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R.lDCVlTS=T- FIXKSER, L.A., inzh.; RADOVITSKIY, V.P.. kand.tekho.nank New apparatus for preparing roving and sliver sample cuts. Tekst. prom. 20 no. 11:55-56 N 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Textile industry--Tenting) (Textile industry--Eauipment and supplies) RADOVITSKIY Vladimir Petrovich; GOLIDBERG, Vladimir Sergeyevich; I - ---- -- --- -1 - ~ - _7 --- - - GWIMOVA, T.G., red.; TRISHINA, L.A., tekhn. red. [WayB of the automation of doffing an spinning machineB) Puti av-tomatizatsii s"ema na priadillnykh mashinakh. Mo- skva, Rostekhizdat, 1963. 47 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Spinning machinery) (Automation) RADOVOL"SKIY., n.M, (Radov-Xalkyi, Kh.M. -I Improve the works of the pphar-.7a3ies in mediral inatitution--, 4 31 2626 Famatsev.zhur. 17 no.,'a56-5L (1-111bl lb'~'3) (HOSPTrAL PHARLACIES) --_ RADQVaUYA-,A-" assistent Labor in pelvic presentation in elderly primaparse. Zdrav. Bel. 7 no.5:37-39 My 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii Minskogo meditsinskogo instjjXfta (zaveduyushchiy kafedroy. - professor I.M.Starovoytov) i I kliniche-- ' skogo ob"yedineniya Minska kglavnyy vrach A.I.Shuba). (LABOR (OBSTETRICS)) ACCESSIMT NR: AP3COO199 S/0115/63/000/005/0054/0057- AUTHOR: Malkove, E. M.; RadevskWao T. L.; Belozerova, M. F.; Berestneve, Z. T. TITLE; methods for testing the checking gas mixtures SOURCE: lzmeritellnaya Tekbriika, no. s, 1963, 54-57 TOPIC TAGS: low oxygen analysis, colorimetric analysis ABSTR-kCT: A well-known colorimetric method for determing very low concentrations (0.001 - 1% by volume) of oxygen involves oxidation of a monovalent-coRper ion into a bivalent-copper ion by the oxygen contained in the gas being tested. A pipetting device with a sampling cell was made by the authors. The device and the working procedure are described in detail. Another method for the same v-,-Dose was investigated by Brooks (Aria3,yticaal Chemistry, No 3, 1952) and involved diethyl-di-thiocarbamic acid whose colored solution had a colloidal nature. Hence, the color-intensity measurements required a photometer or a turbidimeter whose readings were less accurate and less acnvenient to take than those of a T)hotocolorimeter. To avoid this difficulty, the use of thdosemicarbazide is suggested. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. card 1/2 ~- z 1 1. - - - . . ~ I I . .., , . --;- - -~ --;~ - - . . . !. ~:,.O I ~- ., -,, , - - , - - L.- ~, - ,-,A - . - - - ~ : . - 7V! - 7~ , . I I ~ I . , --5; ~ .--,7 , -- - --- , , .., , , . - - . - - , - _ RAL)OVSKIY., A,,., inzhener podpo-'kovni-k Elect--ified tx-ack for moving targets. Voenvest. 411 no.UOD-1-112 D 2 64. (MIRA 15-,3 .I (T&--gets (Militarr science)) ANOP A.I.; RADOVSKIY, A.L. [Radovslkyi, A.L.]; DVORTSINA, Ye.l. LDvortzyna,~'IJ4-~-] .7 1------------- Manufacture of slipper type indoor footwear on AGV-12 preases. Leh.prom. no.3:29-30 Je - Ag 162. (MIRA-16:2) 1. Kiyevskaya obuvnaya fabrika No.l. (Shoo manufacture) TOBIN, M.V.; POPOVA, V.V.; TOVBINA, Z.M.; RADOVSKIY, B.S.; MARKOVA, G.P. Dynamics of the diffusion extraction of substances from alumina gel. Koll. zhur. 25 no.4:472-477 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kiyevskiy universitet, kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii. 1, oviii N 9 M.v. , [1,-.i OvsEl :', -. , t, f ;L.-I. -.. -?!, Dyn a mIcs of -ne ~y -,r a--, ~fc:-, c I siibitEnces ~i%.,m ucrDi Is mater i al s . Ukr. khim. zhur. 29 no.11.11,35-1142 '035. kmlRnp gosu~iarstvenfi3ry uri~versiteu m. Shevchenko. 1. K-4yevski.y , - I IUDCVS,.K.I-Y,.-B.S- -- - Stresses in a granuL-- ruedium under a load u-niform-1Y distribut-ead over a circuiar plane. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser. fiz,mat. nauk 1-8 n0.6:28-34 165. (,Lqiw- 19: 1) 1. Leningradskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo goRudarstuvennogo dorozhnogo nauchno-issledovatellskojo instituta. ~ ~ -: ~: ~ 1~ mw-, _ , - - -I A. ~ 01 IPT;11YO., -, RADOVSK, I Y, F . Ye . s~;e,-~tra an-i -1-ectron :jaranagnetic resonance spectra of the products of condensation of o-dioxyberizene with formaldehyde. Zhur. prikl, spe~.t- 2 nr,.,~~515-522 'Te 165. (?MA 18:7) LIWIN, Ye.F., akademik, zasluzhennyy devatell nauki i tek~.Miki, r9d.; VSYAKIKH, A.S., kand.sellskokhoz.aauk. red.:-RADOVSKIY, I.S.-, red.; B R, P.G., [Scientific report on the work of the i1l'l-Union Research Institute of Animal Husbandry during the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1943] Nauchnyi otchet. Raboty vypolneny v t-,ody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny, 1941-1943 gg. Pod obshchei red. E.F.Liskuna i A.S.Vsiakikh. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo selikhoz.lit-ry "Sellkhoz-iz," 1945. 230 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatell%kiy institut zhivotno- vodstva. (Stock and 5tockbreedinC,) AID P - 1330 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 12/19 Authors Zhuravlev, K. A. and Radovskiy, I. S., Engs. Title Steam production in package water-tube boilers Periodical Teploenergetika, 2, 50-51, F 1955 Abstract This is an abstract of an article published in Power Engineeri~nE, v. 57, #5, 1953, pp. 66-69, 119-127concern- Ing small package water-tube steam generating units. Institution None Submitted No date R~-DOVSKIY, I.S. (I'laskva) Sxperimantal study of the speed of sound J n arc-on a-, t"-e sav. ra~- on point. FlIff no.3:159-162- Vq-Je 163. (I-9-IR-A 16-.~-) (Sound-Speed) (Rrgon-Acaustic properties) AH"'I", Sh- -rY i of rr~~i-ertieZ ar,-fcn at 1cw -nJ S/0207/64/000/00a/0172/0174 AU-T:`1C)R: Radovs;riy) 1. S. TITLE: Inveotigation. of tae velocity of sound in liquid and gaseous argon SOURCEi Zhurnal prikladnoy mek:aani~~i i tekhnicheskoy fiziki., no. 3, 1964, 172-174 .d velocity, temperature dependence, pressure dependence TOPIC TAGS: argon, sour A:1STRACT: Systematic imeasurements of the velocity of sound in liquid and gaseous D:-1:-on were carried out, usin- an ultrasonic interferometer. The iiyrestligation was bade in t~he regions of temperature at 84-173, m and pressure at 1-60 bars, with particular emphasis on the critical region. The variation of density was also measured in this region. The results are presented graphically as well as in tables. The possible error in determining the velocity of sound does not exceed 0.2", in the density 0.2-0.3%. Orig. art. has: 1 equation, 3 diagrams, and 3 tables. ASSWIATION.