-, te --',rL this way (reversal be inc!-.ided) a un-f.-:--m of ::urrant P-a'ses v:Lz;+- be @@-ui,_-"-'4ed co the U -1 - -L.L '-cilz (phases).. Contuactor sxvi--U---@hing is used- dn ceri:ain- ste -tx-s tl ri;ion P,,:-,lse trains (Fip-@re -a) When stepp--fng motors a-re U E; el 4- n f.. u c, ntr-, 11 ed @--, i 212 1: -i ts containinr d--,-,-,tal comput-ing dn-:ri @es cc-.rir.@--.Led xith the rrcgram:.-'e .-,f' metall-wc-rking ma@, ..L ,h'ne@@., in which the,--.l is -@ffected usinx a single-phasa genera-,cr to i---rovide the pulse t-rai-ns to th@- mr.t.- are, of iderable value (Figiire Tha genera-cor 3an be p---ram@l@e:l from a tape having the pulse 47 r a 1L5 re,--.orded on To c rc way,, wa requirq a de ze 41-lie contro- ul 5 4- p se -he aictor -nhases ana I-.(: If hirs'i repetition Ccq.rd1/4(U.P arz@ used -11-o ensure rel-4a'-Jle -:-Deraricr- ar- A C@.,mm-.'.ta 1- r a Thr@-e .,phase Pa-:-P_-I tor v Mc :zw'_t.'h 15zz iequ.Lred -11-o dis 'I r-ibute uhe ru` ses (th@ s sviit-h wi-11 @.n _":.ture be -"ermed the (F-i-nure 2L). The t,. - ha -1-c. ful'i the f!@ 1 requi remen+-s, T- th,@ pulse ':rams (GI. F _JC_,LL2F 4) to the rnotor L,, tvay when forviard r-c.@-ati -cn .,s required, wi-11 be an-d when reve--se, tc, 16 r'.@z ' - -.III-,rl L.J'7 tl-e - e 'phaso swIt:hine',., 4.e. I 2) Tc _:,eversal froi:l any phase. For instan@e suppose -Uhi@ firs- ,t_se in resp-onse to a signal "fon@.ra-isl' -s app ed r : I. @ @ _'_ 1:'dt before the se:.ond -,)ulze i;@, app 1 -4 - J a e;r T-- 3:- k-a s z, -.-. P T,,, I i e d t h e .5 e c. a I ma s -@@ b e ap 7L- e;f ( Th a -E- a 7m@ L.'L' -orr, 4 le i - t h t ef a i c -.3 SIm. _La_: U) r ng -.i @-he m n diffe:2,:@nre @.s that @@he sense o f ::,otarion in h -c g be ':,e-',er6e,j,) -,,c ohase th-ee instead of phase e Figure shows t'he bl,-ck dia@@-)m --f the IS Sz ed o f h-f. e e e r s 12 @-.S (C,-, and 0 and 6 high- a e fyi :L r C The gene vaT e :4nr-- S'-GI; nz;, a 0@ a 'r F -2-C I'lard 21;' A C C, C L f_ a h- i ash) tt@ -h, h i I t a 6 e s a-, poin@_-- A-C :an be tc In the mc@tC_- phase@s e . G. tc, thne: grids of The operatJ@on cf the -is _4*_i__'us@_rat-d z:y the time .-division di-agram (12-Gurre 4_)@ Let us .-3-,cup-,se -@hall f--he direr."ion chcseri -Ls "fc,:,_--.iard"; a high voltage C' and -s tJier. appi-'%-I@d to terminal- C, s.@@ the r. ts @f a!.!- Lh_ree trigFers are i etly f c opera te Let. UIS rhat at -Ihi.s instant phase t_@-ee is drawing then trigger- Tr.3 - 7 produ2es a hiE;h -,roltage at w.---.-.-h consequently preraTes anlother@ C.' i -- c, u J_ wh_-h .-.a--er pre-oares -@:he re,--$, C _Ln trie:@2e@_ Tri 2 Then- uhe f,---,--z:- -ou,Sze frem the ShGI line _is tc T-r! _f ier C: so it f lip S ovef and a h I E: P-:-ippe-:c-@ at --he A pcInts cn- the C an! --i rc@ui s. The hi Ch rc cage is applied i,ia C: 0 C2' (t_L T,- -2) and r @s trPn - It c nd t _4 ng Then the same f - f C Ic C and Cl@ in. T'I, rdz A a 9h@--ee- Pu' t C.7' c n d-, i:Lg ) t-o the input of Tr@ afLd -a-.; YLC-@, thi's rei!.cves the Ile --ag f-n-c-m the B pc 'nts. Th J s re u 1 in phase on 5 @3 e n, an-J 1.3hase t1iree beinc z-ul-l out . I i T.0 2 L ZD c- The c-peraf7d.en. of the In, @o the dc-es not d-;ffer f-cm thal An reature cf rhe comm-iltatnr is that it -,-,rcuil-L@2es of the rot,.r at any posa.1--inn Cn. -7 -phase, wh.i,h reltabili-i-ty a-nd im-orcve-s -4t@e respon-e. A t--his t,-ce has been b-ilt -@-h I ,-f E." --il A-.S,,. Uk2a-inlan SSR. ,h uSec frea-i-n -les k :an be b-a-'1-17 rc-,lind 1---i.