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RA.TSZYS, Ryozard "ethods of antiography of the subcla,.r*ar v _- - artery and its branches. Pol. przi;gj. radiol. 29 no-5:493-501 S-0 1 65. L. Z Zakladu Radjologli Lekarsklej AM w Warszawie (Klerow- nik: prof. dr. med. S.L.Zgliczynski). "Y! ~'l A, .-~ a rd I:! I E' FS K I ;'.U Z I iU:3 2 ~'Ys erzy rhronic occlusion of the vera cava iiferlor. 20- no. 15: 523-525 12 Ap 165. Z II KlInirka Chi-orb 1.1ewnatranych (Kieroui.''~- sandrow), z Zakladu Radiologii Lekarskiej (Klerc-- ;n,".: prolf. L. Zlgliczynski) i z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej Prof. J. N-ielubowicz) AM w Warszawie. RAJ'~'ZYS, Ryozard~ MIERNOWSKI, SLanislaw Role of r,,~rebral arteriography in cases of subarachnoid hr.morrbage. Pol. przegi. radiol. 27 no.4-277-293 163. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii Lekarsk-4ej AM v Warnavie Kierownik.- prof, dr nauk med. W. Zawadowski. (SUBARACIRIOID HEMORRHAU.) (CEREBRAL ANGIOGRAPHY) RAJSZYS, Ry-azard; MIEWTOWSKI, Stanislaw Filling the basilar, cerebellar and vertebral arteries during carotid arteriography. Pol, przegl. radiol. 27 no.2:113-122 t6Y. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii Mkarskiej AM w Warszavie Kierownik: prof. dr nauk med. W. Zavadowski. (CEREBRAL ANGIOGRAPHY) (BASILAR ARTERY) (VERTEBRAL ARTERY) (CAROTID ARTERIES) (CEREBELLM4) RAJSZYS, Ryszard; MIERNOWSKI, Stanislaw Cerebral angiography in cases of thrombosis of the carotid artery and of its branches. Pol. przegl. radiol. 27 no-3: 193-211 163. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologil Ioekarskiej AM w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr nauk Med. W. Zawadowski. (CAROTID ARTERY THROMBOSIS) (CEREBRAL ANGIOGRAPHY) JEDRZEJOWSKA, Hanna; MOSSAKOWSKI, Miroslaw; RAJSZYS, Ryszard Spontaneous bilateral arterlovenous fistula between the internal carotid arterr and the cavernous sinum. Pol. tyg. lek.'18 no.31:1153-1158 29 J1 163- 1. Z Kliniki Neurologicznej AM w Warszawie; kierownik: prof. dr med. I. Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz i z Zakladu Ra-diologii Lekarskiej AM w Warszawie; kierownik: prof. dr nauk med. W. Zawadowski. (FISTULA, ARTERIOVENOUS) (CAVERNOUS SINUS) (CAROTID ARTERY DISEASES) OMAN, W.~ DUROS'ZIEWSKI, -J,,i,RAJSZYS, R.; MIFRNOWSKI, S.; MAZUIMSKI, W~; STROPISMt-KUSIOWA, B. Comparison of gamma-ray encephalography with the resultB of c cerebral artericgraphy,, PoL p-rzegl. radiol. 27 no.22Ul-l* :63~ 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii Lekareklej AM w Warszawie KierowrA**. prof, dr nauk med. W. Zawadowski. Z K3Aniki Neurd~oglcznej AM v Warszawie Kierown1k:,, prof, dr zed. I. Hausmanowa-?etrusewics Z Kliniki Neurochlrurgicznej AM w Warszawie Kierovmik: prof. dr med. L. Steplen. (CEREBRAL ANGIOGRAPHY) (RADIOAUTOGRAPHY) (BRAIN DISEASES) (ALBUMINS) JED2ZEJOI,~SKA, Hanna, MOSSAKOUS~:I, Miroslaw, and R..'%.JSZYS, Ry- szarcl; Neurolo gical Clinic (Xlini,%a -1~ourolo7,icznc~l--rl;!-i-~e-6",or: Pro--- Dr. I. [.IOUS!.IAXU~~A-PE'filUSEt-iICZ) and Department of %ledical Radiolo!,-y (Zaklad Radiologii Lekarskiej) (Director; Prof. Dr. mcd.sci. W. ZAWADO.-.SKI), both of the AM [_M,:adenia Modyczna, Medical Academy] in t--iarsaiv "S::)ontaneous 3ilateral Arteriovonous Anasto:,,iosis between Inter- nai Carotid Artery and Sintis-Cavernosus. Case Rcoort." 'tarsav, Pols'ki T%,.7odnilc Lekarski, Vol 13, No 31, 29 Jul 6" i. .J I ,op 11-53-115S _-Ibstract: FAuthors' English surnmary] ~Iuthors report a case in ti lie ritle for a 0606-year old wornan. Bilateral exophthalmos and partial ?aresis of motor nerves appeared within two months, and patient complained of headache and tinnitus. Correct dia- .-nosis was facilitated lay arteriography of carotid arteries and kinematograph. Authors call attention to rare incidence of spontaneous bilateral carotid-cavernous anastomoses and discuss the oossible ~atho-enesis of the disease. All 11 re- ferences are to English and French sources. 1/1 JEZDIC, Vojislav, ing., Assistant (Beograd, Cvijiceva 68); RAJRIVAJ~~ , e i~~, '. -Lj- ing., Assistant (Beograd) Synthesis of labelled compounds and the use of isotopes in organic chemistry. II. Tehnika Jug 17 no.l*.112-135 Ja 962. 1. Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Kidric". Beograd-Vinca. 2. Odgovorni urednik, "Radioaktivni Izotopi i zracenja" (for Rajnvajn) (Isotopes) 0/1,1C_._70SLOV_-~,I 4~==~.-,'Y, V. - ",.-,-,JTLR VCIZZIA-R, !.; Research institu-te of Hy- uiy stav gieny), Bratislava; State (,ontrol In- Ziono (VYS""w_. iy SUitute 01" Biological Compounds and Dru",, (Szatna KonDrola Bio proparat-ov a Lieciv), Nirra; Ilescarca Lnstitute of 1~pidemiology and I~iicrobio-; o- (VysICuwny Ustav Ebide-miologie a 1-ii1crobiologie), Sy 3rat-islava. ",%n t i g ,ons of Salmonella Uhoierao Suis. - Preparation DY 1-Ioans of an a- Jltrasoi.ind, ~11.utoiysis, and ,'.!-U'-erna'u--ng 2reezing d -iing. Pra-ue, Vorer2.narni -',c-d4 cana, Voi 12, i1o I Jazi 67, pp 27 Englisli sumuiary -modified-7:.The anti-gens prep- a,-,Gd oy 11-lao -,Iiothods :%,~ntionod in Mao title were analyzed bio- 0.10.nicaliy and irw,,unooac-,,iica.Lly. Quantitative anal7r~J3 0' IN P, c_-_-ooaYarates, and lipids saowed Frcat uniformity betwoon. the u r,10thods oi* nraparazion oz' tiie antigGns. Uhromatogra-paic anal- ysis -.-Jas used to identify some of -*U-',-.c componeni;s o.L' Vile antigens. ;~reci-)_4-~-azlon in acrar sno,.