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PUSHKIN, Veniamin Noyevich; ZGURSKIY, Vladimir Semenovich; IVANOV, S.M., tekhn. red. [Mnn Rnd automntic machine; psychology and toohnology]Chelovok I avtomat; palkhologiin i takhnika. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znan1s,* 1963. 31 P. (flovoe v zhizni, nnuke, tekhnike. IV Sorlla: Tekhnika, no.6) (MIRA 16:2) (Automatic control) (Human engineering) ZAVALISHINA, D.N.; PUSTIKIN, V.N. - ------ - Mechanisms of operaLive thinking. Vop. psikhol. 10 no.3: 87-100 My--Te 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut psllkholog;'@ Akademii pedagogjaheskikh nauk RSFSR, Moskva. FUSFKIN, lleniamin Noyevich; IVANIOV, S.M., red. [Heurl8tic and cybernetics] Evristika i kibernetika. Mo- skva, Znanie, 1965. 47 p. (Novoe v zhizrd, nauke, tekhnike. IV Serila: Tokhnika, no.6) (F.IRA 18:4) :si ki.-ologii L 37106-66 9'dF(k)/Eh'T(d)/EWF (h)/&'P(1)/a4P(i@),.IJF(c) GG1@D1BC1J_VJXT( BF)fqD ACC NR: AT6012884 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0037/0046 AUTHOR: Pushkin, V. N. V@ ORG: None H-t-1 TITLE: Solving problems of complex object control SOURCE: Sistema chelovek I avtomat (Man-automaton systems). Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1965, 37-46 TOPIC TAGS: bionics, man machine communication, human psychology ABSTRACT: The author studies the problems of establishing efficient connections between the outputs of machineaWnd the inputs Basic psychological problems in the man- automaton system are studied. These problems are sensation and perception. Man serves, as a regulator in a large system. The Interaction of man as a regulator with a large s-istem is much more complex than the Interaction of the outputs of an automaton and the inputs of man. The following hypothetical criteria are given for differentiating reaction from operative thinking. Operative thinking takes place If the operator'or dispatcher has to reconstruct the elements mentally before reacting to one or another problem situation. Card 1/2 1 37106-66 ACC NR: AT6012884 01 Operative thinking has to be differentiated from complex reactions. In order to increase the reliability of production systems, operative thinking must be replaced by reactions. There are systems for which it Is Impossible to determine all possible complex situations and methods of necessary action. For such systems operative thinking Is the only solution. The mechanisms of operative thinking are close to those of the psychological problem solving mechanism. Problem solving has been studied in the psychology of thought processes for the last 70 years. The trial and error theory to most prevalent. Chess problems are used by the author as experimental material. These were chosen because they represent typical operative thinking. Chess appears to be a key to the explanation of the possibility of automating man's intellectual activity. An experiment was performed in which the eye movements of the subject were recorded as he analyzed the chess board. The path of the eye movements along the chess board was established. It is understood that not all movements are directly connected with thought processes. A certain percent- age of these movements are related to perceptJon, but it to evident that in the majority of cases they are directly related to problem solving. The perception of the elements of the problem, the chessmen, can be studied as a nearly automated process. In this experiment the eye does not act as a sensory organ but as a thought organ. R was shown that trial and error is not Involved in problem solving. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE.- 06,09 / SUBM DATE: 02Aug65 / ORIG RE]Fi 005 Card 314 AUTHOR: Rubanova, F-i@., Candidate of Technical Sciences, F-Ld Pushkin, V.P., Technician. TITLE: A new method of inspecting welded joirrus on, steam piping made of austenitic steel. (Novyy metod 1-7-ontrolya svarnykh stykov paroprovoda iz austenitnykh staley.) ODICAL: "Energcmashinostroenie 11, (Power Llachinei-j Construction), 1957, Nlo@ 5, pp. 22 - 25, (U.S.S.R.) GT: ',,',jhen usin- ultrasonic defectoscope methods the most difficult case is -uhat of heavy welded joints of austenitic steel. When ultrasonic waves are propagated in thick welded metal, and particularly in the zone of thermal influence, their intensity is greatly weakened by dispersion on the boundaries of crystall- i-. Ges.'Phis causes a reduction in the depth of penetration of ul'Grason-ic waves into the metal and reduces the sensitivity of this method of ina-pecting welded joints. False signals, which do no'u- really originate in a defect are also observed. They are caused by the ieflection of the ultrasonic waves from the boundary of separavion of the main metal and the weld which represents a sharp transition from fine grain to coarse grain structure. This article describes work carried out by the Instrument Diwision of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Heavy Engineering in 1956, to develop procedures for the inspection in production of welded joints on steam piDing of 219 x 27 mm diameter (made from steels BI-257 and lKhlbHl2T) by ultrasonic methods. The development work was carried out on lengths of @14 A new method of inspecting welded joints on steam i-Ding made of austenitic steel. (Cont.) piping which had been welded and heat-treated at the Podolsk eng=eering works. Work was also done on steam piping for super-high steam conditions of the Cherepets power station. The ultrasonic muthod is now videly used for the inspection of welded joints during erection and major overhauls of power equipment. Ultrasonic and radiographic inspection methods were comoared and it was found that thin cracks, which are t-,,pical aefects of welded joints, are revealed only by the ultrasonic procedure. The defects discovered as a result of preliminary examinatim of 70 welds in super-high-pressure steam piping of the Cherepets station are classified into the following groups: (1) groups of pits in the weld and the main metal; (2) transverse cracks and pits along the line of melting; (3) Dits and cracks in the welded joints that were not heat- trea@ed; (L@) longitudinal cracks formed in the welded metal when unconditioned electrodes were used; (5) cracks in the root of -the welded joint. The ultrasonic inspection procedures %,,rere studied on standard specimens with large artificial defects in the upper and lower parts of the welded joints. In this way, the best position for the probe was det,_;rmined. It is necessary not only tolocate the defect within the ti',_Iickness of the weld but also to determine the A now mutliod of iiispectin:- welded join-Us ort J - made of au6tenibic steel.c@(Cont-) zone in which it is formed (welded metal, main