-a"L magnetic etc. -rar-zlaticn apa:,-t from figures a-ad -,,efefen-,es) IT ' h ee a-- e c@ .3- an d -1 3 c v i e a f e r e n, S UBLd I TTE D A-","- 0,; IVASENRO, V. I.; PUSHCIIALOVSKIY,, A.D. I 'I@whchnlovs Ikyi, A.D.) ; PSUTSKIY, V.Yu. It Penta 1 kyi,'V Commutator for controlling a three-phase plulse (steD-by-Btep) motor. Avtomatyka, no-1:107-109 '58. (MIRA 11:4) (Electric motors--Equipment nnd supplies) (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) SOV/102-58-4-2/11 AUTHOR: Ivanenko, V.I., Krementulo, Yu.V., and Pushchalcvs'_'-_iy,A.D. TITLE: An Automatic Regulator for the Anticorrosion Potentials of Gas Mains PERTGDICAL: Avtomatika, 10,58, Nr 4, pp 19-26 mrj@ssR) ABSTRAUT: The system uses a two-stage electronic amplifier followed by triagnotic amplifiers to keep the potential of the pipe at a prosot value. The steady-state and transient response characteristics are given. Graphs from which the regulator may be adjusted to work with a steady-state error below a set limit are also presented. The system has been tested for four months on the Rusheva-Kiev main gas line. There are 9 figures and 4 references, 2 of which are Card 1/1 Soviet, 1 Ukrainian and 1 collection of translations from foreign periodicals, ASSOCIziTION: InstYtut elektrotekhnikir AN URSR (Electro-technical Institute, Ac.Sc. Ukr.SSR) ALEKSEYEV, I.N.; IVAITENKO, V.I.; PUSHCHALOVSKIY. A.A. -,@ @... Potential regulator for drainage protection of gas pipes. Gaz.prom. [no.111:34-39 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Electrolytic corrosion) (Voltage regulators) IVAITENKO, V.1.; 1QCQC&NMO, Yu.V. [Krementidri, IU.V.1; PTJSHCHAWVSKIY, A.D. [Pliahchalo-Wkyl, ii-D.] Automatic protectiv6-potontiul reglilutore for &ua pipelines [with swamary in Fjnglls@J. Av@onatyka no.4:19-26 '58. (MIRA 12: 1) 1. Institut elektrotekhniki All USSR. (Automatic controi) (Gas--Pip6lines) . 11. -A 'D - @ -.- - IVANFINKO. V.I.; RJSHCRAWVSIX .1, ... - . -..T An automatic regulator for catbodic protection of pipe lines. Avtomatyka no.1:18-25 157. (MIRA 10:5) 1. Institut elektrotakhniki ANURSR. (Pipelines) (Automatic control) ACC NR: AP6007837 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/001/0194/0195 AUTHOR: Tishchenko, V. G.; P.ushchalovskiy, A. D. ORG: Institute of Foundry Problems AN UkrSSR. Kiev (Institut problem litlya AN UkrS TITLE: New measuring circuits which use photodiodes SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 1, 1966, 194-195 TOPIC TAGS: electronic measurement, photodiode, measurement bridge, voltage ampli- fier, solid state amplifier ABSTRACT- The authors describe two ac circuits based on photodiodes: a voltage am- plifier and a measurement bridge with temperature compensation. A considerable ampli- fication of the output signal is achieved by connecting the diodes in series with op- posing polar-ity (see figures). The amplifier circuit shous a change in the output sig nal from 0 to 50 v with a load resistance of approximately 5 KS1 when the supply volt- age is varied from 0 -to 1.5 v. The photodiodes should be thermostatically controlled to reduce temDer-ature error. Tests of the measurement bridge showed that the out-put signal varies within limits of 0 to 50% of -the supply voltage. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. Card 1/2 UDC: 621.382:536.52 L 2 4 8 456 ACC NRs AP6007837 N r v D PI, -.v D1 4 Sur D7 sup R out D3 ;UB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 25Jan65/ Card 2/2 'A v j out D7 ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 000 PU31'CVAROV3I7IYf Yu. 