-.,ed t~&Iat tac antigens preparoci by var- 2.ous paysical matiiods had siriiilar composition ana tl.,,-at they con- tained endozoxcin. Ttie toxicity of the products was loT.Iar t"nan waeza chet,-,ical methods of preparation are used. Lf -O'iguras, 2 Tab- ies., 21 Western., 14 Eastern references. (Ails. rec. 8 Xar W. I RAJTAR-LEONTIEW, Zof-ia; ZALEWSKI, Tadeusz Accidental INH poisoning in a 2-year-old girl. Pediat. Fol. 39 no.3:301-304 Mr'64- 1. Z Kliniki Terapii Chorob Dzieci AM w Warszawie; kierownik: H.Kobierska. CZEC"UNAKIA WK, D.; RAJIU, 2- No affillation givm Bratlalwv&, FarmagmtLAft ab*w, No 10 LOatabar) 1966, pp 465-68 'Polish phumuscambile." S/137/62/000/009/030/033 A006/A1O1 Ali-L'HOR: Rajtmajer, Jl~i 0 TITLE: ~clt`-soldering protective varnish PERT DICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no..9, 1962, 67 - 68, abstract M 9E458 P (Czechosl. Patent no. 99398 of April 15, 1961) TF/T: The varnish for the protection agai.n*t contaminations of printed c!rc-uits with soldered-on parts, contains a mixture of methyl methacrylate solu- 11:ono in an organic solvent (viscosity 100 m1/50 sec at It mm diameter of the :!~)OrWre) and 5C~v'-colophony solution in an organic solvent, Both solutions, iinixed in 1:1 to 1:10 proportions, depending on the'mode of applying the varnish, may be composed on different solvents. Toluene, buthylacetate, acetone, etc. may be used,as solvents. The varnish is applied on the panels with the printed circuits and apertures for the introduction of conductors. It protects the panel surfaces against contamination. The surface may be kept in this condition for any period of time. Prior to soldering the parts are placed on the panel after the outlets have been prepared (e.g. cleaned and silver-plated); the panel is Card 1/2 S/1-37/62/000/009/030/033 Self-soldering protective varnish A006/A101 then placed in a Sn-solder bath. The Sn forces back the varnish, which is sof- tened by heating in the bath, from all the metallic surfaces, which are tightly Joined. The varniSil is, however, preserved on the dielectric surfaces, it does not evaporate, and there it is not expelled by Sn. The varnish makes it pos- sible to solder very rapidly at up to 2400C temperatures; it is stable against etching solutions such as FeCl3 and HN03' It can be used for the printing of drawings on a foil with subsequent etching them. Ye. Greyll j Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 '!~TNTDA, P. For,.-irig or crank pr!~~sses. p. 210 . 3TRWIRI-1111113KA VYR~IPA. (Ministerstuvo tezkeho strojirenstvi, I'dInisterst-vo pre3neho stroj4 rer,31 a "Irdster3t-vo automobiloveho prurrsli a zeriedplzkych stroju) Pr a ,vi y a ah Czechoslcva~~a. Vol. 7, nc. 5, Mav 19,5,97. 13 - t of ~~ast Flir)pean Acces-ions (7,.A!), LC, Vol. 3, no. 10, Oct. 1359, uncl. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 * 0 0 0 If (1 69 x L 0 ro R s I m g 10 yl ST ON by In g' 0' 0 92! 0 or it go 09 o0 IP Ic, go W I rto son ; J, 00 so- "'-'LPN "tP A"O 9414U%qM IAJaA49 S%ar,,9d 0) plW;S A~jjpq "Wnill 06 .p 10 ,,"1 00 go" Mv -irawyapol -7 -xv?f IV s S"q ptrexalm *q3)clOjpwvp"u alp no slum aluos tit 00 IS 06 1: 0o 00- 00 1 n aj m to 14 1 -r- T-.-- A n I f it I T 7 r T j I If fl, ft It v Al 6r IT x apf fill ax U10'alf Irsta ctil'If it Is 11 of SIMIltslit'460, I t I I I 0 41 9 0 0 9 0 0 a 9 0 40 : : : 0 o0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 MEOW -17- see II ij a it m it q 11 Al 11 1) A 14 b IsV a A th 11 u u m 15 w v a 0 to 41 6) 0 at a A L L I r, a j 1. 1.a JR, V AA -vt I t Sugar refining, Awt4 Ho Jiity ~k-wr. 48. ~44 -A dempfomt 1.00 tif all ript ith it Ilry-ty Jt.IKlIr4 IfIfFU41,111 Il'ttCry FRANK MAXII-11 zoo 00 SO =0 o Koo so i L It. tie* L-0 0 oli.l' ' l hIA' ''I IWO Iw I- I Al a u n e 0 e e e 41 0 e I a 0 ~ T t a gi 0 & e 0 'W * * 0 * 0 0 0 0 S .* : : : : : e ~!~, A.I.; TRIWENENKO, I.I.. lauroat Stalinakoy premii, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; CHKRYAPIN, A.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Caterpillar with three-lug links for the DT-54 trPctor. Avt. i trakt. prom. no.3:9-10 Mr 156. (MMA 9:7) l.Kharlkovski.v traktorxyy zavod i Hauchno-issledobatel'skiy avtotrak- tornyy inatitut. (Caterpillars (Vehicles)) MSR/Engineering Jun 48 Coke Oven Gas Fuel "Review of 'Coke Gas' by B. 1. Kustov and L. Ya. IlolYandr," A. 1. Rak, Engr)MinIstry of Ferrous Metal, 2 pp "Stall" No 6 This 234-page book, published by M3arlkov MetallurgIzdat In 1947, discusses production, purification and utilization of coke gas. Book is valuable in spite of fact that cited examples are somewhat old (1936 to 1938)- FDB 1.149T1-3 VODNEV, G.G.; SHELKOV, A.K.; DIDENKO, V.Ye.; FILIPPOV, B.S.; TSAM, M.N.; ZASffVARA, V.G.; LITVINENKO. m.S.;MEDVEM , K.P.; MOLODTSCV, I.G.; LGALOV, K.I.; RUBIN, P.G.; SAPOZHNIKOV, L.M.; TYUTYUNNIKOV, G.N.; DMITRIYEV, M.M.; LEYTES, V.A.: IYAMR, B.Z.; KOVFZLT, S.M.; REVTAKIN, CBUKllOV- A.A.; TAYCHER, M.M.; TSOGLIN, M.E.; DVORIN, S.S.;VA�F SKIY, Ya.M.; KOTKIN.A.M.; ARONOV, S.G.; VOLOSHIN, A.I.--,7THOZUR, Ye.V.; SHVARTS, S.A.; GINSBURG, Ya.Ye.; KOLY&NDR, L.Ya.; BELETSKLIA, A.F.; KUSHNEREVICH, N.R.; BRODOVICH, A.l.; NOSALEVICH, I.M.; SHTROMBERG, B.I.; MIROSHNICHENKO, A.M.; KOPELIOVICH, V.M.; TOPORKOV, V.Ya.; AIPONIN, K.B.; GOFTM&N, M.V.; SE?MENENKO, D.P.; IVANOV, Ye.B.; PEYSAKRZON, I.B.; KUIAKOV, N.K.; IZRAELIT, E.M.; KVASFLk, A.S.; KAFT&N, S.I.; CBFJMYKH, M.S.; SHAPIRO, A.I.; KHP.IABUZARI, G.S.; SKKT, P.Ye.: GARAY, L.I.; SMULISON. A.S. Boris IoBifovich Kustov; obituary. Koks I khim. no.2:64 '55.