- none suB.-Ti.pTm: l6oct63 EZ.*'VL: 00 ,SU� CODEi ~2 NO REF SOV: 002 WHIR:. 002 5/137/61/WO/011/077/123 Ao6o/Aloi AUTHORS~ Radovskly, I,Z., Kudryavtsev, I.P. TITLE! On textural non-homogenafty along the sheet cross section of cold- Volled commercial nickel FERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal.Metallurgiya, no.11, 1961, 42, abstract 1IZh254 ("Tr. Uralskogo politekhn, in-ta", ig6i, coil. 114, 41 - 46) TEXT. The original speclmen~i of commercial Ni, 2 mm thick, obtained from irigots by combined hot and cold rolli -ng, were subjected to recrystallization an- nealing at 8500C for 5 hours. The cold rolling was carried out both directly and reversibly (the specimens were always inserted with the same end into the rolling rolls in the first case, and-alternately with one and the other - end in the second), Using both these variants, the specimens were rolled down to total reductions of 10, 40, 50, 75 and 85%. Layers were etched out of the sheets obtained, parallel :o -.he specimen surface. The 15-20 mm diameter disks out out of these layers were subjected to investigation. The qualitative variant of magnetic textural analysis was at the basis of the investigation method of the specimen texture, The mechanical moment was measured on a torsion magnetometer at, room temperature Card 1/2 L 6 3~51 5-65 Eii,T(M)/EPF(n)-2/EPR/EiIG(m)/E#P(O)/EWP(t)/EWF(b) Ps-4/Fu-4 IJP(c) , _JV/'J_G7_ ATTW141 :ACCESSION HR:, AP5006190 S/0226/65/000/002/0033/0040 AUTHOR: Radovskiy, I. Z.; shubina,_T. S.,, Gelld, P. V Sidordnkol F. A. TITLE: Magnetic susceptibility of chromium-silicide SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgi a, no. 2, 1965, 33-40 :TOPIC TAGS., magnetic susceptibility, chroniium.inorganic compound, silicide, semi_~,'-., 1conductor property f .ABSTRACT: Chromium silicides were selected,forresearch because of their in _usi- `~bility, thermal stability and extreme hardness'and becau'se of the semiconductor properties of the bisilicide. There are-four intermetallic compounds in th e ;Chromium-silicon system: Cr Si, CrsSi CrSi and CrSi2. Unfortunately, little 3 ~attention has been given to their physical properties.. In the studies which have ~been made, there is disagreement among theauthors as to thevalue of the magnetic susceptibilityof the lower chromium-silicides.' This is apparently due to poor 'control of the quality and phase state of the specimens. The effect of ter,-perat e, ur ~on the magnetic susceptibijity of the-four intermetallic compounds was studied in ithe 20-BOOOC range.- It was found that the Curie-Weiss law istrue for chromium Card 1/2 i;GVS K IY Xlagrletic susc~ptibl-IiLv ar"i va'~n~ manganese in its highest sil,;c-;de. ';-iz. 19 no-4:514-520 Ap 165. - llrall-kiy politelchnicheskiy institul, imeni Ki rova . I RADOVSKIY, I.Z.,- SIDORENKO, F.A.; GELID, P.V. Magnetic susceptibility and valency of the atoms of chromium and-its bisilicide. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 19 no.6:915-922 Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni Kirova. ACC NR, 6017811 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/ool/Eo8o/Eo8o AUTHORS: Radovskiy, I. Z.; Korshunov, V. A. I/ TITLE: Electric resistance and magnetic susceptibility in Mn P-' SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 1E608 REF SOURCE: Tr. Ural'skogo pqlitekhn. in-ta, sb. 144, 1965, 55-57 TOPIC TAGS: resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, manganese compound, temperature dependence, nuclear spin ABSTRACT: It is observed that the re~Etivity p increases with increasing temper- ature and has a maximum at 500C. The magnetic susceptibility (K) decreases with increasing temperature up to 500C. and up to approximately 300C the Curie-Weiss law is satisfied; K decreases more rapidly between 300 and 500C. This is evidence of a tendency to partial antiparallel conjugation of the spins,which is facilitated by the change in the short-range order in the arrangement of the I'm atoms of differ- ent valence. The increase Of K in the interval 500 - 700C is attributed to the destruction of the established antiparallel arrangement of the Mh atom spins. At 700C there is observed a param gnetism that depends weakly on the temperature. [Translation of abstr'actl SUB CODE: 20 C.rd 1/1 L 02228-67 E'~J-~(1)/E~VT(m)/EiIP(w)/T/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD/JG/AT ACC NR: AR6o13673 SOURCE CODE: U1R/OO58/65/ooo/olO/ED72/EO7 AUTHOR: Radovskiyo I. Z.; Broyde, Ye. L. TITLE: -"'Electric'and jhgrWelectriLtlproperties of lower silicides of chromium j SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. lOE584 REP SOURCE: Tr. Urallskogo politekhn. in-ta, sb. 144, 1965, 51-54 TOPIC TAGS, chromium compound, silicide, resistivity, thermal emf, temperature de- pendence, bonding property .1 fL".-. &" ~~' ver-t . I ABSTRACT: A study was made of the temperature dependence of the electric resistivity (p) and the thermal emf (m) of Cr3Si, Cr!sSi3, and CrSi. Results of the measurements of M (pv/deg) and p x 10' (ohm-cm) at room temperature are as follows: 6-3 and 0.26 for Cr3Si, 3.8 and 1.23 for Cr5S'3, and 16.4 and 0.87 for CrSi. p was measured in the interval 20-700C, and cL in the interval 20-350C. The linear dependence of p(t) and a(t), which is characteristic of metallic compounds, was observed for Cr3Si. Cr5Si3 and CrSi exhibit an increase of p with temperature, but the temperature coef~ ficient of resistivity decreases with increasing temperature, thus evidencing an in- creasing role of localized bonds. V. Olenicheva. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 2D CQrd 1/1 'tc- ACC NPI A P60361903 SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/66/000/011/0066/0071 ALiTHOR., Zelenin, L. P., Radovskiy, 1. Z.;Sidorenka, F. A.;Gelld, P. V. Rabinovich, B. S. ORG: Ural Polytechnic Institute im. S. M, Kirov (Urallskiy politekhriicheski y institut) 171'FLE, -Fitvticttiral peculiarities of solid solutions of chromium dicilicide with vanadium and titanium dicilicides SOUBLCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 11, 1966, 66-71 TOINC TAGS: disilicide, solid solution, chromium vandium alloy, titaniurn solid. ution, Vanadium solid solution, vanadium disilicide, titanium disilicide, ch-onliunn disilicide AESTRACT: An analysis was made of the region of solubility for vanadium and titanium 1A.9ilicides in chromium bisilicide. It is shown that the chromium and fitaniurn 'hicil-Icides possess an inorganic mutual solubility in the solid state, while ti,e solubility of TiSi in CrS2 exceeds 80 mollo, It is also established that the 2 solid solutions Of VSi2 and TiS12 In CrS12 have complete crystal lattices of the LC-a.rd -1 2- -CC NIR, AP6036903 --,.t) typc, with three metal atoms and six atoms of silicon in unit cell. The volume of the unit cells increases with the increase of vanadium and titanium contents in the alloys. The imperfection of the solid solutions is noted and a hypjiothe~-,is of its causes is given. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. [NT) SUB CODE: II/SUBM DATE: l0N6v65/0RIG REF: 006/OTif REF: 003/ Card 2/2 (b) 1jP (c Js/lwt If r E~FL .t EiyT rt)L _~j)~L L -P AP60002192 SOURCE COD ATTHOR: Krentsis, R.P.;Ijad _u~z Gel'd,._P. V.; Andreyeva, L..P~ ORG: none M-n Si T".!.TLE: Pbase transition of 5 3 lchjr, j~, 11j Tif), 9, 1 065, 2192-2193 1111", .1'_' -7 S ~-Acctric C-un,6;C iwc~cplibilit;, in:ln nsee cornpound, vili-i4e ty The su'sCeptibility e,e~~Lricai conductivity of brtn5,E% ,~-Cre st~jdicd in ei 20 - 300K. Ivf&i'surervents were ttaken on a pure, single-phase silicide zannpl- e L~ oi)nealed for 24 hr at 900C. The magnetic susceptibility w'as measutred b~y the Faraday Triethod I ta n fi_,elds of !000 Oe, and the electrical resistance by the st Ward compensation methorl. The i resu Its pre shm-n in Fig. 1. The heat capacity values show distinct anomalies around 60K. The somewhat stretched temperature intervals of the anomalies of-~~ and P , which attain 20 degrees, are probably due to the fact that the measurements were taken under dynamic conditions. Above the transition point, the magnetic susceptibility of Mn5Si2 rapidly decreases t vvith rising temperature; the Curie-Weiss law is followed closely in this region, and it follows f t that peff = 3.911.6 . The resistance grows fairly rapidly with temperature, indicating. tha flie. coi0oction. is metallic in character. From the temperature dependence of the magnetic is conclud!~d f-bat the the breakdown of veafc ferromagnetic impnar-fjon and a change of the -!~almtance- into We par-dg~agnetic stazc. UDC: ~t 0 1,12 P- 7, 'Al j~-104 cl-'7un elm e, U 17 Id 7 - 100 z - ZIP 040 10 IN IM L90 240 1. DR Fip,. 1. Effect of tem~'Pevituve on the heat capacity, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical resistance oi Pvln-sil Orig. art. has: 1. figure. SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE - 27Jan65 / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 ACC NRs IJP(c) JD/JG SOURCE CODE: UR7( AUTHOR: Baum, B. A.; Geltd. P. V.; I. Z.;-Suchillnikov, S. I. ORG: Ural Polytechnic Institute (Urallskiy politekhniche y institut) 4 ctivit ~f liquid and solig ti TITLE: Electrical condu- j _Rhase components of chromium- __(C-rsub 3 Si, Cr sub 5 Si sub 3, and silicon CrSi) systems 77 SOURCE-I') AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1,, no. 8, 196% 1289-1; TOPIC TAGS: electric conductivity, chromium compound, silicide, temperature dependence ABSTRACT: In a previous'study, Baum, et" al' (Izv. -AN SssR, 0td.-Wk_h._'j rvations!- 'Metallurgiya i Gornoye Delo, No 2, (1964), P 149) reported some obse the electr 'ical conductivity (cf) of Si, Cr and silicon disilicids' which were prepared by levitation melting in a rotating magnetic field at :temperatures ranging from 20 to 1900.0C. The present study presents the re-'.,,' sults of analogous measurements which were carried out with the lower 1.cides in the same temperature interval. The reasons for carrying out a -similar investigation was the fact that preparations of varying purity were...' -used previously and only data for their Properties at room temperature wag ~j ,presented as well as the fact that the reports concerning the nature of conductivity in the lower chromium ailicides are fundamental3jy different .andi as a rule are based. Only on the rerdA a -of Jmf-temperature meamwements 3 L 27429--66 ACC NR, AM17686 Me present authors investigated the-electrical conductivity of lover chiom-7. 9000 !jum aJlicides in temperaturos ranging from room to 1 C. It was shoun that Cr3Si and CrSi possess negative temperature coefficients all the way up to Ahe melting point. On the other hand, Cr5Si3changes type.of conductivity !above 600-8000C. It was discovered, ~ba~ liquid lower chromium silicides have L !a.predominantly metallic nature of'conductivity. Reasons for the temperature I'path of the electrical conductivity of these compounds in the solid state are :,expronsed on the bacia of a compariaon of the distance between the Or and SI tatoms in the unit cell of the studied silicides with the sum of their metallic-' jradii. The electrical conductivity of solid Cr3Si drops 1honotonously with a 1 . Irise in temperature. The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity., of Cr5Si3 has a complex character*- Apparently some of the:bonds In Or Si are. :of a cov7alent nature and provide for stronger interatomic reactions. Ito ?a obvious that the electrons of these bonds are excited at sufficiently high temperatures, causing a rise in the electrical conductivity and change in the, SIPP of dd/dt. Hence, in contradiction to Cr3Si, Cr5Si3 possesses an extremal.] dependence of & to t. Chromium monosilicide does not, revima a~n extrimal, relationsui of -d and by its electrical properties occupies an. intermediate p position between C 'Si and Cr5Si3. The electrical conductivity of CrSi -rises sharply at !r4900 and then a break is observed In the proximity of A 16000C. Thia in accompanied by a def/dt. These effects reflect the! phase transformations in the system and are in fair agreement with the data !for the measurement of the heat content in solid and liquid.chromium monosili- ,4cde. The stru tural aingularities-of Ii was also'examinedt i-g- art.