'I'll, "The 'Krosnenskiyet Deposits of the Central Carpathian Synclinal Zone," Byul. Mosk. Obsch. Ispytat, Prirody, Otdel Geol., 53, No. 6, 1948. FMCHAROVSKIY, TUJI. Studies in the tectonics of the External Anticlinal Zone in the eastern Carpathians. Biul. MOM Otd. geol. 26 no.6:13-37 151. (MM 11:5) (Carpathian Mountains--Geolog3r, Structural) PUS14CHAPOVSKIY, Yt1.M.,;VAK11PAMEYEV, V.A. Yakutia - Geology, Structural New data on the tectonics of the Vilyuisk Depression and the Verkhoyansk marginal depression. Dokl. AN SSSR 84 No. 2, 1952. rcd. 20 Feb. 1952 Monthly List of Russian "ccessions. Library of Congress, September 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. % I _1 ". 4 .':;:'---_I-_,,_ @@ -- PMECHAROVSKIY, Yu.M. Geological development of the northern part of the eastern Carpathian Mountains during the Cretaceous and Phleocenic periods. Trudy Inst.geol. nauk 149:65-83 '53- (YFRA 6:12) (Carpathian mountains--Geology) (Geology-Carpathian "intains) BOGDANOV,A.A.; VYSOI!SKIY,B.P.; PUSHCHAROVSKIY,Yu.M. Principal features in the history of the development of theories on the tectonics of the eastern Carpathians. Tnidy MGRI no.26: 111-137 154. (MIRA 8:12) (Carpathian Mountains--Geology, Structural) Authors I Pushcharovskiy, Yu. M. Title About some new published material on the geology of the southern limits of the Donets basin Periodical t Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. Ueol. 1. 134-138, Jan-Feb 1955 Abstract I The author discusses articles by A. P. Sklyar which appeared in the "Doklady AVxdemii Nuak SaSR" (Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) under the headings, "Ifew Facts in th6 Stratiggraphy of the Azov Crystallic Massif and Lower-Carboniferous Deposits of the Southwestern Limits of the Donets Busin," and "On the CeoloLy of the Devonian Deposits of the Southwevtern Limits of the Donets Carboniferous Bosin." Issue is sharply taken with Sklyar's views, especially with his main point that the granits of the ULraiiiian mossiv are of recent origin. Eight UWR references Illustrations; graph; diagram. Institution Submitted February 5. 1954 PUSHCHAROVSKIY,Yu.M. Tectonic structure of the frontal fault in the Verkhoyanak pledmont region. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geol.20 no.5:34-53 S-0 155. (MIaA 8:12) (Varkhoyanak Range--laults (Geology)) PUSHCHAROVSKIY, Yu.M. Tectonic districting SyBteM for the northeastern regions of the U.S.S.R. Dokl. AN SSSR 105 no-5:1084-1087 D 155. (MIRA 9:3) 1. Institut geologicheskikli nauk Akademii nauk SSSR. Pred8tavleno akademikom U.S. Shatskim. (Russia, Horthern-Geology, Structural) , -.- -- z @ t' - , - 111 @: - 'tz@ 1 1.,- . . j@n T.. . I _- ? PUSHCRAROVS@,_Xi@@.. @ Tectoni@s of northeastern U.S.S.R* Biul. MOIP.Otd.peol 31 no-15:13-30 S-0 156. OIPA 10:3) (Siberia, Eastern--Geology, Structural) SHOSKIY, N.S.; BOGDANOV, A.A.;BELYAY-XVSKIY, N.A.; UJ@ESHCHAGIN, 7.1.; ZAYTSEV, N.S.; KOSYGIN, Yu.A.; KROPOTKIN, P.N.; MURATOV, M.V. NAGIBINA, M.S.; OGNAV, Y.N.; PAVIDVSKIY. Ye.V.; PEYVE, A.V.; SALOP, L.I.,; SOBOUVSKAYA, V.N.; KHARITONOV. L.Ya.. i�LASKOV, N.P.; SHEYNMAN, Yu.M.; SHTREYS. N.A.; YANSHIN, A.L.; VERSTAK, Vr.V. redaktor izdatellstva; GUROVA, O.A. tek-hnicheskiy redaktor [Tectonic map of the U.S.S.R. and adjacent countries on a scale of 1:5,000,000; explanatory notes] Tektonicheskaia karta SSSR i sopredellnykh stran v masshtabe 1:5,000,000; ob"iasniteltnaia zapiska. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. !zd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1957. 77 P. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. (Russia-Geology-Maps) 26-12-23/49 AUTHOR: Pushcharovskiy, Yu-M., Candidate of Geological and Mi.neralo-E-ical S@_c@iences TITLE: Problems of Oil Occurrence in Central Siberia (Problems. neft*- nosnosti Tsentrallnoy Sibiri) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957, No. 12, pp. 91-94 (U&SH) ABSTRACT: The author points out the regions in Central Siberia that are most likely to yield oil. By means of a schematic chart he explains the geolop-ical structure of the Verkhoyansk area, located in the Yakut ASSR, and indicates the places where the first natural gas was..strucic. In 1951, V.A. Vakhrameyev and the author discovered liquid bitumen on the left bank of the Lena river, which confirmed the assumption that the Verkhoyansk depression, extending from the lower Dart of the Lena river over more than 1,200 km toward the middle course of the Aldan river, had the greatest chances of bearing oil. Drilling per- formed in the area of the Vilyuy river revealed rich natural gas deposits for which reason it is hoped that the oil finding problem in Central Siberia will be solved in the near future. Card 112 There is one diagram and one photo. Problems of Oil Occurrence in Central Siberia 26-12-23/49 ASSOCIATION: Institute of Geology of the AN, USSR (Moskva) (Geologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 PUSHCHAROVSKIY. Tu.M., kandidat goologo-mineralogicheakikh nauk. , , - 'Uonferance on metallogenic investiEations. Priroda 46 no.3:110 Mr '57. (MIRA 10:3) 1. Komissiya po probleme "Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya poleznykh iskopayemykh" Akademii nauk SSSR (Koskva). (Mineralog7--Maps) PUSHCHAROVSKIY, YU.M. Stratigraphy and tectonics of the Setta-Daban Range (southern Verkhoyansk Range. Sov.geol. no.59:43-66 '57. (MIRA 11:4) 1.Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Verkhoyanak Range--Geology) PUSHCEMOVSKIY, YU.M. ActivitY of the Commission in 1956 on the "Distribution of principal mineral resources in the earth's crust as basis for preaicting their oceDrence in the U.S.S.R." Sov.geol. no-59!200-202 157. (MIM 11:4) l.Komissiya po probleme "Zakonomernorti razmeshcheniya glavne7- shikh poleznykh iskopayemykh v zemnoy kore kak osnova dlya ikh prognoza na territorii SSSR" pri Otdolenii geologo-geogrELficheskikh nauk AN SSSR. (Mines and mineral resources) SHATSKIY, N.S., akademik.; SHCHFMAKOV. D.I., akademik, red.; BFT.YAYEVSKIY, N.A., red.; DOLGOPOLOV, N.N., red.; LEVITSKIY, O.D.. red.; FUSHCHAROVSKIY, Yu.g.. red.; SOKOLOV, G.A., red.; NOBOV, G.I.. red.izd-va; GUSBVX-,-I-.N., [Characteristics of the distribution of mineral resources] Zakono- mernosti razmeshchaniia poleznykh iskopaemykh. Vol.l. Moskva, 1958. 532 p. (KIRA 12:3) 1. Akademiya nauk SSISR. Komissiya po probleme "Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya poleznykh iskopayemykh.1 (Mines and mineral resources) 1h AUTHOR: Pushcharovskiy, Yu.m. 11-1-25/29 TITbE: Convention for tho Proparation of Uniflod 3-tratIIiirap?iic CbSrt$ for the North-Eastern Regions of the USSR (so- veshchaniye po razrabotke unifitsirovannykh stratigrafi- cheskikh skhem severo-vostoka SSSR) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheekaya, 1958, lp pp 112-114 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A large interdepartmental convention