(KEJU 9:3) (Kustov, Boris losifovich, 1910--1q55) AFON IN, K.B.; BURTSEEV, K.I.; BYSTROV, S.11.; VINETS, G.B.; "ICDII-:;V, G.G.; VORONIN, A.S.; GRVLICH, A.S.; GRYAZNOV, II.S.; GUDIM, A.F.; GUSYATINSKIY, M.A.; WGRIN, S.S.; DIDENKO, V.Ye.; DMITRIYEV, M.H.; DaME, M.M.; DCROGOBID, G.M., ZHDAITOV. G.I.; ZAGCRUL'KO, A.I.; M. SKIY, A.G.; IVASHCHMO, U.N.; F-UVAN, S.I.; KVASHA, A.S., KIRRYEV, A.D.; KLISHEVSM, G.S.; YOZYREV, V.P.; KOLOBUV, V.H.; LGALOV, K.I.; IF.YTES, V.A.; LERNER, B.Z.; L013CDA, IT.S.; LU133IWS. I.A., MANDRYKIN, I.I.; KUSTAFIN, F.A.: NlOtIROVSKIY, II.Eh.; IUUTDOV, V.A.; OBUKHOVSKIY, YA.M.; PIULTSEV, M.A.; PBTROV, I.D.; PODCROZHANSKIY. M.0.; POPOV, A.P.- BAK A I - REVYAKIN, A.A.; ROZHKOV, A.P.; R02MIlGAUZ, D.A.; SAZCHOV, H.B.; STCHAMIN, Ya.B.; TARASOV, S.A.; FILIPPOV, B.S.; FRIDMAN, N.K.; FRISHRMCr, V.D.; MRIKOV- SKIY, K.V.; KHOLCPTSY.V, V.P.; TSAREV, M.N.; TSOGLIN, M.R.; CHERNYY, I.I. CHYMOK, V.T.; SHWXOV, A.K. Sanuil Borisevich Bamme.Kokg i '56. (MIRA 9:10) (Bainme, Samuil Berisevich, 1910-1956) ZYKOVA, Larisa Yurlyev-na; RAK, A.S., red. [Oka State Preserve; a popular science essay] Okskii .gosudarstvennyi. zapovednik; nauchno-populiarnyi ocherk. Pod red. A.S.Rak. Moskva, Lesnaia promyshlennost', 1965. 53 P. (MIRA 18:12) RAK, A.S.; AFAIIASIYKV. S.F. ------ Flight of groy cranes. Prir*dA 45 xo.9:126 8 156. (HLRA 9:10) 1.Grozasaskiy *blRstney stdel ekhotiLichlyege lrhozyaystva (for Rak). 2.Groznensl--iy oblastasy mussy kray*vedeniyjt (for AfnnAs'yov). (Cranes (Birds)) 1-1 . ].-I-.. " --: -.' . ~~ 'z~~: -- ; --. . ' ~ ~ - ~ .'~- - '.- MKI Boilumil., Jr. 1liabi-I-ity for :r:~du,:t defects acccrdi-,2,o, Lo t-e new Econo:-~~; Code. Fodn org 18 no.11:498-500 N 164. 1. Ceskomoravska-Kolben-Danck National Enterprise, Plant Electro- technika., Prague. BRILOV, V. (Moskva); TETERIN, N.; VERESHCHAK, P., sbofer (Kiyevskaya obl.): - -Uh, D., shofer (Kiyevskaya obl . ) Readers' letters. Fozh.delo 7 no.1302 N '61. (MIRA 14:11) (Fire prevention) OISZEWSKI, Jakub, mgr inz. "Mining" by J. Rohel, 0. Trnka, F. , K. Zachystal, J. Ifirtel. Vol.2. OTeam work" and "The head miner" by Miroslav Ulbrich. Reviewed by Jakub Olszewski. Wiadom gorn 13 no.6:214-215 Je s62. z tb i tv% If 191~9) Le to 15, 'n',kh SV't", Chemical Abst. Vol- 48 No. 9 May 10, 1954 Organic Chemistry Soluble co.1 his[ it IdCttteg.-- Compounds of u 0 u 0 J~T~qrpvlch and 1. S. nst -27Z:F- -Uk; v ed I v e Inst. . Mrain. KAtm ur. 15, 44~ ~.a aC 1 .9 U9 - WO, was used to neutralize 300 g. 700/0 citric acid in 2 1. HA the excess CaCO, filtered off, and the sola. c ;oo it end t q j~Ld r AJ~Ktqte, which was dried and treated with 7 .4 1~ 494 g. POO, mixed with MeCHCI-~ . g. Cls, yielding COV; hydrolysis of this gave 48% AfeCH0170,11, b.i iW, which was neutralized in a small vol. of 1110 withl Nx,CO, and allowed* to react with 38.8% KSH; after ciipn. anti heating 5 hrs. at 110', the resulting mixt. was converted to Ph salt, and finally, by treatment with HiS, into free A&CH(SH)CGH (1). in 31% yield. also obtained in P9% vield by reduction with Zn-HCl of trithiodilactic acid, 'prepcf. by heating 400 g. tartaric acid to 210-20* with 270 g. fused KHSO., dilg. the resulting AcMH with H'O and 5atg. with H-S. To 10.5 g. I in 200 ml. hot HjO was added 39 g. fmh Bi(OH)j and the mixt. boiled 15 rain.; the clear filtrate on cooling gave Bi thiolacWe. C41f,101,%l3i, decomp. 110*. This in cold 10170 ZVH401-1 evapd. at room temp. gave brown jVH4 thioladobiftnathate, Wfj,O&%NBi. which in aq. medium hydrolyzes in a few days. In this Bi is bound to the 2 S atoms and one COsH group; the 2nd COIH is neutralized with NHj. G, M. Kosolapoff 7-AKI, J. Physic-a! properities of spruce rea,-!tion wocd. p.,"(. ('-revarsky Vyskum, Vol. 2, .o. 1, Apr. 10157, Fratislava, C2echoslovakia) Sn: Yonthly List of rast ~'-'uropean Accessinns (EIEAL) U7. Vol. 6, No. 0, SeL)t. 19F7. Urcl. -af: 1,~D' C,~ r.C C C~ -:,-M.-,; C, -a J. nd! P. r)r,- -~ns pi's ~]anq'll ~'Atvniica a st`vnick'-~iori- r n _'i3:3 y J, -tiavnica ind the Mountain of the 5-iavnice Ann-a); a revied. T). 791. _"KA .("~ov~r-~ncitvo dopraT,'. Ria~ltelntvo pre 2, 77 1`55. ):Pan Ac-~!,~s :,,s List, Vol. 195A _nt~)n okolin ~31-ezno anj 1--s, 1-1-r- _=31.nFs a 2ook st IKA. (~over,~,nc; tvo dop-7~vy. a va 2, 7t_-'b. 1-455. rucl -can Ac,~-s -.i-)ns List, ~a3+ -uro. r- io~nra-.,y. r-,; r x,,~ ~,,-,n Ac -!s ~.-)n5 Li s t n D. P" TC- , 7 .; -I r. tj ,F Hydraulic rifting of Gil. h(,rizono in BmIku. T./ind naft 9 no.7/8:163-165 JI-Ap, 1`3. 1 0 PIAK, Jaromir Structural analysis of beeeyWCod W4-h regard to penetration. Drevarsky vysinm no.!-.27-36 164. 1. Institute r)f Cherrulstmr, Slov;-A Acade-mly of S,~it%nces, Eratislava. r, ~~, ~ ~- Teohnc-log-y of rifting. '~Jiad naft ',) no.10:22.3-220' 0 '63. --: ~~- ~ ~ f. -.1- -,f ~~ ~ i, " , - RAK, K. , dr. Laboratory control of syncumar therapy. Ther. hung. 10 no.1/2:15- 20 162. 1. First Department of Medicine, Medical University of Szeged (Hungary). (COUMALRINS) (ANTICOAGULkNTS) RAK, Kalmn, cir. Some basic problems of antionagulant therapy. Orv. heti-I. 105 no.29zl345-1352 19 J1261+ 1. Szegedi Or-rostudomanyi Egyetem, I. Belklinika (Igavgatc: Jules-,, Miklog, dr.) RAK Kalman Dr, KRIZSA, Ferenc, Dr, SOVINYI, ','rv-,n, Dr, CjERHATI, Istvan, Dr; Medical University of 37.efed, 1. Mledical Clinic (Sze,-,edi Ornrostudomarvi Eoyetem, I. Belklinika) (Director: JULESZ, Miklos, Dr, professor) and X-Ray Clinic (Rontgenklinika) (Director- HUES, Tibor, Dr, professor). "The Effect of Pre-Radiation Treatrrient with Human Serwm Having Tbrombo- poietic Activity, on the Survival Rate of X-Ray Irradiated Mice." iludapest, Magyar Radiolo~~i.A, Vol KV, No 2, Apr 63, pages 98-101. Abstract: [Authors' Er.,~Ji3h summary modified] After administration of a single dose of 550 r, longer survival was observed in mice which received thrombopoietic human serum before irradiation. The 95 per cent death rate of the controls which received normal serum showpd a r,~duction to 68 per cent while the length of survival was also in- creased. The mean of the tbrombocyte values determined at various intervals was twice as high in the treated as in the control anAffials. 