- bas? 2 rormulas and 3. WS ~ AUM" 3 figure.,ViU - - CS U E: 20, 07 / SUBM DATE: 01-Apr65 ORIG REF: 019 OTH REF:- 003 8~253 _14 S/1 OYOGln*;~11011 1 P 0/' 3019 3067F 1 1 v AUTHORS: Krassov, I. U., Radovskiy, L. I., Turbin, B. G. TITLE: An Approximation Determination of the Reaction of the Jet in the Hydraulic Amplifier "Nozzle - Flap" PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhan-ika, 1960, Vol. 21, No. 11, po- 1556 - 1538 MXT: The authors discuss the approximate calculation of the -Force which is formed at a flap for a liquid jet emerging from a nozzle. The reaction of the jet consists of three components: force N, which is formed by a change of the moved mass of liquid emerginf-I from the nozzle; fo-1-ce N2 which acts upon the cross section of the nozzle due to the liquid pres- sure, and force IN3 which is caused by the liquid pressure in ti_he L-ap be- tween the end of the nozzle and the flap. The reaction of the jet as a sum of these three components is: Card 112 86253 An Appi,oximation Determination of the s/io3/60/021/C11/010/014 Reactio.. of the Jet in the Hydraulic B019/Bo67 Amulifier "Nozzle Flap" 4QQ2 2 3 N = N1 + N2 ' -3 n d2 + 6 (dH/2 + dC/dH)pc (8). Q denotes the liquid C delivery through the nozzle, d C the nozzle diameter, d H the diameter of the nozzle front, and p c the liquid pressure at the nozzle opening. The following formulas are given fo3~ the two quantities p and Q entering (8): 2 2 4 2 C PC = P1 - 8QQ /n d CAC and Q = gndch 2pi/Q, where p 1 pressure in the chamber between the throttles, ~Lc the delivery coefficient of the -nozzle without fflap, p delivery coefficient of the nozzle with flap, and h the Cap between nozzle and flap. Thus 11 may be determined. In the experiment- al checking of this expression satisfactory results were obtained. There are 1 fi.-ure, 1 table, and 5 Soviet references. April 9, 1960 Card 2/2 1631) 113 j 0 (lo 2 e AUTHORS: Krassov, I. M- Rad~:;vs"Iy, L- 1 Turb:.n, B 2M, c TITLE: Effect of the Charactet-7,stics r:f' an Elel-.tri~~ Ccntrc-! Elem-ent on the Selection of Parameters :f 'a PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1~11160, Vol 2 N-~ ~ '2, pp. 1623-i626 TEXT: The present paper investigat-~s the ef t ~ the c h, ~r a ~- t~z!ris -- :.s ::f an electromagnetic control ~-Iexert of' the F"in (REP) type (Refs, 1, 2) upon the :7hcice of the initial Pressure in the chr.,ke cnal.,lber of the hydraulic amplifier with nozzle an he bas-~~, ~,-ven for ,d shutter T- L) calculating this pressure, takixFr into a,2ccunt trie characteri~~t--cs C', the control element, and equation (22) fer the i-elative pr---ssure in the cholKe chamber p, 11,J a + 0 062q - (a 0,?:~) is derived. wh~-!-- a = r. /c, 0/ n 16M1 c - a constant M - th mcm--n - c, 1- th e 23n -, ro 1eme n t , and =0 bard V3 M 2 1 G Effect of -~.e CharacteriSti --S cf .-n --le: Control Element on the Selection ol' Paran--- B012,/K~-" ters of a Hydraulic Amplifer the c-t' torsion ot' tide L~ prt!sour-:~ P, on (.( Thus, t Iflay f. t- vf~ -~,r tile chamber reaches 0,75 (-)IiIY '--.t hirn tne or~.,2en'. control elements and hydraulic amplifiers -,-rith n-zz-";-- and 2nu--ter, a changes in the range of from 0.2 ~o 0.7c5, which, howeve-r.. rc;rrasponds :0 the beginnin- of the curve For tii--s reason ~t i~ rec-o-mended to rcrs-- e the effect of the control element upon the c~er~:I?n of the hyir;-4ul,-.- amp!-Lfier- Formula '22) gives the p(~,ssibility .-f de,errri:n~r- such -~ lt,ref~- k 1 7: sure p, which warrants a maximum press,-ir~-- (~.-.r current-) ampl.-- fyin- factor in dependence on the the cc-ncrcl elemer~ and the characteristics of the nozzl,,~ .'hutter Legend to Fig, ': Principal scheme r~f a hydrauLl- with rlr)zz.~-, and shutter! 1) choke with const,-nt -,e- - - I'- - 7- 2) choke ch%mber, 3) nozzle. 4) slrittcr Legend to Fi!- Ef f ect of the Chara*cteri zi ' -'c;s of -Pr, '~7 1 Con'trol Element cn t"'o of 301, 2 '396,'7 e r s o f a d r au 11 c Am -.) 1 i f i e r Therelare 3 fiEures and 06 Soviet references. SUB,,:ItT-ED:, February 24, 1960 n-- i pa P, E-4 Pne. 1 056 FA 0 7J 2 1 4 Card, 3/3 KP'Assov, kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; RADOVSKIY, L.I., inzh.; TURBIN, B.G., inzh. - Statics of a two-cascade hydraulic amplifier with nozzle-gates and valves. Vest. mash. 41 no.6:17-23 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Hydraulic machinery) 3/103/62/023/004/011/011 D299/D301 AUTHORS: Kra-Sov I.M., Rad-ov-Skiyt _I.I., and Turbin, G.B. (:':OSCOV7~ TITLE: On the sensitivity of a nozzle-f"lap hydraulic amplifier PERIODICAL: Avtomatilza i teleiiekhanika, v. 23, no. 4, 1962~ 543 - 545 TEXT: The sensitivity of nozzle-flap hydraulic amplifiers, under various operatin- conditions, is considered. Basic rules are given .Lor selection and calculation of parameters, so as to obtain maxi- mum sensitivity under set conditions. For normal operating condi- tions, the amplifier sensitivity is expressed by the deri'vative (op, K (2) d'f )IP =0 p called 'the pressure gain coefficient; p, is the working pressure of the liouid in -the inter-valve chamber, and y - the angle of rota- tion c-IL' the flap. K is differently determined for various operat- Card 1/3 p S/103/62/023/004/011/011 On tlie sensitivity of a nozzle-flap ... D299/n301 inE conditions, and has different maximum numerical values. Three tyyjes of most commonly r-net operating conditions are considered. A Uable lists the formulas for K P (for the 3 types of operating condi- tions), its maximurp. value, the conductivity ratio 6 and the princi- pal parameters of the amplifier. The formulas for K p, listed in the table, are analyzed and the relative merits of each type of operat- ing conditions are ascertained. Analysis of the formulas for K p (,-;ith type 3 operating conditions; the initial gap ho between the nozzle and flap is given, as well as zhe discharge Qo of the wor-k- ing liquid through the valve with variable passage), permits deter- mining the limiting values of 6 and of the pressure p0 on the basis of actual conditions. Thus, with 0' = 2, KP is 20 0 below its maxi- mum value, whereas with o' = 3, Only by 10 %. Hence, in designing nozzle-flap amplifiers, it is not necessary to exceed the value 5 3. The corresnonding limiting value of po = 10-0103 (where P103 is' determl.ned by the formula 8 = V - I). The above formula3 permit designing amplifiers with maximum sensitivity under given I Uard 2/3 S/103/62/023/004/011/011 Or, t%he sensitivity of a nozzle-flap ... D299/D301 conditions. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 1 Soviet-bloc reference. SUBIMITTIED: November 25, 1961 1_~ Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR. AT4o42451 S/0000/64/000/000/0179/Oigo AUTHOR: Banshtr*k, A. M.; Radovskiy, L. I.; Turbin, B. G. TITLE: Derivation of the differential equations and a study by mathematical simulation methods of the dynamic characteristics of electrohydraulic servo.- mechanisms SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye. po pnevmo-gidravlicheskoy avtomatike. 5th, Leningrad, 1962. Pnevmo- I gidroavtomatika (Pneumatic and hydraulic control); materialy* soveshchaniya. Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1964, 179-190 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control system, automation, control system, hydraulic con- trol system, electrohydraul-c control, servomechanism, electrohydraulic servo- mechanism, mathematical simulation ABSTRACT: In this paper, the author formulates the diffirential'equations of an electrohydrau)ic servomechanism, taking into account the throttling ef'fect, the hydrodynamic forces on the valve, the rate saturation, the dead zone, and the fluid compressibility. This brings the essential nonlinearities which are characteristic of hydraulic drives into consideration' The system's block diagram is derived by mathematical simulation methods, and is also set-up on a analog computer for solving ,-Lhv. differentia) equations. Finally, the block diagram of the simulation system CarcL-, ACCESSION NR: AT4042451 and the results from the computer are presented. A comparison of the theoretical and experimental simulations showed that the basic responses.of the system opera- tion were correctly accounted for by the mathematical descrippion. It.Is concluded that more detailed studies,of the dynamic characteristics of electrohydraullc Servo- mechanisms can be based on the block diagram dqrived here, and that the mathemati-'~ .cal simulation method could be used duri6g the,design stage tip' improve these characteristics. Or 19. a rt. has 6 f I qu res and 27 numbered equations, ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 29Jan64 ENCL: AD SUB CODE* IE NO REF SOV; 007 OTHER: 000 Card,- 2/2 -J. AV_k. NKS V6012996 SOURCE CODE: UR/OU9/65/000/007/0007/0009 AUTHOR: Krassov, 1. 14* (Candidate of technical sciences); Radovskly, L. 1. (Eigineer Turbin, B. G. (Engineer-) ..... ORG: none TITIE: Dynamics and calculation of basic parameters of a two-stage hydraulic amplifier SOURCE, Priborostroyen1ye, no- 7, 1965, 7-9 TOPIC TAGS: hydraulic pressure amplifier, automatic pneumatic control ABSTRACT: A description of the dynamics and basis for cal6ulati6ri of the main parameters with applicatiod of amplification coeffi- cients as to pressure and fluid usage are.Rresented for a widely used two-stage pneumonle automatic controlkv~pmplifler. Equations are develoDed for the dynamics of the ampfitier (demonstrating -that the dynamic properties of the amplifier depend on the prea- sure and fluid flow amplification coefficients at the Instant of InItiation of movement of the system); the dependence of pressure and flow amplification coefficients on the,parameters of the--- ampliflor and on thq goad. re - has:'- quirementis. `Orig- art- 2 figures and'26~_formulas. LJPRSJ SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 003 Card 1/1 iA ~A 15 L~9 II UM/Acadow of Sciences -jai 48 Radio *Review of the Collection of Articles, 'Frm the Early History of Radio' Compiled by Frof S. M. Rytor, Edited by Academician L. I. Mandellahtam,* M. I. Radovskly, 1v' pp "Elektrichostro" No 7 Book shows how physical research lad to invention of radio. Favorably reviewed. Published by Aced Sol USSR, 1948, 472 pages, 36 rubles. 15/49Tl- - SK.i.T, :-I. i. tl3oris Semenovich '--'akobi". Gosener oizdat, MoscowILeningrad, 1949, 136 pp, 4 rubles 55 kopeks. so; Td-1415i U Oct 1950. USSR/Engineering - High Voltage Dec 49 Review of M. A. Shatelen's Article, 'The High Voltage Laboratory of the Leningrad Polytech- nical. Institute,"' M. I. Radovskiy, 2 pp "Priroda" No 1P Subject article appeared in "Trudy Leningrad- skogo, Polytekhnicheskogo Instituta imeni M. ~`. Kalinin" No 1, 1948. Treats history of labor- atory for three periods: (1) from its found- ing to October Revolution, (2) from 1917 to 1937 when laboratory was involved in develop- ing programs under the plan for electrification oft 155214 USSR/Engineering - High Voltage (Contd) Dec 49 Of the USSR (GOELRO), and (3) functions subsequent te to its merger with High Voltage Lab, PhYsicOt ch Inst. Shatelen's article is authoritative since his name is synonymous with the laboratory's. Am 155T14 RADOVSTII. 14. 1. M. 1. Radnvpl~lt and 14. A. Shatolon, asi;oe. momber of Acad. of Set., MO. The notr-worthy scienti-zt, historlan of oclence and noTmIarlzer of "Mowledge, Sergel Ivanovich Vavilax. P. n2? ~zO: Bulletin of the Acad. of Sciencps, Izvestia (USSR) Section or, Tpchnical Sciencna, No. I (Aarch, 1051) USSR/Electricity - Personalities Oct 51 "In the Commission on the History of Physico- mathematical Sciences," M I Radovskiy, Sci Secy, Commission on the History of Physicomath Sci, Dept of Physicomath Sci, Anad Sci USSR "Elektrichestvo" No 10, pp 90, 91 The Commission devoted its 12 Jan 51 session to honoring the 85th birthday of Professor M, A, Shatelen.. Acad A, F. Ioffe recalled that Shatelen helped to develop the required power supply (furnishing about 500,000 r) when 201T45_ USSR/Electricity - Personalitier~ Orn 51 (Contd) Ioffe began his lst nucleax expts Yl I Frenkel', Corr Mem., Acad S~~i USSR, reported on "The Work of M. V. Lomonoso-v on himosplit-ric Electricity and the Recent Derelopm,~n- of This Theory,," 2olT49 RADOVSKIY, M., kandidat tekhnicheekikh nauk. Moscow Polytechnical 1zhibition of 1872. Sov.sviaz. 2 no.12:23 D '52. (MLRA 7:8) (Moscow--Tee'anolog7--Exhlbitions) (TechnoloU--Zxhibitions--Moacow) 1 . 