for the preparation of unified stratigraphical schemes of the north-east of the USSR was hold at Magadan from May 10 to 21, 1957. Great achievements were made by Dal'stroy during the past 15-20 years in the study of the geologic structure of this vast territory. Besides geologists from.Dallatroy, the convention .was attended by 239 representatives of geologic institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Geology and Conservation of Natural Resources and other institutions. Lectures were hold by the following geologistst A.A. Niko- layev# A.V. Zimkin, Yu.M. Popov, I.I. Tuchkov, A.G. Pogo- zhavp A.I. Semeykin, G.G. Popov, A.F. Yefimova, V.A. Titov, A.P. Vasikovskiy and others. The convention decided that the Card 112 deposits of all stratigraphio systems have to be studied FUSHCHAROVSKIY,- YiI.M. @ .,. General problems relative to the structure and development of marginal troughs. Geol. sbor. [Lvov] no.5/6:565-571 158. (MIRA, 12!10) l.Geologichaski3r institut AN SSSR, MosIrva. (Geology.' Structural) AUTHOR: Pushcharovskiy, Yu.,M.. 11-58-7-12/12 T. ITL---: The Activity of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Problem of "Regularities of Occurrence of Mineral Deposits" in lq57 (Deyatellnost, mezhduvedomstvennoy 'Komissili po probleme .1 7.a- konomernost' razmeshcheniya poleznykh iskopayemykh" v 19157 g-) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geologicheskaya, 19158, Nr 7, pp 117-12C (US!3R) ABSTRACT: The organization of an interdepartmental commission for the study of the regularities of occurrence of mineral deposits was suggested by Academician N.S. Shatskiy in 1953, and was created in 1955 by the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. For example, general metallogenic, problems, as well as questions of occurrence of important minerals were studied by the commission in the eastern part of the USSR, General metallogenic oroblems were reported by Ye.Ye. Zakharov of the Moscow Geologic Research Institute). He demonstrated metallogenic maps of the world on which were shown occurrences of ore formations of iron, manganese, chromium, silver, lead, zinc, tin and copper on the background of the largest tectonic elements of the earth, isolated in function of the age of the Card 1/6 folding. These maps helped to indicate some general regulari- The Activity of the Interdepartmental Commission on the F_roble= of' "Ee- gularities of Occurrence of Mineral Deposits" in 107:'-7 ties in the location of genetically different groups of de- posits of the above-mentioned metals. Two reports were sub- mitted by V.A. Kuznetsov of the West Siberian Branch of the A') USSR and V.T. Surgny, of the AS Kirghiz 5SR,on the re- guInrities of the occurrence of mercury neposits. Th P. f i rn, t report on mercury deposits of Altay-Sayan region showed the regular connection of mercury mineralization with zones of regional zuptures surrounding large depressions of the Her- cynian or later periods. Mercury mineralization is located only in those regional ruptures that are a part of zones of plutonic breaks. The situation is different for the mercury deposits in Kirghiziya and Central Tadzhikstan, on which V.T. Surgay reported. He came to the conclusion that in those ree,ions, the antimony-mercury mineralization is connected with the Rraben-like structures of the Middle Carboniferous time. Surrounding ruptures of the grabens control the occurrence of ore deposits, and when connected with smaller ruptures