5 Hungarian, 3 Western references. r s ;i 11 1v Vol J. pro -o f J.1 z :L Vii of +I'ne fa.0-Lor. Durl-TIZ 1; JL, I-' ZI :t !of -.110!n i n-L-1 zaz me WiK, KaLmani GSERIIATI, Istvan; KF-IZSA, Ferenc - ----------- ---- The role of t*--- spleen in th-rombocytosis produced by ultraviolet rays in mice. Kiserl. orvostud. 15 no.1:62-65 F 163. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyatem I. sz. Belklinikaja. (BLOOD PLATELETS) (ULTIIkVIOLEIT IRAYS) (SPLEEN) LEHOCZKY, Dezso, dr.; RAK, Kalman, dr.; CSER,'ATI, Is+,Van, dr.; KRIZSA, Ferenc, dr.; KELIMN, Determination of a thrombocytosis-producing factor in t~ 'e sern= of mice and man before the incrogse in the pumber of plate lets. Orv. hetil. 104 no.10:343-348 10 Mr 163. 1. Budapesti Orvostovabbkepzo Intezet es Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyatem, I. Belklinika. (SPLENECTOMY) (BLOOD PLATELETS) (RADIATION EFFECTS) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS) (BLOQDLETTING) (PR-IIDNISOLONE) KRIZA, Ferenc; GSEiUlATI, Istvan; RAK, Kalman Thrombopoietic activity of the serum in experimental thrombocy-tosis of rats. Kiserl orvostud. 15 no.2:130-133 AP 163. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I. sz. Belkl-inikaja. (BLOOD PLATELETS) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS) (THROMBOPETFIA) (THROMBOPLASTIN) (HEMORRHAGE) KRIZA, Ferenc; CSER11ATI, Istvan; RAK, Kalman Thrombopoietic activity of the serum in experimental thrombocvtosis of rats. Kiserl orvostud. 15 no.2:130-133 Ap 163. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem 1. sz. Belk-linikaja. (BLOOD PLATELETS) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS) (THROMBOPENIA) (TIMOMBOPLASTIN) (HEMORPMAGE) 'P, Anna. TOtCy,, Gabor, Dr; Valman, r. C.", , 0, gabor , , , ','A-c~' -A.' etrical and Gyne- I. m(~u)ical clinic, Obit szule- of sjeged, al VnAver'AtY etem" I. Belklinika, domanyi EgY clinic (sze,,edi OrvOstu yas? i Klinika). at ., yo, 's 07. u ja vrith an Unusual course-" .ronic ,.,,yc_jocy1ic Leuken 3~uaape5t, urv3s! ne" i;7n, Abstract: [Aut'horst Hungarian modified] A case of chronic r.1ye- ratory obser- joid leurkemia is de5cribedarld the maiii clinical and labo vatior6presented. The case is raoorted because after the diagnosis in a 9 y6ar old patient, the disease lasted 15 1/2 years Of which 14 were aLT,Ost T,~ithout sYnPtcms- Eleven years after the diagnosis. the patient -hy, full-tirle infant without complications. After ~,ave birth to a heal' the dc-1--very she remained without sYMPtOms for three years and only the last year of her life brough t he rapid deciine. The differentiation j. I leukemia and myeloid metaplasia is discussed between chronic r.1yeloid and the long.-term survival of leukemia cases reported in the literature, the effect Of pregnancy and the problem of terminal mycOsis of leukermia. 1 29 Western references. J loatients j~antioned. 5 Eastern Europealn, T 7-i L 319_29-66 ACC NR, AP6028499 SOURCE CODE: flu/0018/65/017/006/0662/0665! -5- Z-4 AUTHOR: Rak Kalman; Var g8,~sz~io- Kri,zsa-.-Ferenc--Krizha, F.; Gse;!hati. Istvan Cherkhati~"~-- ORG: I. and Il. Medical Clinics, Medical UnL%rurzjLty of 'z g_q I (SLE!gudli Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. es II. sz. Belklinika-)-, TIUE: Effect of human serum protein fractions, separated with Rivanol, on the circulating thrombocyte count of mice SOURCE: Ki5erletes orvostudomany, v. 17, no. 6, 1965, 662-665 TOPIC TAGS: mouse, protein, blood circulation ery-thropoiesi5, hematology, circulato system disease, blood serum ABSTRACT: Obtained by agar gel diffusion and separation with Rivanol, the fractions of three patient sera with thrombopoietic activity and two normal sera have been, studied with regard to their effect on the circulating thrombocyte count in mice. According to the literature and our own exploratory data, the supernatant liquid obtained by Rivanol separation contained only one immune electrophoretically homnogeneous A globulin, transferrin, in addition to gamma globulin. The whole serum of the patients, the 0 globulins as well as the Rivano-1-supernatant liquids and the majority of the F~ globulins were moderately or pronouncedly positive in the mouse test, that is, they enhaanced thrombocytosis. This can be considered a renewed indication of a relationship between the humoral regulation of erythropoiesisl and thrombocytopoiesis. Orig. art. has: 1 table. 1JPRS: 34,1611 SUB CODE: 06, 07 SUBM DATE: .17Feb65 / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 008 Card 1/1//), RAK K. The hi4!toral regulation of platelet production. Acta med. acad. sci. hung, 19 no.1:6?-75 163. 1. Firat Department of Madicine (Director; M. Julesz),' University Mr-dical School,, Szeged. (BLOOD PLATELETS) (MMATOPOIESIS) (THROMBOPENIA) (MTEiOPLEENISM) (POLYGYTHEMIA) (ERYTHROPOIETI,N) BOROSI Mibily, dr.; TAPIJOKY, Klara, dr.; VKRECZKEY, Gsaba, dr; RAK, Kalman, dr. Cryofibrogenemia and pathological increase in fibrolysis in prostatic carcinoma. Orv. hetil. 104 no.11:509-51-1 17 Mr '63. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. Sebeszeti Klinika, II. Sebeszeti Klinika es 1. Belklinika. i (PROSTATIC NEOPLASMS) (CRYOGLOBULINS) (I?IBRI*OLYSIS) (INGUINAL HEMIA) (MIATOMA) (DIETffYLSTIBESTROL) RAK) -Kalmalt, dr.; VARGA, Laszlo, dr., 19126A, Forenc, dr.; - -CSEIRkTI, Istvan, dr. The effect of normal serum protein fractions on the thrombocy-te court in mice. Orv. hetil. 