metal, or region of thermal influence) and the ap,-ropriate Procedure is described. The@rocedure for estimating the size of defect is described. The dimensions of localised defects are estimated from dimensions of thei-L- equivalent areas on comparing the amplitude of the signal reflected from the defect with the amplitude of the siEnal reflected from the standard hole in the standardised specimen. The dimensions of a defect of the type of a transverse crack in a steam pipe is deter- Lained by movinc- -the probe along the weld, an intense reflected signal is obuained A the ends of the defect. The develop- ment of a defect within the thickness of the welded joint can be evaluated approximately by moving the probe perpendicular Uo the vielded joint. In the majority of cases longitudinal 0 cra@As aie concentrated in the upper half of the welded joint and art;; concentrated together. A number of examples are given of the commonest type of de-L*ects observed in samples in which thu vieldin- oroczdure was made abnormal with the aim of artificially forming cracks and also in production specimens and -,%-elded joints of actual steam, @@ipes. The follo-,vir,,7 conclusions are drawn from the work which CD was carried out. It is in principle possible-to inspect welded joints on steam pipes of 219 x 27 ma diameter made from steels EI-257 and lKh-18H12T. For thi-, purpose a special ultrasonic defectosco-oe wa--- developed with a working frequency -41 h A new method of inspectinr;- welded joints on stea:a piping" made of austenitic steel. C2 (Cont.) of 1.8 1,Ac/s and U prismatic probes operating a' lower frequencies. An ultrasonic inspection procedure was also developed that passed production tests and is fully applicable for the inspection of welded joints on power station steam piping. Comparisons of the results of ultrasonic examina ion with cat sections of the welds and metallographic investigation of the defective zone of the welded joints confirm the effectiveness of the ultrasonic inspection procedure for welded joints of austenitic steel that have been heat-treated. It was atab- lished that it is possible reliably to reveal various defects of welding located in any part of the welded joint, such as transverse and longitudinal cracks (including internal, super- ficial and sub-surface). The presence of an accumulation of small lonj@;itudinal cracks 1.5 - 2 mm deep in the sub-surface layer of metal can be determined and.individual non-me@allic inclusions with an eauivalent area not less than 20 mm can be observed. The procedure that was developed can be used to determine the co-ordinates of the defects, their extent or approximate size, their equivalent area and probable character. In the absence of any criteria about permissible defects it is not possible to reject welds aL a power station because of defects discovei@ed by ultrasonic metliods. Therefore, in order to accumulate material, careful observations should be made on r -It r. 004 00, Rhadyak'm find V. *0 's OW). t7-1'e V.R-V.V Rusalats) -Th b i resp.) after which 112111cless burning tiecomrs establithell. 00 I . e Com ust ble 9"'r ful"t- is bwn&f in & cuiumn a( i-ackett rdract, . 'd var with the cirliniter fully pack&t with costunflunt rif the @atuv if; 04111 y lilt. but In each raw h'Knogen. I , All. grain size an, of known ,7 -into. Active laYff. the temp. at All grain site as in the 71) sr' Wilosify .52% for fireclay (ch"Infritte 91`09) JMd 49% list corresponding points Is lower thin in the absence of the 00 . , -4T"tUlu;n Packing. Fur each given mean grain size ad". column. the difference being the inner mwiml the 00 . there is a limiting healing intensity Q above which the max. farther from the active floor where the temp. is structure of the refractory picking anti the dAr"cle" (tsbout ItK)O*); this point is situated at about the 45-311- uns ht of 70 t l b i t I i 00 char4ct" of the mobsif.tion are uWt; the ceiling Q dftd. . a r r ts o ve Ina". miss. level of the act g Uk h 00 exp ineritally fw air anti mcalcf. fw an exhaust Sas e- e gas. Corresponds to complete combustion of t h Z (C( I 1 .15:11 S, "1 .9. IGO ViVW"l hy petroleum wiw. the 32-stun. diam. is tile stnallest c"n"PatilAt Wit so gal usef in the expit..' was 10.7 kc-cal./tu.m. burning ",urfe" br.MX; at that diam., the max. rate of slow 00 . at about MrAteit Against increasing grain size Pletruisible (at this type _(coulbuition is2l./min. With 00 . lto7miti..Qiric2l./hr.lwr(l),vi.m.t)(lbek-velat S 9-trim. coru d III the limiting Q. w 46.7 X I; fultstcytind,dim. 6 X lo 1 the packing. (2) cu.m. fif the to(Al vol., GI) ru.Fn. of the . The corrsponling figures art 51.3 X 104, f Mtn 09 ;.we ".. (4) sq-,ri. of the grain arv.&, is relfem-rited by upward-il-sping %trai - ht li fi o ., n.24 X IUS, 74.1 X it)'. The limiting beating load COU14 oo ne , e.g.: g rrclAy (chAin-Ate) grain site 0. anti III usm.. 0, is 2,13 an.1 4.157, X 11)" Q ' ;ot be nwilsoll for chambers of I(Xi-surts. dians. owing to oo , 3j.,S awl 6*,.4 X' If?, Q, - "of.3 anti 12-1.5 X 104 ' luion of the corundum fieforg attainment of the limit- , 21.3.5 awl 1.311 X If)'. 71se corr-ji,tuding grApih? r; Soeh large lliams. pos,@itsly require tougher irdractepriCs. "Irunfluin fie witoewliat 41.vvc th,rw for fireclAy. Alms- T Than lush as Zrol. ri beat tatement " tran%fer were made in flowing -water- saekermi irim cylinden 340 runs. high aftil of diant. IMI. 1 4 i 4, . ant 3. inin.. the sloichionsirtric in-Irolcuin gas (CIC), f),fr-P. Cliffs (1-115. C-1403", CHO-511, C111110-10. III 9.1h . CO OAN)-air (1 -2". cxvc@%) mist. twing Intriffluced at I the blittom through round-secii-Ai channelis its a rrisra"ory 9 thaphratins carrying an active imcking of) min. high. Th4vr i@ slis initiAl fisminir stage, v-Aryties with the "it site (it the Packing (fruits I to 43 mitt, it* 5 iatut I suits ., , I a. S & A NITAILLURGICAL 1.17filAIL-21 CLAISIPKATMO to., - log, C11711 its( Nil `1W :0 @90 0000000000000000 ;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 *Toog : : : :1 *9 ait- 0 is a 'I IV 0 Is a a 3 2 10 OAn 0' 1 0 60090 1-00 00 @00 00 00 . so 0 9 Fee 00 "'go Woo coo 4-4-4-4--d --t A _u 0 0 0 * o 0 s a 41 At a 11 14 1$ 11 of all UU MIS IOU 19306 I L A __r or, (4 19 0 100 11w Ps-44--vis J Onjilm,tims. If N J,jdy.,k,,v I. A b- I r.,,t fe-mi I:. 15-M.3. Ini, @tlzar4d maxitilum cornbuxtiml -;tit-% ill firma of Age val-thrt g- itt. -mhu%twn ifuctis tillud with gramalar V 0 6;,v1.,i y 1-riA .r miumbim. Virvit pai t wall .-.,it w.4 %with if,ts-rminlitiosis tif rritwal va-f-ity Gir ififl`4-rrut NO air intioti. tho- maximum Zoo fjvjtilj@! 1,.;Ifl i@ rvai-fil-'l f.,r th,- iefra, 00 i,it) i.i. is-iial. Ill tht, no-",vid part the mimmum rat.. 00 at whicit .