indicate the location of the deposits. V,V. Bogatskiy sub- Card 2/6 mitted the report on the problem of titanium. He established The Activity of the Interdepartmental Commission an the Problem of "Re- gularities of Occurrence of Mineral Deposits" in 1957 the connection of the magmatogenic titanium mineralization with the ultra-basic and alkaline-ultrabasic rocks and also with acid varieties of intrusive trapps: magmatogenic titanium concentra- tions are penetically conjugated with ultra-basic differenti- ates of the basic gabbroid magma. L.I. Shabynin of the In- stitute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the AS USSR, reported on conditions of formation and regularity of occurrence of endogenic borates in the skarn deposits of the eastern parts of the USSR. De- posits of endogenic borateG in the magnesia skarns are placed exclusively in the 7ones of contact of dolomites and large masses of granitoids of various age and are accompanied by different metallic mineralization. They are associated with various tectonic structures, except the foredeeps and plateaus of post-Cambrian age. V.A. Unksov of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute reported on the occurrence of cobaltic de- posits in the caledonites of the Altay-Sayan mountain region. The arsenic-copper-nickel-cobaltic deposits in the Siberian Card 3/6 caledonites have a clearly defined expansion area which The Activity of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Problem of "Fe- gularities of Occurrence of Mineral Deposits" in 1957 generally coincides with the belt of the late depressions of nornyy Altay and Tuva. Most of these deposits are placed U around the depressions and gravitate to the zones of regional ruptures bordering the depressions. The questions of occurrence of polymetallic ores were reported by F.K. Shipulin, of the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of AS USSR. Detailed ore-petrographic re- searches in the Zyryanovka region of the Rudnyy Altay led F.K. Shipulin to the conclusion that Upper-Paleozoic poly- metallic and rare metal mineralization is associated with three age groups of intrusive formations. The earliest stage of mineralization occurred in connection with large batholite- like intrusions of plagiogranites from early phases of the tectonic-magmatic cycle. The mineralization in the form of the pyritization covers the greisens. Small lead-zinc deposits of this reerion were presumably formed at that stage, The second mineralization stage is characterized by the formation of the lead-zinc and molybdene-tungsten deposits genetically connected Card 4/6 with the intrusion of young granitoids. During the third stage 11 - 5 i@ - 7 - 12 / 12 The Activity of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Problem of "He- gularities of Occurrence of Mineral Deposits" in of the mineralization, all main polymetallic deposits were formed, paragenetically associated with dykes of basic or neutral composition. The first two mineralization types are controlled by the expansion of matrix granite intrusives and are placed either in their limits or around them. Deposits formed during the third stage are determined by lineal zones of ruptures connected with the north-eastern zone of con- tortion. Finally, Ye.T. Shatalov of the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the AS USSR and V.T. Matveyenko reported on the problem of cor- relation of faulting, magmatism. and mineralization in. the