104 no,27:1264---1266 J1 7 163. 1, Szegedl Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I as 11 Belklinika. (SERUM ALBUMIN) (SERUM GLOBULI'111) (BLOOD PLATELETS) 43052 n-Q,0 H/018/62/000/001/001/001 1067/1267 AUT11OR1j': r:serh'ti Istv6n Krizsa Ferenc, SBv'nyi Ervic, E9k a e - ------- Falman TITLE: The influence of X-ray irradiation on the funcLion of the ultraviolet thrombopoetic serum-factor and the efficiency of this factor on mice FERIOLICLL: Kfs4rietes Orvostuaom6ny, n*o.1, 1962, 86-90 T---'XT: The aim of this work was to obtain better knowled6e of the role of the human thrombopoetic serum-factor by mearis of U.V. thrombouytosis in mice. It was found that a humoral factor iE res- Donsible for the thrombocytosis caused-by U.V. irraoiation. The irifluet,ce of' a do!~e of 300 r X-ray irradiation on the whole U.N. thrombopoetic serum-factor ano on its formation was exzLminea in detail. The action of the U.V. thrombopoetic serum-factor on the nwi,ber ofthromi)oc~tcs in tne recipient mice after X-ray treatment was also investigated. Gn the basis of these results it seems probable that the forri,ation site of the factor responsible for Cara 1/21 H//Ol _E/62/000/001/ 001",'C-Cl The influencc of X-ray irradiation 1067/1267 tfiroaibocytosis is locatec in ti' e bone mLrrow or in t 'lc herrz;to1;oetic ti~---_ueZ, vikiich are seritAtive to%-Y,Ly irrLdiation. The factor - in vitro - _-Lo-;.s _-ei.sitivity to,.-,ardl- irradiation. It it3 highly prob~,ble tiiat the action of tue throu-ibopoetic factor is directed agi.inst the megakariocyte system ol" the bone marrow. A'SSOCIATION:'Internal and R6ntEen Clinics of the University ,iosF ,ital,.Szeged) ;rPe", Or Vast "do-ymc,L U gvet~ I, r, 73 /'Wk(1,%Ck4 ;< -~Y 2/2 5 r~,,i it f. P I nc)', 'oe" U C A'.. E 7 1%: KEUDIEN, E.; RA,~, K.- CSERRATI, I.; LEHOCZKY, D. - =--j- - - Thrombocytosis-enhancing activity of serum from patients vith patho- logical thrombocytopoiesis. Acta med. hung. 17 no.3A:293-295 161. 1. First Department of Medicine (Director: M. Julesz), University Medical School, Szeged and Postgraduate Medical School (Director F. Doleschall), Budapest. (BLOOD PLATELETS chemistry) (PURPURA THROMBOPENIC blood) (THROMBOPENIA blood) BE'IKO, Sandor; BALAZS, Viktor; FROHLICH,', Margit; HOIRVATHL, Eva; KOVACS, Kalman; CSAIIADI Bela; RAK. KaLman Pulmonary =r.'--ii-oma caused by in-~ravenous a=inistrazi-Ton of methy1cell-Ldose an-cl its sensitivity to cor"isone and to Escilerichia coli cultare brot"i. Kiserl. orvostud. 14 no.5:515-519 0 162. 1. Szcged4. Orvostudoman~-i Egy-etem I. sz. Belklinika es Korbonctani Intezet. (LUI-G) (GifAITULOMA) (~ZT11YLCELLULOSE) (ESC'ERICHA k;OLI) (CORTISONE) (BLOOD CHOL-LS'F---'!;OL) IIOR-^2. Miliely. Dr, Unr;%. Z~r. VEFLFOZF.'-E-f. ;nata. -rrrR r,r; INJIcrl Univ!rsl-y of Ize,;cd, ffttrltc, II. :;-tr-c:IcjI Clixilo, w'd I. :12dical 171111%-- 1. S'Jbezz-~tti 7.11ni'tca. 17. -3ts 1. BeIi%..n.kA). 'Cry.-);. and Fathologically High Fiortnolyvia Im Pr-o'qtrkt4 L--ui~':etj ~~ria:!-' Ym~ ~Ia,. Vol 104, Ne 11, 17 Kar 1~16,-~), ~uggftl 509-511. Hangsripn sur-mary] Sevez-- 'nez-wt M=-ty hm, zlor&a.-e ;xzer ',-3rriA operation on a pfttinnt Abi progtata carelroma buns Toits shxdc%4- hyXftbrircFe:,(---IrI and a P~ttlotv..,Ically PICtft)- cnd fibi"-nolyAn. CrImfibil-ncCenamia WRS ?rcintmn jnd ACTH did not Influence the Cabe ai:* IfIc&nt- :c pm;~rt n ly, z~yavustrir. was In discassing this rare fom of hemor- tIIC LUthorz prespi;t, a 11-.eratture aw-vey as well. Westem, '~!3~,~rn Furrpear, refercic". Ail, 10 7 AID :;r. 9E-1~4-12 EFT_"~'C'_P ON THE SURVIVAL OF X-IRRADI-ATED 1". IF. E. S*o've-nyu, and 1. Cserhat-1. 'M_-q'1,yar radiologia, v. 15, H/021/63/015/002/001/001 no Whita :nice wei,51-Arg 20 to 25 g were subjected to total-body X-ir- _,nimals were fliven iniections of thrombopoietic human J blc_~C. -12 _-._J before e%posure. Data obtained after a 30-day observa- tive action, increas- sl-mv~~--` ti.'az -che serum exerted a significant protec L in~-,- -~-e "ife span, survival ra-,.e, and thrombocy-.e count [see table]. v a! Thro=bocyte sD~L- (days) C 0 -t_-I t 13.1 5 9 , 0 C 0 C Lice 31.7 22..--; 110,000 [ S G --,\,I Card 1/1 W, K.; CSERRATI, I. The di Guglielmo s?n&-ome (On ery-thromWelosis, with reference to an acute and a chronic case). Acts. med. hung. 17 no.3A:315-325 161. 1~ I Medizinische Klinik der Medizinischen Universitat, Szeged (Direktor Prof. Dr. M. Julesz) (POLYCYTHEMIA VERA case reports) W,,Kalman dr.; CSAPO, Gabor, dr.; MACHER, Anna, dr.; TOW, Gabor, dr. Unusual course of chronic myelocytic leukemia. Orv. heti-1. 104 no.251U82-1187 23 Je 163. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. Belklinika, Szuleszeti es Nogyogyaszati Klinika., (LEUKE14IA, MIELOCYTIC) (PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS) (MYCOSES) HIPN~'ARY RkK,_.__4j4!jan A, Lazzlu, D-, Ferenc, Dr, GST'RHAT1. Dr; Or, VARC Medical University of Sze.--ed, I and 11 Medical Clinics (Szegedi Grvostudo- manyi Egyetem, I. es IL Belklinika). "The Effect of Normal Human Serum Protein Fractions on the Thrombocyte 1. 1vumber of 'Mice." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 104, No 27, 7 July 1963, pages 1264-1266. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] The thrombocytotic effect of normal human serum protein fractions on mice has been investig ted. Whole serum, 0a albumen, alpha-and gamma-globulins were mostly ineffective.. The beta-globu- lin fractions caused a more or less pronounced elevation of the thrombocyte number in mice, It is possible that the demonstration of the thrombopoietic activity present is hindered in normal serum by some other, inhibitory factor bound to the protein fraction. 