3~ ~,- 1. TY, Ij. I. ,-. .~LTSSR "' ) 4. Soflia Vasill-vn~., 1-~iO-1801 7. "S. V. Ko7;;lovsk!,tYa memoirs jmO. letterq. S. ly. Shtra~*!~, ed. Reviewed by IM. I. R,-dovskiy. Vat v shkole N,. 6 lq52. 9. Monthl.y L~ist ~jj Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A-uril 1953, Uncl. 1. MDOMIY, 1-,. 1. 2. USSR (600) 4. Inventors 7. Z. Y&. Slonimskii, the inventor of the "arithmetic machine." Vestnik AN SSSR, 22 No. 10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congressy FabruA= -1953. Unclassified. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Unclassified. V. ,f :v: ~~'O vs' 3 fizz. ria k '-st, A-5s 1,Ubrar-- of --~n.-n3ss, IJ5~- :' A -) c"'; -, " ' r"- ?.' I.. )- . I I . . .1" 1 Aty "Theory o,' .-. I e(,tr-Loity -.nJ m:.Cr,etLsm.. " F. . U. T. ~;p'Lnus. y M. 11-drivskLy. USp. fiz. rauk, 47, no. 1, 195.'. V`-mthly Ust 21 4 z LT-'- S S 7 - D : Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, flovember 1952. 'L71 ' C ! I . USSR/Physics - Book Reviews May 52 "Bibliography: Reviews of Two Soviet Books," V. Fabrikant and M. Radovskiy "Uspekh Fiz Nauk" Vol XLVII.. No 1, PP 150-158 V. Fabrikant reviews favorably S. I. Vavilov's book "Eye and Sun (On Light, Sun, Vision)," 5th edition, revised and corrected; published by scientif ic -popular section of Acad Sci USSH Press, Moacov/Leningrad; 1950, 122 pp, 25,000 Copies, 4 rubles. M. Redovskiy reviews favorably histori- cally important book "Theory of Electricity and Magnetism," by F. TL T. Epinus fmember of Berlin Academy, died 18832.1 editing and comments by Prof 219T79 Ya. G. Dorfman; published as part of "Classics of Science Series" by Acad Sci USSR Press, 1951,'' 564 pp, 26.50 rubles. b. 219T79 ix. USSR/Physics - Optics Jul 52 "From the History of Physics, S. I. Varilov - Organizer of Popular Scientific Publications," M. I. Radovskiy "Uspekh Fiz Nauk" Vol XLVII, No 3, pp 477-481 Greatest researcher in optics, outstanding popularizer of physics publications, renowned organizer of populax scientific publications. Lists of popular works: "Microstructure of Light," "Sun and Eye," "Experi- mental Bases of the Theory of Relativity," etc. 225TIOO RADOVSKIY, M.I.; RZHOITSNITSKIY, B.N., redaktor; IARIONOV. G.Ye., tekhni- I Iche4V-iy- redaktor. [Boris Semenovich; a biographical Bketch] Boris Semeno- vich Mobi; biograficheskii ocherk. Leningrad, Goo. energ. izd- To, 1953. 264 D. (MI-RA 7: 11 ) (Jacobi, Moritz Hermann. 1801--1874) 2. USSR 600 h . Pctrov, Vasi.1; Vlad;-mirovich, 17?6-1-~:3h 7. 150th vcar since the pul-lication of V. V. Petrov's Report on g. alvano voltaic ex-.14--irwrits Fiz v shkole, Ho. 1, 19~1,3. -,9533, Uncl Monthlv List o.' Russian Accessicn-s. L4hrary of Congr-ss, An ri 1 T -too.-- ~J- a!"D:ric "In rJ e 0. 53 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. KRATSM, T.P.; RADOVSKIY, M.I. Bicentennial of Academician G.W.Richmann's death. Usp.fiz.nauk 51 no.2:287- 299 0 '53. (KLE?A 6:11) (Richmann, Georg Wilhelm. 1711-1753) A, C) V WD - dl_~ L, -d 41 15/1-1 Author Radov-Skiy, M. I. Review of Transactions of the Archives of the Academy of Sciences cf ,ht- USSR, issue 11., "Manuscripts of 1. P. Kulibin" Periodical i lzv. AN SSSR., Otd. tekli, nauk, 2, 104-10~-,,. Feb -"'--,54 L 34 !)P, 187 J-11--ust-ra- Abs-.rac~. Revie-..;s "IJhnuScripts of I, P. Kulibin" (;953. tionsl by N. M. Raskin and P. A. Mailkevich. Editorial r taff: I~ I Artobolevskiy, N. K. Domidontov, G. A. Kryazev, P~ P41, Koryavov, and N. M. Easkin. Institution Submitted -~-- -,j - r. - ~- 1~ Ir - - ! , V - I I " I ;/I , -I "- BOGHAROVA, M.D., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, Moscow. 'Boris Semenovich IAkobi. A biographical outline.* M.I.Radovskii. Reviewed b3r H.D.Bocharova. Blaktrichostvo no.6:92-95 Je '54. O(T-RA, 7:7) (Radovakii, H.I.) (Ukc~t, Boris Semenovich, 1801-1874) HADOVSKrl , 1.11. 1, [Aleksandr Stepanovich Popov; a biographic sketch] AlLeksandr Stepanovich Popov; biograficheskii ocherk. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1956, 205 P, (MIRA 15:3) (Popov Aleksandr Stepanovichp 1859-1906) RADOVSKIY, M.I. ;. ~- A letter of J.A. Muler to B. Franklin. Vop. ist.est. I takh. nn.1:245-246 156. (MLRA 9:10) (Euler, Johann Albrecht. 17'34-1800) (Franklin, B.) RADOVSKIY, NI.I. A latter of B.S. Jakobi to M. Faraday. Vop. ist.est. i tekh. no.1:253-259 '56. (~UiA 9:10) (Jakobi, Moritz Hermann Von, 1801-1874) (Faraday. M.) RADOVSKIY, M.I. . - -..... 1--l-, R. Murchison's correspondence with members of the Petersburg Academy. Vop. ist.ast. i tekh. no.1:259-2?0 '56. (.MLRA 9:10) (Murchison, Roderick Impey, 1792-1871) I-OV/11 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, p I (USSR) AUTHOR: Radovskiy, M. I. TITLE: A. S. Popov at the International Electrotechnical Conferences (A. S. Popov na mezhdunarodnykh elektrotekhnicheskikh s"yezdakh) PERIODICAL: Vopr- istorii yestestvozn. i tekhniki, 1956, Nr 2, pp 193-198 ABSTRACT: A short report on the participation of Aleksandr Stepanovich Popov, inventor of wireless telegraphy, in international electrotechnical conferences and on his associations with outstanding foreign scholars S.M G. Card 1 /1 RADOVSKIY. M.I. Applied physics in Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the 19th century. Trudy tekh. 15:323-355 '56. (Leningrad--Academy of Sciencea--History) (NLRA 9:12) (Physics--History) (Electricity--History) RADOVSKIY, M.I. Study o' the history of electricity (From the autobiographical records of B.Franklin). Vest. All SSSR 26 no-3:97-104 Mr. '56. (MLRA 9:6) (Franklin, Benjamin, 17o6-1790)(EleCtricity--Early works to 1850) AUTHOR: RADOVSKIYM.I. (Leningrad) 105-7-19/29 TITLE-. fn Memory of Vladimir Konstantinevic h Lebedinskiy. kPanyati Vladimira Konstantinovicha Lebeuinskoso, Russian) PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1957, Nr 7, pp 78-81 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACTi Together with A.S.FOPOV and Prof A.A.PETROVSKIY, Lebedinskiy was a p~-oneer of Russian radiotechnology. His activities extended over 40 years and are closely connected with the history of electrical engineering. As long as he lived he ms a teacher of physics and held a number of professorial chairs at various universities as well as at the military medical Academy. He mB also for many