north- eastern part of the USSR. They investigated the history of the magmatic activity of the region and indicated regularities in the occurrence of the main mineral deposits. They isolate some of ore bearing belts, differentiated by their mineral com- position an-d age. The Yana-Indigir-Kolyma belt is the most important with its gold-bearing mines and alluvial gold fields, associated wi:th the pre-batholite dykes of the Upper-Jurassic age. The North, Main and Taskystabyt belts of rare metals are Card 5/6 associated with the satellites of batholites of the Kolyma 11-5S-7-12/12 The Activity of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Problem of "Re- gularities of Occurrence of Mineral Deposits" in 1957 granitoids. In the limits of the powerful Okhotsk-Chukotsk stretch of the Cretaceous effusives, is the molybden belt associated with the Okhotsk Upper-Cretaceous granitoids. In the Koryak-Kamchatka region of the Tertiary folding is a belt of antimony-mercury deposits. The commission formed four territorial working groups for the coordination of plans and scientific leadership of research in the following geological regions: north-eastern part of the USSR (I.Ye. Darbkin); dral region (A.A. Pronin); Central Asia (Academician Kh.M. Abdulla- yev from the AS of the Uzbek SSR); Kazakhstan (Academician K,I. Satpayev). More groups will be formed later for other regions of the USSR. 1. Minerals - Availability 2. Minerals - Sources 3. Geology Card 6/6 USCOMM-DC-55280 PUS IIG 11,01OVISK IY, Yiiriy Mildinylovich; KHMUtSKOV. N.P., otv.rod.; IIJ11, N.P., rod. rMargiml trongba, their tectonic structurB Rnd dnvnlopmentl Kraerve progiby, ikh tektonicheskoe stroenie i razvitio. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1959. 152 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Geologieboskii institut. Trudy, no.28) (MIR& 12 S 9) (Geology. Structural) SHATSKIY, N.S., akademik,; SHCHMAKOV, D.I., alcademik, red.; 3ELTAYEVSKIY, N.A., red.; DMWPOLOV, N.N., red.; IL,;VITSKIY, O.D.j red.; FUSHCHAROVSKIT, Tu.N., red.; SOKOLOV, G.A., red.; SHATALOY, Ye.T., red.; NOSOV, G.I., red.izd-va; NOVICHKOVA, N.D., [Characteristics of the distribution of mineral resources] Zako- nomernosti razmeshcheniia poleznykh iskopaemykh. Moskva. Vol.2. 1959.1 504 P. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komissiya po probleme "Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya poleznykh iskopayesykh. 2. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR (for Sokolov, Shatalov). (Mines and mineral resources) IVSHCHAROVSKIY.,__Yu.X._; 191ATSKIY, N.S., alcademik, glavnyy red. [deceased]; KROPOTKIN, P.N., red.toma; TUGCLESOV, D.A., red.izd-va; YEGOROVA, N.F., [Tectonics of the U.3.5.R.1 Tektonika USM. Moskva, Izd.Aked.nauk SM. Vol.5. [Verkhoyanak marginal trough and Mesozoic formations in northeastern Asia] Priverkholanskii kraevoi progib i mzozoidy severo-vostochnoi Azii, 1960. 235 p. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Geologicheskiy institut. (Verkhoyanek region--Geology, Structural) FUS11CIUROVSKIY, YU.M. Some general problems in the tectonics of Artic regions. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 25 no.9:15-28 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Geologicheskiy institut All SSSR, Moskva. (Artie regions--Geology, Structural) FUSInjAimmly, yu.m. Studying the tectonic strocture of Siberia. ve-ut-AN 555R 30 no.6:1.35-136 Je '60. (141RA, 13:6) (Siberia-Geology, Structural-Congresses)