3 Hungarian, 5 Western references. 1/1 RAK, Kalman, dr.; KRIZEA, Ferenc, dr.; SCYVENYI, Ervin, dr.; CSERHATIp Istvan, dr. The effect of pre-radiation treatment with hwman serum having a thrombopoietic activity on the survival rate of mice. Magy. radiol. 15 no.2:98-101 Ap 163. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. Be33dinikajanak (igazgato: Julesz Miklos dr., egyatemi tanar) es Rontgenklinikajanak (A-gazgato: Szenes Tibo:q dr., egyetemi tanar) kozlemenye. (RADIATION EFFECTS) (BLOOD PLATELETS) FAPJW, Marton, dr.; WkK, dr. On thrombocy-topathic hemorrhagic diathesis. (Gynecological hemorrhagic complications in familial thrombopathy), Orv. hetil. 104 no.22:1016- 1019 2 Je 163. 1, Szagedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Szuleszeti es Nogyogyaszati Klinika es 1. Belklinika-.. (THRO' MBOC nOPAT11Y) (UTERINZ 11&140R.~JUGE) (POSTPARTUM flEMORBUGE) (ABORTION, THERAPEUTIC) (ELOOD TRANSFUSION) (HYSTERECTOMY) (AMINOSALICILIC ACID) 43057 H/021/62/000/001/GO1/001 ~O 1067/1267 A U T H i~k Y61m~nj Krizsa Frerenc, S6ve'nyi Ervin, "serh6ti c f-o r s ) TIT r,11' The effects of ultraviolet therapy on the survival of X-r;,y irraaiated mice OL I C i'. L: L-..-,Lyar RadioloLia, no.1, 1~)62, 48-51 T';XT: It i.-as observed by the authors that exposure of the entire body of atice to 300 r X-rays after treatment by U.V. did not produce thrombocytopenia. After mavsive X-ray doses (500, 55C and 600 r), the 1,erijenta6e of survival vas significantly greater if U.V. tnerul,y v.a. performea '24 or 48 hours previously, and the number-of Lurvival days in zinele animals was also augmented. Several data shoy, that the thrombopoetic action of U.V. irradiation was not poup-led with the same effect of the serotonin. It is very likely that ultraviolet raaiaLiox, haL a protective effect aFainst X-ray injuries. ^~.SCCIATICN: Internal and 'i6ntgen Clinics of the University Hospi- Card 1/1 tal of 'Szeged, hungary - -~ 0:. " -- -'. -I ~ '~ ~'' - ~~ 1 .;. , ~ - . .......; . -. CSAPO, Gabor, dr.; BAFLADNAY, Gyula, dr.; RLK, Kalman, dr. Fatal panhemolophthisis during thiomdeid therapy. Orv. hetil. 102 no.14:648-650 2 AP 161. l..Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I ss. Belgyogyaszati Klinika as Korbonctani Intezet. (BONE MARROW dis) (THIOSEMICARRAZONES toxicol) RAK, Kalman, rr,, KOVACS, Jozsef, dr. TyT,a UG female hemophilia. (Hemophilia caused by nplasma thromboplastin antecedent' deficiency). Orv. hetil. 102 no.16:721-726 16 Ap 161. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I sz. Belklinika. (HR40PHILIA) CSAPO, Gabor, dr.; RAK. Kal-man Ar. CoAlichnr'3 diqeace in an adult treated with splenectomy. Orv. hetil. 102 no.43:2049-2050 22 0 161. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I Belklinika. (LIPOIDOSIS surg) (SPLEEN surg) - RAK, Kalman; LEHOCZYY, Dezso; YMZ.'.'A. Ferenc; CSERHATI, Istvan; K&EREN, Endre Thrombocytosis in mice caused by *Lhe blood serum of hematological patients. Magy. belorv. arch. 14- no.5:194-197 0 161. 1. Az Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I Belklinikaja, Szeged es Orvostovabb-- kepzo Intezet, Budapest kozlemenye, (BLOOD PLATELETS) (BLOOD DISEASES) RAK Kalman.-KRIMA, Ferenc; CSERHATI, Istvan Thrombocytosis-producing eff,--ct of sera from splenectomized and roentgen- irradiated mice in intact mice, Kiserl. or7oatud. 14 no.2:212-216 Ap !62, 1, Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I sz. Belklinikaja. (BLOOD PLATELETS) (SPLEM physiol) (RADIATION INJURY blood) - dr, On laboratory control in syncumar therapy. Or7. hetil. 103 no.4: 147-153 Ja :62. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I lklinika. (GOUMARINS therapyr RAK, Kalman, dr.; KRIZSA, Frerenc, dr.; SOVENYI, Ervin, dr.; CSERRATI, Istvan, dr. Effect of ultraviolet therapyan the survival of roentgen-irradiated mice. Magy radiol. 14 n0.1:49-51 Ja '62. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I BelklinikaJanak (igazgato: Julesz Miklos dr. egyet. tanar) es Rontgen Klinikajanak (igazgato: S2enes Tibor dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemenye. (RADIATION INJURY exper) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS) RAK KAlikkN laboratory diagnosis of syndromes based on the disturbance of the preliminary states of blood coagulation; differential diagnosis of hemophilia-like bleedings. Orv. hetil. 98 no.50-51:1382-1387 15-22 Dec 57. 1. A Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I. sz. Belklinikajanak (igazgato: Hetenyi Geza dr. akademikus, egyat. tanar) kozlemenye. (HEMOPHILIA laboratory diag. & differ. diag. of various hemophilia-like pathol. cond. related to disord. of thromboplastin form. (Hun)) SZARVAS, Ferenc, dr.; RAK, Kalman, dr. A case of acute leukemia after a large-don* x-irradiation. (Some problems of radiation leukemia). Orv.hetil. 102 no.24:1128-1130 11 Je 161. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. sz. Belklinika. (RADIATION INJURY case reports) (LEUMaA etiol) BBITKO,Sandor; BAIAZS,Viktor; FROHLICH,NLargit; HDRVATH,,Xva; KOVACS,Kalman; FELKAI,Bela; IU-'K,Ka1r,1an---_,__ 11111monary arteritis and changesof.serum lipoproteins in dogs after intravenous administration of Methyleellulose. Nfa&y. belorv, arch. 13 no.1:13-16 Mr 160. 1. A Szegedi Orvostudomanyi 1_,.,,etem 1. sz. Belgyogyaezati Klinikajanak (ieazgnto: Hetenyi,Geza,dr.