-mul-timion can W, mmittained vaA detur bt.ftvvv that 11nvm.l-s will i-vi-witually linme un iinfit-Onnt riwt-,r ill r, -baving tiw %iz, of stationar) an w,-11 ;1% 4 nmrirw lviilrr furrutces. ass, 'Go too LITEM414,69 C1A)i1F'C.TlC- E2-1 Zr An i-s- a "I N' It a CIE at K KLO A f PU31ILTIN, J'. -1). 14br., gnergetics Inst. G. M. Krzhizhanovskiy, Dept. Tech. Sci., -1945-c48-. Power Engineering. "On the Question of Thermal Conductivity in Solid Bodies," Zhur. Tekh. Fiz., 16, tio. 2, 1946; "Some Problems of Combustion," ibid., 18, No. 1, 1948. _____0_ 9-0-M -0 V a W IP 0 0 0 0 ? .0 ? 0 Ill ? 0 0 0 0 0 .0 1 .0 I tj All 1) is 11 A A--L- A L P a a I K L a IL I T 9 1 4 1_tl_A@q 24q.040141 Cognbusfin of fuel oil (aminal) In a lam ceiramic laj,*r.- V. S. Pushkin (G. M. KrAiihanovskil Furrileties Inst.). to Gaijests. itch. 1947, W-81in ' llWil lilr 111 PIV III I l irill-I temp. Milli to 111161111a lip Ill 4111,4114 lil SAI nint. high. lidifit III tile veraluiv 14yrr 041 1,6181 tile "I h t l t e etetteu. o limiting charge is 2 kg. matuti ir. Cousp 0 : fiamitkascombustion14 lirs.cipts.) hishowribythecompri. 0 of the elchaust jr4s; CQA2 141.6, 0, 0.4. CO 0.0. remainder N,. The consumption of air corresponds very nearly to the stoichiometric ratio lurl/0@. At the limiting load of 2 kg./hr.. the beat intensities, in HIA kral./cu.m.jhr., with respect to the total Vol. of tile tube, the total Vol. of 21 N , tul W it 0 04 'l I 7 Fli 2 34 km 0 00 .- . . ere . . . ."I . t w. . . " p. . t :0 _- . .... I- t @ tht- lio.'ej..2 I.M'j .." 7 :1.0 ItS./hr. and the Coll-1-111111119 1111111,11W, vietr 4 -11. 00 1A.2. IMA. And 24.4 X IIA kcAI.,.vumk./hi. The inazut 6 fell Elijectly under lirrmule it) file bot volliIIIIIIIII 1.4yrt. started with the aW of illuminating gas And some kerosene. f Overloading with fuel prailluces it Durisen flAmr at the outlet of the exhallst.. at cano. supply of air. the dame i 6 the langer the h her the a t of fuel. at Const. rate of in, h Ifi f i b i l f = l ,,, w ue streas es t ecom t air. nK supp y o , i i i i l d d h di d 00 oa ver at t le lbu t an e ame T sappears allogtt ng r4tc: -if Ilow tALIn lirlow it IbI owlin limilin cones r . g g ; g p iplloac@-Ujlt the porosity "I threrriollit, tAver. is IWIIII,/qtv It-ih the qt-rts mid l.weelaill tul- ct@cl, after colubustion. A I aI L A 61TALLUNCKAL LIHIATlillf CLASIIFKATIGM 0 U It AV 03 IS,,*, W 0 it IF 14 .1 ;i tt It It 0 1140 0 1 @44 I - I - @ - I @ @ 4-0- -o 0 s JOB 111) )ON xv 19)0441 Al" M Alvo A I L' TOO 00 see =00 roe `= x .00 Fee wee Joe I jr it I- -A 9-AB4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 0,00 00 so* 0 *Ole 0 0 0 so* go 0 goo Ott Problems of bwaing. V. �7,_PuAhkin. J. Teth. Phyj@ (U.S.S.R@) IS, 4")(1948)"@--Thrrt problems are con- sidercd: (1) combustion of coal particles, (2) burning-out of awd seams from the surface. and (3) combustion of coal walls in a channel. (1) is considered as a further development of Predvoditelev'v work (C.A. 33. YW; 36. 4.39M. which is - an exact solution of given boundary conditions fora pArticu- larcase: a more general solution of the differential equation is given. (2), hitherto unconsidered. can only he solved hy developing (1) to its conclwdon- (3) is not related to the first two as r to be indeptndent. .egards method and seems Ifowever. (2) 19 A special caw of (3). it in the Litter the height of the channel is made equal to infinity. Three formulas are derived for the 3 cams. resp.. in which the laws governing the distribution of conen. of 0 we "tablisbed. The results have practical importance in the underground xasifi'@tfon of CcKd. D. A. 1%47. V. S. Pushkin. "On the question toll beat couduction in Wid bodim 111" m Itu-ii . J III & Pko /K 110- 1,:.. UK, Nit', v-4 14 Ill, livi I IIV-i) '11'. 1 1.-1. . 111, 1. IIJI-k @ L% " A;,.- -A 0.- -- M,111-1 IJ. I'd, I*t,.,, , Zh 1,0, Fo.'. 1916. %'A it, V.11, III.- ..f I,nr I.- v%wiwr i, m-%40-! Ttw I-,, ll.,,v I.A I@ @%I.m.tlw " It -114 l.illylldph-, -alt.d I.-J. bw 10- I"j. ...... ..... I.Imm" Is .1, mt. 't.".. J.A A. I. I, ;.,MIJ Ow "tw0i'Al .4 111,, ),". I '11-7 .,jkwva,_, an- k,-, Lwi.t I.-tt III It, a, 1, 1 t 03. ata, 1, J, J:, r IN &I ) tA,, Krml 0, - X@ grad 0,11-tj.. Tlw Sol"clillt, 1, U, L.) Ott- _JW ...4 II'llaid I.I.- III a.- I-If Sm", li'vArmlit *,0, 1- 1-1 1., Alh"W", 11 t-,4 - I "I' 11.0 III'lal'- ." - "I.; 14 1111 - I- 'I- I -,1' 1-1 t4-- ItIl.1 "-:' ""I, "J"i W.M4.IK I, Im. ...... SI% 'd 6. 1., M ?I.,. I'lo 1-1 1." It. I . .... . TV G 5 ELI iF W M, IF 2 tj 31 'P. 5; 921 75 R rr. 0 0 r4 31581 S1124/61160010111020/046 D237/D305 AUTHOR: Pushkin, V.S. ersonic 'lovis On some Pro@)erties of sup Referativnyy zhurnal, 'TekhE.air_-a, n,7,: lij abs'l-ract 11B567- (Sb. Ga--odinamika i fjza 76) All SSSR, 1959, --'XT Experii,ents were performed in order -50 ll'lvestiga@-e n- T of supurso-.,lic jet dtlh bc),,zn,' -r In ar aer@@,dy- ]:y at r 6h t @,iL;les, oi@ifice ailc-e- It was shown -uha@- m-en @he e c.L air er -- e-na @hE e 2 0 and Oc u L pressurep then the f-low separates@ Sena-azed n, c) f c r e a s e CL -Lar;-e an6le diverging nozzle is un-tab! a2i. at I cvi r-*--@Pjers and, de.Liects towards one of tiio walls. For s=e condif--lon.- given in the -)aper show two `4ats r1ozzle It is incori.ectly irdicaled '!.,ut a -,E;a-n-c IeLS I slIr-l- a @'lovi 4.s not 3ossible. Sir@ilar ulactorup'is ::iay '-e ..-d ii- case of an unstable jet osc i be n,,een t@ w 3 15: P. 1 C!.UoeI'.'_"O-,;iC fiov/ D" _ 7 // D _Ireruency hil-hdr than the speed of the cine I'llra, per sec. ). The viork also describes purely vis,-ial chaiges i:-. 'he character of the flow in a supersonic 4et emerging into the Te 'c_-on of elevated pressure, when a rigid 'thin wedge is introduced Ln-to the jet, [Abs'tractor's no-ue: Compleie iranslal.-ioniz 9/170/60/003/03/05/034 B014/BO07 AUTHOR: Pushking Vi S. TITLE: The Determination of the Thickness of a Steady Shock Wave PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 36-40 TEXT: In the introduction drawbacks of the formulas given by Taylor (Ref. 1) and Beaker (Ref. 2) for the thickness of shook waves are dis- cussed. The derivation of the formulas given by Taylor and Becker Is briefly outlined, and 'It is found that the main drawbacks consist in different degrees of approximation being given for the thicknesses of shock waves of different intensities. The author avoids the afore- mentioned drawbacks by expressing the region of observable changes in the -3tate of the shock wave in the direction of motion by the formulas I - u = +au1 and u 2 - u - -au 2' where u denotes the wave velocity, and I and u2 the velocities of flow before and behind the shock wave, and Card 1/3 The Determination of the Thickness of a S/170/60/003/03/05/034 iteady Shock Wave B010007 are a proportionality factor. In this way