years an active collaborator of the periodical "Elektrichestvdl. In 1928 he was appointed regular member of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. He also acquired great merit as an organizer and his writings are of great interest. The best known among them are his "Talks about Electricity. (With I Illustration and I Slavic Reference). ASSOCIATION: Not given PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED- AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 RADOVSKIY, M.I. K.M.Ber on the expedition to the North Pole (from unpublished documents). Trudy Inst.lst.est.i tekh. 16:335-339 '57. (MM 10:10) (North Pole) (Baer, Karl Ernst von, 1792-1876) RADCV5= K- I- - - From the history of electric measurements. Unpublished corre- spondence of B.S. J%tcobi with W.I. Weber qnd J.C. Poggendorff. Trudy tekh. 17:509-529 '57. (MLRA 10:7) (Electric 'measurements--History) i I I,;f't' I ~ I --, - .; . i , 'f'I'I/ ,I/,y / DOL'4UO, Ya.G.; RA.DOVSKIY. M.I. B. Franklin and Russian electric research scientists of the 18th contur.v. Trudy Inst. ist. est. i tekh. 19:290-312 '57, (MIRA 11:2) (Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790) (Electricity-Research--History) RADqVSKIY,, M.I. H.C. Oersted's epistolary heritage. Truty laf,~.. ist, is-~. i tekh. 19:61,2-649 157. (MIRAL 11:2) (Oorsted, 'fans Chriatian, 1777-U~-"I;' AUTHOR: Radovskiy, K. 1. 30-8-13/37 TITLE: Michael Farad and Russian Science (Mikhail Faradey i russkaya naulkaj PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akaderdi Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol.27, Nr 8, PP-75-79 (USSR) ABSTRACT: History of the Anglo-Russia-n scientific relations. On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the death of the great English scientist the following was stated: Not one of the English scientists had so many friends and followers in Russia as Faraday. In 1830 he was appointed an honorary member of the Petersburg Academy of Science. After it became known that England succeeded in transformin etism into elec- tricity (as Faraday expressed himself , electromagnetic in- duction attracted the attention of physicists all over the world. At Petersburg Academy, young Lenz, who had just finished his vork on the history of oceanography, which was unique in its kind (1832), concerned himself with this problem. From the documents kept in the archives of Petersburg AN USSR it is clearly to be seen with what attention Faraday followed the experiments carried out in Russia in the field Card 1/2 Michael Faraday and Russian Science 30-8-13/37 of electromagnetical induction. His correspondence with Yakobi a-9 well as with Parrot (Russian transliteration) about Lenz. confirm this fact. Yakobi invented galvanoplas tics and Faraday published this invention in the "Philosophical Magazine". The archives, however, contained not only the letters by Faraday, but also numerous fragments of various works carried out by Yakabi with additional explanations for Faraday. Faraday's name is often mentioned in the Russian press during the thirties and forties of the past century. There are 2 fragments of letters by Faraday, and 21 refer- ences, 17 of ~, are Slavic. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 M.I.- BAUMGART, K.K., prof., otvetstvenn~7 red.; PERMINGY, S.V., 17od.izd-va- SMIRIIOV.A, A.V., 0 EAleksandr Stapanovich Popov in characterizations and in the recollections of his contemporaries] Aleksand Stepsnovich Popov v Vharakteristikekh i vospomirianiiakh sovremennkov. Movksa, 1958. 454 o. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Almdemiya nauk- SSSR, Institut instorii estestvozrianiya i tekbniki. (Popov, Aleksar-dr Stepanovich, 1859-1906) RADOVSKly, H.I. --7-- -- Prokop Divis, a Czech scientist of the 18th century. Blektricheetvi no.2:70-7? F '58. (Divi's', Prokop. 1698-1765) (MIRA 1I-.P) AUTHCR: S e eY ev Dc TITLE: Dissert-atiom PERIODICAL: Elektric-nest vo: 195,8 N r U30F) ABSTRACT: For th,.? Degre~3 of Candidate c-f Teclnical Sclence:3- At the Leningrad fo- Economic -i-nginFer-~ng iiizherierr.o-ekonomich-:~,~:-~-Y irz~iw~) L.F.Sheykhman on Apri] 2-, !954 "S.-=I-ectiorl of a Rational Syttm for the Electric Equ-fpment of Industrial Platits". Official oppcr- ents: V.V.Bolotov, Prufe.~-Sor. Doc:tcr of Technical Sci-?nce3 and V.S.Ra-rdon-in, Docenz. Cav~didate ef Technical Science-7. At the Leningred Electrotecanical Im-tibite f.1r Sigmal- and Tel--- gradsky el-ktrotekhnicneskiy corwmanication Engirte-~ra (Len-ag - - institut- inzhenerov signali2atts:;i a'. FVyaZI) 31,1,21 1- -0 '9) 9~ ""."fer-ier Sem,,t~rz and the Dco. c- gdwr:3k-!.y on kay , ~ 46 of the Princ--'pie oC Self -Tnc.~ ta Offic:-'al ogoonen'3. L.A.Shatelen, Prof-?soor. !!'.emb,~r ~3 USSR, I- r~evlch, Ecmiber AS USSR, and D.I.Kargin, Prof~---sor, D-z-,--cor of Card 1/4 Technical Sc;-lences- Disserta'iom C: At the '.!'---Union Scitir-LifLL Rel-:ear,~;'r. imeni Kende-layev VseisoyL-,zn~yy naucfmc- -3ouat~!' metrologi" LJTn. Yenrkieye-a) .,-.,,.Ka nder on June -), 19-40 'St--id~-iiin- The Cop-Ja.'.-ic!i7 --frr n- crease of rCj'JIpI.-Ipnt5 at Hfi~,'-tc?7 Frecjuen~'Les" . Micial opp,-nent-,.-.; A.D.Kratircv, 'Erofe-L-s-cr. DD:for of Techniral Sciences ani I.G'.R,,3ako-r, Do~;,ant; Car,.iida-le oi-' Ter~r.- nLcal Sciences. -C) Gathered .,j4 t-~, % S_ ~-.D.Sokolov on KaY 7. e - . , the Control of the Elect-rouugriaric Propertie!3 of Dynamic- and Transformer Steel". Official oppon-gats- Prcfe&zo:T~ Doctor of Technical SUences and i;.C-.Che;-nv5ha7ra, Cand-i-date Of Technical Sciences., At the Leningrad Iriiititute of Mining Flektano-i (LerJ7,gra-jskiJy gornyy insti;tu~ iin, P---I-han--:Ya) V.S.Bellov.-'Ldov or. June 30. 191~3 ';G!, the Selection of an ElectrIc F ., T . Drive for Pit Vent i-laTo i-.i Official opponents: Ii Shklyanikiy- Professor and A.V.Rys",ye~i-, Docent? Candidate of Technical Scicnces. At the Leningrad Iastituute fo--- Rai-'---.~ad Eng-ine=,:-s ~mexu Obra2tscv Card 2/4 (Leningradskliy instiWT -zhele2nodom-,zhno.g.0.. tranzpoita im, Cbrazt-sc,.m), Dissertations N. V.Bokov on July I i 4 01 ara 'days of' Reauc -_"!