[deceased1, egyetemi tanar) es KorborctDni Intezetenek ( igiizgato: Korpassy,Beladr., egyetemi tanar) kozleman.,re. (METHYICIMWLOSE pharmacol.) (LIPOPROTICRIS blood) (PUIMOITARY ARTERY dis. (AIRTZRITIS exper. ) RAK,Kalman,d-r.; GSERHATI,Istvan,dr.; KEUMIN,Endre,dr. Detailed stud,7 of serum prothromboproietin and patients with acute erythro-mLvelosis and thrombocytopenia. Magy. belorv. F-rch. 13 no.1:22-27 Mr '6o. 1. A Szepedi Orvoetudomanyi Ygyetem 1. sz. Belklinilrajanak (igazgato: Hetenyi,Geza,dr.(deceai3edj, egyetemi tanar) kozlemeny,~. (BIOOD PIATELEM ) (POLYCYTHRMIA VERA blood) (THROMBOMIL blood) CSIMAT1,1stvan; RAK,Kalman Studies on thrombocytosis induced b_v ultraviolet rays in mice. Kiserletes Orvostud. 12 no.2:140-144 Ap 160. l.Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Fgyetem I. sz. Belklinilraja. (ULTRAVIOLICT RAYS) (BM)D PIATBLETS) Y-7LK;,I, -Ieln, Dr.; 011MOS, Jeno, Dr.; RAK, KnIman, Dr. Ventricular -)aroxvsm-al tachycardia in a case of myocirdial sa--coidosia .32:1101-1105 associated with oulmonary embolism. Orv. hetil. 99 no 10 Aug 58. 1. A Szegedi Orvostudomanyi :~aetem I. sz. Be]Zyogyaszati Klinilmjanak (igazg,ato: Hetenyi Geza dr. egyet. tanar) es Korbonctani Intezetenek (i,a2G,ftto: Korpassy Bela dr. evyet. tanar) ko-.lemenye. (TACHYCARDIA, PAROKYNMAL. etiol. & pathogen. Arentric. paroqimal tuchycnrdia in inyocnrdial sarcoidosis with nulm. embolism (Hun)) MUMMY DOOLISM AND UMOMBOSIS, etiol. & pathogen. myocprdial sardoidosis in etiol. of T)ulm. embolism, with ventric. paroxysmal tachycardia (Iftin)) (SAICOIDOSIS, compl. myocardial sarcoidosis with pulm. embolism & ventric. paroxysmal tachycl%rdia (Hun)) (MYOCARDIUM, dis. sarcoidosis, with pulm. embolism & ventric. paroxysmal tachycFtrdia (Hun)) R&K X&JIJAN,-.W.; WAIMR KA-ROLY. Dr. "" Congenital hypoprOconVertinamia. Orv. hetil. 100 no-7:257-260 15 Feb 59. 1. A Szegedi Orvootudomanyi J~gyetem 1. 82. Belklinikajanak (igazgato: Hetenyi :;eza dr. egyatemi tanar) kozlemenyo. (HEMORRUGIC DIATHMIS, caae reports factor VII defic., congen. (Hun)) TISZAI, Aladar, dr.; KRIZSNYA, Fereno, dr.; RAK, Kalman, dr. Observations in acute arythromyelosle. Orv. hetil. 106 nc. 51,- 2415-2418 19 D 1 65. 1. Makol Varool Tanace Korhas, Belgyogyaszati Oaztaly, V&ko, so OTE 1. Bolgyogyaszati Klinika, Szeged. RLK, Knlimin; KOVACS, Kalman; BIIKO. Sandur 'Storage and blood coagulation in methylcellulose treated rate. Xiserletes orvostud 9 no-5-6.-639-644 Oct-Dec 58. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Fgyetem 1. BelgYogYaszati Klinikaja. (METNYICSLLUIOSE, eff. on blood coagulation & storage of :,mcromolecular material in RB system in rats (Hun)) (R-STICUICEIMTHBLIAL SYSTEM, eff. of drugs on methylcellulose inducing storage of recromolecalar material in rats (Hun)) (13IA)OD CCAGUIATIO-11, eff. of drugs on metbyleellulose in rate (Hun)) BENKO, Sandor, dr.; SZUCS. Zsuzeanna. dr.; RAK, Kalman, dr. leading experiments on erythrocyte formatioin-if,'-normal dogs and in bone marrow lesions. Orv. hetil 98 no.14:356-358 7 Apr 57. 1. A Szegedi Orvostudumanyi Eaetem I. oz. Belklinikajanak (Igazgato: Hetenyi. Gaza, dr., akademikus egyet. tanar) kozlomenye. (HEMOPOISTIC SYSTEM eff. of exper. anoxia on hemopoiesis in dogs & Influence of x-irradiation & nitrogen mustard (Hun)) (ANDXIA, exper. eff. on hemopoiesis in dogs influence of x- irradiation & nitrogen musUrd (Hun)) (RDENTGEN RAYS, eff. on hemopoiesis in exper. anoxia in dogs) (NITROGE11 14JSTARDS, Pff. same) BENKO, Sandor; SZUGS, Zouzoanna; RAK Kalman IN Loading tests in examination of raticulocytosis in healthy dogs and in dogs with bon* mrrow lesions. vagy. Tudom. Akad. Biol. Orv. Oext. Kozl. 8 no.1-2:147-149 1957. 1. A Szogedi Orvostudomanyi FCyetem I. sz. Belklinikaja. (ERYTHROCYTES reticulocytosis in healthy dogs & in exper. lesions of bone marrow, testing in exper. anoxia (Hun)) (BONg MARRDW, physiol. eff. of exper. lesions an reticulacytosis in dogs, testing in anoxia (Hun)) (ANOXIA, exper. in testing of reticulocytovis in dogs (Hun)) Osh'I"HaT1, Istyan; il~dZSA, Ferenc; SOVE-AYI, Ervin; fL~,K, KaLman Effect of roentgen irradiation on the appearance of a ultraviolet thrombopoietic serum factor and on the effectiveness of thit factor in mouse experiments. Kiserl. orvostud. 14 no.1:86-90 Mr 162. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyete!n I. sz. Beliklinikaja es fiontgenklinikaja. (ULTRAVIOLET iUM) (RADIATION RIJUDUY blood) (ERYTHROCYTES radiation eff) (FdZIATUOIETIC SYSTE"'M radiation eff) RAK, Kalman, dr.; CSERRATI, Istvan, dr. Di Guglielmots syndrome. Magy belorr. arch. 14 no.1:29-34 161. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I sz. Belklinikaja (Igazgato: dr. Jutesz Miklos egy. tanar) (POLYCYTHE24IA VERA) CSERHAT12 istvan; iC-UZSA, Ferenc; RA-~, Kalman The effect of a single dose of roentgen and ultraviolet irimdiation 0 on the thrombocyte count in mice. Kiserletes orvustud. 13 no.2: 135-137 My 161. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomnayi Egyetem Klinikaja. (BLOOD PLATELETS radiation eff.) (RADIATION EFFECTS expor.) (ULTH&VIOLET IRAYS) nk BILOSHTAN, A.P.; BOYKO, M.F.; DOROSHENKO, Ye.P. [D orosh'nko, K.P.]; k DOTSFNKO, P.P.; KILICHEVSKIY, I.A. (Killehevs-k , 1.0.]; L MARINICHENKO, V.G. [Marynychenko, V H.];.W-, L. .; KRITIETSKIY, I.S. (Kryvetstkyi, I.S.j, red.; RO NKO, I.N., j e red.; TRITINCHENKO, A.P, [Trytynchenko, A.P., r di inzd-va; VIRICH, D.V. [Virych, D.V.), tekhn. red. (Russian-Ukrainian agricultural dictionary] RosiArIko-ukrains'- kyi sillskohospodarslkyi slovnyk. Ukladachl: A*O.Biloshtan ta Inshi, Kyiv, Vyd-vo AN URSR, 1963. 438 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Akademiia nauk URSR, Kiev. Insty-tut movoznavstva. 