he obtains formula (10), which is analogous to the Taylor formula (4),and formula (11), which is analogous to the Beaker formula (6) for the thickness of the shook wave. These Pormulas are compared with one another and discussed in detail. In Table 1 khe relative velocities are given for various Mach numbers of the leading flow. From the comparisons between the author's formulas and those obtain- @'-d by Becker and Taylor (which are shown in Table 2) it may be seen that in the Mach number range of from 2 to aD the deviation according to the Beaker formula increaees to sevenfold its amount, and that according to the Taylor formula to tenfold its amount. If, in calculation, an error of 10% is assumed, the deviation in the Mach number system mentioned in- creases to threefold (Beaker) and 1-5-fold (Taylor) its amount. There are 2 tables and 2 references: I English and I German. Card 2/3 The Determination of the Thickness of a S/170/60/003/03/05/034 Steady Shock Wave BO14/BOO7 2 ASSOCIATION: Knergeticheskiy inatitut im. G. M. Krzhizhanovskogo AN SSSR9 g. Moskva V/-- - (Institute of Power Engineering imeni G. M. Krzhizhanovskiy - of the-AS USSR9 City of Moscow) Card 3/3 PUSHKIN, V.S. Some new data on the strucl'ure of shock waves. Trudy MTIPP 15a226-238 160. (MIRA 16:2) (Shock waves) S/Ij 24110-5 21000100610 41/023 D234/D303 wo YerL@s'I-_en,."*-_o, V.. I.I. , Korozov, !4. G. , Motulevich, V. P. -ov Vu. INi. and Pushlcin, V. 6, '-as dy n am, t ?. a n T - T - 12 -c insallation w t E- rf e r um e z e r J -,L: H e --' c- r:1--. t i v r@ r y Ij )iI* zhurnai, -,-:ekhanika, no. 0', 19062, 44-451. a bstract 63283 (V. sb. Piz. gazodinara-ika i -Ueploob- zien. AN SS6R, 1961, 51-59) @ez;c-iption o-F a wind tunnel cons@ructed a' @ e !a- U U L.1 _L _U u()--,y of corrbusuion physics. The tunnel is fed either from an a 4 Q t17-C, bat Itery with a capacity of 17.6 m -@ at a pressure of 0- ;__ . m@@ - to z-e tunnel fror, the atmo- or une air is sucked inu I@jlere. part of the installation J5 placed in an 1", C) n@ 1 n. g U a f no e rin which a rarefaction up to 5 - 10 mm Hg is produced ,by a vacuum. fnstallation consisting @fk five ore-vacuum oumps'olf ard 12 vacuum pumps of bVf-L (VN-6) and CH-- type .- 0 1 711 V7-6,@) types. The tunnel is provided with an electric heater se- u-'ard,"I gas dyna:-iic ... 6/1, 24/6 2/0001006 /Gli 4/025 3234/D308 r 4 n an a 4 , G e mn @@ e ra t urr eup to 4JOOC. A set*ol- exchan-geabae Diane r _- f I' I e di o z z s m a, e s 4-1 tu oossible to chan@@;e the Each's number en c values to E 3.1 during vacuum work. @he di.m ;D n, 0 f * - _' 1 6 . * Ze_xact dimensions part Jis _iO - 40 rim are not Jn -,,,e '"he are optical v4ewin6 I-lasses in tll-- side :7' -Iis G f e nozzle and in -@,h;- cylindrical _74- i f f e I w chamber 1200 r7im, -,'he -Gunnel -*is orovided with a coordinate device and tus measuring and recording tille pressures and te-1- res -I@Gner:.,iocouples, manometers, vacuum meter, aUtomat6ic re- c@)rders, osciliograp@s). Optical observation of flow can be made -.,iz"-, aid of the inzer@`erence-shadow device IT-14 which. is a of a ..ach-Zender type interferometer with Tepler's dev_ce. 6oeclial z@easures are taken for isolatin- t-,e op-Gical de- rations @an isolazed support with M-) -; n:r ,-ce -ro:.. v-;D da pi . rubber c s i on s -he I T - 141 --evice is provided wizh phozographic accesso- 4 1 U.- -' -.a4 ng devices ok various types, arriong themi a S@;,E-L.-_ ilnst-allation with an exposure - less 10-6 sec. The. :)alDe:- is illus-vrated by Inte-ly-lel-o.,--rams. / Abstracter's no-Ue: Complete .ransI,--G-';. on. -7 F U-'@' i 11 K I NT I!.S., inzi'. , draw in; - :3. Vest.niaslt I tr. 45 (,11cinical met'hods for copyinF Anos no.11:83-84 N 165. (,,'I;IA 18: 12) --L-14117--66- -EWA(h), ACC NRt AR6001443 uR/0lq6/65Voc)o/ooq/xoo6/koo6 uDK 621.3 55-5.62i.373 .4 A SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhniks, i energetika, Abs. 9N46 AUMIOR: Slukhotskiy, A.Ye.; Pushkin, V.Ya. TITIE: A 60kV 70kc electronic inverter 21e CITED SOURCE: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta tokov vysokgZ chasto@Z, vyp. 5, 1964, lo5-116 TOPIC TAGS: rotary inventor, electronic transformer, triode tube TRANSIATION; A diagram and the comparative results of research on inverters with one and two anode plate inductors are given. The inverters are desigiu!d on the basis of an LPZ-67 generator substituting GU-22A tubes with Gu-4A triodes, which permit higher dissipation of power on the screen and having a higher stability at 10 to 11 kv. The technical data and design of the new elements (systems of anode circuit, grid and anode choke, grid auto-traaaformer). The effect of the circuit coil capacitances on its efficiency is consideredY and a theory on the processes in the grid-circuit is given. For a network with chokes, connected between anodes of the tubes and with divided ac dc circuit, an 80% efficiency for.the tubes at the anode has been obtain- ed- 3 references. B. Zhukhovitskiy. SUB CODE: 09 3JL0F.H0T2'-- Y , A. Ye. , do ktor te'@hn. n a uk (Leningr a d )' ; H-7SHK IN , V Y---; . , in zh. (Leningrad) Analysis of the operation of an electronic ionver@@er with increased frequency and parallel. Lnorie circuit with load. Flektrichestvo no.2:49-54 F 165. fl-';IPA 18:3) PUS!XD,', V.Z. (Petrnzavod3k); TSMLD:A, L.S. (Petrozavodskl). Prothrombin index of the blood in chronic tonsillitis. Mur. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 23 no-5:29-31 S-0163 (MIRA 17-3) PUSHKINY V.Z.; LEBEDEV, V.N.; YMIPANOV, L.S. (Petrozavodak) Interrelationsbebwt-.en chronic tonsillitis and rhematic fever (content of sialic acid in the blood serum of patients suffering from chronic tonsillitis and rheumatic fever). Vop.revm. 3 no.l-.85-.P8 Ja-14-r 163. (NIRk 16W (SIALIC ACIDS) (TONSILS-DISEASES) (FMEUMATIC FEVER) - FUSIXIII V.Z.; MULLER, A.A. (Kandalaksha Murmanskoy oblasti) The course of chronic tonsillitis, its surgery and late results of tonsillectorW in Arctic regions. Vast. oto-rin. 16 no.6:58-59 11-D 154. (MLRA 8.1) (TONSILLITIS pathol., surgery & late results of tonsillectomy in polar repion) (GLIMATS polar region, aff. on course & surg. of tonsillitis) (Kandalaksha, Murmanskoy oblasti) Gasas of injuries of the ear caused 18 no-5:99-100 S-0 156. (UR--WOUNM AND INJURINS) (SIACTRIGITY-PHYSIOLOGIGAL by electricity. Test. oto-rin. (MLRA 9:11) BMGT) --PUSHKB,lj V.Z.; I=DEV, V.H. (Petrozavodsk) Isolation of 17-ketosteroids from the daily urine in chronic tonsillitis. Vest.otorin. no.5;Z7-30 1626 OKIRA 15-9) (STEROIDS) (TONSIIS--DISEASES) (URIM-ANALYSIS, AFM PATHOLOGY) PUSHKINA, G.Ya.; KOMISSAROVA, L.N. Solubility of Sc(Wo@)3,4k() and ScOH(NO3)2.3H20 in water, in solutiona of nitric acid, and in organic solvents. Zhur. neorg. khim. 8 