~,Ig Cos t5 for 4 the ContacT Network of Railroadz"., Official A.Ye.Kanlycanski--, Frofe3,3or, Doctor of Technical Sc-_Ien_-_,-LI an,! J V.A.Belyakov. Docent. Candidate of Te-c"rinv--al Science~, V. A. Gleboir on July r-~ , 19.50 "Dynam i -_~ 1 blaximim, Lc-n Js in J ys with Trans-ortable Rail roa3 Electris- Power Tlant_~ of Lo;-7 Power Output". C~ficiai ouponents: N.P. Y,~-zmolin, Professor, Dezzor .:~f Technical Sciences anJ Yu.A.Reyngo__-'3,c,. Dccent, Cardidat~:, of Techm-c-al Sciences. K.K.Sheleshkov on Jvjy 51, '950 "Or, the Problm of ~'ne Enmtrlln'-.~-Ii Inirestigation of Nort-S4-1--ady Processe~ in Pov"er C-_r:-!it Clrcuit~. of D.C. Locomo tives" . Official oppon-m-cs~ Professor~ Doctor of Tech-nisal Sc~_ences and E_D,.Lev&3hc:, Engineer. L.K.Sveshnikolat on J-.dy 5, '9_10 "Tae of Railroa.` Dep_-s of E1ectr'f.-ed Line=, wit'Ll. Eiec-Erls Ps-,-rer from the Netviork` Official oppmien---~.- D.A. Zx,-a, i sh--*:, Frofessorr ikc= of Tpc?aiiml Ss4ence3 and V.I.Drozd-ov. Docent_ Candida7_e ff Card 3/4 Techni!:zl Sclenr_e~11. Dissertations C~ ~, ~ ~11 - - G.A.An-3berg on Larch 5. 1953 "T'te Prot-e:;tior uf Forier Cur.~-t~n*. Circuits in D.C. Locomotive., Against Ex.~es3iv? Loads an3 Sbor~ Circuits". Officlal opponezr~_--., 1I.A.Petz.-o-~, Profe-zoor. Dcctor of' Technical Sciences ar,3 N.D.Tr!~Ymun] Docent, Cand iiate :;f T-c- nLeal Sciences,. -~tr, S.V.Milyutin on JamuLL-j Resigtance Braking on S~-]T -Propelled Rail Car Sections",. Cff' opponents: V.1e.Rozenfeid, Prcfessor, Docto- of TTch_n4_,:a1 Sciences and V.F.Tabar,1i1n3k_'y. Dc)~7--ent . Candidate of Tecrni~:a-_- Sciences. AVAILABLE: Library of Congre;3z~ 1. Scientific reports--USSR Elect,rical eq,_i.*pTent--US5.R 3. Electrical equipment--Materials Elezti-ic-~1 networlks--USSP Card 4/4 RADOVSKIY, M.I. Hans Sloane, the British naturalist of the 18th century and his scientific relations with the Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Trudy Inst. ist. est. i tekh. 24:311-330 158. (MIRA 11:8) I.Institut istorii yestestvoznaniya i tekhniki AN SSSR. (Sloane, Sir Hans, BArt., 1660-1753) (Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) T i C 1 Ralovskiy, M. S'I'V/55-66-I-1o/I T I Biblial-rapi-,y (3iblio-rafiya) I-EHIC"ICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh aauk, 11-111,8, Yol. 66, _'iir 1, i)i). 147 - 14f, OSSR) A3S'Z'IAC'.'L': The autlior presents a detailed disCUS3ion of the bo~jk "Llikhail Andreyevich Shatelen, a Biblioj~rarhical Catalocue" by A.I.Isachenko and K.I.Shafranovskiyp edited by V,S- Ravdonik. The book was published by the AS USSR, 1"1158, in 1700 copies; it has 198 pages and costs 3,20 Roubles. 1. Physics-USSR 2. Literature Card 1 //1 POPOV, Aleksandr Stepanovich Edeceaoedj;_PDQJ -L I - BLRG, A. I.. ,Q~ av,# ruft.; KARAS.W, M.D., rod.; ALM.AMOV, SM." to.Nit !4r*-e-i. [Wireless telegraphy; collection of articles. reports, letters, and other materials] 0 bosDrovolochnoi telep,-,afii; sbornik statei, dokladov, pisem i drugikh materialov. Pod red. i so vstup.statlei A.I.Berga. S primechaniiami M.I..Radovskogo. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-rwitem.lit-ry, 1959. 218 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Telej- ,raph, Wireless) RADOVSKIY, Moisey__Izrailevlch; BATTMGART, K.K., prof..; PERMINOV, S.T., red.izd-va; P,7VZN3R, R.S.,, (Aleksandr Ste-panovich Popov; on the centenary of his birth] Aleksandr Stepanovich Po-Dov; k stoletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 234 D. (MIRA 12:4) (Popov, Aleksandr Stepanovich, 1859-19o6) RADOVSKIY, M.I. From the history of international relations of the Academy of Sciences in the 18th century. Vop. ist. est. i te'rh. no.6:160-165 '59. (miRA 12:6) (Hermann, Jacob, 1678-1733) (Bernoulli, Joan, 1667-1748) (Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) RA.DOVSY.IY, From the histor7j of Russian-Indian scientific relationships. Iz. ist. nauki' i tekh. v stran. Vost. no.1:135-146 '60. WIRA 14:8.) (Russia--Relations (General) with India) (India--fielations (General) with Russia) RADOVShIY, ~..1. Indian scientists at the celebrations of the two-hundredth anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. 1z ist. nauki i tekh. v stran. Vost. no.1:147-154 16o. MRA 14:8) (Russia--Relations (General) with India) (India--Relations (General) with Russia) PERELI, Yu.G.; MPPVSKIILM,-!- History of scientific relations between Russian and American astronomers. Ist.-astron. issl. no. 6:212-250 160. (MIRA 14:2) (Astronomy) R&DUVZ:KIY, M. 1. W.B. Cannon and I.P.Pavlov. Trudy tekh. 31:403-434 16o. (MIRA 13:6) (Cannon, Walter Bradford, 1871-1945) (Favlov. Ivan Petrovich, IM-1936) RaDOVSKIY, 1-1. 1. k'roaclh sr,-i~eutist on Ruootan progrewi In scienco r.,.t thj bogiming of the l8th centurl. Vest.AN SSSR 30 ao.6:119-123 Je 160. MU 13; 6) (Science) RADOVSKIY$ Moisey lzrailevich; PREDTECHEYSKIY, A.V., otv. red.; MEDVEDEV, M.V., red. izd-va;-ZENDEW-, M.Ye., tekhn. red. [M.V.Lomonosov and the Peterburg AcadeU of Sciences] M.V.Lomonosov i Peterburgskaia Akademiia nauk. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 334 P. (MIU 14:7) (Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasillyevich, 1711-1765) (Leningrad--Scientific societies) RA,n,OVSKIY, Moisey Izrailevich- PREDTECIMSKIY, A.V., otv. red.; :1 ~e. ~,red. izd-va; BOCIOM, V.T., tekhn. red. [From the histor7 of Anglo-Russian relations in the field of science]1z istorii anglo-russkikh nauchrykh sviazei. Moskva, Izd-vo A'A-ad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 214 -o. (MIRA 16-1) (Russia--Relations (General' ith Great Britain) (Great Britain--Relations (Gt:-ieral' iith Russia) (Science--International cooperation) Visit of Chinese :Iuests to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1732. Iz ist.nauki i tekh.v stran.Vost. no.2:85-36 '61. (MIRA 14:9) (China--Relations (General) with Russia) (Russia--Relations (General) with China) RADOVSKIY, M.I. I.K.Ro--sokhin, Russian expert on China. Iz ist.nauki i tekh.v stran.~,'ost. no.2:88-99 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Chinese studies (Sinology)) (Rossokhin, Ilarion Kalinovich, 1707 or 1717-1761) RADOVSKIY, M.I.; KOLIMAN, E.; KIADO, T.N. [translator) History of calculating devices; materials of the Archivea of teh Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Ist. mat. issl. no.14: 551-586 161. (MIRA 16:10) (Calulating machines)