2. Chlen korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for Romaenko). BILOSHTM,', A.F.; BGYKO, M.F.[boiko, I-I.F.],Ican.fil.nauk',-DOROSIEMKO,,Ye.P.; DOTSENKO, F.F.; KIL'C.MISKIY, I.A.LKilichevslkyi, I.O.J; IWINICHENKO, V.G.(Varynychenko, V.H.J; RAK, L.K.; KRIVETSKEY, I.S.[Kr-yvetslkyi, I.S.1, red.; ROMANEW red.; TRITINCHENKO, A.P.[Trytynchenko, A.P.], red.izd-va; VIRICH, D.V.[Virych, D.V.], tekhn. red. [Russian-Ukrairiian agricultural dictionary] hosiislko- ukrans'l-,yi sillstkohospodarsllcyi slovnyk. Ukladachi: A.F. Biloshtan ta inshi. Kyiv, Vydiv, Vydvo P21 URSR, 1963. 438 P. (MIRA 17: 2) 1. Akademiya nauk IJRSR, Kiev. Instytut movoznavstva. 2. Chlen- korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akadernii sellskokhozyaystvermykh nauk im. V.1.Lenina (for Romanenko). KI Soluble. of F..r M With Cut". - 1. 4r i KU I d ff. u M. ZkUr. Is. JOSM - i, t t ll i M 7 i o fteu r& n tr c 0% c g. aNd 2 1. HO. the eXCeW CAC% MUZW Off, and the w1a.- In Clow to e - vrhkb *as Aded and trftg#A A PM mixed with MCC CI 04 g. A, g hydrol of " Pve 48% MOCHOCOO, .09 Y96 114 w was ututralized in a small Vol. of H.0 *,do. ft a and allowed to Mict w h 8's M Chwdcal Abst. ng mixt. Was evapn, and heating 5 hp. at 110% the V, I ol- 48 NO- 9 ~Mlvlfted to Pb nit, and finally b tmatment with H.S. Into., Ytee AreCH(SH)COIH (1), in R yield. also Gbtained In". 5 May 101 1954 0 of trithiodilactle add; p3% yleld by redu6tion with U- l 'tartarlc acid to 210-20* w" 270 repd by heaft 400 Ir OrgarAc Chemistry . , i,ned KH$04, dUg. the resulting AcCOIH with Hio and, f with ff~. To 10.9 9-- 1 in 2W ml hbt Illavlao- * 39. C. Ih Bi(OR)i and the mitt. b cdled 16 nk.i Ave Bi lhiozujau~, he Clear filtrate on ccoung j C411110t%lalli l cold 10% NH#OH evapd at rooms iecomp, 110*. This in "d tkW K (41hciaNil NM d b i - o mx roWU 4 temp. gave . ' 4 in aq. medlum hydrolyzes in a few days. inthis-1111 Ji bound to the 2 8 atows and one MH g=p;, the -2na' - COsH i3 neutxsUzed with M14. G.M.Kosolapuff--:' T't K , ~ -'~ . "Detemination of on-2nic suostances by means of potasoium-perm-anE-anate oxi-dat4on" P. 17 0 VOD.'!T H06:'O:DAT-ITVL (Ustredni tsprava vodniko hospodnrstvi) Praha, Czechoslovakia, no. h, April, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (ZEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 101-~Q Uncl. I I F.- ., . -LL-- -- I 1 7- "Thermal and in3UlatinF quality of plate ulass.11 P. 5 (Sklar A Keramik) Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1958. Prapue, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (Ei~AI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 rl .1 -~ mAI'\ CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application. Part 2. - Ceramics. Glass. Binders. Concretes. - Glass. H Abe Jcur: Referat. Zhurnal Khimiya,, No 21, 1958Y 71544. V Author Frantisek Nedomlel) Milan Rak. Inst Title Heat Insulation Properties of Double Glass. Orig Pub: Sklar a keramik, 1958, 8, No 1, 5-7- Abstract: The computation method of heat losses through two glass (G) walls (for refrigerators), each 5 mm thick, with an air filled space of 10 rm between them '-B presented; glass is fixed in plastic bars. 10 x 10 i= large. The heat conductivity factor of double glass K = 3.03 kcal per sq. m x degree x hour at the tempera- ture of -100 inside the refrigerator and of 2D0 in the Card 1/2 Czechoslovakia /themical Technology. Chemical Products H-5 and Their Application Water treatment. Sewage water. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 1646 Author : Effenberger M., Rak M. Title : Determination of Oxidability of Phenols Orig Pub: Voda, 1956, 35, No 10, -326-327 Abstract: On the basis of experiments on determination of the oxidability of different phenols (I) it is recommended to determine the oxidability of sewage water by the method of Kubel when the con- centration of I does not exceed 3 mg/'Iiter. The modified methoj of Schultze-Pappov can be used with a concentration of I not exceeding 30 mg/ liter. With a concentraTion of I not exceeding 50 mg/liter an 0.0625 N solution-of IIlnOq should C ard 1/2 Czechoslovakia /themical Technology. Chemical Products 11-5 and Their Application Water treatment. Sewage water. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khtmiya, No 1, 1958, 1646 be used, while with a concentration of I not ex- ceedtng 100 mg/lIter, -- an 0.125 N solution of MnO~. Oxidability of phenol, pyrocatechol, resorclnol and pyrogallol is approximately 8o% of the theoretical; that of cresols and xylenols 5o-68%. Card 212 RAK, 1411a, inz. "Heat transmission" by W.H. Mc.Adams. Reviewed by Milan Rak. Sklar a keramik 12 no-10:320 0 162. I - , v , - I,- , : , I ~.. ~, I . . . I . . , . , - , , , , I . 1; , " * " , . ',; I . - 1 . . -, . .1 .. . J..~ - . , ' - - . I- . : -w . - ;l - I ' . - . . . , : ,j'. Yaroslav Fa---rovi ch(Trokb3~ienko, IA-X~-j;'kind.tekhr., n~uk~GEhASIII-'.OV, " ' , -, UL-0-, =,Z-., red. -e-as-, v, SJ izd-va; STARODUB-1-IT.O., teklin. reed., [Transistors in electronic circuits] T-ranzystory v elek- tronnykh skhemakh. Kyiv, Derzhtekhvydav URSR, 1963. 168 p. (MJRA 17:3) RAY, S. On the paper: "Design of communication networks", S1. Obs. No 3, P. 1CO SO: Slaboproudy Obzor (Weak-Current Communications Review, Czechoslovakia) 9- Vol. 111, No. 12, ec., 1953. (Air, AA London, IR-764-54, 12 April 1954, Unclasidfied) CIA #D-13931 I'-- ssle!h),;arliy ~ , '-v. -."!I j - ' -4 - . ~ ., f 1 - " -as i3tro , 1-1~"- ::.,) . I . ~~. t".. It , t: -~ v - ~, ~,; E " , --y j her:E :f Racnin~- Liter ltur.~- :,. -;., - , ;, - I . - L - - --- - - - , - t~ - I j ,, , , ; ~! ,