no,6:1498@-1504 Je 163. (KIRA 16:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, kafedra neorganicheskoy khimii. (Scandium compounds) (Nitric acid) (Solubility) SPITSYN, Vikt.I.; KOMISSAROTA, L.N.; SHATSKIT, VJ1.;_FUSJMNA,__G-.Ya. Stud7 of a complex ammonium scandium carbonate. Zhur. neorg. khim. 5 no.10:Z223-2228 0 160. (MIR& 13:10) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet im. M.V. Lomonosova, Yafedra neorganichesk07 khimii. (Ammonium scandium carbonate) SMIPNC)V, M.I.; PETROVA, Ye.V.; PUSHKINA, L.A., YEFVII-OXA, L.I. Effect of cortisone on the concentration of vitamins Bl. B2 and C in the tissues of rats. Probl. endok. i gorm. 11 no.l: 78-81 Ja-F 165. (MIPA 18:5) 1. Laboratoriya biokhimii vitaninov Ilauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta vitarninologii Minsiterst,ia zdravookhraneniya SSSR, Moskva. POSTOVSKIY, I.Ya.j PUSHKINA, L.N.; RAZALOV, S.A. Benzazole series. Part 1: Syntheses of benzoxazoles with the purpose of studying their scintillation properties. Zhur.ob.khime 32 no.8:2617-2624 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Ural'skiy po:Litekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova. (Benzoxazole) (Scintillation (Physics)) L 47045-w65 --i'vic) HIM-- ACCESSION NR: AP5007545 S103681651002100i1&6#&68 V ALMOR: Mchey, V. . 1-L1!!hkim',, Li_ 4 TITLE: lAminescence and scintillation properties of some 1,2-disubstitutes of benzimidazole SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopiis v. 21 no. 19.1902 63-68 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence spectrump scintillation spectrum, anic scintillatm, qrg scintillation yield A13STRACT: This is aconti.nuation of earlier work on the spectral characteristics, and scintillation properties of a'series'of benzenes.. wbere data were' obtained'for berzoxazoles and napht les (ZhOKh 4. -32@, 1962; DAN-GSSR V. 149 1359 hoxazo 25 P-75, 1964 349 424, 19 In the esent &rticle the V. Zh01q1 pr authors repoit results of the measurements of-tbe 0sorption of,luminescence spec-1 -4 long ot-1penzimidazole-,jw ose W1 t- tra and of 'lie scintillation prqpex@des In s9lut@ h 6"a` @-o f -7 1 derivatives were not previously inveeUgated from the WoWtheir scin. tillating properties. The absorption and luminescence spettra of 71 benzImidazole derivatives were meagured, using a procedure.and appa-ratus described in the Ie0aftir-lie Sard 1/9 47045-65 r AACCESSION NR., AP 5oo7545 papers. The relationship between:tbe.6hi~~ical-a-tructure and the@luminescence yield I in solution is discussed. The scintillation- efficiency of the- co apounds in toluol. solution was measured. It was discovered.-tbat i@ number of vex7 soluble compounds of 2-aryl-benz1rJdv2ole have the 4s p-terp benyl (5 9/ 11). "rhe authors thank Professor e gg#2Lsk -or inter st in the work and IZ_-:r S. it for discussion of the result Orig. bas:, .3 tables and 4 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: a6anA MM. 06 @011*: opt 0a NR REP S om 000, 7 t, v@_ J Je P LCcird PUSHKINA L.N.; MAZALOVY S.A.; POSTOVSKIY, I.Ya. I --.- , -1- - Benzazole series. Part 2: Syntheses of benzimidazoles with the purpose of studying their scintillation properties. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.8:2621+-2633 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, (Benzimidazole) (Scintillation (Physics)) DEZIIERIYEV, G.P.; KURENEV, V.Ya.; PUSHKIITA, T __ SHAPOSIRTIKOVA, N.A. Visual aide for studying chemistry in institutions of higher learning. Trudy KUTI no-13:118-125 148. (MIRA 12:12) l.Kazanskiy khimiko-tokhnologicheski7 institut im. S.M. Kirova, kafedra neorganichosko3r khimU. (Chemistry-Study and teaching) (Audio-visual aids) ZHIGAREVICH, I.A. ; FUSHKARSKIY, S., red.: PAVLOVA, M.M., [Growing olives] Kulltura masliny. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkh02. lit-ry, 1955. 245 p. (MIRLA 10:12) (olive) PUSHKARSKIY. S. !@@ " - - Iork achievements of machinist Tertychnvi. Prom.koop. no.5:11 My 157- (MLRA 10:8) 1.Sotrudnik Konstruktorsko-tekhnologicheakogo byuro Oblpromsoveta, g. Rovno. (Tertychnyi. A.G.) PU5j1m,--V*Z4. starshly leytenant med.sluzhby., MULLER, A.A., podpolkovnik ' @ med.sluzhbye Course of chronic tonsillitis nnd lAte results of tonsillec t0 In the North. Voen.-med.zhur. no.12:78 D '55 (KIRA 12:17 (TONS ILS--DISVASFS) 9 W viv 11 11 W 4 4 If It mill a n It is is D a A A It I I Is Q M KE wit 1211 MIS um UYIN I I j I a I #I fill me$!!* - 'a I a A 1- --tips yws, .0 00 66 ri preuminary invesulatim of tits possibility of concen. 0 0 tndng tkQ ttt--p *" Oft Of the .001LOM 1.1171111. -VA.. 11 nisumr-11431. MAkes"1004.1 0brabellki V.-In'talkh likoputpolmikk (/"It. Aftyk. I*fOulffieveit ofell. 0 0 0 0 ftep). on ciestrill. of orell 19", NO. 2. SI M, -Thr Nil) .,re is found in the Rogo4ovsk anti southern Ural dintictel. It is found as pyrolusitc and psilamplanE, in the grainy 0 0 as wrli as in the powd. state. Concil. the tire- in Isig. 1* zoo @ III %In. cinwituting a Washe," YkAded an tire with 41 7 0 0 41 71.31; rittit. III the %fit prewnt. Difliculth, are r- Z; 0 0 : I* 0 t lk-rictiv,,d in rmwvring the Nin Imin [lie lertrze,. which 1 varrit-,; nff x6tut 301': 1)( it. A. A. It, 'roe lie 41 00 :we zoo -fl,e;@111 K.e, ejftftATU1tj CL-ISWICATICA =00 Do , T 11 `C3 1% r 4-, 1 j a li goo e, 0 It -q It el I If go ij 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 41 0:6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AVAKYAN, R.O.; BAYATIM, G.L.; VIS12TEVSKIY, 14.Ye.; PUSHKIN, Ye.V.__ I -decay Measurement of longitudinal electron polarization in the of Aul98. Zhur.eksPA teor.fiz. 4d no.3:681-683 S 16P. (MIRL 14:10) (Electrons-.-Scattering) (Gold-Decay) r UO" I EI' M Y, v Tlpojar-ive@tjojj of -]lectrms in the -4 - D e c a I. , je ir, '-Icd@ m and Low t*,- --U Conf. nr., -ijt.-cl-ear ReactiGns -u- a 19-27 110-1. 57. ... 4 --.- 1. PUSHKIN, Z. --: -- - 2. ussR (60o) 4. Machinery in Industry ,7. 1-4fe periods of equipment. Az ekon.mat. no. 4, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. jII BUKIRNV, A.I; PUSHKIN, Z.M. (MIRA 11:1) DoformitiOB in fishes..Yop. ikht. no.9:147-151 157. 1. Molotovskiy universitet. (Kara River-Fishesl (Abnor-alitieB (Animals)) T: -z" 111 A C" Z- LibF.-aries, @-Iorkini-menls "o-1--ilin:- --4-1 wnnual plan of work for trude w1ion li'-raries. E'ub 'io. 12, 1':@52. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Vay 1953. Unclassified. li bra ri es nelp, of libr;;ri,--,s of professiznal organizaLions @jrc* ,-,@:,@Aete 'with thu !Lbrari ap) - Klub !110 - r, 197: @S- -u nt@Av Li@t of ;4u5s-i@:,,i Accessi,@-s, Library ;-Ic as si; ; ta. Gogoll, Nikolay Vasillyevich, 1809-1852 A century since the death of N.V. Gogol. V pom.profaktivu, No. 3, 1952. Monthl List of flussian Accessions. Library of Congress, March 1952. Unclassified. 1,;-,VSK1Y, G.K@, prof.; PUS19IIIIA, D.I. Therapeutic significance of vitamni B- in atherosclerosis, I L2 Terap.arldi. 34 no.352-5-4. 162. (MMI 15:3) 11. Iz boi^-nitsy IV glavnogo upravleniya (nat,-h. - prof. A.M. Mazicov) Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (GYANOCORALAMINB) FUSHKINA, E.N.; YAKOVLEVA, G.Ya. Therwomotric study of inclusions In zonary quartz crystals from the Pamirs. Trudy, VNIIP 1 no.2:169-1?o '57. (MIRA 12:3) (Pamirs--Quartz crystals) FUSEK11U, G.A.; GRIGORIYEV, V.I. Rapid method for the determination of the ash content of Deat. Gaz. prom. no-3:22-24 Mr 158. (MIRA 11--3) (Peat--Analysis) KOMIISSAROVAY L.N.; PUSHKINAJ, G.Ya.; SPITSYN, Vikt. I. Preparation and some properties of scandium nitrates. Zhur. neorg. khim. 8-no.6:1384-1394 Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenn)@, universitet imeni Lomonosova, kafedra neorganicheskoy khimii. (Scandim nitrate) S/078/60/1005/0101/024/'030/'XX 9017/B067 AUTHORS: Spit3yn, Vikt. I., Komissarova., L. N., Shatskiy, V. M., and Pushkinag G. Ya. TITLE. Study of the Complex mmonium Scandium Carbonate A PERIODICAL. Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiig 1960, Vol. 5@ No- 109 pp. 2223--2228 TEXT- The authors determined the optimum conditions for producing ammonium/ scandium carbonates, and described the properties of these compounds. The compound NH 4Sc(CO 3)2.1-5H.0 was produced by dissolving freshly pro- duced scandium hydroxide in a concentrated solution of ammonium carbonate, and subsequent crystallization at room temperature. This compound is stable at room temperature., and decomposes only at 950C under formation of dill- ficultly soluble basic scandium carbonate whose composition is not con- stant. The thermal decomposition of ammonium scandium carbonate was thermo- graphically studied by means of a Kurnakov pyrometer. It was observed that the ammonium scandium carbonate decomposes gradually. At 140-1900C, Card 1/3 Study of the Complex Ammonium Scandium S/078/60/005/010/024/030/XX Carbonate B017/BO67 partial dehydration occurs, and CO 2 is completely liberated. In the temperature range of 280-3050C. crystalline ScO(OH) is formed which passes into So203 at 4800C@ At 4000C, WH 3 -and CO. are completely liberaLed. The solubility of scandlium hydroxide at 0, 25, and 500C in solutions of (NH 4)2 co3of different concentrations was studied. It was observed that the soiubility of scandium hydroxide at higher ammonium carbonate con- centrations and lower temperatures is higher. In a 17.8% solution of (NH4 )2 Co 3'H20, scandium hydroxide is soluble at OOC up to a concentration of 1.24% by weight of So203' Amorphous ammonium scandium carbonate KH 4Sc(CO3);).2H20 is formed by dissolution of scandium hydroxide in ammonium carbonate solutions with a concentration higher than 1% by weight -*in a temperature range of 0-250C. The amorphous ammonium scandium carbonate passes into the crystalline state above 500C. The thermogram of amorphous ammonium scandium carbonate shows an endothermic effect at 65-1100C caused by the cleavage of water, which is characteristic only cf the amorphous sompound. There are 5 figures, 2 tables-, and 4 non-Soviet Card Study of the Complex Ammonium Scandium Carbonate references. ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTEDi S/078/60/005/0101/024/030/xx B017/BO67 Ploskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Kafedra neorganicheskoy khimii (Moscow State University imeni P1. V. Lomonosov, Chair of Inorganic Chemistry) July 8, 1959 Card 3/3 FIALIKOVY K.V.; MINIM, R.A.; KAFLASIK, G.S.; LINETSKIY, N.S.; P-'SI'UYIIG,V, G.M.; PUSHKIIIA, G.A. Siumltlaneour gasification of peat and peat tar. Gaz. prom. 8 no.2:15-17 163. (MIRA 17:8) PUSHKINA, I.K@, aspirant Data for a hyCienic characteristice of mica dust. Gig.i san. 25 no.8il8-2j Ag '60. (ItIll 13:11) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny truda I Nloskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsin- skogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. (la(;A) (LUNGS--DUST DISEASES) cm , 0 1.. 1 1 t I VARTANYAN, A.B.; PUSAINA, I.P.; MAGNITSKIY, A.A.. retsenzent; ORWVA, L.A#@ red.; INAKNIN, M.T., LOrganizing the labor of workers operating sliver lapping machines in cotton spinning] Organizatsiia truda rabotnits, obaluzhivaiushchikh lentosoodinitellnye mashiny khlopka- priadillnogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po legkol promyshl., 1959. 26 p. (miRA 12:6) (Cotton spinning) PUSHKIKA, I.P. Psychological selection of students for flying schools. Voen.-med. zhur. no.3:0.5-96 165. (MIRA 18:11) LEBEDEV) Kons-lantin Borisovich; TARANEITKO, B.I., otv. red.; PUSHKINA, L.I.1, red.; ZFUKOVA, N.D., red; ALFEROVA, P.F., tekh-H-.-r--ea-.- [Production of calcium molybdatel Proizvodgtvo molibdata kall- tsiia. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakhskoi SSR 1962. 119 p. NIRA 15:5) (Calcium molybdate) SOKOLOV, S.V.,- YUMINOV, V.S.; PUSHKINA, L.N. Rpaction of fluoroolefins wituh butyl hypochlorite and c@lorine cxide. Zhur.ob.khim. 35 no.U:2150-2155 D 165. (MIRA 19 1) I. Urallskly politeklinicheakiy inatitut imeni S.M.Kirova. Submitted December 4, 10,64a PUSHKINA, L.N.- TKACHEV, V.V.1 FOSTOVSKIY, 1.Ya. 9 Spectral characteristics mnd-scintillation properties of some 2-ar7l derivatives of benfoxazale and benzimidazole. DokI.AN SSSR 149 no.l,.135-138 Mr 163. (MIRA 16s2) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskly institut imA S.M.Kirova. Predstavlono akademikam A.N.Terenirpm. (Benzoxazole-Spectra.) (Benzimidazole-Zpectra) PUSHKINA, L.N.; POSTOVSKIYr, I.Ya. Synthesis and urcperties of isomeric naphthoxazoles substituted in position 2. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.21424-431 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. S/079J62/032/006/002/oo6 11204/11307 AUTHORSt Postovskiy, I. Ya., Pushkina,_ L.M. and Mazalov, S. A. TITLEs Investigations of benzazoles. I. Synthesis of benzoxazoles in order to study their scintillating properties PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, V.32, no. 8, 1962 2617 - 2624 TEXTt Synthesis of 2-arylbenzoxazoles M, I - 21-benzoxazolyl) - 2 arylethylenes (II) and 1 - phenyl 21-benzoxazolyl) - 2-arylethylenes (III) are described. 25 Of @ the compounds prepared are new. Series I was produced by the oxi- dation of o- aminophenol azomethynes with KMnO4 in acetone, at room temperature, in 60 - 80 % yields. 2_ (91 - Acridyl)-benzoxa- zole was made by the oxidation of its azomethyne with boiltng PhN02 and'2-benzoxazolyl - V- naphthyl-methane by the condensation of 0 0-aminophenol with 1-naphthylacetic acid, by.heating to 180 190 C Card 1/ 3 S/079/62/032/008/002/oo6 Investigations of benzazoles.Io.. D2o4/D307 for 5 hours. Compounds II were obtained, in 7 - 70 % yields, by the condensation of equimoldr mixtures of the corresponding aro- matic aldehydes and 2-methyl-benzoxazole, in the presence of H BO at 195 - 2000C, over 5 hours. Reactivity of the above aldehydeg 3' depended strongly on the nature of the para- substituent, decreas- ing in the transition from halogen and alkyl groups to methoxy- and dialkylamino- substituents. Series III was synthesized (in 20 - 60 % yields) by a method analogous to II, replacing the 2-methyl- by 2-benzyl- benzoxazole. Uv absorption spectra, measured on CJ,-4 (SF-4) spectrophotometer, showed that extension of the conjugated chain in the presence of electron-donating constituents displaced the maximum absorption peaks towards longer wavelengths. It was also shown that the structures of 1-(21-benzoxazolyl)-l-phenyl-2-a-kyl- ethylene and of compounds III are not coplanar. More detailed epee- tral and lumineacence*studies, and certain scintillating character-@- iotics will be published in a later paper. There are 4 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATIONs Urallakiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova (The Urals Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M. Kirov) Card 2/3 Investigations of benzazoles. 1. SUBMITTEDt August 7, 1961 Card 313 S/079/62/032/008/002/006 D2o4/D307 li,'CCEMIGIN NR: Ap4o18056 S/0079/64/034'/002/04241/0431 @-UT' I A HOR: Pushlrina, L. N.; Fostov3kiy, I. Ya. TITLE: Syntheais and properties of isometric naphthoxazoles substi- i: Uuted in '11-he 2-position souaCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, V. 34, no..2, 1964, 424-431 TOPIC TAGS: luminescent property, benzazolo, arylnaphthoxazole, ult;ra_'@ violet absorption spectrum, lumineacent spectrum, naphthoxazole ABSTRACT: Interest in the relationship between the structure and luminescent oroperties of benzazoles led to the synthesis of naphth[l,2d]__, naphth[2,ldl- and naphth(2,3d] oxazoles substituted inlo the 2-position. Compounds I-III Card ACCESSION NR: AP 4018056 N R \0/. 'R CH.. CH., Ctl,. C.11 (-"@ =6, F). . ll.Cl oxidation of azomethynes with potassium permanganate! ootai i 3 in acetone solution or nitrobenzene: Car ACCESSION NR: AP4018056 N, %C11-Ar O> Ar I\OH .Initial azomethynes were obtained by condensation of corresponding isomeric o -aminonaphthols and aromatic aldehydes. The naphthoxa- zoles I-III are the best achromatic or slightly yellowish substances* They strongly fluoresce the blue or blue color in the near-ultravio- let. In accordance with its anthracenoid structure the linear iso- mers (III) have a higher melting point and are less soluble in non- polar solvents than the angular (phenanthrenoid) isomers. In the nhenanthrenoid structure of the angular compounds (I) and (11) a more,, @avorable localization of the 7r-electronto cloud guarantees the aro-@ matic charact-eristics of both the naphthalene and oxazole portion of the nolecule. In the anthracenoid structure of the linear compounds j (III) a break in uniformity in the direction of structure A or B is conceivable. The luminescent properties of 2-arylnaphthoxazolea in c.@d 3/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4018056 .solutions are determined to a significant degree by the 2-arylbenzoxa--@ zole system of the molecule included in them. Measurement of the scintillation effectiveness in the toluene solutions indicated that the angular 2-arylnaphthoxazoles provide the same order of lumines- cence efficiency as the standard solution of ?t-terphenyl. Study of 4 :the ultravioleu- absorption spectra and the luminescence spectra per- imit the assumption that there isan. oxazole type of structure in the il @angular 2-arylnaphthoxazoles and an oxazoline type of structure of i ;the hetero-ririg in the linear 2-arylnaphthoxazoles. "S. A. Kazalov participated In the syntheses." "The authors are grateful to'V. V. :'T'4acheva for participating in the measurements of luminescence spee- .tra and determination of scintillation effectiveness." Orig. art. has: 2 tables. ASSOC.-rLA*'_!-LON: Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut, (Ural Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED. 07Dec62 DATE ACQ: 19Mar64 ENCL: 00. .SUB CODE: CH NO REP SOV: 007 OTHER: 012 -Card 4/4 - ------------ S/079/62/032/008/003/006 Investigations of benzazoles. 11. ... D204/D307 by the reaction of a-phenylene diamine with aldehydes. II and III were synthesized, in 40 - 90 % yields, by the 1:1 condensation of aromatic aldehydes with N-phenyl- and N-methyl-a-phenylenediamines and oxidation of the resultant Schiff's bases w7ith PhI102. IV were obtained by the interaction of o-phenylene diamine (I mole) and (2 moles), in at room temperature., in 30 - 80% aldehydes acetic acid, yields. V, VI and VII were prepared by the 1:1 condensation of aldehydes with (a) 2-methyl-, (b) 1,2-dimethyl-, and (c) 2-benzyl- benzimidazolee, in the presence of H3BO3, at 195 - 2000C, over 2.5 hours, in 70 - 80 M, 35 - 65 (VI) and 0 - 80 (VII) percent yields respectively. The reactivity of the H-atoms in the methyl group of 2-methyl-benzimidazole (A) was greater than that of 2-methyl-benz- oxazole (B), owing to their higher mobility. Uv absorption spectra of phenyl-, p-halogenophenyl-, p-tolyl-, and p-methoxy-phenyl- benzi- midazoles exFibited maxima at 3160 - 310 M@t- Miphenyl- and 1-naphthyl- derivatives showed peaks at 315 and 337 m," , and those of p-dimetbyl- and p-diethylaminophenyl- at 330 and 337 m Spectra of 17substituted 2-ar-yl-benzimidazoles showed the absence orc*onjugation between the N-substituents and the remainder of the molecule. The structures VII Card 213 S/079/62/032/008/003/006 Investigations of benzazoles. II. ... D204/D307 are not coplanar. There are 1 figure and 3 tables. ASSOCIATIONj Ural'skiy politekhri-ichaskiy institut (Urals Iblytechnical Institute) SUBMITTEDt August 1, 1961 Card 3/3 SLUTSKIY, M.Ye.; ZARKHIN, B.I.; PUSHKINA, M.A. --- __ Small-size broad-band electrometric amplifier. Kosm. issl. 1 no.2,.296-302 3-0 163. (MIRA 17-4) ZARKHIN, B.I.; PUSHKIIIA, M.A.; SLLT'rSKIY, M.Ye. Electrowtric amplifier. Frib. i tekh. eksp. 8 no.4:90-94 Jl-Ag 163. (MRA 16,12) 1. Spetsfallnoye konstruktorskoye by-uro analiti-cheakogo priborostroyeniya AN SSSR. ACCESSION NR: AP4003738 S/0293/63/001/002/0296/0302 AUTHOR: Slutskiy, M. Ye.;@Zarkhin, B. I.; Puahkina, M. k. TITLE: Miniaturized broad electrometer amplifier ,@and SOURCE% Kosmicheakiye is edovaniya,'v. 1, no. 2, 1963, 296-302 TOPI@ TAGS: dc am .pl.ifier', transitorLzed amplifier, mass spectro- meter, spaceborne-miniaturized amplifier, broadband measuring ampli- fier, min.iaturizbd'measuring amplifier ABSTRACT: *An improved high-sensitivity transistorized d-c amplifier, specially designed for use in mass spectrometers, is described. Its basic specifications are as follows:. 1) range of measured positive- polarity currents, 10-11 to 10-14 amp; 2) relative error, t 3%; 3) time' constant of the input circuit, 0.01 sec; 4) input impedance,' 1012 ohm; 5.) voltage fluctuation at'the ou +cput, 7-8 mv; 6) range of operating temperatures, -40 to +60C; 7) d-c power supply, 14 t2 v; 8) power consumption, 0.5 w; 9) weight, 300 9; and 10) overall size, 100 x 50 x 50 mm. The amplifier. uses one vacuum tube, an 1-1-type electrometric pentode with a high voltage gain at a low level of grid Card 112 ACCESSION NR: AP4003738 current. The power supply of the amplifier circuits is effected by a transistorized inverter operating At 8-10 kc. The high converter (up to 85%) ensures voltage stability within 0.1% in the .feedback transformer windings of the inverter, with primary voltage stabilization by means of a *three-stage transistorized-@Amplifierv .The d-c amplifier is placed in a thin-walled steel housing which pro- tects it from the interference of electric and magnetic..'fields. The .described amplifier is recommend'ed for use in' rockets 'and artificial ,earth satellites. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 07Jan63 SUB CODE:- GE DATE ACQs 26Dec63 NO REF SOVt 006 ENCL; 00 OTHER: 001 Card 2 / 2 rl C! yimp h a dn :-, 4 P- p;) cal Clinic Stat:T@ Clrd@r o@ c cond Sur, - rainiti@@ of Physicians lim S Virov an(! S,,irglicai :n rad), 200 copit!s No L2, 1.9`1, 133) il el . 5 FUSHEINA, U.S. (Leningrad) Penetration of the intestine into Braun's anastomosis following anterior gastrointestinal anastomosis. Yest.khir. Ja-IF 155. WRA 8:4) 1. Iz 2-y kbirurgichookoy kafedry (zav. prof. N.N.Samarin [deceased]) GIDUV Im. S.MoKirova. (STOMCH. surgery. gastroenterostomy, postop. invagination into Braun's anastomosis) FUSHKINA., Natural regeneration of vegetation in forest fire areas. Trudy Lap.gos.zap. no.4:5-125 160. (MIRA 15:3) (Iapland State Preserve-Reforestation)(Forest fires) PUSHKINA, N.M. -- Lichens and msses in *@he Lapland Preserve. Trudy 189-248 160. (MIRA 15-3) (lapland State Preserve--Lichens)(Iapland-State Preserve --- Mosses) V'IALOV,A.M.; BAGNOVA, M.D.; KUBUQIOVA,P.S.; FUSHKINA, N.,N.; BULYCHEV,G.V.: FILOV, I.S.; GF21KI21, A.G.; KOTELINIKOVA, M.P.; S=ISKAYA,V.S. Changes in the health of workers engaged in the production of synthetic fatty acids. Uch.zap. Mosk.nauch.-issl. inst. san. I gig. no.9:50-51+ 161 (MIRA 36:11) VYALOV, A.M.; BAGNOVA, M.D.; VASIL'YEV,A.S.; PUSIKINA, N.N.; YUSHKEVICH, L.B.; BULYCHEV, G.V.; BYLOV, I.S.; GENKIN, A.G.; ZHIDKOVA,L.V.; ZHIGULINA, L.A. Early changes in the state of health of workers in the cumene process of phenol and acetone production. Uch. zap. Mosk.nauch.- issl. inst.san. i gig. no.9:13-16 161 (MIRA 16:11) MELIKUMOVA, A.S.; BYLOV, I.S.; -M3,HXD-TA, @ N.N. Clinical aspects of occupational poieoning of Lhio rubber workers. Uch. zap. Mosk. nauch.-issl. inst. san. i gig. no.9: 90-94161 (MIRA 16:11) PUSHKINA, 14. N. "Graphic aids in the study of chemistry in an institution of higher learning," Authors G. P. Deziderlyev, V Ya. Kurenev, H. N. Pushkina, and N. A. Shaposhnikova, Trudy Kazansk. Khita.-tekhnol. in-ta im. Kirova, Issue 13, 1948, p. 118-25 SO: U-3264, 10 April 1953, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, no. 3, 1949) - . -) - -'i hA , h . Tj . ,.1 , lan , V, I. , r ItTesting FoodstuffR for Determination of Nicotinic Acid." Themis for degree of Cand Medivil Sci. Sub 11 Feb 50, S,-cond tin-cow State Medical Inst. iment I.V. Stalin. Sumnary 71. 4 Sep 52. Dissertations Presented for Degrees in Sciences and Enp_-Ineering in Morcow in 19@0. From Vechernxp,,va Moskva, Jan-Dec 1950. PUSHKINA, 11-11. Oloskva) Ascorbic acid content in separate groups off industrial workers. Gig.trwia i prof zab. 3 no.4-.44-46 Jl-Ag '59. (MIRA 12-:11) 1. Klinicheskiy otdel Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute. sanitarii i gigiyeny imeni F.F.Arismana. (ASCORBIC ACID) PUSHKINA, E'.111. Studies on @--e thro-mbovlastic =otlh-rombl In ccmtant in Persons radiations. rrobl. gemat. i 0 '59. activity - the b1cod and the sub-eczed to Ionizing peral. krovi 4 no. 10:44-46 NIRA 13:8) 1. Iz klinichaukoCo otdola (rulcovoditell - prof. I.Ya. Sosnovik) Moskovskogo nauchno-iS31edovatellskogo instituta san.*tarii i gigiyeny imeni F.F. Zrismana. (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFZGT) (THROMOBOPUSTIN) (PROTHROI-MIN) SuSlIoVIK, I.Ya.; BMINOVA, M.D.; FUSIM11k, 14.11. -, UPOROV, D.V- Clinical aspects of chronic poisoning by petroleum products. Kax.mod.zhur. IPO no.1:29-13 JS-F 159. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Iz Monkovskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta sanitarii i gigiynMr in. F.F.Erismana (direktor - A.Z.Bolousav). (NOVOICUIBYSIM-PSTROLEM WORKOS-DIbTASES A14D HYGIENE) PUSUKINA, K.N. Nature of sugar curves in vibration sickness. Uch. zap Moak nauch.- is3l. ins t. a i gig. no.7:63-65 160. @MIRA j@-,) IrBLIOQD SUGAR) (VIBRATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL aFEGT) j * jr- I I'llatallye flikolayevna; BONDAREV, G.I., red.; ZAKHAROVA, A.I., teifui-. - ---- [Vitamins in the Far North] VitaEiny na Severe. Moskvap Medgiz, 1961. 127 &USSIA, NORTMUI-VITAMIN METABOLIal) (MIRA 15:2) YEGOROV, Yu.L.: KASMOV, A.A.;. FUM1NA,._N.X__(K_oskva) Some di-sorders in metabolic and functianal processes of the liver among workers in the production of synthetic fatty acids. Gig. trudal prof.zab. no.11:19-22 'Al. (MIRA 1483-1) 1. Moskovskiy nauchno-issledavatellskiy institut gigiyeny imeni F.F. Erismana. (LIVER,..-DISEASES) (ACIDS., FATTY.-TOXICOLOGY) FUSILKINAY JUL, kand.biologicheskikh nauk (Moskva) Prevention of hypovitaminosis C in the Far North. Med. sestra 20 p0.10:53-56 0 161. (MIRA 14112) (AUSSIA, NORTHEX-1-DEFICIFUCY DISEASiZ) (ASCORBIC ACID) VYALOV y A.,-!.; BAGNOVA, ',-',,D,; BULYCIIEV, G.V.; BYLOV, I.S.; G111KIE, A.G.; KU.-MA1NOVA, P.S.; PUSIMI'JA, N.N.; YUSIBUXICH, L.B. Comparative evaluation of hea-1th conditions in workers employed in producing synthetic fatty acids and higher fatty alcohols. Oig. i san. 26 no-4:15-21 Ap 161. (%L.II--,,,A 15: 5) 1. Iz klinicheskogo otdela Moskovskogo n--uchno--issledovatellskogo e instituta- gigiyeny imeni F..F,Erisraana Rinisterstva zdravooEqraneniya 19SFS'R. (C L-VICAL IflDUST.--JES---HYGR,1JIC ASP-i-"CTS) (ACIDS, FATTI Y--- THYSIOLOGICAL Er-IFECT) (ALCOHOLS-PHYS IOLOG I CAL EF@-'ECT) LLrK'YANOV,, V.S.; PUSHKINA, N.N. Hypovitaminoses among the newcomers and the native population of some regions beyong the Arctic Circle. Probl. Sev. no.6: 115-1-19 162. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Moskovskiy institut gigiyeny imeni F.F. Erismana. (ARCTIC